Matching No. Sentence: The Price of Water - Lesson 5

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Secondary Plus

The price of water – Lesson 5


No. Sentence
That’s nearly one in three people worldwide
People will finally have access to the clean, safe water they need
Nothing on Earth could exist without water
This lack of safe water comes at a terrible cost
Donate today, and give the gift of water
Just the price of a small bottle of water

© British Council | XX.X XX
Secondary Plus


Your charity is going to make a TV advert raising awareness among young people of a
water-related issue. Choose an issue to focus on in your advert.

Selection of water-related issues to choose from

Providing clean drinking water

Protecting our rivers from water pollution

Reducing our water footprint

Conserving sea-life

Investing in new technology

What appeals to you about this issue?

Why do you feel that it’s important?


Discuss these questions in your group and note down your thoughts.

1. Think about the style of your advert. Do young people react better to
scare tactics or rewards?

2. How do you want teenagers to feel when they’re watching your advert?

3. What do you hope they’ll be thinking and feeling after they’ve watched

4. Will they have learned anything new by the end? If so, what?

© British Council | XX.X XX
Secondary Plus


Use the template provided to create a storyboard for your advert. While planning, consider
these points:

- Think about what you want to show in each scene of your advert.

- Organise and sequence your ideas to determine the final order of the


Write the script for your advert.

This could feature....

- an off-screen narrator

- an on-screen narrator

- actors performing scenes

- real teenagers

© British Council | XX.X XX
Secondary Plus

Speaker Lines

© British Council | XX.X XX

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