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  I’m a student from Egypt and want to learn Translation. I think it will be beneficial for this
is work. But I’ve no job of my own to carry the expenses to pay for the certificate of this
course. I live only for my scholarship ( $37 per month). In this circumstance, it is very
much difficult for me to gather such amount of money for the certificate. Financial Aid will
help me take this course without any adverse impact on my monthly essential needs. So
I’m badly in need of this financial aid. I want to take this course as I want to learn
Marketing in English. I want to complete the Marketing: Customer Needs and Wants
Course on offer by Business School. This course will boost my job prospects after
graduation from my institute. It will help perform better in carrying out Marketing and give
me an edge over my competitors. A verified certificate will attach credibility to the
certificate I receive from this course. I plan to complete all assignments on or before time
as I have done in previous Signature Track Courses. Also, I intend to participate in
Discussion Forums, which I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the
other online courses I have taken on Courser. Also, .plan to grade assignments which
are to peer-reviewed which I believe will an invaluable learning opportunity


 I can't pay for this course. I want to take this course as I want to complete the data
mining Specialization on Coursera. I need financial aid because I am from Egypt and my
income cannot pay for this course. Now I do not have a job to pay for it. My father
income cannot either pay for it. I'm a fresh graduate from faculty of science, I didn't start
my career yet and I need financial aid because I can't afford the courses without having a
job.I need to take this course to work and have money to increase my skill and help my
father. I plan to complete all assignments on or before times I have done in previous
Signature Track Courses. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have
found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online courses I have taken on
Coursera. I also plan to grade assignments which are to peer-reviewed which I believe
will an invaluable learning opportunity. I hope these reasons are enough I thank you. So I
need your help by giving me financial aid. The course will help me study data mining that
helps me work freelance to earn money. I'll always participate in the discussion forums
and help others with my knowledge. I will meet deadlines and will not hesitate to ask if
there's something I don't understand the certificate would be a valuable thing for me
because it'll help me get better job opportunities and start my career as fast as possible.
It'll show that I'm a hard worker and self-learner also that I'm very active. I want to add to
my CV in the future. Then I want to complete the data mining Specialization on Coursera.
I think it will be beneficial for my thesis work. A verified certificate will attach credibility to
the certificate I receive from this course. I will share my information to help others to
learn and work to earn money. I hope that you .give me the chance. And finally,  thank
AID for Google

I’m a student from Tunisie and want to learn UX Design Certificate. I think it will be beneficial for this
is work. But I’ve no job of my own to carry the expenses to pay for the certificate of this course. In
this circumstance, it is very much difficult for me to gather such an amount of money for the
certificate. Financial Aid will help me take this course without any adverse impact on my monthly
essential needs. So I’m badly in need of this financial aid. I want to take this course as I want to learn
UX Design in English. I want to complete the Google UX Design Professional Certificate and Wants
Course on offer by GOOGLE. This course will boost my job prospects after graduation from my
institute. It will help me perform better in carrying out Marketing and give me an edge over my
competitors. A verified certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course. I
plan to complete all assignments on or before time as I have done in previous courses Foundations of
User Experience (UX) Design Courses. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have
found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online Coursera I have taken on Courser.
Also, .plan to grade assignments that are peer-reviewed which I believe will an invaluable learning


I can't pay for this course. I want to take this course as I want to complete the UX Design
Specialization on Coursera. I need financial aid because I am from Tunisia and my income cannot pay
for this course. Now I do not have a job to pay for it. My father's income cannot either pay for it. I'm
a student, I didn't start my career yet and I need financial aid because I can't afford the courses
without having a job. I need to take this course to work and have money to increase my skill and help
my father. I plan to complete all assignments on or before times I have done in previous Foundations
of User Experience (UX) Design Courses. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I
have found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online courses I have taken on
Coursera. I also plan to grade assignments that are peer-reviewed which I believe will be an
invaluable learning opportunity. I hope these reasons are enough I thank you. So I need your help by
giving me financial aid. The course will help me study UX Design which helps me work freelance to
earn money. I'll always participate in the discussion forums and help others with my knowledge. I will
meet deadlines and will not hesitate to ask if there's something I don't understand the certificate
would be a valuable thing for me because it'll help me get better job opportunities and start my
career as fast as possible. It'll show that I'm a hard worker and self-learner and also that I'm very
active. I want to add to my CV in the future. Then I want to complete Google UX Design Professional
Certificate Specialization on Coursera. I think it will be beneficial for my thesis work. A verified
certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course. I will share my
information to help others to learn and work to earn money. I hope that you .give me the chance.
And finally, thank you
Coursera Financial aid questions & answers
| 100% Accepted

Q1)Why are you applying for Financial Aid?

I am in my second year of B.E in college in India. I am currently

unemployed and I am yet to be placed in my college. My father is a
teacher in a rural area in India. My mother is a homemaker who
keeps assisting my father. This course is therefore too expensive for
me to afford. This course will boost my job prospects after
graduation from my institute. It will help perform better in
understanding and learning this technology and give me an edge
over my competitors. A verified certificate will attach credibility to
the certificate I receive from this course. I plan to complete all
assignments on or before time as I have done in previous Signature
Track Courses. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums,
which I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the
other online courses I have taken on Coursera. I also plan to grade
assignments that are to peer-reviewed which I believe will an
invaluable learning opportunity.

Q2)How will taking this course help you achieve your

career goals?

My main career goal is to learn every day. I want to learn and to

progress in my career. Programming requires constant learning and
improving. Taking this course will help me to learn and study this to
implement it. It can help me advance in my knowledge. Identifying
which aspects of data science and python seem most important and
relevant to us, Walking away with a strong foundation in where data
science and python is going, what it does, and how to prepare for it.
This course will help me achieve it to learn. Courses on Coursera
helped me to greatly increase programming knowledge, they are
great. I want to improve my resume by completing these courses and
writing them in my resume and collecting certificates to show them
while required. I am a ch enthusiast and hard-working want to make
his career bright. There is no only will teach me the new languages
will help me to improve myself.

Q3)If you answered no, please help us understand why

I don’t possess a good financial condition at this stage to afford for

this course for the above-mentioned reasons.

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