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First Semester
Empower (B)

MyU: Alkazwini

Office Hours:

Wh Questıons (1) 4
Wh Questıons (2) 5
Present Sımple 6
Present Simple Contınuous 9
Past Sımple 13
Past Sımple Contınuous 16
Present Perfect 19
Prepositions of Time 20
Future 1 21
Future 2 22
Relatıve Pronouns 23
Lınkers 24
Artıcles 25
Modal Verbs 26
Future 3 27
Verb Patterns 28
Comparatıve And Superlatıve 29
Used to 31
Passive 32
1st Conditional 33
Language Functions 34
Revision (1) 38
Revision (2) 39
Midterm Revision 43


1) Question with be: Q + be + S ..?
2) Question with main verb: Q + Aux. V + S + V ..?

Question words Meaning Examples

who person Who is that? That is Nancy.
where place Where do you live? In Boston
why reason Why do you sleep early? Because I've got to get up early
when time When do you go to work? At 7:00
how manner How do you go? By car
what object, idea or action What do you do? I am an engineer
which choice Which one do you prefer? The red one.
whose possession Whose is this book? It's Alan's.
whom object of the verb Whom did you meet? I met the manager.
what kind description What kind of music do you like? I like quiet songs
what time time What time did you come home?
how many quantity (countable) How many students are there? There are twenty.
how much amount, price How much time have we got? Ten minutes
how long duration, length How long did you stay in that hotel? For two weeks.
how often frequency How often do you go to the gym? Twice a week.
how far distance How far is your school? It's one mile far.
how old age How old are you? I'm 16.
how come reason How come I didn't see you at the party?

A) Add a suitable question word:

1. ………… you live? I live in London.
2. ………… that girl? She is my sister.
3. ……………do you go to school? By bus.
4. ……………do banks open? At eight o’clock.
5. ……………are you wearing that coat? Because its cold.
6. ……………is that watch? It’s 100 Kd.
7. …………….drink do you prefer? I prefer coffee.

B) Ask a suitable question:

1. They went to Spain.
2. Farah likes soccer.
3. She goes to sleep at 9pm.
A) Complete the gaps with the following WH question words:
What - Where - How - How often - When – Why – Who – whose
1. A: ____________________ are you going on holiday?
B: Next Friday
2. A: ____________________ are you going?
B: Croatia
3. A: ____________________ bought the tickets?
B: My mum did.
4. A: ____________________ do you go on holiday?
B: Once every two years.
5. A: ____________________ don’t you go more often?
B: Because we don’t want to.
6. A: ____________________ do you do the other years?
B: We relax in the garden and visit friends.
7. A: ____________________ do you choose your holiday destination?
B: We use the internet.
8. A: And ____________________ idea was it to go to Croatia?
B: Our neighbors recommended it.

B) Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. to Who are you ? talking _______________________________________

2. are at they ? looking What ______________________________________

3. music ? down the you Could turn _________________________________

4. match time does ? the start What _________________________________

5. you How clean often ? do teeth your _____________________________________

Present Simple

every, always, sometimes, usually, often,, seldom, rarely, never, generally, hardly ever,
mainly, normally, occasionally, once/ten times a week/a year .. any longer, any more..

How to use it:

I, They, We, You drink coffee
eat fish
He, She, It drinks coffee
eats fish

I, They, We, You don’t drink coffee
eat fish
He, She, it doesn’t drink coffee
eat fish

Do I, They, We, You go to school?
Does He, She, It wear Hijab?

(Verb to be) = am, is, are


I am I am not Am I
He, She, It is He, She, It is not Is He, She, It
They, We, You are They, We, You are not Are They, We, You

1. Write the HE/SHE/IT forms

catch _________ read _________ come _________ run _________
cook _________ smoke _________ drink _________ stand _________
fetch _________ start _________ fix _________ touch _________
live _________ watch _________ miss _________ wish _________
rush _________ write _________ buy _________ carry _________
copy _________ enjoy _________ fry _________ marry _________
play _________ study _________ try _________

2. Write the verb in the right form

1. Children ................................ (asks) a lot of questions.

2. She .................................. (go) to college on her bike.

3. A lot of birds .............................. (flays) south in the winter.

4. She ..................................... (study) very hard at the weekends.

5. My father .............................. (watch) television most evenings.

6. He ................................... (understand) Arabic.

7. He ........................................ (fight) with his brother.

8. Big dogs............................ (needs) a lot of exercise.

9. He’s very naughty – he ............................ (push) other children.

10. Lessons ................................. (start) at 8.35 every morning.

3. a) Make questions
1. How / you pronounce / this word?
2. How / you spell / that?
3. What / this word / mean?
4. How much / they cost?
5. Where / you live?
6. What / you do?
7. How / you do?
8. What time / the plane / leave?
9. What time/ the class / start?

A) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:

1. Germany, England, and Spain ………… cities.

2. A lemon ……….. sweet. It …….. sour.
3. Copper ……….. cheap. Diamonds ………… expensive.
4. Airplanes …….. slow. They ………. fast.
5. Ice cream and candy …….. sweet.
6. Today ……… cloudy. It …….. bright.
7. My brother ……… married. He …… single.
8. I ……… from Turkey. I …….. from Canada.
9. Maths ……… hard. It ……….. easy.
10. Mariah … a beautiful girl. She ……… ugly.

B) Build up sentences:

1. Mike / drummer (-) Mike isn’t a drummer.

2. Charlie and Chris / policemen(+) …………………………………………………..
3. Danny and Rick / singers (-) ………………………………………………….
4. Salem and Lucky / puppies (+) ………………………………………………….
5. Rome / London / cities (+) ………………………………………………….

Present Simple Continuous

now, right now, these days, today, this summer, at the moment, Look!, Listen!, Watch
out!, Be careful! ..

How to use it:

S + be + V-ing

Verb to be
I am watching TV.
They, We, You are playing football.
He, She, It is drinking tea.

Positive Negative Question

I am watching TV. I am not watching TV. Am I watching TV?
You are playing football.. You are not playing football. Are you playing football?
He is drinking tea. He is not drinking tea. Is he drinking tea?


State verbs are not usually used in continuous tenses, we use:

((Present Simple))

Examples of State Verbs:

be – like – love – hate – prefer – know – understand – remember – forget – want – own –
belong, hear, seem, depend, need, agree, believe ..
Examples of State/Action Verbs:

1. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the present continuous tense

1. John and I ...................................... (stay) in a beautiful hotel.

2. Kevin .......................................... (work) at home today.
3. I ...................................... (wait) for a very important letter.
4. You ...................................... (walk) too fast.
5. We ........................................... (plan) our next holiday.
6. The girls ............................................ (visit) their grandmother today.
7. She ....................................... (read) in her bedroom at the moment.
8. The baby ...................................... (learn) how to walk.

2. Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Use the present continuous

1. They .......................................... (buy) a new car.

2. He ............................................... (learn) to read.
3. I .................................................. (look) for your keys.
4. We ............................................... (sell) the house.
5. They ........................................ (drink) tea.
6. You ....................................... (work) very hard.
7. Jack and Jill ....................................... (run) down the hill.
8. I ....................................... (go) home now.

3. Write the questions. Use the present continuous

1. What /Jessica / do?

2. Why / John and Patrick / laugh?
3. What book / you / read?
4. What / we / watch?
5. Where / they / stay?
6. Why / we / sit in the dark?
7. Where / they / wait?

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
A) Read the paragraphs and answer the questions:
Hello! My name is Douglas Hunter. I’m a pilot for British Airlines. I fly planes. I am not
working today. I am playing golf. It is my favourite sport.

1. What is his name?____________________________________

2. What does he do? ____________________________________
3. What is he doing now? ____________________________________
4. What is his favourite sport? ____________________________________

He is Gordon Lester. He is a champion jockey. He rides racehorses, but he isn’t riding a

racehorse now. He is at home. He is watching TV with his wife.

1. What is his name? ____________________________________

2. What does he do? ____________________________________
3. Is he a good jockey? ____________________________________
4. Where is he now? ____________________________________
5. What is he doing? ____________________________________

B) Write DON’T, DOESN’T, ISN’T, AREN’T or AM NOT in the blank space in each sentence:
a. He isn’t listening to the radio right now.
b. He doesn’t listen to the radio every evening.
c. We …………………. watching a television program now.
d. We …………………. watch television every day.
e. They …………………. study their lessons after class.
f. They …………………. studying their lessons right now.
g. It ………………….. raining very hard at the moment.

C) Circle the correct answer:

1. Look! Thomas is bringing / brings his little sister to class.

2. My older sister is often listening / often listens to pop music.

3. We are writing / write an exercise now.

4. Look! Mum is making / makes a cake.

5. Our teacher is giving / gives us a test every month.

6. Listen! Dad is reading / reads a story to Ricky.

7. Mr. Michael usually is growing / grows roses in his garden.

8. They are building / build a new house on the hill now.

9. Maria is drinking / drinks milk every morning.

Past Simple


last, yesterday, ago, when, a few days ago, quite often back then, in 2001..

How to use it:

Regular verbs: verb + ed He washed his clothes.

Irregular verbs: look at page 176 I ate an apple.

Positive Negative Question

I studied. I did not study. Did I study?

You studied. You did not study. Did you study?

He studied. He did not study. Did he study?

(Verb to be) = was, were


I, He, She, It was I, He, She, It was not Was I, he, she ,it
They, we, you were They, we, you were not Were they, we, you

A) Complete the man’s statement with the PAST SIMPLE form of the verbs in brackets:
Last night I _____________ (go) to my favourite restaurant in West Street. I _____________ (leave)
the restaurant at about 11 o’clock. It _____________ (be) a warm evening and I _____________
(decide) to walk along the beach.

Suddenly, I _____________ (hear) a noise. I _____________ (turn) and _____________ (see) three
boys aged about eighteen. One boy_____________ (come) up to me and _____________ (ask) me
the time. When I _____________ (look) down at my watch, he _____________ (hit) me and I
_____________ (fall) to the ground. Another boy_____________ (take) my wallet. I _____________
(shout) for help. Then they _____________ (run) away.

B) Complete these sentences in the PAST TENSE, using the correct verb:
play enjoy watch listen talk phone stop walk travel like stay

1. We really ………………….. the concert last night. It was great!

2. She ………………… with friends in Brighton last summer.
3. Italy ………………… very well in the last World Cup.
4. Her parents ………………….. by train from Shanghai to Moscow.
5. I ………………….. you four times last night but you were out.
6. We …………………. along the beach yesterday. It was lovely.
7. She …………………. the film but she didn’t like the music.
8. The men ………………….. work at exactly one o’clock.
9. I ……………………. to the new Sting album yesterday. It’s great.
10. They ………………… to us about their trip to Madagascar. It was very interesting.

C) Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the SIMPLE PAST:

break - swim - have - make - sit - write - spend - buy - drink - lose - wash

1. She _____________ a cake an hour ago.

2. She _____________ a hat last week.
3. The boy _____________ a letter yesterday.
4. They _____________ in the sea for an hour.
5. They _____________ a lot of Coke last night.
6. She _____________ her arm last week.
7. He _____________ all his money last week.
8. She _____________ a bath two minutes ago.
9. He _____________ his wallet last night.
10. She _____________ the clothes yesterday.

D) Fill in the blanks. Use WAS / WERE:

1. The weather …………………….. very hot last Saturday.
2. The students …………………….. at the theatre last night.
3. Betty …………………………….. in Germany last summer.
4. My brother and I …………………….. at the football stadium on Saturday.
5. …………………………. it cold yesterday?

E) Choose WAS or WERE and circle it:
1. He was / were a policeman.
2. We was / were very happy.
3. Was / Were you happy?
4. They wasn’t / weren’t interested in school.
5. I was / were at school.
6. It wasn’t / weren’t expensive.
7. Was / Were she your teacher?

Past Simple Continuous
while, as, when, since, for

How to use:

was/were + V-ing

While, as Past Simple Continuous + Past Simple

When Past Simple + Past Simple Continuous

Positive Negative Question

He was eating He was not eating Was he eating?

We were eating We were not eating Were we eating?


State verbs are not usually used in continuous tenses, we use:

((Past Simple))

A) Fill in the blanks with a correct form, the PAST SIMPLE or the PAST CONTINUOUS:

1. He ………………………………….. (talk) with Mary, when Mrs. Smith came in.

2. They ………………………………… (study) two hours last night.

3. Jane …………………………………. (sleep) when the telephone rang.

4. As I …………………………………. (walk) to the lab, I met my friend.

5. We ………………………………….. (watch) TV last night.

6. The customer ………………………… (pay) his bill when he dropped his credit card.

7. The barber …………………………………. (cut) my hair yesterday.

8. She ………………………………. (dance) when she hurt her ankle.

9. It …………………………………. (rain) hard when I got up.

10. It …………………………………. (rain) hard last night.

B) What’s the question?

how - what - where - how long - what kind of -

who - how many - when - why

1. ……………..Who did you visit …………….? I visited my cousin.

2. ……………………………………………….? We talked about my job.

3. ……………………………………………….? She went to the beach.

4. ……………………………………………….? She met her friend.

5. ……………………………………………….? They spoke Russian.

6. ……………………………………………….? They swam in the ocean.

7. ……………………………………………….? He had dinner at 8:00.

C) Complete the sentences using the SIMPLE PAST or the PAST CONTINUOUS:

1. While they ……………………………… (travel) to China, Marco ……………………. (keep) a diary.

2. Mrs. White …………………………………. (drive) past a house in Main Street when she

……………………… (see) the ground floor on fire.

3. While he ………………………………. (fly) off the Miami Coast, the pilot …………….. (see) sharks

approaching the swimmers.

4. The fireman ……………………………… (fight) the fire on a balcony below when he

………………………… (hear) someone’s shouts.

Past Simple and Past Continuous (1)
A) Fill in the blanks with a correct form of PAST CONTINUOUS:
1. Alice hurt herself while she ……………………………………………. (skate).
2. I met my neighbour while I ………………………………………. (walk) home from work.
3. Sally saw a friend while she …………………………….. (ride) her bicycle along Park St.
4. Peter fell asleep while he …………………………………… (study).
5. Ali cut himself while he ……………………………………. (shave).
6. Mr and Mrs Brown burned themselves while they …………………………... (bake) cookies.
7. Tommy had a nightmare while he …………………………….. (sleep) at a friend’s house.

B) How did it happen?

1. How did Alice hurt herself? (play soccer) She hurt herself while she was playing soccer.
2. How did Martin burn himself? (iron his clothes)
3. How did Helen cut herself? (slice onions)
4. How did Marvin break his arm? (skate)
5. How did you lose your wallet? (ride my bicycle)

C) Fill in the blanks with a correct form, the PAST SIMPLE or the PAST CONTINUOUS:
11. He ………………………………….. (talk) with Mary, when Mrs Smith came in.
12. They ………………………………… (study) two hours last night.
13. Jane …………………………………. (sleep) when the telephone rang.
14. As I …………………………………. (walk) to the lab, I met my friend.
15. We ………………………………….. (watch) TV last night.
16. The customer ………………………… (pay) his bill when he dropped his credit card.
17. It …………………………………. (rain) hard when I got up.
18. It …………………………………. (rain) hard last night.

19. It wasn’t a stormy night. The wind ……………………………………. (not / blow)
20. He wasn’t sleeping. He …………………………………….. (look) at the ceiling.
21. They were having a rest. They …………………………………….. (not / work).
22. They were very happy. They …………………………………. (enjoy) the party.

Present Perfect
How to use:
S + has/have + Past Participle

so far, just, already, recently, lately, many times, yet, since, for..

1. Sara _________________ for NBK since 2001. (work)

Q. ______________________________________________________

2. The professor _________________ 5 lectures so far. (give)

Q. ______________________________________________________

3. We _________________ many countries lately. (visit)

Q. ______________________________________________________

4. She _________________ for a scholarship recently. (apply)

Q. ______________________________________________________

5. My children _________________ their homework yet. (finish)

Q. ______________________________________________________

6. Sara _________________ from her trip yet. (arrive)

Q. ______________________________________________________

7. I _______ just __________ arrived to Paris.

Q. ______________________________________________________

Prepositions of Time

 At: time
 On: days and dates
 In: months, years, centuries, seasons
 No prepositions: next, last ..

at on in
night Friday, Monday.. the past, the present, the future
noon 11th of November the morning, afternoon, evening
6 pm December 25th, 2001 Ramadan
the present time Christmas day the present
the moment National day the next century
bedtime Independence day the summer, winter, spring..
sunset my birthday May, June..
same time New Year’s eve 1990, 2005..

A) Put in the correct prepositions AT / ON / IN:

1. Columbus discovered America …………… 1492.

2. You can see the stars …………… night, if the sky is clear.

3. Tom isn’t here …………. the moment. He’ll be back …………. five minutes.

4. The course begins ……….. 7 January and ends ………… 10 March.

5. Tom’s grandmother died ……….. 1977 ……….. the age of 79.

6. The price of electricity is going up …………. October.

7. I can’t be at home ………… the morning. Can you phone me ………. the afternoon instead?

8. Jack’s brother is an engineer but he’s out of work ……….. the moment.

9. …………. Sunday afternoons I usually go for a walk in the country.

10. Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these days- usually only ……….. Christmas and

sometimes …………. the summer for a few days.

11. The telephone and the doorbell rang …………. the same time.

Future (1)
(Present Simple Continuous for Future Arrangements/Plans)
How to use:
S + be + V-ing

tomorrow, tonight, this weekend, next.., this summer/ fall/ winter/ spring..

Verb to be
I am travelling tomorrow.
They, We, You are travelling tomorrow
He, She, It is travelling tomorrow

Positive Negative Question

I am studying .. I am not studying .. Am I studying ..?
You are studying .. You are not studying .. Are you studying ..?
He is studying .. He is not studying .. Is he studying ..?


1. We / travel / to Spain next year

……… We are travelling to Spain next year …………………
2. He / graduate / next semester
3. She / buy / a new car next month
4. My friend / perform on stage tomorrow
5. We / watch / a movie tonight
6. The professor / give us the grades this afternoon
7. We / sell / our furniture soon.

Future (2)
going to, will/ shall, might
going to = future plans + intentions
will = decisions + offers + promises + request + predictions (very sure)
shall = offers + suggestions + ask for suggestions
Might = predictions for the future (less sure)

How to use:
S + be + going to + V Negative: be + not going to + V

S + will + V Negative: will not = won’t,

S + shall + V Negative: shall not
S + might + V Negative: might not

Positive Negative Question

I am going to travel .. I am not going to travel .. Am I going to travel...?
You are going to travel.. You are not going to travel .. Are you going to travel...?
He is stud going to travel .. He is not going to travel .. Is he going to travel ..?

A) Fill in WILL or BE GOING TO:

1. A: Why do you need so much paper?
B: I ……………………………………… make a cake.
2. A: Oh no! I’ve left my purse at home and I haven’t got any money on me!
B: Don’t worry. I …………………………………………. lend you some.
3. A: I don’t know how to use this mixer.
B: That’s OK. I ………………………………….. show you.
4. A: Why are all these people gathered here?
B: The Prime Minister ……………………………… open the new hospital ward.
5. A: Did you remember to buy the magazine I asked for?
B: Sorry, I didn’t. I …………………………………. buy it when I go out again.
6. A: What’s that on your curtains?
B: It’s a stain. I ………………………………….. take them to the dry cleaner’s tomorrow.
7. A: These bags are very heavy. I can’t lift them.
B: I ………………………………… carry them for you.
Relative Pronouns

A) Put in WHO / WHICH / WHERE :

- Red is the colour __________ my child likes.

- Our neighbour is the man __________ gave us cake.

- London is the place _______ I grew up.

1. I met a woman ……………………. can speak six languages.

2. What’s the name of the man …………………….. lives next door?

3. What’s the name of the river ………………………. goes through the town?

4. Everybody ……………………… went to the party enjoyed it very much.

5. Do you know anybody ………………….. wants to buy a car?

6. Where is the picture ………………………. was on the wall?

7. She always asks me questions ……………………. are difficult to answer.

8. I have a friend ……………………. is very good at repairing cars.

9. A coffee-maker is a machine …………………… makes coffee.

10. Why does he always wear clothes …………………….. are too small for him?

(and, but, or, nor, so, because, also, when..)
How to use:
A. Complete the text with and, but, or.

I get up at half past eight in the morning. I´m hungry __________ there isn´t any food in the kitchen. I
want milk, cereals __________ orange juice. Then, I go to the shop __________ when I get there it´s
still closed. I go back home and into the kitchen. There´s some grapefruit juice and brown bread
__________ I don´t like grapefruit juice __________ brown bread! This is not a good morning, so I go
back to bed until the shop opens.

B. Complete with and, but, or, so, because.

1. We aren´t going to the park __________ it´s raining.

2. I don´t have any money, __________ I´ll go to the bank.
3. She doesn´t like vegetables __________ fish.
4. I need milk, butter __________ bread.
5. There´s snow on the street __________ it´s not too cold.
6. She studies a lot __________ she never passes the exams.
7. You´ve got an exam tomorrow, __________ you must study tonight.
8. I don´t go to the cinema __________ I haven´t got any money.

C. Correct the underlined word using and, but, or, so, because:

1. We don´t go to the beach but it´s cold. __________ 2. They don´t like meat and fish. __________
3. It´s winter because I´m not cold. __________ 4. It´s raining, or take your umbrella!. __________

How to use:
a/an = indefinite
the = definite

a/ an the

a an
Before a consonant: Before a vowel:
(b, c, d, f..) (a, e, i, o, u)

A boy. An apple.
A girl. An elephant
A table. An insect.
Before ‘u’ ( ) Before ‘u’ ( )

A university An umbrella
A unique An onion
A uniform An aeroplane
Before ‘h’ (voiced) Before ‘h’ (silent)

A horse An hour
A house An honour
A hat An honest

A) Some of the blank spaces below need ARTICLES, others do not. Fill in the articles where
1. Mary is waving to us from across …………. street.
2. When you go to …………. France, be sure to see …………. Paris.
3. He works in ………… building on ………… corner of ………. Tenth Ave.
4. ………… Tokyo is ………… largest city in ……….. World.
5. ………… traffic on ………… Jones Avenue is heavy.
6. ………… Avenues is the biggest mall in …………….. Kuwait.
7. He went to ………… Spain last month.
Modal Verbs
must, have to, can
“help” other verbs.

They are used to express:

permission, obligation, necessity.

modal verb + V infinitive

Modal Meaning Example

Can permission/ allowed You can use my car.
Must Obligation (authority) Children must listen to their parents.
Have to necessary Doctors have to work very long hours.

Necessary Allowed
must, have to can
Not necessary Not allowed
don’t have to mustn’t, can’t

+ - Example
can can’t Sara can’t leave work early today.
must mustn’t Students mustn’t be late to class.
doesn’t have to Ali doesn’t have to play tennis.
have to
don’t have to They don’t have top lay tennis.

A) Fill in the blanks using MUST, CAN’T, CAN, HAVE TO:

1. Sally looks sad and worried. She ……………………………………….. (be) upset.

2. Bob ……………………………………... (go) at school tomorrow because he has a Final Exam.

3. Mr. Treves fell and hurt his back. We ………………… (call) the ambulance.

4. Passengers …………………. (show) their boarding pass to the flight attendant when travelling.

5. I ……………………………. (come) to your birthday party tomorrow because my parents said no.

6. ………………………………………………. I borrow your pen, please?

Future (3)
will, might

How to use:
S + will/ might + V

will not + V
might not + V

Used for: predictions for the future.

Will = very sure about:

Ex. I will say something silly. They will not give me the job

Might = less sure:

Ex. They might ask difficult questions. I might not get the job.

 To introduce predictions when speaking, use:

- I think …
- don’t think …
- Do you think …?
- I’m sure …

Write questions using will and the words in brackets:

1. A: Are you sure (Ali / pay) for it? ________________________
B: Yes, I’m sure he will.
2. Do you think the (head teacher / retire)? ________________________
B: He might.
3. How much do you think (Sara / pay)? ________________________
B: About KD 200.
4. Do you think (the painter / finish) all the work? ________________________
B: I’m not sure.

V + to + V V+ V-ing

1. Sara decided to ______ my bags. (carry)

2. Salem keeps ______ asleep during class. (fall)
3. Students tried to ______ the books. (buy)
4. Ali enjoys ______ table tennis. (play)
5. I promised to ______ my cousin Dana. (visit)
6. My brother wants to ______ TV. (watch)
7. I finished ______ my bedroom. (paint)
8. I hope to ______ to Dubai. (travel)
9. Fahad stopped ______ to the gym. (go)
10. My children need to ______ early. (sleep)
11. Reem forgot to ______ her clothes. (bring )

Comparative and Superlative
Positive Comparative Superlative as ….. as

A) Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given:

1- This class is _________ (good) than the other class.

2- This class is _________ (bad) than the other class.
3- Do not study lesson 6. It is the _________ (important) one.
4- My dress is _________ (expensive) than yours. Yours coast 200KD, whereas mine coast 100KD.
5- I had the _________ (difficult) exam.
6- Noor is as _________ (good) as Sumaya.
7- Can you think of a _________ (good) idea than Ali’s.
8- Dana has written the _________ (long) letter ever.

B) Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given:

1. My house is (big) ____________ than yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful) ____________ than that one.

3. This is the (interesting) ____________ book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long) ____________ than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous) ____________ animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good) ____________ than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ____________ than a beer.

8. Who is the (rich) ____________ woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad) ____________ than last summer.

10. He was the (clever) ____________ thief of all.

C) Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given:

1. A rock is ____________ than a leaf. (heavy)

2. Our house is ____________ than yours. (big)
3. The princess is ____________ than the witch. (beautiful)
4. Tom is a ____________ student than Mary. (good)
5. Bicycles are ____________ than motorbikes. (safe)
6. July is ____________ than January. (hot)
7. A lion is ____________ than a cat. (dangerous)
8. Helen is ____________ than Mary. (happy)
9. Computers are ____________ than telephones. (expensive)
10. I think golf is ____________ than football. (boring)

D) Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives given.
1. It is the ____________ shop in town. (large)
2. Monday is the ____________ day of the week. (bad)
3. Ben was the____________ person in his family. (noisy)
4. Sam is the in the____________ class. (popular)
5. Which is the____________ subject at school? (difficult)
6. Jim is the____________ player in the football team. (good)
7. Elephants are the____________ animals. (heavy)
8. Let's pick the____________ apple of the tree. (big)
9. Mary is the____________ girl in the class. (thin)
10. That is the____________ sofa in our house. (comfortable)

Used to
S + used to + V

S + didn’t use to + V

When to use:
1. To describe past habits or states.
- I used to play football.
- My family used to love animals.

2. For situations that were true for a long time.

- My sister used to work in the airport.

3. For situations that aren’t true now.

- People used to travel by camels.

Positive Negative Question

He didn’t use to drink tea.
He used to drink tea. Did he use to drink tea?
He never used to drink tea.

They didn’t use to drink tea.

They used to drink tea. Did they use to drink tea?
They never used to drink tea.

Present Simple Passive
is + past participle are + past participle

a. English __________________ (speak) in many countries.

b. The post __________________ (deliver) at about 7 o’clock every morning.

c. __________________ (the building/use) anymore?
d. How often __________________ (the Olympic Games/ hold)?

e. How __________________ (your name/spell)?

f. My salary __________________ (pay) every month.
g. These cars __________________ (not make) in Japan.

h. The name of the people who committed the crime __________________ (not know).
i. His travel expenses __________________ (not pay) by his company.

Past Simple Passive

was + past participle were + past participle

A) Change from ACTIVE into PASSIVE:

1. Doctor Brown gave you some advice. …………………………………………………

2. A famous designer redecorated the hotel. …………………………………………………

3. Steven Spielberg directed “E.T.” …………………………………………………

4. Someone broke the crystal vase. …………………………………………………

5. This man planted the palm tree in the garden. …………………………………………………

6. Fleming discovered penicillin. …………………………………………………

7. They advertised the product on television. …………………………………………………

1st Conditional
If + S + Present Simple, S + will + V
If + S + Present Simple, S + will not + V

Describe possible future events and the expected results of these events.

Condition (if clause) Result (result clause)

- If I find IPhone 8 in the shop, I will buy it.
- If you answer the question correctly, you will get 2 marks.
- If Sara gives me her bank card, I will order pizza.
- If we have money, we will travel in the summer.

1. If you _________________ (not want) to watch the movie, we _____________ (do)

something else.

2. He ______________ (not make) any money, if he _______________ (not work).

3. if you ____________ (not finish) tonight, you _____________ (not have) the weekend free.

4. You _______________ (not get) there on time if you ____________ (not take) the train.

5. If you _____________ (not be) ready in five minutes, we ___________ (leave) without you.

Language Functions
Unit 1
A) Greeting People: (p. 12)
1. Long time no see.
2. How are you?
3. Great to see you.
4. Where are you living these days?
5. Nice to meet you.
6. My name is ……, by the way.

B) Showing Intrest: (p. 12)

1. What a fantastic surprise.
2. How lovely.
3. That’s good new.
4. That sounds good.
5. That looks lovely.

C) Ending Conversations: (p. 13)

1. We really must ……
2. It was really nice meeting you.
3. It was great to see you again.
4. We must get together son.
5. Say hello to ….. for me!

Unit 2
A) Asking for information in a public place: (p. 22)
1. What time’s the train leaving?
2. How often do the buses leave?
3. Could you tell me where the ticket office is?
4. How much is a First-Class ticket?
5. Can I pay by card?
6. Where can I buy a magazine?
7. Can you tell me where the bus station is?

B) Asking for more information: (p. 23)

1. Sorry, just one more thing.
2. Actually, there is one more thing.

Unit 3
A) Talking to people in shops: (p. 32)
1. Can I help you?
2. Are you looking for anything in particular?
3. What sort of thing are you looking for?
4. What does it do?
5. Do you have anything cheaper?
6. Could you show us something else?
7. We’ll take it.

B) Paying at the till: (p. 33)

1. Who’s next, please.
2. How would you like top ay?
3. Can you put your card in, please?
4. Can you enter your pin, please?
5. Here’s your receipt.

C) Changing your mind. (p. 33)

1. On second thoughts, I really think …..
2. Actually, I think …

Unit 4
A) Making arrangements: (p. 42)
1. Would you like to come around for a meal?
2. Are you doing anything on ….?
3. What are you doing on ….?
4. What time shall we come around?
5. Would you like us to bring anything?
6. How about the weekend?

B) Making time to think: (p. 42)

1. Oh, that sounds nice. I’ll just check.
2. Hang on a minute ..
3. Just a moment ..

Unit 5
A) Offers (p. 53)
1. I’ll finish things here, if you want.
2. Shall I …?
3. Would you like me to …?
4. Do you want me to ..?

B) Suggestions:
1. Why don’t I/ you … ?
2. Maybe you should …
3. How about …

A) Correct the verb:

1. We sometimes ______(reads) books.

2. It often ______(rains) on Sundays.

3. Peter and his sister ______(washes) their family car.

4. I always ______(hurry) to the bus stop.

B) Correct the verb:

1. I ______ (to like) lemonade very much.

2. The girls always ______ (to listen) to pop music.

3. Janet never______ (to wear) jeans.

4. Mr Smith ______ (to teach) Spanish and French.

5. You ______ (to do) your homework after school.

6. We ______ (to have) a nice garden.

C) Correct the verb:

1. She ______ (to be) six years old.

2. Simon ______ (to have) two rabbits and five goldfish.

3. I ______ (to be) from Vienna, Austria.

4. They ______ (to be) Mona's parents.

5. My father______ (make) breakfast. → My father______ (not make) breakfast.

6. They ______(be) eleven. → They ______(not be) eleven

A) Correct the verb:
1. I ________ (plays) basketball once a week.
2. Tom ________ (work) every day.
3. He always ________ (tell) us funny stories.
4. Dana never ________ (help) me with my homework.
5. Martha and Kevin ________ (swim) twice a week.
6. Linda ________ (take care) of her sister.
7. John rarely ________ (leave) the country.
8. We ________ (live) in the city.
9. Fatma ________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
10. I ________ (bake) cookies twice a month.
11. You always ________ (teach) me new things.
12. London ________ (be) in England.
13. She ________ (be) a good driver.
14. They ________ (open) the store at 8:00.
15. Linda ________ (be) a very pretty girl.
16. I _______ (have) several jobs.
17. Water _______ (boil) at 100 degrees.
18. My sister ________ (speak) English.
19. The weather ________ (be) hot in Kuwait.
20. Water ________ (freeze) at 0 degrees.
21. I ________ (not ride) horses.
22. You ________ (not sell) cars.
23. He________ (not bring) gifts.
24. She________ (not take) pictures.
25. It________ (not cost) so much.
26. We________ (not seem) so happy.
27. They________ (not buy) new products.
28. Michael________ (not dance).

29. Michel________ (not run) fast.
30. Tim and Kate________ (not work) every day.
31. Lucas and Clara________ (not eat) meat.
32. I________ (not swim) much.
33. You________ (not ski) at all.
34. It________ (not hurt).
35. We________ (not give up).

B) Present Simple Yes/ No Questions: [Use Do or Does]

1. ________ (your children wake up) at five in the morning?
2. ________ (you go) to work by train?
3. ________ (she drink) coffee every morning?
4. ________ (he smoke)?
5. ________ (it hurt)?
6. ________ (they travel)?
7. ________ (Emma cook) well?
8. ________ (Alexander exercise) regularly?
9. ________ (I look) well?
10. ________ (you rest) enough?
11. ________ (William work) hard at school?
12. ________ (Sara and Mona travel) often?
13. ________ (Anthony go) to sleep too late?
14. ________ (you bake) cakes?

C) Past Simple:
1. Last year I (go) ________to England on holiday.
2. It (be) ________fantastic.
3. I (visit) ________lots of interesting places. I (be) ________with two friends of mine.
4. In the mornings, we (walk) ________in the streets of London.
5. The weather (be) ________strangely fine.
6. It (not / rain) ________a lot.
7. But we (see) ________some beautiful rainbows.
8. Where (spend / you) ________ your last holiday?
D) Put the sentences into simple past:
1. We move to a new house. → _________________________________
2. My brother bring a sandwich. → _________________________________
3. He doesn't do the homework. → _________________________________
4. They sell cars. → _________________________________
5. Does he visit his friends? → _________________________________

E) Choose "Was” or "Were”:

1. The teacher______ nice.
2. The students______ very clever.
3. But one student ______in trouble.
4. We ______sorry for him.
5. He ______nice though.

F) Correct the verb:

1) I _____ (work) in a bank.

2) Where _____ (you/live) when you were young?
3) She _____ (not/study) French at university.
4) He _____ (travel) to the middle east last year.
5) _____ (they/visit) the Louvre in Paris?
6) She _____ (not/watch) TV yesterday.
7) We _____ (buy) a new car last weekend.
8) Where _____ (you/teach) before you came here?
9) He _____ (not/think) that he was right.
10) I _____ (cook) steak last night.
11) _____ (Lucy/read) 'War and Peace' at school?
12) She _____ (not/write) to her pen friend.
13) I _____ (sell) my computer last Monday.
14) Where _____ (you/go) on holiday?
15) I _____ (love) ice cream when I was a child.
16) They _____ (not/meet) yesterday.
17) _____ (she/swim) in the sea in Greece?
18) We _____ (not/play) tennis yesterday.
19) He _____ (try) to lift the box but he couldn't.
20) What _____ (you/eat) for lunch?

G) Use an appropriate linker:

1. Ahmad is tall and handsome. He is __________ very intelligent.

2. In the summer, I don’t go walking on the beach __________ the weather is very hot.

3. My friend gave me a beautiful present for my birthday, __________ I sent her an email to thank her.

4. Marian is very short __________ she managed to get the balloon from on top of the fridge.

5. Sara is going to the bank now __________ she needs to get money to pay the delivery man.

A): Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
1. We sometimes____________ books.
a. read b. is reading c. reads d. was reading
2. Emily _______ to the salon every week.
a. went b. goes c. go d. going
3. Does she always _________ breakfast?
a. Is eating b. eat c. eats d. ate
4. It __________ right now!
a. Raining b. rains c. was raining d. is raining
5. Aisha __________ lunch when the phone rang.
a. Is cooking b. cooked c. was cooking d. cooks
6. Nadia and Nada ___________ TV right now because they are sleeping.
a. Not watching b. didn’t watching c. isn't watching d. aren’t watching
7. Salwa: __________ do you finish class? Fatima: I finish at 1PM.
a. What b. Where c. Why d. When
8. Our midterm will be ________ a Saturday.
a. In b. on c. at
9. Ahmed: __________ do you live? Ali: I live in Kuwait with my family.
a. Where b. Who c. Why d. Which
10. I didn’t _______ to class yesterday.
a. were going b. went c. is going d. go
11. Last night I didn’t ______ with my sister because I had to study for my exam.
a. Played b. wasn’t playing c. play d. plays
12. We _____________ a book when we heard the thunder storm outside.
a. Was reading b. were reading c. is reading d. are reading
13. I ______________ all the questions correctly during the exam yesterday.
a. Was answering b. am answering c. answering d. were answering
14. Today I have to go to my grandparent’s house __ 6:00 PM for dinner.
a. at b. in c. on
15. Our English teacher _________ gives us a study guide before the midterm so we can study for it.
a. never b. rarely c. always

16. Fahad: _________ is going to the movie theatre with me tonight? Abdullah: Only you and
a. who b. which c. when d. Did
17. Ahmed got in an accident and hurt himself because he ________ wears the seatbelt!
a. always b. never c. often
18. Yesterday, my baby sister said she _________ a giant airplane landed on our neighbour’s house.
a. see b. was seeing c. saw d. were seeing
19. I _________ to class when I got in a car accident.
a. come b. is come c. was coming d. coming
20. They ________ soccer on Mondays only.
a. Plays b. play c. playing d. is playing
21. _____ they go to school yesterday with you?
a. Do b. Does c. Did
22. ______ she always do her homework after class?
a. Do b. Does
23. My teacher ___________ French and Spanish fluently.
a. speaking b. speaks c. speak
24. My birthday is _______ June.
a. In b. on c. at
25. The sun ___________ from the East every morning.
a. Risen b. am rising c. rises d. rise
26. The new mall will open _________ August 15, 2018!

a. In b. on c. at

27. Sulaiman doesn’t __________ to drink coffee before going to sleep.

a. Is liking b. likes c. liking d. like

28. Abdullah: ____________ subjects you are taking now?

Salem: I am taking Science, Math, and English this semester.

a. What b. When c. What d. Why

29. Fay: _________ didn’t you attend class today? Amna: I had an appointment.

Why b. When c. Who d. Where

30. I usually go to sleep _______ midnight.
a. In b. on c. at

31. ______ the morning, I have to drink two cups of coffee.

a. In b. on c. at
32. _____ my birthday, I want to go out to celebrate.
a. In b. on c. at
33. I will graduate from PAAET ___ 2020.
a. In b. on c. at
34. I have to wake up ________ 7 o’clock every morning!
a. In b. on c. at
35. Our midterm will be _______ November 11, 2017 so don’t forget!
a. In b. on c. at

B) Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

1) Ali never _____ work at 6 pm. (leave- leaves- is leaving)

2) We sometimes _____ our family on weekends. (visit - visited - visiting)

3) Who _____ this lady? She is our teacher. (are – is - am)

4) Fatma _____ all the newspapers to my office yesterday. (brings - brought - bring)

5) _____ is your birthday? (When – Who - What)

6) Where are you ______? I can’t see you. (sit - sits - sitting)

7) Mona was in my office when you _____ yesterday. (came - come - coming)

8) _____ plans do you have for the weekend? (Where - Who - What)

9) I don’t eat cake _____ I threw it away. (so - but - because)

10) Where _____ you go last week? (do - does - did)

11) She slept late _____ she was studying. (so - but - because)

12) I _____ in Kuwait airport. (works - working - work)

13) Nadia _____ breakfast at the moment. (having - is having - has - have)

14) Sara _____ a nurse. She is a pilot. (doesn’t - aren’t - don’t - isn’t)

15) My mother told me to be in the kitchen ____ 5 pm. (in - at - on - no preposition)

16) Can you give me _____ book you read last night? (a - an - the - no article)

17) I would like to visit London _____ I have exams. (and - also - but - when)

18) Fahad runs and _____ with his friends in the park. (playing - is playing - played - plays)

19) Nissreen is the teacher _____ teaches my son French. (which - who - where - when)

20) We went to the mall but it was closed ____ Friday. (at- in - on - no preposition)

21) Salem always _____ dinner at 8 pm. (have - has - having - is having)

22) Look! The child _____ the medicine. (is eating - ate - eating - was eating)

23) Sara and Dana _____ go to school on Friday. (don’t - doesn’t - aren’t – are)


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