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Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 36(5) October 2006 2006 The American Association of Suicidology


On Intention in the Definition of Suicide

Karl Andriessen, BSW, GCSuicPrevSt

The need for a comprehensive nomenclature in suicidology is now well recognized. In this paper the focus is on the issue of intention, which is identified as an essential aspect of any definition of suicide and suicidal behavior primarily because of its distinction from accidental behavior. The distinction between the retrospective perspective of motives versus the prospective perspective of intentions is highlighted, and I argue that the latter is more closely related to suicidal behavior. Finally, while motives and intentions tend to be used together in research, there is a need for sound research to clarify the roles of intentions in order to better understand suicide and attempted suicide.

The need for a classification system with uniform definitions and guidelines to classify suicide was early recognized and, subsequently, steadily discussed as an essential ground for the development of contemporary suicidology (Beck, Resnick, & Lettieri, 1974; De Leo, Burgis, Bertolote, Kerkhof, & BilleBrahe, 2004; Farberow & Shneidman, 1961; Linehan, 1997; Maris, 1981, 1992a; Maris, Berman, & Silverman, 2000; Marusic, 2004; OCarrol et al., 1996; Silverman & Berman,

Karl Andriessen is Coordinator of the Suicide Prevention Project of the Flemish Mental Health Centres in Belgium and Vice-chair of the Flemish Working Group on Suicide Survivors. He is a Belgian IASP National Representative, Chair of IASP Taskforce Postvention, and recipient of the 2005 IASP Farberow Postvention Award. The first version of this paper was written as part of the course work in the first year of the Masters of Suicidology, with due thanks to Prof. Diego De Leo, dr. Karolina Krysinska and Mrs. Jacinta Hawgood at the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. In addition, the author wished to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions. Address correspondence to Karl Andriessen, MHC Suicide Prevention Project, FDGG, Martelaarslaan 204b, 9000 Gent, Belgium; E-mail:

2005). In the 1980s the U.S. Centers for Disease Control called together a broad working group of coroners, medical examiners, statisticians and public health agencies (Rosenberg et al., 1988, p. 1445) to identify criteria for a definition of suicide and to develop guidelines for certification. They put forward that suicide is a (1) death arising from (2) an act inflicted upon oneself (3) with the intent to kill oneself, the so-called Operational Criteria for the Determination of Suicide (OCDS). OCarrol et al. (1996) countered that it was not yet possible to develop a clinical classification system of suicidal behavior due to the limited knowledge of the causal pathways relevant to clinical and prevention work. Instead, based on the OCDS, they elaborated a nomenclaturea set of precise, defined terms to facilitate clear communication. Recently, Marusic (2004) also proposed to use the criteria of Rosenberg et al. to formulate a nomenclature for all suicidal behaviors. Marusic stated that by applying the criteria 1) intention, 2) act of self-destruction, 3) death (p. 145), it should be possible to formulate a nomenclature for all fatal and nonfatal suicidal behaviors, including suicidal ideation, call for help, and euthanasia. De Leo et al. (2004) evaluated the criteria and definition of Rosenberg as well as several other definitions. They found that

534 most definitions of suicide share common aspects. These building bricks of the definition are: (1) behavior with fatal outcome; (2) selfinitiated, which includes self-inflicted acts, and active/passive acts; and (3) intention or expectation to die. After thorough consideration they proposed the following modified definitions: Suicide is an act with a fatal outcome which the deceased, knowing or expecting a potentially fatal outcome, has initiated and carried out with the purpose of bringing about wanted changes (p. 33). Nonfatal suicidal behavior was defined as [A] non-habitual act with non-fatal outcome that the individual, expecting to, or taking the risk, to die or to inflict bodily harm, initiated and carried out with the purpose of bringing about wanted changes (p. 36). In the recent history of suicidology Stengel (1964) formulated a suicide attempt is any act of self-damage inflicted with selfdestructive intention, however vague and ambiguous (p. 72). Further, he recommended that clinicians should regard all cases of potentially dangerous self-poisoning or self-inflicted injury as suicidal attempts (p. 72). Independent from this source, the notion of potentially was now included in the modified definition of suicide (De Leo et al., 2004). In addition, in an early discussion chaired by Shneidman the issue of intentions was addressed: Many acts of self-injury, which are lumped together under the concept of suicide, do not have self-extinction as their goal (Kubie, 1969, p. 83). Sometimes, the conscious and unconscious goals may be precisely the reverse (p. 82). Shneidmans work was later to culminate in the formulation of the ten commonalities of suicide (Shneidman, 1996, p. 131). Among others, these included: purpose: to seek a solution; goal: cessation of consciousness; and cognitive state: ambivalence.

Defining Intention more difficult to determine suicidal intention than to determine whether death was selfinflicted. Because the suicidal person has died, it is not possible to identify fully his/ her intentions. As a help, Rosenberg et al. provided a list of criteria to consider in the assessment of suicidal intentions. Because of the uncertainty, suicide has become the residual category in the so-called natural, accidental, suicide, homicide (NASH) system (De Leo et al., 2004; Maris et al., 2000). This means that there should be either positive evidence of suicide or, alternatively, that the other categories (natural, accidental, and homicidal [and not determined]) can be excluded (OCarrol et al., 1996). Mayo (1992) referred to intentionality as the most subtle feature of the definition (p. 95). De Leo et al. (2004) called intention the most contentious aspect of the definitional debate on suicide and non-fatal suicidal behaviours (p. 29). Indeed, it has been argued that intention does not reach scientific standards and that the concept would be too vague to be included in a definition. However, it is now well recognized that suicidal people can have multiple intentions at the same time, that intentions may evolve during the suicidal process of an individual person, and that the suicidal person can be ambivalent regarding the intent to die. Death can be one of the intentions, and at the same time death can be the method to reach another goal. Nobody knows what it is to be dead. So how can someone wish to be dead? Contemplation of his [ones] own death remains a remote, elusive, unreal and abstract concept (Kubie, 1967, p. 461); however, in the perception of the person death can be just a more appealing option than living (De Leo et al., 2004, p. 30). While the agent of the action allows to distinguish between homicide and suicide, the concept of intention distinguishes between accidental and suicidal behavior. Thus it is essential in a definition of suicide (De Leo et al., 2004; Farberow & Shneidman, 1961; Litman, 1984; Marusic, 2004; Mayo, 1992). To operationalize intention these authors proposed the use of measurement

Rosenberg et al. (1988) argued that, of the different aspects of the definition, it is

Andriessen scales such as the Suicide Intent Scale, or psychological autopsy studies. Also, the criteria and questionnaire of Rosenberg et al. (1988) are useful in this context.

535 actions. A crucial issue in the action theory that he developed throughout his life, and first presented in The Phenomenology of the Social World, was the distinction between the um-zu-motiv and the weil-motiv (Beachler, 1979, p. 53; Barber, 2002). The latter consist of the circumstances that have influenced a persons decision to act, or the past factors that preceded that past decision (Barber, 2002). This because explanation is always retrospective. The first is the opposite, namely the in order to perspective. With this, a person projects an action as completed in the future, and looks at what will be realized. Both perspectives can be applied to suicidal behavior; however, the in order to would be more closely related to understand the action. The decision to act suicidal is only one choice among many options when faced with unbearable experiences. And as long as there is no action, there is no because (Beachler, 1979). Understanding the intentions behind the behavior is possible via the in order to perspective. In addition, Barber (2002) correctly mentioned that the observed behavior or the outcome does, not necessarily equal the intended outcome. Unforeseen influences may alter the course and the outcome of an action. Also, the easy availability of lethal means may influence the outcome (Hawton, 2002; Hawton et al., 2001). Otherwise said, medically serious suicide attempts are not necessarily equal with high suicide intent. Thus research on intentions (e.g., applying questionnaires or interviews) is needed in all at-risk populations.


Despite these observations there is little research that offers a more solid empirical view on the issue of intentions. Several authors have pointed to the fact that intentions are often confused with motives (Hjelmeland & Knizek, 1999; Silverman & Berman, 2005). Maris et al. (2000) defined (the basically legal concept) motive as the cause or reason that moves the will and induces action, and intent is the purpose a person has in using a particular means (e.g., suicide) to effect a result (p. 37). Hjelmeland and Knizek (1999) reviewed the psychological literature on the meanings of intentions and motives. Though some authors used motives (or reasons) and intentions as synonyms, generally the recommendation was to distinguish between the two. In line with the definitions of Maris et al. (2000), Hjelmeland and Knizek argued that intentional acts satisfy motives, and intentions are related to what the person wants while motives are related to the reason for the desire (p. 277). The act is expressed by the intentions. As such, to explain behavior intentions more than motives are closely related to the act. The causal explanation of behavior looks to the past (the external observers point of view), while the teleological perspective looks for an explanation in the future (the actors perspective), to what is to be accomplished by the act (Hjelmeland & Knizek, 1999). Interestingly, support for this distinction is found in another scientific field. Beachler (1979) referred to the Austrian/ American philosopher Alfred Schutz (1899 1959), who became influential for phenomenological sociology. Starting from the verstehende sociology of Weber, Schutz (1932) stated that social activities must be understood by the sense that subjects give to their


Bearing in mind that the population who dies by suicide is different to, and partly overlapping with, the population that does not die as a result of its suicidal behavior, the intentions of the latter may give some indication of intentions that can be present in the first group as well. We must, however, be aware that the two populations are only partly overlapping (Farberow & Shneidman,

536 1961). Kerkhof and Arensman (2004) reported that 44% of those who died by suicide have attempted suicide before. Prospectively, 10% to 15% of the people who attempted suicide eventually die by suicide (Maris, 1981, 1992b), and the risk is highest in the first year after a suicide attempt. In this perspective, interesting research has been done on nonlethal suicidal behavior. It is not a coincidence that the second and updated edition of Mark Williams 1997 book The Cry of Pain was renamed Suicide and Attempted Suicide (Williams, 2001), echoing the seminal work of Stengel. Williams (2001, p. 76) included a table from a study of 1986 in the UK regarding twelve reasons for taking overdoses. Each participant was allowed to mark all items that were applicable to their case. In this study, reasons included both motives and intentions. The top three reasons cited were: the situation was so unbearable (motive) that I had to do something (intention) and didnt know what else to do (67% of participants), I wanted to die (intention) (61%), and I wanted to escape (intention) from an impossible situation (motive) (58%). Ambivalence was obviously present in this population. These answers, together with a few others, resemble well with the ten commonalities of suicide (Shneidman, 1996). The total number of percentages of the twelve items was 418%. This means that the participants provided an average of four reasons for their suicidal behavior. Intentions of nonfatal suicidal behavior were also included in the large WHO/Euro Multi-Centre Study on Suicidal Behaviour (Hjelmeland & Hawton, 2004). A list of 14 possible intentions and the Suicidal Intent Scale were applied in 14 regions. Information was gathered on 1,646 persons aged 15 years or more. The fourteen intentions could be grouped in care seeking, influencing others, temporary escape, and final exit (p. 74). A major result from this study is that the parasuicidal patients across the different regions and countries reported similar intentions (Hjelmeland et al., 2002). Further it was found that intentions did not vary much

Defining Intention across gender and age. However, it is noted that intentions in this study included motives as well. The top three intentions were: the situation was so unbearable (motive) that I could not think of any other alternative (76.3% in women, 71.2% in men), my thoughts were so unbearable, I could not endure them any longer (motive) (67.7% and 63.6%), and I wanted to die (intention) (59.3% and 64.5%). Again, ambivalence and multiple intentions (and motives) per person were found (p. 385). Also, the suicidal intention as reported in the 14-item list correlated with the results of the Suicidal Intent Scale (p. 388). In addition, there was a positive correlation between the national and regional suicide rates and the frequency of the reply wanted to die only in women, and not in men (p. 390). This finding supports the hypothesis that, at least partly, and maybe more in women than in men, the intentions of persons who didnt die of their suicidal behavior could be present in suicide deaths as well. Indeed, a study cited by Hjelmeland et al. (2002) found that patient-attributed reasons for nonfatal suicidal behavior (such as suicidal desire and preparation) predicted a number of suicide criteria (p. 391). Of course, identifying risk criteria does not mean that suicidal behavior, fatal or nonfatal, is predictable (Goldney, 2000; Kerkhof & Arensman, 2004). Obviously, the review above is not an exhaustive overview of the literature. The aim, rather, was to present a few examples of how intentions have been addressed in research. As a whole, I argue that, despite limitations of the concept, intention is an essential component of the definition of suicide and attempted suicide primarily because it enables one to distinguish between accidental and suicidal behavior. As such, the issue of intentions in the definition of fatal and nonfatal suicidal behavior is germane to death certification, statistics of lethal and nonlethal suicidal behavior, research, prevention, and clinical work. Though intention is an important, even indispensable, element to understand suicidal behavior, little research has focused on this issue. In addition, because

Andriessen motives and intentions are related to different explanatory perspectives (e.g., retrospective versus prospective), future research should clearly distinguish between them both with regard to suicides and attempted suicides. The study of intentions then might contrib-

537 ute to a better understanding of the relation (continuum and/or group similarities/differences) between nonfatal suicidal behavior and suicide, and to a better understanding of the suicidal act.

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Defining Intention
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