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Passive voice formula:

→subject+ to be + v3+ by

example: jenny calls me → i am called by jenny

simple present/ past:

→ is/am/are/was/were +v3

ex: Dina buys many books → many books are bought by Dina

present continuous past:

→ is/am/are/was/were being +v3

ex: Doni as preparing the material →the material was being prepared

present perfect tense:

→ have/has/had + been

ex: sally has purhased the new bag →. the new bag has been purchased today mrs

future tense:
→ wiil + be + v3

ex: someone will open the door → the door will ne opened

rangkuman latihan pra us b ing

Fruits as their main diet, but bark, honey, insects and bird eggs are consumed . Rumus dari
paasive voice adalah Subjek + to be + V3. Subjek dari kalimat tersebuta adalah Fruits as
their main diet, but bark, honey, insects and bird eggs. To be nya adalah are (karena subjek
jamak) dan consumed adalah bentuk ketiga (V3) dari consume.

Look at the picture and answer the question! Who was facebook invented by?
right answer: Facebook was invented by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg.

Jawaban yang benar adalah Facebook was invented by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg. To be yang
digunakan adalah WAS karena subjeknya tunggal (facebook) dan Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
menemukan facebook sudah lama sehingga menggunakan to be past tense yaitu WAS.

right answer: What material is your cupboard made from?

Jawaban yang benar adalah : What material is your cupboard made from? . Kalimat
tersebut menggunakan kalimat tanya dalam bentuk passive voice dengan rumus :
Kata tanya + to be + subjek + V3. To be-nya menggunakan bentuk pertama IS
karena kalimat dalam betuk present tense. Kata kerja bentuk ketiga made (dari kata

“Alexa have just walked outside with Grandmother.” The correct form of PRESENT
PERFECT TENSE from the sentence above is..

right answer: Alexa has just walked outside with Grandmother.

Jawaban yang benar adalah Alexa has just walked outside with Grandmother. Kata
HAS yang benar karena subjeknya adalah Alexa (orang ketiga tungga). Kata
WALKED benar karena rumus dari PASSIVE VOICE menggunakan verb ketiga.

“The birds has not come yet.” The correct form of PRESENT PERFECT TENSE
from the sentence above is

right answer: The birds have not come yet.

“Recently, Grandmother have moved in with Alexa's family.” The correct form of
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE from the sentence above is

right answer: Recently, Grandmother has moved in with Alexa's family.

Jawaban yang benar adalah : Recently, Grandmother has moved in with Alexa's
family. Setelah subject orang ketiga tunggal adalah HAS bukan HAVE. Sedangkan
kata kerja MOVE diubah kebentuk ketiga yaitu MOVED.

Alexa … just dropped some seeds on the ground to feed the birds.” The CORRECT
word to fill in the blank is

right answer: has

Yesterday were terrible for me because I stayed at home all day.” The CORRECT
sentence to form PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE from the sentence above is
right answer: Yesterday was terrible for me because I was staying at home all day.

My father were reading his book and my mother were watching TV.” The CORRECT
sentence to form past continuous tense from the sentence above is

My father was reading his book and my mother was watching TV.

Some people … waiting at the bus stop." The CORRECT word to form past
continuous tense from the sentence above is


Look at the picture above! You can describe the picture as the following

Aldi is studying and he is watching TV.

Write a short congratulating message using the following illustration : - Your

father has just received a big reward from his boss for going hajj this year. -
You congratulate him. - You give him best wishes. *

To : My Dad
Assalamu’alaykum Dad.
I heard good news from Mom that you’ve received big reward from Mr. Adi, your
boss, for going Hajj. Congratulations! Barakallah Dad.
May Allah make your Hajj Pilgrimage easy. May your hajj be mabrur. You can be
more pious person.
Aamiin yaa Robbal ‘alamiin.
Paris, April 21st, 2022

Fatih Ilman

Fill in the blank with CORRECT word to form PRESENT PERFECT TENSE


Rumus dari present perfect tense adalah : Subjek + have/has + V3

Look at the picture! Describe the picture using PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE in
3 different sentences!

The boy is holding a book.
The boy is wearing a T-Shirt
The boy is wearing nice shoes

Complete the following sentences to form PASSIVE VOICE!

The students … by the English teacher every Tuesday. (teach)

taught, put

Complete the following sentences to form PASSIVE VOICE

taught, told, put

Look at the picture! What is the form of the medicine?


What sickness can be relieved by the product


How many dosages for 6-year-old kids?

10 ml

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