Summaries of 5 Great Sales Books: in This 10-Minute Lesson, Learn About 5 Stellar Sales Books

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Summaries of 5 Great Sales Books

In this 10-minute Lesson, learn about 5 stellar sales books.


Want to learn about five great sales books?

If you are a salesperson, you probably don't have much free time
to read every single word of every book that comes across your
desk. Instead, check out these summaries of 5 best-selling sales
books to get a quick glimpse of some big ideas in sales
Keep reading to learn about:
• Predictable Revenue

• SNAP Selling

• The Little Red Book of Selling

• The Sales Development Playbook

• Secrets of Closing the Sale

This lesson should take about 10 minutes to complete.

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Predictable Revenue

Written by Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler, Predictable Revenue

centers on's Enterprise Market. The aim of
Predictable Revenue is not only to boost sales but also to
improve efficiency.
Those who hate cold calling and establishing marketing budgets
will especially love this book.

It describes an outbound sales process that generates revenue

from cold prospects without the awkward cold calls. It also
delves into the typical sales mistakes of executives, the idea of
self-managed sales teams, and how to make sales more

Ross and Tyler explain the outbound sales techniques that

boosted's recurring revenue by $100 million.
This sales process doubled the organization's enterprise growth
and it was all accomplished without any cold calls.

This is not a book about closing deals or confronting people who

aren't interested in buying. It's about a brand new type of sales
strategy for every type of salesperson. From beginning
entrepreneurs to CEOs, everyone in business can learn what it
takes to find solid leads, generate predictable revenue, and
attain financial success.
The book explains how all of this can be accomplished without
devoting the majority of one's attention and focus to sales.

Read the whole book at

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SNAP Selling

SNAP Selling, by Jill Konrath, explores how to sell in an
increasingly busy world. When prospects feel stressed with less
time, money, and resources, it's hard for a salesperson to get in
the door and close the deal.

Konrath outlines a fresh set of sales strategies that focus on

delivering credibility, relevance, and value. These include the four
SNAP rules:

Keep it Simple: If salespeople present their solutions with the

utmost clarity, prospects are more likely to listen and consider
the product/service.

Be iNvaluable: When salespeople prove their worth to

prospects, potential customers won't want to live without their

Always Align: Salespeople should ensure that they are in sync

with their customer's objectives, issues, and needs.

Raise Priorities: Salespeople should keep themselves and their

product at the forefront of their prospect's mind.

Konrath notes that, more often than not, these efforts result in
more appointments, faster decisions, and more closed deals.

Read a preview of the book at

Little Red Book of Selling

The Little Red Book of Selling, by Jeffery Gitomer, was written
with as few words as possible. Many salespeople don't enjoy
reading for hours on end or have the free time to read: This book
was written for them.
The text offers over a dozen sales strategies that will help sales
reps sell effectively today—and in the future.

The Little Red Book explains that the most important aspect of
selling is the customer's motivation to buy. The text informs
readers about the typical stressors and motivations
behind purchasing decisions. Salespeople who cater to these
motivations will enjoy radical success.

The book also addresses common complaints and frustrations

that sales reps endure throughout the sales process. It poses a
solution to each complaint in a succinct manner.

The book is full of unique sales oriented buzzwords, catch

phrases, and mantras that make it a truly engaging sales book.
It's a quick, worthwhile read.

Read the whole book at

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The Sales Development Playbook


Author Trish Bertuzzi wrote the The Sales Development

Playbook in response to the one major problem: There's a
fundamental misunderstanding of how to "do" sales
How does Bertuzzi define sales development?


The Sales Development Playbook focuses on how to build,

optimize, retain, and lead a world-class sales development
team. The book presents six elements for building a new pipeline
and accelerating revenue growth with inside sales, including:

1. A framework for strategic alignment of the sales

development model with your market and unique buyer

2. Why you should apply segmentation and specialized

roles to take your sales team to the next level.

3. How to create a bulletproof hiring process that

utilizes recruiting tactics that attracts top talent.
4. Examples and strategies to engage, develop, motivate
and retain sales reps.

5. Ideas for designing and executing an effective outreach

strategy that includes buyer-based messaging and client

6. Actionable advice on what it takes to lead sales

development today including quota setting, measuring
what matters, and acceleration tactics.

This playbook is sure to help your team succeed and drive

company growth.

Get a peek inside the book at

Secrets of Closing the Sale

Secrets of Closing the Sale explains that everyone has the ability
to cultivate and apply sales skills in their everyday lives.

The book was written by Zig Ziglar, a notable author and

accomplished salesperson, who extensively examines human
psychology and the dynamics of social interactions.
Ziglar explains winning sales techniques that generate the most
interest and lay the groundwork for meaningful relationships. He
also explains how salespeople can project positivity, warmth,
and morality when interacting with potential customers.

Secrets of Closing the Sale also shares the five most common
reasons that people don't buy—and unpacks how a sales
rep can handle prospects with these objections in a respectful
manner. The book also provides 100 creative closing techniques
that will enhance any sales rep's professionalism and help them
close more deals.

This book is all about getting on the customer's level in order to

persuade them to take action. If a salesperson is not believable
and relatable, the prospect won't sincerely engage with them.

Yet, Secrets of Closing the Sale offers more than just sales
advice. It tells interesting stories and offers real world illustrations
of sales wins—and sales gone bad.

The book is rooted in the art of persuasion, and will helps reps
grow both personally and professionally. It stresses that
enthusiasm, integrity, and professionalism are the true keys to
selling products and services.

The book concludes that sales reps who project warmth,

friendliness, and respect will be able to win over even the most
challenging of prospective customers.

Read the whole book at


We know you've got deals to close, so that's all for now! Hope
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