AI in Agriculture: Project Title

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AI in Agriculture
Proposal by Group 4

Project Title

Group Details
221910301054 - Unmilan

221910301002 - Abdul

221910305002 - Anushka

221910301042 - Joel

To utilise the latest developments in the field of AI to aid and boost agricultural activities and farmers in India.

Speed up the growth of crops.

Reduce the burden and workload of farmers.

Automate as many tedious and mundane tasks as possible.

Make agriculture cheaper and more profitable for farmers.

Inculcate modern technologies into the field of farming to remove current redundancies.

AI in Agriculture 1
Theories, Concepts and Ideation
Machines and Automations have made our daily lives more convenient, so the same concept can be applied to
agriculture to boost productivity and results.

Global Population is increasing year by year, and to meet that demand we need to make our resources last
longer and be produced quicker.

Farmers are paid very little and their profit margins are very low, AI and automation will yield them higher profits
and more products for less work altogether.

Currently, we have the following concepts in mind:-

AI-powered spraying and watering.

Crop monitoring.

AI-powered resource and seed ordering.

Market Analysis and economic aid.

Development in the Field:-

Using AI for intelligent spraying of chemicals – Brings in cost savings.

Using AI-based robots for farm harvesting – Tackling the labour challenge.

Using AI for predictive analytics – Enables right decision-making.

Our Contribution and Ideas:-

We aim to make all the existing implementations more accessible.

Help farmers understand the benefits of AI in agriculture.

Try to implement AI in agriculture without the initial high setup costs.

Apply these technologies to livestock as well.

An easy-to-use mobile application to control the automated machinery mentioned above.

The mobile application can also educate the farmers about market status and crop information.

Made in India machinery to ensure maximum profits for the nation and more job opportunities for the farmers
and their families.

Analysis and Findings

The problem of Irrigation and heavy dependence on monsoon.

Lack of Mechanisation.

Small and Fragmented lands.

AI in Agriculture 2
Absence of proper agricultural marketing facilities.

Lack of knowledge about modern markets and technology in general.

Recommendations and Suggestions

With the massive boom in 4G accessibility and cheap smartphones in India, an easy-to-use mobile app will be
extremely beneficial.

The app can take care of all machinery similar to a smart home speaker or light.

The app can also analyse the market and give the best buying and selling prices for seeds and crops

The app can also automatically purchase resources at the cheapest prices similar to Amazon’s implementation.

Use the “Made in India” initiative to develop not just the AI-powered machinery but also the mobile app. We
have many talented engineers in the country and this will provide more jobs to them.

This initiative will be extremely useful to the Indian farmer as it will boost their productivity while also reducing their
workload. As this project is India-first, the entire project will be handcrafted to suit their needs instead of a global
inefficient one. This project will also reduce soil and water pollution owing to the controlled and automated spraying
of water and pesticides.

AI in Agriculture | Application of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
Lifecycle of agriculture Challenges faced in Agriculture with traditional farming techniques.
Artificial intelligence is based on the principle that human intelligence can be defined in a way that
a machine can easily mimic it and execute tasks, from the simplest to those that are even more

Towards Future Farming: How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the Agriculture Industry - Wipro
Every day, farms produce thousands of data points on temperature, soil, usage of water, weather condition,
etc. With the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning models, this data is leveraged in real-time for
obtaining useful insights like choosing the right time to sow seeds, determining the crop choices, hybrid seed

How AI Is Transforming Agriculture

As the world population continues to grow and land becomes more scarce, people have gotten
creative and more efficient about farming. Now the industry is now turning to AI to help yield
healthier crops, control pests, monitor soil and growing conditions, organize data for farmers, and

Role of AI in transforming India’s Agriculture.

AI in Agriculture 3
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AI in Agriculture 4

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