Diving Theory Class

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Diving theory class

OW diver max 18 meters

Entry level

AOW  max 30 meters

Max for recreational diver is 40 meters

Ground level 1 atmosphere pressure
Every 10 meters will add 1 bar/ata
20 meters deep will be 3 atm pressure
30 meters deep will be 4 atm p.25

A balloon when it goes down by 10 meters will be half size cause it’s 2bar/ata
If we go down 20 meters then it will be smaller again
A 4L balloon at 20m will be 12L on the surface
A 18L big 30m deep, to 20m will be 24L

Equalization  pinch nose to equalize with the pressure

Do it before you down, then instead of waiting until it hurts. If you can’t do it when you’re deep
then go a bit shallower and do that and slowly go down again
When we go dive always be slow, never fast. P.26-27

p.29 NEVER hold breath when you go shallower, go up, because our lungs are just like the balloon
that increase size

p.33 Keep neutral buoyancy, so basically not moving much in the middle
p.37 Never dive alone, go with a buddy. To take care of each other
p.54 Know the 5 parts of the regulator. First stage connects the tank to our breathing point, hub.
N2 is the regulator. N3 pack up regulator. On the test yellow/white is the emergency and black is
main regulator. N4 inflator. N5 SPG gauge shows how much air there is in the tank, check it all the
p.58 Where do you put your backup regulator? Triangle
p. 59 test
p.70 Make T is 100 air. If you want to do 80 just use two hands like I normally do in Italy
On the surface do the other ok, because if you are distant it’s harder to see the number of fingers
p.81 Object seems bigger or closer when you dive in water. When you go down you start not to
see red, orange colors, etc.
p.82 When you’re in the water, sound goes faster so you’ll hear it better but it’s hard to find
where it is. MUST in test
p.86 In the water breath longer and deeper. Maybe 4 in 2 keep and 8 out
p. 98 Safety stops 5meters for 3 minutes stop then go to surface (fare il tre con le dita e il palm
on the three fingers, to let nitrogen out of the body). Not mandatory (e.g. there might be strong
wind), but if we can then do it.
p.101 wet suits which are 3millimeters thick. Normally in southeast asia the water temperature is
higher so we can just use the normal 3millimeters thick, while in Australia might need 7mm. In
colder places then need dry suit
p.123 Begin dive. Mild current. Against current. (So in the beginning should go against the current,
so that in the end of the dive the current will take us back to the original spot). What should you
do during mild current? Dive against current
Don’t stay too close to the mud and sand on the bottom, so don’t go toooo low. If you don’t have
good buoyancy, then you’ll make lots sand around cause you might just touch the bottom
p. 128 Diving within your limits: OW 18 meters, AOW 30 meters, Recreational diver 40m. If you
have some problems out of your limits, the insurance won’t pay you
p.132 Just observe, don’t touch anything. 1 to protect yourself, cause some corals are poisonous
and leave a scar for 5 years or more. E.g. eels and sharks, if you want to touch them then they feel
like they are attacked. Normally they won’t attack the divers cause they are also scared. 2 Protect
the creatures because by touching them we might hurt them
p.166 Dive flags. The divers should come up nearby the flag around 15m, while the boat should be
outside of 30m
p.192 Decompression sickness might happen when you go up very fast. P.193 for the symptoms
know them.
p.196 Check your diving computer p.197


Green is before dive

Purple when there’s nitrogen

Blue is when you can dive again

p.225 When you have a single dive take a flight after 12h. If you have many dives, then need take
the flight after 18h. Cannot take a flight immediately after the dive, because of nitrogen, where
the bubbles of nitrogen will be even bigger so will have decompression sickness. Last day will
always be the land tour
p.229 Help a diver with DCI  need to offer decompression sickness diver pure oxygen (which we
normally cannot breath) and call for medical service
p. 230 Narcosis  smile a lot just like drunk, so go up. Normally 30meters
p.235 last question  OW 18m, Recreational diver 40m
Total multiple choice questions 50

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