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Hi my name is clied john garcia and my speech is about diabetes to inform all of

you about this. Please listen if you know someone who has diabetes. According to
the World
Health Organization (WHO), approximately 422 million people worldwide have
diabetes, with the majority living in low- and middle-income countries, and
diabetes is directly
responsible for 1.5 million deaths each year. I'll start with the definition of
diabetes. According to the CDC, diabetes is a chronic (long-term) health condition
affects how your body converts food into energy. The majority of the food you eat
is broken down into sugar (also known as glucose) and released into your
When your blood sugar levels rise, your pancreas sends a signal to release insulin.
Insulin functions as a key to allow blood sugar into your body's cells for use as
Now that we know what diabetes is, let's look at the different types of diabetes.
1st the Type 1 Diabetes, Type 1 diabetes is thought to be caused by an autoimmune
(the body mistakenly attacks itself) that prevents your body from producing
insulin. Type 1 diabetes affects approximately 5-10% of all diabetics. 2nd is the
Type 2 Diabetes
When you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not use insulin properly and cannot
maintain normal blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes affects 90-95 percent of
It takes many years to develop and is usually
diagnosed in adults (but more and more in children, teens, and young adults). the
last type of diabetes is the Gestational diabetes, Pregnant women who have never
diabetes develop gestational diabetes. If you have gestational diabetes, your baby
may be more vulnerable to health problems. Gestational diabetes usually resolves
your baby is born, but it increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes later
in life. Your child is more likely to be obese as a child or adolescent, and he or
she is
also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. We've learned about the
different types of diabetes; now let's look at how to tell if you have diabetes or
The Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes is that Type 1 diabetes patients may also
experience nausea, vomiting, or stomach pains. Type 1 diabetes symptoms can
manifest in a
matter of weeks or months and can be severe. Type 1 diabetes typically begins in
childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood, but it can occur at any age. next is
Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, Symptoms of type 2 diabetes can take years to appear.
Some people experience no symptoms at all. Type 2 diabetes usually develops in
but it is becoming more common in children and teenagers. Because symptoms can be
difficult to detect, it is critical to understand the risk factors for type 2
Lastly the Symptoms of Gestational diabetes, Gestational diabetes (diabetes during
pregnancy) is
usually asymptomatic. If you're pregnant, your doctor should screen you for
gestational diabetes between weeks 24 and 28. You can make changes to protect your
health and
the health of your baby if necessary. Now that we know what diabetes symptoms are,
let's look at how to prevent or cure diabetes. The Prevention or cure of Type 1
Currently, no one knows how to prevent type 1 diabetes, but it can be treated
successfully by:
• Following your doctor's advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle.
• Keeping your blood sugar in check.
• Having regular health examinations.
• Obtaining diabetes self-management education and assistance.
Next is the Prevention or cure of Type 2 diabetes
Yes! Even if you're at high risk, you can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes with
proven, doable lifestyle changes like losing a small amount of weight and becoming
physically active. The last one is the Prevention or cure of Gestational diabetes
You may be able to avoid gestational diabetes if you lose weight and engage in
regular physical activity before becoming pregnant. If you're pregnant, don't try
to lose weight. For your baby's health, you'll need to gain some weight—but not
too quickly. Consult your doctor to determine how much weight you should gain for a
healthy pregnancy.
In Conclusion, You now understand the effects, causes, and treatments of diabetes
and can be an informed and helpful person if you come into contact with
someone who has the disease. You are now aware of the numerous symptoms and causes
associated with this disease. With so many people being diagnosed
with diabetes, being able to recognize the symptoms and provide support is a useful
skill to have in both the workplace and your own home. I can tell you that
this information has helped me understand diabetes better than before and that I
will use it personally. Keeping this in mind, I hope that each of you leaves today
with the ability to assist a diabetic person in your life.


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