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SESI 2020/21

WE 013



GROUP MEMBERS : 1) GOH JIN LE (MS2017106090)
What is COVID 19 ? Like the black death spreading along the trades-routes strung along the
spine of 14th century Eurasia. COVID 19 is an infectious disease that caused by a newly
discovered strain of coronavirus, a type of virus known to cause repiratory infectious in
humans. This new strain was unknown December 2019, when an outbreak of a pneumonia
of unidentified cause emerged In Wuhan, China. This disease spreads very easily and
sustainably through the air, primarily via small droplet or particles. It may also be transmitted
through contaminated surfaces. The common symptoms include fever, cough,fatigue,
shortness of death and breathing difficulties. According to WHO, the solution to prevent this
COVID 19 disease is to always keep physically distancing from each other. This will give
huge impact to everyone in this world in the aspect of economy, social and education. Take
Malaysia as the example, Movement Control Order (MCO) had been implemented on March
ago . In this essay , we will discuss about how COVID 19 has effected on society which are
education ,economy and health .

Furthermore, COVID 19 also effected the society’s economy. People start to lose their job
especially sectoral level, tourism and travel-related industries will be among the hardest hit
as WHO encourage ‘social distancing’ and stay indoor . Not only these sectors are
economically down but restaurants, malls, parks, sporting events and entertainment giants
such as DISNEY also socially down and they had to stop their workers due to not affordable
to pay the workers salary without having income or business. Based on the article, The
International Air Transport Association warns that Covid-19 could cost global air carriers
between $63 billion and $113 billion in revenue in 2020, and the international film market
could lose over $5 billion in lower box office sales.This also leads the society to lose their
source of income. Other than that, manufacturing productive activity slowing down due to
global supply chain disruptions and closures of factories. China had difficulties to export in
early indications of COVID 19 but soon other countries had a huge drop economically.
Based on article, (Among major economies outside of China, the OECD forecasts the largest
downward growth revisions in countries deeply interconnected to China, especially South
Korea, Australia, and Japan. Major European economies will experience dislocations as the
virus spreads and countries adopt restrictive responses that curb manufacturing activity at
regional hubs, including in Northern Italy. As a result of depressed activity, the United
Nations projects that foreign direct investment flows could fall between 5 and 15 percent to
their lowest levels since the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.
Besides, COVID-19 alter the perspective of society towards their health condition. Before
the pandemic, everyone lives without taking care of their health. This caused the virus
spreaded to the whole world in a sudden. Human’s population decreases due to the COVID-
19, many people are dying from the virus. Fortunately, everyone plays their role to protect
themselves from the virus by wearing mask and sanitizing their hands frequently in the
public. According to the article, to enhance the Ministry of Health Malaysia efforts in keeping
the spread under control, a Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented on March 18,
2020. The MCO was the restriction of movement of people into or out of an area
(ScienceDirect , 2020). People are following this order to prevent putting themselves at risk.
The public have to live in a risky environment where there’s no cure for this virus, so keeping
ourselves healthy is more important than anything else. Aside from that, a supportive society
is formed. People are supporting the frontliners who are risking their life to fight the virus for
the others. More and more kind persons are donating money and medical supplies to assist
the frontliners. Therefore, COVID-19 brings us pros and cons, luckily everyone knows the
importance to take good care of their health condition.

A totally different environment to go with as the Covid-19 has left us with a huge question
mark on how people should be doing to survive in this new norm era. The present is unlikely
the same as the past, let bygone be bygone. No longer outdoor activities, shopping and
holiday allowed since people is restricted by the Movement Control Order (MCO). To believe
or not, the new norm did change the society. In education, a new side of learning which
required the maximum used of technology has revamp the old and rusty method of learning
on the old ages. The world is introduced with an ultra-modern learning process. Studying
online and to get along with the new era of learning seem to lead people to a lot of problems
that they need to face off. As for the educators, they need to master the technology skills to
assist the student with their studies. From the other side, the student has to be ready
mentally to study online that is pretty much boring and lame. If worst comes to worst,
examination has to be done online which left the student with a big rustle. Family members
whom with low financial will absolutely see this as a serious issue since they need to spend
more budget for their children education. It does not matter if the kids are in their primary,
secondary, college or even university, education nowadays required technology at all risk.
Example, assignment and homework need to be submitted online via Google classroom.
Covid-19 not only affect the daily basis, but the education is not excluded from it. To
conclude, Covid-19 give people a hard time as it put us in a position which is a stranger to
the people that is, the new norm.

In the nutshells, the pandemic COVID 19 has caused global social and economic disruption,
since the Great Depression. The government has implemented total lockdown for some
countries will affect to many people as they are jobless during this year. Some are struggling
in order to survive this difficult times. It has led to the cancellation of sporting, religious ,
political , tourism and cultural events, widespread supply shortages exacerbated by panic
buying and decrease emissions of pollutant and greenhouse gas to the environment.
Educational in situation have been partially or fully closed due to this outbreaks in order to
keep distance from everyone. School closures in response to the pandemic have shed light
on various social and economic issues, including student debt, digital and online learning.
For the economy aspect, tourism is one of the worst affected sectors for the economy of
certain country due to travel bans, closing of public places including travel attractions and
advice of goverments against travel. Last but not least, the pandemic has affected to the
health which approximately 1 million people died from the covid 19. The world is still waiting
for the vaccine to cure the disease.

Reference: Stephanie Segal Senior Fellow, Economics Program,( March 10, 2020), The
Global Economic Impacts of Covid-19, global-economic-impacts-covid-19,
:A.U. Shah (2020, June 2). COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia; Actions taken by the
Malaysian government. Retrieved from!

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