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How to use this book
How to identify a bird
Natural France – an overview
Birdlife in France
Where and when to watch birds in France
Species descriptions
Photo credits
List of species names
France is the largest country entirely within Europe –
more than twice the size of the United Kingdom. It has
impressively varied natural landscapes – from wetlands
to stony deserts, vast forests to montane meadows – plus
coastlines that encompass three seas (the Mediterranean,
North Sea and Atlantic Ocean) and the English Channel
(La Manche in French). France imbibes influences from
both northern and southern Europe – and its wildlife,
specifically its birdlife, reflects this. France also serves as a
thoroughfare for migrant birds – typically those that
breed further north and winter further south.
All this is found in a country with roughly half the
population of the UK, meaning that many natural
landscapes are unfettered by substantial human activity.
In turn, this means that birds and other animals thrive.
Not only wildlife prospers in France; tourism does too. UK
residents made more than 8 million visits to France in
2016 – more than to any other country except Spain.
Many of those visits were to areas that throng with
birdlife: from the Atlantic coast to the Alps, and from the
Channel to the world-famous Camargue.
Yet, until now, there has never been an English-
language field guide to the birds of France. Birdwatchers
and tourists alike have had to make do with field guides
to British birds (which do not cover all common species in
France) or to the birds of the whole of Europe (which have
the potential for confusion, illustrating numerous species
that do not occur in France). This book aims to make
amends, illustrating and describing 252 bird species that
are most likely to be encountered on a visit to France,
including Corsica.
The book is designed for English-speaking tourists
visiting France or expats resident in France who have an
interest in identifying birds they see. It aims to meet the
needs of ecotourists and novice birdwatchers more than
expert birders – although the latter should still get plenty
of use from it. This is deliberately a pocket guide, compact
enough to carry around and perfect to throw in a suitcase
for a family holiday where birdwatching is a sideline.
This guide does not seek to be comprehensive, but to
home in on birds most likely to be seen while exploring
the French countryside (or urban areas, for that matter;
birds get everywhere!). Importantly, it seeks to avoid the
use of birding jargon, instead conveying in layman’s
language the features you should look for to identify
correctly the bird in your sights.
This book describes and depicts the 252 species you are
most likely to see in the country. Where it makes sense to
do so, images of flying birds are included for species often
seen in flight.
Each species description is headed by the English and
scientific names, plus the total body length (and
wingspan for birds frequently seen in flight). The names
used, taxonomy (the arbitration on what constitutes a full
species rather than subspecies) and the order of families
all follow the expert advice of the Association of European
Records and Rarities Committees ( Here,
there is a section on French names, which may be useful if
you chat to local birdwatchers.
Each species description starts with a summary of the
distribution, status, seasonality and habitat of the bird in
question. This helps start the identification process: you
are unlikely to see a summer visitor in winter, or to
encounter in Normandy a bird that occurs only in the Alps.
If you are unfamiliar with the geography of France,
bookmark the map, which illustrates the country’s
administrative regions.
The text suggests the best ways to distinguish the bird
concerned from similar-looking species. Quite
intentionally, we neither provide a feather-by-feather
description nor recount what you can see in the
photographs. Instead, we adopt a more user-friendly
approach that directs your attention to the diagnostic
characteristics of the species. If Bird A differs from all
similar-looking creatures by a bold white band on the
wing, why laboriously describe the colour and pattern of
every other feather tract – particularly since you can see
these in the accompanying photograph(s)? Finally, where
relevant to identification (or to getting the ‘feel’ of a
bird), we include choice details on vocalisations (such as
distinctive calls) and behaviour (showy or skulking,
solitary or gregarious).
To help you identify an unfamiliar bird, it is useful to have
a mental checklist of things to look out for. Putting these
together should narrow down the list of candidate
species. Things to focus on include:
• How does the bird’s size compare to a species with
which you are familiar (and which, ideally, is nearby)?
Is it bigger or smaller?
• How does the shape compare: is it longer- or shorter-
legged? Does it have a long, fine bill or a short, chunky
• Where is the bird? Is it in a tree, on the ground, on the
water or on a muddy estuary? You are unlikely to see a
wader perched in a leafy canopy, or a thrush hopping
around on a mudflat.
• What is the bird doing? Specifically, how is it moving?
Is it running or hopping? Is it moving quickly through
vegetation or flying high in the sky?
• Is the bird silent or vocal? If vocal, can you describe its
call or song?
• Are there any obvious patches of white on the bird’s
plumage? If so, where exactly (see the illustration)?
• Finally, look for prominent patches of other colours:
perhaps a black stripe on the head, a yellow flash on
the wing, or red legs. Where is this and why is it
Scientists pride themselves on being very precise when it
comes to describing animals. Ornithologists are no
different, and have developed detailed topographic charts
to ensure everyone is clear on what parts of a bird they
are referring to. This is important when distinguishing
between similar-looking species, for example.
However, for the lay reader, and even for many
birdwatchers, the particular terms used can be confusing
and difficult to remember. Although most people will be
able to guess where on a bird’s body its rump lies,
pinpointing the primaries and supercilium may be
trickier. Accordingly, we take care to minimise the use of
overly technical terms when referring to parts of a bird’s
body. For the ease of reading, we simplify descriptions.
For example, instead of ‘supercilium’ we refer to the
‘stripe over the eye’ and use ‘wing-tip’ instead of
All this said, there is merit in familiarising yourself
with the formal terms. It may help, for example, in
conversations with other birdwatchers who help you
differentiate between a Common Chaffinch and
Brambling by referring to the colour of their wing coverts.
To help prepare for such scenarios, have a look at the
annotated illustration of a bird (below), which contains
the official names for particular body parts.
Three sides of L’Hexagone (a casual synonym for
mainland France, reflecting the territory’s shape)
comprise coastline. Two – the English Channel/North Sea
and the Atlantic – are similar in character. The third, the
Mediterranean, is very different. The northern and
western coastlines have extensive, unspoilt intertidal and
coastal habitats. There are large estuaries and also vast
expanses of saltmarsh – perfect for wildfowl and waders.
The southern coast is warmer and calmer, comprising
beaches with the odd delta, such as the Camargue, which
lies where the River Rhône strives to meet the
Mediterranean Sea.
France is rarely thought of as mountainous, yet it has
many peaks topping 3,500m, including Europe’s highest
(Mont Blanc, at 4,810m). These summits lie in eastern
France, which is dominated by land at high altitude
stretching from the Vosges in the north-east to the Alpes
Maritimes in the south-east. The Vosges are
comparatively rounded for a mountain chain. The Jura,
further south, are higher, with spectacular limestone
landscapes, while the Alps themselves are without peer in
Europe – lofty, rugged and fresh. At their southern edge,
the Queyras and Alpes Maritimes harbour a hotter, drier
climate – which means that the wildlife here is quite
different from that of the Vosges.
In contrast to these hilly regions, the northern third of
France is largely low-lying. The underlying sedimentary
rocks produce soils that furnish France’s expansive
agricultural plains. Around Paris, and thus across much of
north-central France, is a ring of chalk. Soils here are
acidic and poorly drained, discouraging agriculture and
allowing the formation of heathland and forest.
The western extremity of northern France – Brittany,
in particular – lies atop a hard bedrock of granite. This
allows a wilder landscape to predominate, with moors,
forests and rocky outcrops. Central France is dominated by
the hilly Massif Central, which includes renowned
landscapes such as Auvergne–Rhône-Alpes (volcanic in
origin), the Cévennes (granites) and the Causses
(limestone plateaus). Several well-known rivers (the
Loire, Lot and Dordogne) rise here, flowing north and east
– including through the remarkable wetlands of La
Southern France is different again. In addition to the
Camargue, there are limestone hills, warm hillsides
covered with garrigue scrubland, lofty cliffs and broad
river valleys. Heading south-west towards Spain, the land
rises into the great wall of the Pyrenees, which separates
France from Iberia.
Isolated from mainland France, but a regular tourist
destination and thus within the scope of this book, is
Corsica. This island is a world unto itself, with precipitous
mountains plunging into pristine coastlines, vast forests,
and abundant coastal and high-altitude lakes.
Although more than 600 species of bird have been
recorded in France, many are unusual or exceptional
visitors. Roughly 350 to 400 species occur regularly, of
which more than 250 routinely breed (of which about 150
do so commonly).
A good proportion of the birds seen in France will be
familiar to visitors coming from the British Isles.
Pleasingly, however, many species that are rare (or
effectively unknown) in the UK and Ireland transpire to be
common and widespread in France, including Black
Redstart, Cirl Bunting and European Serin.
You will soon notice other differences too. Although
climate change is pushing species north into the UK, long-
legged waterbirds such as various egrets, herons and
spoonbills are still more frequently encountered in
France. There is a wider variety of woodpeckers in French
forests than in UK woodlands, a much broader diversity of
birds of prey (including several eagles and vultures) and
many more warblers to tick off. Wildfowl, waders and
gulls may feel pretty familiar, but not so colourful, exotic-
looking creatures such as Hoopoe, European Bee-eater
and Blue Rock Thrush. High-altitude zones have their own
special birds – including such exotically named species as
Alpine Chough, Alpine Accentor and White-winged
Snowfinch. The following section suggests where you
might see some of these exciting birds.
According to current classifications by BirdLife
International and the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature, 15 species regularly occurring in
France are considered globally threatened (which means
they face a very real chance of extinction). One of these,
Corsican Nuthatch, occurs in no other country but France
(indeed, as its name suggests, in no other place but
Corsica). Among non-threatened species, two other
Corsican specialities, Marmora’s Warbler and Corsican
Finch, otherwise exist solely on the adjacent Italian island
of Sardinia. France is special!
You can see birds anywhere in France, and need make no
special trips to enjoy watching some attractive species.
But one thing is clear: you will not see precisely the same
suite of species wherever you travel. The birds you see at
any given place depend on habitats at the location, on
altitude and on season. Accordingly, below is an overview
of some of the most interesting birds occurring in
particular sites or areas (many of them in tourist regions).
This section is intended to be illustrative, not exhaustive,
and clearly it is no substitute for detailed information on
particular locations, as might be found in excellent online
databases (see ‘Resources’).
English Channel and Atlantic coasts France’s premier
seabird colonies are in Brittany, notably on the Sept Îles.
Northern Gannet is the star here, but other species include
European Shag, Black-legged Kittiwake and Sandwich
Tern. Off northwesternmost France, the island of
Ouessant (Ushant) is famous for students of bird
migration, attracting a mouth-watering list of rare
migrants and vagrants.
The Baie de Somme on the English Channel is very
good for waterfowl and waders, particularly in winter.
South of Brittany, the Atlantic coast abounds in good
birdwatching sites, including Baie de l’Aiguillon, where
the marshes hold breeding birds such as Black-winged
Stilt and Black-tailed Godwit. The intertidal feeding
grounds here may host hundreds of thousands of waders
in autumn, many of which overwinter. Nearby Bourgneuf
holds similar species.
North-east and central France Lac du Der-Chantecoq, in
the north-east, is renowned for the thousands of geese
and Common Cranes that pause on migration or spend
the winter here. To the east, deciduous forests at
Troisfontaines are a stronghold for France’s contingent of
woodpeckers. South of Paris, in central France, are the
famous Sologne and La Brenne wetlands. Both abound in
birds associated with damp places, from Black-necked
Grebe and Red-crested Pochard to Bearded Reedling.
The hills of the Massif Central are too low for truly
montane species to breed, but some, such as Citril Finch
and Alpine Accentor, occur in winter. Extensive forests
here are home to Black Woodpecker, European Crested Tit
and Red Crossbill. The Cévennes and Causses regions offer
excellent birdwatching, with open-country species such
as shrikes and various warblers complemented by cliff-
dwelling birds such as Eurasian Eagle-owl and Eurasian
Crag Martin.
The Alps and Pyrenees You can expect to see truly
montane birds in the Alps, such as Alpine Chough, White-
winged Snowfinch, Alpine Accentor and Water Pipit. Birds
of prey include Golden Eagle, and the Bearded Vulture
(Lammergeier) is being reintroduced. France’s other
major mountain chain, the Pyrenees, holds similar species
– although both the number and variety of aerial birds,
from vultures and eagles to Eurasian Crag Martin, are
generally greater. Up high, look for Citril Finch and both
species of chough. The forests are also productive, with
Black Woodpecker and Western Bonelli’s Warbler among
the specialities.
The Mediterranean coast and Corsica The Mediterranean
region is very different, with southern species such as Cirl
Bunting, Hoopoe and European Bee-eater being
particularly welcome. Coastal waterbodies, notably in the
Camargue, often thrill, with flocks of Greater Flamingo
turning the vista pink, and a wide variety of gulls, terns,
waders, ducks and raptors adding to the attraction.
Nearby, the stony desert of La Crau attracts a special
avifauna, including Eurasian Stone-curlew, Little Bustard
and Ortolan Bunting. A short distance further is the
Alpilles, where the rugged habitat hosts Bonelli’s Eagle,
Eurasian Eagle-owl, Blue Rock Thrush and, in winter,
Finally, Corsica provides a lesson in avian evolution, for
there are birds here that occur nowhere else in the world
(or pretty much so), among a wide range of exciting
species. Examples are Corsican Nuthatch, Marmora’s
Warbler and Corsican Finch.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor 150cm

Widespread waterbird, frequenting plains, valleys and
vegetated lakes. Massive, white and long-necked. Usually
seen floating on water, grazing in fields or flying, when
wings make a unique musical throbbing sound. Stockier
than similarly huge Whooper Swan, with neck often held
in an ‘S’ shape, black triangle at the base of orange (adult)
or grey (juvenile) bill, and longer tail (best seen in
upending birds). Short legs eliminate Eurasian Spoonbill
or egrets as possible confusion species. Displaying males
cruise rapidly across water with wings raised like sails.
Often aggressive, hissing and even attacking when
intruders threaten their young.
Adult (left), First-winter plumage, in flight (right)

WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus 150cm

Rare winterer in north-east France, favouring quiet
waterbodies (particularly for roosting) and nearby fields.
Same size as Mute Swan (i.e. massive), but slimmer and
with very long neck often held straight. As other swans,
adults have white plumage, juveniles greyish. Even at a
distance, has a distinctly ‘snoutier’ head and bill shape
than Mute, with wide head and very long, tapering bill. At
closer range, extensive yellow bill base contrasts with
broad black tip (Mute has black at base of orange bill).
These features also rule out smaller Bewick’s Swan
(Cygnus columbianus; not illustrated), which winters
rarely in parts of France.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

GREYLAG GOOSE Anser anser 80cm

Resident along much of the northern and Atlantic coasts,
and winters particularly in north-west half of country.
Frequents a variety of waterbodies, pastures and crop
fields. Second-largest goose (smaller only than Canada
Goose), stocky and thick-necked. Only goose with a deep-
based, wholly orange bill and pink legs. Plumage greyer
than other geese, with striking (and unique) pale grey
bands on forewings prominent in ponderous flight. Loud,
nasal cackling calls (recall a ‘farmyard goose’).
CANADA GOOSE Branta canadensis 80–105cm
Non-native birds breed widely across the northern half of
France, and may range more widely in winter. Frequents
any freshwater lakes, including in urban areas. Huge,
swarthy, long-necked, bulky goose with diagnostic broad
white chin-strap on otherwise black head and neck.
White face-patch (rather than neck collar) distinguishes it
from smaller Brent Goose, and breast is pale, not black.
Loud, trumpeting call – particularly given in heavy, noisy
BRENT GOOSE Branta bernicla 58cm
Common, gregarious winterer on northern and Atlantic
coasts as far south as northern Aquitaine, favouring
muddy bays, adjacent marshy grasslands and rocky,
seaweed-strewn shores. France’s (and Europe’s) smallest
goose, no larger than Common Shelduck. White collar on
throat is diagnostic, and stands out on the wholly black
head and neck. At a distance, bright white undertail is
distinct against mostly dingy brown plumage. Looks slim
and elegant in flight, with sharply pointed wings. Flocks
issue a distinctive gargling or chuckling call, particularly
in flight.
Adult male in flight (left), Adult male, on left, and adult female

COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna 60cm

Resident along Mediterranean coasts and northern
Aquitaine, frequenting fresh- and saltwater habitats.
Unmistakable large, goose-like duck. At a distance,
appears white with bold black patches. At closer range,
head, neck and inner portion of rear wing have a green
sheen, breast-band is chestnut, bill is a vibrant strawberry
red and legs are shocking pink. Looking, in flight
strikingly white, with dark head, neck, rear third of wing,
shoulder-patches and upper back. Calls include a nasal,
conversational ga-ga-ga-ga.
Adult male in flight (left), Adult female (right)

MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos 55cm

France’s commonest duck, occurring countrywide even in
urban areas. Long, stocky and familiar duck that provides
the benchmark for identifying other ducks. In flight, looks
heavy and dark, with two white lines along wings
flanking a blue rectangle (speculum). Orange legs –
visible when on land – are unlike those of any other
French duck except the massive-billed Northern Shoveler.
Male’s combination of green head, thin white neck collar,
purple-brown breast and curly black tail feathers is
unique. Female differs from female Gadwall in its stripier
face and limited (rather than extensive) orange sides to
grey bill. Beware oddly plumaged birds (black, white,
etc.) deriving from captive stock.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

EURASIAN WIGEON Anas penelope 46cm

Widespread winterer on and around waterbodies and
marshes, particularly in major wetland areas. Midway
between Mallard and Eurasian Teal in size, with short
neck and round head. Bill pattern is unique among
European dabbling ducks: pale bluish with a black tip.
Male’s chestnut head and yellow forehead stripe are
distinctive; in flight, shows a striking white patch on
forewing. Female dull brown, differing from other ducks
by subtly chestnut flanks and (visible when on land)
contrasting white belly. Gregarious, sometimes in large
groups that utter evocative whistling calls and take to the
air in rapid, wheeling flocks.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

GADWALL Anas strepera 51cm

Widespread but thinly distributed winterer and scarce
breeder, frequenting larger, well-vegetated freshwater
bodies. Slightly smaller and more slender than Mallard.
Male is the only duck with almost wholly silvery-grey
plumage and contrasting black bill. In flight, white patch
at rear of wing (speculum) catches eye. Female resembles
female Mallard but has a plainer face, white wing patch
and more extensive orange sides to bill. Usually occurs in
pairs; flocks are rare.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

EURASIAN TEAL Anas crecca 36cm

Rare breeder in northern France. Winters commonly,
particularly in extensive wetlands, marshes and large
estuaries. The smallest dabbling duck – compact,
appearing particularly so during its urgent, twisting
flight. Often in dense flocks. Attractive males have a
rufous head partitioned by a broad green mask with
yellow edges. Grey body is divided by two horizontal
stripes (one black, one white), and a yellow triangle on
vent glows on gloomy afternoons. Size distinguishes
female from brown female ducks, e.g. Eurasian Wigeon.
Differs from female Garganey in plainer head, white line
along side of tail and (often) orange base to bill.
NORTHERN PINTAIL Anas acuta 56cm (+ 10cm
tail in male)
Uncommon winterer throughout France, with more birds
on passage in spring/autumn. Prefers well-vegetated
lakes and estuaries. Both sexes are slender, long-necked,
sharp-winged, graceful ducks – the male with elongated
tail streamers. Male (pictured) is distinctive, with a
chocolate-brown head contrasting with white breast, and
cream stripe on rear flanks contrasting with black vent
and undertail. Female differs from female Mallard and
Gadwall in lacking any orange on bill, and having an
entirely plain head and strongly pointed tail. Usually
occurs as loose groups in flocks of other ducks.
Adult male (left, centre), and adult female (right)

GARGANEY Anas querquedula 39cm

Localised breeder (summer visitor), particularly in
northern France. Shy, preferring secluded, well-vegetated
lakes, especially flanked by reeds. Slightly larger than
Eurasian Teal, but unlike that species, upends only rarely
to feed, preferring to dabble on surface. At a distance,
male is a duck of two halves – dark-fronted but pale at
the rear. At closer range, head pattern (long white stripe
from eye to nape, on chocolate-brown head) is
distinctive. Female/immature resemble female Eurasian
Teal but differ in boldly striped face (with double
supercilium), contrastingly creamy chin and all-dark bill
(Eurasian Teal often has orange bill base).
Adult male (left), Eclipse male (right)

NORTHERN SHOVELER Anas clypeata 48cm

Localised breeder in major wetlands; more widespread in
winter but still scarce. Favours shallow, well -vegetated
waterbodies. Smaller, stockier and with bigger head than
Mallard, and with a massive spatulate bill (the origin of its
name). Male is distinctive, with green head (like male
Mallard) but white breast and rusty flanks. In flight, male
has eye-catching large, pale blue upperwing patch (grey
in female). Female/immature recalls female Mallard in
plumage, but has a plainer head. Forages
undemonstratively, usually in pairs and never in big
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

RED-CRESTED POCHARD Netta rufina 55cm

Sparse, shy breeder of well-vegetated lakes in major
inland wetlands such as La Brenne and the Rhône valley.
Large flocks winter in the Camargue and on alpine lakes.
Large, big-headed duck, the size of a Mallard, which feeds
by dabbling and upending. At range, male can look
largely dark and white, but diagnostic burnt-orange head
and vivid red bill remain highly visible. Female/immature
is uniform, unmarked brown but with a contrastingly
bicolored head (dark cap, pale cheeks) – a far more
striking pattern than superficially similar female Common
Scoter. In flight, shows a prominent white wing-stripe.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

COMMON POCHARD Aythya ferina 46cm

Local breeder in northern France, but relatively common
and widespread in winter, even on urban waters. Diving
ducks such as Common Pochard are fairly small – about
the size of Eurasian Wigeon – but compact and stocky.
They feed by diving fully underwater and are typically
gregarious. Both sexes have a distinctive profile, with a
gently sloping forehead and longish bill. Male’s head is a
deeper chestnut than in male Red-crested Pochard and
bill is blue-grey/black (red on latter). Female/immature
has a dark eye surrounded by diffuse pale ‘spectacles’ –
quite unlike the staring yellow eye of female Tufted Duck.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula 42cm

Breeds locally in northern France, but more common and
widespread in winter, including on urban lakes.
Marginally smaller and slighter than Common Pochard,
with a shorter bill. Female differs from female of that
species by having a vibrant yellow eye and pale blue bill
with black tip. Female may also have hint of tuft on rear
crown, which becomes a long crest in male. Latter is
unmistakable, being all black with white flanks. In flight,
both sexes have a prominent white stripe on rear wing
(indistinct in Common Pochard).
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

COMMON SCOTER Melanitta nigra 49cm

Gregarious seaduck, with good wintering populations on
northern and Atlantic coasts as far south as Nouvelle-
Aquitaine, and in the Mediterranean around the
Camargue. Occurs offshore, and occasionally on inland
waters. Between Eurasian Wigeon and Mallard in size, but
stockier. Both sexes are wholly dark (or almost so), males
black and females sooty brown, with no white on wing.
Female has a pale cheek-patch – more indistinct than in
female Red-crested Pochard (and lacking that species’
conspicuous white wing-stripe). Typically seen in large
groups bobbing on the sea, or flying in long lines (when
seen as chunky, short-necked, all-dark ducks).
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

COMMON GOLDENEYE Bucephala clangula

Small groups frequent undisturbed large lakes,
particularly in northern France. Compact diving duck
between Common Pochard and Tufted Duck in size. Dives
actively. Eye-catching white wing panels show clearly in
flight, which is rapid and whirring, with noisy wingbeats.
Male is more squat than superficially similar Common
Merganser (Goosander), from which it is easily
differentiated by gleaming golden eye and white spot
next to short triangular black bill. White breast rules out
male Tufted Duck – and it is noticeably whiter overall.
Female differs from female Tufted Duck in dark grey bill,
white eye, and brown head contrasting with grey body.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)


Mergus merganser 63cm
Breeds on large alpine lakes and rivers, wintering in
eastern France and the Rhône valley. France’s largest
duck: noticeably long, streamlined and water-hugging.
Slender red bill (‘sawbill’) eliminates confusion with all
ducks other than Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus
serrator; not illustrated, occurs sparingly on northern
coasts). Male shares green head with Northern Shoveler,
but – as well as bill – differs in white (not chestnut)
flanks. White breast and lack of punky crest distinguishes
male from male Red-breasted Merganser. Female
(‘redhead’) has a shaggier rear crest than female Red-
breasted Merganser and white (not grey) breast.
RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE Alectoris rufa 34cm
Common, gregarious Mediterranean species introduced to
northern France, where population is sustained only by
releases for hunting. Partridges are fat-bodied, small-
headed birds that dot agricultural fields. They are wary,
preferring to run when feeling threatened, but may fly
low, with rapid wingbeats and stiff-winged glides. Red-
legged is more colourful and boldly patterned than Grey
Partridge, with red (not grey) bill and legs. In flight,
shows plain wings (barred in Grey). Call often heard: a
rhythmic, grating, jerky spluttering. Locally in the Alps,
Rock Partridge (Alectoris graeca; not illustrated)
frequents open areas above the treeline. It differs by
larger area of white on throat, neat black collar and black
at bill base.
HAZEL GROUSE Tetrastes bonasia 37cm
Scarce resident in shady, moist montane (Vosges, Jura,
Alps, Massif Central) forests with a dense understorey,
particularly dominated by birches or pines. Reclusive
forest grouse, scurrying discreetly over ground or along
branches. Best detected by male’s song: a surprisingly
high, weedy whistling like that of a Goldcrest.
Surprisingly small: barely larger than Eurasian Jay and
much smaller than Black Grouse, which occupies a similar
habitat. Flies readily and rapidly, the subterminal black
tail-band standing out against pale tail. Both sexes are
cryptically plumaged, mottled grey and brown
(occasionally more chestnut, see photo) – more
variegated than Black Grouse.
Transitional plumage (left), Non-breeding plumage (right)

ROCK PTARMIGAN Lagopus muta 33cm

Resident in the Alps and Pyrenees on bare rocky mountain
slopes, summits and meadows, typically above 2,000m
near permanent snowline. The only grouse occurring at
high altitude outside forest (and never frequent
woodland). Montane specialist renowned for moulting
into plumage that offers camouflage pertinent to the
season: blotchy grey-brown and white in summer, wholly
white (bar a small red eye-wattle) in winter. Wings white
and tail black throughout the year, the contrast eye-
catching in flight.
BLACK GROUSE Tetrao tetrix 54cm
Resident in the Alps (and rarely in the Ardennes),
inhabiting borders and clearings in upland pine forest.
Particularly obvious in early spring, when males gather at
communal display grounds (leks); otherwise elusive. Male
(pictured) glossy blue-black save for white wing-bar,
undertail-coverts and ‘trousers’, and red wattle above
eye. Differs from male Western Capercaillie by smaller
size, white on wings and undertail, and black (not white)
bill. Differs from black variant of Common Pheasant in
short tail and lack of red facial wattle. Female similar to
female Western Capercaillie, but smaller and with wholly
brown underparts.
Resident in open, old-growth pine forests – usually at
high altitude – in the Alps, Vosges, Pyrenees and
(reintroduced but declining) the Cévennes. Only confusion
species is Black Grouse, with which it overlaps solely in
the Alps. Massive turkey-like gamebird, far larger and
stockier than Black Grouse, the male (pictured) with a
diagnostic white bill and all-brown wings. In display, fans
tail and postures aggressively. Female also heftier than
Black Grouse, differing in plumage by chestnut-orange
breast and boldly barred white belly.
GREY PARTRIDGE Perdix perdix 30cm
Resident in agricultural plains and grassy meadows in the
northern two-thirds of France; particularly common in
Hauts-de-France and Normandy. Montane birds inhabit
the Pyrenees and limestone plateaus (Causses) of the
Massif Central. Plumage is duller, more uniform and more
camouflaged than in Red-legged Partridge. Diagnostic
orange face and dark brown breast-patch are most
intense on male. In the Pyrenees, Grey Partridges are
mountaineers, so overlap in range with Rock Ptarmigan,
which is superficially similar in summer plumage. Latter is
easily excluded, however, by red wattle over eye, white
patches in plumage, and combination of shocking white
wings and black tail in flight (brown and chestnut,
respectively, in Grey Partridge).
COMMON QUAIL Coturnix coturnix 17cm
Summer migrant, inhabiting grassy plains and valleys
throughout France, particularly in hotter, drier areas.
Quails are tiny, skulking gamebirds – the size of a
Eurasian Skylark – that stay hidden in vegetation. Best
located by male’s song: a far-carrying, liquid, trisyllabic
wit-wi-wit. Diminutive stature rules out Grey Partridge as
a confusion species (although streaky, camouflaged
brown plumage is not dissimilar). Also much longer-
winged than Grey in flight (surprisingly so) and drops into
cover after short flight. Crakes (Porzana spp.; not
illustrated in this guide) could also cause confusion, but
inhabit marshes rather than dry grasslands.
COMMON PHEASANT Phasianus colchicus
55–90cm (including tail)
Occurs throughout lowland France in or near deciduous or
mixed woodland, and in farmland with hedgerows. Non-
native species, populations boosted each year with
releases for hunting. Unmistakable chicken-sized
gamebird with a very long tail. No confusion species for
typically plumaged (bronze) male (pictured), although
black variants conceivably prompt confusion with male
Black Grouse. Tailless female or juvenile/first-winter
might recall female Black Grouse, but differentiated by
paler, buffier plumage and largely unmarked underparts.
Much smaller than female Western Capercaillie.
Breeding plumage (left), Non-breeding plumage (right)

LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis 26cm

Common resident of freshwater bodies throughout
lowland France. Gregarious in winter. Tiny and rounded:
the smallest bird likely to be seen swimming on lakes etc.
(much smaller than Eurasian Teal). Shorter-necked and
dumpier than other grebes. Markedly fluffy, with a
shaggy rear end. The brownest grebe – never strikingly
black and white like winter-plumaged Black-necked and
Horned (Slavonian) grebes (both of these also have black
bills, unlike winter Little, which has a yellow bill). In
summer plumage, adults have a unique chestnut cheek
and butter-yellow patch by bill.
Adult, breeding plumage (left), First-winter plumage (right)

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus

Common throughout on sheltered, vegetated
waterbodies. More widespread in winter, when it also
occurs offshore. Largest grebe, the size of a Northern
Shoveler, but much more rakish. Longer- and thinner-
necked than other grebes. In summer plumage, no other
grebe has a black crest, white face and white neck. In
winter garb, long pink bill and white stripe above dark
eye rule out Black-necked and Horned (Slavonian) grebes.
First two characters plus white (not dusky) neck also
eliminate Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena; not
illustrated, winters rarely on northern and western
auritus 35cm
Uncommon winter visitor to coasts (thus seen in non-
breeding plumage), particularly in the north but
occasionally as far south as the Mediterranean. Usually
solitary. Mid-sized grebe, roughly the size of Eurasian Teal
but slighter and longer-necked. Much smaller than Great
Crested Grebe, from which it also differs by extensive
black ‘beret’, red eye and short, dark bill. Red eye and
dark bill also distinguish Horned from Little Grebe,
compared to which it is larger, longer-necked, and cleanly
black and white (without any brown). Similar, however,
to Black-necked Grebe (see that species for identification
Breeding plumage (left), Non-breeding plumage (right)

BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis

Common winter visitor to all coasts and to large inland
waterbodies. Also breeds in the Camargue, and the north-
east quarter of France. Distinctive in breeding plumage,
with a golden fan of feathers behind eye, contrasting with
red eye, predominately black plumage and chestnut
flanks. In winter plumage, differs from Little Grebe by
being black and white, not buff and brown. Compared to
Horned (Slavonian) Grebe, Black-necked is slightly
smaller, with a fluffy ‘bottom’ (rather like Little Grebe),
slightly upturned bill and steeper forehead (which lend it
a different profile), and typically much duskier neck.
Adult in flight (left), Adult (right)

NORTHERN FULMAR Fulmarus glacialis

47cm, wingspan 109cm
Seabird breeding in colonies on sea-cliff ledges in
Brittany, Normandy and Hauts-de-France. Winters
offshore but may be seen from land, particularly in strong
winds. At breeding sites, often first seen as white blobs on
broad, grassy ledges. At rest, slightly larger and more
heavily built than Common Gull, and with a short, thick
bill with tubular nostrils. In flight, may recall a gull, but
differs in grey rump and tail (neither white nor black);
long, straight, wholly grey wings (no black tips); short
neck; and very round head. The flight is markedly stiff-
winged, with none of the easy flapping of gulls.
Adult in flight (left), Adult (right)


diomedea 53cm, wingspan 113cm
Seabird breeding on small Mediterranean islands off
Marseille, Hyères and Corsica, and in northern Aquitaine
at Europe’s tallest sand dune (Pilat). Most likely seen from
ships or when seawatching. Markedly larger than
Northern Fulmar (the size of Lesser Black-backed Gull),
with longer, slimmer wings. Brown coloration, dark rump
and tail, and dusky head also eliminate Northern Fulmar.
Flies differently too – lethargic downbeats and long
glides on bowed wings. Beware confusion with young
Northern Gannet, which is much larger, with angled
wings, and a longer bill and tail. Formerly considered
same species as very similar Cory’s Shearwater
(Calonectris borealis; not illustrated, an uncommon
visitor to Atlantic coasts).
Adult in flight (left), Adult (right)


yelkouan 31cm, wingspan 77cm
Seabird breeding on Mediterranean islands off Hyères
(95% of the French breeding population), Marseille and
Corsica. Resident along the Mediterranean coast, but rare
in the Atlantic. Mediterranean version of Balearic
Shearwater (formerly classified as same species),
although the pair overlaps along those coasts. Differs
from other seabirds in similar ways to Balearic (see that
species), although more easily confused with Manx
Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus; not illustrated), which
has cleaner black/white coloration and a white vent
(black in Yelkouan), and lacks Yelkouan’s dark flank-bar.
Differs from Balearic in smaller size, paler plumage (never
dusky on belly) and dark diagonal line on whitish
underwing (generally dusky underwings on Balearic).
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)


mauretanicus 36cm, wingspan 84cm
Seabird wandering to Bay of Biscay coasts and the
Mediterranean after breeding, when it forms large flocks
that loaf off Brittany and Gascony. Smaller seabird than
Northern Fulmar; in flight looks longer-tailed (due to
projecting toes), more compact and distinctly dusky
(particularly on head and underparts). Rapid flight on
quick wingbeats, generally low over water. More heavily
built and duskier than black-and-white Manx Shearwater
(Puffinus puffinus; not illustrated, uncommon on
Atlantic coasts). Lacks cruciform shape, high/looping
glides and silvery underwings of almost blackish Sooty
Shearwater (P. griseus; not illustrated, uncommon on
Atlantic coasts). Formerly considered same species as
Yelkouan Shearwater, with which it overlaps in the
Mediterranean (for differences, see that species).
Sub-adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

NORTHERN GANNET Morus bassanus 92cm,

wingspan 180cm
Breeds on islands off Brittany and feeds offshore along all
coasts, including the Mediterranean in winter. France’s
largest seabird, substantially larger than Great Black-
backed Gull, although its elegance belies its size. Flies
with deep, airy wingbeats. Catches attention by
dramatically plunging into sea when foraging. Unique
shape is key to identification of distant birds (particularly
youngsters): long wings angled back from ‘elbow’; long,
slender tail; and elongated head and bill. First-winter
brown, gradually whitening with age until reaching adult
plumage (all white save for extensive black wing-tips and
orange-yellow wash to head) at about four years.
Adult (left) and immature (right)

GREAT CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo

Breeds locally in central and northern France, with
treetop colonies near water. Common in winter
throughout lowlands, including coasts. Large, long-billed,
dark waterbird. Swims low in water with bill tilted
upwards. Stands erect, often stretching out wings to dry.
Flocks typically fly in ‘V’ formation like geese, but look
broader-winged than latter, with long, wide tail, and
often glide. Most likely confusion species in France is
European Shag (for differences, see that species). Divers
(Gavia spp.; not illustrated) are also superficially similar
but are almost exclusively coastal, and their longer wings
and trailing feet are obvious in their more powerful flight.
Adult in flight (left), Adult (right)

EUROPEAN SHAG Phalacrocorax aristotelis

Frequents Brittany and Normandy coasts (rare
elsewhere), breeding on rocky islands and ledges. Winters
offshore, including around harbours. Very similar to Great
Cormorant but markedly smaller and more slender, with a
thin neck. Often dives with a pronounced leap (cormorant
tends to roll underwater). Adult European Shag lacks
Great Cormorant’s white patches on cheek and (in
breeding plumage) thigh/head, shows no bronzy sheen
on wings, and has a more angular head and a tousled
crest. Immature differs from Great Cormorant in more
uniform underparts, smaller area of yellow facial skin and
white chin.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

EURASIAN BITTERN Botaurus stellaris 75cm

Resident in major wetlands, rare on smaller lakes.
Reedbed specialist. Male’s far-carrying spring call is
unmistakable: a deep boom, like blowing over a bottle.
Large, bulky heron with cryptically variegated brown and
buff plumage. Only confusion species are female Little
Bittern (less than half the size!) and immature Black-
crowned Night Heron (smaller; spotted, not striped).
While not shy, it tends to stay deep within reedbed
habitat, often immobile. Accentuates camouflage by
extending neck skywards and swaying in time with reeds.
Often seen in flight, when distinctive: broad, arched
wings; thick neck coiled up; and long legs.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

LITTLE BITTERN Ixobrychus minutus 36cm

Uncommon, sparsely distributed breeder in reedbeds and
well-vegetated waterbodies. Very small heron, size of
Common Moorhen. Clandestine, making only short
appearances in the open – normally in flight, when it flies
rapidly for a short distance on elastic wingbeats. Male
distinctively plumaged: black back and crown (shared
only with larger Black-crowned Night Heron), but
otherwise cream and striped (not grey/white and plain).
Bicoloured wings are eye-catching in flight. Female and
immature resemble a tiny Eurasian Bittern, but buffier,
with a streakier back and stripier underparts.
Adult in flight (left), Juvenile (right)


nycticorax 62cm
Summer visitor throughout France, but most common in
the south, along the Atlantic coast and in river valleys.
Prefers marshy vegetation, often by waterbodies, and
roosts in trees. Largely nocturnal, typically emerging at
dusk, when it flies on easy crow-like wingbeats. Mid-sized
heron (smaller than Eurasian Bittern), but stocky, big-
headed and thick-necked. Adult distinctively tricoloured,
with large blocks of black, grey and white unfettered by
stripes or streaks (unlike, say, Little Bittern). Immature
differs from Eurasian Bittern by being dark brown with
whitish droplets across wings and back, and narrow
stripes on throat and breast. Uniquely, all ages have red
SQUACCO HERON Ardeola ralloides 45cm
Summer visitor to the Mediterranean area, rarer on the
Atlantic coast north to Brittany. Frequents marshes,
ditches and damp meadows, usually with scattered
bushes and trees. France’s second-smallest heron and one
that is surprisingly camouflaged – until it takes flight, at
which point it shocks with egret-like white wings and tail.
Confusion with egrets (particularly Cattle Egret) is
removed, however, by peachy-buff (breeding plumage)
or sandy-brown back and head (non-breeding). At peak
of courtship, adults are stunning creatures, with reddish
feet, long head plumes and a black-tipped blue bill.
Breeding plumage (left), Non-breeding plumage (right)

CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis 48cm

Typically Mediterranean species, commonest in the south,
that has colonised inland areas north-west to Brittany.
Resident, frequenting marshes and damp meadows,
often hunting insects flushed (as its name suggests) by
cows. Small, compact, thick-necked heron that typically
sits hunched. Differs from Squacco Heron in slightly larger
size and white back/underparts. Smaller and stockier than
Little Egret, with a shorter neck and legs, and a short, pale
bill. In summer, adult has extensive peachy patches across
head, breast and mantle; legs turn pale and bill becomes
pinkish red.
LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta 60cm
Common breeder along coasts and in the Loire and Rhône
valleys; more widespread in winter. Frequents marshes,
rivers and lakes. All-white plumage means other egrets
are the only confusion species. In size, nearer Cattle Egret
than Great Egret. Closer to the latter in shape (long legs,
neck and bill). Bare parts are key to identification: adult
Little has a black bill/legs and yellow feet year-round
(greener in juvenile); Cattle always has a pale bill/legs;
Great has a black bill (but pale legs) in summer and dark
legs (but yellow bill) in winter. Motionless for long
periods, then suddenly springs into action, running,
leaping and making lightning grabs for aquatic prey.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

GREAT EGRET Egretta alba 95cm

Uncommon breeder in the Camargue, and in wetlands in
Pays de la Loire and Bourgogne–Franche-Comté
(Dombes). Common and widespread in winter, occurring
in most types of wetland. Very large – the size of Grey
Heron, but looking taller and much slimmer, with a long,
slender, serpentine neck. All-white plumage means other
egrets are the main confusion species, but it is much
larger than both (for differences in bare-part coloration,
see Little Egret). Bigger also than all-white Eurasian
Spoonbill, with a shorter, dagger-like (rather than
spatulate) bill and lazy flight with deep wingbeats and
coiled neck. At range, conceivably confusable with Mute
Swan, but much longer legs and bill.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

GREY HERON Ardea cinerea 93cm

Common resident throughout France except mountainous
regions. Rarer in urban areas and above 1,000m.
Frequents all kinds of watercourses and agricultural land
(where it feeds on small mammals). Large, long-legged,
long-necked and mostly greyish bird. Often motionless –
a stealth hunter. Flight is slow on deep wingbeats, with
broad wings held at a sharp angle. Lack of brown
plumage prevents confusion with Eurasian Bittern and
immature Purple Heron. Adult Purple Heron much more
colourful, with rufous, chestnut and mauve swathes plus
thick black stripes on neck sides. Harder to tell apart in
flight, but Purple’s wings are tricoloured and less
contrasting than Grey’s bicoloured wings.
PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea 80cm
Fairly common in the Camargue, but less so in other
major wetlands. More often associated with extensive
reedbeds and shallow marshes than larger Grey Heron
(for differences, see that species). Colourful adult
(pictured) is distinctive, and – with good views – unlikely
to be mistaken for anything else. Juvenile could be
confused with Eurasian Bittern, having essentially brown
plumage, a dark cap, streaked foreneck and striped face.
Shape eliminates confusion: Bittern is thickset and deep-
billed, whereas Purple has a long, tapered, serpentine
neck and elongated bill.
BLACK STORK Ciconia nigra 100cm
Summer breeder in northern France, particularly in the
east. Frequents extensive forests with numerous
watercourses; also feeds in fields. Occurs on passage
elsewhere, and small numbers winter in the Camargue.
Massive, long-legged bird – larger than Grey Heron.
Storks are almost vulture-like in flight – with long, broad
wings ending in separated ‘fingers’ – but long neck, bill
and trailing legs make for a very different silhouette.
Realistically, can only be confused with White Stork, but
lankier than that species, with a slimmer neck. Also,
plumage is largely black (brown in juvenile) rather than
largely white, with white restricted to belly, undertail and
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia 105cm

Breeds in coastal marshes from northern Nouvelle-
Aquitaine to Hauts-de-France, and inland in Grand Est
and Occitanie. Also seen on migration and, increasingly,
in winter. Typically seen in open fields and wet meadows
– more open terrain than Black Stork. Builds a huge stick
nest in trees or sometimes atop house chimneys. Massive
and unmistakable. Differs from ‘big white birds’ such as
Great Egret and Eurasian Spoonbill by its half-black
wings, and bright red bill and legs. To distinguish from
Black Stork, see that species.
Adult (left), Immature in flight (right)

EURASIAN SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia

Breeds colonially in coastal wetlands, particularly along
the Atlantic coast and in the Camargue. More visible on
migration, with flocks often seen resting in shallow
freshwater bodies. Slightly smaller than Grey Heron.
Although wholly white like egrets (albeit with black
wing-tips in juvenile), unlikely to be confused unless
asleep with unique spatula-shaped bill concealed under
its wing. Unlike egrets, flies with neck outstretched – and
shape is more reminiscent of swans. Smaller than latter,
however, with more hurried wingbeats and protruding
Adults (left), Adult in flight (right)

GREATER FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus roseus

Occurs along the Mediterranean coast, above all in the
Camargue. Rare elsewhere, most likely along the Rhône
valley. Inhabits saltpans and shallow saline lakes.
Unmistakable shape, combining immensely lengthy legs,
very long S-shaped neck and remarkable deep, down-
kinked bill. Shape equally striking in hurried, rather
mechanical flight, when legs and neck are extended and
held rigidly horizontal. Adult very colourful, being pale
pink, with deeper pink and extensive black areas on wings
(therefore looking tricoloured in flight). Juvenile dowdy,
being dirty white with scruffy brown feathering on
mantle, and grey legs.
apivorus 55cm, wingspan 120–150cm
Summer visitor throughout France; frequent but
unobtrusive, particularly in large forests. Not a true
buzzard, but very similar – Common Buzzard is key
confusion species. Being secretive inside forest, usually
seen in flight. Typically soars with wings held flat (usually
raised in a shallow ‘V’ in Common) and glides with wings
held downwards (level in Common). Shape is also subtly
different: neck and tail longer, and wings narrower, with
straighter rear edge. Plumage variable but often shows a
neater black trailing edge to underwing and banded tail.
Unique display flight – performed high above trees – sees
male swooping upwards and then fluttering wings above
Adult perched (left), Adult in flight (right)

BLACK KITE Milvus migrans 53cm, wingspan


Summer visitor throughout France (bar the northern

coast). Most common in major river valleys, particularly in
the south, and agricultural lowlands. Large, dark raptor,
flying with bowed wings, twisting tail and regular
swoops. Flight style, gently forked tail and more
obviously ‘fingered’ wing-tip (primaries) should remove
confusion with buzzards and harriers, but beware
moulting immature or female Western Marsh Harrier,
which may have a ragged tail or wings. Look also for Black
Kite’s distinctive white flash at base of primaries. See Red
Kite for differences from that species.
RED KITE Milvus milvus 67cm, wingspan 140–
Resident throughout eastern France, Massif Central,
Pyrenees and Corsica. Prefers more wooded habitat than
Black Kite but routinely hunts in open areas. Distinctive
large, fork-tailed bird of prey with long, supple wings and
agile, swooping flight with a twisting tail. Black Kite is
only confusion species. Best differentiated by narrower
wings (five ‘fingers’ at wing-tip rather than six); longer,
more obviously forked and distinctly chestnut tail; more
contrasting and colourful plumage; and large white flash
on underwing, isolating black wing-tip.
Gypaetus barbatus 115cm, wingspan 235–275cm
Sparsely distributed resident of mountains in the
Pyrenees, Corsica and Corbières. Recently reintroduced to
the Alps. Most likely seen patrolling steep slopes, cliffs or
high above valleys. Dramatic vulture (feeds by dropping
mammal bones from a height to smash them) with a
distinctive shape. Longer-and slimmer-winged than other
vultures, with diagnostic elongated wedge-shaped tail
that is clearly longer than width of wing. Only Egyptian
Vulture approaches this shape, but it is barely half the
size, with blunter wings and a shorter tail. Juvenile
plumage starts dark, then pales with age to become
contrastingly peach/black in adults.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)


percnopterus 60cm, wingspan 155–170cm
Summer migrant to France, breeding in rugged gorges
and mountains of the Pyrenees, Cévennes and southern
Alps. Smallest vulture, with broad wings and a longish
wedge-shaped tail. All-dark juvenile confusable with
Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus; not illustrated,
rare in Pyrenees and reintroduced to Massif Central and
Alps), but tail shape, black-striped underwing and pale
head differentiate it. Adult has contrasting wing pattern
(half-white, half-black), so take care to rule out White
Stork – distinguished by long neck and red bill, and long
red legs protruding beyond tail. See Bearded Vulture for
differences from that species.
GRIFFON VULTURE Gyps fulvus 105cm,
wingspan 230–265cm
Gregarious, colonial breeder on montane cliffs in the
Pyrenees; reintroduced in the Alps and Massif Central.
Typically seen soaring high in the sky once the day has
warmed up. Soars and glides on slightly raised wings with
long, widely spaced ‘fingers’ at wing-tip (primaries); flaps
with heavy, deep, slow wingbeats. Massive bird that
dwarfs even large eagles. Upper-wing distinctively two-
toned (buff at front, black at rear), contrasting with pale
head and neck, and white stripes on underwing. These
features distinguish it from rarer, all-dark Cinereous
Vulture (Aegypius monachus; not illustrated), which also
glides with wings slightly inflected downwards.
gallicus 66cm, wingspan 160–180cm
Summer migrant to southern half of France, particularly
around the Mediterranean. Rare north of Centre–Val de
Loire. Reptile specialist, favouring sunny, scrubby hillsides
with short vegetation. Routinely hovers like a kestrel, and
soars on flat wings (slightly raised in other eagles and
Common Buzzard). Very pale underparts differ greatly
from those of most eagles, and most likely to prompt
confusion with Common Buzzard, but much larger and
longer-winged, and usually with a straight trailing edge
to wing. Also lacks Common Buzzard’s dark crescent on
under-wing (at elbow or ‘carpal’) and typically has well-
spaced bars on undertail. At rest, looks noticeably large-
headed with staring yellow eyes.
Adult female (left), Adult male in flight (right)


aeruginosus 50cm, wingspan 120–135cm
Uncommon breeder throughout France except in
mountains; more widespread in winter. Favours wetlands
(particularly with reedbeds) but also hunts over
agricultural land. Typically seen quartering steadily, low
over vegetation, with steady, elastic wingbeats between
glides on raised wings. Heavier and broader-winged than
other harriers, but not as round-winged as buzzards.
Straighter wings and rounded tail eliminate kites. Male
attractive and distinctively tricoloured. Female and
immature dark chocolate with variable cream patches on
head, breast and wings. Striking spring display flight,
including toe-to-toe food passes between male and
Adult male in flight (left), Immature in flight (right)

HEN HARRIER Circus cyaneus 50cm, wingspan


Resident across much of France, but in winter only in the

Mediterranean. Numbers boosted by winterers from
further north. Frequents wetlands, agricultural land and
lightly forested areas. Typical harrier flight (see Western
Marsh Harrier). Large raptor – but smaller and more
slender than Western Marsh, and with quite different
plumage (male ghostly, pale grey with black wing-tips;
female/immature brown with a white rump and banded
tail). Most similar to Montagu’s Harrier (for differences,
see that species). Female/immature conceivably
confusable with Common Buzzard, but latter has
comparatively shorter, broader wings and very different
Adult male in flight (left), Adult female in flight (right)

MONTAGU’S HARRIER Circus pygargus 45cm,

wingspan 95–115cm
Uncommon summer visitor to lowlands across much of
France, inhabiting extensive cultivated plains. Slender,
seemingly long-tailed harrier, confusable only with Hen
Harrier (and vagrant Pallid Harrier, Circus macrourus; not
illustrated and unlikely to be encountered). Slimmer
wings than Hen, with more pointed wing-tip (showing
four ‘fingers’ rather than Hen’s five), and flight generally
more buoyant. Male darker grey than Hen, with a longer
black wedge on wing-tips and black bar across upper
wing and striped underwing (latter plain white in Hen).
Female very similar to female Hen in plumage; best
distinguished by shape. Immature has unstreaked brick-
coloured body and underwing (streaked and buff in Hen).
NORTHERN GOSHAWK Accipiter gentilis 50–
64cm, wingspan 90–125cm
Shy, uncommon resident of large, undisturbed forests
throughout France. Most readily detected during late-
winter display flight, when flies slowly over wood before
plummeting. Significant gender size difference: male
barely crow-sized, female almost size of Common
Buzzard. Differs from latter in long tail, bulging ‘S’ shape
to rear wing and frequently pointed wing-tips (like those
of Peregrine Falcon). Most similar to Eurasian
Sparrowhawk and often misidentified as such. Most
reliable differences are Northern Goshawk’s larger size,
deep chest, broad undertail (often fluffed out and
gleaming white) and long head. Dark eye mask, broad
white supercilium and strongly barred underparts are
visible in good views.
30–40cm, wingspan 60–80cm
Resident and common throughout France, wherever there
is wooded habitat. Numbers are bolstered by northern
birds in winter. Hunts by surprise, flying fast and low,
then streaking over fences and hedges to catch small
birds unawares. Roughly the size of Common Kestrel
(females bigger than males), but has broad, rounded
wings (rather than long, narrow and pointed). Flight
intersperses rapid flapping with long glides; never hovers
like Common Kestrel. Male blue-grey above with an
orange-flushed face. Female steel-grey above, finely
barred white below. Immature brown with coarsely
barred underparts (not streaked as in most falcons). Most
similar to Northern Goshawk (for differences, see that
Adult perched (left), Adult in flight (right)

COMMON BUZZARD Buteo buteo 52cm,

wingspan 110–130cm
Very common raptor resident across the whole of France,
frequenting any habitat with trees. Benchmark bird of
prey when identifying other species. Large, with broad,
rounded wings, often seen soaring buoyantly or sitting
still on exposed perches such as posts. Shorter-tailed than
Western Marsh Harrier and does not quarter low over
ground like that species. Although plumage is variable
(covering the spectrum from whitish to dark brown),
consistent features include broad, diffuse, dark trailing
edge on underwing and, at best, poorly defined tail-band.
For differences from European Honey Buzzard, see that
species. Often heard calling – a loud, sharp miaow.
GOLDEN EAGLE Aquila chrysaetos 85cm,
wingspan 190–225cm
Predominately montane species, resident in rocky areas of
the Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central and (rarely) in Corsica.
Circles sedately high in the sky, apparently with little
effort. Much larger than more familiar Common Buzzard,
with longer, more bulging wings and head, and squarer
tail. Longer-tailed and longer-winged than other French
eagles. Largely dark plumage, although adult has a
golden nape (making head appear pale at a distance),
and immature has extensive white tail base and broad
white flashes in wing.
Adult in flight (left), Adult in flight (right)

BOOTED EAGLE Aquila pennata 47cm, wingspan

Summer visitor (and occasional winterer), particularly to
southern France, from Pyrenees north to central forests.
Inhabits extensive deciduous woodland, typically on
slopes and with clearings. Small eagle – size of Common
Buzzard – with short wings. Variable plumage, with light,
dark and intermediate morphs. Dark morph recalls Black
Kite (particularly given pale bar on upperwing) but differs
in square tail, narrow white rump and less acrobatic
flight. Pale phase has contrasting underwing pattern like
Egyptian Vulture – white at front, black to rear.
BONELLI’S EAGLE Aquila fasciata 60cm,
wingspan 145–165cm
Resident in rocky areas of Provence–Alpes–Côte d’Azur,
Occitanie and Ardèche. Rare in mainland France –
population totals around 100 individuals. Nests on cliffs,
and often hunts over cultivated, open rocky areas such as
garrigue. Larger than Common Buzzard and Booted
Eagle; differs from both in being slender and long-tailed.
Unlike those species, relatively consistent in plumage.
Adult has a diagnostic white saddle; grey tail with broad,
dark terminal band; and dark underwing contrasting with
white belly. Largely pale plumage and smaller size
distinguish it from Golden Eagle. Short-toed Snake Eagle
differs in bulging, broad wings; multiple bars on tail; and
(typically) dark chest bib.
Juvenile (left), Adult in flight (right)

OSPREY Pandion haliaetus 56cm, wingspan

Summer migrant, breeding in Corsica and north-central
France, and occurring on migration elsewhere. Frequents
fish-rich rivers, waterbodies and coasts. Large raptor,
between Common Buzzard and Golden Eagle in size, but
with longer, more slender and more angled wings than
those species. Flight almost gull-like, with steady
wingbeats and regular glides. Strikingly two-toned
plumage is distinctive: chocolate-brown upperparts and
largely white underparts, with diagnostic broad, dark eye
mask standing out on white head. Enters water feet first
to catch fish.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

COMMON KESTREL Falco tinnunculus 34cm,

wingspan 65–80cm
France’s most common and widespread falcon, abundant
in most open habitats from urban areas to mountains.
Largely resident. Falcons have long, slender wings and
generally long tails. This is the benchmark falcon (see
other species for differences). Frequently seen hovering
before dropping to ground like a stone to catch a small
mammal. Also soars well, when it may prompt confusion
with Eurasian Sparrowhawk, which has more rounded
wings. Sitting upright on a post, looks front-heavy,
tapering towards tail tip. Male has a blue-grey head and
brick-coloured mantle; female has a pale brown head
with heavily barred copper mantle.
MERLIN Falco columbarius 30cm, wingspan 55–
Winter visitor to wetlands, agricultural plains, grasslands
and coasts, particularly in northern France. The country’s
smallest falcon: male is no bigger than Common
Blackbird. Compact and agile, with short, sharply pointed
wings. Typically dashing flight, speeding low over the
ground. Female (pictured) dark brown (much duller than
female Common Kestrel), with concolourous head and
upperparts, and thickly striped underparts. Male
upperparts blue-grey (chestnut in male Common Kestrel)
and underparts suffused orange. Both sexes lack
prominent dark facial mask of other falcons.
EURASIAN HOBBY Falco subbuteo 32cm,
wingspan 70–85cm
Summer visitor throughout France, bar montane regions.
Prefers open areas near wetlands and deciduous
woodland, where it hunts aerial insects (particularly
dragonflies) in aerodynamic flight. Slightly smaller than
Common Kestrel but with markedly longer, slimmer
wings and a long tail. Adult plumage (pictured) very
different to Common Kestrel, with prominent dark eye
mask contrasting with white neck, black-striped
underparts, grey upperparts and rufous ‘trousers’.
Juvenile similar but with dark brown-grey upperparts and
buff ‘trousers’. Differs from Peregrine Falcon in smaller
size, thinner wings, slimmer tail base, striped underparts
and coloured ‘trousers’.
ELEONORA’S FALCON Falco eleonorae 40cm,
wingspan 90–105cm
Regular non-breeding visitor to southern France,
particularly Occitanie, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Corsica.
Agile hunter, targeting aerial insects and migrating birds.
Typically glides on flat wings, with forceful wingbeats and
searing bursts of speed. Roughly the size of Peregrine
Falcon, but wings and tail longer, and body much
slimmer. Closer to large Eurasian Hobby, but with even
longer wings and tail, and dark underwing (whitish and
barred finely in Eurasian Hobby). Plumage variable: has
pale, intermediate and dark morphs (latter pictured).
Outside France, breeds colonially on rocky coasts and
islands; times breeding to allow hunting of songbirds on
autumn migration.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus 45cm,

wingspan 90–115cm

Breeds widely, particularly in rocky or mountainous areas,

including coasts. Additional northern birds winter in
France, often in grasslands and wetlands. Large, powerful
falcon. Thick-necked, short-tailed and typically deep-
chested, with broad-based wings narrowing rapidly to a
fine tip. Accordingly, much stockier than any other French
falcon, and easily differentiated on shape. Plumage clean
and striking, with blue-grey upperparts (browner in
immature), finely barred white underparts and a clear-cut
dark eye mask on white face. Sits around for long periods
before taking to the air in fast, direct chase with whippy
wingbeats, often stooping to seize its victim.
WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus 25cm
Breeds in lowland wetlands, marshes and other
vegetated waterways. Population boosted by wintering
birds from further north. Rails, crakes and gallinules are
small to medium-sized birds that creep shyly through
dense waterside vegetation. Most are more often heard
than seen. Slightly smaller than Common Moorhen, and
distinctly pear-shaped, although larger than crakes
(Porzana spp.; not illustrated). Most eye-catching feature
is also diagnostic: a long, decurved red bill (short in all
other members of the family). Piglet-like squeals can be
rather alarming for the uninitiated.
COMMON MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus
Common resident throughout France, except in
mountains. Population boosted by winterers from further
north. Inhabits most types of waterbody, including canals
and ponds in urban areas. Plump, with a small head and
long legs. Bobs head when swimming, scuttling off if
disturbed. Adult (pictured) can be confused only with
Eurasian Coot; unique features are red-and-yellow bill,
large white patch under tail and white stripe along sides.
Being brown, juvenile could be confused with juvenile
Water Rail; differs in short brown (rather than long and
red) bill, yellow (not red) legs, white side stripe and white
PURPLE SWAMPHEN Porphyrio porphyrio
Frequents well-vegetated lakes in Occitanie, including the
Camargue, following its reintroduction from adjacent
Spain. Shy species, rarely leaving the cover of reedbeds.
When it reveals itself, size and coloration render it
unmistakable. Much larger than Eurasian Coot – indeed,
larger than ducks such as Eurasian Wigeon – and thickset,
with a stocky neck and massive red bill and front shield.
Plumage is iridescent purplish-blue with a contrasting
white undertail. Distant birds – when size is hard to judge
and plumage looks all dark – could conceivably be
mistaken for Common Moorhen, but that species is much
slighter, and has yellow (not red) legs and a white side
EURASIAN COOT Fulica atra 39cm
Common resident throughout France, except in
mountains. Inhabits lakes and reservoirs; usually avoids
smaller waterbodies (canals, ponds) frequented by
Common Moorhen, the only confusion species.
Substantially larger than that species, with wholly black
plumage (lacking white on sides or undertail). Uniquely,
bill and frontal shield are ivory white (rather than
Common Moorhen’s red and yellow). Staring red eye can
lend an irate look – and members of a group of Eurasian
Coots perpetually squabble with one another. Gawky on
land, with legs set well back and fat, peapod-like toes.
Runs across water to take off.
Adult, on left, and juvenile (left), Adults in flight (right)

COMMON CRANE Grus grus 95–120cm, wingspan

Breeds locally in Grand Est and Normandy. Very common
migrant throughout France (following a north-east to
south-west trajectory, en route to Spanish wintering
grounds), many stopping to winter in wetlands of
Champagne and Landes. Such congregations provide one
of Europe’s most exciting avian spectacles. Tall, imposing,
stately bird on the ground; appears immense and
rectangular-winged in flight. Long-legged, slender-
necked and small-headed. Size and mainly grey plumage
may suggest Grey Heron, but taller and more slender,
with adult’s white blaze standing out on black head and
neck. Wings straighter and flaps more stiffly – much more
like a stork or vulture. Very vocal – an evocative, oboe-
like krrooo.
Breeding male in flight (left), Breeding male (middle), Adult female

LITTLE BUSTARD Tetrax tetrax 43cm

Rare summer visitor to grain-growing plains of the west.
Resident in the stony desert of Crau and wine-growing
Mediterranean region. Body size roughly that of Common
Pheasant, and mottled brown females potentially
confusable with that species, particularly if bird crouches
semi-concealed in vegetation. However, lacks long tail of
Common Pheasant, and has longer legs, a large head and
a long, thick neck. During mating period, fully adult males
display striking black-and-white neck ruff. In display,
male throws back head and utters ‘farting’ call,
occasionally jumping in air. Unmistakable in flight, with
rapid duck-like beats of broad wings and blinding white
outer wing etched black.
oedicnemus 42cm
Summer visitor to extensive agricultural plains and
grasslands from Centre–Val de Loire south-wards; rare in
the north and absent from Brittany. An unusual wader
that shuns water, typically inhabiting arid terrain.
Camouflaged and reclusive, hard to spot and usually
inactive by day. Size of Eurasian Oystercatcher, but has
the slender shape of a long-winged, long-legged plover.
At a distance, looks white-faced, with pale base to thick
bill; features that soon differentiate it from European
Golden Plover. When closer, look for long white band on
folded wing, black tip to bill and large yellow eye. In
flight, uniquely patterned, markedly long wings
appearing largely black against brown body, with striking
white flashes.
Adult in flight (left), Adult (right)


himantopus 35cm
Summer visitor to large wetlands along Mediterranean,
Biscay and northern coasts, occasionally inland. Rarely
winters. Unmistakable elegant, slender shorebird, with
unfeasibly long strawberry-pink legs immediately
betraying its identity and explaining its name. Wholly
black upperwing and longish, needle-fine black bill
additionally differentiate it from the only other black-
and-white waders (Pied Avocet and Eurasian
Oystercatcher). In flight, recalls a giant Green Sandpiper,
but wholly white tail and long, bright legs avoid
confusion. Juvenile/first-winter – with dull yellow-
orange legs and brown upperparts – might be mixed up
with other shorebirds (e.g. Common Greenshank); check
leg length!
Adult in flight (left), Adult (right)

PIED AVOCET Recurvirostra avosetta 44cm

Resident on large wetlands along Mediterranean
(particularly Camargue) and Biscay coasts. More
widespread in winter, including along the north coast,
when it frequents shallow, muddy bays, lagoons and
marshes. Large, easily recognised wader: no other species
has such markedly piebald plumage and a long, thin,
upturned bill. Eye-catchingly white in flight. Common
Shelduck has a similar pattern, so potentially confusable
at a distance and if size not apparent. Look for Pied
Avocet’s long, protruding bill and legs, wholly white rear
wing (except black wing-tips), and lack of broad
transverse band across breast and upper back. Has a
unique feeding action, swishing bill from side to side.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)


ostralegus 42cm
Resident along coasts, with numbers swelling in winter.
Equally at home on saltmarshes, sandy beaches, damp
fields and rocky shorelines. Gregarious. Highly vocal, often
grabbing attention with loud, strident piping. Large,
stocky wader – one of the biggest. Black-and-white
plumage enables identification even at long range:
wholly black head distinguishes it from both Black-
winged Stilt and Pied Avocet (and has more extensive
black upperparts than latter). Additionally differs from
these species in long, bright orange-red bill, and from
Pied Avocet in pink (not grey) legs. In flight, reveals a
distinctive broad white wing-stripe and white ‘V’
extending from uppertail to back.
apricaria 27cm
Uncommon winterer on agricultural plains and short
grassland throughout much of France (particularly in the
north), often in the company of Northern Lapwing.
Medium-sized wader, much larger and thicker-set than
the ringed plovers but with a similar run–stop– pivot
feeding action. In wavering flight, flocks shimmer gold
and white, often calling (an evocative, mournful whistle).
On the ground, spangled upperparts create an overall
yellow-brown effect. In adults retaining or developing
breeding plumage (pictured), face and most of
underparts are variable black. Smaller and slighter than
Grey Plover; for other differences, see that species.
Non-breeding plumage (left), Breeding plumage (right)

GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola 28cm

Coastal migrant and winter visitor, favouring estuaries,
rocky coasts and saltmarshes. Habitat thus normally
different from only confusion species, European Golden
Plover, although latter can frequent estuaries and
mudflats. Only marginally larger than European Golden,
but appears noticeably stockier, heavier-billed and more
lethargic. As name suggests, spangled upperparts give it a
silvery impression, never yellowish as in European
Golden. In flight, look for diagnostic black ‘armpits’
(wholly white underwing on European Golden). At a
distance, could prompt thought of Red Knot, but longer
legs, shorter bill and run–stop–pivot foraging manner
are all typical of plovers.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

NORTHERN LAPWING Vanellus vanellus 30cm

Uncommon breeder on grasslands of the northern half of
France, particularly near coasts. More common and
widespread in winter, frequenting plains and valleys
throughout the country. As happy on dry land as in
wetlands. Gregarious, stocky, distinctive plover. Bottle-
green upperparts (can appear black at a distance or in
poor light), largely black breast and pied head with a
long, wispy crest (disproportionately so in breeding
season). Typical plover feeding action (run–stop–pivot).
Distinctive rolling flight on rounded wings – all dark
above (contrasting with white band on tail) and emphatic
bicoloured underwing. Calls include a distinctive wheezy
Adult (left), Juvenile (right)

LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius


Uncommon summer visitor to freshwater bodies and

gravel pits. Widespread except in mountains. Plovers
have a distinctive feeding action, running rapidly and
then standing stock-still. Small wader, size of Common
Starling, with shape of an unripe pine cone (front-heavy,
tapering to fine tip). Plain-backed with prominent
markings on head and breast. Very similar to Common
Ringed Plover; best told by plain upperwing in flight
(Common has a long white stripe). Adult also differs in
yellow eye-ring, dull straw legs (not orange) and black
(not bicoloured) bill. Juveniles are trickier; Little has a
darker head with indistinct (at best) supercilium behind
eye. See also Kentish Plover.
Adult breeding plumage (left), Juvenile (right)


hiaticula 18cm
Local breeder along the north coast. More widespread
migrant and winterer in coastal wetlands and estuaries.
Very similar to Little Ringed Plover (for differences, see
that species). Differs from Kentish Plover in bolder dark
markings on head and breast (black in adult, brown in
juvenile), particularly complete breast-band. Upperparts
also markedly darker (Kentish appears pale). Adult has
bright orange legs, and juvenile yellow (those of Kentish
are dark, but can appear paler when muddy).
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius alexandrinus


Common resident along Mediterranean coasts. Localised

resident along the Atlantic coast north of northern
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, and on the north coast. Prefers sandy
beaches and dunes, but also frequents mudflats. Slightly
smaller than the two ringed plovers, but looks weedier
(see Common Ringed Plover for differences). Less
elongated than Little Ringed Plover. Adult male has more
white and less black on head than adult male Little
Ringed, and an attractive chestnut cap. Female and
juvenile similar to juvenile Little Ringed; look for paler
upperparts, paler patch on breast sides, white wing-stripe
in flight and no pale eye-ring.
WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus 41cm
Regular migrant along all coastlines, with occasional birds
wintering. Prefers sandy or rocky coasts, plus saltmarshes
and mudflats on migration. Large wader, marginally
bigger and stockier than Black-tailed Godwit, but
noticeably smaller than Eurasian Curlew. Like the latter,
differs from all other large waders by strongly decurved
bill. Compared to Eurasian Curlew, bill is shorter and more
sharply decurved. Also, plumage is colder and darker,
with prominent face pattern comprising dark eye-stripe
and crown divided by pale band over eye and central
crown-stripe. In comparison, Eurasian Curlew has a plain
face on which black eye stands out.
EURASIAN CURLEW Numenius arquata 53cm
Rare breeder on inland meadows, but common in winter
along all coasts. Frequents mudflats, bays, estuaries and
marshy grassland. By far France’s largest wader, typically
feeding singly or in loose groups. Very long, decurved bill
distinguishes it from all waders except Whimbrel (for
differences, see that species). In flight, like Whimbrel,
could be confused with Bar-tailed Godwit, showing
similarly plain brown wings and a white ‘V’ on rump and
lower back. However, European Curlew flight is typically
more sedate than either species; focus on bill to rule out
Bar-tailed Godwit.
Adult, breeding plumage (left), Adults in flight (right)

BLACK-TAILED GODWIT Limosa limosa 40cm

Rare breeder in the west and Brittany. Uncommon,
gregarious winterer on the west coast, rare elsewhere.
Equally at home on shallow estuaries, freshwater marshes
and lagoons. Large wader, midway in size between
Common Greenshank and Eurasian Curlew. Size, black
legs and very long, almost straight bill eliminate almost
all other waders. Spotted Redshank is easily excluded on
leg colour (red). Eurasian Curlew and Whimbrel have
strongly downcurved bills; Common Greenshank’s is
gently upcurved. In flight, striking white wing-bar recalls
Eurasian Oystercatcher, but has a square white rump not
extensive ‘V’). Most similar to Bar-tailed Godwit (for
differences, see that species).
Adult breeding plumage (left), Juvenile (right)

BAR-TAILED GODWIT Limosa lapponica 37cm

Migrates along west and north coasts, particularly in
spring, pausing at estuaries, bays and mudflats. Smaller
than Black-tailed Godwit, but still larger than Common
Greenshank. Confusion with most waders ruled out for
same reasons as Black-tailed Godwit (for differences, see
that species). Differs from the latter by shorter, distinctly
upturned bill, shorter leg above knee, and (in flight) plain
brown upperwings with white ‘V’ on rump (like Eurasian
Curlew and Whimbrel). Winter adult and juvenile
plumages are both streaky on back and wings (chequered
in juvenile Black-tailed, plain in adult). Summer adult
Bar-tailed has more extensive brick-red underparts,
lacking Black-tailed’s barred belly.
Breeding plumage (left), Non-breeding plumage (right)

RUDDY TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres 23cm

Winters on Atlantic coasts (arriving from late summer),
favouring rocky shores and pebbly or sandy beaches with
ample seaweed. Busy but inconspicuous wader,
rummaging over seaweed-strewn tidelines, flipping
stones and detritus in search of concealed invertebrates.
Stocky and short-legged, with a short neck and small
head. Focus on the underside to identify this species: no
other shorebird possesses the combination of orange legs,
white undertail and belly, black breast, and short, sharply
pointed, triangular bill. Dingy grey-brown in winter
plumage but summer adult is smart, with largely
chestnut upperparts and a white-and-black head. Stripy
in flight, with wing-bars and three white lines along back.
Adult breeding plumage (left), Juvenile (right)

RED KNOT Calidris canutus 25cm

Occurs from late summer until spring (most numerous in
winter), on muddy and rocky northern/Biscay coasts. An
avian oxymoron: distinctively nondescript. Medium in size
(although rather tubby), bill length and leg length, lacks
any remarkable plumage features (except in brick-
coloured summer finery) and has a plodding gait. When
you can’t think what the wader is, it’s probably a Red
Knot. Larger than Dunlin, with a thicker bill and greenish
legs. Smaller and shorter-billed than similarly grey
Common Greenshank and winter-plumaged Spotted
Redshank. Underparts never gleaming white as in
Sanderling. In flight, lacks pale wing-stripe of Sanderling
and Dunlin.
Breeding plumage (left), Non-breeding plumage (right)

SANDERLING Calidris alba 20cm

Winter visitor and migrant along all coasts, rarely inland.
Frequents tideline of sandy and shingle beaches, or rocky
shores; rarely on mudflats. Distinctive foraging behaviour,
sprinting beside waves (parallel to tideline) and pecking
at food while on the go (rather than standing and
probing, like Dunlin). Similar size to latter, but bill
shorter. Winter-plumaged adult glaringly white on head
and underparts, with pale grey upperparts. Juvenile has
spangled upperparts like a young Dunlin; best
differentiated by former’s wholly unmarked underparts
(Dunlin has streaking on breast). In flight, has a mostly
grey rump and tail (Dunlin’s rump is white with a dark
central line).
Breeding plumage (left), Non-breeding plumage (right)

DUNLIN Calidris alpina 19cm

Most abundant wintering wader, with flocks of thousands
in major estuaries and the Camargue. Also frequents
rocky coasts and marshes. Low numbers inland. Starling-
sized, grey-brown and common, Dunlin is the benchmark
for identifying small waders. Smaller than Red Knot but
larger than Little Stint (Calidris minuta; not illustrated),
and with a longer bill than both. Smaller than Curlew
Sandpiper (C. ferruginea; not illustrated), with a shorter,
straighter bill and a black line down rump (rather than a
wholly white rump). Summer adult and juvenile have
more heavily marked underparts than similar waders:
black belly in former, streaked breast in latter. See
Sanderling for differences from that species. Regularly
calls in flight: a scratchy preeee.
Adult female (left), Juvenile (right)

RUFF Calidris pugnax 22–32cm

Uncommon migrant across the country, wintering rarely
in the north-west quarter. Very rare breeder in a few
western marshes. Frequents wet grasslands, marshes and
muddy lagoons. Very variable wader that causes much
confusion. Male half as large again as female, sometimes
bigger than Common Redshank but always slimmer,
shorter-billed and more elegant than that species. Larger
and slimmer than Red Knot, with a longer neck and legs.
Uniquely among French waders, juvenile typically has
unmarked apricot-buff underparts. Female typically
brown with yellow-orange legs. Non-breeding male
plumage varies from whitish to dusky brown; in nuptial
finery, any colour goes! Flight rather stiff on long wings,
revealing, uniquely, white ovals on rump.
COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos
Summer visitor, breeding on rivers, gravel pits and
shallow freshwater lakes. Seen more widely on migration;
winters on coasts. Wader the size of Dunlin, with
nondescript brown and white plumage. Behaviour,
however, is distinctive. Moves with a nervous, straining
gait, bobbing elongated rear end constantly like a
wagtail. Feeds with darting motions and regular changes
of direction. Upperparts paler brown than Green
Sandpiper and plainer than spangled Wood Sandpiper.
Differs from both in white ‘hook’ on breast sides. No
chance of confusion in flight; often flickering, with white
wing-bar, and dark rump and tail centre. Distinctive loud,
ringing calls, particularly in flight: swee-wee-wee.
GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus 22cm
Winter visitor to freshwater wetlands; widespread, but
particularly frequent in the north and Camargue. Starling-
sized wader, slightly larger than similar Common
Sandpiper. Tubbier and less elongated than Common,
with slower movements and only occasional bobbing.
Looks dark and white (more contrasting than Common),
particularly in flight as both upper- and underwings are
wholly dark and square rump is white (Common has
noticeably white wing-stripe and dark rump). Also, has a
finely speckled back (rather than plain). If disturbed,
often flies high and distant, uttering a high-pitched klu-
wi-wi; can recall a giant Common House Martin! See
Wood Sandpiper for differences from that species.
SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus 31cm
Migrates through France, particularly along coasts, where
it also winters in small numbers on wetlands, marshes
and estuaries. Generally feeds alone, wading through
deepish water. Long red legs discount all waders except
Common Redshank. Larger than the latter, and (in
winter/juvenile plumage) grey rather than brown (in
summer garb, uniquely jet black). Prominent white line
over eye (supercilium) differs from Common’s relatively
plain face. In flight, all dark with an isolated white oval on
rump; lacks Common’s white triangle at back of wing. In
flight, if leg colour is unseen, confusable with Common
Greenshank, but has a dark tail (not largely white) and an
emphatic, disyllabic call: chui-uit.
COMMON GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia
Widespread on migration, including inland, but winters
particularly along the Atlantic coast. Frequents freshwater
lagoons, marshes and estuaries, typically wading leggily
through water too deep for most shorebirds. Tall, long,
elegant wader with greyish plumage. Bigger and greyer
than the distinctly brown Common Redshank, with pale
yellow-green (not bright red) legs and uniformly dark
wings (with no broad white triangle). Leg colour
differentiates it from similar-sized Spotted Redshank.
Also lacks the latter’s white line above eye (supercilium)
and bill is slightly upcurved rather than straight (with no
red). Call is a loud, ringing, unhurried diu-diu-diu.
WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola 20cm
Spring and autumn migrant throughout France,
frequenting freshwater wetlands, including flooded fields
and muddy ponds. Smaller than Common Redshank, with
yellow (not red) legs. Size of Common Sandpiper but legs
and neck longer, so it looks more elegant and happier
wading through water. Differs from both Common and
Green sandpipers by spangled back, and long white band
extending well behind eye (supercilium). In flight, all-
dark upperwing and white rump distinguish it from
Common, but upperwing is clearly paler than in Green
(mid-brown, not blackish) and underwings are greyish
(not blackish), so looks much less contrasting. Flight call is
a trisyllabic kif-kif-kif.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

COMMON REDSHANK Tringa totanus 26cm

Breeds locally in coastal wetlands, including in the
Mediterranean. Common winter visitor to coasts,
favouring estuaries, marshes, damp grasslands and bays.
An alert, active, boisterous wader: often bobs head and
flees noisily at slightest hint of danger (uttering a loud,
nervy diu-u-u). Bright red legs mean confusion is possible
only with Spotted Redshank (for differences, see that
species), although occasional yellow-legged birds might
be mistaken for Common Greenshank (see that species). A
good wader to become familiar with, as it facilitates size
comparisons with other waders: are they bigger or
smaller than a Common Redshank?
EURASIAN WOODCOCK Scolopax rusticola
Uncommon breeder in old-growth forests, but winters
commonly in woodland or nearby damp fields and
ditches. Basically nocturnal, typically seen when flushed
by day or flying over at dusk. Has a distinctive, flickering
display flight (roding) at treetop level, alternately
croaking and uttering a sharp, teeth-sucking tsiwick.
Cryptic brown and buff plumage blends in with leaf litter;
very hard to spot on the woodland floor. Much larger and
more pot-bellied than Common Snipe, with a
comparatively shorter, thicker bill. Face also less stripy,
with black bands across crown, has consistently barred
underparts and lacks Common Snipe’s pale tramlines on
COMMON SNIPE Gallinago gallinago 26cm
Rare, localised breeder in northern France. More
widespread on migration and in winter. Favours well-
vegetated wetlands, hiding in dense cover or feeding
inconspicuously nearby with sewing machinelike probing.
Size of Common Redshank but fatter, with short legs and
immensely long bill. Heavily striped head and back are
distinctive. Camouflaged plumage comprises
vermiculations, barring and crescents. Flies off urgently
when nervous, typically uttering harsh kartch, and
powers off into distance, zigzagging and towering. Much
larger than rarer Jack Snipe, (Lymnocryptes minimus; not
illustrated) it winters in northern France and the
Camargue, and rarely bobs. See Eurasian Woodcock for
differences from that species.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

LITTLE TERN Sternula albifrons 23cm

Summer visitor, breeding on Mediterranean and Brittany
coasts, but also inland along the Loire valley. Seen on
migration along all coasts. Terns are smaller and slimmer
than gulls, with a thin, pointed bill and sharply angled
wings. Tiny tern, but flies rapidly on long, sharply angled
wings. Feeds belligerently, with rapid hovering followed
by a vertical plummet, smashing through the water
surface. Size and shape distinguish it from other terns,
but, at close range, also look for two unique features:
white forehead and extensively yellow bill.
Adults (left), Juvenile in flight (right)

SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis 40cm

Breeds in colonies on the coast of Nouvelle-Aquitaine,
Vendée, Brittany, the north, the Camargue and Occitanie.
Rare in winter. Frequents shingle beaches, offshore
waters, coastal lagoons and mudflats. Sandwich is a fairly
large, pale grey tern with long wings and a short tail.
Shape is quickest way to differentiate it from other terns
such as Common Tern, which is slighter, slimmer-winged
and longer-tailed. At close range, adult Sandwich has a
unique yellow tip to black bill and a shaggy black crest
(rather than a neat cap). Very vocal: a loud, grating
kirrikik. Fishes at sea, diving from on high with a
resounding splash.
COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo 35cm
Summer visitor, breeding in wetlands, gravel pits and
lagoons, particularly along rivers (notably the Loire). Also
seen along coasts on migration. Medium-sized tern, much
larger than Little Tern (for differences, see that species)
but smaller than Sandwich Tern. Adult distinctive, with a
long, forked tail; neat black cap; and red bill. Juvenile has
pale basal half to bill, unlike all-black bill of Sandwich.
Differs only very subtly from the mainly coastal Arctic Tern
(Sterna paradisaea; not illustrated), which is almost
exclusively seen on migration.
First-winter in flight (left), Adult (right)


40cm, wingspan 93–105cm
Exclusively coastal, breeding colonially on cliffs from
west-central France northwards. Winters more widely
offshore, rarely along the Mediterranean coast, and
occasionally blown inland by storms. Delicate pelagic gull,
with airy flight even in strong wind. Adult can be
confused only with Common Gull of same age. Looks
much neater than that species, with prominent, wholly
black wing-tips (as if dipped in ink) and unblemished
yellow bill. In winter, can show dusky smudges on head –
but never streaked as in Common. First-winter is
distinctive, with a broad black collar on hindneck, black
zigzag across wing, and black tip to tail that gives it the
illusion of being forked.
Adult in flight (left), Adults (right)

SLENDER-BILLED GULL Larus genei 40cm,

wingspan 90–102cm
Increasingly common breeder on Mediterranean saltpans
and brackish lagoons, particularly in the Camargue.
Delightful, elegant gull, often seen delicately picking
insects off the water surface. Only confusion species is the
abundant Black-headed Gull; although Slender-billed is
larger, it is also noticeably longer and more slender, with
a distinctive profile comprising a thinner neck, elongated
head and long bill. Adult is wholly white-headed (Black-
headed always has at least a dark spot behind eye). First-
winter very similar to first-winter Black-headed; dark
marks on plumage are fainter, but best identified by
different shape. On Corsica, look for Audouin’s Gull (Larus
audouinii; not illustrated), which is larger and has (in
adult) a thick, largely red bill.
First-winter (left), Adult non-breeding (middle), Adult breeding

BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ridibundus 37cm,

wingspan 86–99cm
Very common throughout, particularly in winter, when
routinely in urban areas. The default small gull; getting to
know this bird helps identify more exciting species. Adults
have a unique chocolate-brown head in summer, but a
less distinctive dark ear spot in winter. In flight, look for
long white triangle on upperwing ‘hand’ and neat black
trailing edge: only Slender-billed Gull has a similar
pattern (for differences, see that species). Adult Little Gull
(Hydrocoloeus minutus; not illustrated) is smaller, with a
smoky underwing and black bill. First-winter Black-
headed resembles adult winter but has variable dark
wing markings and a black tail tip. See Mediterranean
Gull for differences from that species.
First-winter in flight (left), Adult, breeding plumage (right)


melanocephalus 39cm, wingspan 94–102cm
Uncommon, local breeder, often within colonies of Black-
headed Gull, including inland. More frequent in winter,
particularly along coasts. Favours freshwater bodies,
saltmarshes, bays and sandy shores. One of the smaller
gulls, between Black-headed and Common gulls in size.
More robust than the former, particularly in flight. Adult
distinctive – the only gull with unblemished, wholly pale
grey/white wings and a red bill (Black-headed has black
on wing-tip and underwing). White (not smoky)
underwings, larger size and bill colour distinguish it from
adult Little Gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus; not illustrated,
migrant along coasts). First-winter’s prominent, dark eye
mask differentiate it from Common and Black-headed.
First-winter (left and middle), Adult, non-breeding (right)

COMMON GULL Larus canus 43cm, wingspan

Local breeder in north-east France, wintering more
widely on coasts, rivers and lakes. The largest of the small
gulls, with very distinct plumage. Adult could be confused
with Black-legged Kittiwake, but is larger and has white
spots in more extensive black wing-tips. Otherwise, likely
to be confused only with larger, stockier, thick-billed
European Herring Gull, but adult is darker grey above and
lacks European Herring’s red spot on bill. First-winter
similar to second-winter European Herring, but has a
broad black tail-band and extensive black triangle at
Adult in flight (left), Adult (middle), First-winter (right)


52–58cm, wingspan 117–134cm
Coastal breeder in the north. Winters mainly in the Bay of
Biscay, Brittany and the Camargue. Usually slightly
smaller than European Herring Gull. Most adults have a
coal-grey back and wings – darker than in adult European
Herring or Yellow-legged gulls, but paler than in adult
Great Black-backed Gull. Adult also differs from latter by
much smaller size and yellow legs – pertinent because
some adult Lesser (race intermedius, which occurs in
northern France) can be as dark as Great. Latter feature
also distinguishes it from European Herring (but, self-
evidently, not Yellow-legged!). First-winter has a more
coarsely marked back and wing, blacker bill and, typically,
whiter head than European Herring of same age.
Adult (left), First-winter in flight (right)


54–60cm, wingspan 123–148cm
Coastal breeder north from Charente-Maritime and along
the River Seine to Paris. Winters along coasts and inland
in the north-west quarter of country. Rare in the
Mediterranean (where replaced by Yellow-legged Gull).
Large gull, although smaller than Great Black-backed
Gull. Among large gulls, adult has the palest back and
wings. Pink legs additionally differentiate it from Yellow-
legged and Lesser Black-backed gulls. Second-winter
confusable with Common Gull (for differences, see that
species). First-winter variable, but generally less coarsely
marked than Lesser Black-backed of same age and less
white-headed than that species or Yellow-legged. Former
also has a contrasting, wholly black wing-tip.
First-winter in flight (left), First-winter (middle), Adult (right)

YELLOW-LEGGED GULL Larus michahellis

52–58cm, wingspan 120–140cm
Mediterranean equivalent of European Herring Gull, but
also breeds on the Atlantic coast and inland north to Île-
de-France. Winters north to the North Sea coast, where it
mixes with other gulls. Adult differs from European
Herring in lead-grey back/wings (not pale grey) and
yellow legs (not pink). Adult Lesser Black-backed Gull
shares yellow legs but has darker back/wings. First-winter
closest to Great Black-backed Gull of same age, sharing
white head and stocky all-black bill, but has a bolder
black tail-band. First-winter has darker wings and whiter
head than first-winter European Herring, and is larger and
cleaner-headed than first-winter Lesser Black-backed.
Generally similar to (and often hard to distinguish from)
Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans; not illustrated, rare but
increasing winterer, mainly in north-east France).
61–74cm, wingspan 144–166cm
Common breeding resident along the Atlantic coast, but
rare inland and along the Mediterranean coast. France’s
largest gull – hefty and brutish, with a heavy, ominous
flight. As well as size, adult differs from all other gulls by
blackish back and wings, uniquely lacking contrast
between wing-tip and remainder of wing. Pink legs also
remove confusion with Lesser Black-backed Gull. First-
winter resembles first-winter European Herring Gull, but
larger and with a massive bill, colder-toned plumage and
whiter tail. With age, immatures are less confusing as
they become blacker above and whiter on the head.
Feral Pigeon (left), Plumage resembling pure Rock Dove (right)


Feral Pigeon is abundant through lowland France,
particularly in urban areas. Some Corsican populations
approach ancestral Rock Dove in plumage, but are not
thought to be genetically pure. Rock Dove lookalikes are
smart birds, compact and neatly plumaged, with a
triangular white rump contrasting with grey wings (two
black wing-bars) and black-tipped grey tail. Feral
Pigeons, in contrast, are avian ragamuffins – thick-
necked and stocky, often hobbling on deformed feet.
They vary dramatically in plumage, with any combination
of white, grey or black complemented by purple or green
STOCK DOVE Columba oenas 30cm
Resident throughout most of lowland France (absent in
mountains), but wintering only in the Mediterranean. The
smallest true pigeon, neatly proportioned and smartly
attired. Flies with rapid, deep beats of wings that lack the
broad white band that characterises Common Wood
Pigeon. Iris is black rather than white (Common Wood
Pigeon) or orange (Feral Pigeon), creating a beady-eyed
impression. Shiny green neck collar (white on adult
Common Wood Pigeon). Double wing-bar – short and
black – like wild Rock Dove. Voice distinctive: long,
disyllabic cooing, repeated once a second.
palumbus 40cm
Common throughout France except in high mountains
(although numerous in migration over Pyrenean passes).
More abundant in winter, particularly on agricultural
plains. Breeds in any wooded habitat, from lowland
forests to urban gardens. The largest pigeon, fat-chested,
broad-winged and with a waddling gait. Clatters into
flight, clapping wings noisily. Size alone is sufficient to
eliminate other pigeons, but diagnostic plumage feature
is obvious in flight: broad white bar cutting across wing.
Adult also has a white iris and extensive white patch on
collar – characteristics shown by no other pigeon or dove.
decaocto 31cm
Very common resident throughout lowland France,
except in Paris. Unknown in France before 1950; has since
colonised rapidly. Favours gardens, parks and farmland.
Large dove, the size of Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon, but
slimmer and longer-tailed. Plumage is distinctive at rest:
unmarked, wholly buff-grey with black and white neck
collar (absent in juvenile). More likely to be confused with
European Turtle Dove in flight, with similarly contrasting
wings and white tip to tail. However, latter is much
broader than on European Turtle. Familiar song: a
trisyllabic, mournful ou-ou-whoo.
turtur 27cm
Summer visitor to lowlands throughout France, breeding
in open deciduous woodland, copses, and farmland with
ample hedgerows. The smallest dove or pigeon, and the
most colourful and boldly patterned. Plumage unique,
with a boldly chequered orange back and wings, largely
pink head and underparts, and a neck collar comprising
several black and white bars. In flight, looks colourful
above and has a narrower white band on tail tip than
Eurasian Collared Dove. Song is a prolonged, subdued
COMMON CUCKOO Cuculus canorus 34cm
Summer visitor throughout France, even into mountains.
Frequents a wide variety of open-country and wooded
habitats – wherever the birds it parasitises reside. Best
known for male’s song: two-toned, with the second note
lower, cu-cou. In flight, recalls both pigeons and falcons,
but long tail is often spread, and broad-based wings taper
rapidly to a fine point. Often perches prominently, with
long wings dropped and tail cocked. Male plumage ash-
grey with a barred belly; female similar but has a barred
breast, perhaps recalling Eurasian Sparrowhawk
(although latter perches upright, and has a white
eyebrow and stockier body).
BARN OWL Tyto alba 33–39cm, wingspan 80–
Occurs throughout lowland France, particularly in plains,
valleys, marshes, farmland and villages. Often breeds in
old or rarely used farm buildings. Dark-breasted eastern
subspecies guttata winters in eastern France. Familiar,
easy-to-identify owl – appears glowing white when
quartering low over fields in the darkening evening.
White face, underparts and underwing remove confusion
with all bar male Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus; not
illustrated, vagrant). Warm beige upperparts, suffused
grey, are unique. Eerie vocal repertoire comprises hisses,
shrieks and squeals.
EURASIAN SCOPS OWL Otus scops 20cm,
wingspan 47–54cm
Summer visitor, particularly to the Mediterranean region
(abundant in Corsica and Provence–Alpes–Côte d’Azur)
but also extending north along the Rhône, Garonne and
Loire valleys. Very small owl, the size of a Common
Starling. Even smaller than Little Owl (sole confusion
species), but has a different shape and posture – slender,
standing upright – and long ear-tufts. Latter, plus dark ‘V’
on forehead (plummeting to bill) and fine lines on
underparts, also differentiate it from Little. Voice
characteristic of balmy southern nights: liquid piou,
whistled every couple of seconds.
EURASIAN EAGLE-OWL Bubo bubo 60–75cm,
wingspan 138–170cm
Resident in mountains from the Pyrenees to the Jura (and
also the Vosges). Most common in Provence–Alpes–Côte
d’Azure. Favours undisturbed natural areas, far from
human habitation, particularly rocky cliffs. Strictly
nocturnal, emerging at dusk, when male and female call
to each other: a deep bou-hou. Massive owl, larger than
Common Buzzard. Size alone distinguishes it from other
family members: thickset, big-headed and broad-winged.
If seen perched in torchlight (or roosting bird encountered
by day), orange eyes and ear-tufts differentiate it from all
bar Long-eared Owl.
LITTLE OWL Athene noctua 23–27cm, wingspan
Resident throughout France in plains and valleys (but not
mountains, with the exception of Causses). Favours
farmland, grassland, meadows and wooded parkland,
frequently seen sitting on walls and ruined buildings.
Often active by day as well as night. Small, rotund owl:
larger only than Eurasian Scops Owl (for differences, see
that species) and finch-sized Eurasian Pygmy Owl
(Glaucidium passerinum; not illustrated, rare in eastern
mountains). Broadly striped underparts, white eyebrows
and white-blotched upperparts are distinctive. In
bounding flight, wings and tail appear noticeably short.
Sometimes stands erect with legs outstretched, even
running after prey. Song is a rhythmic keeeah.
Adult (left), Adult, flight (right)

TAWNY OWL Strix aluco 37–43cm, wingspan 81–

Common resident throughout France (but not on Corsica),
inhabiting forests, parks and wooded countryside.
Nocturnal; only rarely encountered by day (but look out
for angry tits and finches mobbing one). Best known for
its voice – a quavering hoot, hou-ouuu (twit tu-woo),
and a sharp kee-wik! When perched, shape is very
different from elongated Barn Owl or Long-eared Owl,
being dome-headed, thick-bodied and short-tailed. In
flight, has a large head and broad-based wings. Plumage
includes mottled browns, buff and white, but can look
disconcertingly pale in car headlights.
LONG-EARED OWL Asio otus 34cm, wingspan
Resident throughout France (rare on Corsica), inhabiting
forests, hedgerows near grasslands, and parks. Roosts in
dense cover by day, hunting at night. At rest, is a tall,
upright owl with long ear-tufts – quite unlike Tawny Owl.
Eyes, if open, are a vivid orange, like those of much larger
Eurasian Eagle-owl. In flight, appears longer-winged than
Tawny, with barred buff ‘hand’ on upperwing and
isolated black comma at ‘elbow’ on underwing. Differs
from rare Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus; not
illustrated) in barred (not solid black) wing-tips and
orange (not yellow) eyes. Juvenile makes a call like a
squeaky gate; adult’s song is a rhythmic, muffled hou
every couple of seconds.
europaeus 26cm
Common summer visitor to forests in Landes and the
Mediterranean; rare north of the Loire (except Brittany).
Inhabits sandy heaths with scattered trees, particularly
pines. Strictly nocturnal – although may be spotted
roosting or be flushed by day. Emerges at dusk, male
singing with a vibrating churr that lasts minutes. Size of a
European Turtle Dove, but slim-bodied with long wings
and tail. Shape apparent when at rest – sitting
horizontally on ground, branch or log – and in silhouetted
flight (when it recalls a small falcon); all owls are round-
bodied with a vertical posture. Seen by torchlight, male
has conspicuous white spots on wing-tip and tail corners;
in daylight, plumage revealed to be mottled brown and
COMMON SWIFT Apus apus 18cm
Summer visitor throughout France, with distribution
constrained only by suitable habitat for breeding (cliffs,
buildings, etc.) – although feeds far from nest over all
manner of open areas. Swifts resemble swallows and
martins, but are larger, with long, pointed, scythe-like
wings. They fly rapidly (as their name suggests), searing
high through the sky, often in noisy, screaming groups. In
Common Swift, all-dark underparts additionally remove
confusion with Barn Swallow etc., and it never perches on
wires. High-flying bird could possibly be confused with
similarly shaped Eurasian Hobby, but much smaller and
has wholly dark underparts. To distinguish from other
swifts, see those species.
PALLID SWIFT Apus pallidus 17cm
Summer visitor to the Mediterranean region, with
breeding pockets in Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Behaviour and habitat like those of Common Swift, which
is the most likely confusion species. The duo is very hard
to tell apart. Subtle plumage differences include dark eye
mask standing out against a paler head, larger white
throat, paler brown upperwing (such that darker saddle
can stand out) and (visible at close range) scaly
underparts. In shape, Pallid has a slightly blunter tip and
broader hand – but even experts struggle to differentiate
between the two species.
Adult, upperwing (left), Adult, underwing (right)

ALPINE SWIFT Apus melba 22cm

Summer visitor, breeding colonially on cliffs (whether in
mountains or by the sea). Restricted to southern France,
specifically the Pyrenees, Massif Central, Alps south into
Var, and on Corsica. Resembles Common Swift in shape
and flight, but markedly larger, longer-winged and more
powerful. Plumage is also very different, with mid-brown
upperparts similar in tone to Sand Martin and much paler
than other swifts. Underparts also recall Sand Martin,
with white throat-patch (sometimes hard to see) and
white belly isolated by broad brown collar and undertail.
Call also differs from other swifts’ screaming: a
mechanical, chattering ti-ti-ti-ti-ti.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

COMMON KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis 18cm

Resident throughout France except in mountains.
Numbers are boosted by arrival of northern birds in
winter. Frequents rivers, streams and lakes, as long as
there are banks in which it can excavate a nesting tunnel.
Unmistakable, even in typically brief view – a blurred
flash of electric blue as the bird speeds low over water,
attracting attention with a strident tsiiiiii. Smaller than
Common Starling, and noticeably stocky, with a long
dagger of a bill. Scintillating blue upperparts and warm-
orange underparts, with white throat and half-collar on
Adults (left), Adult, flight (right)

EUROPEAN BEE-EATER Merops apiaster 27cm

Summer visitor to southern France, particularly in the
Mediterranean and Rhône and Garonne valleys. Rare
further north. Favours open areas with abundant insects
and exposed perches from which to hunt; needs sandy
banks for nesting burrows. Unmistakable harlequin of a
bird, roughly the size of European Turtle Dove, with long,
pointed wings and a central spike to rounded tail. At close
range, appears multicoloured, although impression at a
distance may be of chestnut upperparts, electric-blue
underparts and pale underwing. Often in flocks, which
attract attention with noisy, rolling prrrp calls. Acrobatic
feeder, tumbling and twisting after insects.
Adult (left), Adult, crest raised (right)

HOOPOE Upupa epops 27cm

Summer visitor, frequenting open country with
hedgerows and scattered trees. Common in the south,
occurs in the west, local in central France and rare in the
north. Another unmistakable bird, whether waddling
along the ground mechanically probing with its long,
decurved bill, or flopping in butterfly-like flight on eye-
searingly stripy wings. In flight, black and white bands
catch the eye. On the ground, can be surprisingly discreet,
barred plumage blending into grass (rather like a zebra!)
and orange-pink upper body merging into stony ground.
Crest usually kept flattened, but occasionally erected,
corona-like. Song is a fluty, repetitive poo-poo-poo –
audible from a considerable distance.
Rear view (left), Front view (right)

EURASIAN WRYNECK Jynx torquilla 17cm

Uncommon summer visitor over much of France, but rare
north of the Loire. Frequents orchards, scrubby
hedgerows and clearings in woodland. Often sits
motionless for long periods in a bush or tree, relying on its
camouflage to deceive predators. Feeds by hopping on
the ground, almost thrush-like. Ostensibly a woodpecker,
but you wouldn’t know it, given its odd behaviour and
almost owl- or nightjar-like plumage. In a good view it is
unmistakable: look for dark eye-stripe, and dark stripe in
centre of pale grey back. Song is a nasal, Common Kestrel-
like ki-ki-ki-ki-ki, with up to 20 notes in five seconds.
Declining resident of lowland forests in central and
eastern France. Typical woodpecker, usually seen
climbing trunks. Unlike European Green Woodpecker,
does not forage on the ground. Smaller, slimmer and
shorter-billed than European Green. Upperparts a similar
bright green, but rump is less contrasting, being olive
rather than yellow. Underparts a similar grey-olive. Focus
on head to distinguish the two species: as its name
suggests, that of Grey-headed is grey, with a fine black
‘pencil’ moustache, amber eye and (on male; pictured)
neat red forehead. Red crown of European Green is more
extensive, its moustache is broader and its face is black,
highlighting a staring white eye.
viridis 33cm
Common resident throughout France, except Corsica.
Inhabits open forest, woodland, parks and gardens –
wherever there are trees in which to nest and ants to eat.
Large green woodpecker with a yellow rump that catches
the eye during its undulating flight. Distinctive call: a
loud, hoarse, laughing kew-kew-kew. Confusable only
with Grey-headed Woodpecker (for differences, see that
species) and, in poor view, Ring-necked Parakeet
(Psittacula krameri; not illustrated). Latter has escaped
from captivity and is now established in several cities; it is
substantially larger than European Green Woodpecker,
with a very long tail, direct (rather than undulating) flight
and a hooked red bill. Juvenile (pictured) is barred and
mottled – scruffier than adult.
BLACK WOODPECKER Dryocopus martius
Uncommon resident across much of France, and absent
from the Mediterranean, Corsica, Garonne valley and
northern coastal region. Favours mature forest of any
type, but often nests in Common Beech. Uniquely black
woodpecker, with an ivory bill and eye, and red crown
(extensive in male, barely noticeable in female). Likely to
be confused only with flying Carrion Crow or Rook, but
shape is different, with broad, rounded wings; longer,
pointed tail; and long neck. Flight also differs: floppy and
clumsy rather than poised and mechanical. Perched call is
a haunting kluuuu-i; song is like that of European Green
Woodpecker, but more evenly pitched and rhythmical.
Dendrocopos major 25cm
Common throughout (including Corsica and mountainous
regions), inhabiting forests, woodlands, parks and
gardens. Eye-catchingly piebald woodpecker the size of
Common Blackbird. Often attracts attention with abrupt
tchik or drumming (in spring). Covers long distances in
bounding flight, when white shoulder-patch is most
visible. Similarly black-and-white Common Magpie is
much larger with a very long tail. See Lesser Spotted
Woodpecker for differences from that species. In some
areas, rarer woodpeckers (not illustrated) are worth
considering: Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos
medius; widespread away from coasts, but uncommon)
has an extensive red crown and streaked flanks; White-
backed Woodpecker (D. leucotos; local in the Pyrenees)
has a white rump rather than a white shoulder-patch.
Dendrocopos minor 15cm
Resident and fairly common throughout France, except in
mountains and on Corsica. Inhabits deciduous woodland
and parks, preferring smaller upper branches of trees.
Undemonstrative and often over-looked except when
calling in spring: a nasal kee-kee-kee-kee-kee. Size of a
sparrow, but looks stockier – like Eurasian Nuthatch.
Compared to Great Spotted Woodpecker, is substantially
smaller (barely half the size), with an extensively barred
white back (rather than a black back contrasting with
long white shoulder-patches) and white (not red)
undertail. Male (pictured) has red crown, female black.
CRESTED LARK Galerida cristata 17cm
Occurs throughout France, but most common in the
Mediterranean and rarest in the north. Favours open,
stony environments, from roadsides and railway lines to
waste ground and vineyards. Slightly smaller than
Eurasian Skylark, and appearing slimmer and sandier in
coloration. A closer look reveals a long crest that ends in a
point and is often raised vertically (short and usually
flattened in Eurasian Skylark), a noticeable white stripe
above eye, and a long, slightly decurved bill (stubby and
straight in Eurasian Skylark). In flight, looks shorter-tailed
than Eurasian Skylark, with a rusty underwing and no
white trailing edge to wing. Call is a fluty, melodious tu-
WOODLARK Lullula arborea 15cm
Uncommon in lightly wooded, open, dry environments.
More frequent in the south. Partial migrant, with
numbers dipping in winter. Smaller than Eurasian Skylark,
neater and more rounded, with a shorter tail. Latter is
particularly apparent in flight, when rounded wings are
also obvious. Plumage similar to Eurasian Skylark, but
look for bolder-patterned back, broad white stripe over
eye, ginger ear-coverts, and diagnostic white–black–
white pattern on leading edge of wing. Creeps
inconspicuously over ground, flying away at the last
moment. Song is repetitive, melodic and liquid; a
beautiful sound. Call is a distinctive, yodelling tle-wee.
Adult (left), Adult showing crest (right)

EURASIAN SKYLARK Alauda arvensis 17cm

Common, widespread resident of agricultural fields,
meadows and other open areas. Gregarious in winter,
when numbers swell with arrivals from northern
countries. Larger and bulkier than a sparrow, with broad
wings obvious in stuttery flight. Closest in appearance to
Crested Lark and Woodlark (for differences, see those
species). Take care also to rule out Corn Bunting, which
has a long tail and very deep bill, and Meadow Pipit,
which is smaller, slighter, longer-tailed and thinner-
billed. In flight, white trailing edge to wing is diagnostic.
Gives a guttural, chirruping call; song is famous for its
length and melodious trilling.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia 12cm

Summer visitor throughout lowlands, particularly around
major rivers. More widespread and common on
migration, especially around freshwater bodies. Swallows
and martins (hirundines) are aerial insectivores, feeding
acrobatically with the aid of long, pointed wings and
forked tails. Sand Martin is the smallest in France, smaller
than a sparrow although looking larger in flight due to
long wings. Brown plumage is shared only by Eurasian
Crag Martin. Differs by striking white underparts
partitioned by broad brown breast-band (concolourous
drab grey-brown in Eurasian Crag). The band is apparent
at a distance, so also eliminates other hirundines. Pattern
recalls Alpine Swift, but that species is much larger and
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)


rupestris 14cm
Locally distributed summer visitor to southern France,
particularly in Mediterranean and mountainous regions.
Rare elsewhere. Inhabits craggy areas with cliffs for
nesting. Being brown, this hirundine can be confused only
with smaller, slighter Sand Martin (for differences, see
that species). In flight, from below, ‘armpits’ are
contrastingly dark. From above, white tail spots are
diagnostic – particularly obvious when tail is spread.
Rather stiff-winged in flight compared to other
hirundines, appearing less dexterous.
BARN SWALLOW Hirundo rustica 17–19cm
Common summer visitor throughout France, including
mountainous regions. Particularly abundant on
migration. Frequents open areas, but also seen in towns
and routinely hunts insects about freshwater bodies. The
most familiar hirundine, with a slinky flight and long
streamers on forked tail. Pale underparts rule out
Common Swift, which is also larger, with much longer,
narrower wings. Dark throat and wholly dark upperparts
(no white rump) rule out Common House Martin. Red-
rumped Swallow is more similar; see that species for
COMMON HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbicum
Common summer visitor throughout France, including in
mountains (where it breeds on cliffs) and urban areas
(where it nests on buildings, hence the name). Also often
seen hawking insects over freshwater bodies. Small
hirundine, between Sand Martin and Barn Swallow in
size. See both species for differences, but, fundamentally,
broad white rump separates it from all French hirundines
except Red-rumped Swallow. Differs from latter in short,
broad, forked tail (not long and spike-like), dark ear-
coverts (head is blue-black and white, not chestnut and
blue) and lack of any rufous on upper rump.
RED-RUMPED SWALLOW Cecropis daurica
Summer visitor solely to the Mediterranean region (rare
migrant elsewhere). Typically frequents open hillsides,
nesting on cliffs or buildings. Barn Swallow-like shape,
with long tail streamers, rules out martins. (For additional
differences from Common House Martin, see that
species.) Most confusable with Barn Swallow. In flight,
glides more stiffly than that species, with less
manoeuvrability. Tail shape also differs, with long
feathers less wispy, often suggesting a single spike. This
impression is exacerbated by dark (not white) undertail,
so that tail looks stuck on. In plumage, pale rump (white
and rufous) and isolated dark cap are quite different to
TREE PIPIT Anthus trivialis 15cm
Fairly common breeder throughout France, up to foothills.
Frequents forest edges, wooded clearings and tree-
strewn meadows. Pipits are small, streaky, largely
ground-dwelling birds that walk and scurry around.
Smaller and slimmer than larks, and with thinner bills.
Very similar in appearance to one another, pipits demand
careful examination. Tree Pipit is generally yellower than
Meadow Pipit, particularly on the breast, which contrasts
with white belly. Stripe above eye (supercilium) more
pronounced, and often shows pale spot at back of ear-
coverts. Unlike Meadow, sings from a tree – or at least
starts/ends songflight from a tree. Call is a buzzy, breathy
skeeeez – very different from Meadow’s weedy sip.
MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis 14.5cm
Resident breeder in the cooler north, particularly along
Channel and North Atlantic coasts; rare inland.
Widespread in winter, in any open, grassy country, damp
or dry. Variable pipit, with birds toned greyish, brownish
or olive depending on age and time of year. Some look
clean-cut and neat, others dingy and streaky. Gregarious
in winter, feeding in active, nervous flocks that spit into
the air, flying weakly. For differences from Tree and Water
pipits, see those species. Take care not to mistake it for
Eurasian Skylark (for differences, see that species) or Corn
Bunting (which is larger, tubbier and deep-billed).
Winter plumage (left), Breeding plumage (right)

WATER PIPIT Anthus spinoletta 17cm

Breeds in montane meadows (Alps, Pyrenees, etc.), but
widespread in winter, frequenting lowland marshes,
grasslands and rivers. Larger than Meadow and Tree
pipits. Distinctive summer plumage, with a blue-grey
head marked by a bright white stripe over eye
(supercilium), unstreaked grey-brown back and pink flush
to largely unmarked underparts. In winter plumage, more
similar to Meadow and Tree, but differs in having black
(not pink) legs, more boldly patterned head (prominent
white supercilium), and diffusely streaked, markedly
white underparts with neither a hint of yellow nor black
stripes. For differences from Eurasian Rock Pipit, see that
EURASIAN ROCK PIPIT Anthus petrosus 17cm
Resident in Brittany and along the northern coast; also
occurs along the northern Atlantic coast in winter. As its
name suggests, favours rocky shores, particularly those
rich in seaweed. Differs from Meadow and Tree pipits in
its larger size, dingy grey-brown plumage, diffusely
streaked underparts and upperparts, dark face with
prominent eye-ring and (usually) very different habitat.
More difficult to distinguish from Water Pipit. Basically a
dingier version of that species, with duskier underparts
and bold white eye-ring rather than Water’s prominent
white stripe over the eye (supercilium). Water is much
less likely to be seen on coasts, particularly those with
seaweed-covered rocks.
Adult female (left), Adult male (right)

GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea 18cm

Resident throughout, particularly in hilly areas. Always
associated with water: streams and rivers year-round, but
also lakes etc. in winter. Frequent in urban areas.
Wagtails are long-tailed, pipit-like birds that run and
canter along the ground, wagging their tail up and down.
Grey Wagtail is distinctive: no other wagtail has an
isolated, bright yellow wrap-around rump, vent and
undertail that contrasts with white belly. Ash-grey back
(rather than olive) additionally distinguishes it from
Yellow Wagtail – and habitat differences are also useful.
Largely grey face, lacking black on crown, separates it
from White Wagtail.
Clockwise from top left: Male Ashy-headed, Yellow, Grey-headed and
Blue-headed wagtails

YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava 17cm

Summer visitor throughout France, inhabiting meadows,
grasslands, marshes and farmland (but never riverbanks
like Grey Wagtail). Subspecies varies with location; males
differ in head and throat colour. The well-named Blue-
headed (subspecies flava) predominates, but Yellow
(flavissima; green and yellow head) occurs in the north,
Ashy-headed (cinereocapilla; dark grey head, white
throat) in the south-east and Camargue, Spanish (iberiae;
bluer head than previous, with white stripe above eye) in
the south-west and Grey-headed (thunbergi; like Ashy-
headed but yellow throat) on migration. Beware
intergrades resulting from hybridisation. Female
resembles female Grey Wagtail (for differences, see that
species). Immature differs from White Wagtail of same
age in dark face and lack of breast-band.
White Wagtail (left), Pied Wagtail (right)

WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alba 18cm

Resident throughout France, but winters particularly in
major river valleys. Breeds in rural environments (often
near farms), but winters in fields near watercourses, often
in urban areas. Differs from other wagtails in being
wholly mono-chrome in all plumages. Adult distinctive,
with white face flanked by black crown and black bib.
Immature could be confused with Yellow Wagtail of same
age, but has a pale face (and thus prominent eye) and
(often blotchy) black bib. Most birds have a pale grey
mantle (White Wagtail, subspecies alba), but black- or
dark-grey-backed birds of the British race (Pied Wagtail,
yarrellii) also winter in northern France.
Inhabits fast-flowing rivers in mountains, Nouvelle-
Aquitaine and eastern France. Rare elsewhere (and never
seen away from flowing water). Stocky, short-tailed bird,
shaped like a Winter Wren but twice the size. Bobs on
rocks, flies with whirring wings (often uttering a rasping
dzit call), swims buoyantly, and (uniquely among French
songbirds) dives or walks underwater. Adult
unmistakable: look for extensive white bib sandwiched
between chestnut head and very dark belly. Juvenile –
grey and mottled – may cause confusion, but
combination of shape and habitat is distinctive, and
adults are usually also present.
WINTER WREN Troglodytes troglodytes
Common resident throughout France, from sea-level to
upper altitudinal limit of forest in mountains. Inhabits any
kind of undergrowth: bushes and hedgerows in open
areas, shrub layer in gardens and woodland. Tiny bird,
with a distinctive short, cocked tail and loud voice.
Typically skulking, and more often heard than seen. Gives
a variety of scolding, rasping and rattling calls. Song is
amazingly loud and vibrant, combining warbles and trills.
Differs from Dunnock and (scaly brown) juvenile European
Robin in smaller size; short, cocked tail; and broad cream
stripe above eye (supercilium).
DUNNOCK Prunella modularis 14cm
Resident throughout France in any environment with
dense undergrowth. Size of European Robin, but longer-
tailed and gait is usually horizontal. Relatively
nondescript, frequently unobtrusive bird that can confuse
the unwary. Behaviour distinctive: creeps through
vegetation or shuffles over open ground, flicking tail.
Much more heavily streaked than pipits, with extensively
grey face and throat. Bold streaking rules out warblers
such as Eurasian Blackcap. See Winter Wren for
differences from that species. Similar in plumage to House
Sparrow, but has a fine black bill (thick and often pale in
House Sparrow) and boldly patterned (not plain)
ALPINE ACCENTOR Prunella collaris 18cm
Resident in southern France, exclusively in mountains
above 2,000m in summer, where it favours scree and
alpine meadows. Occurs lower in winter, often
congregating around ski-resort restaurants and villages.
Larger, tubbier relative of Dunnock, with similar plumage.
Unlike Dunnock, prefers open terrain and is typically
fearless. Size and behaviour are initial clues that this is
not a Dunnock. Next, look for yellow base to bill,
pronounced white spots on wing, black-and-white
speckled throat, and broad streaks on belly and flanks
(rufous in adult, ruddy brown in juvenile). Poor views
might suggest another high-altitude specialist, White-
winged Snowfinch, but that species has extensive white
on wings.
EUROPEAN ROBIN Erithacus rubecula 14cm
Resident throughout France, favouring woodland, copses,
hedgerows, scrub, parks and gardens. Numbers are
boosted in winter by arrivals from the north and east.
Robins and chats are small insectivorous birds with slim
bills, and are usually seen on or near the ground.
European Robin is a very common, familiar bird. Adult’s
extensive orange face and bib eliminate confusion with
all other species. Juvenile may cause confusion, lacking
orange and being scaly on head, back and underparts.
However, the presence of a parent should confirm
megarhynchos 16cm
Summer visitor throughout France except Brittany and
Normandy. Frequents woodland and scrub with dense
undergrowth. Well known for its remarkable song – long,
melodious and fluid – often given at night. Secretive and
skulking, but sometimes feeds in the open on the ground
(typically cocking long tail) and often sings from a
prominent perch. Larger and longer-tailed than European
Robin, and lacks orange bib. Upperparts warm brown,
more rufous on tail, with creamy-brown underparts. Most
likely to be confused with female Common Redstart
(which has whiter underparts and an obvious red tail) or
Garden Warbler (different shape, and grey-brown
plumage with no hint of a rufous tail).
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

BLUETHROAT Luscinia svecica 14cm

Summer visitor (and occasional winterer) to large
wetlands along the Mediterranean coast, north to
Arcachon Bay (Nouvelle-Aquitaine). Also breeds in inland
marshes in Hauts-de-France, and seen in scrubby
reedbeds, ditches and meadows. Resembles European
Robin in size, shape and behaviour, although often
skulking. Male is unique, with a bright blue bib around
white central spot. All plumages differ from almost all
other birds in broad white stripe over eye and chestnut
sides to tail (flashed in low flight). Confusion possible
between Sedge Warbler and female/first-winter
Bluethroat, but former has a different shape, all-brown
tail and entirely plain underparts and latter always has a
dark collar on breast.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros

Resident in western France; summer breeder in the east.
Particularly common in the south and uncommon in the
north. Typically favours rocky areas, but also towns and
villages, where buildings substitute for cliffs. Slightly
larger and slimmer than Eurasian Robin, with a long
reddish tail that it constantly quivers. Favours open areas
more than Common Redstart and behaves more like a
wheatear, routinely feeding on the ground. Male is
unmistakable, with sooty-grey plumage and a white wing
flash. Female resembles Common, but dingier grey-
brown and with less rufous on rump.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)


phoenicurus 14cm
Uncommon summer visitor throughout, favouring open
woodland, parks and forest edges. Tends to be arboreal –
often elusive in the canopy. Adult male differs from Black
Redstart in having four-colour plumage, with black
throat, white face, ash-grey back and orange underparts.
To distinguish female from female Black Redstart and
Common Nightingale, see those species. Young male
resembles adult female, but shows orange breast and
flanks, and dusky throat. Reddish tail avoids confusion
with all other species.
Adult male, front view (left), Adult male, rear view (right)

WHINCHAT Saxicola rubetra 13cm

Local summer visitor across much of France; more
widespread on migration. Favours grassland and other
meadows with bushes on which to perch. Size of Eurasian
Robin but with a short tail. Typically perches on a bush –
always upright and alert, and often flies at first hint of
danger. Attractive bird. Male is particularly striking:
boldly patterned upperparts, bold white stripe above eye
on otherwise blackish face, and orange breast. Confusion
likely only with European Stonechat (for differences, see
that species). Face pattern might prompt confusion with
Northern Wheatear, but latter is larger, with a grey back
and largely white rump and tail.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

EUROPEAN STONECHAT Saxicola rubicola

Fairly common resident throughout France, but rarer in
mountains. Frequents natural open environments such as
heathlands and scrubby grassland; often associated with
gorse. Likely to be confused only with Whinchat, which is
similar in size and behaviour. In all plumages, differs by
lacking Whinchat’s white stripe over eye and white sides
to tail. Male European Stonechat has a large white neck-
patch below black head, enabling identification at long
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

NORTHERN WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe

Localised summer visitor, particularly to mountains, but
widespread on migration. Frequents open habitat,
particularly dunes, short grassland and stony meadows.
Wheatears are terrestrial species, venturing only
marginally above ground to perch on a rock or fence. Has
a distinctive feeding action, sprinting a short distance
before standing erect. Often flies when observer
approaches, flashing large white rump and tail (latter
with an inverted black ‘T’). This rules out all species
except rare southern Black-eared Wheatear (Oenanthe
hispanica; not illustrated). Male differs from latter in
blue-grey back (not white or peach), while female has
less white on tail than Black-eared, is paler above and
lacks orange breast.
COMMON ROCK THRUSH Monticola saxatilis
Summer visitor to scree-rich mountains, specifically the
Causses, Alps, Pyrenees and Massif Central. Rock thrushes
recall both wheatears and thrushes, and are exclusively
associated with warm, rocky places. Male Common Rock
Thrush is a gorgeous creature, whose bright colours
ensure it cannot be mistaken for anything else. Female is
more subtle; most have an orange wash to scaly
underparts that excludes both the larger Song Thrush and
female Blue Rock Thrush. Both of these species are also
excluded by the short, red-sided tail that protrudes only
marginally beyond wing-tip.
BLUE ROCK THRUSH Monticola solitarius
Resident of rocky places in the Mediterranean region
(extending north along the Rhône valley). To distinguish
it from Common Rock Thrush, see that species. Although
wholly dark, shimmering blue in colour, the male Blue
Rock Thrush can look black at a distance – at which point
it might be confused with a male Common Blackbird.
Female Blue Rock also recalls a female Common Blackbird
(although lacks reddish tones and is markedly scaly). In
both instances, Blue Rock’s long black (not yellow) bill,
dark (not pink) legs and smaller size are key to
Adult male (left), First-winter male (right)

RING OUZEL Turdus torquatus 25cm

Uncommon summer visitor to mountainous region (Alps,
Pyrenees, Massif Central, Jura and Vosges), with UK and
Scandinavian breeders occurring throughout France on
passage. Breeds in open conifer forests, but migrants use
a variety of open, grassy habitats. Medium-sized, mainly
dark thrush, confusable only with Common Blackbird and
Mistle Thrush. Adults differ from both these species in
broad white bib, silvery wings (particularly obvious in
flight) and scaly underparts. Also much darker (male
black, female and first-winter dark brown) than mid-
brown Mistle Thrush, with a yellow rather than largely
dark bill.
Adult male (left), First-winter female (right)

COMMON BLACKBIRD Turdus merula 24cm

Common resident throughout France, with birds
descending from mountains in winter. Inhabits a variety
of habitats containing trees and bushes. Familiar
medium-sized thrush, running or hopping along the
ground and then stopping to look for prey. All-black male
confusable only with crows and choughs, but much
smaller and yellow bill eliminates all except Alpine
Chough (which has bright red legs). See Blue Rock Thrush
and Ring Ouzel for differences from those species. Female
is darker than Song and Mistle thrushes, particularly on
unspotted underparts.
FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris 25cm
Local breeder in eastern hills and mountains. Gregarious
winter visitor, possible anywhere, when it frequents
meadows, bushes, gardens and hedgerows. Large, stocky,
bold thrush – easy to recognise at rest, but sometimes
less obvious in flight. Size means it is most likely confused
with Mistle Thrush. Differs in dark brown-chestnut back
contrasting with pale grey head and rump. In flight, when
seen head on or from below, looks gingery with a white
underwing; from rear, main impression is of a large, pale
grey rump clashing with black tail. Calls frequently: a
harsh, chuckling chak-chak-ak. Often flocks with
SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos 21cm
Common year-round throughout France, but more
widespread and numerous in the west and south in
winter, when numbers are swollen with immigrants. The
archetypal thrush, with thickly spotted white underparts
and brown upperparts. Very similar to Mistle Thrush, but
markedly smaller, shyer, and less pot-bellied. Close
examination reveals a uniform face with a bold eye-ring
(blotchy on Mistle), and spots on underparts that are
heart-shaped (almost broad-based bars on Mistle). Flies
lower and with more urgency than Mistle, typically
darting into deep cover rather than posing in treetops.
Underwing also differs noticeably: yellow-orange on Song
but contrastingly white on Mistle.
REDWING Turdus iliacus 21cm
Common winter visitor throughout France, but rarer in
mountains and urban areas (although it does visit
gardens, particularly in harsh weather). Gregarious, often
flocking with Fieldfare. Similar in size to Song Thrush, and
– both species being essentially small and dark – can be
hard to tell apart in brief flight views. However,
Redwing’s obvious broad cream stripe above eye
(supercilium) is unique among French thrushes, as are its
rusty flanks and underwing. Flocks call routinely,
particularly at night (a classic late-autumn sound, as birds
migrate overhead): a thin, high, plaintive tsiii.
MISTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus 27cm
Uncommon throughout France, particularly in woodland
and hedgerows, and rarer in urban areas. Big, bold thrush
of open areas, where it hops along confidently. Often
moves in family groups, flying high with powerful,
stuttering wingbeats. Most similar in plumage to smaller
Song Thrush (for differences, see that species). Paler and
spottier than female Common Blackbird (see that
species). In flight, white underwing rules out all thrushes
except similar-sized Fieldfare.
CETTI’S WARBLER Cettia cetti 13.5cm
Resident in damp habitats, particularly in the south and
along Biscay and northern coasts. Frequents dense
vegetation in wet habitats, reedbeds and scrubby
thickets. Medium-sized, dark, dumpy warbler that skulks
in dense vegetation, popping up into the open to sing,
then flying low between patches of cover like a big Winter
Wren with a long, rounded tail. More often heard than
seen: song is a sudden, explosive outburst, rich and
intense (unlikely any other reedbed sound), and call is a
sharp chip. Differs from Eurasian Reed Warbler by its dark
chestnut upperparts, ashy underparts, strong pink legs
and long, rounded tail.
ZITTING CISTICOLA Cisticola juncidis 10cm
Resident, particularly in the Mediterranean, along the
Garonne valley to the Atlantic coast, northwards to
Brittany, with enclaves along the Channel coast. Very
small, with wings and tail that are both short and
rounded – creating a distinctive silhouette in
characteristic long, bounding songflight (quite unlike any
other French bird). Song is less impressive: a metallic tzik,
given in a long series, one per second. Heavily streaked
upperparts could prompt confusion with pipits, but
smaller, with plain buff underparts and an open facial
expression, and rarely (if ever) on the ground. Sedge
Warbler also streaked above, but has a broad white stripe
above eye and lacks Zitting Cisticola’s white band on tail
Locustella naevia 13cm
Uncommon summer visitor to much of France, but avoids
hot areas such as the Mediterranean. Frequents damp
scrub, wet meadows with dense vegetation and bushy
reedbeds. Secretive, creeping through undergrowth;
typically located when singing, when it often perches in
the open. Song is distinctive – a mechanical, reeling trill
for several minutes, sounding more like a cicada than a
bird. Streaked back eliminates Eurasian Reed Warbler.
Lacks bold white stripe above eye of Sedge Warbler.
Larger than Zitting Cisticola, with dark (not pale) face and
longer tail that lacks white tips. Beware effect of light,
which varies coloration from pale yellow-brown to dark
MELODIOUS WARBLER Hippolais polyglotta
Summer visitor, breeding throughout France except the
north-east, favouring bushes, scrub and hedgerows.
Breeding adult’s olive and yellow coloration may prompt
confusion with Willow Warbler. Chunkier, slower-moving
and more skulking than that species, with rear crown
feathers regularly raised (particularly when singing) and
indistinct stripe above eye rather than Willow’s broad
supercilium. Breeding adult’s coloration separates it from
brown-and-white Eurasian Reed Warbler. However, first-
winter and non-breeding adult Melodious are greyish and
more likely to be confused with Reed – look for
Melodious’s plain face (eye more prominent) and longer,
pinker bill.
melanopogon 12.5cm
Locally resident in the Mediterranean, inhabiting
reedbeds with scattered bushes and stands of Bulrush.
Skulking bird that loves rootling in dense tangles of fallen
reed just above the water. Similar to Sedge Warbler
(although ranges overlap only on latter’s migration), but
has a more contrasting black-and-white head pattern,
with a black crown and line through eye sandwiching a
broader, whiter stripe over eye. Also has less streaked,
warmer brown back than Sedge, with a chestnut wash to
breast and flanks that isolates a characteristic neat white
throat. Unlike Sedge, readily flicks and cocks tail. Differs
from Winter Wren in same way as Sedge (see that
SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus
schoenobaenus 12cm
Summer visitor to northern half of France, avoiding hot,
dry areas. Occurs more widely on migration. Inhabits
reedbeds and damp habitats with scattered, dense
vegetation. Often occurs at same sites as Eurasian Reed
Warbler and has a similar chattering song. Sedge differs
in streaked back, more marked head pattern (with broad
whitish stripe over eye) and contrastingly rufous rump.
Could conceivably be confused with Winter Wren in poor
view, but Sedge is larger, with a much bolder head
pattern, streaked back and long tail. For differences from
Moustached Warbler, Common Grasshopper Warbler and
Zitting Cisticola, see those species.
scirpaceus 13cm
Summer visitor throughout France. Breeds in damp
reedbeds, but frequents drier habitats, including bushes,
on migration. Prefers ‘purer’ reedbeds than Sedge
Warbler (for differences, see that species). Often ascends
a tall reed stem to sing, moving head from side to side
with white throat puffed out. Weak stripe over eye, white
eye-ring and longer bill differentiate it from larger,
stockier but equally plain Garden Warbler. Garden shuns
reedbeds, but both species skulk in scrub on migration.
Unstreaked back and pale throat could prompt confusion
with female/first-winter Common Whitethroat, but latter
is larger, with a stubbier bill, more obvious white throat
and white sides to long tail.
MARMORA’S WARBLER Sylvia sarda 13cm
Summer visitor, within France occurring exclusively on
Corsica. Here, it frequents open, low garrigue and maquis
scrub, often on dry hillsides. France has an impressive
diversity of warblers of the stocky, long-tailed, skulking
genus Sylvia. Marmora’s Warbler is all dark, with a very
long, slender tail (often cocked); somewhat recalls a
Long-tailed Tit in shape. Big head with raised, ‘punky’
crown. Bright red eye, orange legs and pale pink-based
bill. Flies low and fast between bushes. Confusable only
with Dartford Warbler, which inhabits similar (but usually
taller) habitat on Corsica. Adult Marmora’s differs in its
lead-grey underparts (russet brown on Dartford);
juveniles are very similar.
DARTFORD WARBLER Sylvia undata 13cm
Resident around the Mediterranean (including Corsica),
north along the Atlantic coast to Brittany and inland to
Île-de-France. Inhabits dry, scrubby habitats such as
heathland, garrigue and open maquis. On Corsica,
overlaps with very similar Marmora’s Warbler (for
differences, see that species). Dark underparts rule out
confusion with pale-bellied Common Whitethroat and
Lesser Whitethroat. Russet-brown underparts could
prompt confusion with male Subalpine Warbler (and
Moltoni’s Warbler Sylvia subalpina on Corsica; not
illustrated), but brick-red coloration and white
moustachial stripe of those two species should be
noticeable in a good view.
SPECTACLED WARBLER Sylvia conspicillata
Declining summer visitor to the Mediterranean coast,
inhabiting dry saltmarsh with Samphire (e.g. in the
Camargue), and scrubby low garrigue (including with
lavender on the Valensole plateau). Small version of the
widespread Common Whitethroat, the male (pictured)
also differing in its big-headed and more colourful
appearance. Head darker, bright blue-grey, particularly in
front of eye, contrasting with broad white eye-ring
(‘spectacles’). Neat white throat stands out against dusky-
pink underparts; Common Whitethroat looks insipid in
comparison. Females are very similar, but can be
differentiated by size. Spectacled also has a more striking
chestnut wing. See Subalpine Warbler for differences
from that species.
SUBALPINE WARBLER Sylvia cantillans 12cm
Summer visitor to the Mediterranean region, extending
north along the Rhône valley. Skulks in low, bushy scrub
– maquis, garrigue and hedgerows. Male (pictured) is a
particularly attractive warbler, with brick-red underparts
and grey-blue upperparts separated by a white
moustachial stripe. Red eye and underpart coloration
distinguish it from male Spectacled Warbler. Females and
first-winters are trickier to separate, but Subalpine tends
to have brown (rather than chestnut) wing and a
ghosting of male’s underpart pattern. Latter feature also
differentiates them from female Common Whitethroat.
Very similar to Moltoni’s Warbler (Sylvia subalpina; not
illustrated, occurs on Corsica), but ranges do not overlap.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)


melanocephala 13.5cm
Resident in the Mediterranean region, extending north up
the Rhône valley, with an outlying population in southern
Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Skulks in undergrowth, scrub and
gardens. Slightly smaller than Common Whitethroat. On a
good view (when not hiding in vegetation), Sardinian is
distinctive. Male’s black head contrasts with bright red
eye/eye-ring and white throat – a combination shown by
no other French warbler. Lesser Whitethroat has a grey
head and eye is not red. Male Eurasian Blackcap has a
grey throat and also lacks red eye. Female’s red eye and
eye-ring (and darker plumage) distinguish it from female
Subalpine Warbler.
LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca 13cm
Summer visitor to the north-eastern half of France, from
the Alps to Brittany. Inhabits undergrowth, woodland
edges and bushes. Rather small, slender warbler, lacking
the chunkiness of many Sylvia species. Plumage is rather
understated, grey-brown above and silvery-white below.
Most similar to Common Whitethroat, but smaller and
more drab, with a greyer back and wings, uniformly
whiter underparts (no isolated white throat) and less
distinct white eye-ring. White underparts rule out
Eurasian Blackcap. Lacks red eye/eye-ring of Sardinian
Warbler, and white eye-ring is much less distinct than in
Subalpine Warbler and Spectacled Warbler.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)



Summer visitor throughout France, including mountains

up to 1,500m (Alps) and 2,000m (Pyrenees). Inhabits
scrub with dense undergrowth in a variety of open-
country habitats. Large warbler, bright and perky, and
less skulking than other Sylvia species. Male often seen in
songflight before dropping to perch. Chestnut patch on
wing is common to all plumages, and rules out all similar
species except Spectacled Warbler (for differences, see
that species). For differences from Lesser Whitethroat
(most likely confusion species), Eurasian Reed Warbler,
Dartford Warbler, Subalpine Warbler and Sardinian
Warbler, see those species.
GARDEN WARBLER Sylvia borin 14cm
Occurs throughout France in woodland and parks with
decent undergrowth. Most common in the north-east.
Nondescript brown warbler with no obvious
distinguishing features; indeed, its very blandness is the
best way to recognise it. Lacks black or chestnut cap of
similar-sized Eurasian Blackcap. Spotted Flycatcher is also
grey-brown, but perches vertically and has a streaked
breast on white underparts. Buffer underparts than
Eurasian Reed Warbler and has a stockier bill and very
prominent black eye in otherwise plain face (rather than a
pale line above eye and eye-ring).
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

EURASIAN BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla 14cm

Very common throughout France, inhabiting woodland,
parks and gardens with dense undergrowth. Stocky,
rather lethargic warbler. Nondescript brown above and
grey below. Striking feature – unique among warblers –
is the neat skullcap: black in male, chestnut in female.
Male Sardinian Warbler has a more extensive black head,
contrasting with red eye and white throat. On plumage,
male Eurasian Blackcap is confusable with Marsh or
Willow tits. Both tits are smaller and shorter-tailed,
however, with black on head extending to nape, in front
of eyes and chin, and whiter cheeks and underparts.
Phylloscopus bonelli 11cm
Uncommon summer visitor, particularly to warm,
southern woodlands; rare in the north. Phylloscopus
warblers are small, active, pale birds that usually forage
high in trees. Western Bonelli’s differs from other French
members of its genus in being relatively plain-faced (with
a less prominent pale stripe above the eye), with bright
yellow-green wings and tail contrasting with markedly
dull grey-olive upperparts. Adult is particularly vibrant
(although never as clean-cut as Wood Warbler), but first-
winter is duller, prompting confusion with Common
Chiffchaff. Song is a soft, bubbling trill, similar to that of
Wood. Call is a loud, disyllabic tu-iii, recalling Common
WOOD WARBLER Phylloscopus sibilatrix
Uncommon summer visitor throughout most of France,
favouring moist old oak-dominated woodland with an
open understorey; shuns the drier south. Distinctively
bright warbler, glowing in the leafy subcanopy. Closest to
Willow Warbler, but with more vibrant green upperparts,
intensely lemon-yellow face and breast, and shimmering
white (not dull yellow) underparts. Yellow tones to head
and breast eliminate Western Bonelli’s Warbler, and it
lacks latter’s contrast between drab back and bright
wings. Song – usually best way to locate the bird – is a
short, fast, shivering trill.
collybita 11cm
Very common throughout France. Largely a summer
visitor, but many seen in winter, particularly in the south
and west. Inhabits any wooded or scrubby landscape
provided it has a dense undergrowth for nesting. The
most drab French Phylloscopus warbler, being a fairly
nondescript grey-olive above and dingy whitish-buff
below; Willow Warbler is typically yellower. Uniquely
among close relatives, it has black legs (rather than
pink/brown), so focus attention on these. Also regularly
dips tail – unlike other members of genus. Song is a
distinctive, simple, two-toned chip-chap woven into a
long series.
WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus
Common summer visitor, but absent from the southern
third of France (except the Massif Central). Frequents
woodlands, young conifer plantations and shrubby areas
with scattered trees. An olive-yellow warbler with a
prominent pale stripe over the eye (supercilium). Best
known for its song: a luscious, descending cadence. Very
similar to Common Chiffchaff (for differences, see that
species). Less bright and crisp than Wood Warbler (see
that species).
GOLDCREST Regulus regulus 9cm
Resident throughout France except dry Mediterranean
areas. Numbers are bolstered in winter by arrivals from
the north and east. Europe’s joint smallest bird (with
Common Firecrest) and thus easy to recognise. Shape is
that of a small, thick-necked, short-tailed Phylloscopus
warbler. Immediately separable from common French
members of that genus by its well-marked wings (with a
black square and two white bars), and black and yellow
crown-stripes on otherwise plain face (so lacks pale stripe
above eye, as in warblers). Often heard before it is seen:
call is a shrill, high-pitched ssee-ssee-ssee. See Common
Firecrest for differences from that species.
COMMON FIRECREST Regulus ignicapilla 9cm
Widespread resident throughout France, although driven
south and west during cold winters. Occupies deciduous
or mixed forests, parks and gardens. Tiny: size of
Goldcrest. Much brighter than that species, with a vivid
green back that turns bronze on shoulders, contrasting
white underparts (usually gleaming in shady woodland)
and a very bold, contrasting black-and-white face
pattern. Latter much bolder than in French warblers of
the genus Phylloscopus, and with a bright yellow or
orange central crown-stripe. Warblers are also larger and
lack white wing-bar.
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa striata
Uncommon throughout France, needing a habitat that
combines large trees and sunny, open areas. Abundant on
Corsica. Flycatchers sit upright on bare branches, sallying
out to catch prey. Spotted Flycatcher is the size of
Common Chaffinch, but slimmer and with a vertical
posture. Dull brown bird, differing from the similarly
nondescript Garden Warbler in its posture, streaked
underparts and white dots on wing. However, Corsican
race (subspecies tyrrhenica, possibly a full species) is
closer to Garden Warbler, being greyer above than
mainland Spotted, and with a plain (not streaked) breast.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

BEARDED REEDLING Panurus biarmicus 11cm

Resident in major wetlands such as Baie de la Seine, the
Camargue and the Loire estuary, but also in smaller
coastal wetlands. As its name suggests, it is a reedbed
specialist. Unmistakable tit-sized bird with a long,
graduated tail. Pinkish-buff base colour helps the bird
blend into its reedbed habitat, so often first located by its
distinctive call: a metallic ping, ostensibly like an old-
style cash register. Female and first-winter are plain-
faced, but adult male has a fantastic drooping black
moustache. Only similar species inhabiting reedbeds is
Eurasian Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus; not illustrated,
rare breeder in the Rhine valley and Camargue but more
widespread in winter), which lacks long tail and (on
adult) has a black bandana across face.
LONG-TAILED TIT Aegithalos caudatus 14cm
Common throughout France in bushy, wooded habitats
from gardens to forests, and rural areas to towns. An
unmistakable tiny bird, whose elongated tail accounts for
almost two-thirds of its length. Only Bearded Reedling
has proportions even vaguely reaching Long-tailed Tit; its
basic coloration (sandy, not black and white) and habitat
(reedbeds) eliminate confusion. As well as tail length,
head pattern (largely white, with a broad black ‘bushy
eyebrow’) eliminates confusion with Coal Tit (which has a
largely black head with a white cheek and central crown-
stripe). Parties roll through habitat, staying in contact
with a distinctive rolling brrp trill.
MARSH TIT Poecile palustris 12cm
Occurs throughout France in habitats with old trees
(including parks and gardens), as high as the limit of
beech woodland. Small tit with brown upperparts and a
distinct black cap. This combination of colour rules out
other tits bar Willow Tit (for differences, see that species)
and Coal Tit. Differs from latter in large size, wholly black
cap (lacking white stripe on nape), brown (not grey)
upperparts and lack of white bands on wing. Could be
mistaken for male Eurasian Blackcap (for differences, see
that species). First clue to its presence (and identification)
is often its distinctive call, a cheerful, emphatic pit-chew.
WILLOW TIT Poecile montanus 12.5cm
Occurs in the north-eastern half of France, with relict
populations on lowland plains in Île-de-France and
Bourgogne–Franche-Comté. More abundant in
mountains, occurring up to the treeline. Favours cool,
dark forests – including conifers, at altitude. Very similar
to Marsh Tit, both differing from other birds in the same
ways. Easiest to distinguish from Marsh by its call – a
deep, buzzy, nasal churring rather than Marsh’s cheery
whistle. Visual differences are very subtle: has a wholly
black bill (rather than tiny pale area at base of Marsh’s),
wider black chin-patch and more bull-necked
cristatus 11.5cm
Occurs throughout France, wherever there are (and only
where there are) conifer trees – including parks and
gardens, albeit mainly in winter. Jaunty tit, its perky
demeanour accentuated by its most distinctive plumage
feature: a tall black-and-white crest. This ‘headgear’
differentiates it from all other French birds. If crest is not
visible (perhaps when bird is high in a tree), striking
cheek pattern (a black ‘C’ on a white face) and black collar
joining up with black throat are diagnostic. Birds are often
first detected by their call: a purring trill.
COAL TIT Periparus ater 11cm
Relatively common throughout France, particularly where
there are conifers. Frequents gardens and parks,
especially in winter, when it may briefly visit bird tables; a
shy visitor! Numbers are sometimes boosted by mass
arrivals (‘invasions’) in winter. France’s smallest tit, not
much bigger than Goldcrest. In a brief view of a bird
closeted in pines, double band on wing and general
coloration may prompt thought of Goldcrest. When bird
emerges, however, its diagnostic head pattern is obvious:
black head with white cheeks and white stripe on nape.
No other French tit has such plumage.
EURASIAN BLUE TIT Cyanistes caeruleus
Common throughout France, occurring in any habitat
with trees or bushes – including urban gardens. Familiar
bird, often announcing its presence with a cheery trill.
Brightly coloured plumage more like that of a tropical
rainforest bird than a French species, and confusable only
with Great Tit. Differs from latter in being small and
having a whiter face with a dark line through eye, a blue
(not black) cap and strikingly blue (not grey) wings.
Yellow underparts and head pattern differentiate it from
all other tits.
GREAT TIT Parus major 14cm
Resident and common throughout France, wherever there
are trees or bushes. Familiar bird, often frequenting
gardens. France’s largest tit, with distinctive plumage
(particularly yellow underparts) that minimises confusion
with any bird except Eurasian Blue Tit (for differences, see
that species) and Coal Tit. Head pattern similar to latter,
but Great Tit lacks Coal’s white nape. Brighter overall than
Coal, with green back (rather than grey) and yellow
underparts (rather than sullied buff). Has a varied vocal
repertoire (mystery calls often transpire to be Great Tits),
most famously a see-sawing teach-er.
EURASIAN NUTHATCH Sitta europaea 14cm
Resident throughout mainland France (but absent,
critically, from Corsica). Frequents woodland, parks and
gardens with tall trees, including those in urban areas.
Strictly arboreal, climbing up and down trunks and along
branches – except when feeding on bird tables. Size of a
Great Tit, but stockier, with a shorter tail and longer head
and bill. Uniquely pale blue-grey above and warm buff
below. Most striking feature is long black mask through
eye (leading into long, pointed grey-black bill), which sits
between blue-grey crown and white cheeks. Call is a
distinctive, abrupt chwit; song is a nasal, ringing (almost
whinnying) twee-twee-twee.
CORSICAN NUTHATCH Sitta whiteheadi 12cm
Entire world range is restricted to Corsica, where it is
resident in mature forests of Corsican Pine, mainly at
1,000–1,500m altitude. Corsica’s star bird – but one that
can take time to track down. Voice is the best clue that
one is nearby: a hoarse trill or a longer, rapid trill. Smaller
and more active than Eurasian Nuthatch (which is absent
from Corsica), often joining tit flocks outside the breeding
season. Combination of plain blue-grey upperparts, dark
crown (black in male, blue-grey in female) and bold white
stripe above eye are not shown by any French bird other
than male Northern Wheatear, which is a terrestrial
species not seen in trees.
WALLCREEPER Tichodroma muraria 16cm
Breeds in major mountain ranges (particularly the Alps
and Pyrenees; rarer in Jura, Massif Central and Corsica).
May winter at lower altitudes (including in Alpilles, but
even as far as Île-de-France). In summer, strictly on rocks
and cliff faces; in winter, sometimes on buildings.
Uniquely among French birds, climbs up vertical rocky
surfaces and swoops between them in butterfly-like flight
on rounded wings. Unmistakable appearance – like a
colourful treecreeper. In flight, crimson and black pattern
on wings grabs attention. Harder to spot when climbing,
as plumage is basically grey, black and white, but
occasionally flashes or holds open wings, revealing its
Occurs mainly in eastern France (although also in Massif
Central, Pyrenees and some lowlands). The only
treecreeper on Corsica. Prefers cool, mixed or
predominately conifer woodland, particularly at altitude.
Treecreepers are distinctive birds, almost always seen
spiralling up tree trunks. Brown-and-white plumage rules
out confusion with similarly arboreal nuthatches, and
wooded habitat immediately distinguishes it from
similarly shaped (but differently coloured) Wallcreeper.
Only confusion species is the very similar Short-toed
Treecreeper (for differences, see that species). Birds can
be quite shy; listen out for the thin, high-pitched,
quavering sriiii call.
brachydactyla 13cm
Resident throughout France, where it is the default
treecreeper except in montane areas and on Corsica. Has
wider habitat preferences than Eurasian Treecreeper,
inhabiting broadleaved woodlands, parks and gardens.
Likely to be confused only with Eurasian Treecreeper.
Voice is the easiest way to tell this extremely similar pair
apart: call is a penetrating, oft-repeated tuut, like that of
Coal Tit. Identification by plumage involves careful
examination of the exact pattern of the buff ‘V’ midway
along the wing – a fairly neat line in Short-toed rather
than the zigzag of Eurasian.
Adult male (left), Juvenile (right)


Summer visitor to mature deciduous forest throughout
lowlands; absent from mountains. Size of Common
Blackbird and brightly coloured – but don’t expect those
characteristics to make it easy to see! Habitually hides in
dense, leafy canopy, attracting attention either by song (a
rich, fluty whistling) or in sudden flight on surprisingly
long wings. Adult male unmistakable, being golden
yellow with almost entirely black wings and tail. Female
more subdued, basically green but with darker wings and
yellow on flanks and vent. Superficially similar to
European Green Woodpecker, especially in flight, but has
a shorter tail, contrastingly dark wings and a shorter
pinkish-red bill.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

RED-BACKED SHRIKE Lanius collurio 17cm

Summer visitor to most of France, but absent along
western Mediterranean and Channel coasts. More
widespread on migration. Frequents scrubby, semi-open
environments. Shrikes are medium-sized songbirds with a
dark eye mask and hooked bill. They hunt from prominent
perches and store a ‘larder’ of victims. Male Red-backed
Shrike is distinctive, with a blue-grey crown and nape
contrasting with chestnut back and wings, and a black
eye mask. Upperpart colour differentiates it from Great
Grey Shrike and male Northern Wheatear (which also
lacks hooked bill and has a largely white tail). Female and
first-winter resemble first-winter Woodchat Shrike (for
differences, see that species).
GREAT GREY SHRIKE Lanius excubitor 24cm
Uncommon resident in northern half of France
(particularly Massif Central, Jura and Grand Est);
occasionally winters elsewhere. In the Mediterranean,
replaced by the very similar Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius
meridionalis, sometimes considered the same species;
not illustrated). As its name suggests, Great Grey is both
big and grey – features that differentiate it from other
French shrikes. The plain grey back rules out both Red-
backed Shrike and Woodchat Shrike. Superficially similar
to the much smaller Northern Wheatear, but has a long,
largely black tail, white in wing and a hooked bill.
WOODCHAT SHRIKE Lanius senator 18cm
Summer visitor to the French Mediterranean, but
increasingly rare except in Occitanie. Adult distinctive: the
only black-and-white shrike with a russet cap. Female
looks scruffier than male. First-winter resembles
female/first-winter Red-backed Shrike, but Woodchat is a
colder grey (rather than warm brown) above, and much
more heavily scalloped. Also has a barred whitish (not
brown) rump and more white on shoulders (a ghosting of
adult’s pattern).
EURASIAN JAY Garrulus glandarius 34cm
Resident throughout France, including in mountains and
on Corsica. Numbers are boosted in winter by
Scandinavian birds. Frequents any wooded habitat,
including urban gardens. Crows and jays are large, bulky
birds with a strong bill. Eurasian Jay is distinctive,
appearing largely pink at rest. Identity is not so obvious in
flight, but look for the electric-blue flash on black-and-
white wings, and neat white rump contrasting with
wholly black tail. When airborne, could be confused with
Hoopoe, but latter has black-and-white stripes all the
way across its back and wings, and a banded tail.
Distinctive call: a harsh, screeching jeer.
COMMON MAGPIE Pica pica 45cm
Common throughout France (including Corsica) up to
1,500m altitude. Frequents most open-country
environments as long as they contain trees. Particularly
abundant near human habitation. Distinctive black-and-
white crow with a tail that is as long as its body. Plumage
is effectively black (shining blue, green or purple), bar
white belly, shoulder-patches and (in flight) wing-tips.
Only confusion might be with a partially leucistic (white)
crow, but long tail should set the story straight. Clearly
much larger than similarly long-tailed, black-and-white
White Wagtail, which walks along the ground wagging
its tail.
ALPINE CHOUGH Pyrrhocorax graculus 38cm
Resident in montane regions of the Alps, Pyrenees and
Corsica – usually well above 1,000m altitude in alpine
meadows. Often congregates around ski resorts and
restaurants. Choughs are acrobatic crows, sailing
buoyantly around cliff faces before plummeting
downwards on half-folded wings. Alpine Chough is a
small crow with a yellow bill and red legs. Most similar to
Red-billed Chough (for differences, see that species).
Yellow bill and all-black plumage could lead to confusion
with male Common Blackbird, but latter is much smaller,
and has a brighter yellow bill and pink-brown (not red)
pyrrhocorax 39cm
Resident in mountainous regions (Alps, Pyrenees,
Causses) but also inhabits coastal grassland in Brittany
(where it is the only chough). Absent from Corsica, where
Alpine Chough holds sway. The latter is the only likely
confusion species; even then, it will provoke uncertainty
only if Red-billed’s eponymous scarlet, decurved bill
cannot be seen. Red-billed looks a glossier black than
Alpine, and longer-bodied. In flight, its wing-tips are
more prominently ‘fingered’ (rounded on Alpine). Red bill
and legs remove confusion with other all-black crows and
with male Common Blackbird. Call is striking: a long,
nasal chiiiaooow.
WESTERN JACKDAW Corvus monedula 32cm
Resident throughout France, but absent at high altitude.
Compact crow, roughly the size of Eurasian Jay. Differs
from Carrion Crow and Rook in its smaller size, staring
white (or very pale blue) iris and pale grey shawl on neck.
In flight, looks much smaller than those two species, with
quicker, flickering wingbeats. Flocks often swirl out from
trees, particularly before roosting, sailing around lazily
before returning to perch. Voice distinctive: a metallic,
abrupt, resonant jak.
ROOK Corvus frugilegus 45cm
Resident in the northern half of France, but a winter
visitor only further south. The most gregarious crow,
often seen in tandem with markedly smaller Western
Jackdaw (for differences, see that species) and nesting in
treetop colonies. Easily confused with Carrion Crow,
which sometimes occurs in flocks. Adult’s head shape
differs from that of Carrion Crow, being smaller and with
a longer and more tapered bill. Critically, pale grey skin at
bill base looks whitish (black in Carrion Crow). Juvenile,
however, has a black bill and is hard to distinguish from
Carrion Crow. In flight, looks more ragged than Carrion
Crow, with a longer tail, more angled wings and more
protruding head.
CARRION CROW Corvus corone 47cm
Resident throughout mainland France, frequenting any
open environment, including urban areas and alpine
meadows. Absent from Corsica. Large black bird – larger
than Western Jackdaw. Often solitary but occasionally
gathers in flocks, including with similar-looking Rook.
Differs mainly in thicker-based, strongly arched all-black
bill – but see Rook for other differences. Most similar to
larger Northern Raven (for differences, see that species).
Formerly considered the same species as the distinctively
bicoloured Hooded Crow (see that species) and
sometimes hybridises with it. Call is a hoarse kraaa.
HOODED CROW Corvus cornix 46cm
Resident on Corsica, where it replaces Carrion Crow. On
the mainland, breeds in Alpes-Maritimes (and hybridises
with Carrion). Scandinavian birds winter rarely in the
north-east. Combination of range and distinctive
plumage means Hooded Crow is unlikely to be mistaken
for any other crow. Unlike Carrion, body is ash grey,
contrasting with wholly black wings, tail, head and
breast, the latter finishing in a bib of black streaks. Two-
tone effect is equally evident in the air as on the ground.
Adult (left), Adult in flight (right)

NORTHERN RAVEN Corvus corax 61cm

Resident across a swathe of rocky, mountainous southern
France, from the Vosges to the southern Alps, in the
Pyrenees, Ardennes, Massif Central and on Corsica. Also
resident on coastal cliffs of Brittany and the Channel
coast. Massive black crow, the size of Common Buzzard.
Carrion Crow is the only confusion species. Northern
Raven is distinctively shaped in flight, with a long
diamond-shaped tail (rounded in other crows), thick neck
and powerful, slow beats of often-angled wings. At rest,
its bulk is apparent, being complemented by a heavy,
steeply arched bill. Call is distinctive: a far-carrying tonk
or prruk.
SPOTLESS STARLING Sturnus unicolor 22cm
Resident on Corsica, where Common Starling occurs only
in winter. A few pairs breed in mainland France, in
Occitanie. In summer, range is first clue to identification;
overlap with Common is minimal. In breeding plumage,
Spotless differs from Common in its entirely uniform black
plumage (with no spots at all). Any sheen is more likely to
be solely purple compared to the various iridescent tones
exhibited by Common. In winter, female Spotless belies
its name by having a few spots on back and belly, but
(unlike Common) crown usually remains unspotted.
COMMON STARLING Sturnus vulgaris 22cm
Common resident throughout mainland France, but
reaches Corsica only in winter. Occupies many open
environments, including in urban areas. Gregarious,
forming large flocks particularly in winter, when pre-roost
murmurations can be spectacular. Dark bird that can be
confused with Common Blackbird, but smaller and
shorter-tailed, and walks along the ground rather than
hopping. Very similar to Spotless Starling (for differences,
see that species) but there is little overlap in distribution.
Particularly in flight, size and shape, is similar to
Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus; not
illustrated, sporadic winter visitor), but is never pale pink-
brown like that species and lacks crest.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus 15cm

Resident throughout mainland France except on Corsica,
where it is replaced by Italian Sparrow (Passer italiae; not
illustrated, also occurs in south-east Alps). Particularly
common near human dwellings. Familiar species,
attracting attention by chirping. Uniquely, male has a
grey crown, chestnut band behind eye and black bib. See
Eurasian Tree Sparrow for differences from that species.
Italian Sparrow differs in having entirely chestnut crown
and broken white line above eye. Female House Sparrow
lacks male’s head pattern, bold white wing-band of
female Common Chaffinch and streaked underparts of
Corn Bunting; most similar to Rock Sparrow (for
differences, see that species).
montanus 14cm
Resident throughout mainland France. Particularly
abundant in the east and south-west. Typically occurs
close to human habitation in countryside – for example,
in hedgerows near villages. Unlike House Sparrow, sexes
do not differ in plumage. On a good view, easily
distinguished from House by wholly chestnut-brown
crown, large black spot on white cheek, and neat black
chin not extending onto breast. Slightly smaller and more
compact than House – a difference perceptible in flight,
when it utters a distinctive, hard tec.
ROCK SPARROW Petronia petronia 16cm
Resident in the southern Alps and south-west France,
north to Poitou. Frequents open rocky environments and
stony grasslands. Stockier than House Sparrow, with
longer wings, a larger head, bigger bill and shorter tail,
which give it a very different silhouette, particularly in
flight. At a distance, plumage looks variegated, which
should be first clue that this is not a female House. Closer
examination reveals Rock to have a much more
contrasting head pattern than female House – pale
crown-stripe, dark side to head and broad pale band
above eye (supercilium) – and heavily streaked
nivalis 17cm
Inhabits rocky summits of the Alps and Pyrenees above
2,000m, occasionally at lower altitudes and around ski-
resort restaurants in winter. Large finch of mountain-
tops. Nondescript grey and brown on the ground, but in
flight reveals diagnostic, startling white-and-black wings.
No real confusion species at this high altitude. Snow
Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis; not illustrated) is same
size and has a similar wing pattern, but is an uncommon
winter visitor to northern coasts, so ranges do not
overlap. On the ground, could be confused with Alpine
Accentor, which is also grey and brown, but latter is
heavily streaked and lacks white in wing.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

COMMON CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs 15cm

Common resident throughout France, supplemented by
winter visitors from further north. Familiar finch, similar
in size to House Sparrow but with a longer tail. Sexes are
very different in plumage, but share a diagnostic pattern
of broad white bands on wings. This striking feature,
visible at rest and in flight, eliminates confusion with all
other finches as well as sparrows. Only Brambling shows
anything similar (a single white band on wing), and that
species differs in its neat white rump and orange on
forewing. Common Chaffinch calls are also characteristic
– a cheery pink and a melancholy hooo-it – as is its
accelerating rattle of a song.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla 15cm

Winter visitor throughout France, particularly in
agricultural lowlands – crops, stubble and ploughed
fields – and in or near beech woodland. Gregarious
species, often occurring alongside the superficially similar
(and closely related) Common Chaffinch. Male is
attractive, being black, orange and white; female is
duller, with a largely grey head, scaly back, heavily
marked flanks and a faint orange flush to breast. Such
plumage features should avoid confusion with any other
finch, but to avoid any doubt, wait until Brambling takes
flight, at which point neat white rump and orange
forewing confirm its identity. Distinctive call is a nasal,
rising dju-ii.
EUROPEAN SERIN Serinus serinus 11cm
Abundant resident in the south, but an uncommon
summer visitor in the north. Favours open environments
with tall trees, often in villages and parks. Tiny, streaky
finch that attracts attention with its vocalisations
(variations of jingling trills) and, in flight, its bright yellow
rump. Latter differentiates it from the larger, greener, less
streaky European Greenfinch. Male (pictured) has a
largely yellow face, including crown – thus separating it
from male Eurasian Siskin (black crown). Female is duller
and densely streaked: differs from Common Linnet in
yellow rump, and from female Eurasian Siskin in subdued
wing pattern (not contrastingly black and yellow). See
Citril Finch for differences from that species.
CITRIL FINCH Serinus citrinella 12cm
Species of high-altitude conifer forests of the Alps,
Pyrenees, Massif Central, Jura and Vosges. Some winter at
lower altitude, including in the southern Alps. Similar in
size and shape to Eurasian Siskin, but immediately differs
from that species (and from diminutive European Serin)
by being wholly unstreaked. Much smaller than European
Greenfinch. That species is similarly unstreaked, however,
so best eliminated by Citril Finch’s grey shawl, yellower
underparts and yellow-green bars crossing wing (rather
than European Greenfinch’s broad yellow streak along
length of wing). Habitat should also help: Citril is very
much montane.
CORSICAN FINCH Serinus corsicanus 12cm
Occurs only on Corsica and (the Italian island of) Sardinia,
where it replaces Citril Finch. Identical to that very close
relative (formerly considered the same species) except for
lightly streaked chestnut-brown back. Inhabits a wider
altitudinal range than Citril, frequenting all open, scrubby
environments from sea-level upwards. Differs from
European Greenfinch, European Serin and Eurasian Siskin
in the same ways as does Citril (see that species).
Common resident throughout France, with numbers
boosted in winter by northern migrants. Similar in size to
Common Chaffinch, but stockier and with a shorter tail
and thicker bill. All plumages are easily identifiable in
flight, when bright yellow streak along leading edge of
outer wing catches eye. No other species shows such a
pattern, so this is the quickest way to distinguish juvenile
European Greenfinch from other streaky finches such as
European Serin and Eurasian Siskin. In addition, male
differs from all other green finches in wholly pink bill.
Song – a ringing, energetic trill – is often given in
songflight at treetop level.
EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis
Common resident throughout France (particularly in the
south), with higher numbers in winter. Small, distinctive
finch with an attractive, tinkling song. No real confusion
species, as all plumages have a unique broad yellow band
across wing, which is visible both at rest and in flight.
Adult further differs from all other French birds in red face
in front of eye contrasting with white cheeks and black
crown/collar. Juvenile lacks this bold head pattern and
could conceivably be overlooked among flocks of
European Greenfinch or Common Linnet – until it takes
flight. Often in family groups.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

EURASIAN SISKIN Carduelis spinus 12cm

Resident in montane France, with breeding pockets in
extensive forests north to Normandy. Common and
widespread in winter, when it also visits parks and
gardens. Small, slender greenish finch often seen feeding
acrobatically in upper branches, keeping in contact with a
plaintive, bisyllabic tlii-uu call. Male is boldly patterned
with black, yellow, green and white. Female and first-
winter are paler, greyer and streakier, with isolated
patches of yellow. For differences from European Serin,
Citril Finch and European Greenfinch, see those species.
Adult male (left), Juvenile (middle), Adult female (right)

COMMON LINNET Carduelis cannabina 13cm

Common resident throughout France, particularly
abundant in mountains and northern croplands.
Gregarious finch, often flocking with other species.
Constantly active: rarely settles for long before bounding
into the air, twittering, then dropping back down to low
vegetation. In flight, look for white flashes in wing and
tail – shared only by Twite (Carduelis flavirostris; not
illustrated, rare winter visitor to northern coasts). At rest,
male is easily identifiable by pink breast/forehead and
unstreaked chestnut back. Female and first-winter are
less distinctive, being drab grey-brown and streaky. Even
so, only really confusable with Twite, from which they
differ by whitish marks on face (absent on Twite).
COMMON REDPOLL Carduelis flammea 13cm
Mainly a winter visitor to northern France (subspecies
flammea, sometimes called Mealy Redpoll), but Lesser
Redpoll (cabaret) breeds sparingly in the Alps and Jura.
Favours conifer, birch and alder woodland – often in
damp areas. Small, slim, streaky brown finch that
typically occurs in flocks, often feeding high in trees with
Eurasian Siskin. Common Redpoll’s essentially brown
plumage means that the only confusion species is
Common Linnet. Although superficially similar, Common
Redpoll lacks Common Linnet’s white flashes on wing and
tail in flight. It is also a predominately woodland species,
whereas Common Linnet favours open terrain.
Adult female (left), Adult male (right)

RED CROSSBILL Loxia curvirostra 16cm

Resident in extensive conifer forests in both mountains
and lowlands, particularly in the east and on Corsica. Very
rarely seen away from pines. Big, stocky, large-headed
finch with a short tail. At rest, diagnostic bill shape should
be visible: strongly arched, with crossed tips. Usually seen
in groups that maintain contact in rapid, purposeful flight
with a ringing jip-jip-jip. Plumage varies from greyish
green (juvenile and female) to dull scarlet (adult male),
but lacks any contrasting white or yellow patches (as on
European Greenfinch). Combination of shape, bill
structure, habitat and plumage makes Red Crossbills easy
to identify, given a good view.
EURASIAN BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Resident through much of France, but patchily
distributed. Absent from agricultural lowlands; in the
south, occurs only in hills, mountains and forests of
Landes. Surprisingly unobtrusive for such a boldly
patterned bird, favouring dense vegetation in open
woodland, scrubby forests and parkland. First sign of its
presence is often a mournful, descending whistle, peeoo.
Striking, simply plumaged bird (‘colour by numbers’).
Sexes share a black cap, wings and tail, contrasting with
extensive white rump and pale wing-bar. No other French
bird has such a pattern. Male (pictured) has a blue-grey
back and pink underparts, female a brown-grey back and
buff-grey underparts.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)

HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes

Common resident over much of France, but rarer in
Brittany, the south and mountainous regions. Inhabits
mature broadleaved woodland, particularly Common
Beech; in winter, also frequents parks and gardens. Large,
handsome finch with a big head, thick bill and short tail.
Often perches in treetops before flying rapidly and
directly to feeding grounds. Usual flight call is a quiet tik,
like that of Eurasian Robin. In flight, pattern of white is
unique, comprising band on tail tip, shoulder-patch and
stripe along wing-tip. This eliminates superficially similar
male Common Chaffinch. At rest, very distinctive with no
confusion species.
YELLOWHAMMER Emberiza citrinella 16cm
Resident in much of rural France, particularly in the north.
Rare in the south, where it occurs only in hilly regions.
Population is boosted in winter by migrants. Large, slim
bunting with a long tail and strong yellow tones to
plumage. Male (pictured) is unique in its largely canary-
yellow head and rusty rump; lacks markedly stripy head
of Cirl Bunting. Female very like female Cirl Bunting, but
rump is chestnut (not olive-grey) and underparts have
thick streaks (not fine). Female’s yellow and rusty tones
eliminate female Common Reed Bunting and Corn
Bunting; latter is also larger, tubbier and thicker-billed.
CIRL BUNTING Emberiza cirlus 16cm
Common resident in the south, rarer north of the Loire
and absent from the far north. Frequents semi-open
environments with bushes and hedgerows, including
agricultural land. Male has a distinctive head pattern
comprising dark olive stripes (often looking black) on
yellow face and olive chest-band. Pattern is much bolder
and darker than in male Yellowhammer (for differences
between females, see that species). Compared to male
Rock Bunting, male Cirl (pictured) has more stripes on
clearly yellow (not blue-grey) face, and rufous streaks on
flanks rather than unmarked chestnut belly. Song is an
undistinguished thin trill, lacking Yellowhammer’s
emphatic tones.
ROCK BUNTING Emberiza cia 16cm
Resident in central southern France, dispersing more
widely in winter. Favours rocky areas with ample scrub
and bushes. Male (pictured) is particularly attractive, and
female subdued in comparison (although basic plumage
pattern is similar). Recalls male Cirl Bunting, but head is
blue-grey rather than yellow and has fewer black stripes.
Rump is rusty as in Yellowhammer and unlike olive-grey
of Cirl. Uniquely among buntings, Rock’s belly and flanks
are unmarked chestnut.
Adult male (left), Juvenile (right)

ORTOLAN BUNTING Emberiza hortulana

Uncommon and declining summer visitor to the southern
Alps and Causses, with odd relict populations elsewhere.
Also an uncommon passage migrant to the south-west.
Breeds in farmland, chalk grasslands, and hedgerows in
cultivated areas. Uses a variety of open environments on
passage. Slim, pale bunting with a slender pink bill and
distinctive face on which a broad pale eye-ring stands out
– a combination not seen in any other French bunting.
Male is pastel-coloured, having a pale green face with
yellow cheek-stripe and chin, and pale orange
underparts. Female and first-winter are more washed out,
but share the same face pattern.
Adult male (left), Adult female (right)


schoeniclus 16cm
Resident in lowland wetlands throughout France.
Distributed more widely in winter. The most likely
bunting to be seen in reedbeds (indeed, in wetlands full
stop). Female and first-winter are a mass of brown and
buff stripes. Summer male is brighter with a white stripe
separating black head from black bib, and cleaner white
underparts. Winter male has faded version of summer
head pattern. No common French bunting is even vaguely
similar. On a poor view, female’s broad pale stripe above
eye and stripy back could prompt thought of a Sedge
Warbler, but that species is much smaller and shorter-
tailed, with plain underparts and a slender bill.
Interesting race witherbyi breeds in Occitanie east to the
CORN BUNTING Emberiza calandra 18cm
Common resident in most of France, but absent from
Brittany, Normandy, extensive forests of Landes and
mountains. Favours lowland agricultural areas: crops,
grassland, and ploughed fields with hedgerows. Large,
streaked, plain brown bunting – much more nondescript
than other French buntings. Has a thicker bill than other
buntings, lacks white sides to tail and sometimes flies
with legs dangling. More likely to be confused with
Eurasian Skylark, which frequents similar habitats but
hops on the ground (rather than runs), and has an
indistinct pale spot at back of cheeks and a much thicker,
seed-eating bill. Distinctive song rendered as ‘jangling of
Crozier, J. 2003. A Birdwatching Guide to France North of
the Loire. Arlequin Press, Chelmsford.
Crozier, J. 2007. A Birdwatching Guide to France South of
the Loire, Including Corsica. Arlequin Press,
Dubois, P. 2006. Where to Watch Birds in France.
Christopher Helm, London.
Dupriez, Q. 2015. Where to Watch Birds in Northern
France. Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris.
Issa, N. and Muller, Y. 2015. Atlas des Oiseaux de France
Métropolitaine. Nidification et Présence hivernale.
Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris.
Jiguet, F. and Audevard, A. 2014. Tous les Oiseaux de
France. Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris.
Jiguet, F. and Audevard, A. 2016. Tous les Oiseaux Rares
d’Europe. Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris.
Jiguet, F. and Audevard, A. 2017. Birds of Europe, North
Africa and the Middle East. A Photographic Guide.
Princeton University Press, Woodstock.
Svensson, L., Mullarney, K. and Zetterström, D. 2009.
Collins Bird Guide. 2nd edn. HarperCollins, London.

Online atlas of bird distribution in France.
Cloud-based repository of birdwatching trip reports,
including hundreds from France.
Online database of wildlife in Alsace (Grand Est).
Online database of wildlife in south-west France.
Online database of wildlife in Auvergne (Auvergne–
Online database of wildlife in Brittany.
Online database of wildlife in Champagne-Ardenne
(Grand Est).
Online database of French wildlife (birds, mammals, etc.).
Online database of wildlife in Île-de-France.
Online database of wildlife in Limousin (Nouvelle-
Online database of wildlife in Lorraine (Grand Est).
Online database of wildlife in Languedoc-Roussillon
Online database of wildlife in Provence–Alpes–Côte
Online database of wildlife in Rhône-Alpes (Auvergne–
Online database of wildlife in Bourgogne–Franche-
Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO).National bird
conservation body (BirdLife International Partner in

These two smartphone apps enable you to enter your
sightings in France (and around the world), and therefore
contribute to the collective understanding of the status
and distribution of birds. It’s citizen science at its best.
All the photographs in this book were taken by Aurélien
Audevard, with the exception of the following:
Alex Van der Yeught: 128B; Alick Simmons: 18TL; André
Simon: 42T, 79T; Antoine Joris: 21B; Bernard Pons: 20T;
Carlos N.G. Bocos: 37BL, 45B, 107T, 107B, 123B; Cédric
Caïn: 111T; Christian Aussaguel: 36B, 38B, 39BL, 40TL,
40TR, 46TL, 49TT, 49TM, 115T; Christophe Mercier: 62T,
81T, 101T, 110BL; David Hutton: 102B; Eric Didner: 43T,
133B; Fabrice Jallu: 27TL, 27TR, 39BR, 45T, 46TL, 73B,
74TR, 132T, 135TL; Frank Dhermain: 20BL, 33B, 49B, 79B;
Helge Sorensen: 76T; James Lowen: 10BR, 13TR, 29TR,
34B, 37BR, 39TR, 41BR, 51TR, 52BR, 56BR, 57BR, 61BR,
63BR, 64BL, 66TL, 67BR, 72T 69TL, 74TL, 76BL, 77BR,
82BR, 83TR, 83BR, 96TL, 96TR, 96BR, 110BR, 118T, 123TR;
Julien Daubignard: 76BR; Philippe Langlois: 98B; Richard
Bonser: 18TR; Sophie Meriotte: 42BL, 42BR; Sylvain
Maury: 20BR.
This list presents three names for each of the 252 species
described in this guide. The English name is indicated in
upper case, the French name in plain text and the
scientific name in italics. With very occasional deviations,
English and scientific names follow the taxonomy and
nomenclature of the Association of European Records and
Rarities Committees (, and French names
follow Jiguet & Audevard (2014).

MUTE SWAN Cygne tuberculé Cygnus olor

WHOOPER SWAN Cygne chanteur Cygnus cygnus
GREYLAG GOOSE Oie rieuse Anser anser
CANADA GOOSE Bernache du Branta
Canada canadensis
BRENT GOOSE Bernache cravant Branta bernicla
COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorne de Tadorna
Belon tadorna
MALLARD Canard colvert Anas
EURASIAN WIGEON Canard siffleur Anas penelope
GADWALL Canard chipeau Anas strepera
EURASIAN TEAL Sarcelle d’hiver Anas crecca
NORTHERN PINTAIL Canard pilet Anas acuta
GARGANEY Sarcelle d’été Anas

NORTHERN SHOVELER Canard souchet Anas clypeata

RED-CRESTED Nette rousse Netta rufina
COMMON POCHARD Fuligule milouin Aythya ferina
TUFTED DUCK Fuligule morillon Aythya fuligula
COMMON SCOTER Macreuse noire Melanitta nigra
COMMON GOLDENEYE Garrot à oeil d’or Bucephala
COMMON Harle bièvre Mergus
MERGANSER merganser
RED-LEGGED Perdrix rouge Alectoris rufa
HAZEL GROUSE Gélinotte des Tetrastes
bois bonasia
ROCK PTARMIGAN Lagopède alpin Lagopus muta
BLACK GROUSE Tétras lyre Tetrao tetrix
WESTERN Grand Tétras Tetrao urogallus
GREY PARTRIDGE Perdrix grise Perdix perdix
COMMON QUAIL Caille de blés Coturnix
COMMON PHEASANT Faisan de Phasianus
Colchide colchicus
LITTLE GREBE Grèbe Tachybaptus
castagneux ruficollis
GREAT CRESTED Grèbe huppé Podiceps
GREBE cristatus
HORNED (SLAVONIAN) Grèbe esclavon Podiceps auritus
BLACK-NECKED GREBE Grèbe à cou noir Podiceps
NORTHERN FULMAR Fulmar boréal Fulmarus
SCOPOLI’S Puffin de Calonectris
SHEARWATER Méditerranée diomedea
YELKOUAN Puffin yelkouan Puffinus
BALEARIC Puffin des Puffinus
SHEARWATER Baléares mauretanicus
NORTHERN GANNET Fou de Bassan Morus bassanus
GREAT CORMORANT Grand Cormoran Phalacrocorax
EUROPEAN SHAG Cormoran huppé Phalacrocorax
EURASIAN BITTERN Butor étoilé Botaurus
LITTLE BITTERN Blongios nain Ixobrychus
BLACK-CROWNED Bihoreau gris Nycticorax
NIGHT HERON nycticorax
SQUACCO HERON Crabier chevelu Ardeola
CATTLE EGRET Héron garde- Bubulcus ibis
LITTLE EGRET Aigrette garzette Egretta garzetta

GREAT EGRET Grande Aigrette Egretta alba

GREY HERON Héron cendré Ardea cinerea
PURPLE HERON Héron pourpré Ardea purpurea
BLACK STORK Cigogne noire Ciconia nigra
WHITE STORK Cigogne blanche Ciconia ciconia
EURASIAN SPOONBILL Spatule blanche Platalea
GREATER FLAMINGO Flamant rose Phoenicopterus
EUROPEAN HONEY Bondrée apivore Pernis apivorus
BLACK KITE Milan noir Milvus migrans
RED KITE Milan royal Milvus milvus
BEARDED VULTURE Gypaète barbu Gypaetus
(LAMMERGEIER) barbatus
percnoptère percnopterus
GRIFFON VULTURE Vautour fauve Gyps fulvus
SHORT-TOED SNAKE Circaète Jean-le- Circaetus
EAGLE Blanc gallicus
WESTERN MARSH Busard des Circus
HARRIER roseaux aeruginosus
HEN HARRIER Busard cendré Circus cyaneus
MONTAGU’S HARRIER Busard Saint- Circus pygargus
NORTHERN GOSHAWK Autour des Accipiter gentilis
EURASIAN Épervier Accipiter nisus
COMMON BUZZARD Buse variable Buteo buteo
GOLDEN EAGLE Aigle royal Aquila
BOOTED EAGLE Aigle botté Aquila pennata
BONELLI’S EAGLE Aigle de Bonelli Aquila fasciata
OSPREY Balbuzard Pandion
pêcheur haliaetus
COMMON KESTREL Faucon crécerelle Falco
MERLIN Faucon émerillon Falco
EURASIAN HOBBY Faucon hobereau Falco subbuteo
ELEONORA’S FALCON Faucon Falco eleonorae
PEREGRINE FALCON Faucon pèlerin Falco peregrinus
WATER RAIL Râle d’eau Rallus aquaticus
COMMON MOORHEN Gallinule poule- Gallinula
d’eau chloropus
PURPLE SWAMPHEN Talève sultane Porphyrio
EURASIAN COOT Foluque Fulica atra
COMMON CRANE Grue cendrée Grus grus
LITTLE BUSTARD Outarde Tetrax tetrax
EURASIAN STONE- OEdicnème Burhinus
CURLEW criard oedicnemus
BLACK-WINGED STILT Échasse blanche Himantopus
PIED AVOCET Avocette Recurvirostra
élégante avosetta
EURASIAN Huîtrier pie Haematopus
EUROPEAN GOLDEN Pluvier doré Pluvialis
PLOVER apricaria
GREY PLOVER Pluvier argenté Pluvialis
NORTHERN LAPWING Vanneau huppé Vanellus
LITTLE RINGED Petit Gravelot Charadrius
PLOVER dubius
COMMON RINGED Grand Gravelot Charadrius
PLOVER hiaticula
KENTISH PLOVER Gravelot à collier Charadrius
interrompu alexandrinus
WHIMBREL Courlis corlieu Numenius
EURASIAN CURLEW Courlis cendré Numenius
BLACK-TAILED Barge à queue Limosa limosa
GODWIT noire
BAR-TAILED GODWIT Barge rousse Limosa
RUDDY TURNSTONE Tournepierre à Arenaria
collier interpres

RED KNOT Bécasseau Calidris canutus

SANDERLING Bécasseau Calidris alba
DUNLIN Bécasseau Calidris alpina
RUFF Combattant Calidris pugnax
COMMON SANDPIPER Chevalier Actitis
guignette hypoleucos
GREEN SANDPIPER Chevalier Tringa ochropus
arlequin erythropus
COMMON Chevalier Tringa
GREENSHANK aboyeur nebularia
WOOD SANDPIPER Chevalier sylvain Tringa glareola
COMMON REDSHANK Chevalier Tringa totanus
EURASIAN Bécasse des bois Scolopax
WOODCOCK rusticola
COMMON SNIPE Bécassine des Gallinago
marais gallinago
LITTLE TERN Sterne naine Sternula
SANDWICH TERN Sterne caugek Sterna
COMMON TERN Sterne Sterna hirundo
BLACK-LEGGED Mouette Rissa tridactyla
KITTIWAKE tridactyle
SLENDER-BILLED Goéland railleur Larus genei
BLACK-HEADED GULL Mouette rieuse Larus
GULL mélanocéphale melanocephalus
COMMON GULL Goéland cendré Larus canus
LESSER BLACK- Goéland brun Larus fuscus
EUROPEAN HERRING Goéland argenté Larus
GULL argentatus
GULL leucophée michahellis
GREAT BLACK-BACKED Goéland marin Larus marinus
ROCK DOVE/FERAL Pigeon biset Columba livia
STOCK DOVE Pigeon colombin Columba oenas
COMMON WOOD Pigeon ramier Columba
PIGEON palumbus
EURASIAN COLLARED Tourterelle Streptopelia
DOVE turque decaocto
EUROPEAN TURTLE Tourterelle des Streptopelia
DOVE bois turtur
COMMON CUCKOO Coucou gris Cuculus canorus
BARN OWL Effraie des Tyto alba

EURASIAN SCOPS OWL Petit-duc scops Otus scops

EURASIAN EAGLE- Grand-duc ubo bubo
OWL d’Europe B
LITTLE OWL Chevêche Athene noctua
TAWNY OWL Chouette hulotte Strix aluco
LONG-EARED OWL Hibou moyen- Asio otus
EUROPEAN NIGHTJAR Engoulevant Caprimulgus
d’Europe europaeus
COMMON SWIFT Martinet noir Apus apus
PALLID SWIFT Martinet pâle Apus pallidus
ALPINE SWIFT Martinet à Apus melba
ventre blanc
COMMON KINGFISHER Martin-pêcheur Alcedo atthis
EUROPEAN BEE-EATER Guêpier d’Europe Merops apiaster
HOOPOE Huppe fasciée Upupa epops
EURASIAN WRYNECK Torcol fourmilier Jynx torquilla
GREY-HEADED Pic cendré Picus canus
EUROPEAN GREEN Pic vert Picus viridis
BLACK WOODPECKER Pic noir Dryocopus
GREAT SPOTTED Pic épeiche Dendrocopos
LESSER SPOTTED Pic épeichette Dendrocopos
CRESTED LARK Cochevis huppé Galerida
WOODLARK Alouette lulu Lullula arborea
EURASIAN SKYLARK Alouette des Alauda arvensis
SAND MARTIN Hirondelle de Riparia riparia
EURASIAN CRAG Hirondelle de Ptyonoprogne
MARTIN rochers rupestris
BARN SWALLOW Hirondelle Hirundo rustica
COMMON HOUSE Hirondelle de Delichon
MARTIN fenêtre urbicum
RED-RUMPED Hirondelle Cecropis daurica
SWALLOW rousseline
TREE PIPIT Pipit des arbres Anthus trivialis
MEADOW PIPIT Pipit farlouse Anthus
WATER PIPIT Pipit spioncelle Anthus
EURASIAN ROCK PIPIT Pipit maritime Anthus petrosus
GREY WAGTAIL Bergeronnette Motacilla
des ruisseaux cinerea
YELLOW WAGTAIL Bergeronnette Motacilla flava
WHITE WAGTAIL Bergeronette Motacilla alba
WHITE-THROATED Cincle plongeur Cinclus cinclus
WINTER WREN Troglodyte Troglodytes
mignon troglodytes
DUNNOCK Accenteur Prunella
mouchet modularis
ALPINE ACCENTOR Accenteur alpin Prunella collaris
EUROPEAN ROBIN Rougegorge Erithacus
familier rubecula
COMMON Rossignol Luscinia
NIGHTINGALE philomèle megarhynchos
BLUETHROAT Gorgebleue à Luscinia svecica
BLACK REDSTART Rougequeue noir Phoenicurus
COMMON REDSTART Rougequeue à Phoenicurus
front blanc phoenicurus
WHINCHAT Tarier des prés Saxicola rubetra
EUROPEAN Tarier pâtre Saxicola
STONECHAT rubicola
NORTHERN Traquet motteux Oenanthe
WHEATEAR oenanthe
COMMON ROCK Monticole de Monticola
THRUSH roche saxatilis
BLUE ROCK THRUSH Monticole bleu Monticola
RING OUZEL Merle à plastron Turdus
COMMON BLACKBIRD Merle noir Turdus merula

FIELDFARE Grive litorne Turdus pilaris

SONG THRUSH Grive musicienne Turdus
REDWING Grive mauvis Turdus iliacus
MISTLE THRUSH Grive draine Turdus
CETTI’S WARBLER Bouscarle de Cetti Cettia cetti
ZITTING CISTICOLA Cisticole des Cisticola juncidis
COMMON Locustelle Locustella
GRASSHOPPER tachetée naevia
MELODIOUS Hypolaïs Hippolais
WARBLER polyglotte polyglotta
MOUSTACHED Lusciniole à Acrocephalus
WARBLER moustaches melanopogon
SEDGE WARBLER Phragmite des Acrocephalus
joncs schoenobaenus
EURASIAN REED Rousserolle Acrocephalus
WARBLER effarvatte scirpaceus
MARMORA’S Fauvette sarde Sylvia sarda
DARTFORD WARBLER Fauvette pitchou Sylvia undata
SPECTACLED Fauvette à Sylvia
WARBLER lunettes conspicillata
SUBALPINE WARBLER Fauvette Sylvia cantillans
mélanocéphale melanocephala
LESSER Fauvette Sylvia curruca
WHITETHROAT babillarde
COMMON Fauvette grisette Sylvia
GARDEN WARBLER Fauvette des Sylvia borin
EURASIAN BLACKCAP Fauvette à tête Sylvia
noire atricapilla
WESTERN BONELLI’S Pouillot de Phylloscopus
WARBLER Bonelli bonelli
WOOD WARBLER Pouillot siffleur Phylloscopus
COMMON CHIFFCHAFF Pouillot véloce Phylloscopus
WILLOW WARBLER Pouillot fitis Phylloscopus
GOLDCREST Roitelet huppé Regulus regulus
COMMON FIRECREST Roitelet à triple Regulus
bandeau ignicapilla
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Gobemouche Muscicapa
gris striata
moustaches biarmicus
LONG-TAILED TIT Mésange à Aegithalos
longue queue caudatus
MARSH TIT Mésange Poecile palustris
WILLOW TIT Mésange boréale Poecile
EUROPEAN CRESTED Mésange huppée Lophophranes
TIT cristatus

COAL TIT Mésange noire Periparus ater

EURASIAN BLUE TIT Mésange bleue Cyanistes
GREAT TIT Mésange Parus major
EURASIAN NUTHATCH Sitelle torchepot Sitta europaea
CORSICAN NUTHATCH Sitelle corse Sitta whiteheadi
WALLCREEPER Tichodrome Tichodroma
échelette muraria
EURASIAN Grimpereau des Certhia
TREECREEPER bois familiaris
SHORT-TOED Grimpereau des Certhia
TREECREEPER jardins brachydactyla
EURASIAN GOLDEN Loriot d’Europe Oriolus oriolus
RED-BACKED SHRIKE Pie-grièche Lanius collurio
GREAT GREY SHRIKE Pie-grièche grise Lanius excubitor
WOODCHAT SHRIKE Pie-grièche à Lanius senator
tête rousse
EURASIAN JAY Geai des chênes Garrulus
COMMON MAGPIE Pie barvade Pica pica
ALPINE CHOUGH Chocard à bec Pyrrhocorax
jaune graculus
RED-BILLED CHOUGH Crave à bec Pyrrhocorax
rouge pyrrhocorax
WESTERN JACKDAW Choucas des Corvus
tours monedula
ROOK Corbeau freux Corvus
CARRION CROW Corneille noire Corvus corone
HOODED CROW Corneille Corvus cornix
NORTHERN RAVEN Grand Corbeau Corvus corax
SPOTLESS STARLING Étourneau Sturnus unicolor
COMMON STARLING Étourneau Sturnus vulgaris
HOUSE SPARROW Moineau Passer
domestique domesticus
EURASIAN TREE Moineau friquet Passer
SPARROW montanus
ROCK SPARROW Moineau soulcie Petronia
WHITE-WINGED Niverolle alpine Montifringilla
COMMON CHAFFINCH Pinson des Fringilla coelebs
BRAMBLING Pinson du Nord Fringilla
EUROPEAN SERIN Serin cini Serinus serinus
CITRIL FINCH Venturon Serinus
montagnard citrinella
CORSICAN FINCH Venturon corse Serinus
EUROPEAN Verdier d’Europe Carduelis chloris
EUROPEAN Chardonneret Carduelis
GOLDFINCH élégant carduelis
EURASIAN SISKIN Carduelis spinus
Tarin des aulnes
COMMON LINNET Linotte Carduelis
mélodieuse cannabina
COMMON REDPOLL Sizerin flammé Carduelis
RED CROSSBILL Bec-croisé des Loxia
sapins curvirostra
pivoine pyrrhula
HAWFINCH Grosbec casse- Coccothraustes
noyaux coccothraustes
YELLOWHAMMER Bruant jaune Emberiza
CIRL BUNTING Bruant zizi Emberiza cirlus
ROCK BUNTING Bruant fou Emberiza cia
ORTOLAN BUNTING Bruant ortolan Emberiza
COMMON REED Bruant des Emberiza
BUNTING roseaux schoeniclus
CORN BUNTING Bruant poyer Emberiza
James thanks Jim Martin (Bloomsbury) for commissioning
the book, and Sharon and Maya Lowen for granting him
the time to write it. He is grateful to Audrey Bedos, Liam
Cox, Dave Gandy, Yvon Guermeur, Chris Kaye and Will
Reece for companionship on various birdwatching
escapades in France. Aurélien thanks Jim Martin for his
confidence. Jenny Campbell, Alice Ward (Bloomsbury)
and Susi Bailey played key roles during the book’s
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
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First published in Great Britain, 2018

Copyright © text by James Lowen, 2018

Photographs © Aurélien Audevard,
(except where otherwise listed here)

James Lowen has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

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ISBN: 978-1-4729-4901-1 (PB)

ISBN: 978-1-4729-4900-4 (eBook)

Designed by Susan McIntyre

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