A. Over The Head: C. To Describe To The Listener About The Procedures of Safety Flight

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Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.

Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your waist.
Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a
cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones
are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.
We wish you an enjoyable flight.

1. Where do you have to put the life jacket?

A. Over the head
B. Around the waist.
C. Outside the aircraft.
D. In the back of the seat.

2. Why does the speaker tell the text above to the listener?
A. To entertain the listener about the procedures of safety flight
B. To tell the listener about the procedures of safety flight
C. To describe to the listener about the procedures of safety flight
D. To persuade the listener to follow the procedures of safety flight

3. What will you do to attract the attention of people to help you?

A. I will wave my hand and ask for help

B. I will blow into the chip to inflate the life jacket

C. I will turn on the light of life jacket

D. I will fasten the jacket tapes

4. “……..as they interfere the communication and navigational system.”

“They” refers to……

Life jackets

TV set


TV set, radio, Walkman, mobile phones

5. The generic structures of procedure text are…

A. Orientation, event, reorientation

B. Identification, description

C. Orientation, resolution, reorientation, coda

D. Goal, materials, steps

My manager are promoting Stacey to be the new lead team next month


When I get home the children is singing  the most famous song.

It is raining and I waiting for my mother to pick me up.

He is renting a whole theatre for his anniversary tonight.

Rudi and Andi are runing very fast

How to Perform Wudu

1. Make niyyah (intention) to perform wudu, and say "Bismillah" (in the name of Allah)
before starting wudu.

2. Wash your hands.

3. Take water into your mouth

4. Inhale water into your nose. 

5. Wash your face.

6. Wash your lower arms from wrists to elbows, leaving no part dry. 
7. Clean your head. 

8. Wipe your ears inside and out.

9. Wash both of your feet. 
10. Memorize the order.

I will tell you how to perform wudhu.

1. Memorize the order
2. Take water into your mouth
3. Wash your hand
4. Clean your head
5. Make niyyah (intention) to perform wudu, and say "Bismillah" (in the name of Allah)
before starting wudu.
6. Wash your feet
7. Inhale water into your nose
8. Wash your face
9. Wash your lower arms from wrists to elbows, leaving no part dry. 
10. Wipe your ears inside and out
The correct order of how to perform wudhu is….
A. 1-5-3-2-7-8-9-4-10-6
B. 5-3-2-7-8-9-4-10-6-1
C. 5-3-2-7-9-8-1-4-6-10
D. 1-5-3-2-7-8-9-4-6-10
After you ordered the text above, in what step is explained that to perform wudhu must follow its
A. The first step
B. The second step
C. The fifth step
D. The last step
What is the main idea of the text above?
A. How to perform wudhu
B. Memorize the order
C. The steps how to wash face
D. The steps before doing prayer
Based on the text above, what the generic structure isn’t mentioned?
A. Goal
B. Steps
C. Materials
D. Simple present tense
What kind of the text is above?
A. Descriptive text
B. Procedure text
C. Narrative text
D. Recount text

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