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Neonatal Skin Care

Peter H. Hoeger


Department of Paediatric Dermatology, Catholic Children’s Hospital Wilhelmstift, Hamburg, Germany

Introduction, 63 Skin care of the premature infant, 66 Percutaneous absorption, 71

Skin care of the neonate, 63 Skin care of the term neonate and infant, 67

Abstract The benefits of emollient care need to be weighed against poten-

tial side‐effects. Anionic detergents such as sodium lauryl ­sulfate
Due to its structural and functional immaturity, the skin of neo- and emollients containing emulsifiers can emulsify s­tratum
nates is more susceptible to mechanical damage and chemical ­corneum lipids, thus increasing permeability and skin dryness.
­irritation. Neonatal skin care aims at preventing physical injury, Common ­ingredients such as lanolin can cause contact a ­ llergies,
minimizing transepidermal water loss and avoiding infection. others such as parabenes or triclosan can act as endocrine
The  optimal emollient for skin care remains to be determined. ­disrupting agents.

Key points • The rate of inadvertent percutaneous absorption of many agents

applied to the skin surface is increased in infants, but largely
• Due to its immature epidermal barrier, neonatal skin is highly unexplored for cosmetic ingredients.
sensitive to physical and chemical damage. • Commonly used ingredients can lead to contact sensitization.
• Infants are exposed to many cosmetic ingredients at an early • These aspects need to be considered for all aspects of skin care in
age. the neonate and young infant.

­Introduction however not easily answered as there are very few rand-
omized controlled trials (RCTs) addressing these issues.
Due to its structural and functional immaturity, the skin In the absence of scientific evidence, many recommenda-
of full‐term and preterm neonates and infants is different tions are rather based on common sense, traditional prac-
from that of older children. Epidermal barrier and ther- tice or ‘experts’ opinions’, some of which are more or less
moregulatory mechanisms are immature; the skin is thin- openly sponsored by the cosmetic industry.
ner and more susceptible to mechanical damage and
chemical irritation; and the skin surface of neonates is
larger (in proportion to their body mass) than in adults. 1 Nikolovski J, Stamatas GN, Kollias N et  al. Barrier function and
As outlined in Chapter  4, these structural and develop- water‐holding and transport properties of infant stratum corneum
mental differences are associated with decreased epider- are different from adult and continue to develop through the first
year of life. J Invest Dermatol 2008;128:1728–36.
mal concentrations of natural moisturizing factors (NMF) 2 Chittock J, Cooke A, Lavender T et  al. Development of stratum cor-
and increased transepidermal water loss (TEWL) [1,2]. neum chymotrypsin‐likeprotease activity and natural moisturizing
As  a consequence, the skin surface pH is increased and factors from birth to 4 weeks of age compared with adults. Br J
epidermal proteases are activated [2,3]; both factors Dermatol 2016;175:713–20.
3 Hachem JP, Man MQ, Crumrine D et  al. Sustained serine proteases
plus  decreased epidermal concentrations of antimicro- activity by prolonged increase in pH leads to degradation of lipid pro-
bial lipids [4] facilitate bacterial colonization and trans- cessing enzymes and profound alterations of barrier function and stra-
cutaneous infections, particularly in preterm infants. tum corneum integrity. J Invest Dermatol 2005;125:510–20.
4 Drake DR, Brogden KA, Dawson DV et al. Thematic review series: skin
Furthermore, the immature epidermal barrier allows eas- lipids. Antimicrobial lipids at the skin surface. J Lipid Res 2008;49:
ier transcutaneous penetration of allergens and chemi- 4–11.
cals. In conjunction with the larger skin surface of neonates
this transforms into an increased risk for systemic toxicity
­Skin care of the neonate
from topically applied substances. Maturation of the bar-
rier takes at least 12 months [1]. It is therefore obvious that Aims of neonatal skin care
the skin of neonates and young infants requires specific Neonatal skin care aims at:
care in order to avoid damage and, ideally, to compensate • minimizing transepidermal water loss
for the immaturity of the epidermal barrier. The questions • prevention of physical injury and
if, when and how neonates should receive skin care are • avoiding infections.

Harper’s Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology, Fourth Edition. Edited by Peter Hoeger, Veronica Kinsler and Albert Yan.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
64 Section 2  Skin Disorders of the Neonate and Young Infant

Environmental factors affecting epidermal As bathing can lead to neonatal hypothermia (<36.5 °C),
integrity which in itself carries the risk of intraventricular haemor-
The abrupt switch from 100% humidity within the rhage, the first bath should be delayed until the neonate’s
­amniotic fluid to the relatively dry ambient atmosphere vital signs and body temperature have remained stable
represents a maximal challenge to the adaptability of for at least 4–6 hours [7,11,12]. For rewarming after
the  neonatal skin. Various environmental factors can the  first bath, close skin‐to‐skin contact (under protec-

adversely affect the epidermal integrity and should be tive covering) is preferred by most mothers and has been
avoided wherever possible (Table 5.1). shown to be safe and effective [13]. In resource‐poor
Soap and anionic detergents such as sodium lauryl sul- countries neonatal mortality can be reduced significantly
fate (SLS) lead to an immediate increase of the skin sur- by postponing the first bath for 72 hours post partum [14].
face pH which in turn activates proteases capable of Blood and meconium should however be gently removed
disturbing the epidermal barrier. ‘Hard’ tap water which after birth.
contains high levels of free calcium is prevalent in many
areas. In these areas, the incidence of atopic dermatitis Washing and bathing
(AD) is increased [1]. Hard water can induce skin irrita- Immersion (tub) bathing is not only a means of cleansing,
tion [2], particularly so because it requires increased use but also a moment of close tactile interaction between
of soap. High levels of free calcium have been shown to baby and parent(s). In an RCT comparing sponge and tub
inhibit skin barrier repair in vitro [3]. immersion bathing in a cohort of late preterm infants, tub
Skin irritation can likewise be induced by too‐frequent bathing was shown to significantly improve thermoregu-
washing, synthetic or inflexible garments causing abra- lation [15]. The water should cover the infant’s entire
sions, or the removal of adhesives [4]. body in order to decrease evaporative heat loss. The opti-
It is well known that disruption of the normal skin mal water temperature is 37–38 °C. Water temperature
microbiome by antibiotic treatment during the first weeks should always be accurately measured before immersion
of life increases the risk to develop AD [5]. Recent evi- as tests just by touch have proved inaccurate to avoid
dence using whole‐metagenome sequencing [6] suggests scalds. Since hyperhydration of the epidermis would ren-
that skin bacteria can influence the skin surface microen- der the skin more fragile, the duration of the bath should
vironment, for instance by production of excessive be limited to 5–10 minutes every other day [9,16].
amounts of ammonia which adds to the increased skin Immediately after bathing, the infant’s skin should be
surface pH in children with AD. gently towelled and a head covering applied [7]. There is
no evidence that delaying the first bath until the umbilical
Skin care immediately after birth cord has separated prevents umbilical cord infection
and in the first 2–3 days [8,9,17].
Immediately after delivery, the neonate should be Surfactants in skin cleansers are tensioactive agents
wrapped in a towel and gently rubbed. The baby should capable of removing fatty substances from the skin sur-
be kept in a room of at least 25–28 °C ambient temperature face by emulsifying them into fine droplets, which can
and no draught. Any remaining vernix should be left in then be rinsed away. Anionic detergents contain mole-
place and allowed to dry and peel off naturally [7–9]. cules with a negatively charged hydrophilic end (e.g.
Owing to its antimicrobial property and its capacity to SLS). They create a foaming effect which is associated
diminish TEWL, vernix would in fact be an ideal emol- with a cleansing action on the stratum corneum. Cationic
lient for the neonate [10], and there is some evidence that detergents such as quaternary ammonium salts contain
retention of vernix is associated with better skin hydra- molecules with a positively charged end. Skin cleansing
tion and lower skin surface pH as compared to newborns with soaps leads to alkalization of the skin surface and
whose vernix was removed immediately after birth [10]. can cause irritation [17,18].
However, in case of maternal human immunodeficiency Surfactants can emulsify stratum corneum lipids, thus
virus (HIV) or hepatitis B infection, early removal is increasing permeability and dryness of the skin surface
advisable due to the risk of transmission of infectious [19]. Detergents should therefore be used cautiously in
agents via maternal blood [7]. neonates, and the skin should be rinsed with water fol-
lowing their use. Although frequently recommended by
Table 5.1  Environmental factors exerting negative effects on the epider- various sponsored panels, the evidence in favour of the
mal barrier use of liquid (or gel) cleansers with or without emollient
is inconclusive. A comparative study in neonates indi-
Factor Effect on epidermal barrier cated that liquid cleansers plus emollients might lead to
increased TEWL as compared to rinsing with water alone
Hard water Hydration of SC↓, skin barrier repair↓ [20]; opposite results were found in another study [21]. It
Detergents Skin surface pH↑, activation of proteases
is strongly advisable to use only mild, non‐irritating liq-
Too‐frequent washing Hydration of SC↓, skin dryness↑
Adhesive plasters Destruction of corneal layer uid cleansers able to maintain the normal surface pH [17];
Synthetic garments Skin irritation in order to minimize their irritation potential, cleansers
Altered skin flora Formation of ammonia, skin surface pH↑ should be fragrance‐free and dye‐free and contain the
least possible concentration of preservatives [8]. The same
↑, increase; ↓, decrease; SC stratum corneum. cleansers can be used for the scalp and hair. Alternatively,
Chapter 5  Neonatal Skin Care 65

shampoos containing very mild surfactant complexes

Box 5.1  List of common potential allergens in baby wipes causing
and buffers in order to achieve a pH and saline concentra-
allergic contact dermatitis [36,37]
tion similar to those of tears have been specifically
designed for infant care [16,22]. • Botanical extracts, including members of the Compositae family
• α‐tocopherol
Umbilical cord care • Fragrances


The umbilical cord stump dries out and falls off between • Propylene glycol
5 and 10 days after birth. In countries with poor hygienic • Parabens
standards, the cord stump represents an important focus • Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate
• Lanolin
for neonatal infection and mortality. Umbilical cord care
• Methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone
varies widely around the world [23–27]. General recom-
• Formaldehyde releaser
mendations issued by the WHO in 2004 [23] include:
• proper hand hygiene
• cutting the cord with a sterile instrument
• washing the cord stump with clean water or soap. to maintain an acidic skin surface pH [34]. This is in
Several agents formerly recommended for cord care accordance with the results of a prospective study show-
(isopropyl alcohol, hexachlorophene, neomycin) can have ing that a higher skin pH in neonates is a predisposing
serious adverse effects and should be avoided [9]. Alcohol factor for napkin dermatitis [35]. However, preservatives
or topical antiseptics delay cord separation by 2 days and fragrances in baby wipes can lead to allergic contact
[23,24]. Meta‐analyses of controlled studies indicate that sensitization which is an underrecognized cause of per-
the application of 4% chlorhexidine solution to the umbil- ineal dermatitis [36,37] (Box 5.1).
ical stump is non‐hazardous and can reduce the risk of
omphalitis by up to 50% and of neonatal mortality by 12% ­References
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of the cord proved non‐inferior to the use of antiseptics 2 Warren R, Ertel KD, Bartolo RG et  al. The influence of hard water
[28]. Both approaches may have their justification; how- (calcium) and surfactants on irritant contact dermatitis.Contact
ever, antiseptic prophylaxis may be preferable for deliver- Dermatitis 1996;35:337–43.
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There is currently no good evidence favouring full‐ 4 Lund CH, Nonato LB, Kuller JM et al. Disruption of barrier function
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skin disinfectant in neonates [26]. The same applies to 5 Tsakok T, McKeever TM, Yeo L, Flohr C. Does early life exposure to
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hygienic conditions might nevertheless benefit from these 6 Chng KR, Tay ASL, Li C et al. Whole metagenome profiling reveals
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tic  solutions required for sterile procedures should be 7 Lund CH, Osborne JW, Kuller J et al. Neonatal skin care: clinical out-
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amounts. They should be removed with water‐soaked 8 Dyer JA. Newborn skin care. Semin Perinatol 2013;37:3–7.
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12 WHO. Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Care: A
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14 Akter T, Dawson A, Sibbritt D. What impact do essential newborn
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napkins should be changed frequently, i.e. every 3–4 income countries? Evidence from Bangladesh. J Perinatol 2016;36:
hours, at least after each feed. Superabsorbent napkins 225–30.
are clearly superior to cloth napkins with respect to sur- 15 Loring C, Gregory K, Gargan B et  al. Tub bathing improves ther-
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66 Section 2  Skin Disorders of the Neonate and Young Infant

18 Visscher MO, Adam R, Brink S. Newborn infant skin: Physiology, humidity of ≥80%. Ambient humidity is usually reduced
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voir effect of mild soaps. Contact Dermatitis 2003;49:91–6. increased risk of infection [2]. Conventional phototherapy
20 Roberta R, Patrizi A, Cocchi G et al. Comparison of two different neo- can increase TEWL, while modern LED phototherapy
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loss in healthy newborns within first 10 days of life. Minerva Pediatr
Various emollients have been shown to improve the

21 Garcia Bartels N, Scheufele R, Prosch F et al. Effect of standardized immature epidermal barrier function in premature
skin care regimens on neonatal skin barrier function in different body infants. Since the first randomized controlled study in
areas. Pediatr Dermatol 2010;27:1–8. 60  premature infants (<33 weeks of gestation) demon-
22 Walters RM, Fevola MJ, LiBrizzi JJ et al. Designing cleansers for the
unique needs of baby skin. Cosm Toil 2008;123:53–60. strated decreased TEWL, improved skin scores and
23 Zupan J, Garner P, Omari AA. Topical umbilical cord care at birth. decreased colonization and infection rates in those treated
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004;CD001057. with a preservative‐free petrolatum ointment versus an
24 Ahn Y, Sohn M, Jun Y et  al. Two methods of cord care in high‐risk
newborns: their effects on hydration, temperature, pH, and floras of
untreated control group [4], about 20 similar studies with
the cord area. J Child Health Care 2015;19:118–29. various emollients (mineral oil, lanolin cream, oils from
25 Mullany LC, Shah R, El Arifeen S et al. Chlorhexidine cleansing of sunflower seed, olive, almond, vegetable or coconut) and
the umbilical cord and separation time: a cluster‐randomized trial. involving a total of >3000 infants have confirmed the orig-
Pediatrics 2013;131:708–15.
26 Sinha A, Sazawal S, Pradhan A et  al. Chlorhexidine skin or cord inal findings [e.g. 5–9]. There are however concerns about
care for prevention of mortality and infections in neonates. an increased risk of coagulase‐negative staphylococcal
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015;(3):CD007835. infection, nosocomial infection and systemic candidiasis
27 Karumbi J, Mulaku M, Aluvaala J et al. Topical umbilical cord care for
in premature infants treated with topical emollients
prevention of infection and neonatal mortality. Pediatr Infect Dis J
2013;32:78–83. [10,11]. A meta‐analysis of 18 studies published between
28 Gras‐Le Guen C, Caille A, Launay E et al. Dry care versus antisep- 1993 and 2015 revealed no benefit in terms of significant
tics for umbilical cord care: A cluster randomized trial. Pediatrics reduction of mortality in the emollient‐treated groups of
29 Stewart D, Benitz W. Umbilical cord care in the newborn infant.
preterm infants [12]. This was probably due to methodo-
Pediatrics 2016;138:e20162149. logical weakness of many studies, specifically uncertainty
30 Upadhyayula S, Kambalapalli M, Harrison CJ. Safety of anti‐infective about adequate allocation concealment methods in many
agents for skin preparation in premature infants. Arch Dis Child and lack of blinding in all of the trials [12].
31 Harpin VA, Rutter N. Percutaneous alcohol absorption and skin
Therefore, preventive application of ointments to
necrosis in a premature infant. Arch Dis Child 1982;57:477–9. improve the immature epidermal barrier cannot be rec-
32 Heimall LM, Storey B, Stellar JJ, Davis KF. Beginning at the bottom: ommended at present. However, this simple and low‐
evidence‐based care of diaper dermatitis. MCN Am J Matern Child
Nurs 2012;37:10–16.
cost approach to reduce infectious complications and
33 Tüzün Y, Wolf R, Bağlam S, Engin B. Diaper (napkin) dermatitis: A mortality of premature infants has great potential, par-
fold (intertriginous) dermatosis. Clin Dermatol 2015;33:477–82. ticularly for low‐income countries, and deserves further
34 Visscher M, Odio M, Taylor T et  al. Skin care in the NICU patient: well‐designed RCTs.
effects of wipes versus cloth and water on stratum corneum integrity.
Neonatology 2009;96:226–34.
35 Yonezawa K, Haruna M, Shiraishi M et al. Relationship between skin Avoidance of mechanical damage
barrier function in early neonates and diaper dermatitis during the Patients undergoing neonatal intensive care are exposed to
first month of life: a prospective observational study. Pediatr Dermatol
many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Neonates are
36 Yu J, Treat J, Chaney K, Brod B. Potential allergens in disposable particularly susceptible to iatrogenic injury, the incidence
diaper wipes, topical diaper preparations, and disposable dia- of which was calculated in a prospective study at 25.6 per
pers:  under‐recognized etiology of pediatric perineal dermatitis. 1000 patient days [13]. Among 267 iatrogenic events
Dermatitis 2016;27:110–18.
37 Chang MW, Nakrani W. Six children with allergic contact dermatitis observed, cutaneous injuries were the most frequent
to methylisothiazolinone in wet wipes (baby wipes). Pediatrics 2014; (35.2%), but they were mild in 95% [13]. In a more detailed
133:e434–8. analysis in 113 premature infants <33 weeks of gestation,
16.8% of all infants were affected by iatrogenic cutaneous
­Skin care for the premature infant injuries [14]. These were mainly induced by ventilation
equipment, intravenous catheters, electrodes, dressings,
As outlined in Chapter 4, the thickness of the epidermis disinfectants and pressure sores. The main risk factors
correlates inversely with gestational age. In a 25‐week‐ were low birthweight and duration of ventilation [14].
old premature baby, it is only 25 μm instead of 50 μm in a Implementation of a systematic quality improvement
neonate at term. The skin of premature infants is thus approach can lead to a significant reduction in device‐
even more susceptible to trauma, TEWL and transepider- related pressure ulcers on the NICU [15]. This approach
mal intoxication than that of a mature neonate. includes preventive skin care, early detection of immi-
nent damage through systematic assessment of the skin,
Control of transepidermal water loss and identification of strategies to mitigate device‐related
In premature infants younger than 30 weeks of gesta- injury to further reduce ulcer rates [15]. Nasal continuous
tion, transepidermal and evaporative water loss is exces- positive airway pressure frequently (20–60%) leads to
sive and life‐threatening. Immediately after birth, babies nasal injury and trauma secondary to tight‐fitting nasal
are wrapped in polyurethane foil [1] and then placed interfaces [16]. Nasal injury can be reduced using rotating
in  a humidification incubator with an initial ambient mask/prong nasal interfaces [17].
Chapter 5  Neonatal Skin Care 67

Table 5.2  Recommendations for skin care in premature infants 4 Nopper AJ, Horii KA, Soodeo‐Drost S et al. Topical ointment therapy
benefits premature infants. J Pediatr 1996;128:660–9.
5 Darmstadt GL, Badrawi N, Law PA et al. Topically applied sunflower
Problem Recommendation
seed oil prevents invasive bacterial infections in preterm infants in
Egypt: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J
Bathing • No full‐immersion bathing until ≥32 weeks of 2004;23:719–25.
gestation and stable body temperature 6 Darmstadt GL, Ahmed S, Ahmed NU, Saha SK. Mechanism for pre-
• No cleansing agent in the first 2 weeks vention of infection in preterm neonates by topical emollients. A ran-


• Surface cleansing with a cotton cloth twice a week domized, controlled clinical trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2014;33:1124–7.
Adhesives • Avoid adhesives wherever possible 7 Erdemir A, Kahramaner Z, Yuksel Y et al. The effect of topical oint-
• Place protective barrier (pectin hydrocolloid) between ment on neonatal sepsis in preterm infants. J Matern Fetal Neonatal
Med 2015;28:33–6.
skin and sites of frequent taping (e.g. nose for
8 Salam RA, Darmstadt GL, Bhutta ZA. Effect of emollient therapy on
nasogastric tubes, continuous positive airway pressure) clinical outcomes in preterm neonates in Pakistan: a randomized con-
• Use silicone adhesives wherever possible trolled trial. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2015;100:F210–15.
• Use nonadhesive probes 9 Nangia S, Paul VK, Deorari AK et al. Topical oil application and trans‐
Topical agents • Be aware of percutaneous absorption epidermal water loss in preterm very low birth weight infants—a ran-
• Never use alcohol or alcoholic solutions domized trial. J Trop Pediatr 2015;61:414–20.
• Never use triclosan, hexachlorophene and other 10 Conner JM, Soll RF, Edwards WH. Topical ointment for preventing
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Emollients • Consider preventive/protective skin care with CD001150.
11 Campbell JR, Zaccaria E, Baker CJ. Systemic candidiasis in extremely
emollients when humidified incubators for premature
low birth weight infants receiving topical petrolatum ointment for
infants are not available skin care: A case‐control study. Pediatrics 2000;105:1041–5.
Phototherapy • Use LED phototherapy only 12 Cleminson J, McGuire W. Topical emollient for preventing infection
in preterm infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016;(1):CD001150.
13 Ligi I, Arnaud F, Jouve E et al. Iatrogenic events in admitted neonates:
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14 Roche‐Kubler B, Puzenat E, Mariet AS et  al. Lésions cutanées

Adhesive tapes should be used only sparingly. Removal iatrogènes: étude prospective chez les prématurés de moins de 33
semaines de l´hôpital universitaire de Besançon. Ann Dermatol
requires a special technique with one hand holding the Venereol 2015;142:3–9.
underlying skin while the other peels off the adhesive. 15 Visscher M, King A, Nie AM et al. A quality‐improvement collabora-
The application of a hydrocolloid (pectin) barrier between tive project to reduce pressure ulcers in PICUs. Pediatrics 2013;
the adhesive surface of a temperature probe and the neo-
16 Newnam KM, McGrath JM, Estes T et  al. An integrative review of
nate’s skin or under tape minimizes the trauma of strip- skin breakdown in the preterm infant associated with nasal continu-
ping when the probe is removed [18,19]. The pectin‐based ous positive airway pressure. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs
barrier under tape held probes and appliances safely for 2013;42:508–16.
17 Newnam KM, McGrath JM, Salyer J et al. A comparative effectiveness
an average of 5–6 days, and the skin condition remained study of continuous positive airway pressure‐related skin break-
normal in 97% after barrier removal [18]. down when using different nasal interfaces in the extremely low birth
Use of soft silicone adhesives was shown to reduce pain weight neonate. Appl Nurs Res 2015;28:36–41.
severity scores during dressing changes and was atrau- 18 Lund C, Kuller JM, Tobin C et al. Evaluation of a pectin‐based barrier
under tape to protect neonatal skin. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs
matic in >99% [20]. For full‐thickness and exudative 1986;15:39–44.
wounds, polyurethane foam may likewise be suitable as 19 OʼNeil A, Schumacher B. Application of a pectin barrier for medical
an atraumatic wound dressing. Silver alginate, however, adhesive skin injury (epidermal stripping) in a premature infant.
J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2014;41:219–21.
is not advisable in premature infants because it can lead 20 Morris C, Emsley P, Marland E et al. Use of wound dressings with soft
to systemic absorption of silver [21]. silicone adhesive technology. Paediatr Nurs 2009;21:38–43.
Pulse oximetry has largely replaced transcutaneous 21 Khattak AZ, Ross R, Ngo T, Shoemaker CT. A randomized controlled
oxygen monitoring. If transcutaneous oxygen monitors evaluation of absorption of silver with the use of silver alginate
(Algidex) patches in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants with cen-
are still required, electrodes should be adjusted to the tral lines. J Perinatol 2010;30:337–42.
lowest effective temperature; in order to prevent skin burns, 22 Villarroel M, Guazzi A, Jorge J et al. Continuous non‐contact vital sign
electrode positions should be changed every 4  hours. monitoring in neonatal intensive care units. Healthc Technol Lett
An ideal goal for the (near) future is the continuous moni-
toring of vital signs (heart and respiratory rate, oxygen
saturation) in preterm infants with non‐contact methods
such as a digital video camera [22]. ­ kin care of the term neonate
Table 5.2 summarizes basic recommendations for skin and infant
care in premature infants. Infants and young children have become a major target of
the cosmetics industry. The use of cosmetic products has
­References increased significantly in this age group over the past
1 Bhandari V, Brodsky N, Porat R. Improved outcome of extremely low years [1–3]. Regular use of ‘leave‐on’ products such as
birth weight infants with Tegaderm application to skin. J Perinatol
2005;25:276–81. facial cream and body lotion is very common in children
2 Lund CH, Osborne JW, Kuller J et al. Neonatal skin care: clinical out- from 0 to 4 years [1,3]. The newborn infant is exposed to
come of the AWHONN/NANN evidence‐based clinical practice an average of 8 ± 3 different skin care products containing
guideline. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2001;30:41–51.
3 Bertini G, Perugi S, Elia S et al. Transepidermal water loss and cerebral
48 ± 18 different environmental chemicals. On average,
hemodynamics in preterm infants: conventional versus LED photo- infants are bathed four times per week and shampooed
therapy. Eur J Pediatr 2008;167:37–42. three times [4]. Many cosmetic products carry a risk of
68 Section 2  Skin Disorders of the Neonate and Young Infant

percutaneous absorption, irritation or sensitization, and TEWL, and hence increased dryness. Maturation of the
the mere fact that they are advertised for children does epidermal barrier extends throughout the first year of life
not necessarily imply that they are free of these risks [1–4]. and beyond [7]. The extent of skin dryness varies widely
Baby powder containing talcum or corn starch was part of between neonates; if marked and persistent it can be an
the traditional care of infants. However, it neither pos- early sign of dominantly inherited filaggrin deficiency.
sesses moisturizing properties nor is it suitable for the Emollients are cosmetic products intended to make the

treatment of oozing umbilical stump infections. Powders skin softer (Latin: mollis) since sufficient hydration is
should be completely abolished from infant care because essential for softness and flexibility of the skin. Some work
of the risk of accidental aspiration with potentially life‐ by reducing dehydration through an occlusive effect and
threatening respiratory disease [5,6]. create a film, thus decreasing imperceptible water loss.
The most occlusive emollients are derivatives of mineral
Emollients oil (Vaseline, liquid paraffin) or those containing waxes
Dry skin is a common phenomenon in term and post‐ (mainly beeswax). More physiological lipid film compo-
term neonates. The instantaneous transition from 100% nents are lanolin, plant oils (evening primrose, sunflower
humidity in utero to a comparatively dry ambient atmos- seed, jojoba, wheat germ, avocado and others) and cera-
phere is frequently followed by a period of transitory mides. Fatty, cetyl or stearyl alcohols are frequently required
postnatal desquamation (Fig. 5.1) which can be quite pro- due to their emulsifying capacity. In addition to lipids,
nounced and is sometimes mistaken for the manifestation many emollients contain humectants (mainly glycerol,
of a keratinization disorder. As outlined previously, urea). In a direct comparison, emollients containing humec-
immaturity of the epidermal barrier leads to increased tants exhibit a greater and more sustained improvement of

(a) (c)

Fig. 5.1  Postnatal desquamation in 2‐ to 8‐day‐old neonates. (a) Abdomen, (b) upper arm, (c) foot.
Chapter 5  Neonatal Skin Care 69

Table 5.3  Potentially irritant or hazardous components of emollient • Vegetable oils: Vegetable oils share the benefit of being
creams ‘natural’ and are commonly used in baby skin care.
However, owing to different ratios of saturated/unsat-
Component Hazard
urated fatty acids, the physicochemical properties of
vegetable oils on the skin surface are quite different.
Detergents (e.g. SLS) Damage of epidermal barrier, TEWL↑
Emulsifiers Emulsification of endogenous epidermal
Olive oil, with a high percentage of saturated fatty


lipids, TEWL↑ acids, is prone to oxidation on the skin surface, which
Lanolin Contact allergy; low‐level contamination with leads to increased formation of reactive oxygen radi-
organophosphates from pesticides cals. As a consequence, and in contrast to sunflower
Mineral oils (petrolatum, Accumulation of mineral oil saturated and seed oil, olive oil was found to damage the epidermal
paraffin) aromatic hydrocarbons in fatty tissue barrier and cause skin irritation and exacerbation of
Olive oil Damage of epidermal barrier, TEWL↑
AD [11]. However, in an RCT in 115 healthy, full‐term
Polyethylene glycols (PEG) Percutaneous absorption in burns patients,
serum osmolarity ↑, high calcium gap,
neonates, both olive and sunflower seed oil treated
imminent renal failure infants had significantly improved hydration but sig-
Propylene glycol Serum hyperosmolarity after excessive use in nificantly less improvement in lipid lamellae structure
burns patients or patients with toxic compared to the no oil group. There were no significant
epidermal necrolysis differences in TEWL, pH or erythema/skin scores
Urea Skin irritation in children <2 years (‘stinging between treated and untreated neonates [19].
• Emulsifiers: Emulsifiers are required to link the lipo-
philic and hydrophilic components in creams. They
↑, increase; SLS, sodium lauryl sulfate; TEWL, transepidermal water loss.
permeate through the stratum corneum into deeper
layers of the epidermis where they can interact with
the epidermal barrier function [8]. However, all emollients epidermal lipids [20]. Long‐term use of creams con-
currently available have only transient effects and need to taining high concentrations of emulsifiers can lead to
be applied repeatedly over the day [8]. irritational dermatitis and paradoxically increase skin
Emollients are generally perceived as ‘inert’, and poten- dryness [20,21].
tial side‐effects are neither expected nor systematically • Polyethylene glycols (PEG) are widely used in cosmetic
investigated. However, several reports highlight negative applications because of their emulsifying and viscous
effects of commercially available skin care products on properties and low toxicity. In patients with wide-
the epidermal barrier [9–11]. Potential hazards of emol- spread burns, however, percutaneous absorption of
lients (Table 5.3) should therefore be borne in mind, par- ethylene glycol after topical treatment with a PEG‐
ticularly in infants and young children: based burn cream was described, leading to increased
• Mineral oils (petrolatum, paraffin) contain variable serum osmolalities and a high ‘calcium gap’, i.e.
amounts of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons and increased serum calcium with a concomitant decrease
mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons, some of which are in the ionized calcium likely attributable to binding of
strongly accumulated in fatty tissue and can lead to calcium by dicarboxylic acid metabolites of PEG [22].
granuloma formation [12,13]. Mineral oil hydrocarbons All three patients died in acute renal failure. Similar
are considered the greatest contaminant of the human findings were obtained in rabbits treated with PEG.
body, amounting to approximately 1 g per person. Caution is advised with PEG‐containing emollients not
Routes of contamination include inhalation, food only in burn patients but also in children with wide-
intake (e.g. breast milk [12], baby food contaminated by spread barrier defects, e.g. premature babies and epi-
packaging [14]), and dermal absorption from moistur- dermolysis bullosa patients. Hyperosmolarity was
izers or lipsticks. likewise observed after excessive topical use of PEG in
• Lanolin: Lanolin is a component of many ‘natural’ skin burns or toxic epidermal necrolysis patients [23].
care products. With a prevalence of up to 3.8% [15], it is • Urea: Emollients containing urea frequently cause skin
also one of the most common contact allergens. irritation In infants described as a ‘stinging effect’.
Children with AD are particularly prone to develop Glycerol (5–20%) is well tolerated and therefore the
contact allergy to skin care components, most com- preferred moisturizer up to the age of 2 years.
monly to cocamidopropyl betaine, lanolin, tixocortol There are very few RCTs dealing with regular skin care in
pivalate and parthenolide [16]. Since lanolin is derived neonates [24], and virtually all were sponsored by pro-
from sheep wool, low‐level contamination of lanolin ducers of baby skin care products. In a small RCT with 64
wool grease with organophosphates such as diazinon neonates assigned to different skin care modalities and
derived from insecticides is still detectable with highly followed up for 2 months, babies who were bathed twice
sensitive methods [17,18]. a week with a wash gel followed by application of a skin
• Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS): Detergents such as SLS are care cream were found to have lower TEWL than those
known to exert negative effects on the intactness of the bathed in water alone; not surprisingly, cream application
epidermal barrier. A widely used emollient, aqueous was associated with higher stratum corneum hydration
cream BP, was found to increase TEWL in volunteers [25]. The significance of these findings is limited by the
prone to AD; this effect was attributed to the presence small group of infants studied and the short period of
of 1% SLS in the emollient [10]. follow‐up.
70 Section 2  Skin Disorders of the Neonate and Young Infant

Emollients for primary prevention 5 Silver P, Sagy M, Rubin L. Respiratory failure from corn starch aspi-
ration: a hazard of diaper changing. Pediatr Emerg Care 1996;12:
of atopic dermatitis 108–10.
Although AD rarely manifests before the age of 3–4 6 Matina F, Collura M, Maggio MC et al. Inhaled surfactant in the treat-
months, recent evidence suggests that asymptomatic neo- ment of accidental talc powder inhalation: a new case report. Ital J
nates who later develop AD have an elevated TEWL as Pediatr 2011;37:47.
7 Nikolovski J, Stamatas GN, Kollias N et  al. Barrier function and
early as 2 days and 2 months of life [26]. In filaggrin‐defi- water‐holding and transport properties of infant stratum corneum

cient infants, early transcutaneous sensitization to food are different from adult and continue to develop through the first
allergens is a common phenomenon [27]. Correspondingly, year of life. J Invest Dermatol 2008;128:1728–36.
8 Danby SG, Chalmers J, Brown K et  al. A functional mechanistic
early elevation of TEWL also correlates with the presence study of the effect of emollients on the structure and function of the
of food sensitization/food allergy at the age of 2 years skin barrier. Br J Dermatol 2016;175:1011–19.
[28]. It would therefore make perfect sense to prevent AD 9 Man MQ, Sun R, Man G et al. Commonly employed african neonatal
and food allergy by improving the defective skin barrier skin care products compromise epidermal function in mice. Pediatr
Dermatol 2016;33:493–500.
in presymptomatic neonates immediately after birth. The 10 Danby SG, Al‐Enezi T, Sultan A et al. The effect of aqueous cream BP
effectiveness of a preventive barrier therapy in neonates on the skin barrier in volunteers with a previous history of atopic der-
at high risk of developing AD – as deduced from the fam- matitis. Br J Dermatol 2011;165:329–34.
11 Danby SG, Al‐Enezi T, Sultan A et al. Effect of olive and sunflower
ily history – was studied in two RCTs from Japan [29] and
seed oil on the adult skin barrier: implications for neonatal skin
the UK [30], with 118 and 108 healthy neonates, respec- care. Pediatr Dermatol 2013;30:42–50.
tively, who were randomized to either receive daily emol- 12 Concin N, Hofstetter G, Plattner B et al. Evidence for cosmetics as a
lient care for 6 months, or not. The primary endpoint was source of mineral oil contamination in women. J Womens Health
(Larchmt) 2011;20:1713–19.
the cumulative incidence of AD at week 32 and 24, respec- 13 Niederer M, Stebler T, Grob K. Mineral oil and synthetic hydrocar-
tively. This was 32% less in the treated group (P = 0.12) in bons in cosmetic lip products. Int J Cosmet Sci 2016;38:194–200.
the first [29], and 50% less (OR 0.50, CI 0.28–0.9, P = 0.17) 14 Mondello L, Zoccali M, Purcaro G et al. Determination of saturated‐
in the second [30] study. No effect on food sensitization hydrocarbon contamination in baby foods by using on‐line liquid‐gas
chromatography and off‐line liquid chromatography‐comprehensive
could be demonstrated. gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr
The results of these pilot studies have been received A 2012;1259:221–6.
with enthusiasm. However, many questions still need to 15 Miest RY, Yiannias JA, Chang YH, Singh N. Diagnosis and preva-
lence of lanolin allergy. Dermatitis 2013;24:119–23.
be answered before preventive barrier therapy can and 16 Jacob SE, McGowan M, Silverberg NB et  al. Pediatric Contact

should be recommended for all newborns at risk: Dermatitis Registry Data on Contact Allergy in Children With Atopic
• Type of emollient: Different emollients have been used in Dermatitis. JAMA Dermatol 2017;153:765–70.
the studies mentioned. With respect to potential haz- 17 Copeland CA, Raebel MA, Wagner SL. Pesticide residue in lanolin.
JAMA 1989;261:242.
ards associated with the long‐term use of emollients as 18 Wester RC, Sedik L, Melendres J et  al. Percutaneous absorption of
outlined previously, the risks of unnecessarily exposing diazinon in humans. Food Chem Toxicol 1993;31:569–72.
many asymptomatic neonates to agents that can be sen- 19 Cooke A, Cork MJ, Victor S et al. Olive oil, sunflower oil or no oil for
baby dry skin or massage: a pilot, assessor‐blinded, randomized con-
sitizing, accumulate or induce paradoxical skin dry-
trolled trial (the Oil in Baby SkincaRE [OBSeRvE] Study). Acta Derm
ness must be weighed up against noticeable long‐term Venereol 2016;96:323–30
benefits which still need to be demonstrated. 20 Wohlrab J, Klapperstück T, Reinhardt HW, Albrecht M. Interaction of
• Definition of risk group: It is obvious that the more spe- epicutaneously applied lipids with stratum corneum depends on the
presence of either emulsifiers or hydrogentated phosphatidylcholine.
cifically risk group(s) can be defined, the more effective Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2010;23:298–305.
(and justifiable) are the preventive measures. Based on 21 Wolf G, Höger PH. [Hypoallergenic and non‐toxic emollient therapies
recent studies [26,28], it is likely that early assessment for children.] J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2009;7:50–60.
of TEWL in addition to a positive family history would 22 Bruns DE, Herold DA, Rodeheaver GT, Edlich RF. Polyethylene gly-
col intoxication in burn patients. Burns 1982;9:49–52.
significantly enhance the predictive power and thus 23 European Medicines Agency (EMA). Propylene glycol in medicinal
limit the number needed to treat (number of neonates products for children. Assessment report EMA/175205/2014. London:
needed to receive preventive barrier therapy in order to EMA, 2014.
24 Irvin EJ, Miller HD. Emollient use in the term newborn: a literature
reduce the incidence of AD and food allergy). review. Neonatal Network 2015;34:227–30.
• Duration of protective effects: It is unclear at present 25 Garcia Bartels N, Scheufele R, Prosch F et al. Effect of standardized
whether preventive barrier therapy indeed reduces the skin care regimens on neonatal skin barrier function in different body
manifestation rate of AD or just postpones it to a later areas. Pediatr Dermatol 2010;27:1–8.
26 Kelleher M, Dunn‐Galvin A, Hourihane JO et al. Skin barrier dys-
stage. function measured by transepidermal water loss at 2 days and 2
months predates and predicts atopic dermatitis at 1 year. J Allergy
Clin Immunol 2015;135:930–5.
­References 27 Brown SJ, Asai Y, Cordell HJ et  al. Loss‐of‐function variants in the
1 Gomez‐Berrada MP, Gautier F, Parent‐Massin D, Ferret PJ.
filaggrin gene are a significant risk factor for peanut allergy. J Allergy
Retrospective exposure data for baby and children care products: an Clin Immunol 2011;127:661–7.
analysis of 48 clinical studies. Food Chem Toxicol 2013;57:185–94. 28 Kelleher MM, Dunn‐Galvin A, Gray C et al. Skin barrier impairment
2 Ficheux AS, Dornic N, Bernard A et  al. Probabilistic assessment of at birth predicts food allergy at 2 years of age. J Allergy Clin Immunol
exposure to cosmetic products by French children aged 0‐3 years. Food 2016;137:1111–16.
Chem Toxicol 2016;94:85–92. 29 Horimukai K, Morita K, Narita M et al. Application of moisturizer to
3 Manová E, von Goetz N, Keller C et al. Use patterns of leave‐on per- neonates prevents development of atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin
sonal care products among Swiss‐German children, adolescents and Immunol 2014;134:824–830.
adults. Int J Environm Res Publ Health 2013;10:2778–98. 30 Simpson EL, Chalmers JR, Hanifin JM et al. Emollient enhancement of
4 Cetta F, Lambert GH, Ros SP. Newborn chemical exposure from over‐ the skin barrier from birth offers effective atopic dermatitis preven-
the‐counter skin care products. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 1991;30:286–9. tion. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014;134:818–23.
Chapter 5  Neonatal Skin Care 71

­Percutaneous absorption the endocrine disrupting actions of triclosan, parabenes

and several chemical ultraviolet (UV) filters [3–6] which
Immaturity of the epidermal barrier in infants is not only have been shown to exert mainly oestrogenic activity in
associated with increased TEWL and skin dryness but vitro. Early (or even prenatal) exposure to triclosan, para-
also brings an increased risk of percutaneous resorption benes, phthalates and other chemical compounds can
of toxic substances applied to the skin surface. Skin per- contribute to premature puberty [7]. In addition to avoid-
meability is inversely proportional to gestational age [1].


ance of high‐level UV exposure and appropriate clothing,
Even in the term infant, transcutaneous absorption is UV protection in young children should preferably be
more readily achieved because the body surface area to based on mineral agents such as micro‐ (not nano‐) molec-
weight ratio is two‐ to threefold higher than in older chil- ular titanium dioxide and zinc dioxide.
dren and adults [2]. Low‐molecular‐weight chemicals
(<800 Da) penetrate more easily. Topical antiseptics (hexa- ­References
chlorophene, iodine) and antibiotics (particularly neomy- 1 Barker N, Hadgraft J, Rutter N. Skin permeability in the newborn.
cin, which is highly ototoxic), alcohol dressings, salicylates, J Invest Dermatol 1987;88:409–11.
urea and others have all been associated with neonatal 2 Rutter N. Percutaneous drug absorption in the newborn: hazards and
uses. Clin Perinatol 1987;14:911–30.
toxicity caused by transcutaneous resorption, particularly 3 Diamanti‐Kandarakis E, Bourguignon JP, Giudice LC et  al.

in the preterm infant [1]. The likelihood of percutaneous Endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: an Endocrine Society scientific
absorption is higher in areas with high numbers of seba- statement. Endocr Rev 2009;30:293–342.
4 Schlumpf M, Cotton B, Conscience M et al. In vitro and in vivo estro-
ceous glands per cm2 (head, napkin area) and in intertrigi- genicity of UV screens. Environ Health Perspect 2001;109:239–44.
nous areas due to the occlusive effect. The vehicle also 5 Ozáez I, Martínez‐Guitarte JL, Morcillo G. Effects of in vivo exposure
affects percutaneous absorption. Lipophilic agents can to UV filters (4‐MBC, OMC, BP‐3, 4‐HB, OC, OD‐PABA) on endocrine
penetrate the lipid bilayer better than water‐soluble com- signaling genes in the insect Chironomus riparius. Sci Total Environ
pounds. Their occlusive effects lead to enhancement of 6 Schreurs RH, Sonneveld E, Jansen JH et  al. Interaction of polycyclic
epidermal hydration which in turn widens the intracellu- musks and UV filters with the estrogen receptor (ER), androgen recep-
lar bonds and facilitates absorption. The risk of toxicity is tor (AR), and progesterone receptor (PR) in reporter gene bioassays.
Toxicol Sci 2005;83:264–72.
further compounded by immature metabolic mechanisms
7 Harley KG, Berger KP, Kogul K et al. Association of phthalates, para-
of detoxification. Table 5.4 summarizes potential hazards bens and phenols found in personal care products with pubertal tim-
of common topically applied drugs. Of particular note are ing in girls and boys. Human Reproduction 2019;34:109–17.

Table 5.4  Potential hazards of percutaneously absorbed agents

Compound Function Toxicity

Alcohols Topical antiseptic Cerebral and hepatic damage, cutaneous haemorrhagic necrosis
Benzocaine Topical anaesthetic Methaemoglobinaemia
Calcipotriol Topical vitamin D3 analogue Hypercalcaemia
Clioquinol Topical antiseptic Neurotoxicity (subacute myelo‐ophthalmoneuritis, SMON)
Diphenhydramine Topical antipruritic Sedation, central anticholinergic syndrome
EMLA Topical anaesthetic mixture Methaemoglobinaemia
Gentamicin Topical antibiotic Neuro‐, oto‐, nephrotoxic
Lindane Topical scabicide Neurotoxic
Neomycin Topical antibiotic Neuro‐, oto‐, nephrotoxic
Contact allergen
N,N‐dimethyl‐m‐toluamide (DEET) Insect repellant Neurotoxicity
Parabene Preservative Endocrine disrupting agent
Phenolic compounds (pentachlorophenol, Topical antiseptic Neurotoxicity, tachycardia, metabolic acidosis,
hexachlorophene, resorcinol) methaemoglobinaemia, death
Povidone–iodine Antiseptic Hypothyroidism
Prilocaine Topical anaesthetic Methaemoglobinaemia
Salicylic acid Keratolytic Metabolic acidosis, seizures
Silver sulfadiazine Topical antibiotic Kernicterus, agranulocytosis, argyria
TCS (potent) Anti‐inflammatory Adrenal suppression, Cushing’s syndrome, skin atrophy, acne
Triclosan Antiseptic Endocrine disrupting agent
UV filtersa UV protection Endocrine disrupting agents

TCS, topical corticosteroid.

 UV filters with potential oestrogenic side‐effects: benzophenone‐3, ethylhexyl‐methoxy‐cinnamate (EHMC), octocrylene.

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