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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Assignment I

Subject : Web Technology and its application (18CS63) Sem: 6th CSE2

Faculty : Rekha S Year: 2020-2021(Even)

Sl. Questions COs

1 What is HTML? Explain the structure of HTML5 document. CO1
2 Explain the following HTML 5 elements <img>,<a>,<link>,<div>,Doctype , CO1
3 List out all three types of lists. Explain with an example CO1
4 What are Selectors? List and explain with an example. CO1
5 Explain the need of “Cascade “ in style sheet. Illustrate three principles of cascade with CO1
suitable CSS script statement
6 Explain the following CSS properties with suitable examples CO1
a) Float
b) Position
c) overflow
7 Illustrate the CSS Box model to label each of the component of the box CO1
8 Explain the URL referencing techniques with suitable scripts in HTML5 CO1
9. Generate an HTML5 document depicting the below nested list CO1

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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