(Loricus Ben Abechai) Advanced Wizardry

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Advanced Wizardry

Advanced Wizardry
Theory and Practice of the Arcane Lore of High Magic and

Loricus Ben Abechai

Fortuna Major Publishing House

Advanced Wizardry: Theory and Practice of the Arcane Lore of High Magic
and Incantations Copyright © 2013 by Loricus Ben Abechai. All rights
reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may
be reproduced in any way without the express consent of the author, except
in the case of a brief citation appearing in an article or book. For more
information you can write to Fortuna Mayor, San Juan Puerto Rico at the
following email address EditorialFortunaMajor@gmail.com

To communicate with the author please mail your questions or comments to

the following email address. Loricusbenabechai@gmail.com
Fortuna Mayor is a registered mark of Fortuna Major Publishing House.
Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data is Available upon
request. .

To the ingenious wizardly minds that had flourished long before us, to the
valiant unknown heroes that had given their lives in the silent and invisible
battle against evil and to the brilliant and pious Masters and Mistresses of
Magic of the Eldest Tradition who behind the veil and in absolute anonymity
had sworn to protect this world and others keeping them always within the
Living Flame of the True Light of Wisdom and Grace.

To those who rose against injustice, wrongfulness and malice and fought to
correct these malisons and imperfections from the surface of this Earth, to
the wise and pure who met the sharpness of cruelty upon their hearts due to
their beliefs and devotion and to the good that, while being faithful to their
devotions, were wracked by intolerance and bigotry.

To the daring wizardly masters who helped shaped the world we live in
through tenderness, love and a righteous hand, to the mystics and
philosophers of the past who pushed back the cloud of ignorance and
brought an age of reason and understanding and to those who lived in an
endless quest for the perfection of the self, seeking to understand the
Greatness of the Source Divine.

All these people, past, present and future must be acknowledged as

instrumental in the development of Magic and in the dissemination of Magic
as it is today. Finally one special person must be acknowledge, someone
without whom I would have never ever delved into the depths of Magic, that
is my late Mentor and Teacher, Master Abechai Ben Gnassus. To all of you I
give my sincerest thanks and may the Light of God keep granting us with
such Graces of Heaven.

I must place the dedication of this present work in accordance with the Law
of Four.

First to the person who sheds light in my path every single day of my life,
gives me ample teachings of love and righteousness and shares with me the
amazing insights of the Universe, Life and the Ageless Wisdom of Old, my
precious and darling wife, Lady Gnowyn Celadreas.

Second, to she who urged and convinced me to write a book on Magic and
read page after page providing generous suggestions and commentaries
along with great editing ideas, to my beloved friend and colleague Domina
Astrea Sigilosa. Also, to that person who without any hesitation accepted to
collaborate on the final revisions of this work, whose insights and
suggestions were significantly helpful; to Altis Mentora Saraigas Laruc.

Third, to those who diligently study under my care, those who believe in me
and who had opened their hearts and minds to learn and cherish the secret
and most wonderful mysteries of Magic, to those who had adopted me as
part of their family and who I love greatly, my much-loved Students,
Apprentices, Knights and Masters of High Magic of our Most Reverent
Order of The Lion.
Fourth, to all of my Magical Friends and Associates without whom I
wouldn’t have been able to write this book in the first place, to those who
protect me, keep me from evil and who constantly help me in every magical
chore, specially Fefer, Perno, Owlswick, Temperus, Proantus, Aryosphoros,
the Mighty Eneth, the Great Salvarhon, the Outstanding Elalqueon and the
Colossal Erapos.

Table of Content
TableofContent Page Acknowledgements 5
Dedications 7
Preface 21

Chapter One: A Modern Definition of Magic 25

The Octovium 28
Philosophy 29
Mythology 31
Alchemy 32
Mathematics 34
Kabbalah 36
Astronomy 38
Geometry 40
Physics 42
The Schools of Magic 45
Alterations 49
Benedictions 51
Divinations 52
Enchantments 54
Healing 56
Invocations 58
Lights 60
Naturals 62
Protections 64
Conjurations 66
The Types of Incantations 68
The Orisons 68
The Artificium 69
The Conjuration 69
The Magical Ritual 70
The Wizardly Trades 71
The Arcanist 73
The Bestiologist 74
The Conjurer 75
The Diviner 76
The Healer 78
The Kabbalist 79
The Magus 80
The Planemaster 82
The Praetor 84
The Templar 86

Chapter Two: The Cosmogony and Cosmology of the Universe 88

The Universal Cosmogony of Magic 90

The Universal Cosmology of Magic 94
The Universal Potentials 94
The Primordial Forces 97
The Primary Forces 98
The Crown or the Ancient of Ancients 99

Chapter Three: The Philosophical Sphere 103

The Philosophical Sphere 104

The Philosophical Sphere’s Cosmogonic and Cosmologic
Correspondences to Creation 106
The Universal Correspondences of the Philosophical Sphere 109
The Inner Correspondences of the Philosophical Sphere 113
The First Ring: The Virtues 113
The Second Ring: The Statutes 116
The Third Ring: The Values 118
The Fourth Ring: The Esophoros 120
The Fifth Ring: The Archetypes 126
The Sixth Ring: The Universal Laws of the Universe 133
The Seventh Ring: The Potential Forces of Equilibrium 139
The Eight Ring: The Deities of Power 145
The Quickening of the Sphere 148

Chapter Four: Vox Magicae 152

MagicalVoices 155
The Voice of Prayer 157
The Voice of Magic 159
The Voice of Ceremony 161
The Voice of Ritual 163

Chapter Five: The Weapons of the Wizard 165

The Four Weapons and Their Correspondences 166

The Weapons as Essences of the Divine 167
The Weapons and the Tree of Life 168
The Weapons, the Planets, the Celestials
and the Elementary Correspondences 172
The Weapons and the Mysteries of Initiation 177
The Chalice 177
The Pentacle 178
The Sword 180
The Wand 182
The Many Uses of the Weapons 183 The Uses and Types of Chalices 184
The Uses and Types of Pentacles 187 The Uses and Types of Swords 190
The Uses and Types of Wands 193 Consecration of the Weapons 196

Chapter Six: The Magical Artifacts and Formulas of the Trade 198

The Altar 198

The Incense 202
The Candles 205
The Vestments 206
The Magical Artifacts 207
The Scrying Devices 208
The Crystal Ball 208
The Smoking Censer 212
The Water Vase 213
The Geometric Forms 214
The Numbers 217
The Platonic Solids 234
The Metals 237
The Magical Gemstones 244
General Protective Gemstones 245
General Grounding Gemstones 246
General Healing Gemstones 247
General Communing Gemstones 249
General Energizing Gemstones 250
Magical Herbs and Roots 255
List of Magical Herbs and Roots 256
The Ointments and Oils 264
A Brief List of Ointments and Oils 266
Protection Oil 269
Merlin’sOil 269
Ieroventus’ Oil 269
Oceanus’ Oil 269
Dragon’s Fog Oil 270
HealingOil 270
Employment Oil 270
Wizard’sOil 271
Saint August Of Canterbury’s Oil 271
Longinus’Oil 271
Mordekai’s Vanquishing Oil 271
Wizard’s Tongue 272
The Magical Orales 274
The Runes 275
The Initiatic Key of Freyr and Freya 276
The Initiatic Key of Heimdall 281 The Initiatic Key of Tyr 286 Interpreting
the Runes 290 The Tarot 292 Divinatory Meanings of the Major Arcana 293
Divinatory Meanings of the Minor Arcana: Elemental Trump of Cups 310
Divinatory Meanings of the Minor Arcana: Elemental Trump of Pentacles
311 Divinatory Meanings of the Minor Arcana: Elemental Trump of Swords
312 Divinatory Meanings of the Minor Arcana: Elemental Trump of Wands
313 Divinatory Meanings of the Minor Arcana: Court Cards 315 Interpreting
the Tarot 317
Chapter Seven: The Magical Names 320

Magical Words: The Magic of Names and Words 322

The Names of the First Divine 324
The Supreme Divine 326
The Names of the Divine Forms 330
Divinities of Light 332
Divinities of Creation, Order and Law 333
Divinities of Protection and Defense 334
Divinities of Wisdom and Illumination 335
The Names of the Celestials 336
The Celestials of the Holy Tree of Life 337
The Celestial Princes of Heaven 338
The Celestial Ministers of the Eight Heavens 339
The Celestial Archangel Princes of the Celestial Hierarchy 340
The Celestial Princes of the Sarim 341
The Celestial Orders of the Celestial Gardens 343
The Celestial Orders of the Heavenly Paradises 344
Celestial Orders of the Days of the Week 345
Celestial Orders of the Month and the Astrological Signs 346
The Name of the Elementals 348
The Elemental Orders of Water 349
The Elemental Orders of Earth 351
The Elemental Orders of Air 353
The Elemental Orders of Fire 355
The Natural Spirits of Water 357
The Natural Spirits of Earth 357
The Natural Spirits of Air 358
The Natural Spirits of Fire 358
The Magical Words of the Schools of Magic 361
The School of Alterations 362
The School of Benedictions 362
The School of Divinations 363
The School of Enchantments 363
The School of Healing 364
The School of Invocations 364 The School of Lights 365 The School of
Naturals 365 The School of Protection 366 The School of Conjurations 366
List of Magical Words: The Ancient Magical Words 367
Chapter Eight: The Magical Name of the Wizard 376

Origin of the Magical Name 377

Importance Aspects of the Magical Name 378
How to choose a magical name 380
Employing a magical name 381

Chapter Nine: The Incantation 385

School of Alterations First Level Alterations

Celerefactum 394
Chronocoronis 394
Lutum Obrego 395
Magicartifex Ubertas 395
Tabescere Glacium 396


Ananath Therion 397

Exornita Potens Lapidus 397
Lucis Perlucidus 398
Procere Videm 398
Vinculas Solvere 399

School of Benedictions
First Level Benedictions

ArmisBonumar 400
Dominus Sanctus 400
In Nomine Deux Benedicto 401
Locutor Perpolitus 401
Diritas Everto
Second Level Benedictions

Iterum Secundus 402

SecundusExiro 402
SecundusGratam 403
Deux Consecrator 403
Elemens Magea Impositur 404
School of Divinations
First Level Divinations

Admonere Praemonere 405

ArcesereReperio 405
Auceps Auscultarium 406
SpectoSum 406

Second Level Divinations

Furfurus Ocurrum 407

Insidia Videum 407
MemoriaExibila 408
Videns Providenter 408

School of Enchantments
First Level Enchantments

Bestiola Compositur 409

Colo Vix Vinco 409
Nocens Prodire 410
Ore Rubenti 410
Blenus Exumo 411

Second Level Enchantments

Corruptela Diffugere 412

Invitus Revoco 412
Praemo Felicitas 413
Responeres Magicares 413
School of Healing

First Level Healing

Aegrevoco Rectitudo 414

Pueris Animmos 414
SaluberStatum 415
Vita Genista 415
Second Level Healing

Febris Deminuo 416

Lippio Lenimen 416
Livor Vanescere 417
OtisLibrix 417

School of Invocations
First Level Invocations

Angelorogus 418
Prosethias 418
RogoNonvenator 419
Theomaisthemas 419

Second Level Invocations

Adsevocare Magicavulgus 420

Advoco Celestilis Sum 420
AfflatusArtifex 421
SolarisAdvoco 421

School of Lights
First Level Lights

Coellum Speculloris 422

Deux Confugare 422
Lumen Dictum 423
Pacatus Pacalis 423
Second Level Lights

Accipeo Interlucis 424

Emanaur Geburim 424
Lampas Deum 425
Sophia Filoluminus 425

School of Naturals
First Level Naturals
Dilabi Inundatio 426
Fulmen Patronum 426
Nubilum Ventus 427
Pluvium Super Solum 427

Second Level Naturals

ConsusSecundus 428
Frigus Aericola 428
FruxExarum 429
Mirus Hiemalis 429

School of Protections
First Level Protections

Aegis Deux 430

Munio Munimentum 430
Patronus Custam 431
Prodo Auxilium 431

Second Level Protections

Accies Patronum 432

Coram Entimoris 432
DominusAsservo 433
Lutum Patronum 433
School of Conjurations

First Level Conjurations

Conjuramentos Aqua Elementor 434

Eotikos Conjuramentatum ` 434
Fabularum Conjureos 435
Nanos Conjuraprix 435

Second Level Conjurations

Magosanima Advocobonteia 436

Magospiritam Advocobonteia 436
MagosviriumAdvoco 437
Neraidafilika Advoco 437

Bibliography 438
AppendixI 443
AppendixII 451
AppendixIII 452
Appendix IV About the Author 456

Index of Tables
List of Table Content Page

Table I: A Brief List of the Furnaces 46

Table II. A Brief List of Planets and Sephiroth 48
Table III. List of the Different Wizardly Trades 72
Table IV. A list of the Magical Behaviors of Nihilus 96
Table V. A list of the Magical Behaviors of Additus 96
Table VI. The Magical Directions 110 Table VII. The Magical Activities in
the Physical Realm 111 Table VIII. The Magical Activities in the Mystic
Realm 112 Table IX. The Aspects of the Esophoros: Essence of the Divine.
121 Table X. The Aspects of the Esophoros: Attributes of the Divine. 122
Table XI. The Aspects of the Esophoros: Actions of the Divine 123 Table
XII. The Aspects of the Esophoros: Manifestations of the Divine 124 Table
XIII. The Archetypes: Base Type 128 Table XIV. The Archetypes: Creation
Type 129 Table XV. The Archetypes: Formation Type 130 Table XVI. The
Archetypes: Manifestation Type 131 Table XVII. The Universal Laws:
Fluidity 134 Table XVIII. The Universal Laws: Constants 135 Table XIX.
The Universal Laws: Constructs 136 Table XX. The Universal Laws:
Transformation 137 Table XXI. List of Divinities 147 Table XXII. List of
Chalices and their Properties 185 Table XXIII. List of Pentacles and their
Properties 188 Table XXIV. List of Swords and their Properties 191 Table
XXV. List of Wands and their Properties 194 Table XXVI. The Supreme
Divine 325 Table XXVII. The Supreme Divine 326 Table XXVIII. The
Supreme Divine 327 Table XXIX. The Supreme Divine 328 Table XXX.
The Supreme Divine 329 Table XXXI. The Divinities of Light 332 Table
XXXII. The Divinities of Creation, Order and Law 333 Table XXXIII. The
Divinities of Protection and Defense 334 Table XXXIV. The Divinities of
Illumination and Wisdom 335 Table XXXV. The Celestials of the Holy Tree
of Life 337 Table XXXVI. The Celestial Princes of Heaven 338 Table
XXXVII. The Celestial Ministers of the Seven Heavens 339 Table
XXXVIII. The Celestial Archangel Princes of the Celestial Hierarchy 340
Table XXXIX. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Princes of the Sarim
341 Table XL. The Celestial Princes of the Sarim 342 Table XLI. The
Celestial Orders of the Celestial Gardens 343 Table XLII. The Celestial
Orders of the Heavenly Paradises 344 Table XLIII. The Celestial Orders of
the Days of the Week 345 Table XLIV. The Celestial Orders of the Month
and the Astrological Signs 346 Table XLV. The Elemental Orders of Water
350 Table XLVI. The Elemental Orders of Earth 352 Table XLVII. The
Elemental Orders of Air 354 Table XLVIII. The Elemental Orders of Fire
356 Table XLIX. The Natural Spirits of Water 357 Table L. The Natural
Spirits of Earth 357 Table LI. The Natural Spirits of Air 358 Table LII. The
Natural Spirits of Fire 358 Table LIII. The School of Alterations 362 Table
LIV. The School of Benedictions 362 Table LV. The School of Divinations
363 Table LVI. The School of Enchantments 363 Table LVII. The School of
Healing 364 Table LVIII. The School of Invocations 364 Table LIX. The
School of Lights 365 Table LX. The School of Naturals 365 Table LXI. The
School of Protection 366 Table LXII. The School of Conjurations 366 Table
LXIII. The Ancient Magical Words 368 Table LXIV. The Ancient Magical
Words 370 Table LXV. The Ancient Magical Words 371 Table LXVI. The
Ancient Magical Words 372 Table LXVII. The Ancient Magical Words 373
Table LXVIII. The Ancient Magical Words 374 Table LXIX. List of Letter
Values 382 Table LXX. List of Correspondences 382

Although it is not common knowledge, Magic forms an integral part of our
everyday lives. It is present in the imagination of our children, in the heroic
stories we are told, in our movies, in the many fantastic books we read and
even as part of our most wonderful fantasies. It is present in our everyday
talks, in our wishes, in our customs and even deep seethed in our beliefs and
behavior. It is there because we have an innate, call it intuitive, knowledge
that there is a way to achieve wonderful things in very unordinary ways.
However, magic being in the mind of children and dreamers is not to be
misjudged as the subject of folly and madmen. On the contrary, it appears as
central in almost every single ancient civilization; sometimes becoming the
most instrumental piece in the puzzle of the creation of a nation.
Nonetheless, long before men banded together into tribes Magic was present
in their midst. Since the very beginning of man’s first attempts to understand
the universe around them, they ascribed authorship of many natural and
supernatural events to Magic and to the many beings associated with Magic.
It is a concept, a reality that exists since time immemorial and will forever
be after everything has gone from this universe; for it is perennial. Like the
very same laws of physics, it pre-dates existence and it will linger after
existence silently waiting for a new creation to unfold. It is clear then that
our World has been infused with Magic since the very beginning of time
itself, and as the Elder Tradition1 suggests maybe even longer than that, for
it is a concept that predates the creation of the universe, and this shall be
explained in the following chapters.

There is no doubt about this and it is a veritable truth which cannot be

denied, Magic is real and is all around us. It has been around since long
before the time of the immortal gods and proof of its existence is all over
thousands of archeological records in every major civilization, in their
books, stories, myths and legends. As it was said before, almost every single
culture has had a profound belief in magic that in many cases predated even
religion and in many civilizations it was the starting point for many religious
systems, movements and the development of cosmologies, pantheons and
whole families of divinities and deities.

Naturally, since this wonderful concept of the Divine has been around
mankind for thousands of years there had been those who had been innately
attracted to its mystical splendor. These were women and men that
compelled by the greatness of this arcane wisdom sought after its secrets and
found them. These women and men having engaged in such a glorious study
experienced the greater wonder of wisdom and understanding and became
wiser than the mightiest sage; these were later known as Wizards, the actual
channelers of this divine energy, bridges between the world of matter and the
worlds of spirit. Throughout our history we’ve had accounts of Magic in its
entire splendor, and in them figure prominently the fabulous stories of these
Wizards acting as guides, builders of nations and great heroes. Magic has
had an all pervading presence and is known to both scholar and the
uneducated throughout the world. In the mind of the uneducated it has been
a topic that lingers between simple superstitions, parlor tricks, and even the
procurement of the occult dark arts; however, it is much more than this. In
the past, and, even today, it is a way of life. The scholar knows the
magnitude of magic and how it was revered in the ancient world, however it
lacks the firm understanding of what Magic is today. Wizards, Diviners and
Augers, Alchemists and Astrologers existed alongside humanity and armed
with secret knowledge they helped and guided the human race through
perilous steps in their evolution throughout history, giving signals when they
were needed and providing hope when things seemed lost. With their
wisdom, understanding and deep and profound knowledge of the universe
many Wizards helped in the shaping of entire nations, empires and whole
civilizations, being alongside Prophets, Princes, Kings and Emperors. Many
other Wizards developed what today we call sciences and arts, providing the
basic building blocks for the more advanced sciences and the basic
knowledge today people hold so dear; in fact all sciences started as a branch
of magical discipline and study. For example the study of Botany, Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics, Astronomy and Medicine owe great respect to
Magic for in fact all of these sciences had Magic as their precursors.
1 The Elder Tradition refers to the accumulation of teachings, mysteries, secrets and esoteric concepts
associated with life, the universe and the progression into a higher state of being by very particular and
quite secret procedures only revealed to their Initiates. Such teachings were found in the Hermetics,
the Eleusinian and Orphic Mysteries among others.

Many Wizards devoted their lives to the procurement of this ancient

knowledge and later on they sworn their lives to the protection of this
fantastic ancient lore for they understood the great responsibility that
entailed to those who had been gifted with such a marvelous knowledge. It
was a knowledge that couldn’t fall into the wrong hands, a philosophy that
should be kept from profane eyes that were only centered on acquiring
power and control. Thus, protecting this ancient mystery of mysteries they
tried to offer humanity a glimpse of their wisdom and so it was that in the
Middle Ages many of these Wizards wrote fantastic treatises on Magic,
Philosophy and the Attainment of Illumination, works that to date are
impressively useful for those who want to learn about this intriguing
discipline and about the lives of the sages who wrote them. These were the
ancient ones, the Elders of the Eldest times who were awarded with the
Secrets of Magic and used it for the betterment of our world. These Ancient
Elders studied these Secrets of Magic and went to great lengths in order to
comprehend their profound and hidden mysteries. In their relentless search
they found themselves with the glorious truth of Magic. Their minds opened
then to a vastness so immense and so overpowering that they decided to
keep it a secret and for only the few that would treasure its wisdom and put
to good use the power that from Magic flows. They began to understand how
the universe was really created, conformed, and shaped. They learned how
the forces of creations were really bound all around us, how it was that
reality existed and about the many aspects of the various worlds, planes and
dimensions that exist side by side but in higher and lower realms. They
learned about the invisible worlds that wait for the devout student of these
ancient forces and about the many essences, entities and creatures that
populate these invisible realms and call these planes their homes. As these
ancient Wizards learned the secrets of High Magic they began to understand
the most basic principle of all, “That everything is connected to the One.”
Armed with this truth in time they came to understand that to study Magic
was to study the Harmony of the Spheres and how to keep the equilibrium
between the mundane and the divine. This truth led them to seek to the
farthest reaches of our reality. Soon they began to put to practical use the
knowledge and wisdom they had gained and it was then that they managed
to ascend through the unconquerable heights of heaven. They began to shape
and order in accordance to a Plan which they intrinsically understood, made
friends with the mighty Celestials, worked side by side with the Amazing
Elementals, called upon the mysterious forces of the Divine Names and
powerful deities, traversed the wide ranges of extra planar realms, looked
face to face into the visages of planetary gods and sidereal entities and faced
with great might the very universal beings that watch upon our worlds.
These ancient Wizards and learned the mysteries of life and death, mastered
the powers of transmutation, gained control over both the mundane and
spiritual elements and even harnessed the powers of the stars themselves.

Figure I. An alchemical symbol representing the VITRIOL a process of

reflection and spiritual
After thousands of years, these Wizards uncovered the main goal of Magic;
which is an even more profound dimension of study and work. These are the
deep and mysterious realities of Illumination2 , Initiation3 , Ascension4 and
Transenation5 . Finally they even conquered the awesome power of the
secret words that ultimately led them to the most luminous regions of Light
where they started the wonderful journey towards the Source Divine. There
these Wizards finally understood their place as secret and hidden guardians
of all realities. They learned that they were the Keepers of the Universe and
the Masters of All. However, this revelation led them realize that in order to
achieve such a glorious and inscrutable height they needed to be as perfect
as Light itself. These Wizards learned that only those whose intentions were
pure, their emotions balanced and their minds poised in the perfect
understanding of Goodness were only capable of achieving and maintaining
this seemingly unconquerable state and so they turned to the Light of the
Source Divine in Silence. After all this, to achieve an adequate definition of
Magic is not an easy task, especially when one strives to procure a simple
and easy one in this Magical Manual for the interested student of this Arcane
Wisdom. In the past, many magical theorists had managed to come up with
astounding, marvelous and even awe inspiring definitions of magic. In their
previous works they explained the delicate intricacies of this unearthly
science and many others managed to provide detailed esoteric and
metaphysical information regarding this powerful discipline, all resulting in
majestic works of arts that forever shaped the magical world around them.
Nonetheless, as it had just been said, our intention is to provide the sincere
student an easier to understand definition. In order to begin defining this
discipline, one must first state that Magic is the secret knowledge of the
Universe with which the Wizard can actually affect the natural world
through supernatural ways. However, this is easier said than done, for it is
required great discipline, the highest moral conduct and the most serious
mind in order to begin accessing the simplest of the magical forces, which is
the aligning of the Philosophical Sphere. In this present work an effort has
been made to be clear, simple and most of all direct in the discussion of
magic principles. The Apprentice will be addressed with philosophical
concepts which are indeed needed to harness these ancient mysteries. Also,
the student will be given a concise and yet comprehensive list of all a person
needs to begin its studies of Magic; from simple definitions to practices, to
magical artifacts and powerful incantations. However, before starting the
study of this Manual the student must have a great compromise with
patience and practice. Otherwise, all concepts studied will be for naught and
the student will only achieve failure and frustration. So, my greatest wish for
you is to experience the same glory I experienced when I first delved into
these secret mysteries and for you all to be whole in the amazing and
inspiring secrets of the Highest Magic.
2 It is to attain complete knowledge regarding the spiritual being thus becoming whole.
3 It is to receive the mysteries of the universe and the power and authority to use them.
4 It is to progress into a higher state of being abandoning physical evolution.
5 It is to make the body spirit and the spirit a corporeal form; it is the highest form of mystic

Finally, throughout this text the word Wizard will be employed for both the
female and male practioner of High Magic, as it was since time immemorial
but later on changed to convey the idea of gender. In the past, authors had
tried to divide magical practioners into Witches and Wizards, Witches being
female and Wizards being the male; but doing so without really knowing the
meaning of the words. Magic has no such differences, in itself Magic is. To
be called a Witch is actually derogatory and offensive, knowing that the
word derives from the Old English Necromancer, which is a person who
deals with in the Dark Arts. A High Wizard, female or male, is to be
understood as a Power of the Universe not to be vexed by the
differentiations of gender, race or nationality. A Wizard is a magical being
and nothing else, a sage whose knowledge of God, Light, Magic, Philosophy
and the Universe is extraordinary.
Loricus Ben Abechai

Chapter One: A Modern Definition of Magic

“Magic is a faculty of wonderful virtue, full of most high mysteries,

containing the most profound contemplation of most secret things,
together with the nature, power, quality, substance and virtues thereof, as
also the knowledge of whole Nature, and it doth instruct us concerning the
differing and agreement of things amongst themselves, whence it
produceth its wonderful effects, by uniting the virtues of things through
the application of them one to the other.”

HEINRICH CORNELIUS AGRIPPA, Three Books of Occult Philosophy or


To provide an easy definition of Magic is not an easy task. Whole tomes,

volumes and entire Encyclopedias had been written in the past trying to
explain its complexities and intricate set of rules and formulations. Magic is
a multifarious science riddled with esoteric truths, metaphysical facts and
philosophical realities. It is an art for the noble of heart and for the dedicated
Apprentice that will not falter in perusing its most mystical requirements, its
highest numinous concepts and its utmost epistemological impressions. In
the past, Magic has been called the Anima Mundi6 , the Astral Light7 , The
Vital Life Force and the Azoth8 of the Wise, however these are elusive
meanings that serve to either discourage the fool or obscure its convoluted
connotations and arguably Magic is much more than that. In this present
work Magic shall be presented in a more understandable way; albeit this
does not guarantee that it will be a simple explanation. To define Magic, one
has to be aware that it is a complex structure of the Universe and at the same
time a concept not of this Universe at all. Magic is a multitudinous
arrangement of abstract concepts and configurations that regulate the
entirety of the multiverse: from the most simple and microscopic to the most
impressively massive and altogether infinite. Magic is an enigmatic force
that exists all over the universe; it reaches throughout the wide spectrum of
dimensions, realities, space and even time. It regulates and powers the
universe; it weaves its essences all over the multitude of things in existence.
It is one of the Divine Attributes, like Wisdom, Truth and Order, which exist
between the point of nonexistence and the very moment of Creation itself9 .
It is the greatest of all mysteries and they are so profound that the Magi had
only managed to study it through its reflections in ancient symbols and
arcane formulas. It is the secret of all secrets and they are so marvelous, awe
inspiring and terrible that they have been kept hidden from mortal eyes since
time immemorial. Magic has the power to alter anything and everything; and
nothing can withstand its awesome force, and it is through its power that
mortal becomes divine and the divine becomes mortal. It has the power to
both create and destroy, as well as it can raise the ignorant from its place in
the universe and place him in a Glorious Throne and at the same time
disavow the wisest and powerful and turn him into dust. Magic is the matrix
of all that there is. It is the actual Intelligence of the Universe. It predates
existence and every aspect of Creation. Everything is attached to Magic and
nothing can exist away from its core. In this way it can be said, rather
simply, that Magic presents itself in the universe as a multilayered field of
Potential, Idea, Thought, and Manifestation. These layers exist in a state
known as the Four Worlds. These Four Worlds, not to be confused with
planes of existence, are a dynamic manifestation of the various energy states
of Magic in the Universe.
6 The Anima Mundi is the alchemical counterpart to the Holy Spirit and the Dunamys, which are
powers that provide vitality, motion and dynamism to the entire Universe.
7 A term coined by early ninethenth century mystics, they refered to a fluid spiritual substance with
which ideas could be created and fashioned in an Astral Realm and then through a seriesof formulas
those ideas could be manifested in the physical world.
8 It is a magical world comprised of various first and last letters of various alphabeths. It takes the
Hebrew Aleph, the Roman Z, the Greek Omega and the Hebrew Thau. They represent the power that
is before the beginning and perennial after the end.
9 A notion borrowed from the Ain Soph Aur of the Kabbalists.

Thus everything is fashioned after it and everything follows suit to its

mighty fourfold structure. What this means is that everything that is to be
manifested on any level of existence must follow this structure or otherwise
it will not exist at all and it will forever linger in between the space of
thought and manifestation. Magic presents itself in this first stage of
Potential as a collection of possibilities. In this infinite field of being it
possesses a massive array of things that are still not defined. These things
exist as potential, churning against one another in an endless sea of
indeterminate probable realities. Things in this state incorporate a power so
vast and complex that the early Cabbalists called it the Fire of Creation or
the First Yod10 . This state is also called Atziluth or the Emanation of the
Divine. This relates to the First Things released by the Creator and as such,
and as it was stated previously, the power that these aspects contain is
enough to power whole universes. This is the first layer of Magic and the
most powerful. To reach this level is to reach the Body of the Divine, to do
so one would naturally dissolve in this Everlasting Depth of Infinity.

The second stage where Magic presents itself is known as Idea. This is the
state where things exist for the first time and are differentiated. It is the
region for the Archetypical Truths of the Universe. It is where the Unique
Beings are first found and the First Universal Laws coalesced. From this
point forth things stop being undefined and become a more veritable
concept. In simple terms, this is the place where things become ideas, still
devoid of anything else, but amply defined to be something other than
something indeterminate. The Ancient Cabbalists called this stage Beriah,
and they called it The Creation. It is important to point out that although
things are created in this stage, they are still far from being manifested in a
physical realm. Things in this stage exist as non-corporeal abstractions,
mental constructs for a mental world that do not depend upon the human
mind, because they exist regardless the mind of men. However, their
constructs are accessible to the mind of man if man seeks them.

The third stage is known as Thought or Formation. This is the state were the
impressive amount of definite Ideas in the Universe start to react with one
another and begin creating a network of relationships. It is the location in the
Universe where everything is connected to everything else and associations
and correspondences between things, entities and objects are brought
together. It is in this state that things previously created begin to experience
order, logic and acquire a sense of existence. The Ancient Cabbalist called
this step Yetzirah and they referred to it as Formation, because things are
provided with a definite form, dimension and purpose. In other words, this is
the palace where the blueprint of every single thing is created, accounted and
prepared for. It is called thought because like thoughts, things are associated
with those with similar dispositions.
10 Yod is the Tenth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and it represents the Hand of God, however, it
portrays powerful metaphysical associations for it represents the Tenth Sephiroth or Divine Attributes
of the Tree of Life as well as the generative forces of the first decad of the Tetragrammaton or Name
of God IHVH.

Figure II. “Pretiosa Margarita”, Giovanni

Lacinio, Leipzig 1714

The fourth stage is called Manifestation and it is the most important, because
without this one nothing would be. This fourth state of Magical
Representation is where the planned and formed idea fixes to the matrix of
the corporeal realm and it is born as something physical. This is the place
where the physical world takes place and things are seen, experienced and
perceived. The Cabbalists called this the world of Assaiah and they called it
the Physical World. Things in this world are brought forth into the Chain of
Materialization and once in this Universal Belt it is subjected to time and
space. Everything falls under the power of the Physical Laws and the Laws
of Thermodynamics: energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only
transformed, everything is subjected to decay and entropy and, finally, as the
environment of a particle is slowed down so is the entropy acting over said
particle. An example of this would be the following: imagine the continuum
of eternity with all of the possible things moving around against one another
in constant motion. Then, think of something, anything. Let’s just say we
think of a ball. The exact moment when the Apprentice thinks of a ball he or
she takes the undefined material into a defined state. It is no longer
something undetermined but it becomes an Idea; in this case, the Idea of a
ball. Keeping up with the example, this ball begins to gather strength as it
becomes more and more the Idea of a ball. Sometime later, the Apprentice
realizes there are other Ideas floating around in this mental realm. As the
Idea of the ball begins to interact with the other Ideas, the Apprentice has
just taken the Idea into the realm of Formation. It is in this stage that the Idea
becomes something greater. A simple ball acquires color, size, weight, a
temperature, texture. These, in turn, provide purpose to the ball, for it can be
a bowling ball or a tennis ball or any other ball for that matter. In this stage
the Apprentice can think of the ball and all of its possible representations for
as long as it is needed, but then, at one point the need to convert the ball into
something physical will arise. The moment the Apprentice gives the ball a
physical form, it becomes part of the physical universe, this physical form
can be anything from a design to a drawing, but most of the time it begins
with a simple word. Those who manage to understand the great secret in this
operation shall soon learn the value of their words, because they shall
become magical. At this moment, an adequate definition for Magic would be
that Magic is the knowledge that allows an individual to shape any of the
four layers of reality into a natural thing through the exercise of supernatural
ways. It must be indicated that this definition is only provisionary and that it
lacks the true complexities with which Magic is comprised. Nonetheless, for
the moment it will suffice. However, the Apprentice must learn to
understand and perceive everything through these four levels of reality so
that the process of learning and practicing Magic can be properly achieved.
In order to understand everything through these four levels the Apprentices
must learn about the Disciplines that will assist them in this mighty task.
These are the disciplines of the Octovium.

The Octovium

The Octovium is the eightfold path of Magical Study. It comprises the eight
more prominent disciplines that help shape the mind of the Apprentice into
the right magical frame. These disciplines must be studied with earnest and
devotion and the student should not hurry in comprehending them right
away because every magical preparation takes time and dedication. Also the
Apprentice should take great care in studying these disciplines with serious
and rightful individuals and the books used should preferably be original
works and not compilations, abridged editions, annotated or commented; this
only helps into confusion and into learning the point of view of the
commentator and not the actual author. These eight disciplines are the
? Philosophy
? Mythology
? Alchemy
? Mathematics
? Kabbalah
? Astrology
? Geometry
? Physics.

These disciplines are quite complex in themselves and the Apprentice should
not have an ill disposition for so much study, after all Magic, in itself, is the
study of everything. It is recommended to study them thoroughly, striving to
learn the most of each and every one; for with ample study ample knowledge


Philosophy is the study of Truth, Existence, Knowledge, Wisdom, Values,

Mind and Reason. It teaches the student to exercise Reason in order to train
the mind to think properly. To study philosophy is to delve into the deepest
concepts of reality, truth and understanding those same truths. As a
discipline it branches into many sub-division, however the Apprentice
should know and study about the most important ones for the study of
Magic. These are Classic Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Epistemology. The
study of Philosophy is important for the Apprentice because it will help in
the development of a studious mind, a probing mentality and a tireless and
relentless spirit that will achieve the comprehension of the great universals
through knowledge and understanding. It will give the Apprentice the
knowledge of truth and the gift of the wise which is to think like the wise, to
live like the wise, to act like the wise and to react like the wise. It will also
give the sincere student the importance of values, virtues and statutes that
will help in the governing of the will and the mind. These are indeed
necessary for the Apprentice because they shall be like a guiding beacon, a
lighthouse of purity and utmost reason amidst a world of temptation and
iniquity. Without them the Apprentice will be lost and neither knowledge nor
understanding of the magical laws shall ever surface in its life. If these set of
values, virtues and deep philosophical views are not internalized by the
Apprentice all efforts regarding the study of Magic will be for naught. The
Apprentice should develop a deep love for Truth, Order and Goodness;
correction and restitution of the lost values should be one of his or her
priorities for this ailing and decaying world. All Apprentices should know
that to want, long or look for something other than Goodness, Love, Light,
Liberty and Justice is to look for darkness and that leads to downright evil.

Love, Forgiveness, Humility, Patience, Hope, Perseverance, Tolerance and

Mercy should be the Apprentice’s inner core virtues and way of dealing with
the others of the mortal world. Valor, Responsibility, Fraternity, Veracity,
Honesty, Fairness, Equality and Service should be an Apprentice’s civil
values towards his/her society and culture. These are the virtues and values
needed and the ones the Apprentice should seek to develop in its daily life.
Finally the Apprentice should strive to develop in the long run the following
eight statutes of Love for All Life, Self-Respect, Unconditional Love,
Acceptance of the Supreme Divine, Honest Aid, Honoring the Word,
Delivery of the Message of Love and Acceptance of the Divine Will and
Plan. This should be a lifelong quest for the Apprentice, they are not
developed overnight and it takes patience and practice. To achieve this is to
achieve the higher state of consciousness necessary to delve into the inner
depths of Magic, not to do so would only lessen the aspiring student, so it is
amply suggested that the Apprentice puts all the effort in developing this
values and virtues in order to accomplish the grandest enterprise of studying
Magic. The study of philosophy aids the Apprentice in developing another
very important aspect that should not be overlooked. This is the capacity to
think properly, to reason and to become an avid seeker of Truth. This is
important because throughout the course of preparation and study into the
Magical Disciplines the Apprentice will be confronted with partial truths,
misdirection, misleading teachings and false asseverations that could either
confuse or altogether affect the learning process. In order to avoid this it is
advised to keep an open mind but a skeptic one as well. It is also suggested
that authors like Plato and Aristotle should be studied for their important
contributions in this field. And by so doing the Apprentice would get a
general idea about the Universe and the Universal Truths that comprise
Magic. The Summa Theologica of Aquinas is important as well as the works
of Patrizzi, Campanella and the Upanishads. Works about virtuous lives are
also suggested like Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics, for they will help the
student live a moderate life which is needed in order to properly learn and
practice Magic.

Figure III. The

World of Thought


Mythology is the study of deities, their religious practices and spiritual

experiences. It is the study of the philosophical concepts relating to gods,
their accounts and religions, a given deity or group of deities and their
outlook towards the reality they had created or kept control over. Although
this study varies widely according to the divinity in question, it will help the
Apprentice in acquiring a general sense of what a divine being is in itself.
This is very important because by knowing what a divinity is, its place in the
cosmological hierarchy and its relation to Itself, Creation and the rest of the
Universe the Apprentice can know its own place relating to Divinity in
return. As the Apprentice makes progress in his/her endeavor to study and
learn the Magical Arts the knowledge of divinities and their myths and
histories becomes very important. The Apprentice will get to know that these
divine beings are great powers in themselves and they control certain regions
or aspects of reality. To know these relations is important as well as knowing
that many deities fall under the influence of greater deities. There are at least
ten degrees of Divine Beings. These orders of divinities are divided into two
major groups; The Major and the Minor Gods. The divinities with the least
rank are the Natural Spirits or Familiars, and then are the Holy Saints, the
Heroes; these are followed by the Magi and finally the highest of the Minor
Gods which are the Demigods. These exist in the physical realm and interact
more openly with the world of mortals. The least of the Major gods are the
Lesser Gods, who are followed by the Intermediate Gods, then follow the
Major Gods, the True Gods and the Unique Gods.

It is important to point out for the Apprentice that these gods are not to be
worshiped at all but rather known and employed as tools for the consecution
of the Magical Work; they are to be understood as cosmic entities that fall
beneath in category to the Great Creator of All and Source Most Divine.
Through the myths and legends of these divine beings the Apprentice will
know better about the celestial beings, supernatural forces and the different
aids these divine beings surround themselves with in order to carry out the
many tasks required to keep the universe running. These beings take many
forms and shapes but they are still celestial helpers, messengers and guides
who offer up protection and guidance. Also the Apprentice will know about
the relation of these celestial entities regarding the divine and the world of
mortals. This knowledge will help the student learn about their powers,
affinities and correspondences and how can they be of use in the physical
world. Moreover, the student will learn how to communicate with these
celestials, how to call for their help, intervention, intercession and how to
seek their protection and favor.
All this is taught through Mythology and the Apprentice does well in
learning about it, otherwise he/she risks delving into the depths of the
Magical Cosmos uninformed and totally unprotected. Another important
aspect of Mythology is the religious practices portrayed by the many priests
and priestesses that these divine essences had in the past and still do.
Therefore it must be understood by the Apprentice the need to develop a
love for prayer, spiritual communication and communion with the Divine.
Also, the Apprentice shall learn, through the legends and old ceremonial
practices how these ancient deities, how these ancient men and women
communicated with the gods; aiding the student in the development of
his/her very own forms of meditation, visualization and contemplation.
These are important as well, for they will help in focusing and concentrating
the mind and spirit of the Apprentice; something greatly needed if success
within the Magical Field is truly desired. There are many branches of
Mythology and Pantheons of gods in the world, but the Apprentice should
know and be wary that to attach oneself to a single one of them is to fall
under its dogma and that it will certainly keep the Apprentice from properly
accessing further Magical Lore. The Apprentice is advised to study books
like the Bulfinch’s Mythology, books on all kinds of divinities and myths of
all parts of the world; the more legends and stories known the more the
Apprentice will start to see general patterns and associations which speak
and signal to the Greater Mystery Religion of Old. Also the study of the
supernatural beings and the general outline of the Cosmos are suggested.
Although these will not provide the Apprentice with an all general truth, but
it will help the student achieve one for oneself.
Figure IV. The Triumph of Bacchus by Titian (1523)


This discipline is one of the most esoteric, cryptic and mysterious of all the
Magical Sciences. It is filled with a wide range of symbols, allegorical
events, metaphorical creatures and figurative objects regarding the different
stages of the alchemical process. This discipline deals primarily with the
metamorphosis, transformation, transmutation and transmogrification of the
base elements into gold; these being lead, iron, tin, mercury, copper and
silver. Each of these metals has a property, a name, a correspondence with a
planet and naturally a magical power. By properly learning about these
through Alchemy, the Apprentice will learn how it is that by using their own
natures they are indeed turned into gold. However the student will soon gain
the knowledge that this change of base metals into gold is much more than
that. To truly change base metals into gold is the symbolic reference to the
acquisition of immortality through the systematic workings with the mind,
the spirit and the soul. This is truly essential for the working with Magic
because to better the mind, the spirit and the soul is paramount for the
adequate understanding of True Magic, since Magic entails the proper
harnessing of the forces most Eternal. When the Apprentice learns of the
many Alchemical procedures that are undertaken to achieve the greatest
alchemical goal which is the attainment of the Philosopher’s Stone, the
teachings of the different states of reality, different states of being and the
different states of matter are received through a series of enigmatic symbols,
mythological pictures and Alchemical words. Little by little these images of
the varied steps towards life immortal will illumine and enlighten the
Apprentice to the point of Magical Saturation; it will be then that the great
secret of Alchemy is revealed to the devout and persistent. These steps and
processes deal with the acquisition of the Philosopher’s Stone11 , the Elixir
of Life12 and the Universal Solvent13 . These are powerful structures that the
Alchemist strives to create in order to acquire power over life and death, the
elements, the natural world and the universe. However, the attainment of
these structures is difficult, time consuming and it takes more resolve than it
is almost humanly possible. Nonetheless, the structures are feasible and
many in the past had claimed to have obtained them. The importance of
Alchemy throughout the study of Magic is simple; many of the alchemical
treatises openly discuss magical processes like the four main concepts of
Nigredo , Albedo , Xanthosis and Rubledo .

Figure V. “Tabula
Smaragdina” from Johann Mylius’
Tractatus III Seu Basilica Philosophica (1618)

These are the basic thesis for the creation of anything; similar to the Magical
Structure of Creation discussed earlier in this chapter. To understand these
steps is to understand how things have to decompose, be fertilized, gain
energy and finally manage to alight with the inner light of the natural fires of
Heaven. The Apprentice shall also learn from Alchemy about the mystical
process of the King and the Queen, about their many stages and their relation
to Sulphur, Mercury and Salt. How the first stone is active and the other
passive and how their union begets the great whiteness that manages to
incorporate everything in the greatness of the physical world. The
Apprentice must strive to understand as well the twelve steps of the
Alchemical Operation, and how are they related to the famous riddle, Solve
et Coagula, Loco et Tempori . The Apprentice should seek this information
from the original Manuscripts, which are readily available almost
everywhere. Ancient authors are suggested but more contemporary authors
like Valentinus, Proclus, Johannes Thrithemius, Roger Bacon , Paracelsus,
Fulcanelli, Thomas Vaughan, Titus Burckhardt and David Goddard are truly
11 This is a Magical Formula with which the Alchemist can control the physical Universe, the planets
and the elements.
12 It is an alchemical medicine that can cure any illness and procure eternal life.
13 Also known as Alkahest, it is a solution that can turn materials into their constituent parts .


Mathematics is the true science of numbers and that is exactly what the
Apprentice needs to learn from this discipline, for everything has a measure,
a weight, a name and a number, and this make up for the entire foundation of
the universe. This is quite relevant for the propitious study of Magic because
Magic holds a great deal of numbers and arithmetical formulas. So the
Apprentice needs to gather everything possible regarding this noble science.
Mathematics will teach the Apprentice that the Universe is a delicate
equilibrium between the positive and the negative; in Magic these are known
as the Additus and the Nihilus. In these two forces, the Universe is then
divided, one aspect provides and another takes away. This is important as
well because the Apprentice will soon learn that everything is done through
the delicate balance of adding and subtracting potential, energy, form and
mass; here again is the quaternary of Potential, Idea, Form and Manifestation
seen on a Mathematical perspective.
In Mathematics the Apprentice shall find the importance of quantity and its
relation to the rest of the universe. In other words, how much one thing has
in relation to the ones outside or the inside? This is particularly central
because in several magical operations the Apprentice will need to know this
regarding the self, the environment and the different beings in relation to
oneself. The Apprentice will also learn in Mathematics all about structure
and space and mass and volume, for these incorporate the actual things that
surround us in the physical world. Equally important is the knowledge
gained from the concepts of dimensions and the sacredness of geometry,
which is central in most magical teachings. These concept shall empower the
Apprentice with the teachings of the many dimensions in the universe and
will help the magical student to gather an idea or notion of the many worlds,
planes and myriad states of consciousness that abound in the multiverse.
Through this wonderful science, the Apprentice will learn about the finite
and the infinite. This knowledge will help by providing an idea of what
boundaries, limits and borders truly are in respect to the things in the
Universe and in relation to oneself. Finally, the student will learn about
augmentation and reduction and the four double aspects of the two main
forces in the Universe. On one side, the Additus is powered by the magical
words Initio, Auctus, Gemino and Creo , which means To Start, To
Augment, To Multiply and To Create. In the other side, the Nihilus is
powered by Retineo, Deminuo, Dispertio and Everto , which means To
Stop, To Reduce, To Divide and To Destroy. These will be explained later
on, but they are the root of magical empowerment. Learn them well and
know that through them almost all of the magical operations are achieved
because these are the Potential Actions and by joining these with more
advanced formulas great magical feats can be accomplished.
Figure VI. Taken from
Arithmologia by Athanasius Kircher, Rome (1665)


Another really important discipline is Kabbalah, because this one will teach
the Apprentice the magical art of receiving information from the higher
realms. This is exactly what Kabbalah mean, to receive. However, through
Kabbalah the student receives all manner of clarification, direction and
guidance. Also it helps to understand the more esoteric passages of the Holy
Books of The Torah and the Bible. By studying Kabbalah the Apprentice
will learn several things. The first one is to understand the Cosmology of the
Universe through the eyes of the ancients, starting with the Negative towards
the Positive. The student will learn about the most fascinating matrix ever
presented, this matrix is the one known as the Tree of Life. This one, with its
Ten Holy Sephiroth, or Divine Attributes, is a quite valid representation of
the Universe, composed primarily by the Most Holy Names of God, the
Celestials and the Angelic Choirs among other things.

Every Attribute or Sephira is related to one thing in the known world and
this manner of relation is known as correspondences; which is when a name
has a given numerical value and this value corresponds to other words and
meanings with the same value; this adds character and depth to any
Kabbalistic interpretation. Another important part is that Kabbalah teaches
about the varied celestial orders of beings, it starts from the most simple and
it ends with the more exotic and overpowering; creatures so vast, glorious
and powerful that could easily be gods onto themselves but only wish to
serve under the Divine Source. This knowledge, as it was stated before, of
these hierarchies of celestials is necessary for the Apprentice because many
magical experiments are conducted through the aid of these heavenly beings.
Also, the Apprentice should learn through the teachings of Kabbalah about
the order of illumination, splendor, creation and formation; notorious aspects
that will be quite recurrent in Magic. These lead to the study of books like
the Sepher Bahir, Sepher Zohar, Sepher Yetzirah, Sepher Raziel14 and the
Book of the Legends of the Jew.

These will provide the Apprentice with firsthand knowledge of a very old
and quite powerful form of magic; possibly the one that Solomon himself
used to build The Holy Temple of Jerusalem. This form of Magic is known
as Talismanic Magic and this one deals with the construction of Magical
Seals and Circles. Equally important, is the learning of the Hebrew Letters.
These are twenty two powerful symbols. Each and every one of these letters
is endowed with arcane secrets, mystical truths and mysteries so deep and
profound they form part of the most enigmatic magical truths ever told. The
Apprentice will do well in learning these letters, their glyphs and their
numerical values for they are indeed as related to Magic as it is the power of
speech. Finally, Kabbalah’s greatest benefit towards the Apprentice is the
many formulas that exist and that can be used on order to better understand
the many aspects of reality; however, these formulas are not readily found
and for they are only given to the most trusted student and with these all of
the mysteries of Magic are revealed because if the number is known so shall
be the name.
14 These four books deal primarily with explanations about the letters, the creationof the world, the
formation of the Universe and the secret wisdom of the ancients respectively.

Figure VII. Taken from Basil Valentine’s Seven Stages of the Tree of Life


The gift of Astronomy to the Apprentice is the esoteric knowledge of stellar

bodies, planets and stars. The knowledge of these objects in the sky is
instrumental to the comprehension of many of the magical theories in
existence. For one part, planets, stars and constellations are believed to
influence the world we live on, the individual, the natural environment, the
animals and even societies as a whole. On the other part, they are believed to
affect the daily occurrences of mortals from the day they were born; this is
truly important for the Apprentice because by knowing the actual position of
a stellar body in respect to the actual positions the planets had the day the
student was born, predictions could be made relating to current situations
and events could be harbored or avoided altogether. Through Astrology the
student will also learn about the properties of planets, stars, constellations
and other heavenly bodies; also the Apprentice will learn about their varied
correspondences to the physical and spiritual world.

For example, Planets correspond to metals, days of the week, archangels,

angels, celestial beings, intelligences and spirits. They also correspond to the
Ten Sephiroth and as a result they are intricately related to the aspects and
attributes of the Divine. Moreover, planets are associated with a wide range
of subjects that with time and dedication the Apprentice shall know by heart
and will be able to use this knowledge in the future. Stars are also important;
the ancient Arabs knew this and managed to catalogue them. Each of these
Stars, like the Planets, have correspondences that relate to daily activities,
situation and states. They also have associations with several mystic entities,
beings and powers that can be used to better one’s life. Many of these Stars
have very interesting stories, myths and legends that the Apprentice should
do well in learning because these will be very useful in the future. Finally,
the concepts of Stars, lead to the one of Constellations. The Constellations
have very interesting stories as well. As a matter of fact, many of the
Constellations are the heavenly forms of gods, demigods and mythical beasts
and objects. The constellations divide themselves into the regular twelve
constellations of the zodiac and the ones outside the zodiac like the Stars and
the Planets, Constellations are related to many spiritual and heavenly
entities, celestial intelligences and do have a great deal of influences over
people, groups, cultures and nations. These influences correspond heavily on
the elementary quality of each of this constellations or signs, for example
there are whole group of these that actually represent the element of Fire,
Earth, Air and Water; these are the Zodiacal whereas the non-elementary are
the Sidereal. The Apprentice will do well in learning the meaning of these
correspondences and their actual different characteristics.
VIII. An Alchemical Chart of the Vitriol and the Seven Holy Planets


Like Mathematics, the science of Geometry deals primarily with the

understanding of numbers and calculations that make up dimensions, points,
lines, angles, planes, simple and complex figures, matrices and patterns and
the study of form. These are relevant because in Magic all of these concepts
play a significant role. For example, the knowledge of dimensions allows the
Apprentice the opportunity of exploring the infinite realms that exist beyond
the experienced three dimensional planes. By understanding this
multidimensional array the Apprentice can look more deeply into the
mysteries of parallel dimensions and even peruse into the complexities of
other universes15 . By so doing the magical student can even explore the
more interesting and awe inspiring aspect of the seventh, eighth and ninth
dimensions. Through the knowledge of points, angles and planes the
Apprentice will learn of the inherent power in simple forms. These forms,
like the lines, triangles, squares and circles, represent varied aspects of
reality, the reality that is known as Sacred Geometry.

By studying Sacred Geometry the Apprentice will learn and eventually

experience how these simple figures and planes affect reality in a multitude
of forms. Sacred Geometry will also teach that there are patterns in creation,
patterns that the Apprentice should study dearly in order to understand what
creation is all about. The Apprentice will learn that by combining simple
structures and regular forms greater magical effects can be achieved. These
will cause and create specialized effects that will actually affect the physical,
emotional, mental and even spiritual environment. The more complex
figures and forms will endow the Apprentice with a profound knowledge of
construction, architecture and energy building. For example, the Apprentice
will learn that many architectural designs are magical and that in the past
they had been used to create and to harness the energy of the cosmos.
Among constructions like these one can find the Temples of Old, Monolithic
structures like Stonehenge, the Pyramids, Cathedrals and many others that
served like physical matrices for the Wizards of the Elder Times. Learning
and knowing about these matrices will actually help the Apprentice to
master these powerful devices and later on use them for a multitude of tasks.
By studying these matrices and patterns the Apprentice will also realize that
the universe is constructed through a careful and delicate plan that followed
figures, planes, numerical and geometrical patterns. Patterns like the
Fibonacci Series, The Golden Mean and Pi constant and many others will
illustrate how the world and the universe correspond to numbers and that
everything in creation follows an order through numerical sequences. To
gather this knowledge will aid the Apprentice in comprehending and
understanding how everything in the universe can be affected by tapping
into the universal matrices, sequences and numbers. Finally all these
knowledge will aid the student of Magic in acquiring a more sound
understanding of reality and by so doing the Apprentice will move further
into the mysteries of the world and will comprehend that everything is made
out of numbers and sequences and these are Magical by themselves.
15 This is known as the Multiverse Theory, in which a host of other universes exist simultaneously
with ours. This subject is rather complex and it is better explained by Braines’s Cosmology.

Figure IX. Rayonnant Rose Window in Notre-Drame


This wonderful science has been around for almost three thousand years.
Basically, it studies the natural behavior of the universe through observation
to later on explain this behavior with reason and philosophy. It also studies
the complex relations of space and time, gravity, speed, particles, light, the
electromagnetic spectrum, astrophysics and relativity. These topics are quite
appropriate for the Apprentice because many of these are highly associated
with Magical Lore. For example, space and time the great unknown since
time immemorial are concepts that are dealt with in Magic. Space is not only
a location where things are positioned, but rather a borderless sheet of reality
invisible to the naked eye with a positive polarity in relation to the things put
on it. Even if the borderless sheet had nothing on top of it, it would look
empty and void, but space would be there. However, if the sheet was
removed, then there would be nothing to support anything, there wouldn’t
even be empty space nor void, it would be Nonentity. This relationship
between space and nothingness is known as the relation between the
Negative Existence and the Positive Existence that throughout Magic is
expounded and used heavily. Time, is another concept deeply discussed in
Physics and amply studied in Magic. In our example of the sheet, if the sheet
was to be perfectly still and with no wrinkles there would an absence of
time. Now, if with every second the sheet wrinkles, by measuring the
wrinkles over the sheet one would know the appropriate time and therefore
there would be a positive correlation between time and space. The
Apprentice should familiarize with these concepts dearly because in Magic
space/time is but one of the many variables employed in several of the most
common magical operations and exercises. Another relevant aspect of
Physics is the electromagnetic spectrum. This is the study of nothing else but
pure unbound energy. It teaches the Apprentice that everything in the
physical world is made up of energy, so by projection everything in the
magical world will be conformed by energy too. In the physical world, these
energy types are found in what scientist call the Spectrum Of Light, a matter
of great importance for the High Wizard, for Magic derives directly from the
First Light. This Spectrum is the manifestation of every single manner of
energy-form conceived by the human mind. It starts with the weakest energy
forms and it ends with one of the most potent energy types in the entire
universe. In other words, the spectrum begins as radio waves appear
naturally through lightning or other atmospheric disturbances and it ends
with the potently deadly gamma rays. This is truly significant for the student
of magic because every single magical operation produces certain types of
energies as well. Some are weak, some others are stronger; it depends on
what side of the Dimensional Spectrum or Deunium16 the wizard is working
The magical spectrum starts with a form of magical energy which is the
Inner Potencies, the Elementals, the Celestials, the Demiurgic17 , the four
worlds, the Macroprosopal18 and the Strong Potencies. These shall all be
discussed later on with much more detail. For the time the Apprentice shall
try to learn and understand that by studying many of the classical sciences
the magical experience can only be enriched and made much more
worthwhile. As the Apprentice studies and learns more about Magic it will
become evident that Magic in itself is an energy form and that thorough
careful exercises it can be shaped following the four worlds structures into
many different effects. These different effects, in time had gathered into
groups. As it now stands, Magic is a discipline with many branches of study
and each branch possess remarkable effects and wonderful results.
16 The Deunium describes our actual universe along with the wide range of spiritual spectrum that
composes it.
17 It describes those beings which shape and create the universe.
18 It refers to the higher face of god which is composed by the Crown or Divine Will, that is why God
is Will and Nothing else.
Figure X. S. LeClerc. Louis XIV at the Academy of Science (1671)
The Furnace of the Wise
From the Splendor Solis (Circa 1533)

The Schools of Magic

At this moment it can be clearly stated that Magic is an all-encompassing

force of a neutral quality that can only be properly qualified by the trained
mind and will power of the Wizard or Magical Artist. Nonetheless, being a
neutral force it manifests in the physical realm with many different effects.
This is due to the wide ranges of needs and uses of Magic in the natural
world. This variety gave way to many branches of study on Magic, each
focusing on a different major effect. For example; there are branches of
Magic that concentrate on effects like the blessings of objects, artifacts,
places and people, the changing of one substance into another or the change
of a particular situation into another one with a more suitable feel. There are
effects that enchant or charm and even create a greater appeal and better the
disposition of people towards a particular thing. There are effects that heal,
cure and restore health to the ill, and other that guard, protect and defend
people and objects from harm. Other effects concentrate solely on righting
the wrong, others just create order, call upon mighty beings from the
heavens or alternate planes, command the elements or the animals of the
natural world. These branches of Magic are generally known to the Wizard
as the Schools of Magic. Each school covers aspects or effects that make it
different from the other schools. Thus, no two schools will have the same
type of magical operations or effects, although there may be cases where
effects seem similar, but they will never overlap. Also, each school has a
degree system, with eight different levels of magical operation, each
successive degree more difficult than the previous one. Therefore the student
will have to learn the most basic level incantations first in order to progress
into the more complicated and elaborated magical operations of the higher

In these Magical Schools the Apprentice will also find the core of the
Magical Practice. However these practices must be studied side by side with
the Magical Theories, which will be given later on in this book, for one
simple reason. With magical knowledge comes magical power and the
Apprentice should have an equal dedication for theories as it has for the
practices; otherwise it risks to experience an unbalance between power and
knowledge, and everyone knows the possible results of that.

Within each school the Apprentice will find four categories that divide the
incantations in different levels. These are important because it also define
further aspects of the school and create specializations within a single
school. Also every School of Magic has what is called a Focal Point; this is a
part of the Wizard’s body employed to project the magical energy combined
with the magical wording and the magical movements. The focal points are
equivalent to the chakras of the east or the furnaces of the wise19 . These are
central systems that collect, amass, gather and distribute energy through the
different bodies of the Apprentice and Wizard. There are nearly 36 different
furnaces throughout the body, however only those pertaining to magical
practice will be discussed for now. Learning to understand them and feeling
their energy patterns and signatures will be important and necessary. Later
on exercises to achieve this will be provided, for now a very simple
guideline will be presented, but the Apprentice should learn all there is about
these furnaces in order to properly practice the Magical Arts.
19 The Furnaces are an alchemical concept that adapts the chakras to actual organs in the Aprentice’s
body. They are called furnaces because of the energy they produce. These energies through practice
can be harnessed and put to use in magical operations.

Magical Furnace Color and Planet 1st Furnace

Red (Mars)
2nd Furnace
Orange (Mercury) 3rd Furnace
Yellow (Sun)
4th Furnace
Green (Venus)
5th Furnace
Turquoise (Chiron) 6th Furnace
Blue (Jupiter)
7th Furnace
Indigo (Moon)
8th Furnace
Violet (Saturn)

Magical Effect

It is found in the root of the spine, it is associated with security, stability and
drive. Base Chakra
It is found in the navel, it is associated with creativity, joy, enthusiasm,
vitality, sensuality and relationships, Sexual Chakra
It is found in the stomach area, it is associated with power, expansion and
growth. Solar Plexus
It is found near the heart, it is associated with positive emotions, devotion
and illumination. Heart Chakra
It is found between the heart and the throat; it is associated with heavenly
communion, spiritual experiences and inner growth. Thymus Chakra It is
found in the throat and is associated with thought, order, communication and
stability. Throat Chakra
It is found in the brow area and is associated with intuition, mental clarity
and psychic powers. Third Eye Chakra
It is found in the crown of the head, it is associated with wisdom, union with
the divine and holiness. Crown Chakra

Table I: A brief list of the Furnaces.

At the moment working with the development of the Eight Magical Furnaces
is not part of the scope of this book, however it is understood that the
Apprentice should get a feel of how are they worked in order to later on
harness their power. A simple exercise will be provided that will avail the
Apprentice with the most basic experience with each of these furnaces.

1. Make a short prayer and calling upon your celestial guides for protection
while performing this exercise.
2. The Apprentice must look for a quiet tranquil space, preferably without
any noises or distractions. He/she must sit down quietly and with the eyes
closed. After this the Apprentice must concentrate of his/her breathing.
Control it to the point of inhaling and exhaling at the same intervals.
3. Be sure to avoid all visions, imaginations and images that might pop into
your mind and keep you from doing the exercise. As fantastic as these might
be, they are illusions that are keeping you from strengthening your inner self.
4. Once this has been done, take your attention and focus it in the part of the
body that constitutes the furnace. Keep your attention steady on this furnace
for three minutes. Then, visualize the furnace’s color and see with your mind
as it pulses with energy.
5. Once you have mastered this, visualize how this energy expands in all
directions to a distance of ten feet. Keep this image in your mind for three
more minutes. Then gently pull the energy back into the furnace and see as it
6. After this you can proceed to the next furnace and repeat the exercise.
7. All the while controlling your breathing.
8. Make another prayer giving thanks for the protection and the guidance

Each school has a key planet that the Apprentice should learn and know
about by heart and a Sephiroth from which the divine energy of Magic flows
forth into the structure of the four worlds and consequently towards the
natural and material world. This planets and sephiroth are found in the Tree
of Life sequence and should be studied thoroughly in order to better
understand their Kabbalistic arrangements. For the benefit of the Apprentice
a brief guideline will be provided, however it is in no way complete and the
Apprentice is advised to seek as much information as he/she can to better the
understanding regarding these planets and emanations.

The Sephiroth are formed as the descending Light of God conforms in the
higher dimension of the Ain Soph Aur. It is from there that the rest of the
Tree is born. It is divided in several structures like the Middle Pillar, the
Pillar of Kindness to the right and the Pillar of Severity to the left. In every
Sephiroth lays the archetypal truth of many things, like planets, colors,
metals, herbs, plants, stars and many other things; for now we shall only
cover the planetary and celestial aspects.
Figure XI. Tree of Life as represented by Athanasius Kircher
Sephiroth and
Kether/Uranus Eons
Chockmah/Saturn Authorities
Binah/ Neptune Thrones
Chesed/ Jupiter Hosts
Geburah/ Mars Seraphim
Tiphareth/ Sun Angels
Netzach/ Venus Powers
Hod/ Mercury
Yesod/ Moon
Malkuth/ Earth Cherubim
Daath/ Pluto

Magical Effect

The Crown, the Will, Authorship, Power, Time, Ingenuity, Creation,

Omnipotence and Supreme Light
Wisdom, Mysteries, Secrets, Omniscience, Divine Plan, the Alchemical
Substance, the Cosmic Father.
Understanding, Experiences, Comprehension, Omnipresence, Fraternity,
Karma, Subconscious Mind, Divine Mother.
Mercy, Love, Abundance, Happiness, Joy, Peace, Delights, Luck,
Forgiveness, Virtues.
Justice, Law, Severity, Healing, War, the Heart, Blood, Vitality, Judgment,
Protection, Respect and Values.
Beauty, Consciousness, Truth, Celestials, Sacrifice, Religion, Sacredness,
Meditation, Magical Rites.
Victory, Conquest, Faith, Certainty, Hope, Discipline, Arts, Perfection,
Purification, Navigation.
Glory, Divine Presence, Communication, Splendor, Immortality, Magic,
Miracles, Mind, Reason, Verbum.
Foundation, Firmness, Stability, Sleep, Night, Change, Storms,
Unconsciousness, Life, Death, Resurrection,
Kingdom, Body, Temple, Shekinah, Material Things, Abandonment, Aging,
Holy Spirit.
Knowledge, Valor, Uncertainty, The Unknown, Transformation, Spiritual
Growth, Power

Table II. A Brief List of Planets and Sephiroth

Now let us discuss a little about the main Schools of Magic. Throughout the
years Wizards were confronted with the situation that incantations were
simply an assortment of magical energies procuring effects upon the world
of manifestation. In time they began to compile those incantations with the
same magical nature and even specialize in these areas. As time progressed
the Schools Of Magic were born. With further work from Academic
Wizards, who took on the self-appointed task, incantations and formulations
were catalogued and sorted out into the corresponding school. At this
moment there are almost eighty different Schools of Magic with different
effects and operations at the disposal of the Wizard. However in this book
only ten schools will be provided. This is done for two main reasons. Firstly,
so that the student can learn them well and be ready for the other schools
later on when the basic ones had been mastered. Secondly, is to avoid
harmful effects for the Apprentice and those around. In the past, many
Apprentices had tried to learn the more difficult schools first and many had
suffered this error dearly. The more difficult schools require great
determination, a disciplined mind, a superior knowledge of the Magical
World and great diligence and the utmost dedication to Magic. To try to
learn these schools without these requirements would probably end in
disaster for the spellcaster. That is why a simpler and basic selection of
schools has been made to procure a safe environment and avoid harmful
effects. Apprentice, do not worry and do not be dismayed, you will not be
learning plain stuff or unexciting formulations. Do not think that by simple
and basic it is meant boring or tiresome; no. These ten Schools of Magic are
great and most possibly what every Wizard will need in rigorous times and
when trouble appears. So have a good disposition towards them and be ready
to learn the most wonderful aspects of Magic in them. The ten Schools of
Magic are the following; Alteration, Benediction, Divination, Enchantment,
Healing, Invocation, Light, Natural, Protection and Conjurations, let us
examine them individually.

Also known as the School of Transmutations, it deals primarily with the
changes of structures, concepts, ideas and forms. In other words, through the
various operations in this school the Wizard can change things into others.
These changes can affect physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual
concepts or objects. It is the school which transforms the environment and
even aspects of the own Wizard or those in the surrounding area. However,
Alterations not only change present things, it also changes the result of
upcoming events, situations and even alter normal things so that the effect be
different from the one normally expected. For example, it can bestow greater
intelligence to a student taking an exam, it helps memorize better, it favors a
person in a selection process and even help a person find a better job. In
other words, this school is the modern form of Alchemy, in the sense that it
can create substances for the Wizard that are not readily present and even
alter the present state of things.

The four categories of Alteration are Transformations or Formos ,

Transmutations or Mutatios , Transfigurations or Figuros and
Transubstantiations or Sustantiatos . Transformations deal solely in
changing things on a physical level. These changes affect things in the
material world and can actually change them through magical formulas.
Transmutations are meant to change the core structure of one thing into
another thing, for example it can change an existing object into something
entirely different or a situation that is already present it can turn it into
something else entirely. Transfigurations are used to change concepts and
things not yet manifested in the physical world; for example an impending
event can just well be altered so that the result be something different than it
was expected and Transubstantiations are employed by the Wizard to change
things on the spiritual and quantum level.
Figure XII. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim. Great Wizard
and Master Transmuter (1486-1535)

This School of Magic uses primarily the focal point of the solar plexus. This
area is important because it relates to vitality, manifestation and
transformation. Through proper use and exercises the Wizard can actually
learn how to control this important area. By learning how to control it, the
Wizard will learn how to understand matter and how it is that physicality
exist within a realm of spirituality. An exercise will be given later on to help
the Wizard stimulate this zone of his/her body and achieve mastery over its
powerful qualities. The school’s relevant planet is Mercury, because of its
Alchemical qualities of transformation and alteration of the base substances.
Also because Mercury is the Feminine Aspect of Alchemy, being Sulphur
the Masculine, and as such it can create and manifest whatever substance
exist in the universe that needs to be changed into something else. For this
Mercury is called the Mater Matrix, in the sense that is has the potential for
changing anything into anything else. Finally this school is powered by the
energies that flow forth from Hod; this is the Sephira for Glory and of the
Magic of the Ultimate Divine. It is also the place where Mercury resides and
allows all changes to be made as it makes the divine transference between
the angels and the Sun in the Matrix of the Tree of Life.
Praxis for the School of Alterations

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place his/her right hand under the heart portion.

2. The Apprentice must focus on his/her heart’s beating and try to feel as the
Solar Plexus begins to absorb the natural light from the surrounding. With
each inhalation the Apprentice should feel as the Solar Plexus fills up with
light. With every inhalation the Apprentice must feel as this light is
compacted in the spiritual body ready to be used.

3. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
take his/her right hand from the Solar Plexus and join it with the left hand in
a praying position. Still feeling the accumulated energy in the Solar Plexus
the Apprentice will now begin to form an image in her/his mind.

4. Let the image be a simple one, a sphere. Observe this sphere in your mind
and by the power of your will see it transform into a cube. Observe all of the
sides of this cube and try to touch all of its corners at once, and then convert
it back into a sphere. This exercise will provide the Apprentice with
sufficient experience to change things into others by using his/her
enlightened will.


The School of Benedictions is one of the most important schools in Magic.

The reason being that it allows the Apprentice the opportunity to learn,
handle and cast some of the most powerful incantations without suffering
any repercussions from wrongful castings or mistakes. This school is also
known as the Hallowed School for it deals primarily with the operation of
holy energy. Holy energy can be defined as the energy that radiates from the
Divine Source, which is an intelligible fountain of Holiness that casts out
darkness, evil and chaos. Through the many incantations in this school this
holy energy is convoked by the Wizard and through sheer focus and will it
can be placed over object, places and even people. For example, through this
school the Wizard can bless artifacts, permeate an environment with the
forces of good, cast out evil shadows and entities or place the divine spark of
the Source All Mighty into a person or place. Also, a greater union with the
divine can be achieved by the Wizard through the use of the incantations of
this school and even create a celestial causeway between the Heavens and
the world of man.

The four categories of this school are Blessings or Benedictus ,

Benedictions or Benedicci , Consecrations or Consagratos and Impositions
or Impositos . Blessings deal with placing the divine spark in any object.
Benedictions are blessings which are placed over people seeking the favor of
the Source Divine. Consecrations are blessings which place the Holy Energy
in a place, residence or temple. Finally Impositions are the most powerful of
Blessings, and these create powerful spiritual effects that seek to empower
the Wizard with greater communion with the spiritual and celestial planes of
existence, enhance the communication between the Wizard and the
Celestials and even receive powerful blessings to fight off the evil forces on
this Earth. The School of Blessings uses primarily the focal point of the
crown. This area is important because it relates to spirituality, celestial
energies and communion with the divine. Its relevant planet is Mercury,
because this planet is infused with the divine energies of transiting from the
upper worlds into the lower ones. The Sephira of this school is Hod, like the
previous one. Hod is the Divine Presence of God and it harbors a great deal
of Holy Energies and Saintly Emanations.

Figure XIII. Saint Benedict a painting by Francisco de Zurbarán

A formidable Master of Natural Magic and Spiritual Formulas against

evil, his is the formula Vade Retro Satana and the well-known magical
formulation “Crux sacra sit mihi lux! Nunquam draco sit mihi dux!”
Praxis for the School of Benedictions

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place both hands in a praying position.

2. The Apprentice must focus on the crown and see how his/her crown
begins to absorb the natural light from the surrounding forming a halo. With
each inhalation the Apprentice should feel as his/her crown fills up with light
making the halo more substantial. With every exhalation the Apprentice
must feel as this light is compacted in the spiritual body and the halo begins
to radiate with intensity.

3. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
take his/her right hand and present it forward. Still feeling the accumulated
energy in his/her crown the Apprentice will now begin to feel as the energy
of the crown slowly descends through the neck, shoulder and right arm and
begins to flow out.
4. Observe as this energy of light, charged up with the Blessing of God,
makes the spiritual particles of everything around you vibrate with divine
radiance. Feel joy and happiness as this energy emanates all around you
blessing, consecrating and making sacred everything you touch.


One of the most interesting and intriguing Schools of Magic is that of

Divination. Divinations deal precisely with the knowledge of the unknown.
Its principal interest is to acquire knowledge through magical means that
normally would not be accessible to the Wizard. This knowledge ranges
from knowing simple things of an ordinary nature to learning of the more
esoteric, mysterious and ultimately arcane information that eludes the mind
of man. This school is also known as the School of Foresight because aside
from learning, discovering and finding things in the present it can also find,
learn and discover things in the past as well unravel, uncover and discern
things of the more indefinable future. By tapping into the magical energies
of this school the Wizard’s mind expands and becomes more attuned with
the ebb of the space-time transtemporal continuum. By so doing the
Wizard’s senses and perceptions are finely synchronized with a dimension of
higher supernatural awareness and superior spiritual intuition.

The four Categories of Divinations are the Augurs or Auguros , Predictions

or Vates, Previsions or Prevideos and Prophecies or Profetikos . The
Augurs are intended to find objects, know simple information regarding the
present and immediate past or future. They too help the Wizard be aware of
upcoming dangers and if things are safe or not. Predictions work primarily
with the unformed world of the future. They give warnings and foretell of
events that would change the destiny of the Wizard or the world around.
Previsions work with finding out things of the distant past, uncover
mysteries of the unknown thus they require a great deal of preparation for
their energies to be properly harnessed. Finally the Prophecies are potent
formulations that tap into the Divine Plan and reveal things of the utmost
importance for entire populations.
The School of Divinations uses primarily the focal point of the Third Eye.
This magical and mystical organ is greatly important because it is the center
of the Wizard’s intuitive powers, clairvoyance, precognition and foresight.
Its relevant planet is the Sun, because this planet, or rather star, is the
equivalent of illumination, clarity, truth and a clear mind; thus it allows for
the consecution of information and the clearing and solving of events. The
Sephira of the Divination School is Tiphareth. This Sephira is all about
greater consciousness, superior awareness and is the center of the universe,
when it relates to finding and discovering lost things and information.

Figure XIV. Delphic Sybil by Michaelangelo, 1510 at the Sistine Chapel,


Praxis for the School of Divinations

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place both hands in front as if asking or begging to the Lord Almighty.

2. The Apprentice must focus on the area between the two eyes and the
forehead. This is the area where the third eye is located. However, many
people believe it to be an actual organ but in reality it is a zone.

3. The Apprentice must concentrate and focus on this zone. With each
inhalation the Apprentice should feel as its third eye fills up with light
making the area glow with light and power. With every exhalation the
Apprentice must feel as this light spreads throughout the brain, eyes and

4. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
take his/her right hand and put it on the forehead. Then the Apprentice must
feel how the light allows his/her senses to feel the past and the future at the
same time. In time this will help the Apprentice get in touch with the realm
of visions, the past, the future and clairvoyance.


This School of Magic is one of the most fascinating, interesting and fun to
work with because of the its great scope and capabilities. The School of
Enchantment work primordially with infusing ordinary things and quite
natural objects with magical energies that convert said items into magical
artifacts. It also works with how things are perceived by the other people,
how things are liked or disliked and even change dispositions towards one
thing or the other. Also, this school works with incantations which charm,
fascinate, enthrall and mesmerize other people. These are used primarily to
help the Wizard achieve his goals when regularly that goal is hampered by
evil or corrupt people; never to harm or cause evil. As interesting as it may
sound, Apprentice and Wizard alike, must know that to do this for evil
proposes or with selfish intent is wrong and it can end in fatal consequences
for the spellcaster.

The four Categories of Enchantment are Fascinations or Fascinos , Charms

or Ensalmos , Glamours or Falas and Obfuscations or Obsecos .
Fascinations are employed by the Wizard to either create or diminish an
emotion or allure towards an object or person. By using these incantations
the Wizard can create sentiments that are not there and even make a person
change his mind about a situation, however fascinations work for a brief
period of time and are not permanent and usually the person fascinated will
have a feeling that something happened. Charms are more potent versions of
Fascinations and usually last longer.

Also, charms will not leave a feeling behind on the subject; rather the person
will feel at ease with the change of heart. Glamours are incantations that
change the appearance of something, usually for the better. However, they
can actually lessen a favorable appearance as well as change appreciative
qualities of something or a person. Finally, Obfuscations are the more potent
type of incantations of this School of Magic. These can actually create a
permanent emotion on a person or towards an object, situation or place.
However, as it was already stated the Wizard should only use them when
extremely necessary and never to control or manipulate a person, or with
wrongful purposes; the risk of this being a retributive strike where the
Wizard will fall under its own incantation. The School of Enchantment uses
primarily the focal point of the Throat.

The throat is the magical center dealing with all sorts of communication and
intentions to convince. It is through the throat focal point that the energies of
the emotional areas are merged with the energies of the more mental areas,
thus it becomes a central point for emotive communication and
convincement. Its relevant planet is Venus. This planet is associated with
beauty, the arts and emotions; specifically Love. Its energies are relevant to
this school because through the projection of a beautiful emotion or reality
the other people will be more favorable. The Sephira of the School of
Enchantment is Netzach. This is an important emanation of the Tree of Life
that bequeaths to the Wizard the ability of conquest, it provides certainty and
it makes anyone victorious over the unconquerable odds. Also it will confer
upon the Wizard the ability to undertake whatever artistic pursuit with great,
beautiful and most attractive results. Finally it will empower the Wizard with
the ability to call upon animals and command them.
Figure XV. Cumaen Sybil by Andrea del
Castano (1400)

Praxis for the School of Enchantment

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place both hands in front of each other.

2. The Apprentice must focus on the area of the throat. With each inhalation
the Apprentice should feel as his/her throat surges with illuminative power.
With every exhalation the Apprentice must feel as the potential for every
word vibrates in the inside of the throat. This light must be felt as it vibrates
with power and intention.

3. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
take his/her right hand and put it in the throat.. Then the Apprentice must
feel how the light from the throat combines with the words pronounced. This
having great power over everything that there is, compelling everything to
follow the instructions of the Magic Voice.

4. Once this experience is mastered the Apprentice will be able to confer

magical energy to every word spoken, be it magical or normal, thus great
care, attention and responsibility must be exercised in order not to break the
free will of others.


This school is one of the most popular due to its wide range of effects and
incantations. To heal an ailment, to cure the sick and to restore function to
damaged organs is an act that defies nature and at the same time testifies to
the power of Magic. This is exactly what this School of Magic does, it heals,
cures and restores lost vitality to the body making it better and eradicating
disease where it appears. It also strengthens the body to fight illness and
ailments and with recurrent use it will eradicate sickness forever. However,
this school requires great physical and mental discipline. The Wizard should
be in top condition and physical and mental health in order to project this
energy to the surrounding or adjacent people. Nonetheless, the Wizard
should practice these incantations rigorously in order to achieve greater
success for all of these magical formulations will be battling conditions and
problems that are already present in the body of other people and being
manifested need a great deal of magical energy in order to effectively
vanishing them.

The four categories of this school are Preventions or Salve , Cures or Curos,
Healings or Sanos , and Restorations or Restitutos . Preventions are the
simplest and more common of these incantations being the ones that keep
illness and medical conditions at bay. They work if the condition is not
present; if a condition already exists the Wizard is advice to seek more
potent magical formulas. The Cures are incantations targeted to work against
existing infirmities. They can work perfectly well against infections,
seasonal illnesses and non-systemic conditions. Healings are much more
powerful formulations that work to fight against conditions of the body and
mind. Finally, Restorations are the most potent of the Healing Incantations
and actually restore function to organs and regenerate tissue and bone.
However, being this powerful the

Wizard needs to operate these incantations alongside other wizards in order

to garner the necessary magical energy and achieve success.
The School of Healing uses primarily the focal point of the Second Furnace.
This is the furnace of physical creativity; power, survival and the ability to
self-heal. This is why it is through this energy field that the Wizard must cast
all of the healing incantations. Through the proper exercises the Wizard will
learn how to focus and concentrate to later project toward the intended
vessel the appropriate magical energy.

Its relevant planet is Mars. This planet is associated with health, healing and
purification of the tainted. It is a planet of change and also of stability, vigor,
vitality, strength and renewed force. Its energies are relevant to this school
because through the projection of life, vigor and health people will be moved
to more favorable conditions and better health.
Figure XVI.
Paracelsus by Quintin Massys, (1491)
Master Wizard Physician who achieved wonderful cures and restorations

The Sephira of the School of Healing is Geburah. This emanation of the Tree
of Life provides the Wizard with additional strength and will remove
weaknesses of the body and the mind. Also, it will provide the stimulus to
kick back any problem associated with health and gain confidence regarding
personal or another’s recovery. In this sense this emanation is quite relevant
for the practice of healing because the Wizard can perceive an illness as a
battle to waged and finally dominated.
Praxis for the School of Healing

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place both hands in front of each other, like the previous exercise.

2. The Apprentice must focus on the area of the navel, which is just below
the belly button. With every inhalation the Apprentice must feel as light
enters through this zone and circulates powerfully throughout the rest of the
body. With every exhalation the Apprentice must feel as this light reaches
the hands and fill them with curative power.

3. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
place his/her hands upon the chest and feel as they convey healing energy.
This energy comes from the universe and is charged up by the very words of
each particular incantation.


A truly marvelous School of Magic indeed, the School of Invocation is a

school devoted to working with the powerful energies of the celestials, of the
light beings that surround us all and with the supreme forces of goodness,
order and mercy. This school harnesses the forces of the Heavens and brings
those forces to this world creating a better environment; filling every
location with the energies of the divine and purifying and eradicating the
forces of darkness and evil. This school also works with the calling of the
higher celestial forces, forces like devas, the many hosts of angels, the great
watchers, the archons and the supreme potentates. Through the invocation of
these heavenly entities the Wizard is capable of achieving very powerful
effects on the world of man with the primary intention of creating
consciousness among people, the development of love, peace and tranquility.
It also helps to ease the turmoil of the lives of men and even join people that
had grown apart by hating each other. Also, this school can call upon the
mighty forces of the Tree of Life and conjure up the very Attributes of God
and use them to appease and enlighten the people of this world. In itself this
is a very noble school which strives to make the lives of people better thus
creating a better place for all of us.
The four categories of this school are Pleads or Petos , Appeals or Apellos,
Requests or Solicitus , and Impetrations or Impetros . Pleads are simple
prayers that work to create a heavenly environment filled with celestial
energies. These too work by purifying and clearing up places that had been
littered by the dark forces. The Appeals are more powerful orations that
serve to restore the balance and equilibrium in people’s lives through the
intervention of celestial powers, luminous entities as well as receiving the
blessed guidance of beings of light. Requests are even more powerful
incantations in which the powers of heavens are convoked so that they
release their powerful energies over various aspects of reality. Finally, the
Impetrations are complex magical formulas in which the Wizard communes
with the divine forces and releases them over the world with the firm
intention of changing things for the better. Please note that all of these
incantations are to be used for the greater good of mankind, this is why the
Wizard should be of a noble heart and a caring soul.
Figure XVII.
Portrait of John Dee, unknown Artist 16th century
Original in Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK
A Master Invoker who revolutionized the English Courts with his
dexterous ability to summon entities from the heavens above.

The School of Invocation uses primarily the focal point of the Third Eye.
This particular point in the body of a Wizard is used to create a kind of
connection that allows for celestial communication. It is also the divine
channel through which the divine energies run and flow from the Heavenly
Realms into the World of Matter. The Apprentice and Wizard will need to
practice meditation, prayer and will have to focus on the divine beings that
exist all around us in order to properly harness this focal point.

Its relevant planet is The Sun. The light that shines from this powerful star is
responsible for the manifestation of the luminous energy this School of
Magic confers upon the world. The attributes that the Sun conveys are
enough to create powerful effects upon humans, their lands and their
societies. Its innate qualities of Clarity, Truth, Light and Consciousness are
enough to vanquish evil and send it off away from the presence of its light.

The Sephira that powers the School of Invocation is Tiphareth. As the Sun
itself, this Sephira hold in its core the pure power of Truth, Order and
Beauty. From where it is located it becomes the center for all magical
practices, being connected to all of the other sephiroth their powers unite at
its very core creating a powerful nexus of divine energy and might.

Praxis for the School of Invocation

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place both hands to the front in a begging position.

2. The Apprentice must focus on the area between the forehead. This is the
area where the third eye is located. With each inhalation the Apprentice
should feel as his/her third eye fills up with light making the area glow with
celestial power which connects the Apprentice to the forces of heaven. With
every exhalation the Apprentice must feel as this light creates a line that
connects the Apprentice’s forehead with the heavens on high.

3. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
take his/her right hand and put it in its forehead. Then the Apprentice must
feel how the light allows the senses to connect and communicate with the
beings of the celestial realms.


The School of Light is a testament to purity, divine majesty and to the true
powers of the Imperial Numinous Realms of the Infinite Source most divine.
Similar to the School of Invocation in that it employs the powers of heavens,
this school works particularly with very powerful incantations that serve as
weapons against the forces of darkness. Its powers derive from the potent
archangelic, divine and supreme substances of heavens that are focused,
formed and shaped into powerful magical structures that serve to defend,
protect and empower the Wizard with luminous conjurations and
incantations that serve quite well to repel and destroy the energies of
darkness and its horrendous hold upon mankind.

The School of Light, also known as the School of Lumen have the following
categories; Lights or Lumen , Illuminations or Illuminos, Brightness or
Alboros , and Brilliances or Coruscos . The category of Lights holds
incantations that allow the Wizard to receive celestial attributes in order to
better the quality of life or receive guidance. Illuminations are more potent
incantations that create powerful ties between the Wizard and the beings of
the more celestial spheres. These also manifest powerful divine attributes
upon the Wizard allowing for superhuman understanding. Brightness are
powerful incantations that help the Wizard in the calling of special forces
that will surround the environment with the supreme strength of heavens.
Finally, the Brilliances are unearthly conjurations that serve to overcome the
forces of evil. The School of Light uses primarily the focal point of the
Crown. This is the area that allows the Wizard to actively live within a
sphere of sanctity, holiness and sacredness. It is the place where the
beneficial forces of heaven first show up to later on touch the earth where
upon we walk. This focal point must be developed through magical exercises
and assuming divine positions and asanas, meditation and the focusing of the
mind upon the celestial realms.

Like the previous school, Its relevant planet is also the Sun for the same
reason. Light is a result of God’s brilliance, it is like the ancients said a
reflection of purity and holiness. Nothing can withstand the power of this
light, nothing can overcome this light in its mighty splendor, thus this light
becomes the most powerful force in the universe and nothing in the universe
will dare stand amidst the glorious ray of light that shines forth from the
Lord. The Sephira that powers the School of Light is also Tiphareth. There is
no other power in the Tree of Life that best represents this almighty
splendorous form of heaven. Nothing has and nothing will; only Truth stands
between light and God because Truth is God and Light is Truth.
Figure XVIII. Johannes Trithemius
Master Wizard who worked directly with the great Lights of Heaven,
Angels and other celestial beings and entities.

Praxis for the School of Lights

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place both hands at its side and relax.
2. The Apprentice must focus on his/her crown area. With each inhalation
the Apprentice should feel as the crown area gets filled up with divine
energy, creating a luminous crown of light.
3. With every exhalation the Apprentice must feel as this crown bestows
upon the body, mind, spirit and word the power of heaven through
illumination and divine might.

4. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
take his/her right hand and put it in front. Then the Apprentice must feel how
the light from heaven projects forth from the hand.

5. As this energy rushes forth the Apprentice must realize that this is the
power of heaven and the divine, accelerating everything towards the divine.
Also the luminous crown must be observed as it interacts with the object of
the spell and the light flowing from the hand.


This is the school that teaches how to control the environment, the weather,
the heavens, the land, the sea and the clouds above. It shows the Wizard how
to understand the weather, its cycles, and how to change it. Through the
many incantations of this school the Wizard can actually alter topographical
areas to make them more secure for human habitation, planting and even
help diminish the damage done by deforestation. The School of Naturals
protects entire regions from severe weather that threaten people, crops and
animals. However, all this power comes with a great responsibility, the
Wizard will be required to employ great deal of physical effort, the best
mental focus and an unquavering mind. Through its incantations the Wizard
can actually help humanity, and those around, enjoy periods of safety from
powerful atmospheric disturbances like powerful storms, waterspouts and
even severe floods. This school will also help people to be safe and healthy
by not falling into famine and illnesses, be protected from earthquakes and
all of the other natural disasters humans are sometimes riddled with.

The School of Naturals has four categories as well, these are the following;
Meteoric or Meteoricos , Telluric or Teluricos, Arboreal or Naturo , and
Nautical or Nautes . The category of Meteoric incantations deals primarily
with the natural forces that govern the skies like storms, thunderstorms,
hurricanes, tornadoes, torrential rains, draughts and even severe flash floods.
The Telluric category deals with incantations that protect from severe
earthquakes by preventing them or easing them when these are absolutely
necessary. It deals with bettering the quality of the land where people intend
to plant and cultivate crops. It protects people and crops from vermin and
natural phenomena that would otherwise destroy them like the searing heat,
freezing, excessive rain or lack of humidity. The category of Arboreal deals
directly with plants, forests and natural environment that are primordial to
the ecosystem. This category also harbors incantations for animals, livestock
and wildlife. Finally the Nautical category deals with incantations that
prevent natural disasters coming from the sea, rivers and waterways. It
protects from tsunamis, waterspouts and severe tidal waves.

Figure XIX. Giambatista della Porta,

Astrologer, Alchemist and Natural Wizard (1535-1615)

The School of Naturals uses the focal point of the solar plexus. That is the
area between the chest and the stomach. This zone generates energies that
operate over creation, the flow of order and provide control over growth,
expansion and development of physical forms. By learning to control this
furnace, the Apprentice will be able to manipulate the forces of nature with
greater ease and much more focus on the desired effects. Exercises like
meditation, fasting and prayer will help in doing this as well as
contemplative thoughts and constructive visualizations.
The relevant planet of this School is Venus. This planet is the one in charge
of controlling nature. Through its influence it controls the wildlife, plants,
the earth itself and the harvests. It also controls the powerful forces of nature
like the wind, rain and heat. By learning to properly control the influences of
this planet the Apprentice and Wizard will eventually learn how to keep the
delicate balance of nature in check.

The Sephira that powers the School of Naturals is Netzach. This is the
Sephira that works with the land, the skies and all of the things of a natural
order. In the Tree of Life, Netzach protects and confer a sense of nurture
towards every aspect of the living world, the skies, the mountains, the seas
and the living organisms that populate this world.

Praxis for the School of Naturals

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place both hands at his/her solar plexus.

2. The Apprentice must focus on his/her solar plexus remembering that this
area is a creative zone. With each inhalation the Apprentice should feel as
the solar plexus receives the surrounding light and it infuses the body with
the powers of nature. With every exhalation the Apprentice must feel as the
solar plexus gathers energy from the four elements and it distributes these
energies into its different types, but at the same time collected in the plexus.

3. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
take his/her hands and place it forward. Then the Apprentice will envision
the element to be worked with and will see how a representation of that
particular element flows from the solar plexus, between the hands and into
the world. The representation of water can be a luminous wave of light
rushing forth with divine might. The representation of earth can be a huge
mound of luminous earth rolling forth with telluric intensity. The
representation of air can be a luminous cloud or gust of wind and the
representation of fire can be a luminous flame blazing between the hands of
the Apprentice.


Another important School of Magic is that of Protection. This school deals

with the guarding, protecting, keeping safe and shielding people from harm.
However, in a world riddled with evil, protection is paramount, for harm not
only comes from people. Harmful effects can be experienced by negative
forces born on the mind of evil people, like wrong thoughts, envy and
jealousy. But this school also protects and guards against dark energies that
rise to conspire against the Wizard, like dark forces of nature, rogue
elementals and the spirit of the dead. It also keeps at bay black magic
operations raised to stop the Wizard from doing the work of light. These
operations can rise from either forces of dark spirits or from evil wizards
bent on destroying the light bearers of this world. The School of Protection
has powerful incantations that can protect but also destroy20 dark operations
sent from malevolent spirits, entities and fallen creatures that do not wish the
Wizard to finish the operations of good; some of these protective
incantations can even destroy the spirits themselves, but these operations
need many more Wizards to assist with the powerful delivery of magical
energies. Therefore this school dedicates to the sole protection of the Wizard
and those around from these harmful effects as well as from natural
disasters, cosmological energies that might converge over the Wizard and
from accidents that could harm or hurt.

The School of Protection’s four categories are the following; Auxiliary or

Auxilium , Guardians or Guardos, Custodies or Custos , and Patronus or
Patronum . The category of Auxiliary incantations deals primarily with
helping the Wizard with simple situations and guarding from evil, wrong and
malicious actions of a physical nature. The Guardians are incantations that
protect the Wizard from magical effects that mimic natural events, protect
against magical creatures and defend against situations created by magic that
would harm the spellcaster or those around. The Custodies are magical
formulations that protect from abstract magical forces like the planets, stars,
spiritual entities and forces of an evil nature. Finally, the Patronus are
powerful incantations that protect from fallen creatures, dark princes, fallen
angels and creatures whose essences are pure evil.

The School of Protection uses the focal point between the heart and the
throat. This area is essential for the Wizard for its magical storing
capabilities. The heart can store great amounts of protective energies and the
throat can harness the power of magic, both are tied to the martial aspects of
the Tree of Life. Being the fifth furnace it is tied to Geburah, and this allows
the furnace to gather defensive and protective magic to be employed in this
focal point and so directed where it’s needed.
The relevant planet of this School is, naturally, Mars. As it was stated
previously, Mars has powerful energies that garner strength and protective
forces. This makes it possible for the accumulation of magic with the intent
on protecting and stopping the harmful effects of energies or physical attacks
made against the Wizard.
20 Protective Incantations do offer some formulas which can actually destroy malignant entities,
however there is a whole school of magic dedicated for those affairs, that is the School of Defenses;
this school will be presented in the future.

The Sephira that powers the School of Protection is Geburah. Geburah is the
Sephira related to strength, force, martial power and law. It has a particular
arrangement in the Tree of Life that makes it ideal for the stopping of evil
forces, natural events like accidents and attacks of all sorts.

Praxis for the School of Protections

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place his/her right hand halfway stretched forward in front of the body palm
facing out, with a strong stance and martial rigor.

2. The Apprentice must focus on his/her heart area. The heart is the center
for the magical forces which provide protection. With each inhalation the
Apprentice should feel as the heart area is filled with light, creating a
luminous globe of light and power, beating with great intensity. With every
exhalation the Apprentice must feel as this globe resonates with the
protection of the divine, circulating through the entire body; rendering every
cell immune from any danger.

3. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
take his/her hand and place it farther forward. Then the Apprentice will see
as a luminous sword forms around the hand and this sword receives
consistency from the light that flows from the heart. Then the Apprentice
will envision a shield that hardens with every breath, a shield capable of
protecting from any known and unknown danger.
Figure XX. Athanasius Kircher as pictured in his book Mundus
Subterraneus (1602-1680)


The School of Conjuration is one of the most fascinating Schools of Magic

there is in the entire magical repertoire. It deals primarily with calling upon
forces of nature, spiritual entities and beings of the natural world. It also
calls upon the powerful forces of heavens summoning mighty celestial
princes, archangels and great archons. Through this school the Wizard can
also beckon the aid of powerful elemental intelligences that can be put to
work in various activities. This school operates by conjuring angelic beings
and natural spirits so that they provide help to the Wizard, assist in different
magical envoys, and even guard and protect arcane secrets the Wizard
doesn’t want anyone else to know about. Many of these entities can be called
upon to fight evil creatures, guide the Wizard through perilous situations and
even offer up guiding signals to help overcome mighty problems and times.
Among the creatures that can be summoned through these incantations the
Wizard will find a wide range of entities and intelligences. Some will be
akin to familiar spirits, like faeries and nature spirits; others will be much
more potent like the mighty celestials or the supreme archons. The good
thing about this school is that, regardless of the might of the creature being
summoned they will all be beneficial and helpful to the Wizard.

The four categories of the School of Conjuration are; Conjurations or

Conjuratos , Summons or Conjureos, Vocos or Vocos , and Advocos or
Advocos . The category of Conjurations works primarily with the calling of
natural spirits, conjuring familiar spirits and elementals. These beings will
help with domestic situations and doing simple guard duty, alerting the
Wizard when trouble arises. Summonses are more powerful conjurations and
will call upon mighty elemental beings, mythical creatures and creatures of
legend. These will help in different tasks like protecting and defending a
particular thing or person or providing assistance with their supernatural
powers; like making use of the healing tears of the Caladrius21 or gaining the
strength of the Roc22 .

Vocos are much more potent incantations and will call upon powerful angels
to help and safeguard the Wizard, especially when evil times surround the
spellcaster. Advocos will call upon powerful individual celestials, mighty
solars and archons. These are generally called when especial divine guidance
is needed and when the Wizard needs to find powerful artifacts from other
planes of existence.

The School of Conjurations uses the focal point of the Throat. The Throat, as
it was stated previously, it’s a magical zone where the power of the voice,
the magical verbum and the power of the Spirit is accumulated, stored up
and released into the universe converting Mind, Thought and Emotion into
Vibration. This Vibration will create the perfect resonance needed to
summon the mighty forces that are conjured through this school. With
several exercises, mediations and contemplations the Apprentice will learn
how to control this area and use it for the better.
21 The Caladrius is a magical bird with supernatural properties, it can heal, bring prosperity and
fortune. 22 A Roc is a giant eagle capable of lifting impossible weights.

Figure XXI. Christhian Knorr von

Rosenroth, Kabbalist and Master Wizard (1636-1689)

The relevant planet of this School is the Sun. This school benefits from this
planet because of the star’s potent light radiation, luminous energy, qualities
of truth and order and the power of the divine. The Sun, as a powerful planet
of light and order, conveys to these incantations and the creatures convoked,
the sense of obedience and duty towards the Wizard and the different tasks
that need to be done.

The Sephira that powers the School of Conjurations is Tiphareth. This

Sephira, being in the middle of the Tree of Life, holds great power when
conjuring beings is needed. This Sephira will also allow the Wizard a better
chance at communicating with these entities and intelligences for Tiphareth
is the center of communion in the Tree Matrix.

Praxis for the School of Conjurations

1. The Apprentice should sit down in a quiet and tranquil place. After having
breathed for at least five minutes without disturbances the Apprentice will
place his/her right hand in the throat.

2. The Apprentice must focus on the throat for this is the area that produces
the magical words with which beings from other realms are convoked. With
each inhalation the Apprentice should feel as the throat fills up with the
divine power of the Source Divine. With every exhalation the Apprentice
must feel as this divine power transfers to every letter, word and name

3. After this process has been done for about ten minutes the Apprentice will
then move his/her right hand from the throat and place it forward. Then the
Apprentice will observe as every word uttered forms a shimmering circle of
light. Inside this shimmering circle of light the beings summoned will appear
without delay. Once this has been done for some time, the Apprentice will
develop the ability to summon entities with much more experience and ease,
knowing full well the responsibility and rectitude needed.

The Types of Incantations

Having discussed the Ten Main Schools of Magic, the Apprentice should be
aware that incantations are responsible for the end result of a particular
magical operation. These end result comes through the employment of
magical words. These magical words are powerful abstract constructs
interwoven between the matrix of reality and the matrix of Magic itself. This
union of realities permits the energies of magic to be moved from the more
supernal realms23 into the realms of men. Doing this, they serve as
functional channels between the world of potential and the world of
manifestation. The incantations serve, then, as triggers, in a way of speaking,
to the awesome magical force that they themselves represent.

They are built using complex arcane Kabbalistic formulas that sow the two
realities of Matter and Magic together in ways that defy human reasoning
and understanding. The magical words are then understood by the
Apprentice and Wizard as powerful artifacts that although insubstantial are
quite real in the realms of the Mind convoked through the power of the
Voice. Many of these incantations dwell from the very simple to the very
difficult and intricately complex. Many of them are to be said out loud,
many others recited over particular artifacts, some others are to be repeated
like mantra and still others are to be said just once. These magical operations
are divided into four types. These operations are the following; the Orisons,
the Artificium, the Conjurations and the Magical Rituals. For the purpose of
this book, at the final section, a small compilation of orisons will be
provided. However, for the moment a brief description of the Artificium,
The Conjurations and the Magical Ritual will be provided.

The Orisons

The Orisons are the most common of the Magical Incantations and yet the
more interesting and breathtaking. They consist of magical words spoken in
Latin, Greek or Hebrew. Most of the time the meaning of these words is lost
to time itself, but their general sense is known and expanded on by
Academic Wizards that keep studying them trying to uncover more of their
hidden mysteries and formulas. These Orisons are, most of the time, two or
three words formulas or combinations of names, nouns and verbs that make
up the magical potential of the incantation. Orisons with more than four
words are considered too complicated to be Orisons and fall under the
category of Artificiums and they will be studied briefly. Those consisting of
just one word are scarce, but quite powerful so the Apprentice is advised to
be careful; it’s important to note that Orisons of a single word are priceless
magical jewels and only a handful exist and they are kept zealously guarded.
Orisons in general had been kept safe from Non Wizards for a very long
period of time for one simple reason. Most Orisons work with very little
magical experience, so if Non Wizards know about them they could
eventually use them for selfish ends and that would actively disrupt Magic in
itself. However, times are changing and the world is truly in need of more
Wizards some of these Orisons will be revealed trusting that true Wizards
shall use them for the greater good. These powerful magical words are
whole and complete; however, their study is divided in several parts. These
are the purpose of the Orison, the warnings of good practice, the things not
to be done by the Wizard, the advises or things to do if the Orison is not
working, the magical visualization, the magical texts corresponding to the
magical names to be convoked, the magical seals and symbols and finally
the pronunciation of the magical words.
23 The Supernal Realms are the abstract constructs of the superior worlds, sometimes referred to as
Heaven, the Higher Planes or the Divine Realm. Whatever the name, these regions are the universal
zones where goodness and truth exist.

The Artificium

An Artificium is a complex arrangement of orisons which are grouped into

particular forms to achieve a more powerful result. These exist in the form of
Magical Cascades, Magical Chains, Matrixes and Magical Optimizers. A
matrix affects natural events and the more cosmic reality while the cascades
affect the more personal dimension of the Wizard and its relations to other
beings, be them physical or spiritual. The Artificium are more powerful
versions of Orisons in every sense. These add power to the more simple
Orisons, but the Wizard must also learn by memory the various magical
movements required for every Artificium. The Magical Cascade is a formula
where various Orisons of similar effect are joined together to achieve a
greater and more spectacular, individualized effect on the personal life of the
Wizard. The Magical Catenas are created for protection, benediction and
altering the surrounding areas with very powerful incantations for a stronger
effect. The Matrixes are single Orisons of very different effects woven
together by magical formulas in order to maximize a magical operation and
affect the natural world. The Magical Optimizers24 are single formulas that
attached to an Orison serve to make it better, change some aspect of the
original incantation or alter the regular effect of the spell. These Artificium
are also accompanied by magical movements of the hand, fingers, body and
with the wand. These movements are formally called the Somatic Dynamic
of every incantation. These consist solely on movements performed by the
Wizard in which various elements are taken into consideration, tying every
movement with the universe, planetary aspects or divine aspects. These add
greater power to any incantation and the Wizard should learn them by heart,
as if writing a long and fluid sentence in the air, and in essence that is
precisely what it’s happening; an imprinting of the will of the Wizard upon
the Matrix of the Physical Realm, calling upon planetary forces, celestial
beings, divine names and nature spirits.

The Conjurations
Conjurations are much more powerful and complex incantations than the
Artificium. These work on very diverse levels of reality and are not to be
confused with the orisons of the same name. Only the most accomplished
Wizards can ever attempt to cast a conjuration. Conjurations are twelve
dimensional formulas that work from the very core of the Magical Realm, all
across the magical spectrum and reaching down to the e Physical Realm.
These twelve dimensions of the Conjurations work by uniting powerful
magical laws of the Outer Realms25 , sowing together arcane magical forces
of the Inner Realms and coalescing the awesome forces of the Divine Names
into a formula which states the desired effect to be achieved by the
operation. Then it coagulates the desired effect through a series of planar
channels right into the physical frame of reality. The twelve dimensions of
Magic worked in every Conjuration are the union of the Universal
Potentials, The Primordial Forces, The Primary Forces, The Tetragramatonic
Names26 , The Fundamental Names27 , The Trigramatonic Names28 , The
Creational Names29 , The Pentagramatonic Names30 , The Fundamental
Outer Planes31 and the Fundamental Inner Planes. More of these concepts
will be explained in the next chapter.
24 Optimizers are calculated through a complex mathematical formula that analyzes the magical name
and provides the names of associated angels, intelligences, princes and elementary counterpart spirits
that help further the magic of the operation.
25 The Outer Realms are regions which exist well beyong the veil of the Philosophical Sphere. They
are not dangerous, but a Wizard should know the concepts that exist there in order to properly venture
into those zones. To do so unprotected can result in serious situations.

The Magical Rituals

The Magical Rituals are the culmination of all of the Magical Operations.
These correspond to powerful sets of prayers, magical movements, Orisons,
Artificium and Conjurations put together to create a major effect upon
reality. The Magical Rituals work to put things right in entire societies, bring
about the powerful forces of heaven upon the people of the world and even
allow the Wizard to receive powerful cosmological energies for personal
use. These rituals are designed in many forms. Many conform to monthly
magical activities the Wizard performs with the help of other Wizards. Some
other are not tied to monthly events, they are rather powerful operations
designed to cause certain things to happen or occur. Some examples of the
monthly rituals are The Ritual of Dissolving the Dark performed in January,
The Ritual of the Soul’s Liberty in February, The Ritual of Allegiance to the
Source Divine in March, The Ritual of Heaven’s Door in April, The Ritual
of The Keys of Heaven in May, The Ritual of the Angel’s Presence in June,
The Ritual of The Sword Divine in July, The Ritual of Divine Prosperity in
August, The Ritual of the Divine Names in September, The Ritual of
Magical Might in October, The Ritual of the Arrival of the Light in
November and The Ritual of Divine Favor in December. These are all
magical ceremonies intended to create a better environment in which
magical energies will abound in the world around the Wizard. They are
accomplished in particular dates, because these dates and periods
corresponds to powerful times in the years; some are synchronized with the
solstices and the equinoxes while others occur at some other particular times
like festive days; these being powerful moments in the year where magical
energies exist at their best. The other magical rituals are those that are not
tied to monthly events. Examples of these are the Ritual of Destitution, The
Ritual of Institution, The Ritual of Revocation and the Rituals of the Seventh
and Eight Paths, among others. For the moment the Apprentice will not be
given rituals to practice for these are more complicated and beyond the
scope of this present work.

All of these formulations make up the amazing collection of magical lore.

The Orisons, the Artificium, the Conjurations and the Magical Rituals are
powerful tools the Apprentice will learn to cherish and respect dearly, for
they are powerful and most amazing and surprising when worked correctly.
In this present work the Apprentice will only be presented with a
considerable selection of Orisons, leaving the more complicated incantations
for later study. This is done to allow the Apprentice to learn these
incantations without any hurry or distraction. This will allow the Apprentice
to study these formulas with a careful mind and with utmost dedication. In
time, this dedication will allow the Apprentice to familiarize with the
magical energies and theories behind the many incantations being studied
and success will be achieved with each magical experience and experiment.
For now, before delving into the more cosmological aspects of Magic, let us
discuss briefly yet another interesting aspect of being a Wizard, this aspect
refers to the Wizardly Trades.
26 These are four letter names of God
27 These are also known as the Cogito and explains the reason for the conjuration to the universe
28 These are three letter names of God
29 These are also known as the Experientio and it is a way to weave into the universe the desired
effect of the conjuration
30 These are five letter names of God
31 These are the names of the Outer Planes employed to manifest the magical power of the
conjuration, the same happens with the Fundamental Inner Planes where the Wizard specifies the inner
planes used to further the cause of the operation

The Wizardly Trades

The Wizardly Trades are general operations and skills a Wizard develops
throughout life. These trades determine a Wizards specialization and general
line of work. In other words, these trades represent the main field of interest
of the Wizard regarding magical studies. These are also the topics and
subjects the Wizard is more passionate about and that matter most from a
magical point of view. For example, all Wizards have an innate love for
magic, but not all have the same interests. Some are more interested than
others in the stars and planets, the outer planes, the creatures of the magical
realms, the celestial worlds or the field of healing. In order to pursue these
Trades every Wizard must develop a set of skills and a set of studies. The
skills needed to perform these general tasks are gained early on during the
training period of the Apprentice. Later, with dedication and care these skills
become the areas of expertise of the Wizard. To gain these skills and studies
the Apprentice must focus more on some fields than others. For example,
those interested in Astrology will surely study more about the magical
planetary aspects than those interested in the outer planes, which will no
doubt delve more deeply in the knowledge of the cosmological variances of
planes. There are many trade types and these are only explained to give the
Apprentice an idea of the many chores and tasks that can eventually be done
as a Wizard. Belonging or choosing a Trade doesn’t mean the Wizard can’t
do anything else outside the Trade or assignments belonging to another
trade. However, it means that the Wizard will focus more on subjects
relating to its Trade than others, but can surely undertake other subjects
outside its Trade if the proper training and precautions are taken. Instead of
constricting the Wizard into an appointed task, the Wizardly Trades are
meant to give the Apprentice a sense of direction, magical identity and
guidance. By direction it’s meant the amount of concentration dedicated to a
particular field of study, for example a Diviner must study much more
Astronomy and Astrology than others. The magical identity refers to the
subjects and topics a Wizard enjoy the most inside the field of Magical
Studies. This will provide the Apprentice with examples of how other
Wizards in the past gained their knowledge and how they worked their
trades in their own cultures and societies.

By guidance it’s meant the sort of works that had been prepared in those
fields and trades in the past, how they can help the Wizard self-guide
through the selected Trade and gain the most experience and knowledge in
order to become an expert in a particular field. Thus the many Trades are the
result of the pursuit and specialization of magical schools, ritualistic works,
ethical viewpoints or systems of beliefs on behalf of the Wizard and its
interests. The types of Wizardly Trade on the magical world are so many it’s
staggering; however, in this book we shall only provide the more general
Trades. Nonetheless an extensive list of the many trades will be given
shortly to give the Apprentice an idea of the extension of the magical chores
in the magical world.

The following will be a brief description of the ten suggested Wizardly

Trades the Apprentice should focus on. Please take into consideration that
these descriptions are by no means absolute or complete. Anyone should feel
free to add on or expand the subjects of study according to each individual

Wizardly Trade Abjurer


Bestiologist* Chronist
Dracomancer Healer*
Hierophant Invoker
Kabbalist* Magus*

Planemaster* Praetor*

Suggested Line of Study

Protective, Lights, Blessings, Planar Creatures, Divine Names.
Alchemy, Alterations, Philosophy, Hermetic Sciences.
Philosophy, Mathematics, Geometry, Physics, Kabbalah, Conjurations and
Geometry, Alterations, Hand-crafts, Solomonic Magic and Astrology.
Astrology, Mythology, Philosophy, Divinations.
Planar Lore, Mythology, Theology, Conjurations.
Philosophy, Conjurations and Lights.
Conjurations, Invocations, Mythology, Philosophy.
Tarot, Kabbalah, Philosophy, Divinations, Dowsing, Dreams.
Philosophy, Mythology, Conjurations.
Philosophy, Theology, Healings.
Theology, Philosophy, Mythology, Blessings and Lights.
Theology, Mythology, Light, Blessings, Conjurations.
Kabbalah, Geometry, Philosophy, Lights, Incantations.
Hermetic Sciences, Philosophy, Kabbalah and Alchemy.
Philosophy, Psychology and Enchantments.
Elemental Dynamics, Interior Planes, Conjurations, Herbs, Stones and
Planar Lore, Philosophy, Kabbalah, Conjurations.
Planar Lore, Protections, Lights, Invocations.
Runelore, Divinations, Philosophy.
Protections, Blessings, Invocations.
Mythology, Religion, Invocations, Lights, Hermetic Sciences.

Table III. List of the Different Wizardly Trades

The Arcanist
The Arcanist is one of the most complete Trades there are, unfortunately one
of the less popular among many Wizards. Many regard this Trade as boring,
systematic and brainy where the Wizard must study constantly or be
developing new concepts almost consistently. This is far from the truth. The
Arcanist is the academician in the wizarding world, the greatest teachers for
the greatest wizards. Without them the magical world would have never
evolved in the ways it did. These are the scientists, the discoverers, the
developers and the researchers of the wizarding technologies32 . They are the
ones responsible for new discoveries in Magical Theories, interpreting
arcane teachings and giving these obscure pieces of information a more
practical and comprehensible application. They uncover ancient formulas,
compare different magical systems; they look to maximize magical
procedures and even try to find better and new incantations from previous
ones. These Wizards practice different formulas and through a rigourous
scientific approach test new magical formulation for their result,
concentrating on their successes and advising on their failures to maximize
the magical experience of the rest of the Wizarding Community. The
Arcanist is a self-teaching individual, learning on their own in order to cope
with the needs of their trade. Many learn on their own ancient languages in
order to better comprehend ancient manuscripts and be able to obtain a more
direct approach to magical lore. Many others study rigorously about strange
and esoteric topics in order to later on comprehend a particular subject. They
enjoy long hours of reading subjects like Philosophy, Ancient History,
Ancient Religion, Magical Grimoires, The Hermetic Sciences and texts like
Paracelsus’ Archidoxes of Magic, Agrippa’s Three Book of Occult
Philosophy, the Armadel, the Arbatel, the Book of Abramelin the Mage and
many other ancient Grimoires and manuscripts. The Arcanists are also
known for their power of reasoning, in this senses they can study strange and
esoteric materials and understand them with ease. This analysis is then
turned into great works of arts, books, manuals and compendiums which
serve to transmit the information they discover, interpret and develop
through research and the long hours of rigorous studies, to other magical
Figure XXII. The Wizard
By Sir Edward Burne Jones
Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
32 A term used to refer to the many magical formulas and complex tools that become available as the
Arcanists undertake a scientific approach to Magic.

The Bestiologist

A Bestiologist is the one to go to when a Wizard is trying to identify or

locate a particular creature of a magical nature. The Bestiologists know
about magical creatures, beasts and creatures of legends better than anyone
else. And this is very important because in the magical world a Wizard may
need to find, contact or employ the services of certain magical creatures in
order to better cast an incantation or achieve successful results in a given
magical operation. Thus the Bestiologists know about magical creatures’
habitats, habits and a creature’s array of magical powers. In their wide
spectrum of information they tend to categorize magical creatures into
particular ranges. They divide the ranges of these magical creatures into the
following respective categories; Elemental, Supernal, Infernal, Woodland,
Mythological Creatures, Impossible Creatures33 , Dimensional and
Planetary. They might know a little of all of these categories, or dedicate
solely on a particular group. However, each Bestiologist decides what to do;
there is no rule or specification to follow; however one thing is for certain.
The more a Wizard knows about a magical creature the more likely that
Wizard is to succeed in conjuring it or using it for a particular magical end.
Among the many things Bestiologists know, they know where these
creatures can be found in the magical world and how to benefit from their
abilities and presence. Not Conjurers in their own right, the Bestiologist may
have a considerable amount of magical knowledge regarding how to conjure
these creatures or how to acquire them. A Bestiologist may benefit from
studying the world’s mythologies, religions and magical books like
Leadbeater’s collection of Astral and Elementals books, ancient bestiaries
like the Aberdeen Bestiary, medieval creature catalogues, books on myth and
legends and books on popular folklore.
Figure XXIII. The Lady Clare By John Willian Waterhouse (1849-1917)
33 Impossible creatures are those which regularly are composed of many others, also known as

The Conjurer

The Conjurer is the Wizard who specializes in calling upon the mighty
forces of the different magical creatures in order to perform a wide variety of
tasks. These Wizards can call upon nature spirits, elementals, and magical
princes of nature. They also call upon the mighty forces of the celestials, the
archangels and even the divine powers of the Exterior and Interior Planes34
through the proper use of incantations, greater conjurations and magical
rituals. They employ these beings to achieve many different goals like
guarding a place, looking for magical ingredients or simply combat another
magical entity. The Conjurers, like the Planemasters, are adept at knowing
the differences between the planes of existence and the creatures that inhabit
them. Many of them choose to work with a particular category of spirits
often creating powerful ties with these magical beings. Others simply choose
to call upon the wide range of creatures when the need arises. Like the
Bestiologist, the Conjurers are quite knowledgeable at the many varieties
and types of magical creatures.

This knowledge helps them differentiate between similar spirits; assist them
in weighing down their powers and in choosing the correct entity for a
particular reason. Conjurers not only conjure, but they can also banish
creatures from a plane into another. They do so by using powerful exiling
magics and formulas intended to keep a creature away from a plane for a
given particular amount of time. Conjurers are also quite capable of
communicating with beings via summons, convoking or calling up the
ancient names of power entities and divinities in order to receive information
and or consultation. For this reason they concentrate their studies on
knowing the magical and secret names of beings and are quite adept at inter
planar relations and habits. Moreover the Conjurer becomes an expert in
dealing with interdimensional entities as they grow accustomed to their
attitudes and personalities. Finally the Conjurer develops a particular affinity
at detecting portals, doorways and extraplanar connection sites and are
armed and equipped with the appropriate arsenal of artifacts and incantations
to either use these gates or shut them down for good.
Figure XXIV. The Magic Circle By
John William Waterhouse 34 The Exterior and Interior planes are another name for Outer
and Inner Planes.

The Diviner

The Diviner is a Wizard who specializes in the School of Divinations. These

Wizards excel in incantations dealing with information, ways of knowing
otherwise unknown subjects, perusing deep into the past to find lost pieces
of information or tapping into the farthest reach of the future in order to
verify possible courses of actions. Through their vast knowledge they
become key individuals in any magical community for their assistance and
counsel in almost any kind of matter. Diviners are dimmed as wise
individuals who can touch the delicate ebbs of reality and guide the other
Wizards with their powerful visions of the things that were and the things to
come. Many of them develop the Art of the Eye35 ; an ancient technique
used to receive messages from the Heavens or contact beings of light that
with their almost infinite wisdom can clarify the events of the present. With
their incessant training the Diviners develop keen senses of intuition,
clairvoyance and clairsentience, becoming masters of precognition. With
their powers they can distinguish truths from lies and fabrications from real
events. They can uncover the many things veiled under falsehood and are
quite adept at dissolving the webs of trickery and deceit. Most of the time,
Diviners learn to employ powerful divination tools like the Tarot, the Runes
or Dowsing techniques. With the Tarot and the Runes they learn to uncover
mysteries of creation and help answer difficult questions. With Dowsing
they can uncover hidden things with the use of the divining rods or the use
of the pendulum. Also many Diviners become experts on Ancient
Astrological techniques and the way to make forecasts. They learn all these
from books like Buckland’s Spirit Book, Hudson’s Clairvoyance, and The
Tarot Interpretations by Eliphas Levi, Paul Foster Case and Watkins’
Dowsing Books among others.

Diviners, through their exposure with the forces of the Fate and Time, get a
special affinity to perceiving things before they occur, see the future,
perceive things of the past and they even develop powerful extra sensory
perceptions which are not normally developed by other Wizards. Their
senses become much more perceptive and many acquire heightened senses
of clairvoyance and clairaudience abilities and even the gift of the Foresight;
which is the ability to detect upcoming danger. Many also acquire the ability
to read a person’s aura learning vital information regarding the individual
and some even develop telepathic abilities.
35 The Eye of Avensar or Avensarine Eye is a technique where the Wizard creates an artificial eye that
later on will send forth into distant places, other planes and even into alternate dimensions. However,
it is quite difficult to prepare for the main ingredient is the eye of a White Bull.
Figure XXV. The Mirror
By Sir Frank Dicksee

The Healer

Healers are Wizards interested in keeping the body, spirit, mind and soul of
their patients and themselves at full health. They learn a great deal of healing
incantations, healing techniques and health restoring methods that are used
amply in order to prevent medical conditions, heal current ailments and even
restore lost functions of the body. Most of the time, Healers consider
themselves Healers first and then Wizards. This is due to the great degree of
responsibility they feel towards their patients, the art of healing and caring
for the ill or wounded. As a result, most of the time Healing Wizards
combine this magical profession with other professions that would greatly
empower their healing skills. Thus many of them receive medical training,
instruction and preparation in the Art of Reiki, they become aware and
dexterous in the many energy handling methods used to heal the sick and
combine them with the power of healing stones and the preparation of
magical elixirs36 . The Healer also becomes proficient in creating all
manners of potions. They learn about the curative properties of plants, roots,
flowers and seeds and learn how to combine them and prepare them in order
to better heal a patient. Healers may also have at their disposal the
knowledge of healing crystals, quartz and stones which combined with the
other healing methods may actually improve the chances of healing
someone; also they learn how to lay on their hands on a person in order to
heal. In order to gain all of this understanding, Healers must study all about
the human body and the many medical conditions that could plague
someone. They must also learn about the many bodies of the human being
like the Astral, Light, Etheric and Causal. There are books like Powell’s
Mental and Astral Body and Leadbeater’s The Chakras. They must also
know about the properties of plants and healing oils and can greatly benefit
from the written works of Paracelsus. `Healers are so keen at their practice
that some even acquire immunity to many sicknesses and can bestow the
Healing Presence Gift, which is the ability to heal someone just by being
Figure XXVI. The Holy Grail By
Dante Gabriel Rossetti(1828-1882)
36 It’s a potion concocted with various herbs to reduce the activity of an
illness or eliminate it altogether.

The Kabbalist

Kabbalists are Wizards highly renowned for their training in the ancient
philosophical teachings of the Kabbalah, ancient Judaism, and the various
Semitic creation myths. They also learn all about the Egyptian Hermetic
Philosophy, all about the Mesopotamian Religions, the many Sumerian
divinities, philosophies of the Persians and many of the philosophical
writings of Plato and Aristotle. They also excel in the art of Gematria37 and
Numerology38 . They are experts on the many Kabbalistic formulas used to
combine words and numbers. They become experts of correspondences,
knowing all about the many aspects that constitute a form in the real world
and how is that form joined with other concepts of the more sublime realms
of the mind, the spirit and the outer planar worlds of Magic. They know all
about the mystical powers that comprise the twenty two letters of the
Hebrew Alphabet, their philosophical conceptions and their magical
applications. They are quite learned in the arrays and hidden meaning of the
Sephiroth in the Tree of Life. All these teachings and different viewpoints
prepare the Kabbalist for one of the most important task in the wizarding
world, this is the secret study of how incantations come to be, how they are
powered and the many spiritual entities that provide energies and magical
forces to them. Kabbalists are the ones that know how to obtain the names of
magical beings like celestials, elementals, powerful deities and cosmic
consciousnesses. They know how to study the ancestral teachings and find in
them powerful names that could very well be used for almost everything in
Magical Operations. Many Kabbalists study books like Rosenroth’s
Kabbalah Unveiled, Gray’s many books on Kabbalah, The Sepher Bahir,
The Sepher Zohar and the Sepher Yetzirah. They also study the Midrash, the
Talmud the Legends of the Jews and the works of famous Kabbalists like
Luria and Cordovero. Kabbalists, through practice and long years of study,
develop the ability to understand numbers, sequences and entire texts just by
looking at their words. This ability helps them handle better ancient pieces
of information in order to transmit it to the rest of the Wizarding
Community. Finally, the Kabbalist is a powerful ally when convoking
celestial beings, particularly since they become adept at two marvelous
things. One is the climbing of The Sudan, which is Jacob’s ladder, and the
second is the development and construction of the Merkabah, which is the
Holy and Divine Throne used to ascend through each successive Celestial
Temple. With the assistance of The Suban the Kabbalist is endowed with the
power to acquire light and illumination regarding the kingdom of Heaven,
while the Merkabah helps the Kabbalist move from Heaven to Heaven with
greater ease.
Figure XXVII. King Gaspar
(One of the Three Wise Men or Magi that visited Christ at birth)
By Sir Edward Burne-Jones
37 This is the Art of knowing the numerical values of letters and adding them up to acquire a
mathematical value that will provide additional information relevant to the original word.
38 Numerology is the arcane study of numbers, the significance and how they affect our daily lives
and destiny.

The Magus

The Magi are the Wizards that devote their entire lives to the study of the
great metaphysical mysteries of the Universe. These Wizards employ their
time in search for the great all-encompassing truths of creation and seek
answers for the eternal questions of humanity. They strive to find the reason
of the Universe, Existence and the many Entities that exist in the many
realities of this universe and beyond. They try to find a place for the human
experience within the immensity of the multiverse and provide meaning to
life. These Wizards find themselves in a never-ending quest to find the
origin of the many gods, the one God and the Source Itself. They ponder
about the greatness and vastness of the Universe and its many agencies and
cosmological institutions that make up reality as it is. The Magi seek to
answer the ominous questions many religions had tried to explain through
spiritual dogmas, allegorical symbols and theological truths. As a result, the
Magus is a philosopher of the highest caliber, trying to unravel the mysteries
of the Eldest Magical Tradition, the Mysteries of the Rites of Initiation and
the Secrets of the Hermetic Sciences. These Wizards try to comprehend the
riddles and enigmas of the past left on the architecture, writings, religions
and gods of the ancients. They are masters of symbols and try to uncover the
many truths and facts of the ancients’ wisdom. They are also amply adept at
ancient magical rites and initiatory processes, understanding the intricacies
of Magic as Divine Law. Finally, the Magus is a Wizard who finds
himself/herself in the search for enlightenment, spiritual growth and Unity
with the rest of the Universe and at the same time it strives to understand the
ancient magical devices that allow a Wizard to transmute his/her very core
into something greater and filled with the divine light ready to move to
higher states of existence. And with all this knowledge the Magus endeavors
to invisibly guide humanity through the Divine Plan. Many of them study
the Initiatory Rites of the Past, such as the Eleusinian Mysteries in which the
Initiate is passed through three stages of development. That is the descent
into the underworld, the search for the Ascending Light and the Ascension to
the Immortal Realms. The Magus also study the Orphic Mysteries of
Resurrection, in which the initiate is taught how to reign supreme over the
natural forces of death and achieve physical immortality and a
transcendental union with the powers divine. These mysteries are sought and
understood by the Magus as it delves into the most profound metaphysical
universe and emerges victorious as it achieves wisdom and illumination.
They also study the Ancient Religions, the Esoteric Writings of the Ancients,
the many books of the Egyptians detailing divine birth and divine
resurrection, and the many alchemical treatises on immortality and the many
forms of human transfiguration.
Figure XXVIII. The Magus
By Thomas Cooper Gotch

The Planemaster

Planemasters are the ones specialized with the knowledge of the Other
Planes39 . These Wizards are experts on the current Cosmological Matrix of
the Multiverse. They occupy themselves with knowing the general make up
of reality; giving particular attention to the planes that shape up realities and
the planes where consciousnesses exist. They are the ones who know where
does a particular deity lives, where does a particular creature is found and in
which plane of existence are found certain types of spiritual races or beings.
The Planemasters know what are these planes made off and what comprises
each particular reality. Like the Bestiologist, the Planemasters categorize the
different planes by type and locations. In general they consider only two
planar variations; one is the Planes of Form, the other the Planes of
Existence. The Planes of Form are the primary infinite number of planes that
are constituted by truths, constants, forces, principles, laws and axioms that
at the same time shape up the Planes of Existence. The Planes of Existence
in turn refer particularly to the many places where supernatural beings and
creatures exist. For example these divide themselves into three major
categories; the Interior Planes, the Planes of Transition and the Exterior
Planes. The Interior Planes are the realms where elemental creatures make
their abode. The Planes of Transition are the Astral, the Mental, the Etheric
and the Vital Planes. The Exterior Planes are the realities where the majority
of supernatural entities and creatures exist; like the angels or devils. A
Planemaster’s knowledge is paramount for they are masters of plane-
traveling. They develop this ability by employing incantations, formulas and
planetraveling techniques that allow them to move from one plane to the
other effortlessly. They study books on ancient cosmologies, ontology,
divine pantheons and all about planes of existence and planar travel.

Like Conjurers, the Planemasters develop a wonderful ability to detect

gateways, boundary zones and planar intersection sites with great ease. They
employ these abilities to further their magical work and to continue their
wonderful explorations across the planes. Planemasters accrue the ability to
move out of their bodies, moving freely into the Astral and Ethereal Planes.
They also master the ability to construct magical vessels in which to travel to
other realms, these vessels take the form of magical bodies and particularly
magical constructs with which they travel the planes in a safer way.
39 The Other Planes are to be understood as the realities where higher intelligences exist on a level of
consciousness and evolution beyond the physical realm.
Figure XXIX.
The Snowy Rose of Heaven 1867 Gustave Doré

The Praetor

These are the fearless and heroic Wizards of the Wizarding World who keep
the world safe from evil. These brave Wizards’ only wish is to fight against
the forces of darkness and push them back where they rightfully belong.
Like valiant Knights of the Light, the Praetori engage darkness and the most
hideous entities in order to rid the world from the wicked and heinous
legions of the lower planes40 . During their preparation and training the
Praetori become experts at handling fallen creatures like demons and devils.
They learn how to battle the presence of evil in the world and know how to
vanquish them and send them back to their fallen realms through the proper
use of Magic. The Praetor is a relentless fighter who stops at nothing when
the lives of others are at stake. Particularly, when the wretched tendrils of
evil had sprouted around the lives of the innocent and the good hearted. The
Praetori are Wizards who study powerful revocation magics, protective
incantations, defense incantations and mighty blessings. They use these in
combination with incantations of Light and powerful formulas dedicated to
vanquish the forces of evil. Along their studies they acquire abundant
knowledge in the dark arts, to learn the very nature of evil. Thus they are
quite capable of destroying dark operations and spells intended to harm other
people or that aim to destroy the balance and equilibrium of a region. They
also learn about the power, history and might of the holy symbols, ancient
artifacts and blessed signs that defeat the forces of darkness so that they
could face evil with the proper weaponry. The Praetori also study and learn
rigorously where these creatures are found, what attracts them in the
physical world and what are their natural weaknesses.

Many of them learn how to employ powerful arrays of magical matrixes and
train heavily in different combat styles not to fight them physically; but to
keep a keen mind and a martial disposition towards evil. Finally, the Praetor
becomes so attuned to defending the Light and the Wizarding Community
that they acquire great physical power, enhanced spiritual insights and a
supreme ability to detect evil miles away. They also develop, through their
experiences and magical workings, profitable kinship with particular
celestial beings. These associations then become powerful supporting
entities in the Praetor’s battle against evil. It is important to point out that a
Praetor is always protected by amulets, artifacts, spiritual weapons41 ,
magical weapons and a host of protective repertoire in order to keep evil at
40 The realm where the vile forces of darkness reside, many will equal this regions as Hell, but in
reality is not. Hell is a Semitic construct of an afterworld for the wicked. The Lower Planes are the
actual regions where the fallen races inhabit.
41 A spiritual weapon is a mental construct devised with thoughts, prayer and orations with the sole
purpose of stopping evil creatures. These can also be sacred crosses and blessed ankhs.
Figure XXX.
Knight of the Holy Grail
By Frederick J. Waugh, Renwick Gallery

The Templar

The Templar, very similar to the Praetor, is a Wizard who fights evil but in a
different way. They fight evil through magical rituals and magical operations
performed inside the Sacred Temple. Through a careful selection of formulas
and ritual magic, they use incantations and conjurations to stop evil in this
world. These Wizards are quite important because they are the ones who
know how to combine the many powerful names of divinities, archangels,
celestial princes, elementals and other luminous beings in order to create
powerful cascades of magical might. These are the ones who know the secret
of creating Rituals, Rites and Magical Practices. Through their long studies
they uncover the ancient mystery of how to put together invocations,
prayers, magical formulas, scriptures and psalms along with the powerful
names of the creatures of light and the divine powers of heaven. Through
these magical arrangements they create powerful walls that protect against
evil, keep evil at bay, vanquish evil from the environment and remove evil
from a place, object or person. The Templars also know how to sanctify
places, bless artifacts and empower them with the forces of goodness and the
energies of the heavens. Sometimes called Clerics42 , the Templars are
powerful masters of prayers and use them to place the energies of Heaven in
a residence, call upon the celestial forces of the Almighty and manifest the
presence of celestials in a given location. These Wizards enjoy prayer,
solitude, and meditation. They also undertake the purest acts and are known
for their kindness and blessed hearts. Like the Praetori, these Wizards learn
powerful invocations and protection incantations along with mighty
revocation formulas intended to abjure the most horrible forces of evil.
These are the ones who direct the spiritual offices of birth and death for
those in the Magical World and serve as counselors and guides in the
difficult times of Wizards.

Also the Templars are so in tune with the celestial energies of Heaven that
they develop a powerful and at the same time beautiful relationship with the
saintly Solar Angels. These beings of might and power offer guidance to the
Templar and in many cases even assist the Templar in the various magical
operations that these Wizards engage. Finally, the Templars become so
luminous and filled with light eternal that their bodies begin to radiate
luminosity at a certain age, making these Wizards known as the Hallowed

Now that the ten main Wizardly Trades have been described, the Apprentice
can have a better understanding of his/her future chores as a full-fledged
Wizard, when that time comes of course. By no reason think that the
descriptions of these trades are all encompassing, they are not; they lack
hundreds of descriptions and many more factual details. As it was stated
earlier, a Wizard gradually becomes into one of the Wizardly Trade by study,
expertise and experience. However, now that the Apprentice has been
properly introduced into the magical world, we shall delve a little deeper
into other aspects relevant to Magic.

This is its cosmology and its position regarding the Universe and everything
else. This is an important task, because to understand the intricacies of the
cosmos is something that many men and women had strived to understand
for hundreds of years. The following chapters are paramount for the
understanding of the Universe and how Magic relates to it, study it with a
sincere heart and an open mind, believe me only through the proper
understanding of these truths will the Wizard be able to rightly harness the
divine energies that compose and make up the totality of Magic.
42 They are so called because of their spiritual devotion to Magic, not as a simple religion but a quite
powerful and compelling mystic experience.

XXXI. The Arrival at Saturn, 1867 Gustave Dore
Chapter Two: The Cosmogony and Cosmology of the Wizarding

“If we study nature attentively, alike in its great revolutions and in its
minutest works, it is impossible not to admit Magic, giving the word its
fullest meaning. Man can create no energy; he can but use the only
existing energy, which includes all others, namely, Dynamis also known
as the incomprehensible Breath of the sovereign maker of the universe.”

HONORÉ DE BALZAC, Seraphita: Romans et Contes Philosophiques.

Cosmogony and Cosmology are integral disciplines in the study of Magic.

For one cosmogony is the philosophical science that deals with the idea of
the origin of creation. In this origin the Apprentice will be taught what was
Magic’s involvement in this colossal act and how it was that it occurred in
the theater of creation. Through this study a clearer picture of the universal
truths will be provided and the Apprentice will have a chance at
understanding some of the primary metaphysical axioms needed for the
proper manifestation of magical operations. It is relevant at this moment
because by knowing how the Universe is connected to Magic the Apprentice
will have a better view of Magic’s own massive scope. On the other hand
through the study of cosmology, which is the study of the universe as it is,
the Apprentice will get to know how is the universe formed, what composes
it, what forms it and how it is kept running in working order. In this present
chapter the Apprentice will be provided with the general ideas of
Cosmogony and Cosmology pertaining to High Magic. This will serve as a
basis for understanding the supreme laws that govern magical thought. Also
this will empower the Apprentice with everything a Wizard needs to know in
order to practice Magic properly. It is advised the Apprentice studies this
chapter carefully and without any hurry for in these following pages the true
secrets and mysteries of Magic will be presented for the first time. However,
take into consideration that these mysteries will be provided in an easy and
accessible way. They will be more of an introduction to the very secrets of
Magic rather than delving into their more profound and esoteric aspects.
Nonetheless, believe me when I say that they will suffice for the time being.
Also, in the following pages the Apprentice will be endowed with the key of
the proper arrangement of the universe after the conformation of the first
four numbers43 . These will explain the universe from a Kabbalistic
perspective and will empower the Apprentice and future Wizard with a
supreme knowledge of the mysteries of the Divine. These will lead to the
explanation of the Four Worlds we already discussed, but this time a magical
perspective will be applied to them, allowing the Apprentice to see in these
four worlds the semblance of the Wizard’s Mind, Thought, Focus and ways
of Manifestation. Finally, by the end of this chapter the Apprentice will be
bequeathed with the powerful mysteries of the Great Arrangements of the
Tree of Life and will perform his/her first and foremost Magical Operation,
the Quickening of the Sphere44
43 This is a reference to the Four Worlds View of the Kabbalah, in which the first is potential, then
follows the Idea, then Formation and finally Manifestation.
44 This is the magico-kabbalistic process of giving substance to the Philosophical Sphere of the
Wizard for the first time.

Figure XXXII. Alchemical Emblem

of the Cosmological Principles of Creation

The Universal Cosmogony of Magic

The following explanation of the Origin of the Universe is an account taken

from the Early Initiatory Rites of the Semitic Mystery Religions45 . These
mysteries had been kept safe from mortal eyes for ages for one simple
reason. Many will not understand the facts and may disgrace these great
mysteries of old. Even now when I attempt to disclose these mysteries with
the dedicated Apprentice it is my sworn duty to preserve these mysteries
intact. However, I shall elucidate these mighty secrets like the ancient spoke
to the alchemists of old. Do not despair, you shall understand, and to ensure
better understanding please read this account more than once. In time, the
secret meaning of its words shall be revealed to the eyes of the Apprentice.

The Ancients and Elder of the Light say that in the beginning there was
Nothingness46 . This Nothingness was in turn a state devoid of existence.
Thus existence was not. This actually means that there was no point in space
or time to get a reference from. Everything was buried in a deep state of
Nothing and nonrelation. In a given moment, unknown for there was no time
as well, a point self-generated amidst this state of Nothingness. Many
explain that this point generated as the result of an awakening. Others
propose that it coagulated from Nothingness as Nothingness became
evermore massive in this state of nonexistence. Even others, suggest that it
simply manifested out of sheer will. At this moment we shall not discuss
about these three propositions, only take for a fact that this point appeared in
this state of nonexistence. As it appeared it became apparent to this point
that there was nothing else around it. Thus it began to expand at an ever
increasing rate trying to find something else it could relate to47 . As it
expanded it achieved infinite expansion in this state of nonexistence and
found nothing else to associate with. These infinite expansion and the fact
that there was nothing else to relate to made this first point realize that if its
expansion was infinite it was correct to understand that it was infinite as

Being infinite and the only thing in this state of nonexistence led this first
point to ponder further about its Self. If it was infinite and the first thing to
be then it was correct to think that it was the First Self, thus being the First
Self it was correct to deduce that it was in fact the First Divine. This
realization made this point illumine with a light that was not of this world,
because it was a light that illumined in a place that didn’t exist at all. Thus
the First Divine decided to contract itself into the point that it originally was
and when it did it realized that as it retracted to its first state a space was left
behind it; this was infinite space. Then, the First Divine understood that in
itself there was a Light also known as Awareness.
This Light-Awareness was known as Will, Wisdom and Intelligence. These
three aspects coagulated as a second point and it was known as the collection
of everything there is to know, power to do everything, the will to impose
order over anything, the wisdom to know every single thing even in its most
minute detail and the understanding over every aspect of everything. These
three aspects were then known collectively as Barbello by the Gnostics, as
Sophia by the Greeks, as Heka by the Egyptians and as Magea by the
Persians. For the last five thousand years we have called it Magic. Thus the
Light of God became Magic and it represented the First Divine’s Will,
Wisdom and Intelligence. It was then that through Magic, the First Divine
began to create.
45 A mystery religion is a mystic practice in which the devout approaches the divine without any
religious dogma and instead employs philosophical principles and reason.
46 A void is a place with an absence of matter. Nothingness in the other hand represents an absence of
everything, even space, time,consciousness and movement.
47 This account is quite consonous with the Kabbalistic account of creation called the Ain Soph Aur
or the Light without Limits or Boundaries.

Now, humble Apprentice, take into consideration that the First Point was the
first thing in the state of nonexistence and that its Light, or Magic, was the
second. This led the First Divine to combine with its own Second Self, being
Light–Awareness, and produced a Third Self still in the state of
nonexistence. By the combination of the First with the Second, the Third
Self became Deliberate Act48 . This Deliberate Act is also known as the
Divine Power of Movement49 . Also, this Act became the potentiality for
everything, and being the potentiality of the First Divine, it is a divine and
infinite potential. Therefore, with this Third Self, the First Divine realized
that it could achieve everything and that nothing was beyond its divine
scope. This notion allowed the First Self to act upon the created space with
Omniscience and Omnipotence. Now, all the First Divine needed to do was
to act over the state of nonexistence and create existence. This was then the
First Act, the Act of creating Existence out of Nothingness. This Existence
was created through the solution of the First Three into one, giving way to
the Fourth Self, known in Kabbalah as the Crown50 . This was the beginning
of the Physical Universe and the most powerful Act in Creation yet. This
Crown was the first thing to appear in the Universe. However, it was far
from being the first material thing. Please understand dear Apprentice that in
the universe there are Real51 things and Physical things. Real things are
those that exist as perfect, whole and abstract creations. They are not
physical and they are not subject to decay. These exist in a realm of thought
and perfection. While physical objects are reflections of those perfect forms
that exist in the Real Universe. The physical objects become imperfect
representations of the Real and Perfect ones. Physical things are models that
take after the Real object they are representing, thus being in the Physical
Universe they are subject to decay and imperfection. The ancient
philosophers proposed that everything has a Perfect Real Form and that we
are just experiencing a physical imperfect world formed after its fashion.
Knowing this, the Apprentice must understand that this Crown contained in
itself the seeds for all of creation, the blueprint of all that there was going to
be in whole perfect forms and the perfect reality of the things to be

To better understand this cosmogony we must clarify some concepts. If we

call the First Divine as the Source of everything, which exists in
Nonexistence, we must say that this Source is unintelligible. By this, we
mean that it cannot be readily experienced, grasped or even understood in its
entirety. To know such a thing is impossible, because this Source exists in a
world of nonexistence and Reason is fixed to the realm of existing things.
The Second Self or Point, which is Magic, can be deemed as the Logos52 ,
because the Logos knows everything as well as it knows itself fully; and in
itself there is a perfect form of everything else. It can also be called the Word
because it knows the name of every single things uncreated and created as
well. The Third Self, the Definite Act, can be called as well the Dunamis;
because it confers divine action to everything. This is comparable to the
rushing energy and force that moves from one point to the other creating,
forming and manifesting. This can also be called the Spirit or the Anima53
because it animates and puts Motion in things. Finally, the Fourth Self is the
First God. At this moment many will ask themselves why is this The First
God and not the Source Divine? The answer is simple. The Source Divine,
Magic and Act Exist and are all in a state of nonexistence. If these mighty
universal and incomprehensible forces
of creation. And so it took the One, the Two, the Three and the Four and
combining them it obtained Ten Emanations of its own Self.
This is easily understood when the Apprentice adds 1+2+3+4=1055 . Already
I have revealed too much about this ancient mystery and for now we shall
leave it at that. However, one more thing must be said. The Ancient of
Ancients, after having obtained the Ten Emanations from its self, gave them
a natural order, following as well its own origin beginning with the One and
ending with the Four. As the Apprentice might already suspect, this pattern
will repeat several times as creation is completed. Thus the order conferred
to the Universe by the Ancient of Ancient was the following. To emulate the
One, it took itself as the First Emanation being the Crown created by the
Source Divine. In this state it exists alone and differentiated from the rest of
the emanations. The ancient sages of the past referred to this state as the
Empyrean56 . To emulate the Second Self, it assigned two of the emanations;
one besides the other, these two holding the Secret of Secrets, the Act of the
Holy Marriage. Together with these three they formed a Triangle with its
point facing upwards; for they show that even having reached the Empyrean,
the search is not over, suggesting the existence of something greater than the
First God; but more abstract and utterly unintelligible.
48 For Deliberate Act here is meant Action, but not the ordinary action of every day. By Action we
mean the Perfect Act that doesn’t react to anything; instead it acts upon reason and thought. It is this
the activity of the divine, where nothing moves the Self, but the Self moves the all.
49 The greeks philosophers called this state the Dunamis or Divine Dynamism from where everything
takes activity and animation.
50 This Crown represents the Attributes of Will, Authority and Volition. It is the Ancient of Ancients
for it represents the first visible aspect of the Divine Form.
51 Please refer to the Platonic idea of Real and Physical.
52 The Logos is the Sacred Word of the Divine, for words are perfect in the Realm of Real Things,
from where everything sprouts after its archetype.
53 The ancient alchemist used the word Anima as the representation of the driving force which moves
things and animates everything.
Figure XXXIII.
An Alchemical Emble representing
the Origin of the Cosmos

of the cosmos were to manifest themselves in the universe, they would rip it
apart by their sheer massiveness for the infinite universe to them is limited,
small and constricted. Thus, the First God54 is a more universal
representation of the Source. The First God is an expression of the Source,
one that could exist in the Universe without destroying it and a beacon and a
form by which the seekers of truth might look further into the Mysteries of
the Great Source Divine, one which has no gender and is Goddess and God,
Lord and Lady of the Universe. However, do not be such a fool as to think
that this is not a real God, for it is the One Supreme God of this Universe. In
its Fourth Self state it has in Itself the Mystery of the Name Most Divine and
Holy. So Divine and Supreme that the entire Universe trembles and obeys its
every command. This First God was known as the Ancient of Ancients and
the Macroprosopus by the Kabbalists. It was called the Ancient of Ancients
because it was the first conscious self and master over every aspect of
creation for it had them all in its primary core. It was called the
Macroprosopus because it was the Greater Head of the Divine, the one
which directs the entire universe. After this Ancient of Ancients came to be
it put order in the Universe by replicating its own preternatural origin into
the patter
54 Ages ago Wizards decided to differentiate the Source Divine from the First God in the following
way. We all know the Source and the First God are the same, however the Source is a non
understandable concept and only through the First God can we ever hope to reach it; thus the First
God becomes the doorway and Gate into the mysteries of the Source Divine. While the Source is a
form of unintelligible power, the First God is a form of its mercifulness and desire for us to reach its
incomprehensible glory.

To emulate the Third Self, it grouped together three of the emanations and it
formed them into another Triangle. This Triangle, with its point facing
downward, suggests that in order to understand creation one must become
physical and travel the dense realm of imperfection. These three exist as the
waypoint between the Real and the Physical Universes. Finally, to emulate
the Fourth Self, the First God grouped together the final four into an
arrangement similar to the last one. It placed three in a triangular shape with
its point facing down as well and a lone emanation at the end, reminiscent of
the first one; but physical and grounded to this Earth.

This is another mystery that I shall not delve into57 . However, this is exactly
how the wonderful Tree of Life came to be. Each of these Ten Emanations
represents the Sephiroth we had spoken of before. Each of these Sephiroth
possesses attributive meanings of the Divine and of their function and
purpose towards the created and manifested world. Some of these meanings
can be found in Table II. Nonetheless, it is through this abstract chain of
manifestation, all the way from the First Self to the Fourth Self that Magic
appears and channels down into the world of formation. Thus Magic reaches
the world of manifestation through the extension of the Third Self and the
Fourth and the use of the Sephiroth and the paths that interconnects them. It
is in this way that reality is infused with Magic and that the Fiery Light of
Magic runs across the multifarious layers of creation and reaches the mind of
the Wizard.
55 This divine and ancient mystery is known as the Key of the Tetractys for in four there are ten, and
this are the Ten Mighty Names of Creation, which are in themselves One.
56 The Empyrean is an ancient term to refer to the Fiery and Upmost Celestial Realm where God
supposedly resides with only those Archangels capable of resisting His ineffable Countenance.
57 This is the Mystery of the Conformation of the Tree of Life, which explains the arrangement from
the One and all the way into the Fourth State. It also reminds us the arrangement of the Four
Kabbalistic Worlds of Atziluth, Beriah, Yetzirah and Assaiah or Perfect Potentiality, Creation,
Formation and Manifestation. This shall be explained in the following chapters.
The Universal Cosmology of Magic

Once the Apprentice has a moderate idea of the origin of the Universe and
how Magic relates to everything in creation and how it is that Magic governs
every aspect of reality, it is adequate to study how is it that the universe
works and in which way everything is affected by Magic. In our previous
explanation of the Cosmogony four main states of self were presented. These
states were shown as necessary steps so that the origin of everything could
come to fruition. They were explained in a simple way, however in order to
properly understand the complexity of the Cosmological aspects of Magic
these four states should be explained in more detail. The reason for this is
straightforward; these four aspects become, in a sense, the four columns that
hold reality together. Each of these four states are to be understood as the
support for everything else58 . These four steps govern, in turn, several
aspects of reality, constructing a matrix-like structure that stems from the
inexistent nothingness where the First Point coagulated for the first time and
all the way to the Real Universe and then the Physical universe; where
ultimately the Crown of God’s Sovereignty, or First God, appears. In this
matrix-like structure, the Apprentice and Wizard will find the many
functions that allow things to happen naturally in the physical universe. The
Apprentice will find that these structures are in fact laws that give order,
sense, purpose and direction to the universe59 . Normally, when these laws
interact with each other natural events come to be in the Real and Physical
Universes. However, by properly accessing these laws through study and
focus, the power of the trained Will of the Wizard and the use of ancient
magical words the Wizard can promote the occurrence of supernatural
events. For example, in the natural world rain is governed by one of such
laws, when two events present themselves the law is invoked and rain falls
in a given place. This event occurred naturally. However, when the Wizard
accesses the laws governing water by concentration and he/she puts together
two events by the power of his/her Will and calls upon the magical words
that govern rain, the same effect manifests; only that it occurred this time
through supernatural means. This is the pure basis for any Magical

The Universal Potentials

In order to completely understand these constructs, the Apprentice must first
know that the First Point or the First Divine harbors in its core two main
forces which stem forth from nonexistence into the totality of the universe.
One is Positive, the other is Negative. The former is called Additus, and this
one copiously gives to the universe without reserves. It behaves like an open
fountain providing never-ending substance to everything in the universe. The
other is known as Nihilus, and this one takes from the universe relentlessly.
It behaves like a powerful black hole that suctions everything inside its
impressive unlimited bottom. Neither of these forces is good nor bad, in this
state of the universe good or evil doesn’t exist yet60 . These are simply the
two primary activities that flow forth from the Source Divine. They are
known as Universal Potentials and the Apprentice does well in learning that
nothing can ever be done without them. Specifically, these two forces govern
every aspect of Magic, from the most subtle to the more prominent. That is
why it is seriously suggested that the Apprentice should learn them by
memory, through arduous study and through the rigorous process of reason.
They are quite simple, but greatly necessary for most operations, be it in
present form or through mental focus; in essence, they are ultimately needed.
For example, a debilitating sickness could not be removed without the
reducing Negative Force of the Nihilus that would eradicate the infirmity. In
the same sense, an incantation would not manifest itself if it weren’t for the
Positive Force qualities of the Additus. These two forces divide themselves
into four magical behaviors each. These magical behaviors correspond to
intensities of both of these two universal forces. All these represent powerful
magical aspects that had been incorporated into incantations since the
beginning of magical theories and the Apprentice and Wizard will greatly
benefit from learning them, as it had been said previously. The Additus
Potential is composed by the Initio, the Auctus, the Gemino and the Creo or
Initiate, Augment, Multiply and Create, respectively. The Nihilus Potential is
composed by the Retineo, the Deminuo, the Dispertior and the Everto or
Discontinue, Diminish, Divide and Destroy, respectively.
58 This is yet another Mystery relating to the Fourfold Essence of the Universe and its relation to the
Tetramorph, the creature with four faces, one of a bull, one of a lion, one of an eagle and one of a man.
These are great and powerful columns which hold the three heavens together.
59 In this sense the Wizard should understand that although Magic is an all encompassing Light, as it
courses through the universe it differentiates into a myriad forms and activities; concepts that the
Wizard should know about in order to better understand the activity of Magic and properly benefit
from it.
60 In this state of non existence Good and Evil are concepts that appear when Intelligent Life procures
benefit or strife to one another and become measuring tools of our inherent worthiness.

Figure XXXIV. Anatomia

Auri, Johann Mylius (1628)

Nihilus Magical Behaviors:


Effects of Magical Behaviors
It discontinues the current flow of events of a particular thing, it stops the
actuality in an individual.
It diminishes the current flow of events of a particular thing. It reduces
quantity and/or quality of a thing.
It divides a particular thing into lesser forms. It dismantles a unit into lesser
less coherent things.
It destroys a particular thing. It keeps a certain event from happening.

Table IV. A list of the Magical Behaviors of Nihilus

Additus Magical Behaviors:


Gemino Creo
Effects of Magical Behaviors

It causes an event to start. It gives motion and momentum to an event that

wasn’t taking place.
It augments the quantity and/or quality of an event. It expands, enlarges or it
makes a situation bigger.
It multiplies a particular thing into many more forms of its original type. It
creates a particular thing from where there was naught.

Table V. A list of the Magical Behaviors of Additus

In order to experience these forces, the Apprentice should meditate on each

and every one of these universal potentials and their behaviors separately.
One way to positively experience these eight behaviors is to close one’s eyes
and see in the mind how they behave in the universe. The Apprentice is
urged to examine in each and every physical action the activities of these
forces. For example, when a person drinks water, the person is actually
invoking the Additus Potential because it is receiving the liquid in his/her
body, but at the same time he/she used the Nihilus Potential to take the water
from its original source or container. Think as much as you can about these
interactions and soon your mind will be filled up with wonderful realizations
about the universe, the different levels of reality and most importantly about
how Magic works!
The Primordial Forces

The second event, The Light or Magic of the First Divine, is formed by
eleven double forces that are the natural result of the interaction of the
previous magical behaviors. What this means, is that the magical behaviors
of the Nihilus and the Additus combine with each other creating a secondary
array of elements. This secondary array of elements constitutes a great deal
of laws for everything that exists in creation, in this sense the universe is an
orderly realm the Apprentice must comprehend. These eleven elements also
help define the many aspects of the universe, and in some ways establish a
greater sense of reality than the previous magical behaviors of the Two
Potentials. They are known as the Primordial Forces; and at this point they
exist between nonexistence and creation; and through these elements the
universe comes into being, and the entirety of creation will eventually be
manifested. These eleven elements are the following;

Order/Chaos: Order is the force which creates the Universe, for through its
power Chaos was regulated by laws.
Creation/Destruction: they define manifestation for everything, from the
moment they are made until the moment they are eliminated.
Generation/Degeneration: these two define the amount of coherence an
entity is endowed with when compared with others.
Union/ Separation: they define the level of proximity and integration of a
particular thing in creation.

Activity/Rest: these two define the level of motion between one object and
Equilibrium/Disequilibrium: these two correspond to the level of harmony;
symmetry and balance an object or entity has in regards to others.

Virtue/Vice: these define the level of values of a particular individual, its

qualities and its merits in relation to the rest.
Light/Darkness: these two define the degree of illumination of an entity in
relation with another.
Life/ Death: They define the level of state of being an individual object or
entity has in relation with others animated or animated entities.
Good/Evil: these two deal with the behavior of some things in respect to
Action/Reaction: These two deals with the degree of the conscious
awareness of an entity or being in relation to the rest.

When the Apprentice learns and studies more and more these Primordial
Forces, he/she will start to recognize that these are indeed absolutely needed
in the universe in order for things to be. It is amply suggested that the
Apprentice looks into these forces with a diligent eye and looks for them in
the ancient writings of Cosmological Philosophers like Thales,
Anaximander, Anaximenes, Xenophanes, Plato and Aristotle. These great
men of the past, not only contributed greatly to the understanding of these
concepts but they also, cleared up many doubts regarding the world of
Magic; such as the state of being, the self and our relation in respect with the
universe, to know that alone is the most magical thing of all. As with the
Universal Potentials, the Apprentice is urged to meditate on these Primordial
Forces. By thinking about their relation to an object or person the Apprentice
will realize how important these Primordial Forces are to the Universe as a

The Primary Forces

Now, when these Primordial Forces are further combined by the natural
scheme of things, they develop into another set of structures. These are
known as the Primary Forces. The Primary Forces, like the previous ones,
exist but find themselves outside creation, bordering the manifest universe;
yet they possess such a powerful presence of emanation that everything
takes form after them in order to exist. The Primary Forces are the result of
further combination of the latter ones. These occur in the Third Cosmogonic
Event, that being the Definite Act or the Dunamis. These exist closer to the
moment of creation but are still far from being manifested, but do not
dismiss them as nonexistent; they are in themselves very Real. These
Primary Forces divide themselves into four elemental categories and work
more like principles than abstract concepts. It should be noted that these
forces, like the previous ones, are much more complicated than they appear
and will only be shown in an introductory way.

These Primary Forces, as it was previously said, divide into four types. The
first type is Motion; explaining that everything in the universe must respond
to movement and change, this akin to the element of Water and the Laws of
Change. The second type is Immovability; referring to those aspects in
creation which are consistent and constant, more akin to the element of Earth
and the Laws of Permanency. The third type is Combination; making clear
that objects in the universe must come together, connect or bond in order to
create greater things; these divisions represents the element of Air and
correspond to the Laws of Constructs. Finally, the fourth type is Mutation;
elucidating that beings in the universe can be changed, transformed and
altered altogether through the proper use of Magic, Wisdom, Intelligence
and Power. This last one represents the element of Fire and the Laws of
Transmutation. Each of these four types of Primary Forces have seven
aspects61 that should be studied particularly. These are the following;

The Primary Forces of Water

Arom: By placing in one place one has to take from another. Arimac:
Passive energies tolerate all.
Berom: By taking from one place one has to put in another. Berimac: Active
energies renew everything.
Artifus: Mind creates everything.
Equilibris: When everything is the same, there are no gods. Religo: In order
to succeed one has to wish to return to the All.
61 These seven aspects correspond directly with the seven planets, however
in this Manual that will not be studied, rather the Apprentice should focus on
the actual laws that might emanate from each individual Primary Force and
manifest later on in the Physical World.

The Primary Forces of Earth

Ebernas: Nothing is what it seems for nothing is Real. Fumus: Appreciate

the air that is not seen.
Elles: A man by himself fails.
Nodo: Relax the environment and it will yield. Etes: Woman is creator by
Pischo: Fish live in a medium they do not comprehend. Fleur: A flower in its
period is common.
The Primary Forces of Air

Gedon: In the depth there is firmness. Arai: Light is the beginning of

everything. Onun: The Universe vibrates with this sound. Harai: The best
shoot will sprout.
Caprin: Beasts shall recognize the Name. Eoussil: In dreams there is magical
imagery. Ejun: The reward of creation is joy.

The Primary Forces of Fire

Canima: an unknown route leads to certain learning. Apis: Birds are nurtured
by the Grace of God. Calas: The vertex of an angle is identical to its
opposite. Tenet: The tools of the Artist are not indispensable. Fyrminos:
Passions are fires that produce nothing. Fyr: Fire changes things but it does
not destroy them. Chelon: Everything is in the same space.

As it was said before, the Apprentice does very well in learning them and
study them through contemplation, reasoning, and trying to see them
manifest in everything in creation. It is also important to know that these
Primary Forces, although not yet manifested, will impact the whole of
creation with their principles. Thus, they will be perceived by the avid eye
and they shall be revealed to be all around the universe through everything
and even in abstract concepts like love and abundance. This is the way to
properly understand them so that when the time comes that the Apprentice
needs to use them in a Magical Operations the concepts will be clear and
firm in his/her mind.

The Crown or the Ancient of Ancients

The Crown is the greatest moment of creation, for it is the moment when a
created thing, that is something which has been conceived in the mind of
God, becomes manifested; in fact it begins with the Manifested Universe, it
is the First Manifestation since the Crown sits at the top of the Real Universe
it is something that can be grasped by reason only. This Crown, being the
fourth stage of Being of the First Divine and the first in the Manifested
Universe, becomes the known God. From this first manifestation, the
amazing structure of everything there is in the physical universe will stem,
the Tree of Life. From this God-Head or Kether, celestial beings will come
forth; planets, intelligences, metals, colors, magical rays, plants and many,
many other things. And this is done by the emanation of one into the other62
. When the Crown appears it manifests into this state with such power,
brilliance and divine energy that nothing else could endure being at its side.
This state is called the Empyrean and the ancients regarded it as a realm of
splendorous heavenly fire where only the God-Head is capable of standing.
Since nothing else persists in this powerful fiery environment, the Crown
denominated this state as Atziluth; the perfect World of Potentiality. Then
the God-Head created a secondary realm. This secondary realm was
regarded as the World of Creation, for it was the place where Ideas were
conceived and differentiated. In this realm the Crown placed its Wisdom and
its Intelligence. In the Kabbalah these emanations are called Chokmah and
Binah respectively and they exist in the World of Beriah or Creation. Then
the God Head produced three more emanations, one that was Mercy, the
other Strength and the other Beauty. These three are called Chesed, Geburah
and Tiphareth. These exist in the World of Formation, where Ideas are taken
from the God-Head’s conceived state and are granted form and structure.
This world is called Yetzirah and it means Formation.

Finally, The God-Head created four more emanations. One is Victory, the
other Glory, the following Foundation and the last was called The Kingdom.
In the Kabbalah, they are known as Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth and
they exist in the World of Manifestation or Assaiah. Here the conceived
forms are given matter and are born in the physical universe.

These are the Ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life and the worlds they exist in.
These Four Worlds hold four powerful concepts, one concept for each world.
Thus, the first World of Atziluth holds every truth. These are not simple
truth, but the essences that define an object, a person or a force. This
structure is known as the Arches or Maximum Truths. These truths, exist by
themselves and do not need to combine with anything else in order to exist.
One good example is the concept of Numbers.

The second, the World of Beriah, holds the multitude of universal laws.
These are the many applications of the Truths and the many ways these can
be combined. In these regard, the universal laws are the combination and
many other associations that can be achieved through the application of one
truth with another. For example, the Truth of Number and the Truth of
Additus leads to the Law of the Addition of Numbers.

The third is the World of Yetzirah and it holds the Forces. The Forces are the
structures formed by the laws. For example, one such structure is the
Quaternary of Elements, each of the four elements being separate, but they
all forming a single structure. The forces are groups of laws joined together
into one single configuration. However, keeping up with the example of
Numbers, here we have the many structures that appear through the Law of
the Addition of Numbers. In this example, the Apprentice can see that the
Forces of Addition, Multiplication and Geometric Expansion deal precisely
with the organization and expansion of numbers and quantities; quantities
yield individuality and these need to be arranged in a place, what place? We
shall see in a moment.
The fourth is the World of Assaiah, and this one holds the Principles; these
are ways to apply the forces and structures in the physical world. For
example, these will be formulas, sequences and numerical procedures that
are employed in the physical world, translating into the proper principle of
Mathematics applied to physical objects like the shell of a nautilus, the form
of a flower, the geometric shape of a pyramid, etc. Although the Apprentice
is not expected yet to understand this concept fully, it is important for
him/her to grasp the concept that one thing can be combined with another,
even if they don’t seem to be similar at first.63 The Apprentice must
understand this in order to see the applications of Magic in the world.
62 In these regards The Crown will create in the same way the previous three selves where created in
turn. This is the way things are created, formed and manifested by combining with each other.

A Wizard must first learn to see or identify a clear path that starts in the
inexistent universe all the way down to the Tree of Life and the physical
realm of manifestation. Later on, a wizarding mind must learn about how to
make associations between these realms and learn to find correspondences
between one thing and another in order to properly understand, learn and
practice High Magic. Yes, it is tiring and difficult, but it is all the same
rewarding and worthwhile. In the previous statements about the four worlds,
the Apprentice must understand something else. Each of these worlds is
related to the Apprentice’s own essence. The following will be a brief
description of this magical process.
The First World created by the Crown, the Empyrean, a world of Potentiality
can be understood as the Mind aspect of God and by reflection the
Apprentice’s own mind. From this Mind Aspect, the Apprentice will learn to
launch into the depth of potential things and find the general energies or
concepts relating to one’s desires, this is achieved through imagination.
Then,, these potential is taken into the Second World, which is Creation.
There, through Reason, the potential of something acquires a notion and the
more it is pondered it becomes a powerful thought and Idea. It is through
this act of intention and concentration of thought that the very magical
energies are conjured up by the Wizard, but practice is advised because a
Wizard becomes great when the mind has been greatly exercised.

Then, the powerful Thought is taken into the Third World, the World of
Formation or Intelligence. There the Apprentice focuses on the Idea or
Thought. This focus is taken into effect by a dedicated repetition of the
desired effect. In many magical operations this focus takes the form of
repeating a formula, an incantation or by taking into consideration the many
heavenly forces that promote that particular magical incantation.64 Then, as
the final stage approaches and the Idea is taken into the Manifested World,
the Apprentice pronounces with all of his/her might the holy and most sacred
words of the incantation. This pronunciation is called the Magical Verbum65
and it is important because the Apprentice must intone these secret words
with might, intention and conviction for the Real to become Physical. This is
the way the universe works and the Apprentice should learn this by heart.
Probably just now, maybe all of this information is overbearing or simply
too much to process. However, it is assured that with time and patience the
study of these structures will be comprehended and assimilated and the
result will be the procurement of Magic.

At this point, the Apprentice should know that everything is connected from
the First Point, all the way to the last of the Sephiroth. This energy that runs
all over these structures is the very energy of Magic. To understand this, is to
grasp the finer concept of how something so sublime and perfect descends
down the many realms of Mind and Reality into the denser realms of the
physical. Later on, we shall return to the Sephiroth and the Magical Powers
they truly represent. Now the Apprentice will be introduced to the most
fantastic concept ever presented.
It is a secret so profound and deep that has helped thousands of Wizards in
the past achieve their greatest potential. It is a mystery so interesting that
baffles the mind of many. This secret, kept hidden for ages, is the primary
tool of any High Wizard. In the past many had tried to practice Magic but
had failed because they lacked this simple mystery. In the following
moments the Apprentice shall be given something that is as valuable as is
mysterious, and so is advised to never use it for evil, selfish ends or
dishonorable intent or else the Wizard should be ready to bear the
consequences of these actions.
63 This is also known as Correspondences.
64 The Importance here is to be consistent and keep the magical effect in mind.
65 The Magical Verbum is a representation of the Magical Voice, Word or Logos of the Divine which
the Wizard employs as the mystical medium for manifestation.

Chapter Three: The Philosophical Sphere

“As pure and as bold as innocence, as strong as all things are that are
entire and single, this fair and invincible queen rests on the material
world; she has taken possession of it; for, like the sun, she casts about it a
sphere of light”


Having understood the Cosmogony and the Cosmology of Magic, the

Apprentice needs to understand that every Idea in the universe manifests
through these particular processes. Many of these ideas manifest through a
natural chain of events; which take a particular amount of time; requiring for
a lot of patience. Now, when working the operations of Magic, the
Apprentice will be attempting to replicate, change or produce an idea and by
employing the appropriate formulations and incantations that can be
achieved. However, the process of the descending energy will still be the
same, and it will still be subject to some time. Also, as many Wizards had
pointed out in the past, the energies harnessed by the Wizard in these
undertakings sometimes run the risk of dissolving, running into the wrong
structures or simply colliding with other contrary energies that end up
eliminating the focus and attention of the Wizard; debilitating the end result
of the magical operation. Not to mention, that in order to make the energy
descend through the long and complex structure of the Tree of Life a very
skilled Wizard will be required66 . Nonetheless, ages ago the High Wizards
of the Eldest Tradition made a great discovery. They understood that the
Four Kabbalistic Worlds exist on the Tree of Life as a vertical array of the
Sephiroth; one world following the other; from the World of Potential, to the
World of Creation and Formation and down to the World of Manifestation.
For a pattern or Idea to reach the world from the very beginning, down
through this structure will, evidently, take some time or even be hampered
by external forces, changing altogether the manifestation of the desired
magical effect. Trying to solve this situation, the ancient Wizards considered
that the natural array of the Sephiroth corresponded to numbers. So the first
Sephira corresponds to the number one, the second corresponds to the
number two and so forth until they reach the number ten; which is associated
with Malkuth. These ancients Wizards also knew, through careful study, that
these Sephiroth arranged themselves into Pillars and Tensions. Pillars being
an arrangement of three Sephiroth in a vertical line; of these they found three
which were evident and two which were hidden. The three obvious Pillars
are the Pillar of the Right or the Pillar of Mercy, the Pillar of the Left or the
Pillar of Severity and the Middle Pillar or the Golden Pillar. The other two,
are the Pillars of Splendor and the Pillar of Triumph. These two are hidden
inside the structure of the Tree and shall be revealed later on. The Pillar of
Mercy comprises the second, the fourth and the seventh Sephiroth, these
being Chokmah (Wisdom), Chesed (Mercy) and Netzach (Victory)
respectively. The Pillar of Severity comprises the third, fifth and eight
Sephiroth, these being Binah (Understanding), Geburah (Strength) and Hod
(Glory) respectively. The Golden Pillar is comprised by the first, the sixth,
the ninth and the tenth Sephiroth, these being Kether (Crown), Tiphareth
(Beauty), Yesod (Foundation) and Malkuth (Kingdom) respectively67 . A
tension occurs in the Tree of Life whenever two Sephiroth are connected
with a horizontal line. The first of these Tensions is formed by the second
and the third Sephiroth, these are Chokmah and Binah; this Tension is
known as the Tension of Fire. The second Tension is formed by the fourth
and the fifth Sephiroth, these are Chesed and Geburah and is known as the
Tension of Air. The final Tension is formed by the seventh and the eight
Sephiroth and these are Netzach and Hod; also known as the Tension of
Water. Now, the ancient Wizards looked at this structure and found a great
secret. None of the Tensions in the Tree of Life created mirror images of
themselves, relating to the numbers specifically. For example, the fourth and
the fifth Sephiroth are not mirror images; nor are the rest. However, they did
find a tension between the first Sephira and the tenth. Between these two
numbers existed a perfect mirror image. One is formed by 01 and the ten is
formed by 10. This actually balances the two Sephiroth and according to the
Kabbalistic Doctrine, Malkuth is a lower aspect of Kether and Kether is
another aspect of Malkuth of yet a higher nature. When Sephiroth One
(Kether) and Ten (Malkuth) are combined, the Tree bends over in the form
of a circle. This action recalls the ancient mystery of the Ouroboros; the
serpent who bite its own tail. When this circle is formed and Kether and
Malkuth are conjoined, they integrate, creating a subtler essence, a sphere
out of their union. After this sphere is formed, some sephiroth are left
behind. The remaining Sephiroth are eight, these are; Chockmah, Binah,
Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod and Yesod. This leaves the
Apprentice with a familiar number, the wonderful eight to which High
Magic is so related to. These eight Sephiroth align into a circle that will exist
at the equator of our Kether-Malkuth Sphere. The greatest of all miracles is
that before the sphere was formed the Four Worlds existed in a vertical array
and things, mundane or magical, needed some time in order to come to be.
Once the arrangement of the sphere is done, by will alone, the Four
Kabbalistic Worlds combine into one single existence and everything occurs
at the same time. Their existences become coherent and the Wizard will be
able to channel the energies of Magic in one single attempt. Thus is born the
first magical operation of the Apprentice and Wizard, The Great
Philosophical Sphere of the Magi.
66 This is so because the energy of Magic will be descending through the structure of the Tree of Life
and the Wizard must not allow this magical energy to blend with that of the Sephiroth. When this
occurs, the magical effect changes completely, so a great deal of focus and attention is required.

The Philosophical Sphere of the Magi

The Philosophical Sphere, as it was stated previously, is the primary magical

tool of the Wizard. This is so for several very important reasons. The first
reason is because this Magical Tool stems from the very Cosmogonic and
Cosmologic aspect of creation and thus is charged up with all of the
important implications of the Cosmogonic and Cosmologic functions of the
universe. This converts the Philosophical Sphere into a primary
representation of the Universe, being the Wizard the focal point68 .
The second reason is that the Sphere will correspond to all of the multiple
elements of the universe and these will provide even more potency and
efficacy to the Wizard. This will allow the Wizard to act more fully and to
have a whole lot more magical energy in store. In this regards, the Sphere
being a universe in itself, will hold all of the cosmologic laws corresponding
to the universe. By accessing these laws the Wizard is capable of performing
his/her most miraculous effects.

The third reason is that this Sphere is comprised of several inner structures
that help the Wizard focus the magical energies, allowing for finer control of
the desired magical effects. In this sense the Sphere represents a focusing
devise, where magical energies abound and are directed by the Wizard
towards the world with greater control.
67 Curiously enough this central pillar holds yet another fantastic secret; the number of the sephiroth
that composes it adds up to the number twenty six, which is 1+6+9+10=26. The interesting thing is
that the Holiest Name of God IHVH adds up to twenty six as well.
68 This means that the Sphere becomes an actual universe with all of its different manifestations and
universal structures!

Finally the fourth reason is that in this Sphere the Wizard will perform a
wide range of magical operations becoming the actual true and most real
Temple of High Magic ever built. What this fourth concept means is that the
Sphere is the one true universe for the Wizard. The Apprentice will do well
in studying these concepts rather slowly, because it is important to form a
strong foundation before engaging in magical operations. It is quite
important as well to meditate and contemplate in this magical tool regularly
for it will create a better reality for the Apprentice.
Through contemplation of the concept of the Sphere, this one will coagulate
into the natural reality of the Apprentice, aiding him/her in manifesting a
magical presence. Another aspect to consider is that the Sphere is infinite in
size. However, the Apprentice should start visualizing it like a ten foot
radius sphere; although it should always be in mind that this is not its actual

Another important aspect to consider is that this Sphere is a magico-

cognitive construct69 as many other things that the Apprentice will be
presented with pertaining to the Art of High Magic. A magicocognitive
construct is a type of thought form. Thought forms are powerful ideas and
thoughts modeled by the Wizard into coherent structures by the power of
mental focus. In other words, the Wizard applies the power of his/her will
into a thought pattern making it real; more of this will be explained later on.

However, the Sphere is one of such constructs and as such it needs careful
attention, dedication and time. With enough care and diligence the
Apprentice will be able to create a semi-palpable Sphere that almost
everyone will notice directly or indirectly. The more perceptive will even see
it or hear its mighty hum, the less perceptive will notice the environment
around you different and will mention it.

Just before continuing with deeper concepts, the Apprentice must know that
a special magical operation known as the Quickening of the Philosophical
Sphere must be performed. It is not a complicated operation, and the
Apprentice must be consistent in performing this operation daily, until the
sphere coagulates. This operation will be presented just after the Apprentice
is introduced to the various elements that conform this wonderful magical

Finally, to summarize the sphere up to this point it should be said that the
Sphere is a magico-cognitive construct that establishes the limits of the
Wizard in the universe and constitutes the Wizard’s true universe. It allows
the Wizard to focus on the cosmologic energies and it achieves magical
effects faster than simply lowering the magical energy layer by layer across
the four worlds, from Atziluth to Malkuth, and so it is the most powerful
magical instrument the Wizard will ever know.
69 Magico-Cognitive Constructs are creations of the Wizard which are born from his/her very own
mind and understanding of that thing. The more the Wizard knows about that particular thing, the
more control and power he/she will be able to exert over that thing.

The Philosophical Sphere’s Cosmogonic and Cosmologic

Correspondences to Creation

These aspects refer, particularly, to the fact that the Philosophical Sphere
becomes a nexus70 for all of the four worlds of Potentiality, Creation,
Formation and Manifestation. What this truly implies is that while the rest of
humanity exists under the framework of a vertical and successive leveled
four world scheme, the Wizard will exist in a one dimensional multi-framed
structure where the four worlds exist simultaneously. When this happens, the
magical energy needed to perform a magical operation descends, coagulates,
its shaped and manifested all at once by the power of the Mind and Focus of
the Wizard.

However, this is only the beginning, for the Philosophical Sphere

corresponds to every aspect of the Cosmogonic and Cosmologic truths of the
Universe. Thus, the Philosophical Sphere corresponds to the First Stage of
the First Point in that it becomes the center for all of the Wizard’s operation
and it is in fact the only Real and True Space. In this regards the Sphere
should be considered by the Apprentice and Wizard as the only real place in
the entire universe; even though it exists in the realm of the Mind71 .
Therefore physical reality becomes secondary to the Wizard, a mirage or
illusion obscuring the truthful reality of the Sphere, which is a realm of Mind
and Thought. These concepts should be considered dearly by the Apprentice
and Wizard for they will provide consistency and permanency to the
Sphere’s reality. Also, the Philosophical Sphere corresponds to the second
stage of Magic or Light. Thus the Wizard should understand that this Light
and Magic will exist in the Sphere as a supernatural medium, or liquid, that
will surround the infinite scope of this magical tool. This medium will
actually provide the magical energy needed for every operation the Wizard
will be performing. It will also function as the inherent power source of the
Sphere. This substance of light will provide energy for the Sphere and the
Wizard allowing the Wizard to properly employ Magical Functions with
each Magical Operation. The light aspect of this second stage will account
for a series of other interesting elements.
70 It becomes a nexus because the inherent qualities of this sphere serve to join up the various worlds
of the Kabbalah and the many other Cosmologic and Cosmogonic concepts. This allows for a great
deal of energies to be intertwined and mixed together they give way to the Magical Fire of creation.
71 This concept can’t be explained further without corrupting a great arcane secret, however the
Apprentice does well in understanding that this Sphere is in fact everything there is and even more
real than the physical universe and all of its experiences.
Figure XXXV. Jacob Bohme’s Representation of the Sphere of the Magic
Fire in his work De Mysterium Magnum (1623)

First, the light existing inside the infinite Sphere will provide the Wizard
with endless capacity for illumination. This means, that the Wizard will be
able to commune with celestial beings of the highest order and achieve
procedures of higher learning and spiritual manifestation.
This light will also surround the Wizard in such a powerful way, that the
forces of evil will be thwarted and kept at bay as a result to the magical fire
that appears with the Sphere. Jacob Bohme explains this Sphere in a very
esoteric way when he said that any entity wishing to receive Light had to
pass through it and forever exist inside this glorious fire. Therefore the
forces of evil will be kept at bay because the Light is the very same Light
which appeared in the second moment of creation, the Light of God.
Consequently, it is the One Pure and First Light of the Source Divine and
since this one pre-exists creation everything and every entity will regard it as
Divine, thus the fallen forces of the underdark can do nothing but retract
themselves away from the Wizard and all of his/her creations and
manifestations. Therefore, the dark forces will be pushed back due
principally to the effect of the primordial Light that shines invisibly through
the medium of the Sphere.

The third stage is that of the Definite Act, the ability to create at will and
populate the manifested universe with diverse objects, creatures and things.
When it translates to the Philosophical Sphere, this one will endow the
Wizard with this same capacity. It will give the Wizard the power to create at
will inside the Sphere and place order in the interior of this mystic
environment. This allows all the magical operations to come forth with the
same quality of power and intensity as that of the Creator. However, the
Apprentice and Wizard should take into consideration that this power and
intensity will only be in quality to that of the Creator; not in the same
quantity or amount. For the Wizard must practice and achieve mastery of
Magic, only then will the magical power grow.

The fourth and final stage of the Cosmogonic aspect is that of the First God.
This effect transfers into the Sphere and it does the same as it did the first
moment of creation. It imparts upon the Wizard, not a divine status by any
means that would be preposterous, but a certain quality of the divine. This
particular quality is that of the spoken word. Armed with the Verb of the
Divine, the Wizard is capable of employing very powerful magical words,
incantations and formulas and these will produce manifestation following
the supreme power of this quality. The Verb of the Divine, then, becomes the
Magical Voice of the Wizard, one that needs to be practiced as well, so that
the entire universe will properly recognize it and follow every order issued
forth in this manner. These are the Cosmogonic aspects that correspond to
the Sphere, learn them well Apprentice and become a wise Mage.

The following aspects are the Cosmologic, and they are one of the most
important. This is due to the fact that the Cosmogonic aspects imbue the
Sphere with laws that the manifested universe must follow to the letter.
However, the Cosmologic aspects, instead of laws, are representations of
applied power that will imbue the Wizard with greater abilities when
practicing Magic. What this mean is that while the Cosmogonic aspects are
concepts derived directly from the Source Divine and are imbued with its
preexistent laws, the Cosmologic aspects are powers and functions of the
universe instead.

The first of these aspects comes from the First God72 itself. This First God
conveys to the Sphere the power of the Universal Potentials of Additus and
the Nihilus. These two forces pave the way for the inner universal wiring
that it supports creation and that it only responds to those who know their
essences. So those equipped with the knowledge of these two forces of the
universe will, must assuredly, be successful in any magical undertaking
because the Sphere responds to commands on this manner.
72 The First God in its cosmogonic aspect produces the Verb while in its cosmologic aspect render the
Universal Potentials.

The second aspect transferred to the Sphere by the Cosmological function is

that of the Primordial Forces. The Primordial Forces, when they appear in
the universe for the first time, they established the basis for the initial eleven
laws of the universe. These eleven laws should be reviewed in a previous
chapter. Once the Philosophical Sphere is formed and manifested, the
Primordial Forces imbue it with their qualities; arming the Wizard with their
laws so that eventually these very same laws could be applied to the physical
world through diverse magical operations.

The third Cosmological Aspect conferred to the Sphere is that of the Primary
Forces. These too are powerful laws that will also come to exist in the
Sphere and shall function as governing laws in the magical universe of the
Wizard. This is important because these laws govern the elemental realms as
well as the planetary ones. This provides the Wizard with a connection to
both elementary realm as well as planetary.

The final stage is that of the entire Tree of Life structure. In this wonderful
way the Sphere comes full circle and it starts with the Tree and it ends with
the Tree. For once, it conveys the Sphere with the powerful attributes of the
First God and this one in turn conveys them to the Wizard forming up this
magical tool, like a divine union of the Mightiest Principle. That is, God
united with the Mundane Form the Wizard, achieving an ultimate
equilibrium of Light, Divine Fire and Illumination. As this union exists and
the Wizard is capable of working with the eight inner rings of the sphere this
one gives the Wizard power to access everything in the universe; as the Tree
is connected to everything in the universe so will be Wizard73 . Moreover,
every Sephiroth in this Tree of Life is also inside the Sphere connecting to
everything else manifested. And so it is that the Sphere is attached to many
other aspects, regions of the universe, celestial entities, divine forces,
elementals, philosophical constructs and many more concepts, all at the
disposal and consideration of the Wizard.

The Universal Correspondences of the Philosophical Sphere

In a sense, the Sphere of the Wise is a magical construct that has the same
functional attributes that stem from the very moment of creation. Up to this
point, the Apprentice had been provided with an interpretation of the many
Cosmogonic and Cosmological aspect that translate to this wonderful
magical tool. Now, we shall study about the many universal correspondences
with which the Sphere is imbued through the projection of the Cosmogonic
and Cosmologic aspects. These correspondences, or universal correlations,
initially appear in this Real Universe of the Wizard through the structure of
the Tree of Life as it has been thoroughly explained. In this moment we shall
see how the Sephiroth, with all of their correspondences, purvey the Wizard
with amazing qualities that will be used in future magical operations.
However just before this vital information is provided, the Apprentice
should remember that the Sephiroth hold in themselves the energy of the
Divine Attributes. These Divine Attributes, through association, are linked to
the planets, colors, the celestials and the furnaces as it was said before; as
well as many other concepts which imbue the Sphere with absolute power.
These Sephiroth, with proper study and meditation, will empower the
Apprentice for the process of the Magical Work. Also the Apprentice should
note that when the Sphere is formed through the union of Kether and
Malkuth, eight Sephiroth remain in the form of a ring. This ring will be
replicated later on, over and over, to allow for the many capacities of this
Sphere. However the initial alignment of these eight Sephiroth is important
and depends solely on the mind of the Apprentice. Their location is
important because each direction of these rings in the Sphere correspond to
different activities and interests. The process of aligning them becomes
crucial in the Ritual of the Quickening of the Sphere.
73 This concept speaks of a transitive activity between the Universe, the Tree of Life, the Sphere and
the Wizard, as they are all connected power flows through them unequivocally. One is one alone.

Magical Directions North



Activities and Effects

It corresponds to the Will of the Wizard, it represents desires and intentions.
It corresponds to those things valued, things that are protected and the things
one holds dearly.
It corresponds to things received by external forces of the Universe. It
corresponds to those things left behind, left back or things no longer needed
by the Wizard.
It corresponds to the relationships of the Wizard. These can take the form of
Family, Friends, and Society.
It corresponds to those things the Wizard is trying to acquire, find, discover
or get a hold of.
It corresponds to those things that are treasured by the Wizard and kept, like
physical property and money.
It corresponds to things in the outside that the Wizard doesn’t want near.
Table VI. The Magical Directions

In the present table each of these directions will hold a Sephira. This is done
by the actual concentration of the Apprentice and the act of memorization.
At this point the Apprentice will only need to decide which Sephira will be
seated in which direction. The Apprentice is advised to do so with care and
attention, for each Sephira and each direction should be considered dearly.
The reason for this is the following. By carefully selecting a Sephira and
placing it in a particular direction of this ring, this action will create an
energy pattern. This energy pattern will be projected into the universe and
once received the universe will act and respond upon it. By doing this with
the eight Sephiroth, the ring of the Wizard will become a regulated
experience and the universe will only respond to whatever the Wizard had
placed in the appropriate spaces. To achieve this, is to actually initiate a
controlled activity of experience; no longer will the Wizard be subjected to
random events or arbitrary phenomenon. The Apprentice will need to write
this down in a journal before the directions and the Sephiroth are
memorized. This will help the Apprentice greatly, in that it will provide a
sense of reality to this important primary magical work. The following is a
brief description of these universal correspondences and their impact in the
physical, the magical and mental realms. It is important to know that these
correspondences will manifest themselves as virtues and qualities that will
empower the Wizard and make the magical experience even greater. In the
physical realm the Philosophical Sphere imparts the Wizard with attributes
that will better the living experience. These will also surround the Wizard
with amazing qualities that will bring about structure, order and a deep sense
of closeness with the Divine and, at the same time, union with the world in
such a way that had never been experience before. Many say regarding this
level of experience that their lives become more balanced and enhanced.

Sephiroth Activities in the Physical Realm Chokmah Better Knowledge

of the Universal Truths, Mysteries, and Secrets. Greater Perception, Time.
Binah Greater Intelligence and Understanding, Forgiveness,
Comprehension, Spiritual Experiences, Space and Life.
Chesed Abundance, Joy, Happiness, Piety, Friendship, Virtues, Peace and
Geburah Law, Health, War, Protection, Defenses, Vital Energy, Work,
Values, Weapons and the Heart.
Tiphareth Consciousness, Beauty, Truth, Compromise, Commitment,
Netzach Victories, Conquests, Strategy, Discipline, Destitutions, Navigation,
The Arts and Hope.
Hod Communication, Learning, Movement Between Worlds, Grace and
Yesod Religiousness, The Unconscious Mind, Sleep, Illusions, Hidden
Things, Firmness and Spiritual Foundations.
Table VII. The Magical Activities in the Physical Realm

The Magical Aspects of the Sphere correspond to those elements that are
purely magical and translate into outstanding experiences for the Wizard. It
also details the areas of effects that the Wizard will be able to affect through
the proper use of magical formulations and the areas that can be influenced
or altered through the harnessing of magical forces. In this particular regard,
the Philosophical Sphere will impart upon the Wizard the ability to modify,
change or transform the various elemental aspects, the natural world,
perceptions and thoughts and even open the senses to the more esoteric
realms of divination and extrasensory perceptions.

Sephiroth Chokmah

Activities in the Mystic Realm

Transformative Energies, Accidents, Lessons, Divine Tests, Agriculture, The
Agrarian Earth and Antiquity
Extra Sensory Perceptions, Hidden Treasures, Mirages, the Sea, Forgiveness,
the Aspects of Creation and Comprehension
Abundance, Luck, Companionship, Emotions, Richness, the Animal
Kingdom, Governors and Banks
Inner Strength, Magical Weapons, Respect, Terror, Justice, Verdicts,
Judgment, Sentences and Fire
Celestial Communication, Divine and Celestial Entities, Divination, Magical
Light, Rites and Sacredness.
Certainty, Purification, Abjurations, Faith, Cleansings, Confidence,
Perfection and Humanity
Divine Splendor, The Heavens, Magic, Immortality, Miracles, Infinite
Concepts and Air
Growth, Water, Tempests, The Weather, Dreams, Fantasies, Falseness,
Illusions, Purification and the Unconscious Mind

Table VIII. The Magical Activities in the Mystic Realm

Before going on with the next considerations, it must be pointed out that the
Apprentice should learn these correspondences by heart because these, as
well as the planets, the celestials, the furnaces, the colors and the metals,
create a powerful tool for future magical operations and provide the Wizard
with additional power over the physical and magical reality. In other words,
when the Sphere is created, it takes along all of the previously explained
qualities and it pours them inside the eight vessels of the ring, these eight
vessels being the spaces where the Sephiroth will be placed. This provides
further power and a deeper understanding of the universe, and the different
realities experienced throughout our lives. This effect makes the Wizard
unique in the sense that his/her first magical construct has in its core all of
the natural qualities of the outside universe.

In other words, the Philosophical Sphere is a personal representation of the

universe and all of its powers. Then, by choice and will, the Wizard places
order over these qualities and the outside universe will recognize it as soon
as any magical operation is undertaken; this greatly improves magical
operations and the time they require to come about with a reasonable effect.
Furthermore, the Sphere becomes a matrix in which the Apprentice and
Wizard impart organization upon both the physical universe and the mental
and Real Universe. This organization will be replicated in the physical
realm, creating a more balanced experience as the Cosmogonic and
Cosmologic qualities of the Universe and the Sephiroth work as the Wizard
has intended. This order becomes a universal directive that will re-shape the
reality of the Wizard making it exactly as the Wizard wants. In other words,
when the Wizard places a Sephiroth in a particular direction, this creates a
powerful field in which nothing, save for the allocated Sephiroth, will
manifest in reality.

The Inner Correspondences of the Philosophical Sphere

Up until now, the Apprentice had been provided with the Cosmogonic and
Cosmologic aspects that imbue the Sphere with great and amazing qualities.
Now we shall inspect the inner structures that comprise the Philosophical
Sphere and the additional powers and capacities these confer to the Wizard.
As it was stated previously, the ring formed by the eight remaining Sephiroth
is an idea that will replicate itself over and over. In a sense is the primary
matrix of the Sphere and the language the Wizard will be using to
communicate with the universe. Thus, every structure that will be presented
at this moment corresponds to the form and organization of this previous
ring. For its symbolic meaning, being the first actual ring of the Sphere this
one is called the Golden Ring. This Golden Ring is then considered to be the
archetypal ring of the Sphere and it silently exists at the Sphere’s equator.
From this Golden Ring all other rings will protrude and the Apprentice
should know that there will be eight additional rings all existing at
equidistant points in the Sphere. All of these eight rings will have eight slots
each, where the Apprentice and Wizard will mentally place various mental
structures in the same manner that the Sephiroth were assigned previously.
Some of these rings will correspond to philosophical concepts, while others
to magical constructs and then others will comprise magical notions.
Moreover, these rings will further provide magical energy as they collect
magical energies from the adjoining universe and pass it to the center of the
Sphere, where the Wizard is waiting. As they do this, the magical energies
are collected from the surface of the Sphere and transferred to the center of
the magical construct where they will be stored in a mental structure known
as the Horomulon74 . The following is a detailed explanation of these
wonderful rings.

The First Ring

The First Ring is comprised solely of one of the most important concepts in
Magic, that of the Virtues. Regardless of beliefs, ethos or religious ideas, a
Wizard should be a virtuous individual. This means that the person
practicing Magic should be concerned with the well-being of others and with
the manifestation of goodness and good attitudes towards mercy. A person
not interested in these topics should not consider learning High Magic or
should discontinue any magical procedure undertaken for it will lead them
towards a dangerous destination; little by little consuming the person into the
Darkest Pit75 . On the contrary, a Wizard living a virtuous life will enjoy the
greatness of light, a life filled with constant joy and spiritual rewards of
every kind. The Virtues of the Wizard are the following; Love, Forgiveness,
Humbleness, Patience, Hope, Perseverance, Tolerance and Mercy.

To a Wizard, Love doesn’t have the carnal connotations humanity has given
to this word. It rather means a sense of affection, kindness and care towards
others. It is the greatest emotion a Wizard should embrace and always look
up to, it is through Love that the Wizard can actually deeply relate with the
rest of the Universe.
74 This magical structure is the central nervous system of the Philosophical Sphere, however it shall
be explained later on in further works because of its complex nature and multilayered existence.
75 This commentary is not made lightly, anyone trying to learn High Magic with the wrong attitudes
and the wrong mind set will find all too soon that the forces of evil will begin to play with its life in
the most dangerous of forms. Many Wizards begin their careers thinking they will be accruing a great
deal of power in order to service themselves, well all those who actually believe this find themselves
working for the darkest powers and will never every truly come to comprehend the greatness of the
Light or the manifestation of Goodness and Order in the Universe.

Forgiveness means to let go of hurtful situations and to forgive the

transgressions of others. The Wizard knows that the more a person resents a
situation and keeps apathy and bitterness towards another, the more that
other person will have control over oneself. Therefore, it is better to forget
and let go of debilitating feelings.

Humbleness is an important virtue because the Apprentice and Wizard will

soon learn that there are many things that will actually separate him/her from
the rest of the world, things so great and powerful that the mind of a simple
person will be filled with arrogance for ages to come. These will put the
Wizards of this Land in a seemingly different level, however, although that
might be true a Wizard should always be simple, modest and unassuming. To
become arrogant and conceited is to embrace darkness and foulness.
Patience is another of the virtues most needed for a Wizard, for this one
teaches that there is a time for everything and that a calm mind leads to
harmony. But when the Wizard becomes impatient and impetuous, error and
shortsightedness occur and that can lead to unspeakable mistakes, problems
and evil. This is why the Wizard should always be prepared to wait, for
nothing in this world occurs without a reason and nature never leaps a step76

Hope is like certainty and a Wizard does well in having optimism towards
everything. This is so because the mind of a Wizard is a powerful tool and
when that tool is employed with positive thoughts great things can be
achieved, but when that tool is used with pessimism and negative ideas those
ideas also manifest around the environment of the Wizard, polluting its
environment and hampering the proper manifestation of great things.

Perseverance is what defines the Wizard, without it the Wizard might lose
interest in the more difficult and much more promising aspects of Magic.
This virtue is highly esteemed in a Wizard because it gives the motivation to
keep on despite the many upsetting things one will experience throughout
this magical road. To lack perseverance is to enter into a dimension where
goals mean nothing and the slightest setback turns the Wizard around.
Finally, to persevere in Magic is a testament of one’s own capacity to master
the more subtle dimension of Light, for Light only reveal itself to those who

Tolerance is another of the greatest virtue a Wizard should carefully

cultivate. This is for two main reasons. The first of these reasons is that there
are going to be a lot of people around that might attempt against the
Wizard’s temper; believe this, it will happen. Nonetheless we must keep our
emotions under control, never acting out of anger or rage. The second reason
is that through Tolerance we allow others space to evolve and grow into a
position where we will understand their mistakes and help them mend their
own way.

The last but not least important of the Virtues is Mercy. This doesn’t mean
that the Wizard is obliged to always act, protect, alter or better the lives of
others, but to always look towards them with kindness and clemency. The
way of Mercy is the way of the Initiate, it doesn’t mean we must solve
everyone’s problems, on the contrary the Wizard must empower people to
solve their own situations as they acknowledge the power inside them and
with the Wizard’s mercy and guidance this people will achieve the greatness
they had been destined for. Finally, it is through Mercy that a Wizard learns
to value the problems and situations of others, this act of caring grants not
only Light to the Wizard but additional divine energies with which the
Wizard shall work its Operations.
76 Natura Non Facit Saltus, nature never leaps a step, a clear reminder for the Wizard in which
patience is invoked in all manner of magical works.

All of these virtues are greatly important because they help the Apprentice
and Wizard in the working with the inner self in a form that outside
circumstances will be experienced with more balance. A Wizard said once
that the Virtues of the Mage are like a lamp for the spirit, illumining the
darkest moments so that the right way can be found. What this means is that
they actually modify the Wizard’s reactions in life making him/her wiser.
These virtues should be placed in this first ring in the same manner the
Sephiroth were placed, taking into consideration the magical directions
along with the needs of the Wizard.
XXXVI. The Lament to Icarus John WilliamWaterhouse

The Second Ring

This second ring is formed by another set of important ethical constructs;

these are the Statutes of the Wizard. While the Virtues help the Wizard react
properly to the daily circumstances he/she faces, the Statutes aid the Wizard
in living alongside people with a kind heart and goodwill. These Statutes
define the behavior of a Wizard towards the rest of humankind allowing for
the development of a spiritual perspective taking into consideration the
needs of others. As in the case of the Virtues, the Statutes should be
practiced daily, until the Wizard learns to behave in a goodly fashion. The
practice of goodly behavior will avail the Wizard with the knowledge to
properly treat others with dignity and kindness; looking upon others with
luminous eyes and being able to face people with a divine countenance; for
it is precisely for them all that the Wizard learns Magic. The Statutes give
the Wizard an idea of how to care about others and keep them from evil. The
Statutes are eight as well, and are the following; Love for All Life, Self-
Respect, Unconditional Love, Acceptance of the Supreme Divine, Honest
Aid, Honoring the Word, Delivery of the Message of Love and Acceptance
of the Divine Will and Plan.

To Love all Life, that is a truly difficult thing to achieve, but not at all
impossible. Nonetheless it must be a lifelong quest on behalf of the Wizard
for one simple reason. If one contemplates that we are all one, then all life
forms are one. What this means is that the Wizard is connected with
everything else in the universe. To realize this connection is to become an
agent of the divine. Therefore, to hate or feel disgust towards any life form is
to feel disgust for oneself and this leads to imbalance.

Self-Respect is another of the Statutes that a Wizard should make an effort to

manifest on a daily basis. To have respect for oneself is to have the upmost
commitment with everything one is doing. Therefore, this statute actually
talks about living correctly and only allowing correct things to exist around
oneself. To allow the wrong things around oneself is to invite vices and
mischief; this is contrary to every magical practice where one must be
centered and well balanced.

Unconditional Love is a statute that requires from the Wizard to exercise

love towards everyone. What this truly means is that the Wizard should give
the opportunity of love, connection and togetherness to everyone. There will
be instances when this will not be possible due to people opposing one or
circumstances that are bent on wrongdoing or evil; however a Wizard should
be merciful towards these too.

By Acceptance of the Supreme Divine the Wizard is asked to recognize that

there is a divine being present in everything. This divine presence must be
acknowledged and therefore loved by the Wizard; to be able to do this not
only will augment the spiritual capacities of the Apprentice and Wizard but
it will also manifest as a deep understanding of the entire universe. For by so
accepting the Divine in everything, the Wizard will understand that
everyone, regardless of affinities or actions, is in fact part of the Divine.

Honest Aid is the statute that opens up the heart of the Apprentice and
Wizard. This opening empowers the Wizard with the capacity to help others
without expecting anything in return. Achieving this noble task develops
integrity and character and a powerful sense of disinterestedness where there
is nothing expected but Light and Love.
To Honor the Word is more important than initially thought of. By honoring
the word the Wizard is asked for several things. First, the Wizard is expected
to respect the sacred verb of the divine. Being sacred words, they participate
of the divine light of the Source Divine, therefore are in a sense the Source
Divine Itself. Second, the Wizard is advised to value the weight of promises
and vows made to others in the past; understanding that these too are in fact
magical as well.

Delivery of the Message of Love is as simple as that. What this statute

requires is that the Wizard becomes a bearer of light, love and kindness. It
means that everywhere the Wizard goes, there will be ample opportunities to
teach, speak and confer the beauty of light, the warmth of love and the
marvel of kindness to other people who just might need such warmth.

Finally, the last statute is the Acceptance of the Divine Will and Plan. This
statute expresses the Wizard that in every situation, whether it seems good or
bad, there is always a lesson to be learned and an opportunity for growth.
Also the Wizard should consider that the Divine Source has a plan and that
must of the time we will not know or understand it, but we must try to accept
it in order to properly grow in the Greatness of the Light.

These Statutes are wonderful tools that the Wizard must practice every
single day. It is assured that the moment the Apprentice starts practicing
these rules of the divine, his/her life will become aligned with the Source
and his/her doings in this world will turn for the better. This is absolutely
true, since only through correct action can a person ever strive to achieve
greatness and these Statutes, as the Virtues before them, are the greatest way
to properly live within the Magic Light and Fire of the Source Divine. So
Apprentice, align them in the rings of the Sphere and live free.
Figure XXXVII. The Accolade
(1901) By Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922)

The Third Ring

This is the ring of The Values. The Values help the Wizard develop the
strong character needed to face the many situations that one might
experience in this world, situations like conflicts, temptations, quarrels and
misunderstandings. The Values help the Wizard improve his persona,
becoming a more centered and aligned individual. These provide to the
Wizard power and inner strength to deal with the more troublesome
situations of daily life. They offer courage and integrity so that darkness and
evil have no effect upon the actions, thoughts or reactions of the Wizard. The
Values are eight as well and these are Honesty, Justice, Equality,
Responsibility, Veracity, Valor, Fraternity and Service.
The value of Honesty refers to being true to oneself and others in action and
word. It is to never yield to lying, deceit and treacherous activities. A Wizard
must be true, frank and always respect the truth that so well defines us and
our venerable Tradition. This sincerity is what makes a Wizard trustworthy
and valued among other people and among the celestial forces of heavens.

Justice is another important value the Wizard must harvest, because it

creates an environment of law, fairness and a spirit of integrity and
impartiality. This will make the Wizard a trusted person among humanity
and one deemed as just and fair. This value also incorporates the deepest
feeling of order and harmonious actions necessary for the practice of Magic.

Equality, like Justice, deals with fairness and impartiality; however, this one
deals more with trying to teach others how to achieve responsible action and
more fulfilling lives. The world is not an impartial arena, there is corruption
everywhere and evil people abound; either enslaving others in countless
ways or taking advantage of their individual or collective weaknesses. The
Wizard must strive to teach others how to right their worlds and bring
fairness to their own lives; but this requires the others to really want to
change. However, there will be times when the Wizard will fight against
unfairness; trying to bring balance to the oppressed and the weak who cannot
stand the abuses of the ignorant and evil.

Responsibility is paramount for a Wizard. Responsibility leads to discipline

and regulation. This develops a sense of duty towards all of the acts and
endeavors that need to be done. This creates a sense of care towards people
and actions, conscientiousness about those who depend on the Wizard. It is a
sense of duty towards all of the things the Wizard must do in order to
complete the many situations that will appear throughout life.

When we speak of the value of Veracity, we intend to convey the idea of

Truthfulness. Like the value of Honesty, this value is needed by the Wizard
because it creates love for all things true, pure and luminous. It develops a
sense of obligation towards Truth and an abhorrence of those things wrong
or evil.

Valor is a knight’s value and a Wizard’s way of life. Many things in the life
of a Wizard require Valor, Courage and Bravery. Sometimes the Wizard
simply fights against average non magical opponents, but then there are
some other times when those opponents seem to be unbeatable, titanic and
all the same unconquerable. This is the moment when the Wizard must rely
on his/her Valor in order to finish what has been already begun and not leave
in horror, despair and dishonor. However, Valor is also accepting one’s own
wrongs, frailties and weaknesses. That in the long run will make the Wizard
a respected fellow among people, because those who acknowledge their
errors are bound to be respected and loved by the rest.
Fraternity is the value which keeps the Wizards of the Land joined as a holy
fellowship of silent women and men, together keeping the world from the
fallen forces of evil. Fraternity is setting differences aside and giving the
Wizards of the world a fresher perspective, always remembering that we are
all One. In Fraternity, the Wizard lives in community with other Wizards;
where there is no need to magically work alone for every sane Wizard knows
that to work singlehandedly against evil is to spur the deepest and darkest
pits of the underworld and to walk towards failure.

Finally the one value no one should ever forget is Service. During my
apprenticeship my various teachers and masters always remembered me that
despite the glorious status of the Magus, the divine-like powers and the
utmost supremacy over the less knowledgeable and conscious races of the
universe, the Wizard is nothing more than a humble servant. And who do we
serve? We serve the Source Divine in every single spec of matter all around
us. This means, that a Wizard’s most important responsibility is to serve the
Divine in its divine form, serve the Divine in nature, serve the Divine in its
living forms and to serve the Divine in us; always keeping the most humble
and unassuming of positions. It is in this service that all of the other virtues,
statutes and values are to be employed.

Through these last three set of rings, the Virtues, the Statutes and the Values,
the Apprentice will provide energy from its own self to the inner core of the
Sphere of the Philosopher. This energy will then combine with the external
forces of the universe creating a perfect balance between Wizard and Sphere.
Thus these three rings will be powered by the internal energy of the
Apprentice and Wizard as the individual masters the internal forces that
cause reaction upon the world.
The next group of rings are called the Ontological Rings and these relate to
three different universal energies that will be explained in detail just shortly.
These three forces are the Universal Principles of Esophoros, the Universal
Archetypes and the Universal Laws. As with everything in this book dear
Apprentice, study the following section with great care and earnest.

Figure XXXVIII. Saint George By Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones(1833-

The Fourth Ring

The importance of the Fourth Ring is simple, without it the inner forces of
the Sphere would not be able to join up with the external forces of the
universe. Therefore this ring synthesizes both energies creating a balanced
field of magical energy. This ring is known as the Ring of Esophoros77 and
what it does exactly is to gather all of the energies produced in the previous
rings, those of the Virtues, the Statutes and the Values, and it unites them
with the energies of the external forces of the Sphere and that of the fifth,
sixth, seventh and eight rings; which will be explained in detail later on.
Remember that the Philosophical Sphere is a construct that in every way
mirrors the act of creation starting from the very point of The Nothing, all
the way to the Tree of Life and the Sephiroth. As such, it has in itself all of
these energies existing all at once and in the same dimension. It is also
important to remember the interactions of the first three rings; the energy
these rings amass into the Sphere is that produced by Righteousness and

Thus the Apprentice must be aware of its actions. These should be balanced
and harmonious in order to properly power the inner aspects of this magical
tool. The Ring of Esophoros actually merges both energies into one single
cohesive and coherent stream of magical flux that reaches into the
circumference of the Sphere. This takes the potent energies of the
Cosmogonic and the Cosmologic and the energy provided by the Wizard
through the first three rings and interlock them into gear. This way, by
engaging the external and internal forces, the Sphere springs into rotation as
the magical flux courses through the circumference at sub-luminal
velocities78 , allowing for the accretion and build-up of manifesting power
for the Wizard. This particular ring, as some of the others that will be shown,
is composed of thirty two magical concepts. This proposes a problem since
any given ring has eight slots to be assigned with attributes or concepts.

However, the rings which are composed of thirty two aspects or concepts are
known as Tetradimensional Rings. Tetradimensional Rings are those which
exist as one single ring, but in their essence are composed of four layers.
Thus they are capable of holding the thirty two concepts in four different
layers, each layer holding eight concepts. Regarding the concepts of the
Esophoros Ring, these are divided into four categories as well; these are the
Essence of the Divine, the Attribute of the Divine, the Actions of the Divine
and the Manifestations of the Divine. Those of the Essence of the Divine
correspond to aspects that define divinity. Their main purpose is to bring
definition into the structure of the Sphere and by so doing these particular
concepts allows the Wizard to experience the living divinity in everything.
Those associated to the Attributes define the aspects of power of the divinity.
In other words, these concepts provide the Sphere with divine attributes
which define actions and functions which belong in the realm of the divine.
Those relating to the Actions of the Divine correspond to the wonderful acts
of the divine.

Quite similar to the previous one, these set of concepts help the Wizard
understand the miraculous and extraordinary events which occur in the realm
of the amazing. Those relating to the Manifestations of the Divine
correspond to the great things created by the Eternal. This last group
represents those things which are brought into being by the very power and
sheer force of the Divine. For the moment the Apprentice should select eight
concepts out of the thirty two and place them in the first layer of the Ring of
the Esophoros. For the benefit of the student a brief description will be
provided to help in the understanding of these powerful forces in Tables IX
through XII. The Apprentice should study these concepts very well before
making the selection, for these will prove highly beneficial if chosen
appropriately. As a hint it is suggested to consider choosing at least one of
every category.
77 Esophoros is associated with two ancient greek words. The first word is Eson which is related to
Being and the second word is sophoros which is related to wisdom and light. From their derived
meaning we can understand this word to represent the action of Wisdom being Light.
78 Subluminal means almost at the speed of light.

Esophoros: Essence of God


Activities of the Aspects. Magical Value79 (8)

The Reflection of the Divine; this one allows the Wizard to turn into a
definitive reflection of God.
Barbello The wisdom of the Divine; this one helps the Wizard procure
wisdom and insight.
Gnosea The understanding of the Divine; this one provides intelligence to
the Wizard.
Mnemos The memory of the Divine; this one aids in acquiring a magical
memory for the Wizard.
Nousias The Essence of the Divine; this aspect allow the Wizard to become
a definition of the Divine.
Ontas The Divine Being; this one helps the Wizard partake of the divinity of
the Source Divine.
Protonea The thoughts of the Divine; this one aids in organizing the mind of
the Wizard.
Telioteras The perfection of the Divine; this one aids the Wizard in
perfecting the overall activities of life.
Table IX. The Aspects of the Esophoros: Essence of the Divine.

The Essence of God aspect of the Esophoros, allows the Wizard to access
the most intricate concepts of the divine. This permits the student of magic
to acquire a sense of divinity and to understand the divine. When one of
them is chosen and placed in this ring of the Sphere, the Wizard will be able
to be like the Source Divine in matters of character and persona; actually
perfecting the Wizard in actions, thought and magical undertakings. Also,
this group allows the Apprentice to bring into the living experience an
existence proper of the divine realm, thus becoming a piece of the Source
Divine here on Earth. Naturally, if the Wizard is so infused with this divine
essence the Sphere will be more so.
79 The Magical Value is the number assigned to each concept. These numbers are then added up and a
final number is obtained, that is the amount of Lumen a Sphere has.

Esophoros: Attributes of God


Activities of the Aspects. (6)

The Perfect Voices; this one gives the Wizard the perfect magical voice
needed in Magic.
Authentia The Celestial Luminaries, this one unites the Wizard with the
heavenly bodies thus receiving their Light.
Enteleias The Intelligence of the Divine; this one allows the Wizard to tap
into heavenly understanding of things.
Henosis The Union with the Divine; this one makes the Wizard one with the
rest of creation, forms and manifestation.
Pantodunameos The Omnipotence of the Divine; this one aids in making
the Wizard one with the powers of God.
Parouneas The Presence of the Divine, this aspect fortifies the physical self
of the Wizard with the Glory of God.
Pigeros The Perfect Primordial, this one aids in the production of the firsts
substances of Magic.
Protopneumos The First Spirit of the Divine, this aspect allows the Wizard
to join up as one with the Crown God-Head.
Table X. The Aspects of the Esophoros: Attributes of the Divine.

The next group of the Esophoros, The Attributes, allows the Wizard to reach
into the qualities, concepts and powers of the Divine. By so doing the
Wizard begins to understand and comprehend the very nature of each and
every attribute and through comprehension, the quality of each attribute is
then likened to the attributes of the Wizard. This doesn’t imply that the
Wizard will become like a god, not at all. However, it does imply that
through metaphysical reasoning the Wizard will begin to participate of these
very aspects of the divine. Through participation the Wizard will begin to
assimilate their divine natures, and will be empowered by them. The nature
and quality of this empowerment relies solely on the Wizard and his/her
degree of understanding and virtuous life.

Esophoros: Actions of God


Activities of the Aspects. (4)

All truth, this allows the Wizard to access the Truths of the Universe on all
Autogenes Self-conceived, this will permit the Wizard comprehend the birth
of the divine.
Autolisys Self-understanding, this allows the Wizard to peruse the nature of
things and access them intrinsically.
Eirenos Divine Peace, this will provide the Wizard with peace eternal,
harmony and equilibrium.
Pronoia Idea of the Divine, this will help the Wizard understand all created
things and concepts.
Sophoros All illumined, this allows the Wizard to see the Light in all of its
degrees in the Universe.
Soterias Divine Salvation, this will allow the Wizard to experience
wholeness and togetherness with God.
Thaumathos Divine Wonders, this will allow the Wizard in the participation
of Miracles and Wonders.
Table XI. The Aspects of the Esophoros: Actions of the Divine

By studying The Actions of God the Wizard will be given the

comprehension of the most wonderful acts of the divine and will also be able
to produce them according to the Divine Plan. Many of these aspects are
oriented towards the understanding of the divine and the apprehension of its
deepest and most controversial mysteries. Through study and practice the
Wizard will be able to see them, not only in the divine, but also in all there is
in this universe; and by perceiving them, the Wizard will be able to change
them as well. Thus the Wizard becomes capable of moving, altering,
changing and shifting the many aspects of the divine in the physical world
creating magical effects as they are needed.

Manifestations of God Eikoneas

Activities of the Aspects. (2)

Divine Image, this one makes the Wizard see the grandeur of Magic in the
Epiekes Divine Grace; this one allows the Wizard to be obeyed as the
Source Divine is.
Mierothea Divine Womb; this one allows the Wizard to fabricate substance
for the universe.
Morpheon Divine Form, this one permits the Wizard to give form and shape
to things in the universe.
Oikolos Divine Architects, this one allows the Wizard to command the
builders of things in the universe.
Paneronemos Divine Manifestations, this permits the Wizard to manifest as
the divine does.
Paraleptos Divine Vessels, this one fills the Wizard with light of the purest
and most celestial kind.
Pleroma Perfect State, this one makes the Wizard harmonious and balanced
and filled with joy.
Table XII. The Aspects of the Esophoros: Manifestations of the Divine

When The Manifestations of God are observed, the Wizard is granted with
the power of manifestation upon the universe. Many of the aspects herein
presented are aspects that either control substances, entities or concepts, thus
endowing the Wizard with the celestial abilities to command and build
things up as they are needed. However, the Apprentice and Wizard should be
aware that to attempt to do this for selfish ends will not be a pleasant
experience. These should be employed knowing well that they are to be used
for the greater glory of the Divine and the consecution of the Plan here on
Earth. What is the Plan? I shall answer this one question as my Teacher
always said to me, “In time you shall know and when you do you will be
glad I didn’t tell you before.”
Figure XXXIX. The
Valkyrie’s Vigil (1906) By Edward Robert Hughes

The Fifth Ring

Once the Apprentice carefully selects and assigns the eight aspects of the
Esophoros, the next ring that follows is the notorious Fifth Ring. It is called
so because this ring is considered by many Wizards as the most prominent
and important ring ever conceived in all of the High Magic Teachings. This
is another group of thirty two aspects and is known as the Ring of the
Archetypes. These Archetypes are manifestations of truths, events, activities,
planetary forces and even divine laws that permeate the entirety of the
universe. These are also related to the Mayor Arcana of the Tarot and the
thirty two paths in the Tree of Life; taking after the Ten Sephiroth and the
Twenty Two Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet which add up to thirty two as
well. Many other things could be said about the Archetypes but it would
oblige us to delve into deeper waters regarding these powers of the universe.
However, one thing will be said, the Archetypes are the actual events that
populate humanity’s living experience. Each archetype define a person,
situation, event or circumstance; by properly identifying them the Wizard
can master outside and inside situations and ultimately control them through
the influence of the Sphere. These archetypes are indeed great forces that
verily forge the Philosophical Sphere and give it direction and power. They
are concepts, universal truths, which exist everywhere in the universe and
through their emanations things manifest in the physical realm, be it
situations, interactions with other people and a wide array of wonders. Years
ago, my late Master told me that the Ring of the Archetypes must be studied
carefully for these are responsible for attracting events and situations to the
lives of mankind. Many are not aware of these archetypes or of their
activities throughout the universe, but they exist for all of us and interact
with nature on the deepest levels.

When not organized, as the Wizard does by assigning them to the eight
directions in a ring, they behave rather dramatically and exist in a state of
randomness and tumult, sometimes invading a person’s life without this
person ever knowing about it or being able to do anything about their
random activities. They enter the lives of mankind; pour their energies all
around them and then leave, only for the cycle to begin again sometime later.
All of these archetypes are moved and influenced by planetary forces80 , and
with experience the Wizard will learn how to avoid the more harmful effects
and benefit from the more advantageous of them. Sometimes, they are even
triggered by Stars and Seasons and could actually produce very harmful
effects over certain people if not properly handled. This is why the Wizard
learns to control these forces and by so doing, the harmful events of these
archetypes will be hampered and only the most beneficial effects will be
retained. As the Apprentice and Wizard select the eight primary archetypes
and assign them to their directions in the ring of the Sphere their lives will
readily change. This is due to the fact that as an archetype is placed in each
slot, that slot can never be entered by another archetype by chance or
randomness; this effect limits the effects of the other archetypes and these
can never affect the Apprentice or Wizard again. Thus by aligning the eight
primary Archetypes the Wizard sets out an archetypal matrix of sorts. This
matrix only allows for the desired events to take place according to the
chosen and assigned archetypes in the ring. As the Ring of Esophoros, the
Archetypes are composed of thirty two aspects which must be studied
carefully; as in every magical endeavor. These aspects divide themselves
into four categories; these categories are Base, Creation, Formation and
Manifestation81 .
Base Archetypes are the most powerful but they also lack any direction,
control or focus. The base archetypes are employed to generate power,
which will be ultimately transferred to the center of the Sphere and to the
80 Each Archetype is regulated by one of the seven planets; this shall be presented in the tables of the
archetypes later on. These influences regulate the activities of these archetypes and even gain power or
lessen their behavior upon a person’s life depending on the astrological influence of the planet at any
given time.
81 See Tables XIII to XVI.

Creation Archetypes are those which allow for focus and attention providing
a better control of these archetypal energies. The creation archetypes are
used primarily to bring about Ideas and fix them in the realm of the mind.

Formation Archetypes allow the Wizard to direct the archetypal energies

better over a given situation. These archetypes work well with providing
structure to outside events and even forming new thoughts patterns on old
concepts, renovating them and making them new.

Manifestation Archetypes are the less powerful but oddly enough they allow
the Wizard to trigger magical effects over any given situation, entity or
concept. These are the ones which actually manifest things in the physical

It is through a balanced choice of Archetypes that the Apprentice and

Wizard will ever be able to control them. This careful balance is a secret;
however the Apprentice will be advised to employ the following formula.
For the first layer of this ring, the Apprentice should select four Base type
Archetypes, two Creation Type Archetypes, one Formation and one
Manifestation Archetype. This arrangement will be enough to guarantee a
balanced structure in this first layer of the Ring of Archetypes.

It will also aid in channeling the powerful forces of the Archetypes and it
will facilitate the emanation of energy from these archetypes to the interior
core of the Philosophical Sphere. Now, a brief description of the Archetypes
will be supplied with the intention of providing the Apprentice with a notion
of what the Archetypes truly are. However, every Wizard should keep on
looking for additional information regarding this subject.

Base Archetypes The Apprentice Tiro

The Elements Elementis

The Father Pater

The Mother Mater
The Sage
The Source Origo
The Traveler Peregrinator

The World Mundi

Definitions and properties (6)

Learning, New Experiences, New Beginnings, Acquisition of Knowledge,
Communication, Tests , Education, Mercury and the Sephira Hod Control of
Matter, Control of the Elements of Water, Earth, Air and Fire, Organization,
Natural Entities, Elemental Beings, Uranus and the Sephira Malkuth
Power, Rulership, Authority, Law, Abundance, Justice, Protection,
Prosperity, Favor, Jupiter and the Sephira Chesed.
Nurture, Growth, Fecundity, Fertility, Care, Development, Maternity,
Children, Home, Venus and the Sephira Netzach.
Wisdom, Knowledge, Vision, Counsel, Guidance, Direction, Insight,
Perception, Awareness, Saturn and the Sephira Chokmah.
Origin, Creation, Formation, Manifestation, Universal Forces, Divinity,
Immortality, Perfection, Eternity, Kether and Uranus.
Messages, Movement, The Planes, Good News, Friendship, Communion,
Channeling of Information, Expeditiousness, Quickness, Mercury and the
Sephira Hod.
Manifestation, the Physical State, People, Realities, Impulse of Creation, the
Act of Manifesting, Planar Energies and the Sephira Malkuth.

Table XIII. The Archetypes: Base Type

The Base Type Archetypes are the foundation of the Ring and should be
considered before the other Archetypes. Also, they add certain weight to the
Ring and therefore allow for greater power and the accumulation of energies.
The Base Archetypes are also the ones more similar to mankind, since most
of them are represented by people rather than by constructs or forces.

Creation Archetypes The Angel

The Chariot
The Damsel
The Moon
The Potentials
The Shadow

The Tree
The Wizard Magus

Definitions and properties (5)

Voice of God, Representative of the Divine, Divine Actions, Blessings,
Support, Intervention, Miracles, the Planet Mercury and the Sephira Hod.
Advancement, Divine Vehicle, Attainment of Difficult Endeavors, Impulse,
Transport, Expansion of Consciousness, Mercury and the Sephira Hod.
Innocence, Strength, Power, Dominion over Adversities, Beauty, Sacredness,
Foresight, Natural Communion, Venus and the Sephira Netzach. Dreams,
Emotions, Cycles, Fantasies, Illusions, Falsehood, Alliances, the Invisible
and Unseen, the Moon and the Sephira Yesod.
Action, Reaction, Contraction, Expansion, Positive, Negative, Infinity,
Eternity, The Potential of Creation and the Ain Soph Aur.
Mastery over fear, doubts and impotence, Realization of Hidden Potential,
Liberation and Freedom, The Moon, the Sephira Yesod, the Unconscious
and the Conscious.
The Connection between Heaven and Earth, the universal scheme, Portals to
other worlds, Uranus and the Sephira Kether.
Idea, Thought, Mind, Magic, Manipulation of Things, Divine Word,
Intelligence, Power, Humility, Universal Union, Mercury and the Sephira

Table XIV. The Archetypes: Creation Type

The Creation Archetypes are the ones that allow for greater focus and
attention. They are in essence the ones that permit the Wizard to bring its
attention over a particular thing and then focus the magical energy over it.
These Archetypes are more akin to reason and understanding. They are also
known for their close association with the realms of the intellectual, psychic
and mental. As it was said before, these archetypes regulate thoughts and the
development of new ideas and fresher concepts.

Formation Archetypes Definitions and properties (3) The Crone Anus

Experience, Popular Wisdom, Agelessness, The Witch, Healing, Natural
Magic, Nature, Birth, Death, Rebirth, The Moon and the Sephira Binah.
The Dragon Draco
Authority over Nature, Control of the Elements, Timelessness, Respect,
Reverence, Nobleness, Uranus and the Sephira Kether.
The Forest Sylvan
Wildlife, Wilderness, Untamed Nature, Fairy Folks, Tree people, Spiritual
Networks, the Collective Consciousness, Venus and the Sephira Netzach.
The Grove Nemus
The Hero Hero

Spirituality, Religiousness, Divine Favor, Messages, The Divine Path,

Mystery Religions, Communion with Divinity, Jupiter and the Sephira
Valor, Sacrifice, Salvation, Rescue, Strength, Inner Values, Helping Hand,
Condescendence, Freedom, Peace, War, Mars and the Sephira Geburah
The Lovers Amantis
Compromise, Correspondence, Union, The Upper and the Lower Realms,
Alliance, Commitment, The Sun and the Sephira Tiphareth.
The Sun Sol
Truth, Clarity, Veracity, Unveiling Mysteries, The Divine Image, Central
Figures, The Sun and the Sephira Tiphareth.
The Villain Scelestus

Cunning, Shrewdness, Selfish Actions, Swindling, Treacherousness,

deceitfulness and dishonesty, it destroys lazy behaviors, Mars and the
Sephira Geburah.

Table XV. The Archetypes: Formation Type

The Formation Archetypes provide the Wizard with understanding of how to

direct and guide the mystical energies of Magic towards an object. They also
help the Wizard understand the many aspects of thoughts. These, as it was
said before, allow the Wizard to actually provide structure to things which
are feeble, weak or maybe in the need of a new form or in the dire need of
renovation. These are also known as the archetypes that either end or begin a

Manifestation Archetypes Definitions and properties (1) The Creatures

of Legends Fabulanima
Inner Strength, Supernatural Powers, Outstanding Prowess, Expertise,
Perfection of a Skill, Uranus and the Sephira Kether.
The Fortune Fortuna
Fate, Destiny, Things to Come, the Unmanifested Future, Luck, Riches,
Prosperity, Abundance, Change of Pace, Mercury and, the Sephira Hod.
The Heavens Caelum
Divine Aid, Help, Saving Hands, Divine Batteries, Bountiful Energies, Rest,
Power for the Beings of Light, the Sun, the Sephira Tiphareth.
The Hierophant Hierofantis
The Mysteries of the Unknown, Sacredness, Sanctity, Religiousness, Order,
Secret Teachings, the Wisdom of the Ages, Saturn, the Sephira Chokmah.
The Oceanus Oceanus
The Omniscient Mind, the All-Seeing Eye, the Universal Forces of the Gods,
Absolute Comprehension, Neptune and the Sephira Binah.
The Priestess Sacerdos
Secrets, Hidden Information, Healing, Fertility, Creativity, Ancient Dogmas,
Prophecy, Foresight, Dream Visions, The Moon and the Sephira Yesod.
The Stars Sideris
Guidance, Counsel, Messages, Advice, Warnings, Suggestions, Angelic
Interventions, Planetary Rulerships, The Sun and the Sephira Tiphareth.
The Temples Templum

The Tabernacle, Holy of Holies, the Inner Sanctum, the Altar of the Priests,
Ancient Teachings, Divine Touch, Inner Teachers, Uranus and the Sephira

Table XVI. The Archetypes: Manifestation Type

The Archetypes of Manifestation are the more esoteric ones and as such are
the more difficult to understand. In a sense, these are the ones that manage
the daily affairs of people and the Wizard and the ones which deal primarily
with the spiritual worlds. They are also the ones responsible for triggering
the magical effects over objects, concepts and people. These archetypes are
important in the sense that they help the Wizard understand the world,
manifest physical things and control the environment through the use of
Magic and its universal laws.
Figure XL. Hermes Trismegistus as the Alchemist of the Elder Times
represented observing a globe that resembles The Philosophical Sphere
and its various rings

(From an Alchemical Treatise on Hermetism)

The Sixth Ring

After the Ring of Esophoros which unites the inner and outer forces of the
Universe in the Philosophical Sphere and the Ring of the Archetypes which
paves the way for a better and more organized reality where only the desired
events will evolve and take place, the Apprentice must learn about the Ring
of the Universal Laws82 . This Ring is another group of thirty two aspects
divided into four layers. Like the Esophoros and the Archetypes, the Ring of
Universal Laws should be studied and then the Apprentice should select
eight laws which will be placed in the first layer of the Sixth Ring. The
Universal Laws are best explained when one considers the fact, descriptions
and information of all of the preceding Cosmogonic and Cosmologic aspects
studied so far. All of these concepts, as they coalesce into the physical realm,
they begin to correspond to conditions and functions. When these conditions
and functions are present, a particular law may be present, on the contrary,
when the conditions and functions are not present the law is absent or latent.

Then it is right to consider that everything in creation, formation and

manifestation is governed by a law or rather groups of laws. This actually
implies that everything exist in this universe because there are laws present
that back up the existence of the all. This is the reason why a Wizard studies
these laws, because by so doing one can see an object, entity or concept and
find out which laws are actually behind it giving it existence or reality.
Through careful study, a Wizard can even learn how to nullify laws for
certain aspects of reality and even manifest other ones which will change the
physical result of an event. These laws are divided into four groups as the
Esophoros and the Archetypes.

The first group of Universal Laws is called the Laws of Fluidity or the Laws
of Change. The second group is called the Laws of Constants or the Laws of
Stillness. The third group is called the Laws of Constructs or the Laws of
Thought. And the fourth group is called the Laws of Transformation or
Magical Alteration. As it was advised with the rest of the concepts studied so
far, the Wizard should try to see these laws acting all around reality. They
should be detected by the Apprentice and observed, weighed and pondered
every time they are spotted in the physical world. This exercise will help the
Apprentice get used to these aspects and familiarize with them better, in time
the Apprentice and Wizard will learn to distinguish which particular law is
behind an activity for everything is regulated by universal laws; the person
just have to look better for them. The more familiar a Wizard gets with these
laws, the faster they will be comprehended and the Wizard shall understand
them deeper. However, this should be done with care for many of these laws
actually seem to be alike, although they are not. The difference between
them should be noticed and distinguished so that with time the Wizard learns
how to detect which laws are present and which laws are not.
Moreover, the more a Wizard knows the activities of these laws the better it
will be. The magical student will learn how these universal laws group
together, which are usually joined or bundled up in matrices like constructs.
Many of these constructs are usually on favor of a particular aspect and
many other usually oppose that very same aspect. Also, the Wizard will be
able to learn how these laws intertwine amongst themselves, learning by
observation that these laws tend to exist in patterns and that some patterns
can actually predict the resurgence of other patterns that might occur in the
future. This in itself will be greatly advantageous for the Wizard for, when
these patterns are recognized in the universe as actual events, things could be
predicted or, at least expected. Finally, these laws are quite important to
know for they will give the Wizard a clear perspective on the universe and
how it is that things come to exist.
82 The Universal Laws were presented ages ago in The Kybalion, a book of hermetic occult
knowledge. However, back then they presented only seven principles or laws. At this moment the
Apprentice will be presented with all of the Principles or Laws that govern the Universe.

Laws of Fluidity Aspects (6) Causes and Effects It states that every action
in the universe evokes a reaction and that nothing comes to be without a
force exerting a particular pressure.
Correspondences It states that events in different degrees of existence will
exhibit similar events despite the differences or degrees of manifestation.
Elemental Actions It states that the elements manifest following a specified
order in reality that starts with water, earth , air and end with fire.
Frontiers of Activities It states that the resulting activity of any generating
force has a field of action proportional to the effort placed in it.
Hierarchies It states that in the Universe there are different levels of
existence, and that the greater degrees are superior in power to the lower
Influences It states that greater forces exert power over lower forces and that
the lower forces will be influenced by the greater forces.
Natural Processes It states that in the Universe things follow a particular set
of processes and that nothing occurs by skipping stages.
Rhythms It states that everything in the Universe has a given note; if that
note is achieved events corresponding to that note will occur.
Table XVII. The Universal Laws: Fluidity
The Laws of Fluidity correspond to the element of Water and are those
which allow change in the Universe. These laws state that there are things in
the Universe which are always in motion, always changing and always
moving. These Laws are also called the Transitive Drive for they intervene
with static things and infuse them with momentum. These are the laws that
govern movement and the existence of dynamic situations. These are
responsible for everything that moves, from a small ticking clock to the
many cars moving over a high way, to the infinite expansion of the universe.

Laws of Constants Aspects (5) Generation It states that in the Universe

energy is not created nor destroyed, but it exists in the same amount and in
myriad uniqueness.
Infinity Points It states that in the Universe there are entities that exist as
Primary Forces that are Eternal and there is neither cause nor effect that can
end them.
Integration It states that in the Universe every particle, although it may
seem as an independent individual, is in fact a lesser part of a larger
Mentalism It states that everything in the Universe is the result of a
deliberate Mental Process, Thought Formation and Physical Manifestation.
Unitary Energies It states that in the various energy levels or degrees of
realities there will be Primary First Entities that exist as Generating Motors.
Universal Absolutes
Universal Transcendental

It states that there are Entities in the Universe whose powers cannot be
reached nor surpassed and these exist as Primal Forces necessary for the
lesser ones.
It states that there are agents in the Universe created in space and time and
that by the sheer will of supreme forces are made timeless and eternal.

Word It states that by intoning the inner pitch of a particular natural object,
entity or concept this one will react according to the greater will of the
Table XVIII. The Universal Laws: Constants

The Laws of Constants relate to those things which are not changing and in
fact are permanent. These laws refer to those aspects of the Universe that are
fixed, immutable and exist as stable regions of immovability. In this sense
these laws are akin to the element of earth. The laws are also called the
Perennial Drive, for they uphold eternal concepts. In essence these are the
laws which give support and form to the rest of creation, without them the
universe will be a place of movement and nothing would have been able to
appear. These are the governing forces of stability and the ones that confirm
the existence of the divine beings, permanent and eternal.

Laws of Constructs Aspects (3) Double Image


It states that an action in the universe will be imitated in effect and power in
the various different degrees of manifestation. A thing will always have a
contrary image of a lesser degree
It states that an action will be maintained as long as there is an actual
generating force procuring activity to said action. Therefore an action needs
and intention to occur.
It states that the Universe exists after a state of nothingness and that things
manifest following this order. This nothingness is a realm of nonexistence
instead of a void zone.
It states that everything in the Universe has a power and that there is an
exact opposite in power somewhere else.

Spiritual Mass

It states that some entities, according to their level or degree, will have a
greater or lesser range of perception. Some perceiving on a smaller scale or
greater scale.
It states that an action that is repeated develops a generating impulse that
will self-sustain the original action.

Universal Archetypes
It states that between two different agencies a link may be established and
this link may form a third new agency, capable of generating and creating by
It states that everything in the physical universe is a fallible image of an
infallible Idea in the Real Universe.

Table XIX. The Universal Laws: Constructs

The Laws of Constructs are those which deal with ideas. They also join
together the Fluid and Constant laws. In this manner the Laws of Constructs
allow for creative ways to employ these other two laws; creating tertiary
events or laws. These laws are associated with the element of Air. The laws
of Construct are also known as the Fusing Drive, for they merge the various
functions of other laws. These are also the laws that govern over the thinking
process and regulate the various intelligences that exist in the universe.
These laws are essential for creation and formation, in other words to
generate an idea and provide it with structure so that it can be properly fixed
to the universe.

Laws of Transformation Aspects (1) Additus Potens It states that there

will be agencies in the universe that will forever provide to other agencies.
Nihilus Potens It states that there will be agencies in the universe that will
forever take from other agencies.

It states that every entity experiences two opposing sides and from these two
sides an entity is formed. Changing either side’s intensity transforms the
resulting entity.
It states that things will manifest in the universe in proportion to the effort
that they are operated through mind and body.

Spontaneous Change It states that things change automatically in the

universe only after they accrue the particular amount of needed energy.
Transference It states that energies in the universe can be conveyed from
equal agents and from a greater agent to a lesser agent.
Transmutation It states that a substance in the universe will change to
another when the needed conditions are met.
Vibration It states that everything in the universe will have a resonance that
will identify it with similar tones present in nature, for everything vibrates
and is constantly moving.
Table XX. The Universal Laws: Transformation

The Laws of Transformation deal primarily with transforming and altering

the whole of reality through the work of the Constructs. What this actually
means is that by joining together the laws, the Wizard can in fact change
things around the various Four Worlds. These laws are associated with the
element of Fire. They are known as the Alchemical Drive. Apart from
procuring transmutative alterations, these laws also allow the Wizard to
employ magical operations and processes. These deal primarily with the
tools that manifest alterations in the universe like vibration, polarity and
precipitation. As these are known and understood in the world, the Wizard
will be able to employ them to alter reality from its very core.
XLI. Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses (1891) John William Waterhouse

The Seventh Ring

The Seventh Ring is composed of another group of thirty two concepts. Like
the other rings, the Apprentice should select eight initially for the
preparation of this seventh ring. The Apprentice should remember that those
rings that are composed of thirty two concepts arrange themselves into four
layerlike structures where the Wizard assigns eight concepts for each
particular layer, starting with the primary one and then selecting eight more
when the time comes83 . This Ring is known as the representation of the
Potential Forces of the Universe, only that they are expanded so that the
Apprentice gets a more complete picture of their capacities. In the
Cosmogonic concepts of Magic the Apprentice was introduced to the
Universal Potentials. They were explained as two major forces, the Nihilus
and the Additus and each of them had four magical behaviors.

Now the Apprentice will be introduced further into the categories of these
two universal forces. Taking into consideration that the Nihilus takes away
and the Additus provides, the other forces correspond to one of these two
behaviors. On the side of the Negative Potential or Nihilus are the Nihilus
Philios, Orebos and Arethos. Regarding the Positive Potential or the Additus
are the Additus Neikos, the Emeros and the Kakoros. Needless to say, these
powerful forces, which are the very tools of the origin of creation, are
supremely important for the Wizard. These tools will conform into the
backbone of magical casting and magical operations in the future, so the
Apprentice better learn them by memory and heart.

Having them aligned and properly understood, they will amount to helping
the Wizard create with the same positive and negative forces upon the
physical and mental realm when used in an incantation. Combining their
power with the Archetypes and the Incantations is the basis for any Magical
Operation; this however will be explained later on. For the moment, the
Apprentice needs to remember that after the First God Head or the Crown
appeared, it gave way to these forces in order to fashion the entire Real and
Physical Universes. Thus, by properly tuning a philosophical ring with these
magnificent powers of creation a Wizard will be able to use the same tools
that the ultimate and First God used. Now we shall see the eight different
Universal Potentials and we shall discuss them. We shall start with the
Negative forces and then pass on to discuss the Positive ones.

However, it is important to consider that in Magic negative and positive does

not necessarily means good or evil. Those are conventions that entered into
the formula of existence later on in creation, where the Potentials are
concerned there is still no consideration or place for these moral values84 .
Instead, by negative and positive is meant those actual forces which contract
or expand, take or provide and destroy and create. Remember these concepts
are neither good nor evil, for they lack moral sense in themselves. However
it is what is done with them which may account for anything good or evil.
Also, through the activity of these wonderful potentials the Wizard will be
able to power must of its incantations and as result be capable of affecting
the universe around it. These are the truly predecessors of incantations, for
they are in fact the basis for all magical work and operation.
83 A second selection of rings is normally made when the Apprentice passes the First Degree of
Magical Development. However, at the moment the Apprentice should work the basic requirements of
the Sphere and wait at least for an entire year of consecutive work before choosing the secondary rings
of the four fold rings of the Sphere. 84 On these levels of creation the universe hasn’t defined in terms
of evolution, that appears later on when things become physical. It is in that realm and the realms
adjoining the physical plane where goodness and evil take a part in the Grand Scheme of Things.


This powerful universal force, as it was explained earlier, it’s the Universal
Potential which takes relentlessly away from the Universe. It is a formidable
force which never stops and its only objective is to eliminate things. Nothing
is exempt from its awesome force and the entire universe is subject to its
activities. It differentiates in four stages and these four stages are employed
in magical operations intended to stop, diminish, divide or destroy activities
which are being harmful to the Wizard. The four categories are as follows;

? Retineo: stops the momentum of a thing to a halt. It interrupts, disrupts and

suspends fluidity in the universe containing an event or subject. It serves to
stop events, pause them or have more time.

? Deminuo: diminishes the intensity of a thing. It lowers the concentration of

a concept up to nearly zero reducing it to a lesser form of the original
concept. It is used for reducing things and minimizing effects of others.

? Dispertior: dissipates the whole of a thing into different parts. It actually

divides a concept into lesser forms or its constituent parts making it loose
integrity and strength. It is used primarily to debilitate structures and
dissipate events or effects.

? Everto: destroys a created thing stopping it from manifesting in the

physical universe and hindering the actions of the Wizard.

Nihilus Philius

While Nihilus takes away from the Universe the Nihilus Philius takes from
the Universe and deposits on the Wizard’s Philosophical Sphere. Its rather
convenient and a quite powerful tool. It can be used to take energy, aspects,
attributes and concepts from the Universe and integrate them into one’s own
personal magical profile. While this sounds fantastic, the Apprentice should
be aware that these actions must be done under the greatest of cares and with
an objective mind; to use it for evil purposes will have very unfortunate
results for the Wizard. The four categories are as follows;

? Stamikos: it stops an event in the physical universe and this one is routed
towards the Sphere of the Wizard. There it is absorbed and its energies are
harnessed by the Wizard.

? Arnos: an activity near the Wizard is absorbed little by little until it is taken
by the Wizard in quality and quantity. It is used to assimilate things which
are noxious to others or to better the Wizard’s performance.

? Argios: It slows energies and activities which are occurring in the physical
universe. Once slowed these energies are then redirected to the Rings of the
Philosophical Sphere and Transformed into Magical Energy.

? Axatrepheios: it destroys created things which are in the direct

environment of the Wizard and the destroyed particles are absorbed by the

The Orebos Universal Potential responds to the act of draining and handling
energies. It serves to collide energies unto themselves so that they could be
worked with. Many Wizards use the Orebos Potential to hold things in place
and fix them to the Real and Physical Universes. This Universal Force is not
recommended to be used against a person or animal for they will be drained
of their energy and most possibly harmed. To do this is against every moral
code of any Wizard and is punishable by the Universe. The four categories
are as follows;

? Oporthos: it holds a thing or concept in place by taking away its

momentum. It fixes a substance or operation into the environment so that it
can grow and later on manifest. This is the primary form of manifesting
Light into the universe.

? Apobas: this one drains energies from an object, subject or condition,

keeping it free of magical pollution. It is used primarily to purify, bless and
free and object from impurities both physical and spiritual.

? Araios: it dilutes an energy, concept or situation so that it will not have the
same quantity and quality it had before and it will become almost
? Ephanista: it banishes a thing from direct view, making it float away into
nothingness little by little. Many use this to handle energies which are
dangerous and harmful.


Arethos is a wonderful tool used to sculpt the Universe and make things
more defined, beautiful and altogether better by taking away excess
substance from a thing. It conditions magical operations so that they are
maintained in good working order and magical incantations work as they
ought to do. Many employ this force in order to work with carefully thought
out plans, design events not yet manifested and choose to make desired
things more beautiful and bright than they already were. The four categories
are as follows;

? Katoris: it accrues the desired energy for any particular magical operation.
This energy is held in the center of the Sphere until the Wizard needs it. As it
can be seen is a very useful magical tool when casting magical incantations.

? Melethos: it makes a particular energy better by refining it. It also makes

magical substances perfect for incantations. By conditioning it’s meant that
the energy is prepared and transformed into a more suitable energy form. For
example it can employ a normal fire and through magical conditioning it’s
made Magical.

? Xarassos: it sculpts, takes away the excess form, matter and physical
attributes from the desired object, thing or concept. It’s used to beautify
whatever the Wizard wants to be perfected and made luminous.

? Lampheia: it beautifies an already existing object. It makes it shinier, full

of light as it take the denser material from an object.


The Universal Potential of the Additus is the force in the Universe which
provides, puts, supplies and gives more and more to the infinity of things in
creation. Its only purpose is to fill the Universe in a neverending act of
manifestation. Many employ the Additus Potens as a powerful tool to
convey fluidity and bring forth abundantly in their magical operations. In
this way, the Additus initiate, augment, multiply and create things where
there were none. The four categories are as follows;

? Initio: it provides movement to things that already existed but were in a

state of idleness or without any momentum. It’s used to manifest movement
and fluidity to a situation.
? Auctus: it makes an already present object, concept or attribute larger than
it already is. It actually brings about the expansion of an object or concept.
? Gemino: this is the behavior that multiplies an effect in the sense that it
makes many of a single individual concept or object. It doubles the already
present attributes.
? Creo: it creates a thing that is not present at the moment. It is used
primarily in magical operations that are new or intended to address a new

Additus Neikos
The Universal Potential of the Additus Neikos is the force in the Universe
which gives to the universe in a profuse way, but it gives to the universe
taking from the Wizard. This is a very noble act and thing to do, however,
the Wizard should be aware that to always give from oneself might result in
magical exertion and fatigue. Many use these operations to work with
aspects which are in dire need or need energy fast. Nonetheless, the
Apprentice is advised to think objectively when using these formulas. The
four categories are as follows;

? Aroxos: it takes momentum from the Wizard and gives it to some other
thing in the universe. It helps things which are stopped or encumbered by
other concepts or events. This is a wonderful tool to be employed when the
Wizard wants to give kinetic energy to something else.

? Tetikos: it expands and extends objects and concepts by taking energy

from the Wizard. These actions can properly help other people in need of
liberation. This tool is also employed to free from hampering situations.

? Gregoros: it makes fluid motions faster by providing energies from the

core of the Wizard. It will not work in already fast energies. But it will give
outside elements a faster edge regarding the surrounding universe.

? Kaneios: It creates things that had not been created yet by using vital
energy from the Wizard’s Philosophical Sphere.


This wonderful Universal Potential is the one responsible of currents, energy

arcs and discharges and sparks. This is the potential in the universe that
sends forth concentrated energy in a single blast of cohesive particles. Many
Wizards employ this Universal Potential to power drained operations, send
out energy towards other subjects or individuals and even for protection. The
four categories are as follows;

? Archides: it initiates a continuous discharge of energy. It is used for

defensive operations. The energies employed for this sort of operation are
electrically based, so it will hamper both living organism and electronic
? Ekphorton: it makes an already present energy discharge continually, in the
sense that it will not extinguish. It can be used to further a magical operation
such a Healing Incantation, Protection or Blessing.

? Phortios: it makes the emission of an already present discharge stronger

and more powerful. These are regularly employed for bettering the quality of
existing magical operations.

? Enanthia: It fires against an object, concept or construct a single powerful

emanation or burst of infinite positive energy. This sort of tool is employed
as a defensive incantation and will only worked against evil beings and


This is the crudest of the positive potentials. In essence it creates a lot of a

single substance. It is used particularly when a Wizard is trying to create
something and it doesn’t have a definite idea of what is desired or wanted.
This potential instead of creating a handful of sand it creates an entire
mountain range. The four categories are as follows;

? Polosos: it creates substances without measure or limit. It is used to initiate

operations which require a lot of energy and time. This tool is generally
employed to create overwhelming effects such as torrential rains and
operations dealing with nature.

? Emmuros: it sets boundaries to an idea and makes it grow up to that point.

It is very useful when trying to fix a thought or an incantation over an object
or concept. Also it is very useful for operations in which the Wizard has a
limit and do not want to go over it.

? Morphos: it creates definition for an Idea or thought. It gives form and

delineates the regular proportions of an object or concept. It is generally
used to define concepts and structures for otherwise not yet organized

? Naxomos: it intertwines the natural matrix of an idea or incantation with

that of the matrix of the universe. It programs the Wizard’s thoughts and
operations into the very fabric of existence so that it manifest readily on the

Figure XLII. Saturnine Night from Manuductio Hermitico-Philosophia

(1739) By J.C. von Vanderbeeg
The Eight Ring

By now the Apprentice has been introduced to almost all of the rings
initially employed in a Philosophical Sphere. It must be stated at this point
that many more rings or wheels will be used to power this Philosophical
Sphere, however, for now the Apprentice will only use eight. Also, by now,
the Apprentice must have selected and assigned eight aspects to each of the
seven rings so far studied. As a reminder, all the Apprentice needs to do in
order to assign the selected aspects is to visualize them. As an idea to
properly visualize the rings, it was suggested previously that the Apprentice
should draw the rings in a journal and write down the selected aspects and
concepts on the appointed directions.

Now let us move forward and pass on to discuss the Eight Ring. This ring is
concerned with the powers and attributes of divine entities. However, this
should not lead the Apprentice into thinking that the Sphere will become a
matrix for polytheistic worship. On the contrary, The Apprentice and Wizard
should always have in mind that the gods’and goddesses’ attributes and
powers are to be meant as ideals and directions rather than worshipping
material of any kind. Wizards worship only one thing, and one thing alone;
that is the Absolute Presence of the Source Divine. What the Wizard is
looking for, by incorporating these eight divine presences into the Sphere, is
to create a state of cooperation with these deities, respect towards the
particular divine powers and a sense of admiration and honor towards the
particular deities in order to gain their favor.

This eighth ring has four layers as well and in each layer the Apprentice
must select eight divine beings of veritable attributes; although, for the
moment only the first layer will be worked with. However, before selecting
the divine entities with which the Apprentice will work with, a careful
research must be done. In this research the Apprentice must learn about the
different divine pantheons, their myths and associated powers and how it is
that these divine beings are related with the world around them, with other
gods, humanity and their worshipers.

The Apprentice and Wizard must be very careful because there are many
entities which might look like the right thing, but in fact might end up being
divine powers that could lead the Wizard astray. Many of these deities are
supremely good and righteous; however there are many others which dwell
on neutral grounds and many more divine entities border on amoral
behavior. Many are actually quite obscure and even dark and outright evil.
To use these darker deities will only invite danger and peril into the life of
the Wizard. The Sphere will also become dark and will allow evil to seep
into it without the Wizard realizing it. This is something the Wizard
shouldn’t allow; this will consume the Wizard and bent his/her morality
towards darkness and evil. This is why it is amply recommended that the
Apprentice studies these deities through books, read their mythologies and
deepen his/her understanding through careful research and revisions. To
avoid the selection of a deity which is evil or borders on the darker side of
things it is suggested that the Apprentice uses the following list of divine
entities. These are deities aligned within the parameters of Good and
interested in the development of mankind, Magic and Light.

Also, the following list will give the Apprentice a general idea of what kind
of deities to use and which mythologies to study or research. It will also help
in the widening of choices in future selections of divine attributes. This list
of Deities has been thoroughly checked in the past but please do some
verification of your own in order to avoid unpleasant selections. When
selecting these divine beings the Apprentice must focus on what sort of
power does the divinity has and what are the areas of interest of said deities.
These will be the actual capacities and abilities the Wizard will be
incorporating into the Sphere once the divine beings had been selected. Also,
the Wizard must be quite vigilant on not selecting deities which oppose one
another, for this will cause an unbalanced state upon the Sphere. Naturally,
to avoid this, the Apprentice needs to study each divine being’s mythology

As an example let us look at the following table; an Apprentice might study

rigorously several mythologies and finally decide to make a selection. In this
selection the Apprentice chose various divinities from different cultural
background and chose them for their supernatural abilities.

Region: Divine Being North Ra

Northeast East
Southeast Athenea Innana Consus
South Balder Southwest West
Northwest Thoth

Supernatural Power
Manifestation of Light Wisdom
Nurturing Abilities Bearing of Fruits Beauty in Relationships Magical Might

Odin Wealth
Marduk Victory over Evil
Another selection of divinities can be made taking into consideration the
attributes of these gods.

Region: Divine Being Supernatural Power North Mithra Blessings of the

Priest Northeast East
Southeast Nike Victory of the Champion Ra

South Opus Rule of the King Swiftness of the Messenger Warmth of the

Southwest West
Northwest Apollo Hand of the Healer Tyr Strength of the Warrior Minerva
Eye of the Seer

Divinities of Light, Goodness and Right Adonis

Dionysius Elagabalus Eos
Hephaestus Hermes
Neptunus Nike
Prometheus Ptah
Saturnus Sekhmet

Table XXI. List of Divinities

Up to now the Apprentice has been studying all about the conformation of
the Universe, how it relates to oneself and how to construct a magical
device, in this case the Philosophical Sphere. This was important and
necessary in order to properly harness the magical energies of the following
chapters. On the next chapters the Apprentice will be provided with magical
lessons relating to the development of the Magical Voice and the manner of
the various types of incantations.

However, at this point the Apprentice will be presented with the simple yet
quite important ritual of the Quickening of the Sphere. This powerful ritual
will provide power and magical light into each and every ring in the sphere
and each and every attribute in each ring. In this way, the Sphere will be
charged up with magical energy, light and most importantly the Will of the

This ritual should be performed daily or until the Wizard feels the Sphere is
starting to coalesce. On the other hand, when the Apprentice gains enough
experience, the ritual should be performed at least once a week. Should the
ritual be not performed at the appointed time the Wizard might run the risk
of weakening the Sphere and the eight rings.

The Apprentice must find a suitable place where to initiate it, free from
interruptions, commotions and excessive sounds. The Apprentice must also
be tranquil and at ease. It’s important to know by memory the components of
each ring otherwise the ritual will not function, for the quickening actually
relies on the power of memorization of the Apprentice and only those things
memorized shall be quickened.

The Quickening of the Philosophical Sphere

1. The Apprentice should stand facing North, both hands at each side. At this
moment the Apprentice should envision his/her Philosophical Sphere,
pulsating with a soft golden light. The Apprentice is invited in this stage to
observe the Sphere as it is and by contemplating this simplicity the
Apprentice shall uncover great secrets within.

2. With the mind, trace a ring of light as the circumference of the sphere.
This ring shall be at the height of the waist of the Apprentice; even though it
may have universal proportions. When the ring of light is properly
envisioned the Apprentice will say; “DIXITQUE DEUX ? FIAT LUX ?

3. Just after the magical words had been said the Apprentice must envision
how this ring begins to illuminate with vigor and might.

4. Then the Apprentice will bring up in its mind the First Ring, the Ring of
the Virtues. One by one, each virtue will be seen blazing in their appointed
direction. As each virtue is placed in its position, the Apprentice must say:

5. After the last virtue has been placed and seen ablaze the Apprentice will
say in the direction of the North and presenting the open right hand to the

6. As this is said the Apprentice will observe as the entire ring of virtues
begins to shine with an amazing light, a light so bright that it’s a hundred
times that of the Sun. At this moment the Apprentice will see as the virtues
fuse together in the ring and are absorbed by the core and center of the
Philosophical Sphere where the Apprentice is, this will imbue the Wizard
with all of the powers and attributes of the Virtues.

7. Then the Apprentice will bring up in his/her mind the Second Ring, the
Ring of the Statutes. One by one, each statute will be seen blazing in their
appointed direction. As each statute is placed in its position the Apprentice

8. After the last statute has been placed and seen ablaze the Apprentice will
say in the direction of the Northeast making the sing of the Greek small case

9. As this is said the Apprentice will observe as the entire ring of statutes
begins to shine with an amazing light, a light so bright that it’s a hundred
times that of the Sun. At this moment the Apprentice will see as all of the
statutes join together in the ring and are absorbed by the core and center of
the Philosophical Sphere, this will imbue the Wizard with all of the powers
and attributes of the Statutes.

10. Then the Apprentice will bring up in his/her mind the Third Ring, the
Ring of the Values. One by one, each value will be seen blazing in their
appointed direction. As each value is placed in its position the Apprentice

11. After the last value has been placed and seen ablaze the Apprentice will
say in the direction of the East and making the sign of the H, “IN NOMINE

12. As this is said the Apprentice will observe as the entire ring of values
begins to shine with a glorious light, a light so splendorous that has no equal.
At this moment the Apprentice will see as all of the values join together in
the ring and are absorbed by the center of the Philosophical Sphere, this will
imbue the Wizard with all of the powers and attributes of the Values.

13. Then the Apprentice will bring up in his/her its mind the Fourth Ring,
the Ring of the Esoforos. One by one, each Attribute of the Esoforos will be
seen blazing in their appointed direction. As each attribute is placed in its
position the Apprentice must say: “LOCUS VICIBUS FUNGIO

14. After the last attribute has been placed and seen ablaze the Apprentice
will say in the direction of the Southeast and making the sing of a Triangle

15. As this is said, the Apprentice will observe as the entire ring of the
Esoforos begins to shine with a wonderful light, a light so splendid that the
angels in heaven sing to its beauty and shine. At this moment the Apprentice
will see as all of the attributes of the Esoforos join together in the ring and
are absorbed by the core of the Philosophical Sphere, this will imbue the
Wizard with all of the powers and attributes of the Esoforos.

16. Then the Apprentice will bring up in his/her mind the Fifth Ring, the
Ring of the Archetypes. One by one, each Archetype will be seen blazing in
their appointed direction. As each archetype is placed in its position the

17. After the last archetype has been placed and seen ablaze the Apprentice
will say in the direction of the South making the sing of the letter V, “IN

18. As this is said the Apprentice will observe as the entire ring of the
Archetypes begins to blaze with an astonishing light, a light so impressive
that all of the celestials are touched by its inner glow. At this moment the
Apprentice will see as all of the archetypes join together in the ring and are
absorbed by the center of the Philosophical Sphere, this will imbue the
Wizard with all of the powers and attributes of the Archetypes.

19. Then the Apprentice will bring up in his/her mind the Sixth Ring, the
Ring of the Universal Laws. One by one, each Law will be seen blazing in
their appointed direction. As each Law is placed in its position the
Apprentice must say: “LOCUS VICIBUS FUNGIO LEXUM ”

20. After the last law has been placed and seen ablaze the Apprentice will
say in the direction of the Southwest making the sing of the letter N, “IN

21. As this is said the Apprentice will observe as the entire ring of the
Universal Laws begins to illumine with an amazing light, a light so
wonderful and good that all of the intelligences in the universe yield to its
eternal power. At this moment the Apprentice will see as all of the Laws join
together in the ring and are absorbed by the center of the Philosophical
Sphere, this will imbue the Wizard with all of the powers and attributes of
the Universal Laws.
22. Then the Apprentice will bring up in his/her mind the Seventh Ring, the
Ring of the Universal Potentials. One by one, each Potential will be seen
blazing in their appointed direction. As each Potential is placed in its
position the Apprentice must say: “LOCUS VINCIBUS FUNGIO

23. After the last Potential has been placed and seen ablaze the Apprentice
will say in the direction of the West and making the sing of the letter H , “IN

24. As this is said the Apprentice will observe as the entire ring of the
Universal Potentials begins to give off so much light that the entire universe
trembles at its greatness. At this moment the Apprentice will see as all of the
Universal Potentials join together in the ring and are absorbed by the core of
the Philosophical Sphere, this will imbue the Wizard with all of the powers
and attributes of the Universal Potentials.

25. Then the Apprentice will bring up in his/her mind the final Eight Ring,
the Ring of the Deities. One by one, each Deity will be seen blazing in their
appointed direction. As each Deity is placed in its position the Apprentice

26. After the last Deity has been placed and seen ablaze the Apprentice will
say in the direction of the Northwest and making the sing of the Greek Letter

27. As this is said the Apprentice will observe as the entire ring of the
Deities begins to irradiate with the light of creation and all of the creatures in
the universe, physical, real and spiritual understand that a Wizard of the
Eldest Tradition has been born. At this moment the Apprentice will see as all
of the Deities join together in the ring and are absorbed by the center of the
Philosophical Sphere, this will imbue the Wizard with all of the powers and
attributes of the Deities.

28. Once this has been done the Apprentice must observe how the eight rings
begin to pulsate at unison and begin to rotate on a clockwise direction. The
Apprentice must try to listen to the harmonious sound the Sphere will start to
29. After some minutes the Apprentice must envision as all of the rings join
together forming one luminous ring.
30. This luminous ring will be moving at a great speed and the Apprentice
must see as its subluminal speed begins to draw energy from the universe
and into the Sphere.
31. The Apprentice should tie its breathing to the energy being taken from
the universe and into the Sphere through the action of the ring.
32. After the exercise has been ended the Apprentice will say,
Figure XLII.
Zahlen-lehre der Natur (1794) Karl von Eckhartshausen (1752-1803)

Chapter Four: Vox Magicae

“The Power of the Voice is akin to the power of God, it can create things
that are not present and things that doesn’t even exist, it’s the magic of
words which create whole
new worlds in the mind of the artificer, bring definition to things
unknown, they can stop tempests in their tracks and raises the devout from
sinking into the waters of ignorance.”

Grimoald Tevenot (1587-1643). Astronomer, Philosopher, Alchemist,

Astrologer and Physician.

In all of the Mystery Traditions, the power of the Human Voice has been a
major element in relation to the creation of the Universe and the
manipulation of reality. In these Traditions, we consistently see how the
primordial entities85 , or the first gods in each of these mythologies, created
the universe by employing their voices and uttering arcane and magical
words. In many of these accounts, the primordial powers simply spoke, and
the universe listened and obeyed. In others, these divinities manifested
secondary divine intelligences which represented the power of their voices,
and thus they gave way to creation by extension; compelling the universe to
act and retract by the mysterious energy surrounding the voices of the gods
and the words they utter; for the voice is the source of mystic power and the
words are the result of Magical Intelligence applied to that mystic power.

In the past, the ancient philosophers acknowledged that the Voice was an
impressive magical tool and that Words alone held much power and were
related to creation and the governing of the different structures and
hierarchies of the Universe. The ancients explained this through a series of
mysteries and profound esoteric and metaphysical concepts and
philosophies. Pre-Socratic thought professed that the Universe was in itself
governed by an almighty and divine Logos, which was the Word of the
Divine, and as the Ultimate and Divine Supreme Being it existed in a realm
beyond perfection and completely unattainable by human comprehension.
This idea, even expressed that the Logos was an intermediary force between
the divine and the physical world, regulating the various agencies of the
cosmos, in order to properly manifest the ulterior Will of the Divine. Other
ideas, presented the Logos as divine builders or workers which employed the
power of their voices to create and manifest in the world regulated by the
ever present Divine Will. This is seen clearly in the name of many of the
celestial beings; which are simply verbs and nouns joined by divine suffixes
or prefixes that correspond to actions and descriptions of activities. An
example of this is the name of the Archangel Raphael. The Aramaic word
Raphe means To Heal and in this case it is joined by the suffix EL86 which
represents the Spirit of God and one of the most powerful names of the
Almighty. According to the Kabbalah, celestial beings are Words in essence
which the Divine created and imbued with independent existence,
intelligence and power so that they could manifest their own definitions in
creation, as the Divine properly willed, as soon as they are pronounced by a
powerful voice.
85 Primordial Entities are those beings which exist before the deities, before the greater gods and even
before the appearance of the First Light. These beings are incredibly old, arcane and supremely
86 In the Kabbalah we can observe that the divine name EL is a construction of two letters, the letter
Aleph (A) and the letter Lamed (L). Lamed, in itself, is composed of three Yods (I), which is yet
another Hebrew letter (I) The one that starts the name of God IHVH. When these three Yods are added
up it yields the number 30. This is the number for the letter Lamed (L).When this letter Lamed is
joined with the real value of Aleph which is 1, we get 31, or the name AL which is the Hebrew form
to spell EL.

Still, in other belief systems, the Logos took the form of a single individual
which governed the Universe following the Plan of the Divine and its
ultimate Will. We see such examples in the account of Ra and Thoth. Ra, the
divine ruler of the Hermetic Tradition of the Egyptian’s Myth, created the
Universe through Thoth which was his Divine Voice. Then, it was through
the action of Thoth that the universe was created along with the rest of the
divine beings. Another example is that of the Gnostics. These saw the Logos
as an expression of the Divine Son. This meant that the Ultimate Divine
reached the created world through a series of self-expressions, of which the
Son was one of them; the other was the Divine Spirit or Dunamis, which was
the Living Life Force that imbued everything with movement and anima.
Thus, this Divine Son and Voice is an expression of the Ultimate Divine and
a closer and more understandable manifestation of this Supreme Being. This
Logos carried the voice of the Divine and interacted with the lesser beings in
a myriad of forms, each according to the individual belief systems. This we
can even see in Christianity, which has been greatly influenced by Magic
and other religions, in the form of the Divine Son being the Word as Saint
John the Evangelist expresses in his Book in the New Testament of the
Bible. This is why the concept of the Voice and the Words of Power are
regarded in all Magical studies as a highly important concept. The ancient
philosophers knew the important magnitude of the Voice and the power of
Words. They also knew something else of equal importance. They were
armed with the knowledge that the Ultimate Divine created mankind in its
own image and likeness. These philosophers knew that the image of God
gave us His Reason and His Divine Likeness gave us His Voice. These
philosophers also understood that this gift of likeness87 gave humanity a
unique quality that no other species had in the world; this was and still is the
power of the spoken word. They began to study the mystery of the divine
voice and the many ancient words, trying to understand their meaning,
significance and power. However, they identified that not all voices and not
all words carried the power of the divine.

These philosophers learned that only carefully tailored voices were able to
connect with the sublime level and degree needed to work with the divine88 .
These were to be voices which were only employed for this divine work and
not the ordinary voices or speech of the regular day. Thus, they incorporated
these voices in rituals, and they practiced and developed new speech forms
for such rituals. It was then that chants and ceremonial voices first appeared
in ritual magical operations. In time they also incorporated tones, chants and
songs, like the psalter of the Judeo-Christians, in order to harness the true
power of the divine voices. Afterwards they even incorporated songs and
ritual music in their magical workings as equivalent to the awesome power
of the divine. Thus the Magical Voice or Vox Magicae was born. However,
this wasn’t the only thing the ancient wizards of the past learned about the
power of the magical voice and words. They learned that all words weren’t
magical. They uncovered that only words relating to divine names carried
the power of the divine as well as those words which corresponded with
divine mysteries and secrets. Therefore they started to study the importance
of the ancient divine names, the titles of highest divine power and those
words which held a direct significance and correspondence with the
Almighty. Taking this into consideration, these ancient wizards began to
keep and guard those magical words as powerful secrets, only to be known
by those which had been initiated into their own mysteries. With time, these
words became the core of many magical and spiritual teachings. Many of
these words are still amply used in many magical rituals of today and figure
prominently in hundreds of magical texts and sacred books. With their
meaning lost to the general public, they are only cherished and appreciated
as they should be by those initiated into these ancient mysteries89 .
87 The word for likeness in Hebrew is known as TZLM, this has a numeric value of 720, a number
quite interesting for it corresponds to the 72 names of God. Moreover, this name corresponds to the
words OTZ PNIKH QIIM OINIKH, which could be roughly translated as capable of looking into the
tree of life and finding the face of God. What this means is that whereas other beings see but do not
understand an esoteric meaning, man can see a thing and understand its hidden meaning and find the
way towards the divine. God can see the interior aspects of a thing and understand its symbols and
through His Grace humanity can do the same, that was why God appointed man ruler over everything
for man could see the interior things of everything else, except of course the very nature of the Divine.
88 This doesn’t’ mean that the actual voice can not have a magical effect, it can! In this regard the
Apprentice is warned as to what he/she says, specially under the lesser emotions of anger, rage and
sadness; for our divine gift is with us at all times; this is why it should be cultivated and mastered.

Today the Magical Voice is highly esteemed within all magical schools of
thoughts because it is the primary form to achieve contact with the divine
energies of the Cosmos. The magical voice becomes for the Wizard the
primary carrier of thought, will, intention and manifestation. It is a great
magical tool of prominence for the Wizard for it is the weapon which creates
out of nonexistence. It is through this voice that the Wizard combines that
which exists in the realm of the Real with that which exists in the realm of
the World. Thus, the magical voice can be identified as the nexus point
between the mental and the physical. When a Wizard utters a word, this
word is actually a number which in turn corresponds to a code. The code
resonates with that higher vibration to which the original word associated
with. As a result certain things occur whenever that word is spoken
diligently and with power. Essentially, in High Magic, the voice of the
Wizard is a nexus between the Real World and the Physical World but it is
much more.

This nexus gathers the energies of the potential as the Wizard concentrates
and focuses on a particular subject of incantation. As the idea is formed and
the Wizard concentrates the potential energies flow into the subject
incantation and fill it with supreme power. This power is then transferred
from mind to space as the intention and incantation of the Wizard is given
form in the physical universe, through the use of the Magical Voice. In other
words, the intention which exists in the mind of the Wizard, is given form in
the world by giving it a sound. This is exactly what John meant in his
biblical expression, “And the Word became Flesh90 ”. It is through the
utterance of the Magical Voice that things come to be formed and manifested
in the physical realm and at the same time charged up with divine power and
action. By speaking the Wizard gives thoughts a physical form and transfers
spiritual and mental energy into the physical universe. This physical energy
is known as Sound and being a form of energy it cannot be destroyed. Thus,
when the Wizard uses the Magical Voice he/she creates a powerful body and
vessel for a concept and at the same time this concept gets impregnated in
the matrix of the natural universe ready to be precipitated into manifestation
acquiring substance. Thus, every time the Wizard makes and incantation this
one gets qualified by the power of the divine and things get manifested.
Now, we shall see the many forms of Magical Voices and the proper ways to
develop this amazing and wonderful tool for the operation of Magic. It is
important that the Apprentice gives ample time, dedication and diligent
practice to the development of the Magical Voice in order to be successful in
the proper harnessing of this magical instrument. At this moment it should
be mentioned that there are four main types of Magical Voices. These types
of voices are the Voice of Prayer, the Voice of Magic, the Voice of Ceremony
and the Voice of Ritual. Each and every one of these four voices is important
and amply relevant to the proper practice of Magic. The way to develop
them should be practiced with earnest and dedication because I have not
known yet a Wizard who practices successful Magic that doesn’t pay great
care and attention to this wonderful aspect of Magic.
89 It is important at this point to point out that the Magical Voice is the medium, through which
magical words and magical names are uttered. Without the voice the words would have no meaning,
without the words, the voice would be powerless.
90 By flesh, the Evangelist meant sound, and sound is vibration and vibration is light. Thus when the
word, which is sound already is spoken outloud, it transfers from the air into a physical vibration.
Something which was in the mind was set free upon the physical world.

The Magical Voices

Just before starting our studies of the Magical Voices a series of advices
should be made. The first one is that the Apprentice of Magic should always
note that these Magical Voices are only to be used explicitly during the
workings of Magic and nowhere else. At no other moment should the
Apprentice or Wizard attempt to use these magical tools. The Magical
Voices are tools of the Divine and should be treated with the utmost respect,
by using them in daily activities they will lose power and get corrupted. It is
by separating normal parlance from that of the Magical Voice that the
Apprentice and Wizard will in effect raise the degree and level of the
Magical Voice to those properly needed; harnessing the power of the divine.
Doing so, will build up and gather an impressive amount of magical energies
that will imbue the Magical Voice of the Wizard with creative power. Also,
as it was said before the Apprentice should learn and control the things said,
especially things which are not good. In time, the Wizard will realize that a
Wizard is a Wizard twenty-four hours a day, even without the magical voice
things said might end up manifesting in the physical world. It is for this
reason that the Apprentice is urged to refrain from saying bad things and
turn conversations for the better. Another advice is that the Apprentice
should practice the Magical Voice diligently and with ardent desire.
However, to do this the Apprentice must choose a type of voice which is not
normally used in daily activities. This voice should be clear, audible and
elegant. The Apprentice should try to develop a voice which is beautiful and
harmonious. Voices which are strange, inaudible, dark and dissonant should
be avoided because these will tend to lower the powerful effect of the
Magical Voice. Another advice is to practice the Magical Voice without any
concern or shame. This is pointed out because, sometimes, students of
Magic, for some reason, feel ashamed or bashful when practicing the Voice.
This may be the result of the unusual practice of changing one’s voice, but
the Apprentice should remember that this will be the magical tool used to
work the wonders of heaven.
Figure XLII. Earthbound (1897) Evelyn de Morgan

The Voice of Prayer

Prayer is a very important aspect of Magic; it is the way the Wizard uses to
communicate with the Divine in a less structured way. It is also central for
every magical concept because it helps the Wizard develop an affinity to the
more spiritual side of life. It also helps with the organization of thoughts and
with the development of a proper way of communicating with the Ultimate
Divine. Finally, through prayer, the Wizard learns to speak to God from a
very personal perspective that allows for a better communion and wholeness.
The Voice of Prayer is supremely important for the Apprentice and Wizard
because it is amply used in a variety of magical operations. It actually
becomes necessary, especially when most magical operations begin and end
with prayers. Unfortunately, many decide that the Voice of Prayer is not as
needed as the others, and decide not to cultivate it at all; this is a grave
On the contrary, the Voice of Prayer should be cultivated with the same
intent and devotion as the other Magical Voices, not only because it is
needed during magical operations but because it is the voice used to talk
directly to the Divine. While the other voices are used to cast spells, work on
rituals and perform magical ceremonies, this one is used to speak directly
into the heart and mind of God. Therefore it is the primary cornerstone of all
magical practices because it is the only type of Magical Voice with which a
spiritual and devotional bond is created, established and maintained between
the Wizard and the Supreme Divine. Without this kind of mystic bond the
Wizard will be unable to perform the most basic of magical operations, since
this voice is the one responsible for pouring out from the Wizard’s heart and
mind it’s most profound and definite feelings towards God and the Universe.

So, how is it developed? The answer is quite simple. This voice’s tone is
uncovered as the Wizard begins to pray with fervor and devotion, letting
his/her heart to state its particular tone. Some say that it is developed as a
poetic form of praying and it may very well be true. At this level it is amply
recommended that the Apprentice starts to read material concerning prayers,
the psalms and any other books relating to praying and devotion. These
readings should be performed out loud so that the Apprentice could listen to
its own words and chose a proper volume, tone and intonation. Again, it is
suggested that this voice should be humble, dignified, heartfelt and truthful.
Figure XLIV. Dawn (1886) By Evelyn de Morgan

The Voice of Magic

The Voice of Magic is the second in importance and the one more
prominently used in Magical Work. It is primarily used as the intoning tool
when casting incantations of all sorts; Orisons, Artificium and Conjurations.
It is the voice with which the Wizard works regularly and on a daily magical
basis. It’s important to know that when the Wizard uses the Magical Voice it
is attempting to coagulate into the physical realm a concept which exists in
the Real Universe. Therefore, this voice should be clear and diaphanous so
that every luminous entity in the Universe would be able to listen to it. As
these entities of light listen to the Magical Voice they acknowledge it as the
very projection of the Divine Logos and obey it following suit to the
appropriate command issued by the Wizard91 .

The Magical Voice is also the voice that makes contact with the entire
Cosmologic and Cosmogonic structures of the Universe, uniting with the
archetypal truths that will later on descend and conform to the reality of the
Wizard as each divine word and verb are uttered. To develop this voice, the
Apprentice needs to come up with a tone of voice which is imposing,
powerful and commanding. This needs to be so because the Wizard will be
employing powerful words and magical names which need to be pronounced
with intention, certainty and faith. A simple voice will fail to achieve this
end. This is why this magical voice should be mighty and sonorous.
However, the Apprentice should note that this tone must be achieved without
shouting or screaming. After all it is the voice of a Wizard and Wizards do
not need to shout in order to be heard. A simple suggestion is to start reading
the Orisons and Artificium, which will be provided in the following
chapters, employing a righteous voice filled with dignity and wisdom. Also
the voice of the Wizard should come from its stomach as the energies of the
inner chambers of the body infuse the words with further magical energies.
91 The clarity of the voice is paramount, the Wizard can’t afford to pronounce things in a wrong way
or mispronounce a name or magical word. Although this wouldn’t lead to catastrophic peril it will lead
the Wizard into certain failure.
Figure XLV. Light Shineth in Darkness and Darkness comprehendeth it
not (1906) By Evelyn de Morgan

The Voice of Ceremony

Ceremony is another such example of the many important things in Magic.

Ceremony is the act of celebrating or commemorating a special event. Many
times ceremonies are conducted to commemorate an event of the past, others
are to actually follow suit to a particular tradition and even others are
conducted to show some respect or recognize an achievement. In Magic, as
in the physical world, there are countless important events and situations that
have been remembered or commemorated since time immemorial. Many of
these ceremonies take the form of formulas which are to be done and
enacted by the Wizard to commemorate an action, deed or truth of the past.
Today, many of these ceremonies are practiced as isolated formulas which
the Wizard engages to become one with these events of the past92 .
Sometimes, these formulas take the form of collective operations that
involve more than one magical individual.

Regarding the Voice of Ceremony the Apprentice should know that this
voice speaks to two different groups. The first group is that of the people
around, the second group is that of the celestial hierarchies that will be
present before, during and after the process of the Ceremony. As a result this
magical voice should be sufficiently loud to be heard by a group of people
but not a shouting voice. On the other hand, it should retain all of the dignity
and reverence of the previous voices but it should approximate more the tone
of an epic voice than a praying one. When the Wizard employs this voice it
should always be remembered that this is the voice used to commemorate
those mighty Wizards and Heroes of the past so it should also be elegant. It
is with this voice that Wizards celebrate and commemorate magnificent
moments of the past, and the greatest achievements of the present.
92 Many of these ceremonies included celebrations of the harvest, the coming and going of the
seasons and some others were ceremonial acts of prayers, blessing of the fields and the harvesting of
the crops. Also some interesting ceremonies were the joining of two persons in matrimony and the
celebration of a particular birth and the mourning and liberation of a death.
Figure XLVI.
Medea (1889) By Evelyn de Morgan
The Voice of Ritual

A Ritual is a magical process in which the Wizard performs a series of

formulas and magical actions with the intention of affecting a greater level
of reality, most of the time calling upon power forms of the Divine.
Moreover, all Rituals occur under the auspicious watch of other divine
beings, archangels, angels and many other luminous beings of Light and
Good. In most rituals, The Wizard is seeking the eternal and everlasting
favor of all of these beings. Another characteristic of the ritual is that it
intertwines the inner spiritual dimensions of the Wizard and joins them with
the outer Cosmological and Cosmogonic conceptions. This Magical working
allows the Wizard to tune the outer Yetziratic93 reality with the desired intent
being worked with in the ritual.

Furthermore, it allows the Wizard to work in different levels of reality with

the help of mighty celestials, divine beings and universal forces to raise
protections, create blessings and seek the mighty favor of these luminous
entities. All in all, a ritual is a magical operation in which the Wizard moves
impressive amounts of magical energy through a series of levels and directs
them towards various dimensions and realms in order to achieve a greater
goal. Rituals are generally worked with additional Wizards, because through
the intervention of other magic users the Raising of the Temple94 can be
performed and additional magical energies are drawn, employed and

To prepare the Voice of Ritual, the Apprentice needs to remember that a

ritual is a powerful and supernatural procedure in which many names of the
divine will be uttered, therefore the voice should be striking, ceremonial and
regal. Like the other voices, this voice shouldn’t be tainted with shouting or
screaming, but it should be forceful enough so that everyone around could
listen to it and feel its reverberating strength. It should also be a voice with a
clear articulation and with a poetic pitch and highly dramatic inflections.
93 This is a reference to the world of formation and thought.
94 The Raising of the Temple is performed when various Wizards represent the inner workings of a
Temple, each acting as a Minister of the Ritual and reciting his/her part accordingly. A Ritual can be
performed with as many as little as two Wizards and as many as thirty-six Wizards, although so many
Wizards can only be fit properly in a High Cathedral.
Figure XLVII. Eos By
Evelyn de Morgan

Chapter Five: The Weapons of the Wizard

“As the Universal devices and medium of God are the Heavenly Spheres,
the Living Word, the Fixed Stars and the Immortal Geniuses so does the
Wizard regulates the Universe around Him with truth, dexterous expertise
and intelligence over the Chalice, the Altar, the Sword and the Wand”

Abbot Marces Velianus (1056-1136). Philosopher, Astrologer and Magus

One question I formulated to my teacher when I was an Apprentice years

ago was why did a Wizard needed weapons? Against what sort of creatures
was a Wizard going to use them? His answer was very simple, as a Wizard
needs to pray, engage in the blessing of those around him/her and live a life
devoted to the forces of Goodness and Light, so a Wizard needs to be
protected from the darker forces of the universe that seek to prevent this holy
work and this he/she does by employing the Holy Weapons that will actually
defend him/her from these unnatural perils. However, most of the time, these
weapons are to be employed for a greater purpose than defense; they are to
be used to command the powerful elementary, celestial and even planetary
forces of the universe to comply with the will and wisdom of the Wizard.

The most interesting part about High Magic, is that these weapons of High
Magic are quite humble and had been hiding from mortal eyes in plain sight
for thousands of years. Although they may seem to be regular objects, they
are in fact supreme mysteries of the Divine and are to be taken as such with
the deepest respect and the most profound admiration. Thus, it is
recommended that the Wizard studies them with attention and awareness for
they are indeed Initiatory Elements of the Oldest Tradition and great care
and dedication must be shown. To study them, the Apprentice needs to delve
into the world of the Archetypes and the Real Universe, as these weapons
are connected directly to the Source Divine and deliver Its awesome power
all across the cosmologic levels of reality down to the baser levels of
manifestation. These outstanding Weapons of Old, carry with them powerful
and profound metaphysical truths, cosmic correlations and correspondences
that will confer great power to the Wizard, provide a better understanding of
the universe around him/her and a profound sense of communion with the
rest of the Cosmos.

The weapons, in themselves, are mere objects and alone have no power of
their own. But when they are symbolically united with the knowledge, the
notions and concepts of the Divine they become powerful tools for the
manipulation, alteration and re-arrangement of the whole universe. As these
are treated with the seriousness and solemnity they require, the weapons
develop into the most amazing instruments of creation in the hands of
capable Wizard.

The Four Weapons and their Correspondences

The mighty weapons of the Wizard are: the Cup, the Pentacle, the Sword and
the Wand. However, they are truly known as the Chalice, the Magical Seals,
the Dagger of Faith and the Wand of the Wise. On a first look, these are the
very same symbols that appear prominently on the regular Spanish deck of
cards, however, they are much more than this for they hold inside the
potential of something much greater; the mysteries of initiation and the
deepest and most profound knowledge of the Wizard. These weapons relate
on a superior level to the direct essences of the Divine and from these
essences they gather and collect their absolute power. They are the physical
symbols of truly divine attributes of the Source and even represent Pillars in
the Tree of Life. They also correspond to the celestial, stellar and planetary
spheres and the traits and qualities with which they rule over the world and
give it form. These weapons also represent the scheme of the Four Worlds
and their universal concepts and meanings.

In addition, the weapons embody the secret of the Mystery Religions95 and
each of these operates several aspects of creation which helps define the
Laws of the Cosmos. These weapons also relate to the four elementary
forces of the universe and their association with these elementary beings.
Moreover, they represent archangelic entities and their might. Finally, as it is
obvious, the Weapons of the Wizard are truly magnificent concepts that
when studied prominently will yield superior practical results. These mighty
and awesome weapons are the creative instruments of the gods and they had
been trusted and placed in the hands of the Wizard so that we find the
greatest secrets of the universe. The Wizard is expected to use them well and
accordingly with the very laws which power them. With this simple
introduction the Apprentice should have a very good idea that these weapons
relate to something amazingly great and wonderful. They are indeed tools of
the divine and are to be used respectfully. Every Wizard should find
representations of these four weapons and keep them near at all times for
they will be like vortices of the most celestial and divine energy ever

Figure XLVIII. Saint George and the Dragon By John Ruskin (1819-
95 The Mystery Religions hold the most profound secrets of the ancients and regularly recreate these
myths paying respect to its hidden meaning.

The Weapons as Essences of the Divine

In previous chapters we studied how from out of Nothingness emerged the

First God. We studied how from this Almighty entity the rest of creation
sprung in a brilliant flash of energy and supremacy. In the following section
we shall study the First God a little closer in order to understand the universe
around His glorious and divine form. As this First God made Itself manifest
in the Real Universe, that is the universe of Truth and Perfection in contrast
to the universe of imperfection and form, it became apparent that it was the
only entity in the universe, meaning there was nothing else. Since there was
nothing else at this stage and this entity was whole and completed and did
not need anything else to exist, it is logical to think that it was the First
Cause. Since it was the First Cause, its only attribute was to simply exist, the
state of Being. What this means is that this First Cause did nothing else but
Be. This act of simply Being, had no limits and it was infinite; thus its action
of Being reached everything and permeated all the reaches of space and
time. At this moment we have to understand that this act of Being of the
First Cause was unlike finite and limited things. This Being has no end and
its eternal and it has no boundaries at all, so in essence it is massive beyond
imagination; thus it permeated everything in pre-creation or potentiality. As
this state of Being expanded it began to react with the dimensions of space,
which are width, length and height. And so the first three essences96 of the
divine became manifested as well. The ancient ones named these first
essences Mind, Spirit and Anima.

The Anima represents motion, mobility and change. The Mind represents
thought processes and reason. The Spirit represents the sacred, devotional
and divinity. These three concepts are the first essences. These are
considered essences, because they are the very reflections of the Divine upon
the universe and they are the ones which impart definition to the First God
and fourth construct in reality; previously existing the First Divine, Magic
and Definitive Act. Without the essences the First God is purely a state of
Being. Understood as definitions of the First God, these three essences are in
themselves incorporeal and yet are manifested truths of the First Divine.
Being incorporeal they cannot be readily understood, seen nor taken. Their
very concepts are so similar to the First God that they are abstract and purely
conceptual but altogether Real. They exist beyond the realm of human
thought and are only appreciated as constructs of the highest divine order. In
this sense they are not accessible to the human mind, for who can find a soul
or show where the light of the spirit is? They are concepts which are
comprehended through reason and there is no way to actually perceive them
with the physical senses. This is why these three essences incorporate upon
themselves symbols which correspond to their concepts and metaphysical
dynamics. These symbols represent the essences in a more accessible way
and help the Wizard grasp their more intimate meanings. Now we shall see
how these essences appeared and how they relate to the Weapons of the

As the First God illumined over the universe it did so with light. As the light
traversed the universe it quickly became known as Spirit for it illumined the
subtler side of things and it gave way to expanding the divinity of the First
God. This essence defined the First God as Omnipresent. Then the second
essence made itself manifest. This was the essence of Mind, the one with
which the First God knew the wholeness of the universe it was projecting
over. Then as everything became known through Mind, this second essence
defined the almighty as Omniscient. Finally the third essence appeared. This
is the Anima, which related to movement, power and intensity. This third
essence defined the First God as Omnipotent. However, these three essences
are so abstract that they elude the human mind, as it was said before. Since
these essences are imperceptible and there was no way to readily perceive
them the First God willed these three essences to join up as one; creating the
first trinity. As they grouped and united their magnitude became so extreme
and powerful that they parted from their insubstantial state and precipitated
into the physical realm as their density became infinite. And so these three
essences left behind their abstractions and became a concept of the physical
universe. Thus it was formed the fourth essence, which was a sound rather
than a voice, it was a command, an order a Logos; as this took place this
fourth physical essence of the First God defined divinity as Living Breath
and it was represented by The Word. This fourth essence is the first of the
spoken commands and the first order given to the universe.97 Considering
this four essences are still abstract concepts they are better understood
through symbols. These symbols relate directly to the four Weapons of the
96 This is quite similar to the Kabbalah where the primary elements are Fire (SHEM), Air (RUACH)
and Water (MIM). In this example Mind can be related to Air, Spirit to Fire and Anima to Water.

The Spirit is represented by the Wand. The Wand is akin to the Spirit
because it’s associated with the Staff and this one is the symbol of the
chosen one of God. It’s a symbol of that which is celestial, will and divinity.
Many deities in the past had been portrayed with them, as they are a symbol
of power and magical understanding.

The Mind is represented by the dagger or sword. The Mind deals with
communication, thoughts and reason, the sword is a symbol of such because
it is an instrument created through thought and planning. Originally an arrow
or the tip of a spear, it flew flawlessly through the air, a marvel in its time.

The Pentacles are represented by the Word. The Word is related to the
Pentacles because almost every magical circle, seal and talisman is created
through an array of carefully chosen magical words, names and geometric
figures and symbols that are manifested physically in order to be created.
Most Pentacles are hand written by the Wizard over parchment paper using
consecrated inks.
Finally the Anima is represented by the Chalice. The Anima is represented
by the Chalice because as the liquid poured inside it, the Anima changes
constantly. These are the four Weapons of the Wizard and these shall be
explained thoroughly in the next following pages.

The Weapons and the Tree of Life

Similarly, the Universal and Cosmological construct of the Tree of Life

show us the presence of these four magical weapons participating alongside
the divine attributes of the Almighty. Being present within the divine
structure of the Tree, they are enriched by the qualities of this structure and
derive much of their power from its intricate configurations. The Apprentice
should remember that the Tree of Life is built by spheres called Sephiroth, as
it was explained in earlier chapters. Every Sephira is a manifestation of the
supreme power and attributes of the Divine and they infuse the worlds with
their mighty forces, conjoining upon themselves and giving birth to every
conceivable aspect found in creation98 ; such as planets, constellations, stars,
elements, celestial entities, metals, rays and even elementary creatures and
beings. In the Tree of Life, these Sephiroth are joined together by paths of
wisdom and consciousness, each relating to a specific attribute and
luminosity of the Divine and to a particular Hebrew Letter. In this
arrangement of the Tree of Life, when three or more of these Sephiroth are
aligned together they become pillars99 . We can find these Pillars in the Tree
of Life organized into the following: the Pillar of Mercy (represented by
Chockmah, Chesed and Netzach to the Right) and the Pillar of Severity
(represented by Binah, Geburah and Hod to the Left). The other pillar is the
Golden Pillar, composed of Kether, Tiphareth, Yesod and Malkuth in the
center of this arrangement. However, there are two less known Pillars in the
Tree of Life. These are the Pillar of Splendor and the Pillar of Triumph.
These two pillars are found in diagonal positions stemming from Tiphareth,
the central Sephira. The Pillar of Splendor is conformed by Chesed,
Tiphareth and Hod. The Pillar of Triumph is formed by Geburah, Tiphareth
and Netzach. Many things can be said about these two pillars however, for
the time being, it will suffice to say that these wonderful structures governed
the mighty creative forces of the Logos and the power of Certainty
respectively. The Pillar of Splendor conveys the power of creation through
the breath of the eternal, within its structure one can also find the divine
attributes of Mercy, Beauty or Truth and the Divine Presence, while the
Pillar of Triumph confers Peace and the Certainty that things will come to be
as they ought to be according to the Great Divine Plan100 . This second pillar
has correspondences with the divine attributes of Justice, Consciousness and
Victory. All this had been explained because the four weapons of the Wizard
take after four of the five pillars in the Tree of Life; the central one
corresponds to yet another artifact the Wizard will employ in the future, the
Staff which is only employed by a High Master Wizard. These weapons
must be understood as extensions of these pillars, and as having the same
powers and attributes that the pillars are endowed with. The same is valid in
the other direction, each weapon, which is an elemental representation, is
intimately associated with a particular pillar and so they share their
elemental qualities with each corresponding pillar.
97 This first command was of course “FIAT LUX”; Let there be Light!
98 The Tree of Life is all encompassing, it has everything inside and there is nothing in the universe
that doesn’t correspond with it; in other words, everything is connected to this tree.

On various levels, the weapons parallel with the pillars and together they
help the Apprentice and the Wizard complete their work on various magical
levels101 . These are their correspondences: The Pillar of Triumph is
associated to the Chalice while the Pillar of Splendor is associated to the
Pentacle. On the other hand, the Pillar of Severity is associated to the Dagger
or Sword while the Pillar of Mercy is associated to the Wand. With these
associations, the weapons are imbued with the Sephirotic energies of the
Tree of Life augmenting their magical qualities as it will be seen.

Through the Pillar of Triumph, the Chalice is filled with powerful

emanations which enrich the soul of the victorious. It gives the Apprentice
the certainty of conquest and the sense of confidence needed to work the
various magical operations a Wizard is expected to perform. It gives the
Wizard a feeling of magical power and confidence, which every Wizard
needs to achieve in order to subdue the laws of the universe and make the
stars move as they are ought to102 . The Chalice, united with the Pillar of
Triumph, gives the Wizard the ability to access and commune with the
animal kingdom and be harmonious with the rest. Regarding the scheme of
the Four Worlds, the Pillar of Triumph is associated with the World of
Manifestation, also known as Assaiah or the world of Physical Forms. It
receives all of the glorious energies of the Presence of the Eternal and this
very Presence manifests throughout the physical world in an omnipresent
form. This allows the Chalice to imbue every object with the Presence of the
Divine so that they may be consecrated and purified with the Essence of the
Source and receive in every constituting particle the manifestation of the
Supreme and Almighty God, thus becoming both consecrated and blessed.
99 A Kabbalistic Pillar is a powerful symbol, for it is a structure that joins Heaven and Earth through
the power of Thought, Devotion and Spirituality. These Pillars are the purveyors of great mystical
energies and they were greatly esteemed in the creation of the Temple of Solomon and still are
employed in Magical Temples as the Pillars of Light and Righteous Path towards the illumination of
the Spirit. When the three sephiroth join as one, the mighty Pillar is then infused with all of the power
of the Almighty and then they procure great miraculous deeds.
100 It is important for the Wizard to remember that the Great Divine Plan is the Plan of God and of
God alone. Sometimes, the Wizard errs in the side of pretending to think that God’s Plan will yield to
the Wizard’s own plans, whereas is the Wizard who needs to learn how to yield to the devises of the
Plan of God.
101 These Magical Levels are to be understood as The Physical, The Spiritual, The Mystical and the
Defensive Level. 102 This commentary tries to imbue the Apprentice with the notion that a Wizard
needs to have a very good self esteem about his/her Trade, because the stars are older than the gods
and a Wizard needs to convince them to move in his/her favor, and a Wizard who doesn’t believe in
himself or herself will not achieve this.

The Pentacle, on the other hand, is irradiated by the unearthly forces of the
glory of God and His Divine Voice. Once again, the Pentacle is instilled with
the vibration of the magical words pronounced by the Wizard and the
celestial symbols and deific names inscribed by his/her hand. The Pillar of
Splendor gives the Pentacle the luminous radiations of greatness, light and
truth. This makes the Glory of God and His Eternal Voice powerful additions
to the Pentacle as it allows the bearer of the symbols to speak up with divine
power of light and mighty truth. This pillar, also, gives the Wizard the power
to move through the planar boundaries, since it takes after the movement
between the worlds of Mercury in the Sephira of Hod103 . Regarding the
scheme of the Four Worlds, the Pillar of Splendor is associated with the
World of Yetzirah or the World of formation and organization and the
building of structures in every form. Thus the Pentacle receives all of the
attributes of certainty and things accomplished. It permeates every action
with the notion and assurance that the words of the Lord will create things
from an Idea, give them existence and will finally manifest them. This
allows the Wizard, through the power of the Pentacles, to give form and
consistency to every thought, word or symbol he/she puts his/her
concentration on. Finally, this quality converts the Pentacle into a matrix
where all of the magical energies will coalesce and properly manifest the
Will of the Wizard in this written form.

The next pillar is the Pillar of Severity. This one is associated with the
Sword or Dagger and is composed of the Sephiroth of Binah, Geburah and
Hod (Understanding, Strength and the Glory of God respectively). The
martial energies of this pillar are powerful enough to make any entity or
being tremble. At the very center of the pillar sits Geburah, the Sephira of
Justice, Strength and Terror: qualities which are transferred to this weapon,
in this sense making the Sword the most dangerous of the four magical
weapons. This pillar also provides the sword with ample intelligence and
resourcefulness, bestowing it with reason and a powerful strategic mind.
Finally this pillar provides the sword with the ability to fight evil and rebuke
the forces of darkness with the power and glory of the Almighty. In relation
with the Four Worlds, the Sword is associated with the second world, the
world of Creation or Idea, the World of Beriah. This actually allows the
Wizard to experiment the power of the Mind, the creative forces that bring
about new concepts and new realizations and superior creativity with
formidable new ideas and the greatness of Judgment and Fairness. This
world is also important because it is the world of Perfect Ideas, truths and

The fourth and last pillar is the Pillar of Mercy, composed of Chockmah,
Chesed and Netzach (Wisdom, Mercy and Victory respectively). This one is
associated with the Wand as a magical weapon. Its energies of power, magic,
abundance, wisdom and faith empower the wand greatly; making it one the
most powerful magical tools in High Magic. These attributes endow the
Wizard with the ability to use the Wand to direct, manipulate, concentrate
and even redistribute magical energies in the environment and around the
physical world. The pillar also gives this weapon the ability to reach the
higher levels of the Spirit104 , the creative world and the Perfect Idea of a
thing. Thus, the wand is the weapon closer to the Will of the Lord and this
same attributes are conferred to the Wizard as the wand is held. The Wand
also allows the Wizard to harness the energies of the Divine as it draws
much of its power from the archangelic beings of wisdom, righteousness and
victory. Pertaining to the Four Worlds this final pillar corresponds to the
primary world of Potential. Potential means for the Wizard the opportunity
to come up with any thought, perform any act, do any action and even have
the wonderful ability to conceive things out from the Mind of the Great
Divine. This imbues the Wand with energies powerful enough to begin new
things, because they had been born from the union of the Mind of God and
the Wizard. This is also understood as the Wizard connects with the Divine
Imagination of God, in which all things are found and can be brought to
manifestation through proper channels in the world of the physical.
103 Hod and Mercury are associated with planar movement since Mercury moves across the
boundaries of worlds and Hod is the representation of the Glory of God and Presence everywhere.
Finally, Hod is tended by the auspices of Archangel Raphael which is the Messenger of God and
Traveler to all of the Realms.
104 This comments refers to the level where Mind and Spirit find each other. This is the highest
altitude where Ideas are formed and pour out from the great sea of Potentiality.
Figure XLIX. The Witch
of Endor (1728) By Gerar Hoet (1648-1733) from Des Figures de la Bible

The Weapons and the Planets, Celestials and Elementary


As it has been presented already the four Weapons of the Wizard are
intimately related to the essential energies of the cosmos and the mighty
attributes of the Pillars of the Tree of Life. Now we shall see the
relationships of the four weapons with the planetary spheres, in which we
shall point out planetary regents and ministering spirits105 . We shall also see
the ruling archangels regarding each weapon and the ministers that provide
assistance to the Wizard in each of the different activities. Finally we shall
see the relationship of the four Weapons of the Wizard with the four
Elements, in which the primary elementary entities shall be presented as well
as the elementary spirits which work alongside the Elemental Beings.

The Chalice is related to the Moon and Neptune. It should be noted that
every planetary aspect has two sides, the positive and the negative. In this
regards, the Chalice is associated with purification, intuition, the
unconscious mind, visions of the future and past, dreams, friendships,
imagination, transformation, change, relationships, psychic activity,
romances, hidden treasures of the mind and heart, divine intelligence, the
mysteries, the unknown, mysticism, profound emotions, peace, sainthood,
the secrets of life, artistic pursuit, poetry and secret societies. The negative
aspects, which every Apprentice and Wizard should be aware of are:
deception, illusions, deceit, frailty of the mind, ambushes, disguises, chaos,
vengefulness, dark magic, frauds, feeling of inadequacy, intrigues,
inadequate sexual activities, uncertain destinies, vices and delusions.

The celestial beings associated with the Chalice are Gabriel and Tzaphkiel.
Archangel Gabriel is responsible for guarding and keeping humanity on the
path of religious pursuit, so it is reasonable to assume that it favors and
augments divine messages and prophetic visions. Gabriel is considered the
Strong One of God or the Strength of God; therefore it conveys the Chalice
the power of resilience and the spirit of Vigor. This mighty archangel also
rules over the Annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance and death.
Archangel Tzaphkiel is responsible for delivering the information from the
endless and ultimately vast ocean of God’s Knowledge, thus making a
formidable pair with Gabriel which brings the message from above.
Archangel Tzaphkiel is also associated with fighting against evil; destroying
the hordes of darkness around the Apprentice and Wizard and vanquishing
the debilitating demons and devils that may disrupt the human mind and
soul. It also favors the development of perfection in the heart of the
righteous and is the Keeper of the Great Mother’s Wisdom and
Intelligence106 . Finally, Tzaphkiel will convey the Chalice the essences of
the Divine Soul of God, providing light and eternal sustenance.
Regarding the elemental aspects of the Chalice it is related to Water. Like the
celestial hierarchy, the elementals are organized into a particular hierarchy.
As the celestial hierarchs are called archangels, so are the elemental
hierarchs called Archprimes. The Archprime of Water is called Meyam and
its ministering intelligences are Ormon, Igmur and Vormon. Archprime
Meyam is a powerful force of nature which controls the outflow of water in
the Universe, the reservoirs of snow and sleet. It takes care of woods and
wildlife and it is known to influence the weather. Its intelligences control the
oceans, the propagation of life, purity and the cycles of weather, rain, bodies
of water everywhere and the various organism that live therein.
105 All this information is provided, apart from informing the Apprentice of the additional attributes
of the Weapons, in order to teach the Wizard that these beings could be quite uself in future magical
operations and their names employed in order to fulfill a magical work.
106 This refers to the fact that Tzaphkiel is an archangel with feminine traits for it deals primarily with
the Femenine Principle of Creation. Also in the Tree of Life it sits in the feminine side of the Tree on
the throne of Geburah.

The Pentacle is related to three planets. These are Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.
Venus is associated with animals, the land, the forests and the arts. Jupiter is
associated with joy, happiness and celebration. Saturn is associated with life
and death cycles, harvest, the body, time and space. The more positive
aspects of these three planetary forces are love, the arts, painting, sculpting,
hunting, marriage, motherhood, the muses, beauty, pleasure, victory,
inspiration, authority, richness, abundance, happiness, judgment, games,
order, the changing of government structures, leadership, transformation,
change, mastery, time, space, divine rulership, high magic and good fortune.
The negative aspects of the three planetary intelligences are: jealousy, strife,
hate, vulgarity, unfaithfulness, desecration of the homes and temples,
conquest, abusive power, wrongful control, ruin, destruction, death and
unfavorable circumstances, accidents, the practice of the Dark Arts, broken
bones, falls and even untimely death.

The celestial entities associated with the Pentacles are the luminous
archangels Raziel107 , Tzadkiel and Haniel. These are associated with
wisdom, reason, prosperity, providence, love and devotion. Archangel Raziel
is the celestial entity of Wisdom, Knowledge and the undisputed lord of
High Magic. It is Raziel who watches and control over all of the luminous
magical works ever written in the past, present and future. This ancestral
being keeps the secrets of initiation, magic and ancient wisdom. Archangel
Tzadkiel is the angel of Mercy, Forgiveness, Destroyer of Evil and the
Embodiment of God, in the sense of His Divine Majesties and Mysteries.
This archangel also watches over the righteous, the good and those who live
in harmony with the world. It is a powerful protector and keeper of the
servants of the Lord. The Archangel Haniel is the angel of Joy, Happiness
and of the Good Days. It is a celestial entity of love, kindness and caring. It
is a powerful celestial host which embodies love, friendship, intuition and all
manners of goodness and compassion.

The Pentacle is associated with the element of Earth, thus the paper or
papyrus it is made of. Its Archprime is Risis and its ministering intelligences
are Daltzan, Tiphos and Shios. Archprime Risis deals primarily with the
land, the crops and the mountains. It also works with tectonic movement and
is intimately related to caves and the deepest chasms. Its ministers are
associated with the harvest of crops, all manners of earth; from the softest to
the firmest. They are related to all sorts of minerals and metals as well as all
manner of rocks and land formations.

The Sword is related to planets Mercury and Uranus. These two planetary
spheres relate to the Mind, the power of creative thought and reason108 . On
the bright side the planets are associated with travel, mental acuity, thought,
power of communication, commerce, the word, divine presence,
illumination, movement between planes of consciousness, eloquence,
prudence, metaphysical journeys, magic, medicine, healing, creativity,
imagination, ingenuity, engineering wonderful things, originality, telepathy,
liberty, messages, investigation and methodical and very systematic
scientific methods and research. The darker aspects of these two planets are:
thievery, emotional impulses, changes of mind, robbery, stagnation,
putrefaction, illness, mental instability, mental restraints and debilitating
beliefs and thoughts, blind impulses, anarchism, sarcasm, arrogance, self-
delusions, conceitedness, pride, hindering of speech or thought, trickery,
mischief, hunger for power and dependent people.
107 Raziel is a wonderful archangelic entity which corresponds to the Knowledge of God, The Will of
the Eternal and the Keeper of the Secrets of Old. Some legends even have him be the originator of the
Kabbalah and the one who gave Mankind the formulas to understand the languages of the Stars and
Numbers. Raziel is also related to Saturn, Tzadkiel is related to Jupiter and Haniel is associated to
108 At this moment is important to point out that while these two planets represent the more mental
aspects of the mind, Neptune also represents another mental aspect; however this aspect is more akin
to intuition, unconsciousness, the psyche and the sub-conscious world.

The celestial hierarchs associated with the Sword are Raphael and Metatron.
Archangel Raphael deals primarily with the healing of the sick, bringing
comfort to the ailing and with the restoration of lost bodily functions.
However, through the Glory of God Almighty, this Archangel of Light is
also dedicated to restoring the lost and confused back to the Gates of
Heaven, it is a miracle worker, an Angel of Travel and also considered as an
Angel of Magic. Archangel Raphael is also a powerful champion against
evil, rebuking and binding fallen angels and demons. Metatron is in itself a
divine mystery. Considered by most as a Theophany109 of the Source Divine,
it is the highest of all of the Celestial Beings in Heaven. It gives knowledge,
understanding, wisdom and light to those who seek it through its
intervention. This mighty archangel also channels the Kabbalistic influences
into the mind of the Kabbalist, giving foundation to the wonderful science of
these sages. Metatron, which is the High Prince of Heaven, is also dedicated
to leading the righteous and wise into the Vaults of Heaven and is the Prime
Revealer of the Mysteries of Creation.

Regarding the elements, the one associated with the Sword is Air. The
element of Air is governed primordially by Archprime Vaurin and its
ministering intelligences are Ausalan and Arus. Archprime Vaurin controls
the winds, tempests, storms and gales. It also rules over all of the flying
creatures and those who live in the heights of this world. Archprime Vaurin
also governs speed, travel, electromagnetism and movement. Its ministering
intelligences are associated with thought, languages and communication as
well as with flight, levitation and gravity. Finally, these ministering
intelligences are associated with silence, meditation, goodness, the will,
reason, the philosophical arts, the winds of the North, the East, the South and
the West, atmospheric events and disturbances, the formation of clouds,
astronomy, astrology and the processes of illumination and grace.

The planets associated with the Wand are the Sun and Mars, two very
interesting planets which both deal primarily with power; one with celestial
power and luminosity while the other deals with physical power and might.
The brighter aspects of these two planets are the powers of light,
illumination, truth, consciousness of the divine, communion with the higher
spirits, communication with angels, truthfulness, commitment with the
divine, bountifulness and plenty, spirituality, religion, peace, strength, inner
strength, divine might, obedience of the law, justice, vitality, heroic efforts,
messianic missions, leadership in battle and strategy. The more negative
aspects of these two planets are: lack of light, inability to see the truth,
fanatic thought, lack of commitment, unfair friendships, war, conflicts,
weaknesses and vices, disobedience, rebellious actions and thought,
cowardice, megalomaniac behavior, injustices, sickness, lies and excuses.

The archangelic beings associated with the Wand are Archangel Michael and
Archangel Kemuel. Both of these celestial entities are powerful advocates of
Light and Goodness in the Universe and both disseminate justice and inner
strength to the people of the land. Archangel Michael is the chief
commander of the soldiers of heaven, being the principal luminary against
the forces of evil, malice, darkness and despair. Archangel Michael protects
and defends those who seek saintly activities and brings about light and
benedictions to those who follow the law of our Lord. Also, this mighty
archangel of the heavens above provide wise counsel against the enmity and
temptation of the forces of darkness as well as it rejuvenates the spirit of the
tired and wrongfully tried. It destroys everything which dares tampers with
the Truth and which attempts to veil and darken that which is right. On a
more luminous note, Archangel Michael provides faith and hope as well as it
allows communication between mortals and angels, strengthening the bonds
of this communication and delivering the people from evil. Archangel
Kemuel, in its mysterious form, is a supreme power over the forces of evil, it
destroys enmity, the malice sown in the environment and it defends and
protects the just and good from the heinous claws of the opposition and all
the evil entities that prey upon the people of the world since it is the
embodiment of Divine Justice. Kemuel110 is also known to be the Divine
Countenance of the Eternal and thus it strikes down with its overpowering
light everything which is against the law and goodness of heaven and it lifts
towards heaven those who seek to live within the light of the Source Divine.
The elemental correspondence of the Wand is Fire, and the Archprime of
Fire is Asher and its ministering intelligences are Nebor and Hasanor.
Archprime Asher is a truly powerful elemental entity. Asher rules over all
the fire sources, fuel and everything which promotes energy. It rules over
volcanoes, geothermic energy, the sun and the stars. It governs heat, draught
and the dryness of deserts. Moreover it promotes and manifests the fiery
regions of Heaven with its luminous otherworldly brilliance. Its powerful
elemental energies are employed to burn, destroy and even alter physical
states as well as used to vanquish the fallen forces of the angels of evil. Its
two ministering intelligences govern over splendor, radiance, incandescent
light, brightness, glowing stones, brilliance, dynamism, explosiveness,
religious devotion and the fire of faith which burn in the heart of the pious.
109 A Theophany is when a divine entity decides to manifest through the extension of another, instead
of employing its own presence. In this case Metatron is known as the Prince of Angels and is the one
of the few archangelic entities who happens to be authorized by God Himself to be in His Presence.
This mighty angel is also believed to be the present manifestation of a human prophet whose name
was Enoch and assumed this new form as a result of his piousness.
110 This archangel’s name is composed of the same letters that compose Archangel’s Michael name,
KMAL. Michael’s name is made up of the formation MKAL, the first letter is Mem, which signifies
Heaven, the next letter is Kaph, which is might; this offers up Heaven’s Might. In Kemuel’s case the
name beguins with Kaph and then Mem but then another letter is added, letter Vav which is Allegiance
or Union. Thus Kemuel is in fact the ligature between the World and Heaven and the Keeper of the
Pact between God and Mankind.
Figure L.
Saint Michael Slaying the Dragon (1584) By Hieoronymus Wierix (1553-

The Weapons and the Mysteries of Initiation

So far we have seen that these four Weapons of the Wizard are powerful
vessels which incarnate divine essences, sephirotic energies, planetary
correspondences, celestials and elemental emanations. All this in itself is
enough to convince anyone that these seemingly simple four weapons are
true instruments of the divine and are to be used with the greatest care and
respect. This is why many take them for granted and do not continue on to
study the Mysteries found in each of these four magnificent tools of Magic
and never get to truly understand their inherent wonders. However, it is
precisely this which gives absolute understanding to the Apprentice or
Wizard over these four magical weapons. Many just consider the fact that
the weapons are powerful artifacts of the Eternal, but they forget the most
important aspect of the four weapons. This is to ask oneself what made them
so important and magical in the first place? What sorts of symbols are
hidden inside them and what fills them with divine splendor and magical
knowledge? Before continuing, the Apprentice must understand that when
these weapons are imbued with the aspects mentioned above they begin to
produce wonderful effects which have quite interesting magical applications.
On the following pages we shall be studying the very secrets which make the
chalice, the pentacle, the sword and the wand the powerful artifacts that they
are. This secrets and mysteries are learned through the existence of initiatic
knowledge and are not to be taken lightly. This is why the Apprentice will be
asked to read this section several times in order to get the best out of it.

The Chalice

The Chalice’s mystery is as profound as it is beautiful. It all begins with its

geometric form. The cup of the Chalice has been given the form of a curve.
In geometry the most simple and regular of curves move towards one of the
axis of the geometric plane but it never reaches it because it enters into a
ratio of infinity. Instead, it accumulates infinite energy and infinite
manifestation. By accumulating these characteristics everything inside this
curve or the Chalice begins to grow, accelerated by the momentum of
manifestation, it gets formed, and finally pushed forth through the boundary
of existence. Also, concepts, ideas and constructs inside the curve or Chalice
combine with the Wizard’s Imagination, Reason and Intellect and new forms
and new kinds of things are created. As such, the Chalice becomes the
universal purveyor and manifestation of all kinds of objects; in this sense
everything is created inside the curve of the Chalice by the application of the
Divine Breath over its liquid, from the infinitely dense to the infinitely
sublime. In this respect what the Chalice receives from the Great Divine is
the nourishing breath of life and brings forth, providing matter to space,
acting as the feminine aspect of the universe which in a metaphysical sense
gives birth to every single form in the universe. This is why the ancient ones
considered the Chalice as a sublime expression of the Divine Feminine. The
Chalice is regarded as the Divine Mother receiving the germinal seeds of
creation put in it by the Divine Father as His Breath or Spirit moves over the
conceptual Water in the Chalice. In this sense the Chalice is the Uterus of
God, keeping inside the most precious of all treasures until it’s time to give it
birth to the world. This is why the Chalice is related to water and to life.
Both of these aspects are intimately associated with the Uterus and the birth
process. Water is the celestial nutrient which gives energy and vitality to the
seed or the Idea placed inside the Uterus which is the cup. The Uterus, then,
conveys and confers life and animation to the Idea and keeps it nurtured
until it is ready to be brought into the physical world; this is also why the
Chalice and the element of Water are associated with Healing, Life
Restoration and the Extension of Life. Mysteries associated with the Chalice
are more prominently seen in the Arthurian Myth of the Grail in which this
magical Chalice was capable of restoring life, healing people and of many
more miraculous powers because according to belief it held the blood of
Christ in its interior. The story of the Grail is also deeply interwoven with
the Christian account of the Cup used at the Last Supper, and although
versions regarding the Chalice’s integrity abound, the important aspect is
that it was in fact a Cup employed, signifying the metaphysical attributes of
Water. However, these are not the only accounts relating to a Chalice, there
is the Cup of Jamshid prominently known in Zoroastrian tales. In this case,
the Cup was used to gaze and inspect the incomparable heights of the Seven
Heavens and even inspect the worlds beyond. Other Cups and such Chalices
exist in other cultures as well, for example the Norse Mythology have
several deities with magical cups signifying healing, abundance and plenty.
In order to consecrate and bless a Chalice the Wizard must perform The
Exorcism of Magical Water in the Chalice. Usually, the Wizard raises the
Chalice above his/her head and pours some water inside, makes a short
prayer asking for guidance and then lowers the Chalice and begins. This one
is as follows;

The Pentacle

The Pentacle is yet another of the most important symbols in the Mystery
Religions. However, contrary to the Earth element it represents, its mystery
is born high beyond the vaults of the heavens. The Apprentice should know
that the symmetrical design of the pentacle was originally the sign of a star, a
five pointed star to be exact. The importance of this symbol dates back to
thousands of years when the first astrologers of the world noticed, for the
first time, that the planet Venus traced an exact five pointed star in the
heavens as it moved in the sky throughout the seasons of the year. This is
principally important because it explains about the celestial meaning of this
symbol marking a cycle of life and death, growth, development and the start
and the end of a full year of harvest. In practical terms, this actually means
that the planet Venus moves in the skies and it traces the beginning of the
planting, the keeping of the crops and the collecting of the harvest; all timed
by its celestial chronometry111 . This is why the pentacle became a symbol
for life, providence, magic, prosperity, abundance and bountiful harvest;
confirming its relation to the Earth element. However, the pentacle is riddled
with many other mysteries and arcane symbols. Another such mystery is the
secret of the quintessence112 . For years, the alchemists of ancient times
invested precious time trying to find the wonderful and supremely sublime
substance which transmutes one element into another, the substance that is
capable of bringing complete health to an individual, confers immortality to
its wielder and place the nature and celestial spirits at the command of the
alchemist. Fortunately enough, this quintessence managed to elude them all,
finding its humble hiding place perched on top of the symbol of the five
pointed star. In this case the star, in its four lower points, harbors the four
elemental powers of water, earth, air and fire while its uppermost fifth point
signifies the quintessence the ancient alchemists were looking for. Hidden
away in the five pointed star, the quintessence kept its secret away and safe
from those who sought after it with less than true or virtuous intentions. And
what was this secret? When seen alongside the other four elements it
becomes evident. The four primary elements are essences of the divine, as it
was explained in previous chapters. These elemental qualities are to be
understood as the first, second, third and fourth essences of the Almighty
Creator of this Universe. The Apprentice knows so far that the essences are
equaled to the steps followed by the Divine as It was creating the Universe;
so just after the initial Fight of Thought there was a Sound. This sound is the
fifth element and the Wizard’s beloved quintessence; the sound that becomes
Light; the Light that is the Voice of God. So it is understandable to assume
that the Pentacle’s initiatory mystery is that of the Holy Voice which
pronounces the magical words of creation; that is why most pentacles are
filled with inscriptions, heavenly and divine names; reminders of the hidden
qualities of words and the agencies they implicitly obey. Other mysteries
associated with the Pentacle abound in countless magical grimoires which
employ the mystifying forms of pentacles, talismans and amulets113 . The
ancient Kabbalists employed pentacles of magical power called seals in
order to ward off evil spirits and accrue the favor of celestials and divine
entities. Another such example of pentacles are those found in Medieval
Astrology and Magic, where pentacles were used by Wizards and
Astrologers, both to coerce the forces of planets and stars to minimize their
afflictions and, most assuredly, maximize their favorable aspects towards
111 This is the science of measuring a person’s fate according to how many favorable planets that
person had in his/her natal astrological chart.
112 This is the reputed fifth element after water, earth, air and fire. It was sought by many alchemists
and wizards in an attempt to cheat death and gain immortality.

In order to consecrate and bless a Pentacle the Wizard must perform The
Exorcism of Magical Earth in the Pentacle. The Wizard should place the
pentacle in front of him/her in an altar. Two white candles must be placed at
each side of the pentacle symbolizing the two mighty columns of Goodness
and Strength. Then the Wizard should make a short prayer asking for
spiritual direction and then he/she will place his right hand over the pentacle
and say the following;


113 A talisman is an object enchanted to bring about a magical effect. An amulet it’s an object that it
is believed to have protective qualities. On the other hand a pentacle is a magical devise prepared by
the Wizard using letters, circles, symbols and magical words.

The Sword

The next of the weapons is the Sword. This one holds as many mysteries as
the other previously studied weapons. One of the most important meanings
of all about the Sword is that it is a weapon of discipline, regulation and
control. It can be an elegant weapon powered by reason, or a destructive
weapon fueled by sheer anger. The discipline required to master its weight,
its density, its volume and be able to swing it with dexterous wonder is
comparable to the discipline required to control the confusions of the mind,
the temptations of the spirit and the heat and intensity of hostile emotions.
These emotions refer to feelings of aggression, hostility and vices which
must be controlled by the Apprentice so that a path towards evil is not
considered. It also refers to the regulation of the wishes of indulging into
profane and destructive activities114 , which will lessen the image of the
Wizard’s self in both the public and spiritual realms. As a champion
practices with a sword to become an expert in swordfights, so the Apprentice
must practice with his/her mind, temper it and give it discipline so that it
works properly and under his/her control. Thus, the Sword is a magical
representation for self-control, meditative practices and the strength of the
In ancient times it was regarded as the symbol for justice, equilibrium and
strength. In this sense, we can see in ancient magical grimoires how the
sword figures prominently as one of the conjuring tools for calling upon both
angels and nature beings. Through the power of the sword the Wizard exerts
control over the physical and also the spiritual. Many say that spirits tremble
when a Wizard raises his/her sword and commands them with the mighty
names of the Eternal.

The sword is also a symbol of the deepest and most profound sense of
spiritual austerity and goodness. An interesting aspect of the Sword is that it
can be used to help an individual or to harm him/her as well; this is the
mystery behind this elemental weapon, and this mystery is all about the
power of Free Will. However, the secret of this elemental weapon is hidden
in the qualities of air. Air cannot be seen and like air our thoughts are unseen
and what we do with them is our sole responsibility; for thoughts can be
amply beneficial or altogether destructive, just like swords and words. So the
mystery of the Sword is hidden in this esoteric fact of unseen qualities, and
thus this gives rise to the duality of beings populating the Elemental Air. Air
is populated by both good and harmful entities. On one side, there are hosts
of unseen angels ready to come to our help, aid and even rescue us, while on
the other hand countless legions of evil entities, fallen angels and impure
spirits, patiently await to pollute the minds of the unsuspecting, feeling it
with rubbish, false ideas and greatly distorted truths. It is in this moment that
the sword becomes our greatest ally, for it will help the Apprentice do what
is rightfully needed. For this reason the Sword has become a symbol for
knowledge, wisdom, the esoteric and the mind.

Physically, the symbol of the sword resembles a straight vertical line with a
horizontal hilt forming a small cross. The straight vertical line is to be
understood as the line between heaven and earth or the world of matter and
the world of the spirit; one physical and the other unseen. The hilt115 is to be
understood as the judgment and discernment required to master over the
elements of the Sword. The hilt also represents the spiritual side of this
weapon and its relation to the Spirit. Legends associated with Swords are
quite plentiful. There is a wonderful sword in the Arthurian Myth, The
Excalibur. This one is capable of restoring peace and union across the land
and according to the story it raises a simple squire into the ranks of a King.
114 Such activities are drunkenness, debauchery, wrongdoing and causing harm to others in whichever
115 Is also a representation of the two sides in the Tree of Life, the Side of Righteousness and the side
of Severity. One side of the hilt is that of righteousness and the other is the side of sinister and evil. It
is the sole responsibility of the Apprentice to choose which side to work for despite the many
frustrations and abuses mankind would have raised against us.

The Sword of Moses, which is a magical text, is filled with words of power
which could exert control over scores of celestials, magical operations and
great miraculous deeds. Another example of magical swords come from the
tale of the Garden of Eden, in which God placed a flaming sword that
danced in the air preventing entrance to anyone. In this case this sword was
in fact a Cherub that assumed this fiery form in order to scare interlopers
away. However, almost every hero in every mythological story brandishes a
magical sword bestowing great powers to defeat in battle their gruesome
enemies. These heroes, almost all of them, wield a sword as a representation
of their valor, their effort and the constant diligence in them and desire to
become better fighters in order to defeat the odds. The Apprentice is called
up to do the same, except that the Apprentice’s Sword is a more mental
construct which needs tempering and practice, for it can be amply beneficial
but as destructive as a physical sword. For the True Hero, the sword is a
symbol of a virtuous life, spirituality and practical thought. Honor and the
Righteous Combat is exactly what takes him closer to the divine, Mio Cid,
Arthur, Galahad and many others, despite their internal struggles, fears and
doubts, always came around through enough reason to be in control and
being able to properly see their real surrounding.

In order to consecrate and bless the Sword, the Wizard must perform The
Exorcism of Magical Air over the Sword. This sword must be a metallic
sword of about thirty inches in length including the hilt. The Wizard should
place the sword in front of him/her and over the surface of the altar. Two
white candles must be placed at each side of the sword symbolizing the two
mighty Sephiroth of Kether and Malkuth; that is one should be over the
sword and the other below. Then the Wizard should make a short prayer
asking for spiritual direction and then he/she will place his right hand over
the sword and say the following;



The Wand

The last of the Weapons of the Wizard is the Wand. The Wand is a symbol of
Magical power, authority, dominion and regency over the worlds, of that
which is seen and the realms of the unseen. It is the tool with which the
Wizard controls the environment, manipulates the elements and exerts
dominion over the many entities of the natural and spiritual worlds. It is a
symbol of dignity and magical prowess and those who wield it are
considered to be true Wizards of the Highest Magic. The Wand is often
associated with the power of altering, changing and re-ordering the varied
structures of the universe as well as commanding, convoking and conjuring
powerful entities of other planes of existence. This weapon is the most
important and the most rigorous of all, for two main reasons. The first reason
is that the Wand is a great weapon against the forces of evil, irradiating the
divine essences upon the surrounding and testifying that those brandishing it
are true images of divinity. The second reason is that the Wand is a complex
structure that resembles the macroscopic universe116 as well as it holds in its
core the true value of Magic; conferring all these attributes to the Wizard. In
the past the Wand has been highly regarded in all the ceremonial procedures
of High Magic because of its inherent attributes of command, authority and
sheer output of divine magical energy. As a student of mine once said, the
mere fact of holding a Wand is already a magical action. And she couldn’t be
more right. The Wand is the representation of the Middle Pillar in the Tree of
Life and thus it becomes a channel through which the energies of the four
worlds manifest and run through simultaneously and at the same time collide
in the same reality, coagulating all these energies into one coherent magical
burst. In this sense, it is like the Sphere of Influence and its multileveled
expression of the Universe. The Wand is a mighty tool of the divine that
accesses at the same time the powers of potential, creation, formation and
manifestation to dispose a new order or cause an alteration in the universe.
What this means is that in a Wand the Apprentice has all of the
characteristics and aspects of the universe combined. The Wand, the
arrangement of the four worlds, the middle pillar structure and the prepared
mind of the Wizard provides a portentous device filled with so much
magical potential that everything else pales in comparison. While the other
elemental weapons were tied to aspects of their own elements the Wand,
which corresponds to Fire, can perform operations of other elements. In this
view the Wand can operate all manner of magical activities, operations and
magical ceremonies. What this truly means is that a wand can be used for
almost any magical operation without any restriction or further
considerations. Legends associated with this weapon are also quite common.
Hermes carried a Wand with which he moved through the various levels of
existence. This wand sported two serpents that intertwined along the shaft of
the wand; these were the representations of the positive and negative aspects
of the Universe. These are similar to the Nihilus and Additus aspect in High
Wizardry, and any Wizard should be mindful of them. The ancient Egyptians
employed wands in their ceremonies as well as Zoroastrians. Also, the Wand
of Circe is a great magical weapon which inspired both dread and respect in
men. Many other wands are employed in the Ceremonial Magical Rituals of
Solomon which were beautifully carved with magical inscriptions and
ancient siglae in order to compel the mighty spiritual beings of heaven to
obey and come when convoked. There are many other things I would really
like to say about the Wand, like the magical woods they are made of, the
spirits that live inside them and the power that issue from their magical cores
and matrixes, but given the limitation of space and time we will have to
leave that for another moment.
In order to consecrate and bless the Wand, the Wizard must perform The
Exorcism of Magical Fire over the Wand. The wand must be crafted from
wood and be of at least ten inches long. The Wizard should place the wand
in front of him/her and over the altar. Two white candles must be placed at
each side of the wand, left and right. Then, the Wizard should make a short
prayer asking for spiritual guidance and then he/she will place his right hand
over the wand and say the following;
116 This refers to the fact that a Wand is divided into four parts, these four parts are then taken to be
representations of the Four Worlds and are understood as bathed in these worlds light. These parts
correspond to the Base of the Wand, the Body of the Wand, the Crown of the Wand and its Lancet.
These parts correspond to the four worlds respectively and crafted by a Master Wandmaker these four
worlds could be greatly used to the advantage of the Wizard.



The Many Uses of the Weapons

As it has been amply explained so far in this chapter, the four Weapons of
the Wizard represent the many universal aspects of Magic. Through these
representations and correspondences the four weapons become mighty tools
which can be used to harness the powers of heaven, manipulate the forces of
nature, converse with the celestial hierarchies and employ the laws of Magic
to properly alter and change the world all around us. As it is, they are truly
central in every magical operation. The Four Weapons, apart from their
wonderful correspondences, have a particular purpose in every magical use.
It is important that the Apprentice learns this because every weapon has a
very different use and magical meaning. In each magical weapon there are
several categories which suit particular magical operations. Also, these
varied forms of a particular type of weapons make different contributions to
the Wizard and the magical work. For the moment the Apprentice shall be
given the uses of the weapons as they are employed in the many
Incantations, Artificium, Conjurations and the Magical Rituals.
LI. Theoria Trium Superiorum Planetarum From the "Harmonia
Macrocosmica" by Andreas Cellarius (1708)

The Uses and Types of Chalices

The uses of the Chalice are many in Magic. For example, the primary power
of the chalice is its inherent ability to hold matter, substances and essences.
This seemingly simple ability of holding things expands into almost every
possible dimension of expression. Thus the Chalice becomes a container of
divine energies, a spiritual reservoir of power as well as a magical incubator
for the greater things it will hold inside. In Ritual Magic Chalices are
primordially employed as vessels of consecration. This refers to the fact that
they are generally employed to establish the power and authority of the
Source Divine in any activity, in this sense it is a representation of the
extension of power of the divinity over a particular concept. Most often than
not a Chalice will be required to establish an atmosphere of Blessedness,
Purity and instill in every magical operation the magical correspondences of
New Beginnings, taking advantage of its engendering qualities and
generative attributes. In other words, by employing the Chalice the Wizard
assures that every magical procedure will be imbued with extra life and
greater possibility of being begotten. Also the Wizard can drink from the
chalice as a representation of honoring the allegiance with the divine, this is
seen in the Catholic Ritual of the Consecration of the Holy Host. In other
magical operations it is used as symbol of the restorative and healing
attributes of Water. Moreover the chalice can be used to convoke friendly
entities and invite them to participate in any Ritual or Magical Operation.
Finally, chalices are used to collect magical substances from the realms
beyond and use these very same substances in various magical operations.
Sometimes these substances are nothing more than Water, charged up by the
power of a ceremony or ritual. Some other times they are substances which
are collected through particular procedures and then imbibed by the Wizard
to assimilate the magical quality infused in the substance by the magical
operation. By so imbibing this substance, the Wizard is completing the cycle
of union between Heaven and Earth, and by so doing the Wizard becomes
one with its desired magical operation or outcome. On the other hand,
chalices can be used to heal, bring health to the sick, peer into the future,
connect with divine or celestial entities, the formulations of blessings or give
power to ideas in the process of manifestation. The types of Chalices are
many; however the Apprentice should acquire just one for the time being as
it gets an idea of how to work with these wonderful tools.

The following will be a list of some of the many chalices, their workings and
operations. These chalices are to be understood as magical representations or
aspects that can be invoked upon a chalice. This does not mean the
Apprentice needs to go and find eight or ten different chalices, no! The
Apprentice can work each of these different aspects with one single chalice,
all the Apprentice needs to do is charge it up using the magical formula
provided at the end of this chapter.

It is true that the formulation is a simple one, but it will achieve the
Apprentice’s intention of infusing the weapon with the intended magical
charge. For example if the Apprentice wants to work a given day with the
Chalice of Arelmal, provided in the following table, he or she can perform
the magical formula at the end of the chapter with the intention of charging it
for the work with the celestials. Later on, let’s say the following day the
Apprentice wants to bless people, he or she can perform the same formula
with the intention of blessing. Both operations can be performed with the
same magical weapon and applying the listed ointment over the rim of the
chalice or its outer surface. The same goes for the sword and the wand. The
pentacles are a little different and another explanation will be provided in the
following section. When selecting a chalice the Apprentice can acquire one
made out of brass or silver.

Types of Chalices Attributes and Uses The Chalice of Arelmal Used in

the conjuration of celestial entities and rituals of angelic friendship and
allegiances. The cup uses Blessed Water.
The Chalice of Consecration
Used to consecrate artifacts, relics or magical tools and instruments of the
Wizard. It employs Blessed Olive Oil.
The Chalice of Eulobarak Used for the blessing of people, places and
magical instruments. It uses Blessed Olive Oil mixed with Mandrake roots.
The Chalice of Orpholos Used to eradicate the forces of darkness, the
forces of evil and to vanquish the dark arts. It employs Blessed Hyssop Oil.
The Chalice of the Cathedral
Used in ceremonies of festivities, initiations, ceremonies and
commemorations. It employs Blessed Olive Oil mixed with Myrrh.
The Chalice of the Element
Used for operations regarding the element and any other operation dealing
with Water. Uses Blessed Water with Pomegranate.
The Chalice of the Knights
Used for operations dealing with emotions, the unconscious and psychic
events. It uses Blessed Mint Oil.
The Chalice of Theraraf Used for operations of healing and restorative
incantations. It employs Blessed Water and Rue root.
Table XXII. List of Chalices and their Properties
Figure LII. The Holy Grail (1895)
By Edwin Austin Abbey

The Uses and Types of Pentacles

The Pentacle is a wonderful magical instrument for various reasons. To

begin with pentacles can be designed to have various forms according to the
special needs of the Wizard. They can be fashioned as single pentacles,
magical squares or gnomons. Their magical qualities can be adjusted as well
to achieve a wide range of magical purposes, so its design doesn’t need to be
a simple drawing of a five pointed star. Pentacles can be fashioned to be
more complex structures like the Solomonic Pentacles, Horatian Seals or
even multi leveled structures like the impressive Geometric Shields117 .
Regardless of the form and intention placed upon these pentacles, their
general use in an Incantation, Artificium, Conjuration or Ritual Ceremony
remains the same; these live up to several important purposes. The first is to
function as broadcasting devices. In this sense the pentacles hold in their
configurations the entirety of the operation. Thus the Apprentice will find in
these pentacles a series of written magical words, angelic and divine names,
operations, planetary intelligences, constellations and geometric forms
establishing the limits and scopes of the operation. By being broadcasting
devices, the pentacles transmit the magical energy woven by the Wizard in
its configuration in the direction of the universe, letting all of the divine,
celestial and spiritual forces know exactly the will of the Wizard regarding
the Magical Operation. Pentacles, being of the element of Earth, also serve
to nurture the magical operation in its complexity. As the cup gives life and
it generates matter for the operation, so the pentacle gives the operation
nurturing energies so that it can grow and sustain itself as the magical
procedures develop. Moreover being mostly circular in form, the pentacles
resemble the spheres of the Tree of Life or the Sephiroth, in this sense they
correlate with these energy patterns and so correspond too with the ten
attributes, planets and celestial beings present in the Tree of Life. What this
does is that it actually manifests the operation of the Wizard written in the
pentacle in all of the Four Worlds of the Universe, assuring its success and
eventual manifestation as a reality. Finally, as the cup closes the circuit
between Heaven, Earth and the Wizard, so the Pentacle helps to make this
circuit, so to speak, even more concrete. In this sense it is important to know
that the Pentacle is the incarnation of manifestation and it represents the
living flesh of the magical operation. In ancient ceremonial customs and
ritual initiations, the Pentacle was considered to be the first incarnation of
the magical operation. This meant to the Wizards of Old, that the Pentacle
was responsible for the emanation of the first particle of matter needed and
sought by the Wizard after the magical consecrations had been recited
regarding a particular magical operation or need. In this sense, the Word is
made out Flesh and it is considered to be both Holy and Sacred. This is why
the ancient Wizards kissed the magical pentacle in every ritual or ceremony.
They did so as a symbol of embracing the beatitudes of the pentacle and
acknowledging and venerating the favor of the Divine Source in the magical
seals. The types of Pentacles are many and in time the Apprentice will learn
how to fashion them, not in this present work but in others. However, for the
time being, the Apprentice should learn to distinguish between them and
prepare the pentacle called the Greater Seal of the Lion118 . This seal, or
pentacle, is important because in it the mysteries of the ancient traditions
have been kept and guarded with the understanding that its Magic is ancient
and it protects all those who live for the light of the Source Divine. The
following will be a list of some of the many pentacles that exists, their
workings and operations. Unlike chalices, pentacles must be devised
individually, enchanted and then consecrated using the formula at the end of
this chapter. The main reason for this is that each pentacle is inscribed with
particular symbols and divine names which only apply to a specific
Finally, pentacles must be made using several writing instruments like pens,
pencils, rulers and other drawing instruments. All of these instruments
should be blessed before employing them and dedicate solely for the purpose
of magical writing. The inks employed should also be blessed by the
Apprentice before using them. The paper employed is quite important, it
usually is parchment and should be blessed as well. However, some
pentacles or magical circles are inscribed in metal or wood, depending on
the desired effect or if the Wizard wants to add additional planetary power to
a magical operation. Before drawing any pentacle the Apprentice should
familiarize with these magical instruments by reading The Greater Clavicles
of Solomon edited by Macgregor Mathers which contains a great deal of
magical pentacles. In the best of cases, the Apprentice is advised to first
practice drawing these pentacles and using them by consecrating them with
the formula provided at the end of this book. Later on, as the Apprentice
progresses, he or she will be able to create his/her own pentacles. However,
before this happens, the Apprentice will need to be proficient in writing the
many ancient alphabets of the past119 , learn the many magical names
employed in these pentacles and perfect the art of creating celestial and
magical symbols. For now the Apprentice is required to be able to recreate
the pentacles contained in the grimoires. The following, is a list of pentacles
that will be provided at Appendix III of this book.
117 A Solomonic Pentacle has a single ring of letters, names or magical symbols around the regular
magical circle. The Horatian Shield is composed of two rings with magical names and letters around
the magical circle. The Geometric Shields are powerful pentacles which lack magical names and
letters and are filled with planetary symbols and siglae. A Gnomon is a squared pentacle with letters
and missing gaps; they appear prominently in The Grimoire of The Sacred Magic of Abramelin.
118 The instructions to prepare this magical seal will be found at Appendix III at the end of this book.

Types of Pentacles Attributes and Uses The Pentacle of Abundance

The Pentacle of Mercy
Used to acquire prosperity and riches. A Wizard should use this pentacle
when seeking better living conditions. It should be written in parchment with
Cerulean Blue Consecrated Ink120 .
Used to seek benevolence and mercy from enemies. Also to seek favor in
trials. It should be written on parchment with Blue and Red Consecrated Ink

The Pentacle of Protection and Favor

The Pentacle of the Carpenter

Used to raise protective barriers against physical enemies, robbery and evil
and call upon invisible protectors. It should be written in parchment with
Consecrated Red Ink.
Used to call upon angelic assistance, celestial favor and divine help with a
problem. It should be written in cedar wood and Yellow Consecrated Ink

The Pentacle of the Greater Seal of the Lion

Used to empower the Wizard with the deepest mysteries of High Magic. It
should be written in papyrus with Black Consecrated Ink.
The Pentacle of the Holy Name
Used to seek the intervention of the divine and to cast away evil presences
and beings. It should be written in Silver Consecrated Ink.
The Pentacle of the Planets
The Pentacle of the Stars

Used to receive the power and favor of the planets. It should be written in
parchment with Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Black and White
Consecrated Ink.
Used to seek the graces of the stars and constellations. It should be written in
parchment using White Consecrated Ink.

Table XXIII. List of Pentacles and their Properties

119 Like Hebrew, Greek, Phoenician and Arabic.
120 The inks used to recreate these pentacles are commonly found in Art Shops. The ink should be
thick and should dry quickly. Some other Wizards I know use paints to trace their magical circles, that
is another alternative.
Figure LIII. Sigillum Aemeth
By Athanasius Kircher

The Uses and Types of Swords

Swords are pretty exciting in the regular world so one can only wonder how
much more interesting these wonderful pieces of art can be in the Magical
World. For example, swords in general magical operations can be actually
used for a multitude of processes, and like chalices, a single sword can be
used for a wide range of projects. However, there are some magical activities
in which very particular swords must be used in order to properly access
certain magical energies. For example there are many rituals involving a
regular knightly sword, however, there are operations in which a scimitar
must be used instead. These sorts of activities will be discussed shortly.
About the magical operations that can be performed with swords the
Apprentice must be aware that many are quite mental, while others rely
solely on protective and defensive121 magic. The more mental operations
utilize the symbol of the sword as a celestial gateway into the upper reaches
of Heaven and the more earthbound realms of mankind. As a gateway, the
sword functions as a connective device between the upper and lower worlds,
allowing communication with the aerial spirits, the divine entities of the
superior worlds and the celestial hierarchies of Heaven. It also allows for
celestial energies to funnel down upon the Wizard, insufflating its essence
with the many divine attributes of the greater realms of Heaven and the
Superior Worlds122 beyond. In this regard, the sword can also transport
celestial entities from one world to the other, and in fact it makes possible
for celestials to come to this world in the aid of the Wizard or those around.
Understanding the sword as an instrument of communications it can also
help the Wizard with all manners of communication in the physical world, as
such it becomes a powerful tool which empowers the words of the Wizard,
both mundane as well as magical, allowing the Wizard to be almost
invincible when it comes to discussions, convincing others and carrying an
important message across hearts and minds. Also, the sword can help the
Wizard with matters of the law, justice, equality, freedom and liberty. The
martial energies of a sword help with the regulation and transmission of
order and intent towards the surrounding world of the Wizard, facilitating
the manifestation of goodness, equality and justice allowing for better
conditions of life and liberty. Also the powerful semblance of the sword
generates a vibration which conveys strength to all those who wish to wage
war against evil, slavery and the profane absurdities of some cultures.
Another aspect to consider and ponder about the wonderful magical aspects
of a sword is that representing divine order, authority and command it
combines order with the rest of the laws of the universe. By so doing, the
sword gives power to the Wizard over the natural world and the laws of
fluidity, constants, constructs and transformation.
This places the Wizard above every natural spirit of the world and above
every spiritual entity, receiving proper authority and command over these
beings. Finally, the sword is a martial symbol of determination and
discipline and it confers the Wizard with the proper activities to be
victorious over many adversities and situations providing with absolute
mastery over the spirits of the world. Being an instrument with such amazing
protective perimeters, the sword is a symbol of utmost authority and
command. And when shown to the many entities of the world they recognize
the supreme strength of the cruciform symbol, which speaks of the union of
Heaven and Earth, and that of the person that wields it. As it was previously
stated, swords come in many forms, sizes and varieties; also across time
there have been some swords more prominent than others. However, in
magical practices the sword regularly used is the single handed cruciform
sword of the Knights of the Medieval Period123 , although they vary from
operation to operation. Nonetheless, the Apprentice will do well in acquiring
one of these knightly swords for magical operations. At this moment it must
be said that Apprentices regularly start their magical exploits with a dagger,
and later on, as they acquire mastery over the element of air they are given a
sword and finally they are bestowed with a mighty scepter or rod as they
become full-fledged Wizards. The following is a list of several swords used
in magical operations and their uses. As with the chalices and the wands, the
Apprentice doesn’t need several swords at this stage. A single sword will be
appropriate to assume the various aspects of the sword as long as the
formula at the end of this chapter is employed. It is true that other sword
types are mentioned, but while these are gathered, the Apprentice can
practice with just one.
121 Defensive Magic is not covered in this Manual, however, it comprises the school of High Magic
dedicated to help the Wizard defend from attacks from evil creatures, dark wizards and black magic
122 By Superior Worlds is meant those realms where thought and reason reign supreme. These are the
realms of the Supreme Consciousnesses; those mighty entities which exist beyond the scope of good
and evil, order and chaos, light and darkness.

Types of Swords Attributes and Uses Sword of Fortitude and Might

Knightly Sword used in rituals to gain authority, command and prowess over
enemies. Use Consecrated Sage Oil.
Sword of Power Long Sword used in general magical operations. Use
Consecrated Cedar wood and Apple Oils.
Sword of the Archangels Shamshir Sword used when conjuring the aid of
the celestials. Use Consecrated Oil of Gardenia.
Sword of the East Scimitar Sword used in operations of wisdom,
knowledge and light. Use Consecrated Frankincense Oil.
Sword of the Elements Knightly Sword used in rituals devised to attract the
spirits of nature. Use Consecrated Basil Oil.
Sword of the Portal Long Sword used in the rituals of ascension to the
upper planes. Use Consecrated Pine Oil and Magnolia Oil.
Sword of the Praetor Gladius Sword used in protective operations and
rituals of Defensive Magic. Use Consecrated Myrrh Oil.
Sword of the Archeos Xiphos Sword used in rituals of initiation and
mysteries. Used Consecrated Sandalwood Oil and Lotus Oil.
Table XXIV. List of Swords and their Properties
123 A general sword should measure thirty six inches from tip to the bottom of the hilt. It should be
made out of metal but at the same time it shouldn’t be too heavy. Some swords come with beautiful
decorations, while others tend to be gory and altogether bizarre. Try to avoid the bizarre ones, these
will exude unwanted vibrations in any magical operation.
Figure LIV. The Oath of the Horatii (1784)
By Jacques Louis David (1748-1825)

The Uses and Types of Wands

Wands have been used in magical operations since almost the beginning of
time. However, due to secrecy and to keep the integrity of the Old Tradition
shrouded in mystery and away from prying eyes, wands have been kept
hidden from the general view. However, still many magicians and members
of secret societies used them in the past for their ceremonial activities and
ritual operations. Nonetheless, the Magic Wand is still one of the most
formidable of the four Weapons of the Wizard for one reason alone. While
the Chalice, Pentacle and Sword are powerful magical items in their own
right and can affect and alter a wide range of the natural and magical worlds,
it is through the action and rightful use of the Wand that the Wizard can
actually perform the majority of the magical operations. What this actually
means is that the Wand is a required weapon that will be used always, while
the Chalice, the Pentacle or the Sword aren’t necessary needed for every
magical operation.

So, in these regards, the Wand will be used while casting Incantations,
Artificiums, Conjurations and Ritual Ceremonies. While the importance of
the Wand has been stated before, it is necessary to point out that the Wand is
a symbol of the Will of the Divine entrusted directly to the Wizard. This is a
great responsibility and the Wizard should do well in abiding by the statutes,
virtues and values that were provided earlier; not to follow them and still use
a Wand for selfish or evil purposes will result in dire consequences for the
Wizard. The Wand works by gathering the magical energies of the
Philosophical Sphere through the Wizard, from the highest cosmological
concepts and down to the Eight Rings of the Sphere. Then it channels these
magical energies through its wooden frame and focuses it at the tip, only to
be released when the magical words are pronounced.

Apart from gathering and focusing the energies, the Wand is also needed for
several other operations and formulas. For example, the Wand is
instrumental in the tracing of magical siglae, symbols and seals in almost
every operation124 . These magical symbols correspond to the names of
divine, celestial, natural or elemental entities that the Wizard needs to
connect with in order to be successful in any particular magical operation.
When this is done, the energies that course through the Wand are attuned to
the particular symbol traced in the air to later manifest whatever conforms to
the symbol and to the final magical words; which in this case function as the
spell-trigger. Another important aspect of the uses of the Wand is the somatic
movements125 performed with them. In order to understand this, one must
remember that the Wizard is a representation of the Universe on a smaller
scale. Every movement, every action and every position correspond to
different aspects of the Cosmos. This takes us to yet another instrumental
concept of the Wand, its association with the Four Worlds. Being a
receptacle of the energy collected and worked through the Philosophical
Sphere, the Wand channels this energy through its wooden body as it was
said before. However, what makes this possible is that the shape and form of
the Wand corresponds directly to the divisions of the Four Worlds. Its base is
known to be Atziluth, its handle is known to be Beriah, its crown is known
to be Yetzirah and its lancet is known to be Assaiah. In turn, it also
corresponds to the Sephiroth, the Planets, the Celestial Hierarchy, the
Elemental Intelligences and Archetypes. In other words, the Wand becomes
another representation of the Universe, in the hand of the Wizard. Once, my
late mentor told me that when a Wizard wields a Wand, it is the Source
Divine holding the very Wizard, moving the Wizard towards the path of
Light, Liberty and Love. He also told me, that a Wand is the lesser
representation of the Staff, which is a superior weapon and the one that
completely joins the Heavens and the Earth. The following lists a series of
wands most prominently used in diverse magical operations. As before, the
Apprentice doesn’t need several wands to do this, just follow the charging
formulation at the end of the chapter. It is important to take into
considerations that Wands are to be made entirely of wood126 , preferably of
a single wooden piece. Also, no metal should be used on any Wand for it
will hamper the accumulation and direction of the magical energies. Finally,
a Wand must be crafted by a master artisan of the magical craft; otherwise it
will simply be a toy and not a magical weapon.
124 The magical action known as Tracing the Siglae is when the Wizard employs the wand to draw in
the “air” the magical symbols relevant to any operation. These symbols of course are not being drawn
in the air, but rather in the more subtle levels of reality; beckoning the universe with the signal of our
125 Somatic movements are the movements made with the body, arms and even fingers that account
to regions of space, time and even the utmost levels of cosmological activity. As the Wizard employs
the wand waving it in a particular way it accesses portions of the universe that tied to the magical
words complete a wonderful magical circuit which manifest things into the physical world.

Types of Wands Attributes and Uses The Wand of Kethim Made of Lignum
Vitae; used for the conjurations of the Tree of Life and the Middle Pillar.
Consecrated Sandalwood Oil.
The Wand of Stars Made of Oak; used for conjurations of stellar
intelligences and accessing the higher planes. Consecrated Lavender Oil.
The Wand of Seven Names Made of Ash; used to work the magic of the
seven planets and acquire lordship over them. Consecrated Lotus Oil.
The Wand of Splendor Made of Rosewood; used to overcome the forces of
evil and darkness. Consecrated Frankincense Oil.
The Wand of Solomon Made of Almond; used for the conjuration of natural
spirits and elementals. Consecrated Almond Oil.
The Wand of The Lion Made of Olivewood; used to empower the Wizard
over all of the elements of nature. Consecrated Olive Oil.
The Wand of the Hierarchs Made of African Blackwood; used for the
commanding of supremely potent conjurations. Consecrated Heliotrope Oil.

The Red Wand of Elemental Fire Made of Bubinga wood; used for the
proper magical workings with Fire. Consecrated Vetivert Oil.

Table XXV. List of Wands and their Properties

126 There are hundred os different types of woods, the Apprentice would do well by studying the
magical properties of wood in order to choose a wand. However, for an Apprentice these are the ones I
suggest: Cedar Wood, Rose Wood, Bocote, Ash and Purple Wood.
Figure LV. Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818) By Caspar David
Friedrich (1774-1840)
The Consecration of the Weapons

In the previous section, the Apprentice was presented with a series of tables
which explained the various types of Magical Weapons and the elements
needed in order to use them properly. At the moment, the Apprentice will be
given a simple formula with which to consecrate those Magical Weapons
and turn them effectively into the sort of Weapon presented in each
particular Table. In Magic, a Consecration refers to the act of dedicating a
Magical Weapon to a particular action or magical process. For example, in
Table XXIII, the Apprentice is introduced to the Chalice of the Cathedral,
and it explains that it is used in ceremonies of festivities, initiations,
ceremonies and commemorations and in order to make it into a Chalice of
the Cathedral the Wizard needs to pour into it Blessed Olive Oil mixed with

With the following formula the Apprentice will be able to actually turn this
item, as well as the rest of the other Magical Weapons, into a Magical
Artifact. The most important thing the Apprentice needs to know is that in
order to turn any item into a Magical Weapon, the most important ingredient
is conviction and intention. That is, a true desire to empower an item with
magical force and energy. The following formula is known as the
Consecration of the Artifact. This one must be performed in a quiet place,
devoid of any interruption, loud noises and non-magical people.

1. The Apprentice must place the object127 to be enchanted over a table

covered with white linen. The object must be placed in the center of the table
and four white candles must be around it. One to the North, one to the East,
one to the South and another to the West. The candles must be lighted
clockwise starting with the East and saying: “AGLATHORAS”. As the
South candle is lit the Apprentice will say: “AGLATHOROTH” . Upon
lighting the West the Apprentice will say: “AGLATHOROR.” Finally upon
igniting the candle to the North the Apprentice will say:

2. Then the Apprentice will place his/her right hand over the artifact to be
enchanted and will say: “Divine Source of All, I humbly come before you
and praise your Almighty Light, Power and Greatness. By the most Holy
Name ADONAI-AGLA-ELION I implore your presence.”
3. After this, the Apprentice will make the sign of the cross128 four times
over the artifact and say; “ZETO APOTON KATHO HERGESIS

4. At this moment the Apprentice will picture in his/her mind the magical
operation intended for the artifact. After this mental picture had been
observed for some time and the Apprentice thinks it’s ready he/she will say
127 Be it a cup, pentacle, sword or wand.
128 In reference to calling upon the Four Guardians Varja of the North, Armati of the East, Amurdaad
of the South and Haurvatat of the West. These are the Mighty Guardians of the Towers of Protection.

5. Now, that the Magical Artifact has been enchanted the Apprentice must
cast a Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation and a personal blessing. After this
the item is ready for charging. This is done by leaving it under direct
sunlight for at least three hours, preferably from 11 am to 1 pm, for seven
straight days. After that the device is ready and it shall be given a proper
name and afterwards the name of the particular weapon that the Wizard
wants to conjure into the named artifact.

Chapter Six: The Magical Artifacts and Formulas of the Trade

“A Wizard’s spell is as powerful as the Wizard’s ability to transfer those

very same magical energies into the world of man through the veil of the
celestial, coursing across the orbs of the spheres and down to the world of
the mundane and into its

artifacts and arcane formulae.”

Sabinna Germaine Morrigan (1765-1829). Alchemist, Healer, Astrologer,
Scryer, Seeress and Philosopher.

So far the Apprentice has been presented with an adequate list of magical
items. In the previous chapter a comprehensive list of magical weapons were
provided so that the Apprentice could have a general feel of what these
magical items were able to do regarding magical operations. However, in
this chapter the Apprentice will be presented with yet another list of magical
objects; these more appropriately called artifacts. Artifacts are objects which
are used as companion items to magical casting. Many of these objects are
supplementary to magical operations or exist as auxiliary items which help
the Wizard perform a magical operation more fully. Examples of such items
are the crystal balls for scrying, objects in geometric forms which help
establish different dimensions of activity in the physical world, metals and
gemstones and crystals which help channel the power of planets, among
many other things, and oils and herbs which procure the magical power of
the natural world. However, before delving into such matters, the Apprentice
needs to know about several elements which are important. These elements
are important because they provide for a surface with which to practice
magical incantations and are the base for any ritual or magical work. These
elements are: the Altar, the magical vestments and the magical tools
employed in these operations. The Altar is the physical space in which
magical operations take place; this is the joining point between the world of
matter and the world of magic. It becomes the particular sacred space in
which magic happens and takes effect upon the natural world. The magical
vestments are the particular clothes the Wizard uses when casting magic.
Sometimes it is nothing more than a robe of the appropriate color, some
other times these vestments require several pieces which are intricately tied
to the world and the cosmos. Finally, there are scores of tools needed for the
proper operation of magic. Many of these tools are simple objects with
which the Wizard helps himself or herself to move from the ordinary state of
consciousness to an altered magical state of consciousness; some of these
objects are the candles, the incenses and the censers, the bells and the
cauldron, among others.

The Altar

Altars have been used for magical purposes since the beginning of history.
Almost every civilization with a religious consciousness had made use of the
Altar as a symbol for worship and a sign of the divine. It is in an altar that
offerings are made to the gods, that pleads are made to the divine and pacts
and alliances made between heaven and earth. This is due primarily to the
fact that an altar is a representation of a sacred space. A place devoted to the
workings of the divine and as such it is blessed with the infusions of the
forces on high. In Magic, an altar is employed for very similar reasons.
However it is not a place for worship, but for the working of the most
veritable operations of Light and Order. From a magical perspective, the
Altar is a symbol of the universe and its four corners; it is for this reason that
before working on an altar the Wizard needs to call upon the four guardians
which will protect and keep evil away from the magical work. This formula
will be given shortly.

In its square surface the Apprentice can find the four elements, the four
letters of the Tetragrammaton, the four worlds of the Kabbalah, the four
moments of creation and the Ten Sephiroth. As such, an Altar is a powerful
space in which all of these energies are combined and are waiting to be
employed by the Wizard. Aside from these wonderful aspects, the Altar is
the nexus where the Wizard and the most wonderful forces of the universe
combine to manifest the most wonderful effects over the physical world.
Having the four elements in its surface the Altar is imbued with the power of
change, the power of protection, the power of thought and the power of
transformation. When all of these aspects are joined as one, they become the
quintessence of light which the Wizard uses to power his/her operations for
the benefit of the universe. This energy is then created in the Altar and is
generated and used whenever a magical operation is being performed. As a
representation of the four letters of the Tetragrammaton the Altar is infused
with the holy energies of creation, of life and light and that its why it must
be protected from evil, darkness and the most corrupt forces of nature. These
letters also convey the Altar and the Wizard with the rectitude of the Middle
Pillar of the Tree of Life, providing the Will of the Lord Almighty,
Illumination, Purification and all of the resources of the Kingdom for the
benefit of the magical operation. As a representation of the Four Worlds of
the Kabbalah, the Altar gathers in its core the power of the potential,
creation, formation and manifestation. These four aspects become one, thus
facilitating any magical operation with the assistance of celestial couriers
and divine beings. The Altar also relates to the four moments in creation in
which the First Divine, Magic, Definite Act and the First God made
themselves manifest and everything came into being. In this way the Altar is
a representation of the creative forces of the very beginning, and in like
manner such creative forces are at the disposition of the Wizard so that they
can be used to create new things in this universe. Finally, the Ten Sephiroth
can be found in every Altar. Since the Altar corresponds to the number four,
these corresponds to the number ten129 , thus the Sephiroth are contained in
it as well. In this way, the Altar is infused with the amazing power of Divine
Will, Divine Wisdom, Divine Knowledge, Divine Providence, Divine
Strength, Divine Communion, Divine Conquest, Divine Presence, Divine
Purity and the Divine Kingdom. In this way, it can be seen that an Altar
harbors powerful concepts that are only there for the Wizard who seeks

There are many types of Altars that a Wizard can use. However, in this
present work we shall only speak of two; the Ceremonial Altar and the
Magical Altar. One is committed for the Greater Rituals130 while the other is
employed for the rest of magical operations. The Ceremonial Altar is
employed solely for the most serious magical operations and it usually is
separated in a room for that particular task. This Altar is located in a space of
prayer, meditation and contemplation. It is generally employed to call upon
the forces of heaven, the celestials and the most supreme names of the
Divine. The Magical Altar is the one the Wizard uses the most and it is
usually in a room with many other magical items and tools. This Altar is
employed for the casting of regular spells, the enchantment of magical
artifacts and to perform the Lesser Rituals.131 Also, the Magical Altar is
used for those moments when the Wizard is practicing an incantation,
meditating or visualizing. For example, the Magical Altar I use is at my
study, along with my reading desk, books and chest with all of the other
magical items I employ. The Ceremonial Altar I use is at the Magical School
I teach. It is in a room dedicated for holy ceremonies, ritual practices and
prayer. All Altars are composed of a single table. After this table has been
consecrated to work as an Altar, the Wizard can put in it a wide array of
objects and tools. However, the most common objects placed over an Altar
are two candle holders and candles, the representations of the four elements
in the form of a Chalice with water, a magical pentacle or stone, incense to
represent air and a particular candle to represent fire. Most of the time, these
elements are placed at the right of the Altar, to represent the Light aspect of
the Tree of Life. A nice white linen would do good in covering the surface of
the table.
129 In Kabbalistic lore a number and its summatory are defintions of each other. For example the
summatory of 3 is 6, that is 1+2+3=6. In our case, the summatory of number 4 is 10, 1+2+3+4=10,
therefore 4 is the same as 10. Thus the number four represents the Ten Holy Sephiroth as well.
130 These are rituals that are composed of more than one Wizard, almost always consisting of more
than eight Wizards. Some of these rituals are the Ritual of Consecration, the Ritual of the Holy Names
and the Ritual of the Sword. These rituals will be provided to the Apprentice later on as the
Apprentice acquires the experience to properly operate them.

Every time the Wizard approaches the altar to cast a spell he/she must call
upon the Mighty Guardians of the Towers. These are powerful celestial
beings who keep the Wizards protected from evil, malice and darkness;
especially when working at the altar. These are also mighty spirits of
goodness, order, light, law and power. They represent the might columns of
heaven that keep the universe in balance.

The following ritual is provided so that the Wizard can cast it before any
other magical operation.
1. As soon as the Wizards steps into the space of the altar he/she must adopt
an attitude of reverence.
2. Then he/she will light the two candles at the sides of the altar thinking of
the Power of Light surrounding him/her.

3. After this, the Apprentice must light incense and walk around the altar
three times saying six times “IN LUMINE TUO VIDEBIMUS LUMEN!”
These three turns around the altar are to be made clockwise, for an altar is
always treated in a clockwise fashion and never should a Wizard walk
around the altar counterclockwise nor approach it by the left.

4. At the end of the three turns around the altar the Wizard will say one last
time “IN LUMINE TUO VIDEBIMUS LUMEN!” over the magical
objects to be used or employed.

5. Then, the Wizard will acknowledge the presence of the elemental power
of water in the cup, the presence of the elemental power of earth in the stone,
the presence of the elemental power of air in the lingering incense and the
presence of the elemental power of fire in the candles.

6. After this, the Apprentice will face North and say a slight prayer asking
for guidance, spiritual assistance and the presence of the Holy of Holies.
7. Then, using the wand, the Apprentice will say as he/she faces north:
131 These are the rituals and formulas provided throughout this book, they are lesser in the sense that
require but one Wizard and a minimal amount of magical materials.


AGLA.” Now the Apprentice will raise his/her wand vigorously into the air
and will see in his/her mind as a huge tower appears in this direction and a
mighty angel is perched on its top armed with a Sword. “EREXI

8. The Apprentice will now face East and he/she will say:
AGLA.” Now the Apprentice will raise his/her wand vigorously into the air
and will see in his/her mind as a huge tower appears in this direction and a
mighty angel is perched on its top armed with a Staff. “EREXI

9. Now the Apprentice facing South will say:

AGLA.” Now the Apprentice will raise his/her wand vigorously into the air
and will see in his/her mind as a huge tower appears in this direction and a
mighty angel is perched on its top armed with a Long Bow. “EREXI

10. Finally, the Apprentice will turn west and he/she will say:
AGLA.” Now the Apprentice will raise his/her wand vigorously into the air
and will see in his/her mind as a huge tower appears in this direction and a
mighty angel is perched on its top armed with a Lance. “EREXI

11. Once this is done the Altar is protected by the Four Guardians of the
Towers and the Apprentice can continue any other magical operation.

Incenses are another of the particular items that are generally used for every
magical operation. These had been employed in the past to create a pleasant
atmosphere inside temples and shrines because they are reputed with raising
a place’s level of spirituality and being capable of expelling evil spirits and
beings. Since the beginning of time, humanity had used incense to pray to
their gods, worship divinities, for meditation and to further develop a
religious ceremony. Wizards should benefit from these amazing properties of
incenses as they are also credited with purifying environments, cleaning the
etheric field of animals, persons and objects and of helping with the focusing
of the mind. Today almost everywhere an Apprentice Wizard can find
incense of almost every style and kind. The most regular is the stick incense,
which can be placed in a censer or an incense container when lit. Other
incense types are the resinous type, which need to be ground to a fine dust
and then placed over a lit piece of charcoal in a censer and the gum resin
based incense shaped in the form of a cone, which are simply lit and placed
in a censer. A Wizard should use incense when meditating, practicing
magical incantations, before the casting of incantations and when working
on the Altar.

The act of using incense should be viewed by the Wizard as a meditative

practice onto itself. Whenever the Wizard lights the incense a small prayer
should be made. Then the Wizard should walk around the room in a
clockwise manner, intoning blessing incantations132 and prayers asking for
the purification of the space. As the Wizard walks through the room at each
cardinal point a cross should be traced with the incense stick and a blessing
incantation should be employed. After finishing, the Wizard should place the
incense stick in a safe place. This is called Fumigation and it was widely
used and is still used by many modern Wizards throughout the world. The
Wizard should also ask for the protection of the operation and its greater

There are many types of incense, as it was already said, and many mixes of
incenses; many of these attributed to divinities, saints and other people. The
Wizard should only employ single incenses and never mixes; these tend to
have a particular intention and might interfere with a given magical
operation. There are many other types of incense out there and the
Apprentice should do well in learning more about them, comparing their
qualities, looking up for their correspondences with the planets, the celestials
and the elements. This in itself will be a wonderful activity that will help the
Apprentice learn more about the mystical relationships between incenses and
magical operations.

We recommend the following types;

ACACIA: Highly spiritual, it is burned to achieve heightened psychic

senses and clean the environment from negative spiritual influences. It is
also recommended to those seeking to gain spiritual connection with angels
and guides. It also helps in the restoration of vitality and it is burned to find
lost things.

AFRICAN VIOLET: Burned for the protection of the house, business and
spiritual awareness. It is also used to raise a protective field around small

ALLSPICE: Burned before a prosperity spell, ritual or activity involving

the convocation of good luck and the attraction of money. It also brings good
fortune and good luck.
ALOES: Burned to attract gambler’s luck and will strengthen the household
with positive energy. Burn around ill people and it will help them recover.
132 Blessing Incantations will be found in Chapter Nine
ALTHEA: Burned for general protection and specifically to thwart
witchery. Carry some Althea bark, root or dried leaves in your pocket to be
protected from magic spells or the evil eye.
ANGELICA: Burned for the connection with spiritual beings, angels and
guides. It is also helpful when there is sickness in the house to prevent the
illness from spreading.
BASIL: Burned to prevent loving relationships from going sour. It can also
be used to protect against evil spirits.
BAY: Burned to stimulate divination and prophetic dreams. It aids in the
acquisition of second sight or precognition.
BAYBERRY: Burned to bring money home and helps in the acquisition of a
BENZOIN: Burned for the purification of a place and to exorcise evil spirits
and energies, especially harmful and deadly beings. It is also used to attract
wealth and luck.
BISTORT: Burned to attract the attention of spiritual guides and to achieve
clairvoyance. It will connect the Wizard with goodly entities and angels.
Some even suggest that dragons could be called upon with this incense.

BRACKEN: Burned in outside the house to attract rain and storms. It is also
helpful for weather magic, especially if the Wizard is attempting to create
storms, storm clouds, thunder and lightning.
CEDAR: Burned for the purification of a person and for spiritual
CHAMOMILLE: Burned for to promote spiritual health, balance and
CINNAMON: Burned to exorcise the area from evil spirits. It is also used to
promote mental clarity, mindfulness and healing.
CLOVE: Burned to ward off negativity and cleanse ritual places. It brings
about good fortune and is used to attract luck and money.
COPAL: Burned for purification of a person’s aura and subtle bodies. It will
speed up healing after surgery.
DITTANY OF CRETE: Burned to call upon spiritual forces, angels and
nature beings. It is also used to achieve astral projection.

DRAGONS BLOOD: Burned to counter negativity, dispel evil spells and

exorcise evil entities. It is believed that combining Dragon’s Blood with
Myrrh and Benzoin will augment a Wizard’s power. EUCALYPTUS:
Burned to maintain a healthy body and keep illness away. It is also used in
healing spells and clairvoyance.

FRANKINCENSE: A highly magical incense, it is burned to exorcise evil

creatures, purify the environment from negative thoughts and emotions. It is
very useful in rituals involving dedications to the divine or prayers.

GALANGAL: Burned to dispel magical cruses, hex and the work of black
magic. It is beneficial when there’s a rough weather ahead, it will dissipate
rains and appease storms.
GINSENG ROOT: Burned to promote vitality and health. It is also used to
protect from spirits, ghosts and wicked entities.
HIBISCUS: Burned to draw the energies of love. It is also used to promote
creativity, imagination and positive thoughts.
HOREHOUND: Burned to protect from evil creatures, the spirit of the dead
and the undead. It is also used to make contact with protective deities and
JASMINE: Burned to call upon new love and to create a romantic
environment. Combined with love spells and enchantments is very potent.
JUNIPER: Burned to promote the safety of the house and fidelity. It is also
used to break dark magic, curses and the evil eye. It is also very helpful in
bringing happiness.
LAVENDER: Burned to purify the mind from harmful thoughts.
LILAC: Burned to promote friendships and equilibrium into one’s life.
MINT: Burned to repel evil entities, call upon the aid of goodly spirits, and
augment the powers of the mind.
MUGWORT: Burned to bring good fortune, especially in a journey or
spiritual travel. Also it is very beneficial when purifying a person from
curses and to keep dark magic at bay.
MYRRH: Burned to promote spiritual healing, spiritual development and
illumination. It is also beneficial in a ritual where it’s commonly used to
fumigate the participants.
PINE: Burned for spiritual cleansing, and to dispel and exorcise evil
supernatural entities. It is often burned to acquire spiritual insight and
ROSEMARY: Burned to make contact with supernatural beings from
nature, such as dryads, faeries and elves.

RUE: Burned to break powerful magical hexes and curses. SAGE: Burned
for protection against all manners of evil, and is used to cleanse sacred areas
such as ritual chambers, temples and the household.

SANDALWOOD: Burned as an offering to goodly spirits and it will banish

negative and evil presences.
STORAX: Burned to break away magical energies, destroy evil energies
and repel harmful spirits. It is sometimes called Benzoin.
SWEETGRASS: Burned to gather magical power and it will augment the
energy of a spell.
VERVAIN: Burned to cast away evil entities. It is also beneficial for the
cleansing of the Aura.
VETIVERT: Burned to dispel curses, especially evil love spells. It is also
good for the protection against black magic.

The use of candles is widely employed in the pursuit of religious and

spiritual activities. Candles are lit by the Wizard in order to focus on a
particular intention; other cultures use candles to symbolize the presence of
the Divine, while some others use them as a meditative aid in prayers,
ceremonies and spiritual exercises such as yoga, mass or martial arts in
combination with incenses and scented oils. In Magic, candles hold a very
powerful place. Candles are considered to be embodiments of light and the
most physical manifestation of the Fiery Essence of the Divine. In this sense,
the body of the candle represents the physical world. The wick is the very
Wizard and the fire which burns the wick is a representation of the Ultimate
Divine which comes and lights the Wizard with its Divine energies and
glory. The flame represents the combination of the Divine and the Wizard
shining forth with a most wonderful semblance of Heaven; also it signifies
the union of both Will, that of the Divine and the Wizard, in order to call
upon a particular effect. Through the observation of candles the Wizard can
enter into a meditative state that will allow him/her to access things
unknown and through them one can actually make contact with the most
profound mysteries of the universe, celestial beings and nature spirits. Most
of the time a Wizard will light a candle at the Altar previous to making any
other operation and after having cleansed the space with incense and magical

When a candle is lit, the Wizard should always say the following magical
words at the igniting flame, “ASHERIUS IGNIAS PIRIOS PHOUTOS”.
This words relate to the fiery essence of the divine being drawn into the

Many magical operations should be supplemented by the presence of

candles, since candles in themselves represent very potent magical energies
as we have seen. However, a Wizard must be careful and never leave candles
unattended; my mentor always told me that vile spirits would tip them over
just to make the Wizard look like a fool. The Wizard should use magical
candles when in the Altar, to represent that the Divine glory of the First
Divine is present. Also, when practicing magical operations and learning
new incantations.
Candles come in a wide variety of colors, the Wizard should learn that colors
represent planets, so a particular color is attributed to a specific planet;
Color of Candle Planet Attribute Golden/Yellow Sun
White/Silver Moon

Red Mars Light, illumination, clarity, truth

communion with angels, finding lost things, bringing new opportunities and
Purification, prayer and the clarification
of emotions. It brings peace and tranquility and will end enmities between
friends. Divination and precognition.
Protection, vitality, health, strength in all manners, to defeat an enemy and to
bring help when the odds are against you.

Orange Mercury Business, making a wish, communication healing, for

safety in travels and good luck. Making contracts, partnerships, to recover
Stolen property and to find a thief.

Blue Jupiter Prosperity, happiness, luck in games,

Green Venus

Black Saturn friendship, bringing order about, in legal matters and in courts.
Fertility, love, the safety of animals, generating power, crops, harvesting,
childbirth, liberty, alliances and
Dealing with difficult problems, dispelling enemy magic. Protection from
accidents, in the mending of broken bones, the
extension of life and avoiding death, regulating time and to be judged fairly.


Like with altars and candles, the vestment has been another major concept
present in almost every religious and mystical society of ancient days; and
they are still today. The idea of a particular set of clothing, like monastic
robes, the many outfits of priests and the orange mantles of Buddhist monks,
have a very profound reason. This reason expresses that by wearing those
clothes the individual focuses better in four important aspects.
1. The individual is aware continuously of its commitment with the divine
and his/her religious group or society. This allows the person to constantly
focus on the greater aspect of his/her devotion and religious practices.

2. By wearing a particular set of clothing the mystic’s mind and personality

are raised to a higher state of consciousness, in which the varied
responsibilities and roles of his/her devotion are dutifully accepted.

3. Special clothing allows the individual to know and accept that the kind of
operation being performed is not an operation of the world, but an operation
of a higher reality seeking to impact the world of the living.

4. By wearing the robes of a particular religious group or society, the

individual is accepting the archetypes relevant to that particular order and is
participating and honoring those who had donned those same clothing in the

In Magic, the same occurs. There is wide range of magical clothing that a
Wizard should wear, however for the moment the Apprentice is only asked
to wear a dark blue hooded robe. Every piece of clothing has a particular
mystery and symbol. For example, the dark blue robe is a symbol of the
great unknown and of the mysteries that it holds in his/her bosom. In this
sense the robe is an expression of the desire to unravel these mysteries and
receive them with understanding. The hood is a symbol of Oneness. This
means that when a Wizard has the hood on, that person is no longer the
individual but a representation of the divine, and as such, the Wizard should
behave always. Aside from the dark blue hooded robe, the Wizard should
also have a white gown which goes under the robe. This white gown is the
symbol of purity and the innocence needed to face the divine.

The Magical Artifacts

There are a wide variety of magical artifacts in the magical world. We shall
begin by explaining what these items represent and their inherent power in
the world of Wizardry. Many of these items, as it was explained before, are
used to help the Wizard achieve the following:
1. Properly execute a magical operation as is the case of many incantations.
2. Some are employed before casting to ensure that incantations function as
they were intended.
3. Some others are used to further magical incantations as is the case of
some conjurations, blessings and some protections. In this case these
procedures will need a magical focus in which the inherent magic of the
incantation will be placed in and from where its Magic will project to the
outside world.
4. There will be some artifacts whose sole purpose will be in aiding the
Wizard in harnessing and controlling the magical energies that will be
employed in other magical operations.
5. Finally, the Wizard will be presented with a variety of artifacts which are
powered by magical incantations and only through enchanting them will
they properly work for the Wizard.

There are scores of magical items; pretty much every single thing in the
hands of a Wizard becomes magical. However we shall only provide a
limited list of these. As in previous chapters, the Apprentice must familiarize
and study everything that will be presented in this section. Furthermore, the
Apprentice should seek more information regarding these items. This will
enable the Apprentice to properly know each particular item and will be able
to use them to the best of their abilities. This study will take time and in time
will they be properly known; and despite all this study there will always be
items unknown by the Wizard. So patience is advised in this delicate process
of getting to know these magical pieces. Finally, the Apprentice should
always consider that these items are to be found and stored in a proper space,
clean and devoid of impurities for a Wizard never knows when an item will
be needed.

The Scrying Devices

A scrying device is an item which can help the Wizard see things at a
distance, see the future, the past, the present and distant lands. Almost all
kinds of information can be gathered through the use of one of these
devices133 . There are many types of scrying devices, all depending on the
Wizard’s interests and clairvoyant abilities. However, all of these devices
need practice and a lot of patience; I still remember when I started practicing
with my very first crystal ball, it took weeks before I started seeing the most
simple of things and months until I finally managed to get a clear picture. At
this moment it is important to point out that these devices work. We should
start by stating that all of the scrying devices that we shall be seeing in the
next section are nothing more than relay points. A relay point is a device in
which energy is received and then this energy is transferred in a more
compatible way. In this sense the scrying device gather this energy or the
information and then it is transferred to the Wizard in a way the Wizard can
understand it. Through the will of the Wizard these devices are imprinted
with the general issue or inquiry. They garner from the environment or the
various level of reality the general concept that the Wizard wishes to know.
After that the information is concentrated from the adjoining planes of
existence or realities. Once the information has been concentrated into the
device the information will begin to exist between the Wizard and the device
itself, in a sort of magical tension. Many Wizards say that these tensions put
the wanted information on their minds while others explain that the devices
present the information on their surfaces as images. Regardless of how the
information shows up, the Wizard is advised to keep a clear mind, free from
troubling thoughts or emotions, for this will help the information settle
correctly and without any hindrances or obstacles. A simple advice is to
focus on the topic subject for a minute or so and then while in contact with
the device the Wizard should relax, bringing calm to its mind and spirit.
Then after some minutes, the Wizard should concentrate in whatever comes
into the mind, taking this information little by little while observing the
surface of the device for any subtle changes in reflection, light or brilliance.
Now we shall see a couple of scrying devices. However, before delving into
that topic the Apprentice should be clear in why are scrying devices needed
in a Magical World. Once I heard an older Wizard say that looking into a
crystal ball daily was like taking time to read the newspaper. When people
reads a newspaper they usually go by the different news and then read those
that most interests them. Gazing at a crystal ball or other scrying device is
like that. It allows us magical beings to get news from the up-coming event,
detect how are spiritual environment is and even can help us perceive
dangerous situations up ahead. In other instances, scrying devices can be
employed by Wizards to learn important information regarding spiritual
entities, beings from other planes and these will even help in the
development of psychic abilities. Finally scrying devices are really important
for Wizards because through them they can see if a course of action is
appropriate or altogether wrong, divine whether someone is trustworthy or
detect harmful magics all around. In this section we shall explore a little
more about the famous crystal ball, the burning censer and the water vase as
forms of scrying devices.

The Crystal Ball

The Crystal Ball is one of the most famous and most prominently known
objects of Magic. Almost all Wizards are portrayed to have one and almost
every tale tells of their wonders. The crystal ball is chiefly used by Wizards
to better understand present situations, receive guidance regarding a
particular subject or to learn new information of the past, present or future.
To begin with crystal balls come in almost all sizes, colors and materials.
The Apprentice should get a moderate size crystal ball, one that comfortably
fits in his/her palm between 45 mm to 65 mm. It should be made of either
quartz crystal or lead crystal. if the quartz crystal has some inclusions on it
these will not affect the ability to scry with the crystal ball. On the contrary
many of my colleagues often have said that those inclusions have been
crucial at some point in a reading. Although many Wizards like their crystal
balls to have some color, it is not recommended at first, for these colors may
prove distracting and the Wizard will need a lot of concentration in order to
work with the crystal properly. Finally, the Apprentice should enchant the
device with the proper magical procedure; otherwise it will not work at all.
The following magical procedure is an ancient magical formula for
enchanting the crystal ball; it was first used by medieval Wizards and it is
quite simple to follow;
133 There are many kinds of scrying artifacts, some examples are the mirrors, the glass of water, tea
or coffee, the Grand Father Clock’s face and even basins filled with liquids and substances. Not to
mention the many more types of divinations that there are which include the divination through flying
birds,clouds and the observation of footprints.

I. Have the crystal ball cleaned up and perfumed and placed over a wooden
base and covered it with some heavy linen. The crystal ball can be cleansed
with warm water and a spoonful of salt. Use a piece of clean cloth and
carefully pass the wet piece of cloth several times over the crystal ball. Then
put it under running water for about a minute and visualize how the negative
energies dissipate. Then perfume it with some incense or spray it with rose
water. These should be done in a gentle way, transmitting to the crystal ball
all of the positive energies and intentions. Good thoughts and good
intentions will be quite favorable for this part of the process. Avoid doing
any of these instructions under stress or emotional problems.
II. Get a large piece of white cloth about a twelve squared inches in length.
Place the crystal ball in its center. Then inscribe around the crystal ball the
following Hebrew names in their Latin characters. These inscriptions will
not be made directly over the crystal ball’s surface. They shall be inscribed
over the surface of the piece of cloth. After this is done another piece of
cloth should be placed over the crystal ball, this second piece of cloth should
be of equal size than the first one;

To the North the Name ADDAITESNI

To the East the Name IHPARATERESVH To the South the Name

III. The Wizard, for eleven consecutive days and at the same hour of the day,
should approach the scrying ball with all reverence. The best hours to do this
are between 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The Wizard should pass some incense
across the room and then unveil the scrying ball employing the secret words;

These are the mystical words which imbue the crystal ball with actual power.
They refer to the magical spirits and celestial ministers which actually help
the Wizard see things that are not normally apparent. Then the Wizard
should recite the following verses with both hands at the sides of the scrying
ball and visualizing the energy of the Source Divine entering the mystical
apparatus, filling it with divine intention and mystical power:



IV. The Apprentice shall perform this operation for eleven consecutive days.
Should something occur that the process needs to be halted, the Apprentice
could re-initiate it from the beginning after thirty days. On the eleventh day
the Wizard should take the scrying ball to a high place and exactly at noon it
shall raise the scrying ball saying the magical names: ADDAITESNI ?

These should be intoned several times. The Wizard should visualize the
crystal ball being infused by the powerful rays of the Sun.
After this the Wizard should put the scrying ball back in its place and
observe the following rules;

1. Keep the scrying ball on a wooden base and covered by some heavy linen,
the ones employed during the consecration of the scrying ball could very
well be used.
2. Once a week the scrying ball should be cleansed through magical and
physical means. This cleansing could be done with some salt water and soap.
Then rinsed under cool running water for three minutes and then perfumed
with rose water; or any other fragrance of the Wizard’s choosing. An In
nomine Deux Benedicto incantation could be performed over the scrying
ball. This incantation is found on Chapter Nine.
3. Every single time the scrying ball is uncovered the magical words
PAROYSIASTES PTARAPPARPRAS should be intoned. These words
represent the actual process of asking the Divine to render the crystal a
window into the spiritual realms.
4. Once the scrying ball is used the Wizard can put it back in its place neatly
covered. This will prevent the scrying ball from picking up spurious
energies, idle vibrations or psychic impressions lingering in the air. Also by
putting the crystal ball away, the Wizard is actively removing the connection
it had with the crystal ball and not leaving it open. Sometimes, Wizards
experience flash images, echoes, sounds and even voices after having used a
crystal ball and it occurs because they had left the crystal ball uncovered and
right where they were using it.
5. Never use the scrying ball with someone else in the room. This can cause
interferences or faulty visions, due to the energy pattern of the other person
occupying the room.
6. Never use the scrying ball during night time. It can be tainted with
negative energies. Many unknown entities, beings and spiritual forces roam
during the night. They can be dangerous because they might make contact
with the Wizard or project erroneous images making the Wizard see, hear or
think something wrong.
7. Always pray before using this wonderful device. Prayer is a very effective
weapon, shield and armor against the forces of darkness. It lifts up a
powerful barrier that shields the Wizard from harmful effects, entities and
Figure LVI. The Crystal
by John William Waterhouse (1849-1917)

The Smoking Censer

A censer is any recipient used to burn incense. This can either be a small
cauldron, an iron vessel or any other device which can withstand heat and
can be properly manipulated without the Wizard getting hurt or burned. The
Censer is a quite interesting device; it allows the Wizard to understand
information by looking at the smoke produced by the incense or fire. The
type of information a Censer provides to a Wizard is related to spiritual
states, emotions and the mind. Questions dealing with these three concepts
can be asked to the Censer and their answers be observed in the raising
smoke. However, it should be employed in a room with open ventilation. As
a warning, people with respiratory problems should abstain from doing this
experiment due to the amount of smoke generated. The Wizard should
obtain a metal censer, preferably one made out of iron or brass. It should be
placed over a metal surface so that it won’t affect the floor’s surface. Finally,
censers get very hot, they should be handled with care to avoid burns and
accidents and one final word of advice; keep a fire extinguisher near in case
the fire grows out of proportions.

Inside the censer, the Wizard should place a small block of charcoal. Then
the Wizard should have two cubic inches of cedar wood. This cedar wood is
to be placed over the charcoal when it is lit. In order to enchant the censer
The Wizard should inscribe the outer border of the metal censer with the
following letters with black ink; “KAPNOS ORAMA ABAK SHEDEUR

Then the Wizard should have a large vase with water. This water is to be
enchanted and made consecrated. This is done by enchanting upon the water
the In Nomine Deux Benedicto Incantation found in Chapter Nine.

Then, the Wizard should place the censer in the center of a room and lit the
charcoal. After the charcoal is burning the piece of cedar wood should be
placed on top with extreme caution. Once the fire has been started the
Wizard should make a simple prayer asking for clarifications and visions.
Following this the Wizard should ask the Holy Guardian Angel134 to confer
the visions needed in order to act accordingly.

Then, as the smoke in the room begins to accumulate, the Wizard should
focus on the forms of the smoke and the images that it will start to create.
The smoke will create all manner of images, the Wizard should be really
paying attention in this exercise because smoke rolls and twirls really fast.

Also this exercise should be done only for two minutes, after these the
Wizard is advised to finish the experiment. After the two minutes, the
Wizard should be put out the fire or smoke with the consecrated water.
The remains of this experiment, the charcoal and the burned wood, should be
discarded on pure earth. Sometimes Wizards just dig a hole in the backyard
and dispose of the remains in there, but this is not recommended, for the
energies associated with the experiment could linger in that area for some
time and become troublesome echoes of the operation, in other words they
could manifest in future scrying exercises. What is recommended is to
discard this residues in the countryside, somewhere it will biodegrade
naturally. The water could be drained in a sink.
134 The Holy Guardian Angel is an entity which keeps the individual and helps with the spiritual
development. Most of the time, the Wizard is asked to seek the guidance of this celestial being, for
Guardian Angels are in charge of helping us with our magical development.

The Water Vase

This is a device much simpler than a scrying ball; the water vase is to be
used when a crystal ball is not present and the Wizard needs to find
information quickly. This device can be prepared with almost everything
found in a general household. At this moment it should be explained that
even though this device is simple, it is far from being meek. The water vase
has been used since almost the beginning of time by early magic using
tribesmen, medicine men and wizards of ancient times. The reason why a
Wizard uses a water vase is to obtain information relevant to the elemental
planes, uncover truths and to discover lies and treachery. In order to create a
water vase the Wizard should use a flat base vessel of any material, however
wood is preferable because of its affinity to water; in this sense wood carries
water in its interior when it is part of a tree. This allows for a certain
connection that other materials will never achieve with water. The vessel
should be at least six inches across and a minimum of two inches tall. Once
found, the Wizard should follow these steps;

1. The recipient should be filled with water to a height of at least an inch.

Then the Wizard should perform the In Nomine Deux Benedicto and the
Magicartifex Ubertas Incantations found on Chapter Nine over the vessel
and the water.

2. Eight drops of Rose essential oil should be poured in the center of the
water and the vase. At this moment the water vase should be blessed with a
simple prayer asking for guidance and illumination.

3. The Wizard should place a lighted taper candle in front of the water vase.
This candle should be white, in relation to the color of the Moon and its
properties for clairvoyance, and the Wizard must ask to receive this
precognitive power in a short prayer. Then the candle shall be blessed as
well with the sign of the cross and saying the Names: JEHOVA

4. Then over the entire device the Wizard should extend his/her hand and
recite the following ancient magical words employed to establish a
metaphysical channel between the Wizard and the Luminous Angels of
Foresight and Guidance. As this is done the Wizard must feel as this power
and connection suffuses and bathes his/her body with magical power:



5. After this, the Wizard should place a hand over the recipient filled with
water and visualize the energy of the Lord Almighty imbuing the water with
precognitive qualities. Then the Wizard shall say the magical words which
will call upon the wisdom and understanding to comprehend the messages
that will undoubtedly appear inside the water vase;



6. Once this formula has been employed, the Wizard will drop eight more
drops of the essential oil and should try to observe into the recipient and see
what information comes up. As with all magical devices, the Wizard should
be patient and careful and must not employ them in the presence of other
7. After the exercise is over, the Wizard should put the water away in the
sink. The vase employed for this scrying activity should be cleansed
thoroughly. After this has been done, it should be dried off and be put away
in a secure place, preferably with the other magical devices of the Wizard.
The candle should be discarded with every use, using a new one every single
The Geometric Forms

The natural world is riddled with geometric forms of all sizes and shapes,
they appear in nature as a testament to the great mysterious power of the
Divine and man has also incorporated them in their built objects and
constructions. These forms, albeit simple and plain, hold in themselves
ancient power, untold mysteries and are representations of the many
different laws of the physical and magical world. In this way, we can see
how many of these forms are integrated in a very natural way in the physical
world. The circular patterns of waves in the water, the shape of fruits and
planets, the five pointed sides of a flower, curves and spirals in a shell, the
pyramidal formation of minerals and even the geometric fractals135 that
appear in rivers and clouds. Since ancient times, Wizards from all over the
world recognized these hidden mysteries in each of the geometric forms and
began to study them with earnestness and honest fervor. Their efforts
culminated in the understanding of these mystical objects and led them to
surround themselves with such glorious forms. In this sense, the ancients
realized that these geometric forms manifest certain powers and activities.
These are released abundantly when the power of these forms is properly
harnessed by a community of Wizards136 . In this sense, the ancient ones
built breathtaking temples with perfect symmetries which incorporated the
astrological signs, stars and planets into the constructions themselves,
powering these geometric structures with magical energies and strengths.
The ancients also constructed mighty pyramids, completed awesome stone
circles and even erected colossal towers and monoliths, as a testament to
their knowledge and spirituality. Later on, the great architects of the Middle
Ages, knowing full well the implications of form and how a form influences
the environment, constructed amazing edifications for the people. In their
constructions they incorporated this ancient magical lore and they adorned
these magnificent constructions with many pictorial secrets, ancient
mysteries taking many forms, among these flowers, stars and angular shapes.
And so it was that they built these beautiful temples, churches and cathedrals
with the sole intent of manifesting forth the energy of these divine shapes.
They gave space a specific form in order to empower it with its particular
magical energy and influence those who come in contact with it. It becomes
evident that to know the properties of these geometric forms it’s amply
necessary. As it was said before, these forms possess inherent magical
qualities, planetary associations and universal correspondences. By having
these forms around, the Wizard and everyone else are imbued with these
energies, actually imparting their divine influx into every single thing. In
Magic, these forms are understood by the study of every number and every
degree, since these represent various aspects of the universe, its creation, its
laws and its innermost truths. These mysteries correlate with the laws of the
First Divine and down to the manifestation of the Philosophical Sphere. The
Apprentice does well in learning about these geometrical forms for they are
as abundant in the magical world as they are in the physical one. To know
their respective qualities can mean the difference between inhabiting a place
under good auspices from the universal laws or not. In the magical world the
Wizard will be confronted with a host of geometric objects like stones,
metals and quartz shaped in all forms and sizes. To know what these forms
given to these substances mean and the symbology they represent is truly
important. Many operations will require supplementary items like metals,
gemstones and quartz and to be able to know the difference between a
geometric shape and another is quite advantageous; for by knowing the
representation of a form, the Wizard knows if that form is suited or not for
that particular incantation. Not only that, many objects with geometric
shapes might seem suitable and even compelling to use; however, their
geometric shapes alone can prove to be a hindrance to the entire incantation
process, if the relationship between geometric shapes and magical
incantation is not known. Thus, the Apprentice must understand that it
becomes more a necessity than a luxury to know about these geometric
forms and their qualities and virtues. Regarding these knowledge, the
Apprentice should understand that all we know in High Magic about
Geometry comes from the teachings of Sacred Geometry137 . Sacred
Geometry is no easy science to describe or even define. However, we can
surely say that it is the science behind the building of cathedrals, churches,
shrines, religious temples and even altars and places of prayer and worship.
Sacred Geometry is amply seen in other forms of art as well. In these cases,
it can be seen in paintings, drawings and sculptures; particularly during the
Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Sacred Geometry derives from the notion
of numbers, degrees, geometric proportions, numeric constants and ratios
which are important because they hold in their numbers the mystic form in
which the Universe was created. In their mathematical notions, these
proportions and numbers, recreate the very physical forms objects take and
assume when they appear in the world of manifestation. At this moment, the
Apprentice will not be given the entire complexity of Sacred Geometry
teachings, rather a simple list of numbers, geometric forms and their
correspondences in the World of Magic; particularly their correspondence to
planets, divinities and philosophical truths so that the Apprentice acquires a
notion about how these are related with magical operations. Numbers are
quite important because they are the origin of geometry and shapes; there is
nothing to learn from a five pointed star or a pentagon if one doesn’t know
the basics of Number Five for example. Relating to geometric shapes, as it
was said previously, these are imbued with great metaphysical and magical
considerations, so they are also quite important to know and learn. For
further knowledge of Sacred Geometry the Apprentice is advised to review
books on the subject and research as much as he/she can with a clear mind
and mindful of deceiving information.
135 Fractals are geometric patterns composed of smaller objects with the same form as the larger
object they compose.
136 These powers are in charge of imbuing the surrounding areas with prosperity, fertility and life.
Many other activities are also harbored by these geometric forms, like spiritual growth and
enlightenment, but these are achieved through the proper harnessing of particular energies that flow
forth from such forms. However, a Wizard must have acquired ample experience before attempting to
harness the powers of these divine forms.
137 A great reference for Sacred Geometry and magical correspondences is Fulcanelli’s book on the
construction of Cathedrals, The Mysteries of Cathedrals.
Figure LXVII. KEPLER'S UNIVERSE, 1596 An elegant impression of
how the geometric patterns are all Intertwined in our physical universe.

The Numbers

There is definitely a magical relation between numbers and Magic. Often

people speak about lucky numbers, a particular amount of knocks upon
wood, a magical amount of ingredients for a spell and even an amount of
people present to be able to cast a spell. All these relate to the wonderful
magic that these abstract constructs, the numbers, impart and bestow upon
creation and manifestation. However, numbers are not like crystal balls,
scrying vases or smoke on a censer, they are not physical. Nonetheless the
very fact that they exist through the presence of things accounts for their
importance and relevance in a particular magical operation. For example, the
number five can’t be seen, found or even pinpointed, not even by the
mightiest scholar. A person could look for it for thousands and thousands of
years and will never get even close to find it. Five exists, as all numbers do,
as a reflection of our understanding of space and matter. It is a concept
apprehended by the mind and then related to the senses.

A person, however, might be able to count five things as an amount, but

these are not Five; rather an expression of its wonder and, as such, it reacts
with the universe as Five would react because these objects had been infused
with the quality of Five. The ancient ones understood this, and knew that
each number had a particular quality, affinity and correspondence with the
Natural and Supernatural Worlds. They knew these magical virtues were
impregnated upon objects in the physical world and thus these objects could
be used according to the qualities of each particular number. The ancient
Kabbalists knew this as well and that is the reason why their alphabet letters
are assigned with numerical values. The ancient ones also knew that
numbers are so abstract and perfect that they exist before deities were even
born, for numbers define deities and provide them with their mystical
attributes and principles. In the past, numbers were so important that entire
magical operations were only undertaken under certain particular days of the
month, with a precise number of people and performed only a specific
number of times. In Magic, numbers have two great important aspects to
understand. One is that since numbers are tied to amounts there will be times
when the knowledge of how many items should be used in a given operation
will become crucial. For example, how many quartz crystals or gemstones
should be placed in the altar to represent healing, illumination or protection?
Or how many times an Enchantment or Incantation should be repeated for it
to manifest? Or why make three signs of the cross and not five or even ten?
To know these is fundamental for it gives the Apprentice and Wizard a solid
base on which to walk on. The second important aspect to know about
numbers is that they can be employed by the Apprentice in order to create
simple grids and magical circuits. These are created by placing a particular
amount of similar objects in a specific geometric shape.
Usually, these adopt the shapes of circles, but often times the Wizard can
recreate the shapes of triangles, squares, pentagrams, hexagrams and even
more complex shapes with the given experience.

Any grid will be composed of any number of objects. The amount of objects
in the grid will represent that particular number. In this case, the number by
association and correspondences, will imbue the grid with its own power and
attributes. By being imbued in such a way, the grid will be able to broadcast
these emanations into the physical and magical world of the Apprentice and
Wizard. These grids can be employed for any number of projects. They can
be used for protection, energy, defense, learning, spirituality, etc. These grids
are usually placed upon the Wizard’s altar or meditation room. They are
easily powered by a Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation, found on Chapter
Nine and the Exorcism of the Forms, found at the end of this entry. Let’s
take a look at the numbers and see what they have to tell us.

Number One

It refers to the Unity of God, the Oneness with the universe and the superior
existence prior to anything else. It’s the Monogram of God, in other words, it
is the symbol of the divine, for it represents that One is single and self-
supporting, unlike the rest of creation. This number is the archetypal
representation of God as in its form and concept we can find the fact of
being One and Only. It is a point which in essence is an infinitely enormous
and dimensionless sphere. In this number we find the potential energies
charged up and ready to create and manifest the entire universe. Used in
magical operations it calls for the use of singular names of power and
singular magical words as these are supposed to emulate the Oneness of the
One. From the number One stems every other number and combinations.
Through its existence the rest of the numerical universe is differentiated, so
every number comes after One and there is no other with greater power. It is
magical in itself for it signifies the presence of the Ultimate Divine. In this
sense, it conveys to magical practices the qualities of individuality and
singularity of the Self. In every magical operation, the number One is
quickly portrayed and embodied by the Apprentice and Wizard as a suitable
manifestation of the divine in the world of nature. One also represents the
magnitude of space, not matter or thoughts or light, but the actual space in
which things are laid upon. For this reason, paradoxically, the number One is
very little known and most of its concepts are shrouded in the deepest
mysteries138 . It is usually employed to work with energies akin to Uranus
since this planet is related to creation, the ordering of the universe,
inventiveness, ingenuity and being the First. Uranus is also associated with
the generation of amazing powers and is attributed with the ability to harness
and control such powers. As such, the Apprentice can use these definitions
of One in magical works to structure, provide order and represent the
Oneness through himself or herself.

Number Two

When the number One reflects upon itself knowing it is completely and
absolutely infinite it automatically doubles and thus the number Two is born
in the form of two lines. While the number One represents space, the number
Two represents Time. When these lines are united by the center a Cross is
formed. This Cross is the emblem of Tau139 , the last of the Hebrew letters
and akin to the Greek Omega. In this sense the number Two, being Time,
also speaks about the end of things as they are sunken inside the dimension
of time. What this means is that in the dimension of space alone things are
immortal, unchanging and immutable, but when they are introduced into the
dimension of time they become changing, perishable and ephemeral.
Following these concepts is not difficult to understand that the number Two
is greatly associated with the planet Saturn, ruler of time, death, wisdom,
conclusions and mastery over our weaknesses by testing us. The number
Two also refers to duality, polarity and things similar and at the same time
different. It is a segment created by the interaction of two points. It is usually
employed to work with forces in equilibrium, dual energies and those
concepts more related to limits and opportunity. Also the number Two is the
creator and originator of things, so it bestows a certain quality of creation
upon the objects it infuses. It gives things a divine spark which compels
them to move and interact with the world, slowly eroding and wearing away
until they finally perish. In magical operations the number Two can be
incorporated by employing two objects of the same thing whenever the
Wizard wants to work with equilibrating a situation, ending a problem with
someone, facing odds, finishing stressing situations and to receive ancestral
wisdom; especially if the objects are related to Saturn.
138 One of these mysteries is the fact that One is the beginning and through the number Two we can
see the end. So by the union of one and two (1,2) we can actually see the diagram of the universe and
it starts with the numerical tension of 12-21=33. Nothing more can be said about this.
139 Tau represents A Sign or Emblem; it is also represented by a cross. It has a numerical value of 400
and according to the commentaries of Rabbi Mar Ben Ariah in the Bahir it is the result of a magical
formula composed between Chet and Two Yods, thus relinquishing the value of 28, which is exactly
two spaces from number 26 which is the Divine and Secret Name of God IHVH (Jehova)

In magical applications the number Two has a wider range of uses than the
number One. For example, using the grid system the Apprentice and Wizard
can employ two objects and place them one in front of the other. This is
known as a Radial Tension. Radial Tensions can be employed to work with
situations in which there are oppositions, resistances, disapprovals, poor
communication, conflicts and even situations in which a person or concept is
not making contact with the Apprentice or the Wizard. Radial Tensions
should be placed in an Altar or somewhere where the Wizard sees the
objects regularly. This will amplify the activity of the Radial Tension
exponentially, as the Wizard concentrates upon the desired effect every
single time it sees the device. Once in the Altar or special place, the Wizard
casts the incantation most appropriate for the situation. After this, that
incantation should be repeated twice every two hours until the operation
comes to manifest.

Another interesting application of the number Two is that it is the one used
to acquire wisdom and Intelligence, something really important for every
Wizard. The exercise is quite simple. The Wizard places a candle in front of
him/her and sits comfortable by this candle. The candle should be inscribed
with the powerful names BERACHOTH CHOCHMAH 140 . Then the
Wizard visualizes as the candle and flame are the divine aspects of wisdom
and he/she is the divine vessel of this wisdom. With simple breaths, the
Wizard should draw in this energy and concepts seeing in the mind’s eye as
this breath of wisdom fills the mind and intellect. This exercise should be
done for at least five minutes daily.

Number Three

About number Three we must say that it principally refers to The Trinity.
However, the concept of the divine trinity is older than those imparted by the
Christhian tenets. It is a representation of the origin of the Universe and the
first being to exist within it. This first being was composed of three primary
substances, Animation, Dynamism and Mind. In this sense, the number
Three is a manifestation of these three substances in the universe. The
Kabbalah says about number Three that it is the channel for all the waters of
the universe. It explains that is a fiery and spiritual water; charging up the
creatures of the universe with divine intent and it keeps them filled with its
awesome magnificence. In this sense, the number Three can be employed to
provide animation and movement to stagnant things, as well as for spiritual
pursuits and magical endeavors related to calling into being a much
necessary thing or event that so far hasn’t been manifested in the life of the
Wizard. Moreover, the number Three is a representation of the birth of a new
form from the intervention of two previous ones. It is the blessed action of
synthesis. In these regards, the number Three will allow the Wizard to join
two things and by this union create another; entirely independent from the
previous two. It is also the first plane by the interaction of three points. As
such it represents the cooperation of various parties in order to manifest
something greater out from the three parties and only sustained by the three
parties alone. Being the first plane, it creates a triangle. Of the triangle many
things can be said, for it is a very complex structure. However for the
moment it will suffice to say that it is a representation of the elements
combined, the divine energy encased in a physical form and the Lesser
Light. 141 It is also a symbol for the sacred fire of transmutation. In this way
it represents the power to change things and the ability to push reality to the
sides to bring about the intended will of the Wizard. In Magic, the number
Three is represented by the planet Neptune. Neptune is far from being fiery
and spiritual. However, its very own secretive and initiatic nature hides its
inner representations. Neptune is the ruler of the unconscious world, of the
unconscious mind and the realm of dreams and fantasies. It is also the ruler
of natural abundance, the extremes and experiences. At this moment we can
only say that Neptune is another master and teacher like Saturn. They prove
us against our weaknesses, in this case our fantasies, illusions and deluded
thoughts. And it is sometimes these fantasies, illusions and deluded thoughts
that prevent us from achieving new manifestations in the world and inhibit
us from transmuting our surrounding.
140 Berachoth Chochmah is the divine name of Creative Wisdom, Intelligence and the ability to create
worlds of knowledge.
141 The Lesser Light is the term attributed to the natural fires of the alchemists, the fire from the stars,
the fire from the sun and the combination of mind, will and devotion found in mankind.

In magical work, the number Three can be employed for a wide range of
things. A Wizard can carry three stones to represent the presence of the
divine and as such be protected. The protection stems from the universal fact
that the three stones represent the Ultimate Divine, Magic and Activity.
These cosmogonical qualities are enough to stop the forces of evil and chaos
in their tracks. One can also create a grid of three objects which represent
archetypes present in the Wizard’s life. For example one object can represent
one’s boss and in this case it will be the Father, the other archetype Fortune
and the other the Magus. This will manifest riches untold if properly worked
and visualized. Also the number Three can be employed to provide
animation to things which are not starting as good as they should. To imbue
the object or situation with this animation the Wizard invokes the power of
Three by drawing a Triangle over the desired object or traces the Triangle in
the air if it is a concept or notion.

The Number Four

This particular number holds a great deal of power. First, it is the number of
creation and the divine Tetractys142 . We see this as we add the numbers
1+2+3+4 getting the number Ten, which is the basis of our universe; so in
essence the number Four is the representation of the cosmologic powers with
which the universe is combined through the sephiroth and the Tree of Life. It
is also the number for the Four Worlds of the Kabbalah. These worlds,
Atziluth or the Potential, Beriah or the Created Idea, Yetzirah or the
Formation of Structures and Assaiah or the Manifestation of Physicality
bring the Holy Attributes which correspond to the Tree of Life and as such
garner the power necessary to differentiate an entity, create it, give it form
and manifest it; as such the number Four is infused with this creative pattern
and will infuse everything with a vibration which coagulates things before
they are finally manifested. Also, the number Four is related to the Four-
Letter Name of God Tetragrammaton, (IHVH). In this regard, the number
Four is also a focus for the divine aspects of God, His awesome powers and
his divine Glory and Majesty. In another aspect, the number Four is
associated to the Four Philosophical Elements; Water, Earth, Air and Fire.
Through their combination Water-Earth and Air-Fire the Land and the
Firmaments are formed as the seas and the land take form and the clouds and
stars are fixed to the cosmos. All these arguments impart upon the number
Four the characteristics of being one of the fundamentals axis of creation,
since most is conceived through this number. In this sense the number Four
is cosmological in that it creates and forms the universe, it is also divine as it
holds the name of the Creator and is natural for it holds the four elementary
charges in its essence. This provides this number with an awesome quality
and it is that through Four the universe is balanced and the four pointed star
or cross appears for the first time. This four pointed star or cross is a symbol
of great power that many creatures fear, other creatures and beings
acknowledge it for the great power that it holds and many more use it in
order to bring balance in the universe. In magic, this cross or four pointed
star is employed almost at a daily basis as it radiates cosmological, divine
and natural energies upon the surrounding. With it, the Wizard charges up
the environment with the forces of the celestials, the forces of the divine and
the forces of equilibrium. In this way it expels the fallen, evil and wicked
forces that are against creation. In a more geometric context, the number
Four is the first plane of formation and as such it holds the power to bring
about existence and presence for those things in the material universe. Its
four points give direction and order; allowing for the manifestation of
regions and the definition of space. In this sense, space acquires qualities and
is no longer an idle place; but a space with longitudes and extremities. The
number Four also holds the division of the Four Primary Entities. Through
its cosmological qualities it gives way to Divine, Celestial, Intellectual and
Elemental beings. In this regards, the number Four paves the way for the
presence and existence of divine beings as well as celestial entities. Also it
allows for the existence of Planetary Intelligences, of which humanity is part
of, and the Elemental Beings. Regarding entities, the number Four is also
associated with the Tetramorph, defined in page 125.
142 The Divine Tetractys is an ancient figure which represents the activity of creation through the
summation of the One, the Two, the Three and the Four. It was revered as the individualization of the
the Cosmos, the Projection of the Divine, the Heirarchies of Divine Beings and the Fourfold
Manifestation of the World.

In Magic the number Four is associated with the planet Jupiter. This one, is a
planet of Joy, Happiness, Abundance and Prosperity, and its associated metal
is Tin. It is also associated with governing the spirits and ruling the various
realms and dimensions. A Wizard can employ the Number Four by tracing
the Divine Four Point Star or Cross to rebuke the forces of evil or to
manifest divinity in a space, placing divine holiness and the power of
blessings. Also, a fourfold grid can be built by placing four objects in a star
or cross configuration. The four objects used in this pattern can be stones,
quartz, metals and even figurines representing the aspects of Jupiter. In this
sense, the grid can be empowered by the Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation
found in Chapter Nine. Inside this grid the Wizard can place wishes for
prosperity, happiness and joy. Also the Wizard can use this grid as a
protective field, rebuking the forces of evil and keeping malicious entities at
bay. This can be done by placing four blue stones and enchanting them with
one of the Patronus Incantations on Chapter Nine.

The Number Five

The number Five is attributed with a host of correspondences and

correlations. For example, in the Kabbalah the number Five is the number
for Vigor, Severity, Strength, Righteousness, Justice, War and even Fear. It is
a very powerful number associated with order and law. It is also the number
of the warriors of heavens, the celestials known as Hosts. In magical lore it
is usually attributed to the planet Mars, which corresponds in turn to the
deity of the same name; who is the God of War, Sickness and Health. In this
sense the planetary attributes of the number Five are quite similar to those of
its Kabbalistic counterparts. However, it is also associated with the Five
Pointed Star. This Star, is also associated with Venus. It is associated with
Venus because according to the ancient astrologers of Persia the planet
traced upon the heavens a five pointed star-path as it moved through the
celestial vault. However, the extraordinary part is that Venus wasn’t always a
deity of Love, Enchantment and the Arts. Venus, or better known as Ishtar,
was a powerful goddess of war and love, strife and plenty, culture and
desolation. These qualities are also similar to the attributes of the number
Five so far presented. However, what do these qualities mean? Is number
Five a number of destruction and death? When one looks at number Five
through the eyes of reason one can only say that this number is a power for
transformation, drastic changes, new opportunities, quick movements,
dynamism, challenges, opposition, conquest, war and death. In this case,
Five holds a great mystery and lesson to the seeker of truth. So far we have
seen how the previous numbers are agents of creation in one way or the
other. However, these previous numbers created things, new things, to be put
upon the world. That’s the dilemma of Number Five, its task is to either
accept the new concepts created by previous numbers or stick with the old.
In ancient alchemical texts such as the Lumen di Lumine143 the number Five
takes upon a greater role. In this book, Number Five is envisioned as the
great architect which choses the good pieces from the bad and cuts the
inadequate from the good. To do this, one must develop discipline, a
straightforward nature and be quite strong and diligent. Most of the time,
humanity enters into a wrongful path knowing full well that the path leads to
nothing good, but they lack the will to stop or to leave or separate from those
who are leading them astray. To develop this will, one must wage war
against fear, desperation and feelings of loneliness. One must destroy and
defeat the forces of ignorance and foolishness in order to gain a righteous
attitude. And finally, one must destroy forever the fell forces of
thoughtlessness; which enslave mankind and makes it fall again and again
into the pits of chaos, error, and evil. This is the true meaning of the number
Five, to act with valor, courage and bravery. It represents to be in control of
your own life. When this is done, the last mystery of the number Five
appears. This one we can see plainly in the Tarot. The fifth card of the
Greater Arcana is the Hierophant. This card will be studied later on for its
magical applications, but for the moment we shall only say that it is the
keeper of the secrets of transformation. In this regard, once the Apprentice
learns to control his or her life, the secrets of how to transform his or her
environment will flourish unhindered and unbound, one will enter a realm of
pure unbound manifestation. To employ the rigor of Five the Apprentice and
Wizard can trace the famous Elemental Pentagram. This Pentagram has been
traced in a series of ways in the past, it has also been given a wide range of
meanings and definitions. For our magical application the Apprentice needs
to know that the Pentagram is a shield of great power which calls upon the
forces of nature and heaven. The top point represents the Divine and
Celestial. The East Point represents Air. The Right Lower Point represents
Water, while the Left Lower Point represents Fire and finally, the West Point
represents Earth. In the center we can find a vortex where all of these
energies collide and are ready to be employed by the will of the Wizard. This
symbol should be traced before and after every magical operation involving
the elementary forces. As a precautionary measure, it should be traced
always before the casting of any of the invocations found in Chapter Nine.
To trace the Pentagram, the Apprentice and Wizard will perform the
following steps:

1. Concentrate on the four elemental energies, first visualizing Water, then

Earth, next Air and finally Fire. The Apprentice should see as these forces
mix together creating a luminous sphere. Then the Apprentice will visualize
as the Divine Energies of God combine with his/her luminous sphere. This
will result in a stronger brilliance and sense of power.

2. Then, the Apprentice and Wizard, having consecrated the wand with the
Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation found in Chapter Nine, raises his or her
wand and starts to trace the pentagram on the Right Lower Point with Water.
The Apprentice should fill as his or her body is filled with the pressure of
rushing waters. Then it traces a line to the West Point where Earth is found.
As it reached Earth, the Wizard and Apprentice should fill the connection
with Earth, the ground below and its firmness. Then another line should be
traced to the East Point where Air is located. As the Wizard and Apprentice
leave Earth, should observe the rushing gales of air all around and about.
Then the line towards the Left Lower Point is traced feeling the intensity of
the purifying fires. Finally, infused with all of the elements, the Wizard and
Apprentice trace the line towards the North Point where the divine is found.
As it reached the Divine aspects it should be visualized as a powerful fire,
energy and brilliance envelops everything.
143 Lumen de Lumine written by Thomas Vaughan; Master Alchemist, Philosopher and Magus.

3. At this North Point the Wizard and Apprentice should say the following

4. After this is done the Wizard and Apprentice concentrate on the job at
hand and repeat the operation once the job is finished.

Another operation the Wizard and Apprentice can perform is to create a grid
of five stones, objects or images. This grid can be employed to actually call
upon needed change, to convoke strength and even to receive protection
from unwanted troubles.

All the Apprentice and Wizard need to do is to enchant the grid with the
Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation found on Chapter Nine and the Exorcism
of the Forms. Then a written petition can be placed in the grid convoking the
power of Five and observe it daily until the needed operation comes to
fruition. However, the Wizard and Apprentice need to know that many other
incantations can be placed in such grid to further the goal of the wish of the

Another interesting application of the power of the number Five is to place

five stones in a straight line. An incantation can be placed individually in
each stone by casting the Magicartifex Ubertas and the Exornita Potens
Lapidus, found on Chapter Nine. Once the five stones had been enchanted,
the Wizard should place them in any place still conserving its straight line
formation, this is called a Munio Catena or a Chained Wall. It was used
primarily to cast protective invocations, defensive spells and incantations.
However, on our days, it can be used to give energy and vigor to a person,
project or situation.

The Number Six

The number Six is another mysterious key in the development of numbers. It

represents the power of the union of opposites. In this regard it speaks of
how the Three Higher Cosmogonic Concepts of the First Divine, Magic and
Definite Act come together with the Three Lesser Cosmological Concepts of
the First Crown, the Tree of Life and the World of Manifestation. As these
forces conjoin, they form a sacred form known as the Star of David or the
Shield of Solomon. This shield is blessed beyond comparison for it bestows
protection, power, life and wisdom. In this sense, it represents the lesser
sephiroth which surround Tiphareth, the Sephira of Consciousness, Beauty
and Truth and is also the sixth in the arrangement of the Tree of Life. These
Sephiroth: Chesed, Geburah, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth form a
blessed manifestation of Mercy, Strength, Victory, Glory, Firmness and
Kingship over the natural world. This manifestation associated with the
number Six bestow upon the Wizard and Apprentice the Holy Light that will
forever keep them safe and in the right path. Also, the number Six is charged
up with the power of brilliance, illumination, holiness and sacredness as it is
associated with the power of the Sun. As a power of the Sun, the number Six
represents clarity, the ability to see through deceptions and the power to
rebuke evil by the emanation of the burning lights of the most powerful Sun.
The number Six is also associated with communion, prayer, truth and
spirituality. As a focus of communion, it allows the Wizard to be able to
contact the divine beings of the universe and be able to communicate with
them, receive their favor and be kept by them. Also, as a focus of prayer, it
allows the Wizard to be in constant union with the heavenly archangels and
angels that will forever surround the Wizard and Apprentice as his or her
vibration raise from the levels of the mundane. Closely associated with the
previous correspondences, number Six has the ability of uniting the Wizard
and Apprentice with the luminous forces of heaven.

The number Six also represents the directions of the Universe and as such it
is associated with space, but a more subtle space. It refers to the space of the
Spirit in which the Wizard and Apprentice are capable of growing to
seemingly unlimited levels, if they truly follow the ways of Light, Order and
Goodness. Moreover, this space is not just physical space, but the actual
place where space is ground upon! According to the ancient Kabbalists, the
universe was formed in the shape of a cube, and a cube has six faces.
According to their beliefs, this cube is the manifold from which creation
springs. Finally, the number Six is the point of convergence between the
celestial and the worldly. This allows those using this correspondence to
enter into a state of consciousness which is unparalleled to any other. It is the
state of consciousness brought up by the Superior Forces of Heaven and the
Superior Forces of the Manifestation. This bestows upon those seeking this
state the ability to be connected with the ebbs of the universe and be able to
feel disturbances in the magical realm, to perceive the imperceptible and to
be able to read the symbols and signs of the heavens and the earth. To
engage in such a quest for this level of consciousness, the Wizard and
Apprentice only need to see themselves surrounded by the six pointed Star
of David and this star surrounded by a golden circle of light. This must be
done several times a day, at least three times and the visualization held for at
least six minutes.

Another way to harness the power of the number Six is to create a grid of six
stones, objects or images, placed in the form of a six pointed star. Inside this
grid the Wizard and Apprentice can work operations related to clarity,
dispelling lies and deception and even seek the communication with the
Holy Angels. All the Wizard needs to do is to enchant the grid with the
Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation found on Chapter Nine and cast the
appropriate incantation upon the grid. Also, if an incantation is not found,
the Wizard can place a strip of paper with the written intention.

The Number Seven

This number is widely considered to be a master number. It figures

prominently in almost everything related to the spiritual. There are seven
days of the week, seven major planets, seven colors of the rainbow, seven
major rays of wisdom, seven lesser Sephiroth, seven alchemical metals,
seven major archangels, seven holy virtues, seven candles of the menorah,
seven holy seals and the seven days of creation. This significance and
presence of the number Seven is due primarily to the fact of one Holy Name;
the name Sabbath Shalom. This holy name comprises the graces of heaven,
the sanctity of the world to come, the richness, glory and power present in
the Soul of Souls which is the Holy Spirit and the unbound, omnipresent and
all-encompassing power of the First Divine. This Holy Name, Sabbath
Shalom, corresponds to the greatness of Order, Discipline and the Creative
Magnificence of God. In this sense, the number Seven is associated with
power, triumph and the attainment of something good. It is the acquisition of
treasures and the knowledge that good things will come our way. It is a
number of Faith and Hope, for without them the strength needed to endure
the harshness of the physical world would eventually waste away. Seven is
the number of conquest, victory and success. It is the number that speaks of
how the turmoil of the everyday life are overcome and how they are rebuked
and eliminated by the firm power of light and glory. It is also the number of
the Sword of Heaven, that flaming weapon which cuts in pieces the wicked,
the unjust, the unfair and the evil. This sword escorts the good ones into
heaven and leads them through the gates of paradise so that they can enjoy
the graces of the word to come, while it stops the wicked and prevents them
from entering into this gracious heavenly state. What this means is that the
number Seven is a powerful and mystical number which raises, not only the
consciousness of the Wizard and Apprentice, but also raises its level of
awareness and perception. By so doing the Wizard and Apprentice will
immediately participate from the goodness which abounds in this world and
is not readily observed, perceived nor experienced by the vast majority of
people. The number Seven also represents the knowledge of the Divine Plan,
or at least be aware of such a Plan. By being aware, the Wizard and
Apprentice will measure their engagements and ponder deeply upon each
and every action, thought and incantation. The number Seven also stands for
the powers of planet Venus. Venus is a very interesting planet in that it is
associated with wildlife, the wilderness, nature, love, fertility, growth,
victory and the termination of war and the enjoyment of peace and
prosperity. In this sense, these planetary correspondences of the number
Seven are somewhat associated with the previous ones presented. Finally,
the number Seven depicts the wonderful Seven Pointed Star, which alludes
completely to the planetary forces, for there are seven major planets and
through the use of this Seven Pointed Star the Wizard can render them under
his or her will. There are two processes to actually achieve this, one is quite
complicated and falls away from the scope of this introductory book, but the
other one is more appropriate for the Apprentice. The process is as follows;

1. The Apprentice should enchant the wand by employing the Magicartifex

Ubertas Incantation found in Chapter Nine. Then faces North and rising the
wand the Apprentice says; “JEHOVA SEPTENTRIONALIS

2. Then the Apprentice turns to the East and rising the wand says;
3. Turning to the South the Apprentice says; “ELOHIM AUSTRALIS
4. Finally, as the Apprentice faces West rising the wand and says; “EHIEH

5. Now that the Elementary Circle has been convoked the Apprentice says
the following returning to the North;

6. At this moment the Apprentice is ready to summon the Seven Pointed Star
and receive its favor and light.

Another way to employ the magical attributes of Seven is to create a grid.

This one, enchanted as the previous grid, can be used to harness the powers
of peace, call upon a prosperous life and to receive the grace of the good
things. Also, this grid can be employed to achieve better understanding of
the Divine Plan and the attainment of riches and be triumphant over
impossible odds. Finally, the Wizard can trace in the air the symbol of a
sword, visualizing a magical sword engulfed in golden flames. This sword
will protect the Wizard from all those who seek his or her misfortune and
will forever keep his/her path a safe one.

The Number Eight

This number is amply magical; it represents harmony, eternity and Magic

Itself. The number Eight is infused with so much magical elements that to
attempt to summarize them in a couple of pages is a daring act indeed.
However, we shall try to explain its magical complexity as simple as
possible. As the Apprentice and Wizard should have noticed by now, many
of the structures presented in this introductory book correspond to the
number eight or multiples of this number, such as the number Thirty Two. In
this way we see the distribution of the Archetypes, the Primary Forces with
the Four Celestial Elements, the Esophoros and many more. This is due
principally to the fact of the creation of the Philosophical Sphere. As it was
stated earlier, the Tree of Life configuration ,as it bends over itself it creates
the First Ring. As this ring is created out of the ten Sephiroth, only eight
remain; since Kether and Malkuth are combined and converted into the outer
layer-surface of the sphere. In this sense, the interior magical universe of the
Apprentice and Wizard becomes an eight-fold reality144 . In this sense the
number Eight is associated with Magic, Power, Magical Presence, Magical
Existence, Supremacy and Unlimited Magical Rule. However, to actually
achieve this is a life-long quest; as the Wizard transforms himself/herself,
little by little into a higher being; defined by Order, Light, Goodness, Law
and Wisdom. Also, the number Eight is associated with a symbol quite
known to the general public; it is the mathematical symbol for eternity. This
symbol represents the unlimited forces of action moving in a continual
cadence and pulse throughout the physical reality. This correspondence gives
way to the power of permanence and eternity. In Magic everything can be
made eternal, the Wizard only needs to know where to place such creation in
the structure of reality. Another correspondence of the number Eight is its
association with perfection, equilibrium and order. As things were created in
the universe, the number Eight sets the equilibrium of things by dividing
space in eight wonderful segments. This, according to the Egyptians, set the
rules for cosmic order and perfection. In Ancient China, it was also thought
that the number Eight represented the wholeness of the Universe and the
totality of Being. In Ancient Greece the number Eight was also sacred and
dedicated to Dionysus, a Greater God of Mysteries, Initiation and Magic. In
this sense, we can see that the number Eight is imbued with great powers
over the universe, the cosmos and all of the realities found throughout
existence. However, there is one more attribute of number Eight which is
supreme to all others. This attribute is the one which speaks of the capacity
of turning from an imperfect thing into an utterly celestial, divine and perfect
being in all matters and respect. This is the ability of Eight to transmute the
imperfect into perfect.

This is why, the Wizard is told to craft in his/her mind the structures of the
Philosophical Sphere; these will imbue the Wizard with such attributes and
will be the beginning of a new Self. Finally, the number Eight is closely
associated with planet Mercury. As such it bears the correspondences of
Magic, Communication, the Magical Voice, Wealth and Dynamic
Movements. These correspondences make the number Eight a formidable
number equipped with great power, power that only the Wizard will be able
to harness since only the Wizard is surrounded with the eight-fold manifold
construction of the Philosophical Sphere. In Magic, the applications of the
number Eight are many. For instance, the Wizard can benefit from the
number Eight by creating a grid with eight objects, stones, quartz or images.
144 Although we shouldn’t enter into a proper discussion of realities, planes, realms, dimensions and
dominions, we should state that the physical reality is a six-fold manifold, whereas the magical reality
purported by the Philosophical Sphere is an eight-fold manifold. This heightened level of experience
is what truly gives power to the Wizard, since things in the physical world are contained inside the
Wizard’s experience. In other words, the six as complex as it is, it is verily contained within the eight’s
matrix. This is why most of the Wizard’s rings and activities are based upon an eight-fold structure.
This directs the Wizard’s consciousness into that heightened level of experience and power.

Properly enchanted, as the other grids had been enchanted, the Wizard can
place an object in the middle representing exactly his desires.
Another form of putting practical use to the powers of the number Eight is to
use the Eight Pointed Star. This Eight Point Star, also known as The
Phoenician Star, has power over the greater divinities and the many
consciousnesses. When the Wizard raises this Eight Pointed Star around
his/her environment the power of these divinities are unfold and the power
of the divine is infused upon the Wizard. it is believed that this star holds the
secrets of creation, the truths of how to create and manifest and the entire
mysteries of the Ancient Tradition. I remember that my mentor always used
to tell me to draw this star upon paper, employing a ruler and a compass.
When this is done, the Apprentice will start to realize the amazing powers,
beauty and truths that exist within this amazing and wonderful star.

To actually create this star the Apprentice needs to do the following;

1. The Wizard stands facing North and says with conviction and power;
2. Now the Wizard rises the wand and traces a cross in front seeing as the
cross in engulfed in flames.
3. Now the Wizard says the words “MEQADOSH MALAKAN
4. Facing North the Wizard says; “ERIGO SUPER RADIUS LUMINUS
5. Facing Northeast the Wizard says; “ERIGO SUPER RADIUS

6. Facing East the Wizard says; “ERIGO SUPER RADIUS LUMINUS

7. Facing Southeast the Wizard says; “ERIGO SUPER RADIUS

8. Facing South the Wizard says; “ERIGO SUPER RADIUS LUMINUS

9. Facing Southwest the Wizard says; “ERIGO SUPER RADIUS
10. Facing West the Wizard says; “ERIGO SUPER RADIUS LUMINUS
11. Facing Northwest the Wizard says; “ERIGO SUPER RADIUS

Once this is done the Wizard can envision as the light of this star shines
upon everything and throughout his/her environment, purifying and bringing
about goodness and light. The Wizard can also envision as this light brings
about illumination, equilibrium, knowledge and wisdom.

The Number Nine

The number Nine is one of the most interesting numbers there is. It
represents the culmination of an evolutionary process and the end of an
illumination cycle. It is the last of the known digits and as such it represents
the achievement of all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe. In this
sense, this number embodies Divine Light, Magical Wisdom and Cosmic
Intelligence145 . In another sense it represents the Trinity three times
manifested. This Trinity refers to the amazing qualities of the First Divine,
the wonderful permanence of Magic and Cosmic Activity of Motion. This
means that these aspects of the divine first appear in the world of
potentiality, where they are yet not differentiated but amply infused in the
divine light of the Creator. Then they appear in the world of thought or
creation; where they become agents of the Higher Thought of God, placing
order to randomness, abolishing darkness and bringing about notion and
sense to the differentiated world. Finally, these aspects of the Trinity appear
in the world of form, where they provide structure and meaning to all the
differentiated things, to the created and the structured. As they do so, the
universe acknowledges its intervention and recognizes them as creative
particles of God; and as such they are directly related to the awesome
powers of Creation and the Creator. This is the way that the three times three
enters the universe, however, it teaches us a lesson. In this example, this
three times three doesn’t reach the world of manifestation and that is because
of one single thing. The Apprentice and Wizard must learn that for those
divine aspects to reach the world of manifestation they need to be ushered
down, channeled, conducted and guided by the Divine Will of the Wizard. In
other words, the Wizard needs to know how to access these forces and how
to bring them down to this world of manifestation; and that is only achieved
through the casting of Magic, the use of the Divine Word and the
Concentration of the Will. In this sense, the number Nine is the Light which
the Wizard harnesses, manipulates, conducts and releases into the world of
manifestation. Many will ask themselves, how is this achieved? It is fairly
simple. The Apprentice and Wizard only need to think and believe. By
thinking about the magical incantation and how is this one capable of
helping and by believing that one has the inherent power within, one will
achieve such a miraculous feat. The only thing we have to do is to let go of
the fears, the hate and the anger and the rest will be done. This number is
also associated with the Moon and in these regards it speaks of the
unconscious mind, fears, fantasies, illusions and misconceptions on one side
and religiousness, spirituality, positive change, realizations and illumination
on the other. As a planetary number, it represents the ability to change,
evolve and generate anew as it progresses through the arid landscape of
reality. Also, the number Nine has the particular correspondence of the
hidden knowledge, the obscure wisdom which is gained as the Apprentice
and Wizard uncover their inner strengths, the divinity within and the sacred,
blessed and most holy aspects of themselves as they progress and evolve
through reality. As this, the number Nine becomes a foundation for the
development of the Higher Self and a platform from which the Apprentice
and the Wizard will both propel themselves towards the highest reaches of
Heaven and the Mental World. In this sense the number Nine is akin to the
Hebrew letter Teth, which represents the serpent. The ancients regarded the
serpent as an entity of knowledge and wisdom. It was an instrument of
healing and growth, it brought people together and it was associated with the
cosmic aspects of divine conception. This can still be seen in the image of
the Caduceus Wand and the Brazen Serpent of the Old Testament; both
instruments which kept the people free from harm, which is destiny, and free
from sickness, which is ignorance.
145 These three refer to the Light that sprouts from God and enshrouds the Apprentice in Blessedness
and Heavenly Radiance. It also refers to the wisdom which comes forth from the knowledge gained in
the study of the Magical Universe and its applications and finally, the Intelligence achieved through
the understanding of the many cosmic laws that conform and create the entirety of the Universe.

Like the number One, number Nine is seldom used in magical operations.
However, its magic can be employed by using candles. In this case the
Apprentice consecrates the candle with the In Nomine Deux Benedicto and
the Magicartifex Ubertas Incantations found in Chapter Nine and then traces
a cross over the candle thinking on how it will help by showing the way into
the light. After this the Apprentice places the candle in a safe place and
lights it. The Apprentice will sit in front of the candle and observe as the
flame moves by itself. Then the Apprentice should imagine as the candle is
being engulfed in a ray of white light, which slowly grows to encompass the
Apprentice too. This should be done for about five minutes; after this the
exercise is over and the Apprentice can put the candle away for the day. This
should be done with all reverence for at least nine days at the same hour,
usually the night hours are better for this exercise.

Another way to use the activities of the number Nine is by using yet another
grid. The Apprentice and Wizard could place nine objects forming a circle
and enchanted like the previous grids were enchanted. After this, the
Apprentice can place an image, or written message which will be placed in
the middle of the nine objects forming a circle. The Apprentice and Wizard
can employ this to bring light into a situation, to augment knowledge and
illumination and to eradicate fears, vices and deceitful ideas from the
environment and oneself. All the Apprentice and Wizard need to do is place
the wish inside the circle and imagine as the wanted or desired effect is
being brought by the sheer power of the Nine.

The Number Ten

The number Ten, is in fact, the return to the vibration of the number One, but
in a higher octave146 . This higher octave is the representation of the Will but
in this new reality it comes accompanied with a whole new ability to rule
reality in a given space. In this sense the number Ten is the ruler and the
projection of a kingdom, the ability to self-govern and the ability to provide
rulership to others. To be able to selfgovern is one thing, however to project
enough willpower so that others feel compelled to obey and follow suit is
another thing entirely. In this sense, the number Ten creates a sphere of
activity in which both ruler and ruled co-exist in perfect harmony. This
relates to an association which is amply present in the Kabbalah. Both
Kether and Malkuth are related in that Kether represents the 01 and Malkuth
represents 10, in this fashion they are considered to be a Tension, or mirror
image numbers. When they combine they bend the Tree of Life into a circle
and eventually into a sphere. By creating this circle and this sphere they
create the space, or rather kingdom, where the will of the Wizard will
manifest and show forth. This also relates to the amazing Philosophical
Sphere of the Wizard. This wonderful magical apparatus is built upon the
notions and concepts bore from the number Ten, using the previous
explanation to create said sphere. In this sense the number Ten is the creator
of the sphere in the mental state, it gives it form on a magical state of
knowledge and thought and it manifest this magical reality on a higher
octave than the physical one. This is why the Philosophical Sphere is
considered to be a magical reality, more present and sound that physicality in
itself. Finally, this sphere is the kingdom where the Wizard will create, form
and cast his or her many magical formulations and reality will obey. In
another aspect the number Ten is greatly associated with the Tree of Life and
the Ten Sephiroth. In these regards, Ten is imbued with the ten attributes of
God or Will, Wisdom, Understanding, Power and Mercy, Severity and
Strength, Truth and Beauty, Victory, Glory, Firmness and the ability to Rule
the Kingdom. These ten Sephiroth are greatly associated with this number
and the Wizard can use the representation of number Ten to invoke such
powers upon the surrounding reality and upon oneself. Ten is also associated
with the ten planets and the archangels that govern them, counting the three
transuranic147 planets which weren’t known in earlier periods. These ten
planets can be employed as a network; as they exist in perfect balance in the
solar system. This perfect balance can be invoked upon the life of the
Wizard and Apprentice and by so doing the surrounding reality will yield to
the awesome planetary forces that will abound around the Wizard. These ten
planets confer upon the Wizard the powers of Creation, the power over life
and death, the power over omniscience, the power of abundance, happiness,
justice and strength. It will also confer upon the Wizard the powers of
Celestial Visions and Communion with the Greatness of Heaven, the power
over conflicts, victory and nature, the power over magic and communication,
the power over the subtle worlds and the power over the people of the land.
As one sees these assortments of powers, it’s important to point out that only
the most pious and good will ever be able to share this planetary forces with
the immortal spirits that circle the heavenly vaults. These are not readily
given to every Wizard, these are gained through constant practice, constant
vigilance of oneself and as a result of the most dedicated mind and
untroubled heart. It is the great prize conferred to the Wizard by the Superior
Forces of Heaven as they understand that the Wizard have come to
apprehend the amazing responsibilities that come with these forces.
146 The octaves, like in music, are tones which go from the graver and denser to the more subtle and
sublime. The various levels of reality work in this way as well. There are levels of reality which are
denser like the physical world and those which exist in subtle levels which are not perceptible to the
human mind. These are the higher octaves of which many speak. In this sense the number Ten is a
higher octave of One, but existing on a higher level, on an entirely different universe.

A marvelous way to employ the magical attributes of the number Ten is to

create a grid, as it had been previously stated; employing the Magicartifex
Ubertas Incantation and stating the desire to use the grid as a magical device
to harness the power of Ten and using ten spherical stones of the same
material and size. This grid, so infused with this magical incantation, will be
able to connect the Apprentice and Wizard with the higher forces of the
heavens, the archangels148 , the planets and the attributes of the Holy
Sephiroth. In this way the Apprentice will have a wonderful device at his
disposal with which many great things will be accomplished. To operate this
grid the Apprentice will place his or her desire upon a piece of parchment
and then place this piece of parchment in the position of Tiphareth. In this
position, the desire will be infused with the power of the other Sephiroth and
if the desire is propitious it will come to be.

Another way to use the power of the Ten is to remember the ten fingers in
the hands. Each of the fingers represents a planet and a Sephira; by knowing
which finger is assigned to each Sephira the Apprentice and Wizard can
command the planetary forces, intelligences and spirits by employing a
sacred gesture. This sacred gesture can be done by placing together the
thumb (which is the will in either hand) and the other finger representing the
planet that the Apprentice or Wizard want to address.
The arrangement is as follows:
147 The transuranic planets are those that exist beyond Uranus. These are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
There are many other transuranic astrological planets, but these are considered to be minor in relation
the the previous three.
148 The Archangels of the Planets are the following; Uranus is governed by Metatron, Saturn is
governed by Raziel, Neptune is governed by Tzaphkiel, Jupiter is governed by Tzadkiel, Mars is
governed by Camael, the Sun is governed by Michael, Venus is governed by Haniel, Mercury is
governed by Raphael, The Moon is governed by Gabriel and Pluto is governed by the Spirit of the

Right Hand Planet Sephira Left Hand Planet Sephira

Thumb Uranus Kether Thumb Earth Malkuth
Index Saturn Chockmah Index Moon Yesod
Middle Jupiter Chesed Middle Mercury Hod
Ring Sun Tiphareth Ring Mars Geburah Baby Venus Netzach Baby Neptune

The Other Numbers

The other numbers, as this section suggests, are a combination of the first
digits and the zero. Up to this moment we haven’t ventured into the realm of
the zero, and we shall not do so at this time. The zero is a figure of Initiation
and as such it should be taken with great care and respect. It is explained by
the ancient sages that through the revelation of this figure the Great Wizards
of the past acquired their powers and their responsibilities. Zero, more than a
simple mathematical construct, is a state of being. However, for now all we
shall say to the enduring Apprentice is to ponder upon the virtues of this
magnificent zero; like its capacity for neutrality, its quality of not being
there, its magical feature of invalidating or multiplying things or its and its
attribute of keeping the balance between the positive and the negative.
Ponder on these aspects and from there on Light shall guide you. About the
rest of the numbers, the Apprentice is not suggested to employ grids for
higher combination numbers than Ten for a simple reason, they are too
complex and complicated at this moment. Before doing such a thing, the
Apprentice should study the qualities and virtues of each number
combination. Once this is done, and the Apprentice is completely sure that
she/he knows the number combination by heart, a simple representation of
the grids for each number should be placed side by side and enchanted as
taught in the previous sections. For example the grids for the number thirty
five (35) should be called upon by employing the grids of the number Three
and the grid of the number Five. Another important thing to consider is to
put the first digit above and the second digit below the first one, never in a
side by side configuration; these would lead to confusion and the Apprentice
is working with powerful forces and she/he shouldn’t get them confused or
worse get oneself confused.

There are some number combinations, however, that can’t be employed in

this manner. These are the Master Numbers. Master Numbers are called so
because they are the number combination of the same digits; 11, 22, 33, 44,
55, 66, 77, 88 and 99. The secret of the Master Numbers is that they exist in
the border of perfection for each definite layer of consciousness; another
little secret is that they have no numeric tension and as such they are single
entities outside from the duality of the Universe. Let’s see the following

The number Eleven is the union of the One and the Ten and it gives about
the complete understanding of the Material World, allowing the Wizard to
traverse into other realms of spirituality and light, but only after the self has
accomplished its mission upon the world of matter, which is to self-define
and find its true purpose.

The number Twenty-Two, so highly regarded by the Kabbalists, represents

the wisdom and knowledge obtained, experienced and understood by the
Wizard. It is pure reason and the acquisition of all knowledge and truth. In
this sense the Wizard has been able to communicate with other beings,
archangels, deities, masters and even other wizards, and has been able to
receive enough knowledge to propel his or herself into the next and most
wonderful new dimension.

The number Thirty-Three, is another majestic number attributed to hold the

mysteries of the age of Christ, but in reality it is a number which speaks of
the abundant prosperity in-laid in the Source Divine. However, in a more
magical context it is related to the dimension of becoming the messenger of
the gods. What this means, is that the Wizard has been able to become
attuned to the forces of light and is now a champion that will guide others
into the path of enlightenment; through subtlety and very discreet ways.

The number Forty-Four represents the kindling of the Inner Flame of

Magical Power, the sparkling of the Sacred Lahat of the Kabbalist, the flame
which is stirred inside the Temple of God. It is a flame that will awaken the
divine in the Wizard and will teach her/ him how to finally move into the
next stage of transcendence. This flame, is also known as the Wheel of
Immovability, where the Wizard is entrusted with the care and protection of
the Throne of Perfection.

The number Fifty-Five, is the sum of the first ten digits and as such is a
repetition of the previous stages; but in a larger more cosmic scale. In this
sense, this number grants the Wizard the ability to manipulate and control
the previous worlds but at the same time is given the task to keep the balance
of the universe and the equilibrium of the people by not operating in these
universes. It is a powerful number of strength, justice and ultimate law.
Moreover, the number fifty-five is a powerful for manifestation as it creates
exactly what is required by the Apprentice and Wizard.

The number Sixty-Six is a very magical number, for it represents the

ascension to a higher state of development and spiritual evolution. It is the
state in which the Wizard gives life to the inanimate and takes life from the
animate; a large responsibility and one requiring much wisdom and
knowledge, and more importantly a great deal of moral values and a high
spiritual mind, guided by the uppermost forms of archangels. In this stage,
the Wizard transcends the known realms and then ventures off into the
celestial dimensions.

The numbers Seventy-Seven, Eighty-Eight and Ninety-Nine are thus

numbers pertaining to higher dimensions and thus are reserved for the
Master Wizard to study them when the time arrives. However, a little will be
said about each one of them. Seventy-Seven is the number of the Guardian
of the Universe and it is said that in this stage the Wizard is a Sword of
Heaven; ready to strike and smite against the forces of evil.

Eighty-Eight is the number of absolute perfection and universal equilibrium.

In this stage, the Wizard is known by a lost initiatic omnipotent name; the
name of power and the ultimate word with which he/she can create in the
many universes and levels of consciousness.

Finally, Ninety-Nine is the number attributed to those who attain maximum

knowledge and wisdom, and regarded as gods. These are known as the
divine rays and almighty gods of nature. To achieve this state is to enter
godhood; something that will come in time, but the Apprentice better pay
attention not to crave such prize otherwise it will never come his/her way.

This is why the Masters Numbers should never be employed in a grid. These
number arrangements are so powerful, infinite in their expressions and so
sublime that it would rather hamper the Wizard instead of helping him or

In order to bring order and light into these figures whenever drawn or
worked the Wizard should perform The Formula of The Exorcism of the
Forms. The formula should be performed with a Consecrated Wand in the
right hand and the left hand pointing upwards. The Exorcism of the Form is
as follows;


Figure LVIII. God the
Geometer (1250) From the Codex Vindobonensis

The Platonic Solids

Like the numbers we just previously studied, the Platonic Solids are
powerful geometric forms that can be employed in various ways. Their
geometric forms can be drawn from the philosophical realms and brought up
into the physical world by employing items, objects or drawings resembling
these wondrous archetypes. Much in the same way we did with the numbers,
the Apprentice will be given a series of magical operations that can be
employed using these forms. Almost every single material is suitable, as
long as the form is as exact as possible. However, the following materials
should never be used or considered to create these geometric forms: dead
animal matter, rubber, sand, salt and lime. Dead animal matter will only
incorporate into the operation a negative charge and the others have a similar
quality in which they rebound the magical operation actually ending it
instead of harboring it or propitiating the incantation. However, the most
suitable materials to benefit from the powerful energies of the Platonic
Solids are metals, the nobler the better, gemstones, semiprecious stones,
crystal quartz and woods. All of these materials are considered living in the
magical world, since they possess a living spirit inside149 , and thus possess
a potent quality of life and energy that can be added to whatever magical
operation the Wizard is working with. Finally, platonic solids are used
abundantly in many of the magical operations that the Apprentice and
Wizard shall use in the future as these correspond to planetary forces,
celestial entities and powerful divine attributes; according to their
assignment in the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah. This allows the Apprentice
and Wizard to use these solids as physical representations of such forces
furthering the manifestation of the magical operation that is being employed.

The Tetrahedron

This figure represents the magical activity of Jupiter; it is the

mystic fire of abundance, happiness and geometric
expansion. It is a figure composed of four triangles. Through
this geometric form the Wizard can work operations of
friendship, devotion and spirituality, since it represents the
element of Fire.
It can also be employed to keep a fire elemental nicely confined150 . This
figure can be found carved in stones, crystals and even some resins. The
Apprentice is urged to go find them in magical specialty shops that deal with
magical items. Also a tetrahedron can be employed to find a job, to receive
help from other people and to ask for the blessing or support of a superior.
Finally it can be used to be endowed with good lucks at competitions and
149 The spirit of metals are called dactilads, the spirits of gemstones are called polones, the spirit of
semiprecious are called klomes, the spirits of quartz are called xalads and the spirits of woods are
known as dryads.
150 In the future, when the Apprentice had been able to learn how to conjure elemental beings from
the Elemental Planes he or she will be able to place in this geometric figure such beings through the
use of a Binding Incantation.

The Hexahedron

This figure represents the sobriety of Saturn; it is the symbol of harvest,

fortune and the passage of time. This figure, which is a cube, is composed of
six squares. In its intricate systems, the cube represents the year and the
hours of the day and the night. It is a physical manifestation of protection
and the fruit of good old effort and hard work. It also signifies space and
time and as such it marks the seasons, so a Wizard could use it to receive the
bounties of good seasons and their miraculous rewards since it represents the
element of earth.

It can also be used to keep earth elementals and land faeries. It can also be
employed to bless the harvest of any activity, not necessarily tied to the
earth. It can also be used to synchronize with the events in such a way that
events take place in a favorable way for the Apprentice

The Octahedron

It represents Mercury; it is reason, it is associated with the

element of air, communication and judgment. This figure is
composed by eight triangles. It is magical wisdom and the
power of liberty and freedom. It is the form which develops
ideas and concepts.

It can be used to keep air elementals and work with aerial faeries and other
mystical creatures of air. This particular rhomboid figure can be specially
used to entrap harmful spirits, dark entities and creatures of darkness and
evil. Of course, this should be done with the help of other Wizards and by no
means alone. This figure can be used for all magical activities dealing with
communicating with other people, being successful, being able to sell or buy
with favorable effects and incantations dealing with the protection from
swindlers and thieves. Finally it can be used for magical operations
involving Astral Travel and Communion with Celestial and Elemental
Spirits. The magical schools of Alterations and Benedictions, among others,
belong to this geometric figure.

The Decahedron

This platonic solid represents the aspects of the magical Moon. It is a symbol
with ten triangles, a pentacle on the top and a pentacle on the lower portion.
It signifies water, change and the mobility of things. It’s a physical
manifestation of fluidity and transformation. It represents the emotional
aspect of humanity and the profound mystery of light over darkness. It can
be used to keep water elementals and sea mythical creatures.
It is also employed in operations dealing
with firmness and righteousness, for this reason it is associated with the
element of water.
This figure can be employed to deal with all manner of emotions,
incantations dealing with knowing the truth and activities dealing specially
with the mind, the unconscious and the destruction of deceits.

The Dodecahedron

It represents the Universal Stars and Constellations. It is

represented by twelve pentagrams. It is a symbol for Life,
Order and Evolution. It is a representation of union,
cohesion with other beings and a representation of the One
in All. It is equilibrium and balance and it represents the
sacred forces of the Nihilus and the Additus.
It is also used to deal with the gods since this figure represents the
manifestation of the seven planets through the form of the twelve zodiac
signs. In this way it is a magical figure with which the Apprentice and
Wizard can commune with the Higher Beings. It is suggested the Apprentice
reads and learns a great deal about a deity before ever wanting to use this
device to talk to the gods. Also, this figure can be used for incantations
dealing with Lights, Blessings and Purifications activities of all sorts.

List of Zodiac Correspondences and Divinities

Constellation Divine Attributes Planet/Deity Aries Dynamic, Sports, Hunt,

Agility Mars
Taurus Protective, Love, Strength, Life Venus
Gemini Friendship, Happiness, Communication Mercury Cancer Emotions,
Purification, Elemental Moon
Leo Rulership, Power, Authority Sun
Virgo Household, Perfectionism, Prophecy Mercury Libra Law, Equilibrium,
Liberty Venus
Scorpio Magic, Spirituality, Death Pluto
Sagittarius Nature, Cheerfulness, Reproduction Jupiter Capricorn Stability,
Security, Universal Laws Saturn
Aquarius Intelligence, Thought, Learning Uranus
Pisces Mysticism, Duality, Power, Mysteries Neptune
The Icosahedron

It is the symbol of Magic. It is spirituality and the desire to exist in the realm
of the sublime. It is a figure of twenty triangles. It is the harboring of light,
the bringing of enlightenment to the world. This geometric form is used
most of the time as a storing device for magical energies and a
representation of the Philosophical Sphere of the Wizard.

It represents the blessings, the lights and the

invocations made to commune with the entities of the Heavenly Realms; the
celestials, watchers, archons and the supreme archangels of heaven.

It is presented as a magical artifact but it is not suggested for the Apprentice

just yet. It is generally employed by many Wizards to keep magical formulas
intact, conjurations and many other magical operations of higher degree.

In order to bring order and light into these platonic solids the Wizard should
perform The Formula of The Exorcism of the Solids. The formula should be
performed with a Consecrated Wand in the right hand and the left hand
pointing upwards. The Exorcism of the Solids is as follows;


The Metals

Metals are an integral part in Magical Lore. They are in essence the physical
representations and manifestations of the planets and their celestial divine
regents, as the seven main metals correspond directly to the seven ancient
planets and their gods. Metals possess a unique quality which sets them apart
from the rest of the magical items. This quality is their inherent alchemical
nature. Metals play an important role in alchemical transformations and are
used principally to confer these properties to the rest of the universe. As
alchemical elements, metals possess the innate ability to force changes upon
the surrounding reality, being in effect powerful transmitters of divine,
spiritual, celestial, magical and psychic energy. Having these abilities, metals
by being carried, bestow to the Apprentice and Wizard with certain magical
qualities which are attuned to each planet. Since the earliest times, the
ancient recognized this importance of Metals and used them in a wide range
of magical practices. For example, the ancients engraved metal with ancient
symbols and the names of ancient deities turning them into powerful
talismans invoking their favor and divine grace. Also, metals had been used
in the past for ceremonial activities and religious rites as symbols of the
union between the world of man and the world of spirit. Today, we can say
without a doubt, that metals are truly important because their substances
resonate with the four elementary constituents of water, earth, air and fire
and at the same time with the higher vibrations of the heavenly spheres, thus
they become powerful channels and containers of both energies; as a result
they charge up and project these energies in a harmonious combination, as
no other element is capable of achieving; save the elements themselves.
Finally it is also important that the Apprentice knows that metals are in
themselves alive and fluid like no other element in the world. This quality of
life gives the metals an air of nobility that makes them ideal and superior for
any magical operation. Metals can be found almost anywhere. Particularly,
the most important which are gold and silver. These can be found at
jewelries and certain magical stores dedicated to working with rings,
bracelets, necklaces and decorative chains made out of silver or gold. The
other less valuable, but very important too, are copper, tin, lead and mercury;
of these lead and mercury are the most difficult to work with because they
are toxic. As a result they are seldom used in magical operations. Copper
and Tin can be found in any major hardware store or at some specialty
magical stores that deal with copper and tin figurines, spheres and jewelry. It
is important for the Apprentice to realize that to carry on his or her person a
piece of metal the magical planetary energies will combine with those
energies of the Apprentice and or Wizard. This combination of energies will
be most beneficial, particularly if the Wizard first enchanted the piece of
metal, be it a ring or necklace, with an enchantment fitting the magical
qualities of the associated planet. At this moment, the Apprentice will be
provided with a short list of metals and their attributes and correspondences.
Also, the Apprentice will be given a brief description of what magical
activities can be achieved with any particular metal and in what form should
this metals be obtained. A point to consider is that most metals in our time
are not pure or a hundred percent the particular metal they are said to be.
Most of these metals are mixed with other minerals to give them more
malleability or resilience. This should not be a problem since the main
ingredient should be present, what can never be done is to substitute a metal
for another as this would lead directly into trouble.


It is generally employed to further the magical activities of the Sun which

are abundance, clarity, truth and authority. Considered to be the noblest of all
metals, it possesses a quality of great magical enchantment which will help
any of the previous mentioned magical operation. In the past it was believed
that gold was the actual manifestation of the rays of the Sun as they collided
with the Earth. Being considered as pure solar emanations this metal is
regarded as the most powerful of metals. On its own, it has a high vibratory
rate which maintains communion with holy beings, serves as a channel for
the expansion of consciousness and it is quite useful for the acquisition of
illumination. In this way ,a Wizard can enchant a necklace made out of gold
or a gold chain to carry and bestow these qualities upon oneself. Also by
carrying a tiny piece of this metal the Apprentice and Wizard can actually
initiate contact with these celestial beings and maintain communication
thereafter. Gold can also be employed for operations dealing with
abundance, prosperity and to acquire riches, honor and fame. To actually
achieve this, the Apprentice and Wizard should always wear gold in the form
of rings and gold chains. The combination of the two creates a magical
resonance which places the Apprentice and Wizard in position fit for honor
and fame. The rings should be carried on the middle finger of both hands
and the rings should be fitted with blue sapphire for the right hand-ring and
ruby for the left hand-ring. The gold chain should have the medallion of a
rampant lion with an emerald upon the rampant paw. This is a magical
symbol that will empower the Wizard with absolute authority. The stones on
the rings are representations of the Positive Additus Force, the blue sapphire,
and the Negative Nihilus Force, represented by the ruby. The Lion is the
zodiacal force of Leo which helps to bring power and rulership and the
emerald is a symbol for balance and equilibrium. Finally, and as with any
metal, the Apprentice can place an incantation upon its surface enabling it to
project the magical operation from there on.


This metal is associated to the Moon and those magical activities of healing
and protection. Thus it is capable of aiding the Apprentice and Wizard in
matters of protection against witchcraft, evil creatures and keeping the body
fit and healthy. It is popular knowledge that silver weapons can defeat both
vampires and werewolves, this is due particularly to the fact that silver is
infused with two different, but very potent, attributes of the Moon. First, the
Moon holds the energy that keeps the rest of the planets in place. This is a
wonderful mystery which will be studied later on, but for now it will suffice
to say that through the form of the Moon the rest of the magical planets
come into being. The Moon is the coagulating agent for all of them and they
are all fashioned after her; if not look at their symbols and you will see.
Thus, Silver acquires this sovereign quality which irradiates the surrounding
with its awesome presence, making evil creatures and fiends back away from
its blessed light. Second, the Moon is a planet of fertility, order and growth,
thus it is considered to be a giver of life. In this sense, Silver represents Life
and Order which is contrary to the creatures of evil, thus it hampers and utter
destroys their negative and deadly energies with such potent emanations of
Life. In this sense, Silver is a very powerful tool for protection and for
getting rid of negative energies and entities. In this case, the Apprentice
should carry a piece of silver in the form a holy symbol, thrice blessed by the
In Nomine Deux Benedicto Incantation found on Chapter Nine. Also, Silver
can be employed in magical activities of healing and health, principally
keeping the body free from infirmities. In order to do this the Apprentice and
Wizard should carry a silver coin, with an eagle in one side and a caduceus
on the other. This coin should be commissioned upon a silver worker. Once
crafted the coin should be enchanted with a Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation
and a Saluber Statum Incantation on a Wednesday on the Eight Hour. This
coin should be kept always on the left side of the Wizard.


Through the mastery of this metal mankind gave itself the power to war
against one another, instead of strengthening their bonds. Thus, it is known
as a metal of great power, physical strength, virility, vigor and it has the
ability to conquer great obstacles. With these qualities Iron is the metal
attributed to Mars and all the other deities of war. However, Mars wasn’t a
warring planet since the beginning. Earlier cultures place Mars, or rather
Madim, as a pastoral deity more interested in agrarian pursuits and healing
than in battling against other deities. This is why Iron is also considered in
the fashioning of farming instruments, assisting with healing, medical
interventions and surgery. It is discipline at its best and the resilience of the
spirit. Iron is the stronger of metals and as such it bestows upon all of the
magical works the characteristics of vitality, durability and
straightforwardness needed to execute the necessary things, to act and re-act
accordingly. Also, Iron is capable of dividing things, separating one thing
from the other, sundering things into their individual parts and for protection
against evil and psychic attacks. In magical operations, Iron provides
additional strength to any magical activity. This can be achieved by placing
an Iron nail near the actual operation. If it is a magical symbol the nail
should be placed on top, if it is a spell or incantation being cast, the
Apprentice or Wizard should carry the Iron nail in a pocket, aware of the
power and strength that is being added to the operation by simply carrying
the iron article. Another magical operation the Apprentice and Wizard can
perform is to harness healing energies from Iron. Once a week the
Apprentice or Wizard should pass an Iron nail all over his/her body, starting
with the head, the neck, the arms, the thorax, the pelvis and the legs. Before
doing this the Apprentice should cast a

Saluber Statum Incantation found on Chapter Nine over the nail being used.
After the nail has been passed all over the body, this one should be placed
over a magnet or nailed to the ground for a whole week.


This is one of the most interesting of all metals and the one corresponding to
the planet of the same name. Mercury is a fluid substance which exists at
room temperature as a liquid. As a result it relates to fluidness, swiftness and
speed. However it is highly toxic and it was removed from general use for
some time now. As a substitute, Wizards had been using Aluminum because
of its similar qualities despite it is a metal produced by man and not found in
nature readily. If worn or carried this Aluminum helps promote mental
acuity, mental stability and it provides greater communication abilities. As a
metal associated to Mercury’s more intellectual processes it also helps with
learning, studying and aids with the memory. Its fluid form and malleability
give the Wizard and the Apprentice the ability to flow through
inconveniences, problems and situations with great speed, mental sharpness
and quickness. Aluminum, as a substitute for Mercury, can be worn with the
express intention of overcoming a pressing situation or problem. Also, this
magical metal will help the Apprentice and Wizard with travel and
movement across the various magical realms; like the Astral Plane, Ethereal
Plane and the Superior Planes of reality. By carrying it with the intention of
safe travel the Apprentice and Wizard will be protected from
inopportuneness in travels of any kind, especially when traveling through air.
However, travels on the ground will also be protected in the same manner by
making them free of situations and eventualities. Moreover, Aluminum as a
substitute for Mercury, can be used to project the Wizard’s consciousness
into other worlds and help with communication with beings from such
regions. In order to achieve this, the Apprentice and Wizard should cast over
the piece of Aluminum the Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation, the Advoco
Celestialis Sum and the Lampas Deum Incantations found on Chapter Nine;
with the sole intention of making contact with such angelical beings. After
this, the metal should be placed closed to the bed where the Apprentice
sleeps. It will also work aspects of communication, mental guidance and
direction, speed and the learning of Sciences.


Tin is the metal associated to Jupiter, as such it is regarded as a metal of

abundance, joy, plenty, authority and power. Being the metal most associated
with abundance it is often used to attract prosperity, wealth and fortunes.
This is done by carrying a piece of tin, most of the time engraved with one
of the planetary symbols for the planet Jupiter. Tin is also associated with
luck, gambling and success in businesses and commercial pursuits. Carrying
a piece of Tin with oneself will bestow upon its wielder the qualities of luck
and good fortune when dealing with people, with the ability to spend less
money and achieving more development of any enterprise or business. On
the other hand the planet Jupiter also represents joy, cheerfulness and
pleasure; attributes that Tin also shares with the planet. Being the metal of
joy, it can be used to create happy environments filled with delight, the
fostering of friendships and merriment. This can be achieved by taking a
piece of Blessed Tin151 , cast the Ananath Therion Incantation found on
Chapter Nine and then place the piece of Tin close to the right thigh. Also,
this wonderful metal can be used to experience pleasurable times and times
of detachment and relaxation, employing the same method. Finally, Tin can
also be used during the practice of the divinatory arts. In these regards, it
helps the Apprentice and Wizard to properly see into the ebb of the future,
the past and the present; providing an accurate reading, especially if a crystal
ball is employed or a pendulum. In order to perform this properly and benefit
from the prophetic qualities of the metal, the Wizard and Apprentice should
carry a piece of Tin enchanted with the Specto Sum Incantation found on
Chapter Nine. After this the piece of Tin should be carried around the neck,
particularly when performing a magical reading.
151 Many types of blessings can be found on Chapter Nine, however the most basic and quite useful
blessing is the In Nomine Deux Benedicto Incantation.


Copper is magically associated to the planet Venus. Since the planet Venus is
associated with Love and Fertility, this metal is also infused with such
qualities. Copper can be employed in operations dealing with Love,
Friendships, Relationships and even with affairs of the family. It will help
find loyal people to accomplish particularly important tasks, in finding good
companionship, making new contacts and meeting new people. This can be
achieved by carrying a Copper ring on the little finger of the right hand.
Also, Copper, can be employed in matters of making things grow, in dealing
with fertility and creativity. Those who carry a square inch of Copper will be
able to come up with fantastic ideas, will find their creativity enhanced and
will see their works grow faster and come to fruition quicker than expected.
Copper can also be employed for affairs dealing with Animals and the
Forest. Copper can be used to appease animals and to travel through the
wilderness without any problems with wildlife or vegetation. In order to
benefit from these correspondences the Apprentice and Wizard should take a
piece of Copper and enchant it with the Magicartifex Ubertas and the Vox
Feromineus Incantation found on Chapter Nine. After this the Wizard shall
carry this piece of Copper on a necklace where is visible. Also, Copper can
be employed for the gathering of energies, since this metal is a great
conductor. This Magical energy can be employed to empower and augment
individual magical operations. In order to do this the Apprentice and Wizard
should simply take a round piece of Copper and hold it between the hands.
After a couple of minutes the Apprentice should visualize magical energies
being drawn from the environment, this exercise should be performed in a
room with no other people and specially no pets or small animals, this to
avoid draining other people or animals from their own vital energies for to
wilfully drain someone from their energies is a dark act and it has immediate
terrible consequences. Once the energy is being visualized, the Apprentice
should observe as the energies gather and collect themselves upon his/her
head and heart and from there it flows freely into his/her Philosophical
Sphere, ready to be employed .

The last of the metals corresponds to Saturn. In magic, this is the planet
dealing with death, the cycles of birth and rebirth, time on a cosmic scale,
accidents and the true Mastery of the Universe152 . Therefore, Lead
possesses all of these qualities which can be employed by the Apprentice
and Wizard in several magical operations. Saturn is a planet of mastery and
trials; as such Lead can be employed to seek Saturn’s favor in situations
where the Apprentice finds that things are getting out of control, are getting
152 However, Lead should be handled with care for it tends to toxic as Mercury.

too difficult, are becoming dangerous or altogether perilous and precarious.

To do this, the Apprentice should carry a piece of Lead with himself or
herself. This piece of Lead should have been blessed with an In Nomine
Deux Benedicto Incantation found in Chapter Nine. Lead can also be
employed to procure protection from accidents, dangerous incidents,
misfortunes and disasters. To avoid these unsavory events the Apprentice
and Wizard should find a square piece of Lead, and in each of its four
corners the Apprentice will inscribe the letters AGLA. In the center of the
piece of Lead the Apprentice shall inscribe the planetary symbol of Saturn.
After this the piece of Lead will be blessed and enchanted with the In
Nomine Deux Benedicto and the Magicartifex Ubertas Incantations found in
Chapter Nine. Finally, Lead was the metal generally used by alchemist in the
past to achieve its famous transmutation into Gold. This was actually done
and is still being done by alchemist all over the world, however for the mean
time the Apprentice will employ Lead to accrue a better self and wholesome
spiritual personality. This is done by taking a piece of round Lead,
consecrated like the previous one, and in one of its side the Apprentice will
inscribe the Magical Names AZADIR RVCH CHVR KITVB 153 and on
the other side it should be inscribed Saturn’s planetary symbol.

There are many other uses for these metals; however for this initial volume
the ones already given will prove to be enough. However, the Apprentice
should seek and try to find even more ways to use these metals magically,
employ their powers and see how their many correlations and
correspondences can be applied to the practice of magic.

Now, the Apprentice will be given a formula which I generally used to bring
the metals into order and to excite them to obey the word of the Lord. It
should be used in order to purify them from evil, noxious and even dark
energies which will hamper any magical operation and most possibly bent it
into something entirely different. There are individual formulas that exorcise
each metal particularly; however we shall see those formulas in other texts
and not this one. At the moment we shall use the following;


153 These are Hebrew words, they’re meanings are the following; AZADIR: to march towards the
Light. RVCH: Spirit of God. CHVR: Whiteness. KITVB: to be good.
Figure LIX. Image from the Book De Scientia Motus Orbis by Jericho
Messahala (762) Engraving by Albrecht Durer of the
Latin Translation by Gerardo Cremonesse in 1504, Nuremberg

Magical Gemstones

Like metals, gemstones have been around in the Magical World for quite
some time, most possibly since before the first humans looked up to the
stars. Gemstones had been attributed with magical power by almost every
single culture in the world; since the Paleolithic Period to the Modern Era.
Not only cultures, but many religions based their beliefs in the power of
stones and how these helped them breach the path between the world of the
living and the world of the spirits. Many of these religions even incorporated
these magical gemstones into their religious rituals and ceremonies154 . In
the world of Magic, gemstones are seen as purveyors of great power
stemming directly from the sacred and holy womb of the Earth Mother.
These powers are the result of a combination of numerous factors. One
important factor is that the planets themselves radiate their divine and
magical energies upon Earth. As Earth is bathed in these mysterious lights,
which are charged up with the magical qualities of each planet, so are the
crystals and precious stones suffused with these wonderful attributes; since
these are found deep within the mantle of the world. Another aspect is that
with each planetary radiation, the gemstones gather energies from the
corresponding celestials, deities, individual sephiroth and even divine
attributes. And so each crystal or precious stone has collected in its essence
and physical substance the energy, vibration and frequency needed to
manifest the amazing powers they boast. In the past, gemstones were mostly
used by Nature Wizards, Seers, Shamans and Witches, for they alone
understood the intricate body of knowledge which entailed the realm of
gemstones and their mysterious properties and of course as beings of the
earth they were more attuned to the gemstones’ individual vibrations. More
recently, the use of precious stones has grown to become more popular.
Nowadays, gemstones are general instruments well known to Healers,
Spiritualists and Metaphysicians who use them in their everyday operations
of healing, connecting and seeking the profound mysteries of the universe.
In High Magic, gemstones are no different, they are understood as
possessing an enormous amount of magical potential and every Wizard does
well in employing them as supplementary to their magical operations. The
realm of precious stones and crystals is quite vast, with many new stones
surfacing here and there almost every day. However, the Apprentice should
concentrate on the primary activities of precious gemstones, rather than
dilute his/her efforts on knowing every single one. These primary activities
relate to their protective and grounding capacities, their healing abilities, and
their qualities for communion and communication with other entities, their
ability to provide extra energy and their astounding faculty of cleaning auras,
people and even places. Also, gemstones are known to keep evil at bay and
allow access to hidden information contained inside their crystalline

All these shall be explained shortly, and a small list of gemstones and their
magical uses and applications will be provided so that the Apprentice
gathers a general idea of how to magically employ them, practice with them
and get to know their general feel.

However, before continuing any further a difference should be made

between gemstones. There are two main categories; one category is that of
precious stones and the other is that of crystals. Crystals are clear and
translucent, whereas precious stones are not transparent and are rather
rougher on appearance. Crystals are known to be more fragile than precious
stones and should be kept in special places and the Apprentice should have a
little more care with these ones. Precious stones, on the other hand are a little
sturdier than crystals and can be kept in the open more easily, for these don’t
tend to deteriorate as crystals might do if left on the open. Crystals and
precious stones derive their beauty through their cuts and polishing. Usually
both of these magical elements will be found in their tumbled form, which is
a smooth surfaced crystal or precious stone. However, if these are cut with
precision and polished fully, their shine, inner beauty and charm is revealed.
For example, the emerald is a though looking precious stone when tumbled,
but then properly cut and polished it is translucent and quite shinny. Crystals
and precious stones are all beautiful regardless of the cuts and polish, what
truly matters is the care the Apprentice and Wizard gives to these stones and
the magical use he/she gives to them.
154 In Judaism the High Priest employed the Hoshen, which was a series of stones attached to the
chest along with the Ephod which was a ceremonial apron. Reputedly these stones were capable of
connecting the High Priest with the Divine Name and Forms and were only used inside the Temple for
worship and celebration. The Catholic Church uses precious stones for their high officials, as well as
the Muslims which revere a sacred stone in Mecca.

Finally, as with all magical elements, these stones possess a living, thinking,
magical being inside. As such, the Apprentice and Wizard should treat each
gemstone’s spirit155 with proper respect in order not to upset it. To
appropriately deal with these beings, the Apprentice should make a silent
prayer asking for proper contact with the stone or crystal. The prayer should
be a process of becoming more aware of the being inside the gemstone. It’s a
sense of realizing that inside it there is a live sentient being. After this, the
blessing and the exorcism found at the end of this section should be
performed over the gemstone in order to use it. After having used the crystal
or precious stone the Apprentice should again perform the cleansing ritual
and then the magical spirit should be addressed with special thanks for its
cooperation, assistance and the aid provided. Then the crystal or precious
stone should be placed in a special case or box where it is kept safe and
protected when not in use.

The following section will depict the various ways crystals and precious
stones can be employed by an Apprentice or a Wizard. Please take special
note that many crystals and precious stones will be presented and many will
appear in simultaneous entries. This is due primarily to the fact that there
most crystals and precious stones are endowed with many different magical
attributes, many quite similar but many others quite different from one
application to the next. One last point to consider, these gemstones should be
carried by the Apprentice or Wizard really close to his/her body. These can
be worn as jewelry, rings, pendants and even carry a couple of them in a
small bag or inside a pocket. However, what can’t be done is to carry them
in a hand bag or have them in places where they are not in contact with the
body for these will not have the desired effect one is looking for besides
being disrespectful for the gemstone’s spirit.

As with all types of gemstones, the Apprentice and Wizard should re-power
these instruments on a weekly basis with the Exornita Potens Lapidus Charm
and the Magicartifex Ubertas. He/she can also add to these gemstones at
least two more of the incantations found at the end of this book.
Protective Gemstones:

These gemstones are generally carried in groups of five to achieve a more

than moderate defense. Another thing to consider is to make a grid of a five
pointed star design with any of these crystals or semi-precious stones. This
will also procure protection in a more steady and less cumbersome way. This
grid could be left back home or somewhere safe, provided the Apprentice
and Wizard check on it regularly making sure the stones are aligned properly
and that the area is clean.
General Protection: Keep at least five of these stones in the right side of
your body; Amber, Aventurine, Banded Agate, Beryl, Back Kyanite, Black
Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Calcite, Carnelian, Cat's Eye, Citrine, Emerald,
Golden Topaz, Heliodor, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Imperial Topaz,
Jade, Jasper, Jet, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Loadstone,
Malachite, Mookaite, Peridot, Quartz, Ruby, Salt, Sapphire, Selenite,
Serpentine, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Tree Agate and Turquoise.
155 Although there are many theories regarding the nature of the beings living inside gemstones, the
Apprentice should know that these beings, be them elemental, natural or intelligences, are all very
noble and require proper handling and respect. Sometimes, if the Apprentice doesn’t develop the
proper awareness with the gemstone’s spirit, this one will simply go away.

Protection against Crime and Physical Assaults: Keep five of these stones
in any combination on the right part of the body; Carnelian, Agate, Peridot,
Sardonyx, Smoky Quartz, Turquoise.

Protection from Demons, Devils and Fallen Creatures: Carry six of these
stones in a sachet close to the heart area when confronting evil of such
natures; Agate, Aragonite, Beryl, Black Tourmaline, Blue Chalcedony Clear
Quartz, Garnet, Herkimer Diamond, Malachite, Peridot, Salt, Sapphire,
Topaz and Turquoise.

Protection from Illnesses: To avoid becoming ill always pass one of these
stones over the entire body and then place the stone under running water for
a minute. Then pat dry and put away. Also, do the same when visiting ill
people; Chalcopyrite, Jade and Tiger Iron, Black Tourmaline or Labradorite.

Protection from Negative Thoughts: When entering a place where there

are negative thoughts, ideas and other things carry two of these stones or
crystals by the left side of the body; Black Kyanite, Black Obsidian, Black
Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Citrine, Jet, Kunzite, Peacock and Smoky Quartz.

Protection during Pregnancy and Childbirth: Expecting mothers should

be protected from evil and miscarriage. This is achieved by carrying three of
these stones on a sachet upon the neck and over the belly, this will protect
both the mother and the child; Chrysocolla, Hematite, Lepidolite, Malachite,
Moonstone, Picture Jasper and Rose Quartz.

Protection from Poison: To keep from running into poisonous animals and
their nasty bites carry one of these stones upon the left side of the body;
Diamond or Serpentine.

Protection during Travel: When traveling away from your home, carry one
of these stones upon the right side of the body, preferably the right hand;
Amethyst, Aquamarine, Chalcedony, Garnet, Malachite, Moonstone, Pearl,
Tiger’s Eye.

Psychic Protection: To be protected from psychic attacks, be them

conscious or unconscious, the Apprentice should carry three of these stones
in a necklace or over the neck area; Amber, Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Jade,
Lapis Lazuli, Ruby, Seraphinite and Tiger Iron.

Grounding Gemstones:

Grounding is a basic term employed to refer to when someone needs to get

his or her feet back on the ground. Generally, with the ruckus and rumpus of
everyday life people get a little flighty, disconnected and even altogether
alienated from their daily affairs. This could lead to dangerous situations in
which concentration, thinking and making decisions could get hampered. To
avoid this we need the help of our magical friends, the precious gemstones
and crystals. The following list can be employed to prevent from getting
disconnected and to actually strengthen our grounding with the earth, the
celestials and the divine forces of this universe. This will help us keep even
more focused with every task at hand and will make our lives even more
General Grounding: To strengthen the grounding process, keep two of
these stones in the left side of your body. To get grounding back carry with
you four of these stones around your neck; Amber (not a stone), Beryl,
Black Agate, Black Aventurine, Black Flint, Black Obsidian, Black
Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Boji Stone, Brown Agate, Brown Flint, Brown
Spinel, Bronzite, Calcite, Dalmatian Stone, Carnelian, Charoite, Fire Agate,
Galena, Garnet, Hawk’s Eye, Hematite, Jet, Magnetite, Moldavite, Nuumite,
Obsidian, Onyx, Poppy Jasper, Red Jasper, Ruby, Shaman Stone, Smoky
Quartz, Tektite, Tiger’s Eye, Tiger Iron and Unakite.

Grounding for Focus and Awareness: Carry three of these stones in the
upper right side part of your body, preferably the right arm or hand; Boji
Stone, Brown Agate, Brown Spinel, Bronzite, Hawk’s eye, Magnetite,
Moldavite, Nuumite and Tiger’s Eye.

Grounding from Illusions: To avoid being the victim of misleading magic,

thoughts, words or gestures and to realize which events in our lives are
illusions and fantasies, wear three of these stones around the neck; Black
Aventurine, Black Flint, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Dalmatian Stone,
Hematite, Poppy Jasper, Red Jasper, Ruby, Tektite, Tiger’s Eye and Tiger

Grounding from Hardship: Sometimes in life we suffer really difficult

situations. These situations could leave us wandering the world with a sense
of loss, disconnection and we can even loose our sense of purpose. To avoid
these feelings carry four of these stones on the lower left side part of the
body, preferably by the left thigh; Black Flint, Chalcopyrite, Morion Quartz,
Galena, Nuumite, Onyx, Shaman Stone and Smoky Quartz.

Grounding from Fantasy: If we are being victims of the fantastic words,

magic, thoughts or spells of another person or our very own we need to
recover fast and realize what is really going on, carry these two precious
stones upon the chest on a bag or a neck-bag; Chiastolite, Elestial Quartz.

Grounding from Vices: To recover from dangerous vices, addictions and

co-dependence carry three of these stones upon the heart; Amethyst, Brown
Jasper, Green Agate, Hematite and Staurolite.
Healing Gemstones:

Many gemstones possess powerful healing qualities; this is due primarily to

their physical composition, magical radiations and spiritual emanations.
Consisting solely on minerals, elemental compounds and crystal formations,
most gemstones correlate with many of the minerals and compositions
needed for life. Thus, by having them close to the body these compounds
transfer, stimulate and rekindle organs and tissues which had been
compromised by illnesses and conditions. Moreover, many of these
gemstones are also imbued with planetary energies which actually endow
them with potent healing qualities, qualities that can be used to prevent
sicknesses and can also cure many conditions. The spiritual emanations of
archangels, elementals and other spiritual beings are also infused into these
gemstones making them ideal for healing. One more consideration is that
when dealing with healing and gemstones, the gemstones must be cleansed
every time they are used. The Apprentice and Wizard can employ the
Exornita Potens Lapidus Charm found on Chapter Nine to clean the stone
from unwanted energies and from low level vibrations associated with pain,
hurtfulness and the usual discomfort typically associated with illnesses. The
following is a small compilation of those gemstones generally employed to
procure good health and to avoid infirmities. Finally, the Apprentice and
Wizard should use gemstones as concurrent therapy being secondary to the
medical advice given by a professional physician.

General Healing: Carry four of these gemstones in a sachet hanging from

the neck just above the solar plexus or the abdomen. These will provide
good health to the wearer; Alexandrite, Amethyst, Ametrine, Andalusite,
Angelite, Aventurine, Brown Celestite, Chrysopal, Citrine, Cymophane,
Dioptase, Larimar, Magnesite, Ruby, Smoky Quartz, Sugilite, Tanzanite and

Healing Bones: To speed up the healing process of a broken bone, put two
of these gemstones near the broken bone; Calcite, Fluorite, Hematite, Jet,
Tiger’s Eye, Onyx and Obsidian.

Healing the Digestive and Urinary System: To heal these organs place
three of these gemstones near the stomach or over the bladder for thirty
minutes three times a day for seven days; Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate,
Citrine, Pyrite, Rhodochrocite, Rose Quartz and Snow Flake Obsidian.

Healing the Heart: To have a good heart or to heal it from incapacitating

conditions place five of these gemstones in a sachet over the heart area for
twenty minutes twice a day; Aventurine, Bloodstone, Charoite, Dioptase,
Emerald, Rhodolite, Mahogany Obsidian, Peridot, Rhodochrosite, Red
Tourmaline, Ruby and Tanzanite.

Healing Heartburn and Indigestion: For conditions dealing with the

stomach and the digestive tract wear one of these gemstones close to the
abdominal skin for as long as possible. Many people I know use surgical
tape to fix the stones firmly to the flesh while incorporating to their daily
affairs; Chiastolite, Pyrite, Turquoise and Variscite.

Healing the Lungs: Respiratory conditions will be bettered by wearing

these gemstones fixed to the back, near the lungs’ section and place a set of
three over each lung. Wear them for as long as needed, removing daily to
clean them; Angelite, Chalcedony, Garnet, Pyrite, Petalite, Prehnite and

Healing the Reproductive System and Fertility Issues: Wear two of these
gemstones over the genital area for three hours three times per day, be Sure
to remove them during the night period; Amber, Aventurine, Carnelian,
Chrysocola, Garnet, Green Tourmaline, Malachite, Moss Agate, Red Jasper
and Rose Quartz.

Healing the Spleen: Place one of these gemstones, fixed to the skin, over
the spleen area only removing it during the night for cleansing; Brown
Jasper, Jade, Leopard Skin Jasper and Tiger’s Eye.

Healing Weakness and General Infirmities: For other medical conditions

not covered here wear two of the following gemstones on the right hand,
possibly on a ring; Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Carnelian,
Chalcedony, Hematite, Red Jasper, Rock Crystal, Sunstone.

Communing Gemstones:
When the Apprentice or Wizard wants to get in touch with nature,
understand the deep seethed mysteries of the universe or probably get in
touch with planetary, celestial or divine energies or beings the best way to
achieve it is by communing. The term, ‘to commune’ is fairly known in the
mystical and magical world and it comes to us through many religious
practices. It is understood that when an individual communes he or she gets
in touch with the more divine, celestial or subtle levels of reality creating a
common union with these higher energies or beings. The benefits of doing
this are quite impressive. First, the individual will have a connection with the
greater powers of heaven and nature. That accounts for a heightened level of
awareness and consciousness. Also, the act of communion permits for
information to slowly coalesce into the mind of the Apprentice or Wizard,
allowing the comprehension of profound philosophical concepts and the
acquisition of arcane knowledge.

General Communing: These gemstones can be used to keep in good

contact with spiritual beings like angels, elementals, nature spirits and even
planetary intelligences156 ; Amazonite, Amethyst, Ametrine, Apophyllite
Aquamarine, Benitoite, Blue Aventurine, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Quartz,
Blue Topaz, Calcite, Celestite, Charoite, Danburite, Fluorite, Iolite, Jade,
Labradorite, Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Morganite, Rhodonite,
Rutilated Quartz, Sapphire, Selenite, Spirit Quartz, Tektite and Turquoise.

Communing with Angels: To create a constant channel with an angel or

archangel keep six of these gemstones near the chest; Alexandrite, Angelite,
Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Seraphinite, Sugilite and Tanzanite.

Communing with Divinities: When the Wizard is in need of keeping in

contact with a divine entity he or she should wear a ring with one of these
gemstones on the ring finger of the right hand; Amethyst, Apophillyte,
Azeztulite, Azurite, Celestite, Chrisoprase, Coral, Hyalite, Jasper, Larimar or

Communing with Elementals: If the Apprentice or Wizard is working with

nature or elemental magic or any other operation requiring elemental
magical energies he/ she should carry the stone more akin to the intended
elemental spirit; Aquamarine (Water), Seraphinite (Earth), Blue Quartz (Air)
and Fire Opal (Fire).
Communing with Faeries: The Fey World157 is filled with many friends
that could help the Wizard with several operations dealing with prosperity,
health, sanity, job finding and the care of the house, protection from
malicious elemental beings and recovering from injuries. In order to
commune with these beings the Wizard should place one of these gemstones
upon his/her forehead for six minutes once a day; Emerald, Fluorite,
Lavender Amethyst, Staurolite, Tree Agate.

Communing with Spirit Guides: Spirit guides158 can help an individual

with finding one’s own path in life or getting away from trouble. To achieve
this, wear one of these gemstones on the left hand; Aqua Aura, Kyanite,
Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli Serpentine and Zoisite
Communing with Supreme Beings: Supreme beings are those entities
which exist beyond the realm of mankind. Generally these are powerful
manifestations of Nature or the Cosmos. These are only found on remote
realms, farther than the gods themselves. These beings are known as the
Universal Consciousnesses and they exist to help us in our path towards
illumination, self-righteousness and absolute equilibrium. These are found at
a level so subtle and pure, that the person attempting to contact them should
follow some special instructions.
156 Akin to angels, these celestial ministers serve to filter the planetary energy of deities into the
157 The Fey World is the world of Faeries. There are hundreds upon hundreds of faeries so the
Apprentice is advised to practice caution when dealing with these enigmatic beings.
158 Spiritual Guides are beings who exist in the spiritual level. These are entities that generally guide
us and keep us on the right path towards enlightenment. These beings are generally saintly spirits and
powerful nature beings.

1. Fasting for four days, only eating non solid foods during the period of
6PM until 6AM; water and juices are allowed during the day time.

2. During these periods of fasting the Apprentice should concentrate all of

his/her efforts in thinking about the mighty goal of establishing a connection
with these beings. For a complete list of these beings see the Appendix I at
the end of this book.

3. Three times per day, the Apprentice should lay down and concentrate on
the appropriate being to contact. Also, the Apprentice should think on all of
the aspects and attributes relating that being. In this state, the Apprentice
must silently think and be willing to establish the link with this entity.
During these meditations the Apprentice should place one of these
gemstones upon the forehead and another upon the chest; Aventurine, Beril,
Green Calcite, Elestial, Emerald, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Red Aqua Aura
Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Seraphinite, Shiva Lingam, Star Sapphire, Stuarolite
and Yellow Star Sapphire.

4. Do not falter if an obvious sign of connection is not shown or

experienced, these beings are not flamboyant and truly let their presence
known through very subtle ways.

5. One word of advice, should you be successful in communing with these

beings do not take it lightly. These are very powerful forces and you should
respect them. Do not inform everyone you know what you have
accomplished, keep it a secret, it is a very high spiritual experience for
yourself only. Also, once you have established the communion link, you
should keep it up for as long as possible and not like many curious do; that
they keep up the communing exercise until the being reveals itself and then
they forget about the experience. Should this occur, be mindful that you have
stirred deep waters and awakened powerful entities.

Energizing Gemstones:

Sometimes an Apprentice or Wizard will feel lacking enough energy. This

lack of energy can be due to physical fatigue, mental stress, sickness,
extensive magical work or many other reasons. Energy, as food, is needed by
the body in order to achieve many of the wonderful things we do every day.
A person could have slept eight full hours, eaten a hearty meal and be in top
physical condition and still be low on energy and the person not be able to
do a particular task. This reflects more as a lack of enthusiasm, motivation or
desire to do things. In this sense, energy is more of a spiritual-psychological
concept than really belonging to the physical world. To avoid this, there are
many gemstones that can help the Apprentice acquire a plentiful provision of
this energy. Moreover, the Apprentice may also need additional energy to
power up or give an additional boost to a particular operation. Let’s see the
following list which will always help us feel better and energized.
General Energizing: to assure a plentiful amount of energy all over, place
five of these stones and or metals in a sachet around the waist. This sachet
can also be carried in the right pocket of your trousers; Aegirine, Barite,
Beryl, Calcite, Citrine, Chrysocolla, Chrysophrase, Copper, Danburite,
Dumortierite, Garnet, Hawk’s Eye, Malachite, Morganite, Petalite, Prehnite,
Red Aventurine, Ruby, Rutilated Quartz, Shaman Stone, Seraphinite,
Sunstone, Tourmaline, and Yellow Calcite.

Energy Augmentation of a Magical Operation: For those magical works

where more energy is needed place these two gemstones on opposing sides.
If carried, carry one in the right hand and the other on the left hand. If the
energy is needed for a grid, place a stone to the left of the grid and the other
to the right; Isis’ Blood and Labradorite.

Energy Cleansing: Sometimes the energy of a person can be tainted by the

presence of evil people, wrongful actions, dangerous environments, poor
relations with other people, psychic energy sent to affect the person or even
the Evil Eye159 . To cleanse the energy around you carry two of these
gemstones high on the chest for a whole day; Aquamarine, Beryl,
Bloodstone, Citrine, Serpentine or Tree Agate.

Energy Manifestation: There will be moments when the Apprentice needs

to send energy to other people. To achieve this, visualize the individual
needing the energy and see him/her enveloped in a field or colored light
consistent with the sort of energy being sent. If you want to send good
vibrations imagine the person surrounded by bright lights and laughter. To
do this, hold in your right hand three of these gemstones and/or metals;
Aegirine, Azurite, Barite, Beryl, Chrysocolla, Chrysophrase, Copper,
Danburite, Garnet, Hawk’s Eye, Herkimer Diamond, Lepidolite, Petalite,
Red Aventurine, Red Chalcedony Ruby, Rutilated Quartz, Shaman Stone,
Seraphinite, Sodalite, and Sunstone.

Energy Restoration: Sometimes your energy is not contaminated or stolen,

but actually is hampered or blocked. Many explain that this produces an
effect of disconnection from everything, while others explain that they feel
spiritually “bloated”. This could be the result of your body closing up your
energy fields in order to protect you from someone whose energy field was
completely compromised with low level vibrations and the like. To restore
your energy flow carry three of these gemstones on your left hand for a
whole day; Kunzite, Labradorite, Moldavite, Picture Jasper, Red Jasper,
Ruby, Seraphinite and Sunstone.

Energy Stabilization: Much like the previous example, sometimes people

whose energy fields are really agitated leave you in the same way. This
makes your energy go faster, wasting it without your body actually using up
your energy. To make your energy flow at your regular level carry four of
these gemstones near the right ankle; Agate, Amber, Amegreen, Amethyst,
Ametrine, Azurite, Bloodstone, Diamond, Emerald, Green Aventurine,
Green Calcite, Ruby, Silver Aventurine and Star Sapphire.

Energy Unblocking: Blocked energy is the result of illness and trauma.

Sometimes we experience really bothersome events that change the pattern
of the energy flow across our bodies. When this happens some body parts or
mystical centers, like the chakras, do not receive as much energy as they
need. This lack of energy creates a blockage or energy clog. These clogs can
lead to illness or rare medical conditions. This is why its strongly suggested
that an Apprentice and Wizard carry three of these gemstones near the heart
area to avoid these complications; Apatite, Calcite, Larimar, Magnetite,
Obsidian, Quartz, Topaz, Tourmaline and Zincite.
159 This is an ancient belief in which people think that others can curse you by just looking at you
with evil intentions. These “jinxing” looks send bad luck, misfortunes and misadventures to the
victim, a completely evil act in my opinion.

The Cleansing of Gemstones:

Many persons employ an ancient way to charge up gemstones. In the past

gemstones were cleansed with water, incense, or even essential oils to make
them cleaner and purer, in a metaphysical way of speaking. These methods
would also rid the gemstone from unwanted energies lodged in the stones
and quartz. After this the gemstones are usually placed under the Sun or the
Full Moon for a couple of hours and after that they are ready to be used.
Cleaning a gemstone shouldn’t be complicated at all, however our method
varies significantly from the previous example.

In our case, we clean the gemstone with running water160 for at least five
minutes. After that we place the gemstone over a small bed of salt, as this
compound will purify the minerals in the gemstone. The gemstone should be
left over the bed of salt for at least another hour. After this, the Apprentice
must make a prayer asking for guidance and connection with the gemstone’s
elemental. Then the Apprentice should tell the gemstone for what it will be
used and that it will not be abused. Then the gemstone is ready for the
exorcism and then the proper incantations. The exorcism is found below and
then the Apprentice and Wizard will use the In Nomine Deux Benedicto,
Magicartifex Ubertas and the Exornita Potens Lapidus incantations found on
Chapter Nine.

Once a gemstone is properly cleansed and prepared it can be employed for a

number of things. Some of these things are the programming, the
enchantment of the gemstone and the placing of magical energies inside the
gemstone. Programming a gemstone is rather easy. The Apprentice simply
holds the gemstone in his or her hand and mentally tells what will be its
function depending on the type of gemstone and its capabilities. A
programmed gemstone does only what it has been programmed for.

The enchantment of the gemstone is fairly easy as well. Once the Apprentice
learns his or her first incantations he/she could place these incantations
inside a gemstone. Also gemstones can be enchanted so that they can be
given away to family members and friends who are not magical but would
need a little help along the way. Please, follow the advice of never placing
more than four incantations inside a given gemstone. Enchanting the
gemstone is done after the initial cleansing process has been done. After this
the Apprentice follows the following formulation. First the gemstone should
be blessed three times by the In Nomine Deux Benedicto Incantation. Then a
candle should be lit, invoking the presence of God. Then the Apprentice will
place his/her hands over the stone and say;


Now the Apprentice casts the desired incantations over the gemstone and
then finishes by saying;
KALOLOKUS SUM . And thus a gemstone is enchanted.
160 It is important to point out that there are gemstones that cannot be cleansed in this way, for water
might ruin them, examples of this are the Kunzite and the Selenite. In these cases replae the running
water with a salt. Take the gemstone and gently rub it with salt. Then clean the salt off the gemstone
and proceed. Always refer to a gemstone manual for further reference regarding water.

Also, Wizards had been known to place energies inside gemstones, and even
entities of great power. That, although not difficult at all, is for another
moment; for it requires practice and a little experience.

Finally, gemstones should be kept in a proper place. I keep mine in a small

wooden box by the magical altar. Apprentices are encouraged to do the
same. Keeping gemstones on the open is not recommended for they will get
damage and most importantly the elemental inside will like the little “house”
you will keep him or her in. There is also a popular idea that gemstones
should not be handled by other people.

People believe that if someone touches one of your gemstones the gemstones
will suffer all manner of ill effects or will take the energy or vibration of the
person. Some even believe that a gemstone could be so affected that it will
lose its programming or incantation. This is not entirely true. The powerful
energy field that our Philosophical Sphere generates is enough to counter
any low level emotion, energy or thought directed at us. As a result, our
gemstones are quite safe. However, there is some truth in this belief. Some
people will be so charged up with negative energies that they may taint your
gemstones and they will need cleansing in order to properly use them again.
Also, some people do more than feel your gemstones, they try to contact the
elemental inside; this is not only rude but a transgression. This people are
actually trying to contact the elemental without asking for permission and
with a complete disregard with the relationship and magical connection
existent between the Apprentice and the gemstone. So as a conclusion, be
aware to whom do you lend your gemstones to.
The Exorcism of the Gemstones is quite similar to the other exorcisms.
However, the Wizard should be aware that there are particular versions and
variations employed throughout time to do this. Like in the previous
exorcisms, when a stone is exorcised the Wizard is actually purifying it from
unwanted creatures, unwanted spirits and unwanted entities or intelligences
that might prove harmful later on.

This exorcism actually cleanses the stone and it readies it for further magical
operations. Another important thing to consider is that the Exorcism actually
leaves the stone’s entity intact while it rids of other possible creatures that
might be lurking nearby. Use this formula after having used the previous
cleansing and charging formula on page 253. The exorcism of the gemstone
is the following;


Figure LX.
Psyche Opening the Golden Box By John William Waterhouse

Magical Herbs Plants and Trees:

Throughout the ages herbs, plants and trees have played a significant role in
the development of humanity. At first, humans were nothing more than
wandering bands of nomads. They lived through by hunting and gathering as
much fruits and vegetables as they could. This led them to wander
throughout the Earth in search of food. Once humans learned to plant and
harvest their crops they acquired great power over the natural world, since
now they could plant their foods instead of wandering aimlessly through the
surface of this world. This was the first blessing Humanity received from the
world of plants; but it wasn’t going to be the last. Ages later, with more time
to dedicate to the study and observation of the Universe, some humans
discovered that these very plants they were ingesting held incredibly
wonderful attributes. Through observation they uncovered that many plants
and their roots had medicinal capacities, and were capable of curing their
ailments. They too discovered that plants were capable of offering protection
from the natural world and some even learned that these very plants they
were consuming were capable of influencing the entire course of nature. In
time, these plants were studied more closely by the Wizards of Old and they
realized that many of these herbal instruments held many more attributes
than the humans ancestors suspected. These ancient Wizards began to study
the entirety of plants, eager to discover as many mysteries as they could find.
It was then that they learned that the entire plant was a bundle of surprises,
as they uncovered that great benefits could be obtained from each part of any
given plant; the leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, barks and even the roots. At
the moment, to try to provide an entire compendium of magical plants is
absurd, however the Apprentice will be given a brief list of the more known
magical plants as well as a short description of their magical attributes and a
brief indication on how to use them. However, before continuing the
Apprentice must realize that some plants can be poisonous and should be
handled with extreme care and caution.

Herbs, plants and trees are all living, breathing beings. These beings, much
like the elementals found on gemstones, need to be accessed in a proper
manner; especially if the Apprentice or Wizard is going to use them. These
entities are known as dryads, nymphs or tree spirits. Most of these entities
are gentle and loving and will cooperate with the Apprentice or Wizard, if
properly approached. To access properly these varied entities the Apprentice
needs only to approach them with a sincere heart and state verbally to the
herb, plant or tree what is required of it. After this, the Apprentice must
again state verbally that his/her intentions are not evil at all and that
permission is being asked to use the plant, tree or herb. After some minutes,
the Apprentice or Wizard should take only what is needed, making sure that
the herb, plant or tree is the least damaged. As a tribute to the entity in the
herb, plant or tree the Apprentice or Wizard must place water, fertilizers (the
natural kind) and caress its stem or bark lovingly. This will guarantee that
the entity will not be infuriated and that the part taken will go away with its

Herbs and plants are mostly used for their magical properties and most of the
time their individual parts are imbibed, made into ointments or worn by
people. Sometimes, Wizards create wonderful magical potions that are used
by the very Wizard or given to non-magical folks to help them in their daily
lives. Trees, on the other hand, are mostly used for their woods; since many
trees are considered magical and their woods are excellent for the creation of
wands and staffs. These must be carefully crafted by wandmakers and
should follow precise instructions as to the creation and enchantment of such
magical pieces. Finally, the Apprentice will do well in acquiring some of
these herbs and plants, these will be helpful in various ways. In one hand the
material components will be readily accessible and on the other hand the
Wizard will have developed a worthy relationship with each individual plant

List of Magical Herbs, Seeds, Flowers and Wood and their

Magical Properties

Acacia: For Protection and the augmentation of Psychic Powers. Keep in a

pouch near the pillow at night and you will have revelatory dreams.
Adam & Eve Roots: Used generally for Love and Happiness, also for
fertility spells. When someone is in need to strengthen his/her relationship
place in the bedroom and burn it as incense.
Adders Tongue: Used for various forms of Healing. Keep with you when
recovering from illnesses and to prevent ailments and infections.
African Violet: For augmented Spirituality and Protection from evil. Keep
on the right side of your body, preferably the arm.
Agaric: Used for the Fertility of a barren woman. Keep the Agaric root near
the bedside of the woman who is barren and during the nights with full moon
rub the root over the belly.
Agrimony: For Protection, Sleep and Astral Travels. Keep in a sachet below
the pillow. Ague Root: Used for various Protections, particularly against the
evil eye. Carry on the bag or wallet a piece of this root and you will never be
Alfalfa: Generally employed for Prosperity spells and to have plenty of
Money. Keep some of these leaves on the wallet or bag.
Alkanet: For Purification and Prosperity. To cleanse a place of bad energies
and low level vibrations burn this root by the door facing south.
Allspice: Used for gaining Money, get Lucky and various forms of Healing.
For healing rub the heart area with this root. For money, rub the hands
vigorously with powdered allspice.
Almond: For the acquisition of more Money, Prosperity and Spiritual
Wisdom. For all of the above keep an almond on the left side of the body.
Aloe: For Protection and Luck keep on the magical altar placed facing west.
Althea: For Protection and gaining Psychic Powers. Keep this root near the
head when sleeping. Alyssum: For Protection and the Moderation of Anger
and Rage. It keeps hostile people at bay if worn over the neck.
Amaranth: Used for Healing, Protection and be able to achieve Invisibility.
Keep on a sachet by the chest. Angelica: Used principally in Exorcism Rites,
for the Protection against Evil and to procure diverse Visions. It is a very
powerful plant. Its root can be used to see into the future when rubbed upon
the forehead and when burned it is magnificent protection incense.
Apple: For Love, Healing, and Garden Magic161 . The seeds can be boiled
and given to people who haven’t found true love. In order to heal place an
apple leaf upon the affected area and cast a healing incantation. Leave there
for several hours and the person shall recover from fevers. For Garden
Magic an apple can be burned as an offering to nature spirits.
Apricot: For the Purest Love open an apricot in half and remove a portion of
its center and fill it with honey. Surround it with red string and tie a gentle
knot. Bury the apricot by the entrance of the house. Arabic Gum: Used to
purify negativity and evil. Burn together with Storax and Sage for a potent
incense against evil entities and forces. It will cleanse an environment from
evil energies, magic and thoughts. Arbutus: Used in Exorcisms for the
Protection of the Exorcist in which case three leaves should be carried
around the neck, three close to the heart and three on the back.
Asafetida: Used in Exorcisms of evil elementals and in Ritual Purifications.
Place near the entrance of the house for protection and added safety.
Ash: This wood should be carried during sea travel for Protection, Sea
Magical Rituals and the General Health of Mariners. It can also be employed
for the acquisition of prosperity if carried on the back pocket of one’s
Aspen: Carry with you when speech is necessary and important. Also, if
carried on the left foot it will avoid Theft.
Aster: Generally employed for love spells. Use the flower when casting the
spell and thinking on true love. Then place in your bosom for as long as it
can remain there.
Avocado: Used for Love, augmentation of Lust and acquiring Beauty; it is a
plant dedicated to Venus. Carry the leaves for love, carry its root inside your
undergarments for lust and consume the fruit on the Full Moons’ Eve to look
more beautiful.
Balm of Gilead: Generally used for Success, carry the seeds in a sachet on
the right side of your trousers. Bamboo: A wonderful plant with many
magical applications. For Luck and breaking hexes carry a hollow bamboo
stick. For the fulfillment of your wishes place four leaves under the right
foot. Banana: Carry part of the leaf bended several times in your
undergarments for male potency. For prosperity scrub your hands with
banana leaf during the morning on the fourth hour. Barley: For healing place
the ground root under the chin. As a protection keep ground root in a sachet
near the bed.
Basil: Used generally for Love, sprinkle ground root to your left to bring a
special someone. In the Exorcism of lower spirits, sprinkle ground root in a
consecrated fire before speaking to them. To attract wealth carry basil with
you in negotiations dealing with money. To achieve Spiritual Flight, which is
a form of astral travel, place a whole root over the forehead five minutes
before going to sleep. Bay: For the development of Psychic Powers rub bay
leaves upon the temples and the back of the head at the seventh hour of the
day. For greater strength place bay leaves in your belt.
Bean: Carry five tender beans to be protected against vampirism. Carry
seven tender beans to acquire Male and Female Potency.
Beech: Carry a little green twig upon your hat to fulfill your dreams and
Beet: Carry the root on a green sachet to attract love.
Belladonna: A very poisonous plant and should never be used.
Benzoin: Used for the Purification of houses and temples, place upon the
high point of a door and facing outside.
Bergamot: Grind the root to a fine powder and rub it on the hands before
making agreements and contracts dealing with money.
Birch: Toss a dried twig into the fire when Exorcising the Element of Fire.
Bistort: Place the three green leaves upon the forehead to gain Psychic
Bittersweet: Carry the root upon the bosom to heal from Heartache. For the
Protection of Romance and Family carry the root tied with red string and let
it hang over the belly.
Blackberry: For the attraction of Health and Money carry the leaves inside
your pockets and lady-bags. Bladderwrack: For the Protection against water
elementals carry this seaweed on your left hand. For magical operations
dealing with the Sea and sea creatures toss the seaweed into a body of
running water. Bleeding Heart: Grind the root into a powder and place upon
the heart and honest love will come your way.
Bloodroot: When speaking to others carry the root within the right pocket or
keep inside the right palm, it will excite admiration and loyalty from others.
It also eliminates discord in the Family when the root is placed below a
carpet in the living room.
Bluebell: It’s a truth telling herb, if the root is worn on the left wrist people
around will be compelled to tell the truth.
Blueberry: Generally used for Protection, grind the root to a fine powder and
rub upon the heart. Bodhi: It can be used with meditational purposes when
the root is burned as incense. Boneset: When the leaves are carried on the
right hand accidents are averted.
Borage: When the root is placed by the heart the individual gains courage
and valor. Bracken: If placed near the bed people can experience prophetic
dreams. If worn over an ailing organ it will heal it.
Bryony: Add this root to any magical operation dealing with personal
matters and needs. Bromeliad: It can be used for the Protection of the House
if the flower is placed inside the living room. Broom: Its dried up leaves can
be used to expel magically conjured spirits, ghosts and evil creatures. It can
also be used to exorcise Air Elementals.
Buchu: If the herb is boiled and then the water passed over the forehead it
helps develop Clairvoyance and Precognition.
Buckthorn: Carry the root into a courthouse to be favored by the judge.
Buckwheat: It brings more Money home if the leaves are carried to work.
Burdock: It protects young people when the leaves are kept near them.
Calamus: Boiling the root for half an hour and sprinkling the hot water over
the house helps in eradicating bad luck.
Camellia: To gain richness, carry the root in the left side pocket.
Camphor: Keep a leaf near a person to keep the person chaste. In divination
seers place a camphor root by their temples.
Caraway: Very protective when worn on the right wrist. It can heal if placed
under the belly. It helps in the developing of Mental Powers if the leaves are
placed near the eyes.
Carnation: Carry the root inside the right side of your pocket for protection,
providence and abundance. Cascara Sagrada: Carry the leaves to a
courthouse to be favored, especially in money matters. Castor: Place a leaf
under a child’s bed for protection from nightmares and nightly haunts.
Catnip: Burn the root as incense in order to make your magic more powerful.
Cedar: Used for healing purposes when the twig is burned in the room of the
sick person. Celandine: Keep the root under your tongue for a hasty escape
without being seen. To achieve happiness keep a celandine flower in your
pocket or next to your heart.
Centaury: To remove Snakes from a place toss the root near the snake from a
safe place and it will go away. Never approach a snake.
Chamomile: Dry the wild chamomile flower upside down for several days
and keep it in your safe to improve money matters.
Chestnut: Keep the chestnut open when seeking for ways out of a situation
or for new opportunities. Tie it close with black string if you want an
alternative or situation to go away. It will help to write in a piece of
parchment the description of the situation and then placing it inside the
Chicory: To remove obstacles place the root on top the dinner table. To heal
frigidity, have the woman so afflicted carry seven leaves in her
undergarments for seven days.
Chrysanthemum: Keep the flower in the house for protection. The root is
very useful against robbery when placed upon the interior side of the door.
Cinnamon: Boil the root for some minutes and then sprinkle the water over
the house for spiritual success and money.
Cloth of Gold: Keep the root near your mouth when speaking to animals,
they will understand. Place it in your ear to understand their animal
Clover: For protection place the clover inside your wallet at the sixth hour of
the day in the spring season. Columbine: For Valor and helpful aid in risky
situations boil the whole plant for several minutes, let it cool off and then
sprinkle yourself with the tempered water.
Comfrey: When seeking to travel safely , place four leaves in each shoe
facing West at the eight hour of the morning
Copal: A very aromatic resin from a very magical tree. The incense is used
for the purification of the environment.
Coriander: The whole plant is really magical. Use ground root to add spice
to your love life by sprinkling it on your bedroom. The flower can be
employed to call upon better health, place in the bedside. Cotton: Grind the
dried leaves and toss in the air for Rain.
Cowslip: A rejuvenation herb, boil the leaves and drink once a week for a
younger looking appearance. Cyclamen: Place the violet flower in the house
for added happiness and keep the large round leaf near you when praying; it
is said to carry the prayers to heaven.
Cypress: Used to acquire Longevity and Comfort, keep the root near you at
all times and you will live for many years. Make a statue of yourself if
Damiana: Place the root on your left leg to bring Love back.
Dandelion: Burn six flowers before conjuring celestial or elemental air
spirits; they shall come promptly. Devils Shoestring: Keep the root in your
pocket when Gambling to gain at every hand. Dittany of Crete: Keep the
root on your back when resting and you shall achieve Astral Projection.
Dragons Blood: A powerful resin, burn this incenses to attract riches.
Dulce: The leaves of this herb keeps Harmony in the house or work.
Echinacea: For Strengthening Spells and making them stronger, boil this root
and then wet your magical wand with this water.
Elder: The most magical wood ever. Place two branches in the form of an X
over your door and no witchery will be able to come through. Keep the root
in your wand’s case or sachet to make it stronger and more potent. Boil the
leaves and sprinkle this water around you to be more powerful. Finally, keep
the ripe elderberries in a bowl and you shall be rich and no thief will attack
Eryngo: Keep the root upon the inside sole of the left shoe and you shall
have Traveler’s Luck, finding every path and never getting lost.
Eucalyptus: Keep the leaves in water and rub upon the forehead of sickly
people, it shall comfort them. Sprinkle this water around and you shall be
protected from venomous people
Fennelflower: Also called Black Caraway, those who keep sixty of these
black seeds in the house are protected from magical curses and the Evil Eye.
Carry five seeds when moving away from the house and place them back
upon your return. Don’t get them lost!
Fenugreek: Rub your hands with the green leaves and you shall increase the
Money earned in your work. Fern: Keep a branch from this wood at the
Northwest of the house; it will keep evil spirits away. Placed by the East, it
will bring riches. Drink one hundredth of an ounce in 100 drops of spring
water from the boiled root once a year and you shall remain young.
Feverfew: Keep this root upon your vehicle and/or yourself when entering
dangerous places, it will protect against accidents.
Flax: Keep these leaves under the child’s bed to protect them from evil
Frankincense: Burn this incense for protection against Evil Spirits. Also,
burned with a white candle it will purify your spirit.
Fuzzy Weed: Also known as Hawkweed, keep the flower with you when
going hunting and it will improve your skills.
Gardenia: A very powerful and magical flower plant. Boil the flowers and
then sprinkle the water over the house to purify it from evil entities. Keep
the root next to your heart to augment your magical energies.
Garlic: Keep the garlic near you when visiting dark and inhospitable places,
evil spirits will not approach you. Keep the root near when trying to avoid
psychic vampirism.
Ginger: Keep the root with you for the protection against evil magic. The
flower kept at home will bring about Success in any endeavor.
Golden Seal: Keep the dried flower with you at all times and it will give you
Wisdom. Grains of Paradise: Keep five of these black seeds in your right
pocket when looking for a new job. Grape: Make a crown from its vines and
you shall be protected from demons and fallen creatures. Make a cross of its
wood and you shall experience a holy aura.
Hawthorn: Keep a branch in your study to achieve wisdom and
Hazel: Place three branches joined in the middle by a red string upon your
bedroom and your wishes will come true.
Hickory: Place a large 6 feet long branch on the southeast corner of the
house and you shall be granted visions of light and illumination.
High John the Conqueror: To break hexes, curses and evil magic done
against you, burn this root in a cauldron to a cinder (it might take several
hours, be careful) taking into consideration that all evil is being burned
away. Write the curses and the evil intentions of others upon you in a piece
of paper and wrap it around the root.
Holly: Keep nine leaves upon your forehead when wishing for something, it
will come true. Honeysuckle: Keep the gentle root with you when fighting
against evil people and you shall be victorious, especially if you are fighting
for a fair cause.
Hops: Used to prevent nightmares, place five hop cones near your bed.
Horehound: When expelling evil, banishing entities or exorcising fallen
creatures burn the green herb completely.
Hyacinth: Place these flowers in a house anywhere to be happy.
Hydrangea: Also known as Hortensia, this flower can be burned to remove
Hexes and Breaking Curses. Hyssop: Boil the herb and keep the water.
Sprinkle every day to attract richness and prosperity. It will also protect
against terrible monsters if the water is placed over the forehead daily.
Iris: Keep this plant near to achieve great magical, mystical, esoteric and
philosophical Wisdom. Jasmine: To strengthen an existing love, boil the
flower and sprinkle over the living areas. Juniper: Keep the root in your
undergarments to augment virility if you are a man. Keep the leaves in your
breast to augment your sensuality if you are a woman.
Knotweed: Burn this root to break Binding spells.
Lavender: Place this plant around to promote harmony and peace.
Lemongrass: To repel serpents and other reptiles, burn this herb in your
Licorice: To strengthen your mind, keep the root on you at all times.
Lily: If you suspect someone is placing an unwanted Love Spell on you burn
the flowers and use it as incense in your house.
Linden: Also known as Small Leaved Lime, boil the leaves and keep the
water and rub it on your face daily to achieve longevity.
Lotus: Burn a leaf in order to open locked situations.
Magnolia: Keep the plant in the house for marital happiness and fidelity
Mandrake: A very powerful root, burn the root when conjuring elementals,
celestials and divine forces. Master Wort: Burn the entire herb with the
intention of vanquishing great enemies and situations opposing you.
Mint: Dry the flower and grind it to a fine powder and then sprinkle around
your house to break curses and the work of Dark Magic. Place a leaf behind
your neck for greater mental acuity. Mistletoe: Burn the herb as incense to
gain power over the elements and nature. Keep a branch with you to be
protected from your enemies.
Moonwort: Keep the root with you if you believe shape shifters are around,
they will not harm you. Mugwort: Grind the root and place the powder in
your forehead for greater Psychic Powers. Mustard: Keep the seeds with you
to attract richness.
Myrrh: Burn the incense to keep evil away and to exorcise evil creatures.
Myrtle: Keep a branch with you for seven days in your bedroom. After the
seventh day at the ninth hour of the day burn it to receive more money.
Nettle: – Dry the root and grind it to a fine powder and then sprinkle around
your house to break curses and the work of Dark Magic
Olive: Make a crown with its nimble branches to be protected against evil
Papyrus: Burn the long green leaves as incense to learn quickly and to
receive Wisdom. Pennyroyal: Keep the root with you when trying to solve a
dispute between spouses. Pepper: Grind the seed and toss it around to expel
evil thoughts, entities and spirits.
Periwinkle: Keep the root with you to be protected from evil intentions and
bad wishes against you. Pine: Keep a small branch in your bedroom to be rid
of evil thought forms.
Pomegranate: Grind the root to a fine powder and place it over your scrying
ball to see even more clearly into the future.
Poppy: Place a poppy seed in your bed to project your mind into someone’s
Ragweed: Burn the root in the presence of the weak and they shall be
Ragwort: Place a small leaf inside your child’s book bag to protect them at
Rattlesnake Root: Keep the root upon your hand when speaking with liars
and deceivers and they will not lie to you.
Rose: Burn seven red roses to break a Love Curse.
Rosemary: Carry with you the root to prevent problems with the spouse.
Rowan: Keep a branch near your divining table or space to grant you with
better psychic and clairvoyant abilities.
Rue: Burn this plant to break curses, hamper dark operations, dissipate evil
thoughts and destroy black magic. Burn the root to dispel evil spirits.
Rye: Carry the root at all times and you will be given Success.
Saffron: Sprinkle the ground root around to keep your house free from
Sage: Burn this plant to cast evil spirits and larvae162 away. Keep a leaf with
you and you will receive Ancient Wisdom.
St. John’s Wort: Carry this root in a necklace to dissipate unhappiness and
depression. Sandalwood: Burn this incense to enhance spirituality and be
protected from evil.
Snakeroot: Keep the root with you and liars, false friends, hypocrites and
deceivers will go away from your presence.
Snapdragon: Burn the entire plant when conjuring elementals and you will
be protected from them. Spearmint: Make a crown from its leaves and you
shall acquire mental powers.
Spiderwort: Burn the root in order to melt away trapping relationships.
Spikenard: For the protection against dangerous people keep the root with
you on the right side of your body.
Star Anise: Grind to a fine powder and sprinkle in front of you before
undergoing important enterprises, they will be most favorable.
Sunflower: Keep the flower in your house and it will bring happiness,
harmony and clarity into your life. Sweetgrass: Burn the whole herb when
summoning spirits and elementals.
Tamarisk: Use as incense when exorcising weapons and magical artifacts,
the leaf can be protective against evil.
Thyme: Boil the root and sprinkle the water over your house to increase
prosperity and money. Toadflax: Very protective against demons and devils
when the root is burned. It can break black magic spells when ground to a
fine powder and the hands are rubbed with it.
Toadstool: When conjuring Water Elementals burn the entire herb. To make
friendship with nature spirits from the realm of water keep the herb with you
when addressing them.
Tobacco: Carry the herb with you when pressed by legal matters and when
visiting the court to be favored by the jury.
Turmeric: Burn the herb when purifying an abandoned or haunted place.
Valerian: Very poisonous, it should never be used.
Vervain: Carry the root with you when seeking for peace.
Vetivert – employed principally to revert magical operations and to avoid
Violet: To end the conflict between spouses burn the root and seven flowers
in front of them to finish the struggle.
Walnut: Carry eight nuts to make new friends.
Willow: Keep a branch in your house to avoid curses and Dark Magic.
Wintergreen: Carry a leaf in your right side pocket to be favored in
gambling, be lucky and find love. Witch Grass: Dry the leaves and burn
them in front of your house, it will keep dark and evil witches away and it
will stop their meanderings.
Witch Hazel: Keep the root and leaves in a bottle of water and sprinkle
around for protection against ghosts.
Wolfs Bane: Extremely poisonous, it should never be handled. However, the
plant keeps werewolves away from your house and will prevent people from
entering your home in astral form. Wood Rose: Keep a branch in your
kitchen to avoid diseases and evil sickening spirits. Woodruff: Keep the
leaves on the right side of your pockets to be successful and avoid
competitors and enemies.
Wormwood: Extremely potent. Keep the root with you to prevent
possessions. Burn the root as incense to remove demonic possession. Burn
the dried leaves to be protected from strange, magical-borne accidents.
161 The sort of magical arts dedicated to botany, helping plant life and working with gnomes and
nature spirits of grooves and small woods.
162 These are the spirits of those who died in accidents or were murdered. Most of the time, these
spirits try to remain near those places which were most familiar to them, draining the energy of people
and animals currently there.

The Exorcism of the Herb, Root or Wood is quite similar to the rest of the
Exorcism Formulas shown so far. The Wizard actually cleanses the Herb,
Wood or Root from those elementary entities, residual intelligences or from
Fairy Folk that could still be present on the herb or root. As the Formula is
employed the luminous light of the Source Divine bathes the gemstone and it
showers it with blessings and light so powerful that all but the good spirits
will leave immediately unable to withstand the intensity, glory and absolute
power of God. The formula employed to cleanse them from noxious energies
is the following;

The Magical Oils

Oils derive their magical powers from plants, roots and flowers and
generally they have the same attributes than their plants counterpart.
However, oils do not exist in the natural world wholly made. They need to
be prepared by the Wizard using the correct amounts, the proper time and
following the appropriate recipes to the letter. When a Wizard prepares
magical oils, it actually mixes up several plants beforehand and adds some
special ingredients that will correspond to certain magical qualities. Unlike
plants, which can be employed readily after having been obtained, oils need
to be prepared by a skillful hand before actually engaging into concocting
the magical oil. In the past, Wizards had to learn how to extract the essential
ingredients of oils from plants, seeds, leaves, barks, stems, flowers and even
from roots. This process was painstakingly serious, especially when
sometimes the amount of oil gathered was negligible and it was necessary to
carry out the process several times before acquiring a suitable amount. Also,
the Wizard had to be very careful, since certain plants may be poisonous or
hazardous when put to fire, steam, boiling water, etc. Moreover, some of
these oils were so potent that they were required to be diluted in other base
oils so that the actual oil did not result hazardous to anyone. The Wizards of
the Modern Era are blessed, in the sense that most of these oils can be found
in most magical stores already prepared for use. All the Wizard needs to do
in our days is to go shopping for the right oils and then come back home to
mix them up together. Another important aspect of oils is that many of these
can be employed as healing supplements, something that has been done for
thousands of years. Finally, the Apprentice must understand that oils are
important because powerful magical activities can be placed in them and
then transferred to other people as they use the oil. In this way, oils can
become powerful enhancements to magical operations, since many of them
can actually recreate many incantations. The Apprentice must know that
many oils can be used for the consecration of magical weapons, magical
wands, stones, crystals and even scrying devices. Also, oils can be used to
augment and empower the Wizard with many magical activities in a more
discreet way than walking around with stones and other more cumbersome
magical equipment and devices, which are readily visible.

Like it was said before, many oils need to be diluted in other base oils in
order to use them. These base oils should be consecrated beforehand and
properly exorcised before diluting any other oils in them. A simple yet
effective Exorcism Formula is the Following;

1. Choose an adequate recipient made of glass or wood; as long as it had

been finely crafted. Cast the In Nomine Deux Benedicto Incantation upon
the recipient three times and make the sign of the cross over the recipient
with your wand.

2. Call upon the Holy Names and move to the different cardinal points;


PHOTEINOS to the West.

3. Place the base oil in the recipient and then say; EXORCISO IGITUR TE
After this, the Wizard should gather the appropriate oils and once ready to
mix them up, the following Formula should be employed over the oils to be
mixed in the base oil and whatever other ingredient are going to be used.
The Wizard must use his/her wand in the right hand and place his/her left
hand over the ingredient in a commanding pose. The Exorcism Formula is
the following;



At this moment the ingredients are ready to be employed in any magical

operation. The Wizard must remember to store the oils in a place where it
doesn’t receive sunlight directly, for this will irremediably damage the oils.
Also, the Wizard must remember to bless all of the flasks where the mixed
oils had been placed with the IN NOMINE DEUX BENEDICTO and the
DEUX CONSECRATUR incantations.

Finally, whenever the oils are going to be used, the Wizard must cast a
Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation, thinking on the magical properties to be
maximized. Now, a brief list of magical uses will be given and then a list of
magical recipes, so that they may be properly studied and experienced.
However, just before continuing the Apprentice needs to know that there are
oils which are employed for decorative purposes only; these oils tend to be
irritants to the skin. The Apprentice needs to find those oils which are
especially made for personal use.
Figure LXI. The Love
Potion by Evelyn de Morgan (1855-1919)

A Brief List of Oils, Ointments and their Powers

Acacia: Place a couple drops in the forehead, it will heighten the Wizard’s
vibrations, it can be worn during meditation and to promote psychic powers.
I can also be used to anoint candles in an altar, magical weapons and
gemstones. All-Spice: Place abundantly in the hands and rub together daily
to vitalize and provide additional energies. Almond: Place four drops upon
the left hand every day for ten days at the fifth hour of the day making a
prayer asking for money and prosperity will be attracted. Amber: Place in
the back of the neck and rub down to balance the Spiritual Body. Anise:
Place one drop on each temple and then one on the forehead for clairvoyance
and for divination incantations. Apple Blossom: Wear daily to procure
happiness. Arnica: Place four drops upon the bosom to counter emotional
distress. Asafetida: Place seven drops in the left palm when exorcising evil
spirits. Basil: Place six drops upon the belly to block the emotions of
quarreling people, friends or family members. Bayberry: Men should place
four drops in their chest to attract love. Benzoin: Place six drops in your
forehead for the peace of mind, tranquility and harmony. Bergamot:
Extremely potent against the forces of darkness, place five drops in the back
of each palm in the form of a five pointed star and you will be protected
against such forces. Betony: Place four drops on the left hand to raise a
defensive wall against malicious thoughts. Bluebell: Place two drops on the
forehead to augment the power of your will. Camphor: for chastity and
strength against temptations place two drops on the crown of the head.
Carnation: Place eight drops upon the chest of the ill and infirm three times a
day for seven days and the person shall heal. Cedar: This oil is very
auspicious for the work in temples and altars. Place four drops upon any
holy or sanctified item for its purification. Cherry: Place four drops upon the
heart to be favored in Love. Cinnamon: This oil can be irritant to the skin, so
be careful, place just one drop in your forehead to open your psychic
abilities and clairvoyance. Sensitive people should dilute that drop of oil in
water before applying to the forehead. Cypress: To become physically
powerful, place one drop on the right palm. Dragon’s Blood: Place five
drops on the chest to counter negativity and dispel evil spells. Also place
eight drops when communing with dragons and holy serpent spirits.
Eucalyptus: Another healing oil, place upon the head of the sick; five drops
every ten hours for six days. Frankincense: Six drops upon the left palm will
repel dark energies, entities and evil beings. Gardenia: When calling upon
the goodly spirits, like angels, celestials, good elementals, nature spirits and
the like place eight drops upon the forehead to be successful and favored by
them. Hazelnut: Place three drops on the forehead to acquire magical
prowess and better diction. Heather: Place two drops in the forehead for
diverse visions and warnings. Honeysuckle: Place three drops upon the back
of the neck and three more upon the front of the neck to maximize your
psychic and mental abilities. Jasmine: Before going to sleep place eight
drops upon your forehead to procure prophetic dreams. Juniper: Place four
drops of this oil upon the belly of the sick twice per day for a week. Placing
six drops upon the forehead will provide illumination. Lavender: When
trying to get information through magical means, place two drops over each
eyebrow. Life Everlasting: To acquire inspiration, knowledge of the future
and magical might place two drops on the forehead. Lilac: Place three drops
over your forehead when going to sleep to remember past lives in dreams.
Placing five drops over the belly will protect against dangerous spirits,
ghosts and possessions. Lily: To break love spells and curses cast upon you,
place nine drops over your chest for six days. Lime: Place five drops over
each palm to stop dangerous creatures and to keep monsters at bay.
Magnolia: Place one drop over your chest daily to keep a marriage happy.
Women should place six drops on the chest to attract love. Mandrake: Place
four drops in the right hand in order to be more suggestive and commanding.
Moss: Place five drops over the back of the left hand to repel powerful
enemies and for protection. Musk: Place seven drops upon the crown of your
head for deep meditative states. Myrrh: Place four drops upon your forehead
before casting Blessings and Light incantations and the incantations will be
superb. Narcissus: For those who can’t rest place six drops upon the chest.
Oak: For the procurement of strength, vitality and divine connection, place
four drops in the navel. Orange: To promote healing, place six drops on the
chest. Patchouli: When seeking true love place four drops upon the chest
every day. Peach: To receive good news and promotions, place five drops in
the chest. Periwinkle: Place six drops on the right hand to be protected from
evil spirits and possessions. Pine: This is a powerful cleanser, place ten
drops over the head to clean the aura of people from negative energies,
forces and thought-patterns. Rose: Place seven drops over the heart to bring
love in to your life. Rosemary: Place four drops upon the bosom every day
for enlightenment. Rue: Place five drops in the chest every morning to
procure protection against evil beings and to dispel dark magic. Sage: When
seeking wisdom, longevity and great personal insight place six drops upon
the forehead. Sandalwood: Used to create a spiritual atmosphere, cleanse the
air from evil beings and anointing sacred or magical artifacts, place three
drops upon any of these. Sunflower: To become more beautiful place three
drops on each cheek. Tansy: To acquire youthfulness place three drops on
the left palm. Vervain: place eight drops to keep peace in a place. Vetiver:
Place five drops upon the left hand to repel evil thoughts and energies.
Violet: It will keep evil away when you place ten drops upon the belly.
White Rose: To receive magical visions and instructions in dreams, place
eight drops on the crown of the head. Witch Hazel: To keep a place quiet and
free from negativity place three drops in the left palm. Wormwood: To
maintain magical power and magical vitality, place eight drops on the palm
of the hand which wields the wand. Ylang - Ylang: When healing the sick
place four drops upon the top of the head.

One final word, the following recipes are to be mixed together in a crystal
container, preferably a small crystal jar with a sealable top. These mixtures
should be kept in a dry place and away from sunlight. Also, when mixing the
ingredients use separate droppers for each ingredient, for this will avoid
contamination. Finally, label the mixtures for at the end they will all look the


½ an Ounce of Jojoba Base oil

8 drops of Mandrake oil
4 drops of Frankincense oil
2 drops of Dragon’s Blood oil

Wear five drops upon the wrists or behind the neck. Charge with additional
protective incantations. It will protect the person from evil creatures,
malicious attacks and evil thoughts. It will also protect from vampirism and
psychic attacks of any sort.


½ Ounce of Hazelnut oil

5 drops of Fir oil
1 pebble from Tintagel (the crystal cavern where Merlin slept), or a pebble
indigenous to that area
10 drops of Oak oil

Place eight drops upon your magical artifacts and anoint them. You can also
place eight drops upon the left palm for better magical castings. It’s
primarily used to keep magical weapons consecrated allowing them to
receive as much magical energy and light as possible from the Source Divine
and the heavenly hosts.


¼ Ounce of Lavender oil for the Intelligence of the East Wind ¼ Ounce of
Musk oil for the Changes that come with the South Wind ¼ Ounce of Rose
oil for Love and Emotions that accompany the West Wind ¼ Ounce of
Honeysuckle oil for the Riches that come with the North Wind

Always wear when trying to impress someone or traveling in the wilderness,

place eight drops upon the forehead. It will also appease Air Elementals. It’s
primarily employed to become intelligent, more capable at speaking and at
carrying important messages. It was also used by medieval merchants to sell
all of their merchandize and to return home with their pockets full of gold


½ Ounce of Hazelnut oil 1 pinch of Sea Salt

1 small sea pebble
10 drops of Bergamot oil

It is primarily employed for safe travelling through large bodies of water. It

can also be used to work properly with the Water Elementals. Place nine
drops upon the left foot. Many use the Oceanus Oil to procure friendship and
favorable communications with sea spirits, sea people and sea faery folk.
Finally, it can be employed to avoid collisions at sea and shipwrecks by
anointing the ship’s rudder with nine drops.


½ Ounce of Moss oil

4 drops of Vervain oil
2 pinches of Sea Salt
½ Ounce of Heather oil
4 drops of Oak oil
4 drops of Witch Hazel oil
4 drops of Pine oil
Place three drops on the forehead, five on the chest and two on each palm.
Used to control unruly elementals, fairy folk and even procure friendship
with Dragons. It can also be employed to cover one’s track and to vanish
from another Wizard’s view or scrying devices. It is best if worn around the
mouth and over the brow.


½ Ounce of Jojoba Base Oil

5 drops of Lavender oil
5 drops of Camphor oil
5 drops of Eucalyptus oil
5 drops of Orange oil
4 drops of Sandalwood oil 3 drops of Rosemary oil 3 drops of Arnica oil
2 drops of Pine oil

Place a drop in the forehead and on the neck once every hour. It will cure
ailments, illnesses and medical conditions quickly. Never use under sunlight,
the person should be resting and preferably on bed.

¼ Ounce of Allspice oil ¼ Ounce of Bergamot oil ¼ Ounce of Sage oil

5 drops of Bayberry oil

Wear a drop on the chest and put a thin strip in the forehead. It will procure
work quickly and expeditiously. The Wizard can write the kind of job
wanted with the oil over a piece of parchment and then have the parchment
tied to the left forearm with a white cord. When seeking for a better job the
Wizard should use this remedy at least four times daily.


½ Ounce of Myrrh oil

8 drops of Frankincense oil
4 drops of Sunflower oil
4 drops of Gardenia oil
3 drops of White Rose oil
Wear five drops on the forehead, on the back of the hands or below the lower
lip when confronting magic users which are not to be trusted. It will protect
from black magic, attacks from the Dark Arts and from negative forces that
seek to destroy the Wizard.


½ Ounce of Jojoba Base Oil 3 drops of Oak oil

6 drops of White Rose oil 2 drops of Pine oil
5 drops of Cedar oil 1 drop of Almond oil
4 drops of Sandalwood oil

Extremely Magical and potent, it can be used to anoint magical artifacts, in

blessings and magical rituals. It is used for scrying and to get in contact with
spiritual entities from the realms of light and order. Place five drops over the
person’s hand or artifact.


¼ Ounce of Cypress oil

¼ Ounce of Lavender oil ¼ Ounce of Sage oil
¼ Ounce of Life Everlasting oil 4 drops of Tansy oil
3 drops of Lemon oil 2 drops of Almond oil 1 drop of Peach oil

This oil is to be used every day, a drop diluted in a hundred drops of water.
Taken orally daily helps reduce aging and reverses the sings of old age. Not
exactly the Philosopher’s Stone Immortality Medicine, but a great substitute
when it comes to offer many, many years to the Wizard.


¼ Ounce of Periwinkle oil ¼ Ounce of Rosemary oil ¼ Ounce of Rue oil

¼ Ounce of Sage oil
5 drops of Betony oil 5 drops of Benzoin oil 5 drops of Anise oil 4 drops of
Myrrh oil
3 drops of Dragon’s Blood oil 2 drops of Almond oil

5 drops of Asafetida oil 1 drop of Frankincense oil

To be employed as one of the most potent vanquishing oil against the forces
of Darkness. One drop is to be placed in the third eye, under the neck and on
entrances and windows to keep evil at bay. The Wizard can also bathe
magical wands and swords when fighting against evil forces. It can also be
used by placing a large quantity of the oil over dried wood and then use this
wood to light a fire; the fire will keep evil beings away as it produces
Leonine Firelight; which is the bright splendor and radiance of light, law and
love which drives evil away.


½ Ounce Jojoba oil

5 drops of Lavender oil
3 drop the Red Wine oil 8 drops of Bergamot oil 6 drops of Rosemary oil 4
drops of Wormwood oil
2 drop Bluebell oil

Place one drop under the upper lip. It will help the Wizard speak to anyone’s
heart and those persons will agree to his or her demands. It is very effective
when summoning magical energies, contacting superior spirits, archangels
and divine beings. It can also be used to empower the Wizard with powerful
energies and when communing with nature beings. It can also be used to
provide potent energies to spells and incantations and no spell should be
uttered without it.
Figure LXII.
Speculum Occultum (1123) By Albertus Secundus

The Magical Oracles

In the Wizarding World Oracles had been in use since time immemorial.
Every culture in the world has had an example of such divining methods.
Somewhere outright rudimentary and primitive, whereas others where
ultimately intricate and complex. However, as Wizards began to evolve and
the true nature of Magic became revealed to them, the structure of an oracle
began to experience changes which resulted in what we today call an oracle.
In the ancient past, oracles served as divining tools for kings, priests and
heroes; through oracles many knew their future, their destinies and their
fates. Entire nations and cultures wouldn’t act unless the oracle had advised
a course of action. So was the power of these instruments that even the great
priest-kings of Persia consulted them before deciding to undergo a particular
course of action. However, what is an oracle?
Oracles are people gifted with the sight of the future and who offered some
direction to the world when things looked dark and gloomy. However, they
employed different methods to properly see the future. Some employed
hypnotic gases like the Pitia at Delphos in ancient Greece. Others employed
sacred herbs and narcoleptic potions which altered their consciousness and
allowed them to tap into the intricate matrix of Reality, Time and Space like
the shamans; still others employed ancient divining tools, like the Celtic
Runes and the Tarot while others observed the skies, the birds and the clouds
like the augurs in ancient Rome. At this moment we shall not discuss those
methods which required noxious gases or narcoleptic drugs to achieve vision
for it is clear that these are precursors to addictive practices and all Wizards
should stay away from addictive drugs; apart from damaging the body, these
also hinder the magical capacities and capabilities of all Wizards. At this
moment we shall introduce the different sorts of oracles that are available to
the Apprentice.

Figure LXIII. Una and the Lion (1880) By Briton Reviere (1840-1920)

Runes are as old as time, they are comprised by the very language of the
Norse Gods and these are ancient and eternal. They had been employed as a
divination method for at least the last three thousand years. Originally
stemming from the Elder Futhark Tradition of the Norse163 , this divination
method has actually reached every corner in the Wizarding World. It consists
of a set of magical alphabet like signs engraved in stone or carved in wood
bark or clay. These were tossed on the ground and according to the pattern
they formed an interpretation was made regarding the question asked by the
rune caster. Their origins are shrouded in a great divine mystery that speaks
of Initiatory Rites as well as deep and profound Metaphysical soul searching.

According to the Eddas164 the great god father Odin was intent on becoming
wiser. He traveled on top of his magical horse and rode to the ends of the
worlds trying to find wisdom and understanding. He reached a deep well
where he found a great giant named Mimir. He asked for the giant’s wisdom
but this one refused. Resolved on acquiring wisdom the great Father God
took one of his eyes out and offered it to the giant. The giant accepted the
sacrifice and gave the great Odin his wisdom. However, the god still felt
unsatisfied with the wisdom received; Odin felt he still needed to know more
about the universe, its magic and its cosmic laws. So he kept on riding on
top of his horse throughout the worlds until he reached a giant leafless tree.
He passed by the tree but was unable to dodge its branches and was caught
on them. He struggled to free himself but he couldn’t. The great Odin hung
from the tree upside down and he struggled with all of his might to get
untangled, but he just couldn’t get away from the hold of the tree’s branches.
And so he stayed there, hanging upside down; even thinking that was going
to be the end for the great Father of All of the Norse Gods. But then as the
first day passed he felt clearer and his inner self brighter. Then, the second
day gave him a profound new perspective on the mysteries that Mimir the
Giant had given him before. With each passing day, Odin felt as his mind got
filled with wisdom never-ending until the ninth day when he was awarded
with a great vision. It was the vision of the Runes. With his sword he carved
each and every one of them on the bark of that tree and when he was
finished he was able to release himself. As he fell to the ground the great
Father of the Gods mounted his horse and rode back to Valhalla165 , armed
with the arcane wisdom of the runes.

The Ancient Runic Elder

163 It’s the ancient form of language the Norse people employed, its quite old and it was known
throughout the northern regions of Europe.
164 A collection of Poems regarding the mythology of the Norse written in the 13th century, however
they possess information that goes as far back as the time of the Vikings in the 8th century.
165 The mystical heaven of the Vikings where the heroes go after they die heroically in battle. The
Gods live in Asgard which is another aspect of the Heavens and the fallen and monstrous creatures
live in Niflheim, which is an ice covered wasteland where no light ever shines.




DIVINATORY MEANINGS: Prosperity, wealth, needs, goals, self-image.

MAGICAL USES: Carry this rune with you to attract wealth, to find
employment, initiating new projects and success. You can also trace this
rune in the air with your wand or your index finger to invoke these energies
upon your life. Also, this rune placed on the work place will help you keep
your job for a long time.

RELATED ENTITIES: Freyr166 and Dwarves

It represents earned possessions. It is abundance, financial strength in the
present or near future. It represents hope, wealth, success, happiness and
social gain. It is energy, foresight, fertility, and creation/destruction. It is the
wealth that has been rightfully kept through savings and the means to save
money, be it another job or extra money.

Inverted Fehu represents: loss of property, of esteem, or something personal

that might be lost. It indicates some kind of failure. Greed, burn, atrophy,
discords. It also speaks of cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery
and being stuck to dominating circumstances or relationships.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: Energy, vitality, unruliness, fertility,
primitive mind, irrationality.

MAGICAL USES: Carry this rune with you to strengthen the will.
However, it will also attract positive vibrations, physical strength, vitality
and it will provide the way to be highly energetic. When dealing with new
projects it is very helpful to bring this rune with you for it will strengthen the
ideas and keep the energy up. It can also be used to provide additional
sensuality to men and great physical power.


It represents physical strength and speed, potential that has not been tamed
or worked yet. It is a time for the manifestation of powerful energies and it
always speaks of good health and vitality. It signifies freedom, power,
action, value, strength, tenacity, understanding and wisdom. It is sudden or
unexpected change (usually for the best). It also speaks of sexual desire and
male power.

Uruz inverted means: weakness, obsession, disorientation, being dominated

by others, inconsistency, ignorance and disease. Also, in this inverted
position it represents wrongful lust, brutality, harmful sharpness, soulless
people and violence. In this position it speaks of brute people disrupting
your communication or connection with others.
166 A Vanir, or a God of Wisdom and Prophecy, he rules as the Norse God of Fertility, Farming and
Weather. He is the brother of Freya, goddess of war, beauty and death. He lives with the Elves on


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: hardship, painful events, discipline,
knowledge, introspection, focus, concentration, attention, awareness.

MAGICAL USES: This rune, when placed upon the house, will help the
children in their studies and focus their concentration. If carried, it will allow
for an improved and altered state of consciousness. Also, carrying this rune
with you will give you the power to end a conflict by solving it. It will also
protect you against enemies and people who openly oppose you.

RELATED ENTITIES: the Frost Giants167 , Thor.

This Rune represents the reactive force or directed force of destruction or

self-defense, it also relates to conflict and war. It is also a representation of
the untamed will of the Wizard. It is associated to vital eroticism, a catalyst
for the regeneration of the species. It presents a trend towards change. It is a
State of catharsis, a purging of the old ways, and the fires of purification. It
is also a representation of male sexuality particularly reproduction and
having descendants, it is also the power of fertilization.

Inverted Thurisaz represents: danger, the disability of not being able to

defend oneself, wrongful obligations, treason and being useless. It represents
dullness, evil, viciousness, hate, torment, rancor and lies. It also features a
bad man or a bad woman. It could represent a violation of any kind. It might
also represent someone who, instead of saving you, ends up harming you.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: Authority, leadership, equilibrium between
mind and body, justice and the heightening of perceptions.

MAGICAL USES: This is the rune of the wise. Those who carry this rune
are given great wisdom, opportunities and guidance. It can also be traced
before attempting any form of divination to invoke its divinatory power and
guidance through any magical reading. Moreover, it is a rune of great
magical power with which the Wizard can achieve success in every
situation. Finally, those who carry this rune are given great spiritual beauty,
comeliness and are bestowed with the grace which surrounds the truthful and
celestial radiance which beckons trustworthiness.


Ansuz is the essence of the ancestral god Odin. It represents a message to be

given or a penetrating revelation into the mysteries of the universe. It is the
Act of communication with the higher realms of knowledge and wisdom.
These are signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, words of
power and the power of mighty and magical names. This rune speaks of
blessings and receiving good advices. It is good health, harmony, truth and
Inverted Ansuz represents: misunderstandings, illusion, manipulation by
others and attitudes of boredom. It also represents vanity and wanting to
speak but not to say anything useful.
167 This is a species of beings that constantly oppose the Norse Gods, they are called Jotun and there
are all kinds of giants; from Frost Giants, to Fir Giants, Cloud Giants and Earth Giants.
168 These are a group of gods among the Norse Mythos which are capable of seeing into the future,
are wise and have power over fertility and growth. They fought against the other Norse Gods, the
Aesir and they ultimately stopped fighting and united as one people.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: journeys, the traveler, movement, quests,
destinies and the lessons of life.

MAGICAL USES: The power of this rune provides the bearer of its magic
to be protected during travels and to properly communicate with others. If
carried around, it will give the person the proper perspective to act and to
resolve difficult situations. Also, if this rune is traced in the air it will give
the person the ability to move into higher states of consciousness, enter
higher worlds via the Astral Plane169 and to establish contact with spiritual
guides and celestial beings.

RELATED ENTITIES: The Norns, Heimdall, Bifrost170

It is the magical path of the Wizard, in physical terms, it speaks of the path a
person crosses with others in life. In spiritual terms, it represents the mystic
paths in the Tree of Life and Fate. It represents a trip, vacations, relocation,
evolution, change or fixing things so that they transform into new situations
and opportunities. It is a perspective of what could soon be. This rune
beckons the Wizard to see the correct movement in a situation and decide the
appropriate action. It is personal rhythm, the rhythm of the world.

Inverted Raido represents: crisis, rigidity, stagnation, injustice, irrationality.

It is disruption, dislocation, being devalued, encountering hostile grounds,
vengeful people and the certain possibility of accidents and ill-fated


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: insight, solutions, inspiration, divine

MAGICAL USES: Through this rune the Wizard will achieve higher
wisdom, connection with the divine and will be able to learn from the
invisible teachers that surround us. When worn as a pendant, this rune will
provide the wearer with the ability to see the right course of action, it will
provide greater understanding of the things to come and those things
transpiring around him/her and it will ultimately grant enlightenment to the
Wizard, as it provides light and the regeneration of the spiritual self.

RELATED ENTITIES: Mimir, Muspellheim171

It may be a correct vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration or

technical capacity. It is the vital fire of spirit, it is the energy focused on
productivity. It is the fire of transformation and regeneration. It is the energy
that creates its own reality, the energy of Light. It is the way to open up to
new forces, energies and powers. It also represents passion and desire for the
higher things in life and the higher worlds.
169 The Astral Plane is an invisible spiritual realm. Through practices some people can develop the
ability to leave their bodies behind by using their astral bodies. In this way they can travel freely
throughout the world and many other spiritual worlds.
170 The Norns are three sisters capable of seeing the past, the present and the future. Heimdall is an
Aesir who watches over the rainbow bridge Bifrost which communicates the land of the Norse Gods
with the rest of the Universe. 171 This is the land of fire, occupied by Fire Giants led by their King
and Ruler Surtr.

Inverted Kenaz represents: disease, decay, instability, lack of creativity,

mental disability, emotional exposure, loss of enthusiasm and false hopes. It
will also represent a sense of blockage in one’s path and the inability to
move into the right direction. Sometimes, it will refer to not being able to
understand or reason properly; it will always point out to something the
person doesn’t want to admit to or accept which is hampering his/her process
of evolution.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: gifts, good fortune, romantic love and
marriage, partnership in all sorts of relationships, offerings, and presents

MAGICAL USES: This rune will strengthen and give power to any
relationship. Especially, marriages and family bonds will be protected and
kept intact with the power of this rune. To protect such relationships, the
Wizard should trace the rune in his/her home and between the persons
involved in a relationship. When carried, this rune will provide fertility to
couples, crops and even ideas. Finally, it is so powerful and positive that it
will provide good luck to all those who wield it.

RELATED ENTITIES: The Aesir & Vanir Common Agreement

It represents gifts, in the sense of sacrifice and generosity, indicating the

balance between that which is given and that which is taken. It speaks of the
gifts in every manner of activity; it relates to trade, contracts, personal
relationships and societies. It is a rune of power for the family, friends,
spouses and siblings. It will strengthen those bonds and it specifies that
family should be taken care of or that the family is about to grow!

There can be no Gebo in reverse position. However, it would speak of

serious opposition and of emotions such as greed, loneliness, dependency
and unduly sacrifices. Also, it might mean wrongful obligations, being in
enslaving situations and relationships, deprivation and being the victim of
some sort of bribery. It will also represent that family bonds are deteriorated,
harmed or in peril of being broken.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: success, achievement of goals, happiness
and the joy experienced by good honest work.

MAGICAL USES: This rune can be employed to achieve success in every

situation, be it individual, social or magical. Its power allows the Wizards to
finish any task without any problem or ill event. In a sense, it’s a rune of
harmonious work, prosperous energy and the goodness of proper
development. The Wizard can benefit from these attributes by wearing this
rune every day. By tracing it in the air, the Wizard can fill up her/his
environment with its joyful and prosperous energy, dynamism and magic.
Finally, this rune can manifest the happiness of hard work and proper


It represents joy, comfort and pleasure. It is the ecstasy of experiencing

harmony and prosperity. It speaks of the glorious achievements of those who
work hard and are rewarded at the end by good things. It also relates to those
spiritual rewards received by the diligent and honest seeker of light. It might
be a signal or glimpse of the spiritual test at hand and how to overcome it.
Finally, this rune will most certainly represent good karma and very good
things to come in the future.
172 The Land of the Norse Gods

Inverted Wunjo represents: brainwashing, pain, tightness, and disposition. It

also shows delusions, mental poisoning, possession by higher and brutal
forces which impair one’s actions, impractical enthusiasm and the losing of
self-control. Also, it represents the losing of energy and momentum against a
prosperous situation and the unfateful closing of doors and opportunities.
Figure LXIV. The Princess tied to a tree By Edward Burne Jones (1833-


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: loss, troubles, destruction, disaster, purging
of the earth, tests and drastic change.

MAGICAL USES: The Wizard who wears this rune will be protected
against the elementary forces of nature, the more malevolent nature sprites
and the very accidents that stem from natural hazards, tempests and storms.
It will also provide protection against the negative and ill effects of planets,
stars and the ministering intelligences which rule the astrological planetary
transits which hamper, hinder or negatively affect people. The Wizard
should trace this rune upon a door with white consecrated173 chalk to protect
the residence and any other living quarters.


It represents the rage of the elements, the wrath of nature, the destructive and
uncontrolled forces of the world, the stars and planets. However, it also
represents the more harmful activities of the mind, spirit or the unconscious.
It’s to temper oneself in order to obtain more favorable results. It can also be
a controlled crisis, leading to the termination, harmony and internal

Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but inverted it would be a natural disaster,

catastrophe, stagnation, loss of energy, pain, loss, suffering, distress, disease
and crisis.
DIVINATORY MEANINGS: poverty, responsibility, duress, blockage,

MAGICAL USES: The power of this rune will provide the Wizard with the
power to overcome conflict, dangerous situations and things which put in
peril one’s life at all levels. Moreover, the Wizard can trace this rune over
the air before engaging things which need willpower, concentration and
determination to face difficult situations. Wearing this rune will also prevent
the Wizard from poverty and ruin. Placing the rune in a household will
always bring those things needed.


It represents delay and restriction. Its resistance which leads to strength,

innovation, it’s the need of the fire of life, is the search for independence. It’s
the will to overcome obstacles and problems, confusion and conflicts. It
represents resistance, survival and determination. When it appears it may
mean that it is the proper time for exercising the virtue of patience and it
would be wise to recognize one’s own weaknesses. It may be time to meet
one's own fears as well.
173 By concecrated chalk it is meant blessed by the In Nomine Deux Benedicto Incantation.
174 It is the Time of Endings, when the end of the World will come about as the World Tree is finally
destroyed by a great serpent-dragon.

Inverted Nauthiz represents: the constraints of liberty, a sign of danger,

indigence and apathy. It might also mean the end of various situations which
were good, deprivation, hunger and poverty. It might also mean that some
situation is about to challenge the stability and safety of the person asking
the question. Also, that something which is needed to overcome an obstacle
is not present or accounted for.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: inactivity, stagnation, rest.

MAGICAL USES: Wizards who wear this rune are attuned to patience,
wisdom and have a greater clarity of mind, in regards to problems,
perspective and events. Those who trace the rune over the air will stop in
their tracks the evil intentions of people, the negative aspects of relationships
and the ill-natured work of evil people. This rune will also convey upon the
Wizard the sacred teaching of observance and vigilance in which one learns
to do by not doing. In other, more elementary aspects, this rune strengthens
water and air incantations, ice spells and it protects from paralysis.


It represents challenges or frustrations. It can also be psychological
blockages to thought or activities, including grievances and inner pains. It is
to be detained and not being able to do anything about it. It can also mean to
be under a lot of problems and situations. It is a moment to turn to the inside
and wait for the proper time to return to action. It is a time to seek for clarity
and understanding. This Rune reinforces all the runes around it.

Isa cannot be reversed, but if it could it would represent serious negative

ego-mania, blindness, dissipation, betrayal, illusion, deception, treachery,
cunning, being unnoticed and the danger of ambush. This rune also might
refer to abilities and capacities which are not being employed and should be
awakened or employed in order to save the day.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: cycles of birth and growth, development.

MAGICAL USES: Wear this rune with you when you want changes for the
better in your life, especially if you are starting a new venture, a new project
or making changes in your life. It also helps a household receive the positive
effects of previous efforts if the Wizard traces this rune in the air at the
entrance of the household. Also, wearing this rune close to your chest will
provide strength and power to overcome any situation which had been
stressing, had been limiting yourself or keeping your from achieving your
goals despite your efforts.


It represents the positive results of previous efforts and a sign that previous
work is beginning to pay off. It is a period of peace and happiness, it's a
fruitful season. This opportunity can be lost if the person becomes slow or
apprehensive. It signifies hopes and expectations, signs of peace and
prosperity. This rune is the promise of success and fruitful gain. It represents
the Cycle of Life and the Pattern of Universal Growth. It says that
everything changes, everything in its own time. Jera has no reverse form, but
if it had, it would mean a sudden reversal of luck and a change of direction
in the process of growth, it might also spell the revocation of things done
and achieved. It can represent a major destructive and disruptive change,
repetition, bad timing, poverty and conflict. Also, this rune might signify
that things still need strength in order to properly become a changing force
in your life. At any rate, the Wizard should backtrack, and ask for divine
guidance and intervention.
175 Mighty Norse God of Thunder and Justice


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: initiation, fighting weaknesses, decisions,

MAGICAL USES: This is the rune of connection with the rest of the
universe, by being connected the individual is capable of reaching any
destination, receiving wisdom and understanding and finding those things
needed in order to become centered and powerful. This rune should be worn
by the chest in order to allow deep spiritual transformation into one’s life.
Trace it before you whenever attempting any magical operation which
requires the assistance of goodly spirits and they will guide you.


This rune represents inner strength, reliability, formality, is being confident

about oneself. It is the rune of secret initiatory teachings. It is the rune of
alchemical change, transformation and understanding the mysteries of the
universe. Through this rune a person gains wisdom and foresight. It is the
force driving to acquire the necessary momentum for change by providing
motivation and a sense of purpose. It indicates that all points have been set
in a suitable target and our goals can now be achieved. The honest man has
been found now is our turn to trust in him.

Inverted Eihwaz represents: confusion, destruction, discontent and

weakness. It might also represent that the person is disconnected from those
very things in life which give energy, purpose and enthusiasm.
DIVINATORY MEANINGS: birth, mystery, magic, divination, fertility,
MAGICAL USES: Those who carry this rune with them are given the
power of manifestation. What this means is that by carrying this rune the
person is granted the ability to make things come true; this is a most potent
form of magic and derives from the very energies of the Divine Feminine.
Finally, this rune can be traced in the air in order to empower any magical
operation with Magic Itself.


This rune represents the most powerful mystery in all of Magic; this is the
inherent power in the Feminine Aspect of God. It is the power to create and
give life. It is the mystery of the grail and the power of all Divine Mothers. It
guides the seeker into the path of ancient mystery, hidden things and hidden
potentials. It is the rune of Divine Initiation, knowledge, knowledge of the
future, and the complete comprehension of one’s own fate. Regarding the
more physical female aspect, it represents the feminine mysteries including
fertility and female sensuality. It is a sign of having a good portion of
friendship, companionship and joy. It is the sign of the evolutionary change
needed to overcome the imperfect state.
176 The mighty world tree that merges all realms and worlds.

Inversed Perth represents: attachment to the human condition of weakness

and co-dependence, stagnation, loneliness and discomfort. It also represents
a lack of confidence and faith in the magical arts, or a loss of purpose of
one’s desires, projects and ventures.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: protection, defense, support, mentors.

MAGICAL USES: A highly protective rune, worn can protect a person

from evil, from dangerous situations and can even dispel the forces of
darkness which seek to harm you. Also, tracing this rune in the air will send
powerful defensive energy against those who seek to harm us and will duly
eradicate them. Finally, by wearing this rune the person will be granted
protection by more powerful people in the form of mentorship and guidance.

RELATED ENTITIES: Gjallerhorn177

It represents protection, a protector or defender. It may signify that it is the
time to protect other people or oneself. It represents defense, guarding
against evil, protection and to take up a guarding or vigilant stance. This
rune helps the person connect with the gods which will guide us through
treacherous steps in our life and also allows for the spiritual awakening
which will help us experience of a higher much better life in this world.
Also, it represents powerful energies and beings that are invisibly besides us
who will defend us against the actions of evil. It can be used to channel
defensive energies against those who seek our downfall.

Inverted Algiz represents: hidden dangers, being consumed by the very

divine forces one is striving to understand, loss of divine connection,
engaging in taboos and undertaking dangerous paths.
DIVINATORY MEANINGS: positive energies, increased power, activity,

MAGICAL USES: Those who wield this rune are granted the power to see
beyond the reaches of the physical world. Also, this rune exudes positive
charges which will hinder the activity of wrongdoers, evil people and beings.
Traced upon the entrance of the house it will fill it up with energy, power,
success and healing, allowing those within to recover from sickness, get
their energies back, feel better and be successful in whatever they are


177 The Horn that Heimdall uses when problems are near. Heimdall is the Norse God of
Foreknowledge and benefactor to humanity.
178 Goddess of the Sun

It is the honor of achieved success. It is the living life force of light, health
and vigor. It is a sign that this is a time when positive energies will be
available to you to undertake positive changes in life. It is a sure sign of
victories, good health, increased power and success in every manner of
enterprise. This rune represents to be in contact with the Supreme Being and
the Unconscious. It is integrity, energy, elemental forces, a sword of flame,
the fires of purification and a powerful divine strength against the forces of

Sowelu cannot be reversed, but if you could reverse it, it would mean to
have false goals, bad advice, false success, be filled with nonsense, loss of
goals and direction. It represents self-destruction, unfair rewards, injustice
and to face the wrath of God.

Figure LXV. Invocation

By Lord Frederick Leighton (1830-1896)


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: sense of duty, discipline, responsibility, self-
sacrifice and inner strength.

MAGICAL USES: Those who wear this rune will find the strength needed
to win over a situation, be victorious over enemies and be able to defeat
really difficult obstacles. Also, by tracing this rune in the air the Wizard will
be victorious and acquire the will power to push through the hardest odds.
Finally, by wearing this rune the Wizard learns the true meaning of self-
sacrifice and all about its rewards.

RELATED ENTITIES: Tyr and the Fenris Wolf179

It represents the highest honor, justice, leadership and authority. It is the hero
thinking about the wellbeing of others. It is to know which battles to fight. It
is good will, willpower and the profound desire and deep understanding of
when to self-sacrifice. This rune speaks of victory and success in any
competition or legal matters. It is the rune of the hero and all that entails to
be one.

Inverted Teiwaz represents: the blockage of energies and slowing down of

the creative flow. It also means mental paralysis, unneeded sacrifice,
injustice, unfairness and imbalance. It is bloating, war, conflict, bad habits,
entrapments and difficulties in communication, and most possibly


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: fertility, nature, growth, animals, forests,
wildlife and abundance.

MAGICAL USES: This rune will allow the Wizard to be successful in

conjuring elemental beings. Also, by carrying this rune the Wizard will
attract the abundant energies of prosperity and richness. This rune, traced in
front of a household’s door will keep it free and protected from lowly spirits,
evil monsters and dark forces.

RELATED ENTITIES: Frigg, Idunna180

This rune represents the many births of the natural world, in that sense is the
power of abundance and plenty. It is also a sign of personal, mental and
physical growth. It is fertility in general and the release of tensions and
stress. It is the renewing forces of spring. It signifies renewal. It is the
promise of new beginnings, energies and new growth. This rune marks the
awakening of new desires. It also refers to love or pregnancy. It might signal
a prosperous moment or the beginning of a new business, a new mission or

Inverted Berkana represents: problems in the family and or domestic

troubles. It might also mean anxiety about someone close to the individual,
neglect, abandonment and loss of control. It can also foretell lies, deceptions,
paranoia, hidden truths, sterility or stagnation. Finally, this rune might
signify that people are being not taken into account and that by so doing we
are incurring in grave error.
179 Tyr is the Norse God of victory, courage, war, defense and nobility. He is an obscure god, most
possibly the true father of the Norse Gods and a personification of the Source Divine. Fenris is a
monstrous wolf which keeps the gates of Hell closed to visitors. The Fenris Wolf bit off one of Tyr’s
hands while the other gods bound the beast. 180 Frigg is the powerful Goddess of Asgard and Wife of
Odin. Idunna is the Goddess of Youth and Kindness


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: transportation, motion, power, command and
mastery over movement.

MAGICAL USES: Those who wear this rune are capable of having great
interpersonal relationships, it allows the wearer to move about unhindered
and it dissipates any blockage and barriers. To trace the rune in the air will
provide much commanding power to the person and when done prior to
incantations dealing with celestials will assure a proper operation. Finally,
this rune when worn during the night will provide astral travels to the
RELATED ENTITIES: Sleipnir, Freya181

This rune represents transport, movement and motion. It may represent a

mobile entity like a horse, car, plane, ship or other vehicle of physical or
spiritual kind as well as the fluid motions that surround us all. It will always
represent the movement of change for a better state of life. It identifies
gradual development and steady progress. It is harmony, the work done in a
team, trust and loyalty. It also favors Union or an ideal society. This Rune
confirms without a doubt the meanings of the runes that are on your side.

Inverted Ehwaz represents: a change that is not wanted, a failing project or

hectic sense of disarray and confusion. It can also mean that one is confined
in an inappropriate situation. It may be reckless speed, dissonance, mistrust
and betrayal.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: the self, family, humanity, community,
global concerns.

MAGICAL USES: This rune will provide the wearer a magically charming
personality. Also, those who trace it upon a house will provide the house
with harmony, goodwill attitudes and positive growth and development. The
power of this rune is so vast that enemies won’t attack you if you trace this
rune in front of them. Finally, when this rune is worn it will augment
intelligence, cunning and craftiness.


This rune represents the individual, the self, communities, interaction

between groups and collective or higher forms of human relations. It is the
individual or the human race as a concept. It intervenes with the attitude
towards other species and the attitudes towards oneself. This rune relates to
family, friends and even foes. It is human intelligence, foresight and the
creation of new ideas. It is the ability to do new things. It’s also related to
divine structures; particularly those relating to human-angelic interactions,
heavenly intelligences and knowledge.
Inverted Mannaz represents: depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion
and human weakness and vices. It would relate to someone around which is
cunning, manipulative, shrewd and calculating. An inverted Mannaz might
mean that help is not in the way and that the individual should seek to be on
guard and highly vigilant. Also, that cunning people is on the lookout to
make a fool out of you.
181 Sleipnir is the eight legged horse of Odin. Freya, a Vanir, is also a goddess of Horses 182 This is
the name attributed to the physical world


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: emotions, weaknesses, fears, the
unconscious world, revelations and advice.

MAGICAL USES: Wearing this rune will allow the Wizard to effectively
work with emotions, be protected against fears and will be able to calm
disrupting emotions and weakening relationships. Tracing the rune in the air,
will help the Wizard with strengthening magical operations relating to water,
water elementals, the unconscious, scrying and divinations.


It represents flow, water, sea, a source of fertility, the healing energy of

renewal. It is the energy of life and organic growth. It speaks of imagination
and psychic subjects, the realm of the mind, fantasy and the unconscious
world. It is a rune of dreams, mysteries, the unknown, concealed or hidden
things. It represents success in any tour or acquisition, but with the
possibility of some loss or emotional tension. Also, this rune will speak of
emotional situations which need to be strengthened or are on the brink of

Inverted Laguz represents: an indication of a period of confusion in life. The

individual might incur in incorrect decisions or reach poor judgments. It
might also mean the lack of creativity and feelings of being in a bottomless
pit. Other things that it might represent are circular motion, avoidance,
things that fade, madness, obsession, despair, perversity, illness and suicide.
DIVINATORY MEANINGS: harvest, production, union with nature,
balance and centeredness.

MAGICAL USES: This rune will provide stability, firmness and grounding
to those who wear it. It will also help with the development of things, the
growing of new projects and will guarantee a good harvest. When this rune
is traced upon a household it will allow the members of the house to live in
peace and enjoying the results of sacrifice, hard work and effort. Wearing the
rune when working with elemental spirits, spirits of nature and magical
woodland beings will guarantee good conversations, stable communion and

RELATED ENTITIES: Ing, Nerthus, the Vanir184

183 Njord is the Grand Father of the Vanir Gods, Freyr and Freya, he is attributed to fishing, wind, the
sea, wealth and fertility. The Norns are the three goddesses of fate and destiny.
184 This is a title given to the True God of the Earth, and another name for the god Freyr. Nerthus is
an Earth Goddess, possibly the unknown mother of Freyr and Freya and goddess of fertility.

It is a representation of male fertility, gestation and internal growth. It

represents the common virtues, common sense, simple forces, and love of
family, caring, warmth, or home. It is the strength of new times and
renovation. It is a time of revelation, new anxieties, eagerness and fervor. It
might warn that all of the sequences had been weakened and broken and it
might represent a sign that things will be released in a new direction. It is to
listen to the interior self and to know that it is time for creativity and growth.
As a rune it cannot be reversed, but it could represent impotence, movement
without change, poor attitudes and little production after along sequence of
hard work and effort.


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: fulfillment and achievement of goals,
celebration and happiness, opportunities.
MAGICAL USES: To wear this rune is to invite happiness, positive results
and joy into one’s life. Those who carry this rune regularly will experience
an awakened state of consciousness, being able to acknowledge the greater
things in life and not pay attention to those little events which seek to
weaken the self. Tracing this rune over the door of a household or in a
particular room will manifest happiness and clarity inside. Finally, to wear
this rune will help the Wizard achieve his or her goals quicker.


It represents a path which is opened or a stage that is exceeded. It is also the

awakening to a new state of consciousness; it is new knowledge in a moment
of clarity. It is also the clarity of the light of the day compared with the
uncertainty of the darkness of the night. It is the representation of a time plan
or the start of a new enterprise, mission or work. It is the energy of change
led by the own volition of the individual, it is the physical, spiritual, mental
and psychological transformation of a being. It is hope and happiness. It’s
the achievement of the ideal self. It is security and certainty. It is the growth
and launch forth of a new situation. It is the balance of all the points, the
place where opposites are found. Dagaz cannot be reversed, but if you could
it would represent conclusions, limitations, and a sign that the circuit has
been completed without the necessary teachings, so the experience might
repeat once again.


(O) DIVINATORY MEANINGS: a mystic land, home, legacy, feeling of
belonging, self-identity.

MAGICAL USES: Those who wear this rune will be attuned to the magical
energies of other worlds. These will be more perceptive to the presence of
spiritual beings, will have insightful dreams and will be able to establish
contact with celestial or divine entities. Also, to trace this rune upon the air
will help the Wizard in the casting of communing incantation or operations
dealing with the communication with superior magical beings.

RELATED ENTITIES: the nine worlds of the Iggdrassil

It represents the inherited characteristics or material possessions; a house,
land or money. It’s related to things that really matter and have a great deal
of sentimental value. It is the prosperity of a group. It represents the Earth,
where people are born, but it also represents the land of the spiritual
heritage, experience and fundamental values of the past, the worlds of the
invisible and the world of light. This rune is favorable when you go in a
spiritual and physical travel. It is the source of security, growth and
185 Baldr is the God of Beauty, Poetry and Songs
Inverted Othala represents: the lack of order, inflexibility, slavery, poverty,
lack of housing, bad karma, harmful things, provincialism. It may represent
a being that is really limited both mental and physically.
Figure LXVI. The Spirit at
the Summit By Lord Frederick Leighton

Interpreting the Runes

There is a host of ways to interpret the runes and it should be the Apprentice
the one to decide which way he/she is going to interpret his/her particular
readings. However, we shall provide two different ways to interpret a rune
spread. The first method is actually quite impressive. It is the way ancient
Wizards and Diviners employed to handle the information the runes had to

The runes were placed in a sack. Using the right hand, a handful of runes are
grabbed inside the bag and tossed over a soft surface (although in the past
they were tossed over the ground; something I do not recommend for most
runes today are made out of resin and might brake). The runes are then
observed. The Wizard must pay attention to which runes are reversed,
backwards and straight. The following is a guideline to help interpret the
rune cast:

1. The straight runes are the actual interpretation of a situation.

2. The reversed runes are the difficulties and problems facing the situation.

3. Backward runes mean that the situation at hand is an opportunity for

spiritual growth but also it can mean that a great challenge is at hand. These
runes also mean that powerful magical forces are supporting the person and
that the person’s trust in God can never falter.

4. Backward and reversed runes mean the person is facing a major problem
in which must probably things will go against planned.
5. One backward rune means the person will experience an opportunity for
spiritual development.
6. Two backward runes means the lesson at hand is to be humble and wise.
7. Three backward runes mean the person must surrender its will and yield to
the situation.
8. Four backward runes mean that the Great God is trying to do something
wonderful but unknown for the person. It can be an adversity that proves to
be a blessing. If all the runes are backwards it’s a negative omen in which
the person must reconsider every manner of choice and decision being made
for it must possibly end up in suffering.

However, there is a simpler method for dealing with the runes. This one is
called the Three Runes Spread. In this spread three runes are taken from the
bag and are placed in front of the Wizard from left to right. This is the
1. The first rune taken from the bag represents the actual interpretation of the
situation at hand.
2. The second rune taken from the bag will represent the challenge to be
3. The third rune will represent the final outcome.

This spread can also be used to know many other things. For example, it can
be used to know the past of a person by reading the first rune, the present of
the person by interpreting the second rune and the future of the person by
reading the third rune. Like the other magical artifacts, the Runes need to be
exorcised and prepared before use.

The following formula is employed as a general exorcism for the Runes:

I. First the Wizard must take the bag of runes in his/her hand and say the

II. After this the Wizard must trace the sign of the Cross over the bag and
say with profound strength and will;

“TEAUTERTUM TE!” at the North. “TEAUTERTUM TE!” at the East.

“TEAUTERTUM TE!” at the South. “TEAUTERTUM TE! at the West.

Then with profound diligence the Wizard must say; “MAGICARTIFEX

III. Now the runes are ready to be inspected using the aforementioned

The Tarot
The Tarot, in my opinion, is the single most impressive divination tool that
there is to consider. Its origins are shrouded in profound mysteries and
myths, as such we are not going to argue anyone of them. Instead, we shall
present the Apprentice an ample view of its wondrous concepts and marvels.
Before discussing the amazing divining properties of this magical tool, the
Apprentice must understand that the Tarot is in itself a huge compendium of
Universal Laws and not just a compilation of pretty pictures and strange
drawings. All of the cards of the Tarot are to be understood individually;
trying to penetrate their particular laws, mysteries and arcane lore. Many of
the concepts in the Tarot are taken from ancient Egyptian Magical
Knowledge but there are many other concepts which are taken from Arabian
Astrological Schools, the ancient Planetary Lore of the Persians and the
formulas of the Alchemist.

As such, the Tarot becomes an encyclopedia of sorts, where all this ancient
knowledge was kept and protected untouched by the ages. These mysteries
of old, the Apprentice should strive to understand in order to work through
the divinatory concepts of this tool. The divinatory concepts of the Tarot are
then divided into two general areas. The first area is that of the Major
Arcana or Trumps. The second area corresponds to the Minor Arcana which
in turn subdivides into the Court Cards and the Elemental Decks. The Major
Arcana corresponds to the twenty two most important cards in the entire
Tarot. They are in essence archetypes, quite similar to the ones the
Apprentice has studied so far. In these, several mysteries are inlaid,
principally those of the twelve signs of the zodiac, the elements and the
planets. These, as well, correspond to the twenty two letters of the Hebrew
alphabet and can be likened to the paths of consciousness in the Tree of Life.
Moreover, the Major Arcana portray a mystic message of growth,
empowerment and the search for the utmost spiritual level of development
and enlightenment, as these hold a very deep and powerful mystery; a secret
so formidable it has been kept hidden for ages.

The Minor Arcana is divided into two different categories as it was

mentioned earlier. These are, the Elemental Decks, which are the single
cards, which number from one to ten, and each set correspond to one of the
four elements. The Court Cards are the ones which depict the page, the
knight, the queen and the king in each of the Elemental Decks. The
Elemental Decks correspond to the sephiroth and their divine attributes, seen
through the looking glass of each element. The Court Cards are powerful
cards which will represent entities, divine beings and even powerful laws of
the universe. Let us begin our study of the Tarot by observing the Major
Arcana’s relation to the planetary and astrological signs. The Fool: Uranus
The Magus: Mercury The Priestess: The Moon The Empress: Venus The
Emperor: Aries The Hierophant: Taurus The Lovers: Gemini The Chariot:
Cancer Strength: Leo
The Hermit: Virgo
The Wheel: Jupiter Justice: Libra
The Hanged Man: Neptune Death: Scorpio
Temperance: Sagittarius The Devil: Capricorn The Tower: Mars
The Star: Aquarius
The Moon: Pisces
The Sun: Sun
Judgment: Pluto
The World: Saturn

Divinatory Meanings of the Major Arcana



MAGICAL USES: This Trump can be carried for the augmentation of

momentum, power, and the mental capacities. Placed near the bed during the
night will help the Wizard find the right path when situations are difficult. It
can also reveal things unknown and initiate new activities.

RELATED ENTITIES: Prometheos, Greek god which gave fire to


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it represents new beginnings, journeys and

most possibly opportunities which don’t seem like much at the moment but
will result in prosperous enterprises. It refers to the mind, the development
of the spirit and the pursuit of mystic knowledge. The Fool is a fool because
he learned the great secret that everything is an illusion and is now
determined to find out the truth. It can also mean the beginning of a new
cycle in life, a new state of development and power. The Fool is one of the
most important cards in the entire Tarot, because it reveals the first secret of
the world of the occult. This is that there are many more things in the
Universe, that existence is not tied to a single point in space, rather to an
intricate matrix of being, experiences and a whole new dimensions of reality
in which the Fool experiences by itself the full grandeur of the infinite
universe and all the things mysterious that abound in the world of the
unseen. Reversed, this card represents impulsivity, bad advices, foolishness,
being the victim of lies and illusions, manipulation and the wasting of
energies. It also explains a lack of drive and determination to finish things
the right way.


186 Although many of the elementary correspondences do in fact correlate with the particular Trump,
it is important to note that there will be several of them in which their elementary correspondence are
not outright evident. There is no clear indication as to why this occurs. However, according to ancient
teachings this has to do with the Trump’s ties to the earliest gods which were represented by various
elements simultaneously.

MAGICAL USES: Carrying this Trump will help the Wizard be successful
in incantations involving the four elements, altering the environment and
protective operations. Placing this Trump upwards in the altar will empower
the Wizard in any venture undertaken.

RELATED ENTITIES: Thoth, god of wisdom, Hermes Trismegistus.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it signifies the power of the four elements

under the command of the Master of the Temple. It represents situations
which are under the control of the person, great creativity, determination,
and the particular discipline needed to undergo a special event. The Magus is
a card which speaks of the potential hidden deep within and that only
through careful practice and devotion can one truly master the surrounding
world. It represents the greatness of Magic and it speaks of the amazing
powers that Wizard is capable of harnessing through careful thought,
attentive mind and diligent practice. The Magus is the promise of the
realization into a Magical World by the application of the intricate laws of
the Universe. It is a symbol for those who practice Magic, it represents the
great powers of the Heavens with which the Magus operates through the
deities and the celestials and the wonderful powers of the Earth, with which
the Wizard commands the forces of Nature and the unseen world of the
elementals. Reversed this card represents stagnation, confusion, waste of
one’s talents, not achieving one’s own potential, doubtfulness and hesitant



MAGICAL USES: This Trump will make events profitable and fertile.
Placing this card upwards will procure change in your life and will also
balance emotional outputs and events. Those who carry this Trump will be
untouched by the powers of evil. Finally, it will give the Wizard a sense of
stability and inner power, intuition and the ability to see things as they really

RELATED ENTITIES: Luna, Diana goddesses of fertility, clarity and the


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it is associated with the ancient wisdom and

the ability to listen and give good counsel. It represents the one who heals
the other by approximation; in other words those who heal by listening to
others. The Priestess is also a purveyor of great intuitive insight and as such
it signifies that there are things present that are not evident and need to be
uncovered. It also means that someone, possibly a woman, is behind the
throne in a given situation and is influencing things. This card in the
reversed position represents that a mystery is about to get more complicated,
restraint of the feminine qualities in a situation, quarrels among people and
emotional pain will be experience for a lack of foresight and intuition.
Finally, it signifies that someone is keeping information from the others.



MAGICAL USES: Carrying this Trump will guarantee success in any

enterprise, particularly those involving money, richness and prosperity.
Placing this Trump upright will call upon the divine power to help things
grow and become strong and stable. Also, it will open up doors that had been
closed in the past, will bring about wholesome opportunities and prestige.

RELATED ENTITIES: Demeter, Gaia and Hera are goddesses which

incarnate the motherly aspect of the Divine Mother Archetype.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it’s the power of motherhood and all

maternal care that a person can receive. It suggests great care at the moment
of engaging a particular situation. It offers creativity and it is a sign that
great abundance is on the way. It also speaks of journeys, travels and most
possibly working close to the land. It refers to fertility and growth and it can
signify marriage and most possibly pregnancy. It is a symbol for the great
knowledge of the Great Divine Mother, which seems to operate in
harmonious accordance with the rest of reality; achieving the great work by
herself. It also explains good luck, the collection of things agreeable and the
benefit of hard work and patient. Reversed, this card represents family
problems, especially marital situations. It can also mean a problem with a
matriarchal institution, lack of security and poorness of spirit. It can also
mean a problem with promiscuity and infertility issues.


MAGICAL USES: By carrying this Trump the Wizard will irradiate power,
command, order and law; becoming an authority in his or her own right. It
will bestow upon the wielder great intellectual powers and the ability to
control any given situation. Placing this Trump upright will help the Wizard
be successful with superiors, mentors and will be protected by those with
great authority and power.

RELATED ENTITIES: Zeus, Greek King of the Gods.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: this card represents the power of authority,

law and supreme power. It is the representation of the power of heaven and
the divine energies flowing towards the worthy. It is the sign of the
protectiveness of parents, cooperation and the favor of those of superior
stature. It is worldly power and experience. It is the representation of the
achievement of goals and the ability to keep them. The Emperor is the
Divine Principle of Authority through rightful actions and careful thought.
This card is an example of equilibrium; in the sense of operating the entire
universe without any biases and limitations. It is the way Wizards should
operate, acting out of rightful determination and cause, instead of acting out
of need, imprudence and without any insight. In the reversed form, this card
represents unruliness, megalomania, lack of authority, weakness and people
taking advantage of the others through scams and lies.
Weapons of Johann Martin from Anatomia Auri (1628) By Lucas Jenni



MAGICAL USES: This Trump grants enlightenment, connection with the

divine beings and a sense of connectedness with the rest of the Universe.
Also, by carrying it the Wizard will experience illumination, peace, harmony
and the understanding of the great mysteries of life. Placed upright, will
create a luminous perimeter around the Wizard, this will vanish evil spirits
and malicious people.
RELATED ENTITIES: Dionysus, Greek God of Mysteries and Wisdom.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it represents the accumulation of holiness

and sacredness. It is the search after those things which illumine the self and
the world as a result. It means religious guidance, counseling and all those
things which are done in a practical and well planned way. It represents
spiritual knowledge and the attitude to undergo dramatic changes as they
become necessary. It represents the keeper of the mysteries inside the Holy
Temple of God. The Hierophant is the result of achieving the ultimate
mysteries and understanding them. The Hierophant is the one the Source
Divine speaks directly to, through the manifestation of omens, signs and the
movement of the stars. This is the one which chooses to keep silence instead
of revealing the wonderful mysteries of creation and knows the designs of
the Great Plan of the Ultimate Divine. In a reversed position, the Hierophant
means trouble, blindness to change, arrogance, obstinate postures and the
hindering of truth. It can also explain witty people in our surrounding whose
only desire is to trick us or take information from us.



MAGICAL USES: Carrying this Trump will offer protection against

binding and love spells. It will reverse curses and dark spells which bind the
will. Placed upright it will help the Wizard achieve any agreement with
anyone. Finally, this Trump will give the Wizard the ability to inspire people
into doing the Great Work of the Divine.

RELATED ENTITIES: Venus, Roman Goddess of Love, Magic, Power

and Reality.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: this card represents the union of the earth

and the heavens. It is the holy commitments between two entities, be it
people, institutions or spirits. The Lovers card means to be attracted to
something so powerful that it compels the person to serve and obey. It also
represents harmony, well-being and a period of equilibrium where the person
is enjoying the best times of his/her life. This card is quite esoteric, for it
represents the presence of the Triune Principle of the First Divine, Magic
and Definitive Act joining with the Triune Principle of The Crown, the
Sephiroth and the Laws of the Universe. This union reflects upon the world a
marvelous activity wherein the Wizard is endowed with the power to
understand, command and operate the divine Laws of Magic upon the world
and its creatures. By joining with these aspects the Wizard is then capable of
performing wonderful acts always remembering that a great alliance has
been made with the Eternal; to go against that allegiance would result in dire
consequences. Reversed, it means that contracts or relationships are
dissipating into nothingness, infidelity and it may be a warning to think
things over before making a decision.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump will empower the Wizard to move freely
amidst blockage, barriers and obstructions. It will give the power to reach
any goal and will protect the Wizard from perilous journeys. Placed upright
will protect from hidden enemies, liars and treacherous people and their vile

RELATED ENTITIES: Mercury, Anubis, Adonis, Hermes and all gods

capable of traveling to the other worlds.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it represents movement in positive direction;

it can also be a heightening of the perceptive organs, greater consciousness
and spiritual awareness. The Chariot is a card which means that a person will
go over obstacles and fences which are in one’s way. It is to be victorious
over difficult circumstances and to achieve a greater state of success. The
Chariot also refers to the great activity of moving between the planes of
consciousness, those realms with which the Wizard will no doubt interact in
the future and those lands where the Wizard will learn about the wonderful
mysteries of the Universe. This card also explains how the Wizard is
endowed with divine movement and is rendered capable of breaking free
from stagnation and situations which constrain an individual; this effect can
also be passed on to others in an effort to free the enslaved and the
oppressed. Reversed this card represents avarice, ambition, recklessness,
disregard for others and to be completely insensible about other people’s
feelings and motivations.


engraving by Niccollo Laurentii (1478)


MAGICAL USES: This Trump provides the Wizard with inner strength,
willpower and the ability to wrestle with great foes and be victorious. It will
also give the Wizard command over nature and the forces of the elements.

RELATED ENTITIES: Osiris, Egyptian God of the Dead, he is the

husband of Isis and Father of Horus.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it represents the power to achieve great

things, perform miracles and amazing wonders. It signifies the ability to
handle things and situations. It is the power over nature and the commanding
will to move the laws of the universe towards a desired goal. It is to conquer
the fears and those situations which incapacitate people and oppress them.
The Strength is the power of the innerself, illumined by intention and
resolve. It is the card of the Hero. It is a card of great metaphysical value for
in its mysteries it teaches that sometimes people need to step up and face
their challenges in heroic ways. It is a card that invites the Wizard to face its
many enemies, fears and problems with a rightful mind and the absolute
knowledge that Wisdom and Light can overcome everything else. Reversed,
this card represents weakness, overpowering people, ruthlessness, lack of
discipline, lack of willpower and bullying other people into submission. It
can also represent self-defeating attitudes, no respect for the efforts of others
and it may mean that a lot of energy is being dedicated to a situation which
doesn’t merit it.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump gives the Wizard the ability to search for
things unknown. It also confers the Wizard with peace, harmony and
spiritual balance. Placed upright, will create an environment of serenity,
meditation and calm.

RELATED ENTITIES: Mithra, ancient god of Light and ancient

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: this card represents those who seek for
knowledge and recognize the inherent sacrifice in this action. It means that
someone is actually performing an action knowing fully well all of its
implications. It also relates to the need of a wise counsel before continuing
with a particular course of action. In other regards it represents the act of
illumination, the achievement of sacred knowledge and the opportunity to
learn firsthand from a wise person. It foretells that the path towards
realization is a solitary path, despite the Wizard might be surrounded by
others. It is a path of encountering oneself with the inner mysteries and be
able to understand them and at the same time being able to comprehend
one’s place in existence. Finally, this card explains that in order to be wise
and knowledgeable the Wizard must see wisdom in everyone; even the
foolish and evil and then will the Wizard be able to apprehend the real
mystery of the Great Divine Plan. Reversed, this card represents isolation,
irreverence, childish attitudes towards important things, bad habits and the
lack of motivation to seek for better things or actually do something better
for oneself of others.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump fills up the Wizard with good fortune. It
opens up opportunities and gives the Wizard the boon of good luck and a
profitable destiny. Placed near the bed will show the Wizard past lives and
things related to Karma.

RELATED ENTITIES: The Fates, the Norns, Ananke, Parcae all divinities
of the Destiny and Fortune.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: highly important, this card is the

representation of Destiny; individual, collective or universal. Whenever it
appears in a spread it means that something is about to change and that great
opportunities are coming our way. It also means good luck, success and
positive changes for the person. It can also mean that a karmic opportunity is
about to take place in which the person has the chance to balance karma with
someone else. In a more esoteric view this card represents that those
traveling the path of the Wizard will be freed from their ties to the past as
long as they do not create new ties with the present. In other words the card
foretells the Wizard that his/her Destiny will be a clear one if the Wizard
steers away from breaking the universal laws of Goodness and Order. By so
doing the Wizard is offered with a meaningful and bountiful life where the
rotation of Karma shall cease to exist. Reversed, this card represents bad
luck, unlucky changes, interruptions and problems. It also means that
someone is about to experience a series of very unfortunate chain of events.
It can also represent that everything dealing with chance will not have a
positive result.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump develops in the Wizard an environment of

equilibrium, justice and fairness. It provides magical help and protection in
legal matters and it will favor the Wizard in the court. Finally, placed near
the bed it will provide the Wizard with magical dreams regarding the Laws
of the Universe and Light.

RELATED ENTITIES: Justitia, Themis a goddesses of Rightfulness and


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it represents lawful actions in the

surrounding world and abiding to the law, legal matters and communication.
It is a card of balance and equilibrium in which a person gains sufficient
balance in its life so that it becomes one with the universe. It also means to
be free from corruption, biases and hindering thoughts. It may represent that
a legal debate will be won or that a lawyer is needed. It also means that one
has the favors of the Courts. On the other hand it also means that people
need to be fair and need to avoid judging situations. This card represents the
great metaphysical law of equilibrium. It teaches that there is not good and
there is not evil, only Equilibrium; to learn to live within this equilibrium is
paramount for nothing should ever move us to act out of impatience,
impulsivity and impertinences; such actions would lead the Wizard into
corruption and grief. Thus the Wizard is advised to close his/her eyes to the
physical world and to begin judging every detail with an unquavering
resolve. Reversed, this card represents that legal matters are not favorable;
so the person should refrain from engaging them. It can also represent
injustice, unfair treatment and judgmental attitudes.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump will bestow upon the wielder the
opportunities of illumination, physical and mental transformation, the ability
to uncover the true meaning of the Eleusinian Mysteries187 and it will create
a veritable connection with angels.

RELATED ENTITIES: Horus, Egyptian God of Light, Demeter and


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: a card which makes people uneasy and

nervous, this is the card of sacrifice. It represents that something must be
given up so other things can come up in our lives. The relinquished thing can
be an object or a habit, but it might be something much more concrete such
as a relationship or even a job. This card calls for attention to the
surrounding world and a keen eye; caution is always advised. In a more
spiritual matter it represents the willingness to receive and connect with the
divine. This is the card that calls for a complete surrender of the Wizard to
the Universal Divinity of the Source. To do this the Wizard must understand
that his/her existence is merely part of the plan and that sometimes that plan
calls for great sacrifices, whether the Wizard wants them or not. It is a card
which teaches that the Wizard must look towards creation with different eyes
and wait for the Plan of the Divine Artificer to unfold. Reversed, it
represents trouble, problems, lack of insight, pride, overconfidence and
feelings and emotions that might separate the person from others. It can also
speak of feelings of superiority and spiritual ignorance and naiveté.



MAGICAL USES: When carried around this Trump will finish unwanted
business, unsavory situations and less than beneficial associations. Placed
upright near the bed will give the Wizard the chance to transform the mind
and spirit and it will destroy old patterns which account to nothing
important. RELATED ENTITIES: Pluto, Hades, Larentina, Thanatos are
gods of the underworld and death.
187 Mysteries in which the initiate has to undertake an inner journey that most of the time puts
him/her confronting Death.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: usually this card represents the culmination

of an episode in life, the end of struggle, the end of a long lasting
relationship or the transformation of a situation into another one altogether.
It always means change, however it doesn’t mean for the better or the worse.
It usually represents that some conditions are no longer needed and that life
must continue in a different direction. In the realm of the spiritual it means
that a great transformative task is at hand and the person must learn to accept
it otherwise it will result in great grief. In an esoteric point of view this is the
card of transformation. It teaches that despite general view transformation is
the general behavior of the universe, whereas everyone thinks that things are
relatively unchanged around them. When this is understood, the Wizard is
ready to change and alter reality at will under the divine auspices of the
Source. Reversed, this card represents the end of something important, the
inability to change and the ill disposition to face new challenges. It can also
deal with a person who is assuming childlike attitudes towards new events in
life. It can also predict the death of someone close, according to the cards
that surround it.

MAGICAL USES: This Trump will empower the Wizard with the ability to
speak and be heard favorably. It will also convey self-control and direction.
It will also help with people who can’t make up their minds. Finally, placed
upright will give dreams with angels and celestials.

RELATED ENTITIES: Chiron, a centaur healer of the Gods.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it represents the power of persuasion, fruitful

dialogues and new opportunities through collective efforts. It is the ability to
communicate positively with other people and achieve bountiful
opportunities. It is the ability to self-restrain one’s lower emotions and put
them to good and practical use. Usually it refers to communing with angels
and other beings which direct the person towards the right path. This card
teaches the Wizard that the universe is a patient place; things cannot be done
with hurry, lack of planning and rush. Even the great archangelic forces of
Heaven require calm and patience in order to properly connect to the realm
of the physical world. Reversed, this card represents poor judgment, lacking
personal support, treason, trying to solve a situation without caution or
patience. It can also mean an inability to focus on the right things at the right
time. Also, it’s a sign that the person has lost his/her sense of self-discipline
and it may be indulging in things which are not important at the time.
Figure LXIX. Guinevere’s Maying (1900) By John Collier (1850-1934)



MAGICAL USES: Wielding this Trump will prevent enemies from getting
too close. It will also show who among you is evil or has ill intentions
toward you or your activities.
RELATED ENTITIES: Hades, God of the underworld.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: a very powerful card for it represents all of

the vices and imperfections of the human being. It represents our need for
recognition, importance and preoccupation with material gain. It is a sign of
avarice and recklessness. It can also represent foolish and dangerous actions,
often controlled by emotional outbursts and things of the carnal world. It is a
representation of carnal attraction, physical satisfactions and indulging in
vices of the mind and body. It also means to be constrained and enslaved by
dark attitudes and material things. This card also represents a great mystery
in which the elements of earth and water are combined and the result is a
horned creature with the legs of a ram. In ancient pre-Christian times this
figure was the figure of Pan, the god of madness and drunkenness; it
represented excesses and excessive pleasures. To yield to these concepts
utterly is indeed to go mad. However, by showing the Wizard one, the
Wizard is shown another; for the remaining elements of Air and Fire should
react in the same way; and they do. The Wizard should look out for this
mystery on its own. Reversed, is a representation of evil, dark forces and
weaknesses which are dangerous and oppressing. It can also represent
ambitious people that will go to great lengths to achieve what they want.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump will cast evil away if worn daily. It will also
provide knowledge of ancient civilizations and will show the Wizard in
dreams and visions the plans and conspiracies of your enemies.
RELATED ENTITIES: Athena, powerful goddess of wisdom and war.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it means to accept the will of the Lord and to

be humble, otherwise destruction is unavoidable. It also explains that
arrogant attitudes will not be tolerated by the spiritual realms. It’s a sign that
our actions should stop and we should consider and ponder the other
alternatives before moving on. It usually speaks of assured failure if we
continue what we are doing. However in a more spiritual tone it is a card of
enlightenment and wisdom, for only those who are truly invited to the
Temple of the Lord, high above in the Heavens, may truly reach it; those
who have not been invited shall meet the blazing Lightning of the Lord. This
card holds many Initiatic Mysteries in itself, however the most important is
this; the tower represented is in reality a Temple. This Temple is the Temple
of the inner self. If a Wizard seeks to be glorified and revered by others its
temple shall be smitten down like the Tower of Babel. This is way the
Wizard must be humble and seek for illumination for the proper reasons, not
for vanity, desire for power or being close to God and err on saying so.
Reversed, this card speaks of failure, lack of planning, loss of freedom and
possibly accidents and fatalities. It also means that a loss of control and
direction in one’s life is at hand.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump confers the Wizard the power of the
Magical Verb, augmenting the power of every incarnation. Those who carry
it experience equilibrium. Placed upright this Trump will increase any
Planetary Magic performed.

RELATED ENTITIES: Uranus, Kronos , gods of space, time and the

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: typically this card represents the expansive
activity of space and thus of the mind. It is to have new ideas, fresh
inspirations and an open mind to consider everything that might come in
one’s own path. It is a symbol of the great powers of the planets and a sure
sign that the person is favored by the planets at that exact moment. It’s a card
of success and blessings and it represents that everything will turn out okay
if the person yields to the Will of the Lord. Generally speaking it’s a card of
victory and faith, hope and conquests. Its relevant message is one of fresh
starts and favorable culminations. In a more spiritual perspective it speaks of
the power of the eighth star, which is Uranus. This one confers mastery and
power over the rest of the planets and stars. It also provides the Wizard with
the concept of eternity and infinity; for in itself Uranus is just that. Reversed,
it means that the person has lost its perspective and is lost at the moment. It’s
a sign that things are confusing and that there is no visible form to win any
situation. Also it represents that the person had lost all faith and things look
dull and little promising.


MAGICAL USES: This Trump helps the Wizard free people from binding
magic. It will protect against wrongful love spells and it will dispel illusions.
Placed upright it will allow the Wizard to enter the realm of the unconscious

RELATED ENTITIES: Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, the wilderness and


DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it’s a card of intuitive thought, imagination

and creation. It generally means fertile ideas but it can also mean the
inability to see reality as it properly exist. It’s a representation of the world
of illusion and thus it means that the person is unable to relate to others in a
normal way. It also represents the mind and the emotional states. It also
speaks of hesitation, fears and doubts. In a spiritual sense the Moon is quite
powerful for is the revealer of mysteries and secrets of the ancients. The
Moon also speaks of the great mystery of its whiteness, which represents the
realm of the dead, and for such reason the Moon serves as a bridge between
both worlds. Reversed, it means that people are being secretive around
others, the need for attention, lack of emotional stability, lies and an inability
to distinguish fact versus fiction. It also means that someone is sinking into a
sea of illusions and desperation, unable to break free. Sometimes it can also
mean that someone is in desperate need of help and attention. Finally it can
be a representation of falsehood, trickery and a loss of the sense of reality
that is accompanied by mental instability and sickness.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump will bring about Light and Positive Energy
into the Wizard’s life, it will bring enlightenment, wisdom and many
blessings. Placed upright, the Trump will give the Wizard celestial dreams.

RELATED ENTITIES: Hyperion, Apollo, Ra, divinities of Light,

Illumination and new bountiful beginnings.

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: it represents power, light and illumination.

It’s the ability to be successful and achieve the proposed goal. It’s a sign of
happiness and friendship. It’s a symbol of rewards, recognition and
celebration. It’s the sign of the end of an oppressive relationship. It’s a card
of harmony and balance. It might speak of children in the future and of
creations that will change one’s world. It’s the card of enlightenment and
peace. It also represents the light of God, truth and the supreme power of
reason and thought. Whereas the Moon is the bridge to the underworld, the
Sun is bridge to the worlds beyond; worlds of light, greater new teachings
and illumination. The Sun is the symbol of freedom, the strength of an
ancient tradition and the power to wield it. Only the most powerful and wise
are capable of wielding the power of the Sun because the Sun is truth in
itself. Reversed, it means that there will be troubles in relationships and
marriages. It’s a sign of sickness of children and of mental problems. It
means confusions and adverse situations in a business. Also, it may
represent vanity and superficial thoughts.

Figure LXX.
The Priestess of Bacchus (1885-1889) By John Collier



MAGICAL USES: This Trump favors the Wizard in trials, tests and
situations in which the Wizard is being tested by people, superiors and the
RELATED ENTITIES: Maath, Egyptian Supreme Goddess of Order and

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: this card represents the final test of the spirit,
the mind and the soul. It is the test of fire where the person is tried against all
manner of vices and situations in order to attest that he/she has indeed grown
into the world of the Spirit. In divination, it represents that a test is at hand or
that once the problems are over we shall be happy, free and joyful. It is a
change of old habits and the rebirth into a new dimension of equilibrium and
light. This card represents that the Wizard will be tested by those agencies in
the universe which moderate enlightenment and development. The only
purpose of these agencies is to attest that the Wizard is ready to continue on
towards greater heights of evolution. A person who is not ready cannot
march into the higher realms of enlightenment for the responsibility,
pressure and burden would be too heavy. If for any reason a person was to
continue on not being ready, the sheer massiveness of the universe would
break him/her. Reversed, this card represents the fear of change, the inability
to make a decision and the problem of not being able to progress any longer.



MAGICAL USES: This Trump will bring victory to the Wizard in any
situation. Placed upright will allow communication with beings of other
RELATED ENTITIES: El Elion Jehova, the Supreme God of Order, Light
and Righteousness.
DIVINATORY MEANINGS: one of the most promising cards of the Tarot
is this one, it relates to success, achievement of goals, the supreme
realization of the Wizard into a being of light, a servant of the Eternal and a
Keeper of those beings still in the process of development. This card
explains that one is to acquire wisdom and knowledge of the Universe in
order to provide alternatives to the Master Plan. It signifies that the Wizard
is to become a master of the mysteries of creation. In divination it is a good
card which actually speaks of good omens, good fortune and victory over all
situations. It is a sign that the person has achieved higher knowledge and
needs to move on to new horizons and assume new challenges; it is a card
which speaks of service and attention to the less advanced in the Universe.
Reversed, it means the person could be frustrated at trying hard without
getting any results. It might be a lack of support, trust and hope. Also, it
means that the person is not ready to face changes or it is stuck in old
patterns and bad habits.

Divinatory Meanings of the Minor Arcana: Elemental Trump of

Cups (Water)

Ace of Cups, also known as Firmest Water. It is the real and purest
expression of the most noble of emotions; it is fidelity, love, kindness and
joy. It doesn’t react with any planet so the emotions present are more likely
inherent to the situation than created by a planetary transit. It is the Feminine
Aspect. It is the Hand of God supporting people. Reversed, it means
negative emotions or mental problems. Place it in your office or work space
to attract good relationships and satisfaction.

Two of Cups, also known as Wise Water. It is an expression of cooperation,

friendship or a new relationship. It represents wise emotions and wisdom. In
planetary terms, it is related to Venus and Saturn. Reversed, it represents
treachery, separation and the lack of loyalty. It can be used to calm emotions
when carried with you.

Three of Cups, also known as Salt Water. It represents those things which
grow either through physical form, business or projects. It represents that a
situation is maturing into a proper and profitable form. It represents the
activity of Neptune and Jupiter. Reversed, it means depravation,
uncontrolled excesses and selfishness. Carry this card with you and it will
help things grow in its rightful path.

Four of Cups, also known as Fresh Water because of the pleasantness which
brings. It is the fruitfulness of positive emotions and sharing. However, it
can represent that a situation has become stagnant and has fallen on a
routine. Reversed, it refers to illness, excesses and leaving behind a way of
life under a confused and possibly wrong concept. It is the activity of the
Moon and Jupiter. Place it in your altar to avoid stagnation and failure.

Five of Cups, also known as Ferrous Water for its bitterness. It is the loss of
pleasure, defeat and the end of an emotional relationship. It relates to worry
and regret of not having been able to protect a loved one. It can also mean
that a person has been unfaithful in the past. It is the union of Mars and
Jupiter. Reversed, it means lack of empathy, brute communication, anger and
belligerence. It can be carried when a relationships has ruptured, providing
calm and peace.

Six of Cups, also known as Golden Water. It is the harmonious experience of

success after effort and hard work. It represents balance and centeredness. It
is an expression of joy and achievement. Reversed, it means vanity and
arrogance after having been successful. It is a sign of a possible barrier
created by the ego. It can be carried to attract successful relationships and to
experience the fruit of hard work.

Seven of Cups, also known as Beautiful Water. It represents decisions and

choices where one seems more promising than the other. Caution is
recommended, for illusions may be perceived as facts. The chance of losing
things is present. Reversed, this card represents false hopes and things which
can’t be reasoned with the person and self-delusions. Place this card in front
of you several times a day to pierce through illusory activities.

Eight of Cups, also known as Overflowing Water. It is the activity of Saturn

and Mercury. It is to abandon a business, to turn away from successful
activities. It is to be blind before the activities of daily life and being
exaggerated. Reversed, this card represents to engage into reckless pursuits
and fantasies. Carry this card with you to see beyond emotions and not be
blinded by them.
Nine of Cups, also known as Nightly Water. It is the activity of Jupiter and
the Moon. It is the joy of successful relationships, achievements and
physical well-being. It relates to emotional balance and soundness of mind.
Reversed, this card relates to the lack of resources and loss of tranquility.
Meditate upon this card during the day to promote good relationships, joy,
well-being and emotional balance.

Ten of Cups, also known as Real Water. It is the action of Mars on the Earth.
It is the conquest of bountiful emotions, emotional safety, security and the
tendencies to be at ease and peace. It is the opportunity of a well-organized
and loving environment. Reversed, this card represents the manipulation of
other people’s emotions in an attempt to control them; it can end in the
development of violent actions and disorderly conduct. Those who carry this
card will be secure from emotional tempest and sorrow.

Elemental Trump of Pentacles (Earth)

Ace of Pentacle, also known as Solid Earth. It represents the power of all the
Earth; that is abundance, protection, nutrition, strength and prosperity. It is
the assured acquisition of material gain, richness and luxury. Reversed, it
means poverty, avarice and the lack of imagination. Take this card with you
to attract riches, wealth and money, especially

Two of Pentacles, also known as Smart Earth. It represents change and

mobility. It is communication and the need for a more careful planning. It is
the activity of Jupiter and Saturn, so caution is recommended when dealing
with material possessions. It can refer to a safe moment, but a warning
against over confidence is issued. Reversed, it means that the person may be
reckless or ambitious. Place this card in your altar to be favored by the

Three of Pentacles, also known as Earth, the Mother. It is a bountiful and

prosperous moment. Gain is in the horizon and success in material rewards
is closing in. It is the activity of Mars and Neptune, thus the person will do
well in starting a business or collecting a fruitful harvest. Reversed, it means
a loss of opportunities, fears, prejudices, illusions and disappointment. Take
this card with you when doing business or negotiations.
Four of Pentacles, also known Abundant Earth. It is the activity of the Sun
and Jupiter and these are quite abundant and provide an ability to manage
prosperity in the right way. It relates to authority and promotions. It is an
expansion of all powers and abilities. Reversed, this card represents an
inability to manage money and material gains. It can also be a lack of
initiave or fear of engaging new responsibilities or enterprises. It can be
employed to find a better job or get more money.

Five of Pentacles, also known as Clear Earth. It is the activity of Mercury

and Mars suggesting an aggressive approach to prosperity which will result
in sure loss. It can be a warning against poverty and economic hardships.
Reversed, it represents greediness, obstinate attitudes and a clear lack of
success and imagination. Place this card in your workplace to be protected
against poverty, ruin and bad luck.

Six of Pentacles, also known as Bright Earth. It represents the ability to have
financial solvency and the will to help others through donations and charity.
The Moon and the Sun provide equilibrium between the fortunate and the
less fortunate. Reversed, it relates to recklessness when handling money or
possessions. Carry this card near your heart to bring about good fortune and
Seven of Pentacles, also known as Mineral Earth. It is the activity of Saturn
and Venus, which means that success may be achieved through continued
work. It can represent frustrated success. Reversed, it means possible
gambling, wasting of money or not being able to accumulate enough money
as a result to reckless spending. Place this card in your altar to push back
limitations and burdens and to avail the Wizard with success through hard

Eight of Pentacles, also known as Healthy Earth. It relates to being prudent

and careful when handling money. It is a sign that success is near and that
the person will receive the benefit of past efforts. It is the Sun and Mercury,
which show that a great business or opportunity is near. Reversed, it
represents an inappropriate use of energy and resources or wasting one’s
own savings in delusions. Carry this card with you to bring about money that
is owed and hasn’t been paid.
Nine of Pentacles, also known as Silvery Earth. It is the activity of Venus
and the Moon. It is success through unconventional means; it can represent
gifts, awards and recognitions. It is the gain of material things not through
one’s own efforts but through other causes such as luck or boons. Reversed,
it means money obtained through lies, deceptions and corruptions. Carry this
card with you to be awarded with gifts and be favored by mentors.

Ten of Pentacles, also known as Real Earth. It is Mercury on Earth and it

means absolute prosperity. It can be through inheritance or family fortunes.
It can represent a sudden change for the better and the acquisition of great
material wealth. Reversed, it means burglary, family disputes over money
and to waste an inheritance in a short period of time. Carry this trump to be
amply successful and rich.

Elemental Trump of Swords (Air)

Ace of Sword, also known as Powerful Air. It’s the absolute manifestation of
reason, communication and creativity. It is the ultimate form of authority and
power. It is equaled with the mind of God. Thus, in divination it means the
person is about to face a major event in which reason will play a significant
role. Reversed, it means confusion, the lack of a proper thinking process and
acting out of impulsivity rather than reason. To command and be obeyed
carry this trump with you at all times.

Two of Swords, also known as Archetypal Air. This card represents the
restoration of peace and the dispelling of confused thoughts. It is a time for
balance and careful decisions. It is the activity of the Moon and Saturn,
which create a tension between emotions and rationality. Reversed, this card
represents misguidance, misleading actions, vengeance and violence. Carry
this card when confronting confused and mentally exhausting people.

Three of Swords, also known as Vocal Air. In this card Saturn and Neptune
are depicted. Their collective activities speak of confusion, treason,
unfaithfulness and disruption; the good part is that it will occur for the better.
Reversed, this card represents mental health issues, spiritual poverty, war,
conflicts and calamities. Carry this card with you to be protected against
treason and treacherous people.
Four of Swords, also known as Rational Air. It represents the expansion of
thought, thinking prowess and a time to put good ideas to use. It can also
mean a period of rest and recuperation. Reversed, it means hospitalizations,
depression and failure to achieve one’s own goals. Place in your altar to
receive great ideas that will find no opposition from your enemies.
Five of Swords, also known as Primary Air: It is the activity of Venus and
Mars. This activity defeats good ideas, closes communications and promotes
unfair judgment. Reversed, this card represents adversity in friendships,
problems with the law, the cowardice of others and intellectual humiliation.
Cary this card with you to be protected against those who close opportunities
upon you.

Six of Swords, also known as Cranial Air. This card represents the activity
of the Sun and Mercury. It is the gradual travel into other territories which
are more favorable. It speaks of reaching a profitable destination and
obtaining solutions to a problem. Reversed, this card represents abandoning
a quest, not being faithful to a contract and to avoid a good opportunity at
winning something. Place it in your altar to bring about energies which will
solve a situation.

Seven of Swords, also known as Perfumed Air. It is the activity of the Moon
and Venus. It represents effort, adversities and hard work, but at the end
success is met. It can also mean a slight unstable moment in which jobs or
residences are changed. Reversed, this card represents giving up when the
processes are nearly completed, indifference and to leave things
uncompleted. Carry this card with you to be protected from adversities.

Eight of Swords, also known as Devotional Air. It is the activity of Jupiter

and Mercury. This represents limitations, being placed between boundaries
and to be restrained by others or situations. It can also be a lack of
concentration and expansiveness in which the person wants to do many
things and gets dissolved in them without ending any. Reversed, this card
means treason but it can also mean to engage in actions which make a
problem worse. Carry the card with you to be protected against distractions
and vices.

Nine of Swords, also known as Glorious Air. It is the representation of

conflict, fighting, war, physical dissatisfaction, destructiveness and despair.
It can also mean bad dreams, problems resting and too many problems in the
mind. Reversed, this card represents mistrust, malice and isolation. It can
also mean helplessness and feelings of abandonment, cruelty and neglect.
Place it in your altar to be protected from conflicts and war.

Ten of Swords, also known as Authentic Air. It’s the activity of the Sun and
the Earth which generally means ruin, absolute despair and accidents. This
card is to be handled with care, for in many times it is a clear warning of
peril and dangerous associations. Reversed, it means that the worse is far
from over. This trump offers protection against accidents, major calamities
and sorrow, carry it with you when expecting dangerous situations.

Elemental Trump of Wands (Fire)

Ace of Wands, also known as Divine Fire. It is the positive power of fire and
the purest form of success. It is related to the Masculine aspect, virility and
manhood. Reversed, it represents cowardice, impotence and overconfidence.
It is a sign that some burdens can’t be carried or won’t be carried by the
person. Carrying this trump will grant the boon of success and attract power.

Two of Wands, also known as Heavenly Fire. It is the activity of Mars and
Saturn. It represents the owner of the Kingdom, responsibility and the power
to be wise. It also represents will power and most possibly wealth. Reversed,
it means dishonesty and acquisition of wealth through dubious means. It is a
sure sign that problems with ill-reputed people will surely arise. Place it in
your altar to attract riches and wealth.

Three of Wands, also known as Great Fire. It is the activity of the Sun and
Neptune. It represents the attainment of goals through a mixture of good old
hard work, effort and divine favor. It also means that dreams are coming
true. Reversed, this card represents going into a fantasy world and not
accepting reality. It can also mean that the actual facts can’t be seen or
accepted. Those who carry this trump are favored by Heaven, the planets and
the stars.

Four of Wands, also known as Spiritual Fire. It represents the activity of

Venus and Jupiter. This is the sign of good honest living, good fortunes and
refinement. It means that favor and fortune had teamed up to manifest a
prosperous time for the person. Reversed, it represents thoughts of
superiority and snobbery. However, it also warns that peril, unfaithful people
and hypocrites are too near. Carry it when meeting people in order to be
favored by them.

Five of Wands, also known as Incandescent Fire. It represents a destructive

and quite disruptive energy surrounding the person. These energies can be
averted, but only through serious and dedicated work. Reversed, it represents
the ill powers of Saturn and Mars. These can account for ruin, strife and
desolation. Carry this card with you to be protected from destructive
energies and tendencies.

Six of Wands, also known as Luminous Fire. It is the union of Jupiter and
the Sun. It represents the augmentation of joy and abundance. It means to
achieve prestige and social acclaim. Reversed, it represents that others are
plotting against the person and that these will stop at nothing to see the
person destroyed. Carry this card to receive joy, happiness and prosperity.

Seven of Wands, also known as Enlightening Fire. It is the activity of Mars

and Venus. It means that others are also working hard for the things that the
person wants, this warns that a stern competition will soon arise. It is a sign
that sustained efforts must be applied in order to be victorious. Reversed, it
represents that hesitation and fear will be the cause of loss and failure. Carry
this card to keep competitors at bay.

Eight of Wands, also known as Splendid Fire. It signifies that great personal
wealth is achieved or will be achieved soon. It also speaks of travel and
important meetings. A sense of speeding things up will be felt during these
times. Reversed, it represents stagnation, disputes and disagreement. This
trump attracts success, wealth and it protects the Wizard during long

Nine of Wands, also known as Natural Fire. It represents the aspect of the
nurturing Moon. It means that all opposition and lies will be broken. It also
represents that one will recuperate from an illness. Reversed, it represents
that an illness has taken a turn for the worse or that failure is imminent.
Carry it with you to discover lies and treachery.
Ten of Wands, also known as Legitimate Fire. It is a manifestation of Saturn
upon the Earth. It is a sign of extreme success, but very little freedom for the
success is so great it demands too much time. Reversed, it represents
jealousy, treachery and desires to spoil the lives of other people for the fun
of it. It also speaks of emotions and sentiments like envy, spite and malice.
Carry this card to be protected from jealousy, spitefulness, evil and malice
against the Wizard.

Divinatory Meanings of the Minor Arcana: Court Cards of the

Trump of Cups (Water)

Princess of Cups: it might represent a reliable person, but with outburst of

anger and aggressiveness. It might be a person lacking direction. It can also
be a person with the profound desire to be of help and bring happiness to
others. Reversed, it signifies a person unable to keep a secret or of being
discreet with other people’s information. It might be a person who enjoys
gossip. Carry this card to find one’s way in life.

Knight of Cups: It is represented by the activity of Cancer, Aquarius and

Pisces. As a result, it represents a dreamlike state. It is a person who will
come to one’s rescue, especially when one is depressed or in need of
motivation. Reversed, it characterizes someone with so much enthusiasm
other people can’t keep up with the momentum. It can also be a foolish
person wasting your time. Place this card in your altar to call upon heavenly

Queen of Cups: It is represented by Scorpio. It will personify a lady with

great power and success. It is a person that will be quite generous and gentle
with everyone else. It is a nurturing woman and a great administrator.
Reversed, it denotes a woman who tends to dominate and have matriarchal
instincts. It may symbolize that psychic, spiritual or occult information may
be needed to be successful with this person. Meditate upon this card to find
hidden information.

King of Cups: It is represented by a gentle, entertaining, honest and

conscious person. It is a person in love with his house and his family. It is a
person with a fair perspective in life and that will never be unfair towards
others. It is a generous person, very tolerant, supporter of good ideas and one
who encourages others to achieve their best. Reversed, it is a person without
discernment, judgment and most possibly indulges in vices. Place this card
over your head once a day to bring about helpful people and mentors.

Court Cards of the Trump of Pentacles (Earth)

Princess of Pentacles: It corresponds to the sign of Aries, thus it represents

diligence, care and persistence. It can represent a young woman with great
ambitions, who can fall under the duress of depression, but it will not
surrender so easily. Reversed, it means that a person with great ambitions
will oppose one’s projects and will. Also, it can mean that someone is trying
to receive money through dubious ways. Carry this card to finish your goals
when things are difficult.

Knight of Pentacles: It is represented by the signs of fire and water and the
sign of Virgo. Thus, it represents someone who is wealthy, but also quite
perfectionist, which will come in one’s way and will help the person out of
trouble. It can also mean some business associate is on the way; one who is
particularly dedicated and who knows how to achieve prosperity. Reversed,
it means someone evil and malicious will cross paths with the person,
probably someone filled with vices. Carry this when meeting dishonest
people in order to be protected from their doings.

Queen of Pentacles: It corresponds to Aquarius, fertility, compassion and

service. It represents a person who is smart, strong, idealistic, inventive and
dedicated to the Arts and Sciences. It can also be a teacher of Magic or
Spiritual Concepts. Reversed, it means someone with keen intelligence is out
there trying to con and deceive the person who is asking the questions. Place
this card in your altar to call upon magical people into your life.

King of Pentacles: It corresponds to Aries and Taurus. It is someone with

great economical wealth. It can be someone who is capable of financing
great projects. Reversed, it represents someone who lives in the fantasy of
having a lot of money and in fact it has very little. It can also be a person
who had lost a lot of money and is trying to take yours. Carry this card when
looking for people who can help you with money matters.

Court Cards of the Trump of Swords (Air)

Princess of Swords: It corresponds to Taurus. It is the growth of
relationships, the culmination of a long search, and it may represent a
woman who negotiates and is diplomatic, self-confident and a very good
lady. It also characterizes cunning and the ability to destroy negativity.
Reversed, it represents a person who is a liar and a con artist. Carry this card
with you to receive protection from negative thoughts and patterns.

Knight of Swords: It corresponds to Gemini and Taurus. It is the

representation of the fading of a problem. It can also be a person who comes
to help us and save us with his/her skills and capabilities. It is the
Temperance of emotions replaced by reason and mind. Reversed, it means
that someone with very little intellect and experience can get us in deep
trouble. Carry this card to make a problem come to an end.

Queen of Swords: it is represented by the sign of Virgo. It indicates research,

the sciences, the sacrifice of the earthly for the spiritual, analysis and
objectivity. It can signify a person who is very serious and keen. It can
characterize a very wise woman, possibly a scientist, a seer or an astrologer.
Reversed, it means someone who is using fear and lies to manipulate and
take advantage of others. Place this card you’re your altar to bring about
good advice and wise people.

King of Swords: it is represented by Aquarius and Capricorn. It is mental

clarity, legal affairs and the resolution of legal problems. It can be a man
who observes all points –before making a decision, who is also
compassionate and fair. It may be a judge and it has the power to command
imperatively. Reversed, it denotes someone who is going to be unfair,
malicious and capricious most possibly affecting business and wellbeing.
Carry this card with you when expecting trouble in legal matters.

Court Cards of the Trump of Wands (Fire)

Princess of Wands: It represents the sign of Sagittarius. It highlights the

philosophical and spiritual search. It is a confident, enthusiastic and an
intellectually brilliant person. If it is a woman it has very little tact and can
get bored easily. It could be a politician, philosopher or teacher. Reversed, it
symbolizes power corrupted and disorganized. Place this card below your
pillow at night to receive inspirational dreams and meditations.
Knight of Wands: It characterizes a change of address or location. It is
represented by Scorpio and Sagittarius. If it is a person it’s someone who is
impatient, impetuous natural, confrontational, jealous and closed minded,
untamable and given to the impulses of the flesh. Reversed, it means that
someone is more interested in the physical aspects of things or the more
physical aspects of the other persons. It can signify a person with infidelity
problems. Carry this card to augment your patience and tolerance.

Queen of Wands: It is represented by Aries and Pisces. It characterizes the

things in home but also the metaphysical and painful sacrifices. It could be a
woman who is honorable and everyone loves. It denotes things like fun,
physical activities and nurturing. It may be an actress or sportsman.
Reversed, it typifies someone who loves himself/herself more than anything
else; but it can also represent egoistic attitudes and behaviors. Carry this card
to learn humility and kindness.

King of Wands: It is represented by Leo and Cancer. It characterizes self-

esteem, to command, the design of safe things, and a person which doesn’t
take risks or someone which gets offended easily. It can be a nobleman, a
generous man who reacts quickly and hasty with much passion. It may be
idealistic, angry, impatient and industrious in profitable things. Reversed, it
means someone with power, who will take advantage physically,
emotionally and spiritually of other people. Carry this card to protect
yourself against people who wish to take advantage of the Wizard.

Interpreting the Tarot

Regarding the Tarot and its interpretation a lot has been written along the
ages. As a result there are scores of thousands of forms of interpretations and
many more forms of using the Tarot. However, despite all of these forms of
interpretations are quite different from each other they all hold one single
thing in common and possibly the most important aspect in interpretation.
This is the experience the Wizard can accumulate and gather as he/she
practices, so my best advice to the Apprentice is to learn the individual
definitions of the cards and start using them. The Apprentice must get
acquainted with these cards and this doesn’t happen overnight. Little by
little, the Apprentice will start recognizing each individual card, first by
name, then by symbology. With care, dedication and plenty of patience the
Apprentice will also arrive to very personal conclusions and will be able to
attribute valid personal meanings to each individual card as his/her personal
experience with each card grows. Therefore it is amply suggested that the
Apprentice adopts a hands on attitude towards the Tarot, instead of fearing it
like many people do. As the Apprentice’s experience grows another
component will begin to appear. This is the intuitive part of every
interpretation. It is true that every card holds a meaning; however it will be
amply unwise to take each individual card’s meaning to the letter. Many
times have I seen a card in front of me and mere logic suggests it’s one thing
according to its proper meaning, however my intuition says it’ another thing
altogether. These intuitive responses will begin to grow as the Apprentice
grows used to using the Tarot and continues to explore its many levels of
reality and its many depths of symbology and meaning. In no time, the
Apprentice will have mastered the Tarot cards and will be able to even use
her/his very own form of interpretation and spreads. However, until that
occurs I will suggest the Apprentice uses the following rules for interpreting
the Tarot. These simple rules are easy to follow and not as complicated as
many other systems.
Rules to properly employ the Tarot divinatory tool:

1. Keep the deck in a safe place, if possible use a piece of cloth or linen to
cover the deck and then place it inside a wooden box. This will protect the
cards from normal wear and it will keep them free from spiritual

2. When taking the deck out from this box, the Wizard must always use the
IN NOMINE DEUX BENEDICTO Incantation over the cloth-covered
deck. Then the Wizard must say as she/he raises the entire deck with right

3. As the Wizard starts to shuffle the deck of cards a personal prayer must be
made, asking for guidance, direction and divine counsel. Also this prayer
must incorporate that the reader be kept from evil and malicious spirits.
4. Shuffle the cards for seven times and then place the entire deck on the
surface where it will be read and signaling it with the right index finger say;
“ANIMADVERTOS ” and make the sign of the cross six times, one for the
Major Arcana, one for the Trump of Water, one for the Trump of Earth, one
for the Trump of Air, one for the Trump of Fire and one for the Court

5. Make one final shuffle and then use the regular spread of the Wizard’s
6. When the reading is over, cast another blessing like the IN NOMINE
DEUX BENEDICTO formula and then put the entire deck back into its

Regarding the divination method the Apprentice should employ, as it was

said before, there are countless forms and diverse techniques, however at the
moment a quite simple one will be presented. This technique or spread is the
one I had been using for the last years. I find it convenient since it provides
yet another interpretative dimension for the divination process. This
technique uses the Four Letters Name of God188 as a model and the cards are
arranged in the order of the Tetragrammaton.

The Wizard should place four cards one next to the other, starting from left
to right. The first card will represent the emotional state. The second card
will represent the possible losses, conflicts or struggles. The third card
represents the meaning of the problem and the fourth card will represent the
energy, concept or event needed to solve the problem. This fourth card will
provide a general idea of the situation at hand and it will provide insight into
the problem.

Then another line of cards is placed below the first card. This line will
correspond to the person asking the questions. The first corresponds to the
mental state of the person. The second card below corresponds to the actual
status of the person. The third card represents the ideas and issues the person
is experiencing and the fourth card represents the possible sacrifice to be
Then another line is thrown below the second card. This second line
corresponds to the way to solve this problem. The first card corresponds to
the things needed to be done in order to be successful at this situation. The
second card corresponds to the additional efforts not yet done. The third card
represents the type of assistance the person needs and the fourth card
corresponds to the proper way to solve the situation.
188 This Model employs the IHVH form, in which each letter Yod Heh Vav Heh represent a different
dimension in the reading of the cards.

Then another line of cards is thrown under the initial third card. This card
line corresponds to the problem in itself. The first card in this third line
corresponds to the actual origin of the problem. The second card corresponds
to the many forms this problem can assume or aspects it can come to affect.
The third card corresponds to the challenge this problem represents to other
people. The fourth card represents the things that will occur if this problem
is not solved.

Finally under the fourth card another group of cards is thrown. The first card
in this fourth line is to be interpreted as the final emotions experienced as the
problem is finished. The second card represents the permanent things this
problem or situation brought to the person. The third card corresponds to the
experience and lesson learned and the fourth card shows the Wizard the
changes this event will procure upon the person.

There are many more spreads and many more ways to use the Tarot but this
one is quite easy and thorough. The Apprentice will do well in learning it
and engage in its practice every single moment. It will only be through
practice that the Apprentice shall ever come to experience the full might and
splendor of this luminous magical tool from the Heavens.

Chapter Seven: The Magical Names of Power

“Oh ineffable and most ambrosial vocals of the divine, thou are all
embracing and boundless, thou phases kindle the darkest milieu, glimmer
light astride surmounting empyrean arches, pinions and bounding every
niche and recess of the worlds; streaming herculean surges and might
divine across our very core.”

Himerius Belisarius Gerardanus (1526-1598). Philosopher,

Mathematician, Astronomer, Alchemist and Thaumaturgist.
In the preceding chapters, it was stated that words hold a particular
importance in the Magical World. This importance resides mainly in that
words are made out of letters and these correspond to numbers, which are
the fundamental base of this universe189 . As in building the universe, words
become the template in which consciousness manifests. This fundamental
base of the universe is built on frequencies, vibrations and waves. Numbers
are not equations. Equations are the way numbers relate, harmonize with one
another; in this sense numbers are form and law. It is important to point out
that as a word is uttered and is recognized by the brain as a particular
construct, the universe also understands the particular frequency of words
and then proceeds to act accordingly. The reason behind this is not simple,
but I shall try to explain it. The Apprentice must remember that in the
beginning the Universe was created through a series of processes. Among
these processes, sound played a vital role. Therefore sounds, those properly
aligned to certain magical truths, were charged up with divine action. Thus
whenever one of these words, the ones which are charged up with divine
action, is uttered, the higher Cosmological and Cosmogonical states of the
Universe react and follow suit. In simple terms, the Universe is much like a
supercomputer in which there are an infinite amount of programs. Every
time a specific word is uttered it correlates with one or more of the infinite
programs available and then a particular course of action is taken. This takes
us to another important concept. In the previous chapters it was stated that
while words are magical and quite powerful, not all words are magical.
Many words are simple words that exist solely on the simple level of human
expression; like agreed concepts with which humanity communicates. They
do not hold or move the Universe to act in any way; because they are neutral
and do not have any correspondences with any constructs at the higher levels
of existence. However, there are other words which resonate with individual
divine concepts, universal laws and metaphysical truths. These words exist
primarily on the higher levels of Cosmologic and Cosmogonic expression.
These amply magical words were created by the Source Divine at the precise
moment the Source, Light and Act coagulated into the First Divine.

These words were the result of the Source’s brilliance, like the splendor of a
flame these words are part of the essence of the First Divine and they
appeared just as the First God manifested into the Universe. At this stage
every being, entity and thing known to the Source Divine, existing so close
to the Act of Creation, became charged with the energy of the Divine;
becoming divine as well. Therefore the machinery of the universe, the divine
clockwork of the cosmos, recognizing divinity in these words is bound to act
by divine law. Then, these words existing at these higher levels irradiate
their frequencies and wavelengths down the path of the Tree of Life, the
Four Worlds and finally penetrating the multifarious levels of reality
reaching the mundane level of existence as very precise combinations of
letters; letters that become magical names.
189 This concept is consonous with the Kabbalistic concept of Gematria in which a letter represents
both a number and a philosophical construct and every word which happens to have the same value as
another is associated with that other word or words. By so understanding, the Wizard is endowed with
the supreme knowledge of how things correspond in the Universe and how these reacts among
themselves and among others.

In this Chapter, we shall study the difference between Magical Names and
Magical Words and will properly identify, for the benefit of the Apprentice
of High Magic, the many known and recognized forms of these names and
words. Also, the Apprentice will be provided with a considerable list of
those magical names of utmost importance and under which circumstances
are they to be uttered. Finally, a moderate list regarding magical words will
also be provided, preparing the Apprentice for the final chapters of magical
Figure LXXI. Faust
By Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn

Magic Words: The Magic of Names and Words

Magic Words are those words which are in themselves magical, these are the
stuff of legends, the spells and incantations woven by Wizards, the
enchantments and chants song by the Witches, the names conjured up by a
Conjurer and the Holy Names uttered by the Hierophants when vanquishing
the forces of evil. Magic Words are the true core of Magical Lore; those who
know their importance and magnitude are truly blessed and that is precisely
why these words of the divine must be kept away from those who only seek
power regardless of consequence, from those whose only interest is self-gain
and from those whose hearts are as dark and evil as the very fallen ones.
Magic words come in two main forms. One form is that of the Magical
Names and the second form is that of Magic Words. The nature of Magical
Names is quite interesting. These Magical Names identify things and
entities. These names can either correspond to a group of beings or
correspond to a single magical entity; in this category one would find names
like those of celestial beings or divine entities, but not limited to these. There
are a whole host of entities out there and many can be used to further the
magical activities of every Wizard, although the Apprentice is advised to be
cautious for there are many entities and not all of them are good. On the
other hand, Magic Words correspond primarily to Actions and Arcane
nondescript vocabulary. These Magic Words are used because in essence
they tell the Universe what is the main intention of the Wizard regarding
reality. As Verbs, Magic Words exist in the matrix of reality as actions and
actions are in fact constructs which exist in the ever present manifestation of
time and space. This is important because in the world of Magic, present
time is all that matters, words created in past or future tenses tend to get lost
in the matrix of reality because they are either already experienced or
indefinite enough as to not be affixed to the particular ever present

However, Verbs in the present tense are fixed to the continuum in a way that
they are manifested without question, doubt or delay; in this sense magical
words are highly influential. The Arcane Words, correspond to ancient
words lost to time or words created through Kabbalistic methods. The
Ancient Words are so old that their original meanings have been lost but they
still carry with them a powerful magical magnetism which in itself is
sufficient to generate energy and effect changes in reality and the universe.
The other type of words, those created through Kabbalistic methods190 are
equally powerful and most of the time their meanings can be known through
study and research and thus their intention is known regarding their
operation over the universe. Most of the time, the meanings of these Arcane
Words are carried down through generations of Wizards or Kabbalists and
kept guarded and protected within their Magical Communities. These
magical names are generally employed on ritual celebrations and most of the
times are kept for very special magical purposes like conjuring a particular
ancient being, raising a specific deity or summoning a powerful Vizier or
Prince from the Elemental Planes. On this particular manual the Apprentice
will be given a series of Names and Words. It is important to point out that
Magical Names in themselves are truly powerful, however in order for them
to work they must be used within the scope of a magical operation; these
magical operations will be provided later on. The following list will be
divided by Names of God, Deities, Celestials, Elementals and Natural
Entities. Magical Words, unlike Magical Names, do not need to be employed
within the scope of a magical operation. Therefore the Apprentice is advised
to be cautious for soon enough the magical practices will begin.
190 The words created through Kabbalistic Methods are the product of numerical formulas,
notariqons, which are words created using the first letter of every word in a sentence, or through letters
which are employed in mysteries. One such example is the magical name INRI, it stands for Iesus
Nazarenus Rex Iudeum or Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews. Another such example is AGLA which
is Ateh Gibol Le-olam Adonai or Yours is the Universe forever and ever Our Lord.
LXXII. Engraving from the work Via Symboliocarum Quaestionarum by
Achilles Bocchii (1574)

The Names of the First Divine

Throughout magical literature many names of the Highest First Divine had
been presented in different magical books, manuals, correspondences and
grimoires provided by authorities like Pico Della Mirandola, Marsilio
Ficino, Athanasius Kircher, Knorr von Rosenroth and Israel Regardie to
name just a few of the most respected authorities on Divine Magic. In these
ancient magical books, the Wizards of the past provided us with powerful
names that gave us the ability to literally touch the skies, control the weather,
learn from the stars themselves and reach celestial heights. In this present
work, we shall not be repetitive and will go on to provide those mysterious
names of the First Divine which had not been presented in the past so far.
We have taken these obscure names from sources such as the Sword of
Moses, ancient grimoires like the Enchiridon of Pope Leo III and the Book
of Honorius and through Kabbalistic research of The Torah.

However, the Apprentice is advised to go find those names pertaining to the

Divine, hidden within the structure of the Sephiroth. These names provide
with the power over the four worlds of which we have already spoken of.
The names of the Shem Ha Mephorash, which are the seventy two holy
names of God taken directly from verses from the Torah and which speak of
seventy two mighty magical attributes conferred to Wizards through the
communion with angels. The names provided by the Sepher Bahir and the
ones purported by the Sepher Zohar, which help the Wizard understand the
Creation and Formation of the Universe. The famous IHVH
Tetragrammaton191 . This one holds the secret of the structure of the
Universe in a fourfold universal matrix192 and explains how it was that
Creation came to be and how it was that the universe was formed.

There are names like Adonai, another Tetragrammaton, which holds the
power over the land and amply corresponds to the name of Adonis, a
powerful entity of ancient times. Another name, which is a Pentagrammaton,
is Elohim, which speaks of the presence of God in the many beings of
heavens and how these direct the development of reality and the physical
universe. Likewise there are powerful names like Tzabaoth. This one speaks
of the battle readiness of God and the immense host of angels ready to do
battle for Him.

Also, the Holy Name Shaddai, a Trigrammaton, speaks of the Marvelousness

qualities of the Eternal and how God keeps to Himself the power to manifest
miracles and wonders. There are many more divine names which the
Apprentice must make an effort in learning in order to properly understand
reality and the environment. All these are very powerful names and the
Apprentice is advised to go study them and learn from their power as they
will be found throughout magical lore and it is best that he/she knows about
them. Finally, this list of names incorporates the most holy and perfect
attributes of the First Divine, and it is very important for the Apprentice to
know that this First Divine can be expressed in terms of both genders.
191 Tetragramatons are those names of God which have four letters, Pentagramatons have five letters
and Trigramatons have three letters. These series of names result in quite powerful structures of
potentiality, creation, formation and manifestation.
192 This refers to the four worlds of Atziluth, Beriah, Yetzirah and Assaiah which are in essence the
basic building blocks of creation.

Names of God Attributes and Uses ABARAK ADON Mysterious God, used
to confer the secret seventy two names of the almighty and to command the
Hosts of Heaven.
ADONAI MELEK The Lord God King, the Holy Name of Malkuth (The
Kingdom), used to deliver the power of God upon the world.
AGLA Lord God of the Universe who rules rightly forever and ever, Ateh
Gibor LeOlam Adonai. Used for authority and power.
EHIEH The Essence of God, the Holy Name of Kether (The Will) used to
work over the will of the creatures of the kingdom.
EL The Spirit of God, the Holy Name of Chesed (Mercy) used to provide
divine form upon celestials, prosperity and abundance.
ELOHA VA DAATH God is a god of Mysteries, the Holy Name of
Tiphareth (Truth) used to gather knowledge and higher consciousness.
ELOHIM GEBUR The Sons of God, the Holy Name of Geburah (Severity)
used to provide strength and protection.
ELOHIM TZABAOTH The Sons of the God of War, the Holy Name of Hod
(Grace) used to receive divine glory and the Miracles of Magic.
IAH God Present, the Holy Name of Chokmah (Wisdom) used to receive
wisdom and the Mysteries of the Ancient Tradition.
JEHOVA God is God, the Holy Name of Binah (Understanding) used to
gather understanding and omniscient sight.
JEHOVA TZABAOTH God is a Lord of War, the Holy Name of Netzach
(Victory) used to provide power and conquest over the enemies.
JIREH Praised God, used to exalt the Divine and participate in the act of
blessing and the receiving of Light and Life Everlasting.
KOL AKBAR The Voice Almighty, used to acquiesce to the Divine Will and
be able to employ the magical and divine voice of God
SHADDAI God Almighty, used to invoke the forces of Heaven when the
burden is too great.
SHADDAI EL CHAI God is a Lord of Life, the Holy Name of Yesod
(Spiritual Discipline) used to gain life, free oneself from lies and bindings.
Table XXVI. List of Magical Names: Names of The First Divine
Names of God Attributes and Uses ABBA The Divine Father, who gives
freely the kingdom to those who are righteous.
ADON OLAM Eternal Divine, provides dominion over the universe and the
natural world.
ADONAI ACHAD The Divine is One, provides union to those who are
parted or separated.
ADONAI TZABAOTH The Lord God of War, a protective name employed
to seek protection and defense from the enemies.
AL-ILAH God Righteous and Wise, used to receive blessings and protection
from the fools of the world.
ILAH SABBATHAI God of Rest, used to provide culmination to an
operation, event or situation which needs to cease.
AMMI SHADDAI Lord of the World, used to emanate spirituality to the
people of the land so that God interacts with them in their lives.
ÀMUD HA ESH The Pillar of Fire, used to provide direction, guidance and
Light to vanquish evil presences.
ARIK ANPIN The Blessed Greater Countenance of the Divine, used for
operations in which divine intercession is needs.
ATTIKKA IOMIN Ancient of Days, to vanquish enemies, receive wisdom
and know about the events of the past and the future.
AVINU MALKEINU God Our King, used to further the riches of the land
and to make the natural evils to back away.
BE MIDBAR Wise God, used to reveal the divine plan of anyone and to
initiate the life of goodness and light.
BERESHIT BARA God Creator, used to manifest events and things needed
in the realm of mankind.
B’NAI ELOHIM The Sons of God, used so that new things may come on
our way and enrich us and bless us with prosperity.
EHYEH AHSHER EHYEH I Am, a most potent name of God, used to
manifest light and receive the wisdom of the Tree of Life.
Table XXVII. List of Magical Names: Names of The Supreme Divine
Names of God Attributes and Uses EL BERIT God of Allegiance, used to
further a divine mission in our lives and manifest the victorious presence of
God everywhere.
EL CHAI Living God, used to breathe life upon every creation, manifest
vitality on the tired and heal the infirm.
EL ELOHE The God of my Life, used to manifest power over the enemies
and to conquer every situation.
EL ELYON The Highest, a most potent name of God, used to invoke the
awesome power of the eternal against evil.
EL GIBBOR God is Strong, it gives strength and is used to seek refuge and
protection as well as to vanquish the oppressor and the vile.
EL RACHMAN Merciful God, used to invoke forgiveness and penitence
over the wrong doings of others.
EL ROI Omniscient God, used to invoke the power of prophets, see into the
future and find out the outcome of an event.
EL SALI God is my Rock, used to seek firmness in a situation, stability and
cast out feelings of doubt and insecurity.
ELOHA SHAMMAYIM God of Heavens, used to invoke the assistance of
celestial beings, divine entities and the favor of the Highest.
ESH OLAM Eternal Flame, used to burn the impurities of a place, cast out
evil and call upon the fires of heaven upon unholy beings.
HA EL HA GADOL Greatest God, to invoke the absolute power of God
over all of our affairs so that evil influences leave us and let us be.
HA EL HA QADOSH Holiest God, to invoke the holiness of the Divine and
receive the lessons of Light and Goodness in our lives.
HA EMETh God of Truth, to invoke the truthfulness in our lives, eradicates
lies and the deceivers, showing forth light and truth.
HA GOEL God Savior, invoked to bring about the end of enmities, conflicts
and war and leave only peace and harmony.
HA TIKVA God of Hope, invoked when things seem dark and hopeless, it
turns the tide of events for the better.
Table XXVIII. List of Magical Names: Names of The Supreme Divine
Names of God Attributes and Uses HAYAMANOOTHA Lawful God, it
helps with loyalty issues, events when things had turned for the worse and to
secure the faithful.
JESHURUUN Fair God, it serves to prevail over confusion, it also gives
light to those having an unfair trail.
KETHER KADMON Primordial Crown, used to excite the dominion of God
over all of our affairs, it unites us with the Authority of God.
KISSEI KAVOD God of Thrones, it gives the understanding and favor of all
the supernatural beings of heaven to the Wizard.
MARIAH God Lady, a profound name of God used to invoke the assistance
of the heroes of Heaven.
MAYIM HAYIM Living Waters, used to enliven the body of the righteous
and to invigorate the devout, also calls the angels of Heaven.
OSE SHALOM Creator of Peace, it serves to manifest peace and integrity in
the surrounding world.
ROKEB BA ARABOTH God who walks the Superior Spheres, it gives
power over the higher worlds, the planets and the stars.
RUACH HA QODESH Holy Spirit, it serves to wake up the Heavenly
powers of the Wizard and to manifest them in truthfulness.
SABAOTH HA MALKA Queen of the Universe, a formidable name used to
exalt the feminine aspect of Creation, it nurtures and gives blessed birth.
SHEKINAH Divine Presence, another feminine aspect of God, used to
defend the righteous and the destruction of evildoers.
SHEMOSH God of Liberation, it serves to help in the liberation of the
enslaved, those in unjustly in jail and the persecuted.
URIM THUMMIM God is Light, used to further the communication with
God and the Heavenly Host.
YIGDAM ELOHIM CHAI Exalted God, used to elevate prayers to Heaven
and be listened by the Heavenly Powers.
YOD HE VAV HE The Ineffable Name, the Tetragramaton, used to confer
power over every magical operation, prayer and blessing.
Table XXIX. List of Magical Names: Names of The Supreme Divine
Names of God Attributes and Uses ATHEONADABIR The Supreme
Mystery of God, used to invoke the forces of God in matters of extreme
difficulty and little time.
ERYON God is a Lion of Light, used to manifest the knowledge of the
Ancient Tradition and to receive Ancient Illumination.
KYRYOS The Son of God, used to incarnate the Living Flame of the
Messiah and be heroic and good towards others.
ON The Face of the Divine, used to raise protective force against the forces
of darkness.
ORISTHEON God of the Light Supreme, used to convoke the forces of the
divine when fighting the forces of nature.
PANTHEON God of Gods, used to invoke the forces of God over the rest of
the divine beings and usher them to your aid.
PARACLITUS The Breathe of the Spirit, used to heal the infirm, raise the
sick from their beds and bless the doctors and nurses.
RASAMARATHON God the Eternal Support, used to be delivered from the
hands of the enemies and the unjust.
SOTHER God is my salvation, used to be delivered from certain death,
danger and mortal accidents.
THEON The Illuminated Face of God, used to receive the light of the
Archons and be treated as an equal by the powerful in Earth.
YOSHUA JEHOVA God Unified with the Son, used to manifest the ancient
saying of as above so below.
YOTZER HA ADAM God creator of Adam, used to confer power to the
metaphysical constructs of the Archetypes in the Philosophical Sphere.
YOTZER MEOROTH Creator of Lights, used to manifest the light of the
Holy Lanterns of Heaven upon the Mind of the Seeker of Goodness.
ZABUATHER God of Miracles, used to manifest the almighty powers of
God in the surrounding of the devout and good.
ZAUR ANPIN The Blessed Lesser Countenance, to work with the seven
Holy Sephiroth of the Tree of Life and gain rulership over them.
Table XXX. List of Magical Names: Names of The Supreme Divine

The Names of the Divine Forms

It is truly important at this point that the Apprentice realize that there is only
one Supreme Divine and that all of our attention, devotion and praises
should go on to Him/Her alone. However, it is equally important to know
that the Divine Source manifested It’s infinite powers and dominions over
the worlds through a wide range of forms, expressions and embodiments.

These are known as the Elder Gods and they distributed their powers and
activities throughout the many pantheons and religions throughout the world
as many forms and aspects of divinities. Despite the cultural differences, the
Apprentice must know that these divinities are in themselves pure
manifestations and images of that Great Divine which exist through the veil
of manifestation.

On the other hand, many of these images and forms look quite similar to
those descriptions of the Source Divine, however many others are quite
different. These differences are due to the culture’s own process of
understanding the divine qualities and traits of the Source Divine and to their
own personal and historical experiences.

Nonetheless, the primary traits of the First Divine are inherent and present in
these many divine forms. At this moment, we shall provide the Apprentice
with a comprehensive list of divinities and their magical names which are
representations of the First Divine and its variety of attributes. It is central
for the Apprentice to understand that this list is nowhere complete and that
in fact is rather minuscule compared to the impressive amount of divine
forms known and unknown in the world.

The divinities that we shall employ shall be from those pantheons in which
the divine was an expression of goodness, law, order and righteousness,
although many other forms less righteous and less good still apply to the
concept of the First Divine infinite divisions upon the worlds.

In the following list we shall present, however, those divine entities which
are an aid to the Apprentice and her/his activities, serve as guidance and are
willing to aid the Wizard in its quest towards enlightenment and the
acquisition of Infinite Light and Wisdom. These divinities will be presented
with magical titles which had been employed by Wizards for many years.
These titles are magical in themselves and are the result of Kabbalistic
studies and lifelong experiences of more than one Wizard.
LXXIII. God the Father (1779) By Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787)
Names of Divinities Attributes and Uses ALAUNUS QONAD
Gaulish God of Prophecy, Light and Healing.

MAKSHAMAQAU New Zealand God of light and the day, it has many
forms and many manifestations.

APOLLO REPHEAON Greek God of the Sun, Healing, Music, Arts,

Prophecy and Light.
ATA BETH MINITZU Semitic Goddess of the Morning, early works and
manifestation of freshness.

ATEN THENEB THENETRAMA Egyptian God of Light and the Greatness

of Truth, Heroic Actions and Savior of the Just.

AUROR TIGRALAZ Kabbalistic Manifestation of the Source Divine, it

represents the Light that shines, the Light of the Worlds.

QANAZAKASIS Egyptian God of the Sky, the Sun and the Moon, also an
evil vanquishing deity.


Semitic God of the Sun, Messenger and was Lord over all flying things.
Also identified with the Greek God HERMES.


Zoroastrian God of the Sun, Light, Judgments, the skies and knew
everything there was to know.


Persian Elamite God of the Sun and Law.

RA MEKIDOTH ARAPHETMUS Egyptian God of Light, Creation and

Absolute Power. He alone created the Universe through the Voice of


Semitic Embodiment of the Sun, a manifestation of light, fire and the
supreme forces of light and good.


Syrian God of the Sun, also known as Elegabalus, is a powerful deity which
rode a Chariot of Fiery Horses and was undefeated in battle.

THESAN BERIK KEQETIRASOTA Etruscan Goddess of Dawn and the

renewing of life. She was identified with the Greek Goddesses AURORA
and EOS.
USIL SHEMUS BEKETHRIUS Etruscan God of the Sun, Light and the
Power of Fiery Rays which conquer all evil in the worlds. Also identified
with HELIOS.

Table XXXI. List of Magical Names: The Divinities of Light

Names of Divinities Attributes and Uses


Proto-Indo-Europeans Creation God of the skies, justice, divinity and
rebirth. It is also the primeval form of light and order.


Greek Goddess of governance according to the good laws, legislations and
good will.

KIGRAUZKALAG Egyptian Goddess of Time and Protection, she was also
the goddess of fate, destiny and good fortune.

HONOS RESQUA PARADOSTES Roman God of Honor, Virtues and

Military justice, most of the time associated with the deity VIRTUS.

KANADRAPHACHOS Roman God of the beginning and the end, a deity of
war and peace and the opener of the ways.


Roman Goddess of Justice, morality and the virtues of civility, protected
against wrongful trials. Also identified as DIKE.

KRONUS BAMAS SABATZASOS Greek God Creator of Space and the

Universe, the stars and the planets it was him who created all.


Egyptian Goddess of Justice, order and the elimination of all chaos, through
her the world exist in balance.

DIKAIOSTHEMOS Akkadian God of divine judgment and justice, protector
of the prosecuted and helper in lost causes.

MARDUK PHRA NANKANAG Babylonian Creation God of the waters,

judgment, the skies, all the natural world and magic.

PTAH MITZBA SASTOPHET Egyptian Creation of God of space, matter

and all that exist in the vaults of Heaven.


Semitic God of Order, Light and Justice, protector of the persecuted and
liberator of the unjustly imprisoned.

THEMIS KIYAH QRASAKAHAOS Greek Goddess of Justice, Wisdom and

the embodiment of Law, Order and Divine Law.

URANUS GRAL BRASKALABOS Greek Creator of the living force which

moves constantly from one point to the other.

TROPHAGARAS Zoroastrian Creation Deity of Time And Space and was
known to possess every single particle of everything created.

Table XXXII. List of Magical Names: The Divinities of Creation, Order and
Names of Divinities Attributes and Uses


Sumerian God of Illumination who protected the path of the seeker of
goodness, protector of Wizards and Witches in their works.

ASHUR KAZRASACH Assyrian God of Heaven, who protected everything

under its watchful eye. Also associated with the Hebrew OPHANIM


Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom, she protected the innocent from the
strife of war and kept them from harm.

BASTET GOUTHGISET Egyptian Goddess of Protection, particularly

defended the priest of the ancient Tradition and proudly defended felines
CONSUS TALSIT HASAQ Roman God of the Earth who protected those
traversing the land from dangerous animals and thieves.

GRISEQOSFEGOR Norse Goddess of Childbirth, protected the women
during labor. Also associated with the deity NIXI.


Roman God who protected from evil spirits, monsters and the influences of
the bad thoughts and evil intents.


Roman Goddess of Medicine who protected people from high fevers and

FORSETI BESCHERAEON Norse God of Protection, Divine Intervention

and Goodwill, it will help those persecuted by relentless enemies.
LAHMUS FEBO VAURUS Akkadian God of Beneficial Love, protective
deity and helper of humanity and an Initiation God as well.


Etruscan God of War, protected from aggressive people, enemies and kept
away from harm. Also known as MARS.


Roman God of Protection, especially protected those traveling on horses,
like EPONA and kept people away from monsters.


Egyptian Dragon God of Protection, who protects from evil those traveling
at night.


Sumerian God of Magic, protector of magic-users, Wizards and defended
against snakes and serpentine people.


Greek Goddess of Family and Architecture, she protected from fires. Also
associated with STATA MATER.
Table XXXIII. List of Magical Names: The Divinities of Protection and
Names of Divinities Attributes and Uses


Persian Goddess of the Waters Above or The Heavens, immaculate divine
mother who gave wisdom and healing.


Greek Goddess of the Earth and Mountains provides with the mysteries of
initiation and protects from madness.


Greek God of Mysteries and Ancient Traditions, gave the light of knowledge
to those who found him


Greek Goddess of Magic and the underworld, she protects from death and
keeps evil at bay.

HEKA KORAB QEBET Egyptian Goddess of Magic, together with RA and

THOTH form the divine trinity of Magic, she is the substance of magical

HERMES KAMUZ KADRANADU Greek God of Wisdom and

Communication, attributed with the powers over the air, the voice and

ISIS MEKETH SHAMAUET Egyptian Goddess of Magic, New Life and

Rebirth. Heals the broken and sick, she holds the Veil of Magic.


Etruscan Goddess of Wisdom and Measures, she is known to master the arts
of Numerology and Sacred Geometry.


Greek Goddess of Wisdom, deep thought and the magical arts, she provides
magical intuition and knowledge.
NABU NETER TAKARITHA Assyrian God of Wisdom and Writing,
known to provide Magical Incantations, spells and a keen magical mind.


Norse Goddess of Magic, Foresight, Oracles and Seeress. Provides with the
mysteries of the future and distant places.


Egyptian Goddess of Wisdom, gives the knowledge of astronomy, astrology
and divine mathematics.

SIA AA THAKAZLARZU Egyptian Goddess of Wisdom, gave knowledge

of the unknown and augments the intellectual prowess of Wizards.


Gnostic Goddess of Wisdom, preexisting being which gives consciousness
to the divinities themselves and omniscience.


Egyptian God of Magic and Wisdom, known to be the Magical Voice of
Creation, Magic and Miracles. He knows everything.

Table XXXIV. List of Magical Names: The Divinities of Illumination and


The Names of the Celestials

To simply try to enumerate or categorize the names of the Celestials is a

foolish task. The Kabbalists explain that celestials are infinite, just as the
First Divine is infinite in its Glorious Expression. To understand this, we
must remember that Celestials, regardless of stature or rank within the
celestial hierarchy, are thoughts of the Divine.

Being thoughts of God it is imperative to consider that God in itself is

infinite and every aspect of It is infinite as well. This leads us clearly into the
conclusion that the thoughts of God are infinite in number so the angels must
be infinite in number as well and at the same time never-ending, being a
fluent infinite stream of consciousness.
Nonetheless, through the ages a number of important celestial beings have
been appointed for different magical operations. Among these we shall find
the Princes of the Tree of Life, the Princes of the Heavens, the Princes of the
Hierarchy and the Holy Sarim193 .

These are important because each of them is in charge of several magical

aspects. Some of these aspects are the distribution of the energies emanating
from the Sephiroth, of ministers of the heavens and the materials created
there, of those celestials directing entities and concepts under their charge
and keeping the worlds safe from the forces of evil, among other things.

This is central to the Apprentice because as the understanding of celestials

extends it becomes evident that celestials are powerful agents of magic.
What this means is that through angels and other celestials the Wizard can
actually channel energies from the First Divine and other deities onto the
world, altering reality as it is needed.

At the moment, another list of magical names will be provided, this one
taking into consideration those angels and celestials which help humanity the
most. As it was said before, do not take this list as all inclusive. There is
however a wonderful book, Dictionary of Angels, written by Gustav
Davidson which is quite complete, in my humble opinion. Take the time to
elucidate these names and then study and try to find some others which
would also be pertinent to the study of this Magical Art.
193 The Mighty Archangelic Princes of the Holy Council of Angels Names
of Celestials
Attributes METATRON Stationed on Kether the Crown, helps with affairs of
illumination and spiritual growth. It’s the voice of God
RATZIEL Stationed on Chokmah the Wisdom, helps with matters of
knowledge, wisdom and learning.
TZAPHQIEL Stationed on Binah the Understanding, helps with greater
intelligence and forgiveness.
TZADQIEL Stationed on Chesed the Mercy, helps with emotions,
benevolence, goodwill and abundance.
KEMUEL Stationed on Geburah the Strength, helps with protection,
conflicts and dissolves enmities.
MIKAEL Stationed on Tiphareth the Beauty, helps with truthfulness,
consciousness and light.
ANIEL Stationed on Netzach the Victory, helps with conquering the
enemies, troubles and the growth of faith and certainty.
RAPHAEL Stationed on Hod the Glory, helps with blessings, magic,
miracles and healing.
GABRIEL Stationed on Yesod the Foundation, helps with the unconscious
mind, intuition, vices and maladaptive behavior.
SHEKINAH Stationed on Malkuth, helps with the matters of physical
property, goods and things owned.
Table XXXV. List of Magical Names: The Celestials of the Holy Tree of Life.

Many of these celestial entities possess a host of other names. For example,
Metatron according to the Sepher Ha Heshek194 has over a hundred different
magical names according to each of his priestly duties in Heaven. The same
occurs with the archangels Ratziel, Tzaphqiel and Michael, etc. This is why
the Apprentice is urged to find these names and study them well, trying to
find their own meaning in the ancient Aramaic and late Hebrew languages.
194 An Ancient text depicting Metatron’s priestly activities and duties as chief angel of all celestials.
Names of Celestials Celestial Attributes

(THE MOON) Ruler of the First Heaven of Shamain or Lunia. Used to
receive intuition, messages in dreams and improve clairvoyance.


Rulers of the Second Heaven of Raquia or Mercuria. Used to better the
magical qualities and learn from lost magical books.

Ruler of the Third Heaven of Shehaqim or Venia. Used to clear problems

away, troubles and emotions.

(THE SUN) Ruler of the Fourth Heaven of Machonon or Solia. Used to
bring about clarity in any subject and dispel lies.
KEMUEL (MARS) Ruler of the Fifth Heaven of Mathey or Machon. Used
to deliver from evil, defend and protect the innocent.

ZACHIEL (JUPITER) Ruler of the Sixth Heaven of Zebul or Jovaria. Used

to acquire abundance and prosperity, also for blessings and prayer.

(NEPTUNE) Ruler of the Seventh Heaven of Araboth or Empireus. Used to
augment spirituality and the communication with angels.

(SATURN) Ruler of the Eight Heaven of Harumoth or Cronias. Used to
receive understanding of creation and the order of the universe.

Table XXXVI. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Princes of The Eight

These archangelic princes are not alone in the ministration of these Heavens;
they all have celestial ministers which help them in their duties. These are
known as the sixty four celestial wardens of the Temples of Heaven. So,
when the need should arise that the Apprentice requires to use the aid of
these celestial princes it is important to know that these rulers never come
alone, they answer a summon accompanied by their celestial stewards and
helpers; so proper attitude, kindness and respect towards them is advised.

Heaven Celestial Ministers

Corresponds to the Moon First Heaven
Corresponds to Mercury Second Heaven
Corresponds to Venus Third Heaven
Corresponds to Sol
Fourth Heaven
Corresponds to Mars Fifth Heaven
Corresponds to Jupiter Sixth Heaven
Corresponds to Neptune Seventh Heaven


Eight Heaven Table XXXVII. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Ministers
of the Eight Heavens.
Celestial Order Names of Celestials



Thrones Binah
Dominions Hod
Principalities Yesod

Archangels Daath

Table XXXVIII. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Archangel Princes of

the Celestial Hierarchy Following the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life
Names of Celestials Attributes and Uses AKATRIEL Revealer of divine
ANAFIEL Keeper of the judgment of Heaven.
AZBUGA Mysterious Throne of Judgment who presides over the worthy of
BARAKIEL Provider of Blessings over the world of man
KEMUEL The Theophany of Divine Justice.
CHAYYIEL The provider of Life for the Holy Living Creatures of the
Chariot of God.
GABRIEL Archangel of resurrection and the strength of God.
GALGIEL Chief angel of the Holy Sun, and ruler of the movement of the
Merkabah or Throne of God.
HANIEL Chief Archangel of Love and Victory
IOFEL Preceptor angel of the Holy Name of God
THE IRIN Twin angels who preside over the supreme judgment of Heaven
JEHOAL Archangel of the Presence of God and Glory
METRATON Keeper of Mankind and provider of good deeds to all of Earth.
MIKAEL Savior of the faithful, archangel of repentance and destroyer of
PHANUEL Archangel of the Holy Countenance of God.
Table XXXIX. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Princes of the Sarim.
Names of Celestials Attributes and Uses THE QADDISHIM Twin angels
who preside over the Holiness of Holiness and are in essence the Glory of
RADUERIEL Creator of the lesser angels and scribe of Heaven.
RAPHAEL Archangel of Healing, science and knowledge.
RAZIEL Archangel of the Supreme Mysteries and the keeper of all of the
ancient traditions.
RIKBIEL Prince of the Chariot of God
SOPHERIEL MEHAYYE Prince of the Holy Merkabah and purveyor of the
Mystery of the Beginning.

SOPHERIEL MEMETH Prince of the Holy Merkabah and purveyor of the

Mysteries of Truth and the Essence of the Eternal

SOKED HOZI Keeper of the equilibrium in the Universe, it is the Sword of

SANDALPHON Chief Angel of Initiation and the one who gives the path to
the Initiate.
SHEMUIL Archon of the prayers of the devout and faithful.
SURIEL Archangel Prince of Light, Fire and the Upper Reaches of Heaven.
TZADKIEL Chief Archangel Prince of Divine Justice and the keeper of the
Wrath of God.
URIEL Archangel of Salvation and the giver of light to the world.
YEFEFIAH Archangel Prince of the Law, keeper of the mysteries of the
ZAGZAGEL Archangel of Wisdom and Angelic Prince of the Divine
Table XL. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Princes of the Sarim.
Names of Celestial Garden Order of Celestials and Uses ABEN NUZLIM, in
this garden the universe is ordered through the effect of Equilibrium.
KESBEM BENIMIM, in this garden the wisdom of the universe is kept
hidden only for the devout.
ORKEN AVABIM, in this garden all of the compassion and prudence in the
universe emerges at dawn.
GENEN EONIM, in this garden judgment is passed over the deeds of
KENEDEM ELOHIM CHIIM, in this garden are kept hidden the Initiatic
Mysteries to fight evil.
HEREM BENI ELOHIM, in this garden are hidden the mysteries of
numbers and the Holy Sacred Square of Twelve Spaces.
MEKEN EURIM, in this garden the faithful is filled with vigor, strength and
SEPHELEN KASILIM, in this garden the secrets of the Holy Sephiroth are
REMESEN HOA ELOHIM, in this garden the mysteries of life and death
are kept, also the waters of immortality.
DEBEREN HAMUNIM, in this garden the Faith of the world is kept
shinning so that people never forget the Light of God.
Table XLI. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Orders of the Celestial

Although it might be beyond the scope of this manual, I had taken the liberty
of providing the Apprentice with a most unusual piece of information. This
information is the names of the Kabbalistic Gardens and the Names of the
Hosts of Heaven which diligently watch over them. There are also twelve
paradises, each with its host of celestials and heavenly creatures. These are
to be worked with later on, but the Apprentice should familiarize with them
for they contain the greatest treasures in all of Heaven. Learn their names
and you shall forever be blessed by the mighty angels.

Names of Paradises Order of Celestials and Uses DELMOS Archangel

MACHIDIEL presides over the BALACHIM or the Joyous Ones. A place
for rest, joy and happiness.
DRAMOS Archangel ASMEL presides over the TZADINIM or Fair Ones.
A place for fair people and the studious and devout.
PARTHOS Archangel AMBIEL presides over the MEZHURIM or the
Brilliant Ones. A place for great mysterious teachings.
CHRANOS Archangel MURIEL presides over the EBENIM or the Firm
Ones. A place for quietness and tranquility.
SARCHOS Archangel VERCHIEL presides over the TZABATHIM or
Soldiers of God. A place for reflection and contemplation.
HADASOS Archangel HAMALIEL presides over the ENSISIM or The
Good Ones. A place for repose and restfulness.
NEZOLOS Archangel URIEL presides over the BEREMIM or the Created
by God. A place for study of the Highest Sciences.
KABALOS Archangel Barakiel presides over the KABASIM or the Praying
Ones. A place for philosophers and the religious.
IMSOPHOS Archangel ADNACHIEL presides over the THEMIDIM or the
Perpetual Ones. A place for playing in the tamed wilderness.
ADAMOS Archangel HANIEL presides over the ARIHIM or the Lions of
God. A place for artists and nature lovers.
ARKOS Archangel NEMAMIAH presides over the EPIQUIMIM or the
Host of God. A place for wisdom and learning.
BARAKOTH Archangel BARQIEL presides over the DELETHIM or the
Keepers of the Doors. A place for blessings and prayers.
Table XLII. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Orders of the Heavenly

Names of Planets and Days


Names of Angels
Archangels MIKAEL and ILMAREL. Ministering angels RAPHAEL,


Archangels GABRIEL and ZARIEL. Ministering angels GABRIAH,


Archangels SANDALPHON and ELISON. Ministering angels ZAMAEL,

MERCURY (VOXAT PREIKOS) Wednesday Archangels RAPHAEL and



VENUS (OMIDO AMATU) Friday Archangels TZADIKEL and

Archangels ANIEL and ARKAEL. Ministering angels HANAEL,


Table XLIII. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Orders of the Days of the

It is very important to point out that in the past Wizards employed a quite
complex table in which the names of the angels had been calculated for each
hour of the day and each hour of the night. Although many Wizards still use
this system of magic today, it is important to point out that in our system of
High Magic using the angel of the hour of a particular day is not necessary.
This is due to the fact that it is considered that by using the regent angelic
form of any particular archangel all of its angelic ministers will take notice
and will come to the aid of the superior angelic minister. This information is
brought to us by The Heptameron, which was written by Peter de Abano.
Also in this table the magical words of each planet are provided after the
name of the planet. These magical names can be included in any magical
operation, prayer or incantation.

Month/Sign of the Zodiac

January-February Aquarius

Angel of the Month Angel of the Signs of the Zodiac

February-March Pisces
March-April Aries
April-May Taurus
May-June Gemini
June-July Cancer
July-August Leo
August-September Virgo
September-October Libra
October-November Scorpio

December-January Capricorn


Table XLIV. List of Magical Names: The Celestial Orders of the Month And
the Astrological Signs.
LXXIV. An Angel By Edward Burnes Jones

The Names of the Elementals

The elementals are an integral part of the magical work and their importance
is more than clear for the following reason. Elementals are the ones who
pervade everything with substance, giving fluidity, firmness, space and
motion to things. In essence elemental forces exist everywhere, for they are
the agencies which provide material form to anything in the universe,
forming quite complex combinations that the Wizard needs to be aware of.

Many people regard the elements to be just four components, but this is not
the case. The magical elements of the universe are eighteen and they
correspond to the powerful forces that exist in the universe without very
little restrictions.

These elements are the four basic ones, Water, Earth, Air and Fire. However
as these mix together they create the Elements of Formation, these are Mud,
Vapor, Smoke, Ice, Magma and Gale. These secondary forces mix with the
positive energies and the negative energies they modify once again creating
a third group.

These are called the Elements of Energy. These are the following; Salt, Life,
Minerals, Sand, Lightning, Vacuum, Ashes and Brilliance.

Their power is amazing and as such the Wizard does well in learning their
powerful names. In magical terms, elementals are quite different from
celestials. While celestials are thoughts of God’s Mind and obey the Will of
the Lord without question, the elementals are embodiments of nature and
possess a will of their own. In this regard, elementals only obey their own
inner hierarchy. In this way these elemental forces had aligned themselves
under the four particular hierarchies which will be shortly provided here.

Moreover, elementals are beings with very varied personalities and tend to
be a little capricious. In no way do they resemble the noble angels. However,
they are not evil beings. In order to relate to them the Apprentice needs to
procure a cup of water for the water elementals, a gemstone for earth
elementals, a bell for the air elementals and a candle for the fire elementals.
These spaces need to be consecrated by the In Nomine Deux Benedicto
Formula and the appropriate incantation for each type of elemental found at
the end of this book in the section for the School of Conjurations. As a final
word, the Apprentice needs to be gentle and respectful towards these beings
in order to keep them from turning hostile.

Also a complete list of magical names regarding the elements will be

provided as well as a list of their natural environments here on our material
plane. At this moment it is important to point out that elementals are not
nature spirits195 . Elementals are forces with intelligence, while nature spirits
are beings attuned to an element with their own particular evolution.
195 Nature Spirits like gnomes, sylphs, undines and salamanders.

The Hierarchy of Water

The Hierarchy of Water is composed of eight types of mighty ministers.

These mighty ministers are the ones which regulate water in the material
plane, water in the metaphysical planes196 and water in the elemental planes.
The Primordial Kings rule over all of the Elementals of Water and are the
most powerful and regal of these elementals, their powers are divine and are
considered as such by many entities. The Elemental Princes carry the
instructions and orders of the Mighty Kings to the rest of the Elementals of
Waters and their words are regarded by the others as extensions of the will of
the kings. The Regulus of Water are the administrators of the elemental
world of water. Their function is to make sure that every Elemental is
working in accordance to the word of the Mighty Kings. The Archprimes are
spiritual entities of Water which provide essence to the Elementals of Water.
These work from the metaphysical planes, conjoining the Waters from the
material plane with those of the Elemental Plane of Water. The Exarcs,
working from the metaphysical plane as well, provide matter and elementary
existence to the Elementals of Water, making them real in the Plane of Water
and in the material plane. The Intelligences also work from the metaphysical
planes, and these are the ones in charge of making the Elements of Water
interact with the rest of creation; in this way they are similar to the angelic
devas197 of nature. The Elemental Ministers of Water provide
communication between the Elementals of Water and the rest of
intelligences in the universe, especially in the material plane. Finally, the
Water Elementals are the most prominent in the realm of water and in the
material plane. They exist to be nothing else but Water. All of these
Elementals can be employed by the Wizard in operations related to feelings,
emotions, change, healing, psychic abilities, pureness and provide
communication with marine creatures and beings. Also, the Wizard can use
these Elementals to be favored in Sea related activities and operations.

The Apprentice and Wizard can employ these names in various magical
operations. For example they can be added to the Incantations which relate
to feelings, emotions, change, healing or when the Wizard is attempting
communication with water-based entities or elementals. Also, the Wizard
can employ these names in prayers, orations and verbal communications
addressed to these mighty beings when requesting their support. For instance
the Wizard can say for all of the different elementary powers the following


196 These planes are the ones which conjoin the material plane with the elemental planes through the
various laws, principles and the different structures of magic and reality.
197 Devas are angelic beings who take care of the natural world, particularly the flora. Their
responsibility is to make sure that all the vegetable kingdom works properly and in accordance to the
needs of the animal world.
198 NN, you will replace here the name of the desired elemental.

Hierarchy Rank Name of Elemental Ruler/Activities Primordial Kings of

with the Obedience of Waters.
Elemental Princes of Water MEYEM, MERMAS, THESAN, ARLABAN
Deal with the flow of things.
Deal with the forms of waters in the natural world.
Archprime of Water TZAQID, ATHOS, DIPHIAS Deal with the changing of
Exarcs of Water TZAPHOS, NEPHEDIES, THIEGES Deal with the healing
of things.

Elemental Intelligences of Water

AQATZAGOEL, AKIBAS, PHUL-BAR Deal with the more psychic

Elemental Ministers of Water

Deal with communication with water based spirits and entities.

Elementals of Water DAMIANU, MEPHUS, SENABAR

Deal with the communion with water based spirits and entities. Table XLV.
List of Magical Names: The Elemental Orders of Water.

The Hierarchy of Earth

The Hierarchy of Earth is composed of eleven types of ministers. These

ministers are the ones which provide structure to Earth in the material plane,
Earth in the metaphysical planes and Earth upon the elemental planes. The
Primordial Kings provide guidance and direction to the Elementals of Earth,
like their water counterparts, these are also regarded as powerful deities by
their kind. The Kings and Queens give counsel to the Primordial Kings and
help them with their decisions and these are divided into the various
manifestations of earth; like mountains, rocks, sand, etc. The Elemental
Princes are the ones which deliver the commands to the rest of the
elementals, and are also in charge of protecting their kingdom, for they are
the champions of the Earth Elementals. The Archomentals of Earth provide
order and self to the Elementals of Earth from the metaphysical plane, to the
point of being the law givers of their kind. From the metaphysical planes, the
Viziers of Earth give structure and substance to the Earth Elemental. These
are the ones responsible for the shape and form of things in the physical
world. The Archprimes of Earth are spiritual beings composed of
metaphysical Earth which provide guidance to the Elementals of Earth.
Their work is to combine the Earth Elementals with the material planes, they
are also considered to be amply religious. The Tolos, working from the
metaphysical plane, provide foundation and weight to the Elementals of
Earth, making them pure matter in the Plane of Earth and in the material
plane. The Xiasmas of Earth, also work from the metaphysical planes. These
are the ones occupied with making the Elements of Earth work together with
the rest of the universe. The Genimentals of Earth give stability and
grounding to the Elementals of Earth so that they are capable of supporting
the foundations of the worlds. The Elemental Ministers of Earth allow
communication between the Elementals of Earth and the rest of the many
beings in the universe, especially in the material plane. Finally, the Earth
Elementals are the most prominent in the Plane of Earth and in the material
plane. Their function is to be matter, solidity and the very matter which
makes up our worlds. All of these Elementals can be employed by the
Wizard in operations related to strength, protection, prosperity and growth.
Also, the Wizard can seek to win the favor of these being when venturing
into caves, mountains, deep trenches, building above and below ground and
excavations. Much in the same way that Water Elementals, the Apprentice
can work with these elementals to provide strength, continuation,
permanence and structure to events, people, activities and magical



Hierarchy Rank Name of Elemental Ruler and Ministers Primordial Kings of

NALAS. Deal with the Obedience of Earths.
Kings and Queens of Elemental Earth

Elemental Princes of Earth ETHAMAS, BEPHIOS, AMIBAR, DIDOS,

Counsel for greater strength.
Deal with solidarity and protection.

Archomentals of Earth PHOTZOAS, TASAPAS, AMPHETIR,

PAMALTHAS Help with operations that manifest things in the world.
with directing the various growth processes.
Archprimes of Earth ANON, AZKA, NINAYZ, DARTOS
Help things to be created, formed and brought to manifestation.
things become important.
Provide continuity to things and the earthly cycles.
Provide support and stability.

Elemental Ministers of Earth

communication with Earth Elementals.

Elementals of Earth ANIBER, ANKAS, ARIZ, BENIAZORIAS Deal with

communion with Earth Elementals. Table XLVI. List of Magical Names: The
Elemental Orders of Earth.

The Hierarchy of Air

The Hierarchy of Air is composed of ten types of ministers. These ministers

are the ones which give energy and motion to the worlds, in the
metaphysical planes and upon the Elemental Plane of Air. Air Elementals are
different from the other elementals, in that they exist invisibly within their
own domain. They do follow their own structure, however, and recognize
each other but they exist as winds. The Primordial Beings of Air are the
wisest of all the elemental beings; they guide their kind with reason,
knowledge and firmness. Unlike their water and earth counterparts, these are
not considered deities, instead they are deemed as spiritual guides and great
teachers. The Authors of Air give to their kind all manner of sciences and
motions, teaching about the wonders of the universe. The Elemental Princes
of Air, bequeath the Authors’ knowledge to the rest of the Air Elementals
and are great beings of justice, fairness and integrity. The Four Generals of
Air, each govern a section of their plane according to the guidelines and
rules of the Primordial Beings, these are the great warriors of the Air
Elementals; but feared and respected by the rest of the elementals. The
Menementals, from the metaphysical planes, they convey structure to the
mind of every being in the universe, allowing the mysterious communication
between mind and brain. The Archprimes of Air are spiritual beings
composed of metaphysical Air and provide essence to the Air Elementals
and are responsible for the substance which makes up the soul and spirit of
every being. They guide Reason into the world. The Nepherides of Air, also
from the metaphysical plane, provide motion and creativity to the Air
Elementals; these are the purveyors of inspiration. The Xiemaros of Air
work from the metaphysical planes to integrate the Air Elementals into the
rest of the cosmos as breath. The Elemental Ministers of Air allow
communication between the Elementals of Air and the rest of creation
breathing life and animation into everything. Finally, the Air Elementals are
widely scattered across creation, since they serve as carriers of information
and messages. All of these Elementals can be employed by the Wizard in
operations related to knowledge, wisdom, information, communication, law,
justice and truth. Also, the Wizard can seek to win their favor when traveling
through the air and climbing to high places.



Hierarchy Rank Name of Elemental Ruler and Ministers Primordial Beings


Authors of Air SEMACHOR

Providers of Knowledge.
Providers of Science.


Deal with education and discipline.
The Four Generals of Air KINSI, TARALUS, CHUBELLO, IOMNU Deal
with Justice, Courthouses and the Law.
Menementals of Air


Help with learning, thoughts and the development of the mind. DIRPHES,
Philosophy and the Sciences of Reason.


ARKASAS. Deal with Inspiration, Creativity and Intuition.
KASHAMIM Deal with discoveries and the apparition of new things.
Elemental Ministers of Air PACAPAS, FENELZAS, NEBLUPHES,
LUBANAPHEOS, MERENLIZA Allow the communication with Air
KADISGAKAR Allow the communion with Air Elementals.
Table XLVII. List of Magical Names: The Elemental Orders of Air.

The Hierarchy of Fire

The Hierarchy of Fire is composed of ten types of ministers. These ministers

are the ones which give vitality and power to the universe, in the
metaphysical planes and upon the Elemental Plane of Fire. Fire Elementals
are the most powerful of the elementals, for their powers can be outwardly
creative but also very destructive. The Primordial Beings of Fire are the
most powerful of all the elementals, for they command unhinged power
without challenge and the others pay respect them as great deities. The
Monarchs of Fire are the delegates of the Primordials and they execute their
commands to the letter, these carry their fiery words and the others obey
without question. The Elemental Princes of Fire, serve as bearers of the
Primordials’ command and they go to great length to see the orders of their
superiors obeyed by the lesser elementals. The Flogos are the captains of the
Fire Lords and they do battle against those who oppose them, these are
almost as powerful as the champions of the air elementals. The Purgias are
the destructive forces of these elementals; they are raw and only controllable
by the Flogos. The Phosos are the guides of the fire elementals, leading them
with insightful lessons and are treated as spiritual guides and great
philosophers. The Archprimes of Fire are mystical beings composed of
metaphysical Fire who give essence to the Fire of these elementals, they are
also the ones responsible for shaping fire in all of the universe. The
Nepherides of Fire, also from the metaphysical plane, provide dynamic
energy and spirituality to the Fire Elementals; these are the ones in charge of
creating power sources and energies. The Kallios of Fire, work from the
metaphysical planes to join the Fire Elementals into the rest of the universe
by funneling these elementals into life forms and inanimate matters. The
Ignimentals are the ones in charge of helping others develop their inner light
and as such are related to illumination and spiritual growth. Elemental
Ministers of Fire allow communication between the Elementals of Fire and
the rest of the celestial worlds, these are the cooperate with the mighty
angels and lend their fires to the causes of Heaven. The Fire Elementals
allow others to commune with the Fire Elementals. All of these Elementals
can be employed by the Wizard in operations related to spirituality, light,
illumination, energy, dynamism, war, conflict, defense and devotion. It will
also help the Wizard be favored and protected from fires.



Hierarchy Rank Name of Elemental Ruler and Ministers Primordial Beings

with the acquisition of raw power.
Deal with directed power and rulers.
Elemental Princes of Fire ATHATZARAN, GRALANUS, AFLACAS,
Flogos of Fire

Purgias of Fire TZITUDER

Deal with weapons, arms and defenses.
Deal with the militia, protection and conflicts.
with purification and destruction of barriers.


spiritual teachings and lessons.
HAKAON Provide Philosophical lessons regarding Devotion and Kindness.
DENIALIS, ZOTHIAS Deal with devotion, prayer and light.
VENIASUR Deal with union, commitment and service.
Deal with spiritual growth.
Elemental Ministers of Fire ARMIDEL, AMALMANAS, ATHIUS,
VEQIDOR, DOMIAS Deal with the communication with Fire Elementals.
Deal with the communion with Fire Elementals.
Table XLVIII. List of Magical Names: The Elemental Orders of Fire.
Natural Zones Elemental Ruler Ministers Lagoons LUQUAS QOLUES,




Table XLIX. List of Magical Names: The Natural Spirits of Water.
Natural Zones

Elemental Ruler

Table L. List of Magical Names: The Natural Spirits of Earth.
Natural Zones Elemental Ruler Minister Clouds VANER SINNEPHOS,
Table LI. List of Magical Names: The Natural Spirits of Air.
Natural Zones Elemental Ruler Ministers Blazes THARKIS
Table LII. List of Magical Names: The Natural Spirits of Fire.

Figure LXXV. Reconciliation By Sir Joseph Noel Paton (1821-1901)

The previous lists of all of the magical names can be used primarily for
magical operations regarding Ceremonial Magic, Artificium or Ritual
Magic. In other words, the names of the First Divine, Deities, Celestials and
Elementals can be used to invoke and convoke199 their magical activities
into a particular operation the Wizard may be devising or studying. Its
primary purpose is to augment the potential of any operation the Wizard is
researching or operating at the moment. Moreover, these can be employed as
mantric prayers, in which the Wizard selects those names which relate to a
specific need or situation and the words are repeated over and over with a set
intention in mind.

These names can also be used as supplementary power for incantations or

ceremonies; as they can be added to prayers, psalms and orations the Wizard
feels that need additional magical power to properly work or come to
fruition. In this way the Apprentice will place these words of power at the
end of every magical formula, incantation or prayer. In addition these names
are to be used as protections or defenses as they can be uttered when the
need arises, invoking or convoking the energies accordingly.
199 A wizard invokes the powers of the divine while he/she convokes the power of the celestial
ministers and elementals.

The Magical Words of the Schools of Magic

The magical words that will be provided in the next sections are primarily
used for incantations, the casting of spells and the actual practice of Magic.
They are words of power, enchanted with supreme magical force and they
can also be combined with the previous names, but the truth is that they hold
magical power in themselves, as it was explained earlier. At this moment,
the Apprentice needs to remember that Magic is practiced through a series of
Magical Schools that were discussed earlier in this book. The magical words
that will be provided will be in function with these Magical Schools,
beginning with the School of Alterations and the wonderful incantations that
exist in this school, the Apprentice is suggested to read again the description
of the schools in page 61. Also, the Apprentice will be provided with a series
of 72 magical words relating to spiritual growth, intellectual development
and physical wellbeing, these are truly important for they will help keep the
Apprentice and Wizard in a good and quite balanced state of being for the
proper casting of incantations. These magical words are to be placed before
every magical incantation, spell or prayer. In this sense, if the Apprentice
was to cast a Lutum Obrego incantation, found on Chapter Nine, this would
be the appropriate way. First the Apprentice needs to find the magical words
of the school which correspond to the incantation, in this case FORMOS
EFFINGO. Then the Apprentice chooses the appropriate incantation, that in
this case is the Lutum Obrego and then he/she goes to the list of magic
words that appear in Table LXIII and once finding the appropriate one would
add it to the end of the incantation. In this example we will use a magic word
for commanding things, like KARXECANUS. Then the Apprentice and
Wizard should cast the formula with all of his/her might. Then the
incantation would read something like this;


School of Alteration Magic Words
To give form and order

To change something into something else
To create something which isn’t manifested yet

To provide existence to things which are not real nor physical

Attributes and Uses

APPAREO to better the appearance of an object, make it look even more

beautiful than it already is.
EFFINGO to cause a physical thing to change into something else within the
same existing range.
PERMUTO to change one thing into another, primarily into things which are
CONVERTO to turn one thing into something different.
FORMO to provide form to a non-existing thing, like a wish, desire or
INCORPORO to give matter to a spiritual event. This actually causes the
event to manifest physically.
OPES to create spiritual events, and allows the Wizard to benefit from
spiritual energies.
PERSEITAS to provide spiritual essence to a concept, allowing it to
coagulate into the mind of others.

Table LIII. List of Magical Words: The School of Alterations.

School of Benedictions Magic Words

To impart the spiritual energies of blessings over objects
To seek the favor and protection of God
To convey the more
powerful blessings of God in a vehicle or large place. IMPOSITIO
Bestows a powerful
blessing of Order

Attributes and Uses

BENETECUM to place a blessing in an object, it can only bless small

objects. BENESENTES to place a blessing in an element, such as water,
earth, air and fire and their supplementary, such as crystal, ceramic, incense
and energy.

BENEDEO to seek the favor of God for a person, usually placed employing
a sacred sign like the cross.
BONUMIS to wish for good things for a person. This one gives favor and
augments good luck.
CONSAGRO to place blessing of the divine in a place. It can also be a
vehicle or large object.
PERSACRORUM to make a location sacred. This blessing requires the
participation of at least four Wizards.
COLLOCO to place a sacred teaching in a person. This blessing is quite
luminous and keeps the person away from harm.
SACROPONOS to place a sacred vow upon a person.

Table LIV. List of Magical Words: The School of Benedictions.

School of Divinations Magic Words

To perceive the past,
present and future
To receive warnings of serious events
To see into the distant past

To understand the destiny of others
Attributes and Uses
RETICULOS to find lost objects.
VIDENTER to see into the past or the future to find out simple things.

PREDICO to divine things that will affect the life of the Wizard.
ADMONERO to divine things that warns of possible danger in the
immediate surroundings of the Wizard.
QUAEROS to inspect the distant past to find out information and lost things.
ARCANUM to find out ancient mysteries and secrets.
VATUM to see into the greatest mysteries of the Divine Plan.
DESTINATUM to see the destiny for an individual or entity.

Table LV. List of Magical Words: The School of Divinations.

School of Enchantment Magic Words

To make someone’s emotions different
To make change
someone’s thoughts FALAS
To create a temporary illusory state
To make an emotional or

Attributes and Uses

ILLECEBROS to change the inclination of someone towards something.
ANIMOSUS to change someone’s emotions for something else.

ENCANTUS to create emotions on a person regarding a particular topic.

CARMENTUM to change the opinion of a person regarding a particular
VIRTUMEN to change the quality or appearance of an object or situation.
FACIASVULTUM to change the appearance of someone for the better or the
FUNDATA to change the opinion of someone in a permanent way.
AFFECTUS to change the emotion of someone in a permanent way.
thinking state permanent regarding something Table LVI. List of Magical
Words: The School of Enchantments.

School of Healing Magic Words

To prevent serious
To cure someone with a serious illness
To heal a person from sickness

Attributes and Uses

PREVENIS to prevent a sickness from developing in a body.

ANTEVERTO to prevent from catching a sickness or serious illness that
surrounds the Wizard.
SANESCO to cure actual physical conditions that are present and with
CURATO to cure infectious diseases which are contagious and debilitating.
SANITAS to heal conditions of the mind and heartache.
MEDEORIS to heal severe medical conditions.

To heal permanently MEDECORUM to give back functions to organs of the
body. OSEAMENTA to restore functions to limbs and bones.

Table LVII. List of Magical Words: The School of Healing.

School of Invocations Magic Words

To ask for mystical light from heaven
To ask for counsel and intervention from the divine
To request for a special event or miracle
To ask for divine

Attributes and Uses

PREGORIS to pray for a spiritual environment, celestial energies or divine

MERUS to pray for the purity of a place, situation, person or future event.
DUCATUS to pray for guidance regarding a particular event, person or
INTERVENTUS to pray for the intervention of celestial entities, divine
beings and the powers of Heaven.
CELESTORUM to pray for the power of Heaven to be released over a
person or event.
SPERIBUS to pray for divine forces to manifest in a situation and bring
hope COMMUNIO to pray for the divine forces to commune with the people
around the Wizard.
ILLUMINUS to pray for the divine forces to illumine and present choices to
the Wizard.

Table LVIII. List of Magical Words: The School of Invocations.

School of Lights Magic Words

To shed magical, mystical and spiritual light upon others
To grant divine favor upon a person in need of help ALBORO
To request for luminous protection from heaven

To shine forth the rays and purity of heaven upon evil

Attributes and Uses

ILLUCESCENTUS to manifest celestial attributes upon a person or the

ILLUSTRANTO to receive illuminations from the spirits of the Heavens.
TENEO to receive better understanding of the celestial spheres and entities.
OPIFICUM to achieve greater union with the divine and celestial beings of
MYSTICA to call upon the good strengths of the Heavens and its
FIRMOS to create a strong environment around the Wizard permeated with
the Light of God.
REVOCATUS to rebuke the forces of evil in a place, person, entity or place.
CAELESTUM to raise a heavenly field of force that will keep evil at bay.

Table LIX. List of Magical Words: The School of Lights.

School of Nature Magic Words

To control de weather of a region
To control the land of a region
To control wildlife and nature
To control the rhythm of the seas

Attributes and Uses

PROCELLAS to create great rains and manipulate the weather over a

particular place.
SICCITAS to make the rain go away.
NEMOTUS to prevent earthquakes and severe movements of the land.
PLANTUS to prepare the land so it can be plowed and planted.

SYLVASTUS to control the natural environment of forests and grooves.

FERIS to control the animals within a specific wildlife.
VELORUM to control the movement of ships in the sea and their travels.
MAREUM to control de waves of the sea and the current of oceans.
Table LX. List of Magical Words: The School of Naturals.
School of Protection Attributes and Uses
To seek for magical aid and protection against evil

To gain protection from magical assaults and magical creatures
To be protected against planetary spirits and their power
To gain divine favor and protection
ADJUTOR to acquire magical protection against simple things like minor
MUNIO to raise defenses against minor evils and malicious people of the
PRAECAUTOS to protect the Wizard from magical effects and the attack of
magical creatures.
TUEROS to protect against magical effects that mimic natural effects and
PLANETA to protect against planetary, stellar and magical effects of the
PRAESEDIS to protect against malicious spiritual forces and magical
abstract events.
DEFENSIO to protect and defend from fallen creatures.
DELEREOS to keep the forces of natural evil away from the surrounding of
the Wizard.

Table LXI. List of Magical Words: The School of Protection.

School of Conjurations Attributes and Uses

To summon natural
entities and spirits
To summon the elementals beings
To summon the celestials from heaven
To summon the mighty forces of the archangels APELLOS to call upon
natural spirits, elementals and familiar spirits. VOCATUR to call upon
spirits to guard, and perform simple duties.

VOXES to call upon the mighty forces of the elemental spirits.

ARCESSITUS to call upon the great forces of the supernatural world.

VOCATUS to call upon the forces of the mighty angels of Heaven.

VOCAMENTUM to manifest great powers of the Heavens against the forces
of evil.
ADVOCAMEN to call upon the supreme forces of the archangels, archons
and super celestials.
REPERATOS to call upon mighty ancestral and heavenly beings to find lost

Table LXII. List of Magical Words: The School of Conjurations.

Magical Words

Throughout this chapter we have dealt with many magical words, but up to
know the Apprentice might still be asking herself or himself, what is a
magical word? I shall try to address this as simple as possible. Magical
words are formulas with which the Wizard is capable of changing the natural
world. Although it was explained earlier why this works, it is important to
say it again. There are words with great power, their very names resonate
with the rest of the magical universe and they are taken as orders by the
many agencies and beings which populate the cosmos. Many of these
magical words correspond to divine names, names of celestials, names of
elementals and even names of nature spirits.

However, there are other magical words that the Apprentice needs to be
aware of. These are the ones whose origins are shrouded in time and
mystery. These words had come to us thanks to the effort of many Wizards
who studied them and preserved them for magical posterity. Although many
had lost their true meaning, they still possess the power they used to have
centuries ago; however, the Wizard needs to practice them and use them
regularly. As my mentor used to say, to be magical one has to do a lot of
magic. This is another way to say that practice makes perfect.
Magical Word Attributes and uses ABRACADABRA To open doors and
locked situations.


To know what the forces infernal want to do against the wizard, and aborting
their projects

To establish the power of God in the surrounding area.

ALLAMIALOS To change the thoughts of others.
ANOM To manifest the divine plan of God.
APHTONOS, XREMATAS To have plenty of money.
APISET To have the energy of the Winged Gods.
ARKHEM To receive the wisdom of the Ark.
ASEBSHABRAS To have new beginnings and opportunities
ASHEMAKEB To purify the fire of a ritual.
ATENUZ To instill oneself with light, might and divine strength
ATROSIS, NARPIDA To call down the thunder, hail and stars.
Table LXIII. List of Magical Words: The Ancient Magical Words.
Figure LXXVI. The Old Alchemist By Jean Paul Laurens (1838-1921)
Magical Word Attributes and uses BARAKSAMAK To be blessed with
prosperity and divine favor.
BENATIR, CARARKAU, DEDOS, ETINARMI To become invisible even
for the most mighty spiritual beings.
BEROQABARAQUS To conjure the lightning from the sky.
BIRANTHER To know the plans and projects of your enemies.
CHERUBIS To be protected and defended by the Sword of God.
CHIBCHIAHAHAM To grant life to the sick and those weakened by
pestilent diseases and curses.
CROSTES, FURINOT, KATIPA, GARINOS To know the good and bad
intentions of other people.
DEBURDEBRAH To give more power to the incantations of the Wizard.
To destroy everything that seeks your fall or destruction.
EULOGIOTHOS To be blessed by the Supreme Divine.
FROYRATUS To be protected from evil.
GESHAM To give substance to your wishes and magical workings.
Table LXIV. List of Magical Words: The Ancient Magical Words.
Magical Word
Attributes and uses To destroy evil creatures and malicious people.
HISPEN, TROMADOR To create and control water spouts and hurricanes at
animals and know their language.
KARXECANUS To rule and be obeyed.
KEPHRA To transform situations and things into better ones.
KEROSTES To darken a place and not be found or seen.
LAMMOS, NOHPOS To gain greater intelligence and wisdom.
LAPPIDIMNAHAR To be surrounded by intelligent spirits and angels of
NATARTER To make thieves run.
NOCTAR, RAIBAN To know the most secret plans of a person.
OBIOBAUR To gain the auspice and favor of the Eternal Divine
OLAMREKTER To gain control of time.
Table LXV. List of Magical Words: The Ancient Magical Words.
Magical Word
Attributes and uses To know the thoughts and desires of a group of people in
a house or office.
PARANTHES, HISTANOS To preserve our friends from evil.
PESMENOS For a rival to fall from grace.
PILATUS To win in a two number lottery.
RABBASSER To reduce a situation to nothing.
RACCULUS To receive things from other people.


To travel the world without dangers.

To heal a stricken person.


to know how to prepare the Universal Medicine of the Alchemists.

RIDAS, TALIMOL To command the elements with strength and wisdom.

To perform brilliantly.

To be selected for a special prize or lottery.

Table LXVI. List of Magical Words: The Ancient Magical Words.
Magical Word


Attributes and uses For five winning numbers in the lottery.
To provide pure spirits and vitality to someone.
PERNISOX,OTTARIM, To open any locks.
SATOR To be granted salvation from any sentence.


To subject those spirits which plan against the Wizard.
To abandon an idea, project or retire from a course of action.
SORTANTIRAS To cause another person to leave one’s presence.
TACHARTEKAS To receive illumination from the spirits of the Sun.
TARUISHA To call upon a hero who saves the people.
TEFARIS To purify the environment.
THEMIMTHEMA To be told the perfect truth.
TIMEPIES To receive honors and glories.
Table LXVII. List of Magical Words: The Ancient Magical Words.
Magical Word Attributes and uses TRUMANTREM
RICONA,ESTUPIT, OXA To kill wild and ferocious animals.
TULITAS To win a four digit lottery.
To render oneself with all good virtues and attributes to perform excellently.
TZABASHAA To receive the lumen from the stars and planets.
TZENESKARUNATA To provide light into the life of man and rendering
him powerful and beloved by all.
TZENESTZABAS To provide light into the life of a woman and rendering
her powerful and beloved by all.
USHERAR To prevail and sustain oneself in the desert.
UUSAR, ITAR Calling for earthquakes and hurricanes on land.
VAZOTAS, TESTANAR To make an object of bad quality turn into much
better quality.
XATROS, NIFER, ROXAS, RORTOS To punish the wicked who oppose
To prevent magical operations against the Wizard.
ZOTAS To win at dice.
Table LXVIII. List of Magical Words: The Ancient Magical Words.
Figure LXXVII.
The Alchemist (1771) By Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797)

Chapter Eight: The Magical Name of the Wizard

The Knowledge of Names is a great part of knowledge and there is one

excellent principle which, as men of sense, we must acknowledge, that of
the Gods we know nothing, either of their natures or of the names which
they give themselves; but we are sure that the names by which they call
themselves, whatever they may be, are
true. And this is the best of all principles.
Plato’s Cratylus 360 BC Translated by Benjamin Lowett

Once having seen the many magical names there are to know and study in
the world of magic, the Apprentice should begin to consider one of the most
important things in Wizardry; that is the magical name of the Wizard. The
magical name of the Wizard is important for many different reasons. In one
part, it is the name with which the universal agencies and forces will come to
know and acknowledge the Wizard. It is also important because through this
magical name the Wizard will be able to grant his/her magical creations with
a very peculiar and quite particular essence of his/her own; in a manner of
speaking it will imbue everything magical with the vibration of his or her

Also, the name of the Wizard is relevant, for it’s supposed to bestow a
meaning and significance upon her/his life, actions and activities; emanating
a powerful force all around the Wizard’s life and potentially charging up the
Philosophical Sphere by simply intoning it. Another important concept to
consider is that the magical name will possess a particular numerical
correspondence that will unite the Wizard with all manner of forces, powers,
even archangelic entities. All in all, the magical name is a very potent tool in
itself that should be chosen carefully and with much study.

One final thing, I was once taught that our natural names are infused with
the many events, situations, good happenings and mishaps. That in itself
might prove to be trouble, for every magical operation we might engage will
come from an epicenter which is not pure and can be considered to be
tainted. When we choose or are given a magical name, this name is new and
it doesn’t have the good or the bad vibrations, and the universe will
understand it as a new concept which is irradiating magical power. Another
thing, our natural name is used to engage into many different things, and so
is sort of diluted. Our magical name will only be used for magic, thus
keeping its energy clear and consistent with one single function; the
operation of magical works.

Origin of the Magical Name

On this chapter the Apprentice will be given a brief explanation of the
importance of these magical name of the Wizard and possible ways to
choose a name with both power and meaning. In ancient mystical lore, it
have always been a custom to change the name of the initiate for another
more aligned with the tradition in which the person is going to be initiated.
This have been done in all manner of practices, both mystical and profane.
Examples of this can be found in Oriental religious practices, were the
monks are given a new name, discarding the one they had been given at birth
and receiving one more akin to their religious practices. Also, in many
traditions of the Middle East the prophets and forefathers of religions were
given new names by the principal deities to signify a change in the person
and an anointing with the mystic spirit with which they were now associated.
In some instances, the name wasn’t changed, but rather altered; applying
new letters to the old name giving it another meaning and most certainly a
greater degree of power.

Also, in ancient Greece soldiers and warriors were given new names and
titles to add honor or represent the achievements of these heroes. Sometimes,
they received embellishing titles that would eventually convert to names, in
some other cases they received completely new names that spoke of their
battle prowess, their might and even of their valor in war. An example of
these practices is the widely known name Victor, it actually means
Victorious and it was added to most roman generals, as a title of their
achievements in war. Hector was another such name; it means Steadfast,
another title referring to war and one’s prowess in being persistent in a
battle. Finally, another important title that became a name is Jason, which
means Our Leader and Savior . Thus, one can clearly see that names do have
an important impact upon the individual and with people at large.

When one studies this concept, the first question that comes to mind is why
this was done? The answer to this question lays in the concept of ultimate
truth, the self and the cosmological and cosmogonical hierarchies that
surround us all. The Apprentice must first consider the importance of names,
the common and the not so common; and how these correspond to the
magical laws of the universe. Everything is thought to have a name, a name
that actually corresponds to the exactness of the form, a perfect name which
describes the essence of the thing in absolute terms; this is known as the
True Name200 . However, the limited scope of humanity is far from knowing
things by their True Names, nonetheless by employing those same universal
laws we can approximate to the One True Name of an object or thing and
find a Magical Name; a name which is closer to the archetypal truth of an
object but it is not the True Name. Thus, one thing might be known by many
names throughout the world, names which are tailored to every culture and
more associated to functions than to its essence. The importance of this True
Name is that it is the name used by the divine agencies that govern the world
and the universe. In a sense, it is the name used in the world of the
supernatural. In ancient Jewish mysticism, if a person knew the True Name
of an object or person it was generally perceived that this person would be
able to exercise power over the thing whose name was known.

According to this, Solomon the King managed to conjure up and later

ordered the fallen angels to build the Temple of the Lord. Also, many
medieval magical sources, like the Grimoire of Abramelin the Mage and The
Arbatel, recount how by knowing the magical names of spirits one can hold
power over them, get them to work and use them to perform a host of truly
amazing feats. In this respect, everything has a common name, given by our
family, and a True Name, given to us by the supernatural forces that
invisibly surround us. When one thinks of the common name, it’s easy to
draw the obvious conclusion; the common name is rather general, while the
True Name is much more powerful, perfect and supreme. As it have been
already stated in the previous chapter, names are a collection of letters and
words. These letters and words come to be charged up with cultural meaning
as they are repeated throughout the ages. For example the name Peter, comes
from the ancient Greek word Petros . This word means rock. Another
example is the name Elizabeth. This particular name is the construction of
two distinct words, Eli which is a name of God, the other Shewa which
means a vow. When put together they create a composite name meaning God
is my Vow; signifying to be in Allegiance with the Lord. However, these
names of common origin result in quite vague and ambiguous names that
will work well within any cultural background but not in the world of magic.
In a magical context, common names will be more a complication than an
actual help. This is due particularly because of the charge that these names
already have; these names tend to have meanings that are not conducent to
magical experiences and thus can contribute to problems and even disasters.
200 The True Name is that name which is beyond human comprehension, for it exists on the realms of
perfection, it is the proyection of its ultimate archetypal truth.

The True Name on the other hand, while it is the obvious choice, it is a
concept that only the divine beings can ever fully know and comprehend.
While the common name is well, common, the True Name represents the
most perfect, whole and divinely inherent constructs of the Self. Thus, these
are not readily available for the comprehension of mankind. This is why, for
the most part; that Apprentices of every discipline, religion or spiritual
pursuit are given magical names instead. As it was said before, this magical
name is an approximation to that archetypal truth that the person represents
or is looking for. Sometimes, these are acquired through magical formulas,
some other times through intuition and deep mediation. These new magical
names help the candidate benefit from the actual acquisition of a potent new
name that is not common and at the same time allow the candidate to acquire
a powerful tool that will help him/her further into the progression of any
chosen path.

Thus, when any Apprentice begins to study a particular discipline or comes

in contact with a spiritual path a name is given to mark the special moment
when the person receives this discipline. In the Magical World this is no
different. An Apprentice chooses a name or is given one by his or her
teacher for many important reasons. However, the most important one is that
this new name will have a powerful meaning that will aid the Apprentice in
her/his life-long quest for wisdom and understanding. Also, the magical
name will be a representation of the Wizard’s luminous and righteous desires
towards the universe. In a sense, the magical name is the actual presentation
card of any Wizard, it speaks of his/her inherent nature and it describes
him/her in regards to mystical pursuits and spiritual quest.

Important Aspects of the Magical Name

It should be clear by now that the magical name of the Wizard is a potent
tool, stronger than the common name but yet not quite like the True Name.
However, it has been the name employed by hundreds of generations of
Initiates throughout history without problems or incidents. For the moment,
we shall study the more relevant aspects of this magical name of the Wizard
and concentrate all our efforts in understanding it.
To begin with, the magical name is usually given to the Apprentice by a
Mentor or Master Wizard. When this is done, the Master Wizard gives the
Apprentice a magical name taking into consideration all of the things that we
shall study in a moment. When there is no Master Wizard, the Apprentice
needs to choose the magical name with rigorous study and great care.
Regardless of the case, the acquisition of the magical name represents a
change of the normal, common person into a magical entity. By assuming
this magical name, the person will begin to define her/his magical persona
and the universe will begin to acknowledge the name and the person as one.
By donning this new magical name, the Apprentice will employ a name
which has a meaning more akin to magic, something that the common name
does not allow or represent.

Also the common name, as it was said earlier, has a particular charge since it
has been used in the past with a wide variety of meanings, intentions and it
had been tied to an almost infinite host of events, both good and bad; as it
was explained at the beginning of this chapter. For these reasons common
names are tied to cause and effect regulations originated by persons and by
cultural consciousnesses. The magical name doesn’t have these charges or
cultural connotations. In a way, it is a brand new name, with no negative
charges with which the Apprentice and Wizard can cast their spells without
any ill effects. Moreover, this magical name will bestow the Apprentice’s
spells and magical creations with a part of his/her own essence. This is done
every time the Apprentice cast an incantation knowing that her/his true
magical self and persona is represented by the magical name.

For example, an Apprentice named Peter chooses the name Abrelin. Every
time he casts an incantation it should be cast knowing that Abrelin, not Peter,
is casting the spell. Every time Abrelin the Apprentice casts a spell
concentrating on this fact, the spells are imbued with the vibrations of the
name. When this is not done, the magical energies of the name are lost and
the spell doesn’t benefit from the magical name’s vibration. Another
important aspect of the magical name is that it separates the Apprentice from
wordly magical activities. A simple magical name, unknown to others, can
actually protect the Wizard. This corresponds to the fact that magical names
vibrate at a higher rate than the original name, because it is new in the
universe and it has no charges weighing it down as the common name would
By so doing, the Apprentice’s original name no longer represents the
Apprentice in any way, thus no energy in the universe will ever be able to
lodge onto the Apprentice since his/her magical name is not known and the
original name no longer receives magical energies. This elevates the
Apprentice towards the higher frequencies of the magical name, pulling
him/her “upwards” into the magical realms and away from the more
mundane levels of reality. As the Apprentice is elevated towards the heights
of these superior vibrations, the lower vibration of enmity, hatred, evil and
darkness are kept away and separated from the student’s environment.

Also, this magical name will represent the truer self of the student, allowing
the Apprentice to meditate on his or her magical name trying to find insight
about himself or herself.201 Also the magical name of the Apprentice
becomes a powerful shield that will keep forces at bay as it raises the
Wizard’s vibration into a higher state of consciousness. Nonetheless, the
Apprentice has to be really careful to whom this magical name is revealed or
entrusted, for those who do know the magical name will be able to contact
the Wizard on many levels including the magical. This is why many Wizards
develop a secondary and even tertiary magical name; a name which serves to
identify them with the rest of their wizarding folks, a name to be employed
while casting incantations and a name so private it is never revealed to
anyone, not even the mentor.
201 Every Apprentice should try to decode his or her name, in every name there is a message, a
meaning and a hidden message. As my mentor said to me many many times, count its letters, add
them up to a number, look for similar words in other languages and you will write a very long scroll
regarding the teachings inlaid in your name.

How to Choose a Magical Name

The Magical Name has another important implication. This is the actual
meaning of the name. Throughout history, many different approaches have
been used to properly devise a magical name. Although all of these formulas
vary they all hold one single thing in common; that is the meaning of the
name. The name of an Apprentice and Wizard must mean something
important, relevant and useful in Magic. Some people chose names in
ancient languages, this makes the name more exotic and helps to hide the
meaning of the name for the Wizard only. Many Apprentices chose names
relating to magical creatures or join names of magical creatures with that of
Virtues, Philosophical Concepts and Divine Truths. In the past many have
done this, for example the Wizards and Alchemist of the Middle Ages,
employed their creativity in staggering ways. One such example is that of
Hortulanus202 . Hortus means to plant in Latin, and in his works he always
spoke of the divine seed in creation and how Nature’s cycles were intimately
related to the various alchemical stages.

Another example is that of Philaletes. Philos means To Love in ancient

Greek, while Letes must probably come from the Dorian word Lato which
means The Hidden and Esoterically Mysterious . Therefore, the name
represents a philosophical passion for the hidden universe, the one humans
never get to see but that the Wizards enjoy placidly every second of their
lives. There are many other examples to study, but the best thing is to grab
an ancient Greek, Latin or Hebrew dictionary and start looking for

At first, it might be difficult, but a word of advice is to make a list of things

that describe you on many different levels. For example, how do you define
you on the spiritual level, the social level, what sort of virtues do you think
describe you better, what natural events are more similar to you, what
mystical creatures or significant objects could represent you, what are your
aspirations in life, etc. Then search for these words in the ancient languages,
in no time you shall obtain your magical name. Another advice is to use
composite names.

For example, a person likes the power inherent in a lightning and the power
represented by the griffon. The person looks for the Latin word for lightning,
which is Fulmen and then adds it to the word griffon. Several possibilities
appear. The name can either be Grimen or Fulmenfon. Also, a student can
decide to use the name Fulmen and add it a little magical flavor coming up
with names like Fulmentor, Menfulius, Fulminus, Ulmenfur and even
Ferulmenius. Whatever the name, the Apprentice must try to come up with a
name which has a nice ring to it, avoiding bombastic and exaggerated
names. To use divine names and then modify them is not suggested for it
will have a strong spiritual connotation that will result in identifying the
name with the divinity and not the Apprentice. The Apprentice should also
avoid using planetary, angelic or even animal names by themselves, these
also possess a charge and might join the Apprentice with the corresponding
spirits of those names instead of elevating the Wizard into a higher
frequency or vibration. If by some reason, the Apprentice feels compelled to
employ the name of a divinity, planet, angel or animal please make sure to
fuse it with something else.

For example, a Wizard I know goes by the name Ravenor, having used the
name Raven and joined it with the word Or which means Gold in Latin.
Another one used the name Corverus, which is derived from Corvus and
Vero which means Raven and Truth in Latin respectively. Another such
example is the magical name Rubeus. This one is derived from the ancient
Greek word Rubes which means Red or Sunny. This one had very little
adjustments and is another example of how a magical name can be devised
with just a little imagination.
202 XIII century alchemist who wrote about the dual nature of the Philospher’s Stone.

Let’s see an example with a divine name, taking the name of Apollo, which
is the divinity of Light, Poetry, Music, Healing and Prophecy. If we combine
the name with the Latin word Lux, which means Light we will obtain several
interesting results. The result is the following; Apolux, Luxpollos,
Aluxpollon or even Pulox. Another example with a divine name is the
following. This time we shall use the name of Minerva, goddess of Wisdom.
By combining it with the Latin word for Salus which means Health we get
the following results; Minersus, Salusvan and even Inerlos. As it can be seen
a wide varieties of names can be fashioned in this way, all it requires is a
little creativity and knowledge of words in ancient languages; that anyone
can have thanks to dictionaries all over the internet!

Moreover the Magical Name is considered a tool for it is through the use of
this name that the Apprentice will actually become the Wizard. Once, my
own Mentor told me that through a meaningful name a Wizard could rise to
the heights of a legendary being. We are not talking about becoming overly
powerful megalomaniacs, on the contrary; we are actually urging the
Apprentice to live up to the name he/she chooses. To have a magical name
brings up the opportunity to act upon the world with a magical persona that
has no ill marks, no negative history nor negative activities tied to a common
or ordinary name. A magical name is a new construct for the Apprentice, a
construct that needs to grow up and be charged up with positive energies in
order for it to become greater. That can only be done through the abundant
use of Magic and incantations for the good of mankind and not for selfish or
evil acts.

Employing the Magical Name

Once a Wizard begins to cast incantations and employs Magic regularly this
will provide the magical name with its own positive background and the
universe will only associate it with positive results. That will help in the
casting of further incantations and create a general positive feel for the
Wizard. In this way the magical name becomes the tool of manifestation for
the Wizard. By continuously casting incantations and concentrating on the
fact that it is the Wizard with that name doing so, the magical name grows in
power and prowess. The following exercise can be performed;

1. Prior to any magical casting the Apprentice should concentrate on her/his

magical name, this actually draws the magical attention and intention away
from the common name and directs it towards that of the magical name.

2. The Apprentice should know that his or her magical name is an integral
part of the Philosophical Sphere, this knowledge should be contemplated at
this point.

3. Then the Apprentice should concentrate on the absolute power of the

Source Divine and should see as his or her magical name joins with the
Source. At this point the Apprentice should visualize as a potent flash of
light irradiates all the interior parts of the sphere.

4. The Apprentice should now repeat mentally the magical name and see
how it combines with the incantation. As this is seen the Apprentice should
visualize how the magical energies of both name and incantation fuse
together as one inside the Philosophical Sphere.

5. Then the Apprentice should feel the awesome force and energy of the
Philosophical Sphere surging all about him/her until all is absorbed by the
fused name and incantation.
6. Finally, the Apprentice should cast the incantation with a powerful
magical voice filled with intent and might, you will be amazed at the
wonderful results this simple exercise will have upon your magical practices.

Finally, the magical name has another aspect which is very important. This is
the concept that derives from the Kabbalah’s Gematria. The Gematria is the
science of assigning values to letters and then adding them to obtain a final
number. This number correlates to the many aspects of the divine in the Tree
of Life, thus it is related to planets, metals and even archangels. To properly
do this the Apprentice must use the following table;

Letter Values Letter Values Aleph (A) 1 Lamed (L) 30

Beth (B) 2 Mem (M) 40
Gimel (G) 3 Nun (N) 50
Daleth (D) 4 Samek (S) 60
He (H) 5 Ayin (Au) 70
Vav (O, U, V, W) 6 Pe (P, Ph, F) 80
Zayin (Z) 7 Tzaddy (Tz) 90
Cheth (Ch) 8 Qoph (Q) 100
Teth (T) 9 Resh (R) 200
Yod (I, Y, J) 10 Shin (Sh) 300
Kaph (K) 20 Tau (Th) 400
Table LXIX. List of Letter Values
Using this table the Apprentice then finds the numbers to each particular
letter in his/her name and then proceeds with a slight mathematical
procedure. First, lets us do a simple exercise. Take for example my own
magical name, Loricus. This name corresponds to the following letter
values; L=30; O=V=6; R=200; I=10; C=8; U=V=6; S=60. When these
values are added we end up with the final number 320. With this final
number all digits are then added again, the result is 3+2+0=5. This final
number corresponds to the sephiroth with which the name is more attuned
to. By knowing the sephiroth the Apprentice can know the planet, the
archangel and the metal. For a better and quicker way to understand this the
Apprentice can refer to the following table.

Number Sephiroth
1 Kether-The Will
2 Chockmah-Wisdom
3 Binah-Understanding
4 Chesed-Mercy
5 Geburah-Severity
6 Tiphareth-Beauty
7 Netzach-Victory
8 Hod-Glory
9 Yesod-Foundation

Mercury-Communication Moon-Change

Metatron Raziel
Tzaphkiel Tzadkiel Kemuel
Michael Aniel
Raphael Gabriel

Titanium Lead
Electrum Tin
Copper Mercury Silver

Table LXX. List of Correspondences

In the last example we see that the magical name yielded a numerical value
of 320. When 3, 2 and 0 are added, the result is 5. Now let us try to see the
important correspondences of the name. First we shall try to understand the
digits and then we shall apply the final result.
To begin with, the name corresponds to the number 3. Number 3
corresponds to Binah which represents Understanding, corresponds to planet
Neptune and Hidden treasures and finally it is associated with the archangel

The second number is 2. This one is associated with Chochmah, Wisdom,

Saturn, Mastery and archangel Raziel.
The zero203 is not contemplated in this formula, so it is discarded for the
moment. Although in future formulations it is generally used and interpreted.

Now, when these qualities are added they speak of Understanding Wisely the
Hidden Treasures of Mastery that are found in the Mind (for both Neptune
and Saturn are mental planets, they correspond to the second world of Beriah
which is the Creative Mind.) When the result is added, which is number 5,
we find Geburah, Severity, Mars, Peace/War and the archangel Kemuel.
Joining these concepts they speak of the Discipline and Righteousness
needed to keep peace within one’s own heart.

In other words my magical name is the name of a Champion of Peace, who

defeats war through the use of the mind. One final aspect is that Loricus is
derived from the Latin word Lorica. This Latin word refers to a Protective
Chainmail. These kinds of chain mails were employed beneath heavy armor,
to prevent the skin from rupturing under the enormous weight of the metal

One final piece of advice for the Apprentice when choosing a magical name,
is to always take into consideration that names, regardless of their
correspondences, their attributes and associations are only half the equation.
The other half of this magical equation resides exactly within the
Apprentice. One can fashion the most powerful, superior and nearly divine
name, but if the Apprentice never feels empowered by the name, never acts
according to what the name suggests or never does anything magical the
name in itself will not work as intended, and all would have been for naught.

On the contrary a Wizard must live according to his/her name, know his/her
name is purely magical, should feel the magic of the name in the deepest
corners of his or her soul and know that every single magical operation is
imbued with the essence of the magical name. To do this is the proper way to
empower the magical name and be empowered by this wondrous magical
203 Nonetheless, Zero holds an importance which is a mystery by itself. The zero is the only force in
the Universe which keeps the positive from ever reaching the negative; should these two forces
collide, there would be neither Universe nor creation in the first place. So, it works as a buffer for
things from the negative and the positive to seep through without directly participating one with the

Figure LXXVIII. Cupid

Finding Psyche by Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1867)

Chapter Nine: The Incantations

“If thou shalt perfectly observe these Rules, all the following Symbols, and
an Infinitude of other [Incantations] will be granted unto thee by thy Holy
Guardian Angel; thou thus living for the Honour and Glory of the True
and only God, for thine own good, and that of thy neighbour. Let the Fear
of God be ever before the eyes and the heart of him who shall possess this
Divine Wisdom and Sacred Magic.”

The Sacred Book of Abramelin the Mage, III Book Translated by S.L. Mac
Gregor Mathers (1900)

On this chapter the Apprentice will be introduced to the wonderful world of

incantations or orisons. Incantations are ancient magical tools acknowledged
by all magic users for what they are, a mystery and the final product of all
the study on magical theories, abstract concepts and the deep understanding
of universal laws. They are the backbone of magic and the true channeling
agents of magical operations; they are in essence the magical words that
make the impossible possible. They alone are the triggering devices which
make the magical and spiritual realms act upon the physical world;
compelling the physical reality to yield and act by the awesome forces of the
magical universe. Incantations are magical words which transcend time, and
as such they exist since the very beginning. However, Wizards unearthed
their mystery over twenty thousand years ago and their task had always been
the same, words with hidden magical power that when uttered make the
universe change in some form or another. And that is exactly what
incantations are all about. They are simple looking words which in
themselves hold great metaphysical meaning, divine truths and universal
axioms and laws.

At their innermost core the Apprentice and Wizard can find powerful divine
names, celestial entities and even entire psalms and correspondences, hidden
away inside the magical words through the use of Kabbalistic formulas. But
not only that, the Apprentice will be amazed to know that incantations
receive their power from these divine and celestial names, spiritual words
and the very words that correspond numerically with them in the first place.
What this means is that through the ancient formulas of Kabbalistic
Gematria an incantation is studied and turned into numbers. Through
Gematria the Wizard learns how to convert a word into numbers and
numbers into words; to master such technique is to become a master of light.
These numbers are found to have other word equivalents which add
additional corresponding meaning and sense to the magical word. The most
amazing thing is that there will be words corresponding with the incantation,
with actually the same meaning or meanings the incantation stands for.
Please take note that while the incantations were built using ancient Latin or
Greek, the corresponding words are generally taken from the Hebrew; this is
truly amazing; to find that despite the difference in languages it exist a
magical link between them is absolutely remarkable.

Naturally, these corresponding words purport additional power to the

incantation and help the Wizard get a deeper connection with these magical
tools. For example, protective incantations will have corresponding words
which refer to some form of barrier, defense, covering or guard. This is truly
remarkable and helps the Wizard delve deeper into the magical meaning of
this magical words. Also, incantations or orisons come in various forms,
those of one word, those of two words and those of three words. The ones
that we shall study here are generally of the two words variety. Three words
incantations are excellent manifestations of magical power but need a lot
more focus. One word incantations are the best magical tools but they need a
lot of power to use. It has been said that the fewer words a prayer has the
faster and quicker it will reach the Vault of Heaven204 . What they meant by
this is that a magical instruction infused in just one word is better understood
by the universe than a two word instruction; in a sense the information is
more concentrated.

A one word incantation is considered to be a True Word. As such, it’s words

don’t change, they have no variance and they will always be the same.
Therefore it affects reality on a direct form, pouring its metaphysical
connotations immediately upon the matrix of the universe. Two words
incantations as well as three words incantations are a little more different.
These permute automatically into four subcategories and six subcategories
respectively which pass on to exist on the immediate surroundings of the
Apprentice or Wizard. These subcategories pour their information upon the
matrix of the universe and into the Sphere of the Wizard as he/she studies
the incantation. Then, after the four or six subcategories had been
assimilated by the Philosophical Sphere, their original content and
instruction is poured down into manifestation; thus assuring the proper
expression of the Will of the Wizard through the use of the magical voice.
Some say that two words incantations work better because they are related to
Saturn which is the Master of the Universe, while three words incantations
are more akin to brute more physical forms of magic. Those incantations that
are comprised of just one word are deemed by Wizards as the more powerful
for they relate directly to Uranus, the Keeper of All and the Master of the
Divine Crown.

The incantations we have up until now had been kept secret and hidden
away by the Wizards of the Eldest Tradition, handed down generation after
generation from Wizard to Apprentice. They are truly ancient and wonderful
and the Apprentice does well in learning them and keeping them away from
those which have no interest in Magic. These shall be practiced diligently by
the Apprentice until mastery over them is completely achieved. Unlike other
systems of Magic, in which the Apprentice is asked to perform strange
rituals, convoke unholy entities or celestial beings or even pursue
complicated preparations and elaborate ritualistic operations, in this system
of High Magic the Apprentice is only asked to observe the virtues, the values
and the statutes which conform the moral core of Wizardry; to act differently
than it is suggested will only account to a bad practice of these Magical Arts
and to its failure. Be aware that no magical operations shall ever come true
from the hearts and minds of those who only seek personal gain, revenge or
to subject its neighbor to indecent practices.

Only those whose hearts are pure and their minds clean, shall ever be able to
master this Holy Science and be able to employ its mysterious yet effective
magical operations. In previous chapters it has been stated several times that
to go against the ideals of liberty, free will and goodness is to traverse the
dangerous path of darkness and despair, and to tempt the very forces of evil.
This is precisely why the Apprentice is asked to live a life of goodness and
kindness leaving wrongful actions behind. Regarding the incantations that
will be provided in this chapter the Apprentice must know that they belong
to the schools of magic that had been discussed in previous chapters. Take
into consideration that every incantation has a magical level, a psalm and the
celestial entity in charge of the operation. Also they have magical
symbols205 , sekinoth206 and a detailed description of the operation.
Nonetheless, in this manual we shall only provide the Apprentice with the
simplest form of an incantation or orison. This is done so that the Apprentice
learns each incantation by heart and mind. After the core concept of
incantations had been properly grasped, which is a spiritual exercise in itself,
the Apprentice will be ready to work with the heavier side of High Magic;
which is to deal with the spiritual entities and intelligences governing each
incantation. However, before continuing it’s important to clarify some
aspects of the incantations themselves.
204 The Cloud of Unknowing expresses this concept quite clearly on its thirty sixth chapter.
205 Usually the symbol of an angel, intelligence or goodly spirit, these symbols are traced in the air
with the use of a Magical Wand.
206 A Sekinoth is a position the fingers in the hands asume to work a particular incantation.

The Magical levels refer to the amount of magic the Wizard needs to
properly perform the given operation. The Apprentice must understand that
the higher level an incantation is, the more power the Philosophical Sphere
should exert. This power, aside from the Cosmological and Cosmogonic
constructs, comes from the various magical assistances the Wizard has
acquired through time. These magical assistances come from the aid of the
Familiar Spirits, the Angels and the Magical Elementals the Wizard has
managed to conjure up and to keep at his/her side. The Familiar Spirits are
powerful entities the Wizard acquires through a series of rituals, focusing on
the animal spirits of the magical world. They are known as Genuicaveri
because they are created with the very life force of the Wizard. The angels
and elementals are convoked through a series of rituals the Wizard follows
after a Familiar Spirit has been acquired and kept. The three of them help the
Wizard in its daily magical activities and by protecting, guarding and
providing information to the Wizard as it becomes necessary.

At this moment, the Apprentice is in no way prepared to work the necessary

conjurations to convoke and keep these assisting goodly spirits. The energy
needed and the rigorous discipline must be accrued with time and experience
and in the future we shall deal with this. For now, the magical levels of the
incantations will range between the first and second level.

The psalm is a very important aspect in each incantation. The Wizard must
recite it several times before attempting to cast an incantation. Psalms hold
an incredible power for three main reasons. The first of these is that they are
undoubtedly and irrefutable the incarnate word of God. Therefore the entire
universe stands and listens whenever a psalm is recited. Second, psalms
were written with powerful Kabbalistic formulas, thus they hold in
themselves the power of the Eternal in their very structure. Thus written they
have an innate connection with the spheres of the planets, the celestials and
the very spiritual letters that make up the matrix of reality. The last reason is
that the psalms had been recited so many times, by so many believers that
they had been irradiated with the power and faith of those which recited
them in the past, assuring confidence and the firm belief that their effect will
come to be.

Every magical operation, as the Apprentice must realize by now, is brought

to being by a wide range of magical phenomenon. Many of these events are
abstract concepts and universal laws, but others come directly from the
intervention of truly mighty beings. Such beings are the powerful celestials
that are directly connected to an incantation. Through several magical and
Kabbalistic formulas each incantation reveals a great number of angels and
celestials diligently working to properly manifest the effect of the operation.
Such angels are known as the Conclave Angel, the Regent Angel and the
Ministering Angelic Spirits. The Conclave Angel is the senior prince and
archangel which conforms the spiritual structure of the incantation in itself.
In other words, this angel is the very matrix and form of the spell in the
spiritual world. The Regent Angel is the celestial intelligence which
connects the rest of the celestials involved in the incantation. In essence this
celestial form connects the incantation with the laws of the universe and
permits communication between the universe, the incantation and the
Wizard. The Ministering Angelic Spirits are the celestial entities which rule
each independent aspect of the incantation and give it form and action.
The magical symbol and the somatic movement are two important concepts
in an incantation. The first one is a graphic representation of the celestial
entities involved in the magical operation. These symbols must be carried by
the Wizard because they are in essence the physical form of the spell. Also,
these symbols represent the physical existence of the spell in question and
help the Wizard in knowing where to focus its magical energies and
attentions. The somatic movement is the other important part of the
incantation, one the Wizard should never forget.

Somatic movements are the magical movements associated with the

incantation and they represent the energies in the universe being harnessed
by the power of voice and intention. What this means is that by tracing such
movements with a wand the Apprentice is actually harnessing several parts
of the Universe, worlds in the Tree of Life, sephiroth, planets and stars; thus
it is actually giving substance to a very powerful magical form. For the
moment it must suffice to understand that every movement done when
casting a spell accounts to the harnessing of truly marvelous universal
energies. The Apprentice should realize that these somatic movements, the
symbols, the voice and the knowledge acquired regarding the incantation
form the four elemental aspects of magical casting needed to properly
perform the magical arts.

Finally, the Apprentice must always understand that only through careful
practice can magical operations be achieved positively. Another important
consideration the Apprentice must have is the proper way to cast an
incantation. Although there are many ways to do this, we shall provide an
easy, yet correct way to cast these wonderful spells.

First and foremost the Apprentice must study these incantations in a quiet,
tranquil and restful place. The main reason for this is that an inharmonious
environment will take from the Apprentice focus and attention.

The second is Focus. An Apprentice needs to be able to study an incantation

to the point of memorization. When the words of an incantation are known
by heart, these words had been drawn from the world of matter and thrust
into the world of spirit and mind. There, the Apprentice can actually work
with them better through visualizations and contemplation.

The third is Attention. The Apprentice must be able to study for long hours
without interruption. Apart from helping in the memorization process, it will
also help the Apprentice in another wonderful way. The longer a person
studies magical lore, the magical energies around that person align better and
experience cohesion inside the Philosophical Sphere.

The fourth is to observe the virtues, values and statutes.

The fifth is to practice in a place far from people. Generally people will not
understand magical lore and will either think you are going crazy or will
make fun of you, something which will not be tolerated by the Tradition of
The sixth is to concentrate the magical power. This is done by understanding
the definition of the orison or incantation, knowing they are true
manifestations of the power of the First Divine. This is done by visualizing
each definition and objective being absorbed by the words that form the
incantation. As this is done the Apprentice must see in his/her mind that the
words of the incantation begin to glow with unearthly power inside the
Philosophical Sphere.
The next step is to observe as the words of the psalm surround the
incantation in a vertiginous orbit or cycle, shedding off incredible amounts
of light to finally be absorbed as well by the words of the incantation. Then
as the Apprentice perceives in its mind that the incantation is glowing like a
million suns the words of the incantation must be said with strength, force
and conviction.

School of Alterations

First Level Alterations: Formos

Lutum Obrego
Magicartifex Ubertas
Tabescere Glacium

Second Level Alterations: Mutatio Ananath Therion

Exornita Potens Lapidus
Lucis Perlucidus
Procere Videm
Vinculas Solvere

School of Benedictions

First Level Benedictions: Benedictus

Armis Bonumar
Dominus Sanctus
In Nomine Deux Benedicto
Locutor Perpolitus
Diritas Everto
Second Level Benedictions: Benedicci Iterum Secundus
Secundus Exiro
Secundus Gratam
Deux Consecratur
Elemens Magea Impositur

School of Divinations

First Level Divinations: Auguro

Admonere Praemonere
Arcesere Reperio
Auceps Auscultarium
Specto Sum

Second Level Divinations: Vates

Furfurus Ocurrum
Insidia Videum
Memoria Exibila
Videns Providenter

School of Enchantments

First Level Enchantments: Fascino

Bestiola Compositur
Colo Vix Vinco
Nocens Prodire
Ore Rubenti
Blenus Exumo

Second Level Enchantments: Ensalmo Corruptela Diffugere

Invitus Revoco
Praemo Felicitas
Responeres Magicares

School of Healing
First Level Healing: Salve
Aegrevoco Rectitudo
Pueris Animmos
Saluber Statum
Vita Genista

Second Level Healing: Curos Febris Deminuo

Lippio Lenimen
Livor Vanescere
Otis Librix

School of Invocations

First Level Invocations: Peto

Rogo Nonvenator

Second Level Invocations: Apelos Adsevocare Magicavulgus

Advoco Celestilis Sum
Afflatus Artifex
Solaris Advoco

School of Lights

First Level Lights: Lucis

Coellum Speculloris
Deux Confugare
Lumen Dictum
Pacatus Pacalis

Second Level Lights: Ilumino Accipeo Interlucis

Emanaur Geburim
Lampas Deum
Sophia Filoluminus
School of Naturals

First Level Naturals: Meteorikos

Dilabi Inundatio
Fulmen Patronum
Nubilum Ventus
Pluvium Super Solum

Second Level Naturals: Telurikos Consus Secundus

Frigus Aericola
Frux Exarum
Mirus Hiemalis

School of Protections

First Level Protections: Auxilium

Aegis Deux
Munio Munimentum
Patronus Custam
Prodo Auxilium

Second Level Protections: Gardos Accies Patronum

Coram Entimoris
Dominus Asservo
Lutum Patronum

School of Conjurations

First Level Conjurations: Conjuratos

Conjuramentos Aqua Elementor

Eotikos Conjuramentatum
Fabularum Conjureos
Nanos Conjuraprix
Fotiaignis Elementor Adjurato

Second Level Conjurations: Conjureos Magosanima Advocobonteia

Magospiritam Advocobonteia
Magosvirium Advoco
Neraidafilika Advoco

First Level Alterations: Formos


A wonderful incantation when the Wizard needs something done fast. It

makes a situation proceed at a faster pace and things evolve around the
Wizard more rapidly than normal. With this incantation, the Wizard can
finish tasks faster, get jobs done quicker and even make people work
speedier without them knowing. It also helps by providing people with
dexterity, cohesion and with machinery-like harmony in a given workgroup
so that they all work synchronized with quickness and ease. It’s also quite
useful for getting mail quicker. The caster of this incantation will experience
a special bonding with the people with whom he or she is working,
consequentially having better results in all manner of tasks.

“Mittat tibi auxilium de sancto et de Sion tueatur te.” Psalm 19;3.

Celestial: Sophazel, Dominion of the Third Heaven known as the voice for
the forces which tell the natural world how to move, operate and behave.

This incantation works primarily stimulating the intellectual level. It is ideal

for attracting the right people at the right time when ingenuity, inventiveness
and resourcefulness is necessary to avoid a certain problem, situation or to
provide a new option for a particular condition. This incantation helps the
Wizard find like-minded people in order to work, elaborate more complex
and intricate mental activities faster than normal. Through the use of this
spell the Wizard can actually solve problems faster and reach solutions
quicker than normal. If the persons are already present the incantation will
synchronize them at a spiritual level and will provide them with mental
acuity and intellectual prowess to finish a task quickly and to the best of
their abilities.

“Vespere et mane et meridie narrabo et adnuntiabo et exaudiet vocem

meam.” Psalm 54; 18-24.
Celestial: Salachar, Heavenly Host of the Third Heaven, in charge of
bringing together the many different forces of the universe.
Lutum Obrego

This is also known as the Momentum Incantation. It provides movement to

things that had gotten stuck, trapped in a loop or caught on the endless rings
of despair. This incantation helps people get away from situations in which
they are physically trapped by wrongful responsibilities, ill-fated
relationships and even spiritual activities which keep the people or projects
down or not able to launch. Also, this incantation is the ideal spell when
things feel like not moving at all, things are not going anywhere or when
people around keep stalling you and not letting you get to your rightful
destiny. This incantation helps the Wizard eradicate those wrongful and evil
energies that flatten your efforts and squash your energies away. Finally, this
incantation changes one’s fate by releasing the caster, or another individual,
from situations which keep a person stuck to the mud and not able to move
forward towards a better and brighter future.

“Quia inflammatum est cor meum et renes mei commutati sunt.” Psalm 72;
Celestial: Qalebel, Authority of the First Heaven and the divine
consciousness which keeps us from peril and dangerous traps.
Magicartifex Ubertas

This incantation allows the Wizard to tap directly into the Philosophical
Sphere’s awesome power, cosmological energies and its cosmic drive. This
will infuse the Wizard with enough power to feel better, continue performing
elaborate chores and augment one’s particular magical “punch”. By so doing
the Wizard will be able to cast more potent versions of incantations and even
do more complex and demanding activities for longer periods of time
without tiring or suffering from exhaustion. The Ubertas Charm has another
important use; it infuses ordinary objects with magical forces, be them
planetary, astrological and celestial. In this case this incantation can
permeate an object with a particular and quite general magical energy if
when cast the Wizard has in mind the particular kind of energy and
combines the incantation with the Magicartifex Ubertas Incantation. Please
note that this alteration it’s limited to only a number of days.
“Sanctis qui sunt in terra eius mirificavit mihi omnes voluntates meas in
eis.” Psalm 15;3.
Celestial: Qatzavar is an Angel of Illumination of the First Heaven, his task
is to make contact with those wanting to understand the greater powers of
Tabescere Glacium

This spell allows the Wizard to transmit action, movement and momentum
to an activity which has gone into a complete stop. Similar to the Lutum
Obrego Incantation, this incantation works particularly with places,
environments and groups. For example, it will restore momentum to a store
so that clients would come in more frequently, give fresh energy and
dynamism to a group which is losing members and bring better opportunities
of development to stagnant places which had been neglected by people. The
incantation works by bettering the perception of the activity/place and
making it more favorable in the recipients’ mind. It is important to know that
this incantation will not place an activity or provide momentum to a place
which had never had it in the first place.

“Ego autem in misericordia tua speravi exultabit cor meum in salutari tuo
cantabo Domino qui bona tribuit mihi et psallam nomini Domini altissimi.”
Psalm 12;6.
Celestial: Sycharel, Authority of the Third Heaven in charge of commanding
movement, change and motion to things unmoving.

Second Level Alterations: Mutatios

Ananath Therion

This incantation deals primarily with creating an atmosphere of harmony,

tranquility and quietness around the caster’s environment. It is ideal for
achieving great meditative states, acquiring wholeness and making a place
unobtrusive and more at ease. It will prevent quarrels and disputes in a given
place and it will manifest an aura of peace to all those who spend some time
inside the area of effect of this incantation. It is amply suggested to employ
The Therion Charm daily so that the Philosophical Sphere of the Wizard
becomes an area of tranquility, centeredness and harmony, allowing the
caster to operate more soundly mentally, magically and physically. This will
also manifests a celestial aura around the Wizard and those around him or

“Et factus est Dominus refugium pauperi adiutor in oportunitatibus in

tribulatione.” Psalm 9;9.
Celestial: Namachor, Holy Potentate of the Seventh Heaven his mission is to
spread harmony and order into the universe.
Exornita Potens Lapidus

A more potent version of the Ubertas Charm, this incantation allows the
Wizard to place particular magical energies upon stones, crystals, quartz and
metals. The quality of the magical energy depends solely on the Wizard’s
intention. In this regard the Wizard must concentrate on what sort of energy,
activity or power wishes to transmit to the object in question. For example,
the Wizard can place planetary activities, attributes from the Tree of Life or
activities related to celestial spirits. This is achieved by casting the
incantation over the object and then circulating a wand over it in a clockwise
motion. The Wizard will state in a very slow voice the activity which is
desired to be placed over the stone, metal or quartz. The Exornita Charm
will not work in large objects. This incantation will also clean the gemstones
from noxious energies picked up during regular use or healing sessions.

“Domine in caelo misericordia tua et veritas tua usque ad nubes.” Psalm 35;
Celestial: Renachorel, Seraph of the Second Heaven and his is the wisdom to
manifest the most gracious and auspicious magics.
Lucis Perlucidus

This incantation is really useful since misunderstandings, confusions and

errors made by others or the Wizard will tend to clarify by themselves.
When cast it will manifest an aura of helpfulness and goodwill around the
Wizard, creating the ideal atmosphere to solve a situation or make people be
more favorable to dismiss errors or mistakes. It is useful to understand
difficult explanations, complicated information and even hard to grasp
concepts which elude the mind of the Wizard or other people. Finally it can
be employed to gain further intellectual acuity giving people an edge over a
particular situation and making people ready to speak with a person who
generally tries to lure the others and take advantage of them.
“Permanet in aeternum in conspectu Dei misericordiam et veritatem quis
requiret eius.” Psalm 60; 8. Celestial: Zaqarsel, Heavenly Host of the First
Heaven who commands truth, clarity of mind and resolve.
Procere Videm

This incantation helps the Wizard actually see farther in the distance than
normally possible. It is not an Augmentation Charm, so it will not help the
Wizard see small objects, but it will help the Wizard define objects at a
distance, distinguished them better and generally perceive everything there is
to see in an area. Note that this incantation will not find hidden objects or
people in an area. It will prepare the Wizard, however, to see beyond the veil
of the physical world, allowing the magic user to tap into the spiritual world
and perceive magical creatures like nature spirits and elementals. Finally the
Procere Charm is a magical tool that will enable the caster to detect
magnetic lines in a landscape, find underground currents of water and to
determine if a particular area is profitable to build a structure.

“Prae fulgore in conspectu eius nubes eius transierunt grando et carbones

ignis.” Psalm 17; 13.
Celestial: Zaraphel, Heavenly Power of the Second Heaven in charge of
giving sight and audition to all the living things in the world.
Vinculas Solvere

This is the Vice Breaker Charm. It’s called this way because it has an
uncanny ability to break vices which are attached to the spirit and/or soul
and protects us from them. It is a great incantation to revoke foul vices on a
person, prevent vices from being acquired when we’re near foul people and
will convey great emotional strengths to those under heavy emotional
burden. It will provide a person with enough force to break free from
weakening relationships, problematic people and emotional distresses which
cause both pain and agony. What this incantation does is to dissolve the
spiritual tethers that people develop with one another, specifically those
which are negative and troublesome. Once the tethers had been removed the
person is vitalized with divine and celestial energies which provide the
necessary impulse to break free from these weakening conditions.

“Ideo tenuit eos superbia operti sunt iniquitate et impietate sua.” Psalm 73;6.
Celestial: Aubel Qol, Mighty Potentate of the First Heaven whose task is to
protect us from madness, weakness and the feeble mind.

First Level Benedictions: Benedictus

Armis Bonumar

This is a powerful blessing, especially when the Wizard needs to enchant

her/his magical elemental weapons and the like. It serves to infuse a magical
tool, like the cup, pentacles, sword or wand with the divine spark of the
Source Divine, Its Overcoming Blessing and Power. By so doing the tool
will become charged up with the essences of God and will become a
formidable weapon against the forces of darkness. This blessing will confer
upon the wielding Wizard great benefits, particularly protective and
defensive, since the forces of evil and darkness will avoid the luminous
energies of the blessing pouring out from the magical tool or weapon.
Finally, this blessing should be performed before enchanting any object with
another incantation. It will fill up the magical object with an aura of
blessedness helping it absorb better other magical energies being placed in it.

“Mirabilis Deus in sanctis suis Deus Israel ipse dabit virtutem et

fortitudinem plebi suae benedictus Deus Dominus Sanctus.” Psalm 67;36.
Celestial: Qasahel, Archangel of the First Heaven who shines divine light
and purifies the environment.
Dominus Sanctus

Upon chanting this incantation over a room, house or temple the wonderful
and miraculous energies of the Divine shall descend from Heaven above and
bless the entire place. This blessing will charge up the very particles of a
room with positive, luminous and radiant energy thought-forms which will
cause all evil to turn aside and never want to come near the blessed area.
Note that the blessing cannot be imparted in a large house or building. The
Wizard needs to trace into the air the sign of the cross eight times. It’s
important to notice that this incantation can only be cast in places in which
the Wizard has permission to perform such an operation, otherwise it will
not have the same effect.

“Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel a saeculo et in saeculum fiat fiat.” Psalm

40; 14.
Celestial: Daraksel, Dominion of the Third Heaven and is in charge of
providing light and happiness into the household.
In Nomine Deux Benedicto

This one is the most wonderful blessing of all and the most common. This
blessing imparts the power of the Divine Tetrad, the power of God, the
power of Saints, the power of celestials and the power of goodly spirits upon
the place it has been bestowed. By so doing the blessed object shall pertain
to the Eternal and nothing will be able to harm it without God’s consent. The
In Nomine Charm is so powerful that it actually illumines the spiritual world
and it can rebuke lesser evil creatures and make fallen beings stand on their
toes. It serves as a powerful barrier against evil spirits these will not
approach the bearer of this Supreme Sign of Heaven. It is said that objects so
blessed cannot be held by evil creatures and they will prefer not to enter into
contact with these objects which had been turned in fact into sacred relics.

“Domini est salus et super populum tuum benedictio tua.” Psalm 3; 9.

Celestial: Thutel, Throne of the Fourth Heaven who delivers Power and
Light and the divine presence of the Lord.
Locutor Perpolitus

This incredible blessing is rather interesting. However it cannot be used for

selfish means for it will naturally not work. The blessing works by imbuing
every word coming from the mouth of the recipient of this incantation with
divine blessedness. What this does is that every single word is understood as
something great, amazing and filled up with such magical charge that it’s
almost compelling and quite difficult to resist. The effect is rather obvious,
those listening to the recipient of the blessing will be more inclined and
favorable to the speaker. They will follow the speaker’s suggestions and give
ample weight to the ideas and opinions of the recipient of this incantation.
Finally the Locutor Charm is very useful when talking in groups, in
meetings and when trying to get help from unknown people.

“Audiam quid loquatur in me Dominus Deus quoniam loquetur pacem in

plebem suam et super sanctos suos et in eos qui convertuntur ad cor.” Psalm
84; 9.
Celestial: Shalael, Angel of the Third Heaven who gives command to the
spoken word.
Diritas Everto

The Diritas Charm is a potent blessing against misfortune, bad luck and
those who had fallen under the unfavorable conditions of a curse. It should
be cast over the person so afflicted and then over a recipient with water trice
blessed with this incantation. The person will then drink from this water for
three consecutive days. After the three days are over the operation should be
performed once again, but this time the blessing should be cast over the
person alone three more times. It will eradicate the kind of bad luck which
causes accidents, falls, the loss of money and bad health. Also it will provide
comfort at night and provide a good night sleep.

“In iustitia tua libera me et eripe me inclina ad me aurem tuam et salva me.”
Psalm 70; 2.
Celestial: Haqanael, Cherub of the First Heaven appointed with the task of
providing abundance and better chances to those in need.

Second Level Benedictions: Benedicci

Iterum Secundus

This incantation helps the recipient of the spell to get another chance and a
good one at best. The following blessing has been used for those who failed
to do something the first time they tried. What this incantation actually does
is that it provides favor, support and celestial goodwill from the very potent
energies of Heaven, so that the second time that particular task is attempted
the recipient of the spell may obtain positive results. This blessing infuses
the recipient of the spell with celestial energies, positive vibrations and it
connects the vessel of the incantation with powerful angels and celestials
which will take care to assist the person so that it is successful the second

“Miserere mei Deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam et secundum

multitudinem miserationum tuarum dele iniquitatem meam.” Psalm 50; 3.
Celestial: Shigel, Angel of the Third Heaven who makes sure that a person
has a better opportunity the second time he/she tries something.
Secundus Exiro
Another important blessing, this one is the one to use when travelers hit the
road. It will guide people safely, securely and without any hassles to their
destination and will protect them from the harms that may exist in the
outside world. Harms like accidents, falls, confrontations with wild animals,
running up with thieves and savage people will be avoided and the recipient
of the blessing will have a sixth sense of what places to avoid and which are
more preferable. This blessing only works for ground travel, not being able
to confer the same protection while on the air or through the sea. Finally, the
recipients of this spell will be surrounded with The Traveler’s Luck Aura, in
which case the people they meet on their travels will be moved to help them.

“Beatus populus qui scit iubilationem Domine in lumine vultus tui

ambulabunt.” Psalm 88; 16.
Celestial: Qafechel, Power of the First Heaven who guides the traveler away
from harm and keeps the wayfarer protected.
Secundus Gratam

Through the power of this incantation the Wizard can bestow upon a person
or object the energies related to good luck, favorable circumstances and
goodwill. The result is that those imbued with this blessing will be granted
by heaven those very qualities in their lives and they will live within the
parameters of good luck and favor. This blessing manifests celestial favor
and guidance to the recipient of the spell and in this sense the person will be
guided away and spared from dangerous destinies, ill-fated locations and
misfortunes. It can help by liberating those obfuscated with harmful magics
and destroys the energies which drive people to make foolish decisions;
giving judgment and discernment to those who benefit from the light of this
powerful blessing. Finally, this blessing is best used if cast over an area or
object, in persons it can be cast but they should keep themselves in constant
peace and tranquility for the incantation to work.

“Propter miseriam inopum et gemitum pauperum nunc exsurgam dicit

Dominus ponam in salutari fiducialiter agam in eo.” Psalm 11;6.
Celestial: Thesal, Prince of the Fourth Heaven who favors those in need.
Deux Consecratur

When this incantation is used the Wizard releases a powerful blessing over a
particular place, artifact or magical weapon. This blessing contains in its
mystical signature a powerful chain of divine names, celestial entities and
superior luminous intelligences. Once summoned through the magical words
of the incantation these powerful beings of Heaven will transfer their
awesome heavenly might into the object or weapon. The power of this
enchantment is such that the object shall remain blessed for as long as it
remains within the walls of a holy place; like a temple or church, irradiating
everyone with its awesome celestial and divine power. If removed from a
holy place the power of this incantation is so that the blessing will remain for
at least a month. This blessing is so powerful that the object or weapon if
presented against a dark creature it will rebuke them. Objects and weapons
so blessed will protect those who wield it against vampirism, psychic attacks
and the dark influences of fallen angels.

“Effunde frameam et conclude adversus eos qui persequuntur me dic animae

meae salus tua ego sum.” Psalm 34; 3.
Celestial: Ralabel, Angel of the Second Heaven with the task of blessing a
space with the powerful emanations of the Divine.
Elemens Magea Impositur

Upon casting this blessing the Wizard imposes the magical affinity of the
four elements upon a person. It cannot be cast upon oneself and is only given
to those which had proven themselves worthy of this blessing. The blessing
actually intones the recipient of the incantation with the metaphysical
notions and powers of the four elements. It will also provide a favorable aura
when confronting elementals so that friendships could be fostered with these
beings. It will provide secret knowledge from these elemental realms if the
recipient of the incantation contemplates and meditates daily upon these
concepts. Moreover, the blessing will give the recipient the ability to heal
wounds faster in water, recover from sickness with soil, and gain more
intelligence near winds and more dynamic near fires.

“Propter fratres meos et proximos meos loquebar pacem de te.” Psalm 121;

Celestial: Rasigel, Cherub from the Second Heaven whose main task is to
impose the magical power of the blessed elements, creating an abundant
torrent of elemental energies all about.
First Level Divinations: Auguros

Admonere Praemonere

This is known as the Warning Charm, for it will send up alarms and signals
that troubles are brewing somewhere. Although it will not specify the sort of
situation, it will let the Wizard know that something is about to happen. It
usually foretells that things are wrong an hour before it happens. It works by
tuning the Wizard’s intuition with the ebb of time allowing the Wizard to
perceive strange disturbances which will eventually cause inconveniences.
The disturbances will be felt as an odd feeling that something is not right. It
should be cast every day, during the hours of the morning. The Wizard
should always use a small quartz crystal when casing this spell, properly
enchanted with the Exornita Potens Lapidus Incantation.

“In luminas tu mirabiliter de montibus aeternis.” Psalm 75; 5. Celestial:

Nephuel, Host of the Fourth Heaven who provides signals and premonitions.

Arcesere Reperio

This incantation is the best when it comes to finding things misplaced or

lost. However, it will not help if things had been taken away by other people
or stolen. It helps by maximizing the perception of the Wizard and
augmenting its awareness to super human capacities. The spell will provide a
general sensation of where the lost object is located leading the Wizard
exactly to where the mislaid item will be found. The Wizard should know
that if the item has been taken away by someone a feeling of vagueness and
emptiness will be experienced. Finally, this divination is best used if an
object relating to the lost item is near or at hand. A limitation of the
incantation is that it will not find living beings.

“In tubis ductilibus et voce tubae corneae iubilate in conspectu regis

Domini.” Psalm 97; 6.
Celestial: Shautel, Potentate of the Third Heaven whose task is to find stolen
Auceps Auscultarium
This incantation can be employed to listen to things clearly and without any
problems. However, it has a better and most wonderful use which is magical
and uncanny. It can be used to listen to things said from afar, even if they are
being whispered. It is extremely useful when information is being discussed
rather discreetly in front of the Wizard and the Wizard needs to eavesdrop on
this information. This spell can also be used to listen to things being said
away from the Wizard; however the Wizard needs an item of the persons
talking in order to focus on their presence and be able to perceive the general
idea of their conversation. Finally, this incantation can be used to learn of
things said or spoken in a room at least an hour after the conversation has
taken place. However, the Wizard must be alone and be able to concentrate
on the lingering echoes.

“Qui loquitur veritatem in corde suo qui non egit dolum in lingua sua nec
fecit proximo suo malum et obprobrium non accepit adversus proximos
suos.” Psalm 14; 3.
Celestial: Ramabel, Power of the Second Heaven with the task of carrying
the words on the air.
Specto Sum

This is a wonderful incantation in which the Wizard is granted with the

miraculous gift of Second Sight. This magical sight will help the Wizard
perceive the Aura of other people, their intentions, if there are being
manipulated by others, if they are under the influence of spells and if other
people is under the mental control of psychics or powerful suggestions. This
incantation will help the Wizard tune-in with the spiritual realm and will
allow the Wizard to see elementals, spirits and other entities if they are
present. Finally, the Sight Charm is quite useful when trying to see if people
are being honest or not. The Wizard will know about how truthful a person is
by a special gleam that will appear around the person; if the gleam is clear
and transparent the person is telling the truth but if it is dark and foggy a lie
is being said.

“Domine non est exaltatum cor meum neque elati sunt oculi mei neque
ambulavi in magnis neque in mirabilibus super me.” Psalm 30; 1.
Celestial: Sachel, Cherub from the Third Heaven who is appointed with the
task of opening the Third Eye.
Second Level Divinations: Vates

Furfurus Ocurrum

This incantation is known as the Thieves Finder Charm. It’s use is more than
obvious, it helps the Wizard identify a thief and it helps the Wizard locate
the culprit of thievery. For one part, the divination will help the Wizard
know who stole a particular item and at the same time it helps in finding
these thieves letting the Wizard know where is the thief hiding. As all
divinations, this incantation creates a mental picture for the Wizard, allowing
the magic user to see with the mind’s eye the one who stole. The incantation
will not tell the Wizard where the thief is if this one has gone farther than a
hundred miles.

“De tribulatione invocavi Dominum et exaudivit me in latitudinem

Dominus.” Psalm 117; 5.
Celestial: Kaphuel, Potentate of the Fifth Heaven and is appointed with
Insidia Videum

A powerful incantation against deception and lies, this divination will reveal
the Wizard those who wish to entrap him/ her or fill her/his head with
deceitful traps. This will be achieved by heightening the Wizard’s awareness
in such a way that deceitful thoughts, plans and vibrations will be perceived
by the caster. The divination will avail the Wizard with the magical eye to
perceive physical traps, entrapment and situations in which the Wizard or
recipient might get involved in danger. Moreover, the incantation will reveal
the Wizard with what intentions those traps or deceits had been laid. Finally,
the incantation will not provide the Wizard with advice if the traps are
natural occurring ones or if one walks into deteriorated terrain.

“Confundantur et revereantur simul qui quaerunt animam meam ut auferant

eam convertantur retrorsum et revereantur qui volunt mihi mala.” Psalm
Celestial: Auzel, Host of the Seventh Heaven who alerts us of enemies and
their traps.
Memoria Exibila
The magic of this divination helps the Wizard in seeing the memories,
perceptions and thoughts of another person. The memories will be perceived
in the mind of the Wizard just after the Wizard had cleared its mind from
wandering thoughts and had casted the divination. It also works by pouring
the mind of the recipient into the Wizard’s mind at the moment of sleep,
revealing in dreams the experiences, memories and general thoughts of the
other person. The incantation will not reveal actual thoughts but general
concepts the person is entertaining in his/her mind. The Wizard needs a
personal item of the person whose thoughts and memories will be scanned.

“Iudica me Deus et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta ab homine

iniquo et doloso erue me.” Psalm 42; 1.
Celestial: Qaladar, Power from the First Heaven who keeps the memories of
all beings.
Videns Providenter

This divination works as a great instrument for determining courses of action

and decision making, letting the Wizard know which decision is best suited
for the moment. The Providenter Charm also lets the Wizard see into the
future and sense which things are going to work better than others. It is a
great intuitive magical tool which communicates the Wizard the best
solutions through senses, perceptions, feelings and hunches. This incantation
works by alerting the Wizard when something will turn up wrong, so that
changes and solutions could be found before the problem blows up in her/his
face. Finally, the Wizard could use a divination tool like an Oracle or Tarot
so that the situations could be perceived more clearly, but with experience
these methods will not be needed.

“Adtendite populus meus legem meam inclinate aurem vestram in verba oris
mei.” Psalm 77; 1.
Celestial: Thamael, Dominion from the Fourth Heaven who helps the devout
reach the best course of action through contemplation and meditation.

First Level Enchantments: Fascinos

Bestiola Compositur
This incantation procures control over small domestic animals, except cats;
which seem to be immune from many magical enchantments. Through the
use of this incantation the Wizard can actually bring tranquility, ease and
restfulness to an otherwise bewildered little beast. This incantation actually
casts over the beast controlling energies which make it more docile and
tame. Through the use of this incantation the Wizard can make the beast
answer to simple commands and it helps when trying to train the animal into
doing things. Note that this enchantment cannot be used on people, or
spiritual entities such as Familiars or Nature Spirits. Finally the Compositur
Charm is great when an animal is not obeying its master and it will make the
animal magically yield to its master’s commands.

“Obmutui et humiliatus sum et silui a bonis et dolor meus renovatus est.”

Psalm 38; 3
Celestial: Arluel, Cherubim of the Second Heaven appointed with the task of
guiding animals and creatures.
Colo Vix Vinco

This enchantment is one of the most wonderful incantations in the world of

High Magic. Its primary function is to make people around the recipient of
the spell notice the recipient’s extraordinarily good work and efforts. It will
make the person shine in its work environment and it will even clear the way
for the person for future promotions and salary raises. However, this
incantation only works if this person is truly hard working and actually
doing a great job, if otherwise the incantation will not work at all. What the
incantation actually does is to cast a remembering zone around the person
making does around the recipient to constantly think of his/her good work.
Finally, the recipient of the spell will be granted with his/her co-workers
high esteem, cooperation and admiration.

“Dominus virtutem populo suo dabit Dominus benedicet populo suo in

pace.” Psalm 28; 11.
Celestial: Qaladel, Power of the First Heaven in charge of giving light and
recognition to the people who deserve it.
Nocens Prodire

The Confession Charm, as it is known by many Wizards, it’s an excellent

incantation which will provoke a transgressor to confess his/her crimes. For
the incantation to work the person who committed the crime must be known,
and then the Wizard must make eye contact with the transgressor as the
incantation is being cast. The person will experience remorse, guilt, regret,
culpability and a profound feeling of sorrow that will only be alleviated by
confessing its crimes. This powerful enchantment will also stop those people
who blame others and they will start to accept their own doings and their
responsibilities. Obviously, the Confession Charm will have no effect if the
person hasn’t committed any crimes.

“Consummetur nequitia peccatorum et diriges iustum et scrutans corda et

renes Deus.” Psalm 7; 10. Celestial: Shasagel, Archangel of the Third
Heaven who will pursue a criminal and make it confess his or her crimes.
Ore Rubenti

This enchantment will affect the countenance, radiance and aura of the
recipient of the spell, making it radiate with an exceptional enchantment that
will affect everyone. The incantation makes the person more interesting to
others, savvy looking, and smart. It will radiate an energy which will make
others admire, respect, appreciate and want to be near the recipient of this
enchantment. The incantation will also change the person’s aura to that of an
extremely trustworthy one, also making others want to trust the recipient of
the enchantment. It is important to advise that this incantation is to be used
for good reasons and never with selfish ends or with the intention to take
advantage of other people. If that were the case, the incantation will fail with
the direst of consequences.

“Emisit signa et prodigia in medio tui Aegypte in Pharaonem et in omnes

servos eius.” Psalm 134; 7.
Celestial: Shanachel, Angel of the Third Level who will make the person
look more agreeable and likable.
Blenus Exumo

Through the power of this incantation the Wizard is capable of making the
dull, the fool, the brainless and dim-witted to stop their nonsense attitudes
and if these are not thwarted the power of the incantation will make them go
away. The main purpose of this incantation is to allow the recipient of this
incantation to work properly and do his/her chores without any trouble,
problem or disruptions from these people. To these effects, the incantation
will make these people silent and if need be it will make them go away from
the recipient’s side. The effect of the incantation is temporary, lasting only a
few hours; but is an excellent way to clean a place off of impertinent,
impudent and disrespectful people.

“Quoniam non intellexerunt opera Domini et in opera manuum eius destrues

illos et non aedificabis eos.” Psalm 27; 5.
Celestial: Rasagel, Cherub of the Second Heaven who will make the fools go

Second Level Enchantments: Ensalmos

Corruptela Diffugere

By using this incantation the Wizard removes the black magic effects of
being obfuscated, under the influence of wrongful love magics and those
magical effects which make people fall under the influences of temptations.
In essence, this incantation frees the recipient’s spirit and mind from magical
seductions, temptations and enticements. This will help the recipient from
getting into trouble and be free from unwanted confusion. Also it liberates a
person which has been the victim of love magic or activities which
incarcerate its heart for another person. The Diffugere Charm is used
primarily as a defense from magic users which cast love spells. It is
important to say that some people may not even realize they are under a spell
until their mind has been cleared up.

“Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum omnes servi Domini qui statis in domo
Domini in atriis domus Dei nostri.” Psalm 133; 1.
Celestial: Ramachar, Archangel of the Second Heaven who keeps the Wizard
safe from temptation.
Invitus Revoco

Through the use of this incantation the Wizard can restore the will to a
person which is being victim of witchery, psychic control or mental
vampirism. Through the use of this incantation the Wizard can actually stop
magical operations that rob someone from their own free will, their capacity
to make assertive decisions and their ability to discern between good and
evil. Also, this incantation will destroy the magical tethers that evil magic
users and evil psychics create to ensnare other people and put them under
their vile and malicious control. Finally, this incantation will restore a
person’s will and lost energy.

“Beatus vir qui implebit desiderium suum ex ipsis non confundentur cum
loquentur inimicis suis in porta.” Psalm 126; 5.
Celestial: Shamahar, Archangel of the Third Heaven who protects against
psychic attacks, witchery and vampirism.
Praemo Felicitas

This incantation will provide happiness, tranquility and a deep feeling of

ease to the recipient of its magic. The Wizard, through this magical
operation, will change sorrowful, sad and even depressed emotional states to
that of happiness and cheerfulness. The incantation works by creating an
energy field of vitality and happiness around the person so accursed. In this
way it eradicates those energies which keep a person sad, it destroys the
draining effects of astral larvae which siphon all sort of energies from a
person and will restore positive energies so that the person may feel better
and uplifted. Also known as the Felicitas Charm will work to bring
happiness to grumpy, angry and even disheartened individuals, providing
them with a more wholesome and happy life.

“Suscitans a terra inopem et de stercore erigens pauperem.” Psalm 112; 7.

Celestial: Rakael, Host of the Second Heaven who provides the feeling of
Responeres Magicares

When this incantation is employed the Wizard places several magical

operations at once into a single item. The incantations placed in this object
will be conserved in the item for as long as they are not used or three months
had passed, whichever comes first. These incantations will not lose their
magical power and will not fail when used. The Wizard must use the In
Nomine Deux Benedicto Incantation and then cast up to eight incantations,
divine names or magical words while touching the desired object. Then, the
Responeres Charm is used. Once the bound magical energies are placed
upon the item they be protected from dispelling incantations and energy
“Fac mecum signum in bono et videant qui oderunt me et confundantur
quoniam tu Domine adiuvasti me et consolatus es me.” Psalm 85; 17.
Celestial: Thyael, Host of the Fourth Heaven who allows that objects be

First Level Healing: Salve

Aegrevoco Rectitudo

By employing this incantation the Wizard is capable of lifting up the

symptoms of the common flu from a person. Apart from the flu, this
incantation will lower small fevers, reduce gastric complications and lessen
nasal congestions and coughs. The incantation must be done while touching
the forehead of the ailing patient and at the same time over a glass of pure
spring water. The water cannot be cold but rather warm and is to be ingested
by the patient completely and then every hour, for the next eight hours the
incantation must be done in the same manner. At the end of this period the
person will be completely healed. This incantation, if done while the Wizard
is healthy, will protect him/her from the previously mentioned conditions.

“Commovisti terram et turbasti eam sana contritiones eius quia commota

est.” Psalm 59; 4.
Celestial: Darlaqan, Power from the First Heaven who will keep the healthy
in good shape and help heal the infirm.
Pueris Animmos

When this incantation is employed the Wizard bestows good health upon
small children, ranging from newly borns to two years of age. The
incantation will keep them from sickness like the flu, gastric infirmities and
high fevers. The incantation provides these children with powerful celestial
strengths so that they avoid any illness and will help them fight back
common ailments if they are sick when the incantation is cast. This
incantation will remove from a newborn the malevolent aspects of malicious
stars which cause infirmities and sickness, eradicating the star’s or planet’s
energies from the aura of the small child.

“Etenim illuc manus tua deducet me et tenebit me dextera tua.” Psalm 138;
Celestial: Bashelon, Host of the Third Heaven who is in charge of guarding
over small children.
Saluber Statum

This incantation is the most famous healing incantation of the Wizards of the
Eldest Tradition. It is known to keep adults healthy and free of regular
sicknesses, diseases and infections. It should be used always and once the
first symptoms of sickness show up. This incantation is amply used to
preserve the good health of the Wizard and as such it works as a potent
prevention against illnesses. On the other hand it can be used to keep the
Wizard healthy as he or she visits people who are sick. The Saluber Charm is
so potent that Wizards had been known to cast it over vials of water to later
on distribute these to sickly people. When placing water in a vial always
remember to place a couple drops of brandy to preserve the water.

“Sit nomen eius benedictum in saecula ante solem permanet nomen eius et
benedicentur in ipso omnes tribus terrae omnes gentes beatificabunt eum.”
Psalm 71;17.
Celestial: Qosel, Angel of the First Heaven who is appointed with keeping
the Health of the Wizards of the world, so that they can perform their duties
upon Earth.
Vita Genista

This incantation is employed to provide new strengths, vitality and vigor to

the caster or other people. The incantation works by providing extra energies
to the various systems of the body, spirit and mind; augmenting health and
vitality to all organs and structures. Through the use of this incantation the
Wizard can restore liveliness and power to an otherwise weak and stricken
individual. It will also grant extra energies, to the Wizard or recipient of the
incantation, when tired or when weakness strikes. This incantation is widely
used to make people better after long and painful infirmities and situations
and will help anyone recover faster from surgery.

“Quoniam humiliata est in pulvere anima nostra conglutinatus est in terra

venter noster.” Psalm 43; 25.
Celestial: Diriel, Angel of the Second Heaven who will pours vitality upon
those who are weak and ailing.
Second Level Healing: Curo

Febris Deminuo

This incantation is used to reduce high fevers and combat bodily afflictions
or infections. It works by sending a burst of magical energy which will calm
the heart rate, muscle movements and the hypothalamus; which are the
organs that regulate body heat and temperature. The incantation must be
used as a last resort if fever exceeds 39o C, and the patient is not being
responsive to temperature lowering procedures. It is important to act quickly,
since high fevers often speak of dangerous medical conditions, and the
person should be taken to a Hospital as soon as possible. This incantation
can also be used to reduce anxiety and/or desperateness and it gives the
person a tranquility, relaxation and peace of mind.

“Calicem salutaris accipiam et nomen Domini invocabo.” Psalm 115; 4.

Celestial: Ratzahel, Angel of the Second Heaven in charge of lowering
Lippio Lenimen

The purpose of this incantation is to alleviate the swelling of the eyes due to
infirmities, conditions and even having been struck by something or
someone. The Wizard should prepare a mixture of Holy Basil, Licorice,
Turmeric and Ginger. These should be put on hot four ounces of water for at
least half an hour or until they had exuded their color into the liquid. Then
mix an ounce of this blend with four ounces of skin lotion. Then apply on
the temple area, the cheek and the forehead. Please be careful not to get it
inside the eyes. If this happens, flush the eyes with water for twenty minutes.
After this is done the Wizard should cast the incantation touching the
affected area. This incantation can also alleviate the sensation of heaviness
in the eyes and sties.

“A facie Domini quia venit quoniam venit iudicare terram iudicabit orbem
terrae in aequitate et populos in veritate sua.” Psalm 95; 13.
Celestial: Shatzagel, Seraph of the Third Heaven who rules over the eyes,
the pupil and the iris.
Livor Vanescere
Similar to the previous incantation, this one helps get rid of marks, scars and
blemishes caused by accidents, fights or surgical procedures. The incantation
actually works by eradicating accumulated blood from under the skin by
augmenting the lymphatic and circulatory system. This will flush material
out of the body faster, leaving little residue of blood under the skin. The
Wizard must make the incantation over a glass of water and give it to the
afflicted person to drink. This should be repeated for at least once two hours
during the whole day. The incantation will help scars heal faster. It will also
help to close faster minor cuts and wounds and will allow a person to
coagulate at a faster rate than normal.

“In noctibus extollite manus vestras in sancta et benedicite Domino.” Psalm

133; 2.
Celestial: Shamadel, Cherub of the Third Heaven who protects from cuts and
Otis Librix

A wonderful incantation when someone is having troublesome ear pains due

primarily to infections; but punctured eardrums had been healed with this
spell as well. The Otis Charm will help the Wizard bring comfort to
someone who is experiencing severe ear pain and other auditory
complications. The incantation works by targeting the central nervous
system and regulating the pain signals coming from the ears. The incantation
will ease the pain signals reducing them enough so that they are not
interpreted by the brain. This incantation is temporary, lasting only a couple
of days. Also, this incantation if used in a preventive manner will stop
hearing loss and similar conditions, but they must be worked with at the first
signs of the symptoms. Another function of this healing incantation is that
obstinate and stubborn people are made to hear and consider things.

“Laudate eum in sono tubae laudate eum in psalterio et cithara. Laudate eum
in tympano et choro laudate eum in cordis et órgano. Laudate eum in
cymbalis bene sonantibus laudate eum in cymbalis iubilationis. Omni
spiritus laudate Dominus.” Psalm 150; 3-6.

Celestial: Tzadel, Throne of the Eight Heaven who rules over hearing and
the senses.
First Level Invocations: Petos


This incantation creates a heavenly aura around the recipient of the

invocation with a very powerful enchantment which keeps evil at bay. This
aura brings celestial entities around the recipient of the incantation and these
beings will keep the person in a very protective manner; fending off harmful
and noxious energies. However the protection consists of keeping away
those forces which seek to harm the innocence of a child or tamper with the
innate goodness of a person. The incantation also manifests celestial
watchfulness in which case the forces of evil and conveys peace and serenity
to the recipient of the spell. It was principally used to keep young children
safe from the hand of troublesome kids or perverse people.

“Vallabit angelus Domini in circuitu timentium eum et eripiet eos.” Psalm

Celestial: Qabalan, Seraph of the First Heaven who protects the devout and
keeps harm away from good people

When this invocation is made the Wizard gives prayers, orations and
meditative processes a celestial protection so that they don’t get lost. This
additional heavenly strength will allow these prayers to reach the vaults of
Heaven and our Lord of Hosts without getting lost. What the incantation
actually does is to place several angelic entities to watch over the prayers
being made so that they personally take them to the Realm of Heaven. Also
through the use of this incantation the Wizard convinces the angelic stewards
of Heaven to act on his/her behalf and these will come to his/her aid. Finally,
the Wizard is capable of communicating and conversing with the holy angels
and will receive from them visions regarding her/his spiritual path and
evolution into the World of Light.

“Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia eius et veritas Domini

manet in saeculum.” Psalm 116; 2.
Celestial: Ratanel, Cherub of the Second Heaven appointed over prayers and
Rogo Nonvenator
This incantation is supremely useful when a person is being persecuted by
wrongful enemies or under the risk of running into entrapment. The power
of this incantation sends forth energies of light and righteousness, which
repel the treacherous activities of enemies and makes them yield and stop
their persecutions. It sends angelic forces around the enemies so that they’ll
stop their quarrels and enmities with the recipient of the invocation. The
celestial energies surrounding these enemies will make them repent from
their actions and stop right away their evil ways towards the recipient of the
spell. It will prevent people from scheming and plotting against the recipient.
Finally, it will stop people from harassing the recipient of the incantation and
prevent quarrelsome behavior and conducts which make the environment
heavy with trouble, obstacles, barriers and impediments.

“Ex ore infantium et lactantium perfecisti laudem propter inimicos tuos ut

destruas inimicum et ultorem.” Psalm 8; 3.
Celestial: Atharel, Host of the Fourth Heaven in charge of protecting us from
squanderers and malicious people.

When the Wizard uses this incantation its main purpose is to establish an
environment of praying, religiousness and piousness in a given place. Its
prime objective is to start a line of devotion and prayer and to generate and
further a spiritual setting in which people are moved to prayer and the most
pure aspects of religious devotion. It seeks to produce on people an effect of
the deepest commitment with God and the spiritual world. This incantation
can also be used prior to rituals and religious experiences so that the
operation be filled with angelic beings, celestial entities and divine presences
and not hampered by the forces of evil and darkness in anyway. Finally, this
incantation will surround the recipient with a heavenly aura which will
thwart and keep the forces of evil at bay.

“Magnificavit Dominus facere nobiscum facti sumus laetantes.” Psalm 125;

Celestial: Sarabel, Prince of the Second Heaven who is appointed with
creating spiritual environments and atmosphere is sacred places.

Second Level Invocations: Apelos

Adsevocare Magicavulgus

When the Wizard utters this incantation a miraculous activity will begin to
occur. The Wizard will find people interested in the development of religious
experiences, esoteric profundities and with a desire to become better human
beings. These people will also be interested in the most mysterious aspects
of the world, be moved to mercy and ideas related to Universal Love. These
people will be found almost everywhere and at any time, so the Wizard must
be attentive to other people and their conversations. The incantation sends
hosts of celestial beings looking for these people and once they find them,
the heavenly stewards send these people in the direction of the Wizard, so
that the Wizard can establish like-minded contacts, friends and helpers.

“Quia illic interrogaverunt nos qui captivos duxerunt nos verba cantionum et
qui abduxerunt nos hymnum cantate nobis de canticis Sion.” Psalm 136; 3.
Celestial: Shadaselon, Throne of the Third Heaven who shepherds the good
people of Earth so that they can find each other.
Advoco Celestialis Sum

A luminous incantation indeed, it serves to bring about the assistance of

angels, particularly when the Wizard is about to initiate a difficult task, a
tedious job or even enter in perilous situation, difficult travels or surrounded
by unending conflicts. This invocation calls upon the mighty sons of God in
heaven and sends them on the recipient’s way so that nothing would oppose
the work of light, nothing tarnishes the efforts of the recipient of the
incantation and nothing will hamper his/her work. The invocation calls upon
the awesome Elohim, who are the mighty stewards of Heaven and whose
arms are stronger than Strength itself and their protection is absolute. These
mighty beings shall keep the recipient free from all iniquity and victorious
over the forces which oppose and want to bring despair and sorrow upon
his/her life.

“Si ambulavero in medio tribulationis vivificabis me super iram inimicorum

meorum extendisti manum tuam et salvum me fecit dextera tua.” Psalm 137;
Celestial: Sharaeloniah, Authority of the Third Heaven appointed with
sending celestial aid and help to those who ask for it.
Afflatus Artifex
The Afflatus Charm is a great invocation which endows the Wizard with
great spiritual inspiration and creativity. It is primarily used when the Wizard
is about to start a spiritual quest, a meditative trance or a magical research
regarding metaphysical truths or the better understanding of Magic. The
invocation allows the Wizard to tap into the most mysterious spiritual
records of Heaven and be able to translate them back into the world of
manifestation and physical experience. This incantation serves to create a
channel between the World of Angels and the World of Man. This channel
will allow the Wizard to gather knowledge of various concepts and be able
to communicate it to other people, never revealing the information was
acquired via this method.

“Notas fecit vias suas Mosi filiis Israel voluntates suas. Benedicite Domino
omnes virtutes eius ministri eius qui facitis voluntatem eius. Benedicite
Domino omnia opera eius in omni loco dominationis ipsius benedic anima
mea Domino.” Psalm 102; 7, 21-22.

Celestial: Arlasenarel, Seraph of the Second Heaven who keeps the records
of the divine and the holy information of Heaven.
Solaris Advoco

This incantation will call upon the mighty forces of those angelic beings
which guard and keep the Wizard in her/his path towards absolute
enlightenment, the Solar. Each of us is spiritually linked to an individual
Solar Angel. These Solar Angels have possession of all the memories and
recollections of past lives, past experiences and past knowledge of their
charges. Through the use of this invocation the Wizard will establish a
contact with this profound entity and through meditation, contemplation and
spiritual reflection all these knowledge will start to surface upon the life of
the Wizard in order for the Wizard to better understand his/her present life
and to remember unfinished works, magical operations and ancient magical
knowledge learned ages ago, back in another lifetime.

“In Deo laudabo sermones meos in Deo speravi non timebo quid faciat mihi
caro.” Psalm 55;5.
Celestial: Qadogel, Throne of the First Heaven whose task is to keep the link
between the mankind and the Solar Angels intact.
First Level Lights: Lucis

Coellum Speculloris

When this incantation is employed the Wizard attunes her/his senses to the
more angelic and heavenly vibrations and frequencies of the Celestial World.
This attunement has two main purposes. The first is that it gives the Wizard
a special radiance in which her/his aura is infused with the vibrations of
Heaven and angelic beings. This will make the Wizard’s interactions with
others sublime and subtle, devoid of confrontations or problems; making
every event propitious and worthwhile. The second quality of this
incantation is that it synchronizes the eyes and senses of the Wizard. This
enables the Wizard to be in touch with celestial beings and be able to sense
their presence, commune with their heavenly powers and in time be able to
converse with them.

“Adnuntiaverunt caeli iustitiam eius et viderunt omnes populi gloriam eius”

Psalm 96; 6.
Celestial: Raphaan, Cherub of the Second Heaven appointed with providing
wisdom and light to the Wizard.
Deux Confugare

By using this incantation the Wizard asks the Heavens to release upon
her/him the guidance and shelter of the Divine. Not completely a protection,
this Light will endow the Wizard with a barrier of illumination that will
prevent dark and evil things from entering the life and environment of the
recipient of this incantation. The Confugare Charm is generally used when
the Wizard is in foreign lands, different cultural settings and surrounded by
strange and unfamiliar grounds. It will give the Wizard an aura of heaven
that good people will recognize and will be moved to help, while evil people
will feel it and will be compelled to avoid it. This incantation also blesses
the caster or recipient with such light that mischievous spirits and elementals
will not approach him/her.

“Et exaltabitur sicut unicornis cornu meum et senectus mea in misericordia

uberi.” Psalm 9;11.
Celestial: Zaphaqar, Angel of the First Heaven who rules over the protection
of the good people of Earth.
Lumen Dictum

This particular incantation will bestow upon the Wizard the grace of the
Light, the richness of Heavens and the Understanding of the Glory of
Heaven. As a result the Wizard will be able to speak with luminous words,
words which will inspire others and words which will fill-up anyone with the
resplendence of the Divine. This incantation will provide the Wizard with a
powerful understanding of the divine and will enable her/him to receive
information from the heavenly worlds, especially the information regarding
the heavenly structures of the Tree of Life and the Four Worlds. Moreover,
this incantation will provide the Wizard with the ability to command the
elemental spirits so that they do not rebel when the Wizard is calling upon

“Quoniam eripuisti animam meam de morte et pedes meos de lapsu ut

placeam coram Deo in lumine viventium.” Psalm 55; 13.
Celestial: Chalaqar, Archangel of the First Heaven who guards the words of
power for those who deserve them.
Pacatus Pacalis

This is a wonderful Incantation of Light. This incantation gives the Wizard

peace of mind and a great deal of tranquility of spirit. It provides the Wizard
with a sense of direction towards the path of enlightenment and blessedness,
filling up his/her life with wonderful examples of mercy and love. It directs
pure heavenly light into the life of the Wizard and those who surround
him/her, giving them a sense of plenitude, understanding of the things to
come and calmness. It also serves to quiet troublesome people and live
among them in peace and in relative safety from their sometimes erratic
behavior. This will keep the Wizard safe from the harm that might come
from these people and their often wrongful ways. The Pacatus Charm is very
effective to counter Dark Magics, since it uses the Sacrificed Hero
Archetype as its main focus on the physical world and this archetype
releases an immense amount of Universal Love that evil cannot withstand.

“Et redemit nos ab inimicis nostris quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius.”

Psalm 135; 24.
Celestial: Shalagel, Dominion of the Third Heaven who confers
enlightenment upon those which seek it.

Second Level Lights: Iluminos

Accipeo Interlucis

When this incantation is employed the Wizard establishes a celestial channel

of communication with all the divine and celestial energies that reside in the
Sphere of Tiphareth. Tiphareth is the Sephira of the ultimate truth,
communion with the Holy Angels and the residence of the Lesser Divine
Countenance, Microprosopus, which we can understand and emulate. In
essence, the Wizard creates a conduit that will endow her/him with great
secrets, enlightened and arcane lore and ancient mysteries. It’s important that
the Wizard puts all these information in written form and that he/she never
reveals that the information received comes via this form of communication,
otherwise the heavenly connection will be lost. The Wizard needs to rest at
least a day before attempting the incantation again.

“Respice in me et miserere mei da imperium tuum puero tuo et salvum fac

filium ancillae tuae.” Psalm 85; 16.
Celestial: Qarkalan, Throne of the First Heaven who guards the mysteries of
Emanaur Geburim

By casting this incantation the Wizard places an incredible amount of Light

in a household, temple or shrine. The location must be established under
rightful ways, a special altar must exist in this place and it should be
dedicated to the Source Supreme and there should be a light-form (candles
are preferable but electric illumination is also acceptable) that should never
be extinguished. This incantation will keep malicious beings, iniquity,
wrongdoers and even mischievous and evil spirits at bay. This incantation
will infuse the dwellers of the place with celestial grace and they shall all be
enjoy good fortune and a good fate; however these should be loving and
observing of the right things in this world. Finally, this incantation will
shield the place from robbers and thieves and all children born in this place,
if it is a house, will be marked with the sign of Heaven and they shall be
great people in their future.
“Beati omnes qui timent Dominum qui ambulant in viis eius.” Psalm 127; 1.
Celestial: Daraphan, Host of the Second Heaven who places celestial guards
and magical wards around the blessed people of Earth.
Lampas Deum

The Lampas Charm is a mighty incantation that delivers the powerful Fires
of God downwards to those who are doing wickedness and wrongful acts.
This Fires of God will eradicate them and will free the Wizard from them.
This incantation has the amazing property of cleansing a place from lowly
energies and frequencies which hamper and hinder the connection with those
things which are celestial in origin. It will manifest a beam of pure light and
positive energy that will free the recipient of this incantation from enslaving
thoughts, temptations and those things which corrupt the soul. This awesome
Light will release a powerful blow against all forms of dark magics and will
dissipate them so that they are rendered useless. Finally the Lampas Charm
will create a beacon of light that will distribute to other people and fill them
up with divine grace and good will.

“Induantur qui detrahunt mihi pudore et operiantur sicut deploide confusione

sua.” Psalm 108; 29.
Celestial: Merachel, Host of the Second Heaven who rules over purification
Sophia Filoluminus

This incantation is to be employed daily, as it is reputed to procure wisdom

and enlightenment to those who seek its magical splendor. By so doing the
Wizard will gain greater decisional skills, will know whether a thing is true
or not, will be less vulnerable to deceptions and will negate illusions of the
heart and mind. People trying to take advantage of the Wizard will be
identified and their plans will be revealed to the Wizard. Also, this
incantation allows the Wizard to deepen her/his understanding of the
Magical Universe, will better comprehend the intricate mysteries of the
cosmos and will wholly apprehend the perplexing truths of the worlds of
manifestation, formation, creation and potentiality.

“Et apparuerunt fontes aquarum et revelata sunt fundamenta orbis terrarum

ab increpatione tua Domine ab inspiratione spiritus irae tuae.” Psalm 17; 16.
Celestial: Rachel, Prince of the Second Heaven appointed to teach wisdom
to those who want it.

First Level Naturals: Meteorikos

Dilabi Inundatio

This incantation can be used in the events of floods. The incantation works
by receding the accumulated waters at a faster rate, making the flood
disappear in a matter of hours. The incantation will help the Wizard escape
flash floods if surprised in the wilderness by these natural disasters. It must
be cast from a high enough area so that the entire flood can be seen. From
this high place, the Wizard must visualize how the celestials of nature pull
back the waters to the adjoining water ways. The Wizard must cast this
incantation employing a counterclockwise motion with his/her wand, which
signifies the magical action of removing the flood waters.

“Eripe me de luto ut non infigar liberer ab his qui oderunt me et de profundis

aquarum. Non me demergat tempestas aquae neque absorbeat me profundum
neque urgeat super me puteus os suum.” Psalm 68; 15-16.

Celestial: Qinon, Host of the Fifth Heaven who rules over the storehouses of
water, rain and floods.
Fulmen Patronum

This incantation is simple but effective. It will protect the Wizard from
lightning, rays and the effects of thunderstorms. The incantation works by
creating a magical barrier in which these natural forces are deviated from the
direction of the recipient of the spell. It also protects the Wizard from fires
produced by lightning storms. Another use of this incantation is that it serves
as a barrier against magical attacks directed at the Wizard or recipient. In
this manner it will shield the recipient from dark magic effects, curses,
punishing magics and attacks that will otherwise seriously hurt the Wizard or
recipient or incapacitate him/her. Finally, the Fulmen Charm will protect
from Lightning Elementals keeping them and their attacks at bay.

“Fulmen grando nix glacies spiritus procellarum quae faciunt verbum eius.”
Psalm 148; 8.
Celestial: Almatharan, Domain of the Fifth Heaven in charge of lightning
and storms.
Nubilum Ventus

When this incantation is cast, the Wizard can call up the power of the air.
Through this magical operation the Wizard is able to conjure and control
winds. These winds can blow small objects away, topple branches from trees
and will be accompanied by rain and will avert small creatures from flying.
Since winds are associate with bad weather and complications this
incantation is only to be cast when a storm is needed to prevent people from
traveling, going away or to stop enemies or slow them. Through this
incantation the Wizard is also capable of achieving the opposite effect of
creating storms. In this sense, the Wizard can prevent winds and cast away
storm wracked weather in order to save poor communities and/or
unprotected wildlife.

“Et statuit procellam eius in auram et siluerunt fluctus eius.” Psalm 117; 29.
Celestial: Rotzotael, Eon of the Second Heaven appointed over winds, air
currents and the elements of air.
Pluvium Super Solum

This one is known as the Rain Making Charm. The Wizard will be able to
bring about rain for the land and the crops to grow. Through this incantation
the Wizard will be able to send abundant rain to a particular area. This
incantation can create moderate showers and these showers will bring about
the blessing of abundant crops and plentiful harvest. Something the Wizard
must be aware of is that when the incantation is cast the rain will have an
approximate duration of two hours. This incantation will make the ground
richer with magical minerals and it will be easier to plow. In order to cast it,
the Wizard must occupy a high enough place where wind and earth unite, a
mountain preferably where the psalm must be recited ten times starting
precisely at 3:00 PM.

“Educens nubes ab extremo terrae fulgora in pluviam fecit qui producit

ventos de thesauris suis.” Psalm 134; 7.
Celestial: Sholuel, Archangel of the Eight Heaven who rules over harvest
and crops.
Second Level Naturals: Telurikos

Consus Secundus

This incantation is great for people in the agricultural business or for those
who live by sowing, tending their crops and harvesting. First it establishes a
field of abundance and good luck over the sowed fields so that these are
protected from the weather, animals and predatory plant life. Second, it gives
these people a magical helping hand when it comes to taking care of the field
and the crops. Third, it will bring about the favor of God to all things sowed,
so that these will grow quicker and richer than normal. Fourth, this
incantation will give the workers of the land added strengths and good
health, allowing them to work harder and longer without tiring. The
incantation works by employing all manner of earth elementals and
celestials, mixing them up in the correct proportions so that everything
within the sowed fields exist in a harmonious balance; free from earthly
corruptions, plagues, vermin and thieves.

“Potens in terra erit semen eius generatio rectorum benedicetur.” Psalm 111;
Celestial: Shalparath, Domain of the Eight Heaven who rules over herbs,
plants, trees and harvesting fields.
Frigus Aericola

This incantation will allow the Wizard to lower the temperature of a given
location. The temperature will lower gradually until a cooler ambiance is
achieved. This incantation is primarily used when the Wizard is going to
travel on foot to a distant land, working the ground or guiding someone to a
distant place and temperatures might be a serious problem or risk. However,
the Frigus Charm, will not cool a closed environment or a building. The
incantation is devised to affect the heat emissions of the Sun, the creation of
stationary clouds over the desired location and the procurement of cooler
winds. This incantation shouldn’t be cast just because the Wizard is hot,
however, it can be used to counter Heat Spells and creates a fire-proof zone
for the effect of the spell.

“A solis ortu usque ad occasum laudabile nomen Domini.” Psalm 112; 3.

Celestial: Arionarel, Authority of the Third Heaven who keeps workers safe
from heatstroke.
Frux Exarum

Another agricultural incantation, this spell allows the Wizard to cast

powerful magics over crops and harvests so that they are gathered and
collected without incident and with the most profit possible. This incantation
sends scores and scores of hosts of elementals and celestials whose primary
function is to preserve the crops until they are harvested. These magical
beings will protect them from vermin, predators and even from malicious
people. Also this incantation will protect the crops so that nothing goes to
waste. In other aspects, this incantation can be used to multiply livestock and
allow them to survive even in the most extreme weather and temperatures,
also protecting them from parasites, malisons and sicknesses commonly
suffered by cattle.

“Sicut ros Hermon qui descendit in montes Sion quoniam illic mandavit
Dominus benedictionem et vitam usque in saeculum.” Psalm 132; 3.
Celestial: Zokashoan, Archangel of the Third Heaven who rules over fruits
and crops.
Mirus Hiemalis

The Hiemalis Charm is the perfect incantation to survive severe winter

conditions which threaten crops, livestock and people. The incantation
works by controlling the temperature of a given region, the cloud formation,
wind currents and snow flow. It also creates a warmer weather in which
people can enjoy their daily activities during winter and will not be harmed
by snowstorms. Those Wizards who’d used this incantation relate that this
spell creates warmer winter conditions, however these conditions will last
for a month. In this regards the Wizard is advised to cast the incantation
regularly, so that the effect becomes constant during winter. The Wizard
must cast this incantation five full days after the appearance of the first

“Tu fecisti omnes terminos terrae aestatem et ver tu plasmasti ea.” Psalm 73;
Celestial: Gishareath, Angel of the Third Heaven appointed to keep the
devout safe from snowstorms.
First Level Protections: Auxilium

Aegis Deux

The Aegis Charm is one of the most common forms of protection in the
magical world. It’s an unmovable barrier which actually protects against all
forms of ghosts, lowly spirits and evil nature beings. This incantation
protects against low ranking fallen angels and will keep the Wizard from all
accidents and misfortunes brought about by these evil and dark beings. It
will also protect against evil magic and dark spells, especially those which
seek to harm the recipient physically or mentally. The incantation can be set
over a place, a room or another such structure in which the Wizard is
present. The area of effect is determined by a magical circle which must be
made with either salt or sand or by tracing the circumference with a magical
wand. The incantation will cease to function as soon as the Wizard leaves
the area of effect or attacks anything outside the area of effect.

“Mihi autem adherere Deo bonum est ponere in Domino Deo spem meam ut
adnuntiem omnes praedicationes tuas in portis filiae Sion.” Psalm 72; 28.
Celestial: Harararon, Angel of the Second Heaven who governs the
protection of the devout, the good and the innocent.
Munio Munimentum

The Munio Charm creates a powerful and mystic wall which procures
protection from negative attacks, noxious environment and even from the
attacks of dark magic users which seek to place misfortune and peril into the
life of the recipients of this spell. The mystic wall doesn’t move but can be
placed over larger structures like houses and small buildings. The spell only
confers protection from the side it was placed on, so the Wizard must cast
the spell on all six sides (right, left, front, back, up and down) in order to be
fully protected. Consecrated salt should be tossed on each side the magical
wall is cast. The Munio Charm can be used to stop a place from being
infected by Astral Larvae and other Ethereal Beings. Many Wizards employ
this spell in order to sleep well in haunted places or spaces which might be
populated by nature spirits or ghosts.

“Quia adstetit a dextris pauperis ut salvam faceret a persequentibus animam

meam.” Psalm 108; 31.
Celestial: Auriel, Domain of the Second Heaven who guards people from the
attacks of others and who raises fortified walls against the wicked.
Patronus Custam

This incantation will procure physical protection for other people. The
incantation will protect the recipient of this spell from physical assaults,
strikes and from unsuspected attacks from belligerent people. This
incantation will provide protection against minor accidents and falls. For this
incantation to be effective the recipientof the spell must ask for the
protection and the Wizard must cast it during the hours of the morning. The
incantation sends a celestial being after the person who will guide the person
intuitively away from harm and misfortune. Finally, the person so protected
must carry at all times a consecrated item which will radiate the energy of
the incantation. The consecrated item must be present at the moment of
casting, the Wizard holding it as he/she places the spell.

“Salvos fac nos Domine Deus noster et congrega nos de nationibus ut

confiteamur nomini tuo sancto et gloriemur in laude tua.” Psalm 105; 47.
Celestial: Rasarel, Power of the Second Heaven who guards against evil and
protects against infortunate accidents.
Prodo Protevirus

When this incantation is employed the Wizard brings protection to someone

else, especially when the Wizard cannot be present to help. This incantation
works by sending adequate energies and forces to protect other people,
particularly when these people are not close by to benefit from a spell. The
Wizard must visualize the recipient of the incantation and see how many
celestial beings circulate around his/her form providing protection and
various magical aids. The Wizard can place a general protective barrier
against evil, a healing incantation and blessing over the recipient of this
spell. The three other incantations should be cast first and then tied together
by casting the Prodo Protevirus. The Wizard and the recipient of the spell
must both carry a consecrated item as a symbol of the protection. Should the
items be lost the incantation will end. This incantation will not work if the
recipient of the spell is in another hemisphere. It generally protects against
falls, accidents, dark magics and strikes.
“Deus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis inluminet vultum suum super nos
et misereatur nostril.” Psalm 66; 2.
Celestial: Sarfagel, Host of the Third Heaven who rules over protection and
defense of the weak.

Second Level Protections: Guardos

Accies Patronum

This incantation works by protecting the recipient of the incantation from

sharp objects, swords, puncture wounds and slashes from metallic objects
which would otherwise open the recipient’s skin into a formidable gash. The
incantation works by magically strengthening the surface of the skin of the
recipient and toughening its resistance against sharp objects. Also, this
incantation helps the recipient of this protection to be formidable in combat
and to be able to avoid slashes and attacks that would otherwise harm
him/her. The Accies Charm will also protect from dark magics which seek to
cut, slash or harm with metal the recipient of this spell.

“Deus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis inluminet vultum suum super nos
et misereatur nostril.” Psalm 66; 2.
Celestial: Gaushel, Throne of the Third Heaven who protects against attacks
and slashes from metallic objects or weapons.
Coram Entimoris

This is a mighty protection against fear, horror, fright and panic. The
Entimoris Charm covers the Wizard or the recipient of this spell from such
emotions, especially during combat, stressful situations or when dealing with
dark and monstrous enemies. This incantation also frees someone accursed
with these emotions and it relieves them from such incapacitating feelings
enabling them to act with firmness and resolution. This incantation works by
covering the recipient’s heart from the mystic senses of spiritual creatures so
that they can’t affect the person emotionally. Finally, this incantation will
eradicate fearful monsters from the vicinity of the recipient of the
incantation and will dissipate fearful creatures like ghosts and malevolent
“Oculi mei ad fideles terrae ut sederent mecum ambulans in via inmaculata
hic mihi ministrabat.” Psalm 100; 6.
Celestial: Arluanel, Cherub of the Second Heaven who hides our presence
from dangerous and monstrous creatures.
Dominus Asservo

Through the intervention of this incantation the Wizards employs the forces
of Heaven to create a powerful barrier for a house against thieves, robbers,
malicious and evil people. The incantation places mighty guardians which
protect the house and they will prevent the place from being robbed. They
will also scare away people who have evil intentions, like stealing goods and
valuables from the house. The incantation can also be placed in vehicle, ship
or any other piece of property to receive the same kind of protection. For the
incantation to be effective, the Wizard must trace a magic circle around the
place or object using a mix of salt and frankincense. This must be done at
least once a month to procure the place is kept protected.

“Non tradas Domine desiderio meo peccatori cogitaverunt contra me ne

derelinquas me ne forte exaltentur.” Psalm139; 9.
Celestial: Arkaqon, Throne of the First Heaven who rules over the protection
against thieves and robbery.
Lutum Patronum

When this incantation is cast the Wizard effectively protects the recipient of
the spell from situations which normally sink people into misfortune,
problems and difficulties. It specifically prevents the recipient of this
incantation from falling into slow paced events, which will eventually
dissipate into nothingness. It also helps the recipient to get out of these
events and it gives the strength and impulse to move faster and farther away
from stagnant events or situations. This incantation brings relief from
sensations of being stuck in the same place and will protect against traps set
out by the enemy and the unfair persons which want to take advantage of the

“Et exaudivit preces meas et eduxit me de lacu miseriae et de luto fecis et

statuit super petram pedes meos et direxit gressus meos.” Psalm 39; 3.
Celestial: Samuanel, Throne of the Third Heaven who protects against
finding oneself stuck to an undesirable situation.
First Level Conjurations: Conjuratos

Conjuramentos Aqua Elementor

When the Wizard casts this incantation it calls forth a small water elemental
from the Elemental Plane of Water. This elemental entity will help, support
and aid the Wizard or recipient of this spell in all magical matters dealing
Water and will provide additional power and energy to such operations. With
this incantation the Wizard or recipient will be perceived favorably by the
small water elemental. It’s recommended that this incantation is cast daily to
maintain the elemental with a favorable disposition with the Wizard or
recipient. If the Wizard doesn’t cast this incantation daily, the water
elemental may become unruly and disobedient.

“Sicut aqua effusus sum et dispersa sunt universa ossa mea factum est cor
meum tamquam cera liquescens in medio ventris mei.” Psalm 21; 15.
Celestial: Araphael, Throne of the First Heaven who is appointed to govern
over all water elementals.
Eotikos Conjuramentatum

The Eotikos Charm is an incantation that actually calls for nature spirits
related to Gnomes, Forests Spirits and Brownies. These nature spirits will
help the Wizard when in hostile, unknown and otherwise uncharted territory.
They will act with friendliness towards the Wizard and will keep the Wizard
safe from wild animals and other more aggressive nature spirits. The Eotikos
Charm works by bringing these creatures close to the Wizard so that simple
instructions will be given, particularly in helping the Wizard with sick
mounts or animals in the wild, finding food or by finding one’s own path
back to civilization when lost in the wilderness.

“Da nobis auxilium de tribulatione quia vana salus hominis.” Psalm 107; 13.
Celestial: Tabasael, Throne of the First Heaven who is in charge over nature
spirits and beings of the Fairy World.
Fabularum Conjureos

By using this incantation the Wizard is capable of conjuring a magical being

from the magical world. The being must possess a suitable place where it
will magically reside and this item should never be parted from the Wizard;
should this happen the spell will fail and contact with the being broken. This
conjuration will call upon creatures like plant spirits, tree spirits, river spirits
or cloud spirits and animal spirits but not legendary creatures like Centaurs
or the Phoenix. The Wizard can employ these beings to imbue other magical
operations with the strength of these other beings. Also the Wizard can
receive spiritual guidance and metaphysical direction from these wonderful
beings. This incantation must be cast daily and over the receptacle where the
being shall reside.

“Hodie si vocem eius audieritis nolite obdurare corda vestra.” Psalm 94; 8.
Celestial: Naziel, Host of the Third Heaven who rules over the many beings
of the magical world, magical communion and mythical beings.
Nanos Conjuraprix

When employing this incantation the Wizard is looking for the assistance of
a dwarf. Dwarves are legendary known for their affinity to treasures and
gold. Therefore, the Wizard can conjure them and ask them for gold and
prosperity. The incantations will bring about a dwarf which will help the
Wizard in turning a regular situation into a “Gold Mine”. However, the
Wizard must be attentive not to fall into greed. This can infuriate the dwarf
and this is not a good thing to happen. The Wizard should cast the dwarf
away as soon as some treasure or “Gold” is received, otherwise this will also
infuriate the dwarf. While the dwarf is near the Wizard it should be given
plenty of attention and it should be talked to, encouraged and heartened with
a nice receptacle-like stone, crystal or gemstone.

“Gloriosa dicta sunt de te civitas Dei. Sicut laetantium omnium habitatio in

te.” Psalm 86; 3-7. `
Celestial: Qarphadar, Throne of the First Heaven in charge of ruling over
earth elementals, minerals and wealth.

Second Level Conjurations: Conjuros

Magosanima Advocobonteia

A luminous incantation, the Magosanima Charm is employed most of the

time to call from Heaven the aid of a saintly spirit. This celestial heart from
Heaven will be able to help the Wizard and/or recipient of this incantation,
go through difficult and hard situations providing guidance, patience and
most of all temperance. The incantation works by uniting the recipient of
this conjuration with a mighty saint of the Wizard’s choosing through a
powerful channel. This channel will send calming energies and positive
thoughts to the person in need and will keep this person from debilitating
and disheartening thoughts. Moreover, this incantation will create a saintly
aura around the Wizard or recipient that will keep evil beings at bay.
“Pro hac orabit ad te omnis sanctus in tempore oportuno verumtamen in
diluvio aquarum multarum ad eum non adproximabunt.” Psalm 31; 6.

Celestial: Darmaqados, Dominion of the First Heaven who furthers divine

communication between a holy spirit and the Wizard.
Magospiritam Advocobonteia

Similar to the previous incantation, the Magospiritam Charm calls upon a

luminous spiritual being. Through this incantation the Wizard can call upon
the spirit of a mountain, forest, valley, meadow, river, sea, lake, cave or an
aerial spirit like those of the wind. These beings will be friendly towards the
caster acknowledging the inherent power of the Source Divine in the
Wizard. Water spirits could be asked to help empower Alterations while
earth spirits will empower protective spells. Aerial spirits can be asked for
wisdom and enlightenment. The Wizard can also ask these spirits for
intervention in emotional matters, stability and legal matters. Unlike the
lesser conjurations, these spirits aren’t contained in items, they rather exist
around the Wizard.

“Confiteantur tibi Domine omnes reges terrae quia audierunt omnia verba
oris tui.” Psalm 137; 4.
Celestial: Sushorel, Seraph of the Third Heaven who is appointed to govern
over higher nature beings, spirits and entities making them friendly towards
the Wizard.
Magosvirium Advoco

This is another wonderful conjuration. This incantation calls for a mighty

hero of Heaven to be at the recipient’s side at the time of battle. This
luminous being of the Wizard’s choosing will bring the recipient of this
incantation with additional strengths, prowess, might and sufficient energies
and power to be victorious. However, the recipient must understand that this
hero will only help if the fight is fair, just and proper. Also the recipient will
begin to resemble the hero in actions and beliefs. Finally, this incantation
will bring powerful ministers and soldiers from Heaven in order to ensure
that the fight is fair. It can be used in fights, business discussions and
delicate situations in which the recipient needs an extra hand.

“Quoniam Deus salvam faciet Sion et aedificabuntur civitates Iudaeae et

inhabitabunt ibi et hereditate adquirent eam.” Psalm 68; 36.
Celestial: Qamaharel, Prince of the First Heaven who rules over martyrs,
heroes of the past and saintly champions.
Neraidafilika Advoco

When this incantation is employed the Wizard is capable of conjuring one of

the most interesting beings in all of nature, a Fairy. These beings come in all
sizes and categories, so the Wizard must be patient with whatever creature
shows up. Also, the Wizard must remember that these beings cannot be
placed in items; their magic is too great to contain. Through the power of
this incantation these beings will be friendly towards the caster and will try
to help in affairs of the Fey Realm. Also, these fairy beings will be quite
helpful when other natural spirits are plaguing the Wizard or when the
Wizard desires to travel through a wilderness which is known to be occupied
by hostile nature spirits.

“Utinam dirigantur viae meae ad custodiendas iustificationes tuas. Incola

ego sum in terra non abscondas a me mandata tua.” Psalm 118; 5, 19. `
Celestial: Zoramas, Throne of the Second Heaven who rules over
intelligence, the element of air and the goodly fairies.


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Appendix I
Cosmic Consciousnesses

The name cosmic consciousness sounds really important and if they are they
should be somewhere on the main part of this book, then why aren’t they
there? The question even baffles me, who wrote this book in the first place.
However, in sincerity the scope of the cosmic consciousnesses are beyond
this book, and the subject of more advanced topics and instructions. As such
they do not belong to the core of information provided in this edition; which
is intended to help Apprentices follow a simple path into the higher levels of
magical practice. Nonetheless, the consciousnesses are here. The reason is
simple. I remember when I was a young man, I didn’t even know how to
cast a spell when my Mentor taught me about these awesome and majestic
forces of the universe

He said that a cosmic consciousness is a power so vast and incomprehensible

that Wizards should begin to familiarize with them since their very first
class; and that was exactly what he was doing. He also explained that a
cosmic consciousness can help and guide an Apprentice in keeping him/her
in the right track towards magical perfection. Cosmic Consciousnesses are
entities which exist outside any hierarchy of beings as they are in fact the
personification of mighty philosophical concepts. They are in essence
powerful intellectual constructs which exist to manifest their being into the
whole of the universe. As such they are present in every aspect of the
universe, in every manner of entity and in every manner of created thing. In
these regards, cosmic consciousnesses are related to everything and
anything, as their all-pervading essences stem from the highest of
philosophical layers down to the densest concepts in manifestation. I
remember my mentor once taught me as an example that the cosmic
consciousness of Light is present from the very beginning of creation and it
is present in every concept and being which exhibits light, even in those
which lack light because they are its opposite and since they are everything
they also encompass those things which oppose them. At this moment we
have to say that although these consciousnesses might seem divine they are
not. They are superior essences and might be better described as aspects of
the Source Divine, rather than individual deities. Back when I was a young
man I didn’t know much about these awesome forces, but I did what my
Mentor told me to do. I chose several of these consciousnesses and began
pondering about their work, activities, associated entities and their attributes.
The more I thought about them and how they related to the world around me
I found myself drawn to behave, deal and conduct myself in ways very
similar to what they proposed. Sometime later I understood that this practice
had kept me in the right track, away from evil and malice. So this is why I
give it to the Apprentice now and why I advise the same thing my late
Mentor advised me.
Joser Abagios is the cosmic consciousness of Justice, trials, judges, lawyers
and courts. This consciousness operates looking for the broad application of
Justice at all levels of creation. It is justice with mercy. It works to make
things right in every situation, for this is known as The Great Balancing
Mind. The entities associated with this consciousness are the intelligences of
Jupiter and Saturn, the Potentates, The eons, the Authorities of light and the
Initiates of Universal Justice.

Achidos Bolba is the cosmic consciousness of Equality, Respect, good

willed relationships and communications. This luminous consciousness
works by bringing balance or equilibrium where it is needed. Allows and
corrects those situations in which people are abusing their power, allowing
slavery, block communication and work to further liberty in the hearts,
minds and life of men. Among those being which cooperate with this
consciousness are the intelligences of Mercury, spiritual and archangelic
mediators and Initiates of Cosmic Liberty.

Merios Kassus is the cosmic consciousness of Devotion to the Source

Divine, spirituality, ascetic, mystics and all of the Divine and Initiatic
Mysteries. It works to further reverence, respect to the Source Divine, the
growth of faith, spiritual beliefs, religious groups, philosophical ethos and all
related to the Sacredness of the Universe. Among the spiritual entities which
cooperate with this consciousness are the luminous archangels of The
Presence, devas and the Initiates of Spiritual Faith and Divine Favor.

Tamanasanadas is the cosmic consciousness of Universal Harmony, polarity

and the Laws of Equilibrium. Its expression is rather powerful, especially
when the individual reaches it through silence. It’s a consciousness of
contemplation, peace and inoffensive practices, the absence of aggression
and activities free of hostile actions. It seeks to eradicate negative emotions,
behaviors and thoughts which seek to lessen the search for sainthood and
spirituality. The entities associated with this consciousness are contemplative
masters and Initiates of Divine Sacredness.

Ribo Geseron is the cosmic consciousness of Strength, Power and Vitality.

Among its activities one can find the search for divinity through physical
work, exercise, yoga, disciplined movement, sports and the challenge of the
body, mind and soul. It works to further willpower and the victory over
vices. The entities associated with this consciousness are Olympic spirits of
fitness, esoteric masters of martial disciplines and Initiates of Corporal

Baria Paravos is the cosmic consciousness of Health, Healing and health

practices. It is the consciousness of wellbeing, healthiness and good mental
and physical conditions. It eliminates sicknesses of the mind and body,
spiritual blockage which keep the body infirm and strives to keep the
individual in optimal shape. The entities associated with this consciousness
are the celestials o f health and vigor, healing spirits, healers and masters of
health and the Initiates of Perfect Health.

Estalton Regussi is the cosmic consciousness of Power, Prowess and Great

Miraculous Deeds. It works dealing with all those things which are
wondrous and magnificent. Among its activities one can find the wonders of
science, arts and colossal constructions of man and nature. The entities
associated with this consciousness are the Masters and Angels of Arts and
the Initiates of Divine Power.
Saras Kenasi is the cosmic consciousness of Inspiration, Imagination,
Inventions and Ingenious things. It’s the consciousness which works with
inventors, inventions, composers, artists, authors and everything dealing
with creating new and innovative things. Another o f its aspects are
creativity and innovation. The entities associated with this consciousness are
mercurial spirits of intelligence, the Muses, the Masters of Invention and the
Initiates of Celestial Imagination.

Tamos-Men-Othos is the cosmic consciousness of Arts, Beauty, and all

manner of Craft. It works over the classical arts like architecture, sculpture,
painting and music. This consciousness seeks to place beauty in the mind of
every single being, bringing about joy, happiness and wellbeing. The entities
associated with this consciousness are the masters of sculpture and painting,
the intelligences of Venus spirits of beauty and the Initiates of Beatific

Tor’ Keen-Taurah is the cosmic consciousness of Illumination, Spiritual

Growth and everything relating to Mystic Experiences and Visions. It is a
consciousness of Knowledge and Wisdom and is related to the ancient
mysteries, occultism and ancient mystery traditions and religions. It seeks to
place wisdom and truth in every corner of the universe. The entities
associated with this consciousness are the Archangels of Knowledge and
Wisdom and the Initiates of Divine Illumination.

Ido Aunanu is the cosmic consciousness of Knowledge and Philosophy. It

deals primarily with masters and teachers of all sorts. Its related to
universities, schools, academies dedicated to teaching and learning and
every manner of discipline. The entities associated with this consciousness
are Intelligences of Teaching, the intelligences of Mercury, Masters of
Education, Archangels of Understanding and the Initiates of Cosmic

Camos Macó is the cosmic consciousness of Wisdom. This luminous form

operates over the search for knowledge, wisdom and judgment. It is related
to the ancient teachers of philosophy and religions and to the luminous being
who work to bring about the ancient mysteries to the whole universe. The
entities associated to this consciousness are the Archangels of Wisdom, the
spirits of spiritual evolution and the Initiates of Ancient Mysteries.
Dhavis Devidorama is the cosmic consciousness of Love, Joy, Happiness,
Positive Emotions and Thoughts, Sharing and Comprehension. It is related
to relationships in every form, marriage, friends, partnerships, fraternities
and every other association where positive feelings and fellowship are
present. The entities associated with this consciousness are the intelligences
of Venus and Jupiter, the Archangels of Friendship and the Initiates of
Cosmic Love.

Aosdha Noloa is the cosmic consciousness of Forgiveness and Compassion.

It is related to understanding the processes of forgiving oneself and others,
the mysteries of humility and tolerance. It’s a cosmic consciousness which
seeks to bring sympathy and tolerance to the whole universe. The entities
associated to this consciousness are intelligences of spiritual understanding,
the Masters of Compassion and the Initiates of Celestial Clemency.

Votak Kou Yaga is the cosmic consciousness of Hope and Light. It seeks to
teach humanity that Hope and Confidence are the best ways to work towards
a brighter future. It will show visions of hope and new worlds filled with
light and understanding; it’s known to achieve the impossible. The entities
associated to this consciousness are the intelligences of the Sun, the Masters
of Confidence, and the Initiates of Universal Hope
Caniau Felroma is the cosmic consciousness of Humility and Service. This
consciousness is related to the various types of humility, service and the
ways to achieve this. It teaches the mysterie s of helping others, submission
and being simple and humble. It teaches humanity to shed away thoughts of
grandeur and arrogance. The entities associated to this consciousness are the
intelligences of the Sun, Masters of Divine Service and the Initiates of
Cosmic Humility.

Sabal Seiernassi is the cosmic consciousness of Patience. It seeks to teach

humanity the mystic processes of patience and serenity. It shows the
mysteries of waiting for the right time and the right conditions. It teaches us
that things take time and that nature never skips stages. The entities
associated to this consciousness are the intelligences of Saturn, the
Archangels of Spiritual Fortitude and the Initiates of Cosmic Forbearance.

Raba Badaracu is cosmic consciousness of Perseverance, Effort and the

Spirit of being Relentless. It shows the mystery of those things which seem
impossible but are not. It is associated with heroes, untiring people, people
who will not give up and those who won’t yield to hardships. The entities
associated with this consciousness are the Intelligences of Mars, the
Archangels of Endurance, the Masters of Resilience and the Initiates of
Divine Resourcefulness.

Darbasul Basileos is the cosmic consciousness of Tolerance. This light

works over all of those mysteries related to bearing with difficult situations
and tests of determination. It is associated with those who withstand the
gravest situations for the benefit of others. The entities associated with this
consciousness are the Archangels of Tolerance, the Masters of Spiritual
Discipline and the Initiates of Cosmic Acceptance.

Desse Ré Cholma is the cosmic consciousness of Mercy, Pity and Kindness.

It shows the mysteries of being kind, merciful and good with all beings. It
also teaches how to transmit light and good into the rest of the universe. The
entities associated with this consciousness are the Archangels of Mercy, the
Masters of Universal Service and the Initiates of Divine Goodness.

Ferlagas Bein is the cosmic consciousness of Miracles, the Glory of God

and Wonders. It pays attention to all the prayers and orations of the devout.
It gives assistance to the mystic teachers and Wizards so that they can
operate in the world. The entities associated with this consciousness are the
Ancient Masters of Light, the Archangels of Patronage and the Initiates of
the Hand of God.

Amagas Mará is the cosmic consciousness of Magic in all forms, and the
Mysteries of this Ancient Wisdom. It teaches wizards the power of magic
and the true meaning of this divine science. It is related to all sorts of
magical devices, formulations and magic weapons. The entities associated
with this consciousness are the Archangels of Magic, the Masters of
Thaumaturgy and Theurgy and the Initiates of Divine Magic.

Amasha Amautu is the cosmic consciousness of Discipline and Order. It is

associated with work, structure, planning and all which deals with getting a
job done. It seeks to make unorganized things mature into order. It also seeks
to bring order and discipline into the lives of those who like amidst chaos.
The entities associated with his consciousness are the Archangels of
Celestial Order, the Masters of Thought and the Initiates of Cosmic
Tageli Vira is the cosmic consciousness of Discovery, New Findings and
Unearthing the Unknown. This is the consciousness which gives way to
those things yet undiscovered. Some of its attributes are serendipity,
creativity and advancement. The entities associated with this consciousness
are the Archangels of Science, the Masters of the Unknown and the Initiates
of Universal Solutions.

Bara is the cosmic consciousness of Wellbeing, Good Existence and

Tranquility. It takes away preoccupations, worries and allows people to live
worry free. It seeks to spread wellbeing and pleasurable times to all beings in
the universe. The entities associated with this consciousness are the
Archangels of Tranquility, The Masters of Contemplative Peace and the
Initiates of Cosmic Serenity.

Baitha Carthagios is the cosmic consciousness of Writing, Communication

and Languages. Its seeks to better the communication procedures between
species, races and nations. It also provides with creativity to give way to the
most beautiful forms of writing and communication. The entities associated
with this consciousness are the Intelligences of Mercury, the Spirits of
Venus, the Archangels of Writing, the Masters of Beauty and the Initiates of
Universal Manifestation.

Aberu Beru is the cosmic consciousness of Creation, the Nihilus and the
Additus and the Cosmic Father. This consciousness teaches the mysteries of
creation, development, and the proper way to create, form and manifest
things. The entities associated with this consciousness are the Spirits of
Saturn, the Intelligences of Jupiter, The Archangels of Creation, the Masters
of Substance and the Initiates of Universal Creation.

Efora Payervenu is the cosmic consciousness of Fertility and the Cosmic

Mother. It allows everything created to grow being nurtured by the
mysterious forces of creation. It allows species to reproduce and multiply.
The entities associated with this consciousness are the Intelligences of
Venus, the Archangels of Birth, the Masters of Fertility and the Initiates of
Divine Growth.
Ofías Runtas is the cosmic consciousness of Nature, Animals, Plants,
Natural Regions and Fields. It also works over the weather and seasons. As
such it has affinity with agriculture, crops and the harvest. The entities
associated with this consciousness are the Archangels of Nature, the
Intelligences of Venus and Jupiter, the Masters of Wildlife and the Initiates
of Cosmic Life.

Lenoras Auqiinos is the cosmic consciousness of Oceans, Seas, Rivers and

Lakes. It has activity over those creatures which live in these regions in the
various worlds. It controls weather over these regions and all natural forces
which inhabit these places. It seeks to teach about the Mysteries of the
Oceans to those who traverse it. The entities associated with this
consciousness are the Spirits of Neptune, the Oceanides, the Masters of
Fluid Motion and the Initiates of the Divine Sea.

Coronon Earanthenatas is the cosmic consciousness of being Noble,

Honesty, Purity and Trust. It seeks to teach how noble relations, honest
people and pure engagement between people can lead t o wonderful
solutions. The entities associated with this consciousness are the Spirits of
the Sun, the Intelligences of Mars, the Archangels of Confidence and Truth,
the Masters of Nobleness and the Initiates of Celestial Purity.

Tzamas Verinos is the cosmic consciousness of Travel and Spiritual

Experiences. This consciousness allows contact with spiritual beings, of
Wisdom and Love. This consciousness works closely with Illumination,
Truth and Life. It also allows contact between the various levels of re ality
and existences. The entities associated with this consciousness are the Spirits
of Mercury, the Intelligences of Saturn, The Archangels of the Crossroads
and the Initiates of the Universal Spirit.

Pheseras Ginis is the cosmic consciousness of Fire, Fire Elementals, their

counterparts and its creative/destructive power. It is present wherever a form
of fire takes place in the natural world as well as in the world of mankind. Its
goal is for all beings to reach absolute knowledge about the Mysteries of
Fire and their elemental worlds. The entities associated to this consciousness
are the Spirits of Mars, the Intelligences of the Sun, the Masters of Inner
Light and the Initiates of Divine Light.
Auvir Vertannan is the cosmic consciousness of Air, Winds, Storms, Clouds
and every manner of winged creature and Air Elementals. Its seeks to teach
the different properties of air and its physical, philosophical and magical
ranges. Also, weather is associated to this consciousness. The entities related
to this consciousness are the Spirits of Uranus, the Intelligences of Mercury,
the Masters of Evolved Thought and the Initiates of Cosmic Reason.

Emanliammi is the cosmic consciousness of Water, Water Elementals and

sea creatures. It shows its mysteries through the fluidity of water. It’s also
related to sea vessels, navigation and sea-travel. Also, its associated with
emotional states and the unconscious. The entities associated with this
consciousness are the Spirits of Neptune, The Intelligences of the Moon, the
Masters of the Balanced Psyche and the Initiates of the Celestial Fountains.

Madasaretz is the cosmic consciousness of Earth, Earth Elementals and the

Land. It’s related to metals, treasures buried in the earth, mines and tunnels.
It works directly with the mystic beings of earth and their worlds. The
entities associated with this consciousness are the Archangels of Earth, the
Spirits of Jupiter, the Masters of Blessed Earth and the Initiates of the
Cosmic Land.

Sora Bin Didadaran is the cosmic consciousness of Understanding,

Comprehension and Guarding the Ancient Mysteries. It confers
comprehension and spiritual intelligence to those who seek it. It protects the
ancientness of traditions and it allows the development of mental faculties
and channeling. The entities associated to this consciousness are the
Archangels of Communion, the Masters of the Ancient Mysteries and the
Initiates of the Sacred Message.

Zarafat Ardosis is the cosmic consciousness of Evolution, Development,

Spiritual Growth and Unity with the Divine. Its associated to uniting with
the Source Divine through the contact with celestials and highly evolved
beings. This consciousness is helped by the Evolutionaries which are beings
who help others evolved into higher states. The entities associated with this
consciousness are the Archangels of Light, The Masters of Mysterious
Illumination and the Initiates of Cosmic Evolution.
Chariamseneas Tenelico is cosmic consciousness of Life, Diversity,
Generation and the Appearance of New Forms. Its related to populating the
universe with different new forms, making it whole through diversity. The
entities associated to this consciousness are The Spirits of Venus, The
Intelligences of Mercury, The Archangels of Life, The Masters of Diverse
Life forms and the Initiates of Cosmic Endurance.
Meditzan Mirdyl is the cosmic consciousness of Sciences, Technologies,
Technical Advancements and Applied Sciences. It seeks that all beings
benefit from their intellectual discoveries and advancements so that their
species grow in the right direction. It’s related to new technological
discoveries and the applications of sciences and knowledge into everyday
events. The entities associated to this consciousness are The Intelligences of
Mercury, the Spirits of Uranus, The Spirits of Saturn, The Archangels of
Science, The Masters of Advanced Thoughts and the Initiates of Divine

Isfara Sania is the cosmic consciousness of History, Archives and the

Divine Registers of Time. Through this consciousness people can peruse the
events of the ancient past and even see the many possible outcomes of the
distant future. It seeks to teach mankind the successes and mistakes of the
past so that these could be imitated and avoided. The entities associated with
this consciousness are The Archangels of Time, The Masters of Karma and
The Initiates of Cosmic History.

Tephil Saru is the cosmic consciousness of Prayer, Spiritual Integration and

Divine Sacredness. This consciousness allows mankind to unite with the
Source Divine through the practice of prayers and meditative states. It’s
related to sacred places, churches, religions, temples and sacred and
religious practices. The entities associated to this consciousness are The
Archangels of Spirituality, The Masters of Divine Communion and the
Initiates of The Cosmic Countenance.

Oras Raylanu is the cosmic consciousness of Light, Positive Energies and

Divine Names. Its activity seeks to eradicate all evil and malice from the
face of the Universe. Its related to the divine forms of all deities. The entities
associated to this consciousness are The Archangels of the Divine Presence,
The Inteligences of Jupiter, The Masters of Immortality and The Initiates of
Celestial Embodiments.
Radarmas Raimitheron is the cosmic consciousness of Good in the
Universe. It is the optimal expression of all sacredness, goodness and
sublime things made manifest in all the corners of the cosmos. It’s the
incarnation of goodness and its light keeps away the forces of darkness
through the manifestation of Divine Power, Blessedness, Grace and Glory.
The entities associated to this consciousness are the Spirits of The Sun, The
Archangels of Blessedness, The Masters of Mysterious Light and The
Initiates of The Mysteries of Good.

Comar Cara’keensento is the cosmic consciousness of Holiness and

Priesthood. It’s related to all those who seek to spread the mysteries of
priesthoods, defend the holiness of religions and strive to keep the faith of
the faithful alive. Through its power beings consecrated to the Source Divine
can shed light onto the world. The entities associated to this consciousness
are The Archangels of Holiness, The Masters of Sacred Mysteries and The
Initiates of Cosmic Secrets.

Elericos Machzamar is the cosmic consciousness of Music, Vibrations and

Sounds. Its related to the Divine Word and all things said. Through it the
sacred sounds are uttered and it’s the incarnation of the voices of the divine.
The entities associated to this consciousness are The Archangels of the
Word, The Masters of Divine Sounds and the Initiates of Cosmic Resonance.

Lahata Aenerjenu is the cosmic consciousness of Flames, Illuminations and

Divine Colors. Through this form vision, perception and the shedding of
light is manifested. Its related to the splendor of the Sephiroth and the
manifestations of the Spheres of Divine Color. The entities associated to this
consciousness are The Archangels of Fire, The Masters of Mysterious
Illuminations and the Initiates of The Cosmic Flame.
Sito Zaradamasbana is the cosmic consciousness of Obedience, Fidelity
and Friendship. Through it relationships and fraternities are forged. It allows
species to be friendly to one another and it strengthens affections and
fidelity. It’s related to moral codes and civility. The entitie s associated to
this consciousness are The Archangels of Fraternity, The Masters of
Brotherly Love and the Initiates of Celestial Fellowships.

Beithos Calinaro is the cosmic consciousness of Providence and The Future,

Prophecy and Visions. Its related to all prophets, seers and sages who see the
future and warn of upcoming perils. It grants visions of the future so that
communities could make amends to their wrongful ways and avoid
unpleasant situations. The entities associated to this consciousness are The
Archangels of Prophecy, The Masters of Foresight and the Initiates of The
Cosmic See.

Oerberes Raiaterazu is the cosmic consciousness of Divine Beings. It’s the

incarnation of all divine entities. It holds the mysteries of achieving divinity
and provide contact with this glorious forms. The entities associated with
this consciousness are The Archangels of Divinity, The Masters of
Perfection and The Initiates of Cosmic Power.

Appendix II
The Philosophical Sphere of Influence
Appendix III
The Magical Pentacles

The Pentacle of Abundance

Pentacle of Mercy
The Pentacle of Protection and Favor
Pentacle of the Carpenter
The Pentacle
of the Greater Seal of the Lion
Pentacle of the Holy Name
Pentacle of the Planets
The Pentacle of the Stars
Appendix IV
About the Author

Loricus Ben Abechai lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico besides his lovely wife
and their five cats. He was introduced to the magical arts at an early age by
his long-life Master and Guide Abechai Ben Gnasus. Loricus is an active
member of the magical community in Puerto Rico, providing seminars and
carrying out workshops for the furthering of magic and the development of a
higher consciousness. He is an active member of the Circulus Sephireos, an
investigative fraternity which seeks the spreading of magical knowledge,
ancient mysteries and spiritual growth.

Loricus is an ardent student of High Magic, Kabbalah, Alchemy and

Medieval Astrology for the last thirty years. He co-founded the Arkanol
Liceum of Magical Knowledge almost twelve years ago along with the
Venerable Master Astrea Sigillosa, where he offers courses on various topics
of magic, the spiritual, Kabbalah and Alchemy.
He also is a master wand maker, carving and turning his own wands in his
magical lathe. He carves very beautiful wands and infuses them with as
much High Magic as he can.

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