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1.1 INSTITUTION : Universidad Nacional de Cañete

1.2 CYCLE : III – Grupo A y B
1.3 TEACHER : Mg. Indira Taipe Cancho.
1.4 DATE : May, 2022
1.6 TOPIC : Present continuous




El estudiante solicita y
da información acerca
6 Utiliza correctamente Present continuous de preferencias y
frases de acuerdo a su
hábitos personales.
vida cotidiana.



“This scenario is dedicated to the proliferation of human values” (The autor)

MY GOAL : At the end of scenario 06 I’ll be able to recognize possesive adjectives and to use the
present continuous tense in affirmative and negative statements. I’ll also learn about human values
in society.


1. What are the most important human values for you?

2. What are the most important values for your community?
3. What values do you expect from people around you?


We humans find ourselves in a particularly

Precarious situacion as we begin a new
Millennium. Values different than those
Which respect and protect human beings are
promoted and forced upon us in ways that
devastate our fragile life support system, our
human integrity and our human spirit.
We have all of the necessary elements to
create a peaceful, safe and nurtiring
environment for all the people of this Earth.
We are intelligent, yet we lack wisdom.
We have science and technology, yet much
scientific endeavor is dedicated to destruction
and the development of weapons, instead of
improving the living conditions of humankind.
Medical advances are not equally distributed.
We understand human development and the
needs for nutrition and appropriate living
conditions, yet children all over the world are
still starving by the thousands.
We seem to be forgetting our responsibility
towards other human beings. Is there nothing
we can do to change this?



WRITING - Exercise 1

Write a question replacing the name possessive by the possessive article in each sentence.

a. Ana´s shorts are blue. What color _________________________?

b. Tom´s favorite car Brand is Ford. What ______________________________?
c. Sam´s book is on the shelf. Where _____________________________?
d. Tina’s car ir red. What color _________________________?
e. Bob and Sara´s apartment is green. What color _________________________?
f. Our house is White. What color _________________________?


School of Assassins by Robert Richter

School of Assassins, is a documentary film produced by American lawyer Robert Richter that
reveals a training program taking place at the United States Army School of the Americas in Fort
Benning, Georgia. At the School of the Americas, soldiers, mostly from Latin America, are taught
torture techniques as part of their counter-insurgency training.
This training on how to fight insurgents is paid by the United States taxpayers.

This military action has led to the annihilation of

whole villages. Not only is this training promoting a
military mentality, it is also wasting expensive
military hardware thereby creating more debt for
those countries.



The present continuous tense is used to describe incomplete actions or events in the present .

e.g. he´s eating a hamburger.

Also, to talk about events that are happening at the momento of speaking or temporary actions.
Actions in the near future are also said using the present continuous.

e.g. I´m working in Miami. I usually work in New York.


WRITING – Exercise 2

In the following conversation complete the sentences using the present continuous tense.

JOE: Have you Heard about the School of the Americas? Something terrible ___________
(happen) there.
ANA: No. What´s happening?
JOE: Well, army soldiers ______________(train) Latin American on how to control insurgents.
ANA: Really? What______________they ____________(teach)?
JOE: They ___________(teach) torture techniques, which are paid by the United States tax
ANA: So, they ____________(waste) our resources.
JOE: That´s right, but not only that. They ___________(promote) a military mentality In Latin
America instead of improving the living conditions.



QUESTIONS AND WRITING - Ask and answer questions

a. Is your teacher wearing a hat? __________________________________________

b. Are you playing basketball?_____________________________________________
c. Is your neighbor dancing salsa? _________________________________________
d. Are you writing an email? ______________________________________________
e. Is your friend Reading this book? _______________________________________

Reading about human values

We know enough about psychology to recognize the roots of hatred and fears, yet groups of us
continue to find ourselves manipulated into dangerous and old fashioned ways of thinking, rather
than considering ourselves as family, and recognizing that we are more similar than we are
We understand that there are universal human rights and inherent freedoms, yet somehow the
manifestation of power and economic interests, and the return to militarism as a problem solving
method continues to prevent us from creating the peaceful world we all dream about.
The heads of corporations and governments, financial and military institutions, and other
organizations, have a very profound impact on human well being. If they took responsibility and
considered the consequences of their actions, in terms of how they affect their loved ones by
demented actions such as bombing, polluting, exploiting, and placing more value on profits than
on people, we would begin to see a moral awakening.

Look for more information about:

1. Human rights in your country

2. Types of human values
3. The power of personal values
4. Lack of rights in other countries (Middle Earst, China, North Korea)



1. Write a question for each sentence using possessive adjectives.

a. Sam´s pants are blue.

What color ___________________________?
b. Frank´s favorite color is yellow.
What color ____________________________?
c. Peter´s socks are on the bed!
d. Debbie’s shorts are White.
What color _________________________________?
e. Susan’s and Tom´s apartment is green.
What color _________________________________?
f. My favorite color is gray.
What ____________________________________?
g. Our car is light Brown in color.
What color ______________________________?

2. Complete these sentences by the correct name or names.



a. _______________________is feeling much better.
I spoke to her in the hospital this morning .
b. If you see _________________give them my love.
c. ¿Are you _________________________?
This way please . The room is ready for you.
d. ¿Are _____________________ in?
I have a message for them.

3. Look at the picture and add personal and object pronouns to complete the story

The other day when I was shopping a woman stopped ______________and asked ____________
the way to the post office. ____________gave her directions and __________ thanked
_____________politely, then ran off quickly in the opposite direction. _____________

Put my hand in my pocked and found that my wallet was missing. _____________must have taken
it while _______________were talking. ______________shouted and ran after
______________but ____________had disappeared in the crowd.

4. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the provided verb. The sentences
may be affirmative or negative as appropriate.

a. I´m tired. I´m _____________(go) to bed now. Goodnight

b. We can go out now. It _________________(rain) anymore.
c. How is your new job?
Not so good at the moment. I ______________(enjoy) it very much.
d. Catherine phoned me last night. She´s on holiday in France.
She _____________(have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.
e. I want to lose weght, so this week I _____________(eat) luch.
f. Angela has just started evening classes.
She _____________________(learn) German.
g. I think Paul and Ann had an argument.
They _______________(talk) to each other.

Ruta de Aprendizaje para esta sesión

MY GOAL : At the end of scenario 06 I’ll be able to recognize possesive adjectives and to use the
present continuous tense in affirmative and negative statements. I’ll also learn about human values
in society.

Nuestro objetivo de esta sesión es usar el tiempo presente progresivo o continuo en las tres formas
o estructuras que tiene la gramatica del idioma inglés (afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo) a su
vez hemos aprendido algunas palabras sobre los valores humanos en la sociedad. Por tanto
pondremos en practica lo aprendido en esta actividad.

Fase Individual

1. Haz una lista de palabras que tienen relación con el presente simple y toma nota en tu
computadora, en tu cuaderno, o en tu celular (3 puntos)
2. Desarrolla los ejercicios y escribe en tu cuaderno y/o computadora. (4 puntos)
3. Practica la pronunciación y escritura de nuevas palabras que hayas aprendido en esta
lección. (2 puntos)
4. Diseña un mapa mental con los contenidos de tu logro de aprendizaje pers onal y pon a
prueba tu desempeño académico. (3 puntos)

Fase Grupal

5. Construyan, creen, elaboren o diseñen un solo mapa mental, recogiendo la información

de todos los participantes en el desarrollo de esta sesión de aprendizaje (8 puntos)

NOTA: Los indicadores de autoevaluación integral aplica para todos y todas. Como
resultado final Ud. Tendrá.

Valoración Grupal = 20 (Aprovechen la oferta académica)

El trabajo deberán enviar al correo institucional :

Se les valora la creativadad que ustedes

vienen demostrando en la participacion
del desarrollo de los contenidos
temáticos, nada les queda dificil. Todo es
posible cuando estamos enfocado en el
logro de nuestras metas. Mucho ánimo y
éxitos en todo sentido.

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