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Economic issue is also stated under art 89 as an objective and principle of national policy.

stated hereunder there are various duty that government should hold to promote economic
system of the country. The duty to formulate policies that ensure the benefit of Ethiopian
people with the case of intellectual and material resources, to avert any natural and man-made
disaster and support people by providing timely assistance. Government shall also ensure the
participation of women in economic and political development. Promoting the participation of
nation, nationality and people in formulation of national development and promoting health,
welfare and living standards of people of the country is Economic objective of FDRE
Constitution. This is the version FDRE Constitution Art 88 and 89…(Article 88: Political

The constitution states all Ethiopians have the right to social services including health care, education
and good nutrition.

In the health sector, fee waivers, approved by woreda government, are granted to many of

the most vulnerable to allow access to health services. Services related to communicable

diseases such as TB, HIV/AIDS, and services such as immunization, maternal and neonatal

health care are provided free of charge.The Health Extension Programme (HEP) and the

associated National Nutrition Programme provide free services on a range of basic health

interventions, including EPI, free impregnated bed nets, free treatment for malaria, severe

malnutrition and pneumonia amongst young children; over 90 per cent of people have

reasonably good access

Effective social protection services contribute to social cohesion and the achievement of

broader national socioreconomic development and security making growth more efficient

and equitable. It addresses the imbalance by sex in access to basic social services and

facilitates investment in human capital for poor households and communities.

Government acknowledges social rights as defined in the constitution and reaffirms its

intent to continue to expand the progressive realization of those rights according to the

availability of resources.

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