Cot2 Math5

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Detailed Demonstration Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5

COT No. 2

I. Objective:

Visualize the ratio of two given numbers through illustration.

Value Focus: Appreciation for using of ratio in real life situation.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Visualization of Ratio
Reference: K-12 Grade 5 Curriculum Guide M5NS-11h-122 p60, Lesson Guide in
Elementary Mathematics G5 pp218-222, Mathematics for Better Life pp 194-195
Materials: flashcards, pictures, real objects

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

a. Greetings
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Song- M-A-T-H
d. Setting of Class Standards
What are you going to do when the
teacher is teaching in front? Listen carefully, pay attention, raise your right
hand if you want to answer teacher.
Yes teacher!
Very good! Can I expect that with you?

1. Review:

Mike made 3 sandwiches for his 6 friends. If

his friend ate the same amount of the
sandwiches he has made, what part of the
sandwich did each of his friend eat?

Who can answer the problem?

B. Developmental Activities
3. Motivation:

Teacher shows real objects

- Class what can you see on the table? Fruits teacher

Oranges, apples
- Very good! How many oranges are
there? Let us count. (1,2,3) there are 3 oranges teacher

- Very good! How many apples are

there? Let us count. (1,2,3,4,5) there are 5 apples teacher

- These two different fruits will be yours

later if you will participate until the end
of the lesson.

- So are you ready? Yes we are!

2. Presentation:

* Using actual pupils in Naming Ratio

Group the class into two (2) groups but they

are still on their place for keeping the health

-For group 1, ask the male pupils to stand, also Pupils from group two do the counting
the female pupils.

-Very good! Ask again the male/female pupils

to stand from Group II

Group Number Number Total

Number of Boys of Girls Number
of Pupils

- Ask the following questions:

- How many pupils are there in each
group? Answers may vary
- How do you compare the male to the
number of female pupils in Group I?
Group 2?

- Introduce the concept of ratio as the

comparison of two quantities

- More examples
- Number of vaccinated and non-
vaccinated pupils and compare them
according to its quantity. (Pupils will answer)
- What are the importance of being
vaccinated from COVID-19? Why is it
important to be vaccinated from
COVID 19? To prevent from COVID 19, keep us safe from
3. Discussion:
Performing Activities

- Group the class into 3 rows for activity.


1. What is the ratio of the number of vowels to

the number of consonants in English Alphabet?

2. What is the ratio of the number of vowels to

all letters in the English Alphabet?

3. What is the ratio of consonants to all letters

in the English Alphabet?

- Use the picture of what is the ratio of

1. What is the ratio of mother ducks to the


2. What is the ratio of horse to birds?

3. What is the ratio of flowers to trees?


- Draw a picture to show

1. a ratio of 4 to 7
2. a ratio of 5 to 6
3. a ratio of 3 to 8

4. Analysis:
Processing the activity

- Checking of the outputs of the pupils.

5. Reinforcing the Concepts and Skills

Direction: Illustrate the following to visualize

the ratio of 2 numbers.

1.) 5 leaves to 3 flowers

2.) 10 circles to 9 squares
3.) 1 table to 10 chairs
4.) 2 diamonds to 6 balls
5.) 5 hearts to 7 stars

5. Generalization:

What is Ratio?
Ratio is a comparison of two objects.
5. Application:

What is the importance of ratio in our everyday

Answers may vary
IV. Evaluation:

Direction: Visualize the ratio of these sets of

objects by illustration or drawing.

1.) 15 triangle to 18 rectangle

2.) 12 balloons to 5 cakes
3.) 6 mangoes to 7 bananas
4.) 9 bags to 11 umbrellas
5.) 13 cellphones to 14 ovals
V. Assignment:

Direction: Draw figures to show the following


a. 3:4 b. 5:8. c. 2:7

Prepared by:

Class Adviser

Checked by:
Master Teacher I

School Head

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