Research Article: Uncertain Portfolio Selection With Borrowing Constraint and Background Risk

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Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Volume 2020, Article ID 1249829, 13 pages

Research Article
Uncertain Portfolio Selection with Borrowing Constraint and
Background Risk

Linjing Lv ,1 Bo Zhang ,1 Jin Peng ,2 and Dan A. Ralescu 3

School of Statistics and Mathematics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China
Institute of Uncertain Systems, Huanggang Normal University, Huanggang 438000, China
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0025, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Bo Zhang;

Received 22 October 2019; Accepted 2 January 2020; Published 20 January 2020

Academic Editor: Anna M. Gil-Lafuente

Copyright © 2020 Linjing Lv et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Due to the complexity of financial markets, there exist situations where security returns and background factor returns are
available mainly based on experts’ subjective beliefs, such as in the case of lack of historical data. To deal with such indeterminate
quantities, uncertain variables are introduced. Based on uncertainty theory, this paper discusses the distribution function of the
optimal portfolio return. Two types of new uncertain programming models, namely, the chance-mean model and the measure-
mean model, are proposed to make an optimal portfolio selection decision in an uncertain environment. It is proved that there
exists an equivalent relation between the chance-mean model and a deterministic linear programming model, which leads to an
approach to obtain the optimal solutions of the proposed models. Finally, some numerical examples are illustrated to show the
modelling ideas and the effectiveness of the models.

1. Introduction return should be regarded as risk. Based on this kind of view,

Markowitz [2] and Mao [6] proposed the mean-semi-
Portfolio selection involves creating a combination of se- variance model, which was more suitable if the distribution
curities to maximize portfolio return and spread risk. of portfolio return is asymmetric. Konno and Yamazaki [7]
Markowitz [1] first introduced the mean-variance model, employed absolute deviation to measure risk and then
which was the beginning of the modern portfolio selection proposed an expected absolute-deviation portfolio model.
theory. In the mean-variance model, expected return was Others preferred to use investors’ loss to measure risk, and
deemed to be investment return, and the variance was then VaR (Berkowitz et al. [8], Castellacci and Siclari [9])
considered as the risk. Though variance has been accepted as and CVaR (Lim et al. [10]) were introduced to the portfolio
a well-known method to measure risk in portfolio selection, selection problems. In addition, some scholars introduced
application of the mean-variance model was limited to some higher moments to the portfolio selection models. For in-
extent. One limitation is that analysis based on variance stance, Samuelson [11] proved that if the first and second
suggests high returns are just as undesirable as low returns moments are the same, investors would tend to make a
because high returns will also lead to the extreme of variance decision with a larger third-order moment (for good re-
(Markowitz [2], Grootveld and Hallerbach [3], and Huang sources on the portfolio selection problem, see Stone [12],
[4]). As a result, the single-factor model was proposed by Konno and Suzuki [13], Pindoriya et al. [14], and Yu and Lee
Sharpe [5]. Moreover, different scholars had various views [15]).
on risk, and they amplified modern portfolio selection All the studies above assumed that investors only face
theory by improving the measurement of risk. Some believed financial risk; however, in real financial markets, there exist
that investors paid more attention to excess return exceeding background factors, such as health, labour income, and real
expected return and that a return lower than the expected estate, that have a considerable effect on the portfolio
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

decision and cannot be hedged. Viceira [16] showed that if Liu [36]. Liu [22] also showed that belief degree follows the
labour income risk exists, the optimal allocation to stocks of laws of uncertainty theory, which means that it is suitable to
employed investors is larger than that of retired investors. employ uncertainty theory to address belief degree. After
Rosen and Wu [17] pointed out that health risk and health that, uncertain programming was proposed by Liu [37] to
expenditure both have a considerable effect on investors’ deal with mathematical programming problems that contain
optimal portfolio. Baptista [18] made an explanation of uncertain variables. Uncertainty theory has been widely
optimal delegate portfolio management based on the effect applied in various decision-making systems, such as
of background risk on the optimal portfolio decision. Jiang transportation problem (Gao et al. [38] and Zhang et al.
et al. [19] studied the influence of background risk on [39]), optimal assignment problem (Zhang and Peng [40]
portfolio selection by means of mean-variance and discussed and Ding and Zeng [41]), and contract design problem (Wu
the location of the efficient frontier affected by background et al. [42], Yang et al. [43]). Specifically, Huang [44] first
risk factors. Huang and Wang [20] further presented the introduced uncertainty theory to portfolio selection. Since
portfolio frontier characteristic with a dependent back- then, many topics in the field of uncertain portfolio selection
ground risk in the framework of mean-variance. have attracted the attention of relevant scholars. For ex-
In the studies mentioned above, returns of securities and ample, Huang and Qiao [45] discussed the multiperiod
background factors are all regarded as random variables, portfolio selection problem and proposed a risk index
meaning that we have enough historical data to estimate model. Li et al. [46] further discussed uncertain multiperiod
their future values. However, we frequently lack the required portfolio selection with a bankruptcy constraint. Zhang et al.
observational data, especially for newly listed securities. [47] proposed two innovative uncertain portfolio selection
Even though there exist enough historical data, in many models, the expected-variance-chance model and chance-
cases, it is impossible to accurately predict security returns expected-variance model and designed a hybrid intelligent
since the security market is so complex. In this case, we have algorithm to solve the models. Moreover, Li and Qin [48]
no choice but to invite experts to evaluate the values of investigated an interval portfolio selection problem with
security returns. Then, security returns may be expressed by uncertain information and proposed a mean-semiabsolute
belief degrees, which depend heavily on the experience and deviation model. Huang and Di [49] and Zhai and Bai [50]
knowledge of experts. How do we deal with belief degree? discussed uncertain portfolio selection problems with
Kahneman and Tversky [21] showed that human beings background risk. Qin et al. [51] presented mean-semi-
usually give too much weight to unlikely events, which absolute deviation adjusting models for an uncertain
means that belief degree usually contains a much wider portfolio optimization problem. Chen et al. [52] proposed
range of values than the indeterminate quantity may actually two types of mean-semivariance models for optimal port-
take. In this case, it is not appropriate to employ probability folio decision-making and designed a hybrid intelligent
theory to handle belief degrees since it usually deviates far algorithm to solve the models. Recently, Xue et al. [53]
from the actual frequency. Liu [22] introduced a counter- employed mental accounts to reflect different attitudes to-
example showing that dealing with the belief degree by wards risk and proposed a new uncertain model in which
probability theory may lead to counterintuitive results. Also, security returns are estimated by experts. Kar et al. [54]
some fuzziologists believe that belief degree can be inter- introduced a multiobjective uncertain portfolio selection
preted as fuzziness and try to employ fuzzy set theory (Zadeh model based on cross-entropy (for more recent research on
[23]) to manage portfolios. A fuzzy set (Zadeh [23]) is uncertain portfolio decision-making, see Huang [55]).
defined by a membership function μ which assigns to each The above discussion makes clear that a variety of studies
element x a real number μ(x) ranging between zero and one. have been proposed to address portfolio selection within the
The value of μ(x) denotes the grade of membership of x in framework of uncertainty theory. They all assume that an
the fuzzy set. Within the framework of fuzzy set theory, the enterprise invests with its own capital. However, in reality,
portfolio selection decision problem has been widely stud- enterprises’ investment funds are not always owned by the
ied. For instance, Gupta et al. [24] applied fuzzy multicriteria enterprises themselves. Enterprises often borrow money
decision-making to develop asset portfolio optimization from banks to raise funds for investment. With sufficient
models. Bhattacharyya et al. [25] proposed a fuzzy mean- investment funds, enterprises may have more choices among
variance-skewness model by considering transaction cost. more potential projects. In this vein, this paper will consider
Wang et al. [26] investigated a portfolio selection problem a portfolio selection problem within the framework of
with random fuzzy variables by defining a new equilibrium uncertainty theory with a borrowing constraint. In addition,
risk value. Kar et al. [27] considered the Sharpe ratio and the we discuss the effect of background factors on investment
value-at-risk ratio and then proposed a biobjective fuzzy decisions.
portfolio selection model. In addition, papers by Xia et al. The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 introduces some
[28], Huang [29], Deng and Li [30], Li et al. [31], Guo et al. basic concepts and results of uncertainty theory. Section 3
[32], Liu and Li [33], and Zhou et al. [34] have also de- describes the problem of uncertain portfolio selection with
veloped the theory of fuzzy portfolio selection. However, the borrowing constraint and background risk and intro-
further studies show that paradoxes appear when fuzzy set duces two new types of uncertain portfolio selection models.
theory is employed to address belief degree (Liu [22]). Section 4 discusses the crisp equivalents of the proposed
To deal with belief degree, an axiomatic uncertainty models and provides the approaches to solve them. Section 5
theory was founded by Liu [35] and then further refined by illustrates the innovations of the paper by comparing it with
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

the existing articles. Section 6 gives some numerical ex- Theorem 1 (Liu [36]). Let ξ 1 , ξ 2 , . . . , ξ n be independent
periments to illustrate our models and shows the impact of uncertain variables with regular uncertainty distributions
borrowing and background risk on the optimal portfolio Φ1 , Φ2 , . . . , Φn , respectively. If f(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) is strictly
decision. Finally, Section 7 concludes this paper with a brief increasing with respect to x1 , x2 , . . . , xm and strictly de-
summary. creasing with respect to xm+1 , xm+2 , . . . , xn , then
ξ � f(ξ 1 , ξ 2 , . . . , ξ n ) is an uncertain variable with an inverse
2. Preliminaries uncertainty distribution as follows:
Ψ− 1 (α) � f􏼐Φ−1 1 (α), . . . , Φ−m1 (α), Φ−m+1
(1 − α), . . . , Φ−n 1 (1 − α)􏼑.
Based on normality, duality, subadditivity, and product
axioms, uncertainty theory has now become an axiomatic (6)
branch of mathematics. In this section, we will introduce
some key concepts of uncertainty theory, such as an un-
certain measure, an uncertain variable, and the uncertainty Definition 5 (Liu [35]). Let ξ be an uncertain variable. Then,
distribution. the expected value of ξ is defined as follows:
+∞ 0
E[ξ] � 􏽚 M{ξ ≥ x}dx − 􏽚 M{ξ ≤ x}dx, (7)
Definition 1 (Liu [35]). Suppose L is a σ-algebra over a 0 −∞
nonempty set Γ. Each element Λ ∈ L is called an event. A
real-valued set function M{Λ} is said to be an uncertain provided that at least one of the two integrals is finite.
measure if it satisfies the normality, duality, subadditivity, For a linear uncertain variable ξ ∼ L(a, b), it is easy to
and product axioms. compute its expected value as follows:
E[ξ] � . (8)
Definition 2 (Liu [35]). An uncertain variable ξ is a mea- 2
surable function from an uncertainty space (Γ, L, M) to the
set of real numbers. That is, the set
Theorem 2 (Liu [36]). Let ξ and η be independent uncertain
{ξ ∈ B} � 􏼈c ∈ Γ | ξ(c) ∈ B􏼉 (1)
variables with finite expected values. Then, for any real
is an event for any Borel set B of real numbers. numbers a and b, we have
E[aξ + bη] � aE[ξ] + bE[η]. (9)
Definition 3 (Liu [35]). The uncertainty distribution
Φ: R ⟶ [0, 1] of an uncertain variable ξ is defined as
3. Problem Description
Φ(x) � M{ξ ≤ x}, (2)
As introduced in Section 1, there exist situations in which
for any real number x. security returns are indeterminate quantities. In reality,
there are background factors, such as health, labour income,
Definition 4 (Liu [36]). An uncertainty distribution Φ is said and real estate, that influence investors’ decisions on
to be regular if it is a continuous and strictly increasing portfolio selection and cannot be hedged by diversifying
function with respect to x at which 0 < Φ(x) < 1 and their portfolios. In addition, investors may want to apply for
loans and invest them in risky assets such as securities. If the
lim Φ(x) � 0, background factor return and securities’ return rate are
x⟶− ∞
(3) given by experts’ belief degree based on their experience
lim Φ(x) � 1. rather than historical data, then it is better to consider them
as uncertain variables.
An uncertain variable ξ is called linear if it has the Here, let us first introduce the following notations and
following linear uncertainty distribution (Liu [35]): parameters, which will be used to describe the portfolio

⎧ 0, if x ≤ a, selection problem by the mathematical models.

⎪ n: number of securities

⎨x− a
Φ(x) � ⎪ , if a ≤ x ≤ b, (4) xi : the wealth invested in security i, i � 1, 2, . . . , n
⎪b− a

⎪ r: the borrowing interest rate

⎩ w: the wealth of an existing portfolio
1, if x ≥ b.
v: the upper bound of borrowing
It is usually denoted by ξ ∼ L(a, b), where a and b are ti : the lower bound of the wealth invested in security i,
real numbers with a < b. In addition, it is easy to verify that i � 1, 2, . . . , n
the inverse uncertainty distribution of ξ is as follows:
Ti : the upper bound of the wealth invested in security i,
Φ− 1 (α) � (1 − α)a + αb. (5) i � 1, 2, . . . , n
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

ξ i : return rate of security i, with regular uncertainty In the following, we will first discuss the uncertainty of the
distribution Φi , i � 1, 2, . . . , n portfolio return and then introduce some optimization
η: background factor return, with regular uncertainty decision models based on different points of view.
distribution Ψ
Assume the wealth of an existing portfolio held by an 3.1. Uncertainty of Portfolio Return. Given a feasible port-
investor is w; in order to pursue more return, the investor folio x, the uncertainty distribution of the total portfolio
plans to reallocate his wealth among n securities by bor- return f(x; ξ, η) is denoted as Υx , i.e., for any real number p,
rowing from bank. Suppose the upper bound of borrowing is we have
v, and the borrowing interest rate is r. Then, the upper bound
of possible holding wealth is w + v. If the wealth invested in Υx (p) � M􏼈f(x; ξ, η) ≤ p􏼉. (15)
security i is xi , then the budget constraint can be described as According to Theorem 1, Υx is a regular function, since
follows: ξ i and η are regular uncertain variables with uncertainty
distributions Φi and Ψ, respectively. That is, for any
w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v. (10) α ∈ (0, 1), we have the following inverse uncertainty
Then, the portfolio return can be expressed as follows: n n
n n Υ−x1 (α) � 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (α) − r⎛ i
⎠ + Ψ− 1 (α).
⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞ (16)
⎝ 􏽘 x − w⎞
f(x; ξ, η) � 􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎛ ⎠ + η, (11) i�1 i�1
i�1 i�1
In addition, the following maximum portfolio return:
where x � (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) and ξ � (ξ 1 , ξ 2 , . . . , ξ n ). f(ξ, η) � max f(x; ξ, η), (17)
It is clear that the portfolio return f(x; ξ, η) is an un- x∈S
certain variable. In uncertain financial markets, investors is also an uncertain variable. Denote Υmax as the uncertainty
may require that the expected portfolio return be greater distribution of f(ξ, η). Additionally, Υmax is a regular
than or equal to a given value u; we then have the following function. For any real number p, we have
expected return constraint:
Υmax (p) � M􏼈f(ξ, η) ≤ p􏼉. (18)
E[f(x; ξ, η)] ≥ u, (12)
According to equations (16)–(18), for any real number p,
where u is a predetermined minimal expected return which we have
investors feel satisfactory. The expected return constraint
shows that the average value of return is greater than or M􏼈f(ξ, η) ≤ p􏼉 ≤ M􏼈f(x; ξ, η) ≤ p􏼉, (19)
equal to u. In practical applications, the value of u can be
determined by investors or financial experts. It is necessary or, equivalently,
to point out that the value of this lower bound is dependent
on the decision-making conditions and the knowledge of Υmax (p) ≤ Υx (p). (20)
investors or experts.
In other words, for any α ∈ (0, 1), we have
To control other risk factors, investors can control se-
curities’ investment wealth by imposing upper and lower Υ−max (α) ≥ Υ−x1 (α), (21)
bounds on each security. For each security i, this constraint
can be expressed as follows: since Υmax and Υx are both regular distribution functions.
If the returns are deterministic values, i.e., ξ � (ξ i ) and η
ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti . (13) are replaced with constants h � (hi ) and t, respectively, then
Then, x � (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) is called a feasible portfolio if the maximum portfolio return f(ξ, η) can be rewritten as
it satisfies the following constraints: f(h, t). It is easy to verify that f(h, t) is a strictly increasing
function with respect to h1 , h2 , . . . , hn and t. That is, for a

⎧ n n

⎪ ⎢
⎡ ⎝ 􏽘 x − w⎞⎠ + η⎤⎥⎦ ≥ u, given (h, t) and (h′ , t′ ), f(h, t) satisfies the following
⎪ E⎣ 􏽘 x i ξ i − r⎛

⎪ i�1 i conditions:

⎪ i�1

n (14) (i) f(h, t) ≤ f(h′ , t′ ) when hi ≤ h′i for i � 1, 2, . . . , n and

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v, t ≤ t′ .

⎪ i�1
(ii) f(h, t) < f(h′ , t′ ) when hi < h′i for i � 1, 2, . . . , n and

ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n. t < t′ .
The set of feasible portfolios x is denoted as S. According to Theorem 1, for any α ∈ (0, 1), the inverse
The goal of this paper is to make a portfolio decision so uncertainty distribution Υ−max (α) of f(ξ, η) is
that the total return is maximized. However, because the f(Φ (α), Ψ (α)), where Φ (α) � (Φ−i 1 (α)), i � 1, 2,
−1 −1 −1

portfolio return f(x; ξ, η) is an uncertain variable, we cannot . . . , n. More precisely, f(Φ− 1 (α), Ψ− 1 (α)) is just the optimal
directly obtain the optimal decision by traditional methods. objective of the following deterministic model:
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

n n max f

⎪ ⎪

⎪ max 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (α) − r⎛ i
⎠ + Ψ− 1 (α)
⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞ ⎪

⎪ i�1 i�1 ⎪
⎪ ⎨n
⎧ ⎬

⎪ ⎪
⎪ s.t. M⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i + η ≥ f⎭ ≥ α

⎪ ⎪

⎪ n n ⎪
⎪ i�1

⎨ s.t. ⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞
⎠ + E[η] ≥ u ⎪

􏽘 xi E􏼂ξ i 􏼃 − r⎛ i ⎪
⎨ n

⎪ i�1 i�1 E⎡⎣􏽘 xi ξ i + η⎤⎦ ≥ u (25)

⎪ ⎪

⎪ n ⎪
⎪ i�1

⎪ ⎪

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v ⎪
⎪ n

⎪ ⎪

⎪ i�1 ⎪
⎪ 􏽘 xi � w
⎩ ⎪

ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n. ⎪
⎪ i�1

(22) ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n.

Obviously, model (22) corresponds to the linear pro-

gramming model. To obtain the value of Υ−max (α), we should Remark 2. If background risk is not taken into account, then
first solve model (22). Repeating this process, we can get the model (24) can be rewritten as follows:
uncertainty distribution Υmax by interpolation max f

approximation. ⎪

⎪ ⎨n n ⎬
How to get the optimal portfolio plan under an uncertain ⎪
⎪ ⎧ ⎫

⎪ s.t. ⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞
M⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎛ ⎠≥f ≥α
environment? Some addition criteria should be considered. ⎪
⎪ i ⎭

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎨ n n
3.2. Uncertain Portfolio Models. Investors may first present a ⎪
⎪ E⎡⎢⎣􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎛ i
⎠⎤⎥⎦ ≥ u
⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞ (26)

satisfying confidence level α ∈ (0, 1) and hope to obtain a ⎪
⎪ i�1 i�1

largest value f such that the total portfolio return f(x; ξ, η) ⎪
⎪ n

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v
is greater than or equal to f with confidence level α. This ⎪

⎪ i�1
leads us to propose the following critical value criterion. ⎪

t i ≤ xi ≤ T i , i � 1, 2, . . . , n.
Definition 6. A feasible portfolio x∗ is called α-optimal
portfolio if Remark 3. If the loans and background risk are not con-
max􏽮f | M􏽮f x∗ ; ξ, η􏼁 ≥ f􏽯 ≥ α􏽯 sidered, then model (24) degenerates to the following:
(23) ⎪
⎧ max f
≥ max􏽮f | M􏽮f(x; ξ, η) ≥ f􏽯 ≥ α􏽯, ⎪

⎪ ⎨n
⎧ ⎬

⎪ s.t. M⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i ≥ f⎭ ≥ α
holds for any feasible portfolio x, where α is a predetermined ⎪

⎪ i�1
confidence level. ⎪

⎨ n
According to Definition 6, the α-optimal portfolio is
essentially the optimal solution of the following chance- ⎪
⎪ E⎡⎣􏽘 xi ξ i ⎤⎦ ≥ u (27)

⎪ i�1
mean model: ⎪

⎪ n

⎪ 􏽘 xi � w

⎪ max f ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ i�1

⎪ ⎩

⎪ ⎨n
⎧ n ⎬
⎫ ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n.

⎪ s.t. ⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞
M⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎛ ⎠ + η≥f ≥α

⎪ i ⎭

⎪ i�1 i�1 From a different perspective, investors may present an

⎨ n n appropriate threshold profit f and hope to maximize the

⎪ E⎢
⎡􏽘 x ξ − r⎛
⎣ i i i
⎠ + η⎥⎦⎤ ≥ u
⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞ chance of total return preponderating the given profit level.

⎪ i�1 i�1 This modelling idea can be called chance criterion. Based on

⎪ n this criterion, the chance optimal portfolio is defined as

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v

⎪ follows.

⎪ i�1

ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n. Definition 7. A feasible portfolio x∗ is called the chance
(24) optimal portfolio if
M􏽮f x∗ ; ξ, η􏼁 ≥ f􏽯 ≥ M􏽮f(x; ξ, η) ≥ f􏽯, (28)
Remark 1. If loans are ignored, then model (24) becomes as holds for any feasible portfolio x, where f is a predetermined
follows: profit level.
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

According to Definition 7, the chance optimal portfolio 4. Equivalents of the Models

x∗ is simply the optimal solution of the following measure-
mean model: Note that there are many uncertain variables in model (24)
and model (29). To solve the models, it is necessary for us to

⎪ ⎨n
⎧ n ⎬
⎫ discuss the crisp equivalents of them.

⎪ max M⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎝ ⎠ + η≥f
⎛􏽘 xi − w⎞

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ Theorem 3. If ξ i and η are independent uncertain variables

⎪ n n
⎪ ⎢ ⎠ + η⎤⎥⎦ ≥ u
⎨ s.t. E⎡
⎣􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎝
⎛􏽘 xi − w⎞ with regular uncertainty distributions Φi and Ψ,
⎪ (29) i � 1, 2, . . . , n, respectively, then the α-optimal portfolio is

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ simply the optimal solution of the following model:

⎪ n

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v

⎪ ⎪
⎧ n n

⎪ ⎪

i�1 ⎪

⎪ max 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (1 − α) − r⎛ i
⎠ + Ψ− 1 (1 − α)
⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞
ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n. ⎪
⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ n n

⎨ s.t. ⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞
⎠ + E[η] ≥ u
􏽘 xi E􏼂ξ i 􏼃 − r⎛ i
Remark 4. If there is no borrowing, then model (29) can be ⎪
⎪ i�1 i�1

expressed as follows: ⎪
⎪ n

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v

⎪ ⎨n
⎧ ⎬
⎫ ⎪

⎪ max M⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i + η ≥ f⎭ ⎪
⎪ i�1

⎪ ⎩

⎪ i�1 ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n.

⎪ n

⎪ (33)
⎨ s.t. E⎣
⎡􏽘 xi ξ i + η⎦⎤ ≥ u
⎪ i�1

⎪ n

⎪ Proof. Since f(x; ξ, η) is strictly increasing with respect to

⎪ 􏽘 xi � w

⎪ ξ 1 , ξ 2 , . . . , ξ n and η, then for any α ∈ (0, 1), the inverse

⎪ i�1
⎩ uncertainty distribution of f(x; ξ, η) is as follows:
t i ≤ xi ≤ T i , i � 1, 2, . . . , n.
n n
Υ−x1 (α) � 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (α) − r⎝ ⎠ + Ψ− 1 (α).
⎛􏽘 x i − w ⎞ (34)
i�1 i�1
Remark 5. If there is no background risk, then model (29)
can be expressed as follows: Owing to the fact that ξ i and η are regular uncertain
variables, by using the duality of an uncertain measure, the

⎪ ⎨n
⎧ n ⎬

⎪ max ⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞
M ⎩ 􏽘 x i ξ i − r⎛ ⎠≥f first constraint of model (24) is equivalent to

⎪ i ⎭

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ ⎨n
⎧ n ⎬

⎪ n n M⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎝
⎛ 􏽘 xi − w ⎠
⎞ + η ≤ f � M􏽮f(x; ξ, η) ≤ f􏽯

⎨ s.t. E⎢
⎡􏽘 x ξ − r ⎛
⎣ i i i
⎠⎥⎦⎤ ≥ u
⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞ i�1 i�1
⎪ (31)

⎪ i�1 i�1 ≤ 1 − α.

⎪ n

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v (35)

⎪ i�1

⎩ In detail, we have
t i ≤ xi ≤ T i , i � 1, 2, . . . , n.
Υ−x1 (1 − α) ≥ f. (36)

It follows from equation (34) that we have

Remark 6. If there are no borrowing and background risk,
n n
then model (29) can be rewritten as follows: 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (1 − α) − r⎝ ⎠ + Ψ− 1 (1 − α) ≥ f. (37)
⎛􏽘 x i − w ⎞

⎪ ⎨n
⎧ ⎬
⎫ i�1 i�1

⎪ max M ⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i ≥ f ⎭

⎪ i�1 In addition, by means of the linearity of the expected

⎪ value operator of the uncertain variable, we have

⎪ n

⎨ s.t. ⎣􏽘 xi ξ i ⎤⎦ ≥ u
E⎡ n n n n
⎪ (32)

i�1 E⎢
⎡􏽘 x ξ − r⎛
⎣ i i i
⎠ + η⎥⎦⎤ � 􏽘 x E􏼂ξ 􏼃 − r⎛
⎝􏽘 x − w⎞
i i
⎝􏽘 x − w⎞

⎪ n

⎪ i�1 i�1 i�1 i�1

⎪ 􏽘 xi � w

⎪ + E[η].

⎪ i�1

t i ≤ xi ≤ T i , i � 1, 2, . . . , n. (38)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

Thus, model (24) can be equivalently transformed to the since Υmax is a regular distribution function. For the given
following deterministic model: confidence level β, there is a β-optimal portfolio x′ , which
max f can be obtained by Theorem 3. In other words, x′ is the

⎪ n n
optimal solution of model (39), i.e., x′ and β satisfy the

⎪ following constraints:

⎪ s.t. 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (1 − α) − r⎝ ⎠ + Ψ− 1 (1 − α) ≥ f
⎛􏽘 xi − w⎞

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎨ ⎧
⎪ n n
n n ⎪
⎪ 􏽘 x Φ −1
(1 − β) − r⎝ 􏽘 x − w⎞
⎛ ⎠ + Ψ− 1 (1 − β) ≥ f,
⎪ ⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞
􏽘 xi E􏼂ξ i 􏼃 − r⎛ ⎠ + E[η] ≥ u ⎪
⎪ i i i

⎪ i ⎪
⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ i�1 i�1 ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎪ n ⎪ n
⎪ n

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v ⎪
⎨ 􏽘 x E􏼂 ξ 􏼃 − r ⎛ ⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞ ⎠ + E[η] ≥ u,

⎪ i�1
i i i
⎩ ⎪
⎪ i�1 i�1
t i ≤ x i ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n. ⎪

⎪ n
(39) ⎪

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v,

Obviously, model (39) is equivalent to model (33). As we ⎪
⎪ i�1

know, the α-optimal portfolio is simply the optimal solution ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n,
of model (24). Thus, the theorem is proved. (42)
Comparing model (22) with model (33), the value of the
objective function corresponding to the α-optimal portfolio which shows that (x′ , β) is a feasible solution of model (41)
is just the value of Υ−max (1 − α). □ and β is the corresponding objective value. In the following,
we will prove that β is also the optimal value of the objective
Theorem 4. Given a profit level f, if ξ i and η are inde- function. We account for it as follows.
pendent uncertain variables with regular uncertainty distri- Set c > β and (􏽢x, c) is a feasible solution of model (41).
butions Φi and Ψ, i � 1, 2, . . . , n, respectively, then the chance We know that Υmax is a regular distribution function, which
optimal portfolio is simply the α-optimal portfolio, where means that Υ−max (α) is strictly increasing, i.e.,
1 1
Υ max (f) � 1 − α. Υ−max (1 − c) < Υ−max (1 − β) � f. (43)

Proof. From the above discussion, we can see that the 􏽢 , we have
According to equation (21), for any x
chance optimal portfolio is just the optimal solution of Υ􏽢−x1 (1 − c) ≤ Υ−max
(1 − c) < f. (44)
model (29). Apparently, model (29) is equivalent to the
following model: That is,

⎪ max α n n

⎪ ⎨n
⎧ n ⎬
⎫ 􏽢 i Φ−i 1 (1 − c) − r⎝
􏽘x ⎛􏽘 x ⎠ + Ψ− 1 (1 − c) < f, (45)
􏽢 i − w⎞

⎪ s.t. M⎩ 􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎝ ⎠ + η≥f ≥α
⎛􏽘 xi − w ⎞
⎭ i�1 i�1

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ which contradicts the first constraint of model (41). This
⎨ n n

⎣􏽘 xi ξ i − r⎝ ⎠ + η⎤⎥⎦ ≥ u
⎛􏽘 xi − w ⎞ shows that β is the optimal objective value, and the feasible

⎪ i�1 i�1 solution x′ , i.e., the β-optimal portfolio, is the optimal so-

⎪ n lution of model (41). Thus, the theorem is proved.

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v

⎪ According to Theorem 4, we can first obtain the un-

⎪ i�1

⎩ certainty distribution Υmax . For the given profit level f, if
ti ≤ xi ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n.
Υmax (f) � 1 − α, then we can obtain the α-optimal portfolio
(40) by Theorem 3, which is simply the chance optimal portfolio,
As in the proof of Theorem 3, model (40) can be and α is the corresponding optimal objective value. □
transformed into the following model:

⎪ max α 5. Comparisons and Innovations

⎪ n n
⎪ To highlight the innovations of the paper, we compare it

⎪ s.t. 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (1 − α) − r⎝ ⎠ + Ψ− 1 (1 − α) ≥ f
⎛􏽘 xi − w⎞

⎪ with the existing articles in two main aspects. On the one

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ hand, we compare the paper with stochastic portfolio se-

⎨ n n
⎝􏽘 x − w ⎞
􏽘 xi E􏼂ξ i 􏼃 − r⎛ ⎠ + E[η] ≥ u lection models. On the other hand, we compare the paper

⎪ i

⎪ i�1 i�1 with the existing articles within the framework of uncer-

⎪ n tainty theory.

⎪ w ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ w + v Probability theory has been widely employed to deal with

⎪ i�1 indeterminate factors for a long time. As is well known, a

t i ≤ x i ≤ Ti , i � 1, 2, . . . , n. fundamental premise of applying probability theory is that
(41) we should obtain a probability distribution that is close
Denote (x, α) as the feasible solution of model (41). Set enough to the real frequency. That is, a large amount of
1 − β � Υmax (f) � M􏽮f(ξ, η) ≤ f􏽯. Then, Υ−max (1 − β) � f historical data is required. In the stochastic portfolio
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

selection models, the indeterminate factors are regarded as background factor return η ∼ L(− 2, 9). The way to obtain
stochastic factors and are described as random variables. the distribution functions of returns based on experts’ es-
However, without sufficient data, it is impossible for us timations can be referred to Liu [22].
to accurately predict the values of the indeterminate Suppose the wealth of an existing portfolio held by the
quantities. In financial markets, we often lack sufficient investor is w � 300 (thousand yuan). We also assume that
sample data for the returns of securities, especially for newly the upper bound of borrowing v � 50 (thousand yuan), the
listed securities. In this case, we have no choice but to invite borrowing interest rate r � 0.01, the threshold expected
financial experts to evaluate the belief degrees about the return u � 45 (thousand yuan), the lower bound ti � 0
returns of securities. Uncertainty theory is a powerful (thousand yuan), and the upper bound Ti � 50 (thousand
technique to deal with belief degrees. Therefore, this paper yuan).
introduces two novel portfolio selection models based on If the decision-maker wants to maximize the portfolio
uncertainty theory. In the proposed uncertain models, the return at a chance of not less than 0.9 (i.e., α � 0.9),
indeterminate quantities come from experts’ empirical es- according to Theorem 3, he can make an optimum portfolio
timation and are described as uncertain variables. decision via the following model:
Thus, compared to stochastic portfolio selection models,
the main difference between the existing works and the ⎧

⎪ 20 20

⎪ max 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (0.1) − 0.01⎛ ⎠ + Ψ− 1 (0.1)
⎝􏽘 x − 300⎞
proposed paper is summarized in Table 1. ⎪
⎪ i

⎪ i�1 i�1
As addressed above, some researchers have studied ⎪

portfolio selection problems within the framework of un- ⎪
⎪ 20 20

⎨ s.t. ⎝􏽘 x − 300⎞
⎠ + E[η] ≥ 45
certainty theory. For better readability, we list the charac- 􏽘 xi E􏼂ξ i 􏼃 − 0.01⎛ i

⎪ i�1 i�1
teristics of some closely related works in Table 2, including ⎪

the main modelling ideas and the main constraints. Clearly, ⎪
⎪ 20

the related studies usually employ variance, semivariance, or ⎪
⎪ 300 ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ 350

semiabsolute deviation to measure risk. Additionally, the ⎪
⎪ i�1

considered constraint in the existing literature is usually 0 ≤ xi ≤ 50, i � 1, 2, . . . , 20.
related to the transaction cost, risk constraint, or return (46)
constraint, with the borrowing constraint not taken into
account. Meanwhile, many studies ignore the effect of First, we can easily obtain that E[η] � 3.5 and
background factors on investment decisions. With this Ψ− 1 (0.1) � − 0.9. The expected values and the inverse un-
concern in mind, this paper aims to study a portfolio se- certainty distributions of ξ i at 0.1 are calculated and listed in
lection with realistic constraints, including the borrowing Table 3. By using MATLAB 2017, we obtain the optimal
constraint and background risk, to enhance the practica- portfolio after a computation time of approximately 0.06 s
bility of the models. and present it in Table 4. The corresponding objective value
Stated thus, the main innovations of this paper are is 11.06. Specifically, the decision-maker should borrow 50
summarized as follows. (1) In contrast with the use of thousand yuan from the bank and invest all 350 thousand
probability theory for portfolio selection in extant literature, yuan in the holding wealth in stocks 1, 5, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, and
this paper employs uncertainty theory to handle belief de- 20, respectively.
gree. The advantage of uncertainty theory is that belief That is, if the decision-maker allocates his wealth
degree follows the laws of uncertainty theory. (2) In contrast according to Table 4, the total return will be greater than or
with the existing uncertain portfolio selection models, this equal to 11.06 thousand yuan with possibility 90%. More
paper proposes two novel uncertain portfolio selection precisely, 11.06 thousand yuan is the minimum return that
models, in which the borrowing constraint and background can be obtained under the chance constraint α � 0.9.
risk are considered simultaneously. For different levels of α ∈ (0, 1), different objective
values are shown in Table 5. Table 5 shows that the optimal
6. Numerical Experiments objective value is nonincreasing with respect to α. As dis-
cussed in Section 3.1, the value of the objective function
In this section, we will provide some numerical experiments corresponding to the α-optimal portfolio is just the value of
to illustrate the models mentioned above for uncertain Υ−max (1 − α). Thus, we can obtain the uncertainty distribu-
portfolio selection problems. We select twenty stocks from tion Υmax of f(ξ, η) in a numerical sense, which is drawn
the Shanghai Stock Exchange, namely, S1 (code: 600004), S2 using MATLAB 2017 in Figure 1. According to Figure 1, we
(code: 600016), S3 (code: 600018), S4 (code: 600028), S5 know the distribution of portfolio returns f(ξ, η). For ex-
(code: 600029), S6 (code: 600048), S7 (code: 600066), S8 ample, Υmax (115) � M􏼈f(ξ, η) ≤ 115􏼉 � 0.8, i.e.,
(code: 600115), S9 (code: 600177), S10 (code: 600340), S11 M􏼈f(ξ, η) ≥ 115􏼉 � 0.2. This means that 115 thousand yuan
(code: 600377), S12 (code: 600383), S13 (code: 600398), S14 is the minimum return that can be obtained under the
(code: 600463), S15 (code: 600496), S16 (code: 600499), S17 chance constraint α � 0.2.
(code: 600519), S18 (code: 600522), S19 (code: 600601), and Given a threshold return f � 29 (thousand yuan), if the
S20 (code: 600606). According to the experts’ estimations, decision-maker wants to maximize the chance of total return
the return rates of the stocks are assumed to be independent preponderating the given threshold return f, Theorem 4
linear uncertain variables, which are shown in Table 3. The shows that the optimal portfolio selection is simply the
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9

Table 1: Comparison with stochastic portfolio selection models.

Stochastic models The proposed uncertain models
Sample size The sample size is large enough The sample size is too small (or even no sample)
Indeterminate factors Stochastic factors Experts’ empirical estimation
Theoretical tool Probability theory Uncertainty theory
Indeterminate quantities Random variable Uncertain variable

Table 2: Comparison with uncertain portfolio selection models.

The main modelling ideas The main constraints
Huang and Qiao
An expected model is provided based on an uncertain risk index Self-financing and risk constraint
A multiperiod portfolio selection is formulated in three steps with two single Transaction cost and bankruptcy
Li et al. [46]
objective models constraint
Zhang et al. [47] Two uncertain models are provided in the trade-off between risk and return Return constraint
A bi-objective mean-semiabsolute deviation linear programming model is
Qin et al. [51] Transaction cost
Return constraint with background
Huang and Di [49] A mean-chance model is formulated with background risk
Zhai and Bai [50] A mean-risk model is provided with background risk and transaction costs Liquidity constraint
Chen et al. [52] Two new mean-semivariance models are proposed Entropy constraint
Defining risk as variance and divergence among security returns as cross-
Kar et al. [54] Investment proportion constraint
Return risk and liquidity risk
Xue et al. [53] A mean-chance model is proposed with mental accounts
Borrowing constraint and
This paper A chance-mean model and a measure-mean model are proposed
background risk

Table 3: Uncertain return rate ξ i of each stock i. Table 4: Optimal solution of model (46).
Stock(Si ) ξi E[ξ i ] Φ−i 1 (0.1) Stock(Si ) Wealth(xi )
S1 L(0.00, 0.22) 0.11 0.022 S1 50
S2 L(− 0.05, 0.25) 0.1 − 0.02 S2 0
S3 L(− 0.06, 0.36) 0.15 − 0.018 S3 0
S4 L(− 0.10, 0.30) 0.1 − 0.06 S4 0
S5 L(0.02, 0.12) 0.07 0.03 S5 50
S6 L(− 0.02, 0.24) 0.11 0.006 S6 0
S7 L(− 0.15, 0.40) 0.125 -0.095 S7 0
S8 L(0.00, 0.30) 0.15 0.03 S8 50
S9 L(0.01, 0.37) 0.19 0.046 S9 50
S10 L(− 0.08, 0.36) 0.14 − 0.036 S10 0
S11 L(− 0.02, 0.25) 0.115 0.007 S11 0
S12 L(− 0.20, 0.40) 0.1 − 0.14 S12 0
S13 L(− 0.25, 0.55) 0.15 − 0.17 S13 0
S14 L(0.03, 0.19) 0.11 0.046 S14 50
S15 L(− 0.02, 0.32) 0.15 0.014 S15 30.77
S16 L(− 0.08, 0.40) 0.16 − 0.032 S16 0
S17 L(− 0.16, 0.38) 0.11 − 0.106 S17 0
S18 L(0.05, 0.12) 0.085 0.057 S18 50
S19 L(− 0.14, 0.46) 0.16 − 0.08 S19 0
S20 L(0.01, 0.16) 0.085 0.025 S20 19.23

α-optimal portfolio such that Υmax (29) � 1 − α. Figure 1 under the assumption that the uncertain constraints will
shows that Υmax (29) ≈ 0.3, i.e., α ≈ 0.7. Then, the corre- hold with expected value and a confidence level, which is
sponding objective value is 0.7. predetermined as a safety margin by the decision-maker.
The underlying philosophy of the measure-mean model is
Remark 7. The chance-mean model and measure-mean based on selecting the stocks with the maximal chance to
model are proposed on different modelling ideas. The meet the threshold expected return. The chance-mean
chance-mean model provides a powerful means of model can be transformed to a deterministic linear pro-
modelling uncertain portfolio decision-making systems gramming model and then it can be easily solved by
10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Table 5: Objective values for different levels of α. Table 6: Objective values for different levels of α without loans.
α Objective value (Υ−max (1 − α)) α Objective value
0.10 135.75 0.10 119.95
0.20 115.2 0.20 101.90
0.30 95.45 0.30 84.55
0.40 76.30 0.40 67.60
0.50 58.50 0.50 51.50
0.60 42.20 0.60 37.90
0.70 29.35 0.70 26.55
0.80 19.70 0.80 17.33
0.90 11.06 0.90 8.10
0.95 6.82 0.95 3.49

1 140

0.9 X: 115
Y: 0.8 120
The uncertainty distribution Υmax


The optimal objective value



0.3 40

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
The portfolio return (unit: thousand yuan) α
Objective value with loans
Figure 1: Uncertainty distribution function Υmax of f(ξ, η). Objective value without loans

Figure 2: Objective values with loans and without loans.

optimization software. However, the measure-mean
model cannot be solved directly. Fortunately, we
have proved that the optimal solution of the measure- Table 7: Objective values for different levels of α without back-
mean model can be obtained by solving the chance-mean ground risk.
α Objective value
0.10 127.85
6.1. Validity of the Models. To further discuss the validity of 0.20 108.4
the proposed models, we conduct more experiments on the 0.30 89.75
chance-mean model by ignoring background risks and 0.40 71.7
borrowing. The discussion of the measure-mean model can 0.50 55.00
be done in a similar way, so we omit it. 0.60 39.8
We also set w � 300 (thousand yuan), u � 45 (thousand 0.70 28.05
0.80 19.2
yuan), and α � 0.9. If the decision-maker does not apply for
0.90 10.6
loans, then the optimal portfolio selection model takes the 0.95 6.3
following form:

⎧ 20

⎪ max 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (0.1) + Ψ− 1 (0.1) MATLAB 2017 shows the optimal objective value is 8.10

⎪ after a computation time of approximately 0.06 s.

⎪ i�1

⎪ For different confidence levels α, the objective values

⎪ 20

⎨ s.t. 􏽘 xi E􏼂ξ i 􏼃 + E[η] ≥ 45 are listed in Table 6. To further show the influence of loans
⎪ i�1 (47) on portfolio selection, the portfolio returns of the chance-

⎪ 20 mean model with loans and without loans are presented in

⎪ 􏽘 xi � 300 Figure 2. According to Figure 2, for the same confidence

⎪ i�1 level α, the portfolio return with loans is greater than

0 ≤ xi ≤ 50, i � 1, 2, . . . , 20. without loans.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11




The optimal objective value





0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Objective value with background risk

Objective value without background risk

Figure 3: Objective values with background risk and without background risk.

Table 8: Computation results with different n.

n w v u α Objective value 1 Objective value 2 Objective value 3 CPU (s)
50 500 100 100 0.2 368.03 324.55 350.78 0.06
50 500 100 100 0.6 287.46 252.51 279.93 0.06
50 500 100 100 0.9 225.48 197.71 224.11 0.06
100 800 300 200 0.2 741.71 577.42 720.36 0.06
100 800 300 200 0.6 534.46 416.44 531.29 0.06
100 800 300 200 0.9 424.74 336.41 425.39 0.06
500 1000 500 300 0.2 1.18 × 103 826.40 1.16 × 103 0.07
500 1000 500 300 0.6 918.77 634.81 914.77 0.07
500 1000 500 300 0.9 752.01 513.38 751.60 0.07

Next, we will illustrate the impact of background risk on 6.2. Large-Scale Experiments. In the previous section, the
investment decision-making. Set v � 50 (thousand yuan). If experiments were made on problems with a small scale, i.e.,
we ignore background risk, then the chance-mean model n � 20. In this section, we do experiments on the chance-
can be rewritten as follows: mean model with different scales to discuss the impact of
borrowing and background risk on investment decisions

⎪ 20 20

⎪ 􏽘 xi Φ−i 1 (0.1) − 0.01⎛
⎝􏽘 x − 300⎞
⎠ and results in the general case. In these experiments, the
⎪ max

following background factor return:

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ 20 20 η ∼ L(a, b), (49)

⎨ s.t. ⎝􏽘 x − 300⎞
􏽘 xi E􏼂ξ i 􏼃 − 0.01⎛ ⎠ ≥ 45
⎪ (48) is assumed to be a linear uncertain variable, where a is

⎪ i�1 i�1

⎪ generated randomly from the uniform distribution U(− 5, − 1)

⎪ 20

⎪ and b is generated randomly from the uniform distribution

⎪ 300 ≤ 􏽘 xi ≤ 350

⎪ U(10, 30). The following return rate of the stock i:

⎪ i�1
⎩ ξ ∼ L ai , bi 􏼁, (50)
0 ≤ xi ≤ 50, i � 1, 2, . . . , 20.
MATLAB 2017 shows the objective value is 10.6 after a is assumed to be a linear uncertain variable, where
computation time of approximately 0.06 s. bi � ai + ri , ai is generated randomly from the uniform
Table 7 illustrates the objective values for different distribution U(− 0.5, 0.5) and ri is generated randomly from
confidence levels α in the chance-mean model without the uniform distribution U(0.1, 0.3).
background risk. To compare the optimal portfolio with According to models (24)–(26) and Theorem 3, we can
background risk and without background risk more con- solve the problems by using MATLAB 2017. The experiment
veniently, the results are shown in Figure 3, which is drawn results are listed in Table 8, where “objective value 1” rep-
by MATLAB 2017. Figure 3 shows that the acceptable resents the objective value of the initial chance-mean model,
threshold portfolio return to an investor without back- “objective value 2” represents the objective value of the
ground risk is less than that with background risk. chance-mean model without loans, and “objective value 3”
12 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

represents the objective value of the chance-mean model Data Availability

without background risk.
For each (w, v, u, α), Table 8 shows that the portfolio The data used to support the findings of this study are in-
return with loans is greater than that without loans. Table 8 cluded within the article.
also shows that the portfolio return with background risk is
greater than that without background risk. That is, it is Conflicts of Interest
necessary for us to consider portfolio selection problems
with loans and background risks. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
According to Theorem 3, the proposed chance-mean
model can be equivalent transformed to a deterministic Acknowledgments
linear programming model, which can be efficiently solved
by MATLAB. For large-scale experiments, the computation This work was supported by the National Natural Science
times are listed in the last column of Table 8, which indicates Foundation of China (grant nos. 61703438, 11626234, and
that MATLAB obtains the optimal solutions quickly. 61873108) and Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation
(grant no. 2016CFB308) of China.
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