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Spirit Rock

news & schedule | may · aug 2018

wisdom & insight

for over 30 years

May you be happy.
May you be safe.
May you be healthy.
May you live with ease.

Drop by drop is the water pot filled.

Likewise, the wise one, gathering it
little by little, fills themself with good.
—The Buddha

Bridging the Teachings

A Message from Michelle Latvala, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

In the wide and varied 2600 year connected to Spirit Rock for decades, and others are growing their
lineage of the Buddha’s teachings, connection as we speak: Matthew Brensilver, Anne Cushman,
our impact as Spirit Rock is humbly Bonnie Duran, JoAnna Hardy, Susie Harrington, Ruth King,
tiny! And yet in the last 40 years as Kittisaro, Brian Lesage, John Martin, Nikki Mirghafori, Kate
these teachings spread widely to Munding, Erin Selover, Gina Sharpe, Oren Jay Sofer, Heather
convert communities in the west, Sundberg, Thanissara, Erin Treat, Pamela Weiss, Lila Kate
our impact as an organization is Wheeler, and DaRa Williams. We are so glad they are with us.
profound as hundreds of thousands
of people connect to the Dharma They are joining our existing group of incredible Spirit Rock
through Spirit Rock. We take that Teachers Council members, listed on page 45: Ayya Anandabodhi,
responsibility as stewards seriously; Guy Armstrong, Sally Armstrong, James Baraz, Sylvia Boorstein,
we have been reflecting with you and each other on what it takes Eugene Cash, Debra Chamberlin-Taylor, Howard Cohn, Mark
to sustain such deep service to the sangha going forward, amongst Coleman, Dana DePalma, Anna Douglas, Andrea Fella, Anushka
radically different conditions than our founding years. Fernandopulle, Gil Fronsdal, Will Kabat-Zinn, Jack Kornfield,
Phillip Moffitt, Wes Nisker, Sharda Rogell, Donald Rothberg,
A critical and beautiful piece of our Dharmic service is training Tempel Smith, Spring Washam, Diana Winston, and Larry Yang.
teachers, so they can offer the teachings here at Spirit Rock, in their Five teachers who offered many years of service as Teacher Council
communities, and throughout the world. Our teachers remain an members are now recognized as Teacher Emeritus: Ajahn Amaro,
essential heart of our mission, with the depth of practice they bring Robert Hall, Mary Grace Orr, John Travis, and Julie Wester. We are
to their teachings a remarkable offering in this contemporary lite- deeply grateful.
fare world. We are deeply grateful to them, and continue to work
toward best supporting teachers offering their deepest Dharma. Naming is a powerful tradition in many cultures, and having all
On page 4, we bow deeply to those devoted teachers that literally these names together on one page underscores that we are here,
gave roots to Spirit Rock thirty years ago. James Baraz reflects on for some rich period of time, together. And yet any time we name,
walking the land with Jack Kornfield and some who were part of so many other deep contributors and supporters over these three
the first Spirit Rock teacher training—Sylvia Boorstein, Howard decades are not named, so we honor those broad shoulders on
Cohn, Sharda Rogell, and Anna Douglas. They finished training which we stand. We also acknowledge the many teachers beyond
back in 1988! our formal Teachers Council that teach in our Retreat Center
and our Community Center ever year, contributing deeply to the
Fast forward to 2018, and we celebrate the twenty trainees that offerings to our sangha. We could not do all we do without them.
are now part of our eighth Spirit Rock Teacher Training! Read
more on page 6 and get to know them as they train on upcoming Our teachers are bridging from one generation to the next, and we
retreats with you and offer their own beautifully rich programs: find ourselves blessed to be on this bridge together. It is a powerful
Teresa Abdala-Romano, Noliwe Alexander, Pawan Bareja, Leslie convergence to have our founding teachers and our future teachers
Booker, Carol Cano, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, JD Doyle, Cara Lai support the continuity of the teachings not through a handing-of-
FitzGibbon, Jeff Haozous, Amana Brembry Johnson, Kate Johnson, the baton, but instead through a side-by-side immersion. And we
Solwazi Johnson, Louije Kim, Kaira Jewel Lingo, James Lowe, learn, and we practice, and we fumble, and we respond, and we
Konda Mason, Dawn Mauricio, Gulwinder Singh, and Katy Wiss. practice more, and we share the teachings. This is the truth of how
We are deeply excited to be building relationships with them 2600 years of teachings have survived!
and you.
May Spirit Rock contribute our part to the continued thriving of the
More good in 2018: on page 45 we celebrate the newest members Dharma, and may all beings deeply benefit.
of our Spirit Rock Teachers Council—which is the group of
teachers who commit to making Spirit Rock a primary home for
their teachings. Some of our newest members have been deeply
Michelle Latvala
James Baraz Reflects on the Birth
of Spirit Rock James Baraz, 2018

as spirit rock celebrates 30 years of service as a Dharma

center in the West, we had a dialogue with one of the founding
teachers to get a snapshot of the early days. James Baraz was don’t know,” and 2) “Don’t be afraid to be a moron.” Ram Dass said
one of those people who walked the land in 1973, before a single I should lead weekends to give people a taste of intensive practice.
building had been built. Nisha Shah (Director of Programs, In 1982, I taught my first retreat in Bodhgaya, India, where Joseph
Communications and Outreach) and Andy LeSavage (Marketing asked if I’d help him out.
Manager) sat down with James Baraz (a founding teacher of
Spirit Rock) for a light-hearted discussion about the birth of what How do you find serenity when you aren’t surrounded by the
many call their spiritual home, Spirit Rock. peace and solitude that Spirit Rock provides?
I just sit and go inside. One of the things that happens when you
Can you tell us about how the land was discovered? sit regularly is that you can access a place of home inside that you
We (Jack Kornfield, Sylvia Boorstein, Joseph Goldstein, Jane Baraz, touch on retreat.
Anna Douglas and a few others) looked at dozens and dozens of
pieces of land. Jack had wanted a location that was accessible from What is your favorite story about helping start Spirit Rock?
the city, but still in the country. We didn’t think that was going
From the very beginning when we were renting places for people
to happen. Then we found out that the Nature Conservancy was
to gather, we believed that if we found a home, the dharma would
selling 412 acres of land. The land was named Spirit Rock before
flourish. In 1998, the retreat center at Spirit Rock was built. I had
we purchased it because of the oak tree growing out of the big rock
the honor of welcoming everyone at the start of that day and
on the property that’s on our logo. It was grounded in the earth
said, “Welcome to my dream!” It was, of course, a lot of people’s
with spirit growing out of it. It was kind of mind blowing! There
were California rolling hills, creeks running through it and a valley
for situating buildings. It was gorgeous. Clearly the dharma had
Jack Kornfield with the original
Spirit Rock “For Sale” sign.
Tell us your story of getting to be a Dharma teacher...
In 1974, I went to Naropa because Ram Dass was there. I was a
schoolteacher at the time and carried around Be Here Now like a
bible. I asked him about meditation and he said to go check out this
guy Goldstein who had just come back to the States after practicing
in India for the previous seven years. Joseph said it was possible
not to be run by your neurotic thoughts and I believed him. I did
my first retreat a few months later. I did my first 3-month retreat in
1976 and then did everything I could to deepen my practice. When
I moved to San Francisco in 1977 I was encouraged to start a sitting
group. In 1978 I was asked to teach a class in San Francisco and
checked in with Ram Dass and Joseph, my two mentors, for advice.
Joseph’s was: 1) “Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know when you

2001—HH The Dalai Lama & Mahaghosananda
(revered Cambodian monk) at the International SPIRIT ROCK NEWS | MAY – AUG 2018
Buddhist Teachers Conference held at Spirit Rock.

1970—Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein,

James Baraz with Mahasi Sayadaw

dreams. I am so glad that I could be a part of it. Nothing has really

What is your favorite food recipe from the kitchen?
surprised me along the way. There was always a feeling that we were The gado gado tofu with peanut sauce and noodles.
here at the right time; the world was ready. It has been beautiful
and miraculous, but not surprising. I’ve always deeply felt that the How do you imagine Spirit Rock in the next 30 years?
dharma holds the key to changing the world. We were able to just do
our part and watch the whole thing amazingly unfold. As cliché as it might sound, I think of Spirit Rock as a beacon of
consciousness. We’re a center of consciousness that helps people
How does Spirit Rock differ from other meditation centers wake up and a significant place that fosters awakening. We guide
where you have taught? people to go deep on retreats and bring practice into daily life,
on and off the cushion. It’s a crucial time in humanity and in our
The spaciousness and beauty of the land and nature is conducive planet’s evolution. Particularly in the next 30 years, in this world
to spaciousness in the heart as well. We understand process of of environmental, racial injustice and resource inequity we are in a
awakening includes healing from our conditioned habits of mind as race between fear and consciousness.
well as opening beyond the personal to the ultimate level of reality.
And our teacher collective is committed to serving the dharma while I hope Spirit Rock fulfills its destiny and offers crucial support to
valuing helping each other grow and embodying what we teach. help people develop deep practice while making these precious
teachings available to as many people as possible so we can all,
as collective agents of consciousness, help heal the planet.

Sylvia Boorstein, Howard Cohn, James Baraz,

1998—Opening ceremony for the Upper Sharda Rogell, Anna Douglas, Jack Kornfield.
Meditation Hall. Anna Douglas, James Baraz,
Ajahn Amaro, Sylvia Boorstein, Robert Hall.




After four years of development and process, Spirit Rock initiated
its current teacher training program in July, 2017, coordinated by
lead faculty Gina Sharpe, Larry Yang, and Lila Kate Wheeler. The Teresa Abdala-Romano
group of 20 teachers-in-training consists of 90% participation
Noliwe Alexander
from communities of color and 55% participation from the
Pawan Bareja
LGBTQIA communities. Currently, with only 10 teachers of color
among approximately 350+ currently authorized Dharma teachers Leslie Booker
in Western Insight lineages, this Spirit Rock training will begin to Carol Cano
remedy a deeply felt need from all communities—the need for Victoria Cary
diverse voices, life experiences, and role models in the continuing Alisa Dennis
stream of the Dharma.
JD Doyle
The Spirit Rock teacher training has just finished its third of Cara Lai FitzGibbon
thirteen training sessions and we all feel the momentum of the Jeff Haozous
Dharma carrying our community energy and aspirations into a Amana Bremby Johnson
future that is beautifully expansive, creative, and profound. The Kate Johnson
deepening of pedagogical skills, community bonding, and collegial
Solwazi Johnson
mutual support, that the teachers-in-training are experiencing,
Louije Kim
personally and collectively, are high priorities and well into
development. Trainees will graduate in 2020. We hope that you Kaira Jewel Lingo
will join the board, staff and teachers at Spirit Rock in our complete James Lowe
support, encouragement, and unconditional joy in bringing the Konda Mason
values of inclusivity, equity and diversity into how these ancient Dawn Mauricio
teachings on Freedom of the Mind and Heart are expressed, Gulwinder Singh
practiced, and lived in our contemporary daily lives.
Katy Wiss
May the trajectory of this teacher training bring boundless blessings
to all communities, in all directions.

“O Nobly Born” the Buddhist texts begin, remember Your Buddha
Nature. Remember your innate capacity for dignity, understanding visit:
and vast compassion. These gifts were born into you. Discover how
the beautiful qualities of Buddha Nature can become alive for you,
in your heart and the way you live. buddha-nature
Spirit Rock is pleased to offer Jack Kornfield’s series of inspiring
and fresh talks that awaken the qualities of Buddha Nature,
traditionally described as inner perfections. Through these
teachings and practices, you are invited to bring alive and
embody the virtues of the heart, lovingkindness and steadiness,
compassion and wisdom. You are invited to awaken the best in
yourself. “You are perfect just as you are...
Given in 2017, these teachings are some of Jack’s favorites. and there is still room for improvement. “
They are delightful, poetic and inspired. And even more....
They can change your life. —Shunryu Suzuki Roshi

Begins November 2019—

COMMUNITY DHARMA The program includes five week-long retreats over two years
which will be held at Spirit Rock in Northern California and an
LEADER PROGRAM off-site center to be determined, possibly on the east coast.
The core program teachers are: Eugene Cash, Pamela Weiss,
DaRa Williams and Erin Treat. They will be supported by current
Training the Next Generation of Dharma Leaders
Spirit Rock and IMS teacher trainees: Noliwe Alexander, Devon
Hase and Solwazi Johnson.
The sixth Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leader (CDL) Program
will begin in November 2019. Nomination by a past CDL graduate, CDL6 provides training for future Dharma leaders who reside
teacher trainee, or Insight teacher is required for participation. both nationally and internationally. There is an emphasis on
Nominations will begin in October of 2018, and applications will participants who live in areas or serve populations which are
be accepted beginning February 2019. Applicants must receive not currently well served. Our aim is to support the dharma
nomination before applying, and must have a minimum of five in becoming fully inter-generational, culturally diverse and
years of practice and 40 nights of Insight and/or Metta retreat regionally accessible, including the participation of young adults,
experience. communities of color and other underrepresented groups.
CDL6 will develop the next generation of Dharma leaders with the
capacity, the resilience and the needed skills to carry the Dharma
forward. This training will cultivate the inner resources to meet For more information, visit:
our collective ability to skillfully address the profound challenges
of our time—climate change, growing economic disparity, and
entrenched systems of racism, misogyny and oppression. 7

Volunteer profile
I first found out about Spirit Rock from
teachers at Against the Stream (ATS)
in San Francisco, my home sangha. Spirit Rock has been a really
important part of my practice.

I started out as a work retreatant, helping at residential retreats,

and I am so grateful to Spirit Rock for providing the opportunity to
attend retreat in this way, otherwise it would have been difficult, if
not impossible, for me to join. I started volunteering for programs as
a day-of work exchange right after the new Community Meditation
Center opened, and again felt so thankful for this way of being able
to attend day retreats. I decided to become a dedicated volunteer
because I wanted to learn more about Spirit Rock and become
closer to the community.

I am currently the dedicated volunteer for the volunteer office.

Working with Volunteer Coordinator Juliana Birnbaum has been
an amazing experience. I love learning from her and spending
time with her-- she has been a great teacher and has made me
feel very included, supported and appreciated. I have learned how
to do many things while volunteering here, from building trails to
thoroughly cleaning a bathroom, chopping vegetables properly and
using the Raiser’s Edge database.

It has been wonderful to express my love for Spirit Rock and

learn how it runs. I have met so many kind staff, volunteers and
participants. I adore being on the land; the smells, the colors and
the quiet really help with my peace of mind. It is a much-needed
escape from the city. I am so happy to be able to be of service to
this community and be part of such a wonderful place.

Interesting in becoming a Spirit Rock Volunteer?

We offer a range of opportunities from one-time projects to ongoing
service. Check our website to find out more about our volunteer program
or contact our Volunteer & Community Coordinator at volunteering@ or (415) 488-0164 x224.



“ I would not be able to attend a retreat without the support of a scholarship, so I extend my deep gratitude towards all who enable that
fund to continue. As a person who does emotionally intense work, and is also incredibly over-scheduled, and also deals with anxiety, the
opportunity to come on retreat once a year actually feels like it saves my life. I am not being hyperbolic. It is a reset button that does
wonders for my mental and physical health, even though the inner experience itself while on retreat can often be quite tumultuous. It
makes me a more effective, grounded and compassionate person in the social justice work that I do, as well as in life in general. I feel in
my bones and lived experience the reality of that line, ‘the teachings are priceless.’” —Anonymous Scholarship Recipient

Your Support Is Vital to

Radiate Lovingkindness EVERYTHING

THIS MAY WE PLACE OUR PALMS TOGETHER Giving at Spirit Rock is a clear act of conviction—
WITH METTA, IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF Supporting our spiritual refuge and the cultivation of
OUR DEEP INTERCONNECTEDNESS. compassion, kindness and clarity.

Explore ways to give on our website:

Join us from the cushion, at a Spirit Rock event, or with an
act of generosity. Scholarship donations are a concrete
manifestation of Metta, having the intention to radiate Consider joining our Stewardship Circle, offering a
well wishes for others into the world. The benefits are
monthly gift to be applied to scholarships or where
it’s needed most. We offer members monthly Dharma
talks, livestreaming, articles and more. Contact Lacey
Every gift made to our Scholarship Fund during Metta May
Segal at or visit:
will receive a gift back—an opportunity to join a livestream
event on May 31st as Jack Kornfield and Sylvia Boorstein
engage in conversation and guide us through a Metta
Give a gift of stock: Have your stocks increased in
meditation. Stay tuned throughout Metta May for more
value? Giving a gift of stock is a smart way to receive
opportunities to cultivate kindness as we come together to
provide scholarship funding for practitioners in need.
excellent tax benefits while benefiting Spirit Rock.

We love our volunteers! To join us, contact our

A wish for you amidst all, today and all days:
volunteer coordinator, Juliana Birnbaum at
May you feel safe (415) 488-0164 x244 or
May you feel happy
May you live with ease Plan for the Future with Spirit Rock in Mind: Leaving
a gift in your estate is a powerful way to demonstrate
Thank you for your heartfelt generosity, your practice, your love. We invite you to consider naming Spirit
your inspiration—together we support one another as we Rock as a beneficiary in your will. If you have any
walk this path of insight and compassion. questions about this, or even the worldly Dharma of
money in general, please call Rachel Uris, Director of
Development, at (415) 488-0164 x286.

Spirit Rock offers a breadth of trainings, including multi-day,
non-residential retreats, drop-in and day retreats, special events,
weekly and monthly class series and online courses that open
gateways to the Dharma and deepen understanding of the Bud-
dha's teachings. We invite you to review our offerings on the
following pages. Details are subject to change; visit
for up-to-date information.

art: amanda giacomini




Community Welcome | Mondays, 6:15 – 7:00 pm

This FREE program is for everyone who is new to Spirit Rock
or interested in learning more about insight (Vipassana)
meditation. You can give meditation a try, experiment with
different postures and techniques, and learn more about how
Spirit Rock can support you. It’s a wonderful opportunity to
ask questions in a relaxed, informal setting and connect with
others who are new to the Spirit Rock community.

Mon. Night Dharma Talk & Meditation Group

Our Monday night drop-in program serves as an introduction
to the practices of awareness and compassion that are the
heart of our community and offers support and ongoing
teachings to committed students. Fee: $15 - 30 sliding scale.

Wed. Morning Meditation Group | 10 am – 12 pm

A sitting and practice-oriented discussion group, suitable for
new and experienced practitioners. Fee: $15 - 30 sliding scale.

Thursday Women's Group | 10 am – 12 pm

A place for women to come together, to share wisdom
and to strengthen a sense of belonging in the world.
Fee: $15 - 30 sliding scale.

Thursday Meditation & Yoga | 10 am – 12:15 pm

Each class includes an hour of mindful yoga, guided
meditation, a Dharma talk, inquiry and discussion.
Fee: $15 - 30 sliding scale.

Dharma & Recovery Group | 7:15 – 9:15 pm

KEVIN GRIFFIN & OTHERS - 2nd Friday of every month
This group explores the intersection of recovery with Buddhist
teachings and practices. All who identify with any of the full
range of addictions, including substances, behaviors, habitual
thought and emotional patterns are welcome.
Fee: $15 - 30 sliding scale.

Day Retreats, Drop-Ins, Classes & Benefits:

MAY Stepping stones to sitting a longer residential

retreat and sustaining an ongoing practice.

Spirit Rock deeply welcomes anyone with an interest in

studying the Dharma and practicing Insight Meditation. We are
committed to ensuring that these teachings are widely available
MAY Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction so that money isn’t a barrier to practice. All Spirit Rock events
03 LISA MORAN AND SUSAN DUBIN-MCNEIL offer sliding scale fees and volunteer opportunities. We regularly
THU hold programs called “Dana Days” which do not have fees and we
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM | THURSDAYS;
offer scholarships for many of our programs. Please join us!
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
15 CE CREDITS AVAILABLE | 8-WEEK CLASS SERIES Registration is available on our website You can
The MBSR program is an intensive 8-week training program also mail a check to Spirit Rock, PO Box 169, Woodacre, CA,
designed to empower participants to take an active role in the 94973. Please include your daytime phone number and email
creation of their own health and wellness. The skills learned address and write the program code on the outside of the
in mindfulness training are also useful tools for promoting envelope and on your check. Pre-registration closes at noon
well-being in clinicians in psychology, nursing, and medicine. Friday for weekend programs. For class series and other non-
Program participants may expect to learn specific meditation and weekend programs, pre-registration closes at noon one business
mindfulness practices and incorporate them into their daily lives as day before the program. In order to receive the pre-registration
a routine means to respond to the challenges in living our stress- price, you must pay in full at the time you register. There is an
filled lives. Participants learn to better manage stress, anxiety, additional $5 fee for registering at the door. To register by phone,
depression, and health-related problems. Mindfulness practices call (415) 488-0164 x219 or x266, Monday to Friday.
address communications styles that enhance relationships and
improve quality of life. Fee: $275 – 525 sliding scale. Code: MD1C18. VOLUNTEERING
Volunteering is a meaningful way to participate in the Spirit
LISA MORAN, MD, is a board certified general adult Rock community and stay connected to the sangha. Volunteers
psychiatrist who provides emergency psychiatric services for help in every department and support every program. We
Sonoma County. She was trained to teach MBSR by the Center hope you’ll consider offering us your time and energy helping
for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts. with events, in housekeeping, on the land, in an office or in the
kitchen. In gratitude for your service, volunteers receive free or
reduced price attendance at programs. Contact our Volunteer
SUSAN DUBIN-MCNEIL, EDD, is a Licensed Clinical Coordinator, Juliana Birnbaum, at
Psychologist, and was trained to teach MBSR by the Center for or (415) 488-0164 x224.
Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts. She provides
clinical supervision and training for pre- and post-doctoral YOUNG ADULT/SENIOR RATES
interns, as well as consultation to licensed clinicians working in
Young Adults (18-26) and Seniors (65+ with limited and fixed
community mental health settings.
income) are invited to attend regular daylongs for $45-$55,
class series for half price (with some exceptions) and non-
residential retreats for $45 per day.

“Embodied enlightenment is CANCELLATIONS

We do not offer refunds, but you can request a credit up to
about living wisely in your 4:00 pm two business days before an event, or Thursday for
particular body, as it is on this weekend programs. We will credit your registration fee towards
another non-residential program. Credits are not transferrable
day, in this amazing life.” to residential retreats and must be used within one year of their
date of issue. If you do not contact us prior to this deadline,
—Jack Kornfield no credit will be issued. Credits cannot be accessed online; to
request or use a credit, contact
or call (415) 488-0164 x219 or x266, 8 am - 4 pm, Monday
to Friday.


MAY Shift Happens: Learning to Bounce MAY Trauma and Meditation

04 Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, 10 PETER A. LEVINE | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
even Disaster
LINDA GRAHAM | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
5.5 CE CREDITS AVAILABLE Meditation is a deep ongoing process. Along this journey, we will
Dealing effectively with the challenges and crises of life is the most surely uncover our past traumas and emotional wounds.
core of our resilience and well-being. Developing flexible and These encounters can enhance and deepen our meditation
adaptive strategies for coping with everyday disappointments and practices if they are integrated. If not, they can cause confusion,
extraordinary disasters are the heart of any transformative process. chaos, disassociation, possible re-traumatization, or the infamous
Modern neuroscience illuminates how the brain encodes its “bliss by-pass.” In this day retreat, we will learn how to visit, meet,
strategies for coping, and has shown mindfulness and compassion and integrate these experiences. Together, we will explore how
practices to be two of the most powerful agents of brain structure this process supports our inward journey of self-discovery and
change, and thus behavior change. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. inner freedom. Fee: $110 – 275 sliding scale. Code: PL1B18.
Code: LG2D18.
PETER A LEVINE, PHD, is the developer of Somatic
Experiencing®, a naturalistic and neurobiological approach
LINDA GRAHAM, MFT, is an experienced psychotherapist
to healing trauma, and the founder of the Somatic
and meditation teacher who integrates modern neuroscience,
Experiencing® Trauma Institute. Dr. Levine is the author of
mindfulness practices and relational psychology in her
several best-selling books on trauma; including Waking the
nationwide trainings. She is the author of Bouncing Back.
Tiger, In an Unspoken Voice, and Trauma and Memory.


MAY MAY MAY Yoga + Dharma: Refresh and Renew
05 06 – Building the Raft: Foundational 11 ASHLEY SHARP | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
SAT SUN Tools for Practice FRI
Take time out to refresh and renew as we explore wisdom and
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
compassion through the practices of yoga and meditation.
DANA DAY (BY DONATION) We will be doing asana (poses) for embodiment, pranayama
The Buddha gave the analogy of building a raft and paddling with (breathing exercises) to calm and balance the heart/mind,
hands and feet to reach the safety of the faraway shore together. mudra (hand shapes) for focus, and chanting to open the heart.
He did not ask us to build an ocean-liner or a cruise-ship, but to There will be periods of both silent and guided meditation woven
make use of what we could find around us. In this weekend retreat, throughout the day. The yoga asana (poses) will be basic, focused
we will deepen our familiarity with the tools and resources that are on the cultivation of mindfulness and presence, and accessible
around and available to us. With clear intention and dedication, to all that can stand, sit, and walk. This program is open to both
even the humblest of vehicles can take us across the troubled newcomers wanting to explore and experienced practitioners
waters of our time. Please bring lunch to share with the nuns. wanting to deepen. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: SP3D18.
Fee: $0 – 200 sliding scale. Code: NU1G18.
ASHLEY SHARP has studied yoga with Swami Dayananda,
AYYA ANANDABODHI has practiced meditation since 1989 Erich Schiffmann, Patricia Sullivan and Sat Santokh Sing and
and lived in Amaravati and Chithurst monasteries in the UK completed an 18-month Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation
for 18 years. In 2009, she moved to the US to help establish Training at Spirit Rock.
Aloka Vihara, a training monastery for women, where she
now resides.

AYYA SANTACITTA is co-founder of Aloka Vihara, a training

monastery for women in Placerville, CA. She has trained as
a nun in both the East and West since 1993, primarily in the
lineage of Ajahn Chah, and she also integrates Dzogchen
teachings into her practice and teachings. In 2011 she
received full bhikkhuni ordination.

Continuing Education (CE) credit is co-sponsored by Spirit Rock and
the Spiritual Competency Resource Center. CE credit is available for
psychologists and California licensed MFTs, LCSWs, LEPs, LPCCs,
Nurses, Chiropractors, and Acupuncturists. Not all programs are
applicable to every license; please check the web description for
specific license applicability, number of credits offered per event, and
learning objectives.

The Spiritual Competency Resource Center is approved by the

American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education
for psychologists. The Spiritual Competency Resource Center
maintains responsibility for these programs and their content.

Spirit Rock is a provider approved by the California Board of

Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16905.

The California Acupuncture Board has approved Spirit Rock as a

Continuing Education Credit Provider, Provider Number 1425.

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for

license renewal from programs sponsored by American Psychological
Association approved providers.

The California Board of Chiropractic Examiners accepts CE credits

CONTINUING for license renewal from programs sponsored by Board of Registered
Nursing approved providers.
EDUCATION CE credit awarded for instruction time only. For general information,

CREDIT including attendance and cancellation policies, please see:

5/3 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
5/4 Shift Happens: Learning to Bounce Back from
Disappointment, Difficulty, even Disaster
TESTIMONIALS— 5/10 Trauma and Meditation
5/14 Releasing Trauma’s Grip with Kindness (class series)
5/20 Mindfulness and Ethics: The Weave of Awareness
“It was a beautiful, boundary and Action
stretching experience. I look 5/26 Resilient: Cultivating an Unshakable Core of Calm,
Strength, and Happiness
forward to continuing the practice 6/8 Insight Meditation: The Path of Understanding,
and sharing what was taught Wisdom, and Freedom
6/9 Relaxed and Awake: Mindfulness Meditation and
with my clients.” —RN Feldenkrais Method Movement‰
6/15 How to Build Resilience
7/13 Recharge & Reconnect: Self-Care for Providers
“I came for the CEC’s and left 7/21 Loving Awareness: Opening the Heart, Freeing the Mind
7/21 Cultivating True Nourishment: Mindful Eating
with these profound and simple and Self-Care
teachings, by amazingly skilled 7/22 Return to Wholeness: Releasing Trauma Using
Loving-kindness and Compassion
teachers. I am humbled.” —SM 7/28 Transforming Emotions with Qigong, Sound Healing,
and Meditation
8/11 The Neurodharma of Love
14 8/31 Cultivating Wise Speech

MAY Invitation to Insight Meditation: How to MAY Releasing Trauma’s Grip with Kindness
12 Find Peace Wherever You Are 14 SAKTI ROSE | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
HOWARD COHN | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Imagine feeling unrushed, content, and at home wherever you 8 CE CREDITS AVAILABLE | 5-WEEK CLASS SERIES
are – alone, in a crowded shopping mall, or even in rush hour This series is designed for meditators who have found barriers in
traffic. Imagine feeling that your life is complete, right here, their meditative experience that inhibit their progress on the path.
right now, that you do not wish to be anywhere else, even when This series will deepen and build upon the body of skills learned
your to-do list is overflowing. You are able to act intelligently, in Trauma and Mindfulness One. We will practice lovingkindness
skillfully, and swiftly with clarity and ease. You feel inexhaustibly to help heal wounds experienced by trauma that impact our
alive and aware: sights are more vivid, sounds clear, tastes and meditative practice. Traumatic events leave physiological and
smells rich and alive. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: HC2D18. emotional scars that alter neurological structures. By developing
somatic skills, coupled with kindness practices, we can help
HOWARD COHN has led Vipassana retreats since 1985 regulate the painful effects of trauma and thereby free up energy
and leads a weekly sitting group in San Francisco. He for meditation and life. Fee: $125 – 200 sliding scale. Code: SR2C18.
has studied with teachers of several traditions, including
Theravada, Zen and Dzogchen, and has been strongly
SAKTI ROSE is a senior Somatic Experiencing™ Practitioner
influenced by H.W.L. Poonja. He is the author of Invitation
and teaches mindfulness meditation in hospitals and
to Meditation.
meditation centers.

MAY Cultivating Space in Body and Mind: MAY Through the Looking Glass: Exploring
13 Meditation and Self-Care 18 Creativity and Mindfulness
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
In this day retreat, we will create space in the body with the
self-care technique of therapy ball massage. The accessible What ignites our creativity? What holds us back from being
sequences are designed to open our awareness to see that our most creative selves? How can we harness our creativity
sensations, however intense they may be, are not as dense, to deepen our relationship to mindfulness? Join this writer and
opaque, or heavy as they may feel. Our guided meditations will theater artist as they invite us to slow down, breathe and relax,
explore how in much the same way our thoughts and identities and cultivate our creativity. We will explore how to fully allow
are not as dense, opaque or heavy as they may seem. You will our imaginations to open us to a wider experience of reality,
leave with lightness in body and heart-mind, your own set of helping us to become fully responsive to all life’s unfolding. The
therapy massage balls, and a routine you can do on your own day will include periods of guided and silent meditation, as well
to support your meditation practice. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. as reflection, writing, and creative exercises. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding
Code: DU1D18. scale. Code: SY2D18.

SANDY BOUCHER, MA, has practiced, written about and

DAWN MAURICIO is a mindfulness yoga and meditation taught both Vipassana and writing for 30 years. She leads
teacher with a playful, dynamic, and embodied approach. retreats on Dharma and writing and has published nine
She has been practicing and studying Insight Meditation books.
since 2005 and teaching mindfulness yoga since 2006.
Currently, she enjoys teaching both yoga and meditation to
adults and teenagers in Canada and the United States.
MARTHA BOESING, a long-time Buddhist practitioner,
theatre director and dharma teacher, uses interactive games
and exercises to illuminate the challenges of aging.



MAY Art and Dharma: Cultivating Awareness MAY Mindfulness and Ethics:
19 through Creative Expression 20 The Weave of Awareness and Action
PAWAN BAREJA | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM SEAN FEIT OAKES | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

We will experientially explore our inherent potential for 5.5 CE CREDITS AVAILABLE
spacious awareness by weaving together music, visual art, Throughout the Theravâda tradition, mindfulness and ethics
textile, and other mediums. There will be periods of sitting, are considered inseparable parts of the path. In this day of
walking in nature, and time for our creative expression. practice and study, we’ll look at aspects of both mindfulness
Through mindfulness practices and play, we hope to deepen and wise action, exploring how these two pillars of the Dhamma
our awareness of the moment-to-moment ebb and flow work together to support insight and healing. Our focus will
of life as it awakens our senses. We welcome artists, and be on bringing mindfulness to our relationships, work, and
those who don’t consider themselves artists! Bring your engagement with the world, as well as understanding the
interest, curiosity, love of the Dharma to this day. Participants awareness practices themselves as fundamentally ethical in
are encouraged to bring their own artwork as part of this nature. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: SF3D18.
experiential day. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: PB1D18.
SEAN FEIT OAKES completed the Spirit Rock Dedicated
PAWAN BAREJA, PHD, has a body-oriented counseling Practitioners Program, Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation
practice based on Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing™ Training, and Community Dharma Leaders Program. He
(SE) work for coping with trauma and life changes, and is core Teacher Training faculty for Piedmont Yoga in
is also an assistant in SE Trainings. She is currently in the Oakland, CA, and Yoga Garden San Francisco.
Spirit Rock Teacher Training program.

MAY Dharma & Yoga: Joyful Presence MAY Making the Most of Letting Go
19 DJUNA MASCALL | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM 25 ANNA DOUGLAS | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Joy is always available to us, but is often obscured by a Give it up! Let it go! Get rid of it!
distracted mind and contracted body. When we align the mind Do these exhortations invoke trepidation or exhilaration? As we
with the slower rhythms of the body and infuse the body with age, some of us shiver at the sight of bulging closets, stuffed
mindful awareness, joyful ease can arise — even in the midst of cabinets, or a garage full of unused sports equipment - all
difficulty or grief. This day retreat will weave Dharma teachings, remnants of the past. The past looms large in our memory as
meditation, somatic movement, asana, and breath work. We well - people, projects, dreams unrealized. Not to mention old
will practice mindfulness of the breath and body for present opinions and beliefs. How can we unburden ourselves? Letting
moment awareness. The yoga practice will be both dynamic and go is the heart of meditation. It shows us that letting go is not
nourishing, cultivating focus and ease through attention to inner deprivation but the key to liberating and enlivening our being.
alignment and awakening to sensation.All levels welcome. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: AD5D18.
Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: DM1D18.
ANNA DOUGLAS has a background in psychology and art,
in addition to more than 25 years of Vipassana practice.
DJUNA MASCALL teaches Prajna Yoga nationally and
She has also studied with teachers in the Zen, Advaita and
internationally. She currently leads the Dharma and Yoga
Dzogchen traditions.
Teacher Training Program at Spirit Rock. She is also a certified
yoga therapist in private practice. Her offerings combine
meditation and Dharma study with asana training designed to
cultivate sensory awareness and embodied wisdom.

“When the heart truly understands,

it lets go of everything. ”
—Ajahn Chah

3-DAY NON-RESIDENTIAL RETREAT MAY Resilient: Cultivating an Unshakable
26 28
– Buddhist Goddesses: 26 Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness
SAT MON Embodying the Divine Feminine SAT
RICK HANSON | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
ERIN SELOVER | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
We all embody a unique configuration of enlightened qualities The world is volatile and unreliable. So it’s vital to develop durable
that are waiting to emerge with the right conditions. However, psychological resources such as grit, gratitude, and compassion:
without support, these qualities can lie dormant and manifest in the inner core that remains unshaken no matter what life brings.
self-doubt, mood issues, addiction, and disease. It is essential This is true resilience, the foundation of lasting well-being
for the health of ourselves, our communities, and the Earth that in a changing world and at the heart of the Buddhist idea of
we express these qualities fully and courageously. This retreat equanimity. We’ll explore: 1. Why suffering arises due to craving,
is an opportunity to somatically identify, explore, and empower and why craving arises due to a sense of deficit and disturbance in
our unique awakened energy through the exploration of Buddhist the meeting of our needs; and how to use positive neuroplasticity
goddesses. Our weekend together will include sitting meditation, to grow inner resources like calm and confidence to soothe, ease,
movement meditation, and dharma talks; including the study of and replace old pain. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: RH2D18.
Buddhist goddess of non-dual wisdom, Prajnaparamita. Fee: $225 -
600 sliding scale. Code: ES2M18.
RICK HANSON, PHD, is a psychologist, Senior Fellow of the
Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and New York
ERIN SELOVER teaches mindfulness-based classes Times best-selling author. His books include Hardwiring
throughout the San Francisco Bay Area in schools, Happiness and Buddha’s Brain.
mental health settings and the private sector. She is a
psychotherapist and a graduate of the SRMC/IMS/IRC
Teacher Training Program.

MAY 100th Birthday Anniversary Celebration:

27 Recollections of Ajahn Chah
AJAHN PASANNO | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Venerable Ajahn Chah is remembered as one of the most
highly revered Buddhist meditation masters in Thailand,
founding thriving communities globally, including Abhayagiri
Monastery. Ajahn Pasanno, abbot of Abhayagiri, was a
monastic disciple of Ajahn Chah at Wat Pah Pong Monastery,
before being appointed abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat by Ajahn
Chah. This day will commemorate the 100th anniversary
of Ajahn Chah’s birthday, and will include readings from
his newly released biography, Stillness Flowing. On this day
retreat, we will practice in the Thai Forest tradition, and
hear direct stories, teachings and recollections from Ajahn
Pasanno’s days in Thailand with his beloved teacher. There
will be sitting and walking meditation, and dharma talks
throughout the day. Please bring lunch to share with the
monks. Fee: $0 – 108 sliding scale. Code: AP1G18.

VEN. AJAHN PASANNO took ordination in Thailand

in 1974 with Ven. Phra Khru Nanasirivatana and later
trained under Ajahn Chah at Wat Pah Nanashat,
becoming its abbot in his ninth year. Currently, he
is the abbot of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery in Ajahn Chah
Redwood Valley, CA.
JUN Love Letters to Ourselves JUN Spinal Qigong: An Ancient Tibetan and
01 SHAHARA GODFREY | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM 03 Zen Practice for Well-Being
FRANZ MOECKL | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
“You, the richest person in the world, have been laboring and Spinal Qigong, also known as Chan Mi Gong, is an ancient
struggling endlessly, not understanding that you already possess all Buddhist Qigong style originating in Tibet 1,500 years ago during
that you seek.” Lotus Sutra the Tang Dynasty. “Chan” means Zen in Japanese, while “Mi”
Through writing, music, and sharing, we will explore self-care comes from the Tibetan tradition and refers to the more secretive
and compassion. This day retreat will also include contemplative element of the practice. This Qigong style combines these two
practices of walking and sitting meditation. Beginners and all self- different aspects, and focuses on slow, gentle, wavelike spinal
identified women are welcome. motions. The inner and outer movements and techniques lead
to a flexible, healthy spine, the release of tension and energy or
“ is really more of an interactive process. It’s about what we do “Qi” blockages in whole body. Together, we will explore how this
not just what we feel. It’s a verb, not a noun” practice continues to be relevant today, bringing us increased
— Bell Hooks energy, focus, calm, memory, and well-being. Fee: $75 – 200
Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: SG4D18. sliding scale. Code: FM1D18.

SHAHARA GODFREY, PHD, has completed Spirit Rock’s FRANZ MOECKL has practiced taiji and qigong for more
Community Dharma Leaders and Dedicated Practitioners than 30 years and has taught at Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Stress
Programs and is a core teacher at the East Bay Meditation Reduction Clinic in Worcester, MA.
Center in Oakland, CA. Her primary practices are
compassion and social activism.

JUN The Four Ennobling Truths JUN Insight Meditation: The Path of
02 EUGENE CASH | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM 08 Understanding, Wisdom, and Freedom
MARK COLEMAN | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM


The Four Noble Truths are at heart of all Buddhist teachings. In Insight Meditation or Vipassana is a profoundly liberating
our day together, we will explore the interactive aliveness of these practice and path to genuine well-being, happiness, and freedom.
Four Truths and how they can be practiced and lived 24/7: Grounded in the foundational practice of mindfulness, Insight
1. There is suffering/stress; this is to be understood. Meditation enables you to see clearly the truth of your inner
2. There is an origin to suffering; which is to be released. and outer experience, providing insight into the ways you create
3. There is freedom or cessation of suffering; this is to be realized. your own suffering and how you can be free of pain and stress.
4. There is a path to freedom; this is to be cultivated. When you cultivate the kind, curious presence of mindfulness to
We will investigate how, when, and what’s needed to be free your moment-to-moment experience, clarity, joy, wisdom, and
from suffering and awaken more fully in our ordinary and magical compassion can arise in the heart. This in turn enables you to
human lives. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: EC1D18. deeply know yourself, others and the nature of reality.
Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: MC8D18.
EUGENE CASH is a founding teacher of San Francisco
Insight. He is also the co-founder and co-teacher of the MARK COLEMAN has been teaching Insight Meditation
Dedicated Practitioners Program. In addition, he teaches the retreats since 1997. He also leads wilderness meditation
Diamond Approach® in San Francisco and Holland. retreats, integrating mindfulness meditation with nature,
and is the author of Awake in the Wild and Make Peace
with Your Mind.


JUN Relaxed and Awake: Mindfulness JUN JUN 3-DAY NON-RESIDENTIAL RETREAT
09 Meditation and Feldenkrais 15 – 17 Seven Treasures of Practice
Method Movement® ANNA DOUGLAS | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
DAN CLURMAN | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
At the beginning of our practice of mindfulness, we don’t
5.5 CE CREDITS AVAILABLE know what to expect. Over time we discover, sometimes
By changing our habits of movement, we awaken the body; by unexpectedly, qualities of heart and mind that are hidden
changing our habits of thinking, we awaken the mind. We can from us that mindfulness calls forth. These hidden qualities
then join in the dance of existence with more freedom and ease. are precious treasures; once we discover them, they bring
This day retreat combines mindfulness meditation with sessions confidence and stability to our meditation practice. This 3-day
of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons, the immersion in exploring these seven treasures (often called
brilliant sensory-motor approach to re-educating the neuro- the “factors of awakening”) is a wonderful opportunity to
muscular system. Alternating meditation, Feldenkrais practices, recognize the seeds of liberation, which are present in our own
and discussion will allow the techniques to support each other mind. We will explore each of the qualities and practice with
and enhance mind-body connection and well-being. Fee: $75 – 200 them in a schedule of silent sitting and walking meditation.
sliding scale. Code: DA1D18. Fee: $225 – 600 sliding scale.Code: AD2M18.

ANNA DOUGLAS has a background in psychology and

DAN CLURMAN, MA, is a certified Feldenkrais®
art, in addition to more than 25 years of vipassana
Practitioner and personal coach. He integrates
practice. She has also studied with teachers in the Zen,
somatic awareness into his work as a coach and
Advaita and Dzogchen traditions.
organizational trainer in communication skills.


JUN How to Build Resilience

15 OREN JAY SOFER | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM


Resilience is a skill that can be learned and strengthened.
This experiential retreat provides practical tools to protect
against burn-out, handle stress, and increase inner stability.
We will explore a range of methods for building resilience:
meditative, somatic, cognitive, emotional, and relational.
The day will include guided meditations, silent reflection,
inquiry, movement, and writing. Participants will gain a greater
understanding of their own strengths and challenges with
resilience, as well as develop a personalized resilience toolkit.
Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: OS3D18.

OREN JAY SOFER holds a degree in Comparative

Religion from Columbia University, is trained in
Somatic Experiencing, Nonviolent Communication,
and is a member of the Spirit Rock Teachers
Council. Oren is the Founder of Next Step Dharma,
and author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful
Approach to Nonviolent Communication.

JUN Exploring the Dharma through Poetry

16 PHILLIP MOFFITT | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Each moment of life — ordinary and extraordinary — is imbued

with presence. Being awake to this presence gives us an
immediate sense of life’s meaning. This feeling is what poets
try to capture in verse. Using poetry as our inspiration and our
guide, we will explore how it can deepen our understanding
of the dharma and help us meet each moment of life with
awareness, intention, and surrender. This day will consist of
sitting and walking meditation practice interspersed with dharma
discussions based on a selection of poems. Suitable for both
beginning and experienced meditation students. Fee: $75 – 200
sliding scale. Code: PM1D18.

PHILLIP MOFFITT has practiced Vipassana since 1983.

He is founder and president of the Life Balance Institute.
He is a co-Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock and the author
of Dancing with Life, Emotional Chaos to Clarity and
Awakening through the Nine Bodies.


JUN Relationship As Spiritual Practice JUN #MeToo: Collective Liberation through

10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Relationships can be a source of great joy and awakening in
which the most difficult challenges are used for growth and for As the #metoo movement continues, do you feel a power and
opening the heart. This may sound like a fantasy, yet decades clarity rising in you? Are you longing for community and space
of experience has shown that conscious, loving relationships to share your story and your vision? Violence against women
are possible. A few essential principles and skills can transform is pervasive. Misogyny permeates, shapes, and suffocates the
relationships into spiritual practice. In this day retreat, we’ll share life-force of our society. These injustices have lain buried in the
these essential tools through group discussion, experiential depths of our individual and collective psyches, but no longer.
exercises, and guided meditations. These tools are valuable for We hear you. We believe you. We are you.
partnerships, family relationships and friendships. Appropriate
This day will focus on wise effort and deepening sangha
for those with or without partners. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale.
through listening to each other’s stories, tools to counter
Code: DC1D18.
compassion burnout and strengthen wise speech and wise
actions, and gathering wise responses based on a vision of
DEBRA CHAMBERLIN-TAYLOR has been leading retreats
since 1978. In addition to practicing Vipassana, she has collective liberation for all beings. All Spirit Rock proceeds will
been influenced by Dzogchen and Diamond Heart®. She benefit the Spirit Rock Scholarship Fund. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding
also leads workshops on embodiment of awareness and scale. Code: ES2D18.
conscious relationships.

ERIN SELOVER - See page 16 for bio.

NIRALI SHAH is a certified mindfulness facilitator
from UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center. She
currently teaches meditation at technology companies
and Insight Meditation Center, Redwood City, CA, as well
JUN Qigong and Crystal Singing Bowl Healing
as facilitates retreats with Spirit Rock and Inward Bound
22 ISABELITA PAPA | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Mindfulness Education.

Qigong consists of gentle, beautiful, flowing movements that

are both joyful and deeply relaxing. The overall effect of this
ancient movement practice is to reduce mental stress and JUN Making Peace with Your Ego:
physical tension, increasing health and well-being. In this day 23 Finding Freedom Through Letting Go
retreat together, we will learn gentle healing Qigong movements, LISA ERNST | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
stretching exercises, and tapping, massaging, and breathing
During this retreat, we will explore the nature of our identity
techniques that help to boost the immune system, increase
and sense of self we use to live in the world, as well as the wise
energy, manage stress, improve focus, and build stamina while
space of heart and mind that lets go. As we practice meeting
feeling peaceful and balanced at the same time. We will then use
all of the activity of self with mindfulness, steadiness, and
Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls to harmonize healing energy flow
kindness, our insight and compassion grow. The more we make
in the dis-ease areas and clear the mind for meditation.
peace with our ego, the more we dwell in our own boundless,
Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: IP2D18.
empty nature. This retreat will include periods of sitting and
walking meditation, instructions, dharma talk, and time for Q&A
ISABELITA PAPA is certified to teach Dayan Qigong,
and group interaction. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: LE1D18.
Mindful Pilates and Restorative Yoga and is a
Compassionate Communication facilitator. She offers
classes in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mexico and Hawaii. LISA ERNST is a meditation teacher, artist and founder of
One Dharma Nashville. She has practiced meditation since
the late 80’s in the Zen and Vipassana traditions. She
received Dharma transmission in the Thai Forest lineage
of Ajahn Chah. Lisa teaches meditation internationally
and also leads Buddhist pilgrimages to India.



“Develop the mind of equilibrium. You will always be

getting praise and blame, but do not let either affect the
poise of the mind: follow the calmness, the absence of pride.”
—the buddha, Sutta Nipata 702


JUN Equanimity: Cultivating a Balanced JUN The Human Journey:

24 Heart and Mind 30 Walking the Spiritual Path
SALLY ARMSTRONG | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM PAMELA WEISS | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE We live in increasingly fraught and divisive times. What is needed
In this day retreat, we will explore and cultivate Upekkha, or to meet the challenges of climate change, economic disparity, and
equanimity, which is one of the four beautiful expressions of the entrenched systems of racism, misogyny and oppression with
heart known as the Brahma Viharas. True equanimity comes from clarity, integrity, and kindness? This day retreat will use stories
a deep and profound acceptance of things the way they are, and it from the life of the Buddha, Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, and
is not a cold or apathetic detachment from experience. We begin the myth of Inanna as context to discover the shape and direction
to understand and accept ourselves and the world. From this of our own spiritual path. We will weave together Dharma talks,
place of acceptance, we can be truly engaged and authentic. The guided meditation, reflection, interactive exercises and ritual. You
day together will include guided meditations, Dharma talks, and will leave with a map of your own spiritual path and aspirations,
reflections focused on the practice of equanimity. Fee: $75 – 200 and new insights and practices for going forward. Fee: $75 – 200
sliding scale. Code: SA1D18. sliding scale. Code: PW3D18.

PAMELA WEISS has practiced in the Zen and Theravada

SALLY ARMSTRONG began practicing Insight Meditation
traditions since 1987. She is an executive coach and the
in 1981 and teaching in 1996. She has served at Spirit Rock
Founder of Appropriate Response bringing Buddhist principles
in a number of roles and is co-founder and co-teacher of
and practices to leadership and organizations. Pamela leads
the Dedicated Practitioners Program. She is a Co-Guiding
a weekly meditation group at San Francisco Insight and co-
Teacher at Spirit Rock.
leads the Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leader program.

JUN LGBTQI Loving-Kindness Day Retreat

30 JOHN MARTIN | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

This LGBTQI Community retreat will be spent cultivating love

and loving-kindness (Metta). The practice of loving-kindness was
taught by the Buddha to cultivate the natural beautiful qualities of
an open and loving heart. The practice begins with ourselves and
expands outward for all beings. The cultivation of loving-kindness
supports a caring and balanced heart that is able to open to all
the joys and difficulties of life. In this day together, there will be
instructions and teachings to develop this practice and to work
with the challenges that may block the full expression of the
heart. Fee: $40 – 100 sliding scale. Code: JN1D18.

JOHN MARTIN teaches Vipassana, Metta, and LGBTQI

tmemed meditation retreats. John has had a dedicated
practice while being engaged in the working world, and
emphasizes practice for daily life. He completed the SRMC/
IMS/IRC Teacher Training Program.



Longing for Home
SHAHARA GODFREY | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

What does home mean to you? Does it mean belonging, safety,

JUL Arousing Joy, the Great Gateway reassurance, and impermanence? “Where are you from?” may
01 to Tranquility: A Day Retreat for refer to your place of birth, ancestral origin, ethnicity, or something
SUN People of Color entirely different. As James Baldwin said, “Perhaps home is not a
AMANA BREMBRY JOHNSON place but simply an irrevocable condition.” Simply put, “At the end
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM of the day, it isn’t where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere
I’m going...” –Warsan Shire. The focus of this day retreat is to
Joy is the portal to tranquility. Tranquility is the foundation of
explore the meaning of home in relation to impermanence. It
stillness. When we align with joy, we open to the great, expansive
will also include contemplative practices of walking and sitting
web of infinite goodness, and it becomes possible to transition
meditation. Everyone is welcome. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale.
into undisturbed silence. Through exploring the Seven Factors of
Code: SG5D18.
Awakening, we will identify our unique barriers to joy, and learn
to use them as portals to stillness. Our day together will include
SHAHARA GODFREY – See page 18 for bio.
silent meditation, embodied movement, and group sharing. Offered
concurrently with the 20th Annual People of Color residential
retreat, the afternoon will bring a merger of our practices in
celebration of the heightened diversity reflective of the future of JUL Dharma & Yoga: The Practice
the Dharma. Fee: $40 – 100 sliding scale. Code: AJ1D18. 08 of Non-Harming
DJUNA MASCALL | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
AMANA JOHNSON is a visual artist who also teaches
contemplative yoga practices and mentors Theravada The foundation of Dharma and Yoga is ahimsa or non-harming.
practitioners wishing to deepen their understanding of Ahimsa can be realized through a kind and nurturing approach to the
the Dharma and find continuity of practice within daily
body. In this day retreat, we will cultivate ahimsa through mindfulness
life. She is currently in the Community Dharma Leaders
Program at Spirit Rock and is a graduate of Commit- of the nuance of sensation in the body and the subtle pathway of the
2Dharma, a one-year course offered through EBMC. breath. This will foster calm abiding from which we can see into and
transform our underlying habits of aversive thinking and forcing the
body. Our practice will combine mindful asana, somatic movement,
3-DAY NON-RESIDENTIAL RETREAT pranayama, and meditation on kindness. By realizing ahimsa in our
06 – 08 Dependent Origination: personal practice, we find connection with all beings. Fee: $75 – 200
FRI SUN The Full Teachings of the Buddha sliding scale. Code: DM2D18.
TEMPEL SMITH | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
DJUNA MASCALL - See page 15 for bio.
Dependent Origination is considered the Buddha’s complete,
unabridged teaching. It can be used to understand the root of
both our daily stresses and joys. This all-encompassing teaching
sheds light on why we stumble blindly through so many days, JUL Three Essential Qualities for Surviving
years, and even lifetimes looking for real happiness, but cannot 13 Difficult Times: Compassion,
FRI Equanimity, and Dispassion
find it. Dependent Origination is our north star, in both this life and
future lives, illuminating how and when we get stuck in patterns ANNA DOUGLAS | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
of suffering, and guiding us as we navigate this path towards true
These three states of mind are cultivated in insight meditation.
freedom. This retreat will focus on silent, formal meditation, and
We will look deeply at each of these universal qualities as well as
also include teachings, guided and walking meditation, and Q&A
explore how they function in our personal experience. Instructions
dialog. Fee: $225 – 600 sliding scale. Code: TS1M18.
will be given for cultivating each quality, as well as discovering how
they synergistically work together. We will look at how to enact
TEMPEL SMITH has been practicing Metta and Insight these qualities in our lives, as well as how to strengthen them in our
Meditation since 1989, including a year as a fully practice. Some experience with insight meditation recommended.
ordained monk in Burma. He graduated from the Teacher
Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: AD6D18.
Training program led by Jack Kornfield at Spirit Rock, is
a core teacher in the Dedicated Practitioners Program,
and has been leading retreats for more than 10 years. ANNA DOUGLAS – See page 16 for bio.


13 – 15 Recharge & Reconnect:
FRI SUN Inner Awareness, Resilience,
and Self-Care for Providers

Much of a working day is spent disconnecting from our own
needs to serve the needs of others. Taking time later doesn’t
always pan out, the stress gets buried and builds towards the
insidious growth of compassion fatigue and burn out. Fortunately
just as we can disconnect, we can also reconnect. Re-connect
with your kind intentions and enjoy a spacious container to
cultivate skills that move towards what is supportive and away
from what is not. Taking time for yourself can provide you with
fuel to do what you love, and maintain the important care that
you offer. Fee: $225 – 600 sliding scale. Code: JS1M18.

JILL SATTERFIELD is an international mindfulness and

meditation teacher, wellness program director, speaker and
coach. Jill’s integration of mindfulness and embodiment
practices include somatic therapy, and contemplative
psychology. She has been in the field of integrating
mindfulness into healthcare and wellness for over 35 years.

JUL Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala JUL Demons in Love: The 5-Step Feeding
14 of the Empowered Feminine 15 your Demons FYD® Approach

ALL GENDERS WELCOME Perhaps there is no place in our lives where our demons show
In this day retreat, we’ll explore the energies of the “five dakinis,” up more intensely than in our relationships: jealousy, fear of
the dancing embodiments of feminine wisdom in the Tibetan abandonment, grasping, anger, control, and grief. Inspired
Buddhist tradition. These dakinis manifest the sacred feminine by an ancient practice from Tibetan Buddhism, best-selling
energy that has been stripped from many religions and cultures author of Feeding your Demons, Lama Tsultrim Allione, will
— energy that is so desperately needed in the world today. We share the practice of FYD® a 5-step process of nurturing our
will look at how the Mandala of the Five Dakinis, can help us to demons rather than fighting them. During this day retreat
transform the five constricting emotional patterns into power and together, we will work with the demons that surface in all kinds
strength. This day retreat is based on Lama Tsultrim Allione’s new of relationships, and explore how to shift the paradigm from
book: Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered fighting to feeding. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: TA2D18.
Feminine. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: TA1D18.

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIONE is an internationally renowned Buddhist teacher,

founder and resident lama of Tara Mandala. She is author of Women of Wisdom,
Feeding Your Demons and Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of
the Empowered Feminine. In 2009 she received the “Outstanding Woman in
Buddhism” award in Bangkok, Thailand.


JUL Cultivating True Nourishment: JUL Return to Wholeness: Releasing Trauma

21 Mindful Eating, Mindful Life 22 Using Loving-Kindness & Compassion
ANDREA LIEBERSTEIN | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM PAWAN BAREJA | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM


This day retreat is designed to guide you back home to the The traumatic responses in our body can inhibit our daily life
wellsprings of nourishment inside of you. Through mindfulness, through stress and anxiety. Is it possible to begin to heal the
inquiry, loving-kindness, self-compassion, and mindful eating trauma by discharging the unresolved responses in our nervous
practices, you’ll learn skills to navigate cravings and habits, system, such as as body constriction and emotional reactivity?
however subtle, that lead us to seek nourishment outside of In this daylong, we will explore holding our trauma responses
ourselves through food or other means that do not truly fulfill. using somatic skills and mindfulness tools. These tools will
We will explore what true nourishment is and be introduced to help your nervous system to access its innate capacity to self-
the “Eight Bodies’ model of nourishment to cultivate a life that is regulate. We will examine how practices of loving-kindness and
fulfilling on all levels. You will learn practices to experience food compassion will help you feel more settled, grounded and calm in
as pleasure and nourishment, and to abide in true nourishment your everyday life. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: PB2D18.
regardless of the circumstance. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale.
Code: AL1D18. PAWAN BAREJA, PHD, has a body-oriented
counseling practice based on Peter Levine’s Somatic
ANDREA LIEBERSTEIN, MPH, RD, RYT, is a mindful eating Experiencing™ (SE) work for coping with trauma and
expert, mindfulness-based stress reduction instructor, life changes, and is also an assistant in SE Trainings.
registered dietitian, nutritionist, mindfulness-based coach, She is currently in the Spirit Rock Teacher Training.
and registered yoga instructor. She has been teaching
mindfulness meditation since 1993.

JUL Loving Awareness: Opening the Heart, JUL Concentration Meditation:

21 Freeing the Mind 22 Purification of Mind
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Mindful awareness and love are beautiful qualities of an Concentration or serenity meditation (samatha) is one of three
awakened life. Awareness leads to clarity, insight and freedom. major practices of the Buddhist path, which also includes sila and
A loving heart responds with care to our own struggles and to vipassana. In concentration practice, we return awareness to one
the pain in the world, intimately connecting us with life. We object of meditation to the exclusion of everything else, unifying
will cultivate heart qualities and learn how to free ourselves the mind stream. This day retreat offers an overview of samatha
from the restless, reactive mind so we can live with greater as taught in the lineage of Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw of Burma,
kindness and peace. We will explore the integration of love and considered to be the leading living teacher of samatha/jhanas.
awareness so our mindfulness practice is fused with a kind, Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: TR1D18.
receptive presence. We will also inquire into what obstructs
and hinders us from experiencing this loving awareness. Fee: TINA RASMUSSEN, PHD, has meditated for over 40 years
$75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: MC9D18. and was ordained as a Theravada Buddhist nun by Ven. Pa
Auk Sayadaw of Burma, who authorized her to teach. She is
the co-author with Stephen Snyder of Practicing the Jhanas.
MARK COLEMAN has been teaching Insight
Meditation retreats since 1997. He also leads
wilderness meditation retreats, integrating mindfulness
meditation with nature, and is the author of Awake STEPHEN SNYDER began practicing Buddhist meditation in
in the Wild and Make Peace with Your Mind. 1976 and has studied with several Western Zen masters.


JUL Money as a Spiritual Practice:

27 A Day Retreat for Women
GRACE FISHER | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Our relationship to money is often excluded from our spiritual

life. For many women, talking openly about money may be
uncomfortable, nerve-wracking or simply unfamiliar. But what if
we welcomed our fears and anxieties, our dreams and aspirations
around this powerful force into our practice? We’ll explore the
Buddha’s teachings on cultivating a wise relationship to money.
Utilizing different mindfulness and heart-based practices, we’ll
identify the stories we tell ourselves about money, examine our
conditioning, and create space to find more freedom and ease.
Our day together will include Dharma talks, guided practices, and
discussions to share the collective wisdom of our Dharma sisters.
Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: GF2D18.

GRACE FISHER is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

with a private practice in San Anselmo, CA. She is a former
lawyer who holds Masters degrees in Education and
Counseling Psychology.


JUL A Special Dharma Evening with JUL JUL
27 – 29 Buddhism & Recovery:
27 Joseph Goldstein
FRI FRI SUN The Twelve Steps
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
KEVIN GRIFFIN | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Joseph Goldstein in Conversation with Michelle Latvala, Spirit Rock
On this retreat, we will work with the Twelve Steps using Buddhist
Executive Director
teachings and practices through meditation, lecture, discussion,
Join us in experiencing the teachings of Buddhism from Joseph
as well as interactive and written exercises. We will explore
Goldstein, one of the foremost Vipassana teachers in the
mindfulness, self-compassion, and loving-kindness meditation
West. This evening of dialogue includes a guided meditation,
practices that support recovery, as well as Buddhist teachings
a conversation between Joseph and Michelle, and questions
on craving and letting go. Each session will include periods of
and comments from the Spirit Rock community. Joseph offers
meditation and time for questions. We will have the opportunity
insights about philosophical debates within Buddhism, how
to write and share on recovery topics, as well as developing
Dharma communities can be more inclusive and welcoming to
community in an intimate setting. We will use the Buddhism &
all, and what practice looks like in the face of these uncertain
The Twelve Steps Workbook as a framework for the retreat. This
times for our world. All proceeds from this program support
retreat benefits those in the addiction and recovery process.
the Spirit Rock Scholarship Fund. Fee: $30 – 108 sliding scale.
Fee: $225 – 600 sliding scale. Code: KG1M18.
Code: JG1B18.

KEVIN GRIFFIN is the author of the seminal book, One

JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN is a co-founder and guiding
Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps, and
teacher of Insight Meditation Society in Barre,
A Burning Desire: Dharma, God and the Path of Recovery.
Massachusetts. He is the author of A Heart Full
He has been practicing Buddhist meditation for three decades
of Peace, One Dharma, Insight Meditation, The
and been in recovery since 1985.
Experience of Insight, and co-author (with Jack
Kornfield) of Seeking the Heart of Wisdom.


JUL Transforming Emotions with Qigong, 3-DAY NON-RESIDENTIAL RETREAT
28 Sound Healing, and Meditation 10 12
– Changes and Transitions in Your
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM PHILLIP MOFFITT | FRIDAY, 1:30 - 5:30 PM,
SATURDAY, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM,
Qigong, sound healing, movement, and meditation can help us SUNDAY, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
awaken and bring healing to emotional and physical challenges. Change is a fact of life and yet we can find ourselves ill-equipped
In this day retreat, Master Mingtong Gu will guide us in the to manage it skillfully. The normal concerns that change brings
ancient practice of sound healing to fully awaken our energy up can lead to confusion, apathy, or poor decisions. During
centers and emotional body. We will learn how to transform the this retreat, you will learn skills to effectively respond to the
unprocessed energy of previous emotional pain into more vibrant challenges of change; gain insights about your strengths and
healing resources. This energy practice transforms consciousness,
challenges in dealing with change, recognize habits of mind
supports healing, and help us access the abundant energy of life.
that undermine you and learn practices to disengage from their
Qigong and meditation enhance whole body energy flow, which
influence and identify your values in order to make wise decisions.
help us return to a deep sense of joy and wholeness. Fee: $75 – 200
Fee: $395 – 795 sliding scale. Code: PM2M18.
sliding scale. Code: MT2D18.

PHILLIP MOFFITT has practiced Vipassana since 1983.

DEBRA CHAMBERLIN-TAYLOR – See page 20 for bio.
He is founder and president of the Life Balance Institute.
MINGTONG GU is an internationally recognized teacher and He is a co-Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock and the author
healer who received his training from grandmasters of China of Dancing with Life, Emotional Chaos to Clarity and
and Tibet and at the world’s largest qigong hospital. He is the Awakening through the Nine Bodies.
founder of the Chi Healing Center in Petaluma, California.

JUL Open Heart, Steady Mind: How to Practice AUG The Neurodharma of Love
29 When Life Gets Hard 11 RICK HANSON | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
KATE MUNDING | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

How do we keep practicing when we feel like we are sinking into 5.5 CE CREDITS AVAILABLE
the muck? Loneliness, anxiety, grief, overwhelm, and anger can We experience most of our greatest joys and greatest sorrows
really knock us off our cushion, making us feel as if our practice in our relationships. The intersection of modern neuroscience
isn’t working or isn’t strong enough to stay present when difficulty and ancient contemplative wisdom offers skillful means for
arises. This day retreat will focus on working with the difficult, cultivating an open and caring heart, emotional balance during
through guided instruction, silent and walking meditation, Q&A, conflicts with others, and more fulfilling relationships.
and discussion. We’ll explore how to stay steady with what pains We will cover:
us or creates stress and how to recapture a sense of our inner • A summary of the Buddha’s teachings on relationships
strength and wisdom, both to endure and to heal. Fee: $75 – 200 • The embodied basis in your brain of empathy, compassion,
sliding scale. Code: MG1D18. loving-kindness, and love… and how to strengthen them
• Practical ways to combine strength and heart
KATE MUNDING has practiced meditation in the Theravada • Expanding the circle of “us” to include all of “them”
tradition since 2004. She is a graduate of the SMRC/IMS/ Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: RH3D18.
IRC Teacher Training Program, and is a guiding teacher for
the Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley (IMCB). She
is founder of Heart-Mind Education, providing mindfulness- RICK HANSON - See page 16 for bio..
based education programs, trainings, and resources to
students and adults.

AUG Fully Understanding Dukkha: AUG Finding Refuge, Finding Home:
12 Exploring the First Noble Truth 18 A Day in Nature
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
In the storms of our lives, we need the nourishment and
DANA DAY (BY DONATION) support of refuge: a place to replenish our tired bodies and
The first step toward liberation is acknowledging and troubled hearts. When the Buddha taught meditation, his first
fully understanding the noble truth of dukkha (suffering, instruction was to go sit under a tree. We will practice together
unsatisfactoriness). We will explore different kinds of dukkha, in the age-old tradition of being outside in the company of the
which kinds we are able to impact, and ways to frame and express natural world. We will explore tapping into the natural stillness
skillful responses that lead to the ending of dukkha. We can use and dynamism that surrounds, reconnects, and inspires us. As
the experience of dukkha to develop the strength and skill to end we integrate stillness and movement, we will explore how to
dukkha rather than repetitively reinforcing it. There will be periods be engaged as active participants in the outside world, while
of sitting and walking meditation, Dhamma reflections, and time maintaining inner balance and ease in our hearts and minds.
Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: HN1D18.
for discussion and questions. Please bring lunch to share with the
monks. Fee: $0 – 108 sliding scale. Code: AK1D18.
SUSIE HARRINGTON teaches meditation nationwide and
is the guiding teacher for Desert Dharma, which serves
VEN. AJAHN KARUNADHAMMO connected with the
many communities in the Southwest near her home in
Theravada tradition in his early 20s, and ordained as a monk
Moab, UT. She is a graduate of the Spirit Rock/IMS/IRC
in 1996 as part of the original Abhayagiri group. In 1998, he
Teacher Training Program.
took full bhikkhu ordination, becoming the first American-
born bhikkhu at the first American branch monastery of the
Thai lineage of Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho.

Precious Life, Sacred Death 2-DAY NON-RESIDENTIAL RETREAT

17 ANNA DOUGLAS | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM 18 – 19 Engaging the Deep Heart:
FRI SAT SUN A Writing Weekend
ROGER HOUSDEN | 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
The question of what gives life beauty and meaning is a
universal one. The Buddha advised we look to the fact of This is a unique opportunity to explore our deep nature and to dive
death for guidance. To know life, we need to know death. below the stories that so often entrance us. How have your losses
To know death, we need to know life. Living and dying are touched and affected the way you move in the world? How do
not separate, but a continuum of consciousness in which your personal relationships serve as mirrors for your connection
the opportunities for awakening are ever present. We will with the dimension of spacious awareness in which we are an
contemplate the mystery of birth-death in our human form, and intrinsic part of a universe of love? We will investigate in writing
discover a deeper knowing of living and dying that can pervade our passions, our loves, our losses, and our deepest longings. Our
our daily routines, awakening us to the sacred. Fee: $75 – 200 writing, interspersed with meditation, will aim to take us beneath
sliding scale. Code: AD7D18. all our stories to the silence of the knowing heart. Fee: $150 – 400
sliding scale. Code: RR1M18.
ANNA DOUGLAS has a background in psychology and art,
in addition to more than 25 years of Vipassana practice. ROGER HOUSDEN is the author of 20 books on poetry, art
She has also studied with teachers in the Zen, Advaita and and pilgrimage, including the best-selling Ten Poems to
Dzogchen traditions. Change Your Life series.

AUG 2018

Online Offerings
join our online community and
Liberation Dharma: Collective
Awakening to Heal the World
connect wherever you are. WES NISKER AND JOANNA MACY
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

monday night livestream As the drumbeat of tragedy fills the mind of the world, many of
us are feeling grief, or fear, and often a sense of helplessness. In
Join our Monday Night meditation community, which this day retreat, we will turn to face these difficult emotions, while
has been ongoing for 33 years. This is a wonderful way simultaneously invigorating our love for the world and our desire
to experience a variety of teachers and teachings, from to engage in collective healing. Through the inspirational teachings
the comfort of home. Offered by donation. of Joanna Macy along with sessions of meditation, we will explore
the ways that we are connected to each other and the life of the
planet. Our exploration as a community will help us on the path of

livestreamed day retreats: our personal and collective liberation and give us strength to heal
the wounds of our world together. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale.
5/27 — Recollections of Ajahn Chah | Ajahn Pasanno Code: WN3D18.
6/2 — The Four Ennobling Truths | Eugene Cash
WES “SCOOP” NISKER is a meditation teacher, author,
6/24 —Equanimity: Cultivating A Balanced Heart & Mind
radio commentator and performer. His books include
Sally Armstrong Essential Crazy Wisdom and Crazy Wisdom Saves
8/26 —Mindfulness Meditation | Jack Kornfield the World Again!

JOANNA MACY, PHD, is a scholar of Buddhism, systems

everyday life as theory and deep ecology. As the root teacher of the Work That

mindfulness practice Reconnects, she has created a ground-breaking theoretical

framework for personal and social change. Her books include
sylvia boorstein World as Lover, World as Self and Coming Back to Life:
Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World.
Learn to reconnect and respond to these
rollercoaster times with mindfulness, presence, and an open
heart from anywhere in the world. Connect with Sylvia in
this updated course version with a focus on current events
and video conferences. Join us for heartfelt connection and AUG Liberate the Body, Stretch the Mind
meaningful moments of insight, supported by a like-minded 24 WES NISKER AND KATCHIE ANANDA
community across the country. Code: SB1N18. FRI
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM This day retreat combines traditional practices of Buddhist
mindfulness meditation and yoga to help us embody the
amazement of being alive and human. During our time together,

make peace with periods of meditation will alternate with yoga, allowing the
techniques to support each other and create a sense of mind-
your mind body connection, vitality, and well-being. The day will include an
exploration of Buddhist and Yogic philosophy, and is appropriate
mark coleman for both experienced and beginning students of either mindfulness
Based on techniques from his latest book, meditation or yoga. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: WN4D18.
Mark Coleman delivers a powerfully practical and experiential
online course filled with lightness, compassion, and humor… WES NISKER - See bio above.
a reminder to not take yourself too seriously! Have you ever
KATCHIE ANANDA is a yoga teacher and trainer certified in
noticed how cluttered or critical your mind can be? Join Mark Anusara, Jivamukti, Integral and Ashtanga yoga. Yoga Journal
as he shows you how to recognize the way your thoughts named her one of the top five yoga teachers making change in
impact your experience. Code: MC3N18. the world.

AUG Responding to a Turbulent Political World AUG Mindfulness Meditation

10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

When we hear the news from media or our friends, we LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE
sometimes find ourselves turning away and/or shutting down In this traditional Insight Meditation (Vipassana) day retreat,
because it feels so overwhelming. How can we access our the emphasis is on quieting the mind and opening the heart.
strengths and turn to face reality? How do we move forward into By cultivating a calm mind and a kind heart towards ourselves
activism, both as individuals and as communities? This day is and others, we learn to live with loving awareness. And we
dedicated to building our capacities, through silent meditation, develop a more easeful relationship with life, regardless of
personal and group inquiry, sharing, and framing. As a group, our circumstances. Instructions will be given for both sitting
we will co-create the wisdom, courage, and inner strength to and walking meditation. Lively discourse on the Dharma will
(re)engage with our world, and move forward together with full, be provided throughout the day, with time for questions and
resourced hearts and minds. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. discussion. Fee: $90 – 250 sliding scale. Code: JK2D18.
Code: AW2D18.
JACK KORNFIELD trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand,
ARINNA WEISMAN has studied Vipassana Meditation India and Burma and holds a PhD in clinical psychology. He
since 1979 and has been teaching since 1988. She is the has taught meditation since 1974 and is a founding teacher
founding teacher of Insight Meditation Center of the Pioneer of IMS and Spirit Rock. His books include A Path with Heart,
Valley in Easthampton, MA. The Wise Heart and No Time Like the Present.

PHIL HUTCHINGS has been a social justice advocate since

1960, working with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee and the Oakland Black Alliance for Just
AUG Cultivating Wise Speech: Becoming
Immigration, Causa Justa. He was a co-founder of the
Institute for Multiracial Justice. His Buddhist practice at 31 More Skillful in Your Speech Practice
East Bay Meditation Center complements his political work. DONALD ROTHBERG | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Connecting our meditation practice with our speech and
communication is one of the main ways to bring spiritual values
AUG Living-Kindness: Buddhist Teachings further into our everyday lives. In this day retreat, we will support
25 for a Troubled World this intention by integrating periods of sitting and walking
KEVIN GRIFFIN | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM meditation with talks, communication exercises, and discussion.
We will focus on (1) the basic teachings of the Buddha on wise
Loving-kindness, or metta, is sometimes depicted as a simple
speech, (2) cultivating mindfulness during speaking and listening,
“open your heart and love everybody” practice, but a closer look
and (3) learning how to practice wise and compassionate speech
at the Buddha’s teachings reveals a more complex and nuanced
when difficult emotions or conflict is present, or when there are
picture. Several early Buddhist suttas illuminate this topic:
challenging interpersonal or group dynamics. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding
• Practicing non-ill-will toward difficult people
scale. Code: DR3D18.
• Acting with integrity, morality, and ethics
• Living a harmonious homelife
DONALD ROTHBERG Ph.D., has practiced Insight Meditation
• Letting go of grief
since 1976, and has also received training in Tibetan
• Developing mindfulness and concentration through metta Dzogchen and Mahamudra practice and the Hakomi
practice. The day will include meditation, lecture, small group approach to body-based psychotherapy. He is the author
discussion, and Q&A, and is open to all those recovering from of The Engaged Spiritual Life: A Buddhist Approach to
addiction. Fee: $75 – 200 sliding scale. Code: KG1D18. Transforming Ourselves and the World.

KEVIN GRIFFIN - See page 27 for bio.


family & JUN

Summer Family Day

10:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Family Days are a wonderful opportunity to connect with your

children, yourself and a community of supportive peers. Come

play, share, learn and open your heart! We start our morning with
a program for everyone, weaving the theme of the day into songs,
skits and family activities. During the second half of the day, youth
ages 4-14 will attend age-appropriate groups with our experienced
Spirit Rock mindfulness leaders. They will play, make art, sing songs,
and practice mindfulness together. Parents of children ages 4 and
older will have an opportunity to meditate, hear a talk related to
parenting as practice, and connect with one another through group
discussions. Fee: $65 - 200 sliding scale, add $5 at the door.
Code: FA3D18.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to assist with the Family Days and
attend free of charge; children are welcome to volunteer alongside an
adult. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for more information at: or call (415) 488-0164, x224.

KATE MUNDING — See opposite page for bio.

EVE DECKER is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Community Dharma

Leader Program. An accomplished musician, she teaches music
and mindfulness to children and adults at East Bay Meditation
Center, Spirit Rock, Aurora School in Oakland and elsewhere.

Coming Up...
Fall Family Day
10:30 am – 3:00 pm | For children ages 4 and older

Fall Path of Parenting Series

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm | 5-Week Class Series

Fall Middle School Meditation Series

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Fall Teen Meditation Series

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

New Year’s Teen Retreat

DECEMBER 27, 2018 – JANUARY 1, 2019

AUG AUG Family Retreat (Lottery)

4 nights, Wednesday – Sunday

This popular retreat will include family activities, young people’s

groups, a parent program and free time. Dharma activities include
songs, stories, skits, games, art, time on the land, a campfire,
council practice, parent discussions, meditation for all and Dharma
talks. The Family Retreat is a true retreat experience that brings
us face-to-face with our own experience and may bring up deep
emotions. At least one parent/caregiver in each family needs to
have sat one or more silent retreats or the equivalent. We also
include admission of Spirit Rock Family Program Council members
to the family retreat in honor of their service and to enhance the
retreat experience for others. Fee: Adults $1340-610 sliding scale;
Children $880- 400 sliding scale, plus dana to teachers and staff ;
Code: 378R18. Registration closes April 5, 2018.

GIL FRONSDAL has practiced Zen and Vipassana since 1975

and holds a PhD in Buddhist Studies from Stanford. He is
founding teacher of the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood
City, CA, and author of a translation of The Dhammapada.

OFOSU JONES-QUARTEY has been teaching the Insight

Meditation Community of Washington’s Family Meditation
Class since 2008. He also works with Minds, Inc., bringing
mindfulness practice to schools since 2014.

KATE MUNDING has practiced meditation in the Theravada

tradition since 2004. She is a graduate of the SMRC/IMS/
IRC Teacher Training Program, and is a guiding teacher for
the Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley (IMCB). She
is founder of Heart-Mind Education, providing mindfulness-
based education programs, trainings, and resources to
students and adults.
BETSY ROSE is a singer, writer, recording artist and mother.
She is a renowned children’s artist, teaching them the power
of their own voices and creativity through singing and song-
making workshops.

The Spirit Rock Family Program supports families

in planting the seeds of the Dharma in their daily
lives. Through classes, day reatreats and retreats,
families, youth and parents learn to slow down,
savor the present moment and re-connect with the
wholesome qualities of heart and mind.

For 2,600 years, silent meditation retreats have been a central
part of the Buddhist Path of Awakening. Time in retreat allows
us to step out of the complexity of our lives to listen deeply
to our bodies, hearts and minds. Spirit Rock retreats combine
the fertile atmosphere of silence with time for meditation and
walks in nature, supported by systematic Buddhist teachings.
Careful guidance and training is offered in meditation. Most
retreats are suitable for both new and more experienced
students of meditation. Residential retreats last from a few
days to a full two-month retreat and all retreats are silent
with some exceptions. Find inspiration for planning your next
retreat on the following pages. For complete details of specific
retreats, visit If you are able
to attend a retreat on short notice, please join a waitlist as
spaces regularly open up. For more information, contact or (415) 488-0164 x296.


APR MAY Living Awareness through
27 04
Insight Meditation about
7 nights, Friday – Friday RETREATS
Join us for a 7-night retreat exploring awareness through the
vehicle of the body and in the spirit of a heart of friendliness,
compassion, and nonreactive balance. In this silent retreat, we Registration
will practice sitting and walking meditation. Instructions will
be offered, there will be a Dharma talk every day, and there will Retreats open for registration four months before the start
be individual and group interviews with the retreat teachers. date (longer if a lottery retreat). Check our website for
There will be optional times for guided mindful yoga practice. specific open dates. We encourage you to register online;
This retreat is suitable for both beginning and experienced however, you may also download application forms to
practitioners. Fee: $1760 - 800 sliding scale. Code: 350R18. submit via fax or mail. In addition to the registration fees,
which only cover a portion of the retreat costs, you are
invited to support the teachings and the retreat through the
spiritual practice of generous giving or "dana." Participants
will be invited to offer dana (donations) for the teachers,
“Dharma practice calls on us to see what is managers and cooks through which they are compensated
for their work.
really true, and to step out of delusion.”
—Anushka Fernandopulle
Financial Assistance, Work Exchange
and Young Adult Rates
Financial assistance is available for all residential retreats
Contemplating Death / through our scholarship fund; there are limited funds
available for each retreat, so apply early. For all residential
05 12 Awakening to Life
EUGENE CASH, NIKKI MIRGHAFORI, retreats, we offer a limited number of young adult special
BHIKKHU ANALAYO (VIA VIDEOCAST), rate accommodations available on a first-come, first-served
JANICE CLARFIELD (YOGA) basis. We do not have a senior rate for residential retreats.
7 nights, Saturday – Saturday We strongly encourage you to apply for a scholarship, if
you require financial assistance. For most retreats, we have
two work retreatant roles — one in the kitchen and one in
Prerequisite: Completion of one 5-night Buddhist silent meditation
housekeeping. To apply as a work retreatant, you must meet
retreat or permission of the teacher.
the criteria outlined on our website
The Buddha encouraged Maranasati practice to live an
awakened life. This practice supports our appreciation of the
preciousness of human birth and the development of equanimity
with the difficulties of human existence. It helps us gain freedom
Cancellation Fees
from rigidity and clinging through a more expansive perspective In general, the cancellation fee schedule is as follows:
of the inevitable and natural letting go. Maranasati matures $100 for cancellation 8 weeks or more before a retreat;
our insight into impermanence and change, nourishing a skillful $175 for cancellation 4-8 weeks before a retreat; $225
orientation to both life and death. In the retreat we will utilize for cancellation 1-4 weeks before a retreat; $300 for
the skills of loving awareness, compassion and investigation in cancellation 1 week before a retreat. No refunds as of 3:00
our sitting practice, with some guided visualization and a period
pm on the last business day prior to the retreat start day.
of contemplative inquiry each day. Bhikkhu Analayo will make a
To cancel a retreat reservation, contact Retreats@spiritrock.
live, guest teaching via videocast at the retreat. Fee: $1760 - 800
org or (415) 488-0164, x296.
sliding scale. Code: 352R18.

at a glance — 2018 JULY
Jun 28 Our History, Our Present, Our Future: An Insight

– Jul 4 Meditation Retreat for People of Color
Larry Yang, Jan Willis, Gina Sharpe, Bhante Buddharakkhita
Konda Mason, Rolf Gates (movement) —registration open

Mindfulness for Everyone: The Basics and Beyond
without the Hype
Diana Winston, Bonnie Duran, Alex Haley
registration open

Jul July Metta Retreat: Cultivating a Loving Heart

11–20 Sally Armstrong, Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran,
John Martin, Sylvia Boorstein, Marcy Reynolds (qigoing)
MAY registration open

May Contemplating Death / Awakening to Life Jul July Insight Meditation Retreat (Lottery)
5–12 Eugene Cash, Nikki Mirghafori, Bhikkhu Analayo (via vid- 20–29 Joseph Goldstein, Kamala Masters, Greg Scharf,
eocast), Janice Clarfield (yoga) —registration open DaRa Williams —lottery open

May Equanimity and Awareness (Parallel)

13–20 Kamala Masters, Sally Armstrong —registration open
May Settling, Seeing, and Spacious Awareness:
13–20 Aug Family Retreat (Lottery)
A Retreat for Experienced Students (Parallel) *UWH
1–5 Gil Fronsdal, Betsy Rose, Kate Munding,
Donald Rothberg, Susie Harrington —registration open
Ofosu Jones-Quartey —lottery open
May Awakening Joy
21–28 Aug Insight Meditation for Young Adults
James Baraz, Debra Chamberlin-Taylor, Howard Cohn,
6–12 Tempel Smith, La Sarmiento, JoAnna Hardy, Dori Langevin,
Jane Baraz, Evelyn Larsen (movement)
Marcy Reynolds (qigoing) —registration open
registration open
May 29 Aug A Path of Happiness: A Retreat for the LGBT*QI
Meditating on the Nine Bodies: A Practical Map for
–Jun 3 13–18 Gender–Fluid Community
Insight Practitioners (Parallel)
Phillip Moffitt, Dana DePalma —registration open Arinna Weisman, Lama Rod Owens, Noliwe Alexander
registration open
May 29 Connecting Mind and Heart (Parallel) *UWH
–Jun 3 James Baraz, Kate Munding —registration open Aug Concentration Retreat
19–28 Phillip Moffitt, Sally Armstrong, Donald Rothberg,
Susie Harrington —registration opens 4/19/18

Aging, Dying and Awakening (ages 55+) (Parallel)
Anna Douglas, Eugene Cash, Donald Rothberg
registration open Aug 29 Labor Day Insight Meditation Retreat
–Sep 3 James Baraz, Sharda Rogell, Howard Cohn,
Jun Natural Liberation: A Buddhist Insight Terry Vandiver (yoga) ­—registration opens 4/25/18
4–10 Meditation Retreat (Parallel) *UWH
Wes Nisker, Vinny Ferraro —registration open Aug 31 Abhayagiri Teen Meditation Retreat
–Sept 2 Ajahn Pasanno and Abhayagiri Monastics
Jun Essential Teachings on the Path of Awakening (Parallel) registration opens 6/6/18
11–17 Matthew Brensilver, Brian Lesage
registration open Sep Meditation and the Spirit of Creativity
10–16 Anna Douglas, Nina Wise, Stewart Cubley,
Jun The Heart of Awareness (Parallel) *UWH Anne Cushman, Claudia Erzinger —registration opens 5/9/18
11–17 Sharda Rogell —registration open
Sep Finding Freedom in the Body (Parallel)
Jun Therigatha ‘Verses of the Elders’ Monastic Retreat 17–23 Mary Grace Orr, Bob Stahl, Christiane Wolf,
20–24 Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, Ayya Anandabodhi,
Marcy Reynolds (qigong) —registration opens 5/16/18
Ayya Santacitta, Marci Moberg (movement)
registration open Sep Transforming the Judgmental Mind (Parallel) *UWH
17–23 Donald Rothberg —registration opens 5/16/18
Jun Awakening in Every Moment: A Short, Intensive
25–27 Sep Wisdom Rising: A Women’s Meditation Retreat
Retreat in Mindfulness, Metta, and Morality
24–30 Spring Washam, Anna Douglas, JoAnna Hardy,
Sylvia Boorstein, Konda Mason —registration open
Erin Selover —registration opens 5/23/18

*UWH = Upper Walking Hall
Oct Evolving Together: Mindfulness Meditation
“As the tides of our life swirl in the past
1–7 and Modern Science and rush towards the future, the craft of
Wes Nisker, Rick Hanson, Nikki Mirghafori,
Terry Vandiver (yoga) —registration opens 6/5/18 mindfulness occurs in the here and now.”
Oct Mindfulness and Heartfulness for Insight —oren=jay sofer
9–14 and Liberation
Anushka Fernandopulle, Chas DiCapua
registration opens 6/6/18
Oct The Convergence of Wisdom and Love
20–24 Dana DePalma, Diana Winston, Matthew Brensilver,
Ashley Sharp (yoga) —registration opens 6/20/18

Oct Loving Awareness:

25–29 A Retreat for Experienced Meditators (Lottery)
Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman, Teja Bell (qigong)
lottery opens 5/23/18

Oct 31 Reclamation of the Sacred: A Journey of Healing and
–Nov 7 Reconnection Through Insight Meditation
Thanissara, Kittisaro, Erin Treat —registration opens 6/27/18
Nov Dedicated Practitioners Programs Retreat 4
8–15 Sally Armstrong, Ruth King, Bonnie Duran,Tempel Smith
program participants only
Nov Thanksgiving Insight Meditation Retreat
16–25 Wes Nisker, Erin Treat, Matthew Brensilver,
Terry Vandiver (yoga) —registration opens 7/17/18
Nov 26 Seven Factors of Awakening (Parallel)
–Dec 2 Eugene Cash, Gina Sharpe, Pamela Weiss
registration opens 7/25/18
Nov 26 Mindfulness as a Path of Awakening (Parallel) *UWH
–Dec 2 Mark Coleman —registration opens 7/25/18

Dec Awakening in the Body: Yoga and Meditation
3–9 Anne Cushman, Kate Johnson, Brent Morton,
Rolf Gates (yoga) —registration opens 8/1/18
Dec In the Presence of Love: A Metta and Qigong Retreat
10–16 Spring Washam, Vinny Ferraro, Erin Selover,
Teja Bell (qigong) —registration opens 8/8/18
Dec Solstice Insight Meditation Retreat
17–23 Donald Rothberg, Heather Sundberg, Oren Jay Sofer
registration opens 8/15/18
Dec 27 New Year’s Insight Meditation Retreat
–Jan 6 Eugene Cash, Spring Washam, Pamela Weiss,
DaRa Williams, Alexis Santos, Janice Clarfield (yoga)
registration opens 8/22/18
Dec 27 Teen New Year’s Retreat (Walden West)
– Jan 1 Teachers TBD —registration opens 8/29/18

*Retreats listed in red are offsite, not at Spirit Rock


MAY MAY Equanimity and Awareness MAY MAY Awakening Joy

SUN SUN 7 nights, Sunday – Sunday MON MON
Prerequisite: Completion of one 5- to 7-night Insight Meditation
7 nights, Monday - Monday
retreat or permission of the teacher.
Often, we are drawn to meditation practice because of our 13 CE CREDITS AVAILABLE
heartfelt wish to calm our minds and open our hearts. But in The Buddha was known as “The Happy One.” However, the
our lives, and when we sit down to meditate, we often find teachings often seem to emphasize working with suffering.
ourselves reacting to thoughts of the past with regret, shame Joy and happiness can seem frivolous or unspiritual even though
or anger, and to the future with anxiety and fear, often feeling joy is one of the Seven Factors of Awakening. In this retreat we will
overwhelmed. In this retreat, we will develop the practice of practice with an emphasis on cultivating wholesome states
equanimity, which allows us to be with challenging situations to develop our natural capacity for well-being and happiness.
in our lives with balance, acceptance and more clarity. As this Our own development of well-being and joy then becomes our gift
capacity deepens, we are able to be more fully present for to a troubled world. The retreat includes silent sitting and walking
both the joys and the sorrows of life, meeting each situation periods with instructions and practice meetings with teachers, as
with kindness and compassion. Equanimity is one of the four well as some experiential exercises during the five days. Fee: $1760 -
Brahma Viharas/Divine Abidings, or beautiful qualities of heart, 800 sliding scale. Code: 358R18.
we can develop through practice and meditation. The other
Brahma Viharas of loving-kindness, compassion and joy will be
introduced as a complement to the equanimity practice. Fee: MAY JUN Meditating on the Nine Bodies: A
$1760 - 800 sliding scale. Code: 354R18. 29 03 Practical Map for Insight Practitioners
5 nights, Tuesday - Sunday

MAY MAY Settling, Seeing, and Spacious Prerequisite: Completion of one 5- to 7-night silent Vipassana retreat
13 20 Awareness: A Retreat for and an active meditation practice for at least three years.
SUN SUN Required Advance Reading: Chapter 1-6 in Awakening in the Nine
Experienced Students
Bodies: Explorations in Consciousness for Yoga and Mindfulness
This retreat systematically explores a set of teachings about the
7 nights, Sunday - Sunday
nature of consciousness that were first transmitted to Phillip Moffitt
Prerequisite: Completion of at least two 5-night or longer silent by the Himalayan yoga master Sri Swami Premvarni Balyogi almost
Insight Meditation retreats or permission of the teachers. twenty years ago. They are the basis for Phillip Moffitt’s new book:
In the context of a small retreat, we will train in three inter-related Awakening through the Nine Bodies. The retreat will start by focusing
modes of practice. First, we will settle and stabilize our minds on the consciousness that arises in the physical body and then
and bodies, becoming more concentrated, through both sitting presents a series of meditations for exploring ever more subtle
and moving forms of meditation, including regular Qigong. As levels of consciousness. These teachings and meditation are not
we settle, we then become better able to examine closely both presented as an alternative or a substitute for your current lineage
our experiences of our bodies, thoughts, and emotions, and the practice but rather, to help you be more empowered in your lineage
general patterns of experience, both more personal and more practice. Fee $1255 - 570 sliding scale. Code: 360R18.
universal. We see more clearly when we are reactive, when we
suffer, when there is a thick sense of self, and we learn to be
more with the impermanent flow of experience. We can also MAY JUN Connecting Mind and Heart
tune in more, as we settle and see, to an increasingly unconfined 29 – 03 JAMES BARAZ, KATE MUNDING
and luminous awareness beyond reactivity, that is a source of TUE SUN 5 nights, Tuesday - Sunday
freedom, wisdom, and compassion, both in retreat practice and
daily life. Fee: $1760 - 800 sliding scale. Code: 355R18. The Mind and the Heart are not separate. We’ll take these days
of silence to explore and put into practice various skillful means
to access naturally relaxed, open hearts and clear quiet minds. It
is from these lovely states that insights into how we’ve become
unnecessarily distressed will naturally arise. These are the insights
that heal us, uplift us and ultimately free us. Fee: $1255 - 570 sliding
scale. Code: 361R18.


JUN JUN Aging, Dying, and Awakening Advanced Practitioners Program

6 nights, Monday - Sunday
Spirit Rock is excited to offer the second Advanced
FOR AGES 55 & ABOVE Practitioners Program (APP2) beginning in April 2019.
Living life fully includes aging and dying — a natural process Designed to support the ongoing practice of the senior
ripe with spiritual possibilities. Aging brings loss, revealing the students in our community, we hope that those of you who
pervasive truth of impermanence. But even as our memory slides, have done DPP or CDL or have other significant study and
our cognitive speed slows down, and our bodies become more practice experience will join us.
fragile, qualities of the heart reveal themselves. We see that
the potential for wisdom and compassion does not depend on The program will be led by Susie Harrington, JoAnna Hardy,
the state of the body or on our age, but rather on the training of and Brian Lesage assisted by Dawn Scott, and the faculty
the mind to abide in timeless awareness. It is best to begin this includes: Bhikkhu Analayo, Guy Armstrong, Gil Fronsdal,
training before you are ill or dying. Then, like a treasured friend, and Phillip Moffitt.
your own mind can accompany you through the challenges of
aging, loss, illness and dying. Through engaging in a variety of
contemplations on death in the communal space of retreat, our
confidence in our capacity to meet death peacefully increases. MAY 1 – AUGUST 1, 2018
Fee: $1505 - 685 sliding scale. Code: 362R18.
JUN JUN Natural Liberation: A Buddhist
04 10 Insight Meditation Retreat
6 nights, Monday - Sunday

During this silent retreat we will practice together the art and
discipline of mindfulness meditation, our intention being to
train our minds and open our hearts. A significant feature
of this retreat is that we will be doing some of our practice
outside in the shade of ancient oaks, letting nature help
us along on our path. Throughout the retreat we will make
creative use of classic Buddhist meditation practices to explore
the evolutionary origin of our body and emotions; engage in
traditional Buddhist reflections on death and dying; examine
our nature “as” nature; and all the while explore the tricky
delusions of mind and the mystery of consciousness itself. In
the process, we expect to find relief from our personal drama
and a new sense of delight and meaning in our lives. The
retreat will include poetry and a little “crazy wisdom” as well.
Fee: $1505 - 685 sliding scale. Code: 363R18.



JUN JUN Essential Teachings on the Path JUN JUN Therigatha ‘Verses of the Elder
11 17 of Awakening 20 24 Nuns’ Retreat
Nobody tells us this when we’re growing up, but being human MARCI MOBERG (MOVEMENT)
is kind of a big deal. It feels great, it hurts, it’s intense. We 4 nights, Wednesday - Sunday
know it won’t go on forever. Given this, what kind of happiness Prerequisite: Participants must have attended at least one 5-night
is possible for us? The Buddha suggested that we have residential retreat in Vipassana prior to this retreat.
underestimated the capacity of our heart. Retreat helps us to
The Therigatha - Verses of the Elder Nuns - are inspired verses
remember. In mindfulness meditation, we practice resting,
of liberation composed by nuns at the time of the Buddha and
looking deeply, knowing moment-by-moment what it’s like to
preserved in the Pali Canon. Together with the background
be human. Initially, some of us are hesitant to look because
stories of their former lives, these poems present a fascinating
we’re concerned about what we’ll find. But our practice shows
account of what motivated these women to leave their homes for
us that the more deeply we look, the more reason we have
a life of homelessness and dedicate their lives wholeheartedly to
to love. Together, we’ll sit in the refuge provided by a 2,600-
the Dharma. Women’s voices are a rarity in Buddhist texts and
year legacy of wisdom and kindness. In the silence, we come
these sound loud and clear through the ages to remind us of our
to know the preciousness of our life and the poignancy of the
spiritual commitment and that the path is still there to be walked.
human condition. From this openness, so much goodness
Deposit: $150, plus a donation to the teachers and retreat staff.
unfolds. Fee: $1505 - 685 sliding scale. Code: 364R18.
Code: 368R18.

JUN JUN The Heart of Awareness JUN JUN Awakening in Every Moment:
11 17 SHARDA ROGELL, DAWN MAURICIO 25 27 A Short, Intensive Retreat in
6 nights, Monday - Sunday Mindfulness, Metta, and Morality
This retreat is an opportunity to practice a way of being that
2 nights, Monday - Wednesday
embraces the fullness and aliveness of the present moment.
Supported by mindfulness and the depth of silence, inwardly This retreat is suitable for beginners as well as experienced
and outwardly, we will explore together a spontaneous, wise practitioners. We will cover the Eightfold Path and the Metta
and open-hearted relationship with the moment-to-moment Sutta (Instructions on Impartial Kindness). Periods of didactic
changing flow of life’s experience. Awareness practice can (interactive) instruction in a variety of concentration and
also reveal layers of physical and emotional tension and pain. mindfulness strategies will alternate with periods of silence to
As we open to the truth of our experience, we can cultivate allow for contemplative practice. The relationship of ‘techniques
a capacity for meeting and transforming suffering into a of practice’ to the ‘goal of practice’ will be highlighted so that
sense of deep well-being. By paying attention in this way, we commitment to practice is strengthened. This short retreat will
come to understand how to free ourselves from deeply held be presented as ongoing practice in order to emphasize that
patterns and awaken to our essential goodness as well as all of life is practice. Mindful movement, suitable for all, will
other beautiful qualities of our heart and mind. Fee: $1505 - 685 be integrated into the group practice. This three-day “mini”
sliding scale. Code: 365R18. residential retreat will start in the morning on the first day
(9:30am) and end mid-afternoon (3:00pm) on the third day.
Fee: $660 - 300 sliding scale. Code: 369R18.


JUN JUL Our History, Our Present, Our Future: JUL JUL July Metta Retreat:
28 04 An Insight Meditation Retreat for 11 20 Cultivating a Loving Heart
ROLF GATES (YOGA) 9 nights, Wednesday - Friday
6 nights, Thursday - Wednesday Metta is the Pali term for friendship, goodwill or loving-kindness.
In this special retreat, we both celebrate the 20th anniversary of In this retreat we will develop metta as a meditation practice,
the People of Color retreat at Spirit Rock, and re-affirm that the which cultivates our natural capacity for an open and loving heart
diversity within these retreats over the past 20 years embodies towards ourselves and all other beings. We will also develop the
the Future of the Dharma. This retreat is open to all self-identified practices of compassion, joy and equanimity. Metta practice
people of color at all levels of meditation experience. In this silent, leads to greater acceptance of ourselves and others, revealing our
intensive meditation retreat, we will practice sitting and walking fundamental connectedness to all life. The schedule will include
meditation, have dharma talks, movement practice, and meetings regular periods of mindful movement, as we find this is a helpful
with teachers. All participants observe Noble Silence throughout complement to the loving-kindness meditation. Fee: $2550 - 1160
the entire retreat. Fee: $330 - 150 sliding scale. Code: 370R18. sliding scale. Code: 374R18.

JUL JUL Mindfulness for Everyone: The Basics

05 10 and Beyond without the Hype
5 nights, Thursday – Tuesday

Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention to our present

moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness
to be with what is. Through the practice of mindfulness, we learn
tools to regulate emotions, develop attention, and cultivate states
of compassion, even-mindedness, and greater well-being. When
we attend to the present moment over a sustained period of time,
practitioners report deeper connection to themselves, more self-
compassion, and greater insights into their lives. Fee: $1255 - 570
sliding scale. Code: 372R18.

Integrate the fruits of retreat into daily life


Meditation retreats can be powerful and transformative Enrollment in Next Step Dharma includes:
experiences. But how can we keep the practice alive in • 21 short dharma talks and 16 guided meditations
our fast-paced, modern society? How can we bring the values • 18 recorded interviews & 4 live Q & A sessions
and intentions of contemplative practice into the complexity • 6 weeks of mentoring for your practice
of our lives? In this six-week, online course, Spirit Rock-trained • lifetime membership in the Next Step Dharma community
meditation teachers Oren Jay Sofer and Jaya Rudgard offer
in-depth training to nourish the insights and learnings from
Next Step Dharma is an online affiliate program of
a retreat.
Spirit Rock. Learn more at


JUL JUL July Insight Meditation Retreat (Lottery) AUG AUG A Path of Happiness: A Retreat for the
20 29 JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN, KAMALA MASTERS, 13 18 LGBTQI Gender-Fluid Community
9 nights, Friday - Sunday NOLIWE ALEXANDER
5 nights, Monday – Saturday
The emphasis during this retreat will be on the continuity
of awareness in all activities, which stabilizes and balances How do we open to the challenges and uncertainties of our lives
the mind. Relaxed acceptance of our moment-to-moment and the worlds we live in without being imprisoned in hatred,
experience becomes the platform for investigation and passivity or grief. The Buddha’s teaching of liberation offers us a
wisdom. Particular attention will be paid to the attitudes in the practice to build the capacities of faith, kindness and wisdom and
mind that condition our understanding. This retreat is suitable to orient towards building peace. In the blessings of our queer
for both beginners and experienced meditators. We welcome community, we will explore ourselves through guided meditations,
people from all life experiences, backgrounds and diverse dharma talks, and group and individual inquiry. Alisa L. Dennis and
communities. Fee: $2750 - 1250 sliding scale. Code: 376R18. Joan “JD” Doyle, who are both in the current Spirit Rock Teacher
Training program, will be with the teaching team on this retreat.
Fee: $1255 - 570 sliding scale. Code: 382R18.

AUG AUG Family Retreat (Lottery)

See page 32 for details. 19 28 PHILLIP MOFFITT, SALLY ARMSTRONG,
9 nights, Sunday – Tuesday
Prerequisite: Completion of at least two 7-night or three 5-night
AUG AUG Insight Meditation for Young Adults silent Insight meditation retreats.
06 12 TEMPEL SMITH, LA SARMIENTO, Concentration (samadhi), the collection and unification of the
JOANNA HARDY, DORI LANGEVIN, mind, was emphasized by the Buddha as one of the aspects of
MARCY REYNOLDS (QIGONG) the Eightfold Path. It can bring joy to your practice and lead to
6 nights, Monday – Sunday the skillful use of pleasure in the meditative process. Whatever
your level of practice, you can improve your Insight Meditation
(Vipassana) by strengthening your concentration skills. Your
Come practice silent mindfulness and insight meditation for a
ability to concentrate will develop in response to the attention you
week within a group of your peers. Give yourself a break from
give it. This retreat offers a series of techniques for staying on the
constant over-stimulation and external demands to create a
meditation object for extended periods of time. We will explore
time for greater inner calm, spaciousness and presence. We
the factors of concentration that lead to the deep absorption
will explore radical self awareness and deeper embodiment
states known as jhana. Teachers will also give instruction for
through the ancient practices of silent sitting and walking
utilizing concentration during insight practice. Fee: $2550 - 1160
meditations with periods of Qi Gong. Over the course of the
sliding scale. Code: 384R18.
week we will extend these practices until the entire day is
one of steady awareness. On the last day of the retreat we
practice coming in and out of silence to learn about conscious
connection with the community around us. This is a fully AUG SEP Labor Day Insight Meditation Retreat
silent retreat and we will ask you to turn off and put away all 29 03 JAMES BARAZ, SHARDA ROGELL,
electronic devices. Fee: $1505 - 685 sliding scale. Code: 380R18. HOWARD COHN, TERRY VANDIVER (YOGA),
5 nights, Wednesday – Monday
This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart,
and developing clarity and depth of practice. Traditional
instructions will be combined with a spirit of loving-kindness
and silent sitting, walking, dharma talks and meetings with
the teachers. This is a good retreat for both beginning and
experienced students. Fee: $1255 - 570 sliding scale. Code: 386R18.

Deep Bows
spirit rock celebrates our newest teachers council members
Twenty new members have recently joined the Spirit Rock to have such a wonderful group of teachers teaching the
Teachers Council, our valued teaching body that support dharma here at Spirit Rock.
our mission and serve as ambassadors for Spirit Rock. This Also, a special recognition to three members of our Spirit
group of teachers have demonstrated their commitment Rock Teacher’s Council that have transitioned to Emeritus
through supporting and teaching in many of our multi-year, Members: Mary Grace Orr, John Travis and Julie Wester.
teacher training, long retreats and programming at Spirit Deep appreciation and gratitude for your many years of
Rock over the years. It is an exciting time for our history teaching, guidance, and support!

Teachers highlighted in gold are our newest members.

AYYA ANANDABODHI has practiced meditation since 1989 HOWARD COHN has led Vipassana retreats since 1985 and
and lived in Amaravati and Chithurst monasteries in the UK for leads a weekly sitting group in San Francisco. He has studied
18 years. In 2009, she moved to the US to help establish Aloka with teachers of several traditions, including Theravada, Zen and
Vihara, a training monastery for women, where she now resides. Dzogchen, and has been strongly influenced by H.W.L. Poonja.
He is the author of Invitation to Meditation.

GUY ARMSTRONG has been practicing Insight Meditation MARK COLEMAN has been teaching Insight Meditation
for more than 30 years and began teaching in 1984. He spent a retreats since 1997. He also leads wilderness meditation retreats,
year as a Buddhist monk in Thailand. Guy is a Guiding Teacher integrating mindfulness meditation with nature, and is the author
of Insight Meditation Society (IMS). He is author of Emptiness: A of Awake in the Wild and Make Peace with Your Mind.
Practical Guide for Meditators.

SALLY ARMSTRONG began practicing Insight Meditation ANNE CUSHMAN is a graduate of the SRMC/IMS/IRC Teacher
in 1981 and teaching in 1996. She has served at Spirit Rock in a Training Program. She’s the author of Moving into Meditation and
number of roles and is co-founder and co-teacher of the Dedicated the novel, Enlightenment for Idiots.
Practitioners Program. She is a co-Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock.

JAMES BARAZ has practiced Insight Meditation since 1974 DANA DEPALMA has practiced Insight Meditation since 1993.
and has been teaching since 1980. James leads ongoing She holds a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and is a
meditation and Awakening Joy classes in Berkeley. He is the co- licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She teaches daylongs,
author of Awakening Joy and Awakening Joy for Kids. classes and retreats at Spirit Rock and is the Spirit Rock Staff
Dharma Teacher.

SYLVIA BOORSTEIN has been teaching since 1985 and teaches ANNA DOUGLAS has a background in psychology and art,
both Vipassana and Metta Meditation. Her many books in addition to more than 25 years of vipassana practice.
include That’s Funny, You Don’t Look Buddhist and Happiness She has also studied with teachers in the Zen, Advaita and
Is an Inside Job. Dzogchen traditions.

MATTHEW BRENSILVER, PHD, is a graduate of the SRMC/ BONNIE DURAN met the Dharma in 1982. She teaches long
IMS/IRC Teacher Training Program. He began in the Tibetan and short retreats and is a core teacher for advanced programs
tradition and has studied with Shinzen Young since 2003. He at IMS & SRMC. Dr. Duran is a Professor of Social Work & Public
teaches at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center and at Health at the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute at the
Against the Stream, San Francisco. University of Washington.

EUGENE CASH is a founding teacher of San Francisco Insight. ANDREA FELLA has practiced Insight Meditation since 1996
He is also the co-founder and co-teacher of the Dedicated and began teaching in 2003. She teaches at the Insight Meditation
Practitioners Program. In addition, he teaches the Diamond Center in Redwood City, CA, and around the US.
Approach® in San Francisco and Holland.

DEBRA CHAMBERLIN-TAYLOR has been leading retreats ANUSHKA FERNANDOPULLE has trained for over 25 years
since 1978. In addition to practicing Vipassana, she has been in Buddhist meditation in the U.S., India and Sri Lanka, and is a
influenced by Dzogchen and Diamond Heart®. She also leads member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council. Anushka also works
workshops on embodiment of awareness and conscious as a leadership coach and management consultant, and lives in
relationships. San Francisco where she leads Monday Night Dharma.

GIL FRONSDAL has practiced Zen and Vipassana since 1975 KATE MUNDING has practiced meditation in the Theravada
and holds a PhD in Buddhist Studies from Stanford. He is founding tradition since 2004. She is a graduate of the SMRC/IMS/IRC
teacher of the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA, and Teacher Training Program, and is a guiding teacher for the Insight
Meditation Community of Berkeley (IMCB). She is founder of
author of a translation of The Dhammapada.
Heart-Mind Education, providing mindfulness-based education
programs, trainings, and resources to students and adults.

JOANNA HARDY has been exploring and practicing multiple WES “SCOOP” NISKER is a meditation teacher, author, radio
traditions since 1999. In 2005, her focus landed on Vipassana. commentator and performer. His books include Essential Crazy
Teaching in communities that don’t typically have access to the Wisdom and You Are Not Your Fault.
traditional dharma settings and building inclusive community are
top on her list of priorities.

SUSIE HARRINGTON teaches meditation nationwide and SHARDA ROGELL began teaching Insight Meditation in 1985.
is the guiding teacher for Desert Dharma, which serves many She brings a strong emphasis to awakening heartfulness and
communities in the Southwest near her home in Moab, UT. She is has been influenced by non-dual teachings, Dzogchen and the
a graduate of the Spirit Rock/IMS/IRC Teacher Training Program. Diamond Approach®.

WILL KABAT-ZINN has practiced Insight Meditation for more DONALD ROTHBERG, PHD has practiced meditation since
than 15 years and has been teaching since 2007. He lives in the 1976, and is the guiding teacher for the Path of Engagement
East Bay with his wife and two children and leads a weekly sitting program. Donald co-teaches the Wednesday morning class at
group on Sunday evenings in Berkeley. Spirit Rock, and is the author of The Engaged Spiritual Life.

RUTH KING is a guiding teacher at Insight Meditation ERIN SELOVER teaches mindfulness-based classes throughout
Community of Washington, a core teacher of Spirit Rock’s the San Francisco Bay Area in schools, mental health settings and
Dedicated Practitioner Program, and founder of Mindful Members the private sector. She is a psychotherapist and a graduate of the
Insight Meditation Community in Charlotte, NC. A life coach and SRMC/IMS/IRC Teacher Training Program.
consultant, Ruth is the author of several publications, including
Healing Rage and Mindful of Race.

GINA SHARPE is co-founder and Guiding Teacher of New York

KITTISARO, a Rhodes Scholar, trained in the Forest School
of Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho, and has practiced Chan Insight Meditation Center. She has been teaching the Dharma
and Kuan Yin Dharmas for 35 years. He helped found Buddhist since 1995 and is particularly inspired by the potential and
monasteries and meditation centers in the UK, South Africa, and application of Dharma to transform and illuminate interpersonal
CA. Kittisaro co-authored Listening to the Heart, A Contemplative and multicultural relations.
Journey to Engaged Buddhism.

JACK KORNFIELD trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, India OREN JAY SOFER holds a degree in Comparative Religion
from Columbia University, is trained in Somatic Experiencing,
and Burma and holds a PhD in clinical psychology. He has taught
Nonviolent Communication, and is a member of the Spirit Rock
meditation since 1974 and is a founding teacher of IMS and Spirit Teachers Council. Oren is the Founder of Next Step Dharma,
Rock. His books include A Path with Heart, The Wise Heart and No and author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to
Time Like the Present. Nonviolent Communication.

BRIAN LESAGE has taught meditation since 2000. He has TEMPEL SMITH has been practicing Metta and Insight
studied in the Zen, Theravada and Tibetan schools of Buddhism. Meditation since 1989, including a year as a fully ordained monk
He was ordained in the Rinzai Zen tradition in 1996. in Burma. He graduated from the Teacher Training program led
by Jack Kornfield at Spirit Rock, is a core teacher in the Dedicated
Practitioners Program, and has been leading retreats for more
than 10 years.

JOHN MARTIN teaches Vipassana, Metta, and LGBTQI tmemed HEATHER SUNDBERG has taught Insight Meditation since
1999, completed Senior Teacher Training and is a member of the
meditation retreats. John has had a dedicated practice while being
SRMC Teacher’s Council. She is a teacher for Mountain Stream
engaged in the working world, and emphasizes practice for daily Meditation Center in Nevada City, CA. Her teaching emphasizes
life. He completed the SRMC/IMS/IRC Teacher Training Program. Embodiment, Heart Practices, and Awareness Practices inspired
by the Thai forest tradition.

NIKKI MIRGHAFORI, PHD, is a Stanford-trained compassion THANISSARA, MA, trained as a Buddhist monastic in the
cultivation instructor, a UCLA trained mindfulness facilitator, a Forest School of Ajahn Chah for 12 years. She is co-fouder, with
graduate of the SRMC/IMS/IRC Teacher Training Program, and Kittisaro, of Dharmagiri Retreat in South Africa, Chattanooga
Spirit Rock Board Member. Nikki also teaches and serves on the Insight TN, and Sacred Mountain Sangha CA. Her latest book is
Board of Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, and is an
Time to Stand Up, A Buddhist Manifesto for Our Earth.
Artificial Intelligence scientist and researcher.

PHILLIP MOFFITT has practiced Vipassana since 1983. He is ERIN TREAT has practiced Buddhist meditation for 20 years
founder and president of the Life Balance Institute. He is a and completed the SRMC/IMS/IRC Teacher Training Program.
She is the Guiding Teacher of Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center,
co-Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock and the author of Dancing with
and teaches at the Durango Dharma Center. Erin is influenced
Life, Emotional Chaos to Clarity and Awakening through the Nine by her love of wild nature, Diamond Approach® training, and
Bodies. decades of somatics and bodyworker experience.


SPRING WASHAM has practiced meditation since 1997.

She is a founding teacher of the East Bay Meditation Center
in Oakland, CA and author of A Fierce Heart: Finding Strength,
Courage and Wisdom in any Moment. Spring is a pioneer in bringing
mindfulness based healing practices into diverse communities.

PAMELA WEISS has practiced in the Zen and Theravada

traditions since 1987. She is an executive coach and the Founder of
Appropriate Response bringing Buddhist principles and practices
to leadership and organizations. Pamela leads a weekly meditation
group at San Francisco Insight and co-leads the Spirit Rock
Community Dharma Leader program.

LILA KATE WHEELER is a writer and teaches and practices in

the Vipassana and TIbetan Nyingma Buddhist lineages. She is a co-
leader of the Spirit Rock Teacher Training Program.

DARA WILLIAMS has practiced Vipassana meditation for 25

years. She serves as an IMS Guiding Teacher and is a core teacher in
the 2017/2021 IMS Teacher Training Program. She is coordinating
trainer for Indigenous Focusing Oriented Trauma Therapy (IFOT)
and maintains a private psychotherapy practice in NY.

DIANA WINSTON is the Director of Mindfulness Education at

UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center. She has practiced
Vipassana since 1989, including a year as a Buddhist nun in Burma,
and is the author of Fully Present and Wide Awake: A Buddhist Guide
for Teens.

LARRY YANG is a longtime meditator trained as a

psychotherapist. He is interested in creating access to the Dharma
for communities who have felt the experience of exclusion or
difference. Larry is a teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center.
He is the author of Awakening Together.

Teachers Emeritus
AJAHN AMARO trained in Thailand with Ajahn Chah and Ajahn
Sumedho. He is the former co-abbot of Abhayagiri Buddhist
Monastery near Ukiah, CA. He is now abbot of Amaravati
Monastery in the UK.

ROBERT HALL, MD, is a physician of the body/mind, a

psychiatrist, poet and meditation teacher. He is a pioneer of the
integration of bodywork, psychotherapy and spiritual practice. He
lives and teaches at El Dharma in Todos Santos, Mexico.

MARY GRACE ORR is a Vipassana teacher and former

Guiding Teacher of Santa Cruz Insight. She has practiced
many spiritual disciplines for the past 25 years and has trained
in the Diamond Approach®.

JOHN TRAVIS founded Mountain Stream Meditation in 1993

and opened a center in Nevada City, CA, in 2013. He has
practiced meditation for almost 50 years and spent a decade
living in Asia.
Spirit Rock News
© 2018 Spirit Rock Meditation Center | May - Aug 2018
JULIE WESTER has been a teacher of Insight Meditation
since 1985 and is a senior meditation teacher at Spirit Rock. Published three times a year by Spirit Rock Meditation Center
A student of sacred feminine wisdom traditions, her primary P.O. Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973 | (415) 488-0164
teachers have included Ruth Denison, Joanna Macy, Lama Design & Photography | Stacy Evett-Miller
Tsultrim Allione and the women of her own family lineage.
Photography |
Spirit Rock
An Insight Meditation Center

5000 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard

P.O. Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973


monastic programs
These special events are offerred by “dana”
or donation. Experience the Buddha’s teachings
guided by our monastic community.

MAY 5 - 6 | 2-Day Non-Residential Retreat

building the raft:
foundational tools
for practice

MAY 27
100 birthday anniversary

celebration: recollections
of ajahn chah

fully understanding
dukkha: exploring the
first noble truth

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