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1. Powers and Root Forms

The Mathematics Module for Learning Powers and Withdrawals of Numbers by the Ministry
of Education and Culture explains that powers are repetitions of numbers themselves.

Ranks can be denoted by:

a to the power of n = a x a x a x a ........... and so on as much as with the number n


1² = 1 (1x1) → read 1 to the power of two or 1 squared equals 1

2² = 4 (2x2) → read 2 to the power of two or 2 squared equals 4
3² = 9 (3x3) → read 3 to the power of two or 3 squared equals 9

and the following numbers and powers.

That is, a number to the power of two (squared) is the multiplication value of a number by
the number itself. Powers are divided into addition powers, subtraction powers, multiplication
powers, and division powers.

a. Sum power

5² + 6² =...

= (5 x 5) + (6 x 6)

= 25 + 36

= 61

b. Subtraction power

6² - 5² =...

= (6 x 6) - (5 x 5)

= 36 - 25

= 11

c. Multiplication power

5² x 6² =...
=(5 x 5) x (6 x 6)

= 25 x 36

= 900

d. Division of rank

9² : 3² =...

=(9 x 9) : (3 x 3)

= 81 : 9


e. Root shape

The root form is the simplest form of the square root. The root form is denoted by at the
same time to symbolize the square root. The root is also known as the inverse operation of
the cube.


6²= 6 × 6 = 36, then 36 is equal to 6 where 36 is read as the square root of 36.

7²= 7 × 7 = 49, so 49 is equal to 7 where 49 is read as the square root of 49.

2. Quadratic Equations and Functions

A quadratic equation is an equation with a variable whose highest power is equal to 2 (two).
The general form of a quadratic equation can be represented as:

ax2 + bx + c = 0, with the description:

a,b = coefficient, where a 0

x = variable
c = constant

Quadratic equations have four types, namely:

a. Ordinary quadratic equation

This formula is a quadratic equation with a = 1.

For example x2 + 4x + 6 = 0

b. Pure quadratic equation

This formula is a quadratic equation with b = 0.

For example x2 + 6 = 0

c. Incomplete quadratic equation

In this quadratic equation formula the value of c = 0.

For example x2 + 4x = 0

d. Rational quadratic equation

One quadratic equation that has a coefficient value and a constant value in the form of
rational numbers.

For example 2x2 + 4x + 6 = 0

3. Geometric Transformation

Geometry transformation is a process of changing the shape and location of a geometric

figure from its initial position to another position. It is denoted by the initial position (x , y) to
the other position (x' , y').

Translation in geometry occurs when every point on a plane, moves through a certain
distance and direction. Thus, causing each shape that lies in the plane, will also be shifted
by a certain distance and direction.

In the process of translation, only the position changes. While the shape and size of the field
remains the same.

The point (x, y) is translated by ( a b ), producing the image (x , y ) which is written as (x′ y′)
= ( x y ) + ( a b ).

The translation formula: (x′ y′ ) = ( x y ) + ( a b).


(x, y) = origin
(x′ y′ ) = image point
(a b) = translation vector

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