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英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1


__________ 1. Mary likes to cook and her dream is to become a c______f at a famous restaurant.
__________ 2. Larry felt lonely because he did not know who he could t______t.
__________ 3. Ursula hasn’t eaten anything for four hours. T______s, she is very hungry right now.
__________ 4. In some cultures, people believe that s______ls live on after death.
__________ 5. Charlie is a good listener who gives his friends his full a______n when they talk.
__________ 6. The mother gave her son a big h______g before he left for school.
__________ 7. The f______p between Claire and Anne is long; they have been friends since they
were four.
__________ 8. My father has the habit of doing a b______t of exercise every morning.
__________ 9. Taiwan is a beautiful country that is w______h visiting.
__________ 10. The waiter p______red some water into every glass on the table.
__________ 11. Grandmother added some salt to the soup and used a chopstick to s______r it.
__________ 12. Rita knows a good r______e for making chocolate cookies.
__________ 13. Mother was cooking on the s______e when I got home after school.
__________ 14. In Taiwan, t______ns of garbage are produced every day.
__________ 15. Though Jeremy made a lot of e______ts, he did not pass the test.
__________ 16. Twins are believed to have a lot of ______ (similar).
__________ 17. Delicious food can bring people ______ (satisfy).
__________ 18. Because of the teacher’s ______ (encourage), Eddie decided not to give up.
__________ 19. My sister decided to make a cake herself. First, she ______ (mixture) water and
flour together.
__________ 20. William Wordsworth is my favorite ______ (poem). I like to read his works in my
free time.
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1


that is 意即,也就是說
‧Frank is a funny person. That is, he is good at telling jokes.
1. Betty 錯過今天早上第一堂課。也就是說,她遲到了。
2. Zack 吃了三個漢堡和四個蘋果派。也就是說,他真的很餓。

S1 + V1 + what + S2 + V2 . . . …就是…
‧Gillian tried to explain what she meant.
3. 警官相信計程車駕駛說的話。
4. Richard 仍然記得父母告訴他的話。

make an/every/no/any effort (不)努力…

‧Steve makes no effort to change his bad habits.
5. Smith 小姐盡一切努力鼓勵她的學生們。
6. Vincent 沒有盡任何努力交朋友。

sit back 不採取行動;(悠閒地)坐好
‧Jennifer likes to sit back by the lake and do nothing at all.
7. Nathan 喜歡悠閒地坐好並且觀賞他最愛的電視節目。
8. Tim 不採取行動就希望所有的問題都會被解決。

S + Vt (leave/keep) + O + OC (adj./prep. phrase) . . .

S + Vt (make) + O + OC (V./adj.) . . .  讓(把)某人/物/事…
‧Taking care of the children makes Christine very tired.
9. Lauren 把她的錢存放在一個安全的地方。
10. 這佈置讓這間公寓變成一個舒適的居住環境。

for example 例如
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

‧Ian enjoys sports. For example, he likes to go jogging and play basketball.
11. Sandra 上個週末做了很多事情。例如,她和她姊姊去游泳以及買了一台新電腦。
12. 在臺灣,有些月份會有颱風,例如七月和八月。

sb. + spend + (time) + V-ing (人)花(時間)…

‧Fanny spends several hours studying math every weekend.
13. Irene 和她的朋友在她家開完派對後,她花了三小時清理房子。
14. Barbara 花了一個禮拜完成她的歷史報告。

leave . . . alone 別動、別碰(某物);不打擾(某人)
‧When Joanna feels down, she just wants to be left alone.
15. 那頑皮的男孩被要求不要碰那個昂貴的玻璃花瓶。
16. Michael 決定不打擾他的妹妹因為她在哭。

like 像…
‧Gabriel likes talking to his parents. They are like his friends.
17. Olivia 認為人生就像一個充滿驚喜的盒子。
18. 我們老師告訴我們寫文章就像蓋房子一樣。

when it comes to 說到,提及

‧When it comes to the smartest student in this class, it must be Debbie.
19. 說到他最喜歡的季節,Carl 總說是夏天。(When....)
20. 當說到修理電腦時,我認為我爸是個十足的專家。(...when....)

It + takes + sb. + (time) + to V 做…花費某人…時間

‧It takes me fifteen minutes to take a bath.
21. 每天早上走路上學花 Nancy 三十分鐘。
22. 為新電腦存錢花了 Chuck 一年。
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1


be + worth + V-ing 值得…
‧I think Jane Austen’s novels are worth reading.
23. 這是個值得思考的問題。
24. Alice 認為英文是個值得學習的語言。
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1


It is important for everyone to make friends. Making friends 1 making soup. Prepare all the
materials you need and you are ready. Pour smiles and good feelings into a bowl 2 warm wishes,
and the result is a friendship soup. However, keep in mind that these things have to 3 carefully. If
you are not careful enough, the soup may not be delicious. Make sure that every step is correct.
That is, you have to 4 to make friends. So be a good chef and make it happen!
Friends are people you can trust and talk 5 . With them, you can 6 all your happiness and
sadness. These are people you can trust. You will not be afraid to tell your friends 7 you think.
But remember, friendship needs care. 8 attention to the way you stir soup on the stove. If you do
not check it often, you may not get what you expect. Having a friend 9 keeps you busy 9
makes you happy. Maintaining a friendship 10 time and effort, but it is worth it. It is something
you should keep doing all your life.

( ) 1. (A) are like (B) is like (C) like (D) likes

( ) 2. (A) over (B) about (C) with (D) by
( ) 3. (A) cooking (B) be cooking (C) cooked (D) be cooked
( ) 4. (A) make effort (B) make any effort (C) make no effort (D) make an effort
( ) 5. (A) to (B) for (C) in (D) around
( ) 6. (A) satisfy (B) pour (C) share (D) mix
( ) 7. (A) which (B) what (C) that (D) who
( ) 8. (A) Pay (B) Paying (C) To pay (D) Paid
( ) 9. (A) either; or (B) too; to (C) not only; but also (D) not; but
( ) 10. (A) asks (B) costs (C) takes (D) spends
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

1. What does the author think making friends can be like? (paragraph 1)

2. What do you need and need to do to be like a good chef? (paragraph 1)

3. What do you need to do if you want to enjoy a close friendship with another person? (paragraph

4. What can’t we do if we want to enjoy a close friendship with another person? (paragraph 3)

5. What are the three things a friendship need? (paragraph 4)

6. What does it take when it comes to keeping old friendships and starting new ones? (paragraph
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1


It’s good to have a close friend when it comes to having people around for support. In other
words, one true friend or two can be more helpful than a large group of people who are not so close.
Naturally, every person has different ideas about friendships. Some feel the need to have one
very close friend, while others like to have many. The best is to have a group of really good friends,
who are ready to help when you need it.
For one thing, different friends can offer different kinds of support. There’s the friend who
knows how to listen well; the one who is good at giving advice; and the one who likes to go out and
have some fun when you’re feeling down.
There are those who say, “I don’t need a lot of friends. One friend who is smart, sensitive and
fun-loving is enough.” That’s fine. But what happens if that friend can’t be there for you? You
might feel alone when you need him or her to be there.
Also, having a group of friends helps bring together those who can do different things: the fun
person encourages the shy friend; the good listener learns how to give advice from the smart friend.
Everyone feels like they are important because they can help in one way or another. This is
something that only friends can give.

( ) 1. According to the author, _____________.

(A) having one good friend is enough (B) having a group of good friends is better
(C) good friends are usually shy (D) stress often comes with friends
( ) 2. Which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Some people want only one friend, and others need more.
(B) A good friend is someone to have fun with.
(C) The author does not have any friends.
(D) Friends offer all kinds of support.
( ) 3. According to the author, what does a good friend do?
(A) A good friend is always there for you.
(B) A good friend encourages you.
(C) A good friend gives advice.
(D) All of the above.
( ) 4. A sensitive person _____________.
(A) pays attention to others’ feelings (B) always wants to have fun
(C) has no idea what is wrong (D) is willing to help others
( ) 5. This article is mainly about _____________.
(A) how to make friends (B) what to do in times of stress or need
(C) how important friends are (D) how to be a good listener
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1


1. Joshua 每天快樂地讀英文。也就是說,他喜歡這個科目。
Joshua studies English happily every day. , he likes this subject.
2. 這是他父母期待他做的事情。
This is his parents expect him to do.

3. Irwin 不想努力準備考試。
Irwin does not want to to prepare for the exam.
4. 他只想悠閒地坐著玩線上遊戲。
He only wants to and play online games.

5. Samantha 的工作讓她每天都忙碌。
Samantha’s job her every day.
6. 比如,她必須打很多通電話還要和上司溝通。
, she has to make many phone calls and communicate with her boss.
7. Eric is upset right now.
He does not want others to talk to him. (用 leave him alone 合併改寫)
8. Hilary is good at singing.
That is what makes people think of her. (用 When it comes to 合併改寫)
9. George finished his homework last night.
He spent three hours doing it.  (用 take 合併)
10. Andrea spends a lot of time with her friends.
She thinks it is important.  (用 it is worth it 合併改寫)

Friends are people you can trust. 11.如果你相信你的朋友,你會想花時間和他們分享你的感

受。 This is important because your friends need to know that they are always on your mind. 12.友
誼,像湯一樣,需要你的時間和注意。 It is what you need when you feel down.
11. ____________________________________________________________________________
12. ____________________________________________________________________________
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1


  

Part I
Answer the following questions according to the above pictures.
Picture One
1. What did the two girls do every morning?
2. Do you think they are good friends? Why?
Picture Two
3. What did the two girls do?
4. Do you think they are still good friends?
Picture Three
5. Besides the two women, who else was in the picture?
6. What were they doing in the picture?

Part II
Now write a 50-word story based on your answers.
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

Listening Test
Part 1: 30%
In the first part of this test, you are going to see three pictures. Each picture is followed by a
question. Study the pictures, then listen carefully to the CD and choose the best answer for each

1. ( ) 2. ( )

3. ( )

Part 2: 25%
In the second part of this test, you are going to hear five short conversations. Each conversation is
followed by a question. Choose the best answer for each question.
( ) 1. (A) Love.
(B) A famous woman.
(C) Friendship.
( ) 2. (A) She doesn’t know Susan.
(B) She asks the man to introduce Susan to her.
(C) She and Susan have been friends for many years.
( ) 3. (A) It is very good.
(B) It is not very good.
(C) It is slow.
( ) 4. (A) They will start eating dinner.
(B) They will eat dinner.
(C) They will relax and wait.
( ) 5. (A) The man is similar to the woman.
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

(B) The man is encouraging the woman.

(C) The man is reading a poem to the woman.

Part 3: 25%
In the third part of this test, you are going to hear five conversations. Each conversation is followed
by a question. Choose the best answer for each question.
( ) 1. (A) Very sweet.
(B) Very sour.
(C) Not too sweet, not too sour.
( ) 2. (A) Give Stacy a card.
(B) Say nothing and give her a hug.
(C) Say something funny to make Stacy happy.
( ) 3. (A) In the bedroom.
(B) In the hospital.
(C) In the kitchen.
( ) 4. (A) Celine is very sad.
(B) The woman doesn’t know what happen to Celine.
(C) The woman is with Celine now.
( ) 5. (A) She disagrees with the man.
(B) She disagrees with the girls.
(C) She agrees with the man.

Part 4: 20%
In the fourth part of this test, there are two questions. You will hear a question followed by a short
talk, a message or an announcement. Choose the best picture for each question.
( ) 1.
(A) (B) (C)

( ) 2.
(A) (B) (C)
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

1. chef 2. trust 3. Thus 4. souls 5. attention
6. hug 7. friendship 8. bit 9. worth 10. poured
11. stir 12. recipe 13. stove 14. tons 15. efforts
16. similarities 17. satisfaction 18. encouragement 19. mixed 20. poet

1. Betty missed the first class this morning. That is, she was late.
2. Zack ate three hamburgers and four apple pies. That is, he was really hungry.
3. The police officer believed what the taxi driver said.
4. Richard remembers what his parents told him.
5. Miss Smith makes every effort to encourage her students.
6. Vincent didn’t/doesn’t make any effort to make friends./Vincent makes/made no efforts to
make friends.
7. Nathan likes to sit back and watch his favorite TV show.
8. Tim just sat back and wished all the problems would be solved.
9. Lauren keeps/leaves her money in a safe place.
10. The decoration makes the apartment a comfortable place to live.
11. Sandra did many things last weekend. For example, she went swimming with her sister and
bought a new computer.
12. In Taiwan, we have typhoons in some months, for example, July and August.
13. Irene spent three hours cleaning her house after she and her friends had a party there.
14. Barbara spent/spends a week finishing her history report.
15. The naughty boy is/was asked to leave the expensive glass vase alone.
16. Michael decided/decides to leave his sister alone because she was/is crying.
17. Olivia thinks life is like a box full of surprises.
18. Our teacher told us that writing articles is like building a house.
19. When it comes to his favorite season, Carl always says summer.
20. I think my father is quite an expert when it comes to fixing computers.
21. It takes Nancy thirty minutes to walk to school every morning.
22. It takes Chuck a year to save money for the new computer.
23. This is a problem worth thinking about.
24. Alice thinks English is a language worth learning.

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C

英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

1. Making soup.
2. First, you need a special recipe. Next, you have to prepare all the things you need and then cook
them carefully.
3. You have to make an effort.
4. We can’t just sit back and wait for it.
5. Trust, similar interests, and care.
6. It may take time and effort.

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C

1. That; is
2. what
3. make; any; effort
4. sit; back
5. keeps; busy
6. For; example
7. Eric is upset right now, and he wants others to leave him alone.
8. When it comes to singing, people think of Hilary.
9. It took George three hours to finish his homework last night.
10. Andrea thinks it is worth it to spend a lot of time with her friends.
11. If you trust your friends, you will want to spend time sharing your feelings with them.
12. Friendship, like soup, needs your time and attention.

Part I
1. They walked to school together.
2. Yes, I think they are. Because they walked hand in hand.
3. They studied together in the library.
4. Yes, I think they still are.
5. The two women’s husbands and their children.
6. They were taking a picture together.
Part II
The two girls have been good friends since junior high. They walked to school together
every morning. Then, after they entered senior high, they studied in the library together every
weekend. Later the two girls became two women. Several years passed. They were married and
had children. Sometimes, the two families went out together. The two women were still good
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

Listening Test
Part 1
1. B 2. A 3. B 
Part 2
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
Part 3
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C
Part 4
1. A 2. C

Part 1
1. Q: What probably happened in this picture?
(A) The woman is calling the fire department.
(B) The woman was not paying attention to her cooking.
(C) The woman is stirring the soup.
2. Q: What is the boy doing?
(A) He is pouring some water into his cup.
(B) He is drinking some water.
(C) He is reading a recipe.
3. Q: What can we guess about the girl?
(A) She practices playing the piano five hours a day.
(B) She doesn’t make much effort to learn and practice the piano.
(C) Her parents think she plays well.

Part 2
1. W: What are you reading?
M: A love poem by a famous woman.
Q: What is the poem about?
2. M: Do you know Susan?
W: Of course! I began a friendship with her when we were in kindergarten.
Q: What does the woman mean?
3. W: How is that new restaurant?
M: They were a little slow, but the food is really worth waiting for!
Q: How is the food at the new restaurant?
4. M: Okay, I poured in the vegetables and mixed in the eggs. What now?
W: Now, all we need to do is sit back and wait.
Q: What will the two people do next?
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

5. W: My sister did not like my poem.

M: I think you really write well, Karen. You should be a poet!
Q: What is the man doing?

Part 3
1. M: Would you like some sugar in your tea?
W: Just a bit, please.
M: Here you are.
W: Wow, you put in a ton!
Q: How does the tea taste?
2. W: I heard that Stacy’s grandmother passed away yesterday.
M: She must be very sad.
W: I don’t know what to say when I see her. I’m afraid of saying something wrong.
M: Maybe you can just give her a hug.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman to do?
3. M: What should I do now?
W: Add a bit of salt and some water into the pot.
M: OK. What’s next?
W: Mix flour and water. Keep stirring it.
Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?
4. M: What happened to Celine? I saw she was crying.
W: She failed the midterm.
M: I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe I should go to her and say something encouraging to her.
W: We tried, but she asked us to leave her alone.
Q: Which of the following is true?
5. M: Amanda and Jessica had another big argument yesterday.
W: Those two girls are always fighting. I don’t understand why they are friends.
M: I know what they like about each other: They both like to argue!
W: As a matter of fact, they are very similar in that way.
Q: What is the woman’s opinion?

Part 4
1. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. What is the
woman’s job?
Many people say it’s difficult being a chef. But for me, I don’t really think it is such a hard job.
All I have to do is use my big book of recipes that I keep in my restaurant. And besides, making
delicious food is fun. It’s not like work at all.
2. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following message. What will Danny
probably think about when he hears this message?
英文(一)百寶書 Unit 1

Hi, Danny! This is Roger, your classmate from high school. Do you still remember me? I have
called you three times, but you are never at home. I think we had a great friendship in high
school so why don’t we get together sometime? I hope to hear from you soon. Bye!

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