英文 (一) 課文例句中英對照Unit 1

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Unit 1 A Recipe for a Delicious Friendship


All of us want to have friends. Do you know that making friends can be like making soup?
That is, to enjoy a close friendship with another person, you must be like a good chef. First, you
need a special recipe. It tells you what you need. Next, you have to prepare all the things you need
and then cook them carefully.
The poem on the right was written by a fourteen-year-old student. It is about friendship, and it
is called “Friendship Soup.”
Friendship Soup
Like tomato soup, only
Better, more
Satisfying, and
Good for your soul.
All you need is a can of love,
Opened with a smile,
Poured into a bowl of good
feelings and similar
Mixed with: a
Cup of warm wishes,
3 cups of talking,
5 cups of time together—
House visits,
2 teaspoons of helpfulness,
3 cups of trust,
A shoulder to cry on,
A basket of hugs,
3 tons of encouragement,
And don’t forget—a
Bit of nuttiness!
右邊這首詩出自一名 14 歲的學生之手。它是關於友誼,詩名為〈友誼之湯〉。
The poem shows that if you want to enjoy a close friendship with another person, you have to
make an effort. You cannot just sit back and wait for it. Like a good chef, you have to make it
The poem also says that friendship needs many different things. For example, trust and similar
interests are very important. If you really trust your friends, you can talk to them about any
problems you have and share your feelings with them. If you and your friends have similar interests,
you will spend more time doing the things you enjoy together. Friendship also needs care. You can’t
leave it alone, just as you can’t leave soup on the stove without stirring it. Friendship, like soup,
needs your time and attention. Though having a friend keeps you busy, it also makes you happy. A
good friend, like a bowl of good soup, can be just what you need when you feel down.
Thus, when it comes to keeping old friendships and starting new ones, remember that it can be
a lot like making soup—it may take time and effort, but it is always worth it.
—Interpreted by Theodore Pigott. The poem is adapted from “Friendship Soup” by
Omenka Uchendu, from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: The Real Deal Friends

Words for Production

1. recipe
‧The recipe tells you the things you need and what you should do to make chicken soup.
2. friendship
‧Rita began a friendship with Carol when they were in elementary school. Today, they are still
‧Rita 在小學時與 Carol 結識。現在,她們仍是朋友。
‧To Tim, friendship is more important than anything else. He can’t live without his friends.
‧對 Tim 來說,友誼是最重要的。他不能沒有朋友。
3. chef
‧My mother is a chef in a restaurant; she is very good at cooking.
4. poem
‧Poems are usually short pieces of writing, but they are often full of ideas and symbols (象徵).
‧Lily loves reading poetry, especially poems by John Keats.
‧Lily 喜歡讀詩,特別是濟慈的。
‧Emily Dickinson is one of the most famous American poets; people today still love reading her
5. satisfying
‧It is time for dinner, but my lunch was so satisfying that I’m not really hungry right now.
‧It is satisfying to know that we won the game; we feel very happy and pleased.
‧Jimmy tries to satisfy his parents by studying hard and getting good grades.
‧Jimmy 試圖以用功讀書和得到好成績來滿足父母。
‧The student got a lot of satisfaction from answering the difficult questions.
6. soul
‧The poet’s works show that he has a lonely soul and that no one understands him.
‧Some people believe that the soul leaves the body after a person is dead.
7. pour
‧Alice poured some coffee into her cup and drank it.
‧Alice 倒了些咖啡到杯子裡來喝。
8. similar
‧Maggie’s voice is similar to her sister’s. They sound almost the same on the phone.
‧Maggie 的聲音和她姊姊相仿。她們在電話中聽起來幾乎一模一樣。
‧There are some similarities between the two hats. For example, they are both red.
9. mix
‧If you mix black and white, you get gray.
‧The small town is a great mix of old and new houses.
‧When Helen listened to the love song, she felt a mixture of sadness and happiness.
‧當 Helen 聽這首情歌時,她感到悲喜交加。
10. trust
‧You can put your trust in Alan. He always keeps his word.
‧你可以相信 Alan。他一向信守承諾。
‧I trust Karl because he is an honest person.
‧我相信 Karl,因為他是個誠實的人。
11. hug
‧Before I go to school, my mother always gives me a hug to show her love for me.
‧The little girl hugged her favorite doll and held it in her arms.
12. ton
‧An elephant can weigh ten tons!
13. encouragement
‧To help students learn well, a teacher should give them a lot of encouragement.
‧Scott always encourages his sister to try something new; he believes that it would be good for
‧Scott 總是鼓勵他的妹妹嘗試新事物,他認為這樣做對她有幫助。
‧Lower prices for food encourage people to buy more.
14. bit
‧To win the game, the team will need a lot of practice and a bit of luck.
15. effort
‧My uncle made an effort to stop smoking and start exercising for his health.
‧It takes us much time and effort to climb up the mountain.
16. stove
‧Watch the soup on the stove. Remember to stir it so it doesn’t burn.
17. stir
‧After Iris put some sugar into her coffee, she stirred it with a spoon to mix them together.
‧Iris 把糖加入咖啡後,用湯匙加以攪拌、混合。
‧Mary gave the tomato juice a quick stir before she drank it.
‧Mary 在喝蕃茄汁之前快速地攪拌了一下。
18. attention
‧Mark didn’t pay attention to the teacher; he was thinking about his girlfriend.
‧Mark 沒有注意老師。他在想他的女朋友。
‧To get her classmates’ attention, Kelly stood on the desk and spoke loudly.
‧為了吸引同學注意,Kelly 站在桌上大聲說話。
19. thus
‧Frank didn’t bring any money with him. Thus, he couldn’t buy anything.
‧Frank 身上沒帶錢。因此,他不能買東西。
20. worth
‧The book is great. It is worth reading again and again.
‧The worth of the car was a million dollars.

Idioms and Phrases

1. that is
‧The car accident (車禍) happened a week ago, that is, on April 13.
‧這起車禍發生於一週前,也就是四月 13 日。
2. sit back
‧If you just sit back and do nothing, you will never finish your homework.
‧Joana sat back in her chair and started to watch TV.
‧Joana 坐在椅子上,開始看電視。
3. for example
‧Many foods, vegetables and fruits, for example, are good for our health.
4. leave . . . alone
‧Aunt Rachel asked Eric to leave the candy bars alone because they were meant for his little
‧Rachel 阿姨要 Eric 別碰那些糖果,因為那些是要給他弟弟的。
‧Kenny asked his family to leave him alone, so he could prepare for the test.
‧Kenny 要求家人別打擾他,好讓他準備考試。
5. when it comes to
‧When it comes to cooking, Stacy’s mother is the best.
‧提到烹飪,Stacy 的媽媽是最厲害的。

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