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MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.

34 - 2020/01/22


ISO 9001:2015 ISO 13485:2016

A Sago Medica Company

MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

SIMAD srl reserves the right to modify both this user manual and the device herein described. Technical
specifications of the device are subect to modification without prior notice. No part of the content of this
“USER MANUAL” can be intended as an offer, a guarantee, a promise or contractual condition. All modifica-
tions will conform to updated norms and regulations that govern production of medical devices.
Images and drawings shown are for information purposes only
© Copyright SIMAD Srl 2020
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, copied, transcribed or stored in a retrieval sy-
stem and cannot be translated in any form or by any means or converted into a different electronic format
than the original for any purpose, without the written consent of SIMAD.

DOCUMENT code: moexxx_34_20200122

rev date note signature
D. Rigotti
23 2011/11/10 Added display cleaning instructions – Page 181
E. Carnevale
Added paragraph “Data Backup” - Page 19
D. Rigotti
24 2011/12/14 Added residual risks notices at pages 46, 124, 125.
E. Carnevale
Added routine check “Check Injector piloting” - Page 179
25 2013/09/26 Updating table values of
​​ tolerances G. Fogliani
26-30 Not edited G. Fogliani
31 2019/10/17 Major Updates G. Fogliani
32 2019/11/27 Update - note “Digital Radiography (optional)” page 58 G. Fogliani
Note added - optional mode in place of boost mode - page 62
33 2020/01/17 G. Fogliani
Update - list of icons - page 189
Note added in “Options - Accessories and Detachable Parts”
34 2020/01/22 Update - notes in “introduction” - “Maintenance” G. Fogliani
Updated label figure in “Labelling”

2   © Copyright SIMAD srl 2020

Total pages: 218
MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22 Contents

1 Overview
1.1 Information regarding this Manual  ...........................................................................................   12
1.1.1 Manual Validity  . ..................................................................................................................................................   12
1.2 Updates  .....................................................................................................................................   12
1.3 Alerts, Warnings and Information  . ...........................................................................................   13

2 Introduction
2.1 The Moonray device and its versions  .......................................................................................   16
2.2 Intended use  .............................................................................................................................   18
2.3 Certifications  . ...........................................................................................................................   19
2.4 Authorization of use  . ................................................................................................................   19
2.5 Training  .....................................................................................................................................   19
2.6 Authorization for Maintenance and/or Repairs   .......................................................................   20
2.7 Non-authorized modifications  ..................................................................................................   20
2.8 Installation of external devices   ...............................................................................................   20
2.9 Data Backup  ..............................................................................................................................   20
2.10 Technical Assistance Contacts   .................................................................................................   21
2.11 Technical References   . ..............................................................................................................   21

3 Safety
3.1 Electrical Safety   . ......................................................................................................................   25
3.1.1 Equipotential Connection  . ..................................................................................................................................   25
3.2 Safe Transporting  ......................................................................................................................   25
3.3 Mechanical Safety   ....................................................................................................................   25
3.4 Risk of Explosion   ......................................................................................................................   26
3.5 Fire Safety  .................................................................................................................................   26
3.6 Safety, in the presence of mobile phones and IT products  . .....................................................   26
3.7 Contact Risk of Electronic Parts with Conductive Liquids  . .......................................................   27
3.8 Electromagnetic Compatibility  . ................................................................................................   27
3.9 Risk of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation   .....................................................................................   27
3.9.1 List of personal protective apparatus and accessories   . ....................................................................................   28
3.10 Laser Safety  . .............................................................................................................................   29
3.11 Network/Data Coupling and USB port   .....................................................................................   29
3.12 Emergency Shutdown Procedures  ............................................................................................   30
3.12.1 Dual VersionEmergency Shutdown Alternatives  ................................................................................................   30

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3.12.2 Compact / 500 VersionEmergency Shutdown Alternatives  . ...............................................................................  31

4 Using the Moonray

4.1 Safety  ........................................................................................................................................   34
4.2 Transporting  . ............................................................................................................................   35
4.3 Transporting the device and movement of the mobile parts   ..................................................   36
4.3.1 Grip Handles  ........................................................................................................................................................   38
4.3.2 Direction of Movement   ......................................................................................................................................   39
4.3.3 C-Arm and Workstation Cart Braking System   ....................................................................................................   40
4.3.4 Wig-Wag Movement  ...........................................................................................................................................   40
4.3.5 Rotational Movement  ..........................................................................................................................................  41
4.3.6 Orbital Movement  ...............................................................................................................................................   42
4.3.7 Longitudinal Slide Movement  .............................................................................................................................   42
4.3.8 Vertical Motorized Movement   ...........................................................................................................................   43
4.3.9 Workstation Cart Movement  ..............................................................................................................................   43
4.4 Start-up/ Shutdown   .................................................................................................................   44
4.4.1 Connecting the various units  ..............................................................................................................................   44
4.4.2 Powering up the Device  . ......................................................................................................................................  47
4.4.3 Device Start-up  .....................................................................................................................................................  47
4.4.4 Shutting-Down  . ...................................................................................................................................................   48

5 C-Arm Control and Command Console

5.1 Description  . ..............................................................................................................................   50
5.1.1 X-Ray Commands   . ...............................................................................................................................................  51
5.2 General Settings  ........................................................................................................................   52
5.3 X-Ray selection mode   . ............................................................................................................   61
5.3.1 Fluoroscopy  ..........................................................................................................................................................  61
5.3.2 Cine/DSA  . ............................................................................................................................................................   64
5.3.3 Roadmap  . ............................................................................................................................................................   67
5.3.4 Typical Radiographic Values  ................................................................................................................................   68
5.3.5 Maximum Levels of Air Kerma Rate  ....................................................................................................................   68
5.4 List of Warnings   . ......................................................................................................................   69

6 Software Guide
6.1 Organizing Information  .............................................................................................................   72
6.1.1 Series/Sequences  ................................................................................................................................................   72
6.1.2 Anonymous Series   ..............................................................................................................................................   72
6.1.3 Locked/Unlocked Series  ......................................................................................................................................   73
6.1.4 Work Planning  .....................................................................................................................................................   73
6.1.5 Apply/Remove a Search Filter  ..............................................................................................................................  74
6.1.6 Eliminating a Series/Sequence  .............................................................................................................................  74
6.1.7 Recuperating a Series/ Sequence  . ......................................................................................................................   75

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6.1.8 Sequence Catalogue of an Exam in Progress   .....................................................................................................   75

6.2 Input Peripherals  . .....................................................................................................................   76
6.3 Editing Data in a Field  ...............................................................................................................   77
6.4 Organizing Views  . .....................................................................................................................   78
6.4.1 Monitor “A” View  ................................................................................................................................................   79
6.4.2 “Monitor B” View  ................................................................................................................................................   82
6.4.3 View Commands - Image Interaction Commands  . .............................................................................................   83
6.4.4 “Patient Data” View  . ...........................................................................................................................................   84
6.4.5 Database - “View”  ...............................................................................................................................................   85
6.4.6 Database - “Exams”   ............................................................................................................................................   86
6.4.7 Database - “Scheduled”  ......................................................................................................................................   91
6.4.8 Database – “Recycle bin”  ....................................................................................................................................   92
6.4.9 Print Composer  . ..................................................................................................................................................   94
6.4.10 “Clipboard” View  .................................................................................................................................................   94
6.5 Sequence Acquisition  . ..............................................................................................................   95
6.5.1 Types of Fluoroscopy  ...........................................................................................................................................   95
6.5.2 Work Modes  ........................................................................................................................................................   96
6.5.3 Recursive Filter  ....................................................................................................................................................   97
6.5.4 Horizontal and Vertical Image Flipping  ...............................................................................................................   97
6.5.5 Brightness and Contrast Setting  ..........................................................................................................................   98
6.5.6 Black/White Inversion  .........................................................................................................................................   98
6.5.7 Image Clipboard   . ................................................................................................................................................   99
6.5.8 Video Marking  ...................................................................................................................................................   100
6.5.9 Measuring Toolkit  ..............................................................................................................................................   104
6.5.10 Saving Images  ....................................................................................................................................................   109
6.5.11 Angular Position of the camera  . .......................................................................................................................   110
6.5.12 Collimator Position Thumbnail  ..........................................................................................................................   110
6.5.13 Digital Subtraction  . ...........................................................................................................................................   111
6.5.14 Mask Catalogue  .................................................................................................................................................   112
6.5.15 Subtraction Settings  ..........................................................................................................................................   112
6.5.16 Recording Speed  . ...............................................................................................................................................  114
6.6 Generating images   .................................................................................................................   115
6.7 Fluoroscopy  . ...........................................................................................................................   116
6.8 DSA  . ........................................................................................................................................   117
6.9 Roadmap  .................................................................................................................................   118
6.10 Cine  .........................................................................................................................................   119
6.11 Indicators, Alerts & Error Messages  .......................................................................................   120
6.11.1 Indicators  . .........................................................................................................................................................   120
6.11.2 Alert/Error Messages  ........................................................................................................................................   121
6.12 UPS (Uninterruptible Power Source – Optional)  .....................................................................   123
6.13 Print Composer  .......................................................................................................................   126
6.13.1 Print Composer Description  ..............................................................................................................................   126
6.13.2 Print Composer Settings  ....................................................................................................................................   127
6.13.3 Print Composer Commands  ..............................................................................................................................   128
6.13.4 Impagination  . ....................................................................................................................................................   129

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6.14 DICOM Print Composer  . .........................................................................................................   130

6.14.1 DICOM Print Composer Description  .................................................................................................................   130
6.14.2 DICOM Print Composer Settings  .......................................................................................................................   131
6.14.3 DICOM Print Composer Commands  ..................................................................................................................   132
6.14.4 DICOM Impagination  .........................................................................................................................................   133
6.14.5 Print Composer DICOM Log  ..............................................................................................................................   134
6.14.6 DICOM Remote Server Configuration  ...............................................................................................................   134
6.15 DICOM Work List  . ...................................................................................................................   135
6.15.1 DICOM Worklist Description  .............................................................................................................................   135
6.15.2 DICOM Worklist Search Criteria  ........................................................................................................................   136
6.15.3 DICOM Worklist Interface Commands  ..............................................................................................................   137
6.15.4 DICOM Worklist – Import Patient Data  . ...........................................................................................................   137
6.15.5 DICOM Worklist Log  ..........................................................................................................................................   138
6.15.6 DICOM Worklist – Configuring Remote Servers   . .............................................................................................   138
6.16 Query Retrieve  ........................................................................................................................   138
6.16.1 QR Description   . ................................................................................................................................................   138
6.16.2 QR from Remote Servers  . .................................................................................................................................   140
6.16.3 QR Interface Commands  ....................................................................................................................................  141
6.16.4 QR Server Selection Administration  ..................................................................................................................  142
6.16.5 QR Remote Server Configuration  .......................................................................................................................  142
6.17 Exporting   . ..............................................................................................................................   143
6.17.1 Export Description  . ...........................................................................................................................................   143
6.17.2 Selecting Export Format  . ..................................................................................................................................   144
6.17.3 Export Destination Selection   . ..........................................................................................................................   145
6.17.4 Exporting Commands  ........................................................................................................................................   146
6.17.5 Export Command Settings  . ...............................................................................................................................   146
6.17.6 Exporting – Sequence List View  .........................................................................................................................  147
6.17.7 Editing the group of sequences-series to be exported   .....................................................................................  147
6.17.8 Export to a LAN network   ..................................................................................................................................   148
6.17.9 Export to DVD or CD  ..........................................................................................................................................   148
6.18 Importing  ................................................................................................................................   149
6.18.1 Import Description  ............................................................................................................................................   149
6.18.2 Import Commands  . ...........................................................................................................................................   150
6.18.3 Import Command Settings  ................................................................................................................................   151
6.18.4 Importing a Series  .............................................................................................................................................   151
6.19 DAP Report  .............................................................................................................................   153
6.19.1 Printing a DAP Report  . ......................................................................................................................................   154
6.19.2 Saving a DAP Report as an Image  ......................................................................................................................   155
6.19.3 Exporting DAP details  ........................................................................................................................................   156
6.20 Customizing   . ..........................................................................................................................   157
6.21 STATLAB data export (plug-in DbExporter)  .............................................................................   158
6.21.1 Description  ........................................................................................................................................................   158
6.21.2 Use  .....................................................................................................................................................................   158

7 Guide to the use of the Accessories

6   Contents
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7.1 Sterile Drapes  . ........................................................................................................................   160

7.2 Film Cassette Holders  . ............................................................................................................   160
7.3 Infrared Remote Control  .........................................................................................................   161

8 Troubleshooting
8.1 Proposed solutions  .................................................................................................................   164

9 Maintenance
9.1 Introduction  ............................................................................................................................   166
9.2 Scheduled Maintenance  .........................................................................................................   166
9.2.1 Scheduled Maintenance for motorized version   . .............................................................................................   167
9.3 Routine Check by User  ............................................................................................................   167
9.4 Cleaning & Disinfection  ...........................................................................................................   169
9.4.1 Cleaning  .............................................................................................................................................................   169
9.4.2 Disinfection  . ......................................................................................................................................................   169
9.5 Cleaning and disinfection the motorization console   ..............................................................   170
9.6 Cleaning the motorization console cable  ................................................................................   170
9.6.1 Printer  .................................................................................................................................................................  170

10 Recycling the Device

10.1 Introduction  ............................................................................................................................   172
10.2 Transferring the Device   ..........................................................................................................   172
10.3 Recycling  .................................................................................................................................   172
10.4 Batteries  ..................................................................................................................................   173
10.4.1 Remote Control  ..................................................................................................................................................  173
10.4.2 Laser  ...................................................................................................................................................................  173
10.4.3 UPS  . ....................................................................................................................................................................  173

11 Technical Data
11.1 Functionality - Ambient Conditions   .......................................................................................   176
11.2 Power Supply  ..........................................................................................................................   176
11.3 Generator  . ..............................................................................................................................   176
11.4 Maximum Ratings   ..................................................................................................................   176
11.5 Radiation Leakage Factors  ......................................................................................................   178
11.6 Grid  .........................................................................................................................................   178
11.7 Options - Accessories and Detachable Parts  . .........................................................................   179
11.8 X-Ray Scattering  ......................................................................................................................   180
11.9 Interventional Reference Point  ...............................................................................................   181
11.10 Leakage radiation  . ..................................................................................................................   183
11.11 Labeling   ..................................................................................................................................   184

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11.11.1 Labels position  . .................................................................................................................................................   185

12 List of Icons/Console Commands

12.1 List of icons  .............................................................................................................................   188

13 Motorized Version
13.1 Specific warnings  ....................................................................................................................   192


14.1 Description and connections  ..................................................................................................   194
14.2 LCD Display  . ............................................................................................................................   195
14.3 “Menu” Key  . ...........................................................................................................................   196
14.4 “Zero” Key  ...............................................................................................................................   196
14.5 “Go To” Key  .............................................................................................................................   197
14.6 “Save” Key  . .............................................................................................................................   197
14.7 Numeric keyboard:  . ................................................................................................................   198
14.8 Cursor Keyboard  .....................................................................................................................   198
14.9 Quick Recall Memory Keys  . ....................................................................................................   199
14.9.1 Saving a C-Arm position in the Quick Recall Memory Keys   .............................................................................   199
14.9.2 Recalling a position from the Quick Recall Memory Keys   . ..............................................................................   199
14.10 Isocentric Function Keys  .........................................................................................................   200
14.11 Joysticks  ..................................................................................................................................   201
14.11.1 Using the joysticks  .............................................................................................................................................   201
14.11.2 Movement Commands  ......................................................................................................................................   201
14.12 Arresting movement  ...............................................................................................................   202
14.13 Re-Setting the Emergency Stop Button   ..................................................................................   202
14.14 Arrest due to overcurrent  .......................................................................................................   202
14.15 Luminous Signal Lights  ............................................................................................................   203
14.15.1 Power  . ...............................................................................................................................................................   203
14.15.2 Ongoing Communication  . .................................................................................................................................   203
14.15.3 Error  ...................................................................................................................................................................   203

15.1 Accessing Menu Items  ............................................................................................................   206
15.2 Save  . .......................................................................................................................................   206
15.3 Memory Recall  ........................................................................................................................   207
15.4 Manual Positioning  .................................................................................................................   207
15.5 Select Language  ......................................................................................................................   208


8   Contents
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16.1 Definition of the Isocentric Feature   .......................................................................................   210

16.2 The Isocenter Mode   ...............................................................................................................   210
16.2.1 Configuration procedure to activate the Isocenter Mode  . ..............................................................................   210
16.2.2 Utilizing a previously acquired isocenter configuration  ...................................................................................   211
16.3 Important aspects regarding the Isocenter Function of the Moonray Precisio  ......................   212

17 Monitor console touch screen

17.1 Activating the C arm control console  ......................................................................................   214
17.2 Views organization  . ................................................................................................................   215

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10   Contents
© Copyright SIMAD srl 2020
Total pages: 218
1 Overview

A Sago Medica Company MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

1 Overview MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

1.1 Information regarding this Manual

This manual was written to help users and operators in the safe and effi-
cient use of the device.
Before turning on the device read and scrupulously keep in mind all the
WARNINGS of DANGER, SAFETY and the NOTES enclosed. Pay particular
attention to all the information supplied and the procedures described in
the SAFETY chapter.

1.1.1 Manual Validity

This manual is applicable to the Moonray Systems from 08 series and for
Moonray with digital detector from 20 and 30 series.

1.2 Updates
Changes to the functions of the system are possible after the publication of
this manual, therefore operators must consult the “Updates” chapter found
in the addendum if present. If there are no diverse indications, the functions
of the system must be utilized according to the indications in this manual.

12   Information regarding this Manual

© Copyright SIMAD srl 2020
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MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22 1 Overview

1.3 Alerts, Warnings and Information

The following graphic symbols are used in this manual to signal particular
attention to the user:

“WARNING”: If these warnings are not taken into consideration, mortal or

serious injury could be caused to the operator, the patient or other people
or could result in an incorrect diagnosis.

“ATTENTION”: If these indications are not taken into consideration, dama-

ges to the device or to other apparatus or environmental pollution could
be caused. In such cases SIMAD does not guarantee the perfect functiona-
lity of the devise.

“NOTE”: Informs the operator to pay special attention to certain conditions
or settings in order to avoid malfunctions and to help avoid problems. 1

© Copyright SIMAD srl 2020

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1 Overview MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

14   Alerts, Warnings and Information

© Copyright SIMAD srl 2020
Total pages: 218
2 Introduction

A Sago Medica Company MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

2 Introduction MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

2.1 The Moonray device and its versions

The portable digital fluoroscopy Moonray is an advanced high definition
device for the acquisition, processing, management and evaluation of fluo-
roscopic images.

DUAL Version
Which is composed of a Workstation and a mobile “C” arm unit.

Figure 1: Moonray System examples

16   The Moonray device and its versions

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MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22 2 Introduction

Compact Version
A sole Compact device with an integrated workstation.

Figure 2: Moonray System Compact version examples 2

500 Version

Figure 2bis: Moonray System 500 version examples

The different versions available allow to satisfy the particular requests for
diagnostic procedures.

© Copyright SIMAD srl 2020

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2 Introduction MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

2.2 Intended use

The device is meant to be installed and used only in conformity with the
safety procedures and the instructions of use given in this manual and for
the aims for which it was designed, that is, as a radiological support to cli-
nical and diagnostic procedures. Anything declared in this manual does not
limit the responsibility of the operators regarding clinical judgment or in the
choice of the best clinical procedures.
The device can be used to carry out long-lasting interventional procedures
under radiological monitoring, including those in which there is a risk of skin
dose levels so high as to cause deterministic effects (CEI EN 60601-2-43 -
§6.8.3 a).
The skin dose level indication is obtained by processing data from an ioniza-
tion chamber (CEI EN 60601-1-3 - §

18   Intended use

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MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22 2 Introduction

2.3 Certifications
SIMAD adheres to national and international laws and norms and to the
EMC standards for these types of devices. These norms and standards
define the admissible electromagnetic levels by the device and the relative
immunity to electromagnetic interference from external sources. For details
and for the declaration of conformity please contact SIMAD.
The Moonray Systems are compliant to IEC 60601-1:2005/A1:2012 and is
classified as a Class I type B (electrical).
The Moonray Systems are compliant to 93/42/CEE directives and subse-
quent modifications and is classified as a Risk Class II b (active device desti-
ned to emit ionizing radiation).
According to the 2007/47 EEC directives, SIMAD guarantees that the devices
is not manufactured utilising tissues of animal and human origin.
2.4 Authorization of use
The installation and use of these devices are subject to the national laws
of the country in which it is installed and to which the users/operators are
obligated to adhere.
The use of the device for other aims other than those expressly declared by
the manufacturer as well as its wrongful use, can release the manufactu-
rer (or his agent) of all or part of the responsibility due to non-conformity,
damages or injury resulting from improper use. The radiological system
must be exclusively used by qualified personnel for the use of radiological
apparatus, as per the national norms in force.
SIMAD declines responsibility tied to the malfunction of the Moonray
Systems and any possible damages caused to people or things derived from
the use by non-qualified personnel.

2.5 Training
Personnel must receive sufficient training on safety and use before activa-
ting the device as described in this manual. Training requirements for this
type of device vary from country to country. The operators must receive
training in accordance with the laws and norms of binding character.
SIMAD can supply necessary training for the correct use of the device and
can supply the relative informative material upon request.

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2 Introduction MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

2.6 Authorization for Maintenance and/or

All maintenance and/or repair must be exclusively carried out by qualified
personnel specialized in maintenance or repair of radiological apparatus, in
accordance with the national norms in force.
SIMAD declines responsibility tied to the malfunction of the device resulting
from the use of non-authorized or non-original spare parts.

2.7 Non-authorized modifications

Modifications of any kind are not permitted on the device unless authori-
zed in writing by SIMAD. In cases of non-authorized modifications, SIMAD
declines responsibility of malfunctions and any possible damages caused to
people or things.

2.8 Installation of external devices

Only external devices exclusively authorized by SIMAD can be installed. Con-
tact SIMAD directly for compatibilities. Changes and/or add-ons must satisfy
all the laws and regulations applicable and in force in the country in which
the device is installed.
In case of non-authorized installations of external devices, SIMAD declines
responsibility of malfunctions and any possible damages caused to people
or things.
Changes and/or add-ons to the device, which are carried out by personnel
without the proper specified training and/or the use of non-authorized
spare parts will result in the suspension of the guarantee.
Pay special attention to the information given in the external device ma-

2.9 Data Backup

It’s your responsibility to make a backup of data stored in Moonray in order
to have a security copy external to Moonray itself. In particular, we re-
commend making a copy of the exams procedures data (data, pictures and

20   Authorization for Maintenance and/or Repairs

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MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22 2 Introduction

2.10 Technical Assistance Contacts

In case of malfunction of the device, contact the following telephone or fax
numbers or call our technical assistance service directly.

Tel: + 39 051 686 08 11
Fax: +39 051 686 12 46

2.11 Technical References

For all specifications and technical functions not expressly indicated in this
manual contact SIMAD’S technical assistance numbers.

© Copyright SIMAD srl 2020

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2 Introduction MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

22   Technical Assistance Contacts

© Copyright SIMAD srl 2020
Total pages: 218
3 Safety
This chapter supplies indications relative to the precautions to adopt in the
course of use, during maintenance and the safety features of the device.
This chapter must be read and understood in order to guarantee knowledge
of the risks involved in the use of this device. It is also important to scru-
pulously adhere to the notices of DANGER, WARNING and SAFETY that are
present in this manual in order to guarantee the safety of the patient and
You must pay particular attention and read, understand and become fami-
liar with the emergency procedures described in this first section, before
using the device.

A Sago Medica Company MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

3 Safety MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

Maintenance & Defects: do not use the Moonray Systems for applications
until the internal auto-check procedure has terminated and the main-
tenance program has been updated. If a part of the device should be
defective or not correctly repaired, do not use it until the repair has been
terminated. Using the device with defects or with repairs that have not
been carried out correctly can expose the operators and the patient to
danger (injuries, death or wrong diagnosis/treatments).
Get to know the safety features: do not use the Moonray Systems until
you have read and understood and become familiar with all the safety
information, safety and emergency procedures contained in this section.
Use, without adequate knowledge can result in injury/death or in incorrect
Adequate Training: do not use the Moonray Systems for applications until
you have received adequate and sufficient training relative to the safe and
efficient operation of the device. If you are not sure of your capabilities in
the use of the device DO NOT USE IT. Operating the device without ade-
quate training can result in injury/death or incorrect diagnosis/treatments.
External Connections: Make sure the device is not connected to any type of
information network during use on a patient. Connect to networks only for
post-processing or to execute a backup.
Safety Mechanisms: do not try to remove, edit or exclude the safety me-
chanisms, it can result in injury or death.
Use & Compatibility: do not use the Moonray Systems for other than what
it was intended.
Do not use the Image Intensifier grid as a workbench or as a shelf for
objects or to place anatomical parts of the patient.
Use products recognized as compatible by SIMAD. Operation and uses
other than those intended or with incompatible devices can cause injury/
death or incorrect diagnosis/treatment.

Residual risks
SIMAD has taken the necessary actions to reduce risks tied to the use of the
device; however risks cannot be eliminated totally. Following, you will find
warnings to inform the operators of possible risks.

The accidental activation of the mushroom-head emergency stop button

causes the radiological section to shut down with consequent interruption
of the procedure in progress and the need to switch the C-arm back on.
The homologated version 60601-2-43 has a non-projecting push-button
to avoid this. Restarting the system and its functionality needs Microsoft
Windows Reeboting time
The total shutdown of the device is possible following the accidental acti-
vation of the general switch, in fuse failure, in variations of power or other
abnormalities in the power supply. When rebooting, you must wait for the
operating system to restart and in some cases it might not be possible to
resume the procedure in progress. Consult internal regulations to determi-
ne the necessity of a backup device to use in case of emergencies.

24   © Copyright SIMAD srl 2020

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3.1 Electrical Safety

Do not remove cover or wires from the device if not indicated in this
manual. High voltage is present and failure to comply can cause injury or
death. Only qualified and authorized personnel can remove the cover and
Use the device only in places and areas that satisfy the requirements called
for by laws for this type of device.
Always unplug the device from the power panel when cleaning and disin-

3.1.1 Equipotential Connection

The device must be used only in areas that comply with the electrical
safety requirements for medical device (IEC 60601).
The device is equipped with an earthing point and earthing wire.

3.2 Safe Transporting

When the device is transported or moved, avoid bumping objects or people.
The operator must be familiar with the braking and steering system of the
If the device needs to be transported to a place that is not relatively near,
it should be moved in the most compact position possible: vertical column
down to its travel limit, horizontal arm completely retracted, C-arm in a
vertical position.

Cross ramps, go down stairs or around obstacles as slowly as possible. Pay

particular attention to steep inclines. The device must always have the
brake on when not in movement.

3.3 Mechanical Safety

Only qualified and authorized personnel can remove the protective covers
and all other covers.

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3.4 Risk of Explosion

The use of the device in the presence of inflammable gases (anesthetics
or others) can cause explosions or fire, therefore turn off the device when
using such gases.

Inflammable or potentially explosive disinfectant sprays must not be used

because the residual vapor can catch fire and cause injury/death to people
or damages to the device itself.

3.5 Fire Safety

The use of electrical material, in an area for which it was not designed, can
cause fire or explosion. Fire prevention requirements must be applied, ob-
served and enforced. Fire extinguishers must be supplied both for electrical
and non-electrical fires. All operators must be thoroughly informed and
trained in the use of fire extinguishers and fire fighting materials.

Use only specific extinguishers for electrical equipment. Using water or

other liquids on electrical equipment can cause injury/death.

If liquids must be used, isolate the device beforehand to avoid electrical


3.6 Safety, in the presence of mobile

phones and IT products
The Moonray Systems satisfies the EMC standards. Some apparatus (i.e.
mobile phones) exceed in the defined limits of the EMC standards and, in
particular conditions can alter the device’s functions.

Do not allow the use of radio devices in the area allocated for the Moonray
Systems even if they are turned off. If their emissions go above the EMC
standards, malfunctions and in severe cases injury/death or incorrect
diagnosis can occur.

26   Risk of Explosion

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3.7 Contact Risk of Electronic Parts with

Conductive Liquids
If the electrical or electronic parts should come into contact with conducti-
ve liquids (detergents or similar) short circuits or fire can occur. Avoid using
liquids than could infiltrate inside the device: to clean, use only damp cloths
that do not release liquids. In cases of infiltration of liquids, wait till they
have completely evaporated before applying power to the device.

3.8 Electromagnetic Compatibility

The Moonray Systems satisfies the EMC standards. The electromagnetic Ch.
interference (irradiated or conducted) does not exceed the allowed levels
and the device is also resistant to interferences from other apparatus that
remain under these levels.

All surrounding apparatus must adhere to EMC standards. Contrarily, in-

terferences to the correct function of the device can occur and in extreme
cases, can be the source of injury/death and incorrect diagnosis.

3.9 Risk of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation

The Moonray Systems produces Ionizing radiation: adopt the necessary me-
asures included in the norms in force so as to guarantee efficient radiopro-
tection to the people exposed.
The device can be destined for exams in which the skin dose level can
be elevated, in normal use, enough to constitute the risk of deterministic
effects (CEI EN 60601-2-43 - § 6.8.2 aa).
The correct use of the exposure mode allows the reduction of said risk. (CEI
EN 60601-2-43 - § 6.8.2 a).
X rays are potentially dangerous. Precautions must always be taken and
particular attention must be posed in the following cases:
• Protection of embryos or fetuses during exams
• Sensitive parts of the body (eyes, endocrine glands, etc.)
• Acute burns of the skin (patients)
• Continuous radiation exposure (staff).

During use, the skin/focal spot spacer, supplied with the device, must be
mounted. The spacer maintains the minimum distance of 20 centimeters
between the focal spot and the patient’s skin.

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Increasing the distance between the patient and the II (Image Intensifier)
obtains less visual field, less definition of the images and major skin doses.
Diffused radiation results to be higher as opposed to the correct position
(CEI EN 60601-1-3 9.2).
Higher doses than expected can occur due to objects that are found
between the X-Ray and the patient, for example the operating table. See
device documentation to discover the attenuation equivalent (CEI EN

Only qualified and authorized personnel can operate this device. Personnel
who operate the device and personnel in the workplace must observe all
the laws and regulations in force in the country in which they are found. If in
doubt do not use the device. Users are invited to follow the current recom-
mendations of the International Commission of Radiology and the United
States National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements.

Do not alter the safety mechanisms present; in particular, be sure that

when the device is not utilized it is locked and that X-Rays cannot be emit-
ted accidentally.

Utilize only the necessary doses for each treatment or specific exam. Guide-
lines for radiation:
• Produce rays only if necessary and for the least amount of time possible.
• Use the pulsating rays technique and, when possible, use the automatic
exposure control.
• Stay as far away as possible from the X-Ray source and from the subject
it hits.
• Wear personal protective apparatus and a dosimeter to detect the
absorbed values.
• Use the iris collimator (beam reduction)
• Keep the focal point as far away as possible (at least 200 mm) to reduce
the absorbed dose as much as possible.
• Eliminate all objects along the beam and place the source of the X-Rays
under the table to reduce scattering.

3.9.1 List of personal protective apparatus and ac-

During use of the Moonray system, it is necessary for the operators to pro-
tect themselves by using protective clothing indicated in the national norms
in force for X-Ray protection.
Particularly, we recommend the protection of the body with the use of a le-
aded apron, protection of the thyroid with the use of a leaded thyroid collar
and protection of the eyes with the use of adequate protective glasses.
We furthermore recommend protective leaded gloves for the protection of
the operator’s arms, which find themselves in close proximity of the princi-
pal beam.
We recommend, when possible, the use of protective panels positioned
appropriately. (CEI EN 60601-2-43 - § 6.8.2 dd)

28   Risk of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation

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3.10 Laser Safety

The SIMAD laser-centering device, if mounted, must only be utilized in the
presence of qualified personnel who are aware of the dangers included in
the use of a laser beam. The user has the responsibility to respect the laws
and norms in force regarding such use. Consult the relative manual of the
installed laser for further information on safety.

3.11 Network/Data Coupling and USB port

The Moonray Systems can be connected to other apparatus through a net-
work outlet. SIMAD cannot guarantee the quality of the connection and its Ch.
response to the norms of the apparatus connected.
Do not connect to a LAN network during use of the device on a patient.
Make sure that the information network to which the Moonray will be
connected is safe and FREE OF INFORMATION VIRUSES, contrarily, the
Moonray Systems could lock and the computer configurations and data
contained in the hard disk could be altered.
Connection to other apparatus could cause unforeseen unidentifiable risks
to patients, operators or third parties. Modifications to the network con-
figurations, the connection, disconnection or updates of other connected
apparatus, can introduce new and non-preventable risks.
The person in charge of managing the information network must evaluate
all connections in order to identify, evaluate and check the risks that could
Any changes to the network (configurations, added devices, disconnection
of devices, updates and upgrades) could introduce new risks.

The USB connection to the computer is reserved for use by technicians for
maintenance purposes.
Do not connect devices to the USB port of the Moonray during use of the
device on patients.

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3.12 Emergency Shutdown Procedures

3.12.1 Dual Version

Emergency Shutdown Alternatives
C-Arm Shutdown
Option A Press the red Emergency Stop Button
Option B
Turn the key towards the OFF position

When a part of the device is not shutdown, electrical power is present in parts of the
circuits until total shutdown and until the plug is removed from the power panel. If
a UPS (uninterruptible power source) is present (limited to the Moonray Dual ver-
sion) the Workstation has sufficient power only to guarantee switching off the PC.

Total shutdown
Option C Workstation monitor cart magneto thermal circuit breaker set to 0
Option D Remove plug from the power panel


Non-Projecting Version

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3.12.2 Compact / 500 Version

Emergency Shutdown Alternatives

C-Arm Shutdown

Option A
Turn the key towards the OFF position

When a part of the device is not shutdown, electrical power is present in

parts of the circuits until total shutdown and until the plug is removed
from the power panel.

Total shutdown
Set to 0 the magneto thermal circuit breaker located on fuses
Option B
Option C Remove plug from the power panel

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4.1 Safety
The operator must learn and become familiar with the information and the
emergency procedures indicated in the relative safety chapter.

Safety: do not use the Moonray Systems without having first read and un-
derstood the information on safety and emergency procedures indicated.
Use without having first become familiar with the safety and emergency
procedures can cause injury/death or incorrect diagnosis.
Maintenance: use the Moonray Systems after having carried out the equip-
ment check procedure making sure that maintenance has been completed.
If the user finds defects DO NOT USE the device until it has been repaired.
Using the device in these cases can expose the user and the patient to
radiation and other dangers. For information regarding maintenance see
relative chapter.
Knowledge by the operator: become familiar with the Moonray Systems
before using.

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4.2 Transporting

The device has a limited grade of stability. Comply with the indications
relative to transport and movement.

1 Lower the C-Arm completely

through the use of the motori-
zed vertical movement feature.
2 Retract the horizontal support
arm of the C-Arm completely.
3 Bring the C-Arm to a vertical
position with the Image Intensi-
fier on top. Ch.
4 Bring the wig–wag movement
of the C-Arm to the central
5 Place the command console in
a central position and retract it
• Lock the brake levers.
• Unhook the power cable
and the connecting cable
between the C-Arm and the
Workstation if present.
• Turn the device off.
Only if the device has met all
these conditions will it be perfectly stable and ready for transport.

During transport, wheels must be kept in a straight position (steering whe-

el in the central position).
To move, grip the handles B positioned on the sides of the control panel.
To brake or release the base of the C-Arm push the pedal.
Before transporting the workstation cart make sure that the wheels are all
locked in the same direction.

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4.3 Transporting the device and

movement of the mobile parts
Following is an illustration of the transport modes of the device and the
movements of the various parts with relative locking commands.

A – Attention Points – C-Arm

Figure A – The areas which present a risk of entrapment are numbered. See
the following paragraphs for detailed description.

Pay particular attention to points number 10 (pedal hook), danger of finger

injury, 11 (swiveling sheathing encasement, danger of finger injury) and 17
(C-Arm cable connector, pinching or crushing danger).

36   Transporting the device and movement of the mobile parts

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B – Attention Points – Workstation Cart

Figure B – The areas that present an entrapment risk are numbered. See the
following paragraphs for detailed description.

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4.3.1 Grip Handles

To move the C-Arm Base, grip the handles on the sides of the control panel
and move the device where desired. The handles come in either white or
yellow depending on the version of the device.

Figure 3: Grip Handles

Grip the device using only the handles and pay attention to points number
1 and 2 indicated in Figure A so as to avoid harming hands or arms.

To move the Workstation Cart grip the handles on the sides as per the C-
Arm. The handles come in either white or yellow depending on the version
of the device.

Pay attention to the movement of the cart in the presence of uneven

flooring and pay particular attention to steps or uneven areas such as lift
or elevator entrances. Don’t try to pass these uneven areas by pushing or
getting a running start but get help and slightly lift the cart to help it get
over the obstacle.
The weight of the monitors and their positions can make the cart instable
if pushed at a high speed against a step or an uneven area.
Grip the device only using the handles and pay attention to point n. 1 indi-
cated in Figure B to keep hands and arms from getting caught.

38   Transporting the device and movement of the mobile parts

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4.3.2 Direction of Movement

The device is equipped with double front swivel caster wheels. This system
permits the front wheels to orient themselves in the direction the user desi-
res by simply steering it with the back handlebar.
The device is also equipped with a parallel orientation system of the back
wheels. This system is activated with a command placed on the top part of
the C-Arm. Orienting the back wheels, the C-Arm can be moved in a sole
direction and repositioned in the preceding point, which makes it very use-
ful for moving in and out of the operating area. Contrarily, it is not a good
idea to use the handle for longer transports (from one operating theatre to


Figure 4: Steering wheel

During movement of the C-Arm and the workstation cart, do not pull but
push it forward. Keep feet away from the bottom of the device while it is
moving, see points 4 in Figures A and B.
Warning – Danger of getting hands and wrists caught in the steering wheel
(point 5 in Figure A)

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4.3.3 C-Arm and Workstation Cart Braking System

To lock the C-Arm push down the right pedal, push down left pedal to rele-

Figure 5: Pedal Brake

Warning, do not insert foot between the two pedals when the C-Arm is in a
locked position.

To lock/release the workstation cart, use the brake commands integrated

into two out or four wheels.

4.3.4 Wig-Wag Movement

Release the corresponding brake by turning the command anti-clockwise.
Move the C-Arm to the desired position.
To lock the corresponding brake, turn the command clockwise.

Figure 6: Wig Wag Movement

40   Transporting the device and movement of the mobile parts

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4.3.5 Rotational Movement

Release the corresponding brake turning the command towards the “open
padlock” symbol.
Move the C-Arm to the desired position using the graduated scale found on
the front of the horizontal arm if necessary.
To release the corresponding brake, turn the command towards the “closed
padlock” symbol.


Figure 7: Rotational Movement Handles

Do not rotate over +/- 360°, going over this limit can cause damages to the
cable and malfunction to the device.
Danger of getting parts of the body caught or crushed while carrying out
the movement. Pay particular attention to fingers, hands, feet, arms and
head. See figure A at points 12 (fingers) and 13 (hands, arms), 14 (arms,
wrists), 15 (body, head), 16 (fingers, hands) and 18 (feet).

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4.3.6 Orbital Movement

Release the corresponding brake by turning the command towards the
“open padlock”.
Move the C-Arm to the desired position using the graduated scale found on
the back of the C-arm if necessary.
To lock the corresponding brake, turn the command towards the “closed
padlock” symbol clockwise.

Figure 8: Orbital Movement Handle

Danger of getting parts of the body caught or crushed while carrying out
the orbital movement. Pay particular attention to fingers, hands, feet,
arms and head. See figure A at points 12 (fingers) and 13 (hands, arms), 14
(arms, wrists), 15 (body, head), 16 (fingers, hands) and 18 (feet).

4.3.7 Longitudinal Slide Movement

Release the corresponding brake turning the command clockwise, towards
the “open padlock”.

Figure 9: Longitudinal Slide Movement Handle

Move the support bracket horizontally to the desired position using the
graduated scale found on the side of the bracket itself if necessary.
To lock the corresponding brake, turn the command towards the “closed
padlock” symbol anti-clockwise.

Danger of getting parts of the body caught or crushed while carrying out
the longitudinal slide movement. Pay particular attention to fingers, hands
and arms. See figure A at points 7 (hands, wrists) and 8 and 9 (fingers).

42   Transporting the device and movement of the mobile parts

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4.3.8 Vertical Motorized Movement

The vertical movement of the C-Arm is motorized and is activated with the
commands placed on the right and the left sides of the console (can be acti-
vated only if the device is on).
Continue pressing the arrow corresponding to the desired movement until
you reach the desired position, using the graduated scale found on the ver-
tical column supporting the C-Arm, if necessary.
If using the new touch screen console, the vertical movement buttons are
placed on the sides of the console. The buttons are metallic and backlit in
blue while the functionality remains unchanged.


Figure 10: Vertical Movement Command

Danger of getting parts of the body caught or crushed while carrying out
the motorized movement. Pay particular attention to arms. See figure A at
point 6.

4.3.9 Workstation Cart Movement

Pay particular attention while moving and positioning the cart and its com-
ponents and accessories (monitor, printer etc.), danger of getting body parts
caught, pinched or crushed.

Danger of getting body parts caught or crushed. See figure B point 2

(fingers, hands, arms) 3, (body, head), 5 (fingers, hands, wrists, arms, feet)
and 8 (danger of getting fingers caught in the cable passage opening).

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4.4 Start-up/ Shutdown

4.4.1 Connecting the various units

Before starting up the device, verify that all the X-Ray Mobile Unit connec-
tions are correct.

Dual Version cable connections


C-arm cable.

C-arm to
Cart cable.
Detail A



Detail B
SERIAL N. command

C-arm connection Model Serial number Main switch

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Connecting the C-Arm to the Workstation

Please note the orientation of the three pins, located vertically on the plug
and align them with the fixed receptacle.
Once seated fully, rotate the ferrule clockwise until you hear an audible

Disconnecting the C-Arm from the Workstation
Rotate the ferrule anticlockwise and extract the connector.
Rewind the cable loosely to avoid damage and place on the reel.

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Compact Version cable connections

C-arm cable


Detail A





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4.4.2 Powering up the Device

Insert the power cable in an adequate power outlet.

Turn the general magneto thermal switch to ON found

on the back of the Monitor Cart; the white indicator
Dual Version
lamp on the right will light to signal that the device is
now receiving electrical power.
Turn the general magneto thermal switch to ON found
Compact Version
on the same side as the power cable.

If the Moonray Systems is already on, do not turn it off by using the same
switch but carry out the correct shutdown procedure; not doing so can
cause damages or data loss.

4.4.3 Device Start-up Ch.

Before starting up the device, make sure that removable disks (CD or DVD)
are not still inserted because they can cause errors to the PC’s booting

To turn the X-Ray Mobile Unit and the Digital Imaging

system on, rotate the key switch placed on the right-
Dual Version hand side of the Monitor Cart to the ON position. The
initiation sequence will terminate after about 2 minutes
and the Digital Imaging System’s software will load.
To turn the X-Ray Mobile Unit and the Digital Imaging
system on, rotate the key switch placed on the left side
Compact Version of the C-Arm base to the ON position. The initiation
sequence will terminate after about 2 minutes and the
Digital Imaging System’s software will load.

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4.4.4 Shutting-Down

Dual Version Shutdown

Shutting down the device can be done with various procedures, according
to the section of the system you wish to leave on or turn off.
Shutting down the C-Arm + Workstation Cart
In cases in which the total shutdown is called for, position the C-Arm in its
most compact position and click on the shutdown icon positioned in the
bottom right hand corner of the monitor B.
Once the shutdown has terminated, turn the magneto thermal switch,
found on the back of the Workstation Cart, to the OFF position.
Disconnect main power.
Disconnect the parts by unplugging the C-Arm base from the Workstation
Shutting down the C-Arm
In cases in which only the C-Arm is to be turned off, maintaining the Wor-
kstation Cart active, position the C-Arm in its most compact position, turn
the key on the side of the Workstation Cart to the OFF position.
Shutting down the Workstation Cart
In cases in which the Workstation Cart must be turned off and the C-Arm
has already been disconnected, click on the shutdown icon positioned in the
bottom right hand corner of monitor B.
Once the shutdown has terminated, turn the magneto thermal switch,
found on the back of the Workstation Cart, to the OFF position.
Disconnect main power.

Compact Version Shutdown

In cases in which total shutdown is called for, position the C-Arm in its most
compact position and click on the shutdown icon positioned in the bottom
right hand corner of the monitor.
Once the shutdown has terminated, turn the magneto thermal switch,
found on the same side as the power cable, to the OFF position.
Disconnect main power.

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5 C-Arm Control
and Command

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5 C-Arm Control and Command Console MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

5.1 Description
The C-Arm control panel/console provides access to X-Ray production nee-
ded to obtain images with the digital imaging system.

Figure 11: Traditional (on the left) and new Touch Screen Consoles (on the right)

For easy access to the control panel, please orient so that it is visible from
each side of the C-Arm. To turn the panel to the other side, just slip it out
towards the back of the mobile unit and turn it in the desired position (the
panel is in a fixed position in the Compact version).
In the following pages you will find descriptions of the icons present on the
control panel and how to select and regulate for various scenarios.
The touch screen console has commands that are activated directly by tap-
ping the command icons on the screen with your finger.
When you try to activate a command that is not permitted, the following
icon will be visualized in the center of the control panel:

Figure 12: “Warning Action not Permitted” Icon

In Moonray 500 models a virtual keyboard is activated on the

touch-screen monitor by clicking on the virtual keyboard icon.

Figure 13: “virtual keyboard” Icon

50   Description
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5.1.1 X-Ray Commands

The operator has various commands at his disposal to produce X-Rays:

Exposure in radiography
Hand held mode is accessible
exclusively through
the hand-held manual
command command located on the
left side of the X-Ray unit:

Figure 13: Hand-Held Radiography Command

In the single pedal

configurations, exposure
Single pedal in fluoroscopy mode is
accessible through the Ch.
Figure 14: Single Pedal 5

In the double pedal

configuration, the user
has the option of using
Double Pedal the fluoroscopy mode
(left pedal) and the
fluoroscopy + mode
(right pedal).
Figure 15: Double Pedal

The flouroscopy push

buttons to exposure in
Flouroscopy push fluoroscopy mode are
buttons found on the tips of the
movement handles of the
C-Arm Base.
Figure 16: Manual Fluoroscopy Command

The device is equipped with a warning light that indicates emission of X-

Rays visible to all personnel from all areas of the examination room in which
the device is found. (CEI EN 60601-2-43 - § 6.8.3 aa)
When the device emits X-Rays, the flouroscopy push buttons and the war-
ning light on top of monitor both light. During X-Ray emission an acoustic
signal is audible.
Figure 17: Warning Light
on Dual (A) and Compact (B)

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5 C-Arm Control and Command Console MOONRAY User Manual - Rev.34 - 2020/01/22

5.2 General Settings

Following is a description of the icons present on the control panel:

Focal Spot Indicators

The device indicates the focal spot in use with the following icons.

Small focal spot, selects automatically in Fluoroscopy mode

Large focal spot, selects automatically in Radiography mode

Table 1: Focal Spot

The user cannot select the focal spot to use manually.

Preparation to exposure
The icon indicates that the automatic settings of the exposure parameters
are in progress. It will appear off, when the X-Rays are not being emitted
and on, when the values of the exposure have been determined.

Preparation to exposure

X-Ray generator function

This icon indicates that exposure is in progress. It will appear off, when X-
Rays are not being produced and on, when X-Rays are produced.

X-Ray generator status

Anode Rotation Status

The icon indicates the status of the anode: It will appear off when X-Rays are
not being produced and on, when exposure is in progress.

Rotating state

Anode rotation at low speed

Anode rotation at high speed

Table 2: Anode Rotation

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Supply voltage status

Indicates if the power network is supplying the correct voltage or not. Based
on the voltage supplied the following icons will appear:

Correct voltage supply

A higher voltage than the maximum level of functionality is

being supplied.

A lower voltage than the minimum level of functionality is

being supplied.

Table 3: Voltage Supply

Anode Heating Status
Producing X-Rays causes the consequential heating of the anode. The ther-
mal level is indicated in the following icons:

Initial heating level

Low heating level

Medium heating level

High heating level

When maximum heating level is reached, an intermitting acoustic

alarm will be audible.
X-Rays will be emitted for the following duration of time:
• Pulsed mode: max 1 minute
• Pulsed high dose mode: 4 sequences of 12 sec
• Pulsed mode: less than 1 minute then emission will halt, only
when the temperature returns under the limit will emission
be possible again.

Table 4: Heating Level

If possible, try not to reach the maximum heating level.

Repeatedly reaching this level can cause permanent damages to the

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Adjustment of the angular position of the camera

The icon indicates if angular rotation of the camera is activated. If the icon is
off, camera rotation is not activated.

In the “radiography” work mode, camera rotation is not possible since it

does not contribute to generating a radiographic image.

To enable camera rotation, press the key relative to the “Camera Rotation”
icon and use the control knob to rotate.

Camera rotation

If using the touch screen console, the two command keys for rotation will
appear next to the icon just selected.

Rotation Keys

To deactivate the camera rotation, press the “Camera Rotation” icon again.
The system will hide the two rotation keys.
If the camera is activated it will always rotate and will stop only when it
reaches its travel limit.

The “Monitor A” will visualize the actual rotation of the camera during its
movement; it could result to be different from the direction indicated by
the icon of the selected command, depending on if it is activated or not
and if the horizontal or vertical flip imagine positioning is being used.

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Regulating the iris diaphragm position

Active regulation of iris diaphragm.

To activate position regulation, press relative icon.

The two command icons seen below will appear. To open the iris collimator,
hold the “open” icon, to close the iris collimator hold the “close” icon. The
system will continue changing the dimension of the aperture of the iris colli-
mator for the amount of time one of the commands is activated.

Open and Close icons

For deactivating diaphragm movement icon touch on other part of the
screen . 5
Regulating the opening of the iris collimator is not possible in the “radio-
graphy” mode, due to the fact that it must be completely open.
The maximum and minimum aperture of the iris diaphragm depends on
the “level of the zoom” (input field) activated.
The aperture dimension will never surpass the allowed value for the zoom
level selected.

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Regulating the filter compensator position

The icons indicate if the filter compensator position regulator is enabled.

Compensating Filter Aperture/Closure

Enabled Rotation of the Compensating Filter

Table 5: Filter Regulator

To activate position regulation, press the relative icon. When on, the filter
movement is enabled and the following icons will appear.

Aperture/Closure icons

To open or close the filter compensator, select the corresponding icons, the
aperture regulation will last as long as the command is active.
To enable rotation regulation, select and hold the corresponding icon. The
same rotating icons seen before will appear.
For deactivating diaphragm movement icon touch on other part of the

Regulating the aperture or closure and/or the rotation of the compensa-

ting filters is not possible in the “radiography” mode due to the fact that
they must be completely open.
The direction indicated in “Monitor A” might not correspond to the one
indicated by the icon of the selected command as a consequence of activa-
ting the horizontal or vertical flip imagine command.

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Image Flipping
To obtain a specular flip of the image present in monitor A, press the key
next to the icon. Each time you press you obtain a new flip.

Horizontal Flip

Vertical Flip

Table 6: Image Flipping

The flip image commands are visible only in the absence of X-Ray emission.


Field of View 5
The on icon indicates which field of view has been selected. Upon start-
up, the device positions itself on the maximum field available. To select a
diverse input field and therefore a different magnifying factor of acquisition,
press on desidered fied of view icon.

Maximum field

Medium field

Small field

Minimum field

Table 7: Version 4 - Input fields

Maximum field

Medium field

Minimum field

Table 8: Version 3 – Input fields

This setting is possible only in the absence of X-Ray emission.

This setting is not possible when using the Hand-Held Command mode be-
cause the II does not contribute to the creation of the radiographic image.

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Selecting exposure control

The selected icon indicates which type of exposure control is active. Auto-
matic exposure is activated in default upon start-up.

Automatic Exposure Control

Manual Exposure Control

Manual Exposure Control for Radiography

Table 9: Types of Exposure Control

To activate the manual mode, select desidered icon.

To activate the radiographic mode select and hold for 2.5 sec the desidered

When the “Radiographic” mode is activated, the system opens the dia-
phragm compensators completely, the iris collimator blocks the comman-
ds that can be activated through the icons on the right hand side of the
screen and “turns off” the icon corresponding to fluoroscopy.
The system also disables the movement commands of the camera, of the
collimator diaphragms, horizontal and vertical image flipping and the II
visual field selection.
Exiting the “Radiographic” mode, all the controls will be reactivated and
the iris diaphragm will be brought back to the position it was in before
entering the radiographic mode.

Digital Radiography (optional)

The Moonray System equipped with a Digital Detector can acquire and
display the image also using a three-point configuration as a radiological
power setting mode. The image will be presented on a monitor with the
typical resolution of fluoroscopy.

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Duration of X-Ray emission

The total exposure time, since the last start-up of the device, is visualized
next to the relative icon in a minutes:seconds format.

Exposure time

In all the other working modes except “Radiographic”, the amount indicates
the total duration of X-Ray emission executed, starting from start-up of the
device or from the last reset of this parameter.
In the “Radiographic” work mode, the amount indicates the duration of the
impulse that will be emitted in correspondence to the activating command
of the X-Rays.
To regulate the duration of emission, press the key next to the icon. Modifi-
cations can be made using the following command icons: Ch.

Increase/Decrease icons
To disable the modification of these values, press the key on the left of the
icon till it “turns off”. The system will hide the variation keys.
The device is equipped with a double safety feature that works as follows:
Pulsed low energy X-Ray emission: every time the sum of the duration of
emission surpasses 4’:30”, an acoustic warning signal is sounded which can
turned off by touching the time exposure icon for not more than 1 second.
If you do not stopped, the acoustic warning signal will sound every time one
of the X-Ray emission commands is activated.
X-Ray boost emission: Following is a table of the duration of X-Ray emis-
sions, which correspond to the frequency pulsed emission boost:
• Boost 0.5: 240 sec
• Boost 1: 120 sec
• Boost 2: 60 sec
• Boost 4: 30 sec
• Boost 6: 20 sec
• Boost 12: 20 sec

The image on the video shows the duration of the X-Ray emission and not
the duration of the activation of the command.
For example, activating the fluoroscopic command for 10 seconds with a
Boost emission of 12 will produce a 5 second value on the screen.

To reset the chronometer from the total emission value, select and hold the
icon till the system visualizes the value: “0:0”.
To reset the timer to 5 minutes of X-Ray emission, press and hold Exposure
time icon.

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Manual setting of exposure voltage (kV)

In the radiographic and manual fluoroscopy work modes, the user must set
the anode-cathode voltage value to generate X-Rays:

Voltage setting visualization

To set voltage:
1 Touch the icon Voltage setting visualization. Two variation icons will appear
on the right of the value.

Increase / Decrease icons

Holding down the “+” and “-“ icons will increase or decrease the value one
unit at a time for the first 1.5 seconds then the system will vary the units
10 at a time.

To disable the value setting, select the icon till it turns off.

Setting current values (mA)

Current setting/visualization and exposure tables

In the radiographic and manual fluoroscopy work modes, you must set the
value of the filament current to generate X-Rays. In the “DSA”, “Cine” or
“Road Mapping” modes you can specify a maximum current table.
To activate the mA value setting:
1 Touch the icon Current setting/visualization and exposure tables. The sy-
stem will visualize the two variation icons on the right of the value.

Increase / Decrease icons

The maximum current value is set for the anode-cathode voltage.

Current setting can be executed only when an X-Ray emission command

has been activated.

Setting the values of the current tables for Boost, DR, DSA, Cine and Road-
map work modes can be done only in the absence of X-Ray emission.

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5.3 X-Ray selection mode

5.3.1 Fluoroscopy
Touch the desired icon till it lights and then touch the icon relative to the
desired mode. If the boost or pulsed mode is chosen, the system predispo-
ses for the selected mode and visualizes the increase/decrease keys. The
user can select a diverse mode or accept the current one. To exit selection,
touch the same icon till it turns off. The fluoroscopy manual commands and
pedal command are activated with the left pedal (in the two pedal versions).

X-Rays are emitted in a pulsed mode. The user can manually or automatical-
ly set the current and voltage parameters. The maximum supply current is 3 Ch.
This emission mode is defined NORMAL FUNCTION MODE (CEI EN 60601-2- 5
43 - § 51.101.4)
The Pulsed fluoroscopy value that generates the highest Air Kerma Rate is
120 kV, 20mA. (CEI EN 60601-2-43)


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Pulsed rays are emitted with frequency indicated in the upper part of the lit
icon. The voltage and current values are established automatically. The user
can indicate the full scale current. The initial current value is 6 mA and can
reach up to 10 mA,
The Boost value that generates the highest Air Kerma Rate is 120 kV, 10 mA,
12 impulses/sec (CEI EN 60601-2-43)

12 impulses/sec.

6 impulses/sec.

4 impulses/sec.

2 impulses/sec.

1 impulses/sec.

1 impulse every 2 sec.

Table 10: Boost

The boost mode can be optionally replaced by a mode having the maxi-
mum current values comparable to those of radioscopy. Times and pulse
frequencies remain typical of the boost mode.

DR (Digital Radiography)
A single pulse is emitted. The voltage and current values are established
automatically. The user can indicate the full scale current: the initial setting
is 6 mA and by accessing the mA setting mode 10 mA can be set.

DR (Digital Radiography)

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Pulsed Fluoroscopy
Pulsed X-Rays are emitted and frequency is indicated in the upper part of
the lit icon. The voltage and current values are established automatically.
The maximum current available is 3mA.
The Pulsed Fluoroscopy value that generates the highest Air Kerma Rate is
120 kV, 3 mA, 12 impulses/sec (CEI EN 60601-2-43)

12 impulses/sec.

6 impulses/sec.

4 impulses/sec.
2 impulses/sec.

1 impulses/sec.

1 impulse every 2 sec.

Table 11: Pulsed Fluoroscopy

To allow the command and control console to visualize the commands

“Boost”, “DR” o “Pulsed”, you must select the “Fluoroscopy” work mode
on the PC.

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5.3.2 Cine/DSA
The Cine or DSA modes can be selected only through the PC by clicking on
the desired work mode.
• The Cine work mode is available only in GSE+ and VE version.
• The DSA function is available only in the double pedal and vascular/en-
dovascular software versions. It is not available on the Compact models.
When you select the Cine or DSA modes, the system disables (by hiding
them) the selection icons “Boost”, “DR” and “Pulsed”; the Fluoroscopy
mode icons (described above) disappear on the control panel and the fol-
lowing icons appear:


Pulsed Exposure 25 imp/sec

The operator can set diverse types of reference tables, according to necessi-
ty, through the mA setting procedure. (See Setting current values (mA)).
Pulsed or pulsed exposure tables are available:
• In the 12 imp./sec. version, the only available frequency is 12 impulses
per second;
• In the 25 imp./sec. version, the user can select either 12 or 25 imp./sec.
To set the desired frequency, touch the icon corresponding to the diverse
pulsed frequencies:

Pulsed Exposure 12 imp./sec.

Pulsed Exposure 25 imp./sec.

Table 12: Cine Exposure

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Fluoroscopy Commands (manual and left pedal command)

The manual fluoroscopy and fluoroscopy commands (left pedal command)
exclusively activate Pulsed fluoroscopy. Emission is effective exclusively and
automatically. The operators can set 4 diverse types of current tables for X-
Ray emission through the mA setting procedure. (See Setting current values
(mA)). Table 13 lists the maximum current in full scale.
When the regulating table n. 3 is selected the emission mode is defined as
NORMAL MODE FUNCTION, when the regulating table n. 1 is selected the
emission mode is defined LOW INTENSITY MODE FUNCTION. (CEI EN 60601-
2-43 - § 51.101.4).
The Pulsed Fluoroscopy value that generates the highest Air Kerma Rate is
120 kV, 20 mA. (CEI EN 60601-2-43).

Manual and left pedal fluoroscopy commands: Ch.

Full Scale Current Acoustic Alarm after (4)
Max Exposition Type of 5
Duration exposition


2 Max 2 mA 4’:30” 5’:0”
40 Pulsed
Max 6 mA 2’:15” 2’:30”

Table 13: Manual Fluoroscopy and Fluoroscopy Command

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Fluoroscopy+ Command (right pedal command)

The “Fluoroscopy+ command” activates the set function on the Workstation
(that is the “Cine” or the “DSA”). Emission is executed only automatical-
ly. Through the mA setting procedure, (see Setting current values (mA)),
the operators can set diverse types of current tables for X-Ray emission
according to his needs. Table 14 lists the available tables. For values 1, 2 and
3 emission is Pulsed; for values between 30 and 80 emission is pulsed. In
both cases, the maximum current in full scale varies according to the choice
made as described in Table 14.

Current Visualization/Setting and Exposure Tables

The numerical value on the right of the icon has two diverse meanings, ac-
cording to the activation / deactivation of the X-Ray emission commands:
• Deactivated X-Ray emission command: the numerical value indicates
the current table set for emission with a “fluoroscopy +” command.
• Activated X-Ray emission command: the numerical value indicates the
existing current value of the filament current.
The Fluoroscopy+ Pulsed value that generates the highest Air Kerma Rate is
120 kV, 80 mA, 12 imp/sec (or 25 imp/sec in the versions in which this value
is available). (CEI EN 60601-2-43)

Right Pedal Command (Fluoroscopy +):

Full Scale Current Type of exposure selected

1 Max 1 mA Pulsed
2 Max 2 mA
3 Max 3 mA
30 Max 30 mA
40 Max 40 mA Pulsed 25 imp./sec Pulsed 12 imp./sec
50 Max 50 mA
60 Max 60 mA
70 Max 70 mA
80 Max 80 mA

Table 14: Right Pedal Command

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5.3.3 Roadmap
Selection of the roadmap mode is activated from the workstation by clicking
on the desired work mode (see Setting current values (mA)). The Roadmap
function is available only in GSE+ and VE version and with vascular and
endovascular software.
When using the Roadmap mode, the command and control console visuali-
zes only the Pulsed Fluoroscopy icon:


Fluoroscopy Command (manual or left pedal command)

Both the manual and left pedal commands exclusively activate Pulsed fluo-
roscopy. Emission is executed only automatically. Through the mA setting
procedure, (see Setting current values (mA)), the operators can set diverse
types of current values for X-Ray emission according to his needs (see table
When the mA value 3 is selected, the emission is defined NORMAL MODE
FUNCTION, when the mA value 1 is selected the emission is defined LOW
INTENSITY FUNCTION. (CEI EN 60601-2-43 - § 51.101.4)
The Pulsed Fluoroscopy value that generates the highest Air Kerma Rate is
120 kV, 20 mA, (CEI EN 60601-2-43)

Manual and Left Pedal Fluoroscopy Commands:

Full Scale current Type of exposure

1 Max 1 mA
2 Max 2 mA
3 Max 3 mA
20 Max 20 mA

Table 15: Manual and Left Pedal Fluoroscopy Commands

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Fluoroscopy Command + (right pedal command)

The right pedal command (Fluoroscopy +) activates the set function (Road
Mapping). Emission is exclusively Pulsed and automatic. Through the mA
setting procedure, (see Setting current values (mA)), the operators can set
diverse types of current values (tables) for X-Ray emission according to his
needs (see table below).
The Pulsed Fluoroscopy value that generates the highest Air Kerma Rate is
120 kV, 3 mA, (CEI EN 60601-2-43)

Right Pedal Command (Fluoroscopy +):

Full Scale Current Type of exposure

1 Max 1 mA
2 Max 2 mA Pulsed
3 Max 3 mA

Table 16: Right Pedal Command (Fluoroscopy+)

5.3.4 Typical Radiographic Values

Typical Radiographic values used for different types of exams for which the
device is intended. (CEI EN 60601-2-43 - § 6.8.2 bb)

Exam Exposure Values Type of Exposure

Peripheral Angiography 60 kV – 2 mA Pulsed
Thorax/Abdomen Angiography 80 kV – 3 mA Pulsed
HD Thorax/Abdomen Angiography 80 kV – 30 mA 12/25 impulses/second

5.3.5 Maximum Levels of Air Kerma Rate

Maximum levels of Air Kerma Rate (RATIO) [mGy/s] (CEI EN 60601-2-43 - §
6.8.2 cc):

Fluoroscopy AUTO : 120 kV, 3 mA 0.37
Boost : 120 kV, 10 mA, 12 impulses/sec 0.6
Pulsed Fluoroscopy : 120 kV, 3 mA, 12 impulses/sec 0.26

Pulsed Fluoroscopy : 120 kV, 1 (3) [6] mA 0.16 (0.37) [0.6]
120 kV, 30 mA, 12 (25)
Pulsed Fluoroscopy : 0.84 (2)
120 kV, 80 mA, 12 (25)
Pulsed Fluoroscopy : 1.6 (3.6)
Maximum levels of AIR KERMA RATE IN Radiography for image:
A specific trial object representing an average patient can be indicated in a
PMMA dummy in a square form that is 20 cm thick and 25 cm. side base (CEI
EN 60601-1-3 - §

68   X-Ray selection mode

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5.4 List of Warnings

The diagnostic status icons described below are found in the upper part of
the control panel, on the right of the icon relative to the focal point size:

Indicates anode malfunction. Refer to the Troubleshooting section of

Rotating Anode Error
the Appendix.

The CPU card power supply battery is not charged to the optimum
Discharged Battery
level. Call customer service.

The icon is visualized when there is a camera error: the camera

cannot rotate and the various input fields are locked. This icon is also
Camera/Video Error
visualized when the camera doesn’t receive the Frame Sync signal.
X-Ray emission locked.
Communication Error
Signals a communication error between the mobile X-Ray unit and
the digital imaging system. 5
The MMT processor has generated an error and the Watchdog
Principal C-Arm Card Error
system has intervened by locking all emissions and functions.

Diaphragm Error The collimator’s control unit has generated an error.

Filament Error The Filament or its control function has generated an error.

Voltage Error The inverter / monobloc system has a breakdown

When overheating is near, an acoustic alarm will be activated. The

device will allow X-Ray emission for the following time periods:
• Pulsed mode: for max 1 minute of actual X-Ray emission
• High Dose Pulsed Mode: 4 sequences of 12 seconds
Anode Overheating
At this point emission will be locked. Only the decrease in temperate
under the allowed limit will permit reactivation of the emissions.
Rebooting the device locks its functions and does not reset this

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