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com International Journal of Management & Information Technology

ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

360 Degree Feedback Appraisals-

An Innovative Approach of Performance
Management System
Dr. Satyawan Baroda1, Chhavi Sharma2, Jyoti Kandpal Bhatt 2
Reader, Department of I.M.S.A.R, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Assistant Professor, Department of business Management, SRCEM, Palwal, Haryana.

ABSTRACT Keywords: Performance, Performance

management system, 360 degree feedback,
360-degree feedback systems are typically Performance appraisal.
introduced as part of individual or
organisational development activities. 1. INTRODUCTION
However, 360-degree feedback is For an organisation to evolve the people
increasingly used as an integral part of working within it will have to adapt; and for
performance appraisal, relating to this to be successful, they first of all need to
administrative decisions such as promotions, know what it is about the way they are
terminations and pay (Fletcher & Baldry, currently performing that needs to change.
1999; Fletcher, 2001). There has been This is where 360 degree feedback is playing
vigorous debate among practitioners and a growing role in organisations through its
academics concerning the role of 360-degree ability to provide structured, indepth
feedback in the HR function (Bracken et al., information about current performance and
1997; Garavan et al., 1997; Handley, 2001). what will be required of an individual in the
The use of such systems for developmental future to enable detailed and relevant
purposes only is based on the argument that development plans to be formulated.
their application for other uses (e.g. linking Historically, employees received feedback
them to pay or performance appraisal) only from their direct supervisor. With
lessens the impact and outcome from the flattened structures and the need to respond
process (Alimo-Metcalfe, 1998). “The quickly to customer demand, 360-degree
concept of 360 degree feedback makes a lot feedback (“360 feedback”) was introduced to
of sense and, if used well, should have a equip employees with the information needed
great deal to offer. It seems to suit the move to deal with change and to leverage
towards the less hierarchical, more flexibly- individual talent to meet organizational goals.
structured and knowledge based Today, many companies fully customize the
organisations of the future” Professor Clive 360 degree feedback process to the specific
Fletcher Goldsmiths College, University of competencies and values required to meet
London, in today‟s changing and volatile their goals, often creating multiple sets of
world organisations are continually looking competencies to ensure relevancy to the
for ways to improve performance, and satisfy business. Some companies have gone further
the demands of all stakeholders. Achieving and linked the process to performance
this almost inevitably involves change, which appraisal and succession planning.
then becomes the pivotal dynamic for Organizational leaders clearly have many
success. choices when selecting performance
evaluation and development tools. One tool
that has gained popularity and has become a

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

growing trend in Corporate America in recent organizational climate with the appropriate
years is the 360 degree performance review. expectations for success. In the wrong
EXHIBIT 1-Types of out comes in an environment, without the presence or proper
organization training of feedback coaches and raters, the
results can be detrimental. Organizations
1 The employee‟s job 3.3 should carefully weigh all the costs,
performance improved as a including process related as well as the cost
result of 360 feedback of behavioral outcomes. Success of such a
2 360 feedback provided a 2.7 program is predicated on implementing and
competitive advantage to the sustaining long term behavioral change and
organization development. Careful consideration should
3 360 feedback helped the 2.9 be given to the design of the process as well
organization strive to achieve its as to the implementation in order for the
major goals process to drive performance behaviors and
4 360 feedback increased 2.3 performance outcomes.
profitability in the organization A major concern of organizations centres on
5 The 360 feedback process was 3.8 the performance of employees. Performance
worth the resources committed refers to what an employee does or doesn‟t
6 360 feedback was beneficial to 3.6 do on the job. Employee performance
the organization includes for example, quantity of output and
This popularity is based on the perceptions of quality of output. Performance management
organizational leader‟s that 360 degree integrates management of organizational and
reviews establish a culture for continuous employee performance. Baron and
learning and provide more global feedback Armstrong (1998) emphasized the strategic
for employees, which leads to improved and integrated nature of performance
performance. According to Human Resource management by stressing that it focuses on
Consultant, William M. Mercer, forty percent increasing the effectiveness of organizations
of American companies used 360 degree by improving the performance of employee
feedback in1995; by 2000 this number had and by developing individual and team
jumped to sixty-five percent. In 2002, 90% capabilities. Performance management as a
of Fortune 500 companies were using a 360 process recognize that, in a globally
degree performance review process. 360 competitive business environment it is
degree reviews are intended to give an essential that the efforts of every employee of
employee the opportunity to understand and the firm are focused on helping the firm
remedy any friction points or issues that may achieve its strategic goal. Performance
exist between themselves and the rest of the management is a critical component for
organization. Friction points often times achieving and maintaining effectiveness of
include issues in the areas of interpersonal individuals and organizations. Performance
relationships, teamwork, communication and management system is the entiregamut of
management style. The true ability of a 360 activities from performance planning to
degree review to remedy these types of issues performance enhancement. Presence of such
is in question. Clearly the 360 degree a system in an organization provides
feedback process is popular. The perceived opportunities to individuals and teams in the
benefits of implementing such a program will organization receive feedback about their
only be realized if it is utilized in the right performance.

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

and Recruitment
Development and selection

Objectives of
Internal Performance
Employee Management Personnel
Relation Decision

Planning and
and Reward

Training and

Fig-1 Uses and Objectives of Performance Management System

2. WHAT IS 360 DEGREE needs.

FEEDBACK? Immediate
Traditionally, performance review processes Staff Directly internal
have involved an employee receiving Reporting client

feedback from one source, the supervisor.

As illustrated below, 360 degree feedback
involves an employee receiving feedback Indirectly
Manager External
from a variety of sources, which might
include staff reporting to the position
colleagues and clients. This information is
used to identify strengths and development Consultants
Peer &

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

3. CORPORATE EXAMPLES is to maximize productivity as well as to help

individual employee understand their
OF PERFORMANCE professional status with respect to these
Many firms have expanded the idea of
Larsen and Toubro, the engineering major, upward and peer feedback into 360 degree
has developed a competency matrix which feedback. Here ratings are collected all
lists 73 competencies to measure around an employee, from supervisors,
performance and assess the developmental subordinates, peer and internal or external
needs of its employees. These competencies customers1.
vary across managerial levels. Each Employers generally use the feedback for
competency has associated knowledge, skills development rather than for pay increases.
and attributes. Individual employees are Most 360- degree feedback systems contain
appraised on the listed competencies. Based several common features. Appropriate
on this assessment, functional managerial and parties- peers, supervisors, subordinates and
behavioural skill gaps are identified. The customers, for instance- complete surveys on
competency matrix is linked to business an individual. The survey often include item
strategy on one hand and training needs on such as “Return phone calls promptly”,
the other. The development policies are “Listen well” or “Keeps me informed”.
driven by the strategic needs of the Computerized & Web-based system compiles
organization ensuring that the process of re- this feedback in to individualized reports, just
skilling is focused. for the rates. They then meet with their own
HUGHES ESCORTS, the subsidiary of U.S. supervisors sometimes with their
headquarter telecom company, HUGHES, subordinates and share the information they
uses a competency based performance feel is pertinent for self-improvement. Some
enhancement model. Each position in the doubt the practicality of 360-degree
organization is defined in terms of 23 key feedback. Employees usually do these
competencies. These competencies are reviews anonymously. So those with an ax to
categorizes into four groups – grind can misuse them. A “Dilbert” cartoon,
announcing that evaluations by co-workers
will help decide raises, has one character
Knowledge Skill asking “if my co-workers got small raises,
Based Centred
won‟t there be more available in the budget
for me2.
Thus, 360-degree appraisal is the subject of
Attitude Value considerable debate. One study found
Based Based
significant correlations between
Competencies  360-Degree ratings
 Conventional performance ratings3
Another study concluded that multi-source
feedback leads to “generally small”
performance improvements on subsequent
However anchoring 360-degree appraisals
with behavioral competencies improves the
sed on 26 September 2006
rating reliability; in one study, the
These competencies are used to measure
competency-based 360-degree assessments
gaps. Relevant training input are given based
were strongly predictive of how the managers
on competency gaps identified. The objective

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

performed in a subsequent assessment 360 degree feedback should be congruent

centre5. with the organisation‟s strategy and should
The consulting form Watson Wyatt, found measure important target behaviours. As one
that companies using 360-degree type recent article relayed thus point: “what gets
feedback have lower market value, perhaps measured drives behaviour”. Even when 360
due to the methods complications6. degree feedback ratings are used strictly for
All in all, the findings suggest that firms developmental purposes, individuals will
should carefully assess the potential costs of tend to modify behaviours.
the program, focus any feedback very clearly In ways to receive more positive ratings.
on concrete goals, carefully train the people Therefore, it is extremely important that 360
that are giving and receiving the feedback degree surveys reflect those behaviours that
and not rely solely on 360-degree feedback. the organization values most highly. The
And the company should make sure that the innovative aspect of the companies approach
feedback is productive, unblased and to the 360- degree system is that the company
development oriented. decided to base the system on the internet &
Like a compass, 360-degree feedback its own intranet. Zan independent contractor,
systems act to help managers gain a E group development the system and handles
panoramic view of the impact they are the collation and analysis of the feedback
having in the work landscape. While the 360- information9
degree method has gained popularity over the E Group chose a 75-item survey called
past decade among corporate leader for LEAPS, which measures seven dimensions
employee developmental purposes, the of leadership for the 360-degree instrument.
feedback can also serve as a listening device The instrument was loaded on a web site so
for managers to provide information about that all raters can pull up the information &
how well they are communicating. What‟s complete the appraisal in app. 20 minutes.
more, when employees are allowed to give After completing the appraisal, they simply
input about how their manager‟s style is submit the results via e-mail to E-Group to
being perceived empowering results take process. Because the system is encrypted the
place7. company is able to provide greater
confidentiality and anonymity for the raters
4. A RECENTLY POPULAR than with the previous paper and pencil
INNOVATION IN system. In addition to the LEAPS items, the
company included a fairly large set of other
PERFORMANCE items to assess manager‟s technical
MANAGEMENT competency and their contributions to the
business. E-Group was able to provide
The use of 360 degree appraisal which
appraisal profile for the managers within 3
provides a multidirectional measurement
days after the last of the evaluators‟ e mailed
scope for employee performance. Thus, an
their input for the manager.
employee might receive feedback from
In addition, the profile of actual ratings for
several sources, including:
each manager from E Group also includes
 Downward feedback from the
utives. An ideal leadership profile developed
by otis executives. By comparison of his or
 Upward feedback from subordinates. her actual ratings with the ideal profile.
 Lateral feedback from peers. Managers can identify areas for future
 Inward feedback from oneself. development. Otis elevator chose to use the
 Customer feedback from both internal system only for developmental purposes,
and external customers8. although recently it began to consider other
purposes for the system10.

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

5. REASONS FOR ADOPTING may be struck with subordinates to give high

ratings in exchange for high ratings. Such
360 DEGREE FEEDBACK maneuvering is less likely when the feedback
A key purpose driving the present use of 360 is provided strictly for developmental
degree feedback is the desire to further purposes. Research has demonstrated that
management or leadership development. when ratings become evaluative rather than
Providing feedback to managers about how purely developmental, some rater (up to
they are viewed by direct subordinate, peers 35%) change their ratings12.
and customers/clients should prompt The company asked employees after they had
behaviour change. Many managers have not provided upward ratings whether they would
received as much honest feedback as is have altered the ratings if they knew they
necessary for an accurate self perception. would be used as part of their managers for
When anonymous feedback solicited from performance evaluations. Their findings
others is compared with the managers self suggested that some individual would raise &
evaluations, the manager may from a more some would even lower ratings if they were
realistic picture of his or her strengths and to be used for evaluation. A rating should be
weaknesses identified were previously used for appraisal purposes only when the
unknown to the manager, especially when rater is committed to the goals of the
such change is encouraged and supported by organization, rather than merely to their own
the organization. Other potential benefits of personal goals. This is often not the case, as
360 degree initiatives are targeted ultimately the rater is primarily concerned with his or
toward organizational change and her own short term needs. For e.g. A
improvement. These initiatives reflect subordinate may only provide high upward
resources dependence theory, which views feedback rating to a manager who maintains
organizational change as a rational response the status quo, even though the individual&
to environmental pressure for change or the organization could use a high degree of
strategic adaptation11. challenge.
A second alternative reason for the This suggests another caution regarding
proliferation of 360 degree feedback is the ratings be careful what you measure if a
desire to expand formal appraisal processes manager‟s 360 ratings depend on creating a
by making such feedback evaluative, thereby positive or even relaxed climate, these factors
linking it directly with a managers or may actually detract from work directly
employee‟s performance appraisal. Our most geared toward bottom line result. For e.g.
recent experiences suggest that there are Customer may the entire manager away from
pressures to make 360 feedbacks evaluative the office frequently or necessitate many
because companies want to get their money‟s horse on the phone, thus making the manager
worth. less available to employees. If this customer-
In theory, the use of 360 feedbacks for oriented behaviour is not part of the criteria
evaluative purposes seems logical. An measured and availability to subordinates is
individual held directly accountable for part of the criteria, customer-oriented
ratings received will be more motivated to behaviour will diminish over time and be
take action to make improvement based on replaced by more frequent interaction with
the feedback. Unfortunately, problems exist employees. Yes relationship with employees
that may negate the possible benefits of 360 may improve, but at what cost?
degree feedback if it is made evaluative.
Employees may rebel and try to sabotage the 6. MULTISOURCE
program. For e.g. in the case of upward FEEDBACK AND 360
feedback, implicit and even explicit deals DEGREE APPRAISALS

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

Many firms have combined the different 360 degree appraisals have also begun to be
sources of performance appraisal into a used for making evaluative or administrative
„multi source‟ appraisal & feedback system, decisions. For instance, an employee‟s
popularly called the 360 degree appraisal. incentives may be linked to customer
One of the main purposes served by the 360 feedback. Reliance industries ltd., Crompton
appraisal system is to obtain information greaves, Godrej soaps, Wipro & Infosys all
about the employee‟s performance in use 360 degree feedback primarily for self
multiple roles and from different correction & fact finding purposes.
perspectives. Amway, a direct selling
organization practices a group appraisal 7. GENERAL GUIDELINES
system where a manager is appraised by his TO IMPLEMENT 360
management team as well as customers.
For example -At lupin laboratories self
evaluation & colleague evaluation is used to ORGANIZATION
assess several characteristics such as ability
Some firms that seeks to implement the 360
to recall, concept retebaining feedback from
degree system should follow certain general
all angles-subordinate, peers, customers,
guidelines such as-
supervisors, etc. feedback from multiple
1. Determine the potential cost of the
sources may reinforce & support the
feedback provided from the supervisor, thus
2. Focus feedback on specific goals.
making it harder to discount negative
3. Train employees giving & receiving
feedback from the supervisor as one person‟s
feedback that is perhaps biased.
4. Ensure that the feedback is productive,
The traditional top-down appraisal system
unbiased and development oriented.
appears to be increasingly inconsistent with
recent developments is management thought 8. FACTORS IMPACTING 360
& practice. For e.g. as organization eliminate
boundaries vertically across hierarchies, DEGREE APPRAISAL
horizontally across departments and Some factors may impact the acceptability of
organizationally between firms & their 360 degree appraisals by both the appraiser
customers, „the boundary-less appraisal‟ that & the appraise. These are
is 360 degree appraisal has emerged as a a) Organizational Cynicism- when
more viable alternative to traditional employees in an organization hold the
appraisals. Several firms such as shell, Exxon common belief that potentially fixable
Mobil, IBM, AT & T, Levi Strauss, Fedex problems cannot be resolved due to
etc have started using 360 degree appraisal factors beyond the control of the
and feedback systems. The AV Birla Group, employees, it results in organizational
Gillette, and Ballaspur industries have 360 Cynicism. Both the appraiser & appraise
degree feedback system for senior level may nurture cynicism about the 360
managers. It is expected that 360 degree degree appraisal system. To manage
system will result in more comprehensive cynicism, it is important to first
picture of an employee‟s performance & implement 360 degree as a pilot project
developmental needs and since ratings are & allow organization members to
anonymous, a more honest evaluation is experience the process.
possible. The 360 degree appraisal approach b) Purpose of appraisal- employee who
is more appropriate for developmental are evaluated by peers and managers
purposes than for evaluative purpose. who are evaluated by subordinate, all
Feedback from multiple sources helps prefer that feedback from 360 degree
employees in self development. However,

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

appraisals should be used solely for 9. POTENTIAL PROBLEMS

development & feedback. Those who
appraise may find the 360 degree OF 360 DEGREE APPRAISAL
appraisal system more acceptable when FEEDBACK
ratings are used for evaluative purpose,
but the appraise may not find this 1. Considerable anxiety for the employee
acceptable. when appraisals are negative. The
c) Anonymity- this becomes an issue in employee may get a feeling that
360 degree appraisals. With traditional everyone is „Ganging Up‟ against
appraisals, anonymity is not an issue. him/her.
The supervisor evaluates and shows the 2. Customers, subordinates and peers can
written appraisal to the subordinate only also be biased. Their lack of
to file it in personnel records. 360 accountability can further.
degree appraisal on the other hand, 3. Anonymity and breach of privacy can
incorporates upward appraisals that are become a major issue. Since several
appraisals of employees by those who employees are involved in 360 degree
are lower than them in the appraisal systems, it is likely that
organizational hierarchy. evaluators may discuss an employee‟s
d) Acceptability- Acceptability of 360 appraisals and violate privacy.
degree appraisals is also affected by the 4. Peers may deliberately evaluate a
extent to which work is designed around manager lower than he/she should be in
teams. Traditionally, performance order to increase their own chances of
appraisals are designed around the jobs promotion. This tendency is enhanced
that are not related or dependent on because the 360 degree appraisal system
other jobs or tasks. Since co-workers are is anonymous.
at the same organizational level, with in
the same group, they are likely to have
closer interpersonal relationships and to -SOME SUGGESTIONS TO
be in direct competition for MAXIMIZE BENEFITS AND
organizational rewards.
e) Competency of appraisers- Appraises
may find it difficult to accept ratings or 1. Provide training to employees to
feedback when perceive that the enhance self-awareness. This minimizes
appraiser does not have the competence inflation in ratings & also results in
to appraise & hence any ratings more accurate self ratings.
provided by them will be perceived as 2. Provide orientation to all employees
biased or unfair. Appraise may perceive about the implementation of the 360
to appraiser to be lacking in competence degree appraisal process.
when- 3. Assess degree of organizational
 The appraiser is not familiar with cynicism among employees prior to
the work of the appraise, as in the implementing 360 degree appraisal.
case of external customers who 4. Follow-up negative feedback with
may not be aware of various work- encouragement & coaching.
related pressures of the appraise 5. Integrated 360 degree feedback with
 Appraises are unwilling to be other training and development efforts.
appraised by those who they Providing feedback to suggest changes,
believe cannot themselves perform without providing training or assistance
the task. will result in lower motivation on the
part of recipients of the feedback.

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

6. Institutionalize 360 degree appraisal as financial rewards based on how well

part of the organizational culture. employees perform as well as identify their
Source: Atwater, Waldman and Brett performance gaps and manage their
2002. education, certification and training14.
Putting it all together:360 degree appraisal When Intel established a 360-degree system
Many companies are combining various the company observed the following
sources of performance appraisal information safeguards to ensure its maximum quality
to create multi rater or 360 degree- appraisal and acceptance:
& feedback systems. Jobs are multifaceted a) Assure anonymity- make certain that no
and different people see different things. 360- employee ever knows how any
degree feedback intended to provide evaluation team member responded.
employees with as accurate a view of their b) Make respondents accountable-
performance appraisal as possible by getting supervisors, should discuss each
input from all angles: supervisors, peers, evaluation-team member‟s input, letting
subordinates, customer & the like. An each member know whether he or she
estimated 25% of U.S employers and more used the rating scales appropriately.
than 90% of fortune 1000 companies have Whether his or her responses were
implemented some form of 360- degree reliable and how other participants rated
feedback system for career development. the employees.
Performance appraisal or both because the c) Prevent “gaming of the system-some
system combines more information than a individuals may try to help or hurt an
typical performance appraisal, it can become employee by giving either too high or
administratively complex. For that reason, too low an evaluation.
organization have recently begun using d) Use statistical procedures- use weighted
employee management software (EPM) to average or other quantitative approaches
compile and aggregate the information. to combining evaluations.
Approximately 20% use the web or other e) Identify & quantify biases- check for
software for their performance management prejudices or preferences related to age,
system, another 33% plan to do so in the near gender, ethnicity or other group
future13. factors15.
For e.g. performance plus and competency
plus developed by exceed a Chicago 10. THE FUTURE OF 360-
company, allow managers and employees to
develop performance plan, goals and
objectives and then track their progress The use of 360-degree feedback is becoming
overtime. Managers can see all of an increasingly widespread. In the US, more
employee‟s goals and action steps on a single than 90% of Fortune 1000 companies use
screen and self –appraisal and multiple-raters some form of multi-source assessment
reviews can be combined into 360-degree system for at least developmental feedback.
format. After rating an employee‟s In Australia, increasing use is being made of
performance on each goal, raters can provide some form of multi-rater feedback.
summary comments in 3 categories: victories 360-degree feedback systems are seen as a
and accomplishments, setbacks and catalyst for increasing organisational
frustrations and general comments. To ensure performance and efficiency as feedback from
security, a user id and password are required others is considered a highly powerful
and all the data are captwod & saved in the motivator for behavioural change. With
employees history file. Other type of EPM continual innovations in 360-degree
software can calculate and manage and processes and software technology, systems

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

will be created which is more users friendly, rating scale, but with the opportunity to give
more widely available and more fair, comments as well. Individuals who give
accurate and valid. 360-degree feedback will feedback do so anonymously via the
continue to become a better process for software. Once all feedback is received,
collecting information and applying it. reports are generated using the software. The
Intelligence will therefore be integrated into reports include graphical, narrative and data
360-degree systems in order to make them table reports. Daniella and her team have
faster, easier and better. Thus, 360-degree worked with the external consultant to
systems will not only provide important customise the reports to the needs of TACT.
feedback to individuals but also suggest The 360 feedback reports are integrated into
better ways to improve performance. the appraisal process. There is a section in
11. CASE STUDY - TACT the appraisal which prompts the manager and
employee to discuss and record feedback
TACT is a foster care and adoption services from the 360 process. Managers have been
charity. TACT is a national organisation with trained on the 360 feedback system.
an annual turnover of c.£14m, 105 full-time Benefits of the system
equivalent staff and working agreements Daniella feels it is difficult to evaluate the
with around 300 foster carers. Daniella 360 degree process in a totally objective way,
Black, HR Manager, was responsible for since organisational change often comes
introducing 360 degree feedback in 2004. At about due to a number of factors.
this stage, a paper-based system was adopted. However, she does perceive the following
Daniella and her colleagues defined a set of benefits:
competencies for managers and a set for
 Reduction of the ‘blind areas’
staff. They invited staff to suggest 15-20
Danielle feels that 360 feedbacks at
people (peers, managers, more junior staff,
TACT has definitely enabled staff to
local authority contacts and foster carers) to
become more self-aware of how they
give feedback on their performance. From
come across to others – a really
these 15-20 people, the HR team then chose
valuable development tool.
around eight people from whom to seek
 More effective management of
feedback. HR was responsible for all aspects
performance Managers have found
of coordination: selecting feedback persons,
that the 360 feedback helps them
dispatching forms, monitoring, receiving
substantiate to staff both learning
forms and summarising responses.
areas and areas of performance which
TACT ran this system for two years running,
is already effective.
but there were several disadvantages. The
first was the sheer administrative volume for  Greater ownership of learning and
the HR team! In addition, there was some self-development amongst the
staff mistrust about the confidentiality of the workforce Daniella said that staff
process and managers were not totally have started to take more
„bought in‟. As a result, in 2007, TACT responsibility for their own
introduced a new 360 feedback scheme, this development, because 360 degree
time using software and engaging an external feedback requires everyone to really
consultant to assist them. They revised their think about how they are working and
competencies, taking into account staff how they can improve.
views. The current system still involves staff  Improvement in behaviour from
nominating a number of individuals, with HR some individuals Some individuals
selecting a smaller number, to whom they who were negative or disruptive in
send an electronic invitation to give their behaviours to other staff have
feedback. The feedback is on a numerical made positive changes for the better.

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ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

Daniella attributes these changes reports, as well on how to receive

mainly to the 360 scheme. feedback
 Organisational benefits From an Further differentiation of competencies
organisational perspective, 360 TACT currently have two sets of
feedback has: helped to communicate competencies – one for managers and one for
and reinforce organisational culture staff. They are contemplating whether, in the
and values; helped improve customer future, they might further differentiate, so
service; and helped identify learning that, for example, they have different sets of
and development needs. competencies for administrative staff and for
Drawbacks social work staff.
 Lack of internet access One Evaluation
disadvantage of the online system is TACT is keen to evaluate the effectiveness of
that many foster carers do not have their 360 feedback system further and is in
access to the internet. As a result the process of considering appropriate ways
TACT is looking to introduce a to do so. TACT has benchmarked internally
paper-based feedback system for this areas and placement numbers and linked this
group of individuals only. to the 360 competency ratings. The 360
 Time required Daniella says that 360 feedback system has given TACT the
degree feedback is still quite time- opportunity to address performance of
consuming. As a Result of this, individuals in a constructive way and
TACT now has a rolling programme therefore help improve organisational
of appraisals, which are linked to the performance.
date each employee completed his/her The competencies used
probation, rather than all appraisals TACT has kindly agreed to share their
being undertaken at a set time each competencies. They are reproduced below.
year. One option in the futur might be Commitment
to collect 360 feedback on a two-  Takes work responsibilities seriously
yearly, rather than annual, basis. and makes every effort to do a good
Next steps job.
 Number of respondents In the  Is prepared to adapt to changing
future, the plan is to limit the number circumstances and to help others
of respondents to six, in order to when the situation requires
make the process more manageable. Behaviour associated with effective
 Increased requirement for coaching performance
One unanticipated need arising from  Works hard to get the job done.
the introduction of 360 feedback was  Is punctual and reliable in coming to
for coaching. Coaching has been work and attending meetings.
arranged for a number of individuals,  Is prepared to be flexible and
to help them develop in response to accommodating.
feedback from the 360 degree  Speak highly of TACT to outside
feedback. parties.
 Additional training A next step will  Helps others when they are under
be to provide additional training to pressure.
managers on how best to feedback the  Put in extra effort when the situation
results of the 360 process. In addition, requires
training will be arranged for staff on Problem Solving
how to use and interpret their 360  Behaviour associated with effective

Council for Innovative Research 63 | P a g e International Journal of Management & Information Technology
ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

 Maintain a calm, organised and  Take the initiative in developing new,

objective approach when faced with a more effective ways of doing things.
problem.  Keep people aware of time-scales and
 Increase his / her understanding of the progress made in achieving
problems through discussion with objectives.
others.  Cope well with conflicting priorities
 Quickly and accurately analyse all and pressure, remaining positive and
information relating to a problem. focused.
 Check information or assumptions  Demonstrate flexibility when faced
and not accept things at 'face value'. with an unexpected change of plans.
 Identify the underlying causes of Client Focus
complex or difficult problems.  Builds and sustains long-term
 Identify wider issues and trends, and relationships with internal and / or
anticipate future requirements. external clients.
Working with People  Focuses on identifying and meeting
 Encourages people to use their client needs in the most effective
judgement and experience. way.
 Treats people fairly and builds a  Behaviour associated with effective
positive work environment. performance.
 Behaviour associated with effective  Build relationships and establish
performance. rapport quickly with clients.
 Treat other people in a way that  Ensure needs are met within the
makes working life enjoyable. structure of TACT Standards.
 Make fair and unbiased judgments  Monitor and act on client feedback.
about people's performance.  Follow through until the client is
 Encourage people to take personal satisfied.
responsibility for key tasks and  Tailor his / her approach to meet the
activities. needs of clients.
 Explain to people how their work  Deliver on promises to clients: 'gets
contributes to overall performance. the job done „Professional Behaviour.
 Praise people for their contribution  Dependable, reliable and accountable
and encourage them to continue. for own behaviour.
 Take steps to eliminate personal  Acts within professional, legal and
criticism or abusive behaviour at ethical boundaries and guidelines.
work. Behaviour associated with effective
Focusing on Results performance
 Demonstrates personal drive and  Accept responsibility for his / her
initiative with a clear focus on the own decisions and actions.
standards and objectives that need to  Keep appropriate people informed
be achieved. when things don't go as planned.
 Behaviour associated with effective  Takes own share of responsibility for
performance Maintain a clear focus resolving problems.
on the objectives and standards that  Demonstrate accountability; can be
must be achieved. trusted to do a good job.
 Demonstrate the personal drive and  Avoid publicly denigrating or
resilience to overcome problems. undermining other

Council for Innovative Research 64 | P a g e International Journal of Management & Information Technology
ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

Act professionally and ethically.  Deliver information in an engaging

Behaves in an anti-discriminatory way.
manner towards others.
 Cooperates and collaborates with 1. “360-Degree Feedback on the Rise,
colleagues inside and outside own Survey finds” BNA Bulletin to
area to achieve shared goals. Management, January 23, 1997,
 Contributes actively to help create p.31.
effective partnerships which meet 2. Carol Hymowitz, “Do 360- Degree
organisational objectives. Job Reviews by Colleagues
 Behaviour associated with effective Promote Honesty or Insults?”p. B-
performance. 1.
 Treat all people fairly and 3. Terry Bechr et al, „Evaluation of
respectfully. 360-degree feedback rating:
 Appear approachable, listens well and relationships with each other &
makes time for colleagues. with performance 7 selection
 Collaborate with and learn from predictors, “Journal of
others. organizational Behaviour 22, no.7
 Build rapport and trusting (November 2001), pp.775-778.
relationships with colleagues. 4. James Smither et al, „Does
 Encourage the involvement of Performance Improve Following
colleagues and helps to build team Multi-Score feedback? A
spirit. Theoretical Model Meta Analysis,
 Promote the sharing of information and Review of Empirical
within the team. Findings,‟
 Communication and Influence. Personnel psychology 58, (2005):
 Conveys information clearly, 33-36.
accurately and succinctly and adjusts 5. Christine Hagan, et al, “Predicting
to the audience‟s needs and Assessment Centre Performance
requirements. with 360-Degree, Top Down, and
 Has credibility and impact and uses a Customer-Based Competency
range of effective interpersonal skills Assessments,” Human Resource
to persuade others to adopt a Management, Fall 2006, Vol.45,
particular position and / or take no. 3, pp. 357-390.
action. 6. Brouce Pfau and Ira Kay, “Does a
 Behaviour associated with effective 360-degree feedback negatively
performance. affect the company performance?”
HR Magazine, June 2002, pp. 55-
 Communicate clearly and succinctly.
59. Scott Wimer, “the dark side of
 Adapt his / her communication style
360-degree feedback,” training and
to suit topic, audience and situation.
development, september 2002, pp.
 Aware of his / her non verbal
behaviour and its impact on others. 7. Adapted from Alan Bailey (March
 Easily gains agreement from others to 15, 2005), “How to square the
a particular course of action. circle on 360-degree feedback,”
 Demonstrate credibility when stating Personnel today, p.17; and Bryan
a position. R.Fisher (August 2004), “Listen to

Council for Innovative Research 65 | P a g e International Journal of Management & Information Technology
ISSN: 2278-5612 Volume 1, No 2, July, 2012

what‟s Really Going On,”

Supervision, pp.9-11.
8. L.R.Gomez-Mejia, D.B.Balkin and
R.L.Cardy, Managing Human
Resources, 2nd ed. (Upper Saddle
River, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1998).
9. I bid.
10. Ulrich, D. & Barney, J. 1984.
Perspectives in organization:
resource dependence, efficiency
and population. Academy of
management review. 9: 471-
481.360 degree feedback as part of
performance appraisal.
11. M. & Smither, J. 1995. Can multi
source feedback change
perceptions of goal
accomplishment, self evaluations &
performance related outcomes?
Theory- based applications and
directions for research. Personnel
Psychology, 48: 803-839 UPS
tested the potential of using 360
ratings for evaluation.
12. Pfau,Kay,Nowak and Ghorpade,
„does 360 degree feedback
negatively affect company
performance?” 54-59; Periperl,
“Getting 360-degree feedback
right,” 142-47.
13. Ref. David W. Bracken, Lynn
Summer and John Fleenor, “high
tech 360,” Training and
Development 52, no. 8 (August
1998): 42-45.
14. “ Performance Appraisal ,” HR
Magazine 47 no.10 (October
2002): 146; Frank E. Kuzmits,
Arthur J.Adams, Lyle Sussman &
Louis E. Raho, “360-feedback in
Health care management: A field
study,” the health care manager 23,
no.321 (October-December 2004):

Council for Innovative Research 66 | P a g e

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