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As an employee we all has rights and duties to fulfill.

Some of the rights are; prompt medical attention,

reasonable accommodation if needed and feasable, retraining or reassessment if needed, wage
replacement when recuperating and official consistency disability management policy. Duties also differs
from these and it's ; reporting illness or injury promptly, following medical regime to minimize the
impact of injury or illness, to notify employers need of accommodation and to accept the least
expensive amd intrusive accommodation that will result in desired outcome.

These days many reports involves romances in office, harrasment, and many more. They say that it's
possible to encounter one while working on a new or old workmates so as a conclusion it is needed to
know what are the measures that are needed to avoid these things.

First abstain, avoid the temptation to get involved with an office colleague or workmates in any branch
or division of the organization. Second know the Rules and Guidelines that is given in the workplace and
do what is said to avoid any conflict.

Third, plan for the worst in the beginning, to avoid any unplanned encounter plan things ahead.Fourth,
avoid favoritism to prevent other people or work mates to think anything improper. Lastly, when it's all
said and done do not take it back do not go back to your words to avoid confusions and annoyance.

To avoid sexual harrasment in the workplace be sure to remember these. First, be informed about the
definition of sexual harassment so if ever that it will occur to you, you know what it is and it
means.Second, be knowledgeable about institutional policies regarding sexual harassment.Third, take
an active role in fostering a work environment free from sexual harassment.Fourth, attend sexual
harassment prevention courses or training.

Report the harassment to your supervisor immediately, or to a higher authority if your supervisor is the
harasser. Fifth, consult with your human resources office and government agency if necessary. Sixth,
never be afraid to report a comment, action, or gesture by somebody that made you feel
uncomfortable.If possible, speak with the individual directly and inform him or her that you feel the
behavior is inappropriate. Seventh, seek support from family members, friends, colleagues, or your state
nurses’ association.Lastly document the harassment in writing as soon as possible.

These are just some of the things that are needes to remember incase you encounter any of these given
situations. But it still best to prevent everything to occur so that you can have a peaceful and adequate
working time.

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