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Department of Mathematics

Anna University, Chennai

Unit - III
Complex Integration

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Section 6
• Evaluation of Real Integrals
using Residue Theorem

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Contour Integration
Some real integrals can be
evaluated by applying the residue
theorem. These are evaluated by
making the path of integration a
suitable contour in the complex
plane. This process is termed
Contour Integration.

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Application to Real Integrals
1. Evaluation of certain real definite
2. Evaluation of certain real integrals
between – and +.
3. Evaluation of certain improper integrals
involving trigonometric functions.
4. Evaluation of certain integrals
excluding poles on the real axis.
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Evaluation of Real Definite
An integral of the type
 f (cos , sin  )d
where the integrand is a rational
function of cos  and sin ; it can be
evaluated by substituting
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i z  1
z  1
z  e  cos   z
; sin   z
2 2i
i dz
Also e id  dz; d  ;
  f (cos  , sin  )d   F ( z )dz;
0 C

C is the unit circle |z|  1 & F ( z ) is a

rational function of z.
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 F ( z )dz  2i R
where  R is the sum

of the residues of F ( z ) at its poles inside C.


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Example 1

where .

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where . Since , note

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and hence

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Example 2
By integrating around the unit circle,
show that
cos 3 
 5  4 cos d  12 .

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i dz z 1 z 
3 1
z  e ; d  ; cos   ; cos 3  z z3
iz 2 2
cos 3 1 z 1

0 5  4 cos d   
2i C z (2 z  1)( z  2)

   f ( z )dz
2i C

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z 1
Here f ( z )  3 & C is the unit
z (2 z  1)( z  2)
circle. Then, z  0 is a pole of order 3 and
z  1 / 2 & z  2 are simple poles of f ( z ) .
Only z  0 & z  1 / 2 are inside the unit circle
21 65
& their residues are &  respectively.
8 24

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 f ( z )dz  2i  sum of the residues

 21 65  i
 2i    
 8 24  6
1  i  
The given integral       .
2i  6  12

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Evaluation of Real Integrals
between – and +
If p(x) and q(x) are real polynomials
such that the degree of q(x) is greater

than that of p(x) by at least two degrees

and if the equation q(x) =0 has no real
roots, then
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 
p ( x)
Q( x)dx   q( x) dx
p( z )
 2i  the sum of the residues of
q( z )
at its poles in the upper half plane.

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Region of Integration

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Example 3
Show that

where and

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Note that the Poles of are given by

of which only and lie inside C.

Residue of at and are

given by and respectively.

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Also, since is an even function of ,

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Example 4
Evaluate by contour integration

 4 4
0x a

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Consider  4   Q( z )dz where C is the
z a 4

contour consisting of the semicircle C2 of

radius R and C1 is the segment of the real axis
from  R to R. Then

 Q( x)dx   Q( z)dz  2i  sum of residues of Q( z )

R C2

in the upper half plane.

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z  R on C2 & z  a  z  a  R  a
4 4 4 4 4 4

1 1
 4  4 &
z a 4
R a 4

C Q( z)dz  C z 4  a 4
2 2

1 R
 4 dz  4  0 as R  
R a 4
R a 4

  Q( z )dz  0 in the limit as R  .

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To get the residues of Q( z ), we note that
4 i 4 3 i 4 5 i 4 7 i
z  a  a e , a e , a e , a e
4 4

i / 4 3 i / 4 5 i / 4 4 7 i / 4
 z  ae , ae , ae ,a e .
Of these poles, only the first two lie in the
upper half plane.
1 i / 4
Residues of Q( z )  4 at z  ae &
z a 4

i / 4  i / 4
3i  / 4 e e
z  ae are  3 & 3
4a 4a
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i / 4  i / 4
e e
Sum of the residues   3  3
4a 4a
1 i
  3  2i sin 4  

4a 2 2a

 i  
Q ( x ) dx  2i    3
 2 2a 
 
2a 3

Since Q( x) is an even function of x,

 
1 
0 Q( x)dx  2 Q( x)dx  2 2a 3 .
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Evaluation of Improper
Integrals involving
Trigonometric Functions

e Q( x)dx  2i  the sum of the residues


of e Q( z ) at its poles in the
upper half plane.

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Example 5
Evaluate by contour integration

cos mx
 2 2
0x a

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Consider  2 dz   Q( z )dz where C is the
z a 2

contour consisting of the semicircle C2 of radius

R and C1 is the segment of the real axis from  R
to R. Then,

 Q( x)dx   Q( z)dz  2i residues of

R C2
Q( z )

in the upper half plane.

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On C2 , z  R. z 2  a 2  z 2  a 2  R 2  a 2 .
1 1
 2  2 &
z a 2
R a 2

e imz  eim ( x iy )  e imx  e  y  e  y  1

 y  0 in the upper half plane .
e 1 1
 2 e imz
 2
z a 2
z a
2 2
R a 2

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eimz 1 R
C z 2  a 2 dz  C R 2  a 2 dz  R 2  a 2
2 2

and this approaches zero as R  .

  Q( z )dz  0 in the limit as R  .

As R  ,  Q( x)dx  2i residues of Q( z ).

Residue of Q( z ) at the only pole z  ai ( z  ai

e  ma
lies outside the upper half plane) is .
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e   ma
 ma
  Q( x)dx  2i   e .
2ai a
Equating the real parts on both sides,

cos mx  ma
 x 2  a 2 dx  a e .
Since the integrand is an even function of x,
 
cos mx 1 cos mx   ma
0 x 2  a 2 dx  2  x 2  a 2 dx  2a e .

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Practice Problems
1. Show that

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2. Evaluate the following integrals using
contour integration

(i )  2 2 3
, (a  0).
0 x a
 2
x x2
(ii )  4 2
 x  10 x  9
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3. Prove the following using contour

x sin x  a
(i )  2 2
dx  e , (a  0).
0x a

cos x
(ii ) 
 x  a  2 2
x 2
b 2
 dx

 
e e a 



a b

2  b a 

, (a  b  0).
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