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How to correct your grammars

with free tools better than

Grammarly does.

[Tools that are going to save your application from the worst mistakes and make your
writings look well-versed.]

Even if you have a Grammarly premium, these tools will correct many mistakes that even
Grammarly can’t catch.

1. : ProWritingAid is the best free alternative to

Grammarly. You can use it in many versions: web, desktop, app. I recommend
using it with Microsoft Word. You can basically download an add-on for MS
Word from their site and if you install it on PC, it’ll automatically add
ProWritingAid to your MS Word. Create an account and you’ll have a 14-day-
trial. I recommend doing it after you’re done writing all your essays so that you
can get all your essays checked within that trial period. And of course, there’s the
option of creating another account with another email address, and repeating
that as many times as you need.

2. : This is my favorite writing tool. Its specialization is

not correcting grammar, which though it wonderfully does. This tool corrects
your sentence structures, improves the quality of your writings, and polishes your
writing as a proofreader does. You can use this service for a trial period of 7 days
if you create an account. So I suggest the same as I suggested above: use it after
writing all your essays or create multiple accounts one after another.

3. : This is a paraphrasing tool--meaning it’ll rewrite your sloppy

sentences with better vocabs and sentence structures. If you select the “Fluency”
option on their site, you’ll be shown many errors that even Grammarly can’t
catch, speaking from experience. Also, this tool is exclusively useful to summarize
your essays and write better sentence structures. I’ve especially found it useful
when trying to cut down words from long essays.

4. : Ginger software is a good tool that

has also a Chrome Extension which will correct many grammatical errors that
Grammarly refuses to do for free.

This is a hidden tip; don’t tell anyone else: EducationUSA & EMK center has

admission counselors who would be more than happy to schedule an appointment

with you and free-proofread your essays. Their advice can be life-changing;

trust me on this. Also, they would provide you with other valuable feedbacks--

anything related to undergrad admissions in the USA.

Now that’s all said, what would I do if, say, I have an 800-word-essay with sloppy
grammar that I have to curtail down to 650 words (the common app essay word

I would first check the essay with ProWritingAid, correcting basic grammars and
sentences. Then I would throw the essay to Quillbot and adopting the changes that feel
right (Note that Quillbot isn’t the tool to correct your grammar as a whole; it best corrects
sentences & it rephrases sentences. So whichever rephrased-sentence seems good writing
to you, adopt that to your essay). This process would give you many ideas to cut down
words. Then put the essay to Proofreadingtool and adopt the best of it, too. Then again
finally finish the final touch with another ProWritingAid check. This process should
correct 98% of all your grammatical errors for FREE.

And to be 100% sure, just send your essay for proofreading to someone you trust & who
has a good knowledge of writings/grammar.

Talha Chowdhury

To get a better view of this article & see other resources on admissions, peek here:
Don’t forget to thank me when you conquer the admission journey. Stay blessed. You can
write well regardless of what you think.

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