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GED 104

Linkedin Learning Task

Name: JOMARK B. GUHITING Date of Submission: APRIL 21, 2022

Student Number: 521000063 Specialization: MAEd-THM

Word count: _469__

We all make mistakes. It's totally normal. What matters is, how we deal with
those mistakes. This means that we have got a chance to grow. In my
organization, making mistakes is normal as long as we’re truthful and sincere
about the steps on how we make up ourselves to recover. I also learned from the
course that even small tweaks can make a huge difference in performance,
morale, and engagement. Just like in my subject area, everyone is encouraged
to share their thoughts whether bright or vague. No instant rejections but
brainstorming instead to make our conversation more professional and
collaborative. Improper communication is one of the most common problems in
an organization. There are some members or heads who bypass line of
communications. The result, confusion. It important that we know how to deliver
messages. In addition, a lot of things are being talked about during the meeting
or issues that need to be addressed. Sometimes, members or some heads don’t
listen to one another. In my school, there’s always a time for you to talk and listen.
Everyone is given a chance to talk as everyone deserves to be listened to as well.

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As a new leader in my school, it’s a challenge for me to build trust among
my co-workers and members due to some work standards and performance.
Sometimes, we stereotype people that can result to lack of trust. That is why I am
improving myself to be more professional in terms of this manner. Otherwise, I think
this might lead to difficulty in delegating tasks because of doubts and
apprehensions that a person might not do well. But I learned from the course that
as a leader, you really have to trust your members and let them shine on their own
way with your guidance. Hence, if they do well, they need to be recognized. I am
so happy that all my members in the area are easy to work with and are very
much appreciative even in small things.
Not all your members would work the same. If students have their own
learning styles, so does our members. There are some who are prompt in
submitting their requirements while others beat the deadline. I realize that I cannot
impose my working style to my members because they would be boxed to my
concept of working. It is really great to be dynamic in terms of work force and
competence. That is why in our school, we monitor our teachers’ individual
competencies through assessment and monitoring report. With this, as a leader, I
could easily see where my teacher needs improvement or should be empowered
Knowing your members not just by their names would really help you gauge
how you would work with them and deal with their personalities and working

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