1.1 Cloud+SQL+ - +spanner

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Google Cloud Platform: Cloud SQL & Spanner

Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Google Cloud SQL is a fully managed relational database

service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL server.
➤ Cloud SQL is fully compatible with applications using
MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. You can connect with
nearly any application, anywhere in the world.
➤ Cloud SQL automates - Backups, Replication, and failover to
ensure your database is reliable, highly available, and flexible
to your performance needs.
➤ Easy integration with your workstation, as well as App
Engine, Compute Engine, Kubernetes, and BigQuery
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Features Of Cloud SQL: 

➤ Google Cloud SQL is fully managed by Google.
➤ Uses open source databases that are among the most popular
ones worldwide, i.e., MySQL databases.
➤ Can access and manage instances through a command-line
interface or a web console without difficulty.
➤ Pay-per-use option is quite inexpensive. By paying only for the
time for which you access data, you save money.
➤ Avoid lock-in of data while migrating data on to or off the
Google Cloud platform through JDBC, MySQL Wire Protocol
and mysqldump.
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Features Of Cloud SQL: 

➤ Failover among the many physical locations where data is
replicated is automatic. So, even if there is a major failure,
your data is secure and your database is available.
➤ Connecting with the secure sockets layer (SSL) protocol.
➤ Greater durability and availability of data which is replicated
in various geographic locations.
➤ Availability of instances in Asia, EU and the US.
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Start with Cloud SQL: 

➤ Create a Google Cloud SQL instance and configure it with an IP address to be
able to connect to it.
➤ Use the MySQL client to connect a Google Cloud SQL – install the MySQL
client; use the IP address you created to connect to the instance; create a table
and a database, key in some data and query it.
➤ Configure a Google Cloud SQL instance – configure access; set a root
password; create, delete, restart and edit instances; configure SSL for
instances; view information about instances; export or import data; configure
point-in-time recovery and schedule backups.
➤ Connect to a Google Cloud SQL instance – from App Engine Go apps; using
MySQL client; from App Engine PHP apps; from reporting and admin tools;
from App Engine Python apps; from external apps; from App Engine Java
apps; from Google Apps Scripts
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Manage Cloud SQL: 

➤ Creating an instance – While creating a Google Cloud SQL
instance, the name of the instance is the only configuration
setting needed.
➤ Editing an instance – You can edit an instance and change its
settings at any time after you have created it. 
➤ The change is applied immediately for all instance settings except
for size of the instance. 
➤ Restarting an instance – An instance is stopped as all
connections from it are drained. Google Cloud SQL restarts the
instance when there is a fresh connection request for the
instance, until which the instance stays shut. 
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Manage Cloud SQL: 

➤ Deleting an instance – When deleted, the data in an instance
is lost permanently and it is a good practice to delete an
instance following a scheduled backup or export of the instance.
➤ Configuring SSL for instances – You can use the SSL protocol
to connect to a Google Cloud SQL instance. You can configure
the instance to be able to connect to it through SSL, once you
have created it.
➤ Adding project members – If you are the owner of a project,
you may have to add project members who are allowed to
manage instances. Use the Google Cloud SDK or the Google
Developers Console to add editors and project owners.
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Cloud Spanner is a fully managed, scalable, relational

database service for regional and global application data.
➤ Cloud Spanner is the first scalable, globally-distributed, and
strongly consistent database service built for the cloud
specifically to combine the benefits of relational database
structure with non-relational horizontal scale.
➤ Cloud spanner delivers high-performance transactions and
strong consistency across rows, regions, and continents with
an industry-leading 99.999% availability SLA, no planned
downtime, and enterprise-grade security. 
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Cloud Spanner: The best of the relational and non-relational


Traditional Traditional Non-

Cloud Spanner
Relational Relational

Schema Yes Yes No

SQL Yes Yes No
Consistency Strong Strong Eventual
Availability High Failover High
Scalabitity Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
Replication Automatic Configurable Configurable
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Customers across industries can use Cloud Spanner to deliver value to their

Use Case Before Cloud Spanner With Cloud Spanner

Inconsistencies lead to potential monetary loss

Financial trading during reconciliation. Global synchronous Cost savings and a consistent, unified, global view.
replication of trades is not feasible.

Inconsistencies lead to incomplete views of Up-to-date customer views provide more accurate,
Insurance customers. real-time data.

Global call centers Eventual and out-of-touch. Real-time and up-to-date.

Global supply chain presents an inconsistent

Supply-chain management Global, real-time, consistent view enables real-
global view and/or data must be shipped in
and manufacturing time decision making.

Processing capacity limited to finite scale-up

Telecom and billing Scale-out allows improved processing speed.
compute resources.

Regional reach with many systems glued Global reach with lower latency and a consistent
Logistics and Transportation together. view.

Consistent, global view delivers a unified

Gaming Each server or cluster is its own universe.

Guaranteed max of 5 minutes of downtime

Limited availability SLA or no SLA guarantees.
E-Commerce (including planned downtime) on paper and in
In practice, potential missed sales.
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Features Of Cloud Spanner: 

➤ Global Scale - Horizontally scalable across rows, regions, and
continents, from 1 to hundreds or thousands of nodes.
➤ Fully Managed - Ease of deployment at every scale and every
stage. Synchronous replication and maintenance are automatic
and built-in.
➤ Relational Semantics - Everything you would expect from a
relational database—schemas, ACID transactions, and SQL
➤ Multi-Language Support - Client libraries in C#, Go, Java,
Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby. JDBC driver for connectivity
with popular third-party tools.
Google Cloud Platform : Cloud Training

➤ Features Of Cloud Spanner: 

➤ Transactional Consistency - Purpose-built for external,
strong, global transactional consistency.
➤ Enterprise Grade Security - Data-layer encryption, IAM
integration for access and controls, and audit logging.
➤ Highly Available - Whenever, wherever, your data is highly
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