Semana 1 Summary

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You greet someone when you meet someone for the first time.
➢ Formal:
Good morning (Buenos días)
Good afternoon (Buenas tardes)
Good evening (Buenas noches)

➢ Informal:
Hello (Hola)
Hi (Hola)
How are you doing? (¿Cómo estás?)
How have you been? (¿Cómo has estado?)

You say goodbye when you will not meet the person again in that day.
➢ Formal:
It has been a pleasure, goodbye (Ha sido un placer, adiós)
Thank you for your time, goodbye (Gracias por su tiempo, adiós)

➢ Informal:
I have to go now, bye. (Tengo que retirarme, adiós)
I’ll see you later/around, bye. (Te veré luego, adiós)

The pronoun is used in place of a noun or another pronoun.
➢ I, (yo): I am a good student. (Yo soy un buen estudiante)
➢ You (tú, usted): You are honest. (Tú eres honesto)
➢ He (él): He is in Europe. (Él está en Europa)
➢ She (ella): She is my cousin. (Ella es mi prima)
➢ It (eso): It is a good movie. (Es una buena película)
➢ We (nosotros): We are brothers. (Nosotros somos hermanos)
➢ You (ustedes, vosotros, vosotras): You are very serious. (Ustedes son
muy serios)
➢ They (ellos, ellas): They are sisters. (Ellas son hermanas)
To show the status or characteristics of something or someone.
➢ I am happy. (Yo estoy feliz)
➢ You are very smart. (Tú eres muy inteligente)
➢ He is sad. (Él está triste)
➢ She is my mother-in-law. (Ella es mi suegra)
➢ It is cold today. (Hoy hace frío)
➢ We are teachers. (Nosotros somos maestros)
➢ You are very tall. (Usted son muy altos)
➢ They are married. (Ellos están casados)

❖ Affirmative form:
subject + verb + complement (noun/adjective): They are doctors.
❖ Negative form:
subject + negative verb + complement: They are not (aren’t) doctors.
❖ Question form:
verb + subject + complement: Are they doctors?
Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

They are mainly used to indicate that something belongs to or is part of
• My (mi): My house is nearby (Mi casa está cerca)
• Your (tu): Your mother was very upset. (Tu madre estaba muy molesta.)
• His (su): My brother forgot his phone at work. (Mi hermano olvidó su
teléfono en la oficina)
• Her (su): Anna decided not to dye her hair again. (Ana decidió no pintar
su cabello de nuevo)
• Its (su): The dog plays with its bone. (El perro juega con su hueso)
• Our (nuestro (a)): Our main goal is to grow as a Company” (Nuestro
principal cometido es crecer como compañía)
• Your (sus): Did you bring your uniforms for the game?” (¿Trajeron sus
uniformes para el partido?)
• Their (su): Their hair is beautiful. (Su cabello es hermoso)
They are words that specify, identify, or quantify the noun. (Son palabras que
especifican, identifican o cuantifican el sustantivo.)
➢ Indefinite articles
A / AN = One. We use them for non-specific singular nouns.
✓ We use “A” before consonant sounds.
Examples: a book, a pencil, a doctor, a uniform.
✓ We use “AN”, before vowel sounds.
Examples: an apple, an umbrella, an hour, an honor.

➢ Definite articles
THE, is used to refer to specific or particular nouns (singular or plural)
Example: The most popular movie.
Meaning: there are many movies, but only one particular movie is the
most popular.

Demonstratives are used to identify or point out a particular item or items
(people, things, places, animals) in reference to the speaker.
➢ This: refers to singular nouns that are near to the speaker.
➢ That: refers to singular nouns that are far from the speaker.
➢ These: refers to plural nouns that are near to the speaker.
➢ Those: refers to plural nouns that are far from the speaker.

✓ Adverbs of position:
➢ Here: near the speaker. (cerca al hablante)
➢ There: far from the speaker. (lejos del hablante)

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