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Monster Manual Encounters #3

As the disorientation of teleporting fades, you look around in confusion and quickly realize there must have been some
mix-up with your destination. You stand in a darkened library tower, the stacks reaching upwards far beyond the range of your
sight. Before you, in the center of the room, a sphere of semi-translucent glass sits atop a plinth of black granite which is
roped off with a golden chain. As your eyes cross over the orb's surface, a flicker of cold light seems to rumble from within it.

Mental Lash

Reaction. Taken in response to being damaged by a target creature you can see within 60 feet of you.
You lock eyes, and the target creature feels the whip-crack of the madness within you. The creature must make a
Charisma saving throw equal to (12 + your Charisma modifier). It takes 4d10 Psychic damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Recharge: The chaotic nature of Demogorgon makes this ability unpredictable. After using this ability, at the start of
each of your turns you and the DM each roll a d6. If your roll is higher, this ability recharges.

Without warning, a blinding burst of light erupts from the darkness, and you almost imagine you can hear it shriek in
pain as it recoils from the dazzling brilliance. Materializing in the room, a pair of Deva, one male and one female, naked save
for loincloths, look at you with a mixture of anger and pity.
" Blasphemers. Thieves." The male accuses, "This hallowed hall is forbidden to your kind. I know not what foolishness led
you here, but none who have seen the Eye can be allowed to leave." Radiant weapons flare to life in both his and the woman's
hands, and you see a single, shimmering tear fall down the female Deva's cheek.

"They will not spare you, despite your innocence. See the hypocrisy of these 'just' celestials. I, like you, have done
nothing to merit my imprisonment here, save the accident that I was created by demonic rather than celestial hands. Does
this seem fair or just to you, traveller? I will help you defeat them, if you accept my aid, but you must swear to do everything
in your power to remove me from this place in exchange. Will you accept my help, or will you risk an anonymous, ignoble
death at the hands of these blind judges?"

Monster Manual Encounters – Angel 2

The Angels
Because they have been supernaturally paired, these Deva have abilities in addition to those possessed by normal Deva.
Reaction: Pain Split. When one of the Deva takes damage from an attack or effect, either Deva can use their reaction to divide
the damage equally between them, before resistances are applied.
Legendary Resistance: 1/day.
Legendary Action: 1/turn; can only be used to move up to the Deva's speed, or use its Healing Touch ability.
'Til Death Do Us Part: If either Deva is reduced to 0 HP while its partner is still conscious, they automatically stabilize until
their mate heals them or is also reduced to 0 HP, at which point both die.
Male Only
Add the following spells to the Deva's spell list; it can cast each spell once per day:
Shield of Faith, Compelled Duel, Blinding Smite, Staggering Smite.
The male Deva is also armed with a Sun Blade, which it wields two-handed. Its attack bonus with it is +10, and it deals 30
(1d10 + 4d8 + 6) Radiant damage on a hit.
Female Only
Add the following spells to the Deva's spell list; it can cast each spell once per day:
Shield of Faith, Hunter's Mark, Conjure Barrage, Swift Quiver.
The Radiant longbow the Deva conjures functions as a normal longbow, except it deals Radiant rather than piercing damage.
Her attack bonus with it is the same as with her Mace, +8, and she deals 26 (5d8 + 4) Radiant damage on a hit. The longbow
dissipates if she dies or is knocked unconscious. As a bonus action on her turn she can either summon or dismiss the

The Library

The Library is a tower with a 40 foot diameter. In the center of the tower is The Demon's Eye on a 4-foot tall plinth. A 10
foot diameter circle is marked out around it with stanchions, roped off by the golden chain (actually a Rope of Entanglement).
Stack Ladders. Four sliding ladders run around the inner perimeter of the tower, each covering 1/4 of the total
circumference. These ladders extend as high as the stacks, impossibly far into the darkness above. Despite this, they roll
easily, and allow characters who climb them to slide horizontally along the outside edge at no movement penalty.
If a character wishes to dislodge a ladder to lean it across the center of the tower, they may use their movement action
to attempt a DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check in order to do so. On a success, the ladder dislodges from the top, and begins
to tilt towards the opposite wall. At the start of their next turn, the top crashes into the opposite side, leaving the character in
approximately the middle of the room (depending on how high up the ladder they were when they dislodged it). Characters
on falling ladders can ready actions to interact with any objects or creatures they pass while moving. When the ladder hits the
opposite side, roll 1d20; on a result of 9 or less, the impact snaps the ladder and any characters on it fall.
Forbidden Books. The Demon's Eye is not the only object in this library under quarantine. Although most of the books
on the shelves are non-magical, some contain arcane or profane secrets. If a character wishes to open a book, roll 1d100. On
a result of 01-60, the book is mundane or blank; on 61-95, the book contains magical energy. Roll the effect as though the
character was using a Wand of Wonder targeting the first creature in front of the open book; on a result of 96-00, the
characters find something meant to be hidden. Make this an extremely rare magic book - a spellcaster's tome, a random
magic book from the Dungeon Master's Guide, or the Book of Vile Darkness or similar dark tome related to your own
campaign. If any character receives this result, any subsequent roll of 96-00 is treated as a roll of 61-95. If the characters
wish to look for another rare tome, allow each character to roll 1d100 for every eight hours they spend searching. On a roll of
00 they find a second legendary book.

Monster Manual Encounters – Angel 3

The Demon's Eye

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement, though the Eye can instantly attune to one willing creature of its choice once
per day)
In a rare moment of cooperation between its two heads, Demogorgon commissioned the construction of this blasphemous
orb to bring ruin and madness down upon the world in equal measure. Before it was finished, however, the Prince of Demons
either forgot this scheme or moved on to a more enticing one - though there are some who claim his plans for the Eye are so
far-reaching it simply hasn't yet been brought into play.
Within the translucent black surface of the sphere, flickering lights can be glimpsed amidst roiling clouds, not unlike
lightning lancing between thunderheads. Any creature can look into these mists and see glimpses of the future, though the
future it displays is a distorted and maddening one. No sane creature who looks into the Eye will gain anything but misery out
of it.
Sentience. The Demon's Eye is a sentient, chaotic evil object with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma
of 18. It has hearing and True Sight out to a range of 90 feet. The Eye can communicate telepathically with any creature it is
attuned to or can see under the effect of its Hypnotic Swirl ability.
Personality. The Eye's sole purpose is to destroy the lives of as many mortals as it can. Although it presents itself as
charming and helpful, innocent of any wickedness, it is malicious in the extreme and has no regard for mortal (or immortal)
lives. This was the purpose it was built for, and it does it to devastating effect. Any creature attuned to the Eye is compelled
to surreptitiously show it off, allowing it to charm and corrupt as many mortals as possible. When time allows, the Eye
encourages Charmed individuals to try and see their futures within it using its Nightmare Future ability.
Hypnotic Swirl. Any creature that so much as looks at the Demon's Eye outside of an anti-magic field is subject to a DC
16 Charisma saving throw, or be Charmed by the Eye. The Eye can extend its Mental Lash ability (see "Mental Lash," above) to
any number of creatures it can see under the effects of its Hypnotic Swirl.
Spellcasting. The demonic nature of the Eye gives it access to powerful dark magic. It can cast the following spells:
(At will) Mage Armor. Can only target an attuned creature with the Eye on its person. The Eye's version of Mage Armor
also confers resistance to Radiant damage for the duration.
(1/Day) Geas. Can only target a creature in contact with the Eye. The Eye's version of Geas is cast instantly, and does
not allow a save to resist if the target verbally accepts (even if the target doesn't realize it's accepting a Geas).
Nightmare Future. The most powerful ability of The Eye, the purpose for which it was commissioned by the Sibilant
Beast and the reason it has been quarantined since its creation, is its ability to see the future. It is said that all oracles are mad,
and Demogorgon's well of insanity gives The Demon's Eye the ability to see into all possible futures at all times. Its every
action is calculated based on these futures, and it chooses its actions and words in such a way that it does the most harm to
as many individuals as possible. Any creature can spend one minute staring into the Eye to see the future, and must make a
DC 25 Charisma save. On a failure, the creature suffers both indefinite and long-term madnesses, and the future it sees is
entirely dictated by the Eye. On a success, the creature is still afflicted by a form of indefinite madness, but out of the insanity
they are able to learn one useful thing about their future. In either case, the Eye will show the viewer horrific, heartbreaking
scenes or events which profoundly disturb them, and which they are likely to attempt to prevent - these situations are
deliberately presented by the Eye in such a way that any action to prevent them will in fact work towards causing them to
happen, and inaction causes the same. Even creatures who interact with someone who has viewed their Nightmare Future
can be manipulated through the Eye's infinite grasp of the Future. This realization breaks the spirits of almost any who
interact with the Eye. [For an example of how this ability functions, see the "Cthaeh" in Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles

Monster Manual Encounters – Angel 4

The sound of your teleportation echoes through the now-empty stacks of the forbidden library, the angels defeated on
the ground. With no one left to fool, the illusion sloughs off, like flesh rotting from the bone. From the orb's pedestal,
sinuous black tendrils branch out like roots, pulsing and curling in slow, rhythmic motions. They stretch across the floor, up
the stacks, even into the books. One particularly active tendril drifts across one of the Deva, and begins burrowing into its
skin. Beneath the surface, a black discoloration begins to spread though the angel's veins...

Monster Manual Encounters – Angel 5

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