Converse, Contrapositive and Inverse

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Course: Discrete Mathematics

Course Code:MAT 113(for Department of SE)

CSE 125

Faculty: Wadia Iqbal Chowdhury
Department of Software Engineering

Topic: Logic Sentences, Logical Connectives

NOTE: You will encounter most if not all of the following ways to express this
conditional statement:

“if p, then q”
“ p implies q”
“if p, q”
“ p only if q”
“p is sufficient for q”
“a sufficient condition for q is p”
“q if p”
“ q whenever p”
“q when p”
“ q is necessary for p”
“a necessary condition for p is q”
“ q follows from p”
“q unless¬p”

Converse, Contrapositive and Inverse

Conditional statement: p → q

Converse: q→p

Contrapositive: ¬q →¬p

Inverse: ¬p →¬ q
Example: Make the Conditional Statement “ If it is raining,then the grass is wet” to
inverse,converse and Contrapositive.

Inverse: If it is not raining then the grass is not wet.

Converse: If the grass is wet then it is raining
Contrapositive: If the grass is not wet then it is not raining
01. Make the conditional statement “If it rains, then they cancel school.”  to
inverse, converse and Contrapositive.

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