Brochure CA Soil BioEngineering

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Soil bioengineering and ecological

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Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri Inc. All rights reserved.

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Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved










This manual has been written for the benefit of engineers, landscape architects, biologists, and anyone
who is concerned and interested in the protection and mitigation of ecosystems. It illustrates the
compatibility of incorporating environmentally sound concepts into the design of engineering solutions.
Guidance to solutions that combine engineering practices and ecological principles is provided.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Definition of Soil Bioengineering

This technology integrates sound engineering practices with ecological principles. It uses living plant
material in combination with non-living, structural elements and manufactured products. The practice
brings together biological, ecological, and engineering concepts to produce living, functioning systems
for erosion and flood control, habitat, and aesthetic enhancement, and water quality improvement.

Purpose of Soil Bioengineering

Soil bioengineering integrates living plants, structural and manufactured materials together in mutually
reinforcing complimentary roles. The structural components initially protect the site mechanically and
develop a stable, healthy environment for the plants to establish. This technology is useful in the
protection, stabilization, mitigation, and reclamation of slopes, streams, rivers, shorelines, wetlands, and

The “Minimum Level of Energy”

The concept of the minimum level of energy takes in to consideration a wide variety of solutions. This
concept considers the degree of intervention to solve an erosion or stability problem. The degree of
intervention can go from level “0” meaning no intervention is required to a higher level requiring
structural elements.

The minimum level of energy requires the lowest level of intervention to achieve the optimum solution.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Example, if the correct intervention is a revetment with a coir mat, the utilization of a solution with a
higher level of energy like a retaining wall structure will be inappropriate. See Illustration 1.

Illustration 1 Progression of Energy Levels



Design Benefits:

• Soil bioengineering practices are appropriate for environmentally and aesthetically sensitive areas,
such as parks, woodlands, rivers and transportation corridors, where recreation, wildlife habitat,
water quality and similar values are critical.

• Soil bioengineering systems can be designed to withstand heavy events immediately after
installation. Even if the vegetation dies, the system’s structural elements continue to play an
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

important protective role.

• Provides erosion control and creates hospitable conditions for native plant establishment.

• Helps to slow water velocities near the banks and down the faces of slopes.

• Offers an alternative to vertical retaining walls like gabions, concrete and blocks.

• Enhances conditions for the natural colonization and establishment of plants from the surrounding
plant community.

• Dries excessively wet sites through transpiration as the vegetation grows.

• Provides for surface drainage and can positively affect the direction of seepage flow.

• Reinforces the soil as roots develop, adding significant resistance to shallow sliding and shear
displacement for smaller slopes.

• The heavily vegetated banks filter and slow stormwater runoff and trap sediment, thereby improving
water quality.

Design Considerations:

• Soil bioengineering is useful on sensitive or steep sites where the use of machinery is not feasible.

• Soil bioengineering practices are most successful where the medium has sufficient fines, nutrients,
sunlight, and moisture to support plant growth. The combination of a mechanical structure and
vegetation can be a good solution for even challenging environments.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• It is highly recommended to consult specific practitioners for specialized areas such as biological,
geotechnical and hydraulic assessment. Also, consult a local plant specialist when selecting the
appropriate vegetation for the project.

• Soil bioengineering systems are normally installed during the dormant season, usually late fall,
winter or early spring.

• Constraints on planting times and/or availability of suitable plant materials may limit the usefulness
of certain methods. Pre-planning typically avoids this problem. When using vegetation with a
mechanical structure the vegetation is typically incorporated during the conventional installation,
but in some cases may be added later.

• Select plant materials that are adapted to the site conditions. Local species are readily available
and well suited to the climate, soil condition, and available moisture; therefore they make good
candidates. Alternatively hybrids and ornamentals that are more tailored in appearance and
produce showy flowers, fall color, and fruit may prove to be more appropriate for some solutions.

• The most suitable location for plant growth should be considered. For example, emergent aquatic
plants are best suited for the lower sections of a streambank or shoreline, whereas woody material
generally performs better on the higher sections. Please see Illustration 2 showing suitable
locations for specific plant types. Always consult with a local plant specialist.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Illustration 2 Cross Section of a River Corridor (USDA Manual,1998)

Soil Bioengineering Methods

Brushlayering: Live cut branches layered between successive lifts of soil to construct a reinforced
slope surface.

Brushmattress: Live cut branches layered on the ground and covered with soil to protect streambanks
and wetland boundaries.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Coir Mats and Netting: Coir mats and netting are dense, biodegradable fabrics made of coconut husk
fiber (coir). They are used to trap sediment, protect streambanks and wetland shores from erosion,
and to provide a stable substrate for plant establishment.

Coir Roll: Coir rolls are made of coconut husk fiber bound together with twine in the shape of a
cylinder. They are used to stabilize shorelines, streambanks, and wetland boundaries.

Green Gabion: A structure built of double twist wire mesh baskets with the front face inclined 45 or 60
degrees, lined with coconut husk fiber mats and filled with a mixture of rock and soil. These structures
are installed with plant material and used as revetments for erosion control.

EnviroLog: A cylindrical double twist wire mesh unit, lined with coconut husk fiber and filled with a
mixture of rock and soil. Vegetation establishes in the EnviroLog, and is used as a revetment for
erosion control.

Green Terramesh: A retaining structure made of double twist wire mesh and reinforced with a welded
wire panel. The system can be inclined at 45, 60 or 70 degree angle from the horizontal. A coconut
husk fiber or geosynthetic blanket on the front face helps the vegetation to become established and
confines the soil.

Joint Planting: Live stakes are placed between joints of riprap or in gabion mattresses.

Live Cribwall: A rectangular frame of logs or timber, rock, soil, and live cut branches used to protect
slopes and streambanks.

Live Fascine: A sausage-like bundle of live cut branches typically from a species that roots
easily from cuttings. Live fascines are installed along slopes or streambanks to control the
erosion by reducing the length of the slope and over time by providing a vegetative buffer zone.

Live Stake: Live cut branches that root easily are tamped into the ground. They are most
successful when combined with other methods and/or manufactured products.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Prevegetated Blanket: A coconut husk fiber or geosynthetic blanket that has been vegetated
with rooted emergent aquatic plants ready for installation.

Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM): A lightweight matting made with synthetic filaments that protects
against surface erosion. It can be vegetated with seed prior or after installation.

Vegetated Reinforced Soil System (VRSS): Is a retaining structure made of double twist wire
mesh or high tensile strength polymeric material that is wrapped around lifts of soil. Live cut
branches and/or rooted plants are placed between lifts at the front face.

Conventional Structures that may be vegetated:

Gabion Structure: Is a monolithic and flexible structure that is made from pre-assembled double
twist wire mesh boxes filled with stone. They can be used for retaining walls, weirs and channel
linings to control erosion.

Gabion Mattress Structure: They are made from pre-assembled double twist wire mesh boxes
filled with stone to form monolithic and flexible heavy revetment for erosion control.


Definition: Coir mats are manufactured from coconut husk fibers and frequently used as a temporary
structural and rooting medium component for ecological engineering systems. The coir fiber material is
natural and long lasting (3 to 5 years in most climatic conditions).

Purpose: Coir mats are commonly used for erosion control revetments and sediment traps. The mats
provide immediate erosion control and a stable medium to support healthy plant growth. The coir mats
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

are installed with vegetation. Eventually the coir material biodegrades and the cohesive strength of the
root systems and flexible nature of the plants become the primary stabilizing and protecting element.

Photo 1 Coir Mat


• Streambank, shoreline and wetland boundary stabilization.

• Protection and mitigation of wetlands.

• Provides erosion control and creates hospitable conditions for plant colonization and
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved


• Useful for temporary erosion control revetments on ditches, small slopes and embankments.

Design Considerations:

• Coir mats have high moisture retention properties and generally last 3 to 5 years. The fiber
strength, longevity and ability to retain moisture depend on the type, density and grade of the
coir material chosen.

• Due to the degradation of the coir fibers over time, the slope should not be steeper than the
natural friction angle.

• Live fascines can be used with coir mats as a securing device and to provide for a vegetated

• Live stakes can be used to install vegetation and to secure the mat.

• Vegetation such as pre-grown container plants can be installed in the coir mats.

• Coir mats can also be vegetated by seeding the slope. Seeding can be done before or after
installation of the mat.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri

Slope Installation:

• Prepare the site for installation of coir mats by removing large rocks, obstructions or materials
that may prevent the coir from making direct firm contact with the soil.

• Regrade slope per the design. If possible, save topsoil and replace once the subsoil has been
removed or regraded. Store the topsoil away from the water's edge, move it to its final location
and stabilize as quickly as possible.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Photo 2 Installing Coir Mats

• Anchor the mat at the top of the slope in a 150 mm (6 in.) deep trench. Backfill and compact the

• Do not stretch the coir mats.

• Overlap parallel rolls 100-150 mm (4-6 in.). Overlap from up to down stream on waterway banks
and in ditches.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Secure coir mats with wooden or steel stakes (typically 150-200 mm (6-8 in.)long). Ensure there
are sufficient stakes to maintain firm contact with the soil. Live stakes can be used instead of
wooden stakes or in combination. Anchoring configuration depends upon the flow rates, soils
and grading.

• Ensure that the coir mat is well secured and protected from overland flow, floodwaters and

• Live fascines may be used to secure the mat, see live fascine specification for more details.

• Plant or seed per the design.

• Check all plants to ensure that they are the correct species and properly installed and

Channel Installation:

• Dig a trench 300 mm (12 in.) deep across the channel at the downstream end of the project. Secure
the mat in the trench, backfill and compact the earth. Unroll the coir mat upstream.

• Secure the coir mat in intermittent trenches along the length of the channel. The mats also need to
be secured in a trench along the water’s edge to prevent undermining.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Parallel rolls should be overlapped 100-150 mm (4-6 in.) with the top overlapping the bottom in a
downstream configuration.

• Secure the mats to the channel bed with live or wooden stakes to securely anchor the mats and
maintain firm contact with the soil surface.

• Plant or seed per the design.

• Check plants periodically to ensure that they are the correct species and properly installed and

Photo 3 Coir Mats
after installation.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Photo 4 Established vegetation.


Definition: Coir netting is manufactured from coconut husk fiber (coir) and frequently used as the
temporary structural and rooting medium component in ecological engineering systems. The netting is
an open weave geotextile grid of coconut husk fibres. The coconut husk fibre material is natural, long
lasting (3 to 5 years in most climates) and has high tensile strength.

Purpose: Coir netting is commonly used for temporary soil reinforcement, slope and streambank
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

stabilization, and shoreline and wetland boundary protection. The netting provides immediate erosion
control and a stable medium to encourage natural invasion and support healthy plant growth. Eventually
the coir material biodegrades and the cohesive strength of the root systems and flexible nature of the
plants become the primary stabilizing element.

Photo 5 Coir Netting


• To provide temporary surface protection for slopes until vegetation is established.

• Provides immediate erosion control and creates hospitable conditions for plant establishment.

• Can be used for erosion control revetments, such as ditches, small slopes, and embankments.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Protection and mitigation of wetlands.

Design Considerations:

• Coir netting has high moisture retention properties and generally lasts for 3 - 5 years. However,
the fiber strength, longevity and ability to retain moisture depend on the type, density and grade
of the coir material chosen.

• Due to the degradation of the coir fiber over time, the slope should be at its natural friction angle.

• Live fascines can be used with coir netting to secure the netting and prevent formation of rills and

• Live cut branches can be placed between each layer of coir netting for shallow slope
reinforcement. See the specification on brushlayering.

• Live stakes can be used to install vegetation and to secure the mat.

• Vegetation, such as pre-grown container, tublings or bare root plants can be installed through
the coir netting.

• The coir netting can also be vegetated by seeding. Seeding can be done before or after

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Drawing 1 Cross Section of Coir Netting with Live Fascines on a cut slope.

Coir Netting
Live Fascines

Existing Soil

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.

Slope Installation:

• Prepare the site for installation by removing large rocks, obstructions or materials that may prevent
the coir netting from making direct firm contact with the soil surface.

• Regrade the slope per the design. If possible, save the topsoil and replace once the subsoil has
been removed or regraded. Store the topsoil away from the water’s edge, move the topsoil to its
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

final location and stabilize as quickly as possible.

• Anchor the netting at the top of the slope in a 150 mm (6 in.) deep trench. Backfill the trench and
tamp the soil. Unroll the netting down the slope.

• Overlap parallel rolls by 100-150 mm (4-6 in.).

• Secure the netting to the slope using steel anchors, wooden or live stakes to securely anchor the
netting to the slope and maintain firm contact with the soil surface. Anchoring configuration will
depend upon flow rates, soils and slope gradient.

• Ensure that the coir netting is well secured and protected from overland flow, floodwater and wind.

• Live fascines may be used to secure the netting.

• Plant or seed per the design.

• Check the plants to ensure that they are the correct species and properly installed and maintained.

Channel Installation:

• Dig a trench 300 mm (12 in.) deep across the channel at the downstream end of the project.
Secure the netting in the trench, backfill and tamp the trench. Unroll the coir netting upstream.

• Secure the netting in intermittent trenches along the length of the channel. Live fascines can be
placed in the trench to act as a sediment trap. Specifically, the netting needs to be secured in a
trench along the channel’s edge to prevent undermining.
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• Parallel rolls should be overlapped 100-150 mm (4-6 in.).

• Secure the netting to the channel using steel anchors, wooden or live stakes to sufficiently anchor
the netting and maintain firm contact with the soil surface

• Plant or seed per the design.

• Check the plants to ensure that they are the correct species and properly installed and maintained.

Photo 6 Coir netting with live
stake installation.
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Photo 7 Coir netting with

live fascine installation.


Definition: A permanent erosion control product composed of UV stabilized, non-degradable

synthetic fibers. The mat is a reinforced matrix designed for permanent and critical hydraulic
applications. Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs) provide sufficient strength and void space so that
root systems can develop through the matrix.

Purpose: TRMs provide permanent erosion protection on upland slopes, streambanks, wetland
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

boundaries, and shorelines. The mats provide a stable medium to encourage natural colonization
and support healthy plant growth.

Photo 8 Turf Reinforcement Mat Photo 9 Flat Sided TRM

Plan View Side View Plan View Side View

Photo 10 TRM with

wire mesh


• Provides reinforcement and anchoring for vegetation.

• Provides erosion protection for steep slopes, channels, streambanks and shorelines.

• Creates a favorable environment for plant establishment.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Can be used for erosion control revetments on transportation and transmission corridors.

Design Considerations:

• Various vegetation techniques can be used with this system, including; live stakes, brushlayers,
rooted woody plants, seeding, and herbaceous planting. Vegetation techniques can be incorporated
before, during or after the installation of the TRM.

• Live stakes can be installed to secure the mat and for vegetation value.

• Live fascines can be used with TRM’s to secure the mat and to prevent the formation of rills and

• The stability of the structure can be verified using the allowable shear stress of the TRM.

• Verify the allowable shear stress of the TRM with and without vegetation establishment.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri office.

Slope Installation:

• Prepare the site for installation of TRM by removing large rocks, obstructions or materials that may
prevent the blanket from making direct and firm contact with the soil surface.

• Regrade the slope per the design. If possible, save topsoil and replace once the subsoil has been
removed or regraded. Move the topsoil to its final location and stabilize as quickly as possible.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Compact the topsoil after the installation of the mat to fill the voids.

• Begin at the top of the slope and secure the mat in a 150 mm (6 in.) deep trench. Backfill the trench
and tamp soil. Roll the TRM down the slope.

• Secure the mat using steel, live and/or wooden stakes. Use sufficient stakes to secure the mat and
maintain contact with the soil surface.

• Ensure that the TRM is well secured and protected from overland flow, floodwaters and wind.

• Place adjacent strips so that there is a 100-150 mm ( 4-6 in.) overlap.

• Do not stretch the mat.

• Plant or seed per the design specifications.

Channel Installation:

• Dig a trench 300 mm (12 in.) deep across the channel at the downstream end of the project. Secure
the mat in the trench, backfill and compact the soil. Unroll the mat up the stream or drainage

• Secure the TRM in intermittent trenches along the length of the channel.
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• Overlap parallel rolls 100-150 mm (4-6 in.).

• Secure the mat using steel, live and/or wooden stakes to sufficiently anchor the mat and maintain
firm contact with the soil surface. The voids of the mat can be filled with topsoil.

• Plant or seed per the design specifications.

Drawing 2 Channel Lined with Turf Reinforcement Mat

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved Photo 11 TRM Slope Installation

Photo 12 Established Vegetation


Definition: Prevegetated blankets are turf reinforcement mats or coir mats that have been established
with rooted vegetation prior to installation, see Photo 13.

Purpose: Prevegetated blankets provide immediate and long-term erosion protection on shorelines,
wetland boundaries and streambanks. The blankets provide a stable medium to support the healthy
growth and development of plants.
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Photo 13 Prevegetated Blanket


• Aids in the establishment of rapid vegetative cover.

• Protects streambanks, wetland boundaries and shorelines from erosion.

• Can be used on existing structural elements, such as gabion revetments, when the gabions are filled
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

with stone and soil.

• Useful when an instant vegetative cover is needed.

Photo 14 Prevegetated Blanket ready to install.

Design Considerations:

• When using native plants, allow a few months for the vegetation to become established in the blanket
at the nursery before installing the blanket on the site.

• Various plant species can be used. However, in selecting the plant species, be sure to consider the
surrounding environment including the flood and drought periods and elevations.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Because the plants are established before installation on site, the plants are not stressed when the
blankets are installed. Therefore the plants develop quickly on site and success rates are typically

• Filling the voids in the gabion mattress with topsoil allows prevegetated blankets to be used overtop
of an existing gabion mattress structure.

• This type of structure works best on a silt or silty clay soil.

• On riverbanks, ensure that the prevegetated blanket is anchored securely so that floodwaters will not
carry the blanket and vegetation away.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri office.


• Prepare the site for installation of prevegetated blankets by removing any large rocks, obstructions or
materials that may prevent the blanket from making direct and firm contact with the soil surface.

• Cut the blanket to the desired size and secure with steel rods, wooden stakes or live stakes.

• Ensure that the entire blanket including the corners and edges of the blanket are securely anchored.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Ensure that the prevegetated blanket is along the water’s edge so that there is adequate moisture for
the herbaceous emergent aquatic plants to grow.

• Inspection of the site should be done a few weeks after the installation to ensure that the blanket is
securely anchored and is developing in a healthy manner.

• Always inspect a new installation after a flood event.

Photo 15 Immediately after
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Photo 16 Healthy
Established Vegetation


Definition: Coir rolls are manufactured from a high-density coconut husk fiber with an exterior
netting of 100% coir mesh. The coir material is natural, long lasting and has high tensile strength.

Purpose: Coir rolls are commonly used for streambank stabilization and shoreline protection on
low energy flows. These components provide immediate erosion control and a stable medium to
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

support healthy herbaceous plant growth. Eventually the coir material biodegrades and the
cohesive strength of the root systems and flexible nature of the plants become the primary
stabilizing element.

Photo 17 Coir Roll with Live Branch Cuttings


• To provide stabilization along low energy stream, wetland boundary and shoreline systems.

• Provides immediate erosion control and creates favorable conditions for healthy plant

• Protection and mitigation of wetlands.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Design Considerations:

• Coir rolls have high moisture retention properties and generally last 4 to 8 years. The fiber
strength, longevity and ability to retain moisture depend on the type, density and grade of the
coir material chosen.

• The diameter of a coir roll is typically 300 mm (12 in.).

• Light density coir, 8.0 kg/m (5.4 lbs/ft), is suitable for wetland mitigation, if plant establishment is
the primary goal.

• Coir rolls work better on a streambank when the native soil is cohesive clay-like material.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri

Drawing 3 Cross Section of Coir Roll
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved



Existing Soil

Coir Roll Stakes

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Determine mean water elevation. Mark the mean water level on a stake driven into the
substrate, 0.3-0.6 m (1-2 ft) offshore. Installing the materials and plants on the edge of the
stream at the correct elevation is the most important aspect to ensure success of the project.

• Determine where the installation will begin and end. Begin installation at the downstream end.
Ensure that each end is well keyed into the bank 1 to 2 m (3-6 ft).
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Prepare the site for installation of coir rolls by removing any large rocks, obstructions or materials
that may prevent the coir from making direct and firm contact with the soil.

• Regrade bank as per the design. Gradual slopes of 2:1 or less are preferred. If possible, save
topsoil and replace once the subsoil has been removed or regraded. Store topsoil away from the
water's edge and move it to its final location and stabilize as quickly as possible.

• Place coir rolls parallel to the streambank or shoreline. Install the coir roll so that approximately
50 mm (2 in.) of the roll extends above the mean water elevation.

• Lace adjacent rolls together, end to end, securely using coir bristle twine.

• Use untreated wooden stakes made from strong, durable wood species that does not have knots
or flaws to secure the coir rolls. The stakes should be pointed at one end, not wedge shaped.

• Stakes for coir rolls are approximately 40 mm (1.5 in.) in diameter unless otherwise specified.

• For typical applications at the water edge, coir rolls are held in place with a single row of stakes,
each side of the unit 300 mm (12 in.) on center. Stakes are driven through the netting on the
outer edge of the roll to ensure a secure anchor system.

• Place coir rolls along the stream banks at a height sufficient to protect the shore from flows or
waves. Additional coir rolls may be required above the lower rolls, to protect the upper shore or
stream bank. It is often possible to incorporate woody vegetation in the existing bank soil
between the coir rolls.

• Using bristle coir twine, lace across the stakes to hold the coir rolls in place. Weave twine
back and forth across the roll and securely attach the twine to each stake by circling the stake
with the twine.

• When planting the coir rolls, install small plants as specified in the design.

• When putting the plants into the coir roll, use a planting iron or pilot bar, wedging it back and
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

forth to create a hole for the plant. It is extremely important that the root system of the plant
be placed below the water level. The plants can be placed off to the side of the coir roll center
line to assure the plant is low enough to be in contact with the water.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Photo 19 Installation of Coir Rolls along a

shoreline combined with other living methods.

Photo 18 Installation of Coir Rolls along a


Definition: The EnviroLog is an elliptical type of wire basket made of PVC coated double twist
hexagonal wire mesh. It is available in 2 meters (6 ft) long, 0.5 (1.5 ft) meter high and 1 meter (3 ft)
and lined with a coconut fiber blanket, as shown in Drawing 4. The coconut fiber blanket is used to
contain soil and act as a substrate for insertion of woody cuttings, bare root plants or for planting
herbaceous plants. The unit is filled with a combination of stone and soil.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Purpose: The EnviroLogs are used as a revetment for erosion control. They form a structure when
all the units are connected together.

Drawing 4 EnviroLog Unit

PVC coated


• Provides immediate and long-term erosion control protection for rivers, shorelines and
stream banks.

• Aids the establishment of a vegetative cover by creating hospitable conditions.

• Provides aquatic riparian cover and wildlife habitat value.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• EnviroLogs help to slow water velocities near the banks and trap sediment when vegetated.

Design Considerations:

• The toe of the slope and structure will be protected from undermining by installing the units
into the bed below the scour depth. These units are typically filled with stone.

• Various vegetation techniques can be used with this system, including live stakes,
brushlayers, rooted plants and herbaceous emergent aquatic plants. Some vegetative
techniques are incorporated during and others after the installation of the structure.

• Use site reconnaissance to identify plant species, growth form, soil and site conditions on
adjacent sites and compare their conditions to the construction site. Planting will be more
successful as soil, site and species selected match stable, vegetated nearby sites.

• The EnviroLog is not a retaining wall system and is not designed to withstand large lateral
earth stresses.

• The design of the structure is verified by comparing the tractive force and the allowable
shear stress of the envirolog.

• The structure can be constructed during the dry low water season and the planting can be
done at a more suitable time because the fill and coconut fiber blanket protect the slope
from erosion until vegetation is established.

• Geogrids can be used in combination with the EnviroLog as a reinforced soil system.

• The system can be inclined up to a maximum of 60 degrees from the horizontal. If the
inclination exceeds 60 degrees it becomes difficult for the vegetation to become established.

• The coconut fiber blanket typically has a life span of 3 to 5 years, allowing sufficient time for
vegetation to become established.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• The system provides increased strength and function once vegetation is established.

• For complete specifications and installation guide, please contact your local Maccaferri office.
Drawing 5 Cross Section of EnviroLogs

Live Branch


Existing Soil

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• EnviroLogs are supplied pre-assembled in bundles. Unfold and attach end panels to the base to
create an open cylinder. Place the EnviroLog in its final position.

• Connect the unit to the lower row and adjacent units together using lacing wire or stainless steel
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Line inside the unit with coconut fiber blanket as specified in the design.

• Fill units above the water level with stone (50-70 % per volume) and topsoil. Ensure that all
corners are filled. Totally submerged units should be filled with stone only. Use more stone in
the lower elevations (70%) and less above (50%).

• Fasten the lid down and ensure that the coconut fiber blanket covers the entire surface of the

• When live cut branches or rooted plants are being used to establish vegetation, place the
branches between each layer of envirologs, above or at the low water level. See the
brushlayering specification for more details.

• Place the next unit on top, stepping it back from the front of the unit below by 150 - 500 mm (6 –
20 in.) and continue with the preceding steps. When a wider low riparian zone is desired, for
example, to establish a herbaceous vegetation zone at the base the units should be stepped
back 500mm (20 in.). This may be important for specific wildlife such as raccoon or mink.

Drawing 6 Installation of EnviroLogs
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

1. Unfold the unit. 2. Connect corners together using

lacing wire or clips.

4. Place vegetation
3. Line the unit with coir mat.
on the top of the
Connect adjacent units
installed unit and
together using lacing wire or
place next unit above.
NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved


Photos 20 and 21
Installation of EnviroLogs
Definition: The Green Gabion is a PVC coated, trapezoidal wire basket made with an inclined front
face of 45 or 60 degrees and lined with a coconut fiber blanket. The coconut fiber blanket is used to
contain soil and act as a substrate for insertion of cuttings and rooted woody plant stock or for planting
herbaceous plants. The unit is filled with a combination of stone and soil.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Purpose: Green Gabions are used as revetments for erosion control or for streambank and shoreline
protection. They provide immediate erosion protection and create hospitable conditions for healthy
plant growth on a steepened embankment.

Drawing 7 Green Gabion Unit

PVC coated wire

fiber blanket


• Provides immediate and long term erosion protection for rivers, streambanks and shorelines.

• Provides aquatic and riparian cover and wildlife habitat value.

• Provides a wide variety of aesthetic “looks” ranging from very natural using native plants to tailored
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

using ornamentals.

• Helps to slow water velocities near banks and traps sediment.

• Can be used as a deflector in a stream.

• Aids in the establishment of a vegetative covering by creating hospitable conditions for plant

Design Considerations:

• The units have a 45 or 60 degree inclining face.

• Various vegetation techniques can be used with this system, including; live stakes, brushlayers,
rooted woody plants, herbaceous emergent aquatics and grasses. Vegetation techniques can be
incorporated during or after installation.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Use site reconnaissance to identify plant species, growth form, soil and site conditions on adjacent
sites and compare their conditions to the construction site. Planting will be more successful as soil,
site and species selected match stable, vegetated nearby sites.

• Green Gabions are not a retaining wall system. They are not intended to withstand large lateral
earth stresses.

• The stability of the Green Gabion is verified by comparing the tractive force and the allowable shear

• The system provides increased strength and function once the vegetation is established.

• The coconut fiber blanket has a typical life span of 3-5 years, allowing the vegetation to become

• The structure can be constructed during the dry season and the planting can be done at a more
suitable time. The coconut husk fiber blanket protects the slope from surface erosion until
vegetation is established.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri office.

Drawing 8 Cross Section of Green Gabions
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Green Gabions

Live Cut
Emergent Branches
Coir Roll
and Soil
Existing Soil

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Installation begins at the base of the slope and possibly below the channel bed.

• Unfold the units and place the coconut fiber blanket on the inside of the front face. Be sure to
overlap the coconut blanket 300 mm (12 in.) on the top and bottom of the face unit. Secure the
coconut fiber blanket to the woven wire mesh with lacing wire.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Erect the corners of the Green Gabions and connect them to the side panels with lacing wire.

• The front panel of the Green Gabion should only be connected to half its height. Finish
connecting the front face after the Green Gabion has been filled half way.

• Connect the Green Gabions together by lacing the edges of the adjacent units together using the
proper technique.

• Fill the Green Gabion with stone (50-70% by volume) and vegetative soil. Fill all corners.

• Connect the lid. Place the next unit on top and continue with the preceding steps.

• If the vegetation to be used is live cut branches or rooted woody plants, place the branches or
plants between each layer of Green Gabion, above the low water level.

• Plant per the design specifications. For proper installation of the brushlayering, rooted plants and
live staking, see those specifications in this document.

Drawing 9 Green Gabion Installation
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

1. Unfold the units. 2. Line the front face with coconut fiber

3. Erect and connect

corners to side panels.
4. Fill with mix of stone and soil.
5. Plant vegetation.

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material may not representative at the time of installation.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

22 23

Photos 22, 23 and 24 Green

Gabion installation and initial
vegetation growth.



Definition: Green Terramesh is a structure of PVC coated double twist hexagonal wire mesh used
for soil reinforcement applications. The front element is reinforced with a welded wire panel and is
lined with a biodegradable or synthetic blanket. Steel brackets are used to give the inclination of the
front face. A continuous wire mesh panel forms the facing element and anchor sections. Green
Terramesh units are supplied cut to the specified measurements therefore no cutting is required on
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved


Purpose: Green Terramesh systems are used for erosion control, soil reinforcement and slope
stability applications. This system integrates well into natural surrounding environments.
Photo 25 Green Terramesh® Unit

Top Tail

Coconut Fiber

Steel Bracket

Welded Wire



• Green Terramesh is an alternative to near vertical retaining structures.

• Provides protection for rivers, streambanks and shorelines.

• Green Terramesh is ideal for land development projects on steepened landscape sites.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Provides aquatic and riparian cover and wildlife habitat benefits.

• Provides a wide variety of aesthetic “looks” ranging from very natural using native plants to tailored
using ornamentals.

• Provides immediate and long term protection from surface erosion and geotechnical failures.

Design Considerations:

• The units have a 45, 60 or 70 degree inclining face, to enhance vegetative growth.

• Using a continuous mesh panel for the facing element and anchor offers the advantage of reducing
connection failure.

• Various vegetation techniques can be used with this system, including; live stakes, rooted woody
plants, herbaceous emergent aquatics, and grasses. Vegetation techniques are incorporated after
the installation of the structure.

• Use site reconnaissance to identify plant species and soil conditions on adjacent sites and compare
their conditions to the construction site. Planting will be more successful if the species selected is
similar to plants found on nearby sites.

• Install drainage at the back of the reinforcement if seepage is a factor.

• The system is a mechanically stabilized earth structure. It is important to verify the stability of the
slope prior to construction. Slope stability analysis programs are available and should be used.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri office.

Drawing 10 Cross Section of Green Terramesh®

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Live Cut

Gabionmat or Existing Soil
Reno Mattress

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Unfold the Green Terramesh units and place at the bottom of the slope or streambank. In a
channel situation, the structure needs to start below the scour depth.

• The units are pre-cut to the length specified in the design; therefore no cutting needs to be done
on the site.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Raise the front face of the units, attach the steel bracket to the top of the welded wire panel, then
connect the steel bracket to the reinforced bar in the anchor panel.

• Place the units side by side and secure them together using lacing wire or stainless steel rings.

• Topsoil should be placed on the back of the facing element (minimum of 300 mm (12 in.)).
Compact using a small machine such as a skid compactor.

• Place granular backfill on the anchor panel in 250 mm (10 in.) lifts and compact. Compaction of
the backfill should be done as specified in the design.

• Place the next unit on top and connect the units together.

• Continue with the preceding steps until desired height is reached.

• When live stakes or rooted woody plants are used to establish vegetation, install them in the
face. See the live stake specification for more details.

• Vegetate per the design specifications.

Drawing 11 Installation Steps for Green Terramesh®
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

1. Single, factory made unit,

folded ready to place in position.
2. Open the Green Terramesh® unit
along the lower reinforcing wire.

3. Backfill.
4. Fold the top tail down and place
the next unit on top.

Photo 26 Green Terramesh®
immediately after installation.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Photo 27 Green Terramesh® in

the first growing season.


Definition: Vegetated reinforced soil systems can be constructed using geogrids. Geogrids are high
tensile strength polymeric panels formed by intersecting ribs joined at the junctions. The reinforcing
panels are wrapped around layers of soil with live cut branches, rooted or herbaceous plants installed
in between the layers. The front face of the vegetated reinforced soil system is lined with a coconut
fiber or geosynthetic blanket.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Purpose: Vegetated reinforced soil systems are used to stabilize slopes, particularly fill slopes. The
reinforcing anchors interact by friction and interlocking with the soil to achieve the desired stability.
This system integrates well into natural surrounding environments.

Drawing 12 Vegetated Reinforced Soil System

Coconut Blanket



• Can be used for upland slopes, streambanks and shoreline areas.

• The VRSS is an alternative to near vertical retaining walls.

• Provides immediate and long-term protection from surface erosion and geotechnical failures.

• Provides a wide range of aquatic and riparian cover and wildlife habitat benefits.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Provides a wide variety of aesthetic “looks” ranging from very natural using native plants to tailored
using ornamentals.

• Helps to slow near bank water velocities and trap sediment.

Design Considerations:

• The system can be inclined up to 60 degrees from the horizontal. The maximum of 60 degrees
enables the vegetation to establish on steeper slope angles.

• If seepage is a concern incorporate a drain into the back of the reinforcement, or use a product that
has a drain incorporated into the grid. For example, Terram Paradrain.

• The system is a mechanically stabilized earth system. The stability of the slope should be verified
using a slope stability analysis program.

• Use site reconnaissance to identify plant species, growth form, soil and site conditions on adjacent
sites and compare their conditions to the construction site. Planting will be more successful as soil,
site and species selected match stable, vegetated nearby sites.

• Grass is not recommended as a vegetation treatment on the VRSS.

• Various vegetation techniques can be used with this system, including brushlayering, live stakes and
rooted woody plants. Vegetation techniques are incorporated during installation of the structure.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri office.

Drawing 13 Cross Section of Vegetated Reinforced Soil System

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Live Branch Backfill



Existing Soil
Gabionmat or
Reno Mattress
NOTE: Leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Installation begins at the base of the slope and below the scour limit.

• Install batter boards at the front, the height of the wrapped lift.

• Cut the reinforced panel to the exact length as specified in the design
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Lay the panel flat at the required level and position with the wrap-over portion extending beyond the
front profile line of the slope, up and over the batter boards.

• Approved backfill should be placed on the reinforced panel in layers as specified in the design,
typically 100-150mm (4-6 in.) lifts. Compact using a small machine as specified in the design. The
bottom wrap that will be submerged in water should be filled with a 50/50 mix by volume of rock and
approved backfill. For all other wraps above the water use backfill only.

• Approved backfill should be placed on the back of the facing element (minimum of 300 mm (12 in.)).

• Wrap the extended portion of the panel back over the top and secure by staking it down.

• Repeat the preceding steps until the desired height is reached.

• If live cut branches or rooted plants are being used to establish vegetation, place these materials
between each layer of reinforcing panels. See the brushlayering specification for more details.

• Plant per the design. Do not overseed these systems with grasses.

Drawing 14 Vegetated Reinforced Soil System Installation
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

1. Place the reinforcing panel

and coconut fiber blanket in 2. Place the backfill in layers
position. Place a temporary onto the reinforcing panel.
batter board on the front face.

4. Install vegetation and place next piece of

3. Wrap front face and top tail
reinforcing panel on top of the previous, repeating
around backfill and remove the
the process until design height is reached.
batter board.
NOTE: Leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.

Photo 28 Installation of the
Vegetated Reinforced Soil System
(VRSS) using EnviroLog and
geogrid as the reinforcement.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved


Photo 29 Development within the

first growing season. 29


Definition: Gabion structures are made from pre-assembled double twist wire mesh boxes filled with
stones to form monolithic, flexible structures. Gabions are free draining elements. Live cut branches or
rooted plants can be installed between the rows of gabion baskets.

Purpose: Gabion retaining structures are used to stabilize slopes and for erosion control. Gabion
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

structures can integrate with the surrounding environment, permitting the preservation or mitigation of
a natural environment.

Drawing 15 Gabion Element

PVC coated
Wire Mesh Lid



• Can be used for upland slopes, streambanks and shoreline areas.

• Provides immediate and long-term protection from surface erosion and geotechnical failure.

• Provides a wide variety of aesthetic “looks” ranging from very natural using native plants to tailored
using ornamentals.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Helps to slow near bank water velocities and trap sediment.

Design Considerations:

• The system can be near vertical or the facing can be inclined for a more suitable environment for

• When gabions are used on streams, shorelines, and wetlands, the wire should be PVC coated.

• The system is a retaining wall. The stability of the slope should be verified using a slope stability
analysis program.

• Use site reconnaissance to identify plant species, growth form, soil and site conditions on adjacent
sites and compare their conditions to the construction site. Planting will be more successful as soil,
site and species selected match stable, vegetated nearby sites.

• Various vegetation techniques can be used with this system such as live stakes and rooted woody
plants. Vegetation techniques are incorporated during installation of the structure.

• When live stakes or live cut branches are used with a structural element like gabions, plantings
should be done with caution because the structure is free draining. Drought tolerant vegetation will
work best. It is preferable to use this technique on structures that are less than three meters (9 ft)in

• It is recommended that vegetation be long and installed more densely due to the survival rate.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri office.

Drawing 16 Cross Section of Vegetated Gabion structure

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Live Branch


Gabion Existing Soil

NOTE: Leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Installation begins at the base of the slope and below the scour limit.

• Open and unfold the gabion baskets. Eliminate all folds due to packaging.

• Pull up the sides and the diaphragms to form an open box.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Join the edges together, using appropriate lacing techniques.

• Install a few empty gabion baskets in their final location, placing them side-by-side and back-to-
back. Lace them together tightly at the contact edges. The rows above and below should be laced
together at the edges.

• Fill the gabions with stone ranging from 100 to 200 mm (4-8 in.) in diameter. The connecting wires
are placed at the 1/3 and 2/3 levels for gabion baskets of one metre height and at half-height for
gabion baskets of 0.5 meter (1.5 ft) height.

• Lace the lids to the edges of the basket’s selvedge wire. A crow bar or steel bar can be used to
facilitate lid closure.

• Repeat the preceding steps until the desired height is reached.

• If live cut branches or rooted plants are being used to establish vegetation, place these materials
between each row of gabions, ensuring that the vegetation is well into the backfill behind. Typically
one meter (3 ft) in length beyond the back of the gabion structure is recommended. The root
systems should reach the groundwater table during the summer.

Drawing 17 Vegetated Gabion Structure Installation
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

1. Gabions are supplied in 2. Unfold the gabions


3. Lace sides and diaphragms

to form open box.
4. Fill the gabions with stone and lace lid closed.

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.

Photo 30 Installation of the
Vegetated Gabion Structure
immediately after construction.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved


Photo 31 Vegetated Gabions in

the first growing season. 31


Definition: Gabion mattress structures are made from double twist wire mesh boxes. They are filled
with stones to form monolithic flexible structures. Gabion mattresses are free draining structures. Live
cut branches or rooted plants can be inserted in between the stones in the unit. Cells can be
completely or partially filled with soil.

Purpose: Gabion mattresses are used for erosion control. They can develop and integrate with the
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

surrounding environment, permitting the preservation or mitigation of a natural environment.

Drawing 18 Gabion Mattress Element Filled with Top Soil

Gabionmat or
Reno Mattress


Stone Topsoil

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Can be used for streambanks and shoreline areas.

• Provides immediate and long-term protection from surface erosion.

• Provides a wide variety of aesthetic “looks” ranging from very natural using native plants to tailored
using ornamentals.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Helps to slow near bank water velocities and trap sediment.

Design Considerations:

• Use site reconnaissance to identify plant species, growth form, soil and site conditions on adjacent
sites and compare their conditions to the construction site. Planting will be more successful as soil,
site, and species selected match stable, vegetated nearby sites.

• The toe of the slope and structure will be protected from undermining by installing the units into the
bed below the scour depth.

• Various vegetation techniques can be used with this system, including live stakes, brushlayers,
rooted plants, and herbaceous emergent aquatic plants. Vegetative techniques are incorporated
during or after the installation of the structure.

• During the right season prevegetated blankets may be installed and held in place with the wire
mesh lid.

• The gabion mattress structure is not a retaining wall system and is not designed to withstand large
lateral earth stresses.

• The design of the structure is verified by comparing the tractive force and the allowable shear stress
of the gabion mattress.

• The structure can be constructed during the dry low water season and the vegetation, such as joint
planting, can be done at a more suitable time.

• For complete specifications and installation guidance, please contact your local Maccaferri office.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

Drawing 19 Cross Section of Vegetated Gabion mattress structure

Topsoil confined with

an erosion control
blanket in a cell

Emergent Aquatic

Existing Soil
Gabionmat or
Reno Mattress

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Unroll the gabion mattress on a flat, hard surface.

• Pull up the sides, diaphragms and ends to form open cells. Be sure the top of the ends and the
sides are at the same level.

• Attached the diaphragms to the sides and ends using the appropriate connecting procedures.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Edges are joined together, using appropriate lacing techniques.

• Fill the gabion mattresses with stones. The diameter of the stones should be between 85 to 140
mm (3-6 in.).

• Lace the lids to the edges of the gabion mattress’s selvedge wire. A crow bar or steel bar can be
used to facilitate lid closure.

• If live cut branches or rooted plants are being used to establish vegetation, place these
materials between the stones. See the joint planting specification for more details.

• Topsoil can be place between the stones to fill the voids in the gabion mattress to create a
better environment for the development of vegetation.

• Plant per the design.

Drawing 20 Gabionmat Installation
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

2. Connect the sides, ends and

1. Open the gabionmat. diaphragms. Fill with stone.

3. Cover stone with topsoil. Place 4. Plant with live stakes.

erosion control blanket on top of stone
and attach lid.

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.

Photos 32 and 33 Installation of
the Vegetated Gabionmat and
Reno Mattress Structures.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved




• The selection of a plant species must consider its potential for successful establishment, long
term maintenance, and project enhancement such as aesthetics, habitat value, or water
quality improvement. In addition, the selection should consider salt inundation, shade, sun,
and drought tolerances. A wide range of species may be selected for different purposes from
native pioneer plants to ornamentals and woody plants to herbaceous aquatics.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Identify plant species, growth form, and soil and site conditions on adjacent sites and
compare their conditions to the construction site during the site reconnaissance. Planting will
be more successful as soil, site, and species selected match stable, vegetated nearby sites.

• When selecting plant species, it is best to use several varieties that meet the required criteria.
In doing so consider the growth rate and competitiveness of each species. Some plants are
considered very invasive and should be used cautiously. Others may be too sensitive for
establishment. It is best to choose hardy, broad spectrum species.

• Availability of the desired species and the construction time frame needs to be carefully

• Determine whether live cut branches, container, bare root stock, and/or prevegetated mats
are appropriate for the project.

• When specific nesting or feeding habitat values are required it may be necessary to choose
container plants.

• Plants have several different growth forms, from shrubs to large trees. Small to medium
sized shrubs are useful for planting channel banks. Upland species are found in relatively
dry areas and should be used on similar sites. Trees maybe selected for over the bank and
flood plain areas.

• Consider what the end function of the plant will be in the initial construction and in the developed
system when it is mature, for example;

 Woody vegetation has stronger and deeper root systems than herbaceous plants; therefore
they are better suited for shallow mass stability applications.

 Herbaceous plants, such as grasses, legumes, and forbes, and emergent aquatics provide a
dense ground cover that are well suited for preventing surface erosion and intercepting
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

rainfall. However, emergent aquatic plants may be tolerant to submerged conditions.

• Construction personnel should handle the live plant material with care.

• In urban settings, such as commercial landscapes, ornamentals that produce showy flowers,
berries, and/or fall colours may be the best choice.

• It is recommended to consult a local plant specialist when determining which vegetation to use for a
project. Be sure to take natural succession into account.

• In specific soil bioengineering applications, species selection may be as follows:

 The ideal plant material for live fascines: roots easily from cuttings; is long, straight and
flexible. Willow (Salix spp.) and shrub dogwood (cornus spp.) make ideal live fascine
material. Use a mixture of young and older wood (1 to 4 years).

 The best plant materials for brushlayering are bushy branches. Plant material such as
willow (Salix spp.), dogwood (Cornus spp.) and viburnum make ideal brushlayering material.

 When choosing live plant material for brushmattresses, use young flexible willow or cornus
species for the mattress material. They are easy to install and sprout and root easily. Older
wood (2 to 4 years old) that has greater vegetative energy reserves will work well for the
additional live stakes. Mix young and old wood in the installation.


• Harvest and install cuttings while the plants are dormant. This period is generally from late fall
when the plants are entering dormancy to early spring, before the buds break.

• When harvesting live cut branches, select healthy, living wood from two or more locations.

• Use live wood that is 1to 4 years old, reasonably straight and flexible.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Make clean cuts using a chain saw or similar tool.

• During the dormant season, when the live cut branches can not be installed immediately after
harvesting store in the following manner for two to four days:
• In a shaded pond, lake or stream;
• Under a tarp in a cool moist area; or
• Healed in moist earth in a cool shady area.
• Never store on asphalt roadsides or in the sun.

• During the growing season, live cut branches may be under refrigeration up to two months.
However, they must be harvested in the dormant season.

• The fresher the material the lower the stress and the better the success.


Definition: Live stake planting involves the insertion and tamping of live, vegetative, woody cuttings
into the ground in a manner that allows the live stake to take root and grow.

Purpose: Using a system of live stakes creates a root mat that stabilizes the soil by reinforcing and
binding soil particles together and by extracting excess soil moisture. Over time top growth forms to
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

protect the soil surface and further enhance the system. This method is commonly used in conjunction
with other practices to provide for additional stability and environmentally sound site conditions (i.e.,
used to anchor turf reinforcement mats (TRM), coir mats, Green Terramesh ®, etc.).

Photo 34 Live Stakes starting to sprout


• Repair of small, simple, shallow, local earth slips and slumps.

• Areas best suited for live staking are the bottoms and banks of small incipient gullies; sediment fills
behind check dams and bare gully banks.
• Live stakes can be tamped through interstices or openings in green gabions, Green Terramesh ,
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

EnviroLogs, riprap, or cellular confinement systems, over time offering additional environmental,
mechanical and aesthetic benefits.

• Live stakes can be used to anchor and enhance the effectiveness of live fascines, coir rolls,
geosynthetic blankets, coir mats and other erosion control materials.

• Live staking improves conditions for the natural colonization of the surrounding plant community.

• As a temporary measure, live staking performs an important function in stabilizing and modifying the
soil, serving as a pioneer species until other plants become established.

• It is useful when a quick, simple and inexpensive repair is needed and is appropriate.

Design Considerations:

• On small systems, plantings can adversely affect water hydraulics and cause blocking or current

• Live cut stakes should be 0.75 meter (30 in.) to 1.0 meter (39 in.) long and 20-50 mm (0.75-2 in.)
in diameter. They should be straight for easy insertion into the ground, and be long enough to
reach the midsummer watertable.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Live cut branches should have one or two terminal buds exposed above the ground level.

Drawing 21 Cross Section of Live Stakes

Live Stakes)

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.

Design Considerations:

• When live stakes or live cut branches are used with a structural element like gabions or the
Terramesh system, plantings should be selected with caution because the structure is free

• Live cut stakes or branches should be 1.5 to 3 meters (4.5-9 ft) long and 50-75 mm (2-3 in.) in
diameter. They should be straight for easy insertion into the ground, and be long enough to
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

reach the midsummer watertable.

• Live cut branches should have one or two terminal buds exposed outside of the unit.

• Live cut branches should be protected with coir mat or geotextile from rock impact damages.

Drawing 22 Cross Section of Live Cut Branches with Terramesh® System

Terramesh System

Live Cut Branches


NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Install live stakes with basal ends in the ground. Leaf bud scars or emerging buds are oriented

• Live stakes must not be allowed to dry out. Live cuttings may be stored in water before
installation. Cuttings installed the same day are typically highly successful.
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• Install live stakes 0.5-1.5 meters ( 1.5-4.5 ft) apart in moist areas and 0.15 to 0.25 meters (6-10
in.) apart on dry sites.

• Set the live stake as deep as possible into the soil, preferably with 75 percent of its length in the
soil and if possible, in contact with mid-summer water table.

• Live cut stakes should have one to two terminal buds exposed above the ground after installation
is complete.

• Use an iron stake or bar to make a pilot hole in firm soil by driving it into the ground and carefully
extracting it. Do not rotate the bar to enlarge the hole.

• It is essential to have good soil contact along the length of the stake for roots to develop. Tamp
the soil around the cutting after it has been installed.

• Do not damage the buds, strip the bark or split the live stake during installation.

• Cut, remove and replace split or damaged stakes.

Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved


Photos 35 and 36
Green Terramesh®
installed with live
stakes, illustrating live
stakes establishing in
the first growing


Definition: Joint planting is a system that installs live stakes in between the joints of previously
placed riprap rock or gabion mattresses.

Purpose: Joint planting increases the effectiveness of riprap rock or gabion mattresses by forming a
living root mat and water filtering system in the base upon which the riprap or gabion mattress have
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

been placed. Joint plantings also increase sediment deposition, improves water quality, habitat value,
and aesthetics.


• Can be used on upland slopes, streambanks, riparian zones and wetland areas.

• Vegetation establishment improves aesthetics and provides cover by developing wildlife corridors
for movement, nesting, rearing, feeding, and resting areas.

• Joint planting enhances conditions for natural invasion and the establishment of other plants from
the surrounding plant community.

• Joint planting assists in protecting steep gradient streambanks from high flows.

• Acts as an energy dissipater on the streambank.

• Through consolidation of the soil particles it helps to prevent washout of fines.

Design Consideration:

• The riprap rock or gabion mattresses can have a maximum thickness of 0.50 meters (20 in.).

• The percentage of survival is somewhat lower than live staking, considering the damage during
installation and drying out due to depth requirements. This may be compensated by increasing the
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• On small systems, plantings can adversely affect water hydraulics and cause blocking or current

• Live stakes for joint planting are 20-50 mm (0.75-2 in.) in diameter and 1-1.25 meters (3-4 ft) long.

Drawing 23 Cross Section of Joint Planting through a gabion mattress

Live Stake

Gabion Mattress

Existing Soil
NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Install the joint plantings with basal ends in the ground, leaf bud scars or emerging buds oriented

• Live stakes must not be allowed to dry out. Live cuttings may be stored in water before
installation. Cuttings installed the same day they are harvested are typically highly successful.
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• Install the joint plantings 0.3-1.0 meter (12-39 in.) apart.

• Set the live stake as deep as possible into the soil, preferably with 50 to 75 percent of its length
into the soil below the rock or mattress, and if possible, in contact with mid-summer watertable.

• It is essential to have good soil contact along the length of the live stake for roots to develop fully
along its length.

• Use an iron stake or bar with a smaller diameter than the live stake, to make a pilot hole in firm
soil. Carefully extract the iron stake or bar. Do not rotate it to enlarge the hole.

• Do not damage the buds, strip the bark, or split the live stake during installation.

• Remove and replace split or damaged live stakes.

• This system typically has a lower survival rate than live staking.

Photo 37 Joint Planting in the first
season (Schiechtl, 1994)
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Photo 38 Joint Planting after

three seasons (Schiechtl, 1994)


Definition: Live fascines are live branch cuttings, usually willows or cornus species, bound together
into long, sausage-like shaped bundles used to stabilize cut slopes, streambanks and shorelines.

• The live fascine bundle is a component that offers immediate stabilization to the surface layers on a
slope and resists hydraulic forces along streambanks and shorelines.
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• Live fascines are useful in the repair and prevention of rills and gullies by reducing the effective slope
length and thereby dissipating the energy of water moving down slope. Live fascines control surface
erosion from occurring immediately after installation.

• The terraces formed by a series of live fascines trap sediment and debris. Infiltration is increased as
runoff is somewhat slowed. On dry sites this increases the available water for the initial
establishment of vegetation. On moist slopes the live fascines may be installed on angle to collect
and direct water across and down the slope.

• Vegetation establishment is enhanced because live fascines provide a suitable environment for
plants to establish on the terraces.

Drawing 24 Live Fascine Illustration

Live branches

Twine or


• Live fascines may be used for road cuts, gullies or slumped areas, surface erosion sites on
upland slopes, shorelines, streambanks and along riparian and wetland buffers.

• Useful for the repair of small earth slips or to protect slopes from shallow slides that are 0.2-0.3
meter (8-12 in.) deep.
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• Live fascines are useful on slopes requiring other planting materials such as container plants,
live stakes, grasses, legumes and fords. Live fascines enhance conditions for natural
colonization and improve the establishment of plants from the surrounding plant community.

• Assists in drying wet sites through angular placement and augmented by transpiration as they
root and produce top growth.

Design Considerations:

• For best results, harvest and install plant material during its dormant season.

• Plantings on small stream systems can adversely affect water hydraulics by partially blocking
or deflecting currents. Take stream size and elevation of the installation into account.

• Coir mats or netting can be used under and between each row of live fascines to enhance
surface protection.

• For spacing of live fascines see Table 1.

Table 1 Recommended Spacing for Live Fascines on Slopes (Gray, Sotir 1994)
Slope Steepness Slope Distance Between Trenches m (ft)
(H:V) On Contour On Angle
1:1 to 1.5:1 0.9 - 1.2 (3-4) 0.6 - 0.9 (2-3)
1.5:1 to 2:1 1.2 - 1.5 (4-5) 0.9 - 1.5 (3-5)
2:1 to 2.5:1 1.5 - 1.8 (5-6) 0.9 - 1.5 (3-5)
2.5:1 to 3:1 1.8 - 2.5 (6-8) 1.2 - 1.5 (4-5)
3.5:1 to 4:1 2.5 - 2.75 (8-9) 1.5 - 2.1 (5-7)
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4.5:1 to 5:1 2.75 - 3.0 (9-10) 1.8 - 2.5 (6-8)

Live Fascine Preparation:

• Choose plant materials that are adapted to the site conditions from species that root easily from

• Use long, straight and flexible branches that are 1.25 to 3.0 meters (4-6 ft) long and 25 mm (1 in.)
in diameter. The number of stems varies with the size and kind of plant material.

• Tie cuttings together to form bundles, 3-10 meters (10-30 ft) in length, depending on site
conditions and handling capabilities.

• The completed bundles are typically 150-200 mm (6-8 in.) in diameter, but may be as large as 300
mm (12 in.), when used for specific drainage purposes.

• Stagger the cuttings in the bundles so that the tips and basal ends are evenly distributed
throughout the length of the bundle.

• Compress the live fascine bundles and tie tightly with twine of sufficient strength and durability.

• Tie the live fascine bundles 0.3 meter (12 in.) apart.

• For optimum success, install the units on the same day they are harvested and prepared. Live
fascines must be stored in the shade in water. Live fascine bundles may be soaked overnight to
improve success.


• Work progresses from the bottom to the top of the slope.

• Perform any slope repairs, such as gully repair, slope scaling, diversion dike, or toe wall
construction, prior to live fascine installation.

• Starting at the base of a dry slope, dig a trench on contour. Starting at one end of a moist slope dig
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

a trench which angles from the base up the face of the slope at an angle. The trench depth is
about 7/8ths of the diameter of the live fascine and the same width or a little wider, when used
alone. Dig it deeper when fabrics are embedded in the trench.

• Place the live fascines into the trench immediately after digging to reduce desiccation of the soil,
and the loss of micro-organisms.

• Firmly install the live fascines with one row of dead stout stakes driven directly through the bundle
and flush on the top exposed side of the live fascine bundle every meter. Install a live stake 0.75
meter (2.5 ft) long 1.0 meter (3 ft) apart in between the previously installed dead stout stakes along
the downslope side of the bundle, leaving 50-70 mm (2-3 in.) exposed above the ground elevation.

• Overlap the tapered growing tips of adjacent live fascines on top of the basal ends and stake down.
Use two stakes at each bundle overlap.

• Live stakes are typically 0.75 meter (2.5 ft) long in most soils. Dead stout stakes are typically 1
meter (3 ft) long in unconsolidated soils and 0.75 meter (2.5 ft) long in cohesive soils.

• Proper backfilling is essential to the successful mechanical function and growth of the live fascines.
Backfill live fascines with soil from the trench. Work the moist backfill into the live fascine bundle
between the branches and at each dead stout stake. A practical method to compact behind and
below the bundle is by walking on it.

• Ameliorate the excavated/backfill soil as necessary to promote plant growth.

• Repeat the proceeding steps to the top of the slope in the slope face.

• The top of the bundle should be slightly visible when the installation is completed.

• Seed and mulch slope as specified by hand in between the live fascine bundles. Erosion control
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blankets are typically used to protect the slope in between the live fascine bundles from erosion
until the vegetation is established. Do not seed on top of the live fascine bundles as the
competition with the grass may cause the live fascines to perform poorly from the living aspects.

Photo 39 Fabricating a Live
Fascine (Schiechtl, 1994)
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Photo 40 Installing Live

Fascines on a slope with Coir
Netting (Sotir, 1992)


Definition: Cuttings or branches of easily rooted shrub and tree species that are layered between
successive lifts of soil fill to reconstruct a slope or embankment to its natural angle of repose.
Brushlayering is also used with vegetated reinforced soil systems, when constructing steepened
slopes or embankments.
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Purpose: This technique is used to stabilize cut and fill slopes, particularly road slopes where
construction disturbance has or will result in unstable soil conditions. Brushlayering places live
branches approximately horizontal in successive layers up the face of the slope at its natural angle of

The brushlayer live cut branches, especially after rooting, add reinforcement to slopes by serving as
tensile inclusions, which provide a measure of frictional resistance to shallow sliding or other types of
surficial displacement. The protruding brush retards runoff and reduces surface erosion, by offering
direct overhanging surface protection.

Brushlayering is best used concurrently with the construction of cut or fill slopes or embankments.
Cuttings are placed by hand while heavy equipment is used to fill and compact each successive lift of
soil backfill. This practice is also a good remedial action to repair gullies on existing slopes.

Brushlayers may be used in the following applications:

• On cut slopes the live cut branches are placed on formed terraces that are dug into the slope
face. They are useful when deeper reinforcement is needed, beyond that which can be provided
by the live fascine method.
• The cut brushlayer method is often combined with live fascines on slopes composed of low
cohesive soils.
• On fill slopes, the live cut branches are placed on formed terraces that are constructed during the
conventional backfill operations that form the new slope. These are useful when much deeper
reinforcement in needed.


• Breaks up a long slope into a series of shorter slopes separated by rows of protruding branches.

• May be used on a slope with a steeper angle than the natural soil friction angle, with reinforcing
materials for additional strength.

• Reinforces the soil surface initially with the branches and over time the roots develop, adding
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resistance to shallow sliding and shear displacement for smaller slopes.

• Reinforce or protect the facing element using brushlayering in combination with geogrids, wire
mesh reinforcement or coir netting.

• Useful for trapping debris on the slope and aids infiltration on cut sites. They are more useful on
dry cut slopes because of their deeper installation.

• Dries excessively wet sites through transpiration as the vegetation grows.

• Adjusts the site's microclimate, thus aiding seed germination and natural regeneration.

• Promotes natural invasion of plants from the surrounding plant community.

• Enhances the development of wildlife corridors, food sources, nesting and cover protection for

Design Consideration:

• When using brushlayering techniques without a reinforced soil system, such as geogrids or
woven wire mesh, the slope angle should be at the natural angle of repose or less.

• Spacing between the brushlayers is determined by the erosion potential of the slope (i.e., soil
type, rainfall, and length and steepness of the slope). For recommended spacing see Table 2.
On long slopes, brushlayer spacing should be closer at the bottom and may increase near the
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top of the slope.

• On cut slopes the dug terraces are typically 0.75 to 1 meter (2.5-3) deep.

• On fill slopes the formed terraces may be 2 to 3 meters (6-10 ft) or wider.

• When used in combination with woven wire mesh or geogrids, the layers need to be installed
between each layer of the reinforced soil system layers.

Table 2 Recommended Brushlayer Spacing on Slopes

(Gray, Sotir 1994)
Approximate Slope Distance Between Brushlayer
Slope Steepness On Angle On Contour
(H:V) Wet Slopes m (ft) Dry Slopes m (ft)
1.5:1 to 2:1 0.9 - 1.2 (3-4) 1.2 - 1.5 (4-5)
2:1 to 2.5:1 0.9 - 1.2 (3-4) 1.5 - 1.8 (5-6)
2.5:1 to 3:1 1.2 - 1.5 (4-5) 1.8 - 2.5 (6-8)
3:1 to 4:1 1.5 - 1.8 (5-6) 2.0 - 3.0 (6-10)

Drawing 25 Cross Section of a Fill Brushlayering
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Live cut branches

protrude from backfill

Layer of live cut

branches laid in
crisscross pattern with
basal ends lower than
growing tips.

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Slope the surface of the excavated or constructed bench so the outside front edge is higher than
the inside or back. The basal ends of the live cut branches angle down into the slope at 10 to 20
degrees when placed on the bench.

• Live cut branches must be kept moist and cool at all times between harvesting and installation.
Live cut branches need to be covered with tarps before being transported. Llive cut branches
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

should be harvested within 48 hours of installation.

• Place the live cut branches, 75-150 mm (3-6 in.) thick, in a crisscross or overlapping configuration.
The growing tips should protrude 150-300 mm (6-12 in.) from the slope face.

• Immediately cover the brushlayer branches with 150 mm (6 in.) of fill soil and compact. Compact
according to the construction specification.

• Earth moving equipment should not travel directly over the cuttings. There must be at least 150
mm (6 in.) or more soil between the brushlayer branches and equipment at all times.

• Fill and compact the soil placed above the brushlayer in successive lifts, maximum 150-200 mm
(6-8 in) in depth.

• Install the next brushlayer 0.75-2.5 meters (2.5-8 ft) (face measurement) above the previously
installed row.

• Seed and mulch slope using one half the normal seed weight. Slopes are generally seeded and
mulched by hand. Do not seed over the brushlayer installation. Steeper slopes are seeded by
hand with coir netting installed between and beneath the layers of live cut branches.

Photo 41 Brushlayering installed on
a fill slope (Sotir, 1989)
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Photo 42 After vegetation

has become established
(Sotir, 1990)


Definition: Brushmattress forms an immediate protective surface cover using a combination of living
units. The living units that are used include live stakes and a layer of live cut branches placed directly
against a graded slope.

Purpose: A brushmattress system is used to stabilize the soil on a cut streambank slope face, and is
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

useful as a buffer around wetlands.


• Provides immediate surface protection.

• Brushmattresses capture sediment during flooding, which assists in rebuilding the bank and the
establishment of both the installed vegetation and the capturing of new seeds for germination.

• Provides surface stability for the natural colonization of plants from the surrounding plant community.

• Enhances opportunities to restore wildlife corridors, food sources, nesting and protection.

• The heavily vegetated banks filter and slow stormwater runoff, thereby improving water quality.

Design Considerations:

• Typically the toe of the slope will need to be protected. This can be done using eco-logs, eco-
gabions, rock, live fascine etc. A careful site assessment will be required to determine the best toe
protection solution.

• Drains are required if there is significant subsurface seepage.

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• The slope should be graded to the friction angle of the native soil or natural angle of repose or less,
especially on outside meander bends of stream systems.

• A single brushmattress is typically 3 meters (10 ft) in face measurement. They may be doubled on
the slope face, but if the slope is wet or excessively dry, it is not advisable to go higher than 3
meters (10 ft) on the slope face.

Drawing 26 Cross Section of Brushmattress

Dead Stout
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Green gabion to
anchor live cut
Live cut

Existing Soil

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• Prepare the slope surface by grading to a uniform, smooth surface.

• Install the dead stout stakes in a square pattern 300-400 mm (12-16 in.) apart on the prepared slope
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved

• The live cut branches are 2 to 3 meters (6-10 ft) long, and should be young and flexible.

• Place the live cut branches, 50-75 mm (2-3 in.) thick, up against the cut slope face. The basal ends
are inserted into a trench at the toe of the slope. Green gabions may be used at the toe to help
secure the live cut branches placed against the slope.

• To hold the brushmattress in place, secure the live cut branches against the slope using strong
twine, weaving back and forth between the dead stout stakes over the live cut branches.

• Earth moving equipment must not travel over the cuttings.

• Lightly cover the area with soil immediately and ensure good contact between the branches and the
soil. About 75 percent of the brushmattress should be covered with soil. The exposed areas will
allow for sprouting of stems and leaves.

Photo 43 Brushmattress
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Photo 44 Brushmattress


Definition: A vegetated cribwall consists of a hollow, interlocking arrangement of logs or timbers,

soil, rocks and live cut branches.

Purpose: Vegetated cribwalls protect eroding streambanks, prevent formation of a split channel or
act as a gravity wall at the bottom of a slope.
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• Stabilizes the toe of a slope, protecting it against scouring and undermining.

• Useful where space is limited because it is a vertical or near vertical structure.

• Useful where a less intrusive more natural appearance is desired in a highly steepened area.

• The upper area may be used as a walking trail.

Design Considerations:

• Vegetated cribwalls typically use untreated timbers; therefore they are not resistant to large lateral
earth stresses.

• Live cribwalls need to be placed below the channel bed in a stream setting below the scour depth
and on a competent foundation.
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Drawing 27 Cross Section of Live Cribwall

Live Cut


or Logs

Rock Existing Soil

NOTE: Rooted/leafed condition of the plant material is not representative at the time of installation.


• The logs or timbers for a live cribwall have a diameter of 100-200 mm (4-8 in).

• Installation begins at the base of the slope, typically below the bed and scour depth in a stream

• The live cribwall must be constructed on a stable competent foundation.

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• Place the first course of parallel logs or timbers at the front and back of the excavated
foundation. The logs should be 1.5-2.0 meters (4.5-6 ft) apart and parallel to the slope contour;
with the back log or timber 150-200 mm (6-8 in.) lower than the front one.

• Place the second course of logs or timbers perpendicular to the first course. These logs or
timbers overhang the front and back of the first course by 75-150 mm (3-6 in.). Secure the
second course to the first course with nails or reinforcing bars.

• Install filter fabric in the bottom, up the back and front, ensuring enough material is available to
cover the top of the rock.

• Fill the bottom of the crib structure with rock and compact. This is done below the streambank
channel and approximately 300-750 mm (12-28 in.) above the flow elevation.

• Above the rock, fill and compact with soil.

• Place live cut branches on the soil cribfill perpendicular to the slope, and then cover branches
with soil fill and compact. The growing tips of the branches extend 150-300 mm (6-12 in.)
beyond the front face of the cribwall.

• Incline the live cribwall 10 to 20 degrees from the vertical or step it back.

• Repeat the preceding steps until cribwall reaches the desired height.

• Ensure that the ends are well keyed into the bank 1 to 3 meters (3-10 ft).


1. Akzo Nobel Geosynthetics, Enkamat Distributor Manual (1997).

2. Brunet, Ghislain, Bank Stabilization with Ecological Engineering (1999).

3. Gray, Donald H. and Sotir, Robbin B., Biotechnical and Soil Bioengineering Slope Stabilization
Copyright © 2001 Maccaferri, Inc. All rights reserved


4. IECA, Bioengineering Techniques for Streambank and Lake Shore Erosion Control.

5. Maccaferri Canada Ltd., MacMat Brochure.

6. Maccaferri Canada Ltd., Green Terramesh® Product Specifications (1999).

7. Salix Applied Earthcare, Erosion Draw 2.0.

8. Schiechtl, H.M. and Stern, R., Water Bioengineering Techniques (1994).

9. Sotir, Robbin B., Soil Bioengineering Short Course Notes from Natural Stream Channels
Conference (1999).

10. Terram Data Sheet, Geogrid Reinforced Soil Slopes – Installation Guidelines (1997).

11. United States Department of Agriculture (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Engineering
Field Handbook, Chapter 16 – Streambank and Shoreline Protection (1996).

12. United States Department of Agriculture (Soil Conservation Service), Engineering Field Handbook,
Chapter 18 – Soil Bioengineering for Upland Slope Protection and Erosion Reduction (1992)

13. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bioengineering for Streambank Erosion Control (1997).

14. U.S.D.A., Stream Corridor Restoration Manual (1998).


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