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Department of Mathematics

Anna University, Chennai

Unit - III
Complex Integration

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Section 5
• Residue Integration Method
• Residue Theorem

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Residue Integration Method

To evaluate integrals of the form

 f ( z )dz

taken around a simple closed path C.

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If in such an integral  f ( z )dz , f (z)
is analytic everywhere on and inside

C, then the integral is zero by

Cauchy’s theorem.

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If in such an integral  f ( z )dz , f (z)
has a singularity at z = a inside C but
otherwise analytic on and inside C,
then the integrand has a Laurent’s
expansion of the form

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 b1 b2
f ( z )   an ( z  a )    ...
n 0  z  a  z  a 2

which converges in some domain of

the form 0<|z – a|<R. The coefficient
b1 of the first negative power of the
series is given, by the integral formula
for bn with n=1, as b1   f ( z )dz
2i C
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Key Idea
• Obtain Laurent's series and hence
b1 by any one of the various
methods, without using the integral
formulae for the coefficients.
• Use it in the formula for b1 in order
to evaluate the integral

 f ( z )dz  2ib1
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• Perform the integration in the
anticlockwise direction around the
simple closed path C.

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The coefficient b1 in the Laurent's
series is called the residue of f (z)
at z = a and is denoted by

b1  Res f ( z )
z a

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Example 1
Integrate the function
f ( z)  z sin z
anticlockwise around the unit circle C.

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f ( z )  z sin z
1  z 3
z 5
z 7

 4  z     ...
z  3! 5! 7! 
1 1 z z
 3    ...
z 3! z 5! 7!
is the Laurent series of the given function
which converges for |z|  0.

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The function has a pole of third
order at z  0 and its residue b1   .
sin z  1 i
  4 dz  2i     .
z  3!  3

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Example 2
Integrate the function

f ( z)  3 4
z z
clockwise around the circle C: |z|=1/2.

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1 1
f ( z)  3 4  3
z z z (1  z )
 z  0, z  1 are the poles of f ( z ).
Now, z  1lies outside C. z  0 lies inside
C which can be found from the Laurent
series that converges for 0  |z|  1.

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1 1 1
 3 (1  z )  3  z , 0 | z | 1
1 n

z (1  z ) z
z n 0
1 1 1
 3  2   1  z  ...
z z z
The residue is 1. Clockwise integration thus
yields  3 4  2i Res f ( z )  2i.
z z z 0

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Residue at a Simple Pole
For a simple pole at z = a, the
Laurent's series of f (z) is
b1 
f ( z)    an ( z  a ) ,
z  a  n 0
0 | z  a | R

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Multiplying on both sides by z – a
and taking the limit as z a

( z  a) f ( z )  b1  ( z  a) an ( z  a) ;

n 0

Res f ( z )  b  lim ( z  a) f ( z )
z a
z a

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Example 3

Find the residue of f (z) at z=i

9z  i
f ( z) 
z z 1

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9z  i
z i
f ( z )  Res 2
z i z z  1
9z  i
 lim ( z  i )
z i z ( z  i )( z  i )
9 z  i 10i
 lim   5i.
z i z ( z  i ) 2

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Residue at a Simple Pole
If f (z) is of the form
p( z )
f ( z)  , p(a )  0,
q( z )
where p(z) and q(z) are analytic,
and q(z) has a simple zero at z = a
so that f(z) has a simple pole at
z = a.
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Using q(a)=0 in Taylor series for q(z)
about z = a,
( z  a)
q( z )  ( z  a)q(a )  q(a )  ...
Using this in f (z), the formula for
residue becomes

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p( z )
z a
f ( z )  lim ( z  a )
z a q( z )
( z  a) p( z )
 lim
z  a ( z  a )q( a )  ( z  a ) q( a ) / 2  ...


q(a )

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Example 4
Find the residue of f(z) at z=i where

9z  i
f ( z) 
z z 1

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9z  i 9z  i
Res f ( z )  Res
z i 
z i z z  1
  Res
 3
z i z  z 
9z  i 10i

3z  1 z i 3i  1

 5i.

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Residue at a Pole of order m
If f (z) has a pole of order m at z = a,
then the Laurent's series of f (z) is
bm bm 1 b2
f ( z)    ... 
z  a  z  a 
m m 1
z  a 2

b1 
   an ( z  a ) , bm  0.
z  a  n  0
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The residue of f (z) at z = a is b1. Now,

z  a  m
f ( z )  bm  bm 1  z  a   ...
 b2  z  a 
m2 m 1
 b1 ( z  a )

  an ( z  a ) m n

n 0

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The residue b1 of f(z) at z = a is now
the coefficient of m–1th power of z – a
in the Taylor series of g(z)=(z–a)mf (z).

1 m 1
i.e. b1  g (a)
m  1!
Res f ( z ) 
 d m 1 
 m 1 z  a  f ( z ) 
m  1! z a  dz
 
z a 

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Example 5
Find the residue of f (z) at z=1
50 z
f ( z) 
z  4z  1 2

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50 z
f ( z) 
z  4z  12

has a pole of second order at z  1.

Res f ( z )  lim

( z  1) f ( z )

z 1 z 1 dz

d  50 z    z  450  50 z 
 lim    lim    8
z 1 dz  z  4  z 1  z  42

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Example 6
Find the sum of the residues of the

function at its poles

inside the circle .

The function has simple poles at
Of these, only the
poles lie inside the circle
. Therefore,
Residue of at is
Residue of at is

Applying L’Hospital’s rule, we get

Residue of at is

Sum of the residues .
Cauchy’s Residue Theorem
Let f (z) be analytic on and inside a
simple closed path C except for a
finite number of singular points
z1, z2, z3, ... zk inside C. Then the
integral of f (z) taken anticlockwise
around C equals 2i times the sum
of the residues of f (z) at z1, z2,...,zk .
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Example 7
Evaluate the following integral
anticlockwise around any simple
closed path such that
1. z=0 & z=1 are inside C;
2. z=0 is inside & z=1 is outside C.
4  3z
 2
C z  z
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The integrand has simple poles at 0
and 1. Their residues are given by
4  3z 4  3z  4  3z 
z 0
 Res  lim 
z  z  z 0 z z  1 z0  z  1 
2   4

4  3z 4  3z  4  3z 
z 1
 Res  lim 
z  z  z 1 z z  1 z1  z 
2  1

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(i) When z=0 & z=1 are inside C,
4  3z
dz  2i  4  1  6i.

C z z

(ii) When z=0 is inside & z=1 is outside
4  3z
dz  2i  4   8i.

C z z

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Example 8
Evaluate the following integral
anticlockwise around the circle |z|=3/2 :

tan z
 2
C z 1

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tan z  tan z tan z 
C z 2  1dz  2iRes
z 1
 Res 2 
z  1 z 1 z  1 

 tan z tan z 
 2i lim  lim 
 z 1 2 z z  1 2 z 

 2i tan 1.

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Example 9
Determine the poles of the function

and the residues at

each pole. Hence evaluate

where is the circle

which is finite and non – zero, the

function has a simple pole at

Residue of at is
Also, since is finite
and non – zero, has a pole of order
two at Residue of at is
given by
Clearly is analytic on and
at all points inside except at poles
and Hence, by residue
Example 10

Find the residue of

at its pole and hence evaluate

where is the circle .
The poles of are given by

Hence, is a pole of order while

and are simple poles.
Residue of at is
Residue of at is
Practice Problems
1. Find the poles and residues of
(i) tan z (ii) cot z

4 3 2
4 z  3 z  17 z  4
(iii) f ( z )  3 2
z z 4

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2. Evaluate the following integrals
using residue theorem:
(i )  2
| z| 2 ( z  1)
2 2
sin z  cos z
(ii )  dz
| z|3
( z  1)( z  2)

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