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OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. differentiate the types of hypothesis;

2. construct hypothesis;
3. differentiate theoretical and conceptual framework;
4. construct theoretical/conceptual framework.


Definition: A hypothesis is a wise guess that is formulated and temporarily adopted to explain
the observed facts covered by the study.

A hypothesis guides the researcher in that it describes the procedure to follow in

conducting the study. Hypothesis is important for it tells the researcher what to do and how to
go about solving a research problem. The investigator is in much better position if there are
hypotheses to guide him on the kind of data to collect (Leedy, 1981).

The hypothesis that the investigator formed is usually based on the information they
gathered. They may form more than one hypothesis from a single information since there are
many possible solutions to a problem. Each possible solution must be tested. Therefore, a
hypothesis must be testable. To test whether a hypothesis is correct or not, investigators make
observations and do experiments to see whether the results of these observations or experiments
support it.

There are two types of hypothesis. These are:

1. Null hypothesis (Ho)

This hypothesis is a denial of an existence of a trait, characteristic, quality, value,
correlation or difference of the result.

Example: (Experimental Experiment)

Specific Problem): Is there a significant difference on the yield of peanuts planted in pots using
night soil and chicken dung as fertilizers?

Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference on the yield of peanuts planted in pots
using night soil and chicken dung as fertilizers.

Example: (Descriptive Research)

Specific Problem): Is there a correlation between job-related problems and job performance as
perceived by staff nurses in the city and province of Laguna, Philippines?

Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no correlation between job-related problems and job performance
as perceived by staff nurses in the city and province of Laguna, Philippines.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

This hypothesis is an affirmation of the existence of phenomena. It is always stated in
affirmative form and is the opposite of null hypothesis.

Example: (Experimental Experiment)

Specific Problem): Is there a significant difference on the yield of peanuts planted in pots using
night soil and chicken dung as fertilizers?

Alternative hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference on the yield of peanuts planted in
pots using night soil and chicken dung as fertilizers.
Example: (Descriptive Research)

Specific Problem): Is there a correlation between job-related problems and job performance as
perceived by staff nurses in the city and province of Laguna, Philippines?

Alternative hypothesis (Ha): There is a correlation between job-related problems and job
performance as perceived by staff nurses in the city and province of Laguna, Philippines.

Example: (From the study of Cortiguerra, Z.A. et al. )



Research Hypothesis
This research study served to prove that there are significant differences among the
cognitive ability of the strands in the senior high school academic track, unless proven otherwise.


The theoretical framework shapes the justification of the research problem/research

objectives in order to provide the legal basis for defining its parameters . It is desirable for an
investigator to identify key concepts that are used in the study for better understanding of the role
of theory in research.

Theoretical framework is a symbolic construction which uses abstract concepts, facts or

laws, variables and their relations that explain and predict how an observed phenomenon exists
and operates. A researcher is required to formulate existing theories which link the study
because theories are useful device for interpreting, criticizing, and unifying established scientific
laws or facts that serve as guide in discovering new generalizations.

The conceptual framework presents specific and well-defined concepts which are called
constructs. Its function is similar to theoretical framework because the constructs used are
derived from abstract concepts of the theoretical framework.

Example: (From the study of Cortiguerra, Z.A. et al. )

Conceptual Framework


• Tests for measuring

cognitive ability:
• Grade 12 senior • Cognitive
a. Left Brain Skill
high school Differences
academic track among the
b. Right Brain Skill
students Strands of the
Senior High
c. IQ
Academic Track
• Analysis and
Comparison of Test

Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

This study utilized the input-process-output model. Figure 1 illustrates the paradigm of
the research study. The input of the study includes the participants of their respective enrolled
strands. Tests are to be administered after gathering data which are to be analyzed to determine
the differences between the respondents’ cognitive ability. Mean test scores of the respondents
are to be compared with each other to identify their specific differences.

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