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Dominant values : Driven by a stubborn confidence to break into the big league, these young people are ready

to slog it out. The super ambitious youth thinks with an open mind, experiments and takes risks to defend their own beliefs. Whats interesting is that immediate family continues to be important for the Indian youth. And, body worship is definitely a virtue! Experiential living rules the roost as every sensation is heightened and enjoyed to get the maximum impact out of life. Peripheral values : Neither are these values are supremely important, nor are they discarded as redundant. Honesty, welfare of others and true-friendship lie somewhere on the fringe and are no longer the driver values. Leisurely and chilled out way of life is out-dated; the young folks love to work hard to earn their independence and self respect. Subdued values : These values are fast fading and lets not get judgmental and sentimental about them. Loyalty, self restraint, obedience and inner harmony are not the hot favorites amongst the Young Turks. Approval from the society is not something that really matters. They are extremely short term focused and do not strive for a lasting contribution at in future.

Youth Value System : Key Values as Ranked by the Youth Dominant Values
Seek a prosperous life Be ambitious & hardworking Good physical health Take care of Family Be broad-minded Stand up for your beliefs Seek a stimulating, active life Be honest and truthful

46 44 33 32 31 31 31 27 27 26 24 23 21 20 16 15 15 13 12 12 12

Peripheral Values

Seek independence & free choice Seek self-respect Seek equal opportunity for all Work for the welfare of others Seek a leisurely chilled out life Seek true friendship Loyalty to friends or the group Long term orientation

Subdued Values

Have inner harmony within self Practice self-restraint & control Be obedient and dutiful Be polite & courteous

Seek approval from Society Youth Research, MTV, 16 cities, 3110 sample size, 2010, SEC AB

The differences are not very stark on most of the values. But yes, there are some differences between the two planets. While both genders have similar dominant values, the men folks come across as more ambitious and are strongly driven by dream of high-life. Interestingly, the need for good physical appeal is stronger amongst men. Women, on the other hand, show a higher scores for being open minded. They also voice strong feeling to stand up for their own beliefs, seek equality in life and own independence to live life on own terms. On all the other values, both men and women show similar scores.

The Skew in Gender Values

High Female Skew
Seek a prosperous life Be ambitious & hardworking Good physical health Take care of Family Be broad-minded Stand up for your beliefs Seek a stimulating, active life Be honest and truthful Seek independence & free choice Seek self-respect Seek equal opportunity for all Work for the welfare of others Seek a leisurely chilled out life Seek true friendship Loyalty to friends or the group Long term orientation Have inner harmony within self Practice self-restraint & control Be obedient and dutiful Be polite & courteous Seek approval from Society

High Male Skew 5 4 6

Dominant Values

(1) (5) (6) (0) 1 (2) 3 (4) 0 (2) (1) 4 0 (4) 4 3 0 (0)

Youth Research, MTV, 16 cities, 3110 sample size, 2010, SEC AB

Subdued Values

Peripheral Values

In this constantly evolving era of media and technology, Entertainment is being redefined. MTV engaged with 3115 youth across 16 cities in the age bracket of 15-24 years and Sec AB to investigate the changing trends in Entertainment. The research was conducted with a mix of quantitative questionnaires, qualitative group discussions and ethnography analyses. The objective of the research was capture the current entertainment avenues and forecast winds of change in near future.

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