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San Antonio Valley Road, Talon Uno, Las Piñas City

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EXERCISE: 3 Factor’s Affecting Ship Stability

NAME:Yap, Rayshald A. DATE:2/11/2022
Fill in the Blank
Instructions: Fill in the blanks below of the correct answer for the following questions.

_FREE SURFACE EFFECT_1. It’s a mechanism which can cause a watercraft to become
unstable and capsized.
_METACENTRIC HEIGHT_2. It’s a measurement of the initial static stability of a floating
body. It is calculated as the distance between the center of gravity of a ship and its
metacenter. A larger metacentric height implies greater initial stability against overturning.
_CENTER BUOYANCY_3. It refers to when a body is immersed in fluid, an upward force is
exerted by the fluid on the body. This force will be equal to the weight of the fluid displaced
by the body and this force will be termed as force of buoyancy or buoyancy.
_RIGHTING MOMENT (t-m)= GZ(m) x DISPLACEMENT (t)_4. What is the formula for Righting
_DYNAMICAL STABILITY_5. It is defined as the work done in heeling the ship to that angle
very slowly and at constant displacement, i.e., ignoring any work done against air or water
_SMALL GM (METACENTRIC HEIGHT)_6. It refers to the kind of behavior of the ship when a
ship with low GM is less safe if damaged and partially flooded because the lower
metacentric height leaves less safety margin it is usually referred to as “tender” for having
a long roll period.
San Antonio Valley Road, Talon Uno, Las Piñas City
Tel.# (08) 8773300; Telefax (08) 805-0243

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_LARGE GM (METACENTRIC HEIGHT)_7. It refers to the kind of behavior of the ship when a
ship causes excessive stability is uncomfortable for passengers and crew. It is usually
referred to as “stiff” quick rapid movement, uncomfortable and subject to severe racking
and stress.

_LIST_8. A ship is said to be in this condition when the upsetting moments are caused by
internal shift of weight that can be caused due to the following actions: Shift of cargo within
the ship, Free surface effects, Crowding of passengers on one side of the ship, Asymmetrical
icing on the superstructure.
San Antonio Valley Road, Talon Uno, Las Piñas City
Tel.# (08) 8773300; Telefax (08) 805-0243

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