C Programming Syllabus and Test

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C Programming ( March 01st 2021 to March 15th 2021 )

o What is C Language

o History of C

o Features of C

o How to install C

o First C Program

o Flow of C Program

o printf scanf

o Variables in C

o Data Types in c

o Keywords in c

o C Operators

o C Comments

o C Escape Sequence

o Constants in C

o C Fundamental Test

C Control Statements

o C if-else

o C switch

o C Loops

o C do-while loop

o C while loop

o C for loop

o C break

o C continue

o C goto

o Type Casting

o C Control Statement Test

C Functions

o What is function
o Call: Value & Reference

o Recursion in c

o Storage Classes

o C Functions Test

C Array

o 1-D Array

o 2-D Array

o Array to Function

o C Array Test

C Pointers

o C Pointers

o C Pointer to Pointer

o C Pointer Arithmetic

o C Pointers Test

C Dynamic Memory

o Dynamic memory

C Strings

o String in C

o C gets() & puts()

o C String Functions

o C strlen()

o C strcpy()

o C strcat()

o C strcmp()

o C strrev()

o C strlwr()

o C strupr()

o C strstr()

o C String Test
C Math

o C Math Functions

C Structure Union

o C Structure

o C Array of Structures

o C Nested Structure

o C Union

o C Structure Test

C File Handling

o C File Handling

o C fprintf() fscanf()

o C fputc() fgetc()

o C fputs() fgets()

o C fseek()

o C rewind()

o C ftell()

C Preprocessor

o C Preprocessor

o C Macros

o C #include

o C #define

o C #undef

o C #ifdef

o C #ifndef

o C #if

o C #else

o C #error

o C #pragma

o C Preprocessor Test
C Command Line

o Command Line Arguments

C Programming Test

o C Programming Test

C Programs

o Top 10+ C Programs

o Fibonacci Series

o Prime Number

o Palindrome Number

o Factorial

o Armstrong Number

o Sum of digits

o Reverse Number

o Swap Number

o Print "Hello" without ;

o Assembly code in C

o C program without main

o Matrix Multiplication

o Decimal to Binary

o Number in Characters

o Alphabet Triangle

o Number Triangle

o Fibonacci Triangle

C Programming Test

o C Programming Test

C Fundamental Test

o C Fundamental 1

o C Fundamental 2

o C Fundamental 3
o C Fundamental 4

C Control Test

o C Control Statement 1

o C Control Statement 2

o C Control Statement 3

o C Control Statement 4

C Function Test

o C Functions 1

o C Functions 2

o C Functions 3

o C Functions 4

C Array Test

o C Array 1

o C Array 2

o C Array 3

o C Array 4

C Pointers Test

o C Pointers 1

o C Pointers 2

o C Pointers 3

o C Pointers 4

C String Test

o C String 1

o C String 2

o C String 3

o C String 4

C Structure Test

o C Structure 1
o C Structure 2

o C Structure 3

o C Structure 4

C Preprocessor Test

o C Preprocessor 1

o C Preprocessor 2

o C Preprocessor 3

o C Preprocessor 4

C Interview

o C Interview Questions

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