Sentences For Audiovisual On Education.

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FULL NAME: Pablo Benítez Guirado.

1. Do you need a TikTok hype «That was the worst 90 minutes of my life».
house to win the White House? «Growing up in DC inspired me to a certain degree»
«When I got to Tik-Tok, I was like “what videos am I gonna make? What do I talk about?”:
2. Working for free «Some companies offer students or recent graduates what they call “internships”. These are
extended periods of work experience where someone can be working full-time without an
actual contract and in many cases without even being paid».
«Some companies are being accused of using students and graduates as cheap or free labour».
«Internship opportunities are only available to those with established connections to the
company or industry».
3. How to Prepare for the Jobs of «Many management gurus are talking about what companies should do but few are talking
the Future about what we should do and how we should educate our kids».
«The jobs of tomorrow will be impacted by AI»
«Humans are good at empathy and creativity, we just need to find the things that computers
and IA systems cannot do and complement them to provide much higher value than what could
have been done just by the system or just by humans».
4. Bandura and the Social Learn- «In our experiment preschool children observed an adult model beat up an inflatable doll in
ing Theory novel ways: she pummelled it what a mallet flung it in the air, kicked it repeatedly and threw
down and beat it».
«The children were then left in the playground that had a variety of toys. Now, the children who
had observed the aggressive modelling adopted much of it; they event invented new ways for
attacking the doll».
«The children who had been exposed to the aggressive modelling showed an increased
attraction to guns even though the adult model never used them».

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