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Class XI Business Studies

Chapter 8 Sources of Business Finance

Revision Notes


• A business cannot function unless adequate funds are made available to it. The initial capital
contributed by the entrepreneur is not always sufficient to take care of all financial
requirements of the business.
• A business person, therefore, has to look for different other sources from where the need for
funds can be met.
• The financial needs of a business can be categorised as follows:
o Fixed capital requirements: In order to start business, funds are required to purchase
fixed assets This is known as fixed capital requirements of the enterprise. The funds
required in fixed assets remain invested in the business for a long period of time.
o Working Capital requirements: No matter how small or large a business is, it needs
funds for its day-to-day operations. This is known as working capital of an enterprise,
which is used for holding current assets
• The requirement for fixed and working capital increases with the growth and expansion of
business. At times additional funds are required for upgrading the technology employed so that
the cost of production or operations can be reduced
• It is important to evaluate the different sources from where funds can be raised

Period Basis Ownership Basis Source of Generation Basis

•The different sources of funds •The sources can be classified •The funds are generated from
can be categorised into three into ‘owner’s funds’ and within the organisation or from
parts. These are long-term ‘borrowed funds’. external sources.
sources, medium-term sources •Owner’s funds means funds that • Internal sources of funds are
and short-term sources are provided by the owners of those that are generated from
•The long-term sources fulfil the an enterprise, which may be a within the business. For
financial requirements of an sole trader or partners or example, can generate funds
enterprise for a period shareholders of a company. internally by accelerating
exceeding 5 years and include •Issue of equity shares and collection of receivables,
sources such as shares and retained earnings are the two disposing of surplus inventories
debentures, long-term important sources from where and ploughing back its profit
borrowings and loans from owner’s funds can be obtained •External sources of funds
financial institutions •The sources for raising include those sources that lie
•Where the funds are required borrowed funds include loans outside an organisation, such as
for a period of more than one from commercial banks, loans suppliers, lenders, and investors
year but less than five years, from financial institutions, issue •External funds may be costly as
medium-term sources of finance of debentures, public deposits compared to those raised
are used. These sources include and trade credit. through internal sources
borrowings from commercial •Borrowed funds are provided •Issue of debentures, borrowing
banks, public deposits, lease for a specified period, on certain from commercial banks and
financing and loans from terms and conditions and have financial institutions and
financial institutions to be repaid after the expiry of accepting public deposits are
•Short-term funds are those that period. A fixed rate of some of the examples of
which are required for a period interest is paid by the borrowers external sources of funds
not exceeding one year. Trade on such funds.
credit, loans from commercial
banks and commercial papers


• A business can raise funds from various sources.

• Each of the source has unique characteristics, which must be properly understood so that the
best available source of raising funds can be identified.
• There is not a single best source of funds for all organisations.
• Depending on the situation, purpose cost and associated risk, a choice may be made about the
source to be used

Retained Earnings 2
Meaning Merits Limitation

•A portion of the net earnings •It is a permanent source of •Cause dissatisfaction amongst
may be retained in the business funds the shareholders as they would
for use in the future is known as •It does not involve any explicit get lower dividends
retained earnings. cost in the form of interest, •Uncertain source of funds as
•It is a source of internal dividend or floatation cost the profits are fluctuating
financing or selffinancing or •It has greater degree of •The opportunity cost associated
‘ploughing back of profits’ operational freedom and with is not recognised by many
flexibility firms and may lead to sub-
•It enhances the capacity of the optimal use of the funds.
business to absorb unexpected
•It may lead to increase in the
market price of the equity
shares of a company

Trade Credit

Meaning Merits Limitation

•Trade credit is the credit •It is a convenient and •It may induce a firm to indulge
extended by one trader to continuous source of funds in overtrading, which may add
another for the purchase of •It is readily available in case the to the risks of the firm
goods and services. credit worthiness of the •Only limited amount of funds
•Trade credit facilitates the customers is known to the can be generated through it
purchase of supplies without seller •It is a costly source of funds as
immediate payment •It helps in promoting the sales compared to most other
•It is short-term financing source of an organisation sources
•It is granted to those customers •It does not create any charge
who have reasonable amount on the assets of the firm while
of financial standing and providing funds.
•Terms of trade credit may vary
from one industry to another
and from one person to
another. A firm may also offer
different credit terms to
different customers

Factoring 3
Meaning Merits Limitation

•Factoring is a financial service •Cheaper than financing through •This source is expensive when
under which the ‘factor’ renders other means such as bank credit the invoices are numerous and
various services which includes: •Factoring as a source of funds is smaller in amount
•Discounting of bills (with or flexible and ensures a definite •The advance finance provided
without recourse) and pattern of cash inflows from by the factor firm is generally
collection of the client’s debts. credit sales. It provides security available at a higher interest
Under this, the receivables on for a debt cost
account of sale of goods or •It does not create any charge •The factor is a third party to the
services are sold to the factor on the assets of the firm customer who may not feel
at a certain discount. •The client can concentrate on comfortable while dealing with
•There are two methods of other functional areas of it
factoring—recourse and non- business as the responsibility of
recourse. credit control is shouldered by
•Under recourse factoring, the the factor
client is not protected against
the risk of bad debts.
•On the other hand, the factor
assumes the entire credit risk
under non-recourse factoring
•Providing information about
credit worthiness of
prospective client’s etc.,
Factors hold large amounts of
information about the trading
histories of the firms.
•For example : SBI Factors and
Commercial Services Ltd.,
Canbank Factors Ltd., Foremost
Factors Ltd., State Bank of India,
Canara Bank, Punjab National
Bank, Allahabad Bank

Lease Financing

Meaning Merits Limitation

•A lease is a contractual •It enables the lessee to acquire •A lease arrangement may
agreement whereby one party the asset with a lower impose certain restrictions on
i.e., the owner of an asset investment; the use of assets
grants the other party the right •Simple documentation makes it •The normal business
to use the asset in return for a easier to finance operations may be affected in
periodic payment •It provides finance without case the lease is not renewed
•The owner of the assets is diluting the ownership or •It may result in higher payout
called the ‘lessor’ while the control of business in case the equipment is not
party that uses the assets is •The lease agreement does not found useful and the lessee
known as the ‘lessee’. Fixed affect the debt raising capacity opts for premature termination
periodic amount called lease of an enterprise of the lease agreement
rental •The lessee never becomes the
•The risk of obsolescence is
•At the end of the lease period, borne by the lesser owner of the asset
the asset goes back to the
lessor 4
Public Deposits

Meaning Merits Limitation

•The deposits that are raised by •The procedure of obtaining •New companies generally find
organisations directly from the deposits is simple and does not it difficult to raise funds
public are known as public contain restrictive conditions through public deposits;
deposits as are generally there in a loan •It is an unreliable source of
•While the depositors get agreement finance as the public may not
higher interest rate than that •Cost of public deposits is respond when the company
offered by banks, the cost of generally lower than the cost needs money;
deposits to the company is less of borrowings •Collection of public deposits
than the cost of borrowings •Public deposits do not usually may prove difficult, particularly
from banks create any charge on the assets when the size of deposits
•Regulated by RBI of the company required is large
•Companies generally invite •As the depositors do not have
public deposits for a period voting rights, the control of the
upto three years company is not diluted

Commercial Paper

Meaning Merits Limitation

•Commercial paper is an •A commercial paper is sold on •Only financially sound and

unsecured promissory note an unsecured basis and does highly rated firms can raise
issued by a firm to raise funds not contain any restrictive money through commercial
for a short period, varying from conditions papers
90 days to 364 days •As it is a freely transferable •The size of money that can be
•The amount raised by CP is instrument, it has high liquidity raised through commercial
generally very large •It provides more funds paper is limited to the excess
•Regulated by RBI compared to other sources liquidity available with the
•A commercial paper provides a suppliers of funds at a
continuous source of funds. particular time
•Companies can park their •Commercial paper is an
excess funds in commercial impersonal method of
paper thereby earning some financing
good return on the same

Issue of shares: Equity shares 5
Meaning Merits Limitation

•Equity shares represent the •Suitable for investors who are •Investors who want steady
ownership of a company and willing to assume risk for income may not prefer equity
thus the capital raised by issue higher returns shares as equity shares get
of such shares is known as •Payment of dividend to the fluctuating returns
ownership capital or owner’s equity shareholders is not •The cost of equity shares is
funds. compulsory. So, no burden generally more as compared to
•They are referred to as •Equity capital serves as the cost of raising funds
‘residual owners’ permanent capital as it is to be through other sources
•They enjoy the reward as well repaid only at the time of •Issue of additional equity
as bear the risk of ownership. liquidation of a company shares dilutes the voting
•Their liability is limited to •Equity capital provides credit power, and earnings of existing
capital contributed worthiness to the company equity shareholders
•They have right to participate and confidence to prospective •More formalities and
in the management loan providers; procedural delays are involved
•Funds can be raised through while raising funds through
equity issue without creating issue of equity
any charge on the assets
•Democratic control over
management of the company

Preference Shares

Meaning Merits Limitation

•The preference shareholders •It provides steady income in •Not suitable for those
enjoy a preferential position the form of fixed rate of return investors who are willing to
over equity shareholders in and safety of investment take risk and are interested in
two ways: •It does not affect the control higher returns
•receiving a fixed rate of of equity shareholders over •Preference capital dilutes the
dividend, out of the net the management as claims of equity shareholders
profits of the company, preference shareholders don’t over assets of the company
before any dividend is have voting rights •The rate of dividend on
declared for equity •Payment of fixed rate of preference shares is generally
shareholders; dividend to preference shares higher than the rate of interest
•receiving their capital after may enable a company to on debentures
the claims of the company’s declare higher rates of •Dividend on these shares is to
creditors have been settled, dividend for the equity be paid only when the
at the time of liquidation •Preference shareholders have company earns profit, there is
•Preference shareholders a preferential right of no assured return for the
generally do not enjoy any repayment over equity investors
voting rights. shareholders •The dividend paid is not
•Preference capital does not deductible from profits as
create any sort of charge expense. Thus, there is no tax
against the assets saving

Debentures 6
Meaning Merits Limitation

•The debenture issued by a •It is preferred by investors •Debentures put a permanent

company is an who want fixed income at burden on the earnings of a
acknowledgment that the lesser risk company
company has borrowed a •Debentures are fixed charge •In case of redeemable
certain amount of money, funds and do not participate in debentures, the company has
which it promises to repay at a profits of the company to make provisions for
future date •The issue of debentures is repayment on the specified
•A company can raise funds suitable in the situation when date, even during periods of
through issue of debentures, the sales and earnings are financial difficulty
which bear a fixed rate of relatively stable •Each company has certain
interest •As debentures do not carry borrowing capacity. With the
voting rights, financing issue of debentures, the
through debentures does not capacity of a company to
dilute control of equity further borrow funds reduces.
shareholders on management
•Financing through debentures
is less costly as compared to
cost of preference or equity
capital as the interest payment
on debentures is tax

Commercial Banks

Meaning Merits Limitation

•Commercial banks occupy a •Timely assistance to business •Funds are generally available
vital position as they provide by providing funds as and for short periods and its
funds for different purposes as when needed extension or renewal is
well as for different time •Secrecy of business can be uncertain and difficult
periods maintained as the information •Banks make detailed
•The rate of interest charged by supplied to the bank by the investigation of the company’s
banks depends on various borrowers is kept confidential affairs, financial structure etc.,
factors such as the •Formalities such as issue of and may also ask for security
characteristics of the firm and prospectus and underwriting of assets and personal
the level of interest rates in are not required for raising sureties. This makes the
the economy loans from a bank. This, procedure of obtaining funds
therefore, is an easier source slightly difficult
of funds •Difficult terms and conditions
•Loan from a bank is a flexible are imposed by banks for the
source of finance as the loan grant of loan
amount can be increased
according to business needs

Financial Institutions 7
Meaning Merits Limitation

•The government has •Financial institutions provide •Too many formalities make the
established a number of longterm finance, which are procedure time consuming and
financial institutions all over not provided by commercial expensive
the country to provide finance banks •Certain restrictions such as
to business organisations •Many of these institutions restriction on dividend
•They provide both owned provide financial, managerial payment are imposed on the
capital and loan capital for long and technical advice and powers of the borrowing
and medium term consultancy to business firms company by the financial
requirements and supplement •Obtaining loan from financial institutions
the traditional financial institutions increases the •Financial institutions may have
agencies like commercial banks goodwill of the borrowing their nominees on the Board of
•These are also called company in the capital market Directors. Thereby restricting
‘development banks' •As repayment of loan can be the powers of the company
made in easy instalments, it
does not prove to be much of a
burden on the business
•The funds are made available
even during periods of
depression, when other
sources of finance are not

International Financing

There are various avenues for organisations to raise funds internationally. Various international sources
from where funds may be generated include

• Commercial Banks:
Commercial banks all over the world extend foreign currency loans for business purposes. The
types of loans and services provided by banks vary from country to country.
• International Agencies and Development Banks:
A number of international agencies and development banks have emerged over the years to
finance international trade and business. These bodies provide long and medium-term loans and
grants to promote the development of economically backward areas in the world.
• International Capital Markets:
o Global Depository Receipts (GDR’s):
The local currency shares of a company are delivered to the depository bank. The
depository bank issues depository receipts against these shares. Such depository
receipts denominated in US dollars are known as Global Depository Receipts (GDR). The
holders of GDRs do not carry any voting rights but only dividends and capital
o American Depository Receipts (ADRs):
The depository receipts issued by a company in the USA are known as American
Depository Receipts. It is similar to a GDR except that it can be issued only to
American citizens and can be listed and traded on a stock exchange.

o Indian Depository Receipt (IDRs): 8
An Indian Depository Receipt is a financial instrument denominated in Indian Rupees in
the form of a Depository Receipt. It is created by an Indian Depository to enable a
foreign company to raise funds from the Indian securities market. According to SEBI
guidelines, IDRs are issued to Indian residents in the same way as domestic shares are
issued. The issuer company makes a public offer in India, and residents can bid in exactly
the same format and method as they bid for Indian shares.
o Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs):
Foreign currency convertible bonds are equity linked debt securities that are to be
converted into equity or depository receipts after a specific period. Thus, a holder of
FCCB has the option of either converting them into equity shares at a predetermined
price or exchange rate, or retaining the bonds. They carry a fixed interest rate which is
lower than the rate of any other similar nonconvertible debt instrument. FCCB’s are
listed and traded in foreign stock exchanges


1. Cost:
There are two types of cost viz., the cost of procurement of funds and cost of utilising the funds.
Both these costs should be taken into account while deciding about the source of funds.

2. Financial strength and stability of operations:

In the choice of source of funds business should be in a sound financial position so as to be
able to repay the principal amount and interest on the borrowed amount. When the earnings of
the organisation are not stable, fixed charged funds should be carefully selected as these add to
the financial burden

3. Form of organisation and legal status:

A partnership firm, for example, cannot raise money by issue of equity shares as these can
be issued only by a joint stock company

4. Purpose and time period:

Business should plan according to the time period for which the funds are required. A short-
term need for example can be met through borrowing funds at low rate of interest through
trade credit, commercial paper, etc. For long term finance, sources such as issue of shares and
debentures are more appropriate. Similarly, the purpose for which funds are required need
to be considered so that the source is matched with the use

5. Risk profile:
Business should evaluate each of the source of finance in terms of the risk involved For example,
there is a least risk in equity as the share capital has to be repaid only at the time of winding up
A loan on the other hand, has a repayment schedule for both the principal and the interest
which is to be paid irrespective of the firm earning a profit or incurring a loss.

6. Control:
Issue of equity shares may mean dilution of the control. Thus, business firm should choose a
source keeping in mind the extent to which they are willing to share their control over business.

7. Effect on credit worthiness:

Issue of secured debentures may affect the interest of unsecured creditors of the company and
may adversely affect their willingness to extend further loans as credit to the company. 9
8. Flexibility and ease:
Restrictive provisions, detailed investigation and documentation may be the reason that a
business organisations may not prefer it, if other options are readily available.

9. Tax benefits:
Non taxable instrument will be preferred over tax deductible. For example, while the dividend
on preference shares is not tax deductible interest paid on debentures and loan is tax deductible
and may, therefore, be preferred by organisations seeking tax advantage 10
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