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Cuautitlán Izcalli Estado de México a 7 de junio del 2022.

Career: BIOMEDIC ENGINEERING Matter: MANAGMENT SKILLS Group: IBT-120601 Salón: pakistan

Student´s Name:


 Initiating: During this phase, the project is conceptualized, and feasibility is determined.

According to , some activities that should be performed during this process include defining the
project goal; defining the project scope; identifying the project manager and the key
stakeholders; identifying potential risks, and producing an estimated budget and timeline.

 Planning: Next, the project manager will create a blueprint to guide the entire project from
ideation through completion. This blueprint will map out the project’s scope; resources required
to create the deliverables; estimated time and financial commitments; communication strategy to
ensure stakeholders are kept up to date and involved; execution plan; and proposal for ongoing
maintenance. If the project has not yet been approved, this blueprint will serve as a critical part
of the pitch.

 Executing: During this phase, the project manager will conduct the procurement required for the
project and staff the team. Execution of the project objectives requires effective management of
the team members on the ground. PMs are responsible for delegating and overseeing the work
on the project while maintaining good relationships with all team members and keeping the entire
project on time and budget. The PM must, therefore, be highly organized and an exceptional
leader. That’s because they’ll need to address team concerns and issues that arise along the
way, requiring frequent and open communication with all team members and stakeholders.

 Monitoring and control: During this process group, project managers will closely measure the
project's progress to ensure it is developing properly. Documentation such as data collection and
verbal and written status reports may be used. “Monitoring and controlling are closely related to
project planning. While planning determines what is to be done, monitoring and controlling
establish how well it has been done,” explains SME Toolkit. “Monitoring will detect any
necessary corrective action or change in the project to keep the project on track.”

Formato: UPCI-dcncia-001 rev. 11.12.19


 Closing: The closing process group occurs once the project deliverables have been produced
and the stakeholders validate and approve them. During this phase, the project manager will
close contracts with suppliers, external vendors, consultants, and other third-party providers. All
documentation will be archived, and a final project report will be produced. Further, the final part
of the project plan — the plan for troubleshooting and maintenance — will kick into place

Project Process Interactions

Process interactions can be in several different forms in which the basic project management
processes, such as the initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and controlling, as well as closing,
can interact with each other during the course of conducting project activities. For example,
processes associated with monitoring and controlling can affect the executing process. Items
associated with the initiating process can affect planning. In some cases, items associated with the
execution process can have drastic effects on the closing process. This book covers several
interactions between these different project management processes, as well as the influence of
knowledge areas within each process. The Project Management Institute, in PMBOK, Fifth Edition,
has also outlined knowledge areas that represent the responsibilities of a project manager for tasks
carried out throughout the project life cycle. It is interesting to contrast how these knowledge areas
correspond to and interact with the five process groups. In some cases, interactions of certain
knowledge areas with other knowledge areas can actually produce what are called compound
interactions. This book goes into the details of how project managers can use certain knowledge
areas to influence other knowledge areas, creating these compound interactions. As project
managers come to understand the use of project management process groups and how knowledge
areas can be used to manage various aspects of project activities, this gives the project managers
tools and techniques to effectively and efficiently manage projects to completion.

Process execution happens when the target process is executed, or realized, becoming the actual
process. When processes are executed, process mining helps generate data that is important for
process controlling. Process execution is part of the process management life cycle and takes place
after process implementation.

Controlling process

The “Controlling Process” is a method that can be used to make sure standards are being met within
an organization. It involves the careful collection of information about a system, process, person, or
group of people in order to make necessary decisions about each.

Formato: UPCI-dcncia-001 rev. 11.12.19

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