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Letter No: 2VS0 By Online/ Regd. Post Date: l4'06,%Zz-


In consideration of the online application no 4199505 received in complete form on dtd

1g.06.2022 for obtaining Consent to Establish (NOC) for M/s Dundelmal Stone Quarry, the State
Pollution Control Board is pleased to convey its Consent to Establish under section 25 of Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, L97 4 and section 21 of Air [Preventiort and Control of Pollution)
Act, 1981 for following stone quarry and production capacities:

Product Capacity
Mining of Road Metal 2016 Cum/Annum
& tease AgreementJ 2022-23 to 2026-27 (upto 20.10.2026)
[As per approved Mining Plan, EC

At- Dundelmal under tunagarh Tahasil, (Plot No 733 of

Khata No 219 to an extent of lease land
Ac.1.00 or 0.404 Ha) in the District of Kalahandi with the following conditions.
1. This Consent to Establish is valid for the product, method of mining and capacity mentioned in the
application fofm, This order is valid for five years or coterminous with expiry of Lease period or
Expiry of approved Mining Plan or Expiry of Environmental Clearance whichever is earlier. The
proponent shall commence mining activities for the proposal within a period of five years from the
, date of issue of this Consent to establish order. If the proponent fails to commence mining activities
for the proposal within five years then a renewal of this Consent to Establish shall be sought by the
2. The mine shall apply for grant of Consent to Operate under section 25 /26 of Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act,1-974 & Air [Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 at least 3
(ThreeJ months before the commencement of production and obtain Consent to Operate from this
3. This consent to establish is granted subiect to statutory and other clearances from GoW. of
Odisha and/or Govt. of India, as and when applicable.


1. This consent to establish granted under Section 25 of Water [Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,
1.974 and Section 2L of Air [Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 subject to the mining
plan approved by the Joint Director of Geology, (Zonal Survey), Balangir on dtd 1.1,.05.2020,
. Environmental Clearance obtained from SEIAA Vide letter No- 1638/SEIAA, dtd. 06.07.2021,, Quarry
Lease executed by the Tahasildar, Junagarh dtd21..1.0.2021 and No-Objection issued by the Sarapanch,
. Dundelmal Gram Panchayat, Kalahandi vide letter No. 589 dtd 27.01,.2021 following Gram Sabha
Resolution copy uploaded by the unit on dtd 13.06.2022.
2. Mining activity shall be carried out as per the approved mining plan prepared for this project.
3. Green belt shall be developed along the boundary of mining lease area with the native tree'Species. ,

4. At the end of mine closure, the proponent shall immediately remove all the sheds put up in the
quarry and all the equipment in the area at the time of closure of the operation of quarry.
5. The project proponent shall take all precautionary measures during mining op,eration for
conservation of flora and fauna'
. contd.,p /2
6. The proponent should re-vegetate the area through indigenous plants which were removed from the
areas for the mining.
7. Forest Growth / Trees exist if any within the Lease area shall not be cut of /cleared during mining
operation without prior approval of Forest Authorities and District Administration
B. The lease Boundary shall be fixed as per approved coordinates in consultation with the Mining &
Revenue Department prior to commence the rnining activities'
1, The project proponent shall obtain necessary prior permission of the competent authorities for
drawl of requisite quantity of water (surface water and groundwaterJ if any, required for the
2. Domestic effluent to be generated shall be treated and disposed off in septic tank followed by soak pit
to be constructed as per BIS specification.

1. Unit has to take prior permisslon from the concerned authority/ State PWD department,
Government of Odisha for transportation of the Boulders/Stone metals & chips etc. in local
village/Panchayat roads and main roads.
2" Wet clrilling method is to be adopted to control dust emission. Delay detonators and shock tube
initiation system for blasting shall be used so as to reduce vibration and dust.
3. Driliing and blasting (wherever requrred) shall be done only by licensed explosive agent by the
proponent after obtaining required approvals from competent authorities.
4. Blasting shall be carried out in such a manner that the splinters generated shall not fall beyond the
rnining lease area. Blasting shall be carried out after announcing to the public adequately through
public address system to avoid any accident.
5. Water spraying arrangement on haul roads, should be provided ad properly malntained.
6. Water sprinkling arrangements shall be provided at all haul roads, transportation roads, quarry
area, stack yard and other dust generating points to control fugitive dust emission in order to meet
the prescribed standard of National Ambient Air Quality inside the mining lease area.
7. The lessee shall intimate the commencement of mining operation to the RO, SPCB, Rayagada within
3 months, So Board shall conduct the AAQ monitoring for evaluation of APC measures.
B. Loading and unloading areas including all the transfer points should also have efficient dust control
arrangements. These should be properly maintained and operated.
9. Measures should be taken to comply with the provisions laid under Noise Pollution [Regulation
and Controll [AmendmentJ Rules, 2010 issLred by the MoEF, G0l.


1. Topsoil/ OB , if any, shall be stacked properly as per approved mining plan with proper slope &
with adequate dust control measures and should be reused for plantation purpose.
2. Waste oils, used oils generated from the EM machine, mining operations, if any, shall be
disposed as per the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Trans-botlndary
MovementJ Rules. 2016.

Sri Santosh Kumar Naik, Lessee
(Thorugh the Tahasildar, f unagarh)
M/s Dundelmal Stone Quarry
AI/PO- )unagarh, Dist: Kalahandi
& -<6* le
Memo No 2,Lf Sl (b ) Dt. ta'Obt2-D1lZ
Copy forwarded to
1. The Member Secretary, State Pollution Control Board, Bhubaneswar.
2. The Collector & District Magistrate, Kalahandi.
3. The Joint Director of Geology, (Zonal SurveyJ, Balangir
4. The D.F.O., Kalahandi
5. The Tahasildar, Junagarh (KalahandiJ
. 6. Copy to Guard file.

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