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Activity for Module 5 will be

ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING 2 available through Edmodo.
MODULE 5 Deadline is on June 10, 2022
Prepared by: Vincent L. Banot, MS Math
Final exam is on June 15, 2022

TOPIC: Google Meet: June 8, 2022

I. Shapes, Distributions and Dispersion of Data
II. Measures of Variability
III. Interpreting Test Scores
IV. Giving Grades

1. Apply principles in constructing and interpreting traditional forms of assessment.
2. Utilize processed data and results in reporting and interpreting learners’ performance to improve
teaching and learning.
3. Demonstrate skills in the use of techniques and tolls in assessing affective leaning.
Sources: Dr. Marilyn Ubina and Prof. Antonio G. Dacanay – (BLEPT reviewer) – PNU

I. Shapes, Distributions and Dispersion of Data

1. Symmetrically Shaped Test Score Distribution

Normal Distribution or Bell-Shaped Curve

In a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode are equal. 

Mean = 50.5
Median = 50.5
Mode = 50.5

2. Skewed Distribution of Test Scores

a. Positively Skewed Distribution

In a Positively skewed distribution, the highest is the mean, followed by the median and the
lowest id the mode. ( x > ~
x> ^x)
Mean = 67
Median = 43
Mode = 26
b. Negatively Skewed Distribution

In a Negatively skewed distribution, the highest is the mode, followed by the median and the
lowest id the mean. ( x < ~
x< ^x)

Mean = 51
Median = 65
Mode = 73

II. Measures of Variability

The Measures of Variability indicate or describe how spread the scores are. The larger the measure
of variability the more spread the scores are and the group is said to be heterogeneous; the smaller
the less spread the scores are and the group is said to be homogeneous.

Variability refers to the spread, or dispersion, of a group of scores. Measures of variability

(sometimes called measures of dispersion) provide descriptive information about the dispersion of
scores within data. Measures of variability provide summary statistics to understand the variety of
scores in relation to the midpoint of the data. Common measures of variability include range,
variance, and standard deviation.

A. Range

>The difference between the highest and lowest score;

>Counterpart of the mode it is also unreliable/unstable;
>Used as a quick, rough estimate of measure of

B. Standard Deviation

>The counterpart of the mean, used also when the

distribution is normal or symmetrical;
>Reliable/stable and so widely used

C. Quartile Deviation or Semi-inter Quartile Range

>Defined as one - half the of the difference between quartile 3 (75th percentile) and quartile 1 (25%
percentile) in a distribution;
>Counterpart of the median;
>Used also when the distribution is skewed.
III. Interpreting Test Scores
Type of Score Interpretation
Percentiles Reflect the percentage of students in the norm group
surpassed at each raw score in the distribution.
Linear Standard Scores (z-scores) Number of standard deviation units a score is above (or
below) the mean of a given distribution.
Stanines Location of a score in a specific segment of a normal
distribution of scores.
Stanines 1, 2, and 3 reflect below average performance.
Stanines 4, 5, and 6 reflect average performance.
Stanines 7,8, and 9 reflect above average performance.

Normalized Standard Score (T- Location of score in a normal distribution having a

score or normalized 50 + 10 system) mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.

IV. Giving Grades

Grades are symbols that represent a value judgment concerning the relative quality of a student's
achievement during specified period of instruction.

Grades are important to:

>inform students and other audiences about student's level of achievement
>evaluate the success of an instructional program
>provide students access to certain educational or vocational opportunities
>reward students who excel

Absolute Standards Grading or Task - Referenced Grading- grades are assigned by comparing
student's performance to a defined set of standards to be achieved, targets to be learned, or
knowledge to be acquired: Students who complete the tasks, achieve the standards completely, or
learn the targets are given the better grades, regardless of how well other students perform or
whether they have worked up to their potential.

Relative Standards Grading or Group-Referenced Grading- grades are assigned on the basis
of how student's performance compared with others in class: Students performing better than most
classmates receive higher grades.


1. Discuss your grading procedures to students at the very start of instruction.
2. Make clear to students that their grade will be purely based on achievement only.
3. Explain how other elements like effort or personal-social behaviors will be reported.
4. Relate the grading procedures to the intended learning outcomes or goal/objectives.
5. Get hold of valid evidences like test results, reports presentation, projects and other
assessments, as bases for computation and assigning grades.
6. Take precautions to prevent cheating on test and other assessment measures.
7. Return all test and other assessment results as soon as possible.
8. Properly weight the various types of achievement included in the grade.
9. Tardiness, weak effort, or misbehavior should not be charged against achievement grade of
10.Be judicious/fair and avoid bias but when in doubt (in case of borderline student) review the
evidence. If still in doubt, assign the higher grade.
11.Grades are black and white, as a rule, do not change grades.
12. Keep pupils informed of their class standing or performance.

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