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1950 thru 1957


Dwaukee , Wiseonsia U.S.A.
After many inquiries and sentiments expressed about
our motorcycles built during the 1950s, we gathered all available
information we could find for these years. This decade introduced the
K·Model 45", the forerunner of the Sportster which made its debut in
1957. These and our other '50s models are included in this sixth edition.

The information is as complete as we are able to make it at this time.

However, our research efforts will continue and
an update will be made, if appropriate.

We hope you are as pleased with the results as we are.



1950 125 (S) Brilliant Black, Sportsman's Yellow,

Flight Red, Riviera Blue

1951 125 (5) Sportsman's Yellow, Persian Red, Rio Blue

(Optional Colors: Metallic Green, Metallic Blue)

1.952 125 (S) Tropical Green, Persian Red, Rio Blue

(Optional Color: Marine Blue Metallic)

1953 165 (ST) Pepper Red, G Iacier Biue, Forest Green

(Optional Color: Glamour Green)

1954 165 (ST) Pepper Red, Glacier Blue, Forest Green,

Daytona Ivory, Anniversary Yellow, Black

1955 165 {ST) Pepper Red, Atomic Blue, Anniversary Yellow,

. Aztec ·srown, Black (Optional Color:
Hollywood Green)

1956 125 (Hummer) Pepper Red, Atomic Blue (125),

165 (ST) Pepper R·ed, Atomic·Siue, Champion Yellow,
Tangerine (165)

1957 125 (H urn mer) Pepper Red, High Fire, Skyline Blue,
165 (ST) Birch White
....,... 11e 11-~f
Price SO ce1th



This handbook has been designed OPERATION . . . . 5

to give you the Information you wtll Two Cycle Engine . 5
want, and need to know, to operate Operating Controls . 5
your Barley-Davidson, and to give starting the Engine . 9
It the ldnd of care which will enable It Stopping the Englne . 9
to serve you dependably and faithfully ShUtlng Gears . . . . 9
through many thousand miles of ser- Care of a New Engine 10
vice. Follow the tnstructlons carefully Operating Tips • 12
and you wW be assured of the best per-
formanc:.e thal JGUI' motorcycle can give. LUBRICATION • . . . . . . 14
This handbook Is Intended for the Engine on ....... . 14
rider only and therefore does not cover Transmission Oil • 15
the overhaul of such major units as the Chatn Lubrication . • 16
~mgtne; generator, and transmission,
Chassis Lubrication . . 16
Work of this ldnd requires the attention Wheel Bearings 16
of a skilled motorcycle mechanic and Oll Applications 17
the use of speclal tools and equipment.
Your Barley-Davidson dealer has the ; MAINTENANCE • • 18
factlltles, experience, and genuine Spark Plug . . . . .•......... 18
Barley-Davidson parts which are Care and Adjustment of Drive Cbatns . . . . . 18
necessary to properly render this Rear Brake Adjustment . . . • . . • • • . . . . • . • 19
valuable service. Front Brake Adjustment . • • . , . • . . . . • • . . . 20
Carburetor • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . • • • 23

RARLEY·DAVIDSON MOTOR CO. Adjustment of Circuit Breaker Points • • • • • •

Ignltton Ttmtng • • . • • • . • • . • • . • • • • •
Removing Carbon and Soot from Cylinder Ports


Milwaukee , Wisconsin U.S.A. and Muffler . . . . . . . .

Clutch . . . • . . . . . . .
Wheels . . . . . , . . .
Rubber Fork Sprlngs . . 35
Re-11-59 Printed in U.S.A.
Head Lamp Adjustment . 37
Care of storage Battery . . 37
Generator . . . . . . . . 39
Figure 1 - Right Slde Harley-Davidson Model 125 Figure 2 - Left Slde Harley-Davidson Model 125

1. Right Side Rear Axle Nut 14. Circuit Breaker Cover 1. Head Lamp Dimmer Switch 14. Left Side Rear Wheel Axle
2. Horn 15. Rear Wheel Brake Foot Pedal 2. Speedometer Adjusting Stud
3. Voltage Regulator 16. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw 3. Ignition - Light Switch 15, Jiffy Stand
4. Positive Battery Terminal Locknut 4. Gasoline Tank Cap - Oil Measure 16, Tool Box
5. Spark Plug 17. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw Attached 17. Transmission Drain Plug
6, Front Wheel Brake Band Lever 18, Right Foot Rest 5. Horn Button 18. Starter Crank
1. Control Cable Lubrication Fittings 19. Muffler 6. Throttle Control Grip 19. Left Foot Rest
8, Clutch Band Lever 20. Gear Position Indicator 7. lgnttlon Coli 20. Clutch Case Cover
9. Head Lamp 21. Rear Drive Chain 8. Gasoline Shut-off and Resel've 21. Gear Shifter Pedal
10. Front Brake Operattng Lever 22. Right Side Rear Wheel Axle Supply Valve 22. Carburetor
II. Right Side Front Axle Nut Adjusting Stud 9. Carburetor Priming Pin 23. Carburetor Choke Lever and Air
12. Front Wheel Brake Adjusting Sleeve 23, Rear Brake Operating Lever 10. Storage Battery Cleaner
13. Transmission Filler Plug - 11. Negative Battery Terminal 24. Left Side Front Axle Nut
Gage Rod Attached 12. Tall Lamp 25. Rubber Fork Springs
13. Left Side Rear Axle Nut

2 3
SERIAL NUMBER The engine of the Harley-Davidson Modell25 operates on the two
stroke cycle principle, The two-cycle engine differs from the familiar
The Engine (Serial) Number is stamped on a pad on the front end four-cycle engine in that It delivers power on every downward stroke of
of the engine crankcase, on the left-hand side, Always give this the pistoA instead of on every second downward stroke. The two-cycle
number when ordering parts or making inquiry about your motorcycle, engine requires no valves, push rods, rocker arms, or cam shaft, since
the gasoline charge is admitted to the cylinder, and the exhaust gas is
removed from the cylinder through ports in the cylinder walls. The
WHEELBASE . . . . . . , . , , , .. , , .. , , , . , , , , 50-in, gasoline and air mixture from the carburetor Is drawn first into the
engine crankcase by the up stroke of the piston. The downward move-
ment of the piston then forces it up through the transfer port into the
ENGINE DATA combustion chamber. The engine crankcase carries no supply of lubri-
Model Designation Letter. • a • • •t • t • S
t • •
cating oil. Engine lubrication is provided by oil mixed with the gasoline
Type of Engine . • . • . . . . . • • . • 2 cycle which passes into the engine crankcase, The extreme simplicity of the
Number of Cylinders . • . • . . . . . . . . . . 1 Harley-Davidson two-cycle engine makes It an unusually easy engine
Bore . . . . , , • , . (52.39 mm.) 2-1/16-in. to operate and care for, if the instructions and suggestions contained in
Stroke. , . . . , •.•• . (57.94 mm.) 2-9/32-in. the following sections of this handbook are carefully followed .
Piston Displacement , (124.87 cc,) 7.6 cu. ln.
Compression Ratio . . , . . •• 6,6 to 1 OPERATING CONTROLS
Horsepower (N.A.C.C. Rating). . . . . . • . . . . ' . 1.'1
Gas Shut-off and Reserve Supply Valve
The gasoline sllut-off and reserve supply valve (8, figure 2) is lo-
BRAKE HORSEPOWER (approximate) • 3 cated just below the gasoline tank with the valve handle on the left hand
side, As shown In figure 3, turn the handle crosswise (horizontal) to shut
off all gasoline from the carburetor; straight down to open the valve for
normal operation on main gasoline supply; and straight up to use the
Tire Size , , .• , •• , , , , • 3.25-in. x 19-in. one quart reserve supply when the main supply has been used up,
Tire Inflation Pressure - Front • • • • • , 14 lbs. The later 125 model has a different gasoline valve than shown in
Tire Inflation Pressure -Rear. , • , • . . . 20 lbs. figure 3; a valve with two handles, one marked "Reserve," the other
CAPACITIES Gasoline to carburetor ls shut "OFF" when both handles are in
Gasoline Tank Total Capacity horizontal position.
, 1-3/4 U.S. gal. Turning "unmarked" handle to vertical position turns "ON" main
Main Supply . . , , 1-1/2 U.S. gal.
Reserve Supply . gasoline supply; turning "Reserve" handle to vertical position turns
. • 1 U.S. quart
Transmission Case . . . . . . "ON" reserve supply .
. 1-1/4 U.S. pints
Ignition-Light Switch
As shown In figure 4, the ignltlon-llght switch (3, figure 2), when
Low (First) Gear . unlocked, is turned to the LEFT for parking with tall lamp, CENTER
29.3 to 1
15,4 to 1 (straight across) to turn off all lights and Ignition, FIRST RIGHT for
Second Gear. . . .
High (Third) Gear. 8,45 to 1 lgnltlon only, and SECOND RIGHT for ignition and running lights (head
lamp and tail lamp). Remember that lighting the head lamp when the
4 s

engine is not running also turns the ignition on. The switch can be
locked In either the off or park positions only, by means of a key In-
serted In the lock beneath the hinged cover.

Throttle Control Grip

Turn the throttle control grip (6, figure 2) outward to close the
throttle. Turn it Inward to open the throttle.
Clutch Hanel Lever
The clutch hand lever (8, figure 1) is located on the left handle bar
where It may be conveniently operated with the fingers of the left hand.
Pull the lever In against the handle bar grip to release the clutch, re- Figure 4
lease the lever to its outward position to engage the clutch. Ignition-Light Switch

Gear Shiller Pedal

The gear shifter pedal (21 ,figure 2) Is located on the left side where Brakes
It may be conveniently operated with the toe of the left foot. Complete
instructions for shifting are given In the paragraph "Shifting Gears. " The rear wheel brake foot pedal (15, figure 1) is located on the right
side where tt may be operated by the toe of the right foot. A hand lever
Gear Position Indicator (6, figure 1) is located on the right handle bar where lt is operated by
means of the fingers of the right hand to control the front wheel brake.
A gear position indicator (20, figure 1) is located on the right side
to show at a glance' by means of numbers on the chain guard (1 '0 '2 '3)
whictr gears are engaged. lights
Both head lamp and tail lamp are turned on by means of the Ignition-
light switch (3, figure 2). A toggle switch mounted on the left handle
bar may be pushed up or down with the left thumb to raise or lower the
head lamp beam. The switch Is pushed down for the high or driving
beam, and up for the low or passing beam. None of the lights may be
operated when the Ignition-light switch Is In the off position.

The horn (2, figure 1) is mounted to a bracket on the right side of the
frame, at the rear, and is operated by the horn button (5, figure 2). Tone
may be set at the desired pitch by turning the adjusting screw In the back
of the horn.

The speedometer (2, figure 2) Is mounted In the head lamp housing
Figure 3 - Gasoline Shut-off and Reserve Supply Valve · and is driven from the front wheel. It registers speeds up to 50 mlles
an hour and records the mlles traveled.
6 7


When starting the engine, proceed as follows:

1. Bold motorcycle in a nearly vertical postt1on.
2. Turn on the gasoline supply by turning the handle of the gasoline
shut-off and reserve supply valve (10, figure 5) to the straight down
3, Prime the carburetor by pressing the carburetor priming pin
(1, figure 5) down for a few seconds, or until gasoltne comes out
the small hole on the side of the carburetor bowl,
4, The carburetor choke is open when the choke lever (2, figure 5) is
all the way down. Moving the choke lever upward, as far as It will
go, fully closes the choke. In warm weather 1t is not necessary to
use the choke at all. In cold weather (near freezing and colder)
start cold engine with choke closed. Open choke as engine gets warm.
5, Turn on the ignition with the ignttlon-ltght switch (3, figure 2).
6. Open the throttle about half way by turning the throttle control
grip (6, figure 2) inward.
7. If the transmission is not in neutral (as shown by gear position
indicator) disengage the clutch with the hand lever (8, figure 1).
8. Start engine with vigorous strokes of the starter crank (5, figure
9. If engine is started with transmission in other than neutra} position,
immediately after the engine starts shift to neutral for idling or to
first (low gear) to get under way.

Stop the engine by tumlng the ignltlon-Ught switch to the "OFF"

position. If the motorcycle is to be left standing for any length of time,
turn off the fuel supply by turning the handle of the gasoline shut-off
and reserve supply valve to a horizontal posltlon. If the engine should
be stalled or stopped in any other way than with the -~V!i~ch, and is pot
to be started again immediately, turn the switch off at once to prevent
l, Carburetor Priming Pin '1. Transmission Drain Plug battery discharge through the breaker points.
2. Choke Lever 8. Transmission Flller Plug
3. Positive (+)Battery Terminal 9. Gear Shifter Pedal
4. Negative (-) Battery Terminal 10. Gasoline Shut-off and Reserve SHIFTING GEARS
5. Starter Crank Supflly Valve
6. Battery Strap Nut The transmission gears are shifted by a foot operated gear shifter
Figure 5 - Engine Left Side View pedal (21, figure 2). A gear postuon indicator (20, figure 1) is provided
to show which gears of the transmission are engaged. As shown ln the
diagt•am, figure 6, pushing the shifter pedal all the way down (full stroke)
shifts the transmission into the next lower gear, while lifting the pedal
all the way up shifts the transmission Into the next higher gear. The

8 9

operator must release the gear shifter pedal after each gear change,
to allow the pedal to return to its central position. The pedal must re-
turn to this ceutral position before another gear change can be made.
Transmission neutral is between the first and second gear. To shift SHIFT: ~-·y·
from 2nd 1 ~-~
--} ~~.:;~;d fl-o:.g:il
from second to neutral, the pedal is pushed only half way down, while or Neutral ll
to shift from first to neutral the pedal is lifted only half way up. lolsl rrmJ
to 2M [Io-~
Do not attempt to shift from one gear Into another while the motor-
cycle is standing without the engine running. Even with the engine run-
ning and the motorcycle standing still, difficulty may be experienced In
shifting into low to get under way. This is because the transmission
parts are not turning and the shifting parts are not lined up to permit
engagement. When this difficulty Is experienced, do not under any cir-
cumstances attempt to force the shift by "roughing" the shifter pedal,
the result of such abuse will be a damaged or broken shifting mecha-
nism. Roll the motorcycle forward or back, or engage the clutch very
slightly and at the same time apply light pressure on the shifter pedal.
This procedure sets transmission gears in motion and the shift can
then easily be made.
With motorcycle In motion, when it may be desired to shift to
lower gears, do not shift from "third" (high) to "second" until speed is
reduced to 20 miles per hour or less; do not shift to "first" until speed
from lsi
from 2nd CI:4[]
Is reduced to below 5 miles per hour. to 2nd o-2J"JJ to Neutral [l 0 2 31
:; 0
Shifting to lower gears when speed is too high may result in damage
to transmission or other parts.


Always disengage the clutch completely, that is,

pull the clutch hand lever (8, l1gure 1) all the way
in against the handle bar grip whenever shifting
Don't run a new engine faster than 25 to 30 miles (30 to 48 km.)
per hour in high gear or 12 to 16mlles(19 to25 km.) per hour in second
gear for the first 500 miles. Below 1000 miles, avoid running at or near SHIFT: ' I --] SHIFT: 4r____
~ 0 2 31
from 2nd I 0 -~- -~- from lsi 3
top speed for long distances. After a r.ow motorcycle has been run its
first 300 miles, and again at approximately 1000 miles, the motorcycle lo 3rd fTJfTlJ '.t
lo Neutral IT:p=TI
should be taken to the dealer from whom it was purchased for certain
initial servicing operations with which the dealer Is familiar. U It Is
impossible to take the motorcycle to a dealer at the mileage intervals
mentioned, the owner should at least give the following outlined atten-
tion, or arrange to have it given, and take the motorcycle to the dealer
for more complete servicing later on when It is convenient- to do so.
After the initial servicing has been completed, the motorcycle should
then be taken to the dealer for check up at regular intervals of 750 to
tooo miles. Ftgure 6 - Sblftlng Gears
10 11

Initial Servicing Operations speed even though doing so requires that engine braking be sup-
plemented by use of wheel brakes.
6. There may be occasions when the en,ine will tend to reverse
1, Check the adjustment of the rear drive chain (21, figure t) itself and run backwards when the motorcycle Is not moving for-
and readjust if necessary. See 11 Care and Adjustment of Drive ward. This is an indication that:
Chains" in Maintenance Section. a, The circuit breaker point gap Is set too close.
2. Check level of oil in transmission by means of the gauge rod b. The circuit breaker cam is not running true,
attached to the transmission filler plug (13, figure 1) and add oil if c, Engine idling speed is set too low.
needed. (See "I.Jilbricatton. ") Possibly all three faults are present. Check and reset point gap
3. Lubricate all points indicated under "Chassis Lubrication" in and increase idling speed. If condition still exists, see your
the Lubrication Section. dealer.
4. on brake control' clutch and front brake hand levers' and saddle
hinge bolt bearing,
5. Remove the air cleaner and rinse it out in clean solvent.
6, Check level of solution In battery and add distilled water if
needed to bring level to S/16-ln. above plate· separators. See that
terminals are clean and connections tight, (See ucare of Storage
Battery" in Electrical System Section,)
7. Check all nuts, bolts and screws and tighten any found loose.
8. Inspect, clean and adjust spark plug gap.
1, Use gasoline which is not leaded if it can be obtained. When such
gasoline is not available, use the available gasoline that has the
least lead content.
2. In cold weather run the engine slowly until it is thoroughly
warmed up, to avoid possible damage.
3. Don't idle the engine unnecessarily with the motorcycle standing
4. When plug needs to be replaced get new plug from your Harley-
Davidson dealer. He can supply you with a new Harley-Davidson
plug that is the same as original equipment, or one with a different
heat range if required. Experimenting with plugs 9f unproven
quality and suitability is lnvltlng trouble.
5. 1¥PORTANT. When coasting against engine down a long, steep
grade (longer than the equhralent of two city blocks and so steep that
engine speed is quite high) lt Is advisable to turn ignition "OFF"
and open throttle part way, rather than coast with ignition "ON" and
throttle closed. Observing this recommendation assures good lu-
brication and cooling of the Interior of engine while coasting,
Bear in mind, the 125 model engine Is a two-cycle engine and
its lubrication depends entirely on the oil-gasoline mixture passed
through the carburetor to the interior of engine.
Night driving ,of course ,does not permit turning ignition 10 0FF,
as lights would also be "OFF," In this case, coast at moderate

12 13

ENGINE OIL fore gasoline Is pumped in. This procedure effects faster 1 thorough
mixing of gasoline and oil than occurs when oil Is poured into tank
The two-cycle engine of the Model 125 has no crankcase oil reser- after gasoline has been pumped in. However 1 if tank has been run
voir or oil supply for lubricating the engine, as do four-cycle engines, completely dry, first put at least one quart of gasoline in tank before
but Instead the oil is mixed with the fuel charge which enters the the oil Is poured In.
crankcase. Add Harley-Davidson "Two-Cycle" oil to the gasoline, one
part of oil to 25 parts of gasoline. A convenient measure Is attached TRANSMISSION OIL
to the under side of the gasoline tank cap. (See figure 7.) Use two Use either Harley-Davidson "Two-Cycle" or "Medium Heavy" oil
measurefuls of oil for each U. S. gallon of gasoline placed in the tank under all operating conditions. As colder temperature~ make lhe
to provide exactly the right amount of lubrication for the engine. Since transmission hard to shift, add only enough kerosene to make shifting
the engine lubricating oil Is carried in the gasoline, the same weight of easy. When warmer weather arrives in the spring, however, be sure
oil may be used both summer and winter, and under all operating to drain the transmission and refill to correct level wit.. fresh oil.
conditions. Remove transmission oil filler plug and check oil l~vel with gauge
When convenient to do so, pour gasoline and correct proportionate rod every two weeks or 750 miles, whichever comes first. (See fig-
quantity of oil Into a clean bucket or other suitable,· clean receptacle ure 8.) Add oil if necessary to fill to top mark on gauge rod. The
and stir until mixed thoroughly before pouring Into motorcycle tank. motorcycle should stand straight up, not lean on the Jiffy Stand when
When necessary t~ replenish gasoline supply from filling station checking and adding oil to the transmission.
pump directly to motorcycle tank, ask for a predetermined quantity of Drain transmission and refill to correct level with fresh oil every
gasoline and pour the correct proportionate quantity of oil Into tank be- 6 months or 2500 miles, whichever comes first. If transmission should
become submerged in water, drain immediately and refill to correct

Figure 7 Figure 8
Lubricating Oil Measure Adding Oil to Transmission

14 15

with grease every 3000 miles or at least twice a year. Wheel hubs
The front ch~ln Is completely enclosed In the clutch case and is must be disassembled for greasing. (See "Wheels" In the Maintenance
therefore lubricated from the clutch and transmission oil reservoir. Section.)
The rear chain, however 1 should be lubricated at 750 mile intervals.
Under dry 1 hard surface road operation. simply brush off the dirt and OIL APPLICATIONS
apply Harley~Davidson "Chain Saver" oil, Under dusty, wet 1 or muddy
conditions 1 oil the chain daily. Oil the saddle hinge bolt bearing every 750 mlles or oftener. Brake
Occasionally the rear chain should have additional lubrication. Re~ control joints, clutch hand lever and front brake hand lever should be
move the chain from the motorcycle 1 and soak and wash it thoroughly oiled regularly, and particularly after washing the motorcycle or driv-
in a pan of kerosene. Then hang it up to allow the kerosene to drain ing in wet weather , to keep all controls working freely. Lubrication
off. Immerse the chain for a short time in a pan of grease, heated to fittings (7, figure 1) are provided on the clutch and front wheel brake
the consistency of light engine oil. If grease and facilities for heating cable housings. Apply oil at these points frequently and also on the
are not at hand 1 substitute light engine oH. When immersed 1 move the cables at the ends of the housings.
chain around to be sure that the hot grease or oil works through all in~
side parts. Then allow the chain to drain and wipe all surplus grease
or oil from its surface. Install the chain on the motorcycle and inspect
the connecting link and spring clip closely. Replace these parts lf
necessary. Be sure the spring clip is securely locked on the pin end.
Readjust the chain 1f necessary. (See "Care and Adjustment of Drive
Chains" in the Maintenance Section.)


Use Harley-Davidson "Grease-All" grease on the following grease

gun fittings:
Clutch actuating worm Brake foot lever
Rear brake operating shaft Front brake side cover
Front brake operating shaft Front end suspension (5 fittings)

Lubricate a new motorcycle after the first 300 miles and every 750
miles thereafter.
Remove and grease the right handle bar grip spirai with fresh
grease whenever operation of grlp indicates that lubrication fs needed,
Be careful about over~ greasing brake operating· shafts, as excess
grease, working out of these bearings 1 will get onto brake Unings and
greatly reduce the efficiency of the brakes,
Pack frame head bearings with fresh grease every 20,000 mUes or
whenever there ls occasion to remove fork for repair or replacement
of parts.


Use a high melting point grease (Harley-Davidson Grease~AII) for

wheel bearings. Wheel bearings should be washed and repacked full
16 17

MAINTENANCE on this coMecttng llnk must be installed with the split end tralltng the
direction of chain travel. The front chain Is not provided with such a
coMectlng link. Therefore it Is necessary to pull both the engine sprocket
and clutch sprocket simultaneously 1n order to remove the chain A
SPARK PLUG special puller Is required to perform this operation and It tbereiore
should be done by your Barley-Davidson dealer. ·
Keep the spark plug (5, figure 1) clean and the gap between the points At least every 750 mtles lubricate the rear chain as directed under
adjusted to .025-in. to .030-in. Do not take the plug apart for cleaning. "Chain Lubrication" in the Lubrication Section.
Clean with a sand blast cleaner, found In nearly every service station.
Plug size Is 14 mm.
Rear Chain Ad;usfmenf
The rear chain Is adjusted by moving the rear wheel back to tighten
Inspect adjustment of rear drive chain (21, figure U every week the chain or forward to loosen the chain. To adjust, loosen the right
and readjust It If necessary. No adjustment of the front chain, located and left rear axle nuts and move the axle forward or back by means of
inside the clutch housing, is required. If the rear chain is allowed to the adjusting nuts on the axle adjusting stud at each end of the axle.
run loose enough to strike the chain guard, It will cause the motorcycle (See figure 10.) Turn the nuts on each side exactly the same number
to jerk, when running at low speeds, and there ls excessive wear of of turns to maintain the alignment of the wheel. When the adjustment
chain and sprockets. bas been made, retighten the two axle nuts and check the alignment of
Adjust the chain so that lt has about 1/2-inch free movement up the wheel by noting that the tire runs about midway between the rear
and down, midway between sprockets. Do not adjust tighter, because frame tubes, and also that the rear sprocket runs centrally in the chain.
running chains too tight is even more harmful than ruMing them too If alignment Is incorrect, readjust as necessary. After adjusting the
loose. As chains stretch and wear In service they will run tighter at rear chain, the rear brake may be too tight. Readjust the brake If neces-
one point on the sprocket than at another. Always check adjustment at sary as outlined under "Rear Brake Adjustment."
the tightest point.
Inspect the chain occasionally for links which may be in poor condition Repair ol Drive Chain
or damaged. If any such links are found, make repairs or replace the
chain. The rear drtve chain can be taken apart and removed, after locat- When necessary to repair a chain, remove the damaged links by
ing and taking out the spring -locked connecting link. The spring lock pushing out the riveted link pins with a chain repair tool. (See figure
9.) Then fit the necessary repair llnkB. The chain tool for making this
repair Is included in the tool klt.


The rear wheel brake adjustment Is made by means of a nut (8)
which may be adjusted to change the effective length of the brake rod
(7). The adjusting nut has a notch which fits against the clevts pln in
the operating lever (9). Thus, It is locked 1n place on the rod but may
be turned up or backed off by half turns, as required. Set the adjust-
Ing nut so that the brake does not start to take effect until the foot pedal
(5) Is pushed downward about 3/4 to l-inch. Tum the nut farther onto
the rod to tighten the brake; back lt off to loosen the brake. Tum the
Figure 9 - Repairing Drive Chain rear wheel to be sure the brake Is not too tight and dragging.

18 19

I, Rear Wheel Adjusting Nuts - 6. Rear Wheel Adjusting Stud -

Right Side Right Side
2. Voltage Regulator 7. Rear Wheel Brake Rod
3. Horn 8. Rear Wheel Brake Adjusting Nut
4. Gear Position Indicator 9. Rear Wheel Brake Operating Lever
5. Rear Brake Foot Pedal 10. Rear Axle Nut - Right Side
Figure 10- Rear Wheel Brake Operating Mechanism


Readjust the front wheel brake whenever required. When properly
adjusted, the hand lever 'l'tll move freely about one quarter oflts full
movement before the brake starts to take effect. If adjusted tighter,
the brake may drag. To adjust, loosen the lock nut (3) on control wire
housing adJusting sleeve (2) and turn the sleeve up out of sleeve support
to decrease the free movement of the hand lever (tighten brake), or 1. Cable Housing 4. Front Wheel Drake Cable
2. Adjusting Sleeve 5. Front Wheel Brake Operating
down Into sleeve support to Increase the free movement (loosen brake). 3. Adjusting Sleeve Lock Nut Lever
When free movement of the hand lever Is about one quarter of its full
movement, tighten sleeve lock nut securely against the support. Figure 11 - Front Wheel Brake Mechanism


CARBURETOR (See figure 12.)

When the throttle control grip ts turned inward, the control wire (4)
raises the throttle piston (15) and metering pin (8) to allow an increased
amount of gasoline and air mixture to enter the engine, An alignment
screw (6) registers in the slot of the throttle piston so that it cannot
twist or turn as it moves up or down In the carburetor body. Idling
speed adjustment ts made by means of the control wire housing adjust-
Ing sleeve (2) which may be turned up or down in the carburetor cap
(16) to raise or lower the closed throttle position of the piston and the
metering pin.
Idle Speed Adjustment
To adjust the closed throttle tdltng speed of the engine, loosen the
lock nut (3) and turn the adjusting sleeve (2) up to increase idling speed,
down to decrease idling speed. When desired ldltng speed has been
attained, retighten the lock nut securely.
Mixture Adfustment
The gasoline-air ratio or mixture entering the engine may be varied
by raising or lowering the metering pin (8) (which controls the fuel) tn
relation to the throttle piston (15) (which controls the air). Three mix-
ture variations are provided by means of the grooves in the metering
pin into which the pin retainer (7) fits. The standard setting is with the
retainer In the center groove of the metering pin (8). To change the
gasoltne-air mixture, unscrew the cap (16) and 11ft out the spring (5)
and throttle piston from the carburetor body. Sltp the control wire (4)
out of the slot in the piston to free the piston and metering pin assembly,
Remove the metering pin and pin retainer from the piston; remove the
retainer and snap It into the bottom groove to provide a richer mixture,
Into the top groove to provide a leaner mixture. Replace the metering
pin In the piston, .and align the open end of the retainer with the slot in
the piston. Replace the control wire in the piston slot. Be careful not
to bend the retainer in replacing the wire. Insert the piston and meter-
Ing pin assembly and spring into the carburetor body and screw down
the cap securely.
t. Control Wire Housing 9. Nozzle
2. Idling Speed Adjusting Sleeve 10. Nozzle Holder Cleaning Carburetor ancl Gasoline Strainer
3. AdJusting Sleeve Lock Nut 11. Metering Jet Remove the carburetor and clean all parts in cleaning solvent once
4. Throttle Control Wire 12. Float
5. Throttle Piston Spring 13. Priming Pin a year or oftener if the need ~>f cleaning is indicated by irregular car-
6. Alignment Screw 14. Gasoline Line bureUon. Your Barley-Davidson dealer is best equipped to perform all
'1. Pin Retainer 15, Throttle Piston carburetor cleaning, maintenance and adjustment operations. A gaso-
8, Metering Pin 16. Cap line strainer Is attached to the top of the gasoline shut-off and reserve
Figure 12 -Carburetor Cross Section supply valve where It enters the gasoline tank. If gasoline d~ not now
properly, remove the valve and clean the strainer.


the gap between the points (13) with a feeler gauge. If it is not exactly
020" when the fibre cam follower (4} is on the highest point of the cam
(5), adjustment Is necessary. Incorrect gap spacing affects Ignition
timing, To adjust the point gap, loosen the lock screw (14} and turn the
eccentric adjusting screw (3) to raise or lower the adjustable contact
point. Be sure that the cam follower (4) Is on the highest point of the
cam (5) and set the contact point gap at exactly .020". Then retighten
the lock screw and again check to be sure that the gap remains correct.
Each time circuit breaker points are adjusted apply two or three
drops of engine oil to felt pad that lubricates circuit breaker cam.


Ignltlon timing Is controlled by the circuit breaker. Correct lgnltlon

timing and correct setting of circuit breaker contact-point gap Is abso-
lutely necessary for proper engine operation. Original factory timing Is
Indicated by the tlmtng marks (6) on generator body and contact point
holder assembly. When these two marks line up, timing Is as it was ori-
ginally set at factory. H, for any reason, retlmlng of the engine Is neces-
sary, other than by lining up factory timing marks, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the circuit breaker cover, Ignition cotl, and the cylinder
head. When the head Is removed the cylinder wHl be free. Secure
It to the crankcase by means of a collar or stack of washers, the
same thickness as the cylinder head, slipped over one of the studs
and held in place by a cylinder head nut.
2. See that the point gap is set at exactly .020" as outlined above.
I. Lock Screw 10. Lead to "F" Terminal of 3. Shift Into high gear and use rear wheel to turn engine over slowly
2. Wire to Coli Voltage Regulator
3. Eccentric Adjusting Screw 11. Generator Terminals tn the direction in which It operates to bring piston to top dead center
4. Fiber Cam Follower 12. Condenser posltlon (highest position of piston). Measure exact distance from top
5. Cam J3. Breaker Points edge of piston to top edge of cylinder bore with piston in this position.
6. Timing Marks 14. Lock Screw 4. Then back up the engine until the top edge of the piston measures
7. Lock Screw 15. Clutch Push Rod Adjusttng Screw exactly '1 /32" below the top dead center postuon (7 /32-ln. plus dis-
6. Cap Screw 16. Push Rod Adjustlng Screw Lock Nut
9. Lead to "Gen." Terminal of tance measured ln step 3 below top edge of cylinder bore), Tbls ls
Voltage Regulator the piston posltlon at which spark should occur.
5, Loosen the two lock screws (1 and 'l) and shift the contact point
Figure 13 - Circuit Breaker holder assembly so that the fiber cam follower (4) Is coming up on
the high point of the cam (5) just far enough so that the potnts (13)
are starting to open. The spark occurs when the points open.
6. Then retighten lock screws, turn engine until the cam follower ls on
AD1USTMENT OF CffiCUIT BREAKER POINTS (See figure 13.) the highest point of cam, and check to see that contact point gap ls stlll
exactly .020". H point gap has changed as a result of shifting contact
Every 3000 mlles, or oftener if engine performance indicates the point holder assembly, reset the gap and repeat Umlng procedure.
possible need of attention to points, remove the cover over the circuit 7. Replace cyltnder head and circuit breaker cover.
breaker and tenerator. After cleaning points with a polnt file, check
24 25


MUFFLER (See figure 14,)

Carbon wtll tend to collect around the intake and exhaust ports of a
two-cycle engine and will tend to clog the ports. After several thousand
miles the engine may become sluggish and show a loss of power. When-
ever this occurs, or at least every 5000 mlles, the carbon should be
cleaned from the cylinder ports and soot from the muffler. Your Harley-
Davidson dealer can perform this operation for you, or, if you prefer,
proceed as follows:

1. Remove the spark plug (13), gasoline line (8), coil (5), the gaso-
line tank front and rear bolts (6 and 14), and saddle bracket bolt (15).
Remove the carburetor (17) from the cylinder (4), and loosen the ex-
haust pipe where it attaches to the cylinder.
2. Remove the four cylinder head nuts (9), lock washers (10), and
plain washers (11) which secure the head (16) to the cylinder (4).
Remove the cylinder head and cylinder head gasket.
3. Raise the tank sufficiently to provide clearance for the removal of
the cylinder. Carefully slide the cylinder from the cylinder head

Do not scrape carbon from ports without re-

moving the cylinder. Unless cylinder is re-
moved, carbon particles left on top of piston
may cause damage to rings and cylinder walls.
4. Carefully scrape all carbon from the cylinder, cylinder head and
piston. Pay particular attention to the intake and exhaust ports in the
cylinder and see that all carbon is removed, Use care in removing
piston rings to scrape out ring grooves. Note that the rings are pinned
in posttlon and must be replaced correctly or the cylinder cannot be
installed. ·

Key for Figure 14 - Removing Carbon

I Tank
0 9. Head Nuts
2. Gasoline Shut -off and Reserve 100 Lock Washers
Supply Valve 11. Plain Washers
3 Studs
0 12. Cylinder Head Gasket
4. Cvlinder 13. Spark Plug
5. Coil 14 Tank Bolt - Rear

6. Tank Bolt - Front 15. Saddle Bracket Bolt - Rear

7. Cylinder Base Gasket 16. Cylinder !lead
Figure 14 - Removing Carbon 8. Gasoline Line I 7. Carburetor

'26 27

Do not alter the muffler in any way. The muffler
1s designed to maintain the correct back pressure
and any change will affect engine performance.

The need for attention to clutch and controls will be Indicated by the
clutch sltpplng under load or dragging in released position. In either
case, the first thing to be checked ls the adjustment of the control.

l. Muffler Bracket 4. Clamp '1. Tailpiece

2. Lock Washer 5. Muffler Core 8. Lock Washer
3. Cap Screw 6. Muffler Shell 9. Brass Nut
Figure 15 - Muffler

5. See that cyllnder base gasket ('1) Is In good condition and lf not
replace lt. Apply gasket cement to both sides of thts gasket before
sUdtng lt over the cylinder head studs.
6. Carefully sllde the cyllnder tnto place over the piston. See that
the rings are compressed and located properly as they sltde tnto the
'l. Examine the cylinder head gasket carelully and replace It lf neces-
sary. Apply gasket cement to both stdes of thts gasket and sltp tt
Into place over the studs. Then replace the cylinder head and secure
It with the platn washers, lockwashers and cylinder bead nuts, Be
sure that nuts are pulled up tightly on the studs.
8. Replace the gasoline tank bolts, con, spark plug, gasoline ltne, and
9. Remove the entire muffler from the motorcycle by removing the
cap screw and loclnrasher from the bracket.
10. Disassemble the muffler by removing the brass nut and lockwasher
which secure the tall piece and core to the muffler body. (See figure 1. Cable End Fitting 5. Spring
15.) 2. Cable Slot 6. Clutch Actuating Lever and Worm
3. Cable Dousing '1. Fllllster Head Screws
11. Clean all parts thoroughly with a wtre brush or soak in carbon 4. Generator and Sprocket Cover 8. Clutch Push ROO
solvent, If avallable, before reassembling and reinstalling the muf-
fler assembly and exhaust ptpe on the motorcycle. Figure 16- Generator and Sprocket Cover Removed

28 29

Control Adjustment
The clutch hand lever (8, figure 1) should have 1 /8 to 1/4 of its
travel as free movement, before the clutch starts to disengage. U it
does not move in toward the handle bar 1/8 to 1/4 of its movement be-
fore there is a noticeable Increase In tension, loosen the clutch push
rod adjusting screw lock nut (16, figure 13) and readjust the clutch push
rod adjusting screw (15, figure 13) with a screwdriver until the lever
has the required free movement. Turn the screw to the right for less
free movement, to the left for more free movement of the lever. When
adjustment Is correct, retighten the lock nut.
Clutch Repair (See figures 17 and 18.)
If the clutch does not hold after making sure of the correct adjust-
ment, as outlined above, 1t must be taken apart for Inspection of the
discs. The disc fabric facings may be worn, requiring replacement of
discs. When the clutch must be taken apart, 1t is advisable to have It
serviced at a Harley-Davidson service station where any needed new
parts are at hand. U, however, It Is Impossible to take the motorcycle
to a Harley-Davidson dealer, and the clutch must be taken apart, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. Drain the on at the transmission case dratn plug (7, figure 5).
Then loosen the clamp screws on the gear shifter pedal and starter
crank, and pull them from the sleeve and shaft to which they are
2. Remove the five fUllster head screws which secure the clutch
case cover to the crankcase and remove the cover, expostag the
clutch, engine sprocket, front chain, and starter mechanism as shown
1n figure 17.
3. Insert two clutch spring compressing studs (7, figure 18) (Barley-
Davidson part No. 23305-4'1) through the holes in the clutch spring
plate and screw them tnto the threaded holes in the clutch pressure
plate, Then turn the two compression nuts (8, figure 18) (Barley-
Davidson part No. 7676) down on the studs against the clutch spring
plate to compress the clutch springs.
4. Remove the clutch spring plate retaining ring (6, figure 18) and
carefully Uft the clutch discs from the shell and hub. Do not dis-
assemble the clutch spring plate, clutch pressure plate, and springs
unless It Is necessary to replace some of these parts.
6. Do not attempt to remove the clutch shell and sprocket, or clutch
hub. (In order to do tbls it is necessary to remove the clutch hub, I. Clutch Case Cover Gasket 6. Starter Spring
clutch shell and sprocket, the engine sprocket and front chain all at 2. Front Drive Chain 7. Starter Crank
the same time. A speclal puller ls required to do tbls and the opera- 3·, Engine Sprocket 8. Gear Shifter Pedal
tion should be performed by your Barley-Davidson dealer.) 4. Clutch 9. Fllllster Head Screws
6. Reassemble the clutch parts In the reverse order of disassembly, 5. Clutch Case Cover
taking care to see that the discs are replace.d In the proper sequence. Figure 17 - Clutch Case Cover Removed

30 31


The front and rear wheels must be removed from the motorcycle
for tire changing, brake service, or when lt is necessary to repack the
wheel bearings wlth grease at the specified 3000 mile intervals,

Removing Front Wheel

Disconnect the front brake cable at the front brake operating lever
by removing the cotter pin, plain washer, and slotted clevis pin, Dis-
connect the speedometer drive cable and housing by removing the
round head screw (on later models the grease fitting secures the speed-
ometer drive) and pulllng the housing from the socket, The speed-
ometer drive gear ls a sllp fit on the end of the speedometer cable. If
it comes out with the cable, be careful to see that lt is not lost. Then
loosen the axle nuts on each slde of the fork, lay the machine over on
its lett side, and remove the wheel from the slotted fork ends. In re-
installlng the wheel use care to slide the slot in the brake side cover
over the anchor stud on the fork side and be sure the axle plain
washers are on the outside of the fork ends.

Removing Rear Wheel

Disconnect the chain at the master link. and loosen the rear wheel
adjusting stud lock nuts. Disconnect the brake rod at the operating
lever. Loosen the axle nuts far enough so that the rear wheel adjusting
studs can be removed from the slots at the sides of the frame. Then
lay the machine on Us left side and remove the rear wheel, In rein-
stalling the rear wheel use care to slide the slot in the brake slde
cover over the anchor stud on the frame. Be sure to adjust the chain
properly and realign the wheel, as described ln the previous paragraph
°Care and Adjustment of Drive Chains."
1, Clutch Shell and 6, Spring Plate Retaining 8, Compression Nuts (for
Sprocket Ring disassembly only -
2. Clutch Hub 7. Compression Studs (for Harley-Davidson Disassembly of Wheel Hubs
3, Steel Friction Discs disassembly only - Part No, 7675)
4, Clutch Pressure Plate Harley -Davidson 9. Fabric Faced When it Is necessary to disassemble the wheel hubs to permit ln-
5. Clutch Spring Plate Part No, 23305-47) FrlcUon Discs spectlng bearings or repacking with grease, at the specified 3000 mile
Figure 18 ~ Clutch Disassembled Interval, remove the wheel as directed in the previous paragraph,

32 33

Then remove the brake mechanism from the hub, the felt washer and
retainer on the left hand side, and unscrew the bearing retainer on the
left hand side. The bearings may then be removed by tapping against
the axle from either side. In reinstalling the axle and bearings, be
sure that the shielded side of the bearing Is placed on the outside, away
from the center of the hub.

,.' ',, ' ,,;, .. 0 ~\.lh

. lt3: ' ' iJ~' If

~e ~f' l
1. Cotter Pin
8. Intermediate Shalt Washer
2. Upper Rubber Fork Spring
9. Intermediate Shaft Rubber Bushing
3, Upper Rubber Fork Spring Bushing I 0. Intermediate Shalt
4. Upper Rubber Fork Spring Bracket II. Cotter Pin
Pin Spacer .
12, Lower Rubber Spring Collar
5. Upper Rubber Fork Spring Bracket 13. Lower Rubber Spring Bushing
6. Hex Head Cap Screw 14. Inner Lower Rubber Fork Spring
7. Lock Washer 15, Outer Lower Rubber Fork Spring

Figure 20 - Rubber Fork Springs and Parts Removed from Fork

RUBBER FORK SPRINGS (See figure 20,)

Figure 19 - Rubber Fork Springs Assembled on Fork
(Bead Lamp and Speedometer Removed)
Figure 19, shows the rubber fork springs assembled on the fork,
while figure 20 shows all parts of the assembly. To disassemble, re-

move the cotter pins (1 and 11) and the hex head cap screws (6) which
extend through the head lamp housing. Tip up the head lamp housing A complete diagram of the electrical system is given, and all parts
and withdraw the intermediate shaft (10). and connections are shown in the illustration.
Should there be cause to remove and replace fork rocker link
bolts, the two bolts that attach rocker links to upper and lower end of BEAD LAMP ADJUSTMENT
frame head fork stem must be carefully readjusted. With lock nuts The head lamp Is the pre-focused type and does not require refocus-
securely tightened there should be just perceptible side play and ing but the beam must be adjusted for direction when required. To get the
rocker action must be entirely free. If adjusted tight, fork action will greatest efficiency from the lamp, and to meet the requirements of law,
be stiff and breakage at some point may result. The bolts and nuts that make the folloWing adjustments. Adjust ln a darkened room or at night.
attach rocker links to fork sides may be pulled tight as.. there are
bearing sleeves through the fork that correctly space the link ends. 1. Have the motorcycle standing on a level surface about 25 feet away
from and headed toward a wall or screen upon which a horizontal line
has been drawn at exactly the same height as the lamp center. The
motorcycle must be resting on both wheels and the front wheel must
be in straight-ahead alignment. Block up the motorcycle so that it
stands straight up.
2. Turn the tgnttlon-llght gwltch on, and set the handle bar toggle
switch tn the upper beam posltlon. Then check the beam for height.
The top of the main beam of light should register on the wall or screen
even with, but not higher than, the horizontal line mentioned above.
3, Loosen the two cap screws on the side of the head lamp housing
and tilt the light up or down to properly locate its upper beam In
relation to the horizontal line. No left to right adjustment of the
head lamp bea~ Is provided.
Do not Install extra lighting equipment other
than approved and furnished by the factory.
Doing so will overload and ts likely to damage


It Is the care given a battery, rather than time and miles In service,
which ts most important tn determining its ltfe. Don't neglect lt.
1. Inspect battery every week. Add pure distilled water as often as
necessary to keep solution above the plates. (See "Addtng Water to
2. Remove battery and have tt gtven a charge from an outside source,
when a hydrometer test shows that this attention Is needed. AUowtng
battery to remain In a discharged condJtlon for any length of time
shortens tts Ufe. It Is especially Important that the battery be kept
well charged In below freezing weather. A low or discharged battery
Is very Ukely to be frozen and ruined. Be sure battery Is reinstalled

36 37

Adding Wafer lo Battery

The motorcycle should be standing straight up, not leaning on the

Jiffy Stand. when adding water to the battery. Loosen the hex nut (6,
figure 5) on the battery hold-down strap at the left side, and raise
strap to remove battery cover. Take out the three screw-in filler
plugs, and with a hydrometer or syringe, add water to each cell to
raise the level of the solution about 5;16-in. above the plates and
aut ton

If battery Is filled to a higher level, some of the

solution will be forced out through vent holes
when battery is charging, This not only weakens
battery solution, but also may damage parts
near the battery.

Ballery Charging Rate

When charging a battery from an outside source, the charging rate
Is constant and should not be allowed to go over 1/2 ampere. A higher
rate wlll heat and damage the battery.

Do not allow the battery to be charged in the

same line with automobile batteries, at a high
charge rate.


The generator on the Model 125 is mounted on the right hand end
of the crankshaft, with the generator leadwires located directly below
the circuit breaker.
Generator Charging Rate and Voltage Regulator
ond Stop-lamp

Figure 21 - Wiring Diagram The generator itself has no adjustment for control of charging
rate. This is controlled by the voltage regulator (3, figure 1). The
voltage regulator functions to increase charging rate when battery is
with its postUve (+)terminal on the right side, as reversing the bat-
low or lamps are lighted, and to decrease charging rate when no lamps
tery will cause damage to the voltage regulator, are lighted and when battery is "up," Voltage regulator requires no
3. Keep the battery clean, and terminal connections tight, Occasion-
regular Interval attention. The cutout relay is combined with the volt-
ally put a Uttle grease on the battery terminals. age regulator In a single unit. Should any electrical system trouble
38 39

be experienced that might be traceable to the voltage regulator, motor-

cycle should be taken to your Harley-Davidson dealer who has the nec-
essary electrical testing equipment to give required attention.
Inspecting or Replacing Generator Brushes

Remove the generator and sprocket cover to inspect or replace the

generator brushes. The springs which hold the brushes in place a-re
clipped to the brush holders and may be easily snapped out so that the
brush may be withdrawn and new brushes installed, if required. When
a brush is worn to approximately 1/2-lnch long 1t should be replaced.

t1~"t'- ,-7
'{s!"/·' ;ts-/'

99463-59 Price 50 cents

tJ 1'7t/'

As the owner of a new Harley-Davidson Model 165, you

will enjoy a thrilling new experience in motorcyling pleasure.
Harley- Davidson has designed for you the ultimate in motor-
cycles-- performance, economy, comfort and safety-- precision
built and engineered to give you many thousands of miles of
dependable, carefree riding.
This instruction book has been designed to give you the
information you will want and need to know to operate your
Harley- Davidson, and to give it the kind of care which will enable
it to serve you dependably and faithfully throughout its service.
Follow the instructions carefully and you will be assured of
the best performance that your motorcycle can give.
This instruction book is intended for the rider only and
therefore does not cover the overhaul of such major units as
the engine, generator, transmission,etc. Work of this kind requires
the attention of a skilled motorcycle mechanic and the use of
special tools and equipment. Your Harley-Davidson dealer has
the facilities, experience and genuine Harley-Davidson parts
which are necessary to properly render this valuable service.


MUwaukee, Wisconsin U.S.A.

ORIG. 758 Printed In U.S. A. 1


Parl Page 5. GENERATOR • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • 35

FOR "DECARBONING" • • . , 35
4. CLUTCH HAND LEVER 10 1, CHAINS • .... 41
6. BRAKES. . . . . .
....... 42
7. LIGHTS . . . . . . . . .
8. HORN . . . . . . . . . .
4. TIRES •• " .. ..... .
10, STARTING THE ENGINE . 13 2, BULB CHART. • • , • • • • • , 47
4. OPERATING TIPS . . . . .
Figure 1, Right Side View . . . • 6
6. RULES OF THE ROAD . . . . 19
Figure 2. Left Side View . • . • • . 7
IV SERVICING YOUR HARLEY-DAVIDSON 20 Figure 3, Top View, . • . . • • • 8
1. ENGINE . . . . . 20 Figure 4, Gasoline Supply Valve. 9
2. TRANSMISSION 23 Figure 5. Ignition-Light Switch 10
3. CHAINS . . . . . . . 23 Figure 6, Shifting Gears . • • • • . 11
4. CHASSIS . . . . . .
Lubricating Oil Measure • • • , • • •
Adding Oil to Transmission . • •
... 21
7. BATTERY . . . . . . . . . . . . • , •
Servicing the Tele-Glide Fork
Engine - Left Side View . .
. .. ....
MUFFLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Carburetor Cross Section, .
Circuit Breaker . , . . . • •
.... 31
9. KEEP THE MOTORCYCLE CLEAN . . 28 Figure 14, Removing Carbon . . . , • . , 36
10. SERVICING INTERVALS . . . . . . . . 29 Figure 15. Muffler Disassembly . • • • • , 37
v MAINTAINING YOUR IIAHLEY -DAVIDSON. 30 Figure 16. Clutch Case Cover Removed 39
ENGINE Figure 17. Clutch Disassembled . . • . 40
1. SPARK PLUG . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 18, Repairing Drive Chain .• , • , , •••• 42
2. CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT 30 Figure 19, Front Wheel Brake Mechanism • • • . , . • • , 43
3. CIRCUIT BREAKER. 33 Figure 20. Rear Wheel Brake Operating Mechanism • • . . 45
4. TIMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Figure 21. Wiring Diagram • . • • , • , • • . . , • • • . • 48



Engine Sprocket . . , 15
Clutch Sprocket . • . 31
Countershaft Sprocket , 14
Rear Wheel Sprocket 49
Wheel Base •••• 51-1/2 in.
Overall Length • • • 81 in. GEAR RATIOS
Overall Width • 28-1/2 in.
Low (First) Gear 20.8 to 1
Second Gear 12, 2 to 1
High Gear . . . .

Fuel Tank •• 1-3/4 U.S. Gallons TIRE DATA

Transmission ••• , 1-1/4 Pints

Tire Size . . . . . . • 3.50 x 18 in.

ENGINE Tire Pressure Front 12 lbs,
Tire Pressure Rear . .. 14 lbs.
Number of Cylinders • • • • . . . . . . 1
Type . . • . . . . . • • • • • • • • 2 Cycle The tire inflation pressures given are based on rider weight
Taxable Horsepower • . . • . • 2-1/4 of approximately 150 lbs. When these loads are exceeded by
Bore . . . . . . . . • · • (60.3 mm) 2-3/8 in. 50 lbs. or more, increase tire pressures as follows: for each
Stroke . . • • . • • • (57. 94 mm) 2-9/32 in. 50 lbs. of overload, increase pressure of rear tire 2 lbs; front
Piston Displacement (165 c.c.) 10.1 cu. in. tire 1 lb.
Compression Ratio • • • • • • • • , 6.6 to 1

Serial Number

The engine (Serial) Number is stamped on a pad on the front

Circuit Breaker Points • • • • • • • ,020 in. end of the, engine crankcase, on the left-hand side. Always give
Spark Plugs - Size 14 mm this number when ordering parts or making inquiry about your
Gap ••• ,025 to .030 in. motorcycle.


Type . Constant Mesh

Speeds 3 Forward

4 5
1. Voltage Regulator 14. Right Foot Rest
2. Negative Battery Terminal 15. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting 1, Headlamp Dimmer 9, Left Rear Wheel Axle
3. Carburetor Choke Lever Locknut Switch Adjusting Stud
4. Spark Plug 16. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting 2. Ignition Coil 10. Jiffy Stand
5. Head Lamp Screw 3, Gasoline Valve 11. Tool Box
6. Rear Brake Operating Lever 17. Rear Wheel Brake Foot 4. Carburetor Choke Lever 12. Starter Crank
7. Rear Brake Rod Lever and Air Cleaner 13. Left Foot Rest
a. Rear Wheel Axle Nut 18. Circuit Breaker Cover 5, Storage Battery 14. Transmission Drain Plug
9. Right Rear Wheel Axle 19. Carburetor Cover 6, Positive Battery 15. Carburetor Cover
Adjusting Stud 21. Front Wheel Brake Terminal 16. Clutch Case Cover
10. Muffler Adjusting Sleeve 7. Tail La~p 17. Gear Shifter Pedal
11. Rear Drive Chain 22. Front Wheel Axle Nut 8. Rear Wheel Axle Nut 19. Front Wheel Axle Pinch Bolt
12. Horn 23 •. Front Brake Operating
13. Gear Position Indicator Lever
Figure 2. Left Side View
Figure 1. Right Side View




The gasoline supply valve (3, figure 2) is located under the

gasoline tank. The valve (figure 4) has two handles; one is marked
"RESERVE" and other is unmarked. Gasoline to carburetor is
shut off when both handles are in horizontal position. Turning
the unmarked handle to vertical position turns on main gasoline
supply; turning "RESERVE" handle to vertical position turns on
reserve supply.

Figure 4. Gasoline Supply Valve

Gas tank holds one and three quarter U.S. gallons. Approx-
imately one quart of this is retained .in the tank for reserve supply
when the "RESERVE" shut-off valve remains in the horizontal
1. Throttle Control Grip 6. Speedometer posltlon. Use unleaded gasoline if available or if not, gasoline
2. Clutch Hand Lever 7 . Gasoline Tank Cap with the smallest amount of lead content.
3. Front Wheel Brake 8. Gear Shifter Pedal
Hand Lever 9. Starter Crank 2. IGNITION- LIGHT SWITCH
4. Ignition- Light Switch 10. Left Foot Rest
5. Horn Button 11. Jlffy Stand The ignitlon-ltght switch (4, figure 3) when unlocked is turned
12. Right Foot Rest to the LEFT (see figure 5) for parking light (tail lamp), CENTER
(straight across) to turn off all lights and ignition, FIRST RIGHT
Figure 3. Top View

8 9
Knowing Your Harley- Davidson Knowing Your Harley Davidson

SHIFT: r;-; )
for ignition only, and SECOND RIGHT for ignition and running
lights (head lamp and tail lamp). Remember that lighting the
from 2nd
Ot Neutral
to I st
!,------:=-0--:2:-::--3 I
from 3rd t_i__O 2

head lamp when the engine is not running also turns the ignition
to 2nd .,..
0 2 3

on. The switch can be locked in either the off or park positions
only by means of a key inserted in the lock beneath the hinged

from lsi q 0 2 3]
SH 1FT :
from 2nd
[t 0 ~ 3I
to 2nd rro-=f31
to Neutral [Tv}]

Figure 5. Ignition- Light Switch


The throttle control grip (1, figure 3) is located on the right

handle bar. Turn the grip outward to close the throttle and in-
ward to open the throttle.


The clutch hand lever (2, figure 3) is located on the left SHIFT:
from 2nd
2 3
from lsi Ib0 2 3 I
handle bar where it may be conveniently operated with the fingers
of the left hand. Pull the lever in against the handlebar grip to 3rd II 0 2 ~
I to Neutral II 8 2 3 I
to release the clutch; release the lever slowly to its outward
position to engage the clutch.


The gear shifter pedal (17, figure 2) is located on the left

side where it may be conveniently operated with the toe of the
left foot. A gear posltlon indicator (13, figure 1) is provided
to show which gears of the transmission are engaged. As shown
in figure 6, pushing the shifter pedal all the way down (full stroke) Figure 6. Shifting Gears

10 11
Knowing Your Harley-Davidson
Knowing Your Harley-Davidson

shifts transmission into the next lower gear, while lifting the
pedal all the way up shifts the transmission into the next higher handle bar where It is operated by the fingers of the right hand
gear. The operator must release the gear shifter pedal after to control the front wheel brake.
each gear change, to allow the pedal to return to its central
position. The pedal must return to its central position before 7. LIGHTS
another gear change can be made. Transmission neutral is
between first and second gear. To shift from second to neutral, Both head lamp and tall lamp are turned on by means of the
the pedal is pushed only half way down, while to shift from first ignition-light switch (4, figure 3). A toggle switch on the left
to neutral the pedal is lifted only half way up. handle bar may be pushed up or down with the left thumb to
With the motorcycle standing sttll and the engine not running, raise or lower the head lamp beam. The switch is pushed down
it usually will be necessary to move the motorcylce backward or for the high or driving beam, and up for the low or passing
forward with the clutch fully disengaged while maintaining a beam. None of the lights may be operated when the ignition-
slight pressure on the foot shift lever before a shift from one light switch is in the off position.
gear to another can be made. Even with the engine running and
the motorcycle standing still, difficulty may be experienced in 8. HORN
shifting gears. This difficulty arises when transmission gears
are not turning and shifting parts are not lined up to permit The horn (12, figure 1) is mounted to a bracket on the right
engagement. When this difficulty is experienced, do not under side of the frame and is operated by the horn button (5, figure 3).
any circumstances attempt to force the shift by "roughing" Tone may be set at the desired pitch by turning the adjusting
the foot lever; the results of such abuse will be a damaged or screw in the back of the horn.
IJroken shifter mechanism. Either roll the motorcycle as in-
dicated above or, if the engine is running, engage the clutch 9. STARTING CRANK
very slightly while at the same time applying light pressure
to the foot lever to make the shift. Either of these procedures The starter crank (12, figure 2) is located on the left side
will set transmission gears in motion and permit the shift to and has a spring return. To start the engine, kick the starter
be made easily. crank down with vigorous strokes to turn the engine over.
When the motorcycle is in motion and it is desired to shift
to lower gears, do not shift from "third" (high) to "second" 10. STARTING THE ENGINE
until speed is reduced to 20 miles per hour or less; do not shift
to "first" until speed is reduced to below 5 miles per hour. A. Turn on the gasoline supply by turning the unmarked
Shifting to lower gears when speed is too high may result in handle of the gasoline supply valve (3, figure 2) to the
damage to transmission or other parts. vertical position.
B. Prime the carburetor by pressing the carburetor priming
CAUTION pin (3, figure 11) down for a few seconds.
C. The carburetor choke is open when the choke lever (3,
Always disengage the clutch completely; that is, figure 1) is all the way down. Moving the choke lever
pull the clutch hand lever all the way in against the upward, as far as it will go, fully closes the choke. In
handlebar grip whenever shifting gears. warm weather it is not necessary to use the choke at
all. In cold weather (near freezing and colder) start
6. BRAKES cold engine with choke closed. Open choke as engine
gets warm.
The rear wheel brake foot lever (17, figure 1) is located D. Turn on the ignition with the ignition-light switch (4,
on the right side where it may be operated by the toe of the figure 3).
right foot. A hand lever (3, figure 3) is located on the right E. Hold motorcycle in a nearly vertical position with right

12 13
Driving Your Harley-Davidson Driving Your Harley-Davidson

F. Open the throttle about half way by turning the throttle oil mixed with the gasoline which passes into the engine crank-
control grip (1, figure 3) inward. case. The extreme simplicity of the Harley-Davidson two-cycle
G. If the transmission is not in neutral (as shown by gear engine makes it an unusually easy engine to operate and care for.
position indicator), disengage the clutch with the hand
lever (2, figure 3) and hold fully disengaged. 2. CARE OF NEW ENGINE
H. Start engine with vigorous strokes of the starter crank
(12, figure 2). Do not operate a new engine faster than 30 miles per hour
I. If engine is started with transmission in other than neutral in high gear or 20 miles per hour in second gear for the first
position, shift to neutral immediately after the engine 100 miles and 40 miles per hour in high gear for the next 400
starts for idling or to first (low) gear to get underway. miles. Below 1,000 miles, avoid running at or near top speed
for long distances. After a motorcycle has been driven its first
11. STOPPING THE ENGINE 750 miles, it should be taken to the dealer from whom it was
purchased for certain initial servicing operations with which
Stop the engine by turning the ignition-light switch to the the dealer is familiar. If it is impossible to take the motor-
off position. If the engine should be stalled or stopped in any cycle to a dealer at the mileage intervals mentioned, the owner
other way than with the switch, and is not to be started again should at least give the following outlined attention, or arrange
immediately, turn the switch off at once to prevent battery dis- to have it given, and take the motorcycle to the dealer for more
charge through the breaker points. complete servicing later on when it is convenient to do so. After
the initial servicing has been completed, the motorcycle should
be taken to the dealer for check up at regular intervals of 750


A. Check the adjustment of the rear chain and readjust, if
DRIVING YOUR HARLEY-DAVIDSON necessary (see "Chassis", Par. lA, Part V).
B. Check level of oil in transmission and front chain com-
partments and add oil if needed (see Par. 2, Part IV).
C. Lubricate all points indicated for 750 mile attention (see
Par. 10, Part IV).
D. Oil all controls and parts indicated for 750 mile attention
The engine of the Harley- Davidson Model 165 operates on the
(see Par. 10, Part IV). .
two stroke prinicple. The two-cycle engine differs from the E. Service the air cleaner (see Par. 1 B, Part IV).
familiar four-cycle engine in that it delivers power on every F. Check level of solution in battery and add distilled water
downward stroke of the piston instead of on every second down-
if needed. See that terminals are clean and connections
ward stroke. The two-cycle engine requires no .valves, push
tight (see Par. 7, Part IV).
rods, rocker arms, or cam shaft, since the gasoline charge is
G. Check all nuts, bolts and screws and tighten where nec-
admitted to the cylinder, and the exhaust gas Is removed from
the cylinder through ports in the cylinder walls. The gasoline H. Inspect and clean spark plug and adjust gap (see "Engine",
and air mixture from the carburetor is drawn first into the
Par. 1, Part V).
engine crankcase by the up stroke of the piston. The downward
I. Lubricate the Tele-Glide fork (see Par. 6, Part IV).
movement of the piston then forces it up through the transfer
ports into the combustion chamber. The engine crankcase carries J. Check circuit breaker point gap. (see "Engine", Par. 3,
no supply of lubricating oil. Engine lubrication is provided by Part V).

14 15
Driving Your Harley-Davidson

their probable causes will be helpful in keeping your motorcycle
A. Use unleaded gasoline if it can be obtained. When such in good operating condltlon.
gasoline. is not available, use the available gasoline that
has the least lead content. If engine starts hard:
B. In cold weather run the engine slowly until it is thoroughly
warmed up. A. Spark plug in bad condition or partially fouled.
C. Do not idle the engine unnecessarily with the motorcycle B. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment · or in need of
standing still. cleaning.
D. When the spark plug needs to be replaced, get a new C. Battery nearly discharged.
one from your Harley-Davidson dealer. He can supply D. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at
you with a new Harley- Davidson spark plug that is the coil or circuit breaker.
same as original equipment, or one with a different heat
range if required. If engine starts but runs irregularly or misses:
Experimenting with spark plugs of unproven quality and
suitability is inviting trouble. A. Spark plug in bad condition or partially fouled.
E. IMPORTANT. When coasting against engine down a long, B. Spark plug gap too close.
steep grade (longer than the equivalent of two city blocks C. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment or in need of
and so steep that engine speed is quite high) it is advisable cleaning.
to turn off the ignition and open throttle part way, rather D. Condenser connections loose.
than coasting with ignition on and throttle closed. Observing E. Water or dirt in fuel system and carburetor.
this recommendation assures good lubrication and cooling F. Gasoline tank cap vent plugged and tank airbound.
of the interior of engine while coasting.
Bear in mind that the Model 165 engine is a two-cycle If engine fails to start:
engine and its lubrication depends entirely on the oil-
gasoline mixture passed through the carburetor to the A. Gasoline tank empty.
interior of engine. B. Gasoline supply valve shut off.
Night driving, of course, does not permit turning ignition C. Gasoline line clogged.
off as lights would also be off. In this case, coast at D. Fouled spark plug.
moderate speed even though doing so requires that engine E. Circuit breaker points badly out of adjustment.
braking be supplemented by use of wheel brakes. F. Loose wire connection at coli or circuit breaker.
F. There may be occasions when theenginewilltend to reverse G. Engine flooded with gasoline as a result of over-choking.
itself and run backwards when the motorcycle is not moving
forward. This is an indication that: If spark plug fouls repeatedly:
a. The circuit breaker point gap ts set too close.
b. The circuit breaker cam is not running true. A. The wrong type of spark plug for the kind of service or
c. Engine idling speed is set too low. for type engine.
Possibly all three faults are present. Check and reset B. Oll-gasoline mixture incorrect.
point gap and increase idling speed. If condition still exists,
see your dealer. If engine overheats:

5. OPERATING TROUBLES A. Oil-gasoline mixture incorrect.

The following check list of possible operating troubles and B. Carburetor high speed adjustment too lean.
C. Ignition timing too late.

Driving Your Harley-Davidson

If engine detonates:
If brakes do not hold normally:
A. Unsuitable fuel.
B. Heavy deposit of carbon on piston head and in combustion A. Brake improperly adjusted.
chamber. B. Brake controls binding as result of improper lubrication
C. Spark plug of the wrong heat range for the type of ser- or damage.
vice involved. C. Brake linlngs impregnated with grease as result of over-
D. Defective spark plug. grease wheel hub and/ or brake operating shaft.
D. Brake linings badly worn.
If engine shows loss of power:
A. Muffler in need of cleaning.
B. Exhaust ports in need of cleaning. A. Keep on the right side of the road when meeting other
vehicles coming in the opposite direction.
If generator does not charge: B. Always sound your horn and pass on the left side when
passing other vehicles (except street car) going in the same
A. Brushes badly worn. direction. Never try to pass another vehicle going in the same
B. Brushes sticking in holders. direction at street intersections, on curves or when going
C. Commutator dirty or oily. up or down a hill.
D. Loose or broken wire in generator-battery circuit. C. At street intersections give the right-of-way to the vehicle
E. Voltage regulator may be at fault. Do not attempt to on your right. Do not presume too much when you have the
repair voltage regulator. If voltage regulator is sus- right-of-way; the other fellow may not know you have tt.
pected of giving trouble, take your motorcycle to the D. Always signal when preparing to stop, start or turn. If
nearest Harley-Davidson dealer. This type of work requires possible signal by extending the arm.
very special equipment. E. All traffic signs, including those used for the control of
traffic at intersections, should be obeyed promptly and to the
If carburetor floods: letter. "Slow Down" signs near schools and caution signs at
railroad crossings should always be observed and your
A. Float valve and/or valve seat worn or damaged. actions governed accordingly.
B. Dirt or other foreign matter between float valve and its seat. F. Never "crash" a light. When a change is indicated from "go"
to "stop" (or vice versa) in the traffic control systems at
If transmission shifts hard: intersections, await the change.
G. When intending to turn left, give signal at least 50 feet
before reaching the turning point. Move over to the center
A. Clutch dragging.
line of the street, (unless local rules require otherwise) slow
B. Transmission oil too heavy (winter operation).
down passing the intersection of the street and then turn
carefully to the left.
If clutch slips: H. In turning either right or left, watch for pedestrians as
well as vehicles.
A. Clutch control improperly adjusted. I. Do not leave the curb or parking area without signaling
and seeing that your way is clear to drive into moving traffic.
If clutch drags or does not release: A moving line of traffic has the right-of-way.
J. See that your license tags are installed in the position
A. Clutch control improperly adjusted. specified by law and that they are clean and clearly visible
under all conditions.

Servicing Your Harley-Davidson Servicing Your Harley-Davidson

K. Ride at a safe speed, a speed consistent with the type of

highway you are on, and always note whether the road is
dry or wet. Each varying condition on the highway means
adjusting your speed accordingly.




A. Engine Oil

The two-cycle engine of the Model 165 has no crankcase

oil reservoir or oil supply for lubricating the engine, as do
four-cycle engines, but instead the oil is mixed with the fuel
charge which enters the crankcase. Add Harley-Davidson "Two-
Cycle" oil to the gasoline, 1 part of oll to 25 parts of gasoline
(5 ounces of oil to 1 U.S. gallon of gasoline). A convenient measure
shown in figure 7 is attached to the under side of the gasoline
tank cap. Use two measurefuls of oil for each U.S. gallon of
gasoline placed in tank to provide exactly the right amount of
lubrication for the engine. Since the engine lubrication oil is Figure 7. Lubricating Oil Measure
carried in the gasoline, the same weight of oil is used summer
and winter and under all operating conditions.
When necessary to replenish gasoline supply, pour the correct To remove air cleaner (7), remove carburetor covers by un-
proportionate quantity of oil for the amount of gasoline to be screwing the cover screws {6), Air cleaner clamp screw may then
purchased in the tank before gasoline is pumped ln. This pro- be loosened and cleaner removed.
cedure effects faster, more thorough mixing of gasoline and
oil than occurs when oil is poured into tank after gasoline has C. Gasoline Strainer (See figure 4)
been pumped in. However, if tank has been run completely dry,
first put at least one quart of gasoline in tank before the oil is
poured in. The gasoline strainer is located on top of the gasoline supply
valve inside the gasoline tank. If the supply of gasoline is impeded,
B. Air Cleaner (See figure 11) indicated by irregular carburetlon, the gasoline supply valve
should be removed from the tank and the gasoline strainer cleaned
Remove and thoroughly rinse air cleaner in cleaning solvent thoroughly. Be sure to drain the tank before removing the gasoline
every 750 miles. supply valve.

20 21
Servicing Your Harley- Davidson Servicing Your Harley- Davidson


Use Harley-Davidson 75 series (medium heavy) oil when

predominating temperature is 32° F and above. Use Harley-
Davidson 58° series (light) oil when predominating temperature
is 32°F and below. Remove transmission oil filler plug and
check oil level every month or 750 miles. Add oil (see figure
9) if necessary to fill to overflowing. The motorcycle should
stand straight up, not lean on the jiffy stand, when checking and
adding oil to the transmission. Drain transmission and refill
to correct level with fresh oil at intervals of one year or 5,000
miles, whichever comes first. If transmission should become
submerged in water, drain immediately and refill to correct

Figure 9. Adding Oil to Transmission


A. Front Chain

The front chain is lubricated by the oil in the transmission

and front chain compartments, and other than keeping these
compartments to their required oil level, no further front chain
lubrication is needed (see Par. 2, Part IV).

22 23
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson


Under normal operating conditions, brush the dirt off and 011 the saddle hinge bolt bearing every 750 miles or oftener.
lubricate the rear chain at 750 mlle intervals. Lubricate with All control joints such as clutch and brake hand lever and brake
Harley-Davidson "Chain Saver" if available. H not avallable, control should be oiled regularly and particularly after washing
use lightest engine oil available. Under dusty, wet or muddy motorcycle or driving in wet weather, to keep all controls working
conditions, more frequent lubrication is necessary. freely. Cable housings should be oiled at their ends.
Occasionally the rear chain should have additonal lubrication.
Remove the chain from the motorcycle, and soak and wash it 6. TELE-GLIDE FORK (See figure 10)
thoroughly in a pan of kerosene. Then hang it up to allow the
kerosene to drain off. Immerse the chain for a short time in a The Tele-Gllde fork is oil-lubricated. At the top of each fork
pan of grease, heated to the consistency of light engine oil. side, in the center of the large (1-1/2 inch) hex-head cap screw is
If grease and facilities for beating are not at hand, substitute a smaller (5/8 inch) hex-head cap screw. This smaller cap screw
light engine oil. When immersed, move the chain around to be is hollow and serves as an oil measuring cup.
sure that the hot grease or oil works through all inside parts. Remove the smaller cap screws, turn upside down, fill with
Then allow the chain to drain and wipe all surplus grease or oil. Pour oil into fork sides and reinstall cap screws. One screwful
oil from its surface. Install the chain on the motorcycle and per fork side is sufficient. Lubricate fork sides at 750 mlle
inspect the connecting link and spring clip closely. Replace these intervals.
parts if necessary. Be sure the spring clip is securely locked
on the pin end. Readjust chain if necessary (see"Chassis;' Par.
1 A, Part V).


Use Harley- Davidson "Grease-all" for all greasing require-

All chassis bearings requiring frequent applications of grease
are provided with grease gun fittings. Locations and recommended
greasing intervals are listed in servicing intervals (see Par. 10,
Part IV).
Remove and grease right handlebar grip spiral with fresh
grease every 5,000 miles or once each year or whenever op-
eration of grip indicates lubrication ls necessary.
Pack frame head bearings with fresh grease at intervals
indicated in servicing intervals (see Par. 10, Part IV) ..
Wheel bearings should be washed and fully repacked with
grease every 5,000 miles or once each year or sooner if motor-
cycle is used in competition or submerged in water (see "Chassis",
Par. 3 C, Part V). Be careful about overgreasing brake operating
shafts, as excess grease, working out of these bearings, will
get onto brake linings and greatly reduce the efficiency of the
Figure 10. Servicing the Tele-Glide Fork

Servicing Your Harley-Davidson Servicing Your Harley- Davidson

Use Harley-Davidson "Chain-Saver" oil for fork lubrication

as this oil has greater "cling" than most other lubricating oils,
and therefore lubricates more efficiently for a longer period of
operation. If "Chain-Saver" oil is not available, use engine oil.


Do not remove large (1-1/2 inch} hex-head cap screws

from top end of fork sides. If it is necessary to re-
move fork sides from motorcycle lt is recommended
that you see your Harley- Davidson dealer.


It is the care given a battery, rather than time and miles of

service, which is most important in determining its life.

A. Servicing the Battery

1. Inspect the level of the solution of the battery at inter-

vals indicated in servicing intervals (Par. 10, Part IV). Add
pure distilled water as often as necessary to keep solution above
the plates (see Sec. B, this Par.)


If motorcycle is not used for an extended period

of time (month or more), check solution level 1. Battery Strap Nut 6. Carburetor Cover Screw
before placing motorcycle in service. 2. Transmission Drain Plug 7. Carburetor Air Cleaner
3. Carburetor Prime Pin 8. Gasoline Supply Valve
2. Check solution with hydrometer. If hydrometer reading 4. Positive(""} Battery Terminal 9. Gear Shifter Pedal
is below 1.200, remove battery and charge it from an outside 5. Negative (-) Battery Terminal 10. Starter Crank
source. Allowing battery to remain in a discharged condition 11. Transmission Filler Plug
for any length of time shortens its life. It is especially important
that the battery be kept well charged in below-freezing weather. Figure 11. Engine - Left Side View
A low charged battery is very likely to be frozen and ruined.
side, and raise strap to remove battery cover. Take out the three
3. Keep the battery clean and terminal connections tight. screw-in filler plugs, and with a hydrometer or syringe, add
water to each cell to raise the level of the solution about 5/16"
B. Adding Water to Battery above the plates and separators.

The motorcycle should be standing straight up, not leaning C. Battery Charging Rate
on the Jiffy Stand, when adding water to the battery. Loosen the
hex nut (1, figure 11) on the battery hold-down strap at the left When charging a battery from an outside source, the

;:,ei·vicwg xuur naney-uavtason
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson


charging rate is constant and should not be allowed to go over
The following items require servicing at the intervals specified.
1/2 ampere. A higher rate will heat and damage the battery.
Your Harley- Davidson dealer knows every lubrication point on
your motorcycle. He has the right kinds of lubricant to put at
each point. He knows best how to service your motorcycle. Take
Carbon will tend to collect around the intake and exhaust your motorcycle to him for its periodic servicing.
ports of a two-cycle engine and will tend to clog the ports. Soot Every 750 Miles
will gather in the muffler of a two-cycle engine and tend to
clog the muffler. After several thousand miles, the engine may A. Grease
become sluggish and show a loss of power. When this occurs, Speedometer drive
or at least every 5,000 miles, the carbon should be cleared from Front brake operating shaft
the cylinder ports and soot removed from the muffler. Rear brake pedal
It is recommended that you contact your Harley- Davidson Rear brake operating shaft
dealer for this service. He has the trained mechanics and necessary Clutch actuating worm
tools and equipment to quickly and efficiently perform this ser-
vice. If, however, this is not convenient, see Disassembly of
Cylinder and Muffler for "Decarboning" ("Engine", Par. 6, Part B. Oil
V) for further information. 1. All control joints
Brake control joints
9. KEEP THE MOTORCYCLE CLEAN. Clutch hand lever
Brake hand lever
Keeping the motorcycle clean on the outside as well as on 2. Control housings
the inside not only is a sign of good maintenance, it is good Brake control
maintenance. To aid you in keeping your motorcycle clean, see Clutch control
your Harley-Davidson dealer for the following: 3. Parts
Saddle hinge bolt bearing
Harley- Davidson "Gunk" Forks
Rear chain
Harley- Davidson "Gunk" will quickly and
efficiently remove grease and oil from your C. Service
motorcycle, leaving a clean bright finish. Air cleaner
Harley-Davidson "Chrome Cleaner"
D. Check
Use Harley-Davidson "Chrome Cleaner" to Spark plug condition and gap
make the chrome parts of your motorcycle Transmission
glitter and sparkle. Circuit breaker point gap (every second interval)
Harley-Davidson "Polish and Cleaner" Every 5,000 Miles or One (1) Year
A. Grease
Harley- Davidson "Polish and Cleaner" is Front wheel hub
made to clean and polish the enamel parts to Rear wheel hub
maintain or restore these parts as close as Right handlebar spiral
possible to their original luster.

Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson
Maintaining Your Harley- Davidson

B. Service
Dec arbon cylinder ports and muffler

Every 20,000 miles

Frame head bearings (repack)



To obtain the longest possible life and the best possible

performance from your motorcycle, it is necessary to keep it
not only adequately serviced, but also correctly adjusted to the
tolerances to which it was manufactured. The following are the
adjustments and general maintenance facts pertainining to your


Keep the spark plug (4, figure 1) clean and the gap between
the points adjusted to .025 in. to .030 in. Do not take the plug
apart for cleaning. Clean with a sand blast cleaner.
Be sure that the motorcycle is operated with the correct
heat range plug best suited to your type of riding. If in doubt,
see your Harley- Davidson dealer. 1. Control Wire Housing 8. Metering Pin
Check spark plug condition and gap ev.ery 750 miles. 2. Idling Speed Adjusting 9. Nozzle
Sleeve 10. Nozzle Holder
3 . Adjusting Sleeve Lock Nut 11. Metering Jet
2. CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT (See figure 12) 4. Throttle Control Wire 12. Float
5. Throttle Piston Spring 13. Priming Pin
A carburetor, once properly adjusted, requires little, if any, 6. Alignment Screw 14. Throttle Piston
readjustment. Do not continually tamper with carburetor adjust- 7. Pin Retainer 15. Cap
ment. If engine does not start and run right, look for trouble else- Figure 12. Carblll'etor Cross Section
where before checking the carburetor.

30 31
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

We suggest having carburetor adjustments made by your Part IV, the engine still shows indications of irregular carburetion,
Harley-Davidson dealer. remove the carburetor and clean all parts in cleaning solvent.
When the throttle grip is turned inward, the control wire (4) Your Harley- Davidson dealer is best equipped to perform all
raises the throttle piston (14) and metering pin (8) to allow an carburetor cleaning, maintenance and adjustment operations.
increased amount of gasoline and air mixture to enter the engine.
An alignment screw (6) registers in the slot of the throttle piston 3. CIRCUIT BREAKER (See figure 13)
so that it cannot twist or turn as it moves up or down in the
carburetor body. Every second 750 mile service interval, remove the cover
over the circuit breaker and generator and check the gap between
A. Idling Speed Adjustment the contact points (13) with a .020 inch gage (wire preferred). If
it is not exactly .020 inches when the cam follower (4) is on the
Idling speed adjustment is made by means of the control wire highest point of the cam (5), adjustment is necessary. Incorrect
housing adjusting sleeve (2) which may be turned up or down in gap spacing affects ignition timing.
the carburetor cap (15) to raise or lower the closed throttle
position of the piston and the metering pin.
To adjust the closed throttle idling speed of the engine, loosen
the lock nut (3) and turn the adjusting sleeve (2) up to increase
idling speed, down to decrease idling speed. When desired idling
speed has been attained, retighten the lock nut securely.

B. Mixture Adjustment

The mixture of gasoline and air entering the engine may be

varied by raising or lowering the metering pin (8) (which controls
the fuel) in relation to the throttle piston (14) (which controls
the air). Four mixture variations are provided by means of the
grooves in the metering pin into which the pin retainer (7) fits.
The standard setting is with the retainer in the second groove from
top of the metering pin (8). Tochangethe gasoline-air mixture, un-
screw the cap (15) and lift out the spring (5) and throttle piston from
the carburetor body. Slip the control wire (4) out of the slot in the
piston to free the piston and metering pin assembly. Remove the
metering pin and pin retainer from the piston; remove the retainer
and snap it into either lower groove to provide a richer mixture, 1. Lock Screw 9. To"Gen:' Terminal of Voltage Reg.
into the upper groove to provide a leaner mixture. Replace the 2. Wire to Coil 10. To" F" Terminal of Voltage Reg.
metering pin in the piston and align the open end of the retainer 3. Eccentric Adjusting Screw 11. Generator Terminals
with the slot in the piston. Replace the control wire in the piston 4. Fiber Cam Follower 12. Condenser
slot. Be careful not to bend the retainer in replacing the wire. 5. Cam 13. Breaker Points
Insert the piston and metering pin assembly and spring into the 6. Timing Marks 14. Lock Screw
carburetor body and screw down the cap securely.
7. Lock Screw 15. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw
8. Cap Screw 16. Push Rod Adjusting Screw Lock Nut
C. Cleaning the Carburetor
Figure 13. Circuit Breaker
If, after cleaning the gasoline strainer as indicated in Par. 1C,

32 33
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

To adjust the point gap, loosen the lock screw (14) and turn the contact point gap is still exactly .020 inch. If point
the eccentric adjusting screw (3) to raise or lower the adjustable gap has changed as a result of shifting contact point holder
contact point. Be sure that the cam follower (4) is on the highest assembly, reset the gap and repeat timing procedure.
point of the cam (5) and set the contact point gap at exactly G. Replace cylinder head and circuit breaker cover.
.020 in. Retighten the lock screw and again check the gap to make
sure it remains correct. 5. GENERATOR
Each time circuit breaker points are adjusted, apply two or
three drops of engine oil to felt pad that lubricates circuit breaker The generator is mounted on the right end of the crankshaft.
cam. The generator itself has no adjustment for control of charging rate.
This is controlled by the voltage regulator (1, figure 1). The
4. TIMING voltage regulator functions to increase charging rate when battery
is low or lamps are lighted, and to decrease charging rate when
Ignition timing is controlled by the circuit breaker. Correct no lamps are lighted and when battery is up. The voltage regulator
ignition timing and correct setting of circuit breaker contact requires no regular interval attention. The cutout relay is com-
point gap is absolutely necessary for proper engine operation. bined with the voltage regulator in a single unit. Should any
Original factory timing is indicated by the timing marks (6) on electrical system trouble be experienced that might be traceable
generator body and contact point holder assembly. When these to the voltage regulator, the motorcycle should be taken to your
Harley- Davidson dealer, who has the necessary electrical testing
two marks line up, timing is as lt was originally set at the factory.
equipment to give required attention.
II for any reason, retiming of the engine Is necessary, other than
by lining up factory timing marks, proceed as follows:
A. Remove the circuit breaker cover and the cylinder head. "DECARBONING"
When the head is removed the cylinder will be free. Secure Carbon will tend to collect around the intake and exhaust
it to the crankcase by means of a collar or stack of washers, port of the cylinder and in the muffler of a two-cycle engine. For
the same thickness as the cylinder head, slipped over one recommended servicing interval, see Par. 10, Part IV. If motor-
of the studs and held ln place by a cylinder head nut. cycle cannot be taken to your Harley- Davidson dealer for this
B. See that the point gap is set at exactly .020 inches as service, proceed as follows:
outlined above.
C. Shift into high gear and use rear wheel to turn engine over A. Cylinder Removal and Port Cleaning. (See figure 14)
slowly in the direction in which it operates to bring piston
to top dead center position (highest position of piston). l. Remove the spark plug (1), carburetor covers (2), air
Measure exact distance from top edge of piston to top edge cleaner, gasoline line and carburetor (3), coil mounting bracket
of cylinder bore with piston in this position. bolts (4), the gasoline tank front and rear bolts (5) and the saddle
D. Then back up the engine until the top edge of the piston bracket bqlt (6). Loosen the exhaust pipe clamp (7) and pull
measures 13/64 inch below the top dead center position exhaust pipe from cylinder.
(13/64 inch plus distance measured in step C above). 2. Remove the four cylinder head nuts (8), lock washers
This is the piston position at which spark should occur. (9), and plain washers (10) which secure the head (11) to the
E. Loosen the two lock screws (1 and 7) and shift the contact cylinder (12). Remove cylinder head and cylinder head gasket (13).
point holder assembly so that the fiber cam follower (4) 3. Raise the gasoline tank sufficiently to provide clearance
is coming up on the high point of the cam (5) just far for the removal of the cylinder. Carefully slide the cylinder
enough so that the points (13) are starting to open. The from the cylinder head studs and at the same time stuff a clean
spark occurs when the points open. rag around the connecting rod so that no dirt particles can fall
F. Then retighten lock screws, turn engine until the cam into the crankcase.
follower is on the highest point of cam, and check to see

34 35
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley- Davidson

5. Carefully remove rag so that no dirt particles get into

crankcase. See that cylinder base gasket (14) is in good con-
dition and if not, replace it. Apply gasket cement to both sides
of this gasket before sliding it over the cylinder head studs.
6. Carefully slide the cylinder into place over the piston.
See that the rings are compressed and located properly as they
slide into the cylinder.
7. Examine the cylinder head gasket carefully and replace it if
necessary. Apply gasket cement to both sides of this gasket
and slip it into place over the studs. Then replace the cylinder
head and secure it with the plain washers, lock washers and
cylinder head nuts. Be sure that nuts are pulled up tightly on
the studs.
8. Replace all the parts removed except the exhaust pipe.

B. Muffler Removal and Cleaning

1. Remove the entire muffler from the motorcycle by re-

moving the cap screw and lock washer from the muffler mounting
2. Disassemble muffler; grasp with both hands in vertical
1. Spark Plug 8. Cylinder Head Nuts
2. Carburetor Covers 9. Cylinder Head Nut Lock
3. Carburetor-Air Cleaner Washers
Gas Line 10. Cylinder Head Nut Plain
4. Coil Bracket Mounting Bolts Washers
5. Tank Mounting Bolts 11. Cylinder Head
6. Saddle Bracket Bolt 12. Cylinder
7. Exhaust Pipe Clamp 13. Cylinder Head Gasket
14. Cylinder Base Gasket
Figure 14; Removing Carbon
Do not scrape carbon from ports without removing
the cylinder. Unless cylinder is removed, carbon
particles left on top of piston may cause damage
to rings and cylinder walls.
4. Carefully scrape all carbon from the cylinder, cylinder head
and piston. Pay particular attention to the intake and exhaust ports
( )L
in the cylinder and see that all carbon ts removed. Use care In re-
moving piston rings to scrape out ring grooves. Note that the rings
are pinned in position and must be replaced correctly or the
cylinder cannot be installed. Figure 15. Muffler Disassembly

36 37
Maintaining Your Harley- Davidson
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

position and bring rear end of muffler core down sharply against A. Drain the oil at the transmission case drain plug (2, figure
a block of wood (see figure 15). This will drive muffler core upward, 11). Then loosen the clamp screws on the gear shifter pedal
out of the muffler shell. and starter crank and pull them from the sleeve and shaft to
3. Soak muffler parts in carbon solvent, if available, and which they are clamped.
clean with a wire brush. Reassemble muffler making sure muffler B. Remove the five fillister head screws which secure the clutch
core is driven into muffler shell until small flare on large end of case cover to the crankcase and remove the cover, exposing
core contacts front end of shell. Reinstall the muffler assembly the clutch, engine sprocket, front chain and starter mech-
and exhaust pipe on the motorcycle. anism as shown in figure 16.


Do not alter the muffler in any way. The muffler

is designed to maintain the correct back pressure
and any change will affect engine performance.



The need for adjusting the clutch and controls will be in-
dicated by the clutch slipping under load or dragging in released
position. In either case, the first thing to check is the adjustment
of the control.
The clutch hand lever (2, figure 3) should have 1/8 to 1/4
of its travel as free movement before the clutch starts to dis-
engage. If it does not move in toward the handle bar 1/8 to 1/4
of its movement before there is a noticeable increase in tension,
loosen the clutch push rod adjusting screw lock nut (1, figure
20) and readjust the clutch push rod adjusting screw (2, figure 20)
with a screwdriver until the lever has the required free move-
ment. Turn the screw to the right for less free movement, to the
left for more free movement of the lever. When adjustment is
correct, retighten the lock nut. 1. Clutch Case Cover Gasket 6. Starter Spring
2. Front Drive Chain 7. Starter Crank
2. CLUTCH 3. Engine Sprocket 8. Gear Shifter Pedal
4. Clutch 9. Clutch Cover Hold Down
If the clutch does not hold after making the adjustment out- 5. Clutch Case Cover Screws
lined above, it must be taken apart for inspection of the discs.
The disc fabric facings may be worn, requiring replacement Figure 16. Clutch Case Cover Removed
of discs. When the clutch must be taken apart, it is advisable to
have it serviced at a Harley- Davidson service station where any C. Insert two clutch releasing disc studs (1, figure 17) (Harley-
needed new parts are at hand. If, however, it is impossible to Davidson part No. 37902-47) through the holes in the
take the motorcycle to a Harley-Davidson dealer, proceed as clutch spring plate and screw them into the threaded holes
directed on the following page .

.18 39
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

in the clutch pressure plate. Then turn the two compression E. Do not attempt to remove the clutch shell and sprocket
nuts (2, figure 17) down on the studs against the clutch or clutch hub. (In order to do this it is necessary to remove
spring plate to compress the clutch springs. the clutch hub, clutch shell and sprocket, the engine
sprocket and front chain all at the same time. A special
puller is required to do this and the operation should be
performed by your Harley-Davidson dealer).
F. Reassemble the clutch parts in the reverse order of
disassembly, taking care to see that the discs are placed
in the proper sequence.


Inspect adjustment of rear drive chain at intervals indicated
in "Servicing your Harley- Davidson", Part IV, or oftener if
necessary. No adjustment of the front chain, located inside
clutch housing, is required.
Adjust the chain so that it has about 1/2 inch free movement
up and down, midway between sprockets. Do not adjust tighter,
because running chains too tight is even more harmful than
running them too loose. As chains stretch and wear in service,
they will run tighter at one point on the sprocket than at another.
Always check adjustment at the tightest point.
Inspect the chain occasionally for links which may be in poor
condition or damaged. If any such links are found, make repairs
or replace the chain. The rear drive chain can be taken apart and
removed, after locating and taking out the spring-locked con-
necting link. The spring lock on this connecting link must be in-
stalled with the split end trailing the direction of chain travel.
1. Compression Studs 4. Steel Friction Discs The front chain is not provided with such a connecting link. There-
(Disassembly Only) 5. Fabric Faced Friction Discs fore, it is necessary to pull both the engine sprocket and clutch
2. Compression Nuts 6. Clutch Pressure Plate sprocket simultaneously in order to remove the chain. A special
(Disassembly Only) 7. Clutch Spring Plate puller is required to perform this operation and it therefore should
3. Spring Plate Retaining Ring 8. Clutch Shell and Sprocket be done by your Harley-Davidson dealer.
9. Clutch Hub At least every 750 miles lubricate the rear chain as directed
in Par. 3, Part IV.
Figure 17. Clutch Disassembled
A. Rear Chain Adjustment (See figure 20)
D. Remove the clutch spring plate retaining ring (3) and
carefully lift the clutch discs from the shell and hub. Do The rear chain is adjusted by moving the rear wheel back
not disassemble the clutch spring plate, clutch pressure to tighten the chain or forward to loosen the chain. To adjust,
plate, and springs unless it is necessary to replace some loosen the right and left rear axle nuts (9) and move the axle
of these parts. forward or back by means of adjusting nuts (8) on the axle adjusting

Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

stud at each end of the axle. Turn the nuts on each side exactly
the same number of turns to maintain the alignment of the wheel.
When the adjustment has been made, retighten the two axle
nuts and check the alignment of the wheel by noting that the tire
runs about midway between the rear frame tubes, and also that
the rear sprocket runs centrally in the chain. If alignment is
incorrect, readjust as necessary. After adjusting the rear chain,
the rear brake may be too tight. Readjust the rear brake as
necessary (See "Chassis", Par 2 B, Part V).

B. Chain Repair (See figure 18)

When necessary to repair a chain, remove the damaged links

by pushing out the riveted link pins with a chain repair tool and
fit the necessary repair links. The chain tool for making this
repair is included in the tool kit.

Figure 18. Repairing Drive Chain 1. Adjusting Sleeve Lower 5. Brake Operating Lever
Lock Nut 6. Operating Lever Slotted
2. BRAKES 2. Adjusting Screw Clevis Pin
3. Adjusting Sleeve Upper 7. Brake Side Plate
A. Front Brake Adjustment (See figure 19) Lock Nut 8. Speedometer Drive Cable
4. Brake Control Housing and 9. Speedometer Drive Grease
Readjust the front wheel brake whenever required. When properly Cable Fitting
adjusted, the hand lever will move freely about one quarter of its 10. Front Wheel Axle Nut
full movement before the brake starts to take effect. If adjusted
tighter, the brake may drag. To adjust, loosen lower lock nut (1) Figure 19. Front Wheel Brake Mechanism
on control adjusting screw (2) and turn the upper nut (3) down

42 43
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

to decrease the free movement of the hand lever or up to increase

the free movement of the hand lever. When free movement of the
hand lever is about one-quarter of its full movement, tighten lower
lock nut (1) securely.

B. Rear Brake Adjustment (See figure 20)

The rear wheel brake adjustment is made by means of a nut

(3) which may be adjusted to change the effective length of the
brake rod (4). The adjusting nut has a notch which fits against
the clevis pin in the operating lever (5). Thus, it is locked in
place on the rod, but may be turned up or backed off by half
turns, as required. Set the adjusting nut so that the brake does
not start to take effect until the foot pedal (6) is pushed downward
about 3/4 to l-inch. Turn the nut farther onto the rod to tighten
the brake; back it off to loosen the brake. Turn the rear wheel
to be sure the brake is not too tight and dragging.


A. Removing the Front Wheel (See figure 19)

Disconnect the front brake cable (4) at the front brake operating
lever (5) by removing the cotter pin, plain washer and slotted 1. Clutch Adjusting Screw 6. Rear Wheel Brake Foot
clevis pin (6). Remove the lower lock nut (1) on the control cable Lock Nut Pedal
adjusting screw (2) and pull control cable free of brake side plate 2. Clutch Adjusting Screw 7. Rear Chain Master
(7). Disconnect the speedometer drive cable (8) by removing the 3. Rear Wheel Brake Link
grease fitting (9) and pulUng the housing from its socket. The Adjusting Nut 8. Rear Wheel Adjusting Nuts-
speedometer drive gear is a slip fit on the end of the speedometer 4. Rear Wheel Brake Rod Right Side
cable. If it comes out with the cable, be careful to see that it is 5. Rear Wheel Brake 9. Rear Wheel Axle Nut -
not lost. Remove the axle nut (10) and lock washer and loosen the Operating Lever Right Side
left fork side axle pinch bolt. Lay the motorcycle on its right side
and remove the axle. The wheel can now be removed from the fork. Figure 20. Rear Wheel Brake Operating Mechanism
Reassemble the wheel in the reverse order of disassembly. Make
sure that the brake side plate torque pin in engaged with its anchor on tts left' side and remove the rear wheel. In reinstalling the
stud. rear wheel use care to slide the slot in the brake side cover on
to the anchor stud on the frame. Be sure to adjust the chain
B. Removing the Rear Wheel (See figure 20) properly and realign the wheel, as described in a previous para-
graph "Rear Chain Adjustment".
Disconnect the chain at the master link (7), and loosen the
rear wheel adjusting stud lock nuts (8). Disconnect the brake C. Wheel Hub Disassembly
rod (4) at the operating lever (5). Loosen the axle nuts (9) far
enough so that the rear wheel adjusting studs can be removed When it is necessary to disassemble the wheel hubs to permit
from the slots at the sides of the frame. Then lay the machine

Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

inspecting bearings or repacking with grease, remove the wheels CAUTION

as directed in the previous paragraphs. Wheel bearings should
be repacked at 5,000 mile intervals or sooner if motorcycle has Do not install extra lighting equipment other than
been used in competition or submerged in water. that approved and furnished by the factory. Doing
Remove the brake mechanism from the hub; take out the so will overload and is likely to damage the gen-
felt washer and retainer on the left hand side and unscrew the erator.
bearing retainer on the left hand side. The bearings of the rear
hub may then be removed by tapping against the axle from either 2. BULB CHART
side. The bearings of the front hub may then be removed by
driving them out from the opposite sides with a long shaft or The following chart gives the location and bulb requirements
offset punch. In reinstalling the axle bearings, be sure that the for your Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
shielded side of the bearing is placed on the outside, away from
the center of the hub. No. Bulbs Candle Power Harley- Davidson
Lamp Description Required or Wattage Part No.
Hi Beam 32 C.P.
Head Lamp Lo Beam 1 21 C.P. 67750-59
Care should be taken to keep tires properly inflated. See
Part I, "Facts about your Harley- Davidson", for correct tire Tail Lamp 3 C.P.
Tail Lamp Stop Lamp 1 21 C.P. 68165-47
inflation pressures. Do not over-inflate tires.

ELECTRICAL Accessories
Speedometer Light 1 1.5 C.P. 71090-47
1. HEADLAMP ADJUSTMENT Parking Light 68165-15
3 C.P.
The head lamp is of the pre-focused type and does not require Fender Light 1 2 C,P. 68462-49
focusing, but the beam must be adjusted for direction when re-
quired. To get the greatest efficiency from the lamp, and to meet
the requirements of law, make the following adjustments in a 3. WIRING DIAGRAM KEY (See figure 21)
darkened room or at night:
B. CONDUIT (Two wires) - - Red wire with black tracer from
A. Have the motorcycle standing on a level surface about 25 feet head lamp switch (27) to junction terminal #9 on coil (10);
away from and headed toward a wall or screen upon which a black wire from horn button (7) to junction terminal #25
horizontal line exactly the same height as the lamp center has on coil.
been drawn. The motorcycle must be resting on both wheels C. CONDUIT (Four wires) -- Red wire from horn (19) to switch
and the front wheel must be in straight-ahead alignment. terminal # 1 through "G"; green wire from junction terminal
Block up the motorcycle so that it stands straight up. #18 to switch terminal #4 through "G"; yellow wire from
B. Turn on the ignltlon-light switch and setthe handle bar toggle horn (19) to junction terminal #25 on coil (10); black wire
switch in the upper-beam posltlon. Check the beam for height. from junction terminal #17 to positive terminal on coil (10),
The top of the main beam of light should register on the wall D. CONDUIT (Four wires) - - Red wire from generator terminal
or screen even with, but not higher than, the horizontal line #15 to "Gen" terminal on voltage regulator (12); green
mentioned above. wire from generator terminal #16 to "F" terminal on
C. After loosening the clamp nut b!'lhind the lamp bracket, the voltage regulator (12); yellow wire from ground terminal
lamp can be tilted up or down to properly aim it in relation #14 to voltage regulator (12) mounting bracket. Black wire
to the horizontal line and at the same time can be turned right from circuit breaker terminal #13 to junction terminal #17.
or left to direct the beam of light straight ahead.

46 47
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

E. CONDUIT (Two wires) - - Green wire from junction terminal

#18 to tail lamp (23). Red wire from stop lamp switch (22)
to tail lamp (23) through "H".
F. CONDUIT (Three wires) - - Red wire from horn (19) to
switch terminal #1 through "C"; yellow wire from horn
7 (19) to junction terminal #25 on coil (10) through "C";
red wire from horn (19) to stop lamp switch (22). From
other horn· terminal red wire to positive battery terminal #20.
G. CONDUIT (Four wires) -- Red wire from switch terminal
#1 to horn (19) through "C"; green wire from switch ter-
minal #4 to junction terminal #18 through "C"; yellow wire
from switch terminal #2 to junction terminal #9 on coil (10).
Black wire from switch terminal #5 to negative coil terminal.
H. CONDUIT (One wire) -- Stop light red wire from tail lamp
(23) to stop light switch (22).
1. Switc)l Terminal - - Red wire through "G" and "C" to
horn (19).
2. Switch Terminal -- Yellow wire through "G" to junction
terminal #9 on coil (10).
3. Switch Terminal - - Not used with standard equipment.
4. Switch Terminal -- Green wire through "G" and "C" to
[ID junction terminal #18.
5. Switch Terminal - - Black wire through "G" to negative
terminal on coil (10).
6. Headlamp -- Red wire, green wire, from headlamp via
connectors (29 and 30) to handlebar head lamp switch (27).
7. Horn Button - - Black wire through "B" to junction ter-
minal #25 on coil (10). 11 motorcycle is equipped with rubber
mounted handlebars, add green wire to ground at front brake
cable housing upper clip screw.
8, Terminal Plate - - Mounted on ignition coil.
9. Junction Terminal - - Red wire with black tracer through
"B" to handlebar head lamp switch (27); yellow wire through
"G" to switch terminal #2.
10. Ignition Coil - - Black wire from negative terminal through
@Xr) RED WITH YELLOW TRACER "G" to switch terminal #5; black wire from positive ter-
minal through "C" to junction terminal #17.
@GREEN @XID RED WITH BLACK TRACER 11. Generator and Circuit Breaker -- See items 13, 14, 15
@BLACK @B) BLACK WITH RED TRACER and 16 for explanation.
{!)YELLOW 12. Voltage Regulator -- Green wire from "F" terminal to fuse
Letters In identify cables ond conduit housed wires (28), through "D" to generator terminal #16, red wire from
"Gen" terminal through "D" to generator terminal #15;
Figure 21. Wiring Diagram

Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

red wire from "Bat" terminal to positive terminal of

battery #20; yellow wire from moWlting bracket groWld wire with yellow tracer via connector (30) to headlamp red
terminal through "D" to ground terminal i#14; black wire wire; red wire with black tracer through conduit "B" to
from mounting bracket ground terminal to negative battery jWlction terminal 119 on coil (10).
terminal #21. 28. Fuse
13. Circuit Breaker Terminal - - Black wire through "D" to 29. Connector
junction terminal 1#17. 30. Connector
14. Ground Terminal -- Yellow wire through "D" to voltage
regulator (12) mounting bracket ground terminal.
15. Generator Terminal -- Red wire through "D" to "Gen"
terminal of voltage regulator (12).
16. Generator Terminal -- Green wire through "D" to fuse (28),
to "F" terminal of voltage regulator (12).
17. Junction Terminal - - On rear mud guard (24) black wire
through "C" to positive terminal on coll (10); black wire
through "D" to circuit breaker terminal #13.
18. JWlction Terminal -- On rear mud guard (24) -- Green
wire through "C" and "G" to switch terminal 1#4; green
wire through "E" to tail lamp (23).
19. Horn - - Red wire through "F" to battery positive terminal
H20, red wire through "F" and "C" and "G" to switch terminal
111; red wire to stop light switch from one horn terminal;
yellow wire through "F" and "C" to jWlction terminal 1125
from other horn terminal.
20. Battery Positive Terminal -- Red wire through "F" to horn
(19) terminal; red wire to "Bat" terminal on voltage regulator.
21. Battery Negative Terminal - - Black wire to voltage regu-
lator (12) mountlng bracket ground terminal.
22. Stop Lamp Switch - - Red wire through "H" and "E" to tail
lamp (23); red wire to horn (19) terminal.
23. Tail and Stop Lamp - - Green wire through "E" to junction
terminal 1118; red wire through "E" and "H" to stop light
switch (22}.
24. Rear Mudguard -- Terminals 17 and 18 installed on front
end of mudguard are insulated from guard.
25. Junction Terminal - - (On terminal plate (8)) - - Black wire
through "B" to horn button (7); yellow wire through "C" and
"F" to horn (19) terminal.
26. Ignition-Light Switch -- See items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for ex-
27. Headlamp "Hi" and "Low" Beam Switch -- Black wire with
red tracer via connector (29) to headlamp green wire; red

50 51
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This Spare Parts catalog has been prepared for your convenience
when ordering parts for Models 125, 165 and Hummer. These parts
have been listed in assembly breakdown sequence and line drawings
have been used to show these breakdowns. Consult these illustrations
when ordering spare parts so you are sure to get just what you want.

The following instructions should be followed very carefully when

ordering spare parts:
1. Specify the correct part number on each item.

2. Part-Numbers are to be used when ordering by TELEGRAM or


3. When ordering parts use our standard parts order blanks. The
use of these blanks will enable us to fill and ship your order
more promptly. These blanks are furnished free of charge upon

4. Do not order motorcycles or advertising matter on Parts Order

Blanks. Write nothing on the order blank except the order itself,
as any other correspondence will not be answered until the
order is shipped and billed.
5. Freight, Express cmd Parcel Post orders should be on separate
order blanks.
6. For you own records, number cm.d date all orders, also keep a
carbon copy for reference in case of misunderstanding.

All prices are subject to be increased by the a:lllount of any Excise
Taxes or Duties levied by the Government on these items. We carry
accounts on our ledgers only with regularly appointed dealers. All
orders received from others must be accompanied by cash in full.
Remit by money order or bank draft. Personal checks are not accepted.
All prices subject to change without notice.
Page Page
Accessories ............................... 42 JiHy Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Air Cleaner 8 Luggage Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Ammeter ................................. 40 Magneto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Auxiliary Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Battery ................................... 34 MuHlers ............................... 34
Buddy Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Rear Brake ................................ 16
Chains ................................... 15 Rear Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chain Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Rims ..................................... 18
Clutch .................................... 13 Saddle .................................. 26
Clutch Control Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Safety Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Connecting Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Spark Coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Crankcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spark Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Exhaust Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Splash Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Fenders .................................. 31 Spokes ................................... 18
Fender Lamp .............................. 37 Sprockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Flywheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Starter Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Footrests .................................. 24 Switches .................................. 40
Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Tail Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Front Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Tanks ..........................· ........... 32
Front Brake Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Tele-Glide Fork ............................ 22
Front Fork- Old Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Tools .................................... 42
Front Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Tool Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Handlebars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Voltage Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Headlamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Windshield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Hom ..................................... 37 Wiring ................................... 38


Motor- Cylinder- Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Buddy Seat and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Flywheels- Shafts -Connecting Rod . . . . . . 3 Luggage Carrier ........................... 29
Crankcase and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Handlebars ............................... 29
Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Windshield Parts ......................... 30
Air CleCIIler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fenders and Chain Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Magneto and Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tanks and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Generator and Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tool Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Spark Coil and Spark Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 MuHler and Exhaust Pipe ................... 34
Starter and Transmission Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Battery and Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Clutch and Clutch Control Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Speedometer and Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Chain and Sprocket Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Head Lamp and Tail Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Rear Wheel and Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Front Fender Lamp and Parts .............. 37
Rims and Spokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Hom and Parts ............................ 37
Front Wheel and Front Brake Group . . . . . . . . . 18 Wiring ................................... 38
Front Brake Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Front Fork Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ammeter and Fittings ...................... 40
TeleMGlide Fork . . . . . . . . .................. 22 Voltage Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Auxiliary Seat and Footrests ................ 41
Safety Guard and Splash Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Available Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
JiHy Stand and Footrests .................... 24 Tools ..................................... 42
Saddle and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Miscellaneous Common Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Part No. Price Each NAME Used On





0 16773-47

0 22580..50 16?66-46

16050-55 $216.00 Motor with transmission & dutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer

16051·53A Motor with transmission & clutch (Replaced by 16051-53B)
16051·53B 262.00 Motor with transmission & dutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
2795 .IS Motor mounting bolt (ll;ie") (3) . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 48 to 57
1414 .10 Motor mounting bolt 0%") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
1688 .OS Mounting bolt nut (4) . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
16525-55 23.00 Cylinder ....................................................... · 55 to 57-Hummer
16521-47 23.00 Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
16521-53 Cylinder (Replaced by 16S27-53A)
16521-53A 24.00 Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
16600-55 •15 Cylinder stud (2) .............•................................ 55 to 57-Hummer
16645-47 .3S Cylinder to carburetor bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 52-S
16645-53 .25 Cylinder to carburetor insulator ............................... . 53-ST
16645-54 .35 Cylinder to carburetor bushing . . . . . . ....... . 54 to 57-ST
16652-47 7.00 Cylinder head .............................................. . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
16652~53 7.00 Cylinder bead ........................................ . 53 to 57-ST
16765-47 .15 Cylinder head gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
16765-53 .15 Cylinder bead gasket . . .. . .. .. . . .. ... . ..... .... . .... 53 to 57-ST
16766-48 4.9S Set of motor gaskets & oil seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
Consists of:
1 16765-47 .IS Cylinder head gasket 23787-47A .IS Oil seal gasket
1 16773-47 .OS Cylinder base gasket 25411-47 .40 Clutch cover gasket
23743-47 1.00 Sprocket shaft oil seal 35150-47 1.80 Main drive gear oil seal
23780-47 1.50 Generator shaft oil seal 3Sl70-47 .15 Oil seal gasket

Part No. Price Eczch. NAME Used On


16766-53 - · S 5.25 Set of motor gaskets & oil seals 53 to 57-ST
Consists of:
] 16765-53 .15 Cylinder head gasket 1 25411-47 .40 Clutch & front chain cover gasket
1 16773-53 .15 Cylinder base gasket 2 27413-53 .10 Carburetor gasket
1 23743-47 1.00 Flywheel sprocket shaft oil seal 1 21413-54 .10 Carburetor gasket
23780-47 1.50 Generator shaft oil seal 1 35150-47 1.80 Main drive gear oil seal
1 23787-47A .15 Generator shaft oil seal gasket 1 35170-47 .15 Main drive gear oil seal gasket
16766-55 4.75 Set of motor gaskets & oil seals 55 to 57-Hummer
Consists of:
1 16765-47 .15 Cylinder head gasket 35150-47 1.80 Main drive gecr oil seal
1 16173-47 .OS Cylinder base gasket 35170-47 .15 Main drive gear oil seal gasket
1 23743--47 1.00 Flywheel sprocket shaft oil seal 237S7-47A .15 Generator & magneto shaft oil seal
1 23781-55 1.50 Magneto oil seal & retainer gasket
1 25411-47 .40 Clutch cover gasket
16773-47 .05 Cylinder base gasket ....................... . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
16773-53 .15 Cylinder base gasket .................. . 53 to 57-ST
22001-47 8.65 Piston with rings & pin-Std ............... . 48 & 49-S
Above piston supplied in oversizes below:
22002-47 8.65 Piston assembly-.005" 0. S. 22005-47 8.65 Piston assembly-.020" 0. S.
22003-47 8.65 Piston assembly-.010" 0. S.
22001-SOA 8.65 Piston with rings & Pir-Std ............... . 50. to 52-S. 55 to 57-Hummer
Above piston supplied in oversizes below: .J.
22002-50A 8.65 Piston assembly-.005" aS. 22006-50 8.65 Piston assembly-.030" 0. S.
22003--50A 8.65 Piston assembly-.010" 0. S. 22007-50 8.65 Piston assembly-.040" 0. S.
22005-50A 8.65 Piston assembly-.020" 0. S. 22008-50 8.65 Piston assembly-.050" 0. S.
22001-53 9.20 Piston with rings & piil.-Std. . . . . . . ...... . 53 to 57-ST
Above piston supplied in oversizes below: . .:
22002-53 9.20 Piston assembly-.005" '0. ~- 22006-53 9.20 Piston c:ssembly-.030" 0. S.
22003-53 9.20 Piston assembly-.010" 0-!S. 22007-53 9.20 Piston assembly-.040" 0. S.
22005-53 9.20 Piston assembly-.020" 0. S.
22340--47 .50 Piston ring-Std. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
Above piston rings supplied in oversizes listed below:
22342-47 .50 Piston ring-.005" 0. S. 22347-48 .so Piston ring-.030" 0. S.
22344-47 .SO Pis~on ring-.010" 0. S. 22348-48 •50 Piston ring-.040" 0. S .
22346-47 .SO Piston ring-.020" 0. S. 22349-48 •50 Piston ring-.050" 0. S .
22340-53 .SO Piston ring-Std. (2) _. .......................................... . 53 to 57-ST
Above piston rings supplied in oversizes below:
22342-53 .50 Piston ring-.005" 0. S. 22347-53 .so Piston ring-.030" 0. S.
22344-53 .50 Piston ring-.010" 0. S. 22348-53 .50 Piston ring-.040" 0. S .
22346-53 .50 Piston ring-.020" 0. S.
22580-47 .15 Piston pin lock ring ......... ~ ........................... . 48 & 49-S
22580-50 .15 Piston pin lock ring (2} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 50 to 57
22586-47 1.00 Piston pin-Std ............................................... . 48 &49-S
22587-47 1.00 Piston pin-.002" 0. S. . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 48 & 49-S
22586-50A 1.00 Piston pin-Std ............................................ . 50 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
22587-50 1.00 Piston pin-.002" 0. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
22586-53 1.00 Piston pin-Std................................................ . 53 to 57-ST
24571-47 .40 Cylinder & head stud (4) ...................................... . 48 to 52-S. 55 to 57-Hummer
7675 .OS Cylinder head stud nut (4) . . . .............................. . 48 'to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
6227 .OS Cylinder head stud washer (4) ........................... . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
1753 .05 Cylinder head stud nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST


23700-47 $41.00 Set flywheels with shafts & connecting r9d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 & 49-S
23700-50 41.00 Set flywheels with shafts & connecting rod . 50-S
23700-51 41.00 Set flywheels with shafts & connecting rod ..................... . 51 & 52-S
23700-53 41.00 Set flywheels with shafts & connecting rod .................... . 53 to 57-ST
23700-55 38..50 Set flywheels with shafts & connecting rod . . . . . . . . ......... . 55 to 57-Hummer
23722-50 12..75 Flywheel & plate {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 48 to 52-S
23722·53 14.00 Flywheel & plate (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 53 to 57
23730-47 •60 Flywheel plate (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 57
23735-47 Sprocket shaft-Lt. (Replaced by 23735-41A)
23735-47A 3.50 Sprocket shaft-Lt. ............................................ . 48 to 57
23738-47 Generator shaft-Rt. (Replaced by 23738-47 A)
23738-47A 3.00 Generator shaft-Rt. ............ . 48 to 57-S & ST
23739-55 3.20 Magneto shaft . . 55 to 57-Hummer
23741-47 .15 Shaft bearing shim (3 to 8) 48 to 55-S & ST
6760 •10 Shaft bearing shim (3 to 8) . . . . .... 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
9008 2..40 Flywheel shaft bearing (3) 48 to 57
23743-47 1.00 Sprocket shaft oil seal . . . . . .... 48 to 57
23745-47 .20 Oil seal spring ring . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57
23749-47 1.65 Sprocket shaft oil sec:l retainer 48 to 57
23750-47 2..80 Oil seal & retainer 48 to 57

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


-- -- -----

.... 2.:57oo-ss
__ _
... -
--- -- --



23780-47 $ 1.50 Generator shaft oil seal cemplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57-S & ST
23781-55 1.50 Magneto shaft oil seal & retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 55 to 57-Hummer
23785-48 1.00 Magneto & generator shaft oil seal only ....................... . 48 to 57
23787-47 Oil seal gasket (Replaced by 23787-47A)
23787-47A .15 Oil seal gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57
1713 .03 Oil seal screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
23985-18 .05 Sprocket shaft key ......... - . . ............................... . 48 to 57
24200-48 15.95 Connecting rod & crank pin assembly ........................ . 48 & 49-S
24200-50 15.95 Connecting rod & aank pin assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 50-S
24200-51 15.95 Connecting rod & crank pin assembly ....................... . 51 & 52-S
24200-53 15.95 Connecting rod & aank pin assembly . . . . . . . . ......... . 53 to 57
24201-47 11.50 Connecting rod with bushing . . . . . . . . ... ·- .............. . 48 & 49-S
24201-SQ 11.50 Connecting rod with bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-S
24201-Sl Connecting rod & bearing complete (Replaced by 24201-54)
24201-54 11.50 Connecting rod & bearing complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57
24221-51 1.80 Piston pin needle bearing ..................................... . 51 to 57
24222-47 .60 Piston pin bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 48 & 49-S
24222-SQ .90 Piston pin bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 50-S
24251-47 2.95 Crank pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 52-S
24251-53 !.SCI Crank pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 53 to 57
24250-53 1.90 Crank pin-.002" 0. S. . . . . . .................... . 53 to 57
24252-48 2.95 Crank pin-.002" 0. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 52-S
9201 .15 Crank pin roller-Std. (12) ......... . 48 to 57
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9202 .IS Crank pin roller-.0002" 0. S. 9205 .15 Crank pin roller-.0008" 0. S.
9203 .15 Crank pin roller-.0004" 0. S. 9206 .IS Crank pin roller-.001" 0. S.
9204 .15 Crank pin roller-.0006" 0. S.
24270-48 .40 Crank pin bearing washer (2) 48 to 52-S
6760 .10 Crank pin bearing washer .............................. . 53 to 57-ST

24495-4? $59.00 Set crankcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S

24495-53 61.00 Set crankcases ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
24496-55 57.00 Set crankcases 55 to 57-Hummer
24502-48 27.50 Right crankcase . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
24502-53 27.50 Right crankcase 53 to 57-ST
24502-55 27.50 Right crankcase 55 to 57-Hummer
24507-48 30.00 Left crankcase 48 to 52-S
24507-53 31.00 Left crankcase . . . ... 53 to 57-ST
24507-55 29.50 Lett crankcase .. 55 to 57-Hummer
Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



r ~,.0....
27800·S3 . . ~



1375 $ .OS Crankcase clamp screw (lt}s") ..................... . 48 to 57

1414 •10 Crankcase clamp screw (1 %'') ................... . 48 to 57
24571-47 •40 Crankcase cylinder stud (4) ................... . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
7675 •05 Cylinder head stud nut . . . . . . ............ . 48 to 52-S. 55 to 57-Hummer
248ll-53 •40 Crankcase cylinder stud (4) ....................... . 53 to 57-ST
7753 .OS Cylinder head stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 53 to 57-ST
24573-47 •30 Right crankcase tubular dowel (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 48 to 57
24574-47 •30 Left crankcase tubular dowel . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57
24577-47 .OS Left crankcase dowel pin 48 to 57
24583-51 2.50 Right crankcase bushing . . . . . . ............... . 51 to 57
25406-47 8.75 Clutch & front chain cover ....... . 48 to 57
254ll-47 •40 Clutch cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57
25451-47 .25 Clutch cover front screw (3") (2) . . . . ......... . 48 to 57
25453-47 .25 Clutch cover center screw (2o/tc") (2) 48 to 57
1414 .10 Clutch cover rear screw . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
25700-47 7.15 Generator & sprocket cover ........ . 48 to 57-S & ST
25700-55 12.25 Magneto cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 55 to 57-Hummer
1414 •10 Generator sprocket & magneto cover screw . . . . . . ............ . 48 to 57
25705-47 .60 Generator inspection cover . . . ... . ...... .. 48 to 57
25710-47 .10 Inspection cover insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57
1050 .03 Inspection cover screw (2) 48 to 57
25711-55 .10 Magneto cut-out pin ............ . 55 to 57-Hummer
25712-55 .20 Magneto cut-out spring 55 to 57-Hummer
25715-47 .25 Generator cover grease fitting ... 48 to 57

27145-55 Carburetor (Replaced by 27145-SSA)
27145-SSA $ 9.50 Carburetor ........ . 55 to 57-Hur.;,mer
27150-53 Carburetor with restricted orifice (Replaced by 27150-53A)
27150-SSA 16.00 Carburetor with restricted orifice 53 to 57-ST






Part No. Price Eac:h NAME Used On


--r- 27721·55




27151-47 $16.00 Carburetor less air cleaner ................................ . 48 to 52-S

27151-53 Carburetor less air cleaner (Replaced by 271Sl-53A)
27151-53A 16.00 Carburetor less air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 53 to 57-ST
27412-55 •65 Carburetor insulating block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 55 to 57-Hummer
27413-53 .10 Carburetor gasket (2} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-ST
27413-54 .10 Carburetor gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-ST
2741-3-55 . 10 Carburetor gasket (2) . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 55 to 57-Hummer
27451-53 .40 Carburetor orifice plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 53 & 54-ST
27451-54 •40 Carburetor orifice plate ....................................... . 55 to 57-ST
27500-47 5.50 Carburetor body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... . 48 to 52-S
27500-53 Carburetor body (Replaced by 27500-53A)
27500-53A 6.50 Carburetor body & bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
27505-47 2.85 Float bowl cover complete .................................... . 48 to 52-S
27505.53 2.85 Float bowl cover complete ................................... . 53 to 57-ST
27506-.47 1.10 Float bowl cover only .............................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
27509-47 .20 Bowl cover screw (2) ....................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
27520-47 1.00 Floc:t valve seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 57-S & ST
27525-47 •so Floc:t primer pin . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 48 to 52-S
27525-53 •so Float primer pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 53 to 57-ST
27527-47 .30 Float primer spring .......................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
27528-47 •OS Float primer cotter pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57-S & ST
27535-47 1.50 Float ............... - .......................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
27536-47 •75 Float valve . . . .... ...... . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57-S & ST
27570-47 1.50 Throttle piston cap complete . . . . . . . .............. . 48 to 52-S
27570-53 1.50 Throttle piston cap complete .................... . 53 to 57-ST
27575-47 2.30 Throttle piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 48 to 52-S
27575-53 2.50 Throttle piston . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 53 to 57-ST
27577-47 1.00 Throttle piston cap only . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 52-S
27577-53 1.00 Throttle piston cap only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 53 to 57-ST
27580-47 .35 Throttle piston spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 48 to 57-S & ST
27582-47 .40 Throttle piston guide screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 57-S & ST
27584-47 .40 Throttle piston cap screw ... 48 to 57-S & ST
27586-47 .20 Throttle piston cap screw nut . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57-S & ST
21612-47 1.50 Metering pin only . . . .............. . 48 to 52-S
27612-53 2.00 Metering pin only . . . .................................... . 53 to 57-ST
27614-53 Metering pin retainer (Replaced by 27614-47)
27614-47 .35 Metering pin retainer .......................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
27620-47 .60 Metering jet 48 to 52-S
27620-53 .60 Metering jet 53 to 57-ST

Part No. Price Each ·NAME Used On

27650-47 s 2.75 & holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
27650-53 2.75 Noz.:le & holder . . . . . . . . . . ....... 53 to 57-ST
27654-47 .05 Nozzle holder gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57-S & ST
27660-47 .55 Carburetor attaching screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
16645-47 .35 Carburetor attaching bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
16645-53 .25 Carburetor attaching bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-ST
16645-54 .35 Carburetor attaching bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-ST
27665~53 .55 Carburetor insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
652 .OS Carburetor channel Welch plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 55 to 57-Hummer
27670-SS .15 Choke friction pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27671-55 .15 Choke friction pin spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27672-55 .90 Choke shaft & lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27673-55 .40 Choke shutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . 55 to 57-Hummer
254SW .10 Choke shutter screw & lock washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27675-55 .10 Flange gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27680-55 1.00 Carburetor float . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27681-55 .15 Float lever pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 to 57-Hummer
27682-55 1.20 Float bowl cover . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... ........... ... . 55 to 57-Hummer
106SW .10 Bowl cover screw & lock washer (3) .. .. .. .. .. .. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27683-55 .10 Float bowl cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27688-55 .so Carburetor idle adjusting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hi.lmmer
27689-55 .10 Idle adjusting screw spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57 -Hummer
2546W .07 Idle speed regulating screw . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27691-55 .10 Idle speed regulating screw spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27692-55 .65 Carburetor idle tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 tq_ 57-Hummer
27693-55 1.85 Inlet needle, spring, seat & gasket ............................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
27694-55 .05 Inlet .seat gasket . . . . . . . . . . ................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
27699-55 .65 Main adjusting screw ....................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
27700-SS .10 Main adjusting screw peeking ................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27701-55 •40 Main adjusting screw peeking nut ............................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27702-55 .75 Carburetor nozzle ............................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27703-55 .05 Nozzle gasket . . . . ..................................... . 55 to 57-H'!J,mmer
27706-57 .15 Throttle shaft spring ........................................... . 57-Hummer
27707-57 •15 Throttle shaft seal ............................................. . 57-Hummer
27708-55 1.10 Throttle shaft ......................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
27709-55 .OS Throttle shaft retaining dip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 55 to 57-Hummer
27710-55 •so Throttle lever & swivel ........................................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
27711-55 .30 Throttle lever ................................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
2540 .02 Throttle lever retaining screw ................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27712-55 .10 Throttle lever retaining washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27713-55 .30 Throttle stop lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
27714-55 •40 Throttle shutter .............................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
254SW .10 Shutter screw & lock washer (2) .............................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27715-55 .30 Throttle wire connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 55 to 57-Hummer
27716-55 ·.os Throttle wire connection retaining clip washer ................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
997 .02 Throttle wire retaining screw .................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27721·55 .45 Gasket & packing set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
27722-55 5.25 Repair parts kit .............................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
27800-53 3.80 Carburetor eover-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 53 to 57-ST
27801-53 3.80 Carburetor eover-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 53 to 57-ST
27803-53 .10 Carburetor cover screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 53 to 57-ST

29004-47 Air cleaner (Replaced by 29004-47 A)
29004-47A $4.25 Air cleaner ....................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
29004-53 Air cleaner (Replaced by 29004-47 A)
29005-55 3.50 Air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
2663 •03 Air cleaner screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 to 57-Hummer
29015-47 •40 Air cleaner clamp complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
29024-53 •95 Air cleaner end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ......... . . . 53 to 57-ST
29027-53 1.00 Air cleaner body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 53 to 57-ST
29036-53 .90 Air cleaner filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 53 to 57-ST
29036-55 1.30 Air cleaner filter unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
29037-53 .25 Air cleaner filter screen (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 53 to 57-ST
29037-55 .25 Air cleaner screen (large) .................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
29038-55 .25 Air cleaner screen (small) . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
29040-55 •40 Air cleaner screen retaining ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 55 to 57-Hummer
2663 .03 Air cleaner screw (2) ............. . 55 to 57-Hummer
29041-53 •10. Air cleaner spring stud .................. . 53 to 57-ST
29045-53 .95 Air cleaner valve 53 to 57-ST
6247 •OS Air cleaner spring washer ..... 53 to 57-ST

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



29580-55 l

29578-55 i \



29501-55 $35.00 Magneto ..................................................... . 55 to 57..:.-Hummer

29539-55 •10 Magneto cable grommet (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
29570-55 5.25 Magneto mounting flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 to 57-Hummer
29571-55 15.75 Magneto rotating magnet ..................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
29572-55 2.85 Magneto cam ................................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
29574-SS 6.90 Magneto coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 55 to 57-Hummer
29575-55 6.90 Magneto lighting coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 55 to 57-Hummer
29577-55 .10 Magneto coil core c:lamp (4) . . . . . . .............. . 55 to 57-Hummer
29578-55 1.60 Magneto condenser ......................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
29580..55 2..30 Magneto breaker contact assembly ............................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
29581-55 •OS Magneto lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 55 to 57-Hummer
29582-55 •15 Magneto primary connector to contact nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
29583-55 .06 Magneto plain washer ........................................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
29584-55 .06 Magneto screw & lock washer (3) .............................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
29585-55 .10 Magneto high tension lead clamp ............................. . 55 to 57-;-Hummer
29586-55 .06 Magneto screw & lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 55 to 57-Hummer
29587-55 1.00 Magneto high tension lead .................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
29588-55 •40 Magneto high tension connector coil insulator .................. . 55 to 57-Hummer


30000-47A $54.50 Generator complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
30000-50 Generator complete (Replaced by 30000-47 A)
30010-47 •30 Generator frame mounting screw (2) .......... . 48 to 57-S & ST
30015-47 .25 Armature mounting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 48 to 57-S & ST
30020-47 2.75 Circuit breaker cam ................................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
30100-47A Generator frame complete (Replaced by 30100-47B)
30100-47B 33.90 Generator fram.e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
30101-48 Generator frame with field coils & pole shoes (Replaced by 30101-50)
30101-50 25.50 Generator frame with field coils & pole shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
30200-48 2.40 Field coil-south :pole (3) . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . 48 & 49-S
30200-50 2.40 Field coil-south :pole (3) ......... 50 to 57-S & ST
30211-48 2.40 Field coil-north pole (3) .... .. . . .... 48 & 49-S
30211-50 2.40 Field coil-north pole (3) 50 to 57-S & ST
30227-47 .05 Field coil wire grommet .......... ... .. 48 to 57-S & ST
30269-47 1.10 Pole shoe (6) .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. 48 & 49-S

Pcut No. Pric:e Each NAME Used On


30404-5 .
30407-50 ~ 8310 _,:;;:;

~:~=~~· ~
30404-50 \ cP
30407-50 8310
.._:. 41

. 30350-50

30~380-50.· (/
.:· 831 I
0 :·
~ 30407-50 I
/30404-50 I

/ ~30021:>-47 3.2660-47


3000D-47A CPT

30269-50 s 1.10 Pole shoe (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 50 to 57-S & ST

30350-47 1.10 Brush holder assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 48 & 49-S
30350-50 2.40 Brush holder assembly ........................................ . 50 to 57-S & ST
8310 .02 Brush holder rivet (5) ......................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
30380-47 Generator brush (Replaced by 30380-50)
30380-50 .60 Generator brush (4) ........................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
30400-47 .25 Brush spring clip (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57-S & ST
30404-47 Brush spring (Replac:ec by 30404-48)
30404-48 .10 Brush spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 & 49-S
30404-50 •10 Brush spring (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 50 to 57-S & ST
904 .02 Brush wire ground screw . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
30407-50 .30 Generator brush spring insulator (4) ........................... . 50 to 57-S & ST
30501-47 1.75 Circuit breaker plate, less points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S 6 ST
30505-47 .20 Circuit breaker pivot pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 48 to 57-S & ST
30507-47 .20 Breaker point adjusting eccentric: screw . . . . ................... . 48 to 57-S 6 ST
30511-47 .10 Terminal screw ring (bushing) ................................ . 48 to '57-S & ST
30524-47 •OS Circuit breaker plate screw (2) ................................ . 48 to 57-S & ST
6051 .OS Circuit breaker plate screw washer (4} ................... . 48 to 57-S 6 ST
2635 •03 Circuit breaker plate terminal screw ........................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
7608 .02 Circuit breaker plate terminal screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57-S & ST
6179 .OS Terminal screw fibre washer . . . . . . ........... . 48 to 57-S & ST
30605-48 1.10 Set contact points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 48 to 57-S & ST
Consists of:
1 32660-47 .45 Contact point & support 1 32661-47 .65 Breaker lever

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


920 s .03 Terminal plate screw (2} ...................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
7560 .02 Terminal plate screw nut (4) . . . . . ........................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
6051 .OS Terminal plate screw washer (4) ............................ . 48 to 57-S & ST
30750-47 .40 Oil wiper arm .. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57-S & ST
8309 •02 Oil wiper arm rivet ............................................ . 48 to 57-S & ST
32669-47 •OS Breaker point locking screw .................................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
32726-47 •10 Condenser .................................................... . 49 to 57-S & ST
32731-47 .30 Condenser bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 48 to 57-S & ST
1047 .03 Condenser screw ............. . 48 to 57-S & ST
30900-47 Armature (Replaced by 30900-50)
30900-50 25.75 Armature ....... . 48 to 57-S & ST
23985-18 .OS Armature key ...................... . 48 to 57-S & ST


31600-47 s 6.90 Spark coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
31610-53 1.80 Coil mounting bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
1240 .10 Coil mounting bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
31612-47 .35 Coil nipple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
47330-47 1.20 Coil hanger bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
47331-50 .20 Coil hanger bracket spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 52-S
4000 .15 Coil hanger bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
1752 .OS Coil hanger bracket bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
7634 .OS Low tension terminal nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
31617-47A 1.00 Spark plug cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
31620-47 .10 Spark plug cable terminal (coil end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
31755-53 .6S Coil terminal plate assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
2632 .03 Terminal plate bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
7115 .01 Terminal plate washer (2) ............................. __ ..... _. 53 to 57-ST
7608 .02 Terminal plate nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
32049-27 .10 Spark plug terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 54-S & ST
32301-47 1.2S Spark plug-No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
32303-47 1.25 Spark plug-No. 3 .............. _... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
32305-48 1.25 Spo:rk plug-No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
32342-42 .OS Spark plug gasket ... .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . 48 to 57


33064-47 s 3.50 Starter crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ .... _.. . 48 to 57-S & S'T
33064-55 3.25 Starter crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 55 to 57-Hummer
3860 .10 Crank clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 48 to 57
7695 .OS Crank clamp bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
33072-47 .45 Crank rubber ................................................. . 48 to 57
33500-47 2.50 Starter ratchet (on clutch sprocket) ............................ . 48 to 53-S & ST
33502-47 Starter ratchet gear (Replaced by 33502-47A)
33502-47A 5.40 Starter ratchet gear .......................................... . 48 to 57
33504-47 .40 Starter ratchet spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 57
33506-47 .20 Spring collar lock ring ........................................ . 48 to 57
33508-47 .25 Ratchet spring collar .......................... . 48 to 57
33530-47 Starter sector gear (Replaced by 3353Q..47B)
33530-41B Starter sector gear ............ . 48 to 57

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On









33534-47 s 1.20 Starter spring ................................................. . 48 to 57

33536-47 .so Starter spring plate ........................................... . 48 to 57
33540-47 5.50 Starter shaft .................................................. . 48 to 57
33542-47 .20 Starter shaft thrust washer .................................... . 48 to 57
33544-47 .20 Starter shaft shim ............................................. . 48 to
33546-47 .25 Starter shaft spring washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 48 57
34328-47 3.10 Gear shifter ratchet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 48 to 57
34345-47 •70 Shifter ratchet bracket ........................................ . 48 to 57
3787 .10 Ratchet bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 57
34348-47 .20 Ratchet bracket bolt lock washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 48 to 57
34350-47 Ratchet spring (Replaced by 34353-53)
34352-47 .15 Ratchet spring collar (2) ...................................... . 48 to 57
34353-53 .35 Gear shifter ratchet spring & pin .............................. . 48 to 57
34361-47 Ratchet spring pin (Replaced by 34353-53)
34363-47 .10 Ratchet spring key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57
34375-47 .70 Ball retainer (cylinder) ........................................ . 48 to 57
34379-47 .10 Ball retainer washer .......................................... . 48 to 57
34381-47 .20 Ball spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57
8860 .03 ~tG" Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 48 to 57
34401-47 1.65 Gear indicator inner arm complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57-S & ST
34405-47 .so Gear indicator outer arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 48 to 57-S & ST
1206 •03 Outer arm clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57-S & ST
7620 .02 Clamp bolt nut .................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
34409-47 .15 Indicator shaft oil seal . . . ................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
34455-47 Gear shifter shaft (Replaced by 34475-47 A)
34457-47 .10 Shifter spring ring .... . 48 to 51-S
34460-52 .20 Shifter shaft oil seal ... . 52 to 57-S & ST
34475-47A 5.90 Shifter shaft assembly . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 53-S & ST
34475.54 Shifter shaft assembly (Replaced by 34475-54A)
34475-54A 5.90 Shifter shaft assembly 54 to 57

Peat No. Price Each NAME Used On


34481-47 s •40 Shifter paw 1 spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 48 to 57
34483-47 •30 Shifter pawl spring cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
34484-47 .10 Paw I retaining clip ............................................ . 48 to 57
34600-47A 3.90 Shift foot lever complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 53-S & ST
34600-54 3.90 Shift foot lever complete ....................................... . 54 to 57
3791 •10 Shift lever clamp bolt ......................................... . 48 to 53-S & ST
4012 •15 Shift lever clamp bolt ......................................... . 54 to 57
7753 •05 Shift lever clo:mp bolt nut ............................ . 54 to 57
34606-52 3.10 Shifter foot lever only ......................................... . 52 & 53-S & ST
34606-54 3.10 Shifter foot lever only ......................................... . 54 to 57
34609-47 .30 Shift lever rubber ............................................. . 48 to 51-S
34609-52 •60 Shifter lever rubber . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 52 to 57
7752 •OS Shifter lever pedal nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 to 57
34618-55 •35 Shifter lever stud ............................................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
7752 •05 Shifter lever stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
34740-47 .70 Transmission filler plug ................................... . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
702 •35 Transmission drain & filler plug .............. , . . . . ........... . 48 to 57
35045-47 11.50 Mainshaft with nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 51-S
35045-52 Transmission mainshaft (Replaced by 35045-52A)
3S045-52A 11.50 Transmission mainshaft ....................................... . 52 to 57
35051-47 10.75 Main drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 48 to 52-S. 55 to 57-Hummer
35051-53 10.75 Main drive gear ............................................. . 53 to 57-ST
3SOSS-47A 7.25 Mainshaft sliding gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 54-S & ST
35056-SS 7.25 Mainshaft sliding gear ........................................ . 55 to 57
9007 2.40 Mainshaft bearing-Lt. ........................................ . 48 to 57
9015 4.75 Mainshaft gear bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 48 to 57
35079-47 .20 Mainshaft bearing spring ring (outer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57
35080-47 •25 Mainshaft bearing spring ring (inner) ......... . 48 to 57
35096-47 2.10 Main dri:v-e gear bushing ...................................... . 48 to 57
35150-47 1.80 Main drive gear oil seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 48 to 57
35165-47 •95 Main drive gear collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57
35170-47 .15 Oil seal gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
1113 •03 Oil seal screw (5 to 8) ........................................ . 48 to 57
35201-47 3.25 Main gear sprocket (rear chain) ............................. . 48 to 57
35209-47 •so Main gear sprocket nut & oil seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 57
35215-47 .15 Main gear sprocket lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 48 to 57
37336-47 .15 Sprocket oil seal (felt washer) ................................. . 48 to 57
37344-47 .15 Clutch release rod oil seal retainer ............................ . 48 to 57
35611-47 Countersho:ft (Replaced by 35611-47 A)
35611-47A 10.90 Countershaft .................................................. . 48 to 57
35675-47 5.90 Countershaft low gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 51-S
35675-52 5.90 Countershaft low gear . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 52 to 57
35691-47 7.90 Countershaft sliding gear ...................................... . 48 to 54-S & ST
35691-55 7.90 Countershaft sliding gear ..................................... . 55 to 57
35720-47 4.25 Countershaft gear ............................................ . 48 to 52-S
35720-53 Countershaft gear (Replaced by 35720-SSA)
35720-53A 4.25 Countershaft gear .............. : .............................. . 53 to 57-ST
35721-55 3.60 Countershaft gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
35740-47 .15 Countershaft high gear thrust washer . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 57
36045-47 1.40 Countershaft bushing (2) ...................................... . 48 to 57


36750-48 $30.50 Clutch assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 52-S
36750-53 30.50 Clutch assembly . ... .. .. . . . . ....................... . 53 to 57-ST
3S750-SS 29.00 Clutch assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 55 to 57-Hummer
37200-47 3.40 Realease worm & lever . . . . . . . ................................ . 48 to 57
37210-47 •so Release worm cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 48 to 57
37222-47 •30 Release lever spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 57-S & ST
37222-52 •30 Release lever spring .......................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
37275-47 •60 Release rod-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 57
37278-47 •90 Release rod-Lt. . . . . ................................. . 48 to 57
37281-47 .35 Release rod-Ctr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 48 to 57
37558-47 .25 Clutch hub nut . . . . . . . . . . ................................. . 48 & Early 49-S
37558-49 .25 Clutch hub nut . . . . . ....................... . Later 49 to 57
37561-47 5.20 Clutch hub (splined) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 48 to 57
37571-47 •60 Clutch hub thrust washer . . . . . . . . .................. . 48 to 53-S & ST
8856 .03 Steel ball (15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 54 to 57
37701-47 10.50 Clutch sprocket .............................................. . 48 to 52-S
37707-53A 12.75 Clutch sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 53-ST
31707-54 10.50 Clutch sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 54 to 57-ST
37707-SS 7.20 Clutch sprocket ... ......... . ........... . 55 to 57-Hummer
8600 .03 Clutch sprocket rivet (6) . . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 57-S & ST. 55 to 57-Humme;

Part No. Price Ec:u:h NAME Used. On




37711~47 $18.25 Clutch outer shell & sprocket . . . . . . ....................... . 48 to 52-S

31711-53 Clutch outer shell & sprocket (Replaced by 37711-53A)
31711-53A 18.25 Clutch outer shell & sprocket .................................. . 53 to 57-ST
37711-55 13..90 Clutch outer shell & sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 55 to 57-Hu:nmer
37714-47 1.00 Clutch bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
37715-47 .2S Clutch bushing thrust washer ................................. . 48 to 57
37719-54 5.20 Clutch sprocket hub .......................................... . 54 to 57
37145-47 2.75 Clutch shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57
37888-47 1.10 Clutch releasing (outer) disc only . . . . ............. . 48 to 57
37902-47 .30 Clutch release disc stud {2) ................................... . 48 to 57
37927-48 8.50 Set dutch discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57
Consists of:
1 37888-47 1.10 Clutch releasing disc 2 37914-47 .60 Clutch disc (plain)
3 37929-47 2.10 Clutch disc (with lining) 1 38015-49 .60 Clutch disc back plate
37971-47 .50 Thrust plate spring ring . . . . . . . . .... 48 to 57
37972-47 .95 Clutch thrust plate ........ . 48 to 57
38015-49 .60 Clutch disc back plate 48 to 57
38078-47 .25 Clutch spring (6) . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57

Pc:ut No. Price Each Used On


38100-47 s .30 Clutch spring cup (6) ............................. . 48 to 57
38131-47 .40 Clutch adjusting screw ....................................... . 48 to 57
7744 •05 Clutch adjusting screw lock nut . . . . . . ........................ . 4S & 49-S
38135-50 .25 Clutch adjusting screw lock nut ............................ . 50 to 57
38600-47 11.50 Hand lever & control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 51-S
38600-52 11.50 Hand lever & control .......................................... . 52 to 57-ST (Std. bars)
38600-55 10.25 Hand lever & control . . . . ............................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
38601~51 11.50 Hand lever & control . . . . . . . ....................... . 52 to 57-ST (R.M. bars)
38612-52 2.75 Clutch control coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 52 to 55 (RM. bars)
38613-47 1.90 Clutch control coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 48 to 51-S
38613-52 1.90 Clutch control coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 52 to 57 (Std. bars)
38630-51 1.60 Clutch control cable assembly ............................ . 52 to 57 (R.M. bars)
38632-48 1.20 Control cable with ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 51-S
38633-52 1.20 Clutch control cable assembly ................................ . 52 to 57 (Std. bars)
38646-47 .30 Control cable lower end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 50-S
38646-51 •30 Clutch cable er.d ............................................ . 51 to 57
45002-41 6.50 Hand lever & bracket ... ... ... . . . . . ...... . 48 to 57
45017-41 3.25 Hand lever only . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57
45023-41 3.00 Hand lever bracket . . . . . . . ....................... . 48 to 57
45030-28 .60 Hand lever bracket clamp . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57
1214 .10 Bracket clamp screw (2) . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 57
7620 .02 Bracket clamp screw nut (2) . . . . . . . .................... . 48 to 57
45031-41 .40 Hand lever pivot screw ....................................... . 48 to 57
7691 .05 Pivot screw nut ......................... . 48 to 57
45033-41 .60 Hand lever clamJ;> bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 48 & 49-S
45033-49 .60 Hand lever clamp bushing .................................... . SO to 57
6543 .10 Clamp bushing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57
9980 •60 Handlebar clip ............................................... . 48 to 51-S
3791 .10 Handlebar clip screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57
7675 •05 Handlebar clip screw nut .................. . 48 to 57
45102-39 •95 Control coil oil cup kit ... 48 to 51-S
Consists of:
1 45103-39 .75 Oil eup body 2663 .03 Oil cup body screw
1 45105-39 .15 Oil cup plunger 7638 .OS Oil cup body screw nut
1 45107-39 .OS Oil cup spring
45109-30 .20 Control coil ferrule (2) 48 to 51-S
4510S..49 .20 Control coil ferrule (2) 52 to 57-S & ST


40048-4 7 40071-4'7
~ ~ 40099-4. '7


40195-5:3 ;s7707-53A'

8496 41485-52 41476-52.A

8600 41476-53

~.::»:lOl-47 s 3.25 Main gear sprocke1-l4 tooth (rear chain) . . . . ... 48 to 57

35202-52 4.25 Main gear sprocket-13 tooth (rear chain) ... . 53 to 57
35209-47 .60 Main gear sprocket nut & oil seal ........ . 48 to 57
35215-47 .15 Main gear sprocket lock washer . 48 to 57

Part No. Price Each NAME Uaed On


37336.47 s .15 Main gear sprocket oil seal ................................... . 48 to 57
37707-47 10.50 Clutch sprocket only .......................................... . 48 to 52-S
37707-53A 12.75 Cl:utch sprocket & hub . . . . . . . ............................. . 53-ST
37707-54 10.50 Clutch sprocket only .......................................... . 54 to 57-ST
37707-55 7.20 Clutch sprocket ............................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
8600 •03 Clutch sprocket rivet (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57-S & ST, 55 to 57-Hummer
40000-47 9.30 Rear chain ................................................... . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
40000-53 9.50 Rear chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 53 to 57-ST
40013-47 2.50 Front chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57
40048-47 •30 Connecting link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 48 to 57
40071-47 .OS Connecting link spring .............. : ......................... . 48 to 57
40082-47 .20 Roller block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 48 to 57
40099-47 •65 Double repair link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 48 to 57
40195-47A Motor sprocket-12 tooth (Replaced by 40195-47)
40195-47 4.40 Motor sprocket-12 tooth ...................................... . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
4019S-53A Motor sprocket-15 tooth (Replaced by 40195-53)
40195-53 4.40 Motor sprocket-IS tooth ..................................... . 53 to 57-ST
7859 .15 Motor spro-eket nut . . . . ....... . 48 to 57
23985-18 •05 Motor sprocket key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57
4147S.S2A 9.25 Rear sprocket with screws & nuts-43 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 52-S. 55 to 57-Hummer
41476-53 10.75 Rear sprocket with screws & nuts-49 tooth .................... . 53 to 57-81
8496 •02 Rear sprocket rivet (12) ...................................... . 48 to 57
41477-51 8.35 Rear sprocket with rivets-47 tooth (Special) ................... . 48 to 52-S
41485-52 .15 Rear sprocket screw (13) ............. . 53 to 57
7612W .10 Rear sprocket screw nut (13) .................................. . 53 to 57-ST


41003-47 $42.50 Rear wheel less brake & tire (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 51-S
41003-52 42.50 Rear wheel less brake & tire (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-S
410(13..53 45.50 Rear wheel less brake & tire (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 55-ST
41003-55 39.50 Rear wheel less brake & tire (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
41003-56 45.50 Rear wheel less brake & tire (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 & 57-ST
41004-47 47.50 Rear wheel less brake & tire (chrome) ... .. .. .. ...... . 48 to 51-S
41004-52 47.50 Rear wheelless brake & tire {chrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-S •
41004-53 51.00 Rear wheelless brake & tire (chrome) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 55--ST
41004-56 51.00 Rear wheel less brake & tire (chrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 & 57-ST
41015-47 32.00 Rear hub & bearing with axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 51-S
41015-52 '32.00 Rear hub & bearing with axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-S
4101>53 32.00 Rear hub & bearing with axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
41015-55 28..90 Rear hub & bearing with axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
41016-47 24.90 Rear hub shell assembly & sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 51-S
41016.52 24.90 Rear hu.b shell assembly & sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-S
41016-53 27.00 Rear hu.b shell assembly & sprocket . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . 53 to 57-ST
41010-55 19.75 Rear hu.b shell assembly & sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
9004 2.40 Rear hub bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
9060 1.95 Rear hub needle bearing .................·...................... 55 to 57-Hummer
41170-55 .15 Rear wheel hub seal washer ................................... 55 to 57-Hummer
4117>55 1.00 Rear wheel bearing inner race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
41200-47 .45 Bearing lock nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
41225-47 .OS Bearing felt washer {brake side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
41310..52 .65 Rear hub inner deflector flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
4147S..52A 9.25 Rear sprocket with screws & nuts-43 tooth . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
41476--53 10.75 Rear sprocket with screws & nuts-49 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
41477-51 8.35 Rear wheel sprocket with rivets-47 tooth (Special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 & 52-S
8496 .D2 Rear sprocket rivet ( 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
41485-52 .15 Rear sprocket bolt (13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
7612W .10 Rear sprocket bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . 52 to 57
41550-47 2.75 Rear axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
41550-55 2.50 Rear axle ..................................................... 55 to 57-Hummer
41578-47 .60 Rear axle adjusting screw-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
41579-47 .60 Rear axle adjusting screw-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
7675 .OS Rear axle adjusting screw nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
7863 .15 Rear axle nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 51-S
41604-52 .25 Rear axle nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
41645-47 14.25 Rear brake assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 51-·S
41645-52 14.25 Rear brake assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
41651-47 5.25 Brake side plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...... ......... 48 to 51-S
41651-52 5.25 Brake side plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... .. .. .... .... ... 52 to 57
41690-47 .15 Operating shaft spring washer . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. 48 to 57
41836-47 .30 Brake shoe spring (2) .. . ..... 48 to 57
41940-47 1.20 Brake operating lever 48 to 57
42256-47 1.00 Rear brake rod . . . . .. .. ...... 48 to 57
42265-47 .40 Brake rod adjusting nut . ... .. .. .. .. .. .... .... 48 to 57

Pctrt No. Price Eczch. NAME Used On



I1 41-aiO·.:S.Z.





42268-47 s .40 Brake rod clevis pin . . . . . . . . . ................................. . 48 to 57

42400-47 Brake foot lever {Replaced by 42400-47 A}
42400-47A 3.65 Rear brake foot lever .......................................... . 48 to 57
9851 .10 Foot lever grease nipple .......................... : ........... . 48 to 57
43727-47 .so Bearing felt retainer-Lt. (2} ................................... . 48 to 57
43733-47 .10 Bearing felt wasber-L.t. (2) ..... .' ............................. . 48 to 57
44071-47 2..75 Brake shoe & lining (4} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 57
44102-48 2..40 Set brake linings & rivets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . ~8 to 57
Consists of:
2 44101-47 1.20 Brake lining 15 41840-47 .02 Brake lining rivet
442&6-47 1.80 Brake operating shaft . . . . ..................... . 48 to 57
9851 .10 Operating shaft grease nipple .................... . 48 to 57
7744 .05 Operating shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 48 to 57

Pcut No. Price Each NAME Oaed On


43000·47 $ 9.60 Tire rim-19" black (2) ........................ . 48 to 55-S & ST
43000·55 9.60 Tire rim-19" black (2) ............................ . 55 to 57-Hummer, SS 6 57-ST
43001-47 14.25 Tire rim-18" chrome (2) ....................... . 48 to 55-S 6 ST
43001-56 14..2.5 Tire rim-18" chrome {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ·... 56 6 57-ST
43021·47 .15 Spoke, brak~ side (36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 48 to 55-S 6 ST
43021-55 •IS Spoke (short) (36) . . . . . . . . . . ................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer, S6 6 57-ST
43023-47 •1.5 Spoke. flange side (36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 55-S 6 ST
43023-55 •15 Spoke (long) (36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 6 57-ST
43100-47A .06 Spoke nipple (72) .......................................... . 48 to 57


412oo-47 9004 nr

r·---·--- ®~

~ 6:\~·iiii?~~=-"•
~ VJ 438?"-Sl
I 43?36-Sl 43746-SS
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43727-~7 4~.,~~7


t:oOOt 00
ID <lD:
Ql) '

43515-51 ~


. 43515--47 $36.00 Front ~heel less brake 6 tire (black) .......................... . 48 to 50-S
43515-51 37.00 Front ~heel less brake 6 tire (black) ........ : ................. . 51 to 55-S & ST
43515-55 Front ~heelless tire (black) (Replaced by 43515-SSA)
43515-SSA 32..75 Front ~heel less brake & tire (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
43515-56 Front ~heelless brake & tire (black) (Replaced by 43515·56A)
43515-SSA 37.50 Front ~heel less brake & tire (black) . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 56 & 57-ST
4351$.47 41.00 Front ~heelless brake & tire (chrome) . . ........... . 48 to 50-S
43516-51 42.50 Front wheelless brake & tire (chrome) ......................... . 51 to 55-S & ST
43516-56 Front wheelless brake & tire {chrome) (Replaced by 43516·S6A)
43516-SSA 43.50 -Front ~heelless brake 6 tire (chrome) 56 & 57-ST
43604-57 26.50 Front hub & bearing assembly ... 57-Hummer
43605-47 29.50 Front hub with axle 6 bearings 48 to 50-S
43605-51 28.50 Front hub & bearing assembly 51 to 56--S & ST
43605-57 12.50 Front hub & bearing assembly . 57-ST

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


43606-47 Front hub shell assembly (Replaced by 43606-47 AJ
43606-47A $18.75 Front hub shell assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 56-S & ST
43606-57 15.50 Front hub shell assembly ............................... . 57-ST
43606-55 12.50 Front wheel hub assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 55 & 56-Hummer
43608-57 12..50 Front hub shell assembly ................................... . 57-Hummer
9004 2.40 Wheel bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
48 to 57
41200-47 •45 Wheel bearing lock nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .
48 to 57
9060 1.95 Wheel hub needle bearing ..... 55 to 57-Hummer. 57-ST
43727-47 •so Bearing grease retainer (2) . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57
43728-55 •so Wheel bearing felt retainer hub-R.H. .. . 55 to 57-Hum:r::ler
43733-47 •10 Grease retainer felt washer ...... . 48 to 57
43736-51 1.20 Front wheel bearing spacer ...... . 51 to 56
43737-57 1.00 Front wheel bearing spacer ...... . 57-Hummer & ST
43746-55 •70 Front wheel bearing inner race ... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 57-ST
43874-51 4.25 Front axle . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 51 to 57
43876-47 2.40 Front axle .. 48 to 50-S
7863 .15 Front c:ocle nut . . . 48 to 57
6473 .05 Front axle washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. .... 48 to 50-S
43901-47 18.00 Front brake assembly . . 48 to 50-S
44071-47 2.75 Brake shoe & lining (2) . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
41836-47 ..30 Brake shoe spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
44098-57 18.00 Front brake assembly . . . . ..... .. . Late 57-Hummer
44099-51 18.00 Front brake assembly . . . . . . . 51 to Early 57-S & ST, Eariy 57-
44099-57 18.00 Front brake assembly ...... . ............ Late 57-ST
44102-48 2.40 Set brake linings & rivets 57-Hummer
Consists of:
2 44101-47 1.20 Brake linings 15 41840-47 .02 Brake lining rivets
44144-47 10.25 Front brake side piate 48 to 50-S
44144-51 10.25 Front brake side plate 51 to Early 57-S & ST, Early 57-
44144-57 10.25 Front brake side plate ............................... . Late 57
44150-Sl .ss Front brake side plate torque pin . . .................... . 51 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
44266-47 1.80 Brake operating shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 50-S
44266-51 3.00 Brake operating shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 51 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
7744 .05 Brake operating shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
41690-47 .15 Brake operating shaft spring washer . . . ........ . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer•
9851 .10 Brake shaft grease nipple . . . . . . . . .............. . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
44300-47 1.20 Brake operating lever ......................................... . 48 to 50--S
44300-51 1.20 Brake operating- lever . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 51 to 57--S & ST. 57-Hummer


~[1€1~ ~;)iiil"'o- 3791
or '45103-39 7675
?638190 45107-39 . 9980

~ 9961
45158~7 4513'1-ol
l}f ,9966


7040 ~9982 45086·51

f.'Pc or O.m ._ ee
7744 ~
26:51 45086-52


Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


45002~41 $ 6.50 Brake hand lever complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45003-51 10.25 Brake hanci lever & cable complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 51-S
45003-52 10.25 Brake hand lever & cable complete (Std. bars) ................. . 52 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45007-47 10.25 Brake hand lever & cable complete ........... ·.............. . 48 to 50-S
45009-51 10.25 Brake hand lever & cable complete (R.M. bars) ................ . 52 to 57-S & ST
45015-52 6.50 Hand lever & bracket complete ................................ . 52 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45017~41 3.25 Brake hand lever only ........................................ . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45023-41 3.00 Brake hand lever bracket . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45030-28 .60 Bracket clc::mp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . ... 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
1214 .10 Bracket clamp screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57-S & 51', 57-Hummer
7620 •02 Bracket clamp screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57....:Hummer
45031-41 •40 Hand lever pivot screw .................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
7691 .OS Pivot screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45033-41 .60 Brake hand lever bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 & Early 49-S
45033-49 .60 Brake hand lever bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . Later 49 to 57-S & ST, 57-Hummer
6543 •10 Bushing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 48 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45070-51 .30 Control coil spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 51 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45086-51 1.55 Control coil ....................................... . 51-S
45086-52 1.75 Control coil (Std. bars) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45087-47 1.55 Control coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .. 48 to 50-S
45089-51 2.40 Control coil (R.M. bars) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 57-S & ST
45102-39 .95 Control coil oil cup kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 51-S
Consists of:
1 45103-39 .75 Oil cup body 1190 .03 Oil cup body screw
1 45105-39 .15 Oil cup plunger 7638 .05 Oil cup body screw nut
1 45107-39 .05 Oil cup spring
45109-30 .20 Control coil ferrule (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 48 to 51-S
45109-49 .20 Control coil ferrule (2) ........................................ . 52 to 57--S & ST. 57-Hummer
9980 •so Control coil handlebar damp .................................. . 48 to 51-S
3791 .10 Handlebar clamp screw ....................................... . 48 to 51-S
1615 •05 Handlebar clamp screw nut .................................. . 48 to 51-S
45148-52 Control cable with ends (Std. bars) (Replaced by 45137-51)
45137-51 1.40 Control cable with ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45149-48 .95 Control cable ................................................. . 48 to 51-S
45150-51 Control cable with ends (R.M. bars) (Replaced by 45137-51)
45158-37 .10 Control cable end (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 51-S
36112-42 .15 Control cable end ............................................. . 52 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hum:::ner
45159-47 .75 Control cable adjusting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 50-S
45161-51 Control cable adjusting screw (Replaced by 45161-SlA)
45161-51A .75 Control cable adjusting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 51 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
45163-47 •15 Control cable adjusting screw nut ............................. . 48 to 50-ST
7144 .05 Control cable adjusting screw nut (2) .......................... . 51 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
9966 .15 Brake cable to fork clip ....................................... . 48 to 50-S
9982 .25 Brake cable to fork clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . ....... . 51 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
2631 .03 Fork clip screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 51 to 57-S & ST. 57-Hummer
9961 .20 Brake & speedometer cable eli]:) ........ : ...................... . 51 to 57-S & ST


45501-47 $17.40 Front fork less fittings ......................................... . 48 to 50-S
45502-48 37.00 Front fork assembly (less headlite) ........................... . 48 to 50-S
45726-47 ll.SO Fork stem .................................................... . 48 to 50-S
45736-47 1.00 Fork stern cone ............................................... . 48 to 50-S
8854 .02 Head bearing ball (46) ........................................ . 48 to 50-S
45746-47 .35 Fork stem nut ................................................. . 48 to 50-S
45803-47 .60 Lower snubber bracket side (2) ............................... . 48 to 50-S
45810-47 .30 Lower snubber bracket collar (2) .............................. . 48 to 50-S
45815-47 .30 Lower snubber bracket rubber bushing (2) ..................... . 48 to 50-S
45817-47 .30 Upper snubber bracket rubber bushing ........................ . 48 to 50-S
45820-49 .60 Lower snubber bracket stud ................................... . 48 to 50-S
7152 .OS Lower snubber bracket bolt nut ............................... . 48 to 50-S
45822-47 1.80 Lower bracket sleeve ......................................... . 48 to 50-S
45876-47 5.50 Upper snubber bracket ........................................ . 48 to 50-S
45885-47 •35 Upper snubber bracket pin .................................... . 48 to Early 50-S
45890-47 •35 Upper snubber bracket pin spacer . . . . . . . ..................... . 48 to 50-S
45892-50 .25 Up]:)er snubber bracket stud ................................... . Later 50-S
45894-50 .20 Upper snubber bracket stud nut (2) .......................... . 50-S
45901-48 3.00 Set rubber springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 50-S
Consists of:
1 45900-47 .60 Fork upper spring .60 Fork inner spring
2 45910-47 .60 Fork outer spring

~ ,45::117-47 ,526
~ ,
9BSJ- ., ~ ~
45890-1'7 45885-~'7
-· ~
®@ • ""'""" 46176-<1
45n76-~ 4020 92-SO
48360..~'7~ ~

~ ~
~ 458~4-50

000 0 0 0 0 0
000 000 0 8854

~ <e>17-4?

0 0 0 08~54
ooooo 0 0 oooo





FRO~ 948 TO 1950

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. On


45951-47 s 5.50 Upper rocker arm & shaft ................................ . 48 to 50-S
45980-47 .60 Intermediate shaft rubber bushing ............................. . 48 to 50-S
45986-47 •70 Intermediate shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 50-S
3720 .10 Intermediate shaft bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 48 to 50-S
45992-47 .20 Intermediate shaft washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 50-S
9851 .10 Grease nipple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 48 to 50-S
4615S.47 1.80 Upper rocker bolt sleeve ...................................... . 48 to 50-S
46160-47 •60 Upper rocker bolt (5%") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 50-S
7152 .OS Upper rocker bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 50-S
46176-47 •60 Upper snubber bracket rocker bolt (4o/t<;") ............ . 48 to 50-S
7752 .05 Clamp bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 50-S
4020 .15 Upper snubber bracket damp bolt . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 50-S
7152 .05 Rocker bolt nut .......................................... . 48 to 50-S


26721' i 26?2
4575o-~5 ~ 7752

27Sle-" 704l@iJ>
462'7o-Sl . . 2'751.
~ 45'742-51
7021 • 45'?42-55
:45'736-4'7 '?E20 ~ 7021 0
.46205:-52 9982 .£1!~;;o;lllfji;I-":!PF1

459:34-SZA ~ ~
.D. 4593s-su
459Z5-52A ~




or '7753 f!D
• • '7127 45848-51


Part No. Pric:e Eac:h NAME Used On

TELE- GLIDE- FORK- Continued

45501-51 $64.00 Front fork less fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-S 6 ST. 57-Hummer
45501-5.5 55.00 Front fork less fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 6 56-Hummer
45726-51 Fork stem (Replaced by 45726-53)
45726-53 13.25 Fork stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-S 6 ST
45726-55 Fork stem & bracket (Replaced by 45726-SSA)
45726-5SA 12.5() Fork stem 6 bracket ........................................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
45736-47 1.00 Fork stem cone (2) . . . . . . . . . .............................. . 51 to 57
45740-51 21.00 Fork upper plate 6 riser assembly ........................... . 52 to 57-S 6 ST
45742-51 5.75 Fork upper plate (Std. bars) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 51 to 57-S 6 ST
45742-55 4.90 Fork upper _plate .................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
4020 .15 Fork upper plate bolt ....................... . 51 to 57
7752 •OS Fork upper plate bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57
45746-47 •35 Fork stem nut ................................· ........ . 51 to 57
45749-51 3.95 Fork upper plate (R.M. bars) .................................. . 52 to 57-S 6 ST
45750-55 •45 Fork l.!pper plate cover . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
2672 •03 Fork upper plate cover screw (2) .............. _................ . 55 to 57-Hummer
7620 •02 Fork upper plate cover screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 55 to 57-Hummer
45816-51 1.80 Fork tube lower bushing (2) ........... . 51 to 57
45818-51 1.80 Fork tube upper bushing (2) ............ . 51 to 57
45848-51 .ss Fork seal (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 51 to 57
45930-51A 11.90 Fork outer tube (2) . . . . . ........ . . ... 51-S
45929-55 Fork outer tube (2) (Replaced by 45930-52)
45930-52 11.90 Fork outer tube (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
9851 .10 Fork tube grease fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-S
45934-52 Fork tube cap oil plug (Replaced by 45934-52A)
45934-S2A .so Fork tube cap oil plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
45935-SIA 1.75 Fork outer tube cap (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-S
45935-52 Fork outer tube cap (Replaced by 45935-52A)
4593S..52A 1.80 Fork outer tube cap ................................... . 52 to 57
45945-51 Fork slider tube complete-Lt. (Replaced by 45945-SlA)
45945-SlA 11.90 Fork slider tube complete-Lt.................................... 51 to 57
45947-51 Fork slider tube complete-Rt. {Replaced by 45947-51A)
45947-51A 11.90 Fork slider tube complete-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 51 to 57-S 6 ST. 57-Hummer
45947-SS 9.25 Fork slider tube complete-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Hummer
4010 .15 Fork slider end bolt ....................... . 51 to 57
7753 .05 Fork slider end bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 51 to 57
46000.51 1.20 Fork boot. rubber (2) . . . . . .................................. . 51 to 57
46002-51 .so Fork boot upper clamp (2) . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 51 to 57
46004-51 .so Fork boot lower clamp (2) ............................... . 51 to 57
1001 .02 Upper & lower clamp screw (4) .................... . 51 to 57
46053-51 .10 Fork spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 51 to 57
46054-53 1.80 Fork spring with cap (heavy) .................. . 53 to 57
46205-52 .25 Fork cable clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-S 6 ST. 57-Hummer
46270-51 2.50 Fork panel .......................................... . 51 to 57-S 6 ST
2751 .10 Fork panel screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-S 6 ST
46295-18 •15 Fork panel rubber grommet ............................ . 51 & Early 52-S
11400 . 10 Fork panel rubber grommet . . ..... .... . ....... . Later 52 to 57-S & ST


I. •.......,


47002-47 Frame only (Replaced by 47002-47 A)

47002-47A $59.90 Frame only ......... . 48 to 57-S & S1
47002-55 56.75 Frame only 55 to 57-Hummer

Part No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used On

F'RANIE - Continued
47~01-47 $ .45 Rear wheel adjusting screw stud (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
48317-47 1.75 Frame head bearing cup (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
48360-47 .25 Frame head upper bearing guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57





49000-47 $ 8.90 Safety guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57

49000-54 15.50 Safety guard (chrome) ........................................ . 48 to 57
1414 •10 Safety guard screws (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57
7688 .OS Safety guard screw nut (2) .................................... . 48 to 57
49119-51 9.75 Set safety guard splash shields & flaps ........................ . 51 to 57
49120-51 1.60 Safety guard flap--Lt. ..................................... , . . . 51 to 57
49121-51 1.60 Safety guard fiap--Rt. . ....................................... . 51 to 57
49122-Sl 4.25 .. Safety guard splash shield-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57
49123-51 4.25 Safety guard splash shield-Rt. . ............................... . 51 to 57
49126-51 .20 Safety guard flap fastener clamp (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 51 to 57
58768-41 •60 Single tum button curtain fastener (2) ......................... . 51 to 57
7590 .02 Turn button curtain fastener nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57


50001-49 Jiffy stand complete (Replaced by 50901-49A)
4289 $ .20 Jiffy stand fastening bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to Late 49-S
7796 .08 Fastening bolt nut .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . 48 to Lcte 49-S
50005-47 1.55 Jiffy stand leg . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .... . 48 to Lcte 49-S
50006-49 3.00 Jiffy stand leg . . . .. ....... ... . . .. . 48 to 51-S

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



6591 JjJ
, @) J'-50970-52
53 1 ~ ~ 50932-51
~ 50915-52
\ 50932-51


=~ :~ 50946-52




7796~ 50009-49 ~
/it> ~
---·- ...-:


Cl • s ~"·· - 50901-4!.

>og~® .5093Hl


Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


50006--52 $ 2..75 Jiffy stand leg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 57
50007-47 1.80 Jiffy stand bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to Late 49-S
SOOi0-47 •30 Jiffy stand spring ............................................. . 48 & Early 49-S
50010-49 •so Jiffy stand spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57
6591 •OS Jiffy stand spring washer ...................................... . 48 to 57
50011-49 •35 Jiffy stand return spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 57
50017~52 .25 Jiffy stand leg spring bracket .......................... . 52 to 57
50019.52 •30 Jiffy stand leg pivot seat ............................. . 52 to 57
50029-49 •55 Jiffy stand return spring clamp . . . . . . ......... . 48 & Early 49-S
2721 .03 Retum spring clamp screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 &: Early 49--S
7654 •OS Clamp screw nut ....................................... . 48 & Early 49--S
50891-52 13.75 Footrest & jiffy stand com:Plete ..................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
50898-52 9.75 Footrest shaft & jiffy stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-S & ST
50901-47 3.90 Left footrest & shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to Late 49--S
50901·49 Left footrest cS: shaft (Replaced by 50901-49A)
S0901-49A 9.90 Left footrest cS: shaft ....................... . 48 to 51-S
50906-47 3.90 Right footrest cS: shaft ...................... . 48 to 51-S
50915-52 6.40 Footrest shaft-Lt. & Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 52 to 57-S & ST
50920-49 Footrest shaft & bracket-Lt. (Replaced by S0901-49A)
50920~52 4.50 Footrest shaft only-Lt. . .................... . 51 &. 52-S
50930-47 •15 Footrest shaft pin (2) . . . . . . . . ............ . 48 to 57
50931-49 .15 Left footrest shaft inner pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 49 to 51-S
50932-Sl .25 Footrest shaft screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 57-S & ST
7683 •10 Footrest shaft screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to. 57-S & ST
50935-47 •40 Footrest shaft nut (2) . 48 to 57-S & ST
50937-47 .25 Footrest shaft outer washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
50939-52 2..00 Footrest rubber assembly (2) ........ ·.......................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
50940-47 .90 Footrest rubber (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 51-S
50940-52 .80 Footrest rubber only (2) ....................................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
50940-55 .80 Footrest rubber only (2) ....................... . 55 to 57-Humme:-
50942-47 .15 Footrest collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 57-S & ST
50946--52 •95 Footrest only (2) .......................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
50946--55 •90 Footrest only (2) ............................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
50970-52 •40 Footrest bolt (2) .......................... . 52 to 57
7725 .10 Footrest bolt nut (2) 52 to 57


52000-47 Saddle with rear springs (Replaced by 52000-48)
52000-48 $18.90 Saddle with fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
52001-55 12.00 Saddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
52025-47 .30 Saddle front bolt . . . . . . . . . ......... ·.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 & 49-S
52025-50 .so Saddle front bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 57
52030-47 .so Front bolt spacer . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 & 49-S
52030-50 .40 Front bolt spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stl to 57
7615 .05 Front bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 & 49-S
7683 .10 Front bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . SO to 57
52040-47 1.50 Saddle spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 57
52041-50 1.85 Saddle spring (2) (heavy) ..................................... . SO to 57
52042-47 .15 Saddle frame spring (8) .................................... . 48 & 49-S
52044-47 •15 Saddle frame spring .......................................... . 48 & 49-S
4000 .15 Lower spring bolt {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 57
3996 .15 Spring up:per bolt ............................................. . 48 & 49-S
1752 .OS Spring upper bolt nut ......................................... . 48 6: 49-S
6327 .05 Spring bolt washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 48 to 57
7152 .05 Spring bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 48 to 57
4000 .15 Spring upper bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 50 to 57
6327 .05 Spring upper bolt washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 50 to 57
52046-47 .35 Saddle cover nose spring . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 48 & 49-S
52066--47 .so Saddle bracket-·Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . 48 6: 49-S
52067-47 •60 Saddle bracket-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 48 & 49-S
52068-SO 1.55 Saddle bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 50 to 57
3875 .10 Saddle bracket bolt (2) ....... . 48 to 57
7675 .05 Saddle bracket lower bolt nut 48 6: 49-S
7683 .10 Saddle bracket bolt nut (2) .... 50 to 57

Part No. Price Eczch NAME Used On






~ s2o:so-s·o '399E
39'75 ~
<Y"s2o2s-:so 5204Q-47


~~ ~~0
,?' '7040E32'7

~ @7040


52500-51 $32.00 Buddy seat & footrest complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 51-S
52500~52 32.00 Buddy seat & footrest complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
52516~51 23.90 Buddy seat top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
52548~51 2.40 Buddy seat left handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
52549-51 2.40 Buddy seat right handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
3974 .20 Buddy seat handle bolt (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
52554-51 .so Buddy seat left rear bracket .................. . 48 to 57
52555--51 .so Buddy seat right rear bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
3974 .20 Buddy seat bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
6327 .05 Buddy seat bracket bolt washer {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
52652-52 3.00 Buddy seat footrest complete (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
S2SSS-Sl •60 Buddy seat footrest (2) . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 51-S
52665--52 •60 Buddy seat footrest inner rubber (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 52 to 57
50940-52 .80 Buddy seat footrest rubber (2) .............. . 52 to 57
52674-Sl .70 Buddy seat footrest bracket (2) .. 48 to 51-S
52686-51 .40 Buddy seat footrest shaft nut (2) .......... . 48 to 51-S
4020 •15 Buddy seat footrest bolt ..... 48 to 51-S
7725 •10 Buddy seat footrest bolt nut (2) .. 48 to 51-S

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



f ~

@6327 ,52554-51
I ®6327
3974 Jl3974

7725 ~~ 7725
ps!l--~--~ IGf ~~..-====5=26==5·5-51
(j52655·~· ~~ ~m!
~~52674-51 .....
~4020 . . 4020
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,~ ij':',l•l\1'11111•11'''''''''

,, \'\\\\\\ ''\\1\ '''''.\11\\11.\11\1'


50940-52 52665-52
Part No. Price Each NAME Used O:c.

53400-47 $ 6.80 Luggage carrier complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 57
2759 •OS Luggage carrier fender bolt (2) ............... . 48 to 57
7688 •05 Luggage carrier fender bolt nut (2) ................. . 48 to 57



56001-47 $31.50 Handlebars complete (black) ................................. . 48 to 50-S

56001-48 36.00 Handlebars complete (chrome) ................................ . 48 to 50-S
56001-51A 31.50 Handlebars complete (black) (rigid) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 51 to 57-S & ST
56001-55 26..00 Handlebars complete {black) .................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
560()5..47 17.50 Handlebars bare (.black) ...................................... . 48 to 50-S
5600S-48 22.50 Handlebars bare (chrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 50-S
56005-51 17.50 Handlebars hare (black) (rigid) . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 51 to 57-S & ST
56005-55 14.50 Handlebars bare (black) . . . . . . . . . . . .................... : . .... . 55 to 57-Hummer
56009-51A. 36.00 Handlebars complete (chrome) (rigid) ......................... . 51 to 57-S & ST
56017-51 22.50 Handlebars bare (chrome) (rigid) ............................. . 51 to 57-S & ST
56028-51 25.50 Rubber mounting con·.rersion kit (minus handlebars) ........... . 48 to 57-S & ST
56029-SIA 36.00 Handlebars complete {chrome) (RM.) _...................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
56030-51 22.50 Handlebars .bare (chrome) (R.M.) ....................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
56147-51 Handlebar riser assembly (Replaced by 56147-SlA)
56147-SlA 8.25 Handlebar riser assembly (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 57-S & ST
56148~51 Handlebar riser only (Replaced by 56148-SlA)
56148-SlA 4.50 Handlebar riser only (2) ........ . 52 to 57-S & ST
56154-51 .70 Riser mounting sere.;. (2) 52 to 57-S & ST

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

7980 $ .30 Riser mounting screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 57-S & ST
56156-51 1.80 Riser cap (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
2336 .10 Riser cap screw (4) ........................................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
56158-51 3.60 Riser rubber mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
56160-55 •35 Riser cup washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 57-S 5 ST
56169-51 .so Riser bracket-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-S & ST
56170-51 .so Riser bracket-Lt. . ............................................ . 52 to 57-S & ST
56174-51 •40 Riser bracket bolt {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 to 57-S & ST
7908 .15 Riser bracket bolt nut (2) .......................... . 52 to 57-S 5 ST
56210-47 Handlebar grips (Replaced by 56212~53)
56210-53 •60 Handlebar grips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. .. ... .. ...... .. 55 to 57
56212-53 1.20 Handlebar grips, pcrir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
56220-47 3.00 Grip sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57
56220-50 3.00 Grip sleeve (Western Union) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
56234-SO .20 Control actuator stop (Western Union) ......................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
56235-47 1.30 Grip retainer . . . . . . . . . . ............................... . 48 to 57
56235-49 1.30 Grip retainer-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 49 to 57-S & ST
56240-47 .20 Grip retainer screw . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57
56276-31 •05 Control coil plug screw . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 48 to 57
56350-48 3.80 Control coil & wire with plunger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 50-S
56350-51 3.80 Control coil & wire with plunger (rigid bars) .............. . 51 to 57-S & ST
56350-55 3.80 Carburetor control coil & wire .............................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
56351-51 3.80 Control coil & wire with plunger (R.M.) ........................ . 52 to 57-S 0. ST
56360-47 2..20 Control coil with end plug . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 48 to 50-S
56360-51 2.20 Control coil with end plug (rigid bars) . . . . . . . . . ........ . 51 to· 57-S & ST
56360-55 2..20 Control coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 55 to 57-Hummer
56362-51 2.20 Control coil with end plug (R.MJ .............................. . 52 to 57-S & ST
56369-47 .20 Control wire (rigid bars} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 48 to 57
56379-51 .25 Control wire (R.M.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-S 0. ST
56380-47 1.00 Control plunger & wire ........................................ . 48 to 50-S
56380-51 1.00 Control plunger & wire (rigid bars) ........................... . 51 to 57-S & ST
56380-55 1.00 Control plunger & wire . . . . ................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
56382-51 1.00 Control plunger & wire (R.M.) .............................. . 52 to 57-S 0. ST
56390-47 .25 Control plunger pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
56410-47 •30 Control coil plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57
56420-47 .OS Control wire end ........................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
56430-47 .15 Control coil ferrule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 57
9958 •15 Control coil clamp (2) ...................................... . 50-S

58004-47 $14..25 Windshield complete ................................... . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
58004-52 14.25 Windshield complete ..................................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
58026--48 6.90 Windshield window ........................................... . 48 to 57
58028-51 1.00 Adjustable window . . ...................................... . 48 to 57
58034..48 3..00 Inner brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 48 to 57
58036-48 2..40 Outer brace .................................................. . 48 to 57
2763 .OS Brace screw (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 57
7676 •05 Brace screw nut (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 57
58045-48 .40 Adjustable bracket clamp (2) ................................. . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
3191 .10 Adjustable bracket clamp screw (4) .......................... . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
7676 .OS Adjustable bracket clamp screw nut (4) ....................... . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
58047-47 Handlebar clamp (2) (Replaced by 58187-30)
58187-30 •so Handlebar clamp (4) ................................. . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
58050-48 1..50 Handlebar clamp stud (2) .................................... . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
58052-48 .30 Handlebar clamp stud spacer (2) ............................. . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
7804 •08 Handlebar clamp stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
3996 .15 Handlebar clamp bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
7753 .OS Handlebar clamp bolt nut (2) ............................ . 48 to 51-S. 55 to 57-Hummer
58060-48 1.50 Adjustable bracket (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57
2712 .OS Adjustable bracket screw (2) ................................. . 48 to 57
7616 .OS Adjustable bracket screw nut (2) .............................. . 48 to 57
58070-48 .95 Windshield support-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 48 to 51-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
58070-52 1.75 . Windshield bracket-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
58071-48 .95 Windshield support-Rt. 48 to 51-S. 55 to 57-Hummer
58071-52 1.75 Windshield bracket-Rt. 52 to 57-S & ST
58015-52 4.00 Set windshield brackets 52 to 57-S & ST
3720 •10 Windshield bracket bolt {4) . . . . . .... 52 to 57-S & ST

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On




59001-47 s 9.90 Front fender complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 48 to 50-S
59001-51 13.90 Front fender complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 51 to 57
59099-51 5.50 Front fender center 6 rear braces .............................. . 51 to 57
59102-47 I .SO Front fender brace (2) ........................................ . 48 to 50-S
59102-51 1.75 Front fender front brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 51 to 57
59131-47 .60 Front fender bracket . . . . . . . . . ............................... . 48 to 50-S
2721 .03 Front fender bracket sc::rew (2) ................................. . 48 to 50-S
3765 •10 Fender brace fork bolt (2) ...........................•.......... 48 to 50-S
2758 .OS Fender brace fork bolt (6) ................................... . 51-S
3728 •10 Fender brace fork bolt (4) .................................... . 52 to 54-S 6 ST
37ff7 •10 Fender brace fork bolt (6) .................................... . 55 to 57
7615 •OS Fender brace fork bolt nut (6) ................................ . 55 to 57
59400-47 1.50 Set fender tips & trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 50-S
59400-51 5.50 Set fender tips ............................................... . 51 to 57-S 6 ST
Consists of:
1 59408-51 2.85 Front fender tip 4 2633 .03 Fender tip sc::rew
1 59886-51 2.60 Rear fender tip 4 7015 .01 Fender tip screw lock washer
59600-47 13.90 Rear fender complete 48 to 50-S
59600-51 14..90 Rear fender complete 51 to 57
59801-47 1.'15 Rear fender rear brace . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 50-S
59807-51 4.25 Set rear fender braces .................... . 51 to 57
59811-47 1.75 Rear fender top brace ...... . 48 to 50-S
3720 .10 Rear fender front bolt ............... . 48 to 57
3838 .15 Rear fender brace bolt-Lt. .. . 48 to 57
3825 .10 Rear fender brace bolt-Rt. 48 to 57
7675 •OS Rear fender brace bolt nut (2) ......... . 48 to 57
59845-47 .15 Rear fender brace spacer 48 to 57
6240 •OS Rear fender bolt wosher . 48 to 57

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On







8510 $ .02 Fender rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to Early 50-S

8515 .02 Fender rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later SO to 57
60301-47 2.40 Chain guard . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. 48 to 52-S, 55 to 57-Hummer
60301-53 2.40 Chain guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-ST
2758 .05 Chain guard front screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
3720 .10 Chain guard rear bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
6032&-54 .15 Chain guard spacer . . . . . .. ....... .. .. .. ... .... ...... 53 to 57


61000..47 Gas tank (Replaced by 61000-47 A)
61000-47A $38.50 Gas tank ............ _........................ . 48 to 57-S & ST
61000-55 36.00 Gas tank ..................... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
61070-47 •30 Tank front bracket spacer .................................. . 48 to 57
61105-47 Tank filler cap (Replaced by 61106-47)
6110&-47 2.75 Tank cap ................................................ . 48 to 57
61110-47 Tank cap cup (Replaceci by 61106-47)
61114-48 .20 Tank cap seal, rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
61314-47 1.75 Switch receptacle co'\.·er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57-S & ST
61317-47 .20 Cover spring . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 57-S & ST
8429 .02 Cover spring rivet (4) . . . . . . . ........... . 48 to 57-S & ST
61321-47 .15 Receptaete cover insulator ...................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
61400..47 Fuel tank valve (Replaced by 62124-47)
61770-51 1.20 Set of tank: name transfers 48 to 54-S "& ST
61770-55 1.20 Set of tank name transfers 55 & 56-ST
61178-55 .70 Tank transfer (2) ...... . 55 & 56-Hummer
61769-57 1.35 Set of tank name transfers 57--Hummer
61710-57 1.25 Set of tank name transfers 57-ST
62124-47 8.40 Fuel line & valve complete 48 to 57-S & ST
62125-50 6.60 Fuel tank ·valve only Late 50 to 57-S & ST

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



Fuel tc:ml: valv FITTNGS
62125-55 s 5.60 F ue 1 valve knob e · ........................
· .
62141-50 .45 Fuel valve knob
Fuel val • . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................
(_Reserve) ....... . SS to 57-Hum •
62142-50 .45 Fuel lin:• shaft nng (2) .••.. :: •..••.•••••..•..•.. ::. . . . Late SO to 57 me.
62150-50 .20 Fuel line · · · · · · · · . . . . .. .······· Late SO to 57
62358-47 2.10
Fuel line .· .· .· .· .· .· · · · · · · · ·... . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57SC-S
Lateto SO
62358-50 2.10
62359-55 .55 Tank fastening .(2).. . . . . . . . . . . SLate 50 to 57-S _. s-t
3875 .10 Cont 1 to 57-H,_,...,
coil cliPsbolt . . nut.
. ·. ..
· · ..
· · .· ·. ·..· · · · · · · · · ·. 485 to 57 ••••,.e,u
7682 .10 · · · -·.. .. .... · 48 to 57
9965 .20 . .. . . .
~ 48 to 57




Part No. Price Ecrch NAME Used On

TOOL BOX- Continued

64200-55 $ 6.95 Tool box & fittings with tools (for individual tools see page 43) 55 to 57 -Hummer
64202-47 5.90 Tool box complete ............................................ . 48 to 57
64300-47 2.30 Tool box cover ........................ ___ .. _.. _ __. . . . . . . . . . . _ 48 to 57
64371-SS .35 Tool box bracket .............................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
64372-55 .10 Tool box bracket spacer (2) ...... ; ........................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
1240 .10 Tool box bracket screw (2) ................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
7638 .OS Tool box bracket screw nut {2) ............................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
64406-47 .15 Tool box key .................................................. _ 48 to 57
1187 .03 Tool box attaching screw .. (3) .................................. . 48 to 57
6182 .OS Attaching screw washer (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 48 to 57
7620 .02 Tool box attaching screw nut (3) ............ _................. _ 48 to 57


6529o-s~• ~
a()" 3791
I : /
'1675 ® 0 @) Cll()

Uae 6!241-4'7.&.
lJSE 6SS23...f'lA
~'\r)=======~~~~ t& 76?611. ~.:a>
"703-S 3791
6524I-47B "

'USE 6S200·4'1la


65200-47A Muffler complete (Replaced by 6520Q..47B)

65200-47B $14.50 Muffier complete .............................................. . 48 to 57
65241-47A Muffler only (Replaced by 65241-47B)
65241-47B 9.20 Muffler only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... _..... _.. _... 48 to 57
65243-48 4.75 Muffler inner tube ..................................... . 48 to 57
65249-47 3.00 Muffler tail piece ........................... _ .. _. _. _ . . . . . . . . 48 to 50-S
65290-51 •90 Muffler clamp .................. _........... _. _..... _..... __ .. . 57
65439-47 5.75 Exhaust pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ _. . . . ... . 48 to 50-S
65439-51 Exhaust pipe (Replaced by 65439~51A)
65439-51A 5.75 Exhaust pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 51 to 54-S & ST
65439-55 5.75 Exhaust pipe .......... _....................... ___ . _... _..... . 55 to 57-ST
65440-55 4..25 Exhaust pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. _....... . 55 to 57-Hummer
65521-47 Exhaust pipe clamp {upper) (Replaced by 65521-47 A)
65521-47A •60 Exhaust pipe clamp {upper) .......................... . 48 to 57
65523-47 Exhaust pipe clamp (lower) (Replaced by 65523-47 A}
65523-47A .70 Exhaust pipe clamp (lower) ...................... ·............. . 48 to 57
65533-54 •45 Exhaust pipe ring ............................................. . 54 to 57-S & ST
3791 .10 Exhaust pipe & muffler clamp bolt (2) •........................... 48 to 57
1035 •01 Muffler clcanp lock washer ........................... _...... . 48 to 57
7675 .05 Muffler clamp nut ........................................... . 48 to 57
7676 .OS Exhaust pipe clamp bolt nut {2) . . . . . . . . ...................... . 48 to 57


66000..47 Battery-moist. uncharged (Replaced by 66QQ1.47D)
66001-47 Battery-wet charged (Replaced by 66001·470)
66001-41D $10.95 Battery-dry charged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 48 to 57-S & ST
66015-47 •35 Battery filler plug (3) ........ . 48 to 57-S & ST
66021-47 .OS Battery filler plug washer (3) 48 to 57-S & ST

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


66258-47 s 1.50 Battery strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 48 to 57--S & ST
7675 .OS Battery strap nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 51--S
37581-52 •35 Battery strap nut . . . . . . . . .................................. . 52 to 57-S & ST
66261-47 3.00 Battery carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57--S & ST
1810 •05 Carrier fastening screw .............................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
66375-47 1.50 Battery cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 57-S & ST


57110-49, 9851 ~


67100-4'7 &

2210 e-
or 67060-51
1202 67l9Q-55




67000-47 $15.25 Speedometer head-miles ..................................... . 48 to 50-S

61000-51A Speedometer head-miles {Replaced by 67000-SlB)
67000-SlB 15.20 Speedometer head-miles (Replaced by 6700Q..51C on S & ST) 57-Hummer
61000-SlC 15.25 Speedometer head-miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 51 to 57-S & ST
61001-47 15.25 Speedometer head-kilo. . ................................ . 48 to 50-S .
67001-51 15.25 Speedometer head-kilo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 51 to 57-S & ST
2210 .05 Speedometer fastening screw (2) ........... . 48 to 57-S & ST
67009-55 18.95 Speedometer drive kit ............................... . 55 & 56-Hz.:mmer
67009-57 16.75 Speedometer drive kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-Hummer
67050-47 3.20 Speedometer drive shaft & casing ............................. . 48 to 50-S
67050..51 3.20 Speedometer drive shaft & casing ............................. . 51 to 57
6106()..51 1.50 Speedometer cable core ....................................... . 51 to SS--S & ST, 57-Hummer
67100-47 2.40 Drive gear & shaft ........................................ . 48 to 57
67110-49 •70 Speedometer drive gear bushing screw .. 49 to 57
9851 •10 Drive gear bushing screw grease nipple ....................... . 49 to 57
67150-47 2.75 Drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57
1202 .03 Speedometer fastening screw (2) . ·............................. . 55 to 57-Hummer
2686 .OS Lower end fastening screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
6156 .OS Lower end fastening screw washer . . . . . . . .................... . 48 to 57
67189-55 4.75 Speedometer drive housing ................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
61190-55 .15 Speedometer drive felt washer . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
61193-55 .so Speedometer drive washer :retainer ....................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
6920B .10 Speedometer drive washer ....................... . 55 to 57-Hummer


61700-47 $ 7.40 Head lamp ................................................. . 48 to 50-S
67'700-51 12.00 Head lamp ................................................... . 51 to 57
67110-35 6.75 Head lamp body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 51 to 57
67710-47 5.00 Head lamp body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 50-S
61711-35 4.60 Head lamp door & lens complete . . . . . .................... . 51 to 57
Consists of:
1 67713-35 3.50 Door only 2 61733-35 .15 Lens retaining spring
1 67715-35 .10 Door fastening screw 1 67734-35 .40 Lens oacking washer
1 61131-35 1.50 Front lens
67112-47 Head lamp door (Replaced by 67700·51)
67714-47 .OS Head lamp door screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 50-S
61718-47 •75 Door sealing unit .................................... . 48 to 50-S
61730-47 1.80 Head lamp lens . . . . .......... . 48 to 50-S
67735-47 •40 Head lamp lens gasket .................................. . 48 to 50-S
67740-47 3.50 Heod lamp reflector .... .. .. .. ..... ........ ..... .. . .. . . 48 to 50-S

Pc:ut No. Pric:e Each NAME Used On


~ 6'7Sll-5l

::::=:=-a&Z'JIIill-======-~ ~




68009-55 68085-55


61741-35 s 3.50 Head lamp reflector ..................................... . 51 to 57

61751-41 •65 Head lamp bulb .............................................. . 48 to 57
61752-47 2.40 Head lamp cable & plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 50-S
67753-35 1.50 Head lamp wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 51 to 57
61758-35 •80 Terminal block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 to 57
61760-35 •05 Terminal ·screw, 8-32 (2) . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 51 to 57
61761-35 •OS Terminal screw, 10-32 (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 51 to 57
67811-51 1.80 Head lamp bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 51 to 57
67814-51 •60 Head lamp bracket brace . . . . . . . . . .......... . 51 to 57
4013 •15 Head lamp bracket bolt (2) . . . . . ... .... .. ... .. 51 to 57
3765 .10 Head lamp bracket brace bolt . . .............. . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57
6242 .OS Head lamp bracket brace bolt washer .............. . ... 51 to 57
7682 •10 Head lamp bracket brace bolt nut ... 51 to 57
67850-47 4.75 Head lamp housing ........ . 48 to 50-S
67860-47 .15 Head lamp mounting (front) .. . 48 to 50-S
3720 •10 Head lamp bracket bolt (4) ... . 48 to 50-S
67861-29 •45 Body fastening bolt .......... . 51 to 57
6521 .05 Head lamp bolt washer ......... . .... ... .... ... .. ....... 51 to 57
7839 .15 Head lamp fastening nut . 51 to 57

Pcut No. Price Each NAME Used On


68000.47 Tail lamp (Replaced by 68001-47)
68001-47 $ 7.50 Tail lamp complete with hood ................................. . 48 to 55-S 6r ST
68009-55 6.25 Tail lamp ................................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 6r 57-ST
2756 •05 Tail lamp attaching screw (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 48 to 55-S 6r ST
7691 •05 Tail lamp attaching screw nut (3) ............................. . 48 to 55--S & ST
Ge040-S5 .90 Tail lamp mounting bracket ................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 6r 57-ST
2763 •05 Tail lamp mounting bracket screw (3) ......................... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
7676 .OS Tail lamp mounting bracket screw nut (3) .................. . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
7688 •05 Tail lamp nut ................................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
68050-50 •15 Tail lamp nipple, rubber .................................. . 50 to 55-S & ST
68055-51 1.75 Tail lamp hood ................... . 51 to 55-S & ST
1187 .03 Tail lamp hood screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... _ 51 to 55-S & ST
7620 •02 Tail lamp hood screw nut (2) .. ..... ... ....... .. 51 to 55-S & ST
68085-55 •60 Tail lamp door . . . . .......................... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
2638 •03 Tail lamp door screw (2) .................................. . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
68091-20 .so Tail lamp red lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 55-S & ST
68091-55 .70 Tail lamp lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
68092-25 .so Tail lamp white lens ........................................ . 48 to 55-S & ST
68092-55 .so Tail lamp outlook lens 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
68105-20 •30 Lens spring ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 48 to 55-S & ST
68107-55 .25 Tail lamp lens retaining spring . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
68120-55 •IS Tail lamp outlook lens gasket ........................ . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
68124-55 .15 Tail lamp door gasket . . . . . . ........... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
68125-25 .15 Paper gasket for white lens ................................... . 48 to 55-S & ST
68126-36 •15 Paper gasket for red lens . . . . . . . . . ............... . 48 to 55-S & ST
68155-34 1.00 Connector plug .................................. . 48 to 55-S & ST
68155-55 Tail lamp connector (Replaced by 68155-55A)
68155-55A .so Tcil lamp connector ........................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 & 57-ST
68157-22 .OS Connector plug screw ........ : . _. _............................ . 48 & 49-S
68161-55 .65 Tail lamp connector contact ................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer, 56 6r 57-ST
68165-34 .37 Tail lamp bulb ............................................. . 48 & 49-S
68165-47 .42 Tail lamp bulb ............................................... . 50 to 57


@ 68466-49


9 68464-49


68450-49 s 4.75 Front fender lamp complete _. . . . . . . ................... _ 48 to 57-S & ST

68455-49 •75 Fender lamp lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 48 to 57-S & ST
68457-49 3.80 Lc:nnp cover--¥~~ .. long ........................................ . 48 to 57-S & ST
68458-49 .45 Fender lamp mounting pad .................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
68459-49 .20 Fender lamp gasket, rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57-S & ST
68462-49 .13 Fer..der lamp bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57-S & ST
68463-49 .10 Fender lamp cover screw (2) .................................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
68464-49 .25 Fender lamp rubber grommet . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
68465-49 •15 Fender lamp wire spring ........ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
68466-49 •10 Fender lamp wire spring washer ............................ . 48 to 57-S & ST


69001-55 $ 2.50 Horn 55 to 57-Hummer
69002-47A Horn (Replaced by 69002-47B)
69002-47B Horn 48 to 57-S & ST

Pczrt No. Price Each NAME Used On


aap • '1634 69024-31 a-
69038-31 ~up
69034-31 69032-31 69022-31
G) ~ @
8 7608~ Qat (j ~ 7634
1229 .,021

3720 s .10 Horn fastening bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST

7675 .OS Horn fastening bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
45934-52A .so Hom mounting plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
69020-31 4.40 Horn front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
1190 .03 Horn front screw (long) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
1229 .05 Hom front screw (short) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to. 57-S & ST
7634 .05 Horn front screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
69022-31 .40 Diaphragm screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57--S & ST
69024-31 .20 Diaphragm screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
69028-31 2.10 Diaphragm aSSembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
69030..31 .35 Terminal screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
7608 .02 Terminal screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
69032-31 .35 Terminal screw bushing (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -48 to 57--S & ST
69034-31 .20 Terminal square fibre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
69038-31 .35 Adjusting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
7634 .OS Adjusting screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST

70102-55 s 1.50 Switch to head lamp cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
7013()..47 Hom switch cable (on handlebar) (Replaced by 70131-51A)
70169-55 2.00 Magneto to switch cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
70210-47 Battery ground wire (Replaced by 7021()..47A)
70250-47A Generator & timer cable (Replaced by 70250-47B)
70270-55 2.40 Tail lamp wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-Hummer
70322-48 17.50 Complete set low tension wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-S
Consists of:
l 70099-51 2.40 Head lamp toggle switch cable Head lamp lead wire
70135-47 .80
(R.M. bars) Switch to coil wire regulator cable
7016S.47A 4..00
70100-47 2.75 Head lamp toggle switch cable 70190·53 Battery positive wire.50
(rigid bars) 70210-47 A Battery ground wire .60
70100-51 2.75 Head lamp toggle switch cable 70250-47B Generator & timer cable
(rigid bars) 70270-47 Tail lamp wire .70
70131-51A 2.75 Hom switch cable 70285-47 .70 Tail lamp to stop light switch wire
1 70132-47 2.75 Hom wire cable 70295-47 .60 Horn to stop light switch wire
70322-53 14.75 Complete set low tension wiring ............................... . 53 to 57-ST
Consists of:
1 70099-51 2.40 Head lamp toggle switch cable 70210-47A .&0 Battery ground wire
1 70100..51 2.15 Head lamp toggle switch ca-ble 70250-47B 3.50 Generator 6 timer cable
1 70131-SIA 2.75 Hom switch cable 70270-53 .'10 Tail lamp wire
1 70132-53 .80 Hom wire cable 70285-47 .70 Tail lamp to stop light switch wire
1 70169-53A 2.10 Ignition & light switch cable 70295-47 .60 Horn to stop light switch wire
1 70190-53 .50 Battery positive wire
70550-47 .25 Generator cable rubber plug . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
70575-41 •OS Wire insulating tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 48 to 52-S, 54 to 57
9902 .15 Terminal (16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
9903 •10 Terminal {9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57-S & ST
9906 .15 Terminals ............... . 52 to 57-S 6. S'I'
9912 .15 'I'erminals ... . 48 to 57-S & ST
9919 •10 Terminals ....... . 55 to 57-Hummer
9976 •35 Horn cable clip ...... . 48 to 52-S

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

WlBING- Continued

70270-47 or 7027o-s~


9902 9906 '10295-47

11500-36 $10.50 Ignition switch complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57-S & ST
71502-55 3.60 Light switch . . . . ............................................. . SS to 57-Hummer
71503-55 •35 Light switch knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 55 to 57-Hummer
71504-55 .rn Light switch knob set screw ................................... . 55 to 57-Hummer
71506-36 2.75 Switch cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
2631 •03 Switch mounting screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
71510-36 .90 Key hole cover & rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... _ 48 to 57-S & ST
71514-36 •OS Cover rivet ................................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
71516-36 1.20 Switch base ............................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
71517-55 •15 Light switch mounting plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 55 to 57-Hummer
2629 .03 Light switch mounting plate screw (2) .. 55 to 57-Hummer
7608 .02 Light switch mounting plate screw nut (2) 55 to 57-Hummer
71525-36 3.25 Switch mounting plate assembly .. 48 to 57-S & ST
71550-36 4.65 Contact holder & plate assembly 48 to 57-S & ST
71560-36 .55 Roller contact ... 48 to 57-S & ST

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. On

SWITCHES- Continued

2 626

2 626 '71811-26




71562-36 $ .10 Roller contact retainer ..................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST

71580-36 2.75 Switch lock & keys . . . . . . . . . . ................................. . 48 to 57-5- & ST
48155-30 .50 Switch key (specify lock number) (2) . . . . .................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
71587-36 .60 Switch lock plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
990 .02 Switch terminal screw (4) .................................... . 48 to 57-S 6 ST
71800-26 Hom switch complete less wire (Replaced by 71800-26A)
71800-26A 2.20 Hom switch complete less wire ................................ . 48 to 57-S & ST
Consists of:
2 2626 .03 Horn switch screw 71806--53 .SO Horn switch wire insulation
1 71802-26 .20 Horn switch button 71811-26 1.20 Horn switch housing
1 71804-26 .05 Hom switch button spring 71813-26 .40 Horn switch contact wire
71840-29 2.75 Head lamp toggle switch complete less wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
Consists of:
2 2626 .03 Switch mounting screw 71856-29 .15 Light switch retainer plate
1 71843-29 .45 Light switch lever 71859-29 .15 Light switch contact _pin
I 71845-29 1.50 Light switch housing 71861-29 .10 Light switch contact pin spring-
1 71851-29 1.00 Light switc:h contact block
72000-47 3.50 Stoplight switch complete 48 to 57-S & ST
Consists of:
1 72004-39 2.75 Stoplight switch 1 70295-47 .60 Horn to stoplight switch wire
1 72017-39 .25 Stoplight switch spring 1 9984 .15 Switch mounting clamp
1 72020-39 .15 Switch pull wire 1 2771 .05 Clamp bolt
1 72030-47 .15 Switch spring clip 1 7688 .05 Clamp bolt nut
1 70285-47 .70 Stoplight to stoplight switch wire 2 2626 .03 Terminal screw

74450-49 $ 4.50 Ammeter complete ............................... . 48 to 57-S & ST

74451-49 4.10 Ammeter only .... . 48 to 57-S & ST
74455-49 .60 Ammeter bracket 48 to 54-S & ST
74455-55 •90 Ammeter bracket . 55 to 57-ST
74458-49 .so Ammeter cable 48 to 57-S & ST
3765 .10 Ammeter mounting screw 48 to 57-S & ST

Part No. Price Each Used 0:::~.

AM:ttiETER AND Ftl'TINGS- Continued

®~ 3765

<:::,) 6186
1St 7220 -~..--



7675 $ .OS Ammeter serew nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. . . . . . 48 to 57-S 0. ST

71098-38 .OS Ammeter bushing (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
6186 .OS Ammeter bushing insulating washer (2) . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57-S & ST
7634 .OS Ammeter cable nut (4) . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. 48 ·to 57-S & ST




< '


74510-47 $ 7.80 Voltage regulator . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 48 to 57-S & ST

3720 •10 Regulator fastening bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57-S & ST
7675 •OS Fastening bolt nut .............................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
1190 •03 Fastening screw ........................................... . 48 to 50-S
7638 •05 Fastening screw nut ................................... . 48'to 57-S & ST
1063 •03 Terminal serew (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 48 to 57-S & ST
37581·52 •35 Voltage regulator stud ......................... . 52 to 57-S & ST
74515-48 .90 Voltage regulator cover . . . . . ..... . 48 to 55-S & ST
74Sl5-S5 1.10 Voltage regulator cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-ST
74S16~SS •06 Voltage regulator cover screw (2) ...... . 55 to 57-ST
74517-S5 •06 Voltage regulator cover screw washer (2) ...... . 55 to 57-ST
74518-48 •50 Voltage regulator cover gasket ...... . 48 to 57-S & ST
74521-48 3.00 Current & voltage regulator mounting kit ...... . 48 to 57-S & ST


91526-49 $11.75 Auxiliary seat ~omplete .... 48 to 57-S & ST
91535-49 7.50 Set footrests 48 to 57-·S & ST

Part No. Price Ea:c:h NAME Used On



® 70:SS


4293 s .20 Seat mounting bolt (4) ....................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST

91537-t9 3.00 Footrest only (2) .............................................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
1189 •OS Footrest nut (2} ...........•................................ 48 to 57-S & ST
91542-t9 1.00 Footrest bracket-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
91544-49 .80 Footrest bracket-Rt. ................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
91546-49 •35 Left footrest bracket clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-S & ST
3825 .10 Bracket clamp bolt {2) . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57-S & ST
7615 •OS Bracket clamp bolt nut {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57-S & ST
3825 •10 Right footrest bracket bolt . . .................................. . 48 to 57-S & ST
91547-49 •15 Right foo'll"est spacer ............................ . 48 to 57-S & ST
3850 •10 Right footrest spacer screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 48 to 57-S & ST

43315-t9 $ 1.75 Chrome hub cap (2) ........... -~ ..................... . 48 to 57
90826-57 2.50 Pair of saddlebag expanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
90985-49A 3.25 Set saddlebag hangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 48 to 57
91000-t9A Pair saddlebags (Replaced by 9100CJ...49B)
91000-t9B 19.75 Pair saddlebags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57
91001-53 Saddlebag-Rt. (Replaced by 91001-53A)
91001-53A 9.95 Saddlebag-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . .. 48 to 57
91002-53 Saddlebag-Lt. (Replaced by 91002-53A)
91002-53A 9.95 Saddlebag-Lt. . .............................................. . 48 to 57
91585-t9 1.50 Reflex lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 48 to 57
91586-49 1.10 Front license plate holder ..................................... . 49 to 57
91589-49 .30 Front license plate clip ........................................ . 49 to 57
91675-51 1.25 Speedometer illuminator complete . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 51 & 52-S
91675-53 1.25 Speedometer illuminator complete ...... . 53 to 57-ST, 55 to 57-Hummer
91"115-51 2.95 Spark plug holder . . . ................... . 51 to 57

64200-55 $ 6.95 Tool box & fittings with tools 55 to 57-Hummer
Consists of:
1 64202-47 5.90 Tool box complete 1 94501-44 1.40 ~1c."& ¥.!-" double end wrench
1 64300-47 2.30 Tool box cover 1 94572-47 .25 Spark plug socket handle
1 64371-55 .35 Tool box bracket 1 94575-47 1.00 Spark plug socket
1 64372-55 .10 Tool box bracket spacer (2) 1 95001-12 .95 Combination ,pliers
1240 .10 Tool box bracket screw {2) 1 95002-45 .30 Screw driver
7638 .OS Tool box bracket screw nut (2) 1 95002-SS .40 Phillips recessed head screw driver
94500-47 .80 :~ · · open end wrench 1 95020-38 2.50 Chain tool assembly

Part No. Price Ea:c:h NAME Used On

TOOLS- Continued



94400-47 $ 7.25 Tool roll ..................... . 48 to 57-S & ST

Consists of:
l 94416-37 .80 Tool roll only 40099-47 .65 Chain repair link
1 95001-12 .95 Combination pliers 94500-47 .80 *"open end wrench
l 95002-45 .30 Screw driver 94575-47 1.00 Spark plug socket
1 95020..38 2.50 Chain tool assembly 94572-47 .25 Spark plug socket handle
1 94501--44 1.40 %~" and lh" double end wrench
95135-47 2.95 Tire pump . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 48 to 57-S & ST
95745-47 .60 Tire pump clamp ......................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST
95790-47 1.60 Grease gun ............................................... . 48 to 57-S & ST



()mlD aDD> () ~~n•••i•) @) ~~o
~ @ f @@

Part Priee
No. Ea:c:h NAME No. Each NAME

510 S .005 ;1.,.. x lh" Cotter pin 528 $ .005 %2" x :~" Cotter pin
512 .DOS n~" x %"Cotter pin 531 .01 %2" x %" Cotter pin


904 $ .02 4-48 N.F. x '¥!~" Fillister head screw 1303 s .05 12 24 N.C. x %" Fillister head screw

920 .03 4w4S N.F. x lh'' Fillister head screw 1375 .OS %." 20 N.C. x l=Yt 6 " Phillips recessed fillister

990 .02 6-32 N.C. x %6" Fillister head screw head screw
1001 .02 6-32 N.C. x Jh" Fillister head screw 1414 .10 1;4"-20 N.C. x 1'/s" Phillips recessed fi!lister
1040 .03 8-32 N.C. x 1%4" Fillister head screw head screw
1047 .D3 8-32 N.F. x '%" Fillister head screw 1420 .10 1,4'' -20 N.C. x !3~~2" Phillips recessed head
1050 .03 8-32 N.C. x l,4" Fillister head screw screw
1063 .03 8-32 N.C. x %" Fillister head screw 1713 .03 8-32 N.C. x ~l<>" Flat recessed head screw
1187 .03 10-24 N.C. x %" Fillister head screw 1715 .03 8-32 N.C. x 7ftG" Self tapping flat head screw
1190 .03 10..32 N.F. x %" Fillister head screw 1810 .OS 12-24 N.C. x lh" Flat head screw
10-24 N.C. x *"
10-24 N.C. x%" Fillister head screw
Fillister head screw
10-32 N.F. x 1" Fillister head screw
10-32 N.F. x lh" Oval head neck screw
14"-20 N.C. x l7k.4" Oval head screw
8-32 N.C. x lh" Round head screw

Part Price Part Price
No. Each NAME No. Each NAME


2631 $ .03 8-32 N.C. x %~:;"Round head screw 2195 $ .15 1,4"-20 N.C. x lllfl.e" Phillips recessed round
2633 .03 8-32 N.C. x l%2" Round head screw head screw
(cad.mium) 3720 .10 J,4"-28 N.F. x %fl" Hexagon head holt
2635 .03 8-32 N.C. x *"Round head screw 3128 .10 1,4"-20 N.C. x lh" Hexagon head screw
2663 .03 10-32 N.F. x l,4" Round head screw 316S .10 .14"-28 N.F.x%" Hexagon head cap screw
2685 .OS 10-32 N.C. x %"Truss head screw 3781 .10 l1f'-20 N.C. x ~" Hexagon head cap screw
2686 .OS 10-24 N.C. x '%"Round head screw 3791 .10 :14"-28 N.F. x3A." Hexagon head bolt
2121 .03 12-24 N.C. x ¥.t Round head screw 3825 .10 1,4"-28 N.F. x 1" Hexagon head bolt
2151 .10 1,4 "-28 N.F. x %6" Recessed round head 3838 .15 :;4"-28 N.F. x ll}ie" Hexagon head .bolt
screw 3850 .10 %"-28 N.F. l%e" Hexagon head screw
2156' .OS ~"-24 N.S. x %6" Round head screw 3815 .10 1,4"-28 N.F. x 2'1/is" Hexagon head cap screw
2158 .OS J,f'-20 N.C. x l;2" Recessed truss head screw 3996 .15 %e"-24 N.F. x %" Hexagon head bolt
2159 .OS %"-20 N.C. x lh" Round head screw 4000 .1S %e"-24 N.F. x 1" Hexagon head bolt
2163 .OS %''-28 N.F. x lh" Round head screw 4010 .1S %~(-24 N.F. x 1%:!" Hexagon head .bolt
2765 .OS lt4"-20 N.C. x %" Round head screw 4015 ..20 o/),6"-24 N.F. x ll;S" Hexagon head bolt
2111 .05 1,4"-20 N.C. x %,"Round head screw 4020 .15 %6"-24 N.F. x 1-%" Hexagon head bolt
2112 .OS 3,4''-28 N.F. x *"Round head screw 4289 .20 %"-24 N.F. x -%." Hexagon head bolt
4293 .20 ;8"~16 N.C. x 25h2" Hexagon head bolt

6011 $ .05 %2" x lo/64" x '¥.!2" Brass washer 6221 S .OS 1,4" x lh" x lAc" Plain steel washer
6051 .OS lh" x ~1.6" x ~2" Plain steel washer 6240 .OS l,f,'' x %~" x lAe" Plain steel washer
6105 .05 %:( x %6'' x lo/64" Plain steel washer 6321 .OS %6" x'%," x l;i~" Plain steel washer
6156 .OS 1%4_." x %" x lh2" Brass washer 6413 .OS 2%4:" x 5Jf64" x lh<S" Plain steel washer
6161 .05 %2" x %" x ;.&4" Plain steel washer 6S21 .OS 291M" x ll,S" x ~32" Plain steel washer
6119 .05 %.6" x %" x '¥.32" Insulating washer 6543 .10 3lf64" x -%,." x lf64" Plain steel washer
6182 .OS o/te" x'*G" x %2" Plain steel washer 6591 .05 331M" x l'lk'" x%2" Plain steel washer
6201 .OS %2" x ~&4" x %2" .Canvas washer

7021 $ .01 No. 10 Spring lock washer 1035 $ .01 :14" Springlock washer
1025 .01 No. 10 Spring lock washer 1040 .01 o/1.~"
S:pring lock washer
7030 .01 No. 12 Spring lock washer 1055 .D2 %6" Spring lock washer


7110 $ .01 No.5 Internal tooth shakeproof lock washer 121S $.D2 No.8 External tooth shakeproof lock washer
7115 .01 No.8 Internal tooth shakeproo£ lock washer (flat)
7118 .01 No. 10 (.190) Internal tooth lock washer 1220 .01 No. 10 External tooth sha.keproof lock washer
1121 .01 %.-," Internal tooth shakeproof lock washer (flat)
1230 .01 ;.4" External tooth shakeproof lock washer (fl:xt)

7560 s .02 4-48 N.F. x %2" x 2,4" Hexagon nut 1683 s .10 1,4"·28 N.F. flexloc nut
1608 Jl2 8-32 N.C. x %4." x :;is" Hexagon nut 1688 .OS l,4"-20 N.C. x l,4" x l;2" Hexagon nut
1612W .10 8-36 N.F. flexloc nut 1691 OS 1,4"-24 N.S.x%2"x%s" Hexagon nut
7620 .02 10-24 N.C. x lk" x %" Hexagon nut 1125 .10 %s"-24 N.F. flexloc nut
7634 .OS 10-32 N.F. x l,.S" x %s" Hexagon nut 1144 .OS o/J.e"-24 N.F. x ~tie" x lk" Hexagon nut
7638 .OS 10-32 N.F. x 'k" x %" Hexagon nut 1152 .OS %e":.24 N.F. x 17;'64" x l/2' Hexagon nut
7854 .05 12-24 N.C. x%2" x %e" Hexagon nut 1153 .OS o/J.e"-24 N.F.xlo/64"xlh" Hexagon nut
7675 .OS 1,4"-28 N.F. x i1.6" x 'i;l~" Hexagon nut 1189 .OS %"-24 N.F. x l,4" x 'i6" Hexagon nut
7676 .OS 1,4"-28 N.F. x o/J.e" x %.-;"Hexagon nut 7804 .OS %"-24 N.F. x lA," x %6" Hexagon nut
(chrome) 1839 .1S %6"-20 N.F. x lh" x %" Hexagon nut
7682 .10 %"-28 N.F. flexloc nut 1859 .IS 7!J.f!"-20 N.F. x %" x*" Hexagon nut

8309 $.o2 %" x %2" Tubular rivet 8496 S.D2 %2" x lh" Round head rivet
8310 .02 'k" x ~s" Tubular rivet 8513 .D2 %~" x %" Round head rivet
8429 .02 %2" x lk" Round head rivet 851S .D2 o/J.<S" x %" Truss head rivet
8430 .02 %2" x JA" Round head rivet 8600 .03 %2" x lltJ.~" Round head rivet

8854 s .02 ~s" Steel ball 8860 SJJ3 ~e" Steel hall

9004 $2.40 .4724" X 1.2598" X .3937" Ball bearing 9015 S4.1S .7874" x 1.6535" x .3543'' Ball bearing
900'1 2.40 .5906" x 1.378" x .433" Ball bearing 9060 1.9S Needle bearing
9008 2.40 .6693" x 1.5748" x .4724" Ball bearing

9851 $ .10 Grease fitting-straight

Part No. Page I Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page
11400 23 2.3750-47 3 27525-47 7 29572-55 9
16050-55 2 23780-47 2 27525-53 7 29574-55 9
16051-53A 2 3 27527-47 7 29575-55 9
16051-53B 2 4. 27528-47 7 29577-55 9
16525-55 2 23781-55 3 27535-47 7 29578-55 9
16527-47 2 4 27536-4? 7 2.9580-55 9
16527-53A 2 23785-48 4 2 7 57 0-4 '/ 7 29581-55 9
16537-53 2 237A7-47 4 27570-53 7 29582-55 9
16600-55 2 237A7-47A 2 2 7 5 '(5-4 7 7 29583-55 9
16645-4? 2 3 275'"15-53 7 29584-55 9
8 4 27577-47 7 29585-55 9
16645-53 2 23985-18 4 27577-53 7 29586-55 9
8 11 27580-4"'1 7 29587-55 9
16645-54 2 lc 27582-47 7 29588-55 9
8 24200-48 4 275?4-47 7 30000-47A 9
16652-47 2 24200-50 4 27586-47 7 30000-50 9
16652-53 2 24200-51 4 27612-47 7 30010-47 9
16765-47 2 24200-53 4 27612-53 7 30015-47 9
3 24201-47 4 27614-47 7 30020-47 9
16765-53 2 24201-50 4 27614-53 7 30100-47A 9
3 24201-51 4 27620-47 7 30100-476 9
16766-48 2 24201-54 4 27620-53 7 30101-48 9
16766-53 3 24221-51 4 27650-47 H .30101-50 9
16766-55 3 24222-4'"/ 4 27650-53 8 .30200-48 9
16773-47 2 24222-50 4 27654-47 8 .30200-50 9
3 24250-53 4 27660-47 8 .30211-48 9
16773-53 3 24251-47 4 27665-53 8 30211-50 9
22001-47 3 24251-53 4 27670-55 8 30227-47 9
22001-50A ::; 24252-48 4 27671-55 8 :30269-47 9
22001-53 3 24270-48 4 27672-55 8 30269-50 10
22002-47 3 24495-47 4 27673-55 8 .30350-47 10
22002-SOA 3 24495-53 4 27675-55 8 .30350-50 10
22002-53 3 24496-55 4 27680-55 8 30380-47 10
22003-47 3 24502-48 4 27681-55 8 .30380-50 10
22003-50A 3 24502-53 4 27682-55 8 .30400-47 10
2 2 0 0.3-5 3 3 24502-55 4 27663-55 8 .30404-47 10
22005-47 3 24507-48 4 27688-55 8 .30404-48 10
22005-50A 3 24507-53 4 276FI9-55 8 .30404-50 10
22005-53 3 24507-55 4 27691-55 8 30407-50 :10
22006-50 ::; 24571-47 3 27692-SS 8 30501-47 10
22006-53 3 5 27693-55 8 30505-47 10
22007-50 3 24573-47 5 27694-55 8 30507-47 :10
22007-53 3 24574-47 5 27699-55 8 30511-47 10
22008-50 3 24577-47 5 27700-55 8 30524-47 :10
22340-47 3 24583-51 5 27701-55 8 .30605-48 10
22340-53 3 24811-53 5 27702-55 H 30750-47 :11
22342-47 3 25406-47 5 27703-55 b 30900-47 11
22.342-53 3 25411-47 2 27706-57 8 30900-50 11
22344-47 ::; 3 27707-57 H 31600-47 11
22.344-5.3 3 5 27708-55 8 31610-53 11
22346-47 3 25451-47 5 27709-55 8 31612-47 11
22346-53 3 25453-47 5 27710-55 8 31617-47A :11·
22347-48 3 2S7o0-47 5 27711-55 B .31620-47 11
22347-53 3 25700-55 5 27712-55 8 31755-5.3 :11
22348-48 3 25705-47 5 27713-55 8 32049-27 11
2234S-53 3 25710-47 5 27714-55 8 32301-47 11
22349-48 3 25711-55 5 27715-55 8 32303-47 11
22580-47 3 25712-55 5 27716-55 8 32305-48 11
22560-50 3 25715-47 5 27721-55 8 .32342-42 11
22586-47 3 27145-55 5 27722-55 8 32660-47 10
22586-50A ::; 27145-55A 5 27800-53 8 32661-47 10
22586-53 3 27150-53 5 27A01-53 H :32669-47 11
2 2·s e 7-4 7 3 27150-53A 5 27A03-53 8 32726-47 11
22587-50 3 2'7151-47 7 29004-47 ~ 32731-47 11
2:3700-47 3 27151-53 7 2 9 0·0 4-4 7 A 8 3:3064-47 11
2.3700-50 3 27151-53A 7 29004-53 8 33064-55 ~1
23700-51 3 27412-55 7 29005-55 8 33072-47 11
23700-53 :; 27413-53 3 29015-47 ~ 33500-47 11
23700-55 3 7 29024-53 8 33502-47 11
23722-50 3 27413-54 3 29027-53 8 33502-47A 11
23722-53 3 7 29036-53 8 33504-47 11
23730-47 3 27413-55 7 29036-55 8 33506-47 11
2.37.35-47 3 27451-53 7 29037-5:3 8 .33508-47 11
2:3735-47A 3 27451-54 7 29037-55 ~ .33530-47 11
2.3738-47 ;s 27500-47 7 29036-55 8 33530-476 11
23738-4?A 3 27500-53 7 29Cl40-5S e 3 3 53 4 -.:::'I 12
23739-55 3 Z7500-53A 7 29041-53 f~ 33536-47 12
23741-47 3 27505-47 7 29045-53 8 33540-47 12
23743-47 2 27505-53 7 29501-55 9 3 3 54 2 - 4 ~, 12
3 27506-47 7 29539-55 9 .33544-47 12
23745-47 3 27509-47 7 29570-55 9 3.3546-47 12
23749-47 3 2 7 52 0-4 '/ 7 2 9 5 'I l -55 s 3 4 3 2 p. - 4 '"( 1.2

Part No. Page Part No. Page I
Part "No. Page Part No. Page

34345-47 12 37561-47 13 41485-52 16 45003-51 20

34348-47 12 37571-47 13 41550-47 16 45003-52 20
34350-47 12 37581-52 35 41550-55 16 45007-47 20
34352-47 12 41 41578-47 16 45009-51 20
34353-53 12 37707-47 13 41579-47 16 45015-52 20
34361-47 12 16 41604-52 16 45017-41 15
34363-47 12 37707-53A 13 4:1.645-47 16 20
34375-47 12 16 4164 5-52 :16 45023-41 1 5
34379-47 12 37707-54 13 41651-47 16 20
34381-47 12 16 41651-52 16 45030-28 15
34401-47 12 37707-55 13 41690-47 16 20
34405-47 12 16 19 45031-41 15
34409-47 12 37711-47 14 41836-47 16 20
34455-47 12 37711-53 14 19 45033-41 15
34457-47 12 .37711-5.3A 14 41840-47 17 20
34460-52 12 37711-55 14 19 45033-49 1 5
34475-47A 12 37714-47 14 41940-47 16 20
34475-54 12 37715-47 14 42256-47 16 45070-51 20
34475-54A 12 .37719-54 14 42265-47 16 45086-51 20
34481-47 13 37745-47 14 42268-47 17 45086-52 20
34483-47 13 37888-47 14 42400-47 l.7 45087-47 20
34484-47 13 37902-47 14 42400-47A 17 45089-51 20
34600-47A 13 37927-48 14 43000-47 18 45102-39 15
34600-54 13 37929-47 14 43000-55 ::1.8 20
34606-52 13 37971-47 14 43001-47 l.8 45103-39 15
34606-54 13 37972-47 14 43001-56 18 20
34609-47 1 3 37974-47 14 43021-47 18 451.05-.39 15
34609-52 1.3 38015-49 14 43021-55 18 20
34618-55 13 38078-47 14 43023-47 18 45107-.39 15
34740-47 13 38100-47 15 43023-55 18 20
35045-47 1.3 .38131-47 15 43100-47A 18 45109-30 15
35045-52 13 38135-50 15 43.315-49 42 20
35045-52A 13 38600-47 15 43515-47 18 45109-49 1 5
35051-47 13 38600-52 15 43515-51 18 20
35051-53 1 3 38600-55 ::1.5 43515-51A 18 45137-51 20
35056-47A 13 38601-51 15 43515-55 :18 45148-52 20
35056-55 1.3 38612-52 1'5 43515-56 18 45149-48 20
35079-47 13 3861.3-47 15 43515-56A 18 45150-51 20
35080-47 13 38613-52 15 43516-47 18 45158-37 20
35096-47 13 38630-51 15 43516-51 :18 45159-47 20
35150-47 2 38632-48 15 43516-56 18 45161-51 20
3 38633-52 15 43516-56A 18 45161-51A 20
13 38646-47 ::1.5 43604-57 :18 45163-47 20
35165-47 13 .38646-51 15 43605-47 :18 45501-47 20
35170-47 2 400 00-47 16 43605-51 18 45501-51 23
3 40000-53 16 43605-57 :18 45501-55 23
13 40013-47 16 43606-47 19 45502-46 20
35201-47 13 40048-47 16 43606-47A 19 45726-47 20
15 40071-47 16 43606-55 19 45726-51 23
35202-52 l.5 40082-47 16 43606-57 19 45726-5.3 2.3
35209-47 13 40099-47 16 43608-57 19 45726-55 2.3
::1.5 4.3 43727-47 'l.7 45726-55A 23
.35215-47 13 40195-47 16 19 45736-47 20
1 5 40195-47A 16 43728-55 l.9 2.3
35611-47 13 40195-53 16 43733-47 17 45740-51 2:3
35611-47A 13 40195-53A 16 l.9 45742-51 2.3
35675-47 13 41003-47 16 43736-51 19 45742-55 23
35675-52 1 3 41003-52 16 43737-5'"1 19 45746-47 20
35691-47 1; 41003-53 16 43746-55 19 23
35691-55 13 41003-55 16 43874-51 j_9 45749-51 23
35720-47 13 41003-56 16 43876-47 ::1.9 45750-55 23
35720-53 1 3 41.004-47 16 43901-47 19 45803-47 20
35720-53A 13 41.004-52 16 44071-47 17 45810-47 20
.35721-55 13 41004-5:3 16 19 45815-47 20
35740-47 13 41004-56 16 44098-57 19 45816-51 23
36045-47 1 3 41015-47 16 44099-51 19 45817-47 20
36712-42 20 41015-52 16 44099-57 19 45818-51 23
36750-4$ 1 3 41015-53 16 44101-47 17 45820-49 20
36750-53 1 3 41015-55 16 19 45822-47 20
36750-55 13 41016-47 16 44102-48 17 45848-Sl 23
37200-4'"1 13 41016-52 16 19 45876-47 20
.3 7 21 0- 4 '"I 1 3 41016-53 16 44144-47 19 45885-47 20
37-'::22-47 1 3 41016-55 16 44144-51 19 45890-47 20
37222-52 j_J 41170-55 16 44144-57 1.9 45892-50 20
37275-47 13 41175-55 16 44150-51 19 45894-50 20
37278-47 1 3 41200-47 16 44~66-47 17 45900-4'"1 20
:37281-47 1 3 19 19 45901-48 20
37336-47 1 3 41.225-47 1 6 44266-51 19 45910-47 20
1 6 41310-52 16 44300-47 19 45920-47 20
37344-4? l :1 41476-52A 16 44300-51 19 45929-55 23
37SS8-4rr 1 3 41476-53 16 45002-41 15 45930-SlA 2 3
37558-49 1 3 41477-51. 16 20 45930-5.2 Z3

Part No. Page Part No. Paqe Part No. Page Part No. Page

45934-52 23 520:30-47 26 58047-47 :30 66015o..47 :34

45934-52A 23 520:30-50 26 58050-48 30 66021-47 34
38 52040-47 26 58052-48 30 66258-47 35
459.35-S1A 23 52041-50 26 58060-48 30 66261-47 35
459:35-52 23 52042-47 26 58070-48 30 66375-47 35
45935-52A 23 52044-47 26 58070-52 30 67000-47 35
45945-51 23 52046-47 26 58 0 71-4 8. 30 67000-51A 35
45945-51A 23 52066-47 26 58071-52 30 67000-518 3 5
45947-51 23 52067-47 2 6 58075-52 30 67000-51C 35
45947-51A 23 52068-50 26 581B7-30 30 67001-47 3 5
45947-55 23 52500-51 27 58768-41 24 67001-51 3 5
45951-47 22 52500-52 27 59001-47 31 67009-55 3 5
45980-47 22 52516-51 27 59001-51 31 67009-57 35
45986-47 22 52548-51 27 59099-51 31 67050-47 3 5
45992-47 22 52549-51 27 59102-47 31 67050-51 35
46000-51 23 52554-51 27 59102-51 31 67060-51 35
46002-51 23 52555-51 27 59131-47 31 67100-47 3 5
46004-51 23 52652-52 27 59400-47 31 67110-49 3 5
46053-51 23 52655-51 27 59400-51 31 67150-47 35
46054-53 23 52665-52 27 59408-51 31 671119-55 35
46155-47 22 52674-51 27 59600-47 31 671!:10-55 3 5
46160-47 22 52686-51 27 59600-51 31 67193-55 3 5
46176-47 22 53400-47 29 59B07-47 31 67700-47 3 5
46205-52 23 56001-47 2$1 59807-51 31 67700-51 35
46270-51 23 56001-48 2$1 59811-47 31 67710-::55 35
462$15-18 23 56001-51A 29 59845-47 31. 67710-47 3 5
47002-47 23 56001-55 29 598A6-51 31 67711-35 3 5
47002-47A 23 56005-47 29 60301-47 32 67712-47 35
47002-55 23 56005-48 29 60301-53 32 -67713-35 35
47301-47 24 56005-51 29 60326-54 32 67714-47 35
47330-47 11 56005-55 2$1 6:1.000-47 32 67715-35 35
47331-50 11 56009-51A 2$1 61000-47A 32 67718-47 35
46155-30 40 56017-51 29 61000-55 32 67730-47 35
48317-47 24 5602B-51 2$1 61070-47 32 67731-35 3 5
48360-47 24 5602SI-51A 29 61105-47 32 67733-35 3 5
49.000-47 24 56030-51 2$1 61106-47 32 67?34-35 3 5
49000-54 24 56147-51 2$1 61110-47 32 6 7 'I 3 5-4 7 3 5
4911$1-51 24 56147-51A 29 61114-48 32 67740-47 3 5
49120-51 24 56148-51 29 61314-47 32 67741-35 36
49121-51 24 56148-51A 2$1 61317-47 32 67751-47 36
49122-51 24 56154-51 29 61321-47 32 67752-47 36
4$1123-51 24 56156-51 30 61400-47 32 6'7753-35 36
49126-51 24 56158-51 30 61769-57 32 67758-35 36
50001-49 24 56160-55 30 61770-51 32 67760-35 36
50005-47 24 56169-51 30 61770-55 32 67761-35 3 6
50006-49 24 56170-51 30 61770-57 32 67811-51 36
50006-52 26 561?4-51 30 61778-55 32 67R14-51 36
50007-47 26 56210-47 30 62124-47 32 67850-47 36
50010-47 26 56210-53 30 62125-50 32 67860-47 :56
50010-49 26 56212-53 30 62125-55 33 67861-29 36
50011-49 26 56220-47 30 62141-50 33 66000-47 37
50017-52 26 56220-50 30 62142-50 33 68001-47 37
50019-52 26 56234-50 30 62150-50 3.3 6b009-55 37
50029-49 26 56235-47 30 62358-47 33 68040-55 37
50897-52 26 56235-49 3.0 62358-50 33 6h050-50 37
50A98-52 26 56240-47 30 62359-55 33 6b055-51 37
50901-47 26 56276-31 30 64200-55 34 68085-55 37
50901-49 26 56350-48 30 c54202-47 34 6tl09l-20 37
50901-49A 26 56350-51 30 64300-47 34 68091-55 37
50906-47 26 56350-55 30 64371-55 34 6 a· a 9 2-2 5 37
50915-52 26 56351-51 30 64372-55 34 60092-55 37
50920-49 2 6 56360-47 30 64406-4? 34 68105-20 37
50920-52 26 56360-51 30 65200-47A 34 6H107-55 37
50930-47 26 56360-55 30 65200-478 34 68120-55 37
50931-49 26 56362-51 3C 65241-47A 34 68124-55 37
50932-51 26 56369-47 30 65241-478 34 66125-25 37
50935-47 26 56379-51 30 65243-48 34 6~126-36 37
50937-47 26 563B0-47 30 65249-4? 34 68155-34 37
5093$1-52 26 56380-51 30 65290-5? 34 68155-55 37
50940-47 26 563?.0-55 30 65439-4? 34 681S5-55A 37
50940-5, 26 56382-51 30 65439-51 34 61:3157-22 37
27 56390-47 30 65439-51A 34 68161-55 37
50940-55 26 56410-47 30 6543$1-55 34 68165-34 37
50942-47 26 56420-47 30 65440-55 34 6~165-47 37
50946-52 26 56430-47 30 65521-4'"1 34 ocs4s0-49 37
50946-55 26 58004-47 30 65521-47A 34 68455-49 37
50970-52 26 58004-52 30 65523-47 34 681',57-49 37
52000-47 26 58026-48 30 oS5523-47A 34 68458-49 37
52000-46 26 58028-51 30 65533-54 34 68459-49 37
52001-55 26 58034-48 30 66000-47 34 6H452-49 37
52025-47 26 58036-48 30 66001-4 ..( 34 68453-49 37
521J?S-50 2 6 58045-4H 30 66001-47D 34 6 0 4 6 4- 4 ~; 37

Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

68465-49 37 70270-53 38 71811-26 40 91.001-53A' 4~

68-166-49 37 70270-55 38 71.813-26 40 9:1002-53 42
69001-55 37 70285-47 38 7:1840-29 40 91.002-53A 42
69002-4 ../A 37 40 71.843-29 40 91.526-49 41
69002-478 37 70295-47 38 71845-29 40 9:1535-49 41
69020-31 38 40 71.851-29 40 91.537-49 42
69022-31 38 70322-48 38 71856-29 40 91542-49 42
69024-31 38 70322-53 38 71859-29 40 91544-49 42
69028-31 38 70550-47 38 71861-29 40 91546-49 42
69030-31 38 70575-47 38 72000-47 40 91547-49 42
69032-31 38 71098-38 41 72004-39 40 91.585-49 4 2
69034-31 38 71500-36 39 72017-39 40 91586-49 42
69038-31 38 71502-55 39 72020-39 40 91589-49 42
70099-51 38 71503-55 39 72030-47 40 91675-51 42
70!00-47 38 71.504-55 39 74450-49 40 91675-53 42
70100-51. 38 71506-36 39 74451-49 40 91775-51 42
70102-55 38 71510-36 39 74455-49 40 94400-47 43
70130-47 38 71514-36 39 74455-55 40 9441.6-37 43
70131-51A 38 71516-36 39 74450-49 40 94500-47 43
70132-47 38 71517-55 39 74510-47 41 94501-44 43
70132-53 38 71525-36 39 74515-48 41 94572-47 43
70135-47 38 7:1.550-36 39 74515-55 41 94575-47 43
70169-47A 38 7:1560-36 39 74516-55 41 95001-12 43
70169-53A 38 715 6 2-3.6 40 74517-55 41 95002-55 4 3
70169-55 38 71580-36 40 74518-48 41 95020-38 43
70190-53 38 71587-36 40 7452:1-4!:! 41 95735-47 43
70210-47 38 71800-26 40 90826-57 42 95745-47 43
70210-47A :38 71B00-26A 40 90985-49A 4.2 95790-47 43
70250-47A 3c 71802-26 40 91000-49A 42
70250-478 38 71804-.26 40 91000-498 42
70270-47 38 7:1806-53 40 91001-53 4 .2



lcte 125-165 • $14.25 CHROME HUB CAP FENDER TIPS
58004-47 43315-49-125- 59400-51-1 2 5- FENDER LAMP
125-HUMMER $14.25 165-HUMMER $1.75 1 65-HUMMER $5.50 68450-49-125-165 • $4.75

52500-52-1 25- Top 58770-51 $5.25 90985-49A-125- 91000-498-125-
165-HUMMER • • $32.00 Bot. .49119-51 $9.75 1 65-HUMMER $3.25 165-HUMMER • . $1 9.75


AMMETER 91675-53-165 $1.25
53400-47-1 25- 49000-54-1 25-
165-HUMMER $6.80 7 4450-49-125-165 • $4.50 91675-51-125 - • $1.25 165-HUMMER • • $15.50


67009-.55-56-HUMMER $18.95 AND STARTER PEDAL 91 840-56-1 25-1 65- AIR CLEANER
67009·.57-57 -HUMMER $16.75 50945-55-HUMMER • $1.90 HUMMER • • • . $1.75 29005-5.5-HUMMER • $3.50




Harley-Davidson two cycle oil hcs been especially refined for

use in two cycle engines. All engine ports ore thoroughly lubri-
cated for top performance end pee~ horsepower.

Two cycle oil is sealed in Y2 pint cons designed for ecsy filling-
to provide just the right mixture for every tonk full of gasoline.
Gos and oil blend quickly into a dean-burning mixture essential
for long engine life.

For dependable performance and proper engine core, insist on

genuine Harley-Davidson two cycle oiL

99800-TC Case of 24- '12 pints .•••.•••••••••... $4.50


.. 58" SPECIAL LIGHT -Use in all engines at temperature~ below 32° (freezing) •
..75" MEDIUM HEAVY-Use for normal service in all engines at temperatures between 32° and 75°.
.. 105" REGULAR HEAVY-Use for normal service in all engines at temperatures over 75° and for
extreme service at any temperature.

99800·1 Regular Heavy Oil (105) ••••..•••••••••.••••••••• $ 9.95
99800-M Medium Heavy Oil (75). . • • . • . • • • . • • • . . . . • • • • • • • • 9.95
99800-SL Special Light Oil (58W) .......................... 14.95
99800·MR Medium Heavy Racing Oil (75R)................... 10.50
99800-RR Regular Heavy Racing Oil (1 05R). . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 1 0.50

Regular Heavy Oil (105} ......................... $42.50
Medium Heavy Oil (75) .......................... 42.50

99810-1 Regular Heavy Oil ( 1 OS}. ........................ $72.00
99810-M Medium Heavy Oil (75) .......................... 72.00


''K'' ·-MODEL AND SPORTSTER 1952 ·1957

1952 "K" - 45" Twin Black, Persian Red, and Rio Blue. For extra
lntrodution! charge, an optional color of Bronco Bronze
Metallic was available.

1953 "K" Pepper Red, Glacier Blue, Forest Green,

Brilliant Black (Optional Colors: Cavalier
Brown, Glamour Gree~ and White)

1954 "KH" - 55" Twin Pepper Red, Glacier Blue, Forest Green,
Daytona Ivory, Anniversary Yel.low; Black

1955 "KH" & "KHK." * Pepper Red, Atomic Blue, Anniversary Yellow,
Aztec Brown, Black

1956 "KH" & "KHK" *·: Pepper Red w/White Tank Panels, Atomic Blue
w/Champion Yellow Tank Panels, Champion
Yellow w/Biack Tank Panels, Black ·
w/Champion Yellow Tank Panels

1957 Sportster "XL" 55"

OHV Pepper Red w/Biack Tank Panels, Skyline Blue
w/Birch White Tank Panels, Birch White
w/Biack Tank Panels and Black w/Pepper Red
Tank Panels

* "KHK" -Special Speed Kit Installed in 55'' KH ·


Biders Hand Book



This handbook has been designed to give you the information you
will want and need to know to operate your Harley-Davidson, and to
give it the kind of care which will enable it to serve you dependably
and faithfully through many thousands of miles of service. Follow
~e instructions carefully and you will be assured of the best perform-
ance that your motorcycle can give.
This handbook is intended for the rider only and therefore does
not cover the overhaul of such major units as the engine, generator,
and transmission. Work of this kind requires the attention of a skilled
motorcycle mechanic and the use of special tools and equipment. Your
Harley-Davidson dealer has the facilities, experience~ and genuine
Harley-Davidson parts which are necessary to properly render this
valuable service.

Section Page

Specification . .. 5

Operation .... 7

Lubrication 0 . . . 18

Maintenance 0 .. . . 25
Electrical System 0 .. 0 . 54

Figure 1. Left Side View

2. Transmission Compartment 34. Front Wheel Axle Pinch Bolt 42 . 1iffy Stand
and Front Chain Compartment Nut 43. Cushion Spring Adjusting Cam
Oil Filler Plug 35. Left Fork Side Drain Plug 44. Rear Axle
3. Brake Foot Pedal 36. Voltage Regulator 45.- Rear Wheel Left Side Adjusting
4. Carburetor Choke Lever 37. Generator Stud Nut
30. Gasoline and Shut-off and 38. Gasoline Line 46. Rear Wheel Left Side Adjusting
Reserve Supply Valve 39. Ignition Timing Inspection Stud Lock Nut
31. Saddle Bar Lock Plunger Hole Plug 47. Rear Wheel Left Side Adjusting
32. Tool Box 40. Stop Lamp Switch Adjusting Stud
33. Rear Wheel Cushion - Shock Screw 48. Carburetor Air Cleaner
41. Stop Lamp Switch

~ 53; ~ 23 5p 5i! ~8
I i i
\ I !
! I
i l

Figure 2. Right Side View

21. Gear Shift Foot Pedal 57. (cont.) Cap Screw 64. Brake Anchor Shoe Centering
23 . Oil Tank Cap 58. Right Fork Side Drain Plug Cap Screw
24. Starter Crank Pedal 59. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjust- 65. Cushion Spring Adjusting Cam
51. Tail and Stop Lamp ing Stud 66. Oil Tank Drain Plug
52. Rear Brake Rod Adjusting Nut 60. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjust~ 67. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting
53 . Rear Wheel Cushion - Shock ing stud Lock Nut Screw
54. Oil Tank 61. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjust- 68. Ignition Circuit Breaker
55. Horn ing Stud Nut 69. Front Exhaust Valve Cover
56. Front Brake Adjusting Sleeve 62. Rear Axle 70. Front Axle Nut
57. Brake Anchor Shoe Centering 63. Rear Axle Nut 71. Front Axle


The Engine (Serial) Number (38, fig. 7) of your Harley-Davidson

is stamped on the left side of the engine crank case. Always give this
number when ordering parts or making any inquiry about your motor-



Number of cylinders . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 2
4 . ··21 Bore . . . . . . . . . • . . (69. 85 mm.) 2-3/4 inches
3· Stroke . . . . • . . . . . (96. 85 mm.) 3-13/16 inches
2 . Piston displacement . ..
' . (739. 46 c. c.) 45. 12 cu. inches
I· Horsepower (N.A.C.C. Rating) . . . . . 6. 05
Wheel base . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • 55-l/2 inches


Gasoline tank (including reserve supply) . approximately 4-1/2 gal.

Gasoline reserve . • . approximately 1 qt.
011 tank . . . • . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 qts.
Transmission • • • • • • . • • . • . • approximately 1-1/2 pts.


Engine sprocket . . . . 30
Clutch sprocket • . . . 59
Figure 3. Top View Countershaft sprocket 21
Rear wheel sprocket 51
1. Left Side Foot Rest 12. on Signal Light
2. Transmission Compartment 13. Generator Signal Light GEAR RATIOS
and Front Chain Compartment 14. Speedometer
Oil Filler Plug 15. Ignition Switch Low gear . ·. 12.37 to 1
3. Rear Brake Foot Pedal 16. Right Fork Side Cap Screw Second gear • • 8. 74 to 1
4. Carburetor Choke Lever 17. Steering Damper Adjusting Third gear • • 6. 21 to 1
5. Horn Button Knob Fourth gear . 4. 77 to 1
6. Spark Control Grip 18. Gas Tank Cap
7. Headlamp High and Low Beam 19. Front Brake Hand Lever Use third gear when accelerating and when cruising so slowly that
Control Switch 20. Throttle Control Grip engine labors in fourth gear.
8. Clutch Hand Lever 21. Gear Shift Foot Pedal
9. Left Fork Side Cap Screw 22. Right Side Foot Rest
10. Light Switch 23. Oil Tank Cap
11. Headlamp 24. Starter Crank Pedal


Solo rider only Front Rear
19 x 3. 25 inch tire 20 lbs. 22 lbs. Gasoline Shut-off and Reserve Supply Valves (See figure 4.)

-r:he tire inflation pressures given are based on rider weighing ap- The main tank and reserve shut-off valves are located on the left
proximately 150 lbs. When this load is exceeded by 50 lbs. or more, side, in bottom of gas tank to rear of center. There are two handles;
increase tire pressure as follows: For each 50 lbs. of overload, in- one is marked "RESERVE" and the other is unmarked. Gasoline to
crease pressure of rear tire 2 lbs. ; front tire 1 lb. carburetor is shut "OFF" when both handles are in horizontal position.
Turning "UNMARKED" handle to vertical position turns "ON" main
gasoline supply; turning "RESERVE" handle to vertical position turns
"ON" reserve supply.
Gas tank holds slightly over four and one half U. S. gallons.
Approximately one quart of this is retained in the tank for reserve
supply when the "RESERVE" shut-off valve remains in the horizontal


Use "ETHYL" gasoline for best results.

Ignition and Light Switches (See figure 5.)

The light switch is located on left side of .Instrument panel. The

ignition switch is located on right side of instrument panel. The switch
locks are the same and keys can be used in either lock. With keys in
center position both switches are "OFF". Ignition switch is "ON" when
key is turned to right or left. Turning light switch key to right turns
"ON" running lights. Turning light switch key to left turns "ON" tail
lamp for parking. Switch keys can be removed with switches in "OFF
or ON" positions. Either switch is locked "ONLY" with key in "CENTER"
(OFF) pos\tlon and key removed from lock.

Spark Control Grip

Turn the, spark control grip (6, fig. 3) inward to advance spark;
turn outward to retard spark. Fully advanced is the proper normal
running position. When the engine is laboring under a hard pull, re-
tard part way for better performance and to avoid knocking.

Throttle Control Grip

Turn the throttle control grip (20, fig. 3) outward to close throttle;
turn inward to open throttle.

Operation Operation

Clutch Hand Lever

The clutch hand lever (8, fig. 3) ls located on the left handle bar
where tt may be c,onveniently operated with the fingers of the left hand. !
Pull the lever In against the handle bar grip to release the clutch, re-
leas(! the lever to its outward poslt\on to engage the clutch. ~>· f f
''~ ........
······"" (ON)
Gear Shifter Pedal

The gear shifter pedal (21, fig. 3) is located on the right side
where it may be conveniently operated with the toe of the right foot.
Complete instructions for shlftlng are given under caption "SHIFTING MAIN/-·::.
Shifting Gears

Transmission gears are shifted by a foot operated gear shift lever

and pedal. Pushing foot pedal all the way down (full stroke) shifts RESERVE
transmission to the next lower gear, while lifting foot pedal all the way SUPPLY
up shifts transmission into the next higher gear. The operator must (OFF)
release foot pedal after each gear. change, to allow pedal to return to Its
central position. The foot pedal must return to central position before
another gear change can be made. Figure 4. Gasoline Shut-off and Reserve Supply Valve
Neutral position ls between first (low) and second gears. First gear
Is the last gear position that can be found by pushing foot pedal full
strokes downward. To shift from first gear to neutral, ltft foot pedal one
half its full stroke. The shlft to neutral can also be made from second
gear by pushing foot pedal downward one half stroke.
Do not attempt to shift from one gear to another while motorcycle Is
standing with engine not running. Even with engine running and motor-
cycle standing still, difficulty may be experienced In shifting into first ~UNNING
to get under way. This is because transmission gears are not turning
and shifting parts are not lined up to permit engagement. When this (ON)
difficulty is experienced, do not under any circumstances attempt to
force the shift "roughing the foot pedal", as the result of such abuse
will be damaged or broken shifting mechanism. Roll the motorcycle
forward or back, or engage the clutch very slightly and at the same
time apply light pressure on foot pedal; This procedure sets trans-
mission gears in motion and the shift can then be made easily. With
motorcycle standing (engine dead), proceed as follows to get under way:
Start engine, fully release clutch, shift into first, and slowly engage
clutch. After desired speed Is attained in first, fully disengage clutch
and lift foot pedal all the way up to shift into second. Again engage
clutch. Shift In like manner Into third and fourth gears.
Figure 5. Ignition and Light Switches

Operation Operation

CAUTION Turning "ON" ignition preparatory to starting engine lights both

the "GEN" and "OIL" signals. With engine running, both lights should
With motorcycle ln motion, when it may be de- be "OFF" when engine speed is equivalent to approximately 20 miles
sired to shift to lower gears, donotshift from "third" per hour road speed in high gear.
to "second" until speed ls reduced to 20 miles per The generator light will normally flash on and off at slow idle or
hour or less; do not shift to "first" until speed is road speeds below 20 mph in high gear because at these speeds genera-
reduced to below 10 miles per hour. tor output is very low and unsteady. If the generator signal light fails
Shirting to lower gears when speed. is too high to go off at speeds above about 20 miles per hour the generator is
may result in damage in transmission. either not charging at all or its output is below normal and it should be
inspected at once. ·
Brakes If the oil circulation signal light fails to go off at speeds above idling,
it is usually due to an empty oil tank, a diluted oil supply, or because the
The rear wheel brake foot pedal (3, fig. 3) is located on the left otl Is so light that the pump cannot build up normal pressure. In freezing
side where lt may be operated by the toe of the left foot. A hand lever weather, the oil feed pipe may clog with ice and sludge, thus preventing
(19, fig. 3) used to control the front wheel brake is located on the circulation of the oil. A grounded oil signal switch wire, faulty signal
right handle bar and is operated by means of the fingers of the right switch, or trouble with the oil pump w\ll also cause the light to stay on.
hand. If the oil circulation signal fails to go off, always check the oil supply
Starter Crank first. Then, if oil supply is normal and the ltght still does not operate
normally, look Inside the oil tank and see if oil returns to the tank from
The starter crank pedal (24, fig. 2) Is located on the right side and the outlet of the oil return pipe when the engine is running. If it is
has a spring return. When starting the engine, kick the starter crank returning to the tank there ts some circulation, and you may drive slowly
down with full, vigorous strokes to turn the engine over fast. to the nearest Harley-Davidson dealer to have the oiling system
checked and serviced, as needed. If no oil returns to the tank, stop the
Steering Damper Adjusting Knob engine at once and do not drive further until the fault is located and the
necessary repairs are made.
Turn steering damper adjusting knob (17, fig. 3) clockwise to
apply dampening action; counterclockwise for free steering or to reduce STARTING THE ENGINE
dampening action. For riding at low and intermediate speeds steering
should be free or very Httle dampening applied. Too much dampening When starting the engine, proceed as follows:
at lower speeds causes motorcycle to "wander" from a straight ahead
course. When driving at high speeds or over rough surfaces, apply 1. Hold motorcycle in a nearly vertical position.
dampening as needed to stabilize steering. 2. Turn on the gasoline supply by turning the shut-off valve handle
to the vertical position.
Horn 3. Shirt transmission to neutral or hold clutch fully disengaged.

The horn (55, fig. 2) is operated by the horn button on left handle Starting Cold Engine
bar (5, fig. 3). Tone may be set at the desired pitch by turning the
adjusting screw in the back of the horn. 4. The carburetor choke lever is located to rear and approximately
center· of carburetor air cleaner. Move choke lever all the way
OIL AND GENERATOR SIGNAL LIGHTS (See figure 5.) down to the fully closed (prime) position.
5. Open throttle and with ignition switch "OFF", kick the starter down
Signal lights are located on top of headlamp body. The right signal once or twice to prime the cylinders.
light indicates whether or not generator is charging. The left signal 6. Set the choke lever at the one half closed position in mild weather,
light indicates whether or not oil is circulating through engine. Light or three quarter or fully closed position In cold weather.
"ON" indicates not functioning; light "OFF" indicates functioning.

10 11
Operation Operation


It is only in extremely cold weather that the engine DO NOT operate a new engine faster than 35 miles per hour the first
may start best with choke in fully closed (full choke) 250 miles; 40 miles per hour the second 250 miles; or 50 miles per hour
position, and even then It will have to be moved from the next 500 mlles. Below 2000miles,avoiddriving at or near top speed
this position immediately after engine starts. Under for long distances. Arter a new motorcycle has been driven its first 750
no conditions will the engine continue to run with full miles and again at approximately 1500 miles, the motorcycle should be
choke. taken to the dealer from whom it was purchased, for certain initial ser-
vice operations with which the dealer is familiar. If it is impossible to
7. Set the throttle In the one quarter open position. take the motorcycle to a dealer at the mileage intervals mentioned, the
8. Turn Ignition switch "ON" and start engine with vigorous owner should at least give the following outlined attention, or arrange to
strokes of the starter. have it given, and take the motorcycle to the dealer for more complete
9. If engine is started with transmission in other than neutral servicing later on when convenient to do so. After i!litial servicing
position, immediately after the engine starts, shift to neutral schedule has been completed, motorcycle should then be taken to your
for idling or to first (low gear) to get under way. dealer for check up at regular intervals of 1500 m lles.
As soon as the engine starts, open the throttle just far enough to At First 750 Miles
keep it running while warming up or until ready to set the motorcycle in
motion. As the engine warms up and misfires because of the over-rich 1. Drain oil tank at drain plug (66, fig. 2) and refill with fresh oil.
mixture, gradually move the choke lever upward. After the engine has Thereafter, in average service, change oil at intervals not exceed-
thoroughly warmed up, move choke lever to "OPEN" position all the ing 2000 miles. In extremely dusty service, when service is ex-
way up. ceptionally hard, or in winter weather, oil must be changed at
much shorter than normal intervals.
Starting a Hot or Warm Engine 2. Drain transmission and front-chain compartments and refill.
Use same grade of oil used in engine. See "LUBRICATION".
If engine has been shut off for only a brief period and is at about 3. Lubricate all points indicated for 750 mile attention under
normal running temperature, it is not necessary touse the choke lever. "LUBRICATION".
Simply close the throttle, turn ignltton switch "ON", and kick the 4. Oil controls and parts listed under "OIL APPLICATIONS" in
starter down quickly. With some engines, depending on carburetor ad- Lubrication Section.
justment, hot starting is more dependable if the starter is given one 5. If motorcycle is equipped with air cleaner, inspect and service
stroke before turning ignition switch "ON". When a hot engine does not if needed. (See "Air Cleaner" in Maintenance Section.)
start readily, that is, with two or three starting kicks, it is usually be- 6. Check adjustment of chains and readjust lf necessary. (See
cause of an over-rich (flooded) condition, and the proper procedure is to "Care and Adjustment of Drive Chains" in Maintenance Section.)
open the throttle wide so that more air can enter; closing it quickly as 7. Clean and lubricate rear chain.
the engine starts. 8. Check wheel mounting bolts which secure rear wheel to brake
assembly and tighten if needed. These bolts must be kept very
Stopping the Engine tight. (See "Wheels" in Maintenance Section.)
9. Check level of solution in battery and add distilled water if
Stop the engine by turning the ignition switch "OFF". If the engine needed. See that terminals are clean and connections tight.
should be stalled or stopped in any other way than with the switch, turn
the switch "OFF' at once to prevent battery discharge through the cir-
cuit breaker points. ·

12 13
Operation Operation
1. Check condition of oil tank to determine if oil change is needed. The following check list of possible operating troubles and their
2. Check level of otl in transmission and front chain compartments probable causes will be helpful in keeping your motorcycle in good
and add oil if needed. Use the same grade of oil uo:;ed in engine. operating condition.
3. Lubricate all points indicated for 750 mile attention under
If engine starts hard:
4. Lubricate wheel hubs at 1500 intervals as indicated under t. Spark plugs in bad condition or partially fouled.
"LUBRICATION". 2. Clrcult breaker points out of adjustment or in need of cleaning.
5. Oil controls and parts listed under "OIL APPLICATIONS" 3. Battery nearly discharged.
in Lubrication Section. 4. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at coil or
6. Check adjustment of rear chain and adjust if necessary. (See circuit breaker.
"Care and Adjustment of Drive Chains" in Maintenance Sec- 5. Carburetor not adjusted correctly.
7. Clean and lubricate rear chain. If engine starts but runs irregularly or misses:
8. Check all nuts, bolts and screws and tighten any found loose. 1. Spark plugs in bad condition or partially fouled.
9. Check level of battery solution and add distilled water if needed. 2. Spark plug gap too close or too wide.
3. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment or in need of cleaning.
HIGH SPEED OPERATING TIPS 4. Condenser connections loose.
5. Battery nearly discharged.
Develop the habit of frequently snapping the throttle shut for an in- 6. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at coil or
stant when running at high speed. This draws additional lubrication to circuit breaker.
pistons and cylinders, and helps cooling. 7. Water or dirt In fuel system and carburetor.
In cold weather run engine slowly until tt is thoroughly warmed up, 8. Gasoline tank cap vent plugged and tank air bound.
to avoid possible damage to pistons, rings and other parts before oil is 9. Carburetor not adjusted correctly.
warm enough to circulate freely.
An engine run long distances at high speed must be given closer than If engine falls to start:
ordinary attention to avoid overheating and possible consequent damage. 1. Gasoline tank empty.
Have the engine checked regularly and keep it well tuned up. Valve 2. Gasoline valve shut off.
seating and good compression is particularly important, and the car- 3. Gasoline line clogged.
buretor should be adjusted moderately rich rather than lean. Inspect 4. Discharged battery or loose or broken battery terminal connection.
spark plugs often for good condition. This applies particularly to a Check by turning light switch "ON".
motorcycle equipped with handle bar windshield. 5. Fouled spark plugs.
Don't idle engine unnecessarily with motorcycle standing. 6. Circuit breaker points badly out of adjustment.
After a new engine has gone through its slow and moderate speed 7. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at coil or
running-in period, if it is then usually driven at high speeds, colder circuit breaker.
than original equipement plugs may be needed. This will be indicated by 8. Clutch slipping and starter not turning engine over.
overheating, loss of power, excessive knocking, and blistering of plug 9. Sticking valves, or tappets too tight.
core tips. Disregard for these indications of the need for coldel' plugs 10. Engine flooded with gasoline as a result of overchoking.
may result in damage from overheating.
When plugs need to be replaced, get new plugs from your Harley-
Davidson dealer. He can supply you with the type of plug best suited to
your requirements. Experimenting with plugs of unproven quality and
suitability is inviting trouble.

14 15
Operation Operation

If a spark plug fouls repeatedly: If clutch slips:

1. Too cold a plug for the kind of service or for type of engine. 1. Clutch control improperly adjusted.
2. Piston rings badly worn or in bad condition otherwise. 2. Insufficient clutch spring tension.
If engine overheats: If clutch drags or does not release:
1. Insufficient oil supply, or oil not circulating. 1. Clutch control improperly adjusted.
2. Carburetor high speed adjustment too lean. 2. Clutch spring tension too tight.
3. Ignition timing too late. 3. Friction discs saturated with oil.

If engine detonates: If brakes do not hold normally:

1. Unsuitable fuel (Octane rating too low). 1. Brake improperly adjusted.
2. Heavy deposttofcarbononpistonheadandin combustion chamber. 2. Brake controls binding as result of improper lubrication, or being
3. Spark plug of the wrong heat range for the type of service in- damaged.
volved. 3. Brake linings impregnated with grease as result of over-greasing
4. Defective spark plug. wheel hub and/or brake operating shaft.
4. Brake linings badly worn.
If engine uses too much oll:
1. Piston rings badly worn or in bad condition otherwise.
2. Heavy oll leak to the outside.

If vibration is excessive:
1. Cylinder bracket loose or broken.
2. Engine mounting bolts loose.

U generator does not charge:

1. Brushes badly worn.
2. Brushes sticking in holders.
3. Commutator dirty or olly.
4. Loose or broken wire in generator-battery circuit. Voltage
regulator may be at fault. Do not attempt to repair voltage
regulator. U voltage regulator is suspected of giving trouble, take
your motorcycle to the nearest Harley-Davidson dealer. This
type of work requires very special equipment.

If carburetor floods:
1. Float set too high.
2. Float valve and/or valve seat worn or damaged.
3. Dirt or other foreign matter between float valve and Its seat.

If transmission shifts hard:

1. Clutch dragging.
2. Transmission oll too heavy (winter operation).

16 17



Use Harley-Davidson "REGULAR HEAVY'' oil when predominating

temperature Is above +32° F.

Use Harley-Davidson "MEDIUM HEAVY" oil when predominating

temperature is +32° F. to +10° F.

Use Harley-Davidson "LIGHT" oil when predominating temperature

Is +10° or colder.

If winter weather becomes so extremely cold that "LIGHT' oil

congeals in tank, add just enough kerosene to keep the oil fluid.

The oil tank capacity is 3 quarts. About two and one quarter inches
from top of filler opening is considered full. Don't fill above this level,
as the tank needs some air space. Tighten the cap securely to prevent
leakage. The oil signal light in the top of head lamp indicates oil cir-
culation. See "Oil and Generator Signal Lights" in the Operation Section.
on mileage normally varies from 250 to 500 miles per quart depending
on the nature of service, fast or moderate driving, and how well the
engine Is kept tuned up. If mileage is not within this range, see your
dealer about it.
Remove tank cap and check oil supply not more than 350 miles after
each complete refill.
When a new engine has run its first 750 miles, and normally in warm
or hot weather and in average service, at about 2000 mile intervals
thereafter, completely drain oil tank of used oil and refill with fresh
oil. If service is extremely hard, or dusty service on dirt roads or in
competition, drain and refill at shorter intervals. Draining should be
done after a run while oil is hot. It is not necessary to drain the crank-
case as it does not accumulate used oil. At the time of the first 750 Figure 6. Bottom View of Engine
mile oil change, and along with at least every second oil change there-
after, thoroughly flush and clean out tank with kerosene to remove any 1. Engine Drain Plug
sediment and sludge that may have accumulated. Your dealer has facil- 2. Transmission Compartment and Front Chain Compartment
ities for quick flushing and cleaning of oil tank. Oil Drain Plug
2A. Transmission Compartment and Front Chain Compartment
Oil Level Gauge
3. Oil Signal Light Switch
4. Oil Pump

Lubrication Lubrication

Winter Caution

Combustion in any engine generates water vapor. When starting and

warming up in cold weather, especially in freezing or colder weather,
much of the vapor that gets into the crankcase condenses to water before
the crankcase is hot enough to exhaust the vapor, without inside conden-
sation, through the outside breather. If engine Is driven enough to get
the crankcase thoroughly warmed up frequently, most of this water is
again vaporized and blown out through the breather. However, a moder-
ately driven engine, making only short runs now and then and seldom
thoroughly warmed up, is likely to accumulate an increasing anwunt of
water in the oil tank. This water will, in freezing weather, become
slush or ice, and If allowed to accumulate too long, may block the oil
lines and as a result damage the engine. Also, water mLxed with oil for
some time forms sludge that is harmful to the engine and causes undue
wear of various working parts. Therefore, in winter the oil change
interval should be shorter than normal for all engines, and any engine
used only for short runs must have oil changed frequently along with a
thorough tank flush-out to remove any water and sludge, before new oil
is put in tank. The farther below freezing the temperature drops, the
shorter the oil change interval should be.


There is an opening between transmission and front chain compart-

ments and the same oil supply lubricates the parts in both compartments.
After a new motorcycle has run its first 750 miles drain transmission
and chain compartments and refill with Harley- Davidson oil of the same
weight as used in the engine. The combination oil drain plug (2, ftg. 6)
and oil level gauge (2A, fig. 6) is located underneath case, directly below
transmission. The oil filler plug (2, fig. 7) is located near the top of chain
case cover. To determine correct oil level remove the cap screw from
center of drain plug. With motorcycle standing straight up, add oil to
replenish supply, or to refill transmission and chain compartments if oil
has been drained, until oil begins to overflow through hole in center of
Figure 7. Left Side of Engine drain plug. Motorcycle must remain in straight up position until oil
ceases to overflow through drain plug. This signifies correct oil level.
Reinsert and t~ghten cap screw in center of drain plug.
2. Transmission Compartment 37. Generator
and Front Chain Compartment 38. Engine (Serial) Number
Oil Filler Plug 39. Ignition Timing Inspec-
3. Rear Brake Foot Pedal tion Hole Plug
4. Carburetor Choke Lever 40. Stop Lamp Switch Ad-
30. Gasoline Shut-off and Reserve justlng Screw
Supply Valve 41. Stop Lamp Switch
31. Saddle Bar Lock Plunger 42. Jiffy Stand
32. Tool Box 48. Carburetor Air Cleaner
32A. Tool Box Cover Locking Screws 49. Front Chain Cover
36. Voltage Regulator 49A. Front Chain Cover Screws

20 21
Dry transmission and chain compartments hold a little less than one
Every 750 Miles
and one half pints of oil when filled to correct oil level.
After the first 750 mile drain and refill, draining will only be nec-
Rear brake operating shaft
essary at the time seasonal change is made. Front brake operating shaft
Transmission and chain compartment oil level should be checked
every two weeks or every 1000 mtles, whichever comes first. Rear brake crossover shaft
Clutch push rod release worm
Foot shift lever
Seat bar roller
Seat bar bolt
Under dry, hard surface road operation, brush offdirt and lu?,rica~e
Kick starter shaft
at 500 to 750 mile intervals. Lubricate with Harley-Davidson Cham
Saver" if available. If not available, use the lightest engine oil obtainable.
Every 1500 Miles
Occasionally the chain should have additional lubrication as follows:
Remove chain from motorcycle. Soak and wash thoroughly in a pan
Front wheel hub
of kerosene. After removing chain from kerosene, hang it up for a time
Rear wheel hub
to allow kerosene to drain off. Immerse for a short time in a pan of
grease heated to consistency of light engine oil. If grease and facilities
Remove and grease handle bar grip spirals, with fresh grease,
for heating are not at hand, substitute light engine oil. While immersed,
twice a year, or when operation of grips indicates lubrication is
move chain around to be sure that hot grease or oil works through all
inside parts. After removing from hot grease or oil, allow chain to
Be careful about over-greasing wheel hubs, and rear brake oper-
drain and wipe all surplus grease or oil from surface of chain. Install
ating shaft, as excess grease working out of these bearings not only
chain on motorcycle. Inspect connecting link and spring clip closely for
develops a messy condition, but is also likely to get onto brake linings,
.bad condition. Replace if at all questionable. Be sure spring clip is
which will greatly reduce efficiency of brakes.
properly and securely locked on pin ends.
Pack frame head bearings with fresh grease every 50,000 miles.
Armature Bearing-Commutator End
Use Harley- Davidson "Grease All" Grease for all greasing require-
To lubricate this bearing it is first necessary to remove the gen-
erator end cover. The bearing can then be oiled through hole in bearing
All chassis bearings requiring frequent applications of grease are
cover, or bearing cover can be removed to permit greasing. Lubricate
provided with grease gun fittings. Locations and suggested greasing in-
every 5000 miles or at least once a year. If not convenient to lubricate
tervals follow. wiUt grease at specified intervals, at least lubricate with a few drops
of motor oil. Be careful not to over-lubricate as excess oil or grease
may work out and get onto commutator and brushes. It is recommended
that your motorcycle be taken to a Harley-Davidson dealer for this
Generato'r drive end bearing requires no attention as it is lubricated
by the oil that circulates through engine.

Lubrication Maintenance


The following control connections and parts should be olled regularly SPARK PLUGS
and particularly after washing motorcycle or driving in wet weather, to
keep all controls working freely. Keep plugs clean and the gap between the points adjusted to .025-in.
to .030-in. Do not take the plugs apart for cleaning. Clean with a sand
Rear brake rod clevis pin (at both ends of brake rod) blast cleaner, found in nearly every service station.
Front brake rod clevis pin
Hand brake lever clevis and brake cable at both ends of housing CARE AND ADJUSTMENT OF DRIVE CHAINS
Hand clutch release lever clevis and clutch release cable at both ends
of housing After a new motorcycle has run tts first 750 miles inspect the adjust-
Throttle control wire at carburetor ment of both front and rear chains and readjust them as necessary.
Spark control wire at distributor Thereafter, check the adjustment of front chain every 2000 miles. Check
Seat posts the adjustment of rear chain every week, if motorcycle is used daily.
The rear chain requires more frequent readjustment because it is not
enclosed and depends on manual lubrication. If chain readjustment is neg-
lected and chains are allowed to run loose enough to strike chain com-
partment and chain guard, motorcycle will run jerkily at low speeds and
there will be excessive wear of chains and sprockets. On the other hand,
running chains too tight is even more harmful than running them too
loose. Therefore, never readjust chains tighter than specified in the
following adjusting instructions. Some slack is necessary for smooth
operation and long chain life. As chains stretch and wear in service,
they wtll run tighter at one point on the sprockets than at another; always
check adjustment at the tightest point.
Inspect chain occasionally for links in bad condition. If any are found,
make repairs or renew the chain. The rear chain can be taken apart and
removed after locating and taking out the spring-locked connecting link.
The front chain should also be inspected for links in bad condition
each time the chain cover must be removed to permit readjustment or at
intervals not exceeding 5000 miles. The front chain has no removable
connecting llnk as the rear chain has, therefore, removing and replacing
front chain requires removing and reinstalling engine sprocket and clutch
sprocket along with the chain. This is an operation that requires very
special tools and can only be done satisfactorily by a Harley-Davidson
At least every 750 miles lubricate the rear chain as directed in the
Lubrication Section.
The front chain runs in a bath of oll and therefore does not need
lubrication attention other than attention given to maintaining the cor-
rect oil level in transmission and chain compartments.

24 25
Maintenance Maintenance

Front Chain Adjustment

Front chain should have one inch free up and down movement half-
way between engine and clutch sprockets. This check can be made
through oil flller opening located near the top of chain cover. If chain
needs adjusting, lay motorcycle on its right side to rest on front
Safety-Guard. Remove left foot rest bolt and foot rest. Remove chain
cover which is secured in place by three screws. Front chain is adjusted
by means of a shoe which is raised or lowered, underneath the chain,
to tighten or loosen chain. The shoe supporting bracket is secured to
back side of chain compartment by two cap screws. Loosen cap screws,
raise or lower shoe the amount required to obtain correct chain adjust-
ment. Tighten cap screws, install chain cover and foot rest.

Rear Chain Adjustment

Rear chain should have one-half inch free up and down movement
half-way between transmission countershaft and rear wheel sprockets.
To adjust chain loosen axle nut on right side of motorcycle; loosen
lock nuts on rear wheel adjusting studs. The adjusting studs extend
through and out the rear ends of frame fittings on either side. The outer
nuts are lock nuts; the inner nuts are adjusting nuts. Turning adjusting
nuts clockwise moves the wheel back to tighten chain; turning adjusting
nuts counterclockwise and tapping each end of the axle to move wheel for-
ward will loosen chain. Turn adjusting nuts on either side exactly the Figure 8. Repairing Drive Chain
same number of turns to maintain alignment of wheel. With lock nut
tight against adjusting nut, measurement from lock nut to outer end of
adjusting stud should be the same on either side. Check correct align-
ment of wheel by observing that tire runs about midway between
rear frame tubes and also that rear wheel sprocket runs centrally
in the chain. When readjustment is completed, be sure to securely
retighten rear axle nut and rear wheel adjusting stud lock nuts.
After readjusting rear chain, the rear brake may be too tight.
Readjust brake rod if necessary. See "Rear Brake Adjustment".

Repair of Drive Chain (See figure 8.)

When necessary to repair rear chain, remove the dalllaged links by

pushing out the riveted link pins, with a chain repair tool as shown. Then
fit the necessary repair links.

IY&Cl llllt.:lli.\11\,;t!' Maintenance
FRONT WHEEL BRAKE ADJUSTMENT (See figure 9.) Centering Brake Shoes ln Rear Brake Drum
When the front wheel brake is properly adjusted the hand lever Loosen nut on rear brake shoe pivot and brake side cover anchoring
(19, fig. 3) will move freely about one-quarter of its full movement be- stud (located to front of brake side cover and through slot provided in
fore the brake starts to take effect. If adjusted tighter the brake may rear frame fork casting) but do not remove. Loosen rear axle nut, but
drag. The brake adjusting sleeve (56) is located to rear of right fork do not remove. Spin wheel, and while wheel is turning apply brake and
side and at end of cable support tube. To adjust brake, loosen lock nut hold in tightest position while tightening, first the brake shoe pivot stud
(56A) on adjusting sleeve (56) and turn lower nut {56B) in toward the nut, and then the rear axle nut. Check brake for correct adjustment.
cable support tube to decrease the free movement of the levP.r (19, fig. 3) See "Rear Wheel Brake Adjustment".
(tighten brake). Turn lower nut (56B) away from the cable support tube
to increase the free movement of lever (loosen the brake). When free CARBURETOR (See figure 11.)
movement of the hand lever (19, fig. 3) is about one-quarter of its full
movement tighten lock nut (56A) securely against the adjusting sleeve Don't continually tamper with carburetor adjustment. If engine
nut (56B). If brake should drag with correct free movement in hand does not start and run right 1 first look for trouble elsewhere than in
lever, re-center brake shoes in brake drum. See "Centering Brake the carburetor. Particularly, see that spark plugs are clean, properly
Shoes in Brake Drum". adjusted, and that porcelain cores are not damaged. Try new plugs.
Check the adjustment of valve tappets. Make sure that there is good
Centering Brake Shoes in Front Brake Drum compression in both cylinders. See that throttle and spark controls are
correctly adjusted.
Loosen front brake shoe pivot and brake side cover anchoring bolt, We suggest having carburetor adjustments made by a Harley-
(through mounting on rear of right fork side), but do not remove. Davidson dealer.
Loosen right axle nut, but do not remove. Spin front wheel, and while
wheel is turning apply front brake and hold in tightest position whtle Adjusting Carburetor
tightening, first the brake shoe pivot bolt, and then the front axle nut.
Check brake for correct adjustment. See "Front Wheel Brake Ad- The fuel supply for low speed is completely regulated by the low
justment". speed needle. The fuel supply for high speed is regulated by a combin-
ation fixed jet and adjustable needle. The fixed jet dominates the regula-
REAR BRAKE ADJUSTMENT (See figure 10.) tion of high speed fuel supply. The high speed needle merely provides
a means of supplementing, to a very limited degree, the fuel supplied
The rear wheel brake adjustment is made by means of a nut (52) by fixed jet, when it ts found that enriching the mixture slightly im-
which may be adjusted to change the effective length of the brake rod proves engine performance.
(52A). The adjusting nut has a notch which fits against the clevis pin in Both the high speed needle (1) and low speed needle (2) turn down
the operating lever (52B). Thus, it is locked in place on the rod but may (to right) to make mixture leaner at the respective speeds for which
be turned up or backed off by half turns, as required. Set the adjust- they adjust. Backing them out (to left) makes mixture richer. Both
ing nut so that the brake does not start to take effect until the foot pedal needles are held in whatever positions they may be turned to, by a
(3, fig. 3) is pushed downward about one and one-quarter inches. Turn spring and plunger which drops into notches in the needle adjusting
the nut farther onto the rod to tighten the brake; back it off to loosen the screw.
brake. Turn the rear wheel to be sure the brake is not too tight and It should only be necessary to adjust the needles a few notches
dragging. If brake should drag with correct free movement in foot pedal, richer or leaner to correct mixture for seasonal weather changes.
re-center brake shoes tn brake drum. See "Centering Brake Shoes in
Brake Drum".

28 29
Maintenance Maintenance

Figure 10. Right Side - Rear End

52. Brake Rod Adjusting Nut

52A. Brake Rod
52B. Operating Lever
59. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjusting Stud
, 60. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjusting Stud Lock Nut
61. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjusting Stud Nut
Figure 9. Right Side - Front End 62, Rear Axle
63. Rear Axle Nut
56. Front Brake Adjusting Sleeve
56A. Adjusting Sleeve Lock Nut
56B. Adjusting Sleeve Nut
56C. Cable Support Tube
57. Brake Anchor and Shoe Centering Cap Screw
58. Right Fork Side Drain Plug
70. Front Axle Nut
71. Front Axle

30 31
Maintenance Maintenance
A carburetor that is badly out of adjustment may be readjusted as
1. Make sure carburetor control wire is adjusted so throttle lever
(3) fully closes and opens with handle bar grip movement.
2. Turn the low speed needle (2) all the way down (to right).
3. Back up (to left) low speed needle (2) about 5 turns. With needle
in this posltton, engine wlll start, but low speed mixture wlll
probably be too rich,
4. Start the engine and after tt has reached operating temperature
and the choke lever (5) has been moved to the OPEN position, cor-
rect the adjustment of low speed needle.
5. Turn low speed needle (2) down (to right) one notch at a time untll
mixture becomes so lean that engine misses and Is Inclined to
stop; then, back needle up five totennotches, or until engine hits
regularly with spark advanced and throttle closed or as nearly
closed as it can be set and still have engine run at idling speed.
Starting and all around carburetlon wlll be better with low speed
adjustment slightly rich rather than as lean as it can be made.
6. Adjust throttle lever stop screw (4), as necessary, to make engine
idle at proper speed with throttle fully closed. Turn screw to right
to make engine idle faster. Turning screw to left makes engine
idle slower. Don't idle an engine at the slowest possible speed, be-
cause an extremely slow idling adjustment causes hard starting.
Changing the tdltng speed with throttle stop screw is likely to
change the low speed mixture slightly. It wlll, therefore, be
necessary to again check and correct low speed needle adjustment
by the same procedure followed in making the inltlal adjustment.
7. Check high speed adjustment, after low speed adjustments have
been completed. Run the motorcycle on the road at various speeds
between 20 miles per hour and wide open. Have spark fully ad-
vanced. Adjust high speed needle (1) for best engine performance.
Best all around engine performance ls usually found with high
speed needle (1) set from 3/4 to 1-1/4 turns open.

AIR CLEANER (See figure 7.)

In normal service, on hard surfaced roads, it Is important that the

air cleaner mesh (48) be removed, washed thoroughly tn gasoline and then Figure 11. Carburetor
saturated wlth oil (same oil as used in engine) at least once every 1000
mUes. In dusty service this attention should be given more frequently
and in extremely dusty service this attention should be given EVERY 1. High Speed Needle
100 miles or at least once a day. 2. Low Speed Needle
3. Throttle Lever
4. Throttle Stop Screw
5. Choke Lever
6. Choke Disc

32 33
tintE e
Mai .nee

Check the contact point gap (9) with a .022 in. gage {wire prefer-
red). If it Is not exactly .022 in., when the cam follower (1) is on the
highest point of either cam (2), adjustment Is necessary. Incorrect
point gap spacing affects Ignition timing. To adjust the points loosen the
lock screw (11) and move the eccentric adjusting screw (14) to provide
a contact point gap of .022 in. Retighten the lock screw (11) and again
check the gap to make sure tt remains correct. ; :


Ignition timing is controlled by the circuit breaker. Correct igni-

tion timing and correct setting of the circuit breaker contact-point gap
is absolutely necessary for proper engine operation.
To check ignition timing or when installing and resetting circuit
breaker assembly after it has been lifted out, proceed as follows:

Checking Ignition Timing with Factory Timing Marks (See figure 12.~

1. Remove spark plugs to permit turning engine easily; remove

screw plug from timing inspection hole (13) in left side of crank-
case. Then loosen lower front intake valve spring cover by q
turning counterclockwise to free the threads and lift cover to \ts '
.. i

uppermost position so that opening and closing of valve can be

observed; remove circuit breaker cover, and set circuit breaker
point gap at exactly .022 in. See "Adjustment of Circuit Breaker
2. Turn engine in direction in which it runs until front piston is on
compression stroke (just after front intake valve closes), and con-
tinue turning engine very slowly (less than one-half revolution)
until timing slot (12) on flywheel aligns with front edge of inspec-
tion hole (13).
3. See that timing mark {8) on circuit breaker head aligns with the
end of timing adjusting stud plate (7).
4. Fully advance circuit breaker. Be sure control wire is correctly
adjusted so that circuit breaker head is advanced (rotated counter-
clockwise) to its full advanced stop when handle bar grip is
turned to full advanced position.
Figure 12. Circuit Breaker and Flywheel Timing Mark
1. Fibre Cam Follower 9. Contact Points
2. Breaker Cam 10. Cover Retainer
3. Condenser 11. Adjustable Point Lock
4. Cam Timing Mark Screw
5. Timer Adjusting Stud 12. Timing Slot on Flywheel
6. Adjusting Stud Lock Nut 13. Timing Inspection Hole
7. Timing Adjusting Stud Plate 14. Eccentric Adjusting Screw
8. Timing Mark 15. Control Wire Lock Screw

5. Timing mark (4) in top edge of circuit breaker cam (2) should
now align perfectly with breaker arm fiber cam follower (1).
If it does not, but is only slightly out of alignment, loosen
timing adjusting stud lock nut (6) and shiftctrcutt breaker head
to attain alignment. (Timing mark (8) wlll no longer line up
exactly with edge of plate (7).) Be sure to securely retighten
lock nut (6). Remember that circuit breaker must be fully
advanced when checking alignment of mark (4) with fiber cam
follower (1).
Timing Pointers (See figure 12.)

When flywheel timing slot (12) appears at front edge of timing hole
(13) the front cylinder piston is 15/64 inches before top dead center.
This is the piston position (on compression stroke) where ignition
should occur with spark fully advanced.
The narrow lobe of circuit breaker cam, which is the lobe that
carries mark (4), times the front cylinder; the wide lobe times the
rear cylinder. Ignition occurs just as circuit breaker points open.
Once or twice a year, have yourdealercheck ignition timing and,
if necessary, readjust circuit breaker setting to compensate for wear Figure 13. Timing Crankcase Breather
on circuit breaker and timing gears that may have caused a slight
change in timing.

Timing Crankcase Breather (See figure 13.) 9, 10

\ 8
1. Flywheel timing mark should be exactly in center of timing in-
spection hole in left side of crankcase.
2. Oil Pump Drive Gear (spiral gear), located behind Pinion Gear
(5). Spiral gear and shaft are spline engaged and gear is a
slip fit on the shaft. A bearing oil seal ring and spring are
assembled behind the spiral gear. Spring pushes spiral gear
outward tight against pinion gear and bearing oil seal ring
inward, tight against crankcase bearing bushing. A mark is
cut in one side of spiral gear. Assemble with marked side
outward (against pinion gear).
3, Pinion Gear (5) and shaft are spline engaged and the gear is
a press fit on the shaft. Set pinion gear with its outer face
exactly 5/16 inch from gear case joint face, as this is the 6 5 ·········' 13
running position of gear when gear case cover is in place.
4. Timing hole in breather sleeve .should register in center Figure 14. Valve and Ignition Timing
of slot in breather bushing.

Ma ... -~ .. ance
Summarizing the above: Spiral gear (2) must be so engaged with TIMING GEARS (See figure 14.)
breather sleeve gear that when flywheel mark is in center of Inspec-
tion hole and pinion gear 5/16 inch from joint face, timing hole(4)1n The pinion gear (5) and shaft are spline engaged and the gear is
breather sleeve registers as shown. a press fit on ~haft. Oil. pump pinion shaft gear (spiral gear), a sprin
and ~eartng otl. seal rmg are assembled behind pinion gear in ord:;
CAUTION ~am~ · The sprtng pushes spiral gear outward against pinion gear and
ear~n? oil ~eat ring inward against crankcase bearing bushing. A
The breather is a part of and drives the oil feed and mar ts c.ut m one side of spiral gear - assemble with mark outward
scavenger pumps (one unit) underneath gear case. If (against pm(lo)n gear). Timing marks are provided on pinion gear (5)
there is occasion to remove oil pumps, breather wtll of caml gel~fr 7 '.breather gear (6), and circuit breaker drive gear (8)'
t o s mp 1 y timmg engine.
course come out with it. Removing does not require
taking off gear case cover, however, it must be
rem em be red that in order to reassemble with breather
timed, it is necessary to take off gear case cover
and follow the above timing instructions. Breather
must be correctly timed as it is the control valve of
the oil circulating system. When original breather
timing has to be disturbed, it is advisable to have re-
timing done, or at least checked by your dealer.

Valve and Ignition Timing Gears with Marks in Correct Alignment. (See
figure 14.)


Crankcase breather must be timed first.

5. Pinion gear. Gear and shaft are spline engaged and gear Is a press
fit on shaft.
6. Crankcase breather sleeve gear; also drives oil pumps.
7. Rear exhaust cam gear. 1. Tappet Adjusting Screw
8. Rear intake cam gear; also drives ignition circuit breaker. 2. Tappet Adjusting Screw
9. Front intake cam gear. Lock Nut
10. Front exhaust cam gear. 3. Valve Stem
11. Intermediate gear (not marked). 4. Thickness Gauge
12. Generator drive gear with breather exhaust oil separator ring (not
13. Oil screen.

Cam gears are numbered from one to four from the rear exhaust
valve cam forward. When cam gears are removed, make note whether or
not cam gears one, three and four have thin steel spacing shims on either
end of cam gear shafts. If any of the cam gears mentioned have spacing
shims, be sure the same number of shims are used on each shaft when
When gear case cover is taken off, l.t is advisable to remove from it
the circuit breaker assembly bnfore it ls replaced. Circuit bt·eaker has
to be re-tlmed. Figure 15. Adjusting Tappets

38 39
ADJUSTING TAPPETS (See figure 15.)

To get the maximum power and best all-aroundperformance from a

motor, keep valve tappets properly adjusted. They must be adjusted after
grinding valves, and should be Inspected and, if necessary, re-adjusted
about every 1000 to 1500 miles thereafter.
Motor must be COLD. As each tappet is re-adjusted, first make sure
it ls at Its lowest position, by turning motor ahead until the like tappet
tn the other cylinder Is at Its highest position (valve fully open).
The inlet valves are those nearest the carburetor.
Adjust tappets so that there is .004 to .005 Inch clearance between
inlet valve stems and tappets, and .010 to .011 Inch clearance between
exhaust valve stems and tappets. An accurate thickness gauge should be
used to measure these clearances.
Before replacing valve spring covers, inspect the gasket between
each cover and tappet bushing. If broken or damaged, fit a new gasket
to prevent an on leak.


The need for attention to clutch and controls will be Indicated by the
clutch slipping under load, or dragging In released position. In either
case, the first thing to be checked Is the adjustment of control. Proceed
as follows:

Clutch Control Adjustment (See figure 16.)

The clutch hand lever (8, fig. 3) should have one eighth to one quarter
of its travel as free movement, before the clutch starts to disengage. If It
does not move ln toward the handle bar one eighth to one quarter of its
movement before there Is a noticeable Increase In tension, loosen the
clutch push rod adjusting screw lock nut (67 A) and readjust the clutch
push rod adjusting screw (67) with a screw driver until the lever has the
required free movement. When adjustment Is correct, retighten the
lock nut (67A). Figure 16. Right Side of Engine

1. ;Transmission Rear Chain - Sprocket Cover

2. Gear Compartment Cover
66. Oil Tank Drain Plug
67. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw
67A. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw Lock Nut

Clutch Spring Tension Adjustment (See figure 17.)
Clutch Repair (See figure 17.)
If the clutch sUps after control has been correctly adjusted, in-
crease clutch spring tension. Remove transmission and front chain com- Some of the clutch plates may be worn and require replacement
partment oil drain plug (2, fig. 6). This drains oil from transmission or they may be oll soaked and in need of washing and drying. When
and front chain compartments. Remove left foot rest lock bolt and the clutch must be taken apart, it is advisable to have it serviced by a
washer (19) and left foot rest (18). Remove stop ltght lamp switch (41) Harley-Davidson dealer where any needed new parts are at hand. If,
with attaching screw and washer (41A). Remove front chain cover (49) however, it is impossible to take the motorcycle to a Harley-Davidson
and gasket (49B) by first removing three front chain '!over screws dealer, and the clutch must be taken apart, proceed as follows: Remove
(49A). Remove the clutch cover (3) and twelve clutch cover screws the three 7/16 inch hex head (short) nuts (10) first. Remove the three
and lock washers (1). Do not pry cover loose at one point. Loosen 1/2 inch hex head (long) nuts (9). Remove spring tension adjusting
cover evenly in several places as the cover must provide an oU tight plate (8), clutch springs (6) and spring cups (7). Remove clutch re-
seal and must not be sprung out of shape. With cover (3) removed, leasing plate (5) and all clutch plates (11 and 13).
the clutch releasing plate (5), clutch springs (6), spring tension ad-
justing plate (8) and six spring tension adjusting nuts (9 and 10) are in Clutch Assembly (See figure 17 .)
view. Three of the spring tension adjusting nuts have 1/2 inch hex
heads and three have 7/16 inch hex heads (10). All spring tension ad- There are six clutch steel plates (11) and five clutch lined plates
justing nuts are recessed to conform to raised portion of spring tension (13). One of the clutch steel plates is thicker than the rest and is re-
adjusting plate which provides a lock for the nuts. Tighten each of the cessed on one side. This plate (12) wlth recessed side facing out, is
six nuts one half turn. The nuts must always remain in their locked posi- pushed over the clutch hub splines (16) to rest against back side of hub.
tions after adjustment is made. Test after each half turn by cranking the Place a clutch steel plate (11) next to the recessed plate (12). Place a
engine. Usually, a clutch that holds wlthout any noticeable slippage clutch lined plate (13) into clutch shell and sprocket assembly (17)
when cranking the engine, also holds on the road. Tightening of the and push inward against the second metal plate. Alternate with clutch
spring tension adjusting nuts (9 and 10) moves the spring tension steel plates and clutch lined plates until five clutch lined plates have
adjusting plate (8) in closer to the outside surface of the clutch re- been placed ln position. This will leave a clutch lined plate on the out-
leasing plate (5). The inner surface of the spring tension adjusting side. Install clutch releasing plate (5). Position clutch releasing plate
plate (8) measures 7/32 inches from the outer surface of the clutch (5) on the clutch hub (16) so the clutch hub studs are exactly center of
releasing plate (5) for normal clutch spring tension adjustment. When the clutch spring cup holes. Because of the odd number of teeth on the
increasing clutch spring tension adjustment, do not bring inner surface clutch hub it may be necessary to try the clutch releasing plate in
of spring tension adjusting plate (8) closer than 1/8 inch to outer surface several positions on the clutch hub before the studs are correctly
of clutch releasing plate (5) or clutch may not release. If clutch spring centere :1. Install clutch spring cups (7), clutch springs (6) and spring
tension is increased by one half turns of the nuts until the maximum tension adjusting plate (8) into position, raised surface facing outward.
spring tension adjusting plate measurement is reached, and the clutch Start the three 1/2 inch hex head (long) nuts (9) on their respective
still slips, tt wlll benecessarytodlsassemblefor inspection and repair. studs. Pull these nuts down evenly until the spring tension adjusting
plate (8) is pulled over the remaining three studs a sufficient distance
to allow starting the 7/16 inch hex head nuts (10) on their respective
studs. Draw, the stx spring tension adjusting nuts down evenly until the

inner surface of the spring tension adjusting plate (8) measures
7/64 inch from the outer surface of the flange on the clutch spring
cups (7). This is the normal clutch spring tension adjustment
when new clutch plates are used. Install clutch shell and sprocket
cover (3} and screws and washers (1), with new gasket (4) if nec-
essary. Install chain cover (49) and screws (49A) with new gasket
(49B) if necessary. Replace stop light switch (41) with attaching
screw and washer (41A}, replace left foot rest {18) with lock bolt and
washer (19). Install transmission and front chain compartment oil
drain plug (2). Remove transmission and front chain compartment
oil filler plug (2, fig. 1), Fill transmission and front chain com-
partments to correct oil level according to information under "Trans-
mission and Front Chain Compartment Lubrication."


Removal of Rear Wheel (See figure 18.)

Operations on Right Side of Motorcycle

Locate and remove chain connecting link (1) and disengage chain
from rear sprocket. Remove brake adjusting nut (52) from brake rod.
Remove axle nut (63), axle nut lock washer (63A) and centering collar
(62B). With a soft hammer tap right end of axle (62) to loosen it
in left side of frame. Lay motorcycle on its right side to rest on
front Safety-Guard.

Figure 17. Front Chain Cover Removed and Clutch Apart Operations on Left Side of Motorcycle

11. Steel Friction Plates (five) Remove rear axle (62) by pulling it out of hub and frame assembly.
1. Clutch Cover Screws and Remove axle spacer (62A) from left side. Slide wheel and brake as-
Lock Washers (twelve) 12. Recessed Steel Back Plate
13. Lined Friction Plates (five) sembly to extreme rear end of frame. Lift wheel up to pass outer
2. Oil Drain Plug (See Trans-
mission and Front Chain 14. Push Rod Head surface of brake drum over brake shoes and remove wheel. To re-
Lubrication) 15. Hub Nut with Oil Seal install wheel, reverse the above procedure.
3. Clutch Cover 16. Clutch Hub
17. Clutch Shell and Sprocket Removal of F,ront Wheel (See figure 19.)
4. Clutch Cover Gasket
5. Releasing Plate 18. Foot Rest
19. Foot Rest Pinch Screw Operations on Right Side of Motorcycle
6. Springs (six)
20. Chain Adjusting Shoe
7. Spring Cups (six)
21. Chain Adjusting Shoe Disconnect brake control by removing brake clevis pin (1). Re-
8. Spring Tension Adjusting
Plate Clamp Screws move axle nut (70} and axle nut lock washer (70A). Remove brake
9. Spring Tension Adjusting 41. Stop Lamp Switch anchor and shoe centering cap screw (57) and cap screw lock washer
Nuts (three - 1/2" hex, 41A. Stop Lamp Switch Attach- (57 A),
5/8" long) ing Screw
10. Spring Tension Adjusting 49. Front Chain Cover
Nuts (three - 7/16" hex, 49A. Front Chain Cover Screws
7/32" long) 49B. Front Chain Cover Gasket

Maintenance Maintenance

Figure 19. Front Wheel Removed

1. Brake Clevis Pin
57. Brake Anchor and Shoe Centering Cap Screw
57 A. Brake Anchor and Shoe Centering Cap Screw Lock Washer
Figure 18. Rear Wheel Removed 70. Axle Nut
70A. Axle Nut Lock Washer
1. Chain Connecting Link 62B. Axle Centering Collar, 71. Front Axle
52. Rear Brake Rod Adjusting Nut Right Side
62. Rear Axle 63. Axle Nut
62A. Axle Spacer, Left Side 63A. Axle Nut Lock Washer

46 47
Operations on Left Side of Motorcycle
Loosen axle pinch bolt nut. With a soft hammer tap right end of
axle to loosen it and start it out. Lay motorcycle on Its right side to
rest on front Safety-Guard. Pull axle out of hub and fork assembly.
Remove front wheel and brake assembly complete. To reinstall, re-
verse above procedure. Brake shoes must be centered in brake drum.
See "Centering Brake Shoes in Front Brake Drum".
Servicing the Hydraulic Fork (See figure 22.)
The hydraulic fork requires very little maintenance or attention,
and no greasing. If fork does not appear to be working properly or an
appreciable amount of oil leakage should develop, ·attention should be
given by a Harley-Davidson dealer.Incorrect recoil action will result
if there is insufficient oil in either side of fork.
When forks are disassembled for repairs and reassembled
(DRY), each fork side should have 4-1/2 ounces of Harley-Davidson
Hydraulic Fork Oil. When oil is drained for refill, each fork side
should have not over 3-1/2 ounces of oil. The difference in the amount

of oil required between a (DRY) fork and a (WET) fork is due to
oil cling and the fact that it is not possible to drain every drop of oil
from the fork. Do not use more oil than recommended above, because
the excess oil will cause leakage from the top of the slider tubes.
To drain and refill fork, first remove the hex head cap screw
u 6 .,
(Fig. 22 Item 16) at the top of each fork side. Remove the drain
plug (Item 58) at the lower end of each slider tube and drain the
oil into a clean container. 011 drained from the forks, if not con-
taminated with water or other foreign matter, can be used again.
In this case, add oil to container to make up the required amount.
Replace the drain plugs and pour 3-1/2 ounces (WET FORK), or
4-1/2 ounces (DRY FORK), of Harley-Davidson Hydraulic Fork
Oil through the hole in the upper end of each fork side. Install
the cap screws ln the top of each fork side and tighten securely.
In an emergency, when Harley-Davidson Hydraulic Fork OU
is not available, use the lightest automobile engine oil obtainable.
Do not use shock absorber fluid. If engine oil ls used, however,
drain and replace with Hydraulic Fork Oil as soon as possible.
The consistency of engine oil varies with temperature changes,
and stiff recoil action and a rough ride will result at lower tem-
, •
Figure 20. Front Wheel Hub and Brake Drum
peratures. Temperature changes have little effect on the recom-
mended oil. Every 5000 miles, or at least once each year, drain 1. Bearing Lock Nut (left thread) 5. Hub Shell and Brake Drum
the oil from the fork and refill with a fresh supply of Hydraulic 2. Ball Bearing 6. Ball Bearing
Fork Oil. If fork should at any time become submerged In water, 3. Bearing Stop Washer 7. Grease Retainer {pressed
drain and reflll immediately. 4. Bearing Spacer with Grease fit)
Distributing Shroud 8. Grease Gun Connector
Replacing Head Lamp-Cycle Beam Sealed Unit
If either filament burns out, or the lens breaks, the entire cycle-
beam unit must be discarded and a new unit installed.
48 49


Figure 21. Rear Wheel Hub

1. Spacing Collar
2. Grease Retainer (press fit)
3. Ball Bearing
4. Bearing Spacer with Grease Distributing Shroud
5. Hub Shell
6. Bearing Stop Washer
7. Ball Bearing
8. Bearing Lock Nut (left thread)
9. Spacing Collar
10. GreasE' Gun ConnPctor
Figure 22. Changing Oil in Hydraulic Forks

16. Right Fork Side Cap Screw

58. Right Fork Side Oil Drain Plug

50 51
To install a new unit loosen door screw enough to remove head lamp
door. Remove the three retaining ring screws and retaining ring. The
cycle-beam unit ls now free from theheadlamp body, and the connector
block can now be removed from the unit by pulllng connector block
from the unit prongs.
Install the new unit by reversing above operations. Make sure
prongs on unit are clean to assure good contact with coiUlector block.
No attempt should be made to repair a defective cycle-beam
sealed unit. When the seal is broken the reflector tarnishes and poor
light and road visibility result.
Use only a cycle-beam sealed unit for replacement. This unit ts
designed for motorcycle use. Do not use automobile sealed beam unit.
The electrical system is not designed to supply the heavy current draw
required wtth an automobile sealed-beam unit, and tts use will only
invite battery and generator trouble.

The steering damper is an important safety device which should be

used to stabilize steering when driving at higher speeds. It must,
therefore, be kept in good working order. Have the condition of the
steering damper checked by your Harley-Davidson dealer atthe regular
1500 mile inspections.

Figure 23. Wiring Terminal Plate and Headlamp Lock Nut

9A. Wiring Terminal Plate (Terminal numbers stamped on plate)

2. Wiring Terminal Plate Terminals
3. Head Lamp Lock Nut

52 53
~.ech .v-· Sys.v ...
Key for Wiring Diagram
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (Standard Equipped Motorcycle)
A complete wiring diagram of the electrical system is given below l.}Termlnal numbers stamped ln bases of lgnltlon and llght switches.
\n f\gure 24, and all parts and connections are explained in the figure 2. Connect wiring as Indicated by diagram.
key on the opposite page.
4. HEADLAMP HlGH AND LOW BEAM SWITCH - (See Item 7, ftg.3)
6. OIL SIGNAL LIGHT SWITCH- (See Item 3,flg.6)
7, TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL· Black wire wlth yellow tracer
from headlamp; green wire of cable "B".
8. TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL-Green wire from headlamp; black
wire of cable "B".
9. WIRlNG TERMINAL PLATE- Terminal numbers stamped ln plate-
(See Item 9A Ulus. 23)
10. SPEEDOMETER- (See Item 14,flg, 3)
lOA. SPEEDOMETER LIGHT- Connect speedometer light wire to light
switch terminal 1#3.
12. TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL- (Not usedwlthstandardequlpment
wlrlng). ·
14. OIL SIGNAL LIGHT- (See Item 12,flg.3)
16. LIGHT SWITCH -(See Item lO,ftg. 3)
17. HEADLAMP- (See Item ll,flg. 3)
18. IGNITION COIL- (See Item 4, flg. 25) Red wire terminals (two) of
cable "D" to rear coil terminal; black wire of conduit "E" to front
19. GENERATOR "F" TERMINAL- Black wire from voltage regulator
"F" terminal.
20. GENERATOR "REG." TERMINAL- Red wire from voltage regulator
"GEN." terminal.
21. TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL- Black wire wlth red tracer from
headlamp; black wire wlth red tracer of handlebar Conduit" A".
22. TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL- Red wire from headlamp; red wire
with yellow tracer of handlebar Conduit "A".
23. TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL- (Not used wlthstandardequtpment
25. TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL - Green wire of cable "C"; black
. wire with white tracer of handle bar Conduit "A".
26. TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL- (Not usedwlthstandardequtpment
27. TERMINAL PLATE TERMINAL- (Not used with standard equipment
KEY TO COLOR CODE 36. VOLTAGE REGULATOR- Red wire of cable "B" to "BAT." terminal;
black wire of cable "B" to "GEN." terminal; red wire from gen-
erator "REG." terminal to "GEN." terminal; black wire from
@ GREEN R):Y) RED WITH YELLOW TRACER generator "F" terminal to "F" terminal.
(f) TAN ~ BLACK WITH WHITE TRACER 41. STOP LAMP SWITCH- Red wire terminals (two) of cable "D" to
switch terminals.
TAIL AND STOP LAMP- Red wire of cable "D" to right side of
Letters in 0 identify cables and conduit housed wires stop and tail lamp connector plug; green wire of cable "0' to left
side of connector plug.
55. HORN- Green wire of cable "C" to upper terminal; red wire of
Figure 24. Wiring Diagram conduit "G" to lower terminal.
68. IGNITION CIRCUIT BREAKER- Black wire or conduit "E" from
(Standard Equipped Motorcycle) Ignition coli front terminal.
Electrical System Electrical System
HEAD LAMP ADJUSTMENT (See figure 23.) Adding Water to Battery
The head lamp is of the sealed-beam type (especially made for The motorcycle should be standing straight up, not leaning on the
Harley-Davidson) and does not require re-focusing. Jiffy Stand, when adding water to the battery. Remove tool box wing nuts.
However, the beam must be adjusted forhetghtand direction. To get Swing tool box out and to the left. Turn off the wing nuts, and remove the
the greatest effectency from the head lamp and to meet the requirements battery cover. Take out the three screw-in filler plugs, and with a
of the law, make the following adjustment. Adjust In a darkened room or hydrometer or syringe, add water to each cell to· raise the level of
at night. the solution about 5/16-tn. above the plates and separators.
1. Have the motorcycle standing on a level surface with tires
correctly inflated about 25 feet away from, and headed toward a
wall or screen upon which a horizontal line has been drawn at
exactly the same height as the head lamp center. The motorcycle
must be resting on both wheels, the front wheel must be In straight
ahead alignment.
To correctly adjust the head lamp on motorcycle having the
Hydra-Glide Fork, lt will be necessary to have someone of
about the same weight as the rider seated on the motorcycle be-
cause the weight of the rider will compress the fork slightly.
2. Remove back panel. Turn ltght switch ON, set handle bar toggle
switch in BRIGHT posttton, and check light beam for height and
direction. The top of the main beam of light should register on
the wall or screen even with, but no higher than, the horizontal
line mentioned above.
3. After loosening the clamp nut (3) behind the lamp bracket, the
lamp can be tilted up or down to properly atm It in relation to
the horizontal line and at the same ttme can be turned right or
left to direct the beam of light straight ahead.


It is the care given a batte.ry, rather than time and miles in service,
which is most important in determining its life. Don't neglect tt.

1. Inspect battery every week. Add pure distUled water as often as

necessary to keep solution above the plates. See "Adding Water
to the Battery."
2. Remove battery and have It given a charge from an outside
source, when an hydrometer test shows that this attention is
needed. Allowing battery to remain in a discharged condition for Figure 25. Battery Exposed for Servicing
any length of time, shortens tts life. It Is especially Important
that the battery be kept well charged in below freezing weather. 1. Battery Negative Terminal
A low or discharged battery is very likely to be frozen and ruined. 2. Battery Positive Terminal
3. Keep the battery clean, and terminal connections tight. 3. Battery Filler Plugs
4. Ignition Coil

56 57
Electrical System

If battery is filled to a higher level, some of the

solution will be forced out through vent holes when
battery is charging. This not only weakens battery solu-
tion, but also may damage parts near the battery.

Battery Charging Rate

When charging a battery from an outside source, the charging rate is

constant and should not be allowed to go over 1/2 ampere. A higher rate
will heat and damage the battery.


Do not allow the battery to be charged in the same

line with automobile batteries, at a high cr..arge rate.


The generator itself bas no adjustment for control of charging rate.

This is controlled by the voltage regulator. The voltage regulator
functions to increase charging rate when battery is low or lamps are
lighted, and to decrease charging rate when no lamps are lighted and
when battery is up. Voltage regulator requires no regular interval
attention. The cutout relay is combined with the voltage regulator in a ·
single Wlit. Should any electrical system trouble be experienced tha:
might be traceable to the voltage regulator, motorcycle should be taken
to your Harley-Davidson dealer who has the necessary electrical testing
equipment to give required attention.


Remove generator end cover screws and cover, exposing the commu-
tator and brushes. Brushes can be taken out after unfastening the spring
retainers. Brushes are worn out and should be renewed when the longest
side of brush measures 7/16inchorless. Be sure to insert the brushes
into the holders so that the concave face of the brush fits the curve of the


1. Keep on the right side of the road when meeting other vehicles
coming in the opposite direction.
2. Always sound your born and pass on the left side when passing
other vehicles (except street car) going in the same direction.
Never try to pass another vehicfe going in the same direction at
street intersections, on curves, or when going up or down a hill.
3. At street intersections give the right-of-way to the vehicle on
your right. Do not presume too much when you have the right-of-
way; the other fellow may not know you have it.
4. Always signal when preparing to stop, start, or turn. If possible,
signal by extending the arm.
5. All traffic signs, including those used for the control of traffic at
intersections, should be obeyed promptly and to the letter. "Slow
Down'"' signs near schools and caution signs at railroad crossings
should always be observed and your actions governed accordingly.
6. Never "crash" a light. When a change is indicated from "Go" to
"Stop" (or vice versa) in the traffic control systems at inter-
sections, await the change.
7. When intending to turn to the left, give signal at least 50 feet
before reaching the turning point. Move over to the center line
of the street, (unless local require otherwise), slow down
passing the intersection of the street and then turn carefully to
the left.
8. In turning either right or left, watch for pedestrians as well as
9. Do not leavethecurborpa.rkingareawithou.t signaling and seeing
that your way is clear to drive into moving traffic. A moving line
of traffic bas the right-of-way.
10. See that your license tags are installed in the position specified
by law and that they are clearly visible under all conditions.
Keep them clean.
11. Ride at a safe speed -a speed consistent with the type of high-
way you are on , and always note whether the road is dry or wet.
Each varying condition on the highway means adjusting your
speed accordingly.
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. .
\ . '·' . ' .: :. ' . :·

As the owner of a new Harley-Davidson, you will enjoy a

thrilling new experience in motorcycling pleasure. Harley- Davidson
was designed to give you the ultimate in motorcycles- speed,
acceleration, comfort and safety- precision built and engineered
to give you many thousands of miles of dependable, carefree
This instruction book has been designed to give you the infor-
mation you will want and need to know to operate your Harley-
Davidson, and to give it the kind of care which will enable it to
serve you dependably and faithfully throughout its service. Follow
the instructions carefully and you will be assured of the best
performance that your motorcycle can give.
This instruction book is intended for the rider only and there-
fore does not cover the overhaul of such major units as the engine,
generator, transmission, etc. Work of this kind requites the
attention of a skilled motorcycle mechanic and the use of special
tools and equipment. Your Harley- Davidson dealer has the facili-
ties, experience and genuine Harley- Davidson parts which are
necessary to properly render this valuable service.




1. Gasoline Supply Valve . . .
2. Ignition and Light Switches . 9
3. Spark Control Grip 10
4. Throttle Control Grip . . . • • • • 10
5. Clutch Hand Lever . . • 10
6. Gear Shift Foot Lever 11
7. Brakes . . . • . . . • 12

Printed In U.S. A.
Part Page

Part Page 1. Clutch Hand Control • 41
2. Clutch . • 41
8. Starter Crank Pedal . 12 CHASSIS
9. Steering Damper Adjusting Knob 12 1. Chains
10. Horn • • . . . • • . 45
13 2. Brakes 48
11. Oil and Generator Signal Lights 13 3. Wheels
12. Rear Shock Absorber Spring Adjustment 13
4. Tires • 53
13. Starting the Engine . 14 ELECTRICAL
14. Starting a Cold Engine 14 1. Headlamp
15. Starting a Warm or Hot Engine 15
2. Bulb Chart 56
16. Stoppmg the Engine . • 16 3. Wiring Diagram Key 57
1. Care of New Engme. • • 16
2. Check at First 750 Miles . 16
3. Check at First 1500 Miles 17
4. High Speed Operating Tips 17 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS
5. Operating Troubles . • • 18
6. Hules of the Road 21 Figure 1. Right Side View. . 6
Figure 2. Left Side View 7
1. Engine . • . . • • • • • • 22 Figure 4. Gasoline Supply Valve
24 9
2. Transmtssion and Front Chain ••. Figure 5. Ignition and Light Switches
26 10
3. Hear Chain • • • • • . Figure 6. Hear Shock AbsorbP.r Spring Adjustment
27 15
4. Chassis . . . Figure 7. Left Side of Engine . •
5. Armature Beanng - Commutator End 27 25
Figure 8. Changing Oil in Hydraulic Forks • 29
6. Oil Appiications • • • • • • • 28 Figure 9. Carburetor .
7. Hydraulic Fork . 28 35
Figure 10. Circuit Breaker and Flywheel Timing Mark 37
8. Battery • • • • • • • • 30 Figure 11. Hight Side of Engine • 40
9. Keep the Motorcycle Clean 31 Figure 12. Front Chain Cover Removed and Clutch
10. Servicing Intervals • • 32 Disassembled • • • • • • • • 42
Figure 13. Positioning Clutch Releasing Plate 44
v MAINTAINING YOUR HAHLEY-DAVIDSON • 34 Figure 14. Repairing Drive Chain . • . • • • 46
Figure 15. Right Side - Front End 47
ENGINE Figure 16. Right Side - Rear End • . • • . •
1. Spark Plugs . 34 49
Figure 17. Rear Brake Cross Shaft Adjustment . 50
2. Caruuretor Adjustments 34 Figure 18. Hear Wheel Removal . • • • • 51
3. Circuit Breaker • • 36 Figure 19. Front Wheel Removal . • 53
4. Tinung • . . • • 36 Figure 20. Replacing the Cycle- Beam Sealed Unit 54
5. Tappet Adjustment . . • • . . . · • · · · · · • 39 Figure 21.
39 Wiring Terminal Plate and Headlamp Lock Nut • 55
6. Generator Charging Hate and Voltage Regulator Figure 22. Wiring Diagram • • • • • • • • • • 58



Clutch •••
... 30
Main Shaft •• 22
Rear Wheel 49

Wheel Base ••• 55-1/4 in. GEAR RATIOS

Overall Length 86 in.
Overall Width . 34 in. Low Gear ••• 11.55 to 1
Second Gear • 8.35 to 1
Third Gear ••.•
Fourth Gear
..... 6.37 to 1
CAPACITIES 4.58 to 1

Fuel Tank • • 4-1/2 U.S. Gallons (approximate)

Oil Tank • . • . . . . . . • 3 Quarts TIRE DATA
Transmission . . • • • • • • • • . . • 1-1/2 Pints (approximate)
Tire Size • . . . . . 3.50 X 18
Tire Pressure ••. Front Rear
ENGINE (Solo Rider Only) 14 lbs. 18 lbs.

Number of Cylinders •.•.••••••••• 2

Type . . • . . . . . . • . . 45 Degree V Type The tire inflation pressures given are based on a rider weighing
Horsepower . . . . . • 38 H.P. at 5200 R. P.M. approximately 150 lbs. When this load is exceeded by 50 lbs. or
Taxable Horsepower . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 more, increase tire pressures as follows: for each 50 lbs. of
Bore . . . ·· • . . . • . • (69.85 mm) 2.745 in. overload, increase pressure of rear tire 2 lbs., front tire 1 lb .
Stroke . . . • . . • . . (115.88 mm) 4.562 ln.
Piston Displacement . (888.34 c.c.) 54.2 cu. ln.
Torque . • . . • • • 42 lb.-ft. at 4200 R.P.M.
Compression Ratio . . . . . . . . . . 6.8 to 1


Circuit Breaker Points .022 in.

Spark Plugs - Size . 14 mm
Gap . . • .025 to .030 ln. NOTE

The engine (serial) number (13, figure 7) of your

TRANSMISSION Harley- Davidson is stamped on the left side of the
engine crankcase. Always give this number when
Type •• Constant Mesh ordering parts or making any inquiry about your
Speeds • . • 4 Forward motorcycle •

4 5
2 3 4 5 6 8

1. Rear Brake Rod Adjusting 13. Gear Shift Foot Pedal 1. Headlamp 15. Stop Lamp Switch Adj us ling
Nut 14. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting 2. Carburetor Air Cleaner Screw
2. Rear Wheel Cushion-Shock Screw 3. Gasoline Supply Valve 16. Transmission and Front
3. Oil Tank 15. Starter Crank Pedal 4. Carburetor Choke Lever Chain Compartment Oil
4. Oil Tank Cap 16. 011 Tank Drain Plug 5. Tool Box Filler Plug
5. Horn 17. Cushion Spring Adjusting 6. Rear Wheel Cushion-Shock 17. Brake Foot Pedal
6. Front Brake Adjusting Cam 7. Tail Lamp 18. Transmission and Front
Sleeve 18. Brake Anchor Shoe 8. Rear Wheel Adjusting Stud Chain Compartment Oil
7. Brake Anchor Shoe Centering Cap Screw 9. Rear Wheel Adjusting Stud Level Plug
Centering Cap Screw 19. Rear Wheel Axle Lock Nut 19. Ignition Timing Inspection
8. Right Fork Side Drain Plug 20. Rear Wh1~el Axle Nut 10. Rear Wheel Adjusting Stud Hole Plug
9. Front Wheel Axle 21. Rear Wheel Adjusting Stud Nut 20. Gasoline Line
10. Front Wheel Axle Nut Nut 11. Rear Axle 21. Generator
11. Front Exhaust Valve Cover 22. Rear Wheel Adjusting Stud 12. Cushion Spring Adjusting 22. Voltage Regulator
12. Ignition Circuit Breaker Lock Nut Cam 23. Left Fork Side Drain Plug
23. Rear Wheel Adjusting Stud 13. Jiffy Stand 24. Front Wheel Axle Pinch
14. Stop Lamp Switch Bolt

Figure 1. Right Side View

Figure 2. Left Side View




The gasoline supply valve (3, figure 2) is located on the left side
under the gas tank. The valve (figure 4) has two handles; one is
marked "RESERVE" and the other is unmarked. Gasoline to car-
buretor is shut off when both handles are in horizontal position.
Turning the unmarked handle to vertical position turns on main

gasoline supply; turning "RESERVE" handle to vertical position
turns on reserve supply .

9- :_o;··'::.' .· __
-- ~'
- -24
'\ .

1. Headlamp 12. Left Side Foot Rest SUPPlY
13. Generator Signal Light RESERVF. (ON)
2. Oil Signal Light
14. Speedometer SUPPI.Y
3. Light Switch

4. Left Fork Side Cap Screw 15. Ignition Switch
5. Clutch Hand Lever 16. Right Fork Side Cap Screw
6. Headlamp Hi and Low Beam 17. Steering Damper Adjusting Figure 4. Gasoline Supply Valve
Switch Knob
7. Spark Control Grip 18. Gas Tank Cap '
Gas tank holds approximately four and one-half U.S. gallons.
8. Horn Button 19. Front Brake Hand Lever Approximately one quart of this is retained in the tank for reserve
9. Carburetor Choke Lever 20. Throttle Control Grip supply when the "RESERVE" handle remains in the horizontal
10; Rear Brake Foot Pedal 21. Gear Shift Foot Pedal position.
11. Transmission and Front 22. Oil Tank Cap Use "ETHYL" or other "ANTI-KNOCK" gasoline.
Chain Compartment Oil 23. Right Side Foot Rest
Filler Plug 24. Starter Crank Pedal 2. IGNITION AND LIGHT SWITCHES

The light switch (3, figure 3) is located on left side of instrument

Figure 3. Top View panel. The ignition switch (15, figure 3) is located on right side

8 9
Knowing Your Harley~Davidson

Knowing Your Harley-Davidson

release the clutch; release the lever slowly to its outward post~
of instrument panel. The switch locks are the same and keys can tion to engage the clutch.
ue used in either lock. With keys in center position (figure 5)
uoth switches are OFF. Ignition switch is ON when key is turned 6. GEAR SHIFT FOOT LEVER
to right or left. Turning light switch key to left turns ON tail lamp
for parking. Switch keys can be removed with switches in OFF or The gear shift foot lever (13, figure 1) is located on the right
ON positions. Either switch is locked ONLY with key in CENTER side, where it may be conveniently operated with the toe of the right
(OFF) position and key removed from lock. foot. Pushing foo.t lever all the way down (full stroke) shifts trans~
mission to the next lower gear, while lifting foot lever all the way
up (full stroke) shifts transmission into the next higher gear. The
operator must release foot lever after each gear change to allow
lever to return to its central position before another gear change
can be made.
Neutral position is between first (low) and second gears.
First gear is the last gear position that can be found by pushing
foot lever full strokes downward. To shift from first gear to
neutral, lift foot lever one half its full stroke. The shift to neutral
can also be made from second gear by pushing foot lever down~
ward one-half stroke.
LIGHT When starting the engine it is not necessary to shift transmission
SWITCH to neutral before attempting to kick the engine over. By releasing
the clutch hand lever and holding in the released position during
starting procedure, engine may be started regardless of the gear
in which the transmission might be engaged. However, it is better
whenever possible to start the engine with transmission in the
neutral position.
Figure 5. Ignition and Light Switches With the motorcycle standing still and the engine not running, it
usually will be necessary to move the motorcycle backward and
3. SPARK CONTROL GRIP forward with the clutch fully disengaged while maintaining a slight
pressure on the foot shift lever before a shift from one gear to
Turn the spark control grip (7, figure 3) inward to advance spark; another can be made. Even with the engine running and the motor~
turn outward to retard spark. Fully advanced is the proper normal cycle standing still, difficulty may be experienced in shifting gears.
running position. When the engine is laboring under a hard pull, re- This difficulty arises when transmission gears are not turning
tard the spark part way to avoid knocking and improve performance. and shifting parts are not lined up to permit engagement. When
this difficulty is experienced, do not under any circumstances
4. THROTTLE CONTROL GHIP attempt to force the shift by "roughing" the foot lever; the results
of such abuse will be a damaged or broken shifter mechanism.
Turn the throttle control grip (20, figure 3) outward to close Either roll the motorcycle as indicated above, or if the engine
throttle; turn inward to open throttle. is running, engage the clutch very slightly at the same time ap-
plying light pressure to the foot lever to make the shift. Both of
5. CLUTCH HAND LEVER these procedures set transmission gears in motion and then
the shift can be made easily.
The clutch hand lever (5, figure 3) is located on the left handle With motorcycle standing and the engine stopped, proceed as
bar where it may be conveniently operated with the fingers on follows to get under way: start engine, fully release clutch, shift into
the left hand. Pull the lever in against the handle bar grip to

Knowing Your Harley-Davidson Knowing Your Harley-Davidson

first, and slowly engage clutch. After desired speed is attained in 10. HORN
first, fully disengage clutch, lift foot lever all the way up to shift into
second and again engage clutch. Shift in like manner into third The horn (5, figure 1) is operated by the horn button (8, figure 3)
and fourth gears. on the left handle bar. Volume may be set to the desired degree
by turning the adjusting screw under the horn cover.

CAUTION Two signal lights are located on top of the headlamp body.
The right "GEN" signal light, when on, indicates that the generator
When it is desired to shift to lower gears with is not charging. The left "OIL" signal light, when on, indicates
the motorcycle in motion, do not shift from third that oil is not circulating through the engine. Pt·oper operation
to second until speed is reduced to 20 miles per is indicated when both lights are off.
hour or less; do not shift to first until speed ls re- Both the "GEN'' and "OIL" signals will light when the ignition
duced to below 10 miles per hour. is turned on preparatory to starting engine. With engine running,
Shifting to lower gears when speed is too high both lights should be off when engine speed is equivalent to ap-
may severely damage the transmission. proximately 20 miles per hour road speed in high gear.
The generator light will normally flash on and off at slow idle or
road speeds below 20 miles per hour in high gear because gener-
7. BRAKES ator output is very low and unsteady at these speeds. If the gen-
erator signal light fails to go off at speeds above about 20 miles
The brake foot pedal (17, figure 2) controls the rear wheel brake per hour, the generator is either not charging or its output is
and is located on the left side where it is operated by the toe of below normal and it should be inspected at once.
the left foot. The brake hand lever (19, figure 3) controls the front If the oil circulation signal light fails to go off at speeds above
wheel brake and is located on the right handle bar, where lt is idling, it is usually due to an empty oil tank or to diluted oil.
operated by the fingers of the right hand. In freezing weather the oil feed pipe may clog with ice and sludge,
thus preventing circulation of the oil. A grounded oil signal switch
wire, faulty signal switch, or trouble with the oil pump will also
8. STARTER CRANK PEDAL cause the light to stay on. If the oil circulation signal fails to
go off, always check the oil supply first. Then, if oil supply is
The starter crank pedal (15, figure 1) is located on the right side normal and the light still does not operate normally, look inside
and has a spring return. When starting the engine, kick the pedal the oil tank and see if oil returns to the tank from the outlet
down with full, vigorous strokes to turn the engine over. of the oil return pipe when the engine is running. If it is returning
to the tank there is some circulation, and you may drive slowly
to the nearest Harley- Davidson dealer to have the oiling system
9. STEERING DAMPER ADJUSTING KNOB checked and serviced. If no oil returns to the tank, stop the engine
at once and do not drive further until the trouble is located and
Turn steering damper adjusting knob (17, figure 3) clockwise to the necessary repairs are made.
apply dampening action and counterclockwise to reduce dampening
action. When riding at low and intermediate speeds, steering should 12. REAR SHOCK ABS9RBER SPRING ADJUSTMENT
be free (very little dampening applied). Too much dampening at
lower speeds causes motorcycle to "wander" from a straight The rear shock absorber springs can be adjusted to three posi-
ahead course. When driving at high speeds or over rough surfaces, tions for the weight the motorcycle is to carry. The average weight
apply dampening as needed to stabtlize steering. solo rider would use the extended spring position (off cam);

12 13
Knowing Your Harley-Davidson Knowing Your Harley- Davidson

a heavy solo rider might require the position with springs slightly
compr~ssed (first cam step); buddy seat riders require the fully
compressed spring position (second cam step).
To adjust the rear shock absorber springs, turn cushion spring
adjusting cam (figure 6) to desired position with spanner wrench.
Both cushion spring adjusting cams must be adjusted to the same
position. A spanner wrench for this purpose is available from your
Harley- Davidson dealer.


When starting the engine, shift the transmission to neutral or

hold clutch fully disengaged. Turn the spark control grip inward
as far as it will go to fully advance spark. If the engine backfires
excessively with fully advanced spark, retard (turn control grip
outward) the spark a sufficient amount to eliminate this backfiring.


The carburetor choke lever is located to rear and approximately

center of carburetor air cleaner. Move the choke lever down
to the fully closed (prime) position, open throttle 1/4 and with
ignition and light switches off, ·kick the starter down once or twice
to prime the cylinders. Then set the choke lever at the 1/4 to
1/2 closed position in mild weather, or 3/4 or fully closed posi-
tion in extremely cold weather, and, with the throttle nearly closed, Figure 6. Rear Shock Absorber Spring. Adjustment
turn ignition switch on and start engine with vigorous strokes of
the starter.
of the over-rich mixture, gradually move the choke lever upward.
CAUTION After the engine has thoroughly warmed up, move choke lever to
open position (all the way up).
It is only in extremely cold weather that the en-
gine may start best with choke in fully closed (prime) 15. ST ARTINO A WARM OR HOT ENGINE
position, and even then it will have to be moved '
from this position immediately after engine starts. II the engine has been shut off for only a brief period and is at
Under no conditions will the engine continue to about normal running temperature, it is not necessary to use the
run with full choke. choke lever. Simply close the throttle, turn on ignition switch
and kick the starter down quickly. With some engines, depending
If engine is started with transmission in other than neutral posi- on carburetor adjustment, hot starting is more dependable if the
tion, immediately after the engine starts, shift to neutral for idling starter is given one stroke before turning on ignition switch.
or to first (low gear) to get under way. When a hot engine does not start readily (two or three starting
As soon as the engine starts, open the throttle just far enough to kicks), it is usually because of an over-rich (flooded) condition.
keep it running while warming up or until ready to set the motor- The proper procedure then is to open the throttle wide so that
cycle in motion. As the engine warms up and misfires, because more air can enter and to close it as soon as the engine starts.

Driving Your Harley-Davidson Driving Your Harley-Davidson

16. STOPPING THE ENGINE D. Lubricate all points indicated for 750 mile attention (see
Par. 4, Part IV).
Stop the engine by turning off the ignition switch. If the engine E. Oil all control joints and parts (see Par. 6, Part IV).
should be stalled or stopped in any other way than with the switch, F. Inspect and service air cleaner if needed (see Par. 1d,
turn off the switch at once to prevent battery discharge through Part IV).
the circuit breaker points. G. Check adjustment of chains and readjust if necessary
(see "CHASSIS", Par. 1, Part V).
H. Check lubrication of rear chain and readjust rear chain
oiler (6, figure 11) if necessary (see Par. 3, Part IV).
I. Check wheel mounting bolts which secure rear wheel to
brake assembly and tighten if needed. These bolts must
PART III be kept very tight.
J. Check level of solution in battery and add distilled water
DRIVING YOUR HARLEY-DAVIDSON if needed. See that terminals are clean and connections
tight (see Par. 8, Part IV).
K. Check tightness of all cylinder head bolts and all cylinder
1. CARE OF NEW ENGINE base nuts and tighten where necessary.

Do not operate a new engine faster than 40 miles per hour the 3. CHECK AT FIRST 1500 MILES
first 100 miles, 50 miles per hour the next 400 miles, or 60 miles
per hour the next 500 miles. Below 2000 miles, avoid driving at A. Check condition of oil in tank to determine if oil change
or near top speed for long distances. After a new motorcycle is needed.
has been driven its first 750 miles and again at approximately B. Check level of oil in transmission and front chain compart-
1500 miles, the motorcycle should be taken to the dealer from ments and add oil If needed; Use same grade of oil used in
whom it was purchased for certain initial service operations with engine.
which the dealer is familiar. If it is impossible to take the motor- C. Lubricate all points indicated for 750 mile attention
cycle to a dealer at the mileage intervals mentioned, the owner (see Par. 10, Part IV).
should at least give the following outlined attention, or arrange to D. Oil all control joints and parts (see Par. 10, Part IV).
have it given, and take the motorcycle to the dealer for more com- E. Check adjustment of chains and adjust if necessary (see
plete servicing later on when convenient to do so. After initial ser- "CHASSIS", Par. 1, Part V).
vicing schedule has been completed, motorcycle should then be F. Check lubrication of rear chain and readjt:st chain oiler
taken to your dealer for check up at regular intervals of 1500 miles. if necessary (see Par. 3, Part IV).
G. Check all nuts, bolts and screws and tighten any found loose.
2. CHECK AT FIRST 750 MILES H. ChecJ<, level of solution in battery and add distilled water
if needed. See that terminals are clean and connections
A. Drain oil tank through drain plug (16, figure 1) and refill tight (see Par. 8, Part IV).
with fresh oil. Thereafter, for average service, change I. Check tappet adjustment and readjust if necessary (see
oil at intervals not exceeding 2000 miles. Under extremely "ENGINE", Par. 5, Part V).
dusty conditions, when service ls exceptionally hard or in
winter weather, oil must be changed much more frequently. 4. HIGH SPEED OPERATING TIPS
B. If motorcycle Is equipped with oll filter, service the filter
(see Par. lb, Part lV). A. Develop the habit of frequently snapping the throttle shut
C. Drain transmission and front-chain compartments and refill. for an instant when running at high speed. This draws ad-
Use same grade oil used in engine (see Par. 2, Part IV). ditional lubrication to pistons and cylinders and helps cooling.

16 17
Uriving Your Harley-Davidson Driving Your Harley- Davidson

U. In eold weather run engine slowly until it is thoroughly If engine starts but runs irregularly or misses:
warmed up. This will insure that the oil is warm enough
to eirculate fredy and can provide proper lubrication for A. Spark plugs in bad condition ~r partially fouled.
pi~tons, rings and other moving parts.
B. Spark plug gap too close or too wide.
C. An engine run long distances at high speed must be given C. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment or dirty.
closer than ordinary attention to avoid overheating and con- D. Condenser connections loose.
sequent damage. Have the engine checked regularly and keep E. Battery nearly discharged.
it well tuned. Valve seating and good compression are par- F. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at
ticularly important, and the carburetor shoul<l be adjusted coil or circuit breaker.
moderately rich rather than lean. Inspect spark plugs G. Water or dirt in fuel system and carburetor.
often for good condition. This applies particularly to a H. Gasoline tank cap vent plugged and tank air bound.
motorcycle equipped with windshield. I. Carburetor not adjusted correctly.
D. Do not idle engine unnecessarily with motorcycle standing
still. If engine fails to start:
E. If an engine is to be driven normally at high speeds (after it
has gone through the slow and m,oderate speed running- in A. Gasoline tank empty.
period), it may be necessary to install spark plugs which are B. Gasoline supply valve shut off.
"colder" than the original equipment plugs. This will be C. Gasoline line clogged.
indicated by overheating, loss of power, excessive knocking, D. Discharged battery or loose or broken battery terminal
and blistering of plug core tips. Disregard of these indica- connection. Check by turning on light switch.
tions of the need for colder plugs may result in overheating E. Fouled spark plugs.
and damage. F. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment.
F. When plugs need to be replaced, get new plugs from your G. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at
Harley- Davidson dealer. He can supply you with the type of coil or circuit breaker.
plug best suited to your requirements. Experimenting with H. Clutch slipping and starter not turning engine over.
plugs of unproven quality and suitability is inviting trouble. I. Sticking valves, or tappets too tight.
J. Engine flooded with gasolin·e as a result of overchoking.
If a ::;park plug fouls repeatedly:
The following check list of possible operating troubles and their
probable causes will be helpful in keeping your motorcycle in A. Too cold a plug for the kind of service or for type of engine.
good operating condition. Remember that more than one of these B. Piston rings badly worn or in otherwise bad condition.
conditions may be causing the trouble and all should be carefully
checked. U engine o'verheats:

If engine starts hard: A. Insufficient oil supply or oil not circulating.

B. Carburetor high speed adjustment too lean.
A. Spark plugs in bad condition or partially fouled. C. Ignition timing too late.
B. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment or in need of
cleaning. If engine detonates:
C. Battery nearly discharged.
D. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at A. Unsuitable fuel (Octane rating too low).
coil or circuit breaker. B. Heavy deposit of carbon on piston head and in combustion
E. Carburetor not adjusted correctly. chamber.

18 19
Driving Your Harley-Davidson Driving Your Harley- Davidson

C. Spark plugs of the wrong heat range for the type of service If clutch drags or does not release:
D. Defective spark plugs. A. Clutch control improperly adjusted.
B. Clutch spring tension too tight.
If engine uses too much oil: C. Friction discs saturated with oil.

A. Piston rings badly worn or in otherwise bad condition. If brakes do not hold normally:
B. Heavy oil leak to the outside.
A. Brake improperly adjusted.
B. Brake controls binding as result of improper lubrication or
If vibration is excessive: damage.
C. Brake linings impregnated with grease as result of over··
A. Cylinder bracket loose or broken. gl'easing wheel hub and/or brake operating shaft.
B. Engine mounting bolts loose. D. Brake linings badly worn.

If generator does not charge: 6. RULES OF THE ROAD

A. Brushes badly worn. A. Keep on the right side of the road when meeting other vehicles
B. Brushes sticking in holders. coming in the opposite direction.
C. Commutator dirty or oily. B. Always sound your horn and pass on the left side when
D. Loose or broken wire in generator-battery circuit. Voltage passing other vehicles (except street car) going in the
regulator may be at fault. Do not attempt to repair voltage same direction. Never try to pass another vehicle going
regulator. If voltage regulator is suspected of giving trouble, in the same direction at street intersections, on curves, or
take your motorcycle to the nearest Harley- Davidson when going up or down a hill.
dealer. This type of work requires very special equipment. C. At street intersections give the right-of-way to the vehicle
on your right. Do not presume too much when you have the
right-of-way; the other fellow may not know you have it.
If carburetor floods: D. Always signal when preparing to stop, start, or turn. If
possible, signal by extending the arm.
A. Float set too high. E. All traffic signs, including those used for the control of
B. Float valve and/or valve seat worn or damaged. traffic at intersections, should be obeyed promptly and to
C. Dirt or other foreign matter between float valve and its the letter. "Slow Down" signs near schools and caution signs
seat. at railroad crossings should always be observed and your
actions governed accordingly.
If transmission shifts hard: F. Never "crash" a light. When a change is indicated from "Go"
to "Stop" (or vice versa) in the traffic control systems at
A. Clutch dragging. intersections, await the change.
B. Transmission oil too heavy (wintel' operation). G. When intending to turn to the left, give signal at least 50
feet before reaching the turning point. Move over to the
center line of the street, (unless local rules require other-
If clutch slips: wise) slow down passing the intersection of the street
and then turn carefully to the left.
A. Clutch control improperly adjusted. H. In turning either right or left, watch for pedestrians as
B. Insufficient clutch spring tension. well as vehicles.

20 21
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson Servicing Your Harley-Davidson

I. Do not leave the curb or parking area without signaling Furthermore, unless oil tank is kept well filled, frequent checking
and seeing that your way is clear to drive into moving of oil level will be necessary to avoid any chance of running dry.
traffic. A moving line of traffic has the right-of-way. After a new engine has run its first 750 miles, and it is operating
J. See that your license tags are installed in the position in warm or hot weather and in average service, completely drain
specified by law and that they are clearly visible under oil tank of used oil and refill with fresh oil at about 2000 mile
all conditions. Keep them clean. intervals. If the engine is driven extremely hard, or used on
K. Ride at a safe speed - a speed consistent with the type dusty roads or in competition, drain and refill at shorter inter-
of highway you are on, and always note whether the road vals. Draining should be done while oil is hot. It is not necessary
is dry or wet. Each varying condition on the highway means to drain the crankcase as it does not accumulate used oil. At the
adjusting your speed accordingly. time of the first 750 mile oil change, and at least at every second
oil change thereafter, thoroughly flush and clean out tank with kero-
sene to remove any sediment and sludge that may have accumu-
lated. Your Harley-Davidson dealer has facilities for quick flushing
and cleaning of oil tank.
PART IV B. Oil Filter

SERVICING YOUR HARLEY-DAVIDSON If motorcycle is equipped with an oil filter, the filter element
should be thoroughly washed in clean gasoline or solvent at least
once every 2000 miles when the oil is changed.
1. ENGINE Filter is located in the oil tank. To service the filter, remove it
from oil tank, remove retaining spring from top of filter and
A. Engine Oil disassemble.
Renew filter element every 6000 miles.
Use Harley-Davidson 105 series (regular heavy) oil when pre-
dominating temperature is above 75° F. C. Winter Caution
Use Harley-Davidson 75 series (medium heavy) oil when pre-
dominating temperature is 32° F to 75° F. Combustion in any engine produces water vapor. When starting
Use Harley- Davidson 58 series (light) oil when predominating and warming up in cold weather, especially in freezing or colder
temperature is below 32° F. weather, much of the vapor that gets into the crankcase condenses
The oil tank capacity is 3 quarts. When the tank is filled to about to water before the crankcase is hot enough to exhaust the vapor
two and one-quarter inches from top of filler opening, it is con- through the outside breather. If engine is driven enough to get
sidered full. Do not fill above this level, as the tank needs some the crankcase thoroughly warmed UJ? frequently, most of this
air space. Tighten the cap securely to prevent leakage. The oil water is ·again vaporized and blown out through the breather.
signal light in the top of headlamp indicates oil circulation. Sec However, a moderately driven engine, making only short runs now
OIL AND GENERATOR SIGNAL LIGHTS {Par. 11, Part II). Oil and then and seldom getting thoroughly warmed up, is likely to
mileage normally varies from 250 to 500 miles per quart de- accumulate an increasing amount of water in the oil tank. This
pending on the nature of service, fast or moderate driving, and water will, in freezing weather, become slush or ice, and if allowed
how well the engine is kept tuned. If mileage is not within this to accumulate too long, may block the oil lines and cause damage
range, see your dealer about it. to the engine. Also, water mixed with oil for some time forms
Remove tank cap and check oil supply at least every 300 miles sludge that is harmful to the engine and causes undue wear of
after each complete refill. various working parts. Therefore, in winter the oil change interval
Keep the oil level well up in tank. Oil runs cooler and oil should be shorter than normal for all engines, and any engine used
mileage is somewhat higher with oil level well up in the tank. only for short runs must have oil drained frequently along with

22 23
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson

a thorough tank flush-out before new oil is put in tank. The farther
below freezing the temperature drops, the shorter the oil change
interval should be.

D. Air Cleaner (2, figure 2)

In normal service on hard surfaced roads, it is important that

the air cleaner mesh be removed, washed thoroughly in gasoline
and then saturated with oil (same oil as used in engine) at least
once every 750 miles. In dusty service this should be done more
frequently and in extremely dusty service it should be done every
100 miles or at least once a day.

E. Gasoline Strainer

The gasoline strainer is located on top of the gasoline supply

valve inside the gasoline tank (see figure 4). If the supply of gasoline
is impeded, as indicated by irregular carburetlon, remove the
gasoline supply valve from the tank and thoroughly clean the gaso-
line strainer. Be sure to drain the tank before removing the gaso-
line supply valve.


Use same grade of oil used in engine.

There is an opening between the transmission and the front chain
compartments, and the same oil supply lubricates the parts in
both compartments. The oil drain plug is located underneath case
directly below the transmission. The oil filler plug (16) is located
near the top of the chain case cover. The oil level plug (8) is 1. Voltage Regulator 10. Stop Lamp Switch Ad-
located near the bottom of the chain case cover. 2. Gasoline Supply Valve justing Screw
To determine correct oil level in the transmission and chain case 3. Carburetor Choke Lever ll. Stop Lamp Switch
compartments proceed as follows: 4. Tool Dox 12. Jiffy Sland
5. Tool Box Cover Locking 13. Engine (Serial) Number
A. Stand motorcycle straight up. Motorcycle must remain in Screws ' 14. Ignition Timing Inspec-
this position during entire procedure. 6. Generator tion Hole Plug
B. Remove transmission oil filler plug (16) and oil level plug (9). 7. Front Chain Cover 15. Carburetor Air Cleaner
NOTE: If the oil is to be changed, remove oil drain plug. 8. Transm5.ssion and Front 16. Transmission and Front
Reinsert after oil has drained and tighten oil drain Chain Compartment Oil Chain Compartment Oil
plug before proceeding with next step. Level Plug Filler Plug
C. Add oil until it begins to overflow through oil level hole. 9. Rear Brake Foot Pedal 17. Front Chain Cover Screws
Leave excess oil flow from oil level hole until it ceases
to run. This is correct oil level.
D. Reinsert and tighten oil level plug and oil filler plug. Figure 'I. Left Side of Engine

24 25
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson Servicing Your Harley-Davidson

Drain transmission and refill to correct level with fresh, If motorcycle is operated under extremely dusty conditions, ad-
clean oil once each year or every 5000 miles, whichever comes ditional lubrication of the rear chain may be advisable from time
fir~;t. If transmission should become submerged in water, drain it to time. Under these conditions proceed as follows: remove chain
immediately and refill with clean oil to the correct level. from motorcycle. Soak and wash thoroughly in a pan of kerosene.
After removing chain from kerosene, hang it up for a time to allow
3. REAR CHAIN kerosene to drain off. Immerse for a short time in a pan of grease
heated to the consistency of light engine oil. If grease and facilities
At regular service intervals (750 miles) make a close inspection for heating are not at hand, substitute light engine oil. While
of rear chain. If it does not appear to be getting sufficient lubri- immersed move chain around to be sure that hot grease or oil
cation, or if there is evidence of an over-supply of oil, readjust- works through all inside parts. After removing from hot grease
ment should be made with "rear chain oiler adjusting screw". or oil, allow chain to drain and wipe all surplus grease or oil
Readjust the rear chain oiler as follows: rear chain oiler and the from surface of chain. Install chain on motorcycle. Inspect
adjusting screw are located at the bottom end of the oil return connecting link and spring clip closely for bad condition. Replace
line; the adjusting screw is locked in position with a lock nut; if at all questionable. Be sure spring clip is correctly and securely
loosen the lock nut and turn screw outward for more oil, and locked on pin ends.
inward for less oil; turn screw only a fraction of a turn at a
time; lock adjusting screw in place with lock nut. 4. CHASSIS
The quantity of oil needed to lubricate the rear chain is very
small. The size of the opening (orifice) through which oil bleeds Use Harley- Davidson "Grease All" for all greasing require-
to the chain Is regulated by the adjusting screw. Sediment and ments.
gummy matter, accumulating in the oil supply, deposit in and All chassis bearings requiring frequent applications of grease
around this orifice and gradually decrease the oil supply to the are provided with grease gun fittings. Locations and recommended
chain. A chain that has been lubricated perfectly the first 2000 greasing intervals are listed under SERVICING INTERVALS (see
miles may run short of oil the second 2000 miles. For this Par. 10, Part IV).
reason, even though inspection indicates the chain is amply lubri- Remove and grease handle bar grip spirals with fresh grease
cated, it is advisable to blow away accumulated sediment and every 5000 miles, once each year, or when operation of grips
restore the orifice to its original size at intervals of approximately indicates lubrication is necessary.
2000 miles. Pack frame head bearings with fresh grease at intervals indica-
To clean rear chain oiler, proceed as follows: ted under SERVlCING INTERVALS. Be careful about over-greasing
wheel hubs and brake operating shafts. Excess grease working out
A. Back out adjusting screw lock nut as far as possible. of these bearings produces a messy condition and is likely to get
B. Turn adjusting screw inward until it bottoms on its seat. onto brake linings and greatly reduce efficiency of brakes.
Keep track of the number of turns needed to turn the screw
C. Remove adjusting screw and clean (blow) out orifice with
compressed air. To lubricate this bearing, first remove the generator end cover.
D. Reinstall adjusting screw and turn it inward until it bottoms The bearing can then be oiled through hole in bearing cover or
on its seat. bearing cover can be removed to permit greasing. Lubricate every
E. Turn adjusting screw outward the same number of turns 5000 miles or at least once a year. If not convenient to lubricate
determined in step B above and lock in place with locking with grease at specified intervals, at least lubricate with a few
nut. This is your former setting. drops of motor oil. Be careful not to over-lubricate, as excess
oil or grease may work out and get onto commutator and brushes.
The initial (factory) setting of the rear chain oiler is 1/4 turn It is recommended that your motorcycle be taken to a Harley-
open which permits oil to flow at the rate of 2 to 3 drops per minute. Davidson dealer for this lubrication.

26 27
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson Servicing Your Harley-Davidson

Generator drive end bearing requires no attention as it is

lubricated by the oil that circulates through the engine.

The following control connections and parts should be oiled

regularly, particularly after washing motorcycle or driving in
wet weather (see Par. 10, Part IV).

A. Rear brake rod clevis pin (at both ends of brake rod).
B. Front brake clevis pin.
C. Hand brake lever clevis pin and brake cable at both ends of
D. Hand clutch lever clevis pin.
E. Clutch cable at both ends of housing and at oiler.
F. Throttle control wire at carburetor.
G. Spark control wire at distributor.
H. Seat post.

7. HYDRAULIC FORK (see figure 8)

The hydraulic fork requires very little maintenance or atten-

tion and no greasing. If fork does not appear to be working properly
or an appreciable amount of oU is leaking, take the motorcycle
to an authorized Harley-Davidson dealer.
Incorrect recoil action will result if there is insufficient oil in
either side of fork. To check for the correct amount of oU it is
necessary to completely drain the oU and then pour back into
each side 4-1/2 ounces of Harley-Davidson hydraulic fork oil.
Oil drained from the fork may be used again, provided it does 1. Fork Side Drain Plug
not appear to be contaminated by water or other foreign matter. 2. Fork Side Hex Head Cap Screw
Add only enough fresh oil to provide the required amount. Do not
use shock absorber fluid. In an emergency, when Harley- Davidson Figure 8. Changing Oil in Hydraulic Forks
fork oil is not available, use the lightest automobile engine oil
obtainable. If engine oil is used, however, drain and replace with
hydraulic fork oil as soon as possible. The consistency of engine
oil varies with temperature changes, and stiff recoil action and the oil through the hole in the upper end of each fork tube. Install
a rough ride wlll result at lower temperatures. Temperature the cap screws (2) in the top of each fork side and tighten securely.
changes have little effect on the recommended oil. At best, servicing the fork using only a funnel is a rather slow
To drain and refill fork, remove the hex head cap screw (2) job because of the small filler openings and because the filler
at the top of each fork side. Remove the drain plug (1) at the channel tends to becomP air locked. It is recommended that you
lower end of each slider and drain the oil into a clean con- see your Harley-Davidson dealer when this service Is required
tainer. Add oil to the container if necessary to make up the for he has the necessary equipment to do this job cleanly and
required 4-1/2 ounces. Replace the drain plugs (1) and pour quickly.

28 29
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson Servicing Your Harley-Davidson

Every 5000 miles, or at least once each year, drain oil from CAUTION
the fork and refill with a fresh supply of hydraulic fork oil. If fork
should at any time become submerged in water, drain and refill If battery is filled to a higher level, some of the
immediately. solution will be forced out through vent holes when
battery is charging. This will not only weaken the
8. BATTERY battery solution but also may damage parts near
the battery.
It is the care given a battery, rather than time and miles of
service, which is most important in determining its life.
C. Battery Charging Rate

A. Servicing Battery When charging a battery from an outside source, the charging
rate is constant and should not be allowed to go over 1/2 ampere.
1. Inspect the level of the solution of the battery as indicated A higher rate will heat and damage the battery.
in SERVICING INTERVALS (Par. 10, Part IV). Add pure distilled
water as often as necessary to keep solution above the plates (see
Section B) below. CAUTION
Do not allow the battery to be charged in the
CAUTION same line with automobile batteries because of the
high charge rate.
If motorcycle is not used for an extended period
of time (month or more) check solution level before
placing motorcycle in service. 9. KEEP THE MOTORCYCLE CLEAN

2. Check solution with a hydrometer. If hydrometer reading Keeping the motorcycle clean on the outside as well as on the
is below 1.200, remove battery and charge it from an outside inside not only is a sign of good maintenance, it is good main-
source. Allowing battery to remain in a discharged condition for tenance. To aid you in keeping your motorcycle clean see your
any length of time shortens its life. It is especially important that Harley- Davidson dealer for the following:
the battery be kept well charged in below freezing weather. A low
or discharged battery is very likely to be frozen and ruined.
3. Keep the battery clean and terminal connections tight. Harley-Davidson" Gunk"

Harley-Davidson ''Gunk" will quickly and effi-

B. Adding Water to Battery ciently remove grease and oil from your motorcycle
leaving a clean, bright finish.
The motorcycle should be standing straight up, not leaning on
the Jiffy Stand, when adding water to the battery. Remove tool
box wing nuts. Swing tool box out and to the left. Turn off the wing Harley-Davidson "Chrome Cleaner"
nuts and remove the battery cover. Take out the three screw-in
filler plugs, and with a hydrometer or syringe, add water to each Use Harley-Davidson "Chrome Cleaner" to make
cell to raise the level of the solution about 5/16 inch above the the chrome parts of your motorcycle glitter and
plates and separators. sparkle.

30 31
Servicing Your Harley-Davidson Servicing Your Harley- Davidson

Harley- Davidson "Polish and Cleaner" D. Check

Engine oil
Harley-Davidson "Polish and Cleaner" is made Transmission oil
to clean and polish the enamel parts to maintain or Rear chain
restore these parts as close as possible to their
original luster.
Every 2,000 Miles

The following items require servicing at the intervals speci- A. Change engine oil
fied. Your Harley- Davidson dealer knows every lubrication point B. Service oil filter
on your motorcycle. He has the right kinds of lubricant to put at C. Grease front wheel hub
each point. He knows best how to service your motorcycle. Take D. Grease rear wheel hub
your motorcycle to him for its periodic servicing. E. Check front chain
F. Service rear chain oiler
Every 750 Miles G. Check tappet adjustment

A. Grease
Rear brake operating shaft Every 5,000 Miles or One (1) Year
Front brake operating shaft
Rear brake crossover shaft A. Grease
Clutch push rod release worm Armature bearing-commutator end
Foot shift lever Throttle control spiral
Seat bar roller Spark control spiral
Seat bar bolt
Kick starter shaft B. Service
Hydraulic fork
B. Oil Transmission and front chain
1. Control joints
Rear brake rod clevis pins (2)
Front brake clevis pin Every 10,000 Miles or One (1) Year
Hand brake lever
Clutch hand lever
2. Control cables Repacl~ frame rear fork Timken bearing
Front brake cable housing
Clutch cable housing
Clutch cable housing oiler CAUTION
Throttle control wire housing
Spark control wire housing This is to be done by your Harley-Davidson dealer.
3. Seat posts (2)

C. Service Every 50,000 Miles

Air cleaner
Battery Repack frame head bearings

32 33
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

PART V Both needles are held in whatever position they may be turned
to, by a spring and plunger which drops into notches in the needle

To obtain the longest possible life and the best possible per-
formance from your motorcycle it is necessary to keep it not only
adequately serviced, but also correctly adjusted to the tolerances
to which it was manufactured. The following are the adjustments
and general maintenance facts pertaining to your motorcycle.



Keep plugs clean and the gap between the points adjusted to
between .025 and .030 inch. Do nottake the plugs apart for cleaning.
Clean witl} a sand blast cleaner.
Be surn your motorcycle is operating with the correct heat range
plug best suited to your type of riding. If in doubt see your Harley-
Davidson dealer.

2. CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENTS (see figure 9) 1. High Speed Needle 4. Throttle Stop Screw
2. Low Speed Needle 5. Choke Lever
A carburetor, once properly adjusted, requires little if any re- 3. Throttle Lever 6. Choke Disc
adjustment. It should not be necessary to adjust the needles more
than one or two notches, richer or leaner, to the correct mixture Figure 9. Carburetor
for a change in weather conditions. Do not continually tamper
with carburetor adjustments. If engine does not start and run
right, first look for trouble elsewhere, before checking the A carburetor that is badly out of adjustment may be readjusted
carburetor. as follows:
We suggest having carburetor adjustments made by your Harley-
Davidson dealer. A. Make sure carburetor control wire is adjusted so throttle
The fuel supply for low engine speed is completely regulated lever (3) fully closes and opens with handle bar grip
by the low speed needle. The fuel supply for high engine speed is movement.
regulated by a combination fixed jet and adjustable needle. The B. Turn both the high speed needle (1) and the low speed
fixed jet dominates the regulation of high speed fuel supply. The needle (2) all the way down (to right).
high speed needle provides a means of supplementing, to a limited C. Back up (to left) low speed needle (2) about 5 turns. With
degree, the fuel supplied by the fixed jet, when it is found that needle in this position, engine will start, but low speed
slightly enriching the mixture improves engine performance. mixture will probably be too rich.
Both the high speed needle (1) and low speed needle (2) turn down D. Start the engine and after it has reached operating temper-
(to right) to make mixture leaner at the respective speeds for ature and the choke lever (5) has been moved to the open
which they adjust. Backing them out (to left) makes mixture richer. position, correct the adjustment of low speed needle.

Maintaining Your Harley- Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

E. Turn low speed needle (2) down (to right) one notch at a
time until mixture becomes so lean that engine misses
and is inclined to stop; then, back needle up five to ten
notches, or until engine hits regularly with spark advanced
and throttle closed and engine running at idle speed. Starting
and all around carburetion will be better with low speed
adjustment slightly rich rather than as lean as it can be
F. Adjust throttle lever stop screw (4) as necessary, to make
engine idle at proper speed with throttle fully closed.
Turn screw to right to make engine idle faster and to left
to make engine idle slower. Do not idle an engine at the
slowest possible speed because an extremely slow idling
adjustment causes hard starting. Changing the idle speed
with throttle stop screw is likely to change the low speed
mixture slightly. It will, therefore, be necessary to again
check and correct low speed needle adjustment by the
same procedure followed in making the initial adjustment.
G. Check high speed adjustment, after low speed adjustments
have been completed. Run motorcycle on the road at various 14 11 8
speeds between 20 miles per hour and wide open. Have
spark fully advanced. Best all around engine performance
can usually be found with the high speed needle (1) set
from 3/4 to 1-1/4 turns open.

3. CIRCUIT BREAKER (see figure 10)

Check the gap between the contact points (9) with a .022 inch gage
(wire preferred). If it is not exactly .022 inch when the cam FRONT CYLINDER PISTON 19/64 IN. FRONT CYLINDER PISTON 11/32 IN.
follower (1) is on either of the highest points of cam (2), ad- BEFORE TOP OEAO CENTER BEFORE TOP OEAO CENTER
justment ls necessary. Incorrect point gap spacing affects ignition
timing. To adjust the points loosen the lock screw (11) and move
the eccentric adjusting screw (14) to provide a contact point gap 1. Fiber Cam Follower 9. Contact Points
of .022 inch. Retighten the lock screw (11) and again check the 2. Breaker Cam 10. Cover Retainer
gap to make sure it remains correct. 3. Condenser 11. Adjustable Point Lock
4. Cam Timing Mark Screw
5. Timer Adjusting Stud 12. Timing Slot on Flywheel
4. TIMING (see figure 10) 6. Adjusting Stud Lock Nut 13. Timing Inspection Hole
7. Timing Adjusting Stud Plate 14. Eccentric Adjusting Screw
Ignition timing is controlled by the circuit breaker. Correct 8. Timing Mark 15. Control Wire Lock Screw
ignition timing and correct setting of the circuit breaker contact
point gap is absolutely necessary for proper engine operation
and performance. Figure 10. Circuit Breaker and Flywheel Timing Mark

36 37
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

To check ignition timing, proceed as ~ollows: 5. TAPPET ADJUSTMENT

A. Remove spark plugs to permit engine to turn easily; remove

screw plug from timing inspection hole (13) in left side of To get the maximum power and best all around performance
crankcase. Then loosen lower front intake valve spring from an engine, keep valve tappets properly adjusted. They should
cover by turning counterclockwise to free the threads. be inspected and, if necessary, readjusted initially at 1500 miles
Lift cover to its uppermost position so that opening and and every 2000 miles thereafter.
closing of valve can be observed. Remove circuit breaker Engine must be cold during tappet adjustment. As each tappet
cover and set circuit breaker point gap at exactly .022 is readjusted, make sure it is at its lowest position, by turning
inch (see Par. 3, Part V). motor ahead until the like tappet in the other cylinder is at its
B. Turn engine in direction in which it runs until front piston highest position (valve fully opened). The Inlet valves are those
is on compression stroke (just after front intake valve nearest the carburet or.
closes), and continue turning engine very slowly (less than Adjust tappets so that there is .006 to .007 inch clearance
1/2 revolution) until timing slot (12) on flywheel is aligned between inlet valve stems and tappets, and .010 to .011 inch clear-
in the inspection hole (13), as shown in figure 10. ance between exhaust valve stems and tappets. An accurate
C. See that timing mark (8) on circuit breaker head aligns thickness gauge should be used to measure these clearances.
with the end of timing adjusting stud plate (7). Before replacing valve spring covers, inspect the gasket between
D. Fully advance circuit breaker. Be sure control wire is each cover and tappet bushing. If broken or damaged, fit a new
correctly adjusted so that circuit breaker head is advanced gasket to prevent an oil leak.
(rotated counterclockwise) to its full advanced stop when
handle bar grip is turned to full advanced position.
E. Timing mark (4) on top edge of circuit breaker cam (2)
should now align perfectly with breaker arm fiber cam CAUTION
follower (1). If it does not, but is only slightly out of
alignment, loosen timing adjusting stud lock nut (6) and
shift circuit breaker head to attain alignment. Timing mark If motorcycle is used in extremely hard service
(8) will no longer line up exactly with edge of plate (7). or in competition, valve tappet clearance should be
Be sure to securely retighten lock nut (6). Remember that checked at more frequent Intervals.
circuit breaker must be fully advanced when checking align-
ment of mark (4) with fiber cam follower (1).

With timing slot (12) in the correct position in timing hole (13),
as shown in figure 10, thefrontcylinderpiston is in the position (on The generator itself has no adjustment for control of charging
compression stroke) where ignition should occur with spark fully ad- rate. This is controlled by the voltage regulator. The voltage
vanced (see dimension given for piston position on figure 10). regulator functions to increase charging rate when battery is low
The narrow lobe of circuit hrPaker cam, which is the lobe that or lamps are lighted, and to decrease charging rate when no
carries mark (4), times the front cylinder; the wide lobe Urnes lamps are lighted and when battery is up. Voltage regulator re-
the rear cylinder. Ignition occurs just as circuit breaker points quires no regular interval attention. The cutout relay is combined
open. with the voltage regulator in a single unit. Should any electrical
Once or twice a year, have your dealer check ignition timing system trouble be experienced that might be traceable to the
and, if necessary, readjust circuit breaker setting to compensate voltage regulator, motorcycle should be taken to your Harley-
for wear on circuit breaker and timing gears that may have caused Davidson dealer who has the necessary electrical testing equip-
a slight change in timing. ment to give required attention.

38 39
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson



The need for attention to clutch and controls will be indicated

by the clutch slipping under load, or dragging in released posi-
tion. In either case, the first thing to be checked is the adjust-
ment of control. Proceed as follows:

A. Loosen clutch push rod adjusting screw lock nut (3, figure
11) and back off (turn left) clutch push rod adjusting screw
(2, figure 11).
B. Determine that clutch release worm, inside transmission
rear chain sprocket cover (4, figure 11), is returning all
the way to its stop when clutch hand lever (5, figure 3)
is in its fully extended position. If it is not, check to see
if a binding cable or incorrect cable length is causing
trouble and make necessary adjustments.
C. Adjust cable length by turning clutch cable adjusting sleeve
(lever end of cable housing) so that clutch releasing worm
does not quite return against its stop. This will hold clutch
hand lever (5, figure 3) in its fully extended position at
all times.
D. Turn clutch push rod adjusting screw (2, figure 11) Inward
(right) until clutch hand lever has 1/8 of its full movement
free before clutch starts to release. This can be determined
by a slight increase in tension on the clutch hand lever at
the above point as it is being moved to the released position.
Tighten clutch push rod adjusting screw lock nut (3, fig-
ure 11) in place without disturbing the setting of the ad-
1. Oil Tank Drain Plug justing screw.

2. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw 2. CLUTCH (see figure 12)

3. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw Lock Nut If the clutch slips after control has been correctly adjusted
(Par. 1 above), increase clutch spring tension. Remove trans-
4. Transmission, Rear Chain and Sprocket Cover mission and front chain compartment oil drain plug and drain oil
from compartments. Remove left foot rest pinch screw and washer
5. Gear Compartment Cover (16) and left foot rest (14). Remove stop light lamp switch with
attaching screw and washer (15). Remove front chain cover (8)
6. Rear Chain Oiler and gasket (9) by first removing three front chain cover screws (7).
Remove the clutch cover (25), twelve clutch cover screws (20)
and six clutch cover screw retainers (23). Do not pry cover loose
Figure 11. Right Side of Engine at one point. Loosen cover evenly in several places as the cover

40 41
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley- Davidson

must provide an oil tight seal and must not be sprung out of
shape. With cover (25) removed, the clutch releasing plate (13),
clutch springs (27), spring tension adjusting plate (24) and six
spring adjusting nuts are in view. Three of the spring tension
adjusting nuts (22) have 1/2-inch hex heads and three (21) have
7/16-inch hex heads. All spring tension adjusting nuts are re-
cessed to conform to raised portion of spring tension adjusting
plate which provides a lock for the nuts. Tighten each of the six
nuts one half turn at a time. The nuts must always remain in their
locked positions after adjustment is made. Test after each half turn
by cranking the engine. Usually, a clutch that holds without any
noticeable slippage when cranking the engine, also holds on the road.
Tightening the spring tension adjusting nuts moves the spring tension
adjusting plate (24) closer to the outside surface of the clutch re-
leasing plate (13). The inner surface of the spring tension adjusting
plate (24) measures 13/64 inch from the outer surface of the flange
on the clutch spring cups (28) for normal clutch spring tension ad-
justment. When increasing spring tension do not decrease the above
distance to less than 7/64 inch or clutch will not release. If clutch
spring tension is increased by one half turns of the nuts until the
maximum spring tension adjusting plate measurement is reached,
and the clutch still slips, it will be necessary to disassemble the
clutch for inspection and repair.

A. Clutch Disassembly and Repair

1. Siphon Tube 17. Brake Foot Pedal
2. Clutch Push Rod Head 18. Brake Foot Pedal Pinch Screw Some of the clutch plates may be worn and require replacement
3. Chain Adjusting Shoe 19. Brake Foot Pedal Return Spring or they may be oil soaked and in need of washing and drying. When
4. Clutch Hub Nut and Oil Seal 20. Clutch Cover Screws (Twelve) the clutch must be taken apart, it is advisable to have it serviced
5. Clutch Shell and Sprocket 21. Spring Tension Adjusting Nuts by a Harley- Davidson dealer where any needed new parts are at
6. Clutch Hub (Three) 7/16 x 7/32 inch hand. If, however, it is impossible to take the motorcycle to a
7. Front Chain Cover Screws 22. Spring Tension Adjusting Nuts Harley-Davidson dealer, and the clutch must be taken apart,
8. Front Chain Cover (Three) 1/2 x 5/8 inch proceed as. follows: remove the three 7/16 inch hex head (short)
9. Front Chain Cover Gasket 23. Clutch Cover Screw Re- nuts (21) first. Remove the three 1/2 inch hex head (long) nuts (22).
10. Lined Friction Plates (Seven) tainer (Six) Remove spring tension adjusting plate (24), clutch springs (27),
11. Recessed Steel Back Plate 24. Spring Tension Adjusting and spring cups (28). Remove clutch releasing plate (13) and all
12. Steel Friction Plates (Seven) .Plate clutch plates (10 and 12).
13. Releasing Plate 25. Clutch Cover
14. Foot Rest 26. Clutch Cover Gasket B. Clutch Assembly
15. Stop Lamp Switch Attaching 27. Clutch Tension Springs (Six)
Screw 28. Clutch Tension Spring Cups There are eight steel plates (12) and seven lined plates (10).
16. Foot Rest Pinch Screw (SiX) One of the steel plates is thicker than the rest and is recessed
on one side. This plate (11) with recessed side facing out, is pushed
Figure 12. Front Chain Cover Removed and Clutch Disassembled over the splines of the clutch hub (6) to rest against back side of

42 43
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

hub. Place a steel plate (12) next to the recessed plate (11). a sufficient distance to allow starting the 7I 16 inch hex head nuts
Place a lined plate (13) into clutch shell and sprocket assembly (5) (21) on their respective studs. Draw the six spring tension adjusting
and push inward against the second metal plate. Alternate with nuts down evenly until the inside of the spring tension adjusting
steel plates and lined plates until seven lined plates have been plate (24) measures 13/64 inch out from the outside surface of
placed in position. This wilJ leave a lined plate on the outside. flange of the clutch spring cups (28) at the 1/2 inch hex head studs.
Install clutch releasing plate (13). Position clutch releasing plate This is the normal clutch spring tension adjustment when new
(13) on the clutch hub (6) so the clutch hub studs are exactly clutch plates are used. Before completing assembly test clutch for
centered in the clutch spring cup holes. To center studs align the slippage by cranking engine. Install clutch shell and sprocket
larger of the two depressions (see figure 13) on the rim of the clutch cover (25), screws (20) and retainers (23), with new gasket (26),
releasing plate with the notched tooth of the clutch hub. Install if necessary. Install chain cover (8) and screws (7) with new gasket
clutch spring cups (28), clutch springs (27) and spring tension (9) if necessary. Use adequate amount of gasket seal on both sides
adjusting plate (24) into posiUon with the raised surface facing of gasket to seal clutch shell and chain covers. Replace stop
outward. Start the three 1/2 inch hex head (long) nuts (22) on their light switch with attaching screw and washer (15), replace left
respective studs. Pull these nuts down evenly until the spring foot rest (14) with pinch screw and washer (16). Install transmission
tension adjusting plate (24) is pulled over the remaining three studs and front chain compartment oil drain plug. Refill transmission and
front chain compartment to correct level (see Par. 2, Part Iy).


A. Front Chain Adjustment

The adjustment of the front chain can be checked through the

oil filler opening (16, figure 2) located near the top of the chain
cover. A correctly adjusted front chain has one inch free up and
down movement half way between engine and clutch sprockets.
To adjust chain, lay motorcycle on its right side to rest on
frunt safety-guard. Remove left foot rest bolt and foot rest.
Remove chain cover which is secured in place by three screws.
Front chain is adjusted by means of a shoe (3, figure 12) which is
raised or lowered, underneath the chain, to tighten or loosen chain.
The shoe supporting bracket is secured to back side of chain
compartment by two cap screws. Loosen cap screws, raise or
lower shoe the amount required to obtain correct chain adjustment.
Tighten cap screws, install chain cover and foot rest.

B. Rear Chain Adjustment (see figure 16)

A correctly adjusted rear chain should have 1/2 inch free up
and down movement half way between transmission countershaft
and rear wheel sprockets. To adjust chain, loosen axle nut (8)
Figure 13. Positioning Clutch Releasing Plate on right side of motorcycle; loosen lock nuts (5) on rear wheel

44 45
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

adjusting studs (4). The adjusting studs extend through and out
the rear ends of frame fittings on either side. The outer nuts (5)
are lock nuts; the inner nuts (6) are adjusting nuts. Turning ad-
justing nuts clockwise moves the wheel back to tighten chain;
turning adjusting nuts counterclockwise and tapping each end of the
axle to move wheel forward will loosen chain. '(urn adjusting nut
(6) on either side exactly the same number of turns to maintain
alignment of wheel. With lock nut (5) tight against adjusting nut (6),
the distance from lock nut to outer end of adjusting stud (4) should
be the same on both sides. Check correct alignment of wheel by
observing that tire runs about midway between rear frame tubes
and also that rear wheel sprocket runs centrally in the chain.
When readjustment is completed, be sure to securely retighten
rear axle nut {8) and rear wheel adjusting stud lock nuts (5).
After readjusting rear chain, the rear brake may be too tight.
Rcadj ust brake rod if necessary. See Par. 2C "Rear Brake
Adjustment" in this section.

1. Front Brake Adjusting Sleeve

2. Adjusting Sleeve Lock Nut
3. Adjusting Sleeve Nut
4. Cable Support Tube
5. Brake Anchor and Shoe Centering Cap Screw
6. Right Fork Side Drain Plug
Figure 14. Repairing Drive Chain 7. Front Wheel Axle
8. Front Wheel Axle Nut
9. Front Brake Lever
C. Chain Repair 10. Front Brake Lever Grease Fitting

When necessary to repair rear chain, remove the damaged

links by pushing out the riveted linkpins with a cnain repair tool
as shown in figure 14. Then install the necessary repair links. Figure 15. Right Side - Front End

46 47
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson


A. Front Wheel Brake Adjustment (see figure 15)

When the front wheel brake is properly adjusted, the hand lever
(19, figure 3) will move freely about one-quarter of its full movement
before the brake starts to take effect. If adjusted tighter the brake
may drag. The brake adjusting sleeve (1) is located to rear of
right fork side and at end of cable support tube. To adjust brake,
loosen lock nut (2) on adjusting sleeve (1) and turn lower nut (3)
in toward the cable support tube to decrease the free movement
of the lever (19, figure 3) and tighten the brake. Turn lower nut (3)
away from the cable support tube to increase the free movement
of lever and loosen the brake. When free movement of the hand
lever (19, figure 3) is about one-quarter of its full movement
tighten lock nut (2) securely against the adjusting sleeve nut. If
brake should drag with correct free movement in hand lever,
re-center brake shoes in brake drum. See Par. 2B following. 1. Brake Rod Adjusting Nut 6. Rear Wheel Right Side
2. Brake Rod Adjusting Stud Nut
3. Operating Lever 7. Rear Axle
B. Centering Front Brake Shoes (see figure 15) 4. Rear Wheel Right Side 8. Rear Axle Nut
Adjusting Stud 9. Rear Brake Shoe Pivot
Loosen but do not remove front brake shoe pivot and brake 5. Rear Wheel Right Side and Brake Side Cover
side cover anchoring screw (5) through mounting on rear of right Adjusting Stud Lock Nut Anchoring Stud
fork side. Loosen but do not remove right axle nut (8). Spin front
wheel. While wheel is turning apply front brake and hold in tightest Figure 16. Right Side - Hear End
position while tightening first brake shoe pivot bolt (5) and then front
axle nut (8). Check brake for correct adjustment. See Par. 2A above. D. Centering Rear Brake Shoes (see figure 16)

C. Rear Brake Adjustment (see figure 16) Loosen but do not remove nut on rear brake shoe pivot and
brake side cover anchoring stud (9) (located to front of brake
The rear wheel brake adjustment is made by means of the nut side cover and through slot provided in rear frame fork casting).
(1) which may be adjusted to change the effective length of the Loosen but do not remove rear axle nut (8). Spin rear wheel. While
brake rod (2). The adjusting nut has a notch which fits against wheel is turning apply brake and hold in tightest position while
the clevis pin in the operating lever (3). Thus, it is locked in place tightening first the brake shoe pivot stud nut (9) and then the rear
on the rod but may be turned down or backed off by half turns, as axle nut (8). Check brake for correct adjustment. See Par. 2C
required. Set the adjusting nut so that the brake does not start above.
to take effect until the foot pedal (17, figure 2) is pushed downward
about 1-1/4 inches. Turn the nut farther onto the rod to tighten E. Rear Brake Cross Shaft and Pedal Adjustment (see figure 17)
the brake; back it off to loosen the brake. Turn the rear wheel to
be sure the brake is not too tight and dragging. If brake should If for any reason it is necessary to disturb the adjustment of
drag with correct free movement in foot pedal, re-center brake the rear brake cross shaft adjusting screw (2), take care to readjust
shoes in brake drum. See Par. 2D following. it correctly. To make correct adjustment, proceed as follows:

48 49
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

1. Assemble cross shaft in frame.

2. Adjust cross shaft adjusting screw (2) so that with screw
against its stop on frame, the top of the cross shaft arm (3) is
slightly back of center of the rear fork pivot bolt (4). Under no
conditions should the front of the top of the cross shaft arm (3)
be closer than 1-1/2 inches to the rear of the relieved portion of
the transmission sprocket cover (5).
3. Assemble brake pedal on cross shaft. If pedal does not
position correctly (almost touching foot rest) readjust cross
shaft adjusting screw (2) so that cross shaft splines and brake
pedal are positioned correctly. However, adjustment should be

i '
~ /.;. ~t
/l '

' '
':, hi

1. Chain Connecting Link

1. Adjusting Screw Lock Nut 2. Rear Brake Rod Adjusting Nut
2. Adjusting Screw 3. Rear Axle
3. Brake Cross Over Shaft Arm 4. Axle Spacer, Left Side
4. Rear Fork Pivot Bolt 5. Axle Centering Collar, Right Side
5. Transmission Sprocket Cover 6. Axle Nut
7. Axle Nut Lock Washer
Figure 17. Rear Brake Cross Shaft Adjustment
Figure 18. Rear Wheel Removal

Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley- Davidson

made so that cross shaft arm (3} is always moved to the rear
and never closer to the transmission sprocket cover (5).
4. After final adjustment tighten cross shaft bolt lock nut (1)
in place.


A. Removal of Rear Wheel (see figure 18)

1. Locate and remove chain connecting link (1) and disengage

chain from rear sprocket. Remove brake adjusting nut (2) from
brake rod. Remove axle nut (6), axle nut lock washer (7) and cen-
tering collar (5). With a soft hammer tap right end of axle (3) to
loosen it in left side of frame. Lay motorcycle on its right side
to rest on front safety-guard.
2. Remove rear axle (3) by pulling it out of hub and frame
assembly. Remove axle spacer (4) from left side. Slide wheel
and brake assembly to extreme rear end of frame. Lift wheel
up to pass outer surface of brake drum over brake shoes and
remove wheel. To reinstall wheel) reverse the above proce-

B. Removal of Front Wheel (see figure 19)

1. Disconnect brake control by removing brake clevis pin {4).

Remove axle nut (1) and axle nut lock washer (2). Remove brake 1. Axle Nut 5. Brake Anchor and Centering
anchor and shoe centering cap screw (6) and cap screw lock 2. Axle Nut Lock Washer Cap Screw Lock Washer
washer (5). 3. Front Wheel Axle 6. Brake Anchor and Centering
2. Loosen axle pinch bolt nut (7). With a soft hammer tap 4. Brake Clevis Pin Cap Screw
right end or axle (3) to loosen it and start it out. Lay motorcycle 7. Front Axle Pinch Bolt
on its right side to rest on front safety-guard. Pull axle (3)
out of hub and fork assembly. Remove front wheel and brake as~ Figure 19. Front Wheel Removal
sembly complete. To reinstall, reverse above procedure. Brake
shoes must be centered in brake drum. See CHASSIS, Par. 2B, 4. TIRES
Part v.
Care should be taken to keep tires properly inflated. See Part I
C. Wheel Hubs
flation pressures. Do not over inflate tires.
The front tire of a solo motorcycle normally wears unevenly
Excessive side play or radial (up and down) play in the wheel and becomes peaked to some extent. tt is recommended, with a
hubs indicate worn bearings. It is advisable to have any needed solo motorcycle particularly, that the tires be transposed at
wheel hub repairs made at your Harley- Davidson dealer where the intervals of approximately 4000 miles. This will stabilize high
necessary tool~ and replacement parts are at hand. speed operation and also equalize wear.

52 53
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson Maintaining Your Harley- Davidson



The headlamp is of the sealed-beam type. It was specially de-

signed and is specially made for a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
When replacement is required, use only the prescribed cycle-beam
sealed unit. Do not attempt to use an automobile sealed-beam unit.
Your motorcycle's electrical system is not designed to supply the
heavy current draw required with an automobile sealed-beam unit,
and its use will only invite battery and generator trouble. See
your Harley- Davidson dealer.

1. Wiring Terminal Plate (Terminal Numbers Stamped on Plate)

2. Wiring Terminal Plate Terminals

Figure 20. Replacing the Cycle- Beam Sealed Unit

A. Replacing Cycle- Beam Sealed Unit (see figure 20) 3. Headlamp Lock Nut

If either filament burns out, or the lens hrealts, the entire

cycle-beam unit must be discarded and a new unit installed.
To install a new unll loosen door screw enough to remove Figure 21. Wiring Terminal Plate and
headlamp door. Remove the three retaining ring screws and Headlamp Lock Nut

54 55
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson
Maintaining Your Harley- Davidson

retaining ring. The cycle-beam unit is now free from the headlamp
body, and the connector block can now be removed from the unit
by pulling connector block from the unit prongs. No. Bulbs Candle Power Harley- Davidson
Install the new unit by reversing above operations. Make Lamp Description Required or Wattage Part No.
sure prongs on unit are clean to insure good contact with con-
nector block.
Do not attempt to repair a defective cycle-beam sealed unit. Hi Beam 30 Watts
Headlamp Low Bfam 1 67717-48
When the seal is broken the reflector tarnishes and poor light 30 Watts
and road visibility result. Tail Lamp 3 C.P.
Tail Lamp Stop Light 1 21 C.P. 68165-47
B. Headlamp Adjustment (see figure 21) Generator Light 1 2 C.P. 68462-49
Oil Light 1 2 C.P. 68462-49
The headlamp beam must be adjusted for height and direction. Speedometer Light 1 .25 Amp. 71090-47
To get the greatest efficiency from the headlamp and to meet the
requirements of the law, make the following adjustment in a Accessories
darkened room or at night. Spot Light 2 32 C.P. 68715-49
Parking Lights 3 C.P. 68165-15
1. With the tires correctly inflated stand the motorcycle on Fender Lights 2 C.P. 68462-49
a level surface about 25 feet away from, and headed toward
a wall or screen upon which a horizontal line has been drawn at
exactly the same height as the headlamp center. The motorcycle
must be resting on both wheels, and the front wheel must be in 3. WIRING DIAGRAM KEY (see figure 22)
straight ahead alignment. Furthermore, to correctly adjust the
headlamp on the motorcycle, it wtll be necessary to have some- A. Handle Bar (Loose Wires) - Red wire with black tracer,
one of about the same weight as the rider seated on the motor- black wire with red tracer, red wire with yellow tracer
cycle because the weight of the rider will compress the fork from headlamp switch (4) on handle bar to light switch
slightly. terminal #1 and to terminal plate terminals #21 and #22
2. Remove back panel. Turn on light switch, set handle bar respectively. Black and green wire from horn switch (5)
toggle switch (6, figure 3) to the HI BEAM position, and check to terminal plate terminal #25 and to ground terminal
light beam for height and direction. The top of the main beam right rear fork boot support screw respectively.
of light should register on the wall or screen even with, but no B. Three Wire Cable - Red, black and green wire from light
higher than, the horizontal line mentioned above. switch and terminal plate terminals 112, 118 and 117 respec-
3. After loosening the clamp nut (3, figure 21) behind the tively.
lamp bracket, tilt the lamp up or down to properly aim it in C. Two Wire Cable (Through Loom) - Red and green wires from
relation to the horizontal line and at the same time turn it right hor,n to ignition switch and terminal plate terminals 112
or left to direct the beam of light straight ahead. Tighten the and 1125 respectively.
clamp nut after the lamp is properly positioned. D. Two Wire Cable - Red wire from ignition switch terminal #3
to rear terminal ignition coil (18), from rear terminal
ignition coil (18) to stop lamp switch (41), from stop lamp
2. BULB CHART switch (41) to tail and stop lamp (51). Green wire from
light switch terminal 113 to tail and stop lamp (51).
E. Loom (One Wire) - Black wire from ignition circuit breaker
The following chart gives the location and bulb requirements (68) to front terminal of ignition coil (18).
for your Harley-Davidson motorcycle. F. Loom (One Wire) - Green wire from cable "B" and terminal
plate terminal #7 to oil signal light switch (6).

Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson
Maintaining Your Harley~Davidson

G. Loom (One Wire) ~ Red wire from horn (55) to battery

positive terminal.
H. Loom (Five Wire) - Tan \Vire from ignition switch terminal
/13 to headlamp. Black wire with red tracer, red, black and
green wires from terminal plate terminals 1#21, /122, #7
and 1#8 respectively to headlamp.

4. Headlamp Hi and Low Beam Switch- Red wire with black

tracer through "A" to light switch terminal Ill. Black wire with
red tracer through "A" to terminal plate terminal #21. Red
wire with yellow tracer through "A" to terminal plate term-
inal #22.
5. Horn Switch - Black wire to terminal plate terminal 1125.
Green wire to ground terminal right rear fork boot support screw.
6. Oil Signal Light Switch - Green wire through loom "F' and
cable "B" to terminal plate terminal #7.
7. Terminal~ Green wire through cable "B" and loom "F"
to oil signal light switch (6). Black wire from headlamp (17).
8. Terminal -Black wire through cable "B" to "Gen" terminal
of voltage regulator (36). Green wire from headlamp (17).
9. Terminal Plate- Mounted on fork.
10. Speedometer Light- Green wire to light switch terminal #1.
11. Terminal - Terminal not used.
12. Terminal - Terminal not used.
13. Generator Signal Light
14. Oil Signal Light
15. Ignition Switch
Terminal #1 - Terminal not used.
Terminal #2 - Red wire to light switch terminal#2 red wire through
cable "C" to horn (55).
Terminal #3 - Red wire through cable "D'' to rear terminal ignition
coil (18). Tan wire to headlamp.
KEY TO COLOR CODE 16. Light Switch
@REO R B) REO WITH BLACK TRACER Terminal #1 ~ Red wire with black tracer through" A" to headlamp
G GREEN R Y) REO WITH YELLOW TRACER Hi and Low beam switch (4). Green wire to speedom-
T TAN Terminal #2 ~ Red wire through cable "B" to "Bat" terminal of
@YELLOW voltage regulator (36). Red wire to ignition swltch
Letrers in 0 identify cables and conduit housed wires. terminal #2.
Terminall#3- Green wire through cable "D'' to tail light (51).
17. Headlamp - Black wire with red tracer through loom" H"
to terminal plate terminal #21. Red wire through loom "H" to
terminal plate terminal 1122. Black wire through loom "H" to
Figure 22. Wiring Diagram terminal plate terminal 1#7. Green wire through loom "H" to

58 59
Maintaining Your Harley-Davidson

terminal plate terminal #8. Tan wire through loom 11 H" to Ignition
switch terminal #3.
18. Ignition Coil- Red wire through cable 11 D'' to ignition
switch terminal #3. Red wire through cable "D'' to stop light
switch (41). Black wire through loom "E11 to circuit breaker (68).
19. Generator "F' Terminal- Black wire to "F' terminal of
voltage regulator (36).
20. Generator 11 Reg'' Terminal- Red wire to 11 Gen" terminal
of voltage regulator (36).
21. Terminal- Black wire with red tracer through "A" to
headlamp Hi and Low beam switch (4). Black wire with red tracer
through loom "H" to headlamp (17).
22. Terminal - Red wire with yellow tracer through "A" to
headlamp Hl and Low beam switch (4). Red wire through loom "H"
to headlamp (17).
23. Terminal - Terminal not used.
25. Terminal- Black wire through "A" to horn switch (5).
Green wire through cable tiC" to horn (55) upper terminal.
26. Terminal - Terminal not used.
27. Terminal -Terminal not used.
28. Battery -Red wire from positive terminal through loom
"G" to horn (55). Black wire from negative terminal to ground
terminal on frame.
36. Voltage Regulator- Red wire from "Batt! terminal through
cable "B" to light switch terminal 1#2. Black wire from "Gen"
terminal through cable "B" to terminal plate terminal 1#8. Red
wire from "Gent! terminal to generator "Regfl terminal H20.
Black wire from "F' terminal to generator "F' terminal H19.
37. Generator
41. Stop Light Switch - Red wire through cable "D'' to rear
ignition coil terminal. Red wire through cable "D'' to tail and
stop lamp (51).
51. Tall and Stop Lamp- Red wire from right side of connector
plug through cable "IJ' to stop lamp switch (41). Green wire
from left side of connector plug through cable "D'' to light switch
terminal #3.
55. Horn- Green wire from upper terminal through cable "C"
to terminal plate terminal ##25. Red wire from lower terminal
through cable "C" to lgnltlon switch terminal ##2. Red wire from
lower terminal throughloom"G'' to positive terminal of battery (28).
68. Ignition Circuit Breaker -Black wire through loom "E" to
front terminal of ignition coU (18).

. ~>~,~'.R~ ;f!J R~ :
. . . " ' ...

£.A~LIE.R ~001<.

99466-57 Price 50 cents

As the owner of a new Harley-Davidson, you wlll enjoy a

thrllllng new experience in motorcycling pleasure. Harley-Davidson
was designed to give you the ultimate in motorcycles- speed,
acceleration, comfort and safety - precision built and engineered
to give you many thousands of miles of dependable, carefree
This instruction book has been designed to give you the infor-
mation you wlll want and need to know to operate your Harley-
Davidson, and to give lt the kind of care which will enable lt to
serve you dependably and -faithfully. Follow the instructions care-
fully and you will be assured of the best performance that your
motorcycle can give.
This instruction book is intended for the rider only and there-
fore does not cover the overhaul of such major units as the engine,
generator, transmission, etc. Work of this kind requires the
attention of a skilled motorcycle mechanic and the use of special
tools and equipment. Your Harley-Davidson dealer has the faclll-
ttes, experience and genuine Harley-Davidson parts which are
necessary to properly render this valuable service.


Part Page

IDLEr·DlVIDSON MOTOB CO. I SPECIFICATIONS . . . . • . . • • .. . 4


Dwaahe, Wiscoasia U.S.A. 1. Gasoline Supply Valve . .
2. Jgnltlon and Light Switches .
3. Spark Control Grlp . • • • • • 10
4. Throttle Control Grip . 10
5. Clutch Hand Lever . . 10
6. Gear Shift Foot Lever . . .. . . 11
7. Brakes . . . . • . . . 12
8. Starter Crank Pedal . . . . . . . . 12
9. steering Damper Adjusting Knob . • 12

Orlg. 656 Printed In U.S.A.
TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page
Part Page
1. Chains 47
10. Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2. Brakes 48
11. Oil and Generator Signal Lights . . . . . 13 3. Wheels 52
12. Rear Shock Absorber Spring Adjustment 13 4. Tires . 54
13. Starting the Engine . . . . . . 14
14. Starting a Cold Engine ELECTRICAL
15. Starting a Warm or Hot Engine 15 1. Headlamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
16. Stopping the Engine . . . . 16 2. Generator Charging Rate and Voltage Regulator 58
17. Care of New Engine . . . . 16 3. Horn . . . . . . • • . • • • • • . . • • • . • 59
18. High Speed Operating Tips .. . 16 4. Inspecting or Replacing Generator Brushes • • 59
19. Operating Troubles . . . . . . 17 5. Bulb Cllart . . . . . . .. . • . • . . . . 59
m. SERVICING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6. Wiring Diagram Key • • . • • • • 60
1. Service and Maintenance Intervals 20
2. Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS
3. Transmission and Front Chain . . 24 Figure 1.Right Side View . • • • • • 6
4. Rear Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Figure 2.Left Side View • • • • • • • • 7
5. Chassis . . . . • . . • . . . . • • • 27 Figure 3.Top View • • • • • • • • • 8
6. Generator Armature Bearing - Commutator Figure 4. Gasoline Supply Valve • • • • • • • 9
End. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Figure 5. Ignition and Light Switches • • • • • • • • 10
7. Oil Applications • . . . . . 28 Figure 6. Rear Shock Absorber Spring Adjustment • • 15
8. Hydraulic Fork . . . . . . 28 Figure 7. Left Side of Engine • • • • • • • • • • • • 25
9. Battery . . . . . . . . . . . • 30 Figure 8. Changing Oil In Hydraulic Forks • • • • • 29
10. Keep the Motorcycle Clean 31 Figure 9. ca.rburetor . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . 34
Figure 10. Circuit Breaker and Flywheel Timing Mark 36
IV. MAINTENANCE . . 33 Figure 11. Timing Crankcase Breather 39
ENGINE Figure 12. Timing Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Figure 13. 'I'a.ppets . • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • 41
1. Spark Plugs . . . . . . 33 Figure 14. Right Side of Engine • • • • • • • • • • • 42
2. Carburetor Adjustments . 33 Figure 15. Front Chain Cover Removed and Clutch
3. Circuit Breaker 35 Disassembled • • • • • • • • • • • • • 44
4. Ignition Timing . . 37 Figure 16. PoslUoning Clutch Releasing Plate • • 46
5. Breather Timing 38 Figure 17. Repairing Drive Chain • • • • • • • • • • 48
6. Valve Timing . . . 39 Figure 18. Right Side - Front End • • • • • • • • 49
7. Tappet Adjustment . 39 Figure 19. Right Side - Rear End • • • • • • • • 51
Figure 20. Rear Brake Cross Shaft Adjustment • 52
TRANSMISSION Figure 21. Rear Wheel Removal • • • • • • • • • 53
Figure 22. Front Wheel Removal • • • • • • • • • 55
1. Clutch Hand Control 41 Figure 23. Replacing the Cycle-Beam Sealed Unit •••• 56
2. Clutch . . . . • . . . 43 Figure 24. Wiring Terminal Plate and Headlamp Lock Nut 57
Figure 25. Wiring Diagram • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 61

Engine • . . 34
Main Shaft . 21
Rear Wheel. 51

Wheel Base . . • . 56-1/2 in. GEAR RATIOS

Overall Length •• 87 in.
Overall Width. . . ••• 34 in. First (Low) Gear . • • 10.63 to 1
Second Gear. . • • • • 7.69to1
Third Gear ••••• 5. 82 to 1
CAPACITIES Fourth (High) Gear 4. 21 to 1

Fuel Tank ••• 4. 1 U.S. Gallons (approximate)

Oil Tank •.••• • • • • • • . . . 3 Quarts TIRE DATA
Transmission • . 1-1/2 Pints (approximate)

Tire Size • . • • • • •
Tire Pressure • • • • •
(Solo Rider Only)
. . . •• 14Front
3. 50 X 18
18 lbs.
Model Designation Letters • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • XL
Number of Cyllnders • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • • 2 The tire inflation pressures given are based on a rider weighing
Type . . . • . • • • • • . • • • . • • • . . • • 45 Degree V Type approximately 150 lbs. When this load is exceeded by 50 lbs. or
Horsepower. • . • . • 40 H. P. at 5500 R. P.M. more, Increase tire pressures as follows: for each 50 lbs. of
Taxable Horsepower • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • 7. 2 overload, increase pressure of rear tire 2 lbs., front tire 1 lb.
Bore . . . . . . . . . • • , • (76. 2 mm) 3. 000 ln.
Stroke . . . . . . . . . , • • , , (96. 8 mm) 3. 8125 in.
Piston Displacement , •••• , • (883 c. c.) 53. 9 cu. in.
Compression Ratio . . . . . • . . • 7.5to1


Circuit Breaker Points • • • . . • • . 022 in.

Spark Plugs - Size • . • • • • • 14 mm
Spark Timing . . . . . . •
... • , , . •
. 025 to • 030 in.
45° B. T. C.
(7/16" Before Piston T.C.) The engine (serial) number (12, figure 7) of your
Harley-Davidson ls stamped on the left side of the
TRANSMISSION engine crankcase. Always give this number when
ordering parts or making any inquiry about your
Type . Constant Mesh motorcycle.
Speeds 4 Forward

1. Rear Brake Rod Adjusting 12. Front Exhaust Push Rod 1. Headlamp 13. Transmission and Front
Nut Cover
2. Horn Power Pack Chain Compartment Oil
2. Rear Wheel Cushion-Shock 13. Ignition Circuit Breaker 3. Carburetor Choke Lever Filler Plug
3. 011 Tank 14. Gear Shift Foot Pedal 4. Tool Box 14. Brake Foot Pedal
4. Oil Tank Cap 15. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting 5. Rear Wheel Cushion-Shock 15. Transmission and Front
5. Air Cleaner Screw 6. Tail Lamp Chain Compartment Oil
6. Gasoline Supply Valve 16. Starter Crank Pedal 7. Rel,lr Wheel Adjusting Nut Level Plug
7. Front Brake Adjusting 17. Oil Tank Drain Plug 8. Rear Axle 16. Ignition Timing Inspection
Sleeve 18. Cushion Spring Adjusting 9. Cushion Spring Adjusting Hole Plug
8. Front Brake Anchor and Cam Cam 17. Generator
19. Rear Brake Anchor and 10. Jiffy Stand 18. Voltage Regulator
Shoe Pivot Bolt
9. Right Fork Side Drain Shoe Pivot Stud 11. stop Lamp SWitch 19. Left Fork Side Drain Plug
Plug 20. Rear Wheel Axle 12. Stop Lamp Switch Adjusting 20. Front Wheel Axle Pinch
10. Front Wheel Axle 21. Rear Wheel Axle Nut Screw Bolt
11. Front Wheel Axle Nut 22. Rear Wheel Adjusting Nut

Figure 1. Right Side View Figure 2. Left Side View

6 7



The gasoline supply valve (6, figure 1) is located on the right side
under the gas tank. The valve (figure 4) has two handles; one is
marked "RESERVE" and the other is unmarked. Gasoline to car-
buretor is shut off when both handles are in horizontal position.
Turning the unmarked handle to vertical posltlon turns on main
gasoline supply; turning "RESERVE" handle to vertical position
turns on reserve supply.

,',' ' .
1 .',

1. Headlamp 12. Left Side Foot Rest

2. 011 Signal Light 13. Generator Signal Light
3. Light Switch 14. Speedometer
4. Left Fork Side Cap Screw 15. Ignition Switch
5. Clutch Hand Lever 16. Right Fork Side Cap Screw
6. Headlamp Hi and Low Beam 17. Steering Damper Adjusting Figure 4. Gasoline Supply Valve
Switch Knob
7. Spark Control Grip 18. Gas Tank Cap Gas tank holds approximately 4.1 U.S. gallons. Approximately
8. Horn Button 19. Front Brake Hand Lever 1/2 gallon of this is retained in the tank for reserve supply when
9. Carburetor Choke Lever 20. Throttle Control Grip the "RESERVE" handle remains in the horizontal position.
10. Rear Brake Foot Pedal 21. Gear Shift Foot Pedal Use "ETHYL" or other "ANTI-KNOCK" gasoline.
11. Transmission and Front 22. Oil Tank Cap
Chain Compartment Oil 23. Right Side Foot Rest
Flller Plug 24. Starter Crank Pedal 2. IGNITION AND LIGHT SWITCHES

The light swltch (3, figure 3) is located on left side of instrument

Figure 3. Top View panel. The ignition switch (15, figure 3) is located on right side

8 9
Controls and Operation Controls and Operation

of instrument panel. The switch locks are the same and keys can release the clutch; release the lever slowly to its outward posi-
be used in either lock. With keys in center position (figure 5) tion to engage the clutch.
both switches are OFF. Ignition switch is ON when key is turned
to right or left. Turning light switch key to left turns ON tail lamp 6. GEAR SHIFT FOOT LEVER
for parking and turning to right turns on running lights. SWitch
keys can be removed with switches in OFF or ON positions. The gear shift foot lever (14, figure 1) is located on the right
Either switch is locked ONLY with key in CENTER (OFF) po- side, where it may be conveniently operated with the toe of the right
sition and key removed from lock. foot. Pushing foot lever all the way down (full stroke) shifts trans-
mission to the next lower gear, while lifting foot lever all the way
up (full stroke) shifts transmission into the next higher gear. The
operator must release foot lever after each gear change to allow
lever to return to its central position before another gear change
can be made.
Neutral position is between first (low) and second gears.
First gear is the last gear position that can be found by pushing
foot lever full strokes downward. To shift from first gear to
neutral, lift foot lever half its full stroke. The shift to neutral
can also be made from second gear by pushing foot lever down-
LIGHT ward one-half stroke.
SWITCH When starting the engine it is not necessary to shift transmission
to neutral before attempting to kick the engine over. By releasing
the clutch hand lever and holding in the released position during
starting procedure, engine may be started regardless of the gear
in which the transmission might be engaged. However, it is better
whenever possible to start the engine with transmission in the
Figure 5. Ignition and Light Switches neutral position.
With the motorcycle standing still and the engine not running, it
3. SPARK CONTROL GRIP usually will be necessary to move the motorcycle backward and
forward with the clutch fully disengaged while maintaining a slight
Turn the spark control grip (7, figure 3) inward to advance spark; pressure on the foot shlft lever before a shift from one gear to
turn outward to retard spark. Fully advanced is the proper normal another can be made. Even with the engine running and the motor-
running position. When the engine is laborlngundera hard pull, re- cycle standing still, difficulty may be experienced in shifting gears.
tard the spark part waytoavoidknockingand improve performance. This difficulty arises when transmission gears are not turning
and shifting 'parts are not lined up to permit engagement. When
4. THROTTLE CONTROL GRIP this difficulty is experienced, do not under any circumstances
attempt to force the shift by "roughing" the foot lever; the results
Turn the throttle control grip (20, figure 3) outward to close of such abuse will be a damaged or broken shifter mechanism.
throttle; turn inward to open throttle. Either roll the motorcycle as indicated above, or if the engine
is running, engage the clutch very slightly at the same time ap-
5. CLUTCH HAND LEVER plying light pressure to the foot lever to make the shift. Both of
these procedures set transmission gears in motion and then
The clutch hand lever (5, figure 3) is located on the left handle the shift can be made easily.
bar where it may be conveniently operated with the fingers on With motorcycle standing and the engine stopped, proceed as
the left hand. Pull the lever in against the handle bar grip to follows to get under way: start engine, fully release clutch, shift into

10 11
Controls and Operation
Controls and Operation

3) on the left handle bar. Volume may be set to the desired degree
flrst, and slowly engage clutch. After desired speed is attained in by turning the adjusting screw under the horn cover.
first fully disengage clutch, lift foot lever all the way up to shift
into 'second and again engage clutch. Shift in llke manner into third 11. OIL AND GENERATOR SIGNAL LIGHTS (see figure 5)
and fourth gears.
Two signal lights are located on top of the headlamp body.
NEVER SHIFT GEARS WITHOUT DISENGAGING THE CLUTCH The right "GEN" signal light, when on, indicates that the generator
ts not charging. The left "OIL" signal light, when on, indicates
CAUTION that oil is not circulating through the engine. Proper operation
is indicated when both llghts are off.
When it is desired to shift to lower gears with Both the "GEN" and "OIL" signals will llght when the ignition
the motorcycle in motion, do not shift from third is turned on preparatory to starting engine. With engine running,
to second until speed is reduced to 20 miles per both lights should be off when engine speed is equivalent to ap-
hour or less; do not shift to first until speed is re- proximately 20 miles per hour road speed in high gear.
duced to below 10 miles per hour. The generator light will normallyfiashonandoff at slow ldle or
Shifting to lower gears when speed is too high road speeds below 20 miles per hour in high gear because gener-
may severely damage the transmission. ator output does not meet the load requirements at these speeds.
If the generator signal light falls to go off at speeds above about
7. BRAKES 20 miles per hour, the generator is either not charging or its out-
put is below normal and it should be inspected at once.
The brake foot pedal (14, figure 2) controls the rear wheel If the oil pressure signal light falls to go off at speeds above
brake and is located on the left side where it is operated by the toe idling, lt is usually due to an empty oil tank or to diluted oil.
of the left foot. The brake hand lever (19, figure 3) controls the 1n freezing weather the oil feed pipe may clog with lee and sludge,
front wheel brake and is located on the right handle bar, where lt thus preventing circulation of the oll. A grounded oil signal switch
is operated by the fingers of the right hand. wire, faulty signal switch, or trouble with the on pump wlll also
cause the light to stay on. If the oil circulation signal falls to
8. STARTER CRANK PEDAL go off, always check the oil supply first. Then, if oil supply is
normal and the light still does not operate normally, look inside
The starter crank pedal (16, figure 1) is located on the right side the oil tank and see if oil returns to the tank from the outlet
and has a spring return. When starting the engine, kick the pedal of the oil return pipe when the engine is running. If it is returning
down with full, vigorous strokes to turn the engine over. to the tank there is some circulation, and you may drive slowly
to the nearest Harley-Davidson dealer to have the olllng system
9. STEERING DAMPER ADJUSTING KNOB checked and serviced. If no oil returns to the tank, stop the engine
at once and do not drive further until the trouble is located and
Turn steering damper adjusting knob (17, figure 3) clockwise to the necessacy repairs are made.
apply dampening action and counterclockwise to reduce dampening
action. When riding at low and intermediate speeds, steering should 12. REAR SHOCK ABSORBER SPRING ADJUSTMENT
be free (very little dampening applied). Too much dampening at
lower speeds causes motorcycle to "wander" from a straight The rear shock absorber springs can be adjusted to three posi-
ahead course. When driving at high speeds or over rough surfaces, tions for the weight the motorcycle is to carry. The average weight
apply dampening as needed to stabilize steering. solo rider would use the extended spring position (off cam);
when in low position (off cam), the cam lobes should be next to
10. HORN each other: that is, single lobes and double lobes matched as
shown in the following illustration. If necessary, rotate the cam to
The horn (2, figure 2) is operated by the horn button (8, figure

Controls and Operation Controls and Operation

line them up properly. A heavy solo rider might require the posi-
tion with springs slightly compressed (first cam step); buddy seat
riders require the fully compressed spring position (second
cam step).
To adjust the rear shock absorber springs, turn cushion spring
adjusting cam (figure 6) to desired position with spanner wrench.
Both cushion spring adjusting cam3 must be adjusted to the same
position. A spanner wrench for this purpose is available from your
Harley- Davidson dealer.


When starting the engine, shift the transmission to neutral or

hold clutch fully disengaged. Turn the spark control grip inward
as far as it wlll go to fully advance spark. If the engine backfires
excessively with fully advanced spark, retard (turn control grip
outward) the spark a sufficient amount to eliminate this backfiring.


The carburetor choke lever is located above horn power pack

just under tank on left side of motorcycle. Move the choke lever
down to the fully closed (prime) position, open throttle 1/4, and
with ignition and light switches off, kick the starter down once or
twice to prime the cylinders. Then set the choke lever at the 1/4 to
1/2 closed position in mild weather, or 3/4 or fully closed posi-
tion in extremely cold weather, and, with the throttle nearly closed, Figure 6. Rear Shock Absorber Spring Adjustment
turn ignition switch on and start engine with vigorous strokes of
the starter. cycle in motion. As the engine warms up and misfires, because
of the over-rich mixture, gradually move the choke lever upward.
CAUTION After the engine has thoroughly warmed up, move choke lever to
open position (all the way up).
It is only in extremely cold weather that the en- 15. STARTI,NG A WARM OR HOT ENGINE
gine may start best with choke in fully closed (prime)
position, and even then it will have to be moved from U the engine has been shut off for only a brief period and is at
this position immediately after engine starts. Under about normal running temperature, it is not necessary to use the
no conditions will the engine continue to run with choke lever. Simply close the throttle, turn on ignltlon switch
full choke. and kick the starter down quickly. With some engines, depending
on carburetor adjustment, hot starting is more dependable if the
If engine is started with transmission in other than neutral starter is given one stroke before turning on ignition switch.
position, immediately after the engine starts, shift to neutral for When a hot engine does not start readily (two or three starting
idling or to first (low gear) to get under way. kicks), it is usually because of an over-rich (flooded) condition.
As soon as the engine starts, open the throttle just far enough to The proper procedure then is to open the throttle wide so that
keep it running while warming up or until ready to set the motor- more air can enter and to close it as soon as the engine starts.

14 15
Controls and Operation Controls and Operation


Stop the engine by turning off the ignition switch. If the engine The following check list of possible operating troubles and their
should be stalled or stopped in any other way than with the switch, probable causes will be helpful in keeping your motorcycle in good
turn off the switch at once to prevent battery discharge through operating condition.
the circuit breaker points.
If engine starts hard:
1. Spark plugs in bad condition or partially fouled.
17. CARE OF A NEW ENGINE 2. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment or in need of
DO NOT operate a new engine faster than 35 miles per hour the 3. Battery nearly discharged.
first 250 miles; 40 miles per hour the second 250 miles; or 50 4. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at
miles per hour the next 500 miles. Below 2000 miles, avoid driving coil or circuit breaker.
at or near top speed for long distances. 5. Carburetor not adjusted correctly.
If engine starts but runs irregularly or misses:
18. HIGH SPEED OPERATING TIPS 1. Spark plugs in bad condition or partially fouled.
2. Spark plug gap too close or too wide.
3. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment or in need of
Develop the habit of frequently snapping the throttle shut for an cleaning.
instant when running at high speed. This draws additional lubrica-
tion to pistons and cylinders, and helps cooling. 4. Condenser connections loose.
In cold weather run engine slowly until it is thoroughly warmed 5. Battery nearly discharged.
up, to avoid possible damage to pistons, rings and other parts before 6. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at
oil is warm enough to circulate freely. coil or circuit breaker.
An engine run long distances at high speed must be given closer 7. Water or dirt in fuel system and carburetor.
than ordinary attention to avoid overheating and possible conse- 8. Gasoline tank cap vent plugged and tank air bound.
quent damage. Have the engine checked regularly and keep it well 9. Carburetor not adjusted correctly.
tuned up. Valve seating and good compression is particularly If engine fails to start:
important, and the carburetor should be adjusted moderately rich 1. Gasoline tank empty.
rather than lean. Inspect spark plugs often for good condition. 2. Gasoline valve shut off.
This applies particularly to a motorcycle equipped with wind- 3. Gasoline line clogged.
shield. 4. Discharged battery or loose or broken battery terminal
Don't idle engine unnecessarily with motorcycle standing. connection. Check by turning light switch "ON".
After a new engine has gone through its slow and moderate 5. Fouled spark plugs.
speed running-in period, if it is then usually driven at high 6. Circuit' breaker points badly out of adjustment.
speeds, colder than original equipment plugs may be needed. This 7. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at
wlll be indicated by overheating, loss of power, excessive knock- coil or circuit breaker.
ing, and blistering of plug core Ups. Disregard for these indi- 8. Clutch slipping and starter not turning engine over.
cations of the need for colder plugs may result in damage from 9. Sticking valves, or tappets too tight.
overheating. 10. Engine flooded with gasoline as a result of overchoking.
When plugs need to be replaced, get new plugs from your
Harley-Davidson dealer. He can supply you with the type of plug If a spark plug fouls repeatedly:
best suited to your requirements. Experimenting with plugs of 1. Too cold a plug for the kind of service or for type of engine.
unproven quality and suitability is inviting trouble. 2. Piston rings badly worn or in bad condition otherwise.

16 17
Controls and Operation Controls and Operation

If engine overheats: If clutch drags or does not release:

1. Insufficient oil supply, or oil not circulating. 1. Clutch control improperly adjusted.
2. Carburetor high speed adjustment too lean. 2. Clutch spring tension too tight.
3. Ignitlon timing too hite. 3. Friction discs saturated with oil.

If engine detonates: If brakes do not hold normally:

1. Unsuitable fuel (Octane rating too low). 1. Brake improperly adjusted.
2. Heavy deposit of carbon on piston head and in combustion 2. Brake controls binding as result of improper lubrication,
chamber. or being damaged.
3. Spark plug of the wrong heat range for the type of service 3. Brake linings impregnated with grease as result of over-
involved. greasing wheel hub and/ or brake operating shaft.
4. Defective spark plug. 4. Brake linings badly worn.

If engine uses too much oil:

1. Piston rings badly worn or in bad condition otherwise.
2. Heavy oil leak to the outside.

If vibration is excessive:
1. Cylinder bracket loose or broken.
2. Engine mounting bolts loose.

If generator does not charge:

1. Brushes badly worn.
2. Brushes sticking in holders.
3. Commutator dirty or oily. .
4. Loose or broken wire in generator-battery circuit. Voltage
regulator may be at fault. Do not attempt to repair voltage
regulator. If voltage regulator is suspected of givlngtrouble,
take your motorcycle to the nearest Harley-Davidson dealer.
This type of work requires very special equipment.

If carburetor floods:
1. Float set too high.
2. Float valve and/or valve seat worn or damaged.
3. Dirt or other foreign matter between float valve and its seat.

H transmission shifts hard:

1. Clutch dragging.
2. Transmission oil too heavy (winter operation).

If clutch sllps:
1. Clutch control improperly adjusted.
2. Insufficient clutch spring tension.

18 19

PART III B. Check level of oil in transmission and front chain compart-
ments and add oil if needed. Use same grade of oil used in
C. Lubricate all points indicated for 1000 mile attention.
D. Oil all control joints and parts.
E. Check adjustment of chains and adjust if necessary.
1. SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE INTERVALS F. Check lubrication of rear chain and readjust chain oiler
if necessary.
A. NEW MOTORCYCLE INITIAL SERVICE G. Check all nuts, bolts and screws and tighten any found loose.
T:I. Check level of solution in battery and add distilled water
After a new motorcycle has been driven its first 750 miles and if needed. See that terminals are clean and connections
again at approximately 1500 miles, the motorcycle should be taken tight.
to the dealer from whom it was purchased for certain initial service L Check tappet adjustment and readjust if necessary.
operations with which the dealer is familiar. If it is impossible to J. Check circuit breaker points and readjust if necessary.
take the motorcycle to a dealer at the mileage intervals mentioned, K. Check spark plug electrodes, clean and regap if necessary.
the owner should at least give the following outlined attention, or
arrange to have it given, and take the motorcycle to the dealer B. REGULAR MOTORCYCLE SERVICE INTERVALS
for more complete servicing later on when convenient to do so.
Regular motorcycle lubrication and maintenance will help you
CHECK AT FffiST 750 MILES keep your new Harley-Davidson operating at peak performance,
and will give you lower operating costs, longer motorcycle life,
A. Drain oil tank through drain plug (17, figure 1) and refill and greater riding pleasure. Your Harley-Davidson dealer knows
with fresh oil. best how to service your motorcycle with factory approved methods
B. If motorcycle is equipped with oil filter, service the filter. and equipment assuring you of thorough and competent workman-
C. Drain transmission and front-chain compartments and refill. ship for every job.
Use same grade oil used in engine.
D. Lubricate all points indicated for 1000 mile attention under The chart on the next page shows regular intervals at which
"REGULAR MOTORCYCLE SERVICE INTERVALS". specified service operations should be performed. For more de-
E. Oil all control joints and parts. tailed description of the service and maintenance procedures
F. Inspect and service air cleaner if needed. specified, refer to information following after chart.
G. Check adjustment of chains and readjust if necessary.
H. Check lubrication of rear chain and readjust rear chain oiler. 2. ENGINE
1. Check wheel mounting bolts which secure rear wheel to
brake assembly and tighten if needed. These bolts must be A. Engine Lubrication
kept very tight.
J. Check level of solution in battery and add distilled water Use Harley~Davidson 105 series (regular heavy) oil when pre-
if needed. See that terminals are clean and connections dominating temperature is above 75 °F.
tight. Use Harley-Davidson 75 series (medium heavy) oil when pre-
K. Check tightness of all cylinder head bolts and all cylinder dominating temperature is 32°F to 75°F.
base nuts and tighten where necessary. Use Harley-Davidson 58 series (light) oil when predominating
temperature is below 32 °F.
CHECK AT FIRST 1500 MILES The oil tank capacity is 3 quarts. When the tank is filled to
about two and one-quarter inches from top of filler opening, it is
A. Check condition of oil in tank to determine if oil change considered full. Do not fill above this level, as the tank needs some
is needed.


air space. Tighten the cap securely to prevent leakage. The oil
signal light in the top of headlamp indicates oil circulation. See
mileage normally varies from 250 to 500 miles per quart de-
pending on the nature of service, fast or moderate driving, and
how well the engine Is kept tuned. If mileage is not within this
range, see your dealer about it.
Remove tank cap and check oil supply at least every 300 miles
after each complete refill,
Keep the oil level well up in tank. Oil runs cooler and oil
mileage is somewhat higher with oil level well up in the tank.
Furthermore, unless oll tank is kept well filled, frequent checking
of oil level will be necessary to avoid any chance of running dry.
After a new engine has run its first 750 miles, and in normal
service under warm or hot weather conditions, at 2000 mile inter-
vals thereafter, completely drain oil tank of used oil and refill
with fresh oil. If the engine is driven extremely hard, or used on
dusty roads or in competition, drain and reflll at shorter inter-
vals. Draining should be done while oil is hot. It is not necessary
to drain the crankcase as it does not accumulate used oil. At the
time of the first 750 mile oil change, and at least at every second
oil change thereafter, thoroughly flush andcleanouttank with kero-
sene to remove any sediment and sludge that may have accumu-
lated. Your Harley-Davidson dealer has facilities for quick flushing
and cleaning of oil tank.

B. Oil Filter

If motorcycle is equipped with an oll fllter, the filter element

should be thoroughly washed ln clean gasoline or solvent at least
once every 2000 miles when the oil is changed.
Filter ls located in the oil tank. To service the filter, remove
it from oil tank, remove retaining spring from top of filter and
disassemble. ,
Renew filter element every 5000 miles.

C. Winter Caution

Combustion in any engine produces water vapor. When starting

and warming up in cold weather, especially In freezing or colder
weather, much of the vapor that gets into the crankcase condenses
to water before the crankcase is hot enough to exhaust the vapor
through the outside breather. If engine is driven enough to get
the crankcase thoroughly warmed up frequently, most of this

22 23
Servicing Servicing

water is again vaporized and blown out through the breather.

However, a moderately driven engine, making only short runs now
and then and seldom getting thoroughly warmed up, is likely to
accumulate an increasing amount of water in the oil tank. This
water will, in freezing weather, become slush or ice, and if allowed
to accumulate too long, may block the oil lines and cause damage
to the engine. Also, water mixed with oil for some time forms
sludge that is harmful to the engine and causes undue wear of
various working parts. Therefore, in winter the oil change interval
should be shorter than normal for all engines, and any engine used
only for short runs must have oil drained frequently along with
a thorough tank flush-Out before new oil is put in tank. The farther
below freezing the temperature drops, the shorter the oil change
interval should be.

D. Air Cleaner (5, figure 1)

In normal service on hard surfaced roads, remove cartridge

at 1000 mile intervals by loosening single screw at cover center,
and shake cartridge by tapping lightly to remove loose dirt from
the filter element. Since in time the element becomes plugged
with dirt, the cartridge should be replaced at least every 5000
miles. Under extremely dusty service conditions, both cleaning
and cartridge replacement should be done more frequently for best
engine performance.

E. Gasoline Strainer
The gasoline strainer is located on top of the gasoline supply 1. Voltage Regulator 9. Stop Lamp Switch Ad-
valve inside the gasollne tank (see figure 4). If the supply of gasoline 2. Carburetor Choke justing Screw
is impeded, as indicated by irregular carburetlon, remove the Lever 10. Stop Lamp Switch
gasoline supply valve from the tank and thoroughly clean the gaso- 3. Tool Box 11. Jiffy Stand
line strainer. Be sure to drain the tank before removing the gaso- 4. Tool Box Cover Locking 12. Engine (Serial) Number
line supply valve. Screws 13. Ignition Timing Inspec-
5. Generator lion Hole Plug
3. TRANSMISSION AND FRONT CHAIN (see figure 7) 6. Front Chain Cover 14. Horn Power Pack
7. Transmission and Front 15. Transmission and Front
Use same grade of oil used in engine. Chain Compartment Oil Chain Compartment Oil
There is an opening between the transmission and the front chain Level Plug Filler Plug
compartments, and the same oil supply lubricates the parts in 8. Rear Brake Foot Pedal 16. Front Chain Cover Screws
both compartments. The oil drain plug is located underneath case
directly below the transmission. The oil filler plug (15) is located
near the top of the chain case cover. The oil level plug (7) is Figure 7. Left Side of Engine

24 25
Servicing Servicing

located near the bottom of the chain case cover. To clean rear chain oiler, proceed as follows:
To determine correct oil level in the transmission and chain
case compartments proceed as follows: A. Back out adjusting screw lock nut as far as possible.
B. Turn adjusting screw inward until it bottoms on its seat.
A. Stand motorcycle straight up. Motorcycle must remain in Keep track of the number of turns needed to turn the screw
this position during entire procedure. inward.
B. Remove transmission oil filler plug (15) and oil level plug (7). C. Remove adjusting screw and clean (blow) out orifice with
NOTE: If the oil is to be changed, remove oil drain plug. compressed air.
Reinsert after oil has drained and tighten oil drain D. Reinstall adjusting screw and turn it inward until it bottoms
plug before proceeding with next step. on its seat.
c. Add oil until it begins to overflow through oil level hole. E. Turn adjusting screw outward the same number of turns
Leave excess oil flow from oil level hole until it ceases determined in step B above and lock in place with locking
to run. This is correct oil level. nut. This is your former setting.
D. Reinsert and tighten oil level plug and oil filler plug.
The initial (factory) setting of the rear chain oiler is 1/4 turn
Drain transmission and refill to correct level with fresh, open which permits oil to flow at the rate of 2 to 3 drops per minute.
clean oil once each year or every 5000 miles, whichever comes If motorcycle is operated under extremely dusty conditions,
first. If transmission should become submerged in water, dr.ain it additional lubrication of the rear chain may be advisable from time
immediately and refill with clean oil to the correct level. to time. Under these conditions proceed as follows: remove chain
from motorcycle. Soak and wash thoroughly in a pan of kerosene.
4. REAR CHAIN After removing chain from kerosene, hang it up for a time to allow
kerosene to drain off. Immerse for a short time in a pan of grease
heated to the consistency of light engine oil. If grease and facilities
At regular ser~ice intervals (1000 miles) make a close inspec- for heating are not at hand, substitute light engine oil. While
tion of rear chain. If it does not appear to be getting sufficient immersed move chain around to be sure that hot grease or oil
lubrication, or if there is evidence of an over-supply of oil, read- works through all inside parts. After removing from hot grease
justment should be made with "rear chain oiler adjusting screw". or oil, allow chain to drain and wipe all surplus grease or oil
Readjust the rear chain oiler as follows: rear chain oiler and the from surface of chain. Install chain on motorcycle. Inspect
adjusting screw are located at the bottom end of the oll return connecting link and spring clip closely for bad condition. Replace
line; the adjusting screw is locked in position with a lock nut; if at all questionable. Be sure spring clip is correctly and securely
loosen the lock nut and turn screw outward for more oil, and locked on pin ends.
inward for less oil; turn screw only a fraction of a turn at a
time· lock adjusting screw in place with lock nut. 5. CHASSIS
The quantity of oil needed to lubricate the rear chain is very
small. The size of the opening (orifice). thr9ugh which oil bleeds Use Harley-Davidson "Grease All" for all greasing require-
to the chain is regulated by the adju~tlng screw. Sediment and ments.
gummy matter, accumulating in the oil supply, deposit ln and All chassis bearings requiring frequent applications of grease
around this orifice and gradually decrease the oil supply to the are provided with grease gun fittings. Locations and recommended
chain. A chain that has been lubricated perfectly the first 2000 greasing intervals are listed in the SERVICEANDMAINTENANCE
miles may run short of oil the second 2000 miles. For this CHART (Page 22).
reason, even though inspection indicates the chain is amply lubri- Be careful about over-greasing wheel hubs and brake operating
cated it is advisable to blow away accumulated sediment and shafts. Excess grease working out of these bearings pro.duces a
resto~e the orifice to its original size at intervals of approximately messy condition and is likely to get onto brake linings and greatly
2000 miles. reduce efficiency of brakes.

26 27
Servicing Servicing

Remove and grease handle bar grip spirals with fresh grease
and pack steering head bearings with fresh grease at intervals
Page 22).
To lubricate this bearing, ·first remove the generator end
cover. The bearing can then be oiled through hole in bearing cover
or bearing cover can be removed to permit greasing. Lubricate
every 5000 miles or at least once a year. If not convenient to lubri-
cate with grease at specified intervals, at least lubricate with a few
drops of motor oil. Be careful not to over-lubricate, as excess
oil or grease may work out and get onto commutator and brushes.
It is recommended that your motorcycle be taken to a Harley-
Thlvidson dealer for this lubrication.
Generator drive end bearing requires no attention as it is
lubricated by the oil that circulates through the engine.
The following control connections and parts should be oiled
regularly, particularly after washing motorcycle or driving in
wet weather (see Page 22).

A. Rear brake rod clevis pin (at both ends of brake rod).
B. Front brake clevis pin.
C. Hand brake lever clevis pin and brake cable at both ends
of housing.
D. Hand clutch lever clevis pin.
E. Clutch cable at both ends of housing and at oiler. 1. Fork Side Drain Plug
F. Throttle control wire at carburetor. 2. Fork Side Hex Head Cap Screw
G. Spark control wire at circuit breaker.
H. Seat post. Figure 8. Changing Oil in Hydraulic Forks

8. HYDRAULIC FORK (see figure 8) Hydraulic Fork Oil. When oil is drained for refill, each fork side
should have not over 3-1/2 ounces of oil. The difference in the
The hydraulic fork requires little maintenance or attention, amount of oil required between a (DRY) fork and a (WET) fork is
and no greasing. If fork does not appear to be working properly or due to oil cling and the fact that it is not possible to drain every
an appreciable amount of oil leakage should develop, attention drop of oil from the fork. Do not use more oil than recommended
should be given by a Harley-DavldRon dealer. Incorrect recoil above, because the excess oil will cause leakage from the top of
action will result If there Is Insufficient oil In elther side of fork. the sllder tubes.
When forks are disassembled for repairs and reassembled To drain and refill fork, first remove the hex head cap screw
(DRY), each fork side should have 4-1/2 ounces of Harley-Davidson (2) at the top of each fork side. Remove the drain plug (1) at the

28 29
Servicing Servicing

lower end of each slider tube and draln the oil into a clean con- source. Allowing battery to remain in a discharged condition for
tainer. Oil drained from the forks, if not contaminated with water any length of time shortens its life. It is especially important that
or other foreign matter, can be used again. In this case, add oil the battery be kept well charged in below freezing weather. A low
to container to make up the required amount. Replace the drain or discharged battery is very likely to be frozen and ruined.
plugs and pour 3-1/2 ounces (WET FORK), or 4-1/2 ounces (DRY 3. Keep the battery clean and terminal connections tight.
FORK), of Harley-Davidson Hydraulic Fork Oil through the hole
in the upper end of each fork side. Install the cap screws in the B. Adding Water to Battery
top of each fork side and tighten securely.
In an emergency, when Harley-Davidson Hydraulic Fork Oil The motorcycle should be standing straight up, not leaning on
is not available, use the lightest automobile engine oil obtainable. the jiffy stand, when adding water to the battery. Remove tool
Do not use shock absorber fluid. If engine oil is used, however, box wing nuts. Swing tool box out and to the left. Turn off the wing
drain and replace with Hydraulic Fork Oil as soon as possible. nuts and remove the battery cover. Take out the three screw-in
The consistency of engine oil varies with temperature changes, filler plugs, and with a hydrometer or syringe, add water to each
and stiff recoil action and a rough ride will result at lower tem- cell to raise the level of the solution about 5/16 inch above the
peratures. Temperature changes have little effect on the recom- plates and separators.
mended oil. Every 5000 miles, or at least once each year, drain
the oil from the fork and refill with a fresh supply of Hydraulic If battery if filled to a higher level, some of the
Fork Oil. If fork should at any time become submerged in water, solution will be forced out through vent holes when
drain and refill immediately. battery is charging. This will not only weaken the
At best, servicing the fork using only a funnel is a rather slow battery solution but also may damage parts near
job because of the small filler openings and because the flller the battery.
channel tends to become air locked. It is recommended that you
see your Harley-Davidson dealer when this service is required C. Battery Charging Rate
for he has the necessary equipment to do this job cleanly and When charging a battery from an outside source, the charging
quickly. rate is constant and should not be allowed to go over 1/2 ampere.
A higher rate wlll heat and damage the battery.
It is the care given a battery, rather than time and miles of
service, which is most important in determining its life. Do not allow the battery to be charged in the
same line with automobile batteries because of the
A. Servicing Battery high charge rate.
1. Inspect the level of the solution of the battery as indicated 10. KEEP THE MOTORCYCLE CLEAN
in SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE CHART (Page 22). Add pure Keeping th,e motorcycle clean on the outside as well as on the
distilled water as often as necessary to keep solution above the inside not only is a sign of good maintenance, it is good main-
plates (see Section B, below). tenance. To aid you in keeping your motorcycle clean see your
Harley-Davidson dealer for the following:
If motorcycle is not used for an extended period
of time (month or more) check solution level before Harley-Davidson "Gunk" Cleaner
placing motorcycle in service.
Harley-Davidson "Gunk" will quickly and efficiently
2. Check solution with a battery hydrometer. If hydrometer remove grease and oil from your motorcycle leaving a
reading is below 1.200, remove battery and charge it from an outside clean, bright finish.

30 31

Harley-Davidson "Chrome Cleaner" PART IV

Use Harley-Davidson "Chrome Cleaner" to make MAINTENANCE

the chrome parts of your motorcycle glitter and sparkle.
Harley-Davidson "Polish and Cleaner" To obtain the longest possible life and the best possible per-
formance from your motorcycle it is necessary to keep it not only
Harley-Davidson "Polish and Cleaner" is made to adequately serviced, but also correctly adjusted to the tolerances
clean and polish the enamel parts to maintain or re- to which it was manufactured. The following are the adjustments
store these parts as close as possible to their original and general maintenance facts pertaining to your motorcycle.

Keep plugs clean and the gap between the points adjusted to
between .025 and .030 inch. Do not take the plugs apart for cleaning.
Clean with a sand blast cleaner.
Be sure your motorcycle is operating with the correct heat
range plug best suited to your type of riding. If in doubt see your
Harley-Davidson dealer.


A carburetor, once properly adjusted, requires little if any re-

adjustment. It should not be necessary to adjust the low speed
needle more than 1/8 turn and the high speed needle more than 1/4
turn, richer or leaner, to the correct mixture for a change in
weather conditions. Do not continually tamper with carburetor ad-
justments. If engine does not start and run right, first look for
trouble elsewhere, before checking the carburetor.
We suggest having carburetor adjustments made by your
Harley-Davidson dealer.
The fuel supply for low engine speed is completely regulated
by the low speed needle. The fuel supply for high engine speed is
regulated by a combination fixed jet and adjustable needle. The
fixed jet dominates the regulation of high speed fuel supply. The
high speed needle provides a means of supplementing, to a limited
degree, the fuel supplied by the fixed jet, when lt is found that
slightly enriching the mixture improves engine performance.
Both the high speed needle (1) and low speed needle (2) turn in-
ward (to right) to make mixture leaner at the respective speeds for
which they adjust. Backing them out (to left) makes mixture richer.

32 33
Maintenance Maintenance

With needle in this position, engine will start, but low speed
mixture will probably be too rich.
D. Start the engine and after it has reached operating temper-
ature and the choke has been moved to the open position,
correct the adjustment of low speed needle.
E. Turn low speed needle (2) in (to right) 1/8 turn at a time
until mixture becomes so lean that engine misses and is
inclined to stop; then, back needle out (to left) 1/8 turn or
untll engine hits regularly with spark advanced and throttle
closed and engine running at idle speed. Starting and all
around carburetion wlll be better with low speed adjustment
slightly rich, rather than as lean as it can be made.
F. Adjust throttle lever stop screw (4) as necessary, to make
engine idle at proper speed with throttle fully closed.
Turn screw to right to make engine idle faster and to left
to make engine idle slower. Do not idle an engine at the
slowest possible speed because an extremely slow idling
adjustment causes hard starting. Changing the idle speed
with throttle stop screw ls likely to change the low speed
mixture slightly. It will, therefore, 'be necessary to again
check and correct low speed needle adjustment by the
same procedure followed in making the initial adjustment.
G. Check high speed adjustment, after low speed adjustments
have been completed. Run motorcycle on the road at various
speeds between 20 miles per hour and maximum speed.
Have spark fully advanced. Best all around engine per-
formance can usually be found wlth the high speed needle
(1) set from 3/4 to 1-1/4 turns open.
1. High Speed Needle 3. Throttle Lever
2. Low Speed Needle 4. Throttle Stop Screw
3. CffiCUIT BREAKER (see figure 10)
Figure 9. Carburetor

A carburetor that is badly out of adjustment may be readjusted Circuit breaker 'points should be checked for gap and contact
as follows: surface condition initially at 1500 miles and every 2000 miles
thereafter. Check the gap between the contact points (9) with a
A. Make sure carburetor control wire is adjusted so throttle .022 inch gage (wire preferred). If it is not exactly .022 inch when
lever (3) fully closes and opens with handle bar grip the cam follower (1) is on either of the highest points of cam (2},
movement. adjustment is necessary. Incorrect point gap spacing affects ignition
B. Turn both the high speed needle (1) and the low speed timing. To adjust the points loosen the lock screw (11) and move
needle (2) all the way in (to right). Do not close off either the eccentric adjusting screw (14) to provide a contact point gap
needle too tightly or damage to needle and seat may of .022 inch. Retighten the lock screw (11) and again check the
result. gap to make sure it remains correct. Points in pitted or worn
C. Back up (to left) low speed needle (2) about 1-1/2 turns. condition should be replaced.

34 35
Maintenance Maintenance

4, IGNITION TIMING (see figure 10)

Ignition timing is controlled by the circuit breaker. Correct
ignttlon timing and correct setting of the circuit breaker contact
point gap is absolutely necessary for proper engine operatlon
and performance.
To check tgnltlon timing, proceed as follows:

A. Remove spark plugs to permit engine to turn easily; remove

screw plug from timing inspection hole (13) in left side of
crankcase. Then remove front push rod cover so that opening
and closing of valve can be observed. Remove circuit
breaker cover and set circuit breaker point gap at exactly
.022 inch (see Par. 3, Page 35).
B. Turn engine in direction in which it runs until front piston
is on compression stroke (just after front intake valve
closes), and continue turning engine very slowly (less than
1/2 revolution) until timing mark (12) on flywheel is aligned
10 14 11 8 in the inspection hole (13), as shown in figure 10.
C. See that timing mark (8) on circuit breaker head aligns
TIMING POSITION OF FLYWHEEL TIMING MARK (ON LEFT SIDE OF ENGINE) with the end of timing adjusting stud plate (7).
D. Fully advance circuit breaker. Be sure control wire is
correctly adjusted so that circuit breaker head is advanced
(rotated counterclockwise) to its full advanced stop when
handle bar grip ts turned to full advanced position.
E. Timing mark (4) on top edge of circuit breaker cam (2)
1!,,'' should now align perfectly with breaker arm fiber cam
,II ,,, follower (1). If it does not, but is only slightly out of
alignment, loosen timing adjusting stud lock nut (6) ana
FRONT CYLINDER PISTON D IN. shift circuit breaker head to attain alignment. Timing mark
BEFORE TOP DEAD CENTER (8) will no longer line up exactly with edge of plate (7),
Be sure to securely retighten lock nut (6). Remember that
1. Fiber Cam Follower 9. Contact Points circuit breaker must be fully advanced when checking
2. Breaker Cam 10. Cover Retainer alignment of mark (4) with fiber cam follower (1).
3. Condenser 11. Adjustable Point Lock F. If timing mark (4) carutot be allgned with breaker arm
4. Cam Timing Mark Screw fiber cam follower (1), by shifting circuit breaker head, it
5. Timer Adjusting stud 12. Timing Mark on Flywheel ls probable that timing according to original factory marks
6. Adjusting Stud Lock Nut 13. Timing Inspection Hole has been lost. This would occur if circuit breaker were
7. Timing Adjusting Stud Plate 14. Eccentric Adjusting Screw loosened and lifted far enough so its drive gears became
8. Timing Mark 15. Control Wire Lock Screw unmeshed, or if the case were opened up and gears re-
moved and installed, or if circuit breaker parts were re-
Figure 10. Circuit Breaker and Flywheel Timing Mark placed for any reason. In this case, unbolt circuit breaker
from case and lift far enough to bring its driving gears

Maintenance Maintenance

out of mesh. Turn circuit breaker cam approximately as

much as cam mark (4) and fiber cam follower (1) appeared
to be out of alignment, and push circuit breaker assembly
back down into gear case, re-engaging its drive gears.
Tighten circuit breaker to case and recheck alignment of
mark (4) and fiber cam follower (1). If with nut (6) loosened,
circuit breaker still cannot be shifted far enough to attain
alignment per paragraph E, repeat operation of lifting the
circuit breaker and changing engagement of driving gears
untu alignment is obtained.

With timing mark (12) in the correct position in timing hole

(13), as shown in figure 10, the front cylinder piston is in the
position (on compression stroke) where ignition should occur with
spark fully advanced (see dimension given for piston position on
figure 10). 5. Pinion Gear 8. Timing Hole in Breather
The narrow lobe of circuit breaker cam, which is the lobe that 7. Oil Pump Drive Gear (Spiral Gear) Sleeve Gear
carries mark (4), times the front cylinder; the wide lobe times 9. Flywheel Timing Mark
the rear cylinder. Ignition occurs just as circuit breaker points
open. Figure 11. Timing Crankcase Breather
Once or twice a year, have your dealer check ignition timing
and, if necessary, readjust circuit breaker setting to compensate 6. VALVE TIMING (see figure 12)
for wear on circuit breaker and timing gears that may have caused
a slight change In timing. Correct valve timing is provided when marks on gears are
5. BREATHER TIMING (see figure 11) in alignment as shown in the illustration.
Breather must be timed first as described previously in
The breather valve Is incorporated in the oil pump drive. It Par. 5, Page 38.
must be correctly timed, since it controls the oil circulation Cam gears are numbered from one to four from the rear
system. Breather must be retimed if disengaged from mating oil exhaust valve cam forward. When cam gears are removed, make
pump drive gear (spiral gear) on pinion shaft for any reason- note whether or not cam gears one, three and four have thin steel
such as oil pump removal. To check breather timing proceed as spacing shims on either end of cam gear shafts. If any of the cam
follows: gears mentioned have spacing shims, be sure the same number of
Flywheel timing mark (9) should be exactly in center of timing shims are used on each shaft when reassembling.
inspection hole in left side of crankcase. When gear case cover is taken off, it is advisable to remove
Oil pump drive gear (spiral gear) (7) is located on splined from lt the circuit breaker assembly before lt is replaced. Circuit
shaft behind pinion gear (5). Spiral gear Is a slip flt on splines. breaker has to be re-timed per Par. 4, Page 37.
A mark is cut in one side of spiral gear, which should face out- 7. TAPPET ADJUSTMENT (see figure 13)
ward against pinion gear when assembled to shaft.
Assemble spiral gear against shoulder on pinion shaft engaging To get the maximum power and best all around performance
breather sleeve gear tooth which will register timing hole in from an engine, keep valve tappets properly adjusted. They should
breather sleeve (8) in center of slot in breather bushing as shown. be inspected and, lf necessary, readjusted initially at 1500 miles
Pinloq gear (5) is press fit on pinion shaft splines. Set pinion and every 2000 miles thereafter.
gear with outer face exactly 5/16 inch from gear case joint face, as Engine must be cold during tappet adjustment. As each tappet
this is the running position of the gearwhen case cover is in place. is readjusted, make sure it is at its lowest position, by turning

38 39
Maintenance Maintenance

6 5 u•o•••'

1. Rear Exhaust Cam Gear 5. Pinion Gear

2. Rear Intake Cam Gear 6. Crankcase Breather 1. Push Rod 3. Tappet Adjusting Screw Lock Nut
(Also Drives Ignition Sleeve Gear (Also 2. Tappet Adjusting Screw 4. Tappet Body
Circuit Breaker) Drives 011 Pumps)
3. Front Intake Cam Gear 11. Intermediate Gear (Has Figure 13. Tappets
4. Front Exhaust Cam Gear No Timing Mark)
12. Generator Drive Gear with Breather 011 Each push rod cover is sealed with three cork washers, one
Separator Ring (Has No Timing Mark) at each end and one below expander sleeve and spring. Renew
these corks if they show even slight damage or when more than
Figure 12. Timing Gears very slight oil leakage develops around them.
When re-assembling push rod covers, make sure that both
engine ahead untll the like tappet in the other cylinder is at tts ends of covers are properly seated against cork washers.
highest position (valve fully opened), The inlet valves are those
nearest the carburetor.
To uncover tappets, press down on push rod cover expander TRANSMISSION
sleeve, and remove keeper at upper end. Cover then telescopes.
Loosen tappet adjusting screw lock nut (3, figure 13) and turn
adjusting screw (2) upward (shortening push rod) until push rod is 1. CLUTCH HAND CONTROL
just free and has noticeable shake. When checking for push rod
shake, grasp push rod with finger tips just below cylinder head, The need for attention to clutch and controls will be indicated
and shake toward front and rear of engine. by the clutch sUpping under load, or dragging in released posltlon.
Slowly turn adjusting screw downward (lenghten push rod) In either case, the fl rst thing to be checked is the adjustment
until amost all play is removed. At this point lock tappet screw of control. Proceed as follows:
lock nut against tappet body (4) and recheck for correct tappet
adjustment. A. Loosen clutch push rod adjusting screw lock nut (3, figure
A tappet is correctly re-adjusted when push rod has just notice- 14) and back off (turn left) clutch push rod adjusting screw
able play or shake, and can be turned freely with finger tips, (2, figure 14).
completely around, without any trace of bind. B. Determine that clutch release worm, inside transmission

40 41
Maintenance Maintenance

D. Turn clutch push rod adjusting screw (2, figure 14) inward
(right) untu clutch hand lever has 1/8 of its full movement
free before clutch starts to release. This can be determined
by a slight increase in tension on the clutch hand lever at
the above point as it is being moved to the released position.
Tighten clutch push rod adjusting screw lock nut (3, fig-
ure 14) in place without disturbing the setting of the ad-
justing screw.
2. CLUTCH {see figure 15)
If the clutch slips after control has been correctly adjusted
(Par. 1 above), increase clutch spring tension. Remove trans-
mission and front chain compartment oll drain plug and drain oil
from compartments. Remove left foot rest pinch screw and washer
(16) and left foot rest (14). Remove stop light switch with attach-
ing screw and washer (15). Remove front chain cover (8) and
gasket (9) by first removing three front chain cover screws (7).
Remove the clutch cover (25), twelve clutch cover screws (20)
and six clutch cover screw retainers (23). Do not pry cover loose
at one point. Loosen cover evenly in several places as the cover
must provide an oil tight seal and must not be sprung out of
s~pe. With cover (25) removed, the clutch releasing plate (13),
clutch springs (27), spring tension adjusting plate (24) and six
spring adjusting nuts are in view. Three of the spring tension
1. Oll Tank Drain Plug adjusting nuts (22) have 1/2-inch hex heads and three (21) have
2. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw 7/16-inch hex heads. All spring tension adjusting nuts are re-
3. Clutch Push Rod Adjusting Screw Lock Nut cessed to conform to raised portion of spring tension adjusting
4. Transmission, Rear Chain and Sprocket Cover plate which provides a lock for the nuts. Tighten each of the six
5. Gear Compartment Cover nuts one half turn at a time. The nuts must always remain In their
6. Rear Chain Oller locked positions after adjustment is made. Test after each half turn
by cranking the engine. Usually, a clutch that holds without any
Figure 14. Right Side of Engine noticeable slippage when cranking the engine, also holds on the road.
Tightening the' spring tension adjusting nuts moves the spring tension
rear chain sprocket cover (4, figure l4), is returning all adjusting plate (24) closer to the outside surface of the clutch re-
the way to its stop when clutch hand lever (5, figure 3) leasing plate (13). The inner surface of the spring tension adjusting
is in its fully extended position. If it is not, check to see plate (24) measures 3/16 inch from the outer surface of the flange
if a binding cable or incorrect cable length is causing on the clutch spring cups (28) for normal clutch spring tension
trouble and make necessary adjustments. adjustment. When increasing spring tension do not decrease the
c. Adjust cable length by turning clutch cable adjusting sleeve above distance to less than 7/64 Inch or clutch will not release. If
(lever end of cable housing) so that clutch releasing worm clutch spring tension is increased by one half turns of the nuts
does not quite return against lts stop. This wlll hold clutch until the maximum spring tension adjusting plate measurement is
hand lever (5, figure 3) In its fully extended position at reached, and the clutch still slips, it will be necessary to disas-
all times. semble the clutch for inspection and repair.

42 43
Maintenance Maintenance

A. Clutch Disassembly and Repair

Some of the clutch friction plates may be worn and require re-
placement or they may be oil soaked and in need of washing and
drying. When the clutch must be taken apart, it is advisable to have
it serviced by aHarley-Davidsondealerwhereanyneeded new parts
are at hand. If, however, it is impossible to take the motorcycle
to a Harley-Davidson dealer, and the clutch must be taken apart,
proceed as follows: remove the three 7/16 inch hex head {short)
nuts (21) first. Remove the three 1/2 inch hex head (long) nuts
(22). Remove spring tension adjusting plate (24), clutch springs (:&7),
and spring cups (28). Remove clutch releasing plate (13) and all
clutch plates (10 and 12).
B. Clutch Assembly
There are eight steel plates (12) and seven plates (10) made of
friction material. One of the steel plates is thicker than the
rest and is recessed on one side. This plate (11) with recessed
side facing out, is pushed over the splines of the clutch hub (6)
to rest against back side of hub. Place a steel plate (12) next to
the recessed plate (11). Place a friction plate (10) into clutch
shell and sprocket assembly (5) and push inward against the second
metal plate. Alternate with steel plates and friction plates until
seven friction plates have been placed in position. This will leave
a friction plate on the outside. Install clutch releasing plate (13).
1. Oil Level Control Valve 17. Brake Foot Pedal Positlon clutch releasing plate (13) on the clutch hub (6) so the
2. Clutch Push Rod Head 18. Brake Foot Pedal Pinch Screw clutch hub studs are exactly centered in the clutch spring cup
3. Chain Adjusting Shoe 19. Brake Foot Pedal Return Spring holes. To center studs align the larger of the two depressions on
4. Clutch Push Rod Oil Seal 20. Clutch Cover Screws (Twelve) the rim of the clutch releasing plate with the notched tooth of the
5. Clutch Shell and Sprocket 21. Spring Tension Adjusting Nuts clutch hub as indicated by arrows in figure 16. Install clutch spring
6. Clutch Hub (Three) 7/16 x 7/32 inch cups (28), clutch springs (27) and spring tension adjusting plate
7. Front Chain Cover Screws 22. Spring Tension Adjusting Nuts (24) into position with the raised surface facing outward. Start
8. Front Chain Cover (Three) 1/2 x 5/8 inch the three 1/2 inch hex head {long) nuts (22) on their respective
9. Front Chain Cover Gasket 23. Clutch Cover Screw Re- studs. Pull tl}ese nuts down evenly until the spring tension ad-
10. Friction Plates (Seven) tainer (Six) justing plate (24) is pulled over the remaining three studs a suffi-
11. Recessed Steel Back Plate 24. Spring Tension Adjusting cient distance to allow starting the 7/16 inch hex head nuts (21)
12. Steel Plates (Seven) Plate on their respective studs. Draw the six spring tension adjusting
13. Releasing Plate 25. Clutch Cover nuts down evenly until the inside of the spring tension adjusting
14. Foot Rest 26. Clutch Cover Gasket plate (24) measures 3/16 inch out from the outside surface of
15. Stop Light Switch 27. Clutch Tension Springs (Six) flange of the clutch spring cups (28) at ttie 6 stud locations.
Attaching Screw 28. Clutch Tension Spring Cups This is the normal clutch spring tension adjustment when new
16. Foot Rest Pinch Screw (Six) clutch plates are used. Before completing assembly test clutch for
slippage by cranking engine. Install clutch shell and sprocket
Figure 15. Front Chain Cover Removed and Clutch Disassembled cover (25), screws (20) and retainers (23), with new gasket (26)

44 45
Maintenance Maintenance



A. Front Chain Adjustment

The adjustment of the front chain can be checked through the
oll filler opening (13, figure 2) located near the top of the chain
cover. A correctly adjusted front chain has one inch free up and
down movement half way between engine and clutch sprockets.
To adjust chain, lay motorcycle on its right side to rest on
front safety-guard. Remove left foot rest bolt and foot rest.
Remove chain cover which is secured in place by three screws.
Front chain is adjusted by means of a shoe (3, figure 15) which is
raised or lowered, underneath the chain, to tighten or loosen chain.
The shoe supporting bracket is secured to back side of chain
compartment by two cap screws. Loosen cap screws, raise or
lower shoe the amount required to obtain correct chain adjustment.
Tighten cap screws, install chain cover and foot rest. Front chain
adjustment should be checked every 2000 miles.

B. Rear Chain Adjustment (see figure 19)

A correctly adjusted rear chain should have 1/2 inch free up

and down movement half way between transmission countershaft
and rear wheel sprockets. To adjust chain, loosen axle nut (8)
on right side of motorcycle; loosen lock nuts (5) on rear wheel
adjusting studs (4). The adjusting studs extend through and out
the rear ends of frame fittings on either side. The outer nuts (5)
are lock nuts; the inner nuts (6) are adjusting nuts. Turning ad-
justing nuts clockwise moves the wheel back to tighten chain;
turning adjusting nuts counterclockwise and tapping each end of the
axle to move wheel forward will loosen chain. Turn adjusting nut
(6) on either side exactly the same number of turns to maintain
Figure 16. Positioning Clutch Releasing Plate alignment of wheel. With lock nut (5) tight against adjusting nut (6),
the distance from lock nut to outer end of adjusting stud (4) should
be the same on both sides. Check correct alignment of wheel by
(do not use sealer on this gasket). Install chain cover (8) and screws observing that tire runs about midway between rear frame tubes
(7) with new gasket (9) lf necessary, using gasket seal on both and also that rear wheel sprocket runs centrally in the chain.
sides of gasket. Replace stop light switch with attaching screw and When readjustment is completed, be sure to securely retighten
washer (15), replace left foot rest (14) with pinch screw and rear axle nut (8) and rear wheel adjusting stud lock nuts (5).
washer (16). Install transmission and front chain compartment oll After readjusting rear chain, the rear brake may be too tight.
drain plug. Refill transmission and front chain compartment to Readjust brake rod if necessary. See Par. 2C "Rear Brake
correct level (see Par. 3, Pages 24 and 26). Adjustment", Page 50.

46 47
Maintenance Maintenance

Rear chain adjustment should be checked every 500 to 1000

miles depending on service conditions.

C. Chain Repair

When necessary to repair chain, remove the damaged links by

pushing out the riveted llnkpins with a chain repair tool as shown
in figure 17. Then install the necessary repair links.

Figure 17. Repairing Drive Chain


A. Front Wheel Brake Adjustment (see figure 18)

1. Front Brake Adjusting Sleeve
When the front wheel brake is properly adjusted, the hand lever 2. Adjusting Sleeve Lock Nut
(19, figure 3) will move freely about one-quarter of its full movement 3. Adjusting Sleeve Nut
before the brake starts to take efiect. If adjusted tighter the brake 4. Cable Support Tube
may drag. The brake adjusting sleeve (1) is located to rear of 5. Brake Anchor and Shoe Pivot Bolt
right fork side and at end of cable support tube. To adjust brake, 6. Right Fork Side Drain Plug
loosen lock nut (2) on adjusting sleeve (1) and turn lower nut (3) 7. Front Wheel Axle
in toward the cable support tube to decrease the free movement 8. Front Wheel Axle Nut
of the lever (19, figure 3) and tighten the brake. Turn lower nut (3) 9. Front Brake Lever
away from the cable support tube to increase the free movement 10. Front Brake Lever Grease Fitting
of lever and loosen the brake. When free movement of the hand
lever (19, figure 3) ls about one-quarter of its full movement Figure 18. IUght Side - Front End

48 49
Maintenance Maintenance

tighten lock nut (2) securely against the adjusting sleeve nut. H
brake should drag with correct free movement in hand lever,
re-center brake shoes in brake drum. See Pa.r. 2B following.

B. Centering Front Brake Shoes (see figure 18)

Loosen but do not remove front brake anchor and shoe pivot
bolt (5) through mounting on rear of right fork side. Loosen but
do not remove right axle nut (8). Spin front wheel. While wheel is
turning apply front brake and hold in tightest position while
tightening first brake shoe pivot bolt (5) and then front axle nut (8).
Check brake for correct adjustment. See Par. 2A above.

C. Rear Brake Adjustment (see figure 19)

The rear wheel brake adjustment is made by means of the nut

(1) which may be adjusted to change the effective length of the
brake rod (2). The adjusting nut has a notch which fits against
the clevis pin in the operating lever (3). Thus, it Is locked in place
on the rod but may be turned down or backed off by half turns, as
required. Set the adjusting nut so that the brake does not start 1. Brake Rod Adjusting Nut
to take effect until tue foot pedal (14, figure 2) is pushed downward 2. Brake Rod
about 1-1/4 inches. Turn the nut farther onto the rod to tighten 3. Operating Lever
the brake; back it off to loosen the brake. Turn the rear wheel to 4. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjusting Stud
be sure the brake Is not too tight and dragging. H brake should 5. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjusting Stud Lock Nut
drag with correct free movement in foot pedal, re-center brake 6. Rear Wheel Right Side Adjusting Stud Nut
shoes in brake drum. See Par. 20 following. 7. Rear Axle
8. Rear Axle Nut
D. Centering Rear Brake Shoes (see figure 19) 9. Rear Brake Anchor and Shoe Pivot Stud

Loosen but do not remove nut on rear brake anchor and shoe Figure 19. Right Side- Rear End
pivot stud (9) (located to front of brake side cover and through slot
provided in rear frame fork casting). Loosen but do not remove 1. Assemble cross shaft in frame.
rear axle nut (8). Spin rear wheel. While wheel is turning apply 2. Adjust cross shaft adjusting screw (2) so that with screw
brake and hold in tightest posltlon while tightening first the brake against its stop on frame, the top of the cross shaft arm (3) is
shoe anchor and pivot stud nut (9) and then the rear axle nut (8). slightly back of center of the rear fork pivot bolt (4). Under no
Check brake for correct adjustment. See l>ar. 2C above. conditions should the front of the top of the cross shaft arm (3)
be closer than 1-1/2 inches to the rear of the relieved portion of
the transmission sprocket cover (5),
E. Rear Brake Cross Shaft and Pedal Adjustment (see figure 20) 3. Assemble brake pedal on cross shaft. J! pedal does not
position correctly (almost touching foot rest) readjust cross
If for any reason it ls necessary to disturb the adjustment of shaft adjusting screw (2) so that cross shaft splines and brake
the rear brake cross shaft adjusting screw (2), take care to readjust pedal are positioned correctly. However, adjustment should be
it correctly. To make correct adjustment, proceed as follows: made so that cross shaft arm (3) is always moved to the rear

50 51
Maintenance Maintenance

1. Adjusting Screw Lock Nut

2. Adjusting Screw
3. Brake Cross Over Shaft Arm
4. Rear Fork Pivot Bolt
5. Transmission Sprocket Cover

Figure 20. Rear Brake Cross Shaft Adjustment

1. Chain Connecting Link
and never closer to the transmission sprocket cover (5). 2. Rear Brake Rod Adjusting Nut
4. After final adjustment tighten cross shaft bolt lock nut (1) 3. Rear Axle
In place. 4. Axle Spacer, Left Side
5. Axle Centering Collar, Right Side
3. WHEELS 6. Axle Nut
7. Axle Nut Lock Washer
Removal of front or rear wheel is necessary for repair or
replacement of tires. Figure 21. Rear Wheel Removal

52 53
Maintenance Maintenance

A. Removal of Rear Wheel (see figure 21)

1. Locate and remove chain connecting link (1) and disengage

chain from rear sprocket. Remove brake adjusting nut (2) from
brake rod. Remove axle nut (6), axle nut lock washer (7) and
centering collar (5). With a soft hammer tap right end of axle (3)
to loosen it in left side of frame. Lay motorcycle on its right side
to rest on front safety-guard.
2. Remove rear axle (3) by pulling it out of hub and frame
assembly. Remove axle spacer (4) from left side. Slide wheel
and brake assembly to extreme rear end of frame. Lift wheel
up to pass outer surface of brake drum over brake shoes and
remove wheel. To reinstall wheel, reverse the above procedure.

B. Removal of Front Wheel (see figure 22)

1. Disconnect brake control by removing brake clevis pin (4).

Remove axle nut (1) and axle nut lock washer (2). Remove brake
anchor and shoe centering cap screw (6) and cap screw lock
washer (5).
2. Loosen axle pinch bolt nut (7). With a soft hammer tap
right end of axle (3) to loosen it and start it out. Lay motorcycle
on its right side to rest on front safety-guard. Pull axle (3) out
of hub and fork assembly. Remove front wheel and brake as-
sembly complete. To reinstall, reverse above procedure. Brake
shoes must be centered in brake drum. See CHASSIS, Par. 2B,
Page 50.

C. Wheel Hubs 1. Axle Nut 5. Brake Anchor and Centering

2. Axle Nut Lock Washer Cap Screw Lock Washer
Excessive side play or radial (up and down) play in the wheel 3. Front Wheel Axle 6. Brake Anchor and Centering
hubs indicate worn bearings. It is advisable to have any needed 4. Brake Clevis Pin Cap Screw
wheel hub repairs made at your Harley-Davidson dealer where the 7. Front Axle Pinch Bolt
necessary tools and replacement parts are at hand.
Figure 22. Front Wheel Removal
4. TffiES
Care should be taken to keep tires properly inflated. See
TffiE DATA, Page 5 for correct tire inflation pressures. Do ELECTRICAL
not over inflate tires.
The front tire of a solo motorcycle normally wears unevenly
and becomes peaked to some extent. It is recommended, with a 1. HEADLAMP
solo motorcycle particularly, that the tires be interchanged at
intervals of approximately 4000 miles. This will equalize wear The headlamp is of the sealed-beam type. It was specially
and stabilize high speed operation. designed and is specially made for a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

54 55

When replacement is required, use only the prescribed cycle-beam

sealed unit. Do not attempt to use an automobile sealed-beam unit.
Your motorcycle's electrical system Is not designed to supply the
heavy current draw required with an automobile sealed-beam unit,
and its use will only invite battery and generator trouble. See
your Harley-Davidson dealer.
A. Replacing Cycle-Beam Sealed Unit (see figure 23)
If either fllament burns out, or the lens breaks, the entire
cycle-beam unit must be discarded and a new unit installed.
To install a new unit loosen door screw enough to remove
headlamp door. Remove the three retaining ring screws and
retaining ring. The cycle-beam unit is now free from the headlamp
body, and the connector block can now be removed from the unit
by pulllng connector block from the unit prongs.

1. Wiring Terminal Plate (Terminal Numbers Stamped on Plate)

2. Wiring Terminal Plate Terminals
3. Headlamp Lock Nut
Figure 24. Wiring Terminal Plate and Headlamp Lock Nut

Install the new unit by reversing above operations. Make

sure prongs on unit are clean to insure good contact with con-
nector block.
Do not attempt to repair a defective cycle-beam sealed unit.
When the seal is broken the reflector tarnishes and poor light
and road vtslblltty result.
Figure 23. Replacing the Cycle-Beam Sealed Unit

Maintenance Maintenance

D. Headlamp Adjustment (see figure 24) 3. HORN

If horn does not blow satisfactorily, proceed as follows:

The headlamp beam must be adjusted for height and direction.
To get the greatest efficiency from the headlamp and to meet the 1. Loosen the center core jam nut with a wrench, and turn the
requirements of the law, make the following adjustment in a slotted center core screw 1/2 turn counterclockwise with a
darkened room or at night. screwdriver.
2. Adjust the Phillips head tone adjusting screw until the
1. With the tires correctly inflated stand the motorcycle on horn blows.
a level surface about 25 feet away from, and headed toward a 3. Turn the center core screw clockwise until the horn rattles,
wall or screen upon which a horizontal line has been drawn at and then back off screw (counterclockwise) 1/4 turn. While holding
exactly the same height as the headlamp center. The motorcycle core screw in this position, tighten core screw lock nut with wrench.
must be resting on both wheels, and the front wheel must be in 4. Readjust the Phillips head tone adjusting screw for desired
straight ahead alignment. Furthermore, to correctly adjust the tone.
headlamp on the motorcycle,_ it will be necessary to have some-
one of about the same weight as the rider seated on the motor- 4. INSPECTING OR REPLACING GENERATOR BRUSHES
cycle because the weight of the rider will compress the fork
slightly. Remove generator end cover screws and cover, exposing the
2. Remove back panel. Turn on light switch, set handle bar commutator and brushes. Brushes can be taken out after unfasten-
toggle switch (6, figure 3) to the HI BEAM position, and check ing the spring retainers. Brushes are worn out and should be
l !ght beam for height and direction .. The top of the main beam renewed when the longest side ofbrushmeasures7/16 inch or less.
of light should register on the wal\ or screen even with, but no Be sure to insert the brushes into the holders so that the concave
higher than, the horizontal line mentioned above. face of the brush fits the curve of the commutator.
3. After loosening the. clamp. nut . (3, figure 24) behind the
lamp bracket, tilt the lamp up or down to properly aim it in 5. BULB CHART
relation to the horizontal line ~nd at the same time turn it right
or left to direct the beam of light straight ahead. Tighten the The following chart gives the location and bulb requirements
clamp nut after the lamp is properly positioned. for your Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

No. Bulbs candle Power Harley-Davidson

2. GENERATOR -CHARGING RATE AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR Lamp Description Required or Wattage Part No.

Hi Beam 30 Watts
·Headlamp Low Beam 1 67717-48
The generator itself has no adjustment for control of charging 30 Watts
rate. This is controlled by the voltage regulator. The voltage Tail Lamp Tail Lamp 1 3 C. P. 68165-47
regulator functions to increase charging rate when battery is low . Stop Light 21 C. P.
or lamps are lighted, and to decrease charging rate when no lamps Generator Light 1 2 C. P. 68462-49
are lighted and when battery is up. Voltage regulator requires no Oil Light 1 2 C.P. 68462-49
regular interval attention. The cutout relay is combined with the Speedometer Light 1 . 25 Amp. 71090-47
voltage regulator in a single unit. Should any electrical system
trouble be experienced that might be traceable to the voltage Accessories
regulator, motorcycle should be taken to your Harley-Davidson Spot Light 2 32 C. P. 68715-49
dealer who has the necessary electrical testing equipment to give · Parking Lights 3 C. P. 68165-15
required attention. Fender Lights 2 C. P. 68462-49

58 59

6. WIRING DIAGRAM KEY (see figure 25)

A. Handle Bar (Loose Wires)- Red wire with black tracer,

black wire with red tracer, red wire with yellow tracer
from headlamp switch (4) on handle bar to light switch
terminal fl1 and to terminal plate terminals ##21 and 1#22
respectively. Black and green wire from horn switch (5)
to terminal plate terminal ##25 and to ground terminal
right rear fork boot support screw respectively.

B. Three Wire Cable- Red, black and green wire from light
switch and terminal plate terminals ##2, 1#8 and 1#7 respec-

C. Two Wire Cable (Through Loom) - Red and green wires from
horn to Ignition switch and terminal plate terminals ##2
and ##25 respectively.

D. Two Wire Cable - Red wire from ignltlon switch terminal ##3
to rear terminal ignltlon coil (18), from rear terminal
ignition coil (18) to stop lamp switch (41), from stop lamp
switch (41) to tall and stop lamp (51). Green wire from
light switch terminal ##3 to tall and stop lamp (51).

E. Loom (One Wire) - Black wire from ignition clrcult breaker

(68) to front terminal of Ignition coil (18).
F. Loom (One Wire) -Green wire from cable "B" and terminal
plate terminal ##7 to oll signal light switch (6).
G. Loom (One Wire) - Red wire from horn (55) to battery
positive terminal. @~5t
H. Loom (Five Wire) - Tan wire from ignltlon switch terminal
113 to headlamp. Black wire wlth red tracer, red wire with
yellow tracer, black and green wires from terminal plate
terminals ##21, 1122, ##7 and ##8 respectively to headlamp.
4. Headlamp Hl and Low Beam Switch - Red wire with black [g) TAN B W) BLACK WITH WHITE TRACER
tracer through "A" to light switch terminal 1#1. Black wire with @YELLOW
red tracer through "A" to terminal plate terminal ##21. Red Letters in 0 identify cables and conduit housed wires.
wire with yellow tracer through "A" to terminal plate ter-
minal ##22.
Figure 25. Wiring Diagram

Maintenance Maintenance

5. Horn Switch - Black wire with white tracer to terminal Terminal #2 - Red wire through cable "B" to "Bat" terminal of
plate terminal #25. Green wire to ground terminal right rear voltage regulator (36). Red wire to ignition switch
fork boot support screw. terminal 4#2.

6. Oil Signal Light Switch - Green wire through loom "F" Terminal #3 - Green wire through cable "D" to tail light (51).
and cable "B" to terminal plate terminal #7.
17. Headlamp - Black wire with red tracer through loom "H"
7. Terminal - Green wire through cable "B" and loom "F" to terminal plate terminal #21. Red wire through loom "H" to
to oil signal light switch (6). Black wire from headlamp (17). terminal plate terminal #22. Black wire through loom "H" to
terminal plate terminal #7. Green wire through loom "H" to
8, Terminal - Black wire through cable "B" to "Gen" terminal terminal plate terminal #8. Tan wire through loom "H" to ignition
of voltage regulator (36). Green wire from headlamp (17). switch terminal #3.

9. Terminal Plate - Mounted on fork. 18. Ignition Coil - Red wire through cable "D" to ignition
switch terminal 4#3; Red wire through cable "D" to stop light
10. Speedometer switch (41). Black wire through loom "E" to circuit breaker (68).

lOA. Speedometer Light - Green wire to light switch ter- 19. Generator "F" Terminal - Black wire to "F" terminal of
minal #1. voltage regulator (36).

11. Terminal - Terminal not used. 20. Generator "Reg" Terminal - Red wire to "Gen" terminal
of voltage regulator (36).
12. Terminal - Terminal not used.
21. Terminal - Black wire with red tracer through "A" to
13. Generator Signal Light headlamp Hi and Low beam switch (4). Black wire with red tracer
through loom "H" to headlamp (17).
14. Oil Signal Light
22. Terminal - Red wire with yellow tracer through "A" to
15. Ignition Switch headlamp Hi and Low beam switch (4). Red wire with yellow tracer
through loom "H" to headlamp (17).
Terminal #1 - Terminal not used.
23. Terminal - Terminal not used.
Terminal #2- Red wire to light switch terminal #2. Red wire through
cable "C" to horn (55). 25. Terminal - Black wire with white tracer through "A" to
horn switch (5). Green wire through cable "C" to horn (55) upper
Terminal #3 - Red wire through cable "D" to rear terminal ignition terminal.
coil (18). Tan Wire to h~adlamp.
26. Terminal - Terminal not used.
16. Light Switch
27. Terminal - Terminal riot used.
Terminal #1 - Red wire with black tracer through "A" to headlamp
Hi and Low beam switch (4). Greenwireto speedo- 28. Battery - Red wire from positive terminal through loom
meter light (10). "G" to horn (55). Black wire from negative terminal to ground
terminal on frame.

62 63
36. Voltage Regulator - Red wire from "Bat" terminal through
cable "B" to light switch terminal #2. Black wire from "Gen"
terminal through cable "B" to terminal plate terminal #8. Red 1. Keep on the right side of the road when meeting other vehicles
wire from "Gen" terminal to generator "Reg" terminal #20. coming in the opposite direction.
Black wire from "F" terminal to generator "F" terminal #19. 2. Always sound your horn and pass on the left side when passing
other vehicles (except street car) going in the same direction,
37. Generator Never try to pass another vehicle going in the same direction at
street intersections, on curves, or when going up or down a hill.
41. Stop Light Switch - Red wire through cable "D" to rear
ignition coil terminal. Red wire through cable "D" to tail and 3. At street intersections give the right-of-way to the vehicle on
stop lamp (51). your right. Do not presume too much when you have the right-of-
way; the other fellow may not know you have it.
51. Tall and Stop Lamp - Red wire from right side of connector 4. Always signal when preparing to stop, start, or turn. If possible,
plug through cable ''D" to stop lamp switch (41). Green wire signal by extending the arm.
from left side of connector plug through cable "D" to light switch
terminal #3. 5. All traffic signs, including those used for the control of traffic at
intersections, should be obeyed promptly and to the letter. "Slow
55. Horn - Green wire from upper terminal through cable "C" Down" signs near schools and caution signs at railroad crossings
to terminal plate terminal #25. Red wire from lower terminal should always be observed and your actions governed accordingly.
through cable "C" to ignition switch terminal #2. Red wire from
lower terminal through loom "G" to positive terminal of battery {28). 6. Never "crash" a light. When a change is indicated from "Go" to
"Stop" (or vice versa) in the traffic control systems at inter-
68. Ignition Circuit Breaker - Black wire through loom "E" to sections, await the change.
front terminal of ignition coil (18). 7. When intending to turn to the left, give signal at least 50 feet
before reaching the turning point. Move over to the center line
of the street, (unless local rules require otherwise), slow down
passing the intersection of the street and then turn carefully to
the left.
8. fu turning either right or left, watch for pedestrians as well as
9. Do not leave the curb or parking area without signaling and seeing
that your way is clear to drive into moving traffic. A moving line
of traffic has the right-of-way.
10. See that your license tags are installed in the position specified
by law and that they are clearly visible under all conditions.
Keep them clean.
11. Ride at a safe speed- a speed consistent with the type of high-
way you are on, and always note whether the road is dry or wet.
Each varying condition on the highway means adjusting your
speed accordingly.

KK", "KH" & "KHK ff K"
All prices subject to
change without notice.
Prices ore F.O.B. Milwaukee,
Wis., U.S.A. Taxes, Duties,


This Spare Parts catalog has been prepared for your convenience
when ordering spare parts for all K and Sportster Models. These
parts have been listed in assembly breakdown sequence and line
drawings have been used to show these breakdowns. Consult these
illustrations when ordering spare parts so you are sure to get just
what you want.

The following instructions should be followed very carefully when

ordering spare parts:

1. Specify the correct part number on each item.

2. Part Numbers are to be used when ordering by TELEGRAM or

3. When ordering parts use our standard parts order blanks. The
use of these blanks will enable us to fill and ship your order
more promptly~ These blanks are furnished free of charge upon

4. Do not order motorcycles or advertising matter on Parts Order

Blanks. Write nothing on the order blank except the order itself,
as any other correspondence will not be answered until the
order is shipped and billed.

5. Freight. Express and Parcel Post orders should be on separate

order blanks.

6. For your own records, number and date all orders, also keep a
carbon copy for reference in case of misunderstanding.
Air ·ciea:ner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Motor Mountings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Armature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Muffler ................................... 52
Battery ................................... 52 Name Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Bearings ................................· . . 63 Nuts .............. .- ....................... 63
Bolts ..................................... 62 Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Buddy Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Oil Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chains ................................... 29 Oil Pressure Switches ...................... 12
Chain Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Oil Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Chain Links ............................... 29 Oil Ta:nk .................................. 49
Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Pins ........... : . ......................... 62
Cam. Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pistons ................................ ; . . 6
Circuit Breaker ............................ 21 Piston Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Clutch Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Piston Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Clutch Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Points .................................... 21
Clutch Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Push Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Clutch Release Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Rear Fork ................................. 38
Compensating Sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Rear Hub ................................. 30
Connecting Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rear Shock Absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Cotter Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Rear Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Countershaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Rear Wheel Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Crankcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Rims ................................· ..... 33
Cran.k: Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rivets ................................... ." 63
Cylinders ..................... ·.·.......... 2 Rocker Arm.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cylinder Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Saddle ................................... 40
Exhaust Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Saddle Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60
Fenders .................................. 47 Safety Guards ............................. 39
Field Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Screws ............. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Flywheels . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Seat Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Foot Lever ................................ 23 Shifting Shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Footrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Spark Coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Forks ..................................... 35 Spark Coil Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Fram.e .................................... 38 Spark Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Front Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Spark Plug Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Gas Line .... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Gas Tank ................................. 48 Speedometer Lamp ........................ 59
Gears .................................... 11 Spokes ................................... 33
Gear Case Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Spotlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Gear Shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sprockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Generator ................... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sprocket Shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Generator Brushes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Starter Crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Grease Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Starter Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Ha:n.dlebars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Steel Balls ................................ 63
Handlebar Controls •....................... 45 Stoplight Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Hand Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Tail Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Headla:mp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tappets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Hom. ..................................... 56 Terminal Plate ....................... ~ .... 60
Hom Switch ............................... 60 Timer ..................................... 21
Ignition Switch ............................ 59 Tool Box .................................. 51
Inlet Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Transmission Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Jiffy Stand ................................ 39 Valves ................................ ~... 5
Light Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Voltage Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Lock Washers ......................... : . . . 63 Washers ................................. : 62
Mainshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Windshield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Motor Gaskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Wiring ................................... 57
Part No. Price Each NAME Uaed On


16201..$2 $17.90 Motor rear mounting .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4336 .25 Rear motor mounting to frame sc::rew (2} ....................... . 52 to 56-All K ModelS, 57 Sportster
16210.52 Front motor mounting plate-Rt. (Re::pla:ced by 1621Q..52A)
16210.52A 1.65 Front motor mounting plate-Rt. ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
16213-52 Front motor mounting plate-Lt (Repla:ced by 1621S.S2A>
1621S-52A 1.40 Front motor mounting plate-Lt. ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
16218-52 .15 Front motor mounting screw washer (6) ........................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
16230-52 .35 Front mounting spacer (2) ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
un.s5-52 .65 Motor mounting screw (~e") ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
16236-52 .65 Motor mounting screw (5'*~() ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1623'1-52 •65 Motor mounting screw (2) (~") ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
162S'1..S'1 .65 Motor mounting screw (2) ..................................... . 57 Sportster
. 7775 .15 Motor rear mounting screw nut (3) •..•......................... 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
162SCJ..S7 •45 Motor support bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 57 Sportster
4618W .35 Motor support bracket screw (2) ................................ . 57 Sportster
6SOSW .10 Motor support bracket screw washer (2) ...................... . 57 Sportster
16460-54 8'1.00 Front cylinder & piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 54 to 56-KHK
16461..$4 8'1.00 Rear cylinder 5 piston ........................................ . 54 to SS..:..J:HK
16462-52 59.50 Front cylinder & piston ....................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
16462..$4 59.50 Front cylinder & piston ....................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH
16463-52 59.50 Rear cylinder & piston ........................................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
16463-54 59.50 Rear cylinder & piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 54 to 56-Model KH
16464-5'1 46.00 Front cylinder & piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 57 Sportster
1646$..57 46.00 Rear cylinder & piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 57 Sportster
16671-51 49.00 Front cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 57 Sportster
166'18-5'1 4S.OO Rear cylinder head ........................................... . 57 Sportster
16681..S2 21.00 Front cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 56-Model K. KH, & KK
1&682..s4 28.00 Front cylinder head ........................................... . 54 to SG-KHK
16683-52 21.00 Rear cylinder head ........................................... . 52 to 56-Model K, lCH, & KK
16685-54 28.00 Rear cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 54 to 56-KHK
16769--57 ..20 Cylinder head gasket {2) ..................................... . 57 Sportster
16774-57 •10 Cylinder base gasket (2) ...................................... . 57 Sportster
16775-52 •15 Cylinder base gasket (2) ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
4666 .35 Cylinder head screw (12) ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
4714W Cylinder head screw (8) ...................................... . 57 Sportster
4012 .15 Cylinder head screw (8) ...................................... . 57 Sportster
16822-39 .10 Cylinder head washer ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
6489 .OS Cylinder head washer (8) .......•.....•....•.................. 57 Sportster
1az5..48 •10 Right c:rankcase shifter fork shaft plug C%.e'') •.......•.•.••...•.. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
16830-29 .40 Cylinder base stud (l~e") (8) ............................... . 52 & 53-Model K & lOC
1683t)..54 •40 Cylinder base stud (2'*e") (8) ............................... .. 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7804 .OS Cylinder base stud nut (8) ....•....••......•................... 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
16855-52 2.95 Motor support bracket ............................. _........... . 52 to 56-All K Models
4'118 .60 Motor support bracket screw (4) .............................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
471SW .60 Motor support bracket screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 54 to 56-Model KH
4624 .35 Motor support bracket to frame holt ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
65221 .10 Motor support bracket to frame bolt wa:sber .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6521 .05 Frame bolt washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6524 .OS Frame bolt washer ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
16860-52 •45 Cylinder braee spacer (4) .......•............................ 52 & 53-Model K & KK
16860-54 .45 Cylinder brace spacer (4) ................................... . ~ to 56-Model KH
16890-52 •10 Cylinder oil line screw {2) •..........••.•.•..•..........•...... 52 to 56-All K Models
1702&-52 4.25 Complete set motor gaskets . . ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
Consists of:
2 16775-52 .15 Base gasket 1 2737&-52 .35 Bowl upper gasket
4 18259-52 .OS Valve spring cover gasket 2 27410-52 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket
4 18631·52 .10 Tappet guide gasket 1 30142-52 .10 Generator & crankcase gasket
1 24183-52 .30 Sprocket shaft oil seed 2 32342-42 .05 Spark plug gasket
1 25224-52 .35 Crankc:a:se cover gasket 1 32522-37 .10 Timer base gasket
1 26256--52 .15 Oil pump cover gasket 1 34955-52A .'10 Transmission front chain cover gasket
1 2&258-52 .15 Oil pump body plate gasket 1 S$150..52 1.20 Mainshaft oil seal
1 2625S.S2 .15 Oil pump body cover gasket 1 S516S..S2 .15 Mainshaft oil seal gasket
1 2732J..S2 .OS Main nozzle gasket 1 3753&-52 .25 Clutch hub gasket
1 27376-28 .20 Bowl lock nut gasket 1 37762-52 ..ZS Clutch sprocket cover ga:sket
17026-57 4.'15 Complete set motor gaskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 16769-57 .10 Cylinder head gasket 1 27376-57 .35 Carburetor bowl gasket
1 16774-57 .10 Cylinder base gasket 1 27a8&-S7 .10 Carburetor float valve seat gasket
1 2497a.57 .10 Crankcase oil strainer gasket 1 21410-57 .10 Carburetor gasket
1 25224-52 .35 Crankcase cover gasket 1 21412..$'1 .40 Carburetor insulating gasket
1 26256-52 .15 Oil pump cover gasket 1 30143-30 .10 Genera:tor & crankcase gasket
1 26258-52 .15 Oil pump body plate gasket 2 32342-42 .OS Spark plug gasket
1 28259-52 .IS Oil pump body cover gasket 1 32522-37 .10 Timer base gasket
2 27060-SS .35 Intake pipe "0" ring 1 34955-52A .'10 Tra:nsmission front chain cover gasket
1 2'7205-57 .25 Carburetor body gasket 1 35150-52 1.20 Ma:inshaft oil seal
1 2'1329-57 .15 Nozzle vent gasket 1 S$169-52 .15 Ma:inshaft oil seal gasket
1 27374-57 .10 Carburetor bowl nut gasket 1 37762-52 .25 Clutch sprocket cover gasket

Part No. Price Ecrch NAME


0 00
00 ©J(Q)o QQ

32342..42 1668:3-52



0 ••
0 . 0

or 0




Part No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used Ou


17324-57 $ .so Rocker arm cover to crankcase oil line (2) .•.•.•..•.......•..• 57 Sportster
63526-57 •70 Oil line connection (4) ...................................... . 57 Sportster
63527-57 .25 Oil line nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 57 Sportster
6352g..S7 .25 Oil line nut rubber sleeve (4) ................................. . 57 Sportster
17394-57 9.75 Front exhaust rocker arm ..................................... . 57 Sportster
17395--51 9.75 Rear exhaust rocker arm ..................................... . 57 Sportster
17396-57 9.75 Front intake rocker ann ....................................... . 57 Sportster
17397-57 9.75 Rear intake rocker ar:rn ....................................... . 57 Sportster
17435--57 2.70 Rocker arm shaft (4) .......................................... . 57 Sportster
17448--57 •30 Rocker arm shaft screw (4) ................................... . 57 Sportster
11101 •30 Rocker arm shaft screw "0" ring, rubber (4) .................. . 57 Sportster
17451-57 .15 Rocker arm spacer (4) ........................................ . 57 Sportster
17483--51 .10 Rocker arm spring (4) . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . 57 Sportster
7872 .30 Rocker arm shaft acorn nut (4) .....•..................•....... 57 Sportster
6466 .OS Rocker arm shaft acorn nut washer (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 57 Sportster
17514-51 11.75 Front roc;:ker arm cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 57 Sportster
17515-57 11.75 Rear rocker arm cover . . . . . . . . . .............................. . 57 Sportster
4060W •15 · Rocker arm cover screw (12) ................................. . 57 Sportster
45830-48 .30 Rocker arm cover plug (2) .................................... . 57 Sportster
17904-57 1.95 Push rod (4) .................................................. . 57 Sportster
17935-48 1.75 Push rod upper cover {4) ..................................... . 57 Sportster
17937-57 l.SO Push rod lower cover {4) ..................................... . 57 Sportster


,,/'V 17955-36
.... r-~

18221-51,/ ! '~,
, , "" "" 17904-57
/ ""
/ 1'793"1-S'C
, "" ""

, ,"
, , , ""
/ ""
/ ""

/ ""

, I'


I /
I ,I



Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


6762 $ .10 Push rod cover screw washer (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
17945--36 .90 Push rod cover spring retainer (4) . . . . • . • . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
17947-36 .35 Push rod cover spring (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
17950-48 .10 Push rod cover spring keeper (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
17955--36 .13 Push rod cover cork washer (12) .... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster


18070-41B $ 4.90 Intake valve (2) .............................................. . Early 53-Model KK
18070-52 3.65 Intake valve (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 & 53-Model K & later 53-KK
18010-54 3.65 Intake valve (2) .............................................. . 54 to SS-Model KH
18010-57 2-0D Intake valve (2) ...................................... . 57 Sportster
18080-41R 4.20 Exhaust valve (2) ............................................ . Early 53-Model KK
18080-52 3.65 Exhaust valve (2) . . . . . ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models except early
18080-57 5.25 Exhaust valve (2) . . . . . . . . .................................. . 57 Sportster
18165-41 .25 Valve guide collar (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
18170-57 3.50 Exhaust valve guide-Std. (2) ................................. . 57 Sportster ·
18171-57 3.50 Exhaust valve guide-.001" 0. S. (2) ........................ .. 57 Sportster
18172-57 3.50 Exhaust valve guide-.002" 0. S. (2) ......................... . 57 .Sportster
18176-57 1.65 Intake valve guide-Std. {2} ......................•............ 57 Sportster
18179-57 1.65 Intake valve guide-.001" 0. S. (2) ....................... ·.... . 57 Sportster
18180-57 1.65 Intake valve guide-.002" 0. S. (2) ........................... . 57 Sportster
18176-41 1.65 Valve guide-Std. (4) ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
18179-41 1.65 Valve guide-.001'' 0. S. (4) .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
18180-41 1.65 Valve guide-.002" 0. S. (4) ................................... . 52 to- 56-All K Models
18196-51 •02 Valve guide gasket (4) ....................................... . 52 to 5S-All K Models
18200-32 .10 Valve spring (4) ..............•............................... 54 to 56-Model ICH
18201-52 .10 Valve spring (4) .............................................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
18203-57 1.10 Outer valve spring (4) . . . ..•.............................. 57 Sportster
18204-57 •65 Inner valve spring (4) ........................................ . 57 Sportster
18220-30 .45 Valve spring collar (4) .......................... ·.............• 52 to 56-All K Models, except
Model KK
18220-538 .10 Valve spring collar (4) ...................................... . 53--Model KK
18220-57 .55 Valve spring lower collar (4) . . . . . . . . . ....... : . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ·57 Sportster
18221-57 .SO Intake valve spring upper collar (2) .......................... . 57 Sportster
18222-57 .55 Exhaust valve spring upper collar .(2) ...................... . 57 Sportster
18223-53 .35 Valve spring spacer-.111" thick (4) .......................... . 52 & 53-Model K & lCK
6714 .10 Valve spring washer-.035" ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
18228-30 .45 Valve key (4) ................................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models,· 57 Sportster
18228-57 .55 Exhaust valve spring collar key (2) .......................... . 57 Sportster
18234--57 .35 Exhaust valve stem cap (2) .................................. . 57 Sportster
18239-52 .10 Valve spring upper cover (4) ............................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
18239-54 .70 Valve spring upper cover (4) .............................. . 54 to 56-Model KH
18255--52 Valve spring lower cover (Replaced by 18255-52A)
182SS..S2A 1.70 Valve spring lower cover (4) ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
18259-52 .OS Valve spring lower cover gasket (4) . 52 to 56-All K Models
18266-52 .30 Valve spring cover "0" ring (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models
18268-48 .15 Valve spring washer-.015" ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
18269-48 .15 Valve spring washer-.007" .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
18490-29 6..00 Tappet with screw and nut ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, except 53 KK
18508-S2R 6..90 Tappet complete (4) .......................................... . 53-Model KK, 56 KHK
18523-57 4.50 Tappet & roller complete . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
18~29 2.20 Tappet roller kit (4 used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Includes: !-roller, roller race, roller pin end 25 needle rollers
18556-40 .70 Tappet screw with nut (4) .................................... . 52 & 53-Model K
Consists of:
1 18566-40 .50 Tappet screw 185'10-38 .30 Tappet screw nut
18554-57 .90 Tappet screw with nut (4) 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 18566-51 .65 Tappet screw 1 18570-38 .30 Tappet screw nut
18556-54 .80 Tappet screw with nut 54 to 56-Model KH
Consists of:
1 18566-54 .50 Tappet screw 1 18570-38 .30 Tappet screw nut
18566-S3B •60 Tappet adjusting screw (4) • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •............ 53-Model KK
18605-52 5.20 Front tappet guide (2) ....................................... . 52 to 5S-All K Models
18606-52 5.20 Rear tappet ~ide (2} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 52 to 5S-All K Models
18607-57 4.60 Tappet guide (4) ............................................. . 57 Sportster
2329 .10 Tappet guide screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models
4005W •IS Tappet guide screw ......................................... . 57 Sportster
18631-52 •10 Tappet guide gasket (4) ...................................... . 52 to SS-All K Models
11100 .25 Tappet guide "0" ring ..................................... . 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each Used On


40 ~
0 ~~9~_j 24364-54
93Sl or 944l.


22355-57 DUUDBDD

SET 9401 or 9150

24275-52 $ET
2 4362-54 24276-54
9381 or


.24:5'?o-52A. SET


222Sl..S2 Piston with rings & pin-Std. (Replaced by 22251-52A)
222Sl-52A $12.75 Piston with rings & pin-Std. . ................................ . 52 to 56--All K Models
Above pistons supplied in oversizes below:
22252-52A 12.75 .005" 2225&-52A 12.75 .040"
222S3-52A 12.75 .010" 22257·52A 12.75 .050"
22254-52A 12.75 .020" 22258·52A 12.75 .060"
22255-52A 12.75 .030" 2225S..S2A 12.75 .070"
222Sl..S7 12.75 Piston with rings and pin-Std............................... . 57 S:portster
Above pistons supplied in oversizes below:
22252-57 12.75 .005" 22256--57 12.75 .040"
22253-57 12.75 .010" 22257-57 12.75 .050"
22254-57 12.75 .020" 22258-57 12.75 .060"
22255-57 12.75 .030" 222SS..57 12.75 .070"
22355..52 Set piston rings-Std. {Replaced by 22355-52A)
2235S..S2A 5.00 Set piston rings--Std. . ....................................... . 52 to 56-All IC Models
Consists of:
2 22395-52 .65 Oil control ring 2 22465-52 .6S Compression ring
2 22455-52A 1.30 Compression ring
Above sets can be supplied in oversizes below: ·
2235S..52A 5.00 .005" 22360-52A 5.00 .040"
22357-52A 5.00 .010" 22361-52A 5.00 .050"
223SS..S2A 5.00 .020" 22362-52A 5.00 .060"
22359-52A 5.00 .030" 22363--52A 5.00 .070"
22355-57 6.50 Set piston rings-Std. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 57 S:portster
Consists of:
2 22395-57 .90 Oil control ring 4 22455-57 1.30 Compression ring
Above sets can be supplied in oversizes below:
22356--57 . 6.50 .005" 22360.57 6.50 .040"
22357-57 6.50 .010'' 22361-57 6.50 .050"
22358-57 6.50 .020" 22362-57 6.50 .060"
22359-57 6.50 .030" 22363-57 6.50 .070"
22582-52 .25 Piston pin lock ring (4) ....................................... . 52 to 5S-All K Models, 57 Sportster
22719-52 1.20 Piston pin-Std. . ............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Above piston pins can be supplied in oversizes below:
22721-52 1.20 .002" 1.20 .008"
22723-52 1.20 .004 .. 1.20 .010"
22725-52 1.20 .006"
Pa:rt No. Price Each NAME Used On


29900-52 $90.00 Set flywheels complete with shafts & connecting rods . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
23900-54 Set flywheels complete with shafts & connecting rods (Replaced by 23900-54A)
23900-S4A 90.00 Set flywheels complete with shafts & connecting rods . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to SS-All K Models
239CJ0..57 90.00 Set flywheels complete with shafts & connecting rods . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
23901~52 64..00 Set flywheels & shafts less connecting rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
23901-54 Set flywheels & shafts less connecting rods (Replaced by 23901-54A}
23901-S4A 49.00 Set flywheels & shafts less connecting rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-All K Models
23901~57 64..00 Set flywheels & shafts less connecting rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
2391~52 27.50 Left flywheel only . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
2391&.54 Left flywheel only (Replaced by 23916-54A)
2391&.54A 26.00 Left flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-All K Models
2391&.57 26..00 Left flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
2393>52 32.50 Right flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & lCK
23936--54 Right flywheel only (Replaced by 23936-54A)
2393&.54A 2'1.00 Right flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to SS-All K Models
23936--57 25.50 Right flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
23960-52 5.10 Crank pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
23960-54 5.10 Crank pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
23967-48 .40 Crank pin nut . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 52 & 53-Model K & KK
23967-54 .40 Crank pin nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model :KH, 57 Sportster
24015-36 .10 Crank pin nut lock plate , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK, Early ~
Model KH
23971-41 .10 Crank pin nut lock plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letter 54 to 55--Model :KH, 57 Sportster
1187 J)3 Crank pin nut lock plate screw ................. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
23972-52 .60 Crank pin boss washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
23972-54 .60 Crank pin boss washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
23972-57 .60 Crank pin boss washer {2} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
23985-12 .20 Sho:ft key for sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK, Early ~
Model KH, 57 Sportster (Gear !ho:ft)
40390-54 .2S Sho:ft key for sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
23985-18 .OS Flywheel shaft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24000-52 5.40 Flywheel sprocket shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24QOO...S4 5.40 Flywheel sprocket shaft . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
24000-57 5.40 Flywheel sprocket shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
24003-54 .40 Sprocket nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 & Early 55-Model KH
2400~52 6..20 Flywheel gear shaft . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. 52 & 53-Model K & lCK
2400~ 6.20 Flywheel gear shaft . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . 54 to 56-Model KH
2400~ 6..20 Flywheel gear shcdt ........................................... 57 Sportster
24011-37 3.90 Flywheel shaft pinion gea:r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
2401$..36 .10 Gear shaft & sprocket shaft nut lock plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
1187 .D3 Lock plate nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster

23972@~52 23960-52 ~18®

0 23972·52


23901·52 23935-52

z;5901-54A 23916-57

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. On


24022-54 shaft nut ............................................ . 54 to 56-Model KH (Compensating
$ 1.60
sprocket only)
24023-52 1.20 Sprocket shaft nut ............................................ . 52 & S~Model :K & :KK
8011 .45 Flywheel s:procket & gear shaft nut (2) ....................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
24275-52 49.50 Set connecting rods complete with bearings & crank pin ....... . 52 & S~Model :K & :KK
24275-54 49.50 Set connecting rods complete with bearings & crank pin ....... . 54 to 56-Model KH
24215-S1 49.50 Set connecting rods complete with bearings & crank pin ....... . 57 Sportster
24290..52 17.90 Rear connecting rod .......................................... . 52 to 56-All :K Models
24291J..57 17.90 Rear connecting rod .......................................... . 57 Sportster
24294.52 13.20 Front connecting rod .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24331-36 .95 Piston pin bushing-Std....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24332-36 .95 Piston pin bushing .010" 0. S. (2) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9101 .12 Crank pin roller, ;I-s'' x .329" long (36)-Std..................... . 52-Model K
Above roller supplied in oversi%es below:
9102 .12 .0002" 9105 .12 .0008"
9103 .12 .0004" 9106 .12 .001"
9104 .12 .0006"
9381 .14 Crank pin roller, %-s" x .265" long (32)-Std. . ................... . Later 52 & 53-Model K & KK
Above roller supplied in oversi%es below:
9382 .14 .0002" 9385 .14 .0008"
9383 .14 .0004" 9386 ~14 .001"
9384 .14 .0006"
9441 .15 Crank :pin roller, %6" x .294" long (34)-Std..................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
Above roller supplied in oversi%es below:
9442 .15 .0002" 9445 .15 .0008"
9443 .15 .0004, 9446 .15 .001"
9444 .15 .0006"
9401 .15 Crank pin roller, *6"
x .533" iong (52-18, 5~16)-Std .......... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
Above roller supplied in oversizes below:
9402 .15 .0002" 9405 .15 .0008"
9403 .15 .0004" 9406 .15 .001"
9404 .15 .0006"
9150 .15 Crank pin roller, %6" x .480" long {17)-Std..................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
Above roller supplied in oversizes below:
9152 .15 .0002" 9158 .15 .0008"
9154 .15 .0004" 9160 .15 .001,
9156 .15 .0006"
24362-52 Crank pin roller retainer, rear (Replaced by 24361-54)
24361-54 lO.SO
Set of crank pin roller retainers ................................ . 52 & 5~Model K & KK
24362-54 3.50
Crank pin roller retainer, rear (2) .............................. . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
24364-52 Crank pin roller retainer, front (Replaced by 24361-54)
24364--54 4.00 Crank pin roller retainer, front ................................. . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
24370-52 Set of roller & retainers (Replaced by 24370-52A)
2437Q..52A 17.90 Set of roller & retainers-Std............ ~ ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Above roller sets supplied in oversizes below:
24371-52A 17.90 .0002" . 243'14-52A 17.90 .0008"
24312-SZA 17.90 .0004" 2437S.S2A 17.90 .001"
24S7S-S2A 17.90 .0006"


24511-52· Set· of crankcases (Replaced by 24511-52A)
24511-SU $121.00 Set of, crankcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24511-54 Set of crankcases (Replaced by 24511-54A)
24Sll-54A 126.60 Set of crankcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
24511-57 126.60 Set of crankcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
24532-52: . Left crankcase (Replaced by 24532-52A)
24532-52A 51.50 Left crankcase . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . 52 & 53-Model K & :KK
24532-54 ~ Left crankcase (Replaced by 24532-54A')
24532-54A 64.00 Left crankcase . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
24532-57 56.75 Left crankcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
24556-52 75.50 Right crankcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24556--54 84.00 Right crankcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
24556-57 82.00 Right crankcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
2457&.52 .15 Right crankcase oil hole plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24578-57 .15 Crankcase dowel pin (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportste:r
24585-52 3.00 Right crankcase bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24585-54 3.00 Right crankcase bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
24585-57 2.75 Right crankcase bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportste:r
24608-54 .OS Crankcase gear shaft bearing bushing screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Ectch NAME Used On

CBA.NKCASES AND fl'rtlNGS- Continued

l6830-S4 (',---


' 16210..S2A


24670-52 $ 5.00 Gear shaft bearing set-Std................................. .. 52 & 53-Model K & KK

·Above bearing sets supplied in oversizes below: ·
24671-52 5.00 Gear shaft bearing set .0002" 0. S. 24614-52 .S..OO Gear shaft bearing set .0008" 0. S.
24672-52 5.00 Gear shaft bearing set .0004" 0. S. 24675-52 5.00 Gear shaft bearing set .001" 0. S.
246'13-52 5.00 Gear shaft bearing set .0006" 0. S.
24670-54 7.00 Gear shaft bearing set-Std................................... . 54 to 56-Model :KH
Above bearing sets supplied in oversizes below:
24671-54 7.00 Gear shait bearing set .0002" 0. S. 24614-54 7.00 Gear shaft bearing set .0008" 0. S.
24672-54 7.00 Gear shaft bearing set .0004" 0. S. 24675-54 7.00 Gear shaft bearing set .001" 0. S.
24673-54 7.00 Gear shaft bearing set .0006" 0. S.

Pert No. Price Ecrch NAME Used On


24~55 $ 5~ ~ shcdt ~g set--Std................................... . 57 Sportster
Above bearing sets supplied in oversizes below:
24651..$5 5.35 Gear shaft bearing set .0002" 0. S. 24654--55 5.35 Gear shaft bearing set .0008" 0. S.
24652-55 5..35 Gear shaft bearing set .0004" .0. S. 2465S..55 S.3S Gear shaft bearing set .001" 0. S.
24653-55 5.35 Gear shaft bearing set .0006" O:S.
9401 .15 Right bearing roller, 'l.i>" x .533" long ( 13)-Std. . . . . ........... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
Above roller supplied in oversizes below:
9402 .15 .0002" 9405 .15 .0008"
9403 .15 .0004" 9406 .15 .001"
9404 ·.15 .0006"
9461 Right bearing roller,
.15 *t)."
x .400'' long (2)-Std ................. . 54 to 56-Model KH
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9462 .15 .0002" 0. s. 9485 .15 .0008" 0. S.
9463 .15 .0004" 0. s. 9466 .15 .001'' 0. s.
9464 .IS .0006" 0. S.
9421 .16 Right bearing roller, o/i6" x .800" long (13)-Std................. . 57 Sportster
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9422 .16 .0002" 0. S. 9425 .16 .0008" 0. S.
9423 .16 .0004" 0. s. 9426 .16 .001" 0. S.
9424 .16 .0006" 0. s.
24692-52 .50 Gear shaft bearing washer (2) ................................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24692...54 .50 Gear shaft bearing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
24696-39 .70 Crankcase beQ:ring seal ring .................................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24696-54 .SO Crankcase bearing spring ring (small) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 54 to 56-Model KH
24699-37 .40 Crankcase bearing seal ring spring ............................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24699-54 .30 Crankcase bearing spring ring (la:rge) ......................... . 54 to 56-Model KH
24701-39 .40 Crankcase bearing spring ring (2) ............................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24701-52 .30 Crankcase bearing snap ring (2) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24701-54 .30 Gear shaft roller retainer spring ring . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
24718-52 3.10 Gear shaft roller bearing retainer ............................. .. 52 & 53-Model K & lQC
24718-54 3.30 Gear shaft roller bearing retainer .............................. . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
24'729-52 13.50 Motor sprocket shaft bearing .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24775-52 5.75 Sprocket shaft extension . ., .................................. .. 52 & 53-Model K & lQC
24775-54 5.75 Sprocket shaft extension ...................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH
24781-52 3.10 Sprocket shaft bearing spacer ................................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24781-54 1.50 Sprocket shaft bearing spacer ................................. . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
24783--52 .30 Sprocket shaft oil seal ........................................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
24786--52 .40 Sprocket shaft bearing oil seal retainer (2) .................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
35151-S2A .70 Sprocket shaft oil seal ........................................ . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
24811)..52 .45 Crankcase stud %2" x 4'hG" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
24810-57 .40 Cra:nlr::case stud .............................................. . 57 Sportster
7679 .OS Crankcase stud nut (2) ....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
6218W .OS Crankcase stud plain washer (2) ............................. .. 52 to 56-All K Models
7753 .OS Crankcase stud nut (2) ........................................ . 57 Sportster
6320 .OS Crankcase stud plain washer (2) .....•......................... 57 Sportster
24817..$2 ..35 Crankcase rear mounting stud (3) ••.............•.............. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
T/75 .15 Rear mounting stud nut (3) .' ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24818-52 .25 Crankcase tool box stud ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7725 .10 Tool box stud nut ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24819-52 .30 Crankcase oil pump stud (5) ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7676 .OS OU pump stud nut {4) . . . . . . . . . ............................... . .52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24912-52 Crankcase breather pipe assembly (Replaced by 24912-52A)
24912-52A 1.50 Crankcase breather piJ)e cssembly ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24912·54 4.95 Crankcase breather pipe assembly ............................ . 54 to 56-Model KH (For endurance
run kit)
24918-52 .30 Crankcase breather piJ)e nipple ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
24943-54 .50 Crankcase breather tube stud ................................. . 54 to 56-Model KH (For enduranee
run kit)
24944-54 •30 Crankcase breather tube clamp ............................... . 54 to 56-Model ICH (For endurance
run kit)
249'1s.3'1 1.50 Crankcase oil strainer ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
333 •10 C~c:ase oil strainer retaining pin '%" x 1~" .................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
358 •10 Crankcase dowel pin (3) ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4066 .30 Crankcase mounting screw (4) t;i6 .. x 2%" .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4086 •40 Crankcase mounting screw *~" x 3" ........................... . 57 Sportster
4100 .40 Crankcase mounting screw t}l-s" x 4lA-s" ........................ . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
4106 •40 Crankcase mounting screw *6"x4!1.-s" ........................ .
Crankcase oil strainer gasket ................................. .
52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
57 Sportster
249'18-57 •10
2507S..SS 1..80 OU trC%Uder vcdve assembly ................................... . 55 & 56-Model KH from motor No.
1300 up, 57 Sportster
2510Q..S3A 2.90 Crankcase oil siphon tube complete ........................... . 53 to Early 55-K Models
25101-53A 1.80 Crankcase oil siphon tube only ................................ . 53 to Early 55-K Models
25111--53 .50 Crankcase oil siphon tube screw .............................. . 53 to Early 55-K Models
25350-37 .95 Breather valve complete ....................................... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7Ct7 .35 Crankcase drain plug . . . ................................. . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used OD


2520tJ..52 $34.00 Gear case cover .............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models

252Q0..57 34.00 Gear case cover .............................................. . 57 Sportster
25224-52 .35 Gear case cover gasket ....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2S45 .10 Gear case cover screw ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2353 .15 Gear case cover screw (5) .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2352 •IS Gear ease cover screw ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
25265-52 1.80 Oil separator bushing assembly ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportste:r
2527S..S2 .40 Crc::rn.kcase breather valve screen .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportste:r
25287..!J7 .30 Breather oil separator seal ring spring ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2550Q..5S' 54..00 Set of cam. gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 53-Model KK, 56-Model IHK
Consists of:
1 25521...53 16.75 Rear intake cam gear 1 25522-SS 14.50 Rear exhaust cam gear
l 25525-53 11.90 Front intake cam gear 1 25526-53 11..90 Front exhaust ccm:t gear
Z550l..S2 8.25 Front cylinder intake cam gear ................................ . 52 & 53-Model K
25501-54 8.25 Front cylinder intake cam gear ................................ . 54 to 56-Model KH
25501..$7 8.25 Front cylinder intake cam gear ................................ . 57 Sportster
25525-53 11.90 Front cylinder intake cam gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 53-Model KK, 56-Model KHK
25502-52 14.50 Rear cylinder intake cam gear ................................ . 52 & 53-Model K
25502-54 14.50 Rear cylinder intake cam gear ................................ . 54 to 56-Model ICH
25502..s7 14.50 Rear intake cam shaft drive gear .............................. . 57 Sportster
25521-53 16.75 Rear cylinder intake cam gear ............................... .. 53-Model KK, 56-Model KHK
255Q3..52 1D.30 Front cylinder exhaust cam gear .............................. . 52 & 53-Model K
25503-54 10.30 Front cylinder exhaust cam gear .............................. . 54 to 56--Model KH
25503-57 13.20 Front exhaust cam shaft idler gear ............................ . 57 Sportster
25520-53 11.90 Front cylinder exhaust cam gear .............................. . 53-Model KK, 56-Model KHK
255Q4..52 8.25 Rear cylinder exhaust cam gear . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 52 & 53-Model K
25504-54 8.25 Rear cylinder exhaust cam gear ............................... . 54 to 56--Model lCH
255Q4..5'1 8.25 Rear exhaust cam gear ....................................... . 57 Sportster
25522.53 14.50 Rear cylinder exhaust cam gear ............................... . 53-Model KK, 56-Model KHK
6769 •10 Cam shaft steel washer-.006" (as req'd) ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
25586-37 1.10 Cam gear shaft bushing ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
25588-37 1.10 Cam gear timer shaft bushing ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
25588-57 1.10 Cam gear timer shaft bushing . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . ........... . 57 Sportster
25593-52 1.90 Pinion gear shaft bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
25593-57 1.75 Pinion gear shaft bushing . .' ................................... . 57 Sportster
25595.3'1 1.10 Front intake cam gear shaft bushing ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
25595-52 1.90 Rear exhaust cam. gear shaft bushing .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
25597-57 1.10 Idler gear shaft bushing ....................................... . 57 Sportster
25601..3'7 Crankcase cam gear shaft bushing (Replaced by 25601-37 A)
25601..3'7A 1.10 Crankcase cam gear shaft bushing (4) ..................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
271 •OS Cover bushing pin, :;s·· x 3,4" ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9851 •10 Crankcase cover grease fitting . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
25776-21 4.75 Idler gear .................................................... . 52 to 56--All K Models
25776-5'1 5.00 Idler gear .................................................... . 57 Sportster
25785-SO .60 Timer gear & idler gear bushing ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models

Part No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used OD


25787-54 $ 1.20 Idler gear stud (2} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model ICH
257r!..S7 1.20 Idler gear shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
25788-30 1.00 Idler gear stud assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & K':K
1 25794-30 .IS Idler gear stud screw 1 25811-11 .05 Idler gear stud fibre washer
1 25810-15 .10 Idler gear stud spring ring
25794--30 .15 Idler gear stud screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KX
25810-15 .10 Idler gear stud spring ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KX
25811-11 .OS Idler gear stud fibre washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
25851-37 3.10 Circuit breaker drive gear only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
25860-29 .25 Circuit breaker drive gear key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models


26550-57 ; 4 ~ 6375


26420-57 ~ , 'JMl0-52

/ 2636~36

-J 26400-52A

~~~··~A ·.?i
or :1.:

26203-520 26331-56 26259-52 It 26320.56 26258-52 28250-52

26424-52 ~f} 26217-52 or
f 26AOO-S2A or 2625()..56
8866o /
11 26374-52
7901 w .6 126423-52A


26203..s2B Oil pump assembly {Replaced by 26203--52C)

Z621)3..5ZC $37.00 Oil pump assembly ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
26217..SZ 17.50 Oil pump body ............................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
26217-56 15.75 Oil J)ump body ............................................... . 56-Model ICH, 57 Sportster
26241-SZ 11.50 Oil J)ump cover ............................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
26256-52 .70 Oil pump body plate ............................•.............. 52 to 55-All K Models
26250-SS 1.65 Oil pump body plate .......................................... . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
26256-52 .LS Oil pump cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
28258-52 .IS Oil pump body plate gasket .................................. .. 52 to 56-AU K Models, 57 Sportster
26259-52 .15 Oil pump body cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2831a..37 2.30 Oil pump drive gear .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
26320-52 3.40 Oil scavenger pump gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 55-All K Models
2632Q..56 2..25 Oil scavenger pump gear ..................................... . 56-Model ICH. 57 Sportster
28322-52 2.30 Oil pressure pump iCUer gear .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
26323-52 2.30 Oil pressure pump gear . . . . . . . . .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
28326-52 2.30 Oil scavenger pump idler gear ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
26327-52 .70 Oil pump idler gear shaft ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
26331-52 5.50 Oil pump breather valve gear & shaft ......................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
26331-56 5..50 Oil pump breather valve gear ................................. . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
26347-15 .10 Oil pump breather valve key .................................. . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
26341-37 .20 Oil scavenger pump breather valve gear washer ............... . 52 to 56-All K Models
26363-36 .20 Oil pump check vc:dve spring .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
26374-52 .20 Oil pump relief valve spring .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
8866 .10 Oil pump ball ................................................ . 55-Model KH
26389-55 .25 Oil pump ball set screw ....................................... . 55-Model KH
7901W .20 Oil pump ball set screw aeom nut ............................. . 55-Model KH
26400-SZA 1.50 Oil pump valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Eclch NAME Used On


26420-52 s .'70 Oil pump nipple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
26420-51 1.10 Oil pump nipple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
26423-52A .30 Oil pump plug ........... :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
603 .OS Oil pump drive lock pin (2) . ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
26424-52 .15 Oil pump oil line plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
26550.38A 2.75 Oil pressure switch complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
265S0.5'7 2.50 Oil pressure switch complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
26550-42 Oil pressure switch complete (Replaced by 2655Q..38A)
265'79-38 .20 Oil pressure switch screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
63'75 .05 Nipple packing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
11002 .10 Oil pump retaining ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster


0 •"

2706&-5~~ I~

27011-52 Sll.SO Inlet pipe complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
Consists of:
1 27020-40 7.25 Inlet pipe only 2 27052-40 .70 Inlet pipe packing nut
2 27039-48 1.20 Inlet pipe nipple 2 27059-tO .45 Inlet pipe packing bushing
2 21045-32 .OS Inlet nipple rivet 2 27410.52 .10 Carburetor insulating gaske~
27021-51 s.oo Inlet pipe only ................................................ . 57 Sportster
27060-55 .3S Inlet pipe "0" ring (2) ........................................ . 57 Sportster
27063-51 1.10 Inlet pipe clamp cotnplete (2) ................................. . 57 Sportster
27065-57 .25 Inlet pipe clamp buckle (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 57 Sportster
1214 .10 Iruet pipe clamp screw (2) .................................... . 57 Sportster

CABBUBETOR AND PARTS (1952 to 1956-Ail K Models)

27146-52 Carburetor cotnplete (Replaced by 2714~52A}
27146-52A $31.00 Carburetor cotnplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27215-52 Air intake shaft (Replaced by 27235-52A}
'7608 .D2 Air intake shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
2'7219--36 .80 Air intake shaft stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27225-52 .45 Air intake disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
2'1225-54 .45 Air intake disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-All K Models
993 .02 Air intake disc screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27235-52 Air intake lever (Replaced by 27235-52A)

Part No. Price Euch NAME Used On

CABBUBETOR AND PARTS (1952 to 1956- All K Models)- Continued



2737().52 127383-11
e 21386-52

a ta
27329...52- .A

27331~ lJ
2737749 77382-52



2723S..S2A $ 1..40 Air intake lever & shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KX
27235--54 1.40 Air intake lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-All K Models
1001 ..G2 Air intake lever screw . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KX
27260-49 z.oo Throttle lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27267-49 1.00 Carburetor throttle lever arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
2632 .03 Throttle lever ann screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27276-40 1.40 Throttle shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27280-52 .90 Throttle disc (8°) .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 52 to 56-All K Models
993 .oz Throttle shaft screw (2) . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . 52 to 56-All K Models
27290-24 .75 Throttle shaft bushing (2) . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27291-32 .25 Carburetor throttle shaft spring . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27297-52 1.75 High speed needle valve . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . 52 to 56-All K Models
27325--33 .45 Idle hole .body plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27326-54 .60 Metering plug # 9 .......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model :KH
21327-24 .20 Carburetor passage plug (3) . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
2'131:1-52 .60 Metering plug # 7 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
27327-54 .60 Metering plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH (For endurance
run kit)
27328-52 .60 Idle bleed plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
27328-54 .60 Idle bleed plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
2732S..S2 .OS Main nonle gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27330-33 .20 Main nozzle tension spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

CARBURETOR AND PARTS (1952 to 1956 - All K Models) .;_ Continued

27331-52 s 2.40 Main nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21339-52 1.60 Low speed needle valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21349-11 .10 Ail' intake shc:ft stop spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
1183 ~OS Low speed needle valve lock serew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27359-52 1.00 Carburetor venturi retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
27358-54 .20 Carburetor venturi retainer screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-All K Models
27359-54 .20 Carburetor venturi retainer spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-All K Models
27363-41 2.75 Carburetor venturi-! o/ti3" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
27364-52 2.75 Carburetor venturi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
21370-52 13.00 Bowl complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21375-29 .85 Bowl lock nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27376-28 .20 Bowl lock nut gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21376-52 .35 Bowl upper gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21317-39 .30 Carburetor drain plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27380-33 Carburetor float complete (Replaced by 27380-33A)
27380-33A 2.25 Carburetor float complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27380-52 Carburetor float complete (Replaced by 27380..S3A)
27381-50 1.10 Float lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27382-52 2.75 Float valve & seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21383-11 .40 Float lever pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21386-52 .15 Float valve seat gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21390..33 .65 Bowl valve cover cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27405-26 .10 H.S.N. valve friction spring (3) . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27406-26 .10 H.S.N. valve friction ball (3) . .. . . .. . .. . . • . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27410..52 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
27412-48 1.20 Carburetor insulating block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21424-48 .15 Carburetor fastening bolt (4) . . . . . . . . • . . . • . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
21433-54 Carburetor support (Replaced by 27433-54A)
27433-S4A .55 Carburetor support & nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-All K Models
7789 .05 Carburetor support nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 & 55-Model KH
21434-56 .20 Carburetor support nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH
27450-36 .55 Carburetor control wire block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ... 52 to 56-All K Models
1063 .03 Carburetor control wire screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models


21155-57 $31.00 Carburetor complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 57 Sportster
27205-51 .25 Carburetor body gasket ....................................... . 57 Sportster
21225-51 •45 Carburetor air intake disc ..................................... . 57 Sportster
993 •02 Air intake disc screw (3) ...................................... . 57 Sportster
27236-57 2.00 Carburetor choke lever assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 57 Sportster
21242-57 •so Carburetor choke lever bracket ................................ . 57 Sportster
41485-52 •15 Carburetor choke lever bracket screw .......................... . 57 Sportster
7612W •10 Carburetor choke lever bracket screw nut ...................... . 57 Sportster
27246-57 •35 Carburetor choke valve opera:tin.g wire ........................ . 57 Sportster
27247-57 .so Carburetor choke valve control coil ............................ . 57 Sportster
9957 •15 Carburetor control coil clamp .................................. . 57 Sportster
3566W .OS Carburetor control coU clamp screw ........................... . 57 Sportster
8113 •OS Carburetor control coil clamp screw nut ........................ . 57 Sportster
27253-51 •10 Carburetor choke valve shaft sto:p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 57 Sportster
27260-57 2.00 Carburetor throttle lever complete ............................. . 57 Sportster
27211)..49 .25 Carburetor throttle lever stop screw spring ..................... . 57 Sportster
27211-57 1.75 Carbu!E"tor throttle lever ....................................... . 57 Sportster
1014W •05 Car!:>uretor throttle lever stop screw ............................ . 57 Sportster
27276-57 1.40 Carburetor throttle shaft . . . . .................................. . 57 Sportster
27280-57 1.10 Throttle disc .................................................. . 57 Sportster
2574W •OS Throttle shaft screw (2) ..............................•••.....••. 57 Sportster
27285-57 15.50 Carburetor throttle body . . ................................... . 57 Sportster
27286-57 •10 Carburetor throttle body screw (3) ............................. . 57 Sportster
27291-57 .20 Carburetor throttle shaft spring ................................ . 57 Sportster
6227 •OS Carburetor throttle shaft washer ............................... . 57 Sportster
272!17-51 1.40 High speed needle valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 57 Sportster
27301-57 •45 High speed needle valve packing nut ......................... . 57 Sportster
27302-57 •85 High speed needle valve extension housing . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 57 Sportster
21303-57 .20 High speed needle valve packing ............................. . 57 Sportster
27317-57 •60 Carburetor jet ............•....................•.........•... 57 Sportster
27324-57 1.40 Carburetor idle tube assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 57 Sportster
27325-33 •45 Carburetor idle hole body plug ................................ . 57 Sportster
27329-57 •15 Carburetor nozzle vent gasket ................................. . 57 Sportster
27331-57 2.20 Carburetor main nozzle ....................................... . 57 Sportster
27339-57 .95 Low speed needle valve ...................................... . 57 Sportster
27343-57 2.20 Carburetor nozzle vent housing assembly ...................... . 57 Sportster
27344-57 .30 Carburetor nozzle vent clamp .......................... . 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used em


27386-57~ 27382-57






2734s..57 $ .20 Carburetor low speed needle valve spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster

27351-57 .15 Carburetor throttle lever clamping screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27370..57 3.50 Bowl only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
12f1JW .03 Bowl mounting screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . 57 Sportster
27374-5'7 .10 Carburetor bowl nut gasket .................................... 57 Sportster
2737S..S7 .95 Carburetor bowl nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27376-5'1 .35 Carburetor bowl gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27:r17-5'1 .10 Carburetor drain plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27378-57 ..10 Carburetor drain plug gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27380-57 2.25 Carburetor float . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27381-5'1 2.00 Carburetor float lever & bracket assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportste:
25'18B .OS Carburetor float lever screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
6015 .OS Carburetor float lever screw washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27382-5'7 3.20 Carburetor matched float valve & seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27386-57 .10 Carburetor float valve seat gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
273fJ'I-5'1 .10 Carburetor float nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27410-57 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27412-57 .40 Carburetor insulating block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27433-57 .35 Carburetor support bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
'1789 .05 Carburetor support bracket nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
27448-57 .25 Carburetor control coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Uaecl On


4323 s .20 Control coil bracket screw (2) • • * • .. .. .. .. • .. • .. • .. * .. * .. • • • .. .. • ..... • • . . . . .
~ 57 Sportster
27450..36 .55 Carburetor control wire block ........................................ 57 Sportster
6182 .05 Carburetor control wire block screw washer ..................... 57 Sportster
6181 .05 Carburetor control wire block screw washer ..................... 57 Sportster
27291-32 .25 Carburetor control wire block spring ............................ 57 Sportster



3825 29020-56 29036-56 29030-56

29155-36 . ,


29036-41 29030-.41

27236-57 ~~

• iii 3566W ...A27448-57
trl 27247-57
... mans
7045 -~· .9957
' ' 7010
e 4323--cu
27246:57 29069-57


~ Cl ~ @)..!!!..6156 29020-57
27405 - 2~'Q ~27291-32

~ ~......-----29068-57
7608 ~27450-36

29002-52 Air cleaner complete (Replaced by 29002-52A)

29002-52A $10.50 Air cleaner complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56--All K Models
29002-51 12.90 Air cleaner kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
29019-5'1 1.50 Air cleaner back plate complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
29020-52 3.50 Air cleaner back plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
29020-56 3.50 Air cleaner back plate . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56- -Model Kli
29020-57 3.50 Air cleaner back plate only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster

Pa:rt. No. Price Each NAME Used On

AIR CLEANER- Continued

29030-41 $ 5.40 Air cleaner cover .......................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
29030-56 5.40 Air cleaner cover ............................................. . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
2402C •35 Air cleaner cover screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
29036-41 3.25 Air cleaner mesh with support ................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models
29036-56 2.65 Air cleaner cartridge .......................................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
29040-41 •40 Air cleaner spring ............................................ . 52 to 55-All K Models
29049-56 •60 Air cleaner cover mounting bracket ............................ . 56-Model KH
7608 .o2 Air cleaner choke lever shaft nut .............................. . 57 Sportster
29068~57 •85 Air cleaner choke lever ....................................... . 57 Sportster
29069-57 1.25 Air cleaner choke valve shaft ................................. . 57 Sportster
27291-32 .25 Air cleaner choke lever spring . . . ............................. . 57 Sportster
6156 .05 Air cleaner choke lever washer ............................... . 57 Sportster
27401)..26 •10 Air cleaner lever shaft hiction ball ............................. . 57 Sportster
27405-26 •10 Air cleaner lever shaft friction spring .......................... . 57 Sportster
29155-36 .25 Air cleaner mounting screw lock ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 to SS-All K Models
3625 •10 Air intake & cleaner mounting screw (4) ....................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
3825 •10 Air cleaner horn clip screw .................................... . 56-Model KH


29982~52 $67.50 Generator complete less drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30012-32 .40 Generator fra::.a:J.e screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3001~52 .35 Generator mounting screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30098·52 17.00 Generator fra::.a:J.e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30132-32 6.50 Generator fra::.a:J.e end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to S~All K Models, 57 Sportster
30137·52 Commutator end cover {black) (Replaced by 30137-52A)
30137-52A 1.55 Commutator end cover (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1210 .03 Comm11tator end cover screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . • . . 52 to 5&-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30138-30 .10 Commutator end cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30142·52 .10 Generator & crankcase gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KlC
30143-30 .10 Generator & crankcase gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3014$..46 Armature oil seal (Replaced by 30145-46A)
30145-46A 1.75 Armature oil seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 5&-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3014&-46 .so Armature felt washer retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30202-52 4.95 Generator field coil (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30228-32 .30 Field coil terminal insulator (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 5S-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30231-51 .60 Field coil ter:ninal . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30276-51 6.00 Generator pole piece (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
S028fl...18 .OS Pole piece screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to S6-All K Models, 57 Sportster


30352-52 s 2.75 Positive brush holder assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 30351·51 1.55 Main brush holder 1 30231-51 .60 Field coil terminal
2 31JZ28..32 .30 Field coil terminal insulation 1 303'13-51 .35 Brush holder insulation
30353-52 1.70 Negative brush holder assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 30351-51 1.55 Main brush holder 2 1202 .03 Negative brush holder screw
2 30367-32 .10 Negative brush holder screw nut 2 7021 .01 Negative brush holder loci:. washer
30351-51 1.55 Brush holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
30367~32 .10 Brush holder screw nut (2) .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
30373-51 .35 Brush holder insulator ... : ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
30395.38 •.tO Generator end plate .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
304S0.51A 1.00 Generator brush & spring (2) .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
30453-32 •10 Generator brush spring, large (2) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
30461-32 .so Positive terminal screw with fittings ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 30460-32 .25 Positive terminal screw 2 7634 .OS Term.inal screw nut
1 30463-32 .10 Terminal screw bumnng I 7220 .01 Terminal screw lock washer
1 6186 .05 Terminal screw insulating washer

30851-32 $25.75 Armature & winding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30890-18 .15 Armature spacing shim-.008" .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30890-51 .15 Armature bearing shim (0 to 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9005 2.40 Armature bearing small (brush end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9001 2.40 Armature bearing large (drive end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
31010-48 2.75 Brush end bearing housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
31015-30 .05 Generator bearing housing gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31017-29 .15 Generator bearing plate spring ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 5&-All K Models, 57 Spor~ster

Part No. Price Eac:h NAME Used On





31020-30 s .75 Generator inner oil retainer (brush end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31022-33 .60 Generator outer oil retainer (brush end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
1210 .03 Generator outer oil retainer screw (3) ...................... _.... 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31037-52 .75 Generator drive end oil deflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31040..31 .20 Generator oil deflector spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7789 .05 Armature shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31071-52 Generator drive gear (Replaced by 31071-52A)
31071-S2A 5.50 Generator drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
327 .05 Generator gear pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Pcrrt No. Price Each Used On


31609-52 Spark coil & cables (Replaced by 3160S-S2A)
31609-52A $18.75 Spark coil & cables ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31680-21 .OS Cable packing washer (2) .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31681-27 .40 Cable packing nut (2) ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31966-52 Set of spark plug cables (Replaced by 3196S..52A)
31966-52A 1..80 Set of spark plug cables ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 31970-52 1.10 Front spark plug cable 1 31985~52 .70 Rear spark plug cable
2 31680-27 .05 Spark plug cable packing washer
6280 .05 Cable washer ................................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
64611-52 •35 Spark coil mounting stud (lower) .............................. . 52 to 54-All K Models
64611-55 .so Spark coil mounting stud (lower) .............................. . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
64612-52 .35 Spark coil mounting stud (upper) ............................. . 52 to 54-All K Models
64612-SS .so Spark coil mounting stud (upper) .. 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
32049-27 .10 Spark plug terminal (hollow tube) (2) ................ . 52 to 56-All K Models


30507......7 ----·--ft-......11

32594-47 ~-
32575-52 or
0:"' 2632

l 32690-52


,__ ;-"



7040 ~
31.609-52.& or


Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


32206-48 $ .30 Spark plug rubber cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All .K Models
32301-47 1.25 Spark plug (No. 4) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32303-47 1.25 Spark plug (No. 3) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32305-48 1.25 Spark plug (No. 2) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32342-42 .OS Spark plug gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32370-42 .05 Terminal nut for spark plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


32500-57 $19.00 Timer shaft & housing complete ............................... . 57 Sportster
32506.37 13.2S Timer s:b.aft & housing ......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Mod.els
32506-57 11.00 Timer shaft only ............................................ . 57 Sportster
32511-37 9.60 Timer shaft housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32511-57 6.50 Timer stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 57 Sportster
32522-37 .10 Timer base gasket ............................................ . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1300 .OS Timer to motor screw (2) .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32525--36 .70 Timer housing bushing (2) .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32528-37 6.50 Timer shaft & cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6320 .OS Timer shaft washer ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32531-36 3.10 Timer shaft gear with pin ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
255 .OS Timer or magneto shaft gear pin .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32575-52 11.50 Timer breaker plate assembly complete ........................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
32575-57 11.50 Ti:::ner breaker plate assembly complete ........................ . 57 Sportster
32579-52 5.50 Timer breaker base ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30507-47 .20 Timer breaker point adjuster eccentric screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
32585-36 1.30 Breaker base retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32588-36 .90 Timer cover (black) ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32589-36 2.10 Timer cover {chrome) ....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32592.36 .60 Timer cover retainer .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K. Models, 57 Sportster
32593-47 •so Timer screw .................................................. . 52 to SS-All K Models
32593-57 .60 Timer adjuster screw .......................................... . 57 Sportster
32594-47 .so Timer screw plate ............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1063 .03 Timer plate screw .......... , .................................. . 52 to 56--All K Models
2632 .03 Timer plate screw ............................................. . 57 Sportster
1744 .OS Timer adjuster screw nut . . . . . . . .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
30605-48 1.10 Set of circuit breaker points ................................... . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
1 32661-47 .65 Breaker point 1 32660·47 .45 Contact point & support
32669-47 •OS Breaker point locking screw ................................... . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32616-49 •50 Timer wire stud ............................................... . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32678.49 •10 Timer wire stud insulator ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6106 •05 Timer wire stud fibre washer .................................. . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6156 •05 Timer wire stud brass washer ................................. . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
1608 .02 Timer wire stud nut ........................................... . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32690.52 1.50 Timer to spark coil cable assembly ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32726-47 .70 Circuit breaker condenser ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1047 •03 Condenser screw ............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
32731-47 •30 Circuit breaker condenser bracket ............................. . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster


33053-52 $10.25 Starter crank & pedal assembly ............................... . 52 to SS-All :K Mod,!lls, 57 Sportster
33061-52 5.40 Kick starter crank only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33076-37 .30 Starter crank oil seal . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4370 •30 Starter crank clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7800 •08 Crank bolt nut ................................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33084-41 1.55 Starter crank spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33(188...52 •60 Kick starter spring stud ....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33094-52 Kick starter crankshaft (Replaced by 33094·52A)
33094-52A 5.50 Kick starter crankshaft ........................................ . 52 to SS-All K Models
33094-57 5.50 Kick starter crankshaft ........................................ . 57 Sportster
33099-52 Kick starter shaft bushing (Replaced by 33099~52A)
33099-S2A •65 Kick starter shaft bushing {2) .................................. . 52 to SS-All K' Models, 57 Sportster
33108-52 .60 Kick starter shaft collar ....................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK, 54-Model
KH to Motor No. 1050
33109-54 •60 Kick starter shaft collar . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH from Motor No.
1051 up, 57 Sportster
33110-54 •45 Kick starter shaft thrust plate .................................. . 54 to 56-Model KH from Motor No.
1051 up, 57 Sportster
7926 •30 Starter shaft nut . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33175-16 4.90 Starter pedal complete (black) rubber ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33117-16 3..00 Starter pedal complete (plastic) (yellow) ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33182-17 •35 Starter pedal rubber (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. On


4336 ~
33195-45 33197-45 :53184-45 33211·46

33193-45 33204-45 33216-46
7620'('1 @ ---iiii~ @ ®7620
4370 0 33213-31 7021 33190-17 7021
(9 33215-30 33182-17
7800~ ~
,., '
6395 7789 •
cr::t1:3t 33203-17 33203-17 33210-29
,I 7021 7021
/ 33084-41 33061-52 7620®@ Qliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.'Jit; @ @7620
I 33190-17
3317?'-16 33182-17

"-------------------------------------- --- ....... _--- -~--------- ' I




33190-17 s .so Starter pedal rod (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
7620 .02 Starter pedal rod nut (4) .......................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
33192-16 2.75 Starter pedal axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
7189 .05 Starter pedal axle nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6395 .OS Pedal axle plain washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33193-45 2.75 Starter pedal axle (plastic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
33195-45 .20 Starter pedal axle spring (plastic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33197-45 .so Starter pedal axle spring retainer (plastic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33201-17 .60 Starter pedal axle cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33203-17 .60 Starter pedal end plate (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
33204-45 .30 Starter pedal end plate (plastic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33205-46 .55 Starter pedal end plate (outer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33210-29 .60 Starter pedal end plate cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33211-46 .os Starter pedal axle lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
33213--31 .so Starter pedal pin bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33215-30 .20 Starter pedal axle spring washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33216-46 ..35 Starter pedal bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4336 .25 Pedal pin bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

33348-52 Starter crank gear (Replaced by 33348-52A}
33348-52A $ 7.20 Starter crank gear ............................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
33348-57 9.00 Starter crank gear ............................................ . 57 Sportster
33356--52 .60 Starter crank gear stop pin (in crankcase) . . . . . ............... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33359-52 Starter c::rank gear cam plate (Replaced by 33359-SZA)
33359-52A 1..00 Starter crank gear cam plate .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
33359-57 8.50 Starter crank gear cam plate .................................. . 57 Sportster
8241 •03 Starter crank gear cam plate rivet ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33362-52 .15 Starter crank gear lock washer .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


33380..52 Starter clutch (Replaced by 33380-52A)
33381)..52A s 6.40 Starter clutch ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
33379-57 6.40 Starter clutch ................................................. . 57 Sportster
33390-52 .50 Starter clutch spring ......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
33431-52 6.50 Starter clutch gear ............................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
33432-57 6.50 Starter dutch gear ............................................ . 57 Sportster
33450-54 .25 Starter clutch gear shim ....................................... . 54 to 56-All K Models


34009-52 $28.75 Gear shifter cam complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34012-52 10.75 Gear shifter cam only ......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34035-52 .so Gear shifter shaft oil seal ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34037-52 .35 Gear shifter shaft bushing (2) ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34040-52 .25 Gear shifter cam retaining ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4621 •35 Gear shifter cam screw (Supersedes stud on 1952 Model) ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7863 .15 Gear shifter cam stud nut ..................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
6503 •10 Gear shifter cam stud washer ................................. . 53 to Early 55-K Models
34060-52 .30 Gear shifter cam shaft thrust washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34062-52 .50 Gear shifter cam follower ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34065-52 •60 Gear shifter cam follower retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34067-52 .20 Gear shifter cam follower retainer washer ..................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34068-52 .25 Gear shifter cam follower spring- ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34141-52 3.10 Gear shifter fork shaft ................·......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34168-52 .25 Gear shifter finger roller (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 tp 56-Al! K Models. 57 Sportster
34291-52 Gear shifter fork (Replaced by 34291-SZA)
34291-52A 9.90 Gear shifter fork (2) ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34473-53 .so Gear shifter pawl & spring-Lt. ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
34474-53 .90 Gear shifter pawl & spring-Rt. ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34477-52 Gear shifter pawl-Lt. (Replaced by 34473-53)
34478-52 Gear shifter pawl-Rt. (Replaced by 34474-53)
34482-52 .20 Gear shifter pawl spring (Replaced by 34482-53)
34482-53 .15 Gear shifter pawl spring (2) ...............•......... 52 tc 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34485-52 •15 Gear shifter }:)aWl carrier spring retainer plug .................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34489-52 12.10 Gear shifter }:)aWl carrier ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34500..52 •35 Gear shifter pawl carrier spring (2) ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
34503-52 .45 Gear shifter paw 1 carrier pin .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34506-52 .60 Gear shifter pawl lifter arm (lower) ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34507-52 •60 Gear shifter pawl lifter arm (upper) ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
350 •10 Gear shifter pawl lifter arm pin (2) ........................... .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34514-52 8.50 Gear shifter pawl carrier support .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9220 •14 Cam gear support pin (2) . . . ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
34600-47A 3.90 Gear shifter foot lever assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
34600..54 3.90 Gear shifter foot lever assembly ............................... . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
34606-52 3.10 Gear shifter foot lever ......................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
34606-54 3.10 Gear shifter foot lever ......................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
34609-52 .60 Gear shifter foot lever rubber .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
7752 .OS Gear shifter foot lever nut ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4012 •15 Gear shifter foot lever bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34625-52 •so Gear shifter foot lever stop ................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
3984 •15 Footshift lever stop screw (2) .................................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
7410 .05 Footshift lever stop screw lock washer (2) ...................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
3462S..52 6.00 Gear shifter lever arm shaft ................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
34628-54 6.00 Gear shifter lever arm shaft ................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster


34742-52 Transmission tiller cap (Replaced by 34742~52A)
34742-52A s .95 Transmission filler cap ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34745-52 •90 Transmission drain & level plug ............................... . 52 & 53-Model K & I<K
707 .35 Transmission 54 to 56-Model, 57 Sportster
drain plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... .
3728 •10 Transmission level plug ....................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
37~0 •10 Transmission 52 & 53-Model K & KK
drain & level plug bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .
6218W •OS Transmission drain & level plug washer {copper) ............. . 54 to 56-Model KH (level plug only).
52 & 53-Model K. KH, 57 Sportster
62702-52 •10 Transmission drain plug washer . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
34844-57 17.00 Transmission access cover .................................... . 57 Sportster
3991 •15 Transmission access cover screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 57 Sportster
34876-52A Transmission sprocket cover complete (Replaced by 34876-52B)
34876-52B 17.50 Transmission sprocket cover complete ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34890-52 .20 Transmission sprocket cover screw (2) ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34897-53 .IS Clutch cover screw retainer ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34~1-52 14.95 Transmission front chain cover ................................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK

Part No. Price Each NAME Usecl Oza.


34951~54 $18.50 Transmission front chain cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
34951~57 18..50 Transmission front chain cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
34955-52 Transmission front chain cover gasket (Replaced by 34955-52A)
34955~2A .70 Transmission front chain cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34957·52 .30 Transmission front chain cover screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
34957-57 .20 Transmission front chain cover screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
35043.52 Transmission mainshaft (Replaced by 35043·53A)


~)o/ ,;::rs2
34067-52 ~




Part No. Price Eczeh NAME Used O:a.


35043-53 Transmission mainshaft (Replaced by 35043-53A)
35043-53A $13.50 Transmission mainshaft ....................................... . 52 to 56-Model KH to Motor No.
1465 incl.
35()44..56 12.50 Transmission mainshaft 56-Model KH from Motor No. 1465,
57 Sportster
35047~52 .60 Transmission mainshaft nut . . . . .............................. . 52-Model K
35047-53 .so Transmission mainshaft nut ................................... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35050-52 •15 Transmission mainshaft lock washer ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35105-52 3.60 Transmission mainshaft roller bearing race .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
9025 5.30 Transmission mainshaft ball bearing . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35112-52 .so Transmission mainshaft ball bearing snap ring (2) ............. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
35113-52 •40 Transmission mainshaft roller bearing retainer ring ............ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35150-52 1.20 Mainshaft oil seal & retainer complete ........................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35151-52 Mainshaft oil seal only (Replaced by 35151-52A)
35151-52A .70 Mainshaft oil seal only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35154-52 .so Mainshaft oil seal retainer only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2672 .03 Mainshaft oil seal retainer screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9095 .08 Transmission mainshaft roller (23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35169-52 .15 Transmission mainshaft oil seal gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35205-52 Transmission mainshaft sprocket-21 tooth (Replaced by 35205~52A)
35205-SZA 5.75 Transmission mainshaft sprocket-21 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK, 54 & 55-
Model KH from Motor No. 1689 up,
57 Sportster
35205-54 5.75 Transmission mainshaft sprocket-22 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-Model KH to Motor No. 1688 incl..
56-Model KH
35274-52 47.00 Set of five transmission gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
Consists of:
1 353fl4..52A 19.75 Set of third gears 1 35695-52A 8.50 Countershaft drive gear
1 35217-52A 7.95 Mainshaft low gear l 35760~52 12.10 Countershaft low gear
35277-52 Mainshaft low gear-29 tooth (Replaced by 35277-52A)
35217-52A 7.95 Mainshaft low gear-29 tooth .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35296.56 10.50 Mainshaft second gear-23 tooth .............................. . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
35297-52 9.70 Mainshaft second gear-25 tooth .............................. . 52 & 53-Model K & lCK
35297-54 Mainshaft se'cond gear-24 tooth (Replaced by 35297-54B)
35297-54~ 19.75 Set of mainshaft second gears-24 tooth ....................... . 54 & 55-Model KH
35304-52 . Mainshaft third gear-21 tooth {Replaced by 35304.52A)
35304-5~ 19.75 Set of gears (mainshaft third & countershaft third) ............. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
Consists of:
1 35304-54 9.70 Mainshaft third gear 'Z!- 35709-54A 10.90 Countershaft third gear
35304-54 9.70 Mainshaft third gear .......................................... . 54 & 55-Model KH
35305-56 9.70 Mainshaft third gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
35324-52 1.60 Mainshaft third gear bushing .................................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
35324-54 1.60 Mainshaft third gear bushing .................................. . 54 & 55-Model KH
35337-52 .30 Mainshaft third gear retainer ring ............................. . 52 to 55-All K Models
35337-56 .30 Mainshaft third gear retainer ring ............................. . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
35349-52 .40 Mainshaft thrust wasber-Rt. (.050"} ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35350-52 .40 Mainshaft thrust washer-Rt. (.055") .......................... .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35351-52 .40 Mainshaft thrust washer-Rt. (.060") ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35352-52 .40 Mainshaft thrust washer-Rt. (.065") ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportste::
35353-52 .40 Mainshaft thrust washer-Rt. (.070") ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35354-52 .40 Mainshaft thrust washer-Rt. (.075") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
600 .OS Transmission mainshaft thrust washer pin ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35361-52 .40 Mainshaft thrust washer-Lt. .................................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
35361-54 .so Mainshaft thrust washer-Lt. . ................................. . 54 & 55-Model KH
35361-56 .so Mainshaft thrust washer-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
35363-52 .40 Mainshaft roller bearing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35364--52 .40 Mainshaft third gear washer .................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models
35364--56 .40 Mainshaft third gear washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster

35613-52 s 7.90 Transmission countershaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
35613-54 9.75 Transmission eountershaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
35631-54 .95 Countershaft oiler plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
3563&-52 4.25 Countershaft speedometer drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK, 57 Sportster
95636.54 4.25 Countershaft speedonteter drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
35695-52 Countershaft drive gear-29 tooth (Replaced by 35695-52A)
35695-52A 8.50 Countershaft drive gear-27 tooth ............................. , . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35709-52 Countershaft third gear-26 tooth (Replaced by 35304-52A) ·
35709-54 Countershaft third gear-24 tooth (Replaced by 35709-54A)
SS709-54A 10.90 Countershaft third gear-23 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
35750..52 Countershaft second gear {Replaced by 35750-52A)
3575Q..52A 10.25 Countershaft second gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
35750-SU Countershaft second gear-21 tooth (Replaced by 35750-54C)
-=-35750-S4C 10.50 Countershaft second gear-21 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model Y.H, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


35760-52 $12.10 Countershaft low gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
35759-54 12.10 Countershclt low gear ..................... ·................... . 54 to 56-Model KH
35760-54 12.10 Countershaft low gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ......... . 57 Sportster
35787-52 •95 Countershaft low gear bushing ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
35792-52 •95 Counte:shaft second gear bushing ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35809-52 .60 Countershaft gear spacer ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35820-52 •50 Countershaft low gear washer-.050" . , ............ , . . ........ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35821-52 .50 Countershaft low gear washer-.055" .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35824-52 •so Countershaft low gear washer-.060'' .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35825-52 •so Countershaft low gear washer-.065'~........................... . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35828-52 •so Countershaft low gear washer-.070" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35829-52 •so Countershaft low gear washer-.075'' .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35836-55 .so Countershaft low gear washer-.075''-Lt. ...................... . 55 & 56-Model !CH, 57 Sportster
35838-55 •50 Countershaft low gear washer-.085''-Lt. ...................... . 55 & 56-Model !CH, 57 Sportster
35839-55 .so Countershaft low gear washer-.100"-Lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
35840-52 •50 Countershaft low gear washer-Lt. . ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35841-52 •so Countershaft second gear thrust washer ....................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
35960-52 1.20 Gountershaft bearing (closed end) ............................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
35960-54 1.20 Countershaft bearing (closed end) . . . . . . . . . ....... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
35961-52 1.20 Countershaft bearing (open end) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


37200-52 s 4.25 Clutch release worm & lever .............................. . 52 to Early 54-K Models
37201-54 4.75 Clutch release worm & lever ................................. . Later 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
37210-47 .so Clutch release worm cover .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37222-52 .30 Clutch release worm lower spring ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37276-52 •so Clutch release rod-Rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52-Model K
37276-53 .60 Clutch release rod-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportste::-
37279-52 .so Clutch release rod-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
37279-54 •60 Clutch release rod-Lt. . ....................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH to Motor No.
1465 incl.
37279-56 1.10 Clutch release rod-Lt. 56-Model KH from Motor No. 1465
up, 57 Sportster
37281-47 .35 Clutch release rod (left center) ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37282-53 .so Clutch release rod {right center) ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37339-52 .25 Clutch release rod oil seal .................................... . 52-Model K
37339-53 .20 Clutch release rod oil seal .................................. . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
31345-52 .25 Clutch release rod oil seal retainer ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


37450-52 $18.50 Clutch gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
37450-54 18.50 Clutch gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH to Motor No.
1465 incl.
37450-56 Clutch gear (Replaced by 37449~56)
37449-56 18.50 Clutch gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model :KH from Motor No. 1465
up. 57 Sportster
37458-52 1.60 Clutch gear bushing (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37525-52 •95 Clutch hub nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-To Motor No. 1465 incl .
37526~56 .45 Clutch hub nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH from Motor No. 1465
up, 57 Sportster
37531-56 .50 Clutch gear oil seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model :KH from Motor No. 1465
up. 57 Sportster
37533-52 .25 Clutch hub nut lock washer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37535-52 1.60 Ch.:tch hub spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37536-52 .25 Clutch hub gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
37538--56 .65 Clutch gear oil seal extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model :KH from Motor No. 1465
up. 57 Sportster
37556-52 18.20 Clutch hub assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
37556-54 18.20 Clutch hub assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
37581-52 .35 Clutch hub stud nut (long) (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
37582-52 .25 Clutch hub stud nut (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
37584-52 .65 Clutch hub stud (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
31584-54 .65 Clutch hub stud (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56--Model KH, 57 Sportster
37700-52 49.50 Clutch sprocket assembly (59 tooth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
37700-54A 56.75 Clutch sprocket assembly (59 tooth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
37701-57 49.50 Clutch sprocket assembly (59 tooth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
37720-52 7.90 Clutch sprocket hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
37721-54 .so Clutch sprocket hub washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56--Model KH, 57 Sportster
606 .OS Clutch sprocket hub washer pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
'37722-52 1.65 Clutch sprocket needle bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Mociels, 57 Sportster
37731-52 .so Clutch sprocket bearing washer-.0955" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


_.... ............... - - II
. I
37582-52 I

... -,
37992-52 1
_.... I

-- - __ .... ....

_ - - - --- --
-- ... .... ....
__ -- -- ... ....
___ -, .... ...

--- -- -- -- -- - .... ....

_ -- -- ---- -- --
.... .......
-- ....

-- --- 37533-52 _ .. ... ,. /

...... -




37132-52 s .so Clutch sprocket bearing washer-.0975" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

37133.52 .so Clutch sprocket bearing washer-.0980" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37134.52 .so Clutch sprocket bearing washer-.1015'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
37135-52 .50 Clutch sprocket bearing washer-.0925" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
8214 .02 Clutch sprocket rivet (24) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
8215 .02 Clutch sprocket rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37155-52 2.20 Clutch sprocket s,:pacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
371SS..57 2.00 Clutch sprocket spacer (long) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
37156--57 2.00 Clutch sprocket spacer (short) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportste::-
37160-52 1.65 Cluich sprocket cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
37762-52 .25 Clutch sprocket cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2660 .03 Clutch sprocket cover screvr (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to Early 53-Model K & KK
1175 .03 Clutch sprocket cover screw (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 53 to 56--Model KH. 57 Sportster
34897-53 .15 Clutch sprocket cover screw retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 56--Model KH. 57 Sportster

Part No. Pric:e Ecrch NAME Used On

37876--52 Clutch releasing disc (Replaced by 37876-52-A)
3787S..S2A. s 3.10 Clutch releasing disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 S;portster
37985-52 Clutch drive plate (lined) (Replaced by S7985-52A)
37985-52A 1.20 Clutch drive plate (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 S;portster
37992-52 1.20 Clutch driven plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 S;portster
38013-52 .95 Clutch pressure plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 S;portster
38016...52 1.65 Clutch backing plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
38076-52 .30 Clutch spring (6) ............................................. _ 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
38101-52 .30 Clutch backing plate cup (6) ......._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
38130...52 Clutch adjusting screw (Replaced by 38130-54)
38130-54 .40 Clutch adjusting screw ..................... _................... 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
38135-50 .25 Clutch adjusting screw lock nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster



45lll-5l 38646-51

38602-520 or 38602-53



38602-52B Clutch hand lever & control complete (Replaced by 38602-52C)

38602-SZC $11.50 Clutch hand lever & control complete (long bars) .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
38602-SSA Clutch hand lever & control complete (Replaced by 38602-53B)
38602-SSB 11.50 Clutch hand lever & control complete (Speedster bars) ......... . 52 to 56-All !C Models, 57 Sportster
38612-52 Clutch control coil (Replaced by 38613-SSA}
3861S.SSA 1.90 Clutch control coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
38630-52 Clutch control wire (Replaced by 38630-52A)
38630-52A 1.80 Clutch control wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
36712-42 .IS Control cable end {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
38646-51 •30 Control cable end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
38654-53 •70 Clutch cable adjusti:pg sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
38660-56 .30 Clutch cable guide . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
38663-52 .25 Clutch cable felt seal retainer ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
38665-52 Clutch cable felt seal (Replaced by 45111-51)
45111-51 .OS Clutch cable felt seal ......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 S;portster
38676-52 .90 Clutch control coil bracket .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1300 .OS Clutch control coil bracket screw .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
38690-55 .so Clutch control coil oiler (rubber) ............................... . 55 & 56--Model KH, 57 S;portster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


45015~52 s 6.50 Hand lever & bracket complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45017-41 3.25 Clutch hand lever only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45023-41 3.00 Hand lever bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & Early 53-Model K & KK
98705-46 2.75 Hand lever bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 53 to 56-All K Models,
57 Sportster
45030~28 .60 Bracket clam.p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & Early 53-Model K & KK
38710-41 .60 Bracket clam.p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 53 to 56-All K Models,
57 Sportster
1214 .10 Bracket elam.p screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7620 .02 Bracket cla:mp screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45031-41 .40 Hand lever pivot screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7691 .05 Hand lever pivot screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45033-49 .60 Hand lever clam.p bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6543 .10 Hand lever clamp bushing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster



EEa> ~ ~
40066-12 40092-15 4009-4-15



39975.52 Front chain adjuster (Replaced by 39975-52A)
39975-52A s 9.70 Front chain adjuster .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4300 ..20 Front chain adjuster screw .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6395 •05 Front chain adjuster screw washer (2) ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3998o..54 •40 Front chain adjuster brace .................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
3953W •10 Front chain adjuster brace screw .............................. . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
39985·52 .95 Rear chain adjuster (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Pric:e Ea:c:h NAME Used OD.


7144 $ .OS Rear chain adjuster nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7153 .OS Rear chain adjuster nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40005-52 12.50 Front chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
40005-57 12.50 Front chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
40028-15 12.80 Rear chain (Duckworth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40029-15 12.80 Rear chain {Diamond) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40052-15 .30 Connecting link (rear chain) Diamond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40053.15 .30 Connecting link (rear chain) Duckworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40066-12 .05 Connecting link spring (rear chain) Duckworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40067-29 .05 Connecting link spring (front chain) Duckworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40076-15 ..20 Roller block (rec::rr chain) Diamond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40017-15 ..20 Roller block (rear chain) Duckworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40091-15 .80 Offset repair link (rear chain) Diamond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40092-15 .80 Offset link (rear chain) Duckworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40093-15 .80 Double repair link (rear chain) Diamond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
40094-15 .80 Double repair link (rear chain) Duckworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

35205--52 Transmission mainshaft sprocket (Replaced by 35205-52A)
352QS-.52A $ 5.75 Transmission mainshaft sprocket-21 tooth . . . . . . . . ............ . 52 & 53-Model K & ICK, 54 & 55-
Model KH from Motor No. 1689 up,
57 Sportster
35205-54 5.75 Transmission mainshaft sprocket-22 tooth .................... . 54-Model KH to Motor No. 1688
incl., 56-Model KH
37100-52 49.50 Clutch sprocket-59 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 52 & 53-:.Model K & KK
37700-S4A 56.75 Clutch sprocket-59 tooth ..................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH
37101-51 49.50 Clutch sprocket-59 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
40238..54 5.50 Motor sprocket-30 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 & 55-Model KH
40284-S4A 24.50 Compensating sprocket kit .................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH
Consists of:
1 24022-54 1.&0 Sprocket shaft nut 1 40291-55 4.90
Sprocket sliding cam
1 247'75-54 5.75 Sprocket shaft extension 1 40302-52
Sprocket spring
1 40286.-SSA 9.75 Sprocket only 1 40303-52 .60
Sprocket spring cover
4tJ285..52 14.50 Motor tooth ...................................... . 52 & 53-Model K 6 KK
40287-51 9.15 Motor sprocket-34 tooth ...................................... . 57 Sportster
40291-57 9.75 Motor sprocket sliding cam & shaft extension ................... .57 Sportster
40295..$2 7.30 Motor sprocket rotating cam ................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & :KK
40295-54 7.30 Motor sprocket rotating cam ................................... . 54-Model IOi
40294-55 7.30 Early 55-Model KH
Motor sprocket rotating cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... .
40297..S2 4.90 Motor sprocket sliding cam .................................... . 52 & 53-Model K 6 KK
40297-54 4.90 Motor sprocket sliding cam .................................... . 54-Model KH
40302..$2 2.40 52 to 56-All K Models
Motor sprocket spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... .
40302-55 1.75 Motor sprocket compression spring ............................ . 57 Sportster
40303-52 .60 52 to 56-All K Models
Motor sprocket spring cover . . . . . . . ........................... .
8243 .D3 Motor sprocket rivet (8) ....•......•........•.••.••.•.•.••..••.. 52 to 56-All K Model.s
40304-SS .60 Motor sprocket spring cover ................................... . 57 Sportster
40325-5'1 2.25 Motor sprocket sliding cam sleeve ............................. . 5'7 Sportster
40386-57 3.00 Motor sprooket shaft nut . . . . .................................. .
57 Sportster
4039Q..S4 .30 Motor sprocket shaft key ...................................... . 57 Sportster
41471--30 8.25 Rear wheel sprocket-51 tooth ........... ~ ..................... .52 & 53-Model K & KK. 57 Spo:ister
41473.54 8.90 54 to 56-Model KH fro:::r. Mota: No.
Rear wheel sprocket--49 tooth .· . ; .............................. .
1689 up
41485-30 .15 Rear wheel sprocket dowel pin (4) ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster


4098S..S2 $57.00 Rear wheel complete-19" (chrome rim) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
40989-S3A Rear wheel complete (Replaced by 40989-53B)
4098S.53B 57.00 Rear wheel complete-IS" {chrome rim) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
41017-52 27.00 Rear wheel hub complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
41017-55 Rear wheel hub complete (Replaced by 41017~55A)
41017-SSA 27.00 Rear wheel hub complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
41018-52 17.00 Rear wheel hub only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
41018-SS 17.00 Rear wheel hub only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 6 56-Model KH, 57 Sportste::--
9008 2.40 Rear wheel huh bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 55-Model KH. 57 Sportster
41173.56 2.20 Rear wheel needle bearing outer washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Spo:rtste:-
41174-SS 1.70 Rear wheel needle bearing inner race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
41185-52 1.55 Rear wheel bearing spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9010 6.95 Rear wheel hub bearing (brake side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
9011 3.50 Rear wheel hub bearing kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
41195-52 .35 Rear wheel bearing spacer (brake side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Pc:a1 No. Pric:e Eac:h NAME Used On





c ~~ri ~

411 8.5-52 9010 .41226-52

41201-52 9009


~ 41210-55


41196-52 s .35 Rear wheel bearing outer spacer .............................. . 52 to 54-All K Models
41196-55 .50 Rear wheel bearing outer spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
9009 2.95 Rear wheel hub bearing ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
9008 2.40 Rear wheel hub bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 57 Sportster
41201-52 .so Vlbeel bearing lock nut ....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
41201-55 .60 Rea:r wheel bearing lock nut ...................... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportste:r
41205--52 .30 Wheel bearing washer (2) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
41210-55 •65 Rear wheel bearing oil seal . . . ............................... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
41226-52 •35 Rear wheel hub grease retainer ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9851 .10 Rear wheel hub grease fitting ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
9061 1.95 Rear wheel hub needle bearing . . . . . .............. . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


41401-52 $23.50 Brake shell & sprocket assembly ............................... . 52 & 53-Model K & 10(, 54-Model
KH to Motor No. 1688, 57 Sportster
41401-54 23.50 Brake shell & sprocket assembly ................. . 54 to 56-Model KH from Motor No.
1689 up
41408-52 10.50 Rear wheel brake shell (less sprocket) ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3971 .20 Brake shell to spoke flange screw (8) .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7725 •10 Brake shell to spoke flange screw nut (8) ................ . 52 to 56-All IC Models, 57 Sportster
41551-52 6.10 Rear wheel axle .............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
41598-52 •so Rear wheel axle collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster




-- ... ..'


Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


41600-52 $ .70 Rear wheel axle sleeve ....................................... . 52 to 54-All K Models
41600-55 •60 Rear wheel axle sleeve ....................................... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7986 .25 Rear wheel axle nut .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
41662-52 13.25 Rear brake side plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 52 & 53-Model lC & KK
41662-54 13.25 Rear brake side plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
41730-52 •60 Rear brake locating block ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
41876-52 1.10 Rear brake pivot stud . . . . . . ................................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
41876-54 1.10 Rear brake pivot stud ......................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
41882-52 .25 Rear brake pivot stud nut ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
41925-52 2.50 Rear brake operating lever .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
42252-52 1.90 Rear brake rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
42264-52 •40 Rear brake rod adjusting nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
42269-30 •15 Rear brake rod clevis pin (;4," x lo/]..e") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6220 .05 Rear brake rod clevis pin washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
42410-52 Rear brake foot lever .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4020 •15 Rear brake foot lever bolt ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1752 •OS Rear brake foot lever bolt nut ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
42423-52 •15 Rear brake lever pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3791 •10 Rear brake lever bolt (stoplight switch) ........................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 S.:portster
7616 .05 Rear brake lever bolt nut (stoplight switch) .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
42427-52 .so Rear brake lever torsion spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
42549-52 5.50 Rear brake cross shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3840 .10 Rear brake cross shaft bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 S.:portster
7676 .05 Rear brake cross shaft bolt nut ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
44264-52 2.40 Rear brake operating shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
44264-54 2.40 Rear brake operating shaft .................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7800 .08 Rear brake operating shaft nut ................................ . 5"2 to 56-AH K Models, 57 Sportster
6662 •10 Rear brake operating shaft washer ............................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
6663B .15 Rear brake operating shaft washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
44402-52 14.50 Set of brake shoes & linings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
44401-49A 9.50 Set of brake shoes & linings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
44484-35 .so Brake shoe spring (2) ......................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, Early 57 Sportster
41835-57 .so Brake shoe spting (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. . Later 57 Sportster
44485-52 .so Brake shoe s-pring (2) ......................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KI<
44433-52 3.40 Set of rear brake linings & rivets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
44432-54 3.40 Set of rear brake linings & rivets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
41841-31 .02 Brake lining rivet (14) ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


43003-30 $14.25 Front wheel tire rim, chrome (18") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
43002-52 14.25 Front wheel tire rim, chrome (19") .............•................ 52 to 55-All K Models
43005-35 14.25 Rear wheel tire rim, chrome (18") .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
43010-52 14.25 Rear wheel tire rim, chrome (19") .............................. . 52 to 55-All K Models
43025-52 .20 Rear wheel spoke 71k" (for 19" rim) (20) . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
43026-52 .20 Rear wheel spoke S%" (for 19" rim. {20) ....................... . 52 to 54-All K Models
43026-52A .20 Rear wheel spoke (long) (tor 18" rim) (20) ..................... . 52 to 54-All K Models
43034-53 .20 Rear wheel spoke (short) (for 18" rim) (20) . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 54-All K Models
43031-36 .20 Rear whee! spoke (40) ....................................... . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
43027-52 •IS Front wheel spoke 6ts" (for 19" rim) (20) ....................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
43021-53 .15 Ftont wheel spoke (short) (for 18" rim (20) ..................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 S.:portster
43028-52 .15 Front wheel spoke 81h" (for 19" rim) (20) ....................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
43028-53 .15 Front wheel spoke (long) (for 18" rim) (20) .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
43091-35 •08 Rear wheel spoke nipple (40) ................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models
43099-29 •08 Rear wheel spoke nipple (40) ................................. . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
43100-47A •06 Front wheel spoke nipple (40) ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


43506-52 $45.00 Front wheel w/brake shell. less tire, chrome (19" rim) .......... . 52 to55-All K Models
43507-53 45.00 Front wheel w/brake shell, less tire, chrome (18" rim) .......... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
43600-52 27.00 Front wheel hub & brake shell complete w /bearing ............ . 52 to56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
43601-52 18.00 Front wheel hub & brake shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
43636-52 .40 Front wheel hub grease retainer ............................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9009 2.95 Front wheel hub bearing ...................................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
43140-52 1.20 Front wheel bearing spacer ................................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
41201-52 .so Front wheel bearing lock nut . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to56-Al! K Models, 57 Sportster
41205-52 .30 Front wheel bearing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9851 •10 Front wheel hub grease fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
43811-52 3.50 Front wheel axle .............................................. . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
43886-52 •50 Front axle nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
44148-52 13.25 Front brake side plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



l 43027-52




44143-54 $13.25 Front brake side plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
44156-52 .90 Front .brake shoe pivot stud ............ _.. _..... __ . _.......... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
44156-54 •90 Front brake shoe pivot stud . . . . . . . . ........................ . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
4680 •40 Pivot stud screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
44264-.52 2.40 Brake operating shaft ......................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
44264-54 2.40 Brake operating shaft ...................................... _.. . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
1800 .OS Operating shaft nut ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6&62 •10 Front brake operating shaft washer . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
66638 .15 Front brake operating shaft washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
44307-52 1.00 Front brake operating lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
44402-52 14.50 Set of brake shoes & linings . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 52 & 53-Model K .& KK
44401-49A 9.50 Set of brake shoes & linings .................................. . 54 to 56-Model :KH, 57 Sportster
44432-54 3.40 Set of front brake linings & rivets .............................. . 54 to 56-Model K:H, 57 Sportster
44433-52 3.40 Set of front brake linings & rivets . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
44484-35 .50 Front brake shoe spring (2) ............................... . 54 to 56-Model KH
4183,5..57 .50 Front brake shoe spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
44485-52 .so Front brake shoe spring (2) ................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
44524-51 .25 Front brake lever clevis pin ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
45000-52 Front brake hand lever & cable complete (Replaced by 45000-52A)
45000-SZA 1Q.25 Front brake hand lever & cable complete (Standard bars) ...... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45000-53 Front brake hand lever & cable complete (Replaced by 45000·53A)
45000..53A 10.25 Front brake hand lever & cable complete (Speedster bars only) 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
45015-52 6.50 Hand lever & bracket complete ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45017-41 3.25 Front brake hand lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
45023-41 3.00 Hand lever bracke~ ........... _............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
45030-28 .60 Front brake hand lever bracket clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1214 •10 Bracket clamp screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7620 •02 Bracket clamp screw nut (2) ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45031-41 .4.0 Front brake hand lever pivot screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7691 .05 Hand lever pivot screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45033-49 •60 Front brake hand lever clamp bushing ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


4500o-S2A or 4Sooo-53A
2666 lb. A:.k2666
.45218-~2'Q; ®7620



or ~52
44402-52 SET

6543 s .10 Hand lever plain washer ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45019-56 2.40 Front brake control coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45109-49 .20 Control coil ferrule (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45137-51 1.40 Front brake cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
45159-50 1.30 Control coil adjusting screw ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7744 .OS Control coil adjusting screw nut (2) . . . . ..................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45163-52 .15 Control coil adjusting screw lock nut . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45174-51 1..20 Front brake cable clevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1725 .10 Front brake cable clevis nut ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45203-52 1..20 Front brake cable tube ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45216-49 .40 Front brake cable clevis clamp ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45218-52 •40 Front brake cable tube clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2666 •03 Front brake cable tube clamp screw ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7620 .02 Front brake cable tube clamp screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

45515-52 Front fork assembly (Replaced by 45515-52A)
45515-52A $145.00 Front fork assembly, polished ................................. . 52 to 54-All K Models up to Motor
No. 2250
45515-54 145.00 Front fork assembly. polished 54-Model KH from Motor No. 2250
45515-55 145.00 Front fork assembly, polished ................................. . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
45701-52A Fork stem & bracket assembly (Replaced by 45701-52B)
45701-52! 24.95 Fork stem & bracket assembly ................................. . 52 to 54-Up to Motor No. 2250
45701-54 Fork stem & bracket assembly {Replaced by 45701-54A)
45701-54A 24.95 Fork sterr. & bracket assembly .................. . 54 to 56-Frorn Motor No. 2250 up,
57 Sportster

Part No. Price Eac:h NAME Used On

FORK GROUP- Continued

4372W s .30 Fork lower bracket bolt .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45721~52 .95 Fork stem sleeve 52 to 54-All K Models, up to Motor
No. 1800
45721-54 •95 Fork stem sleeve 54 to 56-Model KH from Motor No .
1800 up 57 Sportster
45722~54 •75 Fork stem sleeve end ...... . 54 to 56-Model I<H, 57 Sportster
45738~52 16.50 Fork upper bracket ................... . 52 & 53-Model K
45738-54A 16.50 Fork upper bracket & httings ...... . 54 to 56-All K Mo_dels, 57 Sportster
4370 •30 Fork upper bracket bolt (2) ......... . 52 & 53-Mcdel K & KK, Early 54-
Model KH
4372W •30 Fork upper bracket bolt . . . . . . . ..... . Later 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
45894-52 .15 Fork upper bracket bolt nut (2) ..... . 52 to 56-All I< Models, 57 Sportster
45752-52 .20 Fork upper bracket spacer (0 to 3 used) 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45894..52 •15 Fork lever bracket bolt nut ... 52 to 56-AU K Models, 57 Sportster
45756-52 3.00 Fork tube cap & valve complete (2) ...... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
r-------.. I.
.45722-54 ~ 1

.45721·520 I
or I
2758 45721-5.4 I
~ 7763W
0 7230



46291-52 2823

or 45941-52
45953-SS 45941-54


€il 46160-52 or

tff9 46230-52 46057-55

7744@ ®46170.52
0 .c6231-52
l.c6173-52 84
S.-6178-52 6218W
(!)7625 •0
FRONT..FORK 46006-54

Pczrt No. Price Each NAME Used On

FORK GROUP- Continued

45157-49 $ .60 Fork breather valve complete (2) .............................. . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45780-52 •35 Fork tube cap seal (2) ........................................ . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45818-52 1.80 Fork slider tube bushing (4) ................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45850-52 .IS Fork slider felt washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
45852-52 .so Fork slider oil seal (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
45859-52 .20 Fork slider felt washer retainer (2) ............................. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
45940-52 56.75 Fork slider tube assembly complete-Lt., polished .............. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
45940-54 56.75 Fork slider tube assembly complete-Lt., polished .............. . 54-Model KH
45940-55 56.75 Fork slider tube assembly complete-Lt., polished .............. . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
45941-52 56.75 Fork slider tube assembly com.plete-Rt., polished .............. . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
45941-54 56.75 Fork slider tube assembly complete-Rt., polished ............. . 54-Model KH
45941-55 56.75 Fork slider tube assembly complete-Rt., polished .............. . 55 & 55-Model KH, 57 Sportster
45947-52 23.75 Fork slider tube-Rt. .......................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45948-52 23.75 Fork slider tube-Lt. .......................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
437ZW •30 Fork slider tube bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
45894-52 .15 Fork slider tube bolt nut . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
45953-52 14.00 Fork slider tube (2) ........................................... . 52 to 54-All K Models
45953-55 14.00 Fork slider tube (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 5~Model KH, 57 Sportster
45963-52 5.20 Fork tube cover (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
2635 •03 Fork tube cover screw (2) ..................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
45999-S4 4.75 Fork boot kit .................................................. . 54 to 56--:Model KH
Consi::;ts of:
2 7608 .02 Fork boot nut 2 46009-54 .15 Fork boot retainer, felt washer
2 46001-54 1.20 Fork boots 2 46010..54A .25 Fork boot retaining disc
2 46007-54A .45 Fork boot retainer (upper) 2 46020-57 .30 Fork boot vent screw
2 46008-54 .45 Fork boot retainer (lower) 2 46021-57 .15 Fork boot vent gasket
45999-57 1.25 Fork boot vent kit ............ . 57 Sportster
Consists of:
2 46007-54A .45 Fork boot retainer (upper) 2 46020..57 .30 Fork boot vent screw
2 46010-54A .25 Fork boot retaining disc 2 46021-57 .15 Fork boot vent gasket
46001-54 1.20 Fork boots (2) ............................................... . 54 to 55-Model KH, 57 Sportster
46008-54 •45 Fork boot retainer (lower) ..................................... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
46009-54 .15 Fork boot retainer felt washer ............................... . 54 to 55-Model KH, 57 Sportster
2635 .03 Fork boot upper retainer screw (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 54-Model KH
2638 .03 Fork boot upper retainer screw ................................ . 54-Model KH
46045-52 •40 Fork spring adapter spacer .................................... . 52-Model K
46037-52 1.80 Fork spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . 52 to 54-All K Models
46057-55 1.80 Fork spring (2) . . . . . ......................................... . 55 & 55-Model KH, 57 Sportster
46095-52 14..50 Front fork shock absorber (2) .................................. . 52 to 54-All K Models
46095-55 14..50 Front fork shock absorber (2) ................................... . 55 & 55-Model KH, 57 Sportster
46100-52 5.50 Fork shock absorber tube (2) ................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models. 57 Sportster
7144 .05 Fork shock absorber tube end nut (2) .......................... . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46125-52 •10 Fork shock absorber gasket (2) ................................ . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46160-52 •35 Fork piston valve (2) .......................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models. 57 Sportster
46170-52 .10 Fork recoil valve washer (2) ................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46173-52 .35 Fork valve spring (light) (2) ................................... . 52 to 55-Ail K Models, 57 Sportster
46178-52 .20 Fork recoil valve spring retainer (2) ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46201-52 •15 Fork slider drain plug (2) ..................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6218W .OS Fork slider drain plug washer (copper) (2) ..................... . 52 to 55-Al! K Models, 57 Sportster
46223-52 3.40 Fork piston rod (2) ............................................ . 52 to 54-All K Models
46223-55 3.40 Fork piston rod (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . 55 & 55-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7625 •10 Fork piston rod nut (2) . . . . . . . ................................ . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46230-52 1.80 Fork piston (2) ................................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46231-52 .20 Fork piston retaining nut (2) ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46232-52 •30 Fork piston rod stop nut (2) .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
462:J4..52 •90 Fork piston stop assembly (2) ................................. . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
46239-52 .20 Fork :recoil stop spring (2) ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46241-52 1.00 Fork piston rod guide (2) ...................................... . 52 to SS-Al! K Models, 57 Sportster
46243-52 •45 Fork piston rod retainer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46269-52 6.00 Fork front panel, chrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46291-52 2.50 Fork rear panel-Rt.......................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46292-52 2.50 Fork rear panel-Lt. . . ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2758 •OS Fork panel screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 55-All K Models. 57 Sportster
2823 .10 Fork panel screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46298-52 Fork panel cover (Replaced by 4629S..52A)
4629B-52A 6.00 Fork panel cover ............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
46727-52 .so Steering damper friction washer .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46730-52 .60 Steering damper anchor plate ................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4379 .30 Steering damper anchor plate screw . . . . . . .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6375 •OS Steering damper anchor plate screw washer ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7189 •OS Steering damper anchor plate screw nut . . . . . ................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46743-52 •30 Steering damper bushing screw . . . . . ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
46746-52 2.40 Steering damper knob ............ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

FORK GROUP- Continued

4676S..52 s 1.20 Steering damper rod .......................................... . 52 to 54-All K Models ·
46769.55 1.20 Steering damper rod ......................... · ................. . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
46773-52 .70 Steering damper rod bushing ..... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4677S.52 •60 Steering damper spring washer .. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
4677S..52 •30 Steering damper rod spacer (2) .. . 52 to 54-All K Models
46776·55 .35 Steering damper :od spacer ..... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
46780-55 .25 Steering damper rod lock spring ....... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster


47014·52A Frame complete (Replaced by 47014-52B)
47014-52B $115.00 Frame complete 52 to 55-All K Models
47014.56 115.00 Frame complete ...... . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
47371·52 3.00 Oil tank & battery bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3738 •10 Oil tank bracket screw (2) ... 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3956 .10 Oil tank bracket & battery screw . . ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
47504-52 Rear fork (Replaced by 47504-52A)
47SD4·52A 43.00 Rear fork ... 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
47511-52 2.40 Rear fork pivot bolt .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
47512-52 •70 Rear fork pivot bolt n~t ..... 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
47514-52 •45 Rear fork bearing lock nut-Lt . 52 to 56-AH K Models. 57 Sportster
4751S.S2 .70 Rear fork bearing lock nut-Rt. 52 to 56-Al! K Models. 57 Sportster

® 48370-52

<®> 48347-52

~ .48310-30


i 47511-52
47014-528 1187~
or 47525-52
.tii.\ 0 47517-52
~"" .47521·52
AVD 47518-52
\\Q 47519-52

'~ ...... ... _

9477ST-52 .........)

~ ~o:7519-52 47504-S2A
~ .~47518-52
® Wf!)/47521-52
@ 47512-52


Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


47517-52 s .25 Rear fork bearing outer spacer ............................ . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
47518-52 .25 Rear fork bearing inner spacer (2) ......... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
4751g..52 •30 Rem fork bearing shield {2) . . . ........ . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
47521-52 3.00 Rear fork bearing (2) . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
47525-52 •15 Rear fork bearing lock washer ................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1187 •03 Rear fork bearing screw ........................ . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
47757-52 •50 Frame brake shaft tube bushing .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
48310-30 3.00 Head cups. upper & lower .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
48347-52 2.50 Steering head lower bearing cone .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
48370-52 .35 Steering head bearing dust shield ............. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
48346-39 2.75 Upper head cone . . . . ................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
8860 •03 Steering head balls ....................... . 52 to 56-All K Mociels. 57 Sportstet

49042-52 Sl7.30 Front safety guard . . ................................ . 52 to 55-All K Models

49042-56 Front safety guard (Replaced by 49042-SSA)
49042-56A 17.30 Front safety guard ........................................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
3956 •10 Front safety guard to frame bolt (2) . . . . . . . ................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
4336 .25 Front safety guard to frame bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 57 Sportster
6388 .OS Front safety guard bolt washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 57 Sportste!'
6408 .OS Front safety guard bolt washer (2) ............................. . 57 Sportster
7800 .08 Front safety guard bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 57 Sportster
16218-52 •15 Front safety guard motor screw washer (2) .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models
16237-52 •65 Front safety guard to motor screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models
1175 . 15 Front safety guard motor screw nut (2) ........................ . 52 io 56-All K Models


50090-52 ~
or \)
50090-53 ~




50011·30 s .so Jiffy stand leg spring ...... _ _. . . ......................... _. . . 52 to 55-A:: K Models. 57 Sportster
50048.52 4.90 Jiffy stand bracket (Replaced by 50048-56)
50048-56 4.90 Jiffy stand bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... _. . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-A!l K Models. 57 Sportster
50062·52 Jiffy stand leg {Replaced by 50062·52A)
500&2.52A 4.80 Jiffy stand leg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-A!l K Models, 57 Sportster
1760 .03 Jiffy stand leg bolt ........................ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
50090-52 .20 Jiffy stand bracket pin ......................... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
50090-53 .20 Jiffy stand bracket pin ......................................... _ 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
50939-52 2.00 Footrest rubber assembly (2) . . . ... _.. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
50940·52 .so Footrest rubber only (2) .................... _ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster

Pan No. Price Ec:zch NAME Used On


50946-52 $ .95 footrest only (2) .............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
50951-52 S.lO Footrest support-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
S095S-S2 5.10 Footrest support-Rt. ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
50910-52 .40 Footrest bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportste:r
7125 .10 Footrest bolt nut (2) ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportste:r
3840 .10 Footrest support bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 56-AU K Models, 57 Sportster



f5j 52105-52

~ a~ ! ~-52 9851 51950-52

5169()...52 ~ A020

39'74 i
51685-52 v 3974
0 '1232

51720-52,fj ri R t!ts1720-52

"6 ~.51722-52~ ~


Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


51680-52 $ 1.55 Seat post (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
51526-52 .60 Seat post retaining plate . ... ... ... ... .. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
3974 .20 Seat post retaining plate screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .... .. . 52 to 56-AU K Models, 57 Sportster
51685-52 1.20 Seat post roller shaft . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. ... ... .... . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
51690-52 .25 Seat post roller shaft spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
51692-52 1.10 Seat post roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ......... 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
51720-52 .35 Seat post bushing (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . ...... .. .. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
51722-52 1.00 Seat post bushing sleeve (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
51781-52 .60 Seat post upper spring (2) . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
51784-52 .45 Seat post lower spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
51902-52 7.80 Saddle bar complete . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. .. .. . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
51902-54 7.80 Saddle bar complete . . . . . ..... ... . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
51923-52 .95 Saddle cross bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
51923-54 .95 Saddle cross bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 54 to 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
3956 .10 Saddle rear mounting bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
34037-52 .35 Saddle bar bushing . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
51950-52 .70 Saddle bar bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
51952-52 .60 Saddle bar bolt spacer . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7752 .OS Saddle bar bolt nut . .. .. .. .... . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
52010-52 16.25 Saddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .... .. . 52 & 53--Model K & KK
52010-54 16.25 Saddle . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. ... .. .. . . 54 to S~Model KH, 57 Sportster
4020 .15 Saddle front mounting bolt . . . . . . . . . ... . .... 52 to S~All K Models, 57 Sportster
52105-52 .25 Saddle front mounting bolt spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster



@~ 52651-52
7725 .,-


~ ~7232
510 ......


~ 5265:5-52 '-'i!!!~~


Pcut No. Price Each NAME Used. On


52501-52 $39.75 Buddy seat complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 56-All lC Models .
52501-57 39.75 Buddy seat complete . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 57 Sportster
52517-52 26..00 Buddy seat top only .......................................... . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
52547-52 Buddy seat handle (Replaced by 52547-52A)
S2547-52A 9.75 Buddy seat handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3974 .20 Buddy seat handle bolt (4) .................................... . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
6320 •OS Buddy seat handle bolt washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
52605-52 .40 Buddy seat to seat post spacer (2) ............................. . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
4826 •40 Buddy seat to seat post bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6519B •10 Buddy seat to seat post bolt washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56--All K Models. 57 Sportster
4086 •40 Buddy seat front end bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7763W .10 Buddy seat front end .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
52651-52 6.10 Buddy seat footrest complete-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
52653-52 6..50 Buddy seat footrest complete-Rt. ............................. . 52 to 56-A.ll lC Models
52653-57 6.50 Buddy seat footrest complete-Rt. ............................. . 57 Sportster
50999-52 2.00 Footrest rubber assembly (2) ................................. . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
50940..S2 .80 Foo1rest rubber only (2) ....................................... . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster
50970-52 .40 Foo1rest bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 56-All lC Models. 57 Sportster
7725 .10 Footrest bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56--All K Models. 57 Sportster
52672-52 3.00 Buddy seat footrest bracket-Rt. ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
52672-57 3.00 Buddy seat footrest bracl::et-Rt. ............................... . 57 Sportster
4012 .15 Buddy seat footrest bracket bolt (to muffler clamp) ............. . 52 to 56-Al! K Models. 57 Sportster
52673-52 3.00 Buddy seat footrest bracket-Lt. . .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4362 .25 Buddy seat footrest-Lt. bracket bolt (to frame) (2) ............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7789 .OS Buddy seat footrest-Lt. braeket bolt nut (to frame) (2) ......... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
52680-52 .75 Buddy seat footrest stud bolt-Rt .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
7725 .10 Buddy seat footrest stud bolt nut-Rt. .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6320 •05 Buddy seat footrest stud bolt washer-Rt. ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
625SS..52 .40 Buddy seat footrest stud spring-Rt. ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


54500-52 Rear shock absorber & spring complete (Replaced by 54500.52A)
54500-52A S29.50 Rear shock absorber & spring complete (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54500-56 27.90 Rear shock absorber & spring complete-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
54501-52 Rear shock absorber only (Replaeed by 54501-52A)
S4501-52A 15..90 Rear shock absorber only (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54501-56 27.90 Rear shock absorber & spring complete--Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
54502-56 6.50 Rear shock absorber only (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
54510.52 2.40 Rear shock absorber cover {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54515-52 .75 Rear shock absorber upper stud (2) . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54515-56 .75 Rear shock absorber upper stud {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
54516-52 .75 Rear shock absorber lower stud (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54516-56 .75 Rear shock absorber lower stud (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7775 .15 Shock absorber mounting stud nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All I( Models. 57 Sportster
641SB ..10 Shock absorber mounting stud plain washer (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All I( Models, 57 Sportster
6722 .10 Rear fork suspension stud washer (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All I( Models. 57 Sportster
7993 .40 Rear fork suspension stud nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
85210-42 .30 Shock absorber stud rubber bushings (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
54529.52 2.75 Rear shock absorber spring rotating ca:tn (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K 6 KK
54529-53 2.75 Rear shock absorber spring rotating cam (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 & 55-Model KH
54529-56 2.75 Rear shock absorber spring rotating cam (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportste::-
54531-52 3.00 Rear shock absorber spring sliding cam complete (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K 6 KK
54531...53 3.00 Rear shock absorber spring sliding cam com}:>lete (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 & 55-Model KH
8216 ..02 Shock absorber sliding cam rivet (2) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54533-56 3.00 Rear shock absorber lower cam (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
54539-56 2.20 Rear shock absorber cam support (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportste:
54540-56 1.35 Rear shock absorber cam sleeve assembly (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportste:
604 .OS Rear shock absorber cam roll pin (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
54550-52 3..40 Rear shock absorber spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54550-53 3..40 Rear shoek absorber spring (for heavy riders) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 & 54-All K Models
54550-56 3.40 Rear shock absorber spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
54554-52 .45 Rear shock absorber spring guide (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54557-52 1.50 Rear shock absorber spring plate (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K 6 KK
54557-53 l.SD Rear shock absorber spring plate {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 0. 55-Model KH
54518-52 .so Rear shock absorber bumper retainer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
54578...53 .so Rear shoek absorber bumper retainer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 & 55-Model KH
54581-52 .40 Rear shock absorber bumper (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54581-56 .so Rear shock absorber bumper (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
54585-52 .30 Rear shock absorber bumper fiange (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
54590-56 .20 Rear shock absorber dirt seal (2)....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
69218 .20 Rear shock absorber dirt seal washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
54595-52 Rear shock absorber upper eye (Replaced by 54595-52A)
5459S..S2A 1.50 Rear shock absorber upper eye (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


64158 54595·52A 6722 7993 54 5 9S-52A

7993 6722 6415 8

! @85~2.,85~@ ~ ~ 71360/:
~ ~ ©t~2~ ss~'t@! :-...... 07136
~ ..... .... ...-.J

or 54557-52
9955 54557-53 54557-53 9955

§ 54578-53
i!f "'
@ 54578-52
'(JJ1JI 54578-52 ~ ~4578-53 ~
8i.) 54581·52 54581-521fj

54510-52 54510-52



54554-52 ~
54500-52A 54500-52A

or e
54531-53 Q

54529-52 54529-52~

~ 604 6046)

.-1 "
54705-52 54705-52
7620 ~A 7620 ~'



85210-42 8521 0-42 54516-52 7993 7993 54516-52 8521o.42 85210h42


Pcttt No. Price Each NAME Used On


'~d6921B 69218~
54590-56 54590-560

-54581-56 54581-56-

54550-56 54550-56

54702-56 54702-56

54501-56 54501-56

~ 54529-56 54529-56 ~
~533-56 54533~

85210-42 ~ 604 604 ~ 85210-42

777sfi@Ob@~~ fiJ~@d'b@®7775
64158 6722 54515-56 7993 54515-56 6722 64158

54516-56 54516-56

m5l®@Q ~@~® ~~@~ 9®~7775

64158 85210-42 6722 7993 7993 6722~8521 0-42 64158


9955 $ .45 Rear shock absorber clamp (2) ...•............................. 52 to 55-All K Models
54700-52 11.90 Set of rear shock absorber covers complete, chrome ............ . 52 to SS-All K Models
54702-52 4.25 Rear shock absorber cover only (2) . . . . . .................... . 52 to 55-All IC Models
54702-56 2.75 Rear shock absorber cover only (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
54704-52 2.40 Rear shock absorber top cover only (2) . . . .... .. . .. . .... .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
54705-52 1.00 Rear shock absorber cover clamp (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1214 .10 Rear shock absorber cover clc:mp screw (rear) (2) . . . . .... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7620 .02 Rear shock absorber cover clamp screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


56002-53 Speedster handlebar complete (Replaced by 56002-53A)
56002-53A $48.50 Speedster handlebar complete, chrome ........................ . 53 to 56-All K Models
56002-57 48.50 Speedster handlebar complete, chrome ........................ . 57 Sportster
56007-52A Long handlebar complete (Replaced by 56007-52B)
56007-52B 48.50 Long handlebar complete, chrome ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
56007-57 48.50 Long handlebar complete, chrome ............................. . 57 Sportster
56083-52 9.75 Handlebar right side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52-Model K
56084-52 9.75 Handlebar left side ............................................ . 52-Model K
56083-53 9.75 Long handlebar, right side, chrome ............................ . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56084--53 9.75 Long handlebar, left side, chrome ............................ . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56085-53 9.75 Speedster handlebar, bare, left side, chrome ................... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56086-53 9.75 Speedster handlebar, bare, right side, chrome .................. . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56101-52 1.90 Handlebar clamp cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56104--52 13.50 Handlebar clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4340W .25 Handlebar clamp cover screw (2) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
4336W •30 Handlebar clamp cover screw (2) .............................. . 57 Sportster
56154--52 •70 Handlebar rubber mounting screw (2) ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56158-49 4.75 Handlebar riser rubber bushing (2) ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56159-49 1.10 Handlebar riser screw rubber washer (2) .................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56210-47 Handlebar grip (black) (Replaced by 56212-53)
56212-53 1.20 Pair of handlebar grips (black rubber) . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56216-53 .20 Handlebar grip spring (2) ................... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56220-48 3.00 Handlebar grip sleeve (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52-Model K
56220-53 3.00 Handlebar grip sleeve (2) ............................... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56221-53 4.25 Handlebar sleeve & grip assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56235-47 1.30 Handlebar grip retainer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 & 53-Model K & KK
56240-47 .20 Handlebar grip screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 52 & 53-Model K & K.K
56216-31 .05 Control coil plug set screw (2) ................................. . 52" to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56288-53 .60 Handlebar end screw (2) . . . . . . . . ................. ·........... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56383-53 Control cable & plunger (Replaced by 56383-53A)
56383-53A 2.10 Control cable & plunger . . . . . . . ............................... . 53 to 56-All K Models

, 562.40-D



Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


56383·57 s 2.10 Control cable & plunger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
56390-47 .25 Carburetor control plunger pin (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-Model K
56391·49 1.00 Control wire & plunger (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
56392-49 .30 Control wire (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56--All K Models
56400·53 1.20 Control coil plunger only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
3207 .15 Control coil plunger set screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56410-47 .30 Control coil plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-Model K
56410-53 .30 Control coil plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
56504-53 Control coil & pluCJ (Replaced by 56504-53A)
56Sfl4..53A 2.90 Control coil & plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 56-All K Models
56504-57 2.90 Control coil & plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
56528-49 2.90 Control coil & plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-Model K
56609-52 .20 Carburetor control coil clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
56610-52 .OS Carburetor control coil clamp screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
9989 .20 Spark control coil clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH
56628-57 .IS Timer cable bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
4012 .15 Timer cable bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . 57 Sportster


..'f ;t~~~o.z; ... ::~
ftiiiiZ> 0 0 Qllllj):>ft

fj 70.40 70.CO
0 1 .58099·52 0 0 .58100.52
1654 Cllll>
3971. 3974

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


58000-52 $24.50 Windshield complete . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 52 to 56-All .K Models, 57 Sportster
58000-56 24.50 Windshield complete (blue) .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58001-56 24.50 Windshield complete (red) .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58020--49 6.75 Windshield upper window {clear) .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58021-56 7.00 Windshield lower window (blue) ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58022-49 6.10 Windshield lower window {clear) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58022-SS 7.00 Windshield lower window (red) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58026-56 1.50 Windshield adjustable window (blue) ......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58027-49 1.50 Windshield adjustable window (clear) ........................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58027-56 1.50 Windshield adjustable window (red) .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2725 •08 Windshield adjustable window screw (5) ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7654 .OS Windshield adjustable window screw nut (4) .................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58033-49 3.00 Windshield inner brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58037--49 2.40 Windshield outer brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
2726 .10 Windshield outer brace screw (4) . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7651 .01 Windshield outer brace screw nut (4) .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58048-SO .90 Windshield moulding clamp (2) . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58049-50A .25 Windshield moulding rubber bushing (2) ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
58078--49 2.10 Windshield adjustable bracket-Rt. ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58079-49 2.10 Windshield adjustable bracket-Lt. . ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2728 •10 Adjustable bracket screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7654 •OS Adjustable .bracket screw nut (2) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
58085-49 1.75 Windshield outer strip-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58086-49 1.75 Windshield outer strip-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58099-52 2.95 Windshield fork bracket-Rt. .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
58100-52 2.95 Windshield fork bracket-Lt. . . . . . . ............................ . 52 _to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3953W .10 Windshield fork .bracket .bolt (2) ............................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
3974 •20 Windshield fork bracket .bolt (4) ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6320 •OS Windshield fork bracket .bolt washer (6) ....................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7744 •OS Windshield fork bracket bolt nut (4) ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster



~ 5~9-55
59007-528 59995-55 59997-55

~ 0 7232



59007-52 Front fender (prime) (Replaced by 59007-SZB)

59007-S2B 513.90 Front fender (prime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
59103-52 1.75 Front fender .brace (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
59107-52 1.20 Front fender center brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3948 .10 Front fender .brace bolt (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Pczrt No. Price Each NAME Used On


1144 $ .OS Front fender brace holt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
5939g..54 4.95 Front & rear fender tip .kit ..................... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 59408-51 2.85 Front fender tip 4 2633 .03 Fender tip screw
1 59884-54 2.90 Rear fender tip 4 7015 .01 Fender tip screw lock washer
59408-51 2.85 Front fender tip . . . . . . . . . ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2633 .03 Front fender tip screw (2) ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
59609-52 17.50 Rear fender & braces (prime) .................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models
59609~56 17.50 Rear fender & braces (prime) .................................. . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
59195--52 Rea:- fender bracket complete (Replaced by 59795-52A)
59795-52A 1.75 Rear fender bracket complete ................................. . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
59798-52 •60 Rear fender rubber buffer ..................................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3741 •10 Rear fender bracket to frame screw (2) ........................ . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
59884-54 2.90 Rear fender tip . . . . .......................................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2633 •03 Rear fender tip screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
59930-52 5..10 Rear fender support . . . . . . . ............................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2414W .35 Rear iender support screw (to fender) (4) ...................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4014W •15 Rear fender support screw (for saddlebags) .................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7152 .05 Rear fender support screw nut (to fender) (4) .................. . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4362 .25 Rear fender support screw (to frame) (2) ....................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1793 .OS Rear fender support screw nut (to frame) (2) ................... . 52 to56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
59991~52 .40 Rear fender license plate bracket .............................. . 52 to54-Al! K Models
59992-52 .50 License plate support ......................................... . 52 to54-All K Models
5999~55 2.10 License plate bracket assembly complete ...................... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
59997-55 .60 License plate bracket only .................................... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
s999g..55 •35 License plate bracket support ................................. . 55 & 56-:-Model KH, 57 Sportster
60001-55 .35 License plate bracket clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
60002-55 .20 License plate bracket clamp bolt .............................. . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
6240 .OS License plate bracket clamp bolt washer ....................... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7675 .OS License plate bracket clamp bolt nut .......................... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
2765 •OS License plate bracket to fender bolt ............................ . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7688 •OS License plate bracket to fender bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster

60303-52 Rear chain guard (Replaced by 60303-52A)
60303-52A $ 3.90 Rear chain guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
60303-56 3.90 Rear chain guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model ICH, 57 Sportster
3791 .10 Rear chain guard to frame bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3953W .10 Rear chain guard bolt (rear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

6100s-.52A Gas tank (prime) (Replaced by 61006-52B)
6100S.52B $52.00 Gas tank (prime) ............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
61006-57 52.00 Gas tank (prime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 57 Sportster
61103-52 2.50 Tank cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 52 to 56-Al! K Models, 57 Sportster
4082 •40 Gas tank bolt (front or rear) (2) . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7725 •10 Gas tank bolt nut (2) ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
61135-52 .25 Gas tank to frame bolt spacer (rear) (2) ....................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
61135-57 .15 Gas tank to frame bolt spacer (rear) (2) ....................... . 57 Sportster
61773-51 2.75 Gas tank :name plate-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 54-All K Models
61773-55 2.75 Gas tank name plate-Rt. ..................................... . 55 & SS-Model KH
61113-57 1.60 Gas tank name plate (2) ...................................... . 57 Sportster
61775-51 2.75 Gas tank name plate-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 54-All K Models
61775-SS 2.75 Gas tank name :plate-Lt. ..................................... . 55 & 56-Model KH
61792-57 .10 Gas tank name plate gasket (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 57 Sportster
61795-57 •03 Gas tank name plate rivet (4) ........................ . 57 Sportster
61797-57 .05 Gas tank name plate clip (4/ .................................. . 57 Sportster
61'199-52 .70 Gas tank name plate front strip (2) ............................ . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
61800-52 .so Gas tank name plate rear strip (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 & 53-Model K & KK
2060 .03 Gas tank name plate & strip screw (14) ................ : ....... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK, 54 to 56-
Name plate only
62125-50 6.60 Gas tank valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
62125-55 5.60 Gas tank valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
62141-50 .45 Fuel valve knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62142-50 .45 Fuel valve knob {reserve) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62150-50 .20 Fuel valve shaft ring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62262-39 .25 Gas line nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to Late 56-All K Models
62355-52 2.30 Gas tank connecting gas line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to Late 56-All K Models
62355-56 .40 Gas tank connecting gas line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Late 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
62357-52 Tank to carburetor gasoline line complete (Replaced by 62357-52A)
62357-52A 2.20 Tank to carburetor gasoline line complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
62357-57 .so Tank to carburetor gasoline line complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each · NAME Used On

TANK GROUP- Continued




~ ~@



61.135-57 ~ ~357-571 62357-52A
e 62360-52

~ ~7725
~ 62361-52

632~ 4082
4082 61?9?-57

I \c:f,
62355-36 62375-57

62360-50 s .20 Gasoline line rubber sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

62360-52 .15 Carburetor gasoline line sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
62361-50 .25 Gasoline & oil line nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62361-52 .20 Gasoline line nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
62371-52 .2S Gasoline line nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 & 53-Model K & KK
62375-57 .35 Gas line elbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster


62507-52 Oil tank (Replaced by 62507-52A)
62501·52A $28.50 Oil tank .... ~ ................................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models
62501-56 Oil tank (Replaced by 62507-56A)
62507-56A 28.50 Oil ta:nk ................................................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
62610-52 4.20 Oil tank cap .................................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62611-52 1.80 Oil tank. cap top only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62612-52 .90 Oil tank cap nut .............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62617-52 .10 Oil tank cap washer .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62620-52 1.60 Oil tank cap screw ............................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62628-52 .20 Oil tank cap gasket . . . . . . . . . . ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7rr7 .35 Oil tank drain plug ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62702-52 .10 Oil tank drain plug washer ................................... . 52 to SS-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62760-52 .30 Oil tank mounting stud (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62762-52 .25 Oil tank mounting stud rubber washer (outer) (3) .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
62763-52 •10 Oil tank mounting stud rubber washer (inner) (3) .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6332 .OS Oil tank mounting stud plain washer (3) ............ _.......... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7752 .OS Oil tank mounting stud nut (3) ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
47371-52 3.00 Oil tank mounting bracket (to frame) .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3728 .10 Oil tank mounting bracket screw (2) ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sporlster
63507-52 1.30 Oil return line ................................................ . 52 to 55-All K Models
63507-56 Oil return line (Replaced by 63507-SSA)
63507-56A 1.20 Oil return line ................................................ . SS-Model KH. 57 Sportster
63517-52 1.10 Oil suction line {flexible) ...................................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK, Early 54-KH
63517-54 1.25 Oil suction line (flexible) ...................................... . Later 54 to SS-KH, 57 Sportster
63525-50 .70 Oil line connector ............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63526-52 •70 Oil line connector (on crankcase) . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. On

On. TANK. .OIL LINES- Continued

62620-52 ~--


6352S.50 63527-50



63526-54 s .70 Oil vent line connection ....................................... . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
63526-57 .10 Oil line connection (for rocker arm connection to erk. oil line) .. . 57 Sportster
63527-50 .30 Oil line nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63527-52 .40 Oil line nut (2} ............................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63527-57 .25 Oil line nut (for rocker arm cover to erankease oil line) ........ _. 57 Sportster
63529-50 .25 Oil line rubber packing (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
63529-52 .25 Oil line connector sleeve (on right crankcase} {2) ....•.•....... 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
63529-57 .25 Oil line sleeve (for rocker c:rm. cover to crankcase oil line) ... . 57 Sportster
63533-52 .70 Oil line connector (for oil tank suction line) .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63539-52 1.20 Oil line elbow {on right crankcase) ........................... . 52 & 53-Model K & KK, Early 54-
63539-54 1.20 Oil line elbow-45" (on right crankcase) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 54 to 56-KH. 57 Sportster
63542-52 1.20 Oil line elbow (on oil tank) ....... _... . . . . . . . ... 52 to 55-All K Models
63570-52 Oil tank vent line (Replaced by 63S70·52A)
63570.52A 2.10 Oil tank vent line with connections . . . . . . . . . ...... .. .... . . 52 to 55-All K Models
63570.56 1.20 Oil tank vent line . . ... ... ... . . . 56-Mociel KH. 57 Sportster
63589-53 3.50 Rear chain oiler kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
63590-53A 1.90 Rear chain oiler pipe .......................................... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63597-54 .15 Rear chain oiler rubber tube .................................. . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
63607-53 1.50 Rear chain oiler body ......................................... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63610..53 .25 Rear chain oiler adjusting screw ............................... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6156 .OS Rear chain oiler plain washer . . . . . . . . . ............ . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7630 .OS Rear chain oiler nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster


63798-53 s 6.80 Oil filter complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
63817-48 .15 Oil filter valve spring .............. _................... . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
8860 .03 Oil filter valve spring ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
63826-53 3.00 Oil filter cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63829-53 .15 Oil filter cup spring . .... . . . . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6817 .10 Oil filter cup plain washer . . . . . . . . . ......... . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
63840-53 1.75 Oil filter element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
63846-53 .30 Oil filter lower retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63878-53 .25 Oil filter clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
63879-53 .40 Oil filter "0'' ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63885-53 1.50 Oil filter by-pass valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
600 .OS Oil filter by-pc:ss valve pin .................................... . 53 to 56-Al! K Models. 57 Sportster
63887-53 •90 Oil filter oil gage rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 53 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
63888-53 .25 Oil filter oil gage rod bushing .......................... . 53 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportste::

Pa:rt No. Price Each NAME Used On

on. fUTER GROUP- Continued

<§:> 7130

~ 63878-53

(§) 6817
63798-53 <: > 63879-53

ati 63811..48



63885-53 63887-53


96 63829-53


~ 64612-52

7725 a
6-WS-52 j 64611-52



~ ~-52
64207-52 s 6.10 Tool box . . . . . . . .......................................... . 52 to 56-AI: K Models. 57 S}:)Ortster
64478-52 .20 Tool box mounting S,l:>ring (2) .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 S}:)Ortster
64500-52 Tool box wing stud (Replaced by 64500-52A)
64500-52A .35 Tool box wing stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
1725 .10 Tool box stud nut (on crankcase) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-Al! K Models. 57 Sportster
64599-52 3.60 S}:lark coil cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
64611-52 .35 Spark coil lower stud ......................................... . 52 to 54-All K Models
64611-55 .50 Spark coil lower stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
64612-52 .35 Spark coil upper stud ......................................... . 52 to 54-All K Models
64612-55 .50 Spark coil upper stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
2823 .10 Spark coil cover stud screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Ea:c:h NAME Used On


SS316-5Z 65519·52
® ® or
6336 65316-57



65230·53 $ 9.60 Short muffler ................................................. . 54 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

65231-52 9.60 Muffler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
65275.52 •90 Muffler front clamp ............................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
65275-57 •90 Muffler front clamp .................. _......................... . 57 Sportster
3996 •15 Muffler front clamp bolt ....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Mode!s, 57 Sportster
65279·52 1.25 Muffler rear clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
65279-57 1.25 Muffler rear clamp . . . . . . . . . . . ...... : . ........................ . 57 Sportster
3996 •15 Muffler rear clamp bolt ....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
65316-52 6.50 Muffler support tube .......................................... . 52 to 56-All lC Models
65316-57 6.50 Muffler support tube . . . .... : ................................. . 57 Sportster
6336 •OS Muffler rear clamp bolt washer ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
6332 •05 Muffler rear clamp bolt washer ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
4362 .25 Muffler su:pport tube bolt (to frame) {2) ........................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
65438-54 20.00 Set of exhaust pipes & fittings (high clearance) . . ........... . 54 to 56-Model KH
65455.52 6.25 Front exhau!t pipe ............................................ . 52 & 53-Model lC & KK
65454-57 13.50 Exhaust pipe assembly complete .............................. . 57 Sportster
65455.54 6.25 Front exhaust pipe ........... _............. _.................. . 54 to 56-All K Models
6545&.54 9.50 Front exhaust pipe (high clearance) ........................... . 54 to 56-All K Models
654aa.54 9.50 Rear exhaust pipe (high clearance) ........................... . 54 to 56-All K Models
65489-52 8.75 Rear exhaust pipe ............................................ . 52 & 53-Model lC & lCK
65489-54 8.75 Rear exhaust pipe ............................................ . 54 to 56-Model KH
65511-54 1.25 Front exhaust pipe clamp {high clearance}· .................... . 54 to 56-All K Models
4090W .40 Front exhaust pipe clamp screw (high clearance) .............. . 54 to 56-All K Models
3791 •10 Front exhaust pipe clamp screw (high clearance) .............. . 54 to 56-All K Models
7676 .05 Front exhaust pipe clamp screw nut (high clearance) .......... . 54 to 56-All K Models
65512-52 1.25 Rear exhaust pipe clamp ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
65512-57 1.25 Rear exhaust pipe clomp ...................................... . 57 Sportster
3996 •15 Rear exhaust pipe clomp bolt (inner} .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:-tster
3974 .20 Rear exhaust pipe clamp bolt (outer) .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1752 •05 Rear exhaust pipe clamp bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
1153 •05 Rear exhaust pipe clamp bolt nut .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
65519-52 .70 Exhaust pipe post clamp ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3191 .10 Exhaust pipe post clamp bolt (2) .............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1616 .OS Exhaust pipe post clamp bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6227 .OS Exhaust pipe post clamp holt washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
65700-52 Exhaust :pipe boot guard (Replaced by 65700-52A)
65700-52A 4.25 Exhaust pipe boot gucnd ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
65113-52 .45 Exhaust pipe hoot guard clamp (2) ............................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1214 •10 Exhaust pipe boot guard clamp screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7620 •02 Exhaust pipe boot guard clamp screw nut (2) .................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


66001-47 Battery (wet-charged) (Replaced by 66001--47D)
66001-470 $10.95 Battery (dt'Y-charged) ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
66015.47 •35 Battery filler plug (3) ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part Nc. Price Each NAME Used On

BATTERY AND FilliNGS- Continued


~ 66100-52

7748 (§1 7744

® (Q) 7040


7045._., 66100.52 66404-52



66021-47 S .OS Battery filler plug washer (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
66100..52 .SO Battery pad (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
66224-52A Battery carrier (Replaced by 66224-S2B)
66224-52! 2.20 Battery carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
4348 .25 Battery carrier screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
66375-52 1.50 Battery cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
66404-52 .85 Battery tie rod (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
66404-54 85 Battery tie rod-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7748 OS Battery tie rod nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
66387·26 10 Battery box tie rod wing nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
66420..52 .60 Battery tie rod support-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
3956 .10 Bottery tie rod support bolt-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
66421-52 .60 Battery tie rod support-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Spo:rtster
7744 .OS Battery tie rod support nut-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster

61007-52 $20.50 Speedometer head (miles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
61007-54 Speedometer head (miles) (Replaced by 67007-54A)
61007-54A 20.50 Speedometer head (miles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Spo:rtster
61008-52 20.50 Speedometer head (kilo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
61051-52 Speedometer drive shaft & easing (Replaced by 67051-52A)
61051-52A 4.25 Speedometer drive shaft & casing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
6705,S..52 1.50 Speedometer drive c:able core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
61055-56 1.50 Speedometer drive cable core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
67086-52 35 Speedometer cable clip (to terminal plate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
2612 .03 Speedometer cable clip screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
7620 .02 Cable clip screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster
6712'1-52 7.90 Speedometer drive unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Spo:rtster
67142-52 .10 Speedometer drive gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Spo:rtster
2748B .10 Speedometer mounting screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Spo:rtster

Part No. Price Eczch NAME Used On

67055-52 or 67055-56

SJ ]M"§W"'"'SSSS"§SS»SSS& &&5 <¥<:.i" 55*''''"''"''"'55NWiJ

67127-52 67142-52

i 2672

67205-54. ~7086-52
• 7115 :7608 g 7118
6 7608 67206-54 a 7620

~ 4liiiit :7608

~~~~~~ ~uvnJR . . .67206-s•

67007-54A 7608 & 67200-54
• 7115 1080
67205-54 •
• 7115

67200-54 s 2.40 Speedometer bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 55-Model KH. 57 Sportster

67205-54 .90 Speedometer upper rubber mounting (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
61206-54 .35 Speedometer lower rubber mounting (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
1080 .OS Speedometer mounting screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7608 .02 Speedometer mounting screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster

67717-48 67719-48 6772b-4J3


67704-52 Head lamp, chrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster

67710-52 Head la:rnp body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
67717-48 Head la:rnp sealed unit ..................................... . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
fl/119-48 Head- la:rnp sealed unit ring . . . . . . . ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
67721-48 Head lamp sealed unit ring screw (3) .......................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
fl/12&-48 Head lamp moulding door ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
61729-48 Head la:rnp moulding door screw .............................. . 52 to 56--All K Models. 57 Sportster
67753-52 Head lamp wiring complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
67758-52 Head lamp wire connector .................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models. 57 Sportster
67763-52 Head lamp generator & oil indicator lens ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
67810-48 Head lamp bracket ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6'1815-48 Head lamp bracket washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
7918 Head lamp bracket nut ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
67817-52 Head lamp bracket bolt {2) ................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7127 Head lamp bracket bolt (2) ................................... . 52 to 56--All K Models, 57 Sportster
67821-52 Head lamp bracket spacer (2) . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68462-49 Head lamp bulbs (for generator & oil light) (2) ................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On




68122-55 68090-55 68086-55

68123-55 6800S..55A 68031-55 68165-47
68005-SSA 112.00 Taillam.p ..................................................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
7688 •05 Tail lamp to fender nut (2) .................................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
6800'1-52 9.50 Tail lam.p & hood complete .................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
2768 .05 Tail lam.p attaching screw (3) .........................••....... 52 to 55-All lC Models
7691 ..05 Tail lam.p attaching screw nut (3) ..•.•..•..•.................. 52 to 55-All K Models
68031-55 5.75 Tail lamp body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
68050..50 •IS Tail lamp Dipple rubber ....................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
68CJS5..52 2.30 Tail lam.p hood ............................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
1187 .G3 Tail lamp hood screw (2) ...................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
7620 JJ2 Tail lamp hood screw nut {2) .................................. . 52 to 55-All K Models
68086-55 2.25 Tail lamp door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
686'12-38 •15 Tail lamp door screw {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 56-Model ICH, 57 Sportster
68090-SS •70 Tail lamp lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 56-Model :KH, 57 Sportster
68091-20 .50 Tail lamp red lens ....................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
68092-25 •60 Tail lamp white lens .......................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
68093-55 .9S Tail lamp outlook lens ........................................ . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
68105-20 •30 Tail lamp lens retaining spring ring ........................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
68114-55 •10 Tail lam.p outlook lens screw speed nut (2) .................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
68119-55 .10 Tail lamp outlook lens screw {2) ............................... . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
68121-55 .25 Tail lamp outlook lens gasket . . . . ........................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
68122-55 .25 Tail lamp lens gasket ......................................... . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
68123-55 .30 Tai.llam.p gasket ............................................ . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
68125-25 .15 Tail lamp rear gasket (for white lens) ......................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
68126-36 •15 Tall lamp front gasket (for red lens) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 55-All K Models
68155-34 1.00 Taillam.p connector plug ...................................... . 52 to 55-All K Models
68165-47 •42 Tail lam.p bulb ................................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68185-55 2.10 Tall lamp socket & wiring ..................................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
2635 •03 Tail lamp socket sc:rew {3) .................................... . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster
68195-55 •10 Taillamp·socket screw eyelet (3) .............................. . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
68196-55 •10 Tail lamp socket screw grommet ............................... . 56-Model KH. 57 Sportster

Peat No. Price Each NAME Used. On



~ 68715-49


68661-38 68662-38


68SCJ0..52 $24.75 Set of spotlights con::.plete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

68615-52 7.90 Spotlight bracket kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 68605-52 3.50 Spotlight bracket-Lt. 6 7232 .02 Spotlight bracket lock washer
1 68606-52 3.50 Spotlight bracket-Rt. 4 7744 .OS Spotlight bracket bolt nut
1 68617..$2 1.10 Spotlight bracket tie rod. 2 7736 .15 Spotlight bracket bolt nut
4 39SSVV .10 Spoillight bracket bolt
686SO..SS 9.75 Spotlight complete (clear lens) (2) ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68652-38 9..75 Spotlight complete (fog lens) .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
&8660--38 .75 Spotlight clear lens ........................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68661-38 1.10 Spoilight fog lens ............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68662-38 1.75 Spotlight red. lens . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68668-38 2.40 Spotlight deor or bezel ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68672--38 .15 Spotlight & tail lamp door screw (4) ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68673-38 .so Spotlight lens gasket .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68676-49 2.40 Spotlight reflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68679-49 1.50 Spotlight bulb socket complete ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68683--38 .15 Spotlight focus spring . . . . . ....................................· 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68684-38 .25 Spotlight focus screw ......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Mqdels, 57 Sportster
68686-38 1.50 Spotlight toggle switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68~38 .15 Spotlight rubber grommet ..................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68692-38 .70 Spotlight swivel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68693-38 .10 Spotlight swivel steel washer .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68694-38 .10 Spotlight swivel fibre washer .................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68695-38 .10 Spotlight swivel nut (2) ....................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68696-38 .25 Spotlight swivel bolt .......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68707-38 .15 Spotlight clamp screw ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7688 .05 Cla:r:np screw nut ............................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
68715-49 .60 Spotlight bulb, prefocused (32-ep sc) ........................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7006()..29 5.25 Spotlight handlebar switch & wire ............................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

6801J3..52 $14.20 Hom 52 to 56-All K Models
69014-54 7.50 Hom power pack ............................................. . 57 Sportster
6901$..52 7.50 Hom power pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
3791 •10 Hom power pack bracket mounting bolt (2) .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models
3781 •10 Hom power pack mounting bolt . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 57 Sportster
76'75 .OS Hom power pack bracket mounting bolt nut .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models

Part No. Price Ea:c:h NAME Used. On

HORN- Continued



~ ,_.
69017-52A 69003-52 or

6914o-S211. Gii(j
69015-52 69145-54
or 0%"
69014-54 6914()-54:

7676 $ .05 Hom power pack mounting bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster

69016-52 1.20 Hom trumpet screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
69017·52 Horn trumpet nut (Replaced by 69017-52A)
69017-52A .20 Hom trumpet nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
69019-52 7.75 Hom trumpet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
69019-57 1.15 Hom trumpet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
69029-57 .30 Hom mounting bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
56628-57 .15 Hom mounting cable bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
4012 .15 Hom mounting cable bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
69031-57 .40 Hom support bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
4336W .30 Hom support bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
6417 .10 Hom sup"COrt bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
69140-52 Hom cover {Replaced by 69140-52A)
69140-52A 3.25 Hom cover & fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models
69140-54 3.25 Horn cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sportster
2210 .05 Hom cover screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2204W .05 Hom cover screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH
69142-52 .45 Hom clip . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . 52 to 54-All K Models
3825 .10 Hom clip screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
69145-54 .20 Hom cover spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models

70100-51 $ 2..75 Head lamp toggle switch cable ................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
70129-49 Hom switch wire (Replaced by 70131-SlA)
70131-S1A 2.75 Hom switch wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
70142-52 Hom to battery cable (Replaced by 70142-52A)
70142·52A 1.20 Hom to battery cable ......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
70144-52 Hom to fork terminal cable (Replaced by. 70144-52A)
70144-52A 2..10 Hom to fork terminal cable .................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
10151-52 Regulator to fork cable (Replaced by 70151-52A)
70151-S2A 4.10 Regulator to fork cable ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models
70151..$7 4.10 Regulator to fork cable ........................................ . 57 Sportster
70184-52 •60 Switch connector cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
70213-52 .60 Battery ground cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
70251..$2 •60 Generator field cable ......................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
70261-30 •50 Field coil wire (51,4") (black) (4) .............................. .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
70263-52 .70 Generator out cable .............. .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
70268-56 •80 Ignition coil to ignition switch wire ............................ . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
70269..$6 •60 Spotlight switch to ignition coil wire ........................... . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
70276-52 Ignition cS: tail lamp cable (Replaced by 70276.52A)
70276-S2A 4.75 Ignition cS: tail la:.o.p cable . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 52 to 55-All K Models
70320-52 14.50 Complete set of low tension wires ........................ . 52 to 55-All K Models
Consists of:
1 32690-52 1.50 Timer to spark coil cable 70184-52 .60 Switch connector cable
1 70100·51 2.75 Head lamp toggle switch cable 70213-52 .60 Battery ground cable
1 70131-SlA 2..75 Hom switch cable 70251-52 .60 Generator field cable
1 70142..S2A 1.20 Horn to battery cable 70261-30 .SO Field coil lead wire (51,4")
1- 70144-S2A 2.10 Horn to fork terminal cable 70263-52 .10 Generator output cable
1 70151..S2A 4.10 Regulator to fork cable 70276-52 4.75 Ignition cS: tail lamp cable

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

WIBIN'G- Continued



70131-SlA ~

71149-52 ~ 71151-52

70213-52 70263-52

~ iii§) @ @ -.:§)
70184-52 70261-30 70251-52

9982 9900
~ §
¢ 9977




70320-56 $12.75 Complete set of low tension wires • 0 .. " ~ 0 ... ~ • "' • ~ w .. ~ ..... 0 ......... 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 32690-52 1.50 Timer to spark coil cable 70251-52 .so Generator field cable
1 70100-51 2.75 Head lamp toggle switch cable 70261-30 50 Field coil lead wire
1 70131·51A 2.75 Horn switch cable 70263.52 70 Generator output cable
1 701&2-52A 1.20 Hom to battery cable 70268-56 80 Ignition coil to ignition switch cable
1 70144-SZA 2.10 Horn to fork terminal cable 70269-56 .60 Stoplight switch to ignition coil cable
1 70151-57 Regulator to fork cable 70422-56 .80 Tail lamp wire (green)
1 70184-52 .60 Switch connector cable 70423-.56 .80 Tail lamp wire (red)
1 70213-52 .60 Battery ground cable

Peat No. Price Eaeh NAME Used On

WIRING- Continued
70517-26 s .10 Wire rubber bushing ..................................... _.... . 52 to 55-All K Models
9900 •03 Field coil wire terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9901 .OS Wire terminal ................................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9902 •15 Wire terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9903 •10 Wire terminal ................................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9904 •15 Wire terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9905 .25 Wire terminal ................................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models
99'1'1 •65 Wire clip ..... _.. _... _........ _.......... _. _............... _.. . 52 to 55-All K Models
9982 .25 Coil clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... _.............. . 52 to 56-All lC Models, 57 Sportster

7114S.52 $ 1.20 Speedometer lamp & fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

71151-52 1.00 Speedometer lamp socket .. _...... _...... _........... _. . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
71090-47 .IS Speedometer lamp bulb ... __ .. _.. __ .......... _....... _.. __ . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


71500-52 71500-52

~ 27488

71620-52 71620-52

2571W v
L\ fJ
..... ~1111Q12571W
71621-52 2571W fJ'
y 71621-52 filial



11500-52 s 3.50

Ignition & light switch {2) .............................•.......•


52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

71510-52 •45 Light switch key hole cover-Lt. ............. _................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
71511-52 •45 Ignition switch key hole cover-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
1151S.52 .25 Switch cover spring-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... _............... __ 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
11520.52 •30 Switch cover spring-Lt. .................................... _.. . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
11620-52 .35 Switch bracket (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2148B .10 Switch bracket screw (4) ...................................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
11621·52 .35 Switch clamp (2) . . . . . . . .......... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models. 57 Sportster
2571W .05 Switch clamp screw {4) .................................•...... 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
11625-52 .50 Switch key (2) (specify serial No.) (Hl601 to Hl609 incl.) . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


Q) ~ @
0IID 71802-26 71813-26 '71906-SZ 71815-26
2626 71S00..26A 71811-26


~ 0 ~
~ (Jiiii()
71861-29 71859-29 71856-29
f)ID 71843-29 71851-29
71840-29 71845-29
71800-26 Hom switch complete less wire (Replaced by 71800-26A)
11800-26A $ 2.20 Hom switch complete less wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
2 2626 .03 Hom switch screw 1 17806-53 .SO Hom switch wire insulation
1 71802-26 .20 Hom switch button 1 11811-26 1.20 Hom switch housing
1 71804-26 .OS Hom switch button spring 1 11813-26 .40 Hom switch contact plate
71840-29 2.75 Light switch complete less wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
Consists of:
1 71843-29 .45 Light switch lever 1 71859-29 .15 Light switch contact pin
1 11845-29 1.50 Light switch housing 1 11861-29 .10 Light switch contact pin spring
1 71851-29 1.00 Light switch contact block 2 2626 .03 Light switch screw
1 71856-29 .15 Light switch retainer plate

72004-52 s 2.75 Stoplight switch . . . . . .. . .. ... ..... . ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .... ..... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3959 .10 Stoplight switch bolt (to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6179 .OS Stoplight switch contact plate washer . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
11098-38 OS Stoplight switch insulator bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster



72304-52 ~7620


72303-52 s 4.75 Terminal plate complete ................................. . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
72304-52 2.50 'I' erminal plate ................................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
2768 .OS Terminal plate to bracket screw (3) ................. _.......... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
6182 .05 Terminal plate to bracket screw washer (3) .................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7620 .02 Terminal plate to bracket screw nut (3) ....................... . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
7231Q..S2 .40 Terminal plate braeket ........................................ . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster

74510-47 s 7.80 Voltage regulate::- .............. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
3741 .10 Voltage regulator fastening bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
3720 .10 Voltage regulator fastening bolt ............ _................... 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On








1190 s .OS Voltage regulator fastening bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster

7676 .OS Voltage regulator fastening bo1t nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 55-All K Models
7675 .OS Voltage regulator fastening bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, ·57 Sportster
7638 .OS Voltage regulator fastening bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
74515-48 .90 Voltage regulator cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-All K Models
74515-55 1..10 Voltage regulator cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
74516-55 .06 Voltage regulator cover screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57''Sportster
74517-55 .06 Voltage regulator cover screw washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 & 56-Model KH, 57 Sportster
74518-48 .50 Voltage regulator cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
74521-48 3.00 Current & voltage regulator mounting bracket kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


90850-52 $47.50 Saddlebags & carrier complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
90900-52 8.50 Saddlebag carrier only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
90906-52 .10 Saddlebag carrier hairpin clip (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
90920.52 21.00 Saddlebag only-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
90925-52 ·21.00 Saddlebag only-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
9Q929..54 7.50 Saddlebag cover-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
90930-54 7.50 Saddlebag cover-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster
90948-52 1.00 Saddlebag trim strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 56-All K Models, 57 Sportster


I ~

Part Priee Part Priee

No. Each NAME No. Ecrc:h NAME

219 s .05 ltie" x %6" Straight pin 350 s .10 1%4" X%" Straight pin
238 .OS %:" x Jh" Straight pin 358 .10 %" x ¥.t Dowel pin
271 .os ~ .. X 1,4" Straight pin 600 .05 l,S" x o/16" Roll pin
327 .OS lk'' x %" Straight pin 603 .OS %2" x lh" Roll pin
S33 .10 lk" X 1-%:" Straight pin 604 .OS ~~~ x %" Roll pin

510 $ .oos ;le" x %'' Cotter pin 528 S .005 %2'' x %" Cotter pin
512 .005 ne" X%" Cotter pin 534 .01 o/az" x 1" Cotter pin


99S s .02 6-32 N.C. x 1;4" Fillister head screw $840 $ .10 l,f'-28 N.F. x llJl" Hexagon head bolt
1040 .03 8-32 N.C. x lo/64" Fillister head screw 3948 .10 *e"-24 N.F. x '%e" Hexagon head bolt
1047 .03 8-36 N.F. x 1;4" Fillister head sc:rew 3953W .10 *e"-24 N.F. x lh" Hexagon head bolt
1202 .03 10-32 N.F. x ¥.t Fillister head screw (cadmium)
1210 .D3 10-32 N.F. x %" Fillister head screw 3956 .10 %e" -24 N.F. x %6" Hexagon head bolt
1214 .10 10-24 N.C .. x'%" Fillister head screw 3959 .10 %.e"-18 U.S.S. x o/J.e" Hexagon head bolt
1300 .OS 12-24 N.C. X lh" rillister head screw 3971 .20 ~1e" -24 N.F. x ~r· Hexagon head bolt
2060 .D3 4-40 N.C. x%6" Recessed head screw 3974 .20 %~''-24 N.F. x %," Hexagon head bolt
2210 .OS 10-32 N.F. x lh" Countersunk head screw 3984 .IS lha"-18 N.C. x 1~6" Hexagon head bolt
2329 .10 lA."-24 N.S. x l*e" Oval head screw 3996 .15 :ris"-24 N.F. x ~~.. Hexagon head bolt
2345 .10
*" -20 N.C. x 11;2" Oval head screw
*"-20 N.C. x 2~" Oval head screw
*e"-24 N.F. :x: 1;~.. Hexagon head bolt
o/ie"-18 N.C. x 1" Hexagon head bolt
2353 .15 *"-20 N.C.x2;].~" Oval head screw 4060W .15 *6"-24 N.F. :x: 2~" Hexagon head bolt
2414W .35 lh6" N.C. :x: 1%" Oval head screw 4066 .30 *6"·18 N~C. x 21%2" Hexagon head 60lt
2571W .05 6-32 N.C. x 1.4" Round head screw 4082 .40 ~s"-18 N.C. x 31A6" Hexagon head bolt
2626 .03 8-32 N.C. x %," Round head screw 4086 .40 ;],e''-18 N.C. x 3" Hexagon head screw
2629 .03 8-32 N.C. x ;).~;" Round head screw 4100 .40 *e"-18 N.C. x 41A.e" Hexagon head screw
2631 .OS 8-~ N.C. x ;l,s" Round head screw 4106 .40 ;J.e"-18 N.C. x 4~s" Hexagon head screw
2632 .D3 8-32 N.C. x %e" Round head screw 4300 .20 :~.. -16 N.C. x %" Hexagon head bolt
2635 .D3 8-32 N.C. x lh" Round head screw 4336 .25 %"-24 N.F. x 1*" Hexagon head bolt
2660 .03 10-24 N.C. x %" Round head screw 4340W .25 %"-24 ·N.F. x Hs" Hexagon head bolt
2666 .D3 10-24 N.C. x %6" Round head screw (cadmium)
2611 .OS 10-24 N.C. x %" Round head screw 4348 .25 %"-16 N.C. x 1'*6" Hexagon head bolt
26'12 .03 10-24 N.C. x ¥.t Round head. screw 43&2 .25 %"-24 N.F. xI%" Hexagon head bolt
2725 .OS 12-24 N.C. x 1%2" Recessed truss head screw 4310 .30 ~"-24 N.F. x l~e" Hexagon head bolt
2726 .10 12-24 N.C. x ~-- Recessed truss head screw 43'12 .30 ~t-24 N.F. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt
2728 .10 12-24 N.C. x 25k2" Recessed truss head screw 4372W .30 %" -24 N.F. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt
2748B .10 l;l"-28 N.F. x 251M" Round head screw (cadmium")
2758 .OS lA-"-20 N.C. x '¥.!:" Recessed truss head screw 4319 .30 %''·24 x 12%2" Hexagon head bolt
2768 .OS :1.4"-24 N.S. x %" Round head screw 4388B .40 %"-24 N.F. x 2;is" Hexagon head bolt
282S .10 %s"·l8 N.C. x%" Recessed truss head screw 4621 .35 %"-14 N.C. x 1" Hexagon head bolt
3491 .03 8-32 N.C. x %" Hexagon head screw 4624 .35 '%e"-20 N.F. x 1%.2" Hexagon head bolt
3566W .OS No. 10 x %'' SeU tapping screw 4660 ..35 %s"-20 N.F. :x: Ha2" Hexagon head bolt
3720 .10 :1;4." -28 N.F. x '%e" Hexagon head bolt 4666 ..35 %s"-14 N.F. :x: l~s" Hexagon head bolt
S728 .10 1;4"·20 N.C. x lh" Hexagon head bolt 4610 .35 %s"-20 N.F.:x: l~s" Hexagon head bolt
JH"-~8-N.C.xlh" Hexagon head bolt
1,4,..-20 N.C. x Hexagon head bolt
1,.4"-28 N.F._x ~"Hexagon head bolt
'*s"-20 N.F. x 2;8" Hexagon head bolt
%s"-20 N.C. x2~" Hexagon head bolt
%e"-14 N.F.x3*s.. Hexagon head bolt
3825 .10 14"-28 N.F. x 1" Hexagon head bolt

6106 $.05 %2" x lh" Bakelite washer 6218W s.os 1,4" x %s" x lk2" Fibre washer
6156 .OS *s" x %" Brass washer 6240 .OS :14" x ~is" x lAs" Plain steel washer
6165 .05 *s" x %" Plain steel washer 6280 .05 %2" x 1%2" x ~ .. Plain steel washer
6179 OS *e" x 1.%2" x ~" Fibre washer 63ZO .05 ~l.r." x llhe" x lh.s" Plain steel washer
6182 05 %.s" x %e" x ~2" Plain steel washer 6329 .OS ;ts" x %" x %«." Plain steel washer
6186 .OS *s" x 'h" Bakelite washer 6332 .05 ~is" x ~s" x lAs" Plain steel washer

Part Price Part Price
No. Ea:c:h NAME No. Ea:c:h NAME


6336 S .OS 2¥64" x lo/]_6" x o/1.-s" Plain steel washer 6524 $.OS 291.164" x 1;.8" x ~" Plain steel washer
631S .os %'' x 21'64" x ¥.32" Plain steel washer 6527 .10 %4" x I%2" x 2%4" Plain steel washer
6395 .OS %" x 1%6" x liJ.e" Plain steel washer 6543 .10 ~" x ~" x ~" Plain steel washer
641SB .10 %" x 11;8" x %2" Plain steel washer 6579B .10 o/&.t," x '%" x ~" Plain steel washer
6442 .05 1%2" x l~_e'' x ;t6" Plain steel washer 6662 .10 %s" x Ilk" x %2" Plain steel washer
6469 .OS '%s" x %." x %" Plain steel washer 6114 .10 %" x 1" x ;32" Plain steel washer
6503 .10 7h6" x 1" x l;l.s" Plain steel washer 6722 .10 %" x Ilk" x %2" Plein steel washer
6S21 .05 29M," x 1%" x%2" Plain steel washer 6169 .10 UA.s" x IlA.e" x %4." Plain steel washer
(cadmium) 6817 .10 231164" x llhe" x %." Plain steel washer

7010 s .01 No. 6 x 1%4" x ¥.32" Lock washer 7041 s .01 :5h.6" x %6" x ~6.. Lock washer (:zinc plated)
701S .01 No. 8 x %2" x ¥.32" Lock washer 7045 .01 %" x ~8" x ~ti-6" Lock washer
7021 .01 No.lOx2~"x%4," Lock washer 7055 .02 %s" x 1;ls" x ~e" Lock washer
702S .01 ~6" x %" x %4" Lock washer 7056 .02 %s" Kantlink lock washer
No. 12 x 1;32" x %4," Lock washer
x 1;'2" x ;ts" Lock washer
¥4" Spring lock washer

Spring lock washer
%" Spring lock washer
x 11,4" x %" Lock washer
7040 .01 %o" x o/J.o" x ;te" Lock washer


711S $ .01 No.8 x 2¥64" Internal tooth shakeproof lock 7225 s .02 No. 10 x ~s" External tooth shakeproof lock
washer washer
1118 .01 No. 10 x %" Internal tooth shakeproof lock
7230 .01 ;.4," x
External tooth shakeproof lock

1124 .01 lA" Internal tooth shakeproof lock washer 7231 .D2 JA" x 1%:2" Countersunk shakeproof lock
712"1 .01 %&" x o/32" Internal tooth shakeproof lock washer
washer 7232 .D2 ~6.. External tooth shakeproof lock washer
7136 .OS ~is" x 25f.J2" Internal tooth sbakeproof lock 7233 .D2 %e" x %" Countersunk shakeproof lock
washer washer
7220 .01 No. 10 x 1%2" External tooth shake:proof lock 7410 .05 ~6.. Special lock washer

7608 $JJ2 8-32 N.C;x%" x%e" Hexagon nut 1752 S .OS *e"-24 N.F.:xl%f"x¥.t Hexagon nut
7612W .10 8-36 N.F. Flexloc nu1 1753 .OS %s"-24 N.F. x 1%4," x ¥.t Hexagon nut
7620 .G2 10~24 N.C. x Jk" x %" Hexagon nut 176'JW .10 %(1"-18 N.C. x lh'' x%2" Hexagon :nut
7625 .10 10..32 Flexloc nut ms .15 %"-24 N.F. Flexloc nut
7634 .OS 10..32 N.F. x %" x %s" Flexloc nut (brass) 1789 .05 %"-24 N.F. x ;4" x ~l.s" Hexagon nut
7651 .07 12-24 N.C. Cap nut 7793 .OS %"-24 N.F.x~"x~s" Hexagon nut
767S .OS lA"-28 N.F. x *s" x %s" Hexagon nut 1796 .08 %1"-24 N.F.x~"x%" Hexagon :nut
7676 .OS ':4"-28 N.F. x o/Ie" x %6" Hexagon nut 7800 .08 %"-24 N.F. :x: fjle" x %6" Hexagon nut
(cadmium plated) 7804 .08 %"-24 N.F. x lh" x ~e" Hexagon nut
7679 .OS :w'-28 N.F. Acorn nut (steel) 7863 .15 '%6"-20 N.F. x%" x%," Hexagon nut
7688 .OS JA."-20 N.C. x ':4" x ¥.z" Hexagon nut 7872 .30 %s"-20 N.F. Acorn nut
7691 .05 *"~24 N.S.x%2"x*~·· Hexagon nut 7911 .20 lh"-20 N.F. x'%2"x%" Hexagon nut
1725 .10 ~)s"-24 N.F. Fle:xloc nut 7918 .20 lit-13 N.F. Hexagon nut
1736 .1S ~)s"-24 N.F. Acorn nut 7986 .25 15;8"-18 N.F. x %e" x 1" Hexagon nut
7744 .OS ~l.e"-24 N.F. x *s" x ¥.z" Hexagon nut 7993 .40 %"-18 N.F. Flexloc nut
1748 .05 ?l.s"-18 N.C. x l%4" x lh'~ Hexagon nut

$ .02
~ .. diameter x *e" Countersunk bead rivet
%2" diameter x %," Countersunk head rivet
$ .02
%4." diameter x o/.32" Round head rivet
;'l.s" diameter x 14" Round head rivet
8216 .02 %2" diameter x %" Countersunk head rivet 8513 .02 %6" x %" Round head rivet
8243 .03 *s" diameter x %" Countersunk head rivet 8515 .02 %e'' x %" Truss head rivet
8309 .JJ2 lk" x%2'' Tubular rivet (brass) 8532 .02 ;J.s" x 1" Round bead rivet
8314 .D3 '%" diameter x %2" Tubular rivet

8860 $ .03 %s" Steel ball

9005 $2.40 Wide ball bearing .4724" x 1.2598" x .394" 9010 $6.95 Wide ball bearing .6693" x 1.5748" x .6875"
9001 2.40 Wide ball bearing .5906" x 1.378" x .433" 9025 5.30 Wide ball bearing 1.3780" x 2.8346" x .6693"
9009 2.95 Wid.e ball bearing .6693 x 1.5748" x .4727"

9851 s .10 Grease fitting straight 9854 s .20 Grease fitting straight

Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

16201-52 2 18220-53R 5 22725-52 6 24653-55 10

16210-52 2 18220-57 5 22727-52 6 .24654-55 10
16210-5.24 2 18221-57 5 22729-52 6 .24655-55 10
16213-5.2 2 18222-57 5 23900-52 7 24670-52 9
162·13 -52 A 2 18223-53 5 23900-54 7 24670-54 9
16218-52 2 18228-30 5 23900-54A 7 24671-52 9
39 18228-57 5 23900-57 7 24671-54 9
16230-52 2 18234-57 s 23901-52 7 24672-52 9
16235-52 2 18239-5.2 s 23901-54 7 24672-54 9
16236-52 2 18239-54 5 23901-54A 7 24673-52 9
16237-52 2 18255-52 5 23901-57 7 24673-54 9
.39 18255-524 5 23915-52 7 24674-52 9
16237-57 2 18259-52 2 23916-54 7 24674-54 9
16250-57 2 5 23916-54A 7 24675-52 9
16460-54 2 18266-52 5 23916-57 7 24675-54 9
16461-54 2 18268-48 5 23935-52 7 24692-52 10
16462-52 2 18269-48 5 23936-54 7 .24692-54 10
16462-54 2 18490-29 5 .23936-54A 7 24696-39 10
16463-52 2 18508-52R 5 23936-57 7 24696-54 10
16463-54 2 18523-57 5 23960-52 7 24699-.37 10
16464-57 2 18534-29 5 23960-54 7 24699-54 10
16465-57 2 18554-57 5 23967-48 7 24701-.39 10
16677-57 2 18556-40 5 23967-54 7 24701-52 10
16678-57 2 18556-54 5 2.3971-41 7 24701-54 10
16681-52 2 18566-40 5 .23972-52 7 24718-52 10
16682-54 2 18566-53R 5 2.3972-54 7 24718-54 10
16683-5.2 2 18566-54 5 2.3972-57 7 24729-52 10
16685-54 2 18566-57 s 23985-12 7
- 24775-52 10
16769-57 .2 18570-38 5 23985-18 7 24775-54 10
16774-57 2 18605-5.2 s 24000-5.2 7 30
16775-52 2 18606-52 5 .24000-54 7 .24781-52 10
16822-39 .2 1860?-57 5 24000-57 7 24781-54 10
168.25-48 2 18631-52 .2 24003-54 7 .24783-52 2
168.30-.29 2 5 24005-5.2 7 10
168.30-54 2 22.251-52 6 24005-54 7 .24786-5.2 10
16855-52 2 22251-52A 6 24005-57 7 24810-52 10
16860-52 .a 22251-57 6 24011-37 7 .24810-57 10
16860-54 2 22252-52A 6 24015-.36 7 24817-5.2 10
16t.i90-52 2 22.252-57 6 2402.2-54 8 .24818-52 10
17026-52 2 22253-52A 6 30 24819.:..52 10
17026-57 2 22253-57 6 .240.23-52 8 24912-5.2 10
17324-5? 4 22254-5.2A 6 .24275-52 8 .24912-52A 10
17394-5? 4 22254-57 6 2 4 2·7 5- s 4 8 24912-54 10
17.395-57 4 22255-52A 6 .24275-57 8 24918-52 10
17.396-57 4 22255-57 6 24290-52 8 24943-54 10
17397-57 4 22256•52A 6 24290-57 8 24944-54 10
17435-57 4 22.256-57 6 .24294-52 8 .24975-37 10
17448-57 4 22257-52A 6 243.31-36 8 24978-57 2
17451-57 4 22257-57 6 24.3:32-36 8 10
17483-57 4 22258-52A 6 24361-54 8 25075-SS 10
17514-57 4 22258-57 6 245.362-52 8 25100-53A 10
17515-5? 4 22259-52A 6 .24.362-54 8 25101-53A 10
17904-57 4 22259-57 6 24364-54 8 25111-53 10
17935-48 4 22355-52 6 24.370-52 8 25200-52 11
17937-5? 4 22355-52A 6 24370-52A 8 25200-57 11
17945-36 5 22.355-57 6 24371-52A 8 .25224-52 2
17947-.36 5 .22356-52A 6 24372-52A 8 11
17950-48 5 22356-57 6 24.373-SZA 8 25265-52 11
17955-36 5 22357-5.2A 6 24374-52A 8 25276-52 11
18070-41R 5 22357-57 6 24375-52A 8 25.287-37 11
18070-52 s 22358-S2A 6 24511-52 8 25.350-37 10
18070-54 5 22358-57 6 24511-52A a 25500-53 11
18070-57 5 22359-52A 6 24511-54 8 25501-52 11
18080-41R 5 22359-57 6 .24511-54A 8 2550l.-54 11
18080-52 5 22360-52A 6 24511-57 8 25501-57 11
18080-57 5 22360-57 6 245.32-52 8 25502-52 11
18165-41 5 22361-52A 6 2-45.32-52A 8 25502-54 11
18170-5? 5 22361-57 6 24532-54 8 25502-57 11
18171-57 5 22362-52A 6 24532-54A 8 25503-52 11
18172-57 5 .22362-57 6 24532-57 8 2550.3-54 11
18176-41 5 22363-52A 6 24556-52 8 25503-57 11
181 '( 6-5 7 5 22363-57 6 24556-54 8 25504-52 1l
18179-41 5 22364-52 8 24556-57 8 25504-54 1l
18:1.79-57 5 22.395-5.2 6 24576-52 e 25504-57 11
18180-41 5 22395-57 6 24578-57 8 25520-53 11
18180-57 s 22455-52A 6 24585-52 8 25521-53 11
18196-51 5 22455-57 6 24585-54 8 25522-53 11
18200-32 5 22465-52 6 24585-57 8 25525-53 11
18201-52 5 22582-52 6 24608-54 8 25586-37 11
18203-57 5 22719-52 6 24650-55 10 25588-37 11
18204-57 5 22721-52 6 24651-55 10 asses-57 1l.
18220-30 5 I 22723-52 6 .24652-55 10 25593-52 11
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

25593-57 1:1. 2'7260-49 14 27410-52 2 31966-52A 20

25595-37 11 27260-57 15 13 31970-52 20
25595-52 1:1. 2726'7-49 14 15 31985-52 20
25597-57 11 27270-49 15 27410-57 2 32049-27 20
25601-3'7 1:1 27271-57 15 16 32200-48 2:1.
25601-37A 1:1 27276-40 14 27412-48 15 32.301-47 21
25776-37 11 27276-57 15 2'7412-57 2 32.30.3-47 2:1
25776-57 11 27280-52 14 16 32305-48 2:1
25785-30 11 27280-57 15 27424-48 15 32342-42 2
25787-54 12 27285-57 15 274.33-54 15 21
12 I 27286-57
25794-30 12 27291-32 14 27434-56 15 32506-57 21
25810-15 12 17 27448-57 16 32511-37 21
25811-11 12 18 27450-36 15 32511-57 21
25851-37 12 27291-57 15 17 32522-.37 2
25860-29 12 27297-52 14 29002-52 17 21
26203-528 12 27297-57 15 29002-52A 17 32525-36 21
26203-52C 12 27301-57 15 29002-57 17 32528-37 2:1.
26217-52 12 27.302-57 15 29019-57 17 32531-36 21
26217-56 12 27.303-57 15 29020-52 17 32575-52 21
26241-52 12 27317-57 15 29020-56 17 32575-57 21
26250-52 12 27324-57 15 29020-57 17 32579-52 21
26250-56 12 27325-33 14 29030-41 18 32585-36 21
26256-52 2 15 29030-56 18 32568-36 21
12 27326-54 14 290.36-41 18 32569-36 21
26258-52 2 27.327-24 14 29036-56 1.8 32592-36 21
12 27.327-52 14 29040-41 18 .3259.3-47 21
26259-52 2 27327-54 14 29049-56 18 -3259.3-57 21
12 27.328-52 14 29066-57 18 32594-<47 2:1
26.318-37 12 27.328-54 14 29069-57 18 32660-47 21
26.320-52 12 27329-52 2 29155-36 18 32661-47 21
26:320-56 12 14 29982-52 18 32669-47 21
26:322-52 12 27..329-57 2 30012-32 18 .32676-49 21
26:32.3-52 12 15 3001.3-52 18 .32678-49 21
26326-52 12 27.330-.33 14 .30098-52 18 32690-52 21
26.327-52 12 27331-52 15 .30132-32 18 57
26:331-52 12 27331-57 15 301.37-52 18 58
26.331-56 12 27339-52 15 30137-52A 18 32726-47 21
26341-.37 12 27.339-57 15 .30138-.30 18 .327.31-47 21
26347-15 12 273<43-57 15 30142-52 2 .3305.3-52 21
26363-36 12 27344-57 15 18 33061-52 21
26374-52 12 273<49-11 15 30143-30 2 .33076-.37 21
26389-55 12 27.349-57 16 18 33064-41 21
26400-52A 12 27351-57 16 30145-46 18 33086-52 21
26420-52 13 27358-54 15 30145-46A 18 33094-52 21
26420-57 13 27359-52 15 30146-46 18 .3309A-52A 21
26423-52A 13 27..359-54 15 30202-52 18 33094-57 2:1.
26424-52 13 27363-41 15 30228-32 18 3.3099-52 21
26550-38A 13 27364-52 15 30231-51 18 .33099-52A 21
26550-42 13 27.370-52 15 30276-51 18 33108-52 21
26550-57 13 27370-57 16 30280-18 18 33109-54 21
26579-38 13 27.374-57 2 30.351-51 18 33110-5<4 21
27011-52 13 16 30.352-52 18 33175-16 21
27020-40 13 27.375-29 15 30.353-52 18 33177-16 21
27021-57 13 27375-57 16 30.367-32 18 3.3182-17 21
27039-48 1.3 27376-28 2 .30.373-51 18 33190-17 22
27045-32 1.3 15 30395-38 18 .3.3192-16 22
27052-40 1.3 27376-52 2 30450-51A 18 3.3193-<45 22
27059-40 13 15 3045.3-32 18 .33195-45 22
27060-55 2 27376-57 2 30460-:32 18 .33197-45 22
1:3 16 30461-32 18 33201-17 22
27063-57 13 27377-:39 15 30463-32 18 33203-17 22
27065-57 13 27377-57 16 .30507-47 21 33204-415 22
27146-52 13 27378-57 16 30605-48 21 33205-416 22
27146-52A 1.3 27380-33 15 30851-32 18 33210-29 22
27155-57 15 27380-33A 15 30890-18 18 33211-416 22
27205-57 2 27.380-52 15 30890-51 18 3321.3-31 22
15 27380-57 16 31010-48 18 33215-30 22
27215-52 13 27381-50 15 31015-.30 18 33216-46 22
27219-36 13 27381-57 16 31017-29 18 33348-52 22
27225-52 13 27382-52 15 31020-30 19 33348-52A 22
27225-54 13 27:382-57 16 31022-33 19 33348-i7 22
27225-57 15 27383-11 15 31.037-52 19 33356-5"2 22
27235-52 13 27386-52 15 31040-31 19 33.359-52 2.2
27235-52A 14 27386-57 2 31071-52 19 33359-52A 22
27235-54 14 16 31071-SZA 19 33.359-57 22
272:36-57 15 27387-57 16 31609-52 20 33362-52 22
27242-57 15 27390-33 15 31609-52A 20 33.379-57 2.3
27246-57 15 27405-26 15 316A0-27 20 3.3360-52 23
27247-57 15 18 31.681-27 20 33380-52A 23
27253-57 15 27406-26 15 31966-52 20 33390-52 23
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

33431-52 23 35277-52A 25 37531-56 26 40286-55A 30

33432-57 23 35296-56 25 37533-52 26 40287-57 30
33450-54 23 35297-52 25 37535-52 26 40291-57 30
34009-52 23 35297-54 25 37536-52 2 40294-55 30
34012-52 23 35297-548 25 26 40295-52 .30
34035-52 23 35304-52 25 37538-56 26 40295-54 .30
34037-52 23 35304-52A 25 37556-52 26 40297-52 30
41 35304-54 25 3'7556-54 26 40297-54 30
34040-52 23 35305-56 25 37561-52 26 40297-55 .30
34060-52 23 35.324-52 25 37582-52 26 40302-52 30
34062-52 23 35324-54 25 37584-52 26 40302-55 .30
34065-52 23 35337-52 25 3'7584-54 26 40303-52 30
34067-52 23 35337-56 25 37700-52 26 40304-55 :30
34068-52 23 .35.349-52 25 30 40.325-57 30
.34141-52 23 35.350-52 25 37700-54A 26 40386-57 30
34166-52 23 35.351-52 25 .30 40390-54 7
34291-52 23 35352-52 25 3'7701-57 26 30
34291-52A 2.3 35353-52 25 30 4 0988-52 30
34473-53 23 35354-52 25 37720-52 26 40989-53A 30
34474-5.3 23 35361-52 25 37721-54 26 40989-536 30
34477-52 23 35.361-54 25 37722-52 .26 41.017-52 30
34478-52 23 35361-56 25 37731.-52 26 41.017-55 30
34482-52 23 35363-52 25 :37732-52 27 41017-SSA 30
34482-53 23 35364-52 25 37733-52 27 41.018-52 30
34485-52 23 :35.364-56 25 37734-52 27 41018-55 30
34489-52 23 .35613-52 25 37735-52 27 41.173-56 30
34500-52 23 35613-54 25 37755-52 27 41174-56 30
3450.3-52 23 35631-54 25 37755-57 27 41185-52 30
34506-52 23 35636-52 25 37756-57 27 -4119 5-5 2 30
34507-52 23 35636-54 25 37'760-52 27 41.196-52 31
34514-52 2.3 35695-52 25 37762-52 2 41.196-55 31
34600-4'7A 23 35695-52A 25 27 41201-52 31
34600-54 23 35709-52 25 37876-52 28 33
34606-52 23 35709-54 25 37876-52A 28 41201-SS 31
34606-54 23 35709-54A 25 37985-52 28 41205-52 31
34609-52 23 35750-52 25 37985·52A 28 33
34625-52 23 35750-52A 25 37992-52 28 41210-55 31
34628-52 23 35750-548 25 .38013-52 28 41226-52 31
34628-54 23 35750-54C 25 38016-52 28 41401-52 32
34742-52 23 35759-54 26 38076-52 28 41401-54 32
34742-52A 23 35760-52 25 38101-52 28 41408-52 32
34745-52 23 26 .38130-52 28 41471-30 30
34844-57 23 35760-54 26 38130-54 28 41473-54 30
34876-52A 23 35787-52 26 38135-50 28 41.485-30 30
34676-528 23 35792-52 26 38602-528 28 41485-52 15
34890-52 23 35809-52 26 38602-52C 28 41551-52 32
34897-53 23 35820-52 26 38602-53A 28 41598-52 32
27 35821-52 26 38602-538 28 41600-52 33
34951-52 23 35824-52 26 38612-52 28 41600-55 33
34951-54 24 35825-52 26 38613-5SA 28 41662-52 33
34951-57 24 35828-52 26 38630-52 28 41662-54 33
34955-52 24 35829-52 26 38630-52A 28 41730-52 33
34955-S2A 2 35836-55 26 36646-51 28 41835-57 33
24 35838-55 26 38654-53 28 34
34957-52 24 35839-55 26 .38660-56 28 41841-31 33
34957-57 24 35840-52 26 38663-52 28 41876-52 33
35043-52 24 35841-52 26 38665-52 28 41876-54 33
35043-53 25 35960-52 26 38676-52 28 41882-52 33
35043-53A 25 35960-54 26 38690-55 28 41925-52 33
35044-56 25 35961-52 26 .38705-46 29 42252-52 33
35047-52 25 36712-42 28 .38710-41 29 42264-52 .33
35047-53 25 37200-52 26 399'75-52 29 42269-30 33
35050-52 25 37201-54 26 399'75-52A 29 42410-52 33
35105-52 25 37210-47 26 39!?A0-54 29 42423-52 33
35112-52 25 37222-52 26 39985-52 29 42427-52 33
35113-52 25 37276-52 26 40005-52 30 42549-52 33
35150-52 2 37276-53 26 40005-57 :30 43002-52 33
25 37279-52 26 40028-15 30 43003-30 .33
35151-52 25 37279-54 26 40029-15 30 43005-.35 33
3515l-52A 10 37279-56 26 40052-15 30 43010-52 33
25 37281-47 26 40053-15 30 43025-52 33
35154-52 25 37282-53 26 40066-12 .30 43026-52 33
35169-52 2 .373:39-52 26 40067-29 30 43026-52A 33
25 37339-53 26 40076-15 30 43027-52 33
35205-52 25 37345-52 26 40077-15 30 43027-53 .33
30 37449-56 26 4009:1.-15 30 43028-52 .33
35205-S2A 2~ 37450-52 26 40092-15 30 43028-53 .33
30 37450-54 26 40093-15 30 43031-36 .33
35205-54 25 37450-56 26 4009 4-15 30 43034-53 :33
30 37458-52 26 40238-54 30 43097-35 33
35274-52 z.:-. 37525-52 26 40284-54A 30 43099-29 33
35277-52 2S II 37526-56 26 I 40285-52 30 43l.00-47A 33

Part No. Page Part No. Page· P.~'No. Page Pazt No. · Page.

43506-52 33 45940-55 37 S0062-52A .39 56002-5.3. 45

43507-5.3 3.3 45941-52 3'7 50090-52 39 56002-53A .45
43600-52 .33 45941-54 3'7 50090-53 39 56002-57 45'
43601-52 33 45941-55 37 50939-52 39 56007-52A 45
43636-52 33 45947-52 37 42 56007-528 45
4 374·0- 52 33 45948-52 37 50940-52 39 56007-57· 45
43871-52 33 45953-52 37 42 56083-52 45
43886-52 33 45953-55 37 50946-52 4·o· 56083-53 45
44148-52 3.3 45963-52 37 50951-52 40 56084-52' .45
44148-54 .34 45999-54 37 50956-52 40 56084-53 45
44156-52 34 45999-57 37 50970-52 40 56085-53 45
44156-54 34 46001-54 37 42 56086-53 45
44264-52 33 46007-54A 37 51526-52 41 56101-52 45
34 46008-54 37 51680-52 41 56104-52 45
44264-54 33 46009·54 37 51685-52 41 56154-52 45
34 46010-54A 37 51690-52 41 56158-49 45
44307-52 34 46020-57 37 51692-52 41 56159-49 45
44401-49A 33 46021-57 37 51720-52 41 56210-47 45
34 46045-52 37 51722-52 41 56212-53 45
44402-52 3.3 46057-52 37 51781-52 41 56216-53 ·45
.34 4.6 o 57 -s 5 37 51784-52 41 56220-48 45
44432-54 33 46095-52 37 51902-52 41 56220-5.3 45
34 46095-55 37 51902-54 41 56221-53 45
44433-52 3.3 46100-52 37 5192.3-52 41 562;)5-47 45
34 46125-52 .3'7 51923-54 41 56240-47 45
44484-35 3.3 46160-52 37 51950-52 41 56276-31 45
.34 46170-52 .37 51952-52 41 56288-53 •45
44485-52 33 46173-52 37 52010-52 41 56383-53 45
34 46178-52 37 52010-54 41 - 56383-53A 45
44524-51 34 46201-52 37 52105-52 41 56383-57 46
45000-52 34 46223-55 37 52501-52 42 56390-47 46
45000-52A .34 46230-52 3'7 52501-57 42 56391-49 46
45000-53 34 46231-52 37 52517-52 42 56392-49 46
45000-53A 34 46232-52 37 52547-52 42 56400-53 46
45015-52 29 46234-52 37 52547-SZA 42 56410-47 46
34 46239-52 37 52605-52 42 5 6410-53 46
45017-41 29 46241-52 37 52651-52 42 56504-53 4.6
34 46243-52 3'7 5.2653-52 42 56504-53A 46
45023-41 29 46269-52 37 52-653-57 42 5 650 4-57 46
34 46291-52 37 52672-52 42 56528-49 46
45030-28 29 46292-52 37 52672-57 42 56609-52 '46
34 46298-52 37 52673-52 42' 56610-52 46
45031-41 29 46298-52A 37 52680-52 42 56628-57 46
34 46727-52 37 54500-52 42 57
45033-49 29 46730-52 37 545oo-·5aA 42 58000-52 47
34 46743-52 37 54500-56 42 58000-56 47
45079-56 35 46746-52 37 54501-52 42 58001-56 47
45109-49 35 46769-52 38 54501-SZA 42 58020-49 47
45111-51 28 46769-55 38 54501-56 42 58021-56 47
45137-51 .35 46773-52 38 54502-56 42 58022-49. 47
45159-50 35 46775-52 38 54510-52 42 58022-56 4'7
45163-52 35 46776-52 38 54515-52 42 58026-56 47
45174-51 35 46776-55 38 54515-56 42 58027-49 4'7
45203-52 .35 46780-55 38 54516-52 42 58027-56 4"r
45216-49 35 47014-52A 38 54516-56 42 58033-49 47
45218-52 35 47014-528 38 54529-52 42 58037-49 47
45515-52 3.5 47014-56 38 54529-53 42 58048-50 47
45515-52A .35 4'7.371-52 38 54529-56 42 58.049-50A 47
45515-54 35 49 54531-52 42 58078-49 47
4 5515 -5·5 35 47504-52 .38 54531-53 42 58079-49 4'7
45701-52A 35 4'7504-52A 38 54533-56 42 58085-49 47
45'701-528 35 4'7511-52 .38 54539-56 42 58086-49 47
45701-54 35 47512-52 38 54540-56 42 58099-52 47
45701-54A 35 47514-52 38 54550-52 42 58100-52 4'7
45721-52 36 47515-52 38 54550-5.3 42 59007-52 47
45721-54 36 47517-52 39 54550-56 42 59007-528 47
45'722-54 .36 47518-52 .39 54554-52 42 59103-52 4"7
45738-52 36 47519-52 39 54557-52 42 59107-52 47
45738-54A 36 47521-52 39 54557-53 42 59.399-54 48
45752-52 36 47525-52 39 54576-52 42 59408-51 48
45756-52 .36 47757-52 39 54578-53 42 59609-52 48
45757-49 37 48310-30 39 5458.1-52 42 59609-56 48
45780-52 .37 48346-39 39 54581-56 42 59795-52 48
45818-52 37 48347-52 39 54585-52 42 59795-52A 48
45830-48 4 48370-52 39 5·4 59 0-56 42 59798-52 48
45850-52 .3"7 49042-52 39 54595-52 42 59884-54 4·8
45852-52 37 49042-56 39 54595-52A 42 59930-52 48
45859-52 37 49042-56A 39 54700-52 44 59991-52 48
45894-52 36 50011-30 .39 54702-52 44 59992-52 4.8
37 50048-52 39 54702-56 44 59995-5·5 48
4594 0-52 37 50048-56 39 54704-52 44 59997-55 48
45940-54 37 50062-52 39 54705-52 44 .59 99 9-5 5 48
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

60001-55 48 63590-53A so 67717-48 54 70129-49 57

60002-55 48 63597-54 so 67719-46 54 70131-SlA 57
60303-52 48 63607-53 so 67721-46 54 58
60303-52A 48 63610-53 50 67726-46 54 70142-52 57
60303-56 48 63798-53 so 67729-48 54 70142-S2A 57
61006-52A 48 63817-48 56 6775.3-52 54 58
61006-528 48 63826-53 so 67758-52 54 70144-52 57
61006-57 48 63829-5.3 50 67763-52 54 70144-SZA 57
61103-52 48 6:5840-53 50 67810-48 54 sa
61135-52 48 63846-5.3 50 67815-48 54 70151-52 57
61135-57 48 63876-5.3 so 67617-52 54 70151-S2A 57
61773-51 48 63879-53 so 67821-52 54 70151-57 57
61773-55 48 63885-53 so 68005-SSA 55 58
61773-57 48 63887-53 so 68007-52 55 70164-52 57
61775-51 48 63888-53 so 680.31-55 55 58
61775 ... 55 48 64207-52 51 68050-50 55 70213-52 57
61792-57 48 64478-52 51 68055-52 55 58
61795-57 48 64500-52 51 68086-55 55 70251-52 57
61797-57 48 64500-52A 51 68090-55 55 58
61799-52 48 64599-52 51 68091-20 55 70261-30 57
61800-52 48 64611-52 20 68092-25 55 58
62125-50 48 51 68093-55 55 70263-52 57
62125-SS 48 64611-55 20 68105-20 55 58
62141-SO 48 51 68114-55 55 70268-56 57
62142-50 48 64612-52 20 68119-55 ss 58
62150-50 48 51 68121-55 55 70269-56 57
62262-39 48 64612-55 20 66122-55 55 58
62355-5.2 48 51 68123-55 55 -70276-52 57
62355-56 48 65230-53 52 68125-25 55 70276-52A 57
62357-52 48 65231-52 52 68126-:36 55 70.320-52 57
62357-52A 48 65275-52 52 68155-.34 55 70320 .. 56 58
62357-57 48 65275-57 52 68165-47 55 70422-56 sa
62360-50 49 65279-52 52 68185-55 55 70423-56 58
62360-52 49 65279-57 52 68195-55 55 70577-26 59
62361-50 49 65316-52 52 68196-55 55 7:1.090-47 59
62:561-52 49 65316-57 52 68462-49 54 71098-38 60
62371-52 49 65438-54 52 68600-52 56 71149-52 59
62375-57 49 65454-57 52 68605-52 56 71151-52 59
6250"7-52 49 65455-52 52 68606-52 56 71500-52 59
62507-52A 49 65455-54 52 68615-52 56 71510-52 59
62507-56 49 65456-54 52 68617-52 56 71511-52 59
62507-56A 49 65488-54 52 68650-38 56 71519-52 59
62596-52 42 65489-52 52 68-652-38 56 71520-52 59
62610-52 49 65489-54 52 68660-38 56 71620-52 59
62611-52 49 65511-54 52 68661-38 56 71621-52 59
62612-52 49 65512-52 52 68662-38 56 71625-52 59
62617-52 49 65512-57 52 68668-38 56 71800-26 60
62620-52 49 65519-52 52 68672-38 55 71800-26A 60
62628-52 49 65700-52 52 56 71802-26 60
62702-52' 23 65700-52A 52 68673-.38 56 71804-26 60
49 65713-52 52 68676-49 56 71806-53 60
62760-52 49 66001-47 52 68679-49 56 71811-26 60
62762-52 49 66001-470 52 68683-38 56 71813-26 60
62763-52 49 66015-47 52 68684-38 56 71840-29 60
63507-52 49 66021-47 53 68686-38 56 71843-29 60
63507-56 49 66100-52 53 68689-38 56 71845-29 60
63507-56A 49 66224•52A 53 68692-38 56 71851-29 60
6351'7-52' 49 66224-528 53 68693-.38 56 71856-29 60
63517-54 49 66.375-52 53 68694-38 56 71859-.29 60
63525-50 49 ' 66.387-26 53 68695-38 56 71861-29 ·60
63526-52 49 66404-52 53 68696-38 56 72004-52 60
63526-54 so 66404-54 53 68707-38 56 72303-52 60
6.3526-57 4 66420-52 53 68715-49 56 72304-52 60
so 66421-52 53 69003-52 56 72310-52 60
63527-50 so 67007-52 53 69014-54 56 74510-47 60
63527-52 so 67007-54 53 69015-52 56 74515-46 61
63527-57 4 6'7007-54A SJ 69016-52 57 74515-55 61
so 6'7008-52 5.3 69017-52 57 74516-55 61
63529-50 so 67051-52 53 69017-52A 57 74517-SS 61
63529-52 so 67051-52A 53 69019-52 57 74518-48 61
63529-57 4 67055-52 53 69019-57 57 74521-48 61
so 67055-56 53 69029-57 57 85210-42 42
63533-52 so 67086-52 53 69031-57 57 90850-52 6:1.
635.39-52 so 6'?127-52 53 69140-52 57 90900-52 61
63539-54 so 67142-52 53 69140-52A 57 90906-52 61
63542-52 50 6'?200-54 54 69140-54 57 90920-52 61
63570-52 so 67205-54 54 691•2-52 57 90925-52 61
635'70-52A 50 67206-54 54 69145-54 57 90929-54 61
635'70-56 so 67704-52 54 70060-29 56 90930-54 61
63589-5.3 so 6'7710-52 54 70100-51 57 90948-52 61

for the



$47.50 pr.


EACH BAG • STURDY CARRIER BUDDY SEAT ..• Built for Comfort! The most comfortable moto~~
cycle seat for two made today. Three horizontal no-sag springs
and foam rubber padding give riding comfort undreamed of. New
MOLDED PLASTIC SADDLEBAGS ... The modern way to go today, extra high chrome plated handrail and plastic covering are two
"Molded Plastic.. Saddlebags. They look better, hold more and lost more of its outstanding features.
longer. Many, many oubtanding feature1. topped by new "Jet••
52501.57 Sportster Buddy Seat Complete $39.75
scotchlite trim.
52501·52 KH-K Buddy Seat Complete 39.75
90850..52 Saddlebags and Carrier
Spor1ster, KH, K $47.50 52517-52 Buddy Seat Top Only 26.00

90900-52 Carrier only 8.50 52651-52 Footrest-left-Sportster, KH·K 6.10

52653-52 Footrest-Right-KH-K 6.50
52653-57 Footrest-Right-Sportster 6.5C

WINDSHIELDS ... Clear ... Blue ... Red. The be1.t shield money
can buy. Strong, sturdy, attractive, providing the maximum in pro-
tection. Top window1. made of clear Vinylite plastic: with safety SPOTLIGHTS ... Complete the picture of the very best ... odd o set
edge, plastic beading. Metal ports, chrome plated. Shield mounted of these spotlights to every Sports.ter, KH and 1<. Spotlights have
on two, chrome plated brackets directly to fork. Adjustable to suit powerful 32 condlepower, pre-focu1.ed bulb and independent on·
rider height. off switch. They mount on two, chrome plated brockeh stobilixed
by attractive. chrome plated bar. Set includes handlebar switch
Windshields for Sportster. KH and K and oil wiring.
58000-52 Clear Top and Bottom $24.50
58000-56 Clear Top - Blue Bottom 24.50 68600-52 Set of Deluxe Spotlights complete S'24.75
58001-56 Clear Top - Red Bottom 24.50 68615-52 Spotlight Bracket Kit 7.90


YOUR • • • •

· .. \·. GENU Ill E .. ·





SPECIAL LIGHT - 58 - Use in all motors ct temperatures below 32 v MEDIUM HEAVY- 75- Use for normal service 1n ell motors at tem-
(freezing) peratures between 32. and 75

REGULAR HEAVY - 1 05 - Use for normol service in Clll motors ot tem-

peratures over 75°-;- ond for extreme service oi ony temperature.


Use year 'round
99800.R Regular Heavy Oil $ 9.95 99805·R Regular Heavy Oil $42.50
99800-M Medium Heavy Oil 9.95 9980S·MS . Medium Heavy Oil - Summer 4'2.50
9980Q..SL Special Light Oil 14.95 99805-MW Medium Heavy Oil- Winter 42.50
9980Q..TC Two Cyc:le Oil - Model 165-125-% Pts. 4.50
99800-MR Medium Heavy Racing Oil 10.50
99800..RR Regular Heavy Racing Oil 10.50 9981 o-R Regular Heavy Oil 72.00
Medium Heavy Oil - Summer 72.00
Medium Heavy Oil - Winter 72.00

is a 100% aromatic, solvent compound; possessing out and out
motorcycle cleaning, high scouring, synf:rgistic action which brings ·
about silver-white crankcases. It is c:a grease and oil solvent. When
applied to greasy or oily parts it combines with the grease and
converts this mass into liquid soap. This soap is then washed
away with c hose and the result is an absolutely clean surface.
9975()..35 Gunk Motorcycle Cleaner, Case of 24 Pints $ 9.50
99751-35 G•mk Motorcycle Cleaner, Case of 6 Gals. 14.50
IN 99756-56 Gunk Motorcycle Cleaner, Case of 24 Quarts 16.50
PINTS - QUARTS 99752·35 Gunk Motorcycle Cleaner, 29 Gal. Drum 41.60
GALLONS - DRUMS 99753-35 Gunk Motorcycle Cleaner, 50 Gal. Drum 67.00



WL - 45" Twin Brilliant Black, Ruby Red, Riviera Blue

EL- 61" OHV (Optional Colors: Metallic Green, Flight Red,
FL · 74" OHV Az.ure Blue and White)
G - Servi-Car

1951 WL • 45" Twin Brilliant Black, Persian Red, Rio Blue

EL • 61" OHV (Optional Colors: Metallic Green, Metallic
. FL • 74" OHV Blue and White)
G - Servi-Car

1952 EL • 61" OHV Tropical Green, Persian Red, Rio Blue, Black
FL • 74" OHV (Optional Colors: Bronco Bronze Metallic,
G- Servi-Car Marine Blue Metallic and White)

1953 FL- 74" OHV Pepper Red, Glacier Blue, Forest Green and
G - Servi-Car Brilliant Black (Optional Colors: Cavalier
Brown, Glamour Green, White)

1954 FL- 74" OHV Pepper Red, Glacier Blue, Forest Green,
G - Servi-Car Daytona Ivory, Anniversary Yellow, Black

1955 FL .. 74" OHV Pepper Red, Atomic Blue, Anniversary Yellow,

G- Servi-Car Aztec Brown, Black .

1956 FL- 74" OHV. Pepper Red with White Tank Panels, Atomic
G - Servi-Car Blue w/Champion Yellow Tank Panels,
Champion Yellow w/Biack Tank Panels, Black
w/Champion Yellow Tank

*1957 FL- 74" OHV Pepper Red w/Biack Tank Panels, Skyline Blue
G -Servi-Car w/Birch White Tank Panels, Birch White
w/Biack Tank Panels, Black w/Pepper Red
Tank Panels

* Last Year of the Hydra-Glide


For Running
and Adjusijng
45 ~
Side b~ $a£P.~Ve
Twin Mgdils
and Set~i.-&r
. . . '. ~J
( .
•· ·; ¥
;:·~ . .: ~
\.:.,·.:. . . ~
I t </ '-:
~~ ~:.'1 '{.;)
,., ""

IX -z
. ...
Price 50 Cents
19. Timing lnspeellon hole plug. To check ignlllon liming or
re•el cireiul breaker assembly after It has been lilted out, follow
the marks indicating original factory selling.
With front piston on compression stroke (directly alter Inlet
v•lve doses. turning motor ahead) and flywheel mark showing
slightly forward of center of Inspection hole (piston Is 9/32 Inch
before lop conler) the mMks on circuit breaker head and breaker
cam must reqister as shown in circuit breaker UtustraUon No. 3.
20. Motor or oerlal number. Always give this number when
ordorinq parts or making any inquiry abou1 your motorcycl9.
2!. Clutch lootpedal cable. See "1\djusling Clutch Controls."
Check adjustment alter each honl <hain re-adjustment.
22. Front chain Inspection hole cover.
23. Clu!ch lnapcclion holo cover.
24. Lei! side rear wheel adjusting screw. By means of this
screw and a like screw on right side, rear wheel Is movod to re·
adjust rear chain. See "Adjusting Rear Chain."
25. Carburetor bowl drain plug. Remove plug, drain and !lush
bowl each lime qasollne strainer No. HI is serviced.

Models and Compression Ratios

Modal Compression Rallo
WL (aluminum heads). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 to 1
WL (iron heads) ....................... , ........ 4.75 to 1
G (Scrvi-Car) ................................... 4.75 to I
Average developed power and R.P.M.- 25 H.P. at 4500 R.P.M.

License Data
Number ol cyllndera ....................................... 2
Cylinder bore (69.65 mm.) .......................... 2~~ Inches
Piston displacement "(739.46 c.c.) ................... 45.12 cu. ln.
Stroke (96.85 mm.) .............................. 3-13/16 Inches
Horsepower (N.A.C.C. Raling) ............................. 6.05
Wheel Base ...................................... 57'1• Inches
Switch can be locked only In OFF and PARK posll!ons.
Ill us. 1 -Left Side Description
See "Instrument Panel Signal Lights." Gear Ratios
1. Gas tank cap. Tank capacity 3 gallons. Use Ethyl or other II. ·carburt~tor choke lever. Pown position-choke open: Up
'' Anli-Knock" gasoline. posihon- .. tull choke. See "Starling Motor." Counter· Rear High
2. Gas shut-off and reserve supply valve plunger. Gas Ia shut 12. Carburetor air cleaner (exira equipment). See "Air Cleaner." Motor Clutch ahalt Wheel Gear
oil when plunger Is lutned down linger-light against lis seal; un· Sprocket Sprocket Sprocket Sprocket Rallo
screw plunger (but do not lift II) lo uae main gas· supply; lUI 13. Positive battery terminal. Keep clean and connection light. Solo (Iron heads) ....•. 31 59 17 41 4.59 to I
plunger to use reserve supply of appro~lmately 3 quarts. 14. Front wheel brake control adjustment. Properly adjusted, Solo (aluminum heads). 30 59 17 41 4.74 to I
Caution-Gas and o\1 tank caps are not Interchangeable. 011 tank hand lever will move freely about one-quarter of Ito lull movement Sidecar ............. 27 59 17 41 5.27 to I
cap which Is the shorter cap Is not vented: using It on gas tank before brake starts to take effect. II adjusted tighter, brake may Servi-Car ............ 22 59 · 17 37 5.84 to I
will vacuum-lock tank. drag.
3. Gear shifter lever·-·poslllons marked must be at neuhal 15. Front wheel axle nut. See "Removing Front Wheel." _
and clutch engaged when starling motor. fully release clutch
Tire Inflation Pressures
16. Clutch footpedal. Toe down--clutch engaged; heel down-
before shilling. clutch released. Solo--4.00'' !Ire-Front, 12 lbs.-Rear, 14 fbs.
4. Ride control adjualing knob. Applies lrlc11on and snubs fork 5.00" lire· .. fronl. 12 lbs.--llear, 12 lbs.
17. Gear shifter rod. Aller each re-adjustment of front chain, Servi-Car·-4.00" the-Front, 12 lbs.-Rear, 20 lbs.
action to prevent front end bouncing al higher speeds. For normal also whenever any irregularity Ia noticed with &hilling and positive '
service adjust free; lighten (turn right) to desired hlcllon, when 5.00" tire-Front, 12 lbs.-·-Roar, 16 lbs.
engagement In dlllerent positions, check the adjustment of this rod
running at high speeds. II equipped wllh hydraulic shock ab· and re.adjust as necessary. These Inflation pressures are baaed on rider weight of about ISO
!;orbor instoad of ride control, snubblnq action is automatic. pounds. When !his rider weight Ia exceeded by SO pounds or
To cheek and re-adjust, set shifter lever 3 at neulrol position, more; when carrying extra passenger. or when sidecar Ia allached.
5. Front wheol broko hand lover. See doscrlpllon No. 14. d!aconnect shllter rod, and wllh slight back and forward movement ralso pressure& slightly. Preesure for sideear tire about the same
s. Horn button. c•relully "feel" transmission lever Into exact posll!on where sh!lter as lor front eire.
7. Headlamp dimming switch. &pring plunger Unalde transrnl88lon) seats fully In retaining notch.
Noxl. M& that lever 3 Ia at exact poalllon and then re-adjust length
9. Spark control grip--turn Inward to advance spark; turn out· of rod to Ill. It Is advisable to repeat this check In low and second Air Cleaner
ward to retard apark. Fully advanced Ia the proper normal running posltlons to be sure of having best all-around adJu•lment.
position. When motor Is laboring under a hard pull, retard part Install carburetor Alr Cleaner lor dusty service to avoid exces·
way for beller performance and to avoid knocking. Some motors Shiller control must be kepi In correct adjustment, othotwlse, sive motor wear. See your dealer about it.
starl best wllh slight retard. driving dogs on shifting clutches Inside transmission will not fully
In normal service on hard surl•ced roads. II Is Important that the
9. lgnlllon-lighl switch and swllch lock. Switch OFF In slralqht engage In the different pos!llons, and are likely to become dam· air cleaner mesh be removed, washed thoroughly In gasoline •nd
ahead position. Turn lett for parking wllh lights. Turn to first right aged from jumping out ol engagement under driving load. then saturated with oil (same oil as used In motot) al least once
posllion for Ignition only-second right posllion lor Ignition and 19. Gasoline stralnor. Turn off lower end, remove screen, and every 1000 mii<S. In dusty service this attention ahould be given
running lights. Bear in mind that lighting headlamp when motor clean and flush ·at least once a month, or oflener II the need of more froquontly. In extremely dusty service. every 100 miles or
is dead also turns lqnillon ON. cleaning Is indicated by Irregular carburelion. Soe No. 25. al least once a day.
II winter weather becomes so extremely cold thai "Light" oil
congeals In lank, add just enough kerosene lo keep oil fluid.
Tank completely empty holds over 3 112 quarts. About one Inch
from top of lank Is considered full. Don't fill above this level. as
lank needs some air space. Tighten cap securely to prevent leakage.
"Red" signal light In rlghl side of Instrument panel indicates oil
circulation. See "fnslrumenl Panel Signal Lights."
011 mileage normally varies hom 200 to 400 miles per quart,
depending on nature of service, solo or sidecar usc. last or mod·
erato driving, and how well molot lo kept tuned.up. II mileage I•
not within this range, oil pump can be re-adjusted. Seo your dealer
about II.
Remove lank cap and chock oil supply not moro than 300 Mll.ES
AFTER EACH COMPLETE REFILL. If oil level is found not very
far above "relill" mark on gauge rod. add oil. When level is down
to "refill" mark. 2 quarts can be added. Oil supply runs cooler and
mlloago somewhat higher wilh oil level well up in lank. rurther·
more, unless oil lank Is kepi well tilled, frequent checking of oil
level will he necessary to avoid any chance ol running dry.
When a new mo1or has tun Ua first 750 miles, and normally in
warm or hot weather and ln averago service, at about 2,000 rn11c
intervals thorealter. completely drain oil 'ank of used oil and rofi1l
with fresh oil. If scrvlco iN oxtromoly hard. or dusly sorvicc on dirt
roads or Jn compelilion, drain and refill at shorter intervals. Drain·
lng should be dono after a run while oil is hoi. II Is not necessary
to drain crankcase as II does not accumulate used oil. AI the limo
of tho first ?50 mile oil change, and along with al least every
second oil chango lhercaflcr. thoroughly flush and clean out lank
with kerosene to remove any sediment and sludge thai may have
accumulated. Your dealer has facilities lor quick flushing and
clcanlnq of oil lank.
WINTER CJI.UTION .... Combustion in any enqino generate•
water vapor. When slarlinq and warming up In cold weather,
especially in lrcezing or colder weather. considerable of the vapor
thai gels into crankcase condenses to water before crankcase Is
hoi enough so that II no longer acts as a condenser and exhausts
the vapor, without Inside condensation. through outside breather. If
a motor Is driven enough to got tho crankcase thoroughly warmed
up lroqi~enlly, most of this water Is again vaporized and blown out
Ill us. 2- Right Side Description case cover, not In pump body.) Jldd thin washers 12 In tool kit) through the outside breather. However, a mocleraloly driven motor,
under screw head for more oil; take off washers for less oil. making only short runs now ancl then ancl seldom thorouqhly
27. Throlllo (carburetor) control grip- turn outward to· close 39. Transmission oil filler plug. Check oil level every two warmed up, Is likely lo accumulate an increasing amount of water
lhroltlo; turn Inward Ia open lhrolllo. weeks and add oil II necessary. Fill to tho level of filler opening. In oil tank. This water will, in freezing weather. become slush
26. Sleerlnq damper (extra equipment). Applies steering friction Use same grade of oil used In motor--summer and winter. In ex- or Ice and if allowed to accumulate too long. there is tho chance
to prevent Irani wheel wobble and shimmy at higher speeds. For tremely cold weather, if shilling becomes difficult clue lo trans- that oil lines may be blocked with rosulling damage to motor.
all normal service, keep handle In fell side (free) poslllon: move mission oil bocoming congealed to some oxtont. thin with a small Also, water mixed with oil for some lime forms sludge thai is
handle right to doalred friction. when running at high speeds. amount of kerosene. harmful lo motor ancl causes undue wear of various working paris.
Motorcycle should be standing straight up, not loaning on lilly Therefore, In winter the oil change Interval should be shorter than
29. Horn (tone adjusting acrew In hom back). normal lor all motors, and any motor used only for short runs, par-
Stand, when adding oil to lransmtsslon.
30. Spark plugs. Keep clean and gap between points adjusted ticularly Servi-Car and other motors In commercial service. must
to .025 to .030 Inch. Do not take apart lor cleaning. Clean wllh 40. Clutch lever. Soc lllus. 10--"Adjusling Clutch Controls." have oil changed lrequently along with a thorough tank flush.oul to
sancl-blasl cleaner found In nearly every service alation. 41. Right side rear wheel adjusting screw. See doscripllon No. remove any water and· sludge. before now oil Is put In lank. The
After a now motor has gone through lis slow and moderato 24 under "Loll Side Description." farther below lreezlng the temperature drops, tho shorter the oil
speed running-In period. If It Ia then driven considerable al high 42. Rear axle nut. See "Removing Rear Wheel." chanqo interval should bo.
speeda, colder .than original equipment plugs will probably be 43. Brake slecvo nut. This nut as well as axle nut 42 must bo
needed. This will be Indicated by overheating. loss ol power, loosened to permit movinq rear wheel. whon rc·adjustinq roar
excessive knocking, and bllotorlnq of plug core Ups. Disregard of chain. Starting Motor
these Indications ol the need of colder plugs may result In damaqe 44. Rear brake rod adjustment. Adjust length of brake rod so
hom overheating. brake does not slarl to lake ellect until footpedal is pushed When starting motor, gear shifter lever must be at NEUTRAL
When plugs need lo be replaced, gel now plugs from your downward about one Inch. Turn rear wheel lo make sure thai brake and clutch fully engaged. Spark should be tully advanced. or
Harley.Davldson dealer. He can supply you wllh the typo of plug Is. not loo light and dragging. nearly so.
best sultod to your roquiremonls. Experimenting with plugs of un· 45. Negative (grounded) ballery terminal. Keep clean and con-
proven quality and suitability Is lnvlling trouble. Carburetor choke Is fully open with choke lever II, lllus. I, all
nection llqhl. tho way down; choke lully closed with lever all the way up.
31. Safely Guard (exira equipment). 46. Oil tank vent pipe.
32. Brake loolpedal. See description No. 44. 4?. 011 supply pipe to feed pump. I. STARTING A COLD MOTOR: Sol choke lover at tully closed
46. 011 return pipe from scavenqor pump underl\ealh gear case. (Primo) position, open lhrollle 11<, and wllh ignilion switch OFF,
33. Valve lappet and spring covers. kick tho starter down once or twice to prime cylinders. Then, wllh
34. Ignition circuli breaker. 49. Oil tank drain plug. Soc No. 50.
50. Oil lank cap- gauge rod Inside tank.
choke lever set 1-'< or 'lz closed in mild weather. or 'I•
or fully
35. Oil feed pump. Seo "Instrument Panel Signal Lights." closed ln extremely cold weather. and throtlto nearly closed, turn
36. 011 pressure switch. See "lnshumcnl Panel Signal Lights." Use llarloy-Davidson "Regular Heavy" oil above + 32' r.: Harley. iqnition swllch ON and start motor with vigorous strokes ot s'arter.
DatJidson "MQd\um Heavy" oU when predominating temperature Is
37. Stop light switch. See lllus. 12. -l-3~' F. to + 10' F.: Harley-Davidson "Light" oil when predoml. CAUTION---II Is only in extremely cold weather thai motor may
start best with choke In fully closed (Prime) position. and oven
38. Adjusllng screw for front chain oiling. (In top edge of gear nating temperature Is + 10° r. or colder.
thon II will have to be moved from this position immediately after rotor) about I 'A turns. Wllh needles In these positions, motor will Adlustlng Headlamp
motor starts. Undor no conditions will motor continuo to run with alar!, but mixture will probably be too rich. Start motor and afler
full choke. choke lever has boon moved lo OPEN poslllon and motor Is nor. To qet the greatest efficiency hom ho~dlamp and to meet the
molly hoi, correct the adjustment of both needles. requirements of law, adjust as follows: Adjustment should bo made
As soon as motor starts, open tho throttle Just far enough to keep
II running while warming up or unlit ready to sot motorcycle in Adjust lor low speed first. Turn low speed noedle down (to right) in a darkened room or at nlqhl. Have motorcycle slandlnq on a
motion. one notch al a lime unlit mixture becomes so lean thai motor misses level surface about 25 feel away from. and headed toward a wall
and Ia Inclined lo slop; then, back needle up five to len notches. or or screen upon which a horizontal line has been drawn at exactly
As motor warms up and misfires, due to an over·rlch mixture, unlil motor hits regularly with spark advanced and lhrotlle closed the aame heiqhl as lamp center. Motorcycle must be realinq on
gradually move choke lever downward. Aller motor has thoroughly or as nearly closed as II can be ael and alill have motor run at both wheels and front wheel must be In slralghlahead alignment.
warmed up, move choke lever lo OPEN position (all tho way down). Idling speed. Next, adJust lhrolile lever slop screw as may be nee·
esaary to make motor idle al proper speed with lhrotlle fully closed. Turn liqht switch ON. set handlebar thumb swllch In "bright"
2. STARTING A WARM MOTOR: CThls applies loa motor half. position, and check light beam for helqhl and dlrecllon. The top of
way between hot and cold.) Raise choke lever lo 'I• closed poslllon Turning screw lo rlqhl makes motor Idle faster. Turninq screw to
fell makes motor Idle slower. Don't ldlo a motor at lhe slowest main beam of liqhl should reqister on wall or screen even with,
(I at upward posllion) and wllh throllle closed, kick the alartor down but no hiqher than the horizontal line· menlioned above. Alter
once or twice. Then, sol throttle about 'A to 113 open, turn lqnlllon possible speed, bacause an oxlremely slow ldlinq adJustment causes
hard starlinq. Since, chanqinq idlinq speod wllh lhrollle slop screw loosening tho clamp nul underneath lamp bracket. lamp can be
switch ON. and kick tho startor down quickly. Soon alter motor lilted up or down to properly aim II In relation lo horizontal line.
starts, the choke lever should be moved back lo lull open posllion. Is likely to change low speed mixture to some extent. It will bo and at tho same lime can be turned right or loll lo direct beam of
Remember. rhis slarting procedure calls lor having the throlllo pari necessary to aqaln check and correct low speed needle adjustment light straight ahead.
way open durtng the starling strokes after switch has been turned by tho same procedure lollowed in making the Initial adJuslmonl.
ON. Starllnq and all·around carburellon will be boner wllh low speed
3. STARTING A HOT MOTOR: If motor has been shut oil for adjustment sliqhlly rich rather than as loan as II can be mado.
only a brief period and is at about normal runnlnq temperature. II
Aller low speed adjustments have been completed, run motor·
Is not necessary to use choke lever. Simply closo the lhrollle, turn cycle on the road lo check hlqh speed adjustment. Run al various
lqnilion switch ON, and kick the starter down quickly. Wllh aome speeds between 20 miles per hour and wide open. Have spark fully
motors. dependlnq on carburetor adjustment, hot startlnq Is more
advanced. If adjustment Is too lean, motor will sluff and backfire
dependable II the starter is qiven one stroke before turnlnq lqnlllon through carburetor on quick lhrolllo openlnq to accelerate from low
switch ON.
speed. II adjuslmenl Is too rich, motor will be sluqqlsh and will
When a hot motor does nol start readly, that Is, with two or lope and miSR at lnlermedlale and hlqh speeds. Adjusting some·
three otartlnq kicks, It is usually due lo an over·rlch (flooded) con· what over·rlch Is preferable lo adjusllnq too lean, because a lean
dillon. and the proper procedure is lo open the lhrollle wide so thai mixture causes overhealinq. Best all·around motor performance Is
more air can enter; closing II quickly as motor slarls. usually found with high speed needle set about 1 112 turns open.

To Stop Motor Running-In New Motor

Stop motor by turning the ignition swllch OFF. II motor should Don't run new motorcycle laster than 35 miles per hour the first
bo stalled or slopped In any other way than wllh the switch, turn 250 miles; 40 miles per hour the second 250 miles; 45 miles per
the switch OFF at once lo prevent ballery from belnq diacharqed hour (sidecar) or 50 miles per hour (solo) the next 500 miles. Avoid
through tho circuli breaker points. runnlnq at or near lop spnod for lonq distances below 2,000 miles.
Lower this run·ln·achedule 10 miles per hour for Servi·Car.
After a new motorcycle has run 500 lo 1000 miles It needs to be
The Carburetor thorouqhly checked over and any loose screws and nula lightened.
Particular allenllon must be given to lhoso thai secure motor and
Don'! conllnually tamper wllh carburetor adjustment. If motor transmission, also screws lhal secure wheels to brake drums. See
doesn't start and run rlqhl, llrsl look lor trouble elsewhere !han In that this allenlion Is qlven.
carburetor. Parllcularly, see that spark pluga are clean. properly
adjusted, and thai porcelain corea are not damaged. Try new plugs. Front chain should be checked for ample lubrlcallon and chain
See descrlpllon No. 30 under "Righi Side Descrlpllon." oiler re·adjusled If necessary. Have your dealer mako this re·
Check lho adjustment of valve tappets. Make sure that there Is adjustment. lllus. 3-lgnltlon Circuit Breaker and Timer
qood compression In both cylinders. See thai lhrolllo and spark and Flywheel Timing Mark
controls are properly adjusted. High Speed Tips
We suqqesl having carburetor adjustments made al a Harley- I. Flywheel liming mark. Seo description No. 19 under "Left
DavidRon service slallon. Develop lhe habit of frequently onapplnq throtllo shut lor an Side Description."
lnslanl when runnlnq at hlqh speeds. This draws addllional lubrl· 2. Adjuslablo contact point lock screws. Loosen these scrows
calion to pistons and cylinders and helps cooltnq. to re·adjusl point qap.
Adlustlng Carburetor In cold weather run motor slowly unlll It is thoroughly warme<J 3. Contact point qap. Gap fully open (breaker lever fibre on
For Starting Instructions, see "Stortlng Motor." up, to avoid poaalble damaqe to pistons, rlnqs, and other parts. hiqhesl polnl of cam) should be .022 Inch. Wronq qap allecls lime
before oil Is warm enouqh lo circulate freely. of ignition.
A carburetor once properly adjusted requires lillie, If any, re·
adjuslinq. AI lhe most, II should not be necessary to adjust lhe A motor run lonq distances at high speed in Sidecar or Servi·Car 4. Mark on breaker cam (reqlslers with breakJr lever fibre)
needle moro than one or lwo notches richer or leaner lo correct service must be qlven closer than ordinary attenllon to avoid over· and mark on circuli breaker hoad reqislero with outer edge of
mixture for a chanqe In weather condillons. healing and possible consequent damage. Have motor checked timlnq adjusting stud plate lndicatinq orlqlnal factory timing.
Both needles turn down (lo rlqhl) to make mixture leaner at the regularly and keep It well tuned·up especially as concerns valve 5. Breaker cam. Narrow cam limes front cylinder; wide cam
tespeclivo speeds for which they adJust. Backlnq them out (lo loll) sealing and qood compression, carburetor should be adjusted limes rear cylinder.
makes mixluro richer. Both needles are held in whatever poslllons moderately rich rather than lean, Inspect spark pluqs often for 8. Condenser.
they may be turned to, by a spring and plunger which drops Into good condlllon. This applies particularly lo a motorcycle equipped 7. Timing adjusting stud lock nul. Allor loosenlnq this nul,
notches In Ihe noodle adjusllng screw. wllh handlebar windshield. circuli breakor head can be shifted to readjust liming.
A carburetor that is badly out ol adjualment may be re·adjusled Recommended maximum lop speed for Servi·Car is 45 miles por 8. Timing adjusllnq stud (also serves as advance and retard
as follows: Fbsl, maKe sure carburetor control wire ta. adjusted so hour. lover); inward position is advanced.
lhrolllo tully closes and opens with handlebar grip movement. Turn Once or twice a year havo your dealer check ignllion liming.
both the low and high speed needles all the way down (lo rlqht). and if necessary, re·adjusl circuli breaker selling to compenaalo lor
Then. back up (lo Jell) low speed noodle (on rear aido of carburetor) wear about circuli breaker and liming qears that may have changed
about 3 turns. and hiqh apeed needle (on forward side of carbu· Don't ldhl motor unnecessarily wllh motorcycle slandinq. liming lo some extent.
lllus. 4- Adlustlng Tappets 3. Set and hold pm10n qcar with lis outer lace exaclly S/16
inch from qear case Joint face. as this is tho running position of
I. Tappet adjusting screw--- wllh which re-adjustment Is qear when qoar case cover Is in place.
made, after slightly loosening nul 2.
4. Timing hole in breather sleeve reglstcrinq in center of slot
2. Tappet adjuatlnq screw In breather bushing.
lock nul.
3. Tappet body. Summarizing tho above:- Spiral gear 2 must be so enqaged
4. Valve stem. with breather sleevp gear thai when flywheel mark Is In center of
Inspection hole and pinion geM 5/16 Inch from joint lace, liming
To gel the maximum power hole 4 In breather sleeve registers as shown.
and beat all-around performance
hom a motor, keep valve tappets CAUTION---The breather is a part ol and drives gcavenqer oil
properly adjusted. They must be pump underneath gear case. If there is occasion lo remove scav·
adjusted after grinding valves, enger pump, breather will ol course come out with it. Removing
and should be Inspected and, doea not roqulre taking off gearcase cover, however, II must be
If necessary. re-adjusted about remembered that In order to re-assemble with breather limed, II Is
every 1000 to l 500 miles there· necessary to lake oil gear case cover and follow the above timing
after. Instructions. Breather must be correctly timed as it Is the con-
trol valve of the oil circulating system. When ori<Jinal breather
Motor must be cold, llmlnq has to be disturbed, it Is advisable to have ro-llmlnq dono,
' As each lappet Is re-adjusted, or at least ch-ecked, by your dealer.
first make sure II Ia at Us lowest position, by turning motor ahead
until the like lappet In the other cylinder Is at Us hlgest position
(valve fully open).
The Inlet valves are those nearest tho carburetor.
Adjust tappets so that there Ia .004 to .005 Inch clearance between
Inlet valve atoms and tappets, and .006 to .007 Inch clearance
between exhaust valve aloma and lappets. An accurate thickness
gauge should be used to measure theao clearances. II no gauge Ia
available, use ono thickness of ordinary wrillng paper to gauge
Inlet lappet clearance, and two thicknesses of tho same paper to
qauge exhaust tappet clearance.
Belo") replacing valve aprlng covere, Inspect the paper gasket
between each cover and tappet bushing. II broken or damaged,
Ill a now gasket to prevent an oil leak.

lllus. 6- Valve and Ignition Timing

Gears with Marks in Correct Alignment
(Note--Crankcase Breather must be limed first.)
S. Pinion qear. Gear and shaft are spline engaged and qear is
a slip Ill on shall.
6. Crankcase breather sleeve qear; also drives scavenger oil
7. Rear exhaust cam gear; also drives oil Iced pump.
8. Rear Intake cam gear; also drlve7 iqnillon circuit breaker.
9. Front intake cam gear.
I 0. Front exhaust cam gear.
I I. Intermediate gear (not marked).
12. Generator drive qear with breather exhaust oil separator
rlnq (not marked).
lllus. 5 - Timing Crankcase Breather 13. 011 screen.
ISieevo Valvel
1\ thin fltccl thrust washer is lilted hohlnd rear exhaust and
I. flywhftnt tlmlnq mark appeatlnq exaclly In center ol llminq intake cam qcara. 3nd on both sides of front exhaust and int<lke
tnspecllon hole In left otdo crankcase. (No. 19 llluo. 1.1 cam qcars. Other qcats do not require thrust washers.
2. Breather pinion shalt gear (spiral gear). Gear an~ shall are When qoar caso cover Is taken ofl, it is advisable to remove
ap1tne engaged and gear lo a slip Ill on shaft. A bearing oil seal from II the circuli breaker assembly and oil feed pump belorc II is
ring and spring are assembled behind 11. Spring pushes spiral gear replaced. Circuli breaker has to be re-llmed anyhow, and replacing
outward light a9alnot pinion gear and bearing oil seal ring Inward, oil pump after cover is on makos il an easier maltor lo line up and
llghl against crankcase bearln9 buahlnq. A mark Ia cut In one enga<Jo pump driving do9s on end of cam shall with slot in pump
side of aplral qear. Assemble with marked aide outward (against rotor. Do not forco pump. il will <JO on easily when drive is
pinion gear). lined up.
Survi·Car rear chain is lubricaled by wheel, and check adjustment ol hubs. Adjushnenl is all righl when
small oil line hom scavenger pump. Adjusl· only a small amount of side shake can be Jound at rim of wheel.
ing screw in pump cover regulates supply Also check spokes and lighten any lound loose. Servi-Car rear
of oil. Add lhin washers (2 in tool kil) wheels have solid hubs and !he only altenlion wheels require is
under screw head lor more oil; lake off occasional checking lor loosened spokes.
washera lor less oil.
Removing Front Wheel (Motorcycle)
Adlustlng Front Chain Raise front end ol motorcycle by means ol front stand, or by
blocking-up under frame loop. Disconnect brake conlrol. take oul
Front chain is adjusted by loosening the rigid fork brake shackle boll. remove axle nul, and pull oul axle.
three nuts underneath transmission !hat Wheel is thc:m freo to come out. In re-assembling wheel. make sure
clamp II to frame !Servi-Car slarler crank !hal slot in brake stabilizer plate is Jilted over extended end of
brace lower clatnp screw must also be loos· front rocker plato stud. Tighten axle securely and Insert cotter pin.
enod), and then moving transmission back-
ward or forward by means ol adjustlnq
screw, the head of which protrudes through Removing Front Wheel (Servi-Car)
frame Jltllng at rear ol lransmiosion. Turn Raise front end ol Servi.Car by blocking-up underneath motor.
adjusting screw, to the right lo tighten
chain-to the left to loosen chain. When II wheel Is to be taken out Just for tire or wheel service and then
couec!ly adjusted, securely lighten trans· re-aaaombied, II is nol necessary to detach from brake drum. Detach-
misgion. ment from brake drum is necessary only when wheel Is to be
replaced wilh another wheel.
Re-adjusting front chain changes the ad· Take out axle and remove spacer lrom between hub and right
jualment ol rear chain. so both must be re- aide Jork rocker. Wheel, with or without brake drum attached, is
adjusted. then free to come oul.
Moving transmission to re-adJust front
chain, also allecls adjustment of gear ahiller Adlustlng Front Wheel Hub (Motorcycle)
and clutch controls. Therefore. each lime Remove wheel from motorcycle, and !hen remove cone lock nul
front chain Is re-adjusted, these controls and washer from right side ol hub. Cone can then be turned to
will need to be re-adjusted or al least their obtain proper adjuslmenl. Adjust so !hal just slight play or shake
adJustment checked. See descriplion 17 can be detected, and wheel !urns freely. Check adjustment alter
under "Lell Side Descrlplion" and "Adjust· cone fork nul has been replaced and securely lightened. To remove
lng Clutch Controls." and inopecl cones and balls. iurn righl side cone ail the way oil
axle bushing. There are 26, 5/16 inch balls in hub . 13 on each
side. See lllus. 9 regarding Servi·Car front hub.
lllus. 7 - Cylinder Heads Off for Carbon Adlustlng Rear Chain (Motorcycle)
Remove rear axle nul and lock waaher and loosen brake sleeve
Removing and Valve Grinding nul. Alao loosen lock nuts on wheel adjusllng screws. See descrip·
To take off lanka, remove Instrument panel cover, loosen screws Ilona No. 41, 42, 43 under "Righi Side Deacripllon."
In lank lop center slrlp, and remove three tank clamp bolts-one Turn adjuating screws as necessary to correcily re-adjual chain.
at rear end, and two at front end. Tum each screw an equal number ol turna In order to keep wheel
aligned. Check correct alignment ol wheel by noting that lire runs
Some motors have aluminum cylinder heads. Boils are used In· about midway between lower rear frame lubes and also that rear
stead ol studs and nuts wilh these heada. sprocket runs centrally In chain. When re-adjualmenl is completed
be sure to securely Ughlen everything that was loosened.
Care of Drive Chains After re·adjuollng rear chain, rear brake may be too light. Re-
adjust brake rod ao necessary. See description No. 44 under "Righi
Inspect the adjustment ol chains every week and re-adjust them, Side Description."
II neceBOary. Adjustment ol Jronl chain can be checked through
inapeclion hole provided in chain guard. Chains should not be Adlustfng Rear Chain (Servi-Car)
allowed lo run loose enough lo strike lhe chain guards, because Loosen nuts on the 4 bolla In frame clamp at each end ol rear
when that loose, they cause motorcycle lo jerk when running at low axle housing. Nuts should not be removed but just loosened enough
speed, and !here is excessive wear ol chains and aprockela. The lo allow clamps to slide freely on lrame tubeo. Also loosen lock
rear chain requires more frequent re-adjustment than Iron! chain. nuts on axle adjusting strews in Jrame fillings Just ahead ol axle
Adjust chains so that they hove about 1/J Inch free movement clampe, Turn adjuollng screws as necessary to correctly re-adjust
up and down, midway between sprockets. Do not adjust tighter. chain (turn left to lighten chain). Turn each adjusllng screw an
because running chains too light Is even more harmlul than run· equal number ol turns in order lo keep rear axle assembly in cor·
nlng them loo loose. As chains stretch and wear in service, they reel alignment. Alignment can be checked by noting thai at each
will run tighter al one point on the sprockets than at another; end ol axle housing there Ia about equal distance from housing
always check adjustment al !he tightest point. lrame clamp to Jrame filling thai carries adjuallng screw. When
Inspect chains occasionally lor links in bad condllion. II any are correcily adjusted. securely lighten clamp boll nuts. and aloo
Jound, make repairs or renew lhe chain. The rear chain can be lighten adjusting screw lock nuts. Caution-always re-check chain
taken apart and removed aller locating and laking out lhe spring· adjustment alter everything Is secure, as sometimes lightening
locked connecting link. The Jront chain Is no!, however, originally clamps allecta adjustment to some extent. Do not leave chain with
provided with such a connecllng link and unleas one haa at some· an over-light adjustment.
time been Jilled in making repairs, II will be necessary to remove Adjusting rear chain aflects rear brake adjustment, thorelore,
the engine sprocket belore chain can be taken oil. brake• muat be checked to be sure they are not too light and
AI leas! every 1,000 miles, brush oil dirt thai has accumulated on dragging. See "Adjuallng Rear Wheel Brakes (Servi-Car)."
rear chain (excepling Servi-Car) and apply Harley-Davidson Chain
Wheels Ill us. 8 - Removing Rear Wheel
Lubricant lo its surlace. The composition ol this lubricant is such
that It will work into the chain bearings. The lronl chain Is auto· Wheels normally require little allenlion other than ample lubrica- Set rnolorcyde on rear stand. and loosen and raise ond of mud·
malically supplied with necessary lubrication by the oil teed pump. tion ol hubs. See "Chassis Lubrication." Occasionally, set motor. guard. Remove tho live clamp screws thai secure wheel lo brake
See description No. 39 under "Righi Side Description." cycle on rear stand, block up front end ol motorcycle to raise front assembly. Clamp screw wrench can bo Inserted only directly to
the rear ol axle, so wheol will have to be turned to bring each with this service operation. because care must be exercised lo CAUTION-If end of lever I No. 40-lflus. 21 hos no free
screw lo this position. Apply rear brake and lock II by shilling avoid re-filling too llghl, With hub ru-assembled, roller bearings movement os explained obove, clutch will not hold properly. If
brake rod lock back against battery case bracket. (Brake rod lock must turn lreely and have sliqht play or shake. too much free movement is allowed, dutch will drag when in
Is a wing nul clamp on brako rod above transmission.) Take out disengaged position, and consequently transmission will shift
axle, and remove spacers from between wheel hub and lefl side of Removing Servi-Car Rear Wheels hard, clash, and eventually become damaged.
frame. Wheel is then free to come out. Servi·Car rear wheels do not need to be removed for tire repair
or lire replacement. Wheels are secured wilh nut on tapered end
When re·assembllng wheel, reverse tho removing operation, but
of axle shafts. Removing requires a special puller; See your dealer
Adjusting Clutch Spring Tension
securely lighten the five wheel clamp screws before lightening
axle nul. To avoid any possibility of wheel worklnq loose In service In case a puller Is needed. tf clutch slips. after controls hove been corrcct!y rc-odiustcd,
and consequently damaging clamping flange, II is Important that increase spring tension by lightening (hun riqhl) the three nuts 4.
clamp screws be pulled very light. A special wrench for clamp
Adfustlng Rear Wheel Brakes (Servi-Car) Tiqhlcn all three nuts. onc·haU turn at a time until clutch holds.
screws Is furnished In tool kit. Adjust length of rnain brake ro<l, connecling foolpedal and axlo Test a!ler each half turn by cranking motor. Usually a clutch that
housing cross shalt, so thai foolpedal can be pushed downward holds without any noticeable slippaqe when crankinq motor. also
about 1,~ ol Its full movement before brakes start to take effect. If holds on the road.
adjusted so there Ia less free pedal movement. brakes may drag.
Main brake rod is provided with a clevis at rear end to permit Do not increase spring tension any more than actually required
adjusting Its length. to make clutch hold. As a new clutch is originally assembled and
Following main rod adjustment, test on the road and If necessary, adjusted. the di•tanco from inner edge of shoulder on spring collar
equalize brakes by re-adjusting length of short brake rod at either 6 to outer surla·e of outer disc 9 is 1-1/32 inch. !Same adjustment
rear wheel. With rear brakes not well equalized, ServJ.Car will applies to Scrvi-Car.) In any case, do not lighten nuts 4 to the

"b<: j
pull sideways when brakes are applied. point where inner edge of shoulder on spring collar 6 is closer
than l8 inch lo surface of outer disc 6. If compressed more, clutch
Repairing Chain Drive probably cannot be fully released.
When necessary lo repair a / \, / Jf clulch still does not hold. aller making sure of correct control
chain, remove damaged links , adiuMmenl and increasing sprinq tension. it will have to bo taken
by pushing out the riveted link li apart lor inspection of discs and springs. Possibly the fibre discs
pins with chain repair tool. will be found worn, or maybe only oil-soaked and in need of
Then. fit lhe necessary repair ~ washing and drying. If clutch has boon badly overheated as a
links. A duplex chain is used / 1 f result of slippage, maybe sprinqs will be found shrunken and in
for tho front drive and a single · -·UJ- need of replacement.
wldlh chain for the rear. The
chain tool furnished in tool kit Is designed lo lake care of both.
The Clutch
Ill us. 9- Rear Wheel Hub The need for attenlion lo clutch and controls will be Indicated by
(Also Servi-Car Front Hub) clutch slipping under load, or dragging in released poallion. In
!---Thrust bearing cover screws (live): 2-Thrusl bearing outer either case, the first thing lo be checked.up Ia adjustment of con·
cover: 3... Thrust bearing housing: 4-Cork grease retainer: 5- .. lrola. Re-adjustment ol controls is the attention usually needed,
Thrust bearing sleeve: 6-Thrust bearing adjusting shims (each
shim .002 inch thick, use as many as necessay to adjust so that
alcove 5 has .003 Inch to .005 Inch end play): 7---Thrust washers;
9 --Left roller relalnor thrust washer; g .. -Hub Inner sleeve; 10 .. -
Right roller retainer thrust washer (pressed Into hub shell); II·-
Roller retainer; 12---Bearing rollers; 13--Roller besrlng washer;
14---Roller bearing spring lock ring; 15-.Cork grease retainer: IS-
Cork retaining washer; 17-Sprlng lock ring; 18-·Grease connector.
Adlustlng Rear Wheel Hub
lllus. 9 shows a cross·secllon of hub. Before attempting to make
re-adjustments or take hub apart, carefully aludy this llluslrallon
and Its description.
To lake up only excessive side play that may develop, II Is not
necessary lo take hub completely apart. Simply take out screws I.
and complete thrust bearing assembly comes oil end of hub and
can be taken apart. One or more shims 6, as required can lhon be
added, and the assembly re-assembled on hub. Be careful about
adding too many shims and thus binding thrust sleeve 5. It must 11 • . II •"

i,li,ll.l! IIIMf~l!/lciLI C")· 6

still be free with cover screws I securely lightened. It Is beat to
leave cork retainer 4 out of thrust aosembly while determining
correct adjustment of thrust sleeve, and put II back In when re- Ill us. 10- Adfusting Clutch Controls
adjustment is completed. Cork retainer interferes to some extent. I. Clutch cable lube (loll oil washer In each end).
with !rae movement of thrust sleeve and, therefore, makes it 2. Push rod adjusllng screw.
tl . ··~
difficult to determine whether or not sleeve Is altogether free
between thrust washers 7.
3. Push rod adjusllng screw lock nul. .,
I .- 'II '1
4. Spring tension adjusting nuts (lhreo).
Excessive radial (up and down) play in wheel hub bearingn, due 16. Footpedal.
to wear, can be taken up by filling oversize rollers 12. To lake hub 21. Footpedal cable. Ill us. 11 -Clutch Apart
completely apart for atlenlion lo roller bearings. first remove thrust Correct adjustment: With loolpedal 16 in full disengaged position 4. Spring tension adjusting nuts (three).
assembly as explained above. Next, remove spring ring 17, washer -·heel down, clutch lever (No. 40--lllus. 2 "Right Side Descrip· 6. Spring collar.
16, cork 15, and pull out inner sleeve 9. Hollen and retainers can lion") must clear sprocket cover and sprocket cover stud nul about 7. Clutch springs (lon),
then be taken oul. It is necessary lo remove spring ring 14 and 1/16 inch. Re-adjust when found needed by lengthening or short· 8. Outer disc.
washer 13. before brake side bearing can be removed. ening foolpedal cable 21, Following this adjustment, oel foolpedal 9. Sprung disc, lo smooth clutch engagement. Friction disc
It is advisable to have any needed wheel hub re-adjustments In full engaged posltion .. -toe down, and chock end of lover (No. riveted lo inner side.
made at a Harley. Davidson Service Station where rollers in assorted 40· .IJius. 2) for free movement which should be about 'I•
Inch. 10. Steel discs (two). Outside marked.
sizes and any other parts thai may be required are al hand. Further· To re·adjusl free movement, loosen lock nul 3 and turn adjusting II. Lined friction discs (two).
more, re-filling should be dono by mechanic thoroughly familiar screw 2- -right for less; left lor more. 12. Clutch hub nut (right thread).
Inspecting or Replacing Generator Brushes normal prcssuro: if fraczinq wec1ther. oil feed pipe may be cloqqed
laking Clutch Apart with icc or sludqe. However. it may b(!: A grounded oil signal
Remove lhc lwo screws in generator end covor and pull oil switch wire; faulty signal swilch; or oil pump in bad order. Give
Wllh outer chain guard removed, simply turning oil nuts 4 allows cover. oxpOfdnq the commutator and brushes. Brushes can bo takon
clutch to como apart as shown In lllus. II. However, unless springs due ,,uenlion to oil supply, and if signal still docs nol operate nor·
out after unfasteninq spring retainers. To unfasten small brush
may need Inspection and possibly renewal, II Is not necessary to sprin<J retainor. simply press
release them. Spring collar 6, springs 7 and outer disc 8 can bo il downward and outward. no.
removed as an assembly. This manner of dia-assenabllnq makes re· movo fastontnq screw from
assembling a much simpler job than when springs are released. each of largo brush sprinq re·
To remove these parts. as an assembly, first obtain a flat washor lainere.
with approximately the following dimensions: '·~ Inch thick. I '•4 Brushes are worn oul and
Inch outside diameter. and center holo '• Inch. Remove push rod should be renewed when
adjusling screw lock nut 3, lllus. I 0 and Ill flat washer over ad. longest side of brush moas.
jusllnq screw 2. lllus. 10. Then turn lock nut onto adjuallnq acrow. uros l."S lnth or leaa. Be sure
against washer, and lighten lock nul until adjusting nuts 4 are free. to Insert brushes lnlo holders
Remove nuts 4 and assembly can be pulled off, freeing the other so thai concave face of brush
discs. fils curve of commutator.
To rornove "clutch shell and sprocket. it is first necessary to
remove englno aprockel. Then. front chain and clutch sprocket lllus. 12
assembly can bo taken oil.
Clutch hub. with back plate, Is a proas fit on spllned, outer end Wiring Diagram
of clutch gear and Is aecured by. nul 12 (tight thread) and lock
waaher. Aller removing nul and lock waaher, a puller Is nooded lo I. 2, 3. 4, 5-SWITCH TER·

remove clutch hub. MINALS: 6· -JUNCTION TER·

~~Uj~ _j~-:r•::::.:-:-~. <u«-·~~·~·

When clutch hub needa to be removed, have II taken oil at a MINAL; 8-SPEEDOMETER
Harley.Davidson service station where the required puller Is al LIGHT; 9 --BATTERY POSI·
hand. TIVE TERMINAL (/ell sfdel; =
In re-assembling clutch. apply a low drops of oil or a small 10- BATTERY NEGATIVE -...r- --110-- . u
amount of grease lo sprocket ball bearing. TERMINAL lriqhl side); II _..

G::i~. ~o_-.,-.,.:;,;;,.====!.J '""~~

When re-assembling. clutch should go together In aarne order as OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL
pictured In lllus. II. De sure steel frlcllon discs 10 aro assembled SWITCH: 12 --·STOP LAMP
wllh side slamoed "OUT" facing outward. Also, apltnewaya wilh SWITCH; 13-- RELAY; 14 --
anti·rallle devices should be staggered on splines In hub shell. TAIL AND STOP LAMP; 17 --
JUNCTION TERMINAL; 18 - HANDLEBAR TOGGLE SWITCH; 19 mally, look Inside oil lank, al return pipe oullel. and see If oil
·· · HORN SWITCH; 20 - HORN; 21 - HEADLAMP; 22 - GEN. rolurns to lank, when motor Is running. If so, you can drive slowly
Generator Charging Rate ERA TOR "SWITCH" TERMINAL: 23-- GENERATOR "RELAY" to your dealer, or the nearest Harley-Davidson dealer and have
(Standard Generator) TERMINAL; 24 - .. IGNITION· LIGHT SWITCH: 25 ·IGNITION oiling syslefd checked and serviced as needed. If no oil returns,
A maximum charging rale of about 4 amperes (wllh regular COIL: 26 -·IGNITION CIRCUIT BREAKER; 28- GENERATOR do nol drive further belore havlnq lhe fault corrected, as motor Is
equipment lamps lighted) Is lhe alandard factory selling. This SIGNAL LIGHT (marked "Gl:N"J; 29 ... OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL likely lo be damaged. Take motorcycle to a dealer al once, other·
should he sufficient to keep ballery In a good slate of charge under J,IGHT !marked "01£"1; 30 --JUNCTION TERMINAL (front ler· wise than under lis own power.
normal service conditions. AI average driving speeds, the charging mina/-right side, In headlamp bracket); 36 -- MUDGUARD LAMP:
rate I• about the same wllh lights ellher ON or orr, because, when 44 ·--JUNCTION TERMINAL; 4S -JUNCTION BOX (located be- Care of Storage Battery
iighling switch Is turned ON, generator output Is aulornatlcally hind lgnlllon coli); 46 -JUNCTION TF.RMINAL tupper /ell side II Is the care qlven a baltery, rather than limo and miles In aerv·
boosted enough lo take care of tho standard lighting equipment. terminal in Junction boxl; 47 - .. JUNCTION TERMINAL (upper right icc, !hal has mosl lo do with determining Us life. Don't neqlecl 11.
The charging rate can be re-adjusted higher or lower as desired lo •;de terminal in tuncllon box); 48 --JUNCTION TERMINAL (cenler I. Inspect battery every week. Add pure distilled water as
meet unusual service condllions, bul bear In mind that a higher fell side terminal In luncllon box); 49 -- JUNCTION TERMINAL often as net:essarv lo keep solulion above Ihe plates. (See "Adding
than normal charging rate is likely lo overcharge, overheat. and (/ower riqhl side terminal In junction box); SO - · JUNCTION TER· Water lo Ballery").
darn age battery. MINAL llower /ell side lerminal In !unction box); Sl ._ .. JUNCTION 2. Remove battery and have II given a charge horn an outside
TERMINAL (In front mudguard). source. when the hydrometer shows thai this altenlion is needed.
When II Ia found necessary to re-adjust charging rale, proceed Allowing battery to remain in a discharged condition for any length
as follows: Remove generator ond cover, and loosen screws that Connect black wire with red tracer horn handle bars lo lamp
larger terminal sorew·-red wire wllh yellow tracer fom handle· of limo shortens Us life.
hold the regulating brush (small brush) plato assembly lo generator II Is especially Important that battery be kepi well charged in
lrame. Then, shift regulaling brush to the right, lo Increase charg· bare to lamp smaller terminal screw. Note: Headlamp Is shown in
upside down poslllon. below freezing weather as a low or discharged ballery is very
lng rate .. -to the left, to decrease charging rate. Shill brush only likely lo bo lrozen and ruined.
a lillie al a lime, until desired maximum charging ralo Is obtained. Bulbs: Headlamp· -pre·locused type, two filament. 32·21 candle.
power. Instrument panel and speedometer lights I candlepower, 3. Keep banery clean, and terminal connections tight. Occa·
II Is advisable to have genoralor re-adjusting done at a Harley· sionally put a low drops ol motor on on terminal "no·couode"' felt
Davidson service atatlon. single contact. Slop and tall lamp-lwo filament, 21·3 candlepow<r.
washers to keep them oil saturated.
Lubricating Commutator End Armature Instrument Panel Signal Lights Battery Constant Charge Rate 2 Amperes
Light (marked "GEN") In center of Instrument panel Indicates When charging a battery from an outstdo source, the charqinq
Bearing whether or nol genorator Is charqlnq. rale is constant and should nol be allowed lo go over 2 amperes.
To lubricate this bearinq It i9 first necessary to remove generator
Llghl (marked "OIL") In center of lnatrumonl panel Indicates oil A higher rale will heal and damage tho ballery. CAUTION--
end cover. Then. bearing can be oiled through bolo In bearing circulation. Therefore, don't allow your hottery to he charged in the some
cover. or bearlnq cover can bo removed to pormll qr.,aslnq. When awilch Is turned on for motor starling, both lights should line with automobile hotteries, at o high chorge rote.
qo ON.
Lubricate this hearlnq every 5.000 miles or al least oncP a yoor. With motor started and running at a fair Idling speed, both lights Adding Water to Battery .
This attention can best he qlven al a llarloy O•vl<l•on Service Sta 1hould qo Orr. AI slow l<llinq speed or undor about 20 miles por Motorcycle should be standing straight up, not leonlng on
tion where tho recommended hlqh mnl!lnq point qr(l'uo tll<1rlov hour road opeod In hlqh gear, qenoralor alqnal llqht will normally Jiffy Stond, when adding woter to battery.
Davidson Grado A Greaf!o) 11 at hand II not ronvPnlnnl to havo ll••h ON and orr because al !hal speed generator output Is very Turn off wing nuts, and remove ballerv cover and rubber mal.
bo.ulnq luhricafed with qreuo at spoclft~d Interval, ftl lea!t luhrl low and unaloady. Take oul the three screw-In Iiiier plugs, and wllh a hydrometer or,
cate with a few drops of motor oi1 Should generator signal fall to go orr al speeds above approx. syrlnqe add enough water to each cell lo raise lhe level of the
Be careful thai lhls bearing is not over lubrlcalod as excess oil lmaloly 20 miles oer hour, generator Ia ellher nol charging at all or solullon aboul 5/16 Inch above lho plates and separators.
or grease will very likely work out ol hearlnq and some may qet Us output Is not up to normal and II should be Inspected al once. CAUTION: If battery Is filled lo a higher level. some of the
onlo commutator and brushes. Should oil clrculallon signal fail to go orr al speeds above solullon will be forced out through venl holes when battery is
Generator drivo end bearing requires no allenllon as II Is lubrl· idling, II le mosl likely due lo: ·-amply oil lank; oil supply badly charging. Thh nol only weakens ballery solution but also damaqes
cated by the oil Ihat circulates through motor. diluted, or using very light grade of oil and pump not building up parts near ballery.
Removing Saddle Spring Post
Aller ralslnq saddle. remove saddle post clamp nut 5, lllus. 13,
which is located underneath frame
at bottom end of post tube. Post \ 2 3 4
assembly can then be pulled out. ~~ /
When post assembly is inserted back ~
into frame tube, see thai flat side '
machined on post rod nut 1 reqisters
In flat sided hole In bottom of tube. 5
The cushion sprlnq assembly (three ~~
lower springs) of a standard saddle ~ ~
post is adjusted 1J 1/1 inches lonq. .
This carries the average weight rider lllus. 13--Saddle Sprmq
with maximum riding comfort. Ad· 1 --Spring tension adjust·
jushnenl can be changed for lighter lng nul; 2 -Adjusting nut
or heavier than averaqe rider, and lock nut; 3--·Rod nut lock
also different springs can ba oh· nut; 4---Rod nut: 5---Post
tained, if desired, lrom your dealer. clamp nul.

Chassis Lubrication
All chassis bearings best lubricated with grease, and which
require greasing frequently, are lilted wllh grease gun connectors.
f.ocallons and suggesled greasing Intervals follow: (Locallons In·
dicated wilh "I" apply to motorcycle only. Those Indicated with
"*" apply to Servi-Car only. Others apply to both motorcycle and
No. Localion Greasing
Connectors Interval
2 Spring fork rod bearings
4 Fork rocker plate bearings
I Front brake cover bearing
2 Front brake shackle bearings
I Front brake operating shall
I Seat post
I Saddle bar bearing Every
I Rear brake pedal bearing 750 mile.
I Clutch push rod bearing in starter cover
I !Rear brake oporallng shaft
I !Rear brake rod intermediate shaft
2 *Body frame bearings
2 *Tow bar clamp bearings
I *Starter crank bearing
2 *Rear brake operating shalt bearings

Axlo bearings
Front hub
drive unil
lJ Every
1500 miles
jRear hub
*Servi-Car Differential (To get at thisl Every
grease ~onnec!or it is necessary to 5000 miles
block up one end of axle and turn J
or at least
wheel until the connector aligns with once a year
holo In roar. left side of housing.)
Remove and grease handlebar grip spirals with fresh grease.
once a year.
Pack frame head bearings with fresh grease every 50,000 miles.
All control joints about motorcycle, namely: Clutch. gear shifter.
and brake control Joints, should be oiled reqularly and particularly
after washtnq motorcycle or dtiving in wet wcathct. lo keep all
controls working freely.
011 hand brake lover aud control cable frcquenlly, also oil spark
and throlllo control wires, at the end of cables.
Bo careful about over.qroasinq ~heel hubs, Servl·Car rear axles,
Servl-Car differential, brake operating shafts and front brake cover
bearing as excess grease working out of these bearings not only
develops a messy condition, but Is also likely to get onto brake
lininqs, which will greatly reduce efficiency of brakes.
Grease wheel hub~-.s~;~i.c~; ;~~;· ~i'e'S.- Servi-Car differential.
qenerator commutator end bearing. roar chain and frame head bear·
ings with high melting point grease <Harley-Davidson Grade A
Use regular chassis grease (Harley-Davidson Pressure Grease)
for all other qreasinq requirements.
OPERATION . . . . • 7
Operating Controls . . 7
Instrument Panel Signal Lights . . . . . 8
starting and Stopping the Engine • . 9
Care of a New Engine . . . 10
High Speed Operating Tips . . • 12
Operating Troubles. • . • . . . 12

LUBRICATION. . • • . . . . . . 16
Engine Oil . . . . . • . . • . . 16
Transmission Oil. . . . . . . 17
Overhead Valves and Rockers . • . 17
Front Chain. . . . . • • . . . • . 17
Rear Chain . . . . . • . 18
Chassis Lubrication . 19
Oil Applications . . 20
Oil Filter . . . . . 20

MAINTENANCE . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 21
Spark Plugs. . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . 21
Care and Adjustment of Drive Chains . • • 21
Gear Shifter Rod Adjustment. . . . . . . 22
Rear Brake Adjustment . . . . . . . • 23
Front Brake Adjustment • . . . . . . . . . 24
Gasoline Strainer and Carburetor .. .• 25
Air Cleaner. . • . . . . • . . . . . • . • 26
Adjustment of Circuit Breaker Points . . .• 26
Circuit Breaker and Timing Marks 26
Timing Gears. . . • . . . . . • 29
Push Rods and Valve Tappets . 30
Clutch• . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • 30
Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 33
Removal of Saddle Spring Post. 37
Removing Fuel Tanks. . . . . . . 37
Servicing Hydra-Glide Fork . . .• 38
Replacing Bead Lamp-Cycle Beam Sealed Unit . .• 39
Steering Damper • . .. . . 41

Bead Lamp Adjustment. . 42
Care of Storage Battery . 42
Generator• . . . . • • • . • 46
Figure 1 - Left Side View of OBV Model
1. Head Lamp Dimming Switch 9. Rear Brake Rod Adjusting 14. Engine (Serial} Number
2. Gear Shifter Lever Clevis 15. Ignition Timing Inspection Hole
3. Front Spark Plug 10. Left Side Rear Wheel Adjusting Plug
4. Carburetor Choke Lever Screw 16. Clutch Foot Pedal
5. Rear Spark Plug 11. Clutch Inspection Hole Cover 17. Gear Shifter Rod
6. Positive Battery Terminal 12. Clutch Foot Pedal Rod 18. Front Wheel Brake Adjusting
7. Brake Sleeve Nut 13. Front Chain Inspection Bole Sleeve
8. Rear Axle Nut Cover 19. Front Wheel .Axle Nut

1. Negative (grcnmded) Battery 9. Rear Wheel Brake Foot Pedal 16. ou Pump
TermiDal 10. Ignition Circuit Breaker 17. Stop Light SWitch
2. Oll Tank Cap with Gauge Rod 11. Carburetor Bowl Drain Plug 18. Oil Return Pipe from Scavenger
Attached 12. Gasoline Strainer Pump
3. Carburetor Air Cleaner 13. Valve Push Rod Cover 19. Oil Tank Vent Pipe
4. SteertDg Damper Adjusting Knob 14. Adjusting Screw in OU Pump 20. Transmission OU Filler Plug
5. Bead Lock Body for Front Chain Oiling 21. OU Supply Pipe to Feed Pump
6. Bead Lamp 15. OU Pressure Indicating Light 22. Oil Tank Drain Plug
7. Born Switch 23. Right Side Rear Wheel Adjusting
8. Safety Guard (Extra Equipment) Screw


The Engine (Serial) Number (14, figure I) of your Harley-Davlrlson

Is stamped on the left side of the engine crank case. Always give this
number when ordering parts or making any lnqulry about your motorcycle.

Model E 61 - (Medium compression). , . . . . . . . . . , ... , 6.5 to 1
Model EL 61 - (High compression), • , . , •... , . , , , ., . 7.2 to 1
Model F '14 - (Medium compression) .. , . , , , , , , , , ,. , , 6,5 to 1
Model FL '14 - (High compression) ••......•... , .. , , 7.2 to 1
Medium compression models are Intended particularly
for sidecar use, but arc also suitable for solo. See
"Gear Ratios" page 6 for correct gearing for either
type of service.

Number of Cylinders •. , .•.......•..•••••••• , , , , . , , , 2

Bore .. , •. , •.• , , , ......•• , •• , , . ,(84.14 mm.) 3-5/16 ln.
Stroke, , •.•.•......•.....•.....••. (88.9 mm,) 3-1/2 In,
Piston Displacement •..•...•....... (98'1,9 c,c,) 60,32 cu. In,
Horsepower (N.A.C,C. Rating), •• , , , , , . , • , , • , , •.. , , , , 8.77
Wheelbase. , •.•••..•..•• , •.•.•.•.•••.•..•. 60-1/2 ln.


Number of Cylinders. , ..•.•. , . , •.• , . , • , • , , • , , , • , .• , 2

1. Gas Shut -off and Bore .•• , ••..•..•••.. , , •.....••• ,(87,33 mm.) 3-7/16 ln.
5. Starter Crank Pedal Stroke .•...•.•..•...•. , ...••• , , (100.8 mm.) 3-31/32 ln.
Reserve Supply
6. Horn Button Piston Displacement .•.••.....••..•. (1207 c.c.) 73.66 cu. In,
Valve Plunger '1. Spark Control Grip
2. Gas Tank C~p (2) Horsepower (N.A.C.C. Rating) .... , ......••.•.•.. , , .. 9.44
6. Front Wheel Brake Wheelbase .. , .•...••.••.•....••.•.•..•.... 60-1/2 ln.
3. Throttle Control Grip Hand Lever
4. Ignition - Light Switch DRAKE HORSEPOWER (approximate)
Models E 61 and EL 61 . . . . . . . . . . . • . , 40 H.P. at 4800 R.P.M.
Models F 74 and FL 74 , , .. , , .. , , . . . . 50 H.P. at 5000 R,P.M.

Left Gasoline Tank . . • . • . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 gallons
Right Gasoline Tank •••..•••.••....• , ..... , 1-3/4 gallons
011 Tank , • • • • • • . . • . • . • . • • . . . • . . • . • . . . . • . • . 1 gallon
Transmission •..• , ..•. , •..••..• , • , ..•••.•• 1-1/2 pints
Figure 3 - Top View of OHV Model


•Fourspeed tThreespeed
Transmission Transmission
Solo Sidecar Solo Sidecar OPERATING CONTROLS
No. of Sprocket Teeth
Engine Sprocket E 61 and EL 61 22 20 22 18 Gas Shut-oil and Reserve Supply Valve
Engine Sprocket F 74 and FL 74 23 21 23 20
Clutch Sprocket 37 37 37 37 Gas is shut-off when the reserve supply valve plunger (1, figure 3)
Countershaft Sprocket 22 22 22 22 is turned down finger-tight against its seat. Unscrew the plunger {but
Rear Sprocket 51 51 51 51 do not lift It) to use main gas supply; lift the plunger to use reserve
Third Gear Ratio
supply of approximately 1 gallon. Use Ethyl or other 11Ant1-Knock"
E 61 and EL 61 4.78 5.28 gasoline.
F 74 and FL 74 4.58 5,01
Ignition-Light Switch
High Ge:~r Rallo The headlock key, knife blade or small coin can be used to lock and
E 61 and EL 61 3,00 4.29 3.90 4,76
F '74 and FL 74 3.73 4,08 3.73 4.29
unlock the ignition-light switch (4, figure 3). Lift the cover, insert key
or coin, and turn (as shown In figure 4) to LEFT position for parking with
lights, CENTER position to turn off all lights and ignition, FIRST RIGHT
•With fourspeed transmission use "Third" gear when driving position for ignition only, and SECOND RIGHT position for ignition and
slowly and when accelel·atlng. Cruise In high gear.
running lights, Remember that lighting the head lamp when the engine
ft>r threespeed and l'eVerse transmission is not running also turns the ignition ON. The switch can be locked only
in OFF and PARK positions.
TIRE DATA Spark Control Grip
Front Reat· Sidecar Turn the spark control grip (7, figure 3) inward to advance spark;
turn outward to retard spark. Fully advanced is the proper normal
Solo - Rider Only running position. When the engine is laboring under a hard pull, retard
4.00 x 18 Tire 14 lbs. 16 lbs.
5.00 x 16 Tire 12 lbs. 14 lbs, part way for better performance and to avoid knocking.
Solo - Rider and One Passenger Throttle Control Grip
4.00 x 16 Tire !Bibs. 26lbs. Turn the throttle control grip (3, figure 3) outward to close throttle;
5,00 X 16 Th·c 12 lbs. 16 lbs.
turn inward to open throttle.
Sidecar - Rider and One Sidecar
Passenger or 150 lb. Sidecar Load
4.00 x 16 Tire 20 lbs. 24 Jbs. 14 Jbs.
5.00 x 16 Tire 14 Jbs. 16 lbs. 14 lbs, Figure 4
The tire Inflation pressures given arc based on rider and passenger
weight of approKimately !50 lbs. each. When these loads arc exceed- Ignition-Light Switch
ed by 50 lbs. or more, Increase tire preRsure as follows: For each
50 lbs. of overload, Increase pressure of rear tire 2 Jbs.; front tire,
I lb.; sidecar tire, 1 lb.

The front tire of a solo motorcycle normally
wears irrcguhr and peaked to some extent.
It Is recommended, with a solo motorcycle
partlculnrly, lhnt wheels and tires be trans-
posed at Intervals of approximately 3000 miles.
This will stabilize high speed operation and
also equalize wear. Do not over-Inflate.

6 7

Clutch Foot Pedal engine is started, both lights should go on. When the engine starts both
lights should go off except at v~ry slow idling speeds.
The clutch foot pedal (16, figure 1) is located on the left side where The generator light will normally flash on and off at slow idle or road
it may be conveniently operated by the left foot. The clutch is engaged
speeds below 20 mph in high gear because at these speeds generator out-
when the toe is down, the clutch released when the heel is down.
put is very low and unsteady. H the generator signal light fails to go off
Gear Shiller lever at speeds above about 20 miles per hour the generator is either not charg-
The gear shifter lever (2, figure 1) Is located on the left side and the ing at all or its output is below normal and it should be inspected at once.
various positions are plainly marked. This lever must be at neutral H the oil circulation signal light fails to go off at speeds above idling,
and the clutch engaged when starting the engine. Fully release the clutch it is usually due to an empty oil tank, a dllut.ed oil supply, or because the
before shifting. oil is so light that the pump cannot build up normal pressure. In freezing
weather, the on feed pipe may clog with lee and sludge, thus preventing
Brakes circulation of the oil. A grounded oil signal switch wire, faulty signal
The brake foot pedal (9, figure 2) on the right hand side operates the switch, or trouble with the oil pump will also cause the light to stay on.
rear wheel brake while a convenient hand lever (8, figure 3) operates If the oil circulation signal falls to go off, always check the oil supply
the front wheel brake. first. 'fheh, if oil supply is normal and the light still does not operate
Headlock normally, look Jnside the oil tank and see if oil returns to the tank from
the outlet of the oil return pipe (18, figure 2) when the engine is running.
The headlock (5, figure 2) is located on the right side and locks the If 1t is returning to the tank there is some circulation, and you may drive
front wheel at an angle to the left. To lock, turn the front wheel to the slowly to the nearest Harley-Davidson dealer to have the oiling system
left, as the key is turned, until the lock pin moves into locked position. checked and serviced, as needed. U no oil returns to the tank, stop the
Starter Crank engine at once and do not drive further until the fault is located and the
The starter crank pedal (5, figure 3) is located on the right side and necessary repairs are made.
has a spring return. To start the engine, kick the starter crank down
with vigorous strokes to turn the engine over. STARTING AND STOPPING THE ENGINE

Steering Damper Adjusting Knob When starting the engine see thatthe gear shifter lever is at NEUTRAL
Turn steering damper adjusting lmob (4, figure 2) clockwise to apply and that the clutch is fully engaged. Turn the spark control grip inward
dampening action; counterclockwise for free steering or to reduce damp- as far as it will go to fully advance the spark, Some engines start best
ening action. For solo riding at low and intermediate speeds steering with spark slightly retarded.
should be free or very little dampening applied. Too much dampening
at lower speeds causes motorcycle to "wander" from a straight ahead Starting a Cold Engine
course. When driving at high speeds or over rough surfaces, apply Move the choke lever down to the fully closed (prime) position, open
dampening as needed to stabilize steering, Side car users will find that throttle 1/4, and with lgnit.lon-light switch OFF, kick the starter down
keeping the damper set a little snug at all times is an advantage. once or twice to prime the cylinders. Theri, set the choke lever at the
1/4 or 1/2 closed position in mild weather, or 3/4 or fully closed position
Horn in extremely cold weather, and, with the throttle nearly closed, turn
The horn (7, figure 2) Is operated by the horn button (6, figure 3). ignition switc,h ON and start engine with vigorous strokes of the starter.
Tone may be set at the desired pitch by turning the adjusting screw in
the back of the horn. CAUTION
INSTRUMENT PANEL SIGNAL LIGHTS It is only in extremely cold weather that the
Signal lights beneath the window In the center of the Instrument engine may start best with choke in fully closed
panel Indicate whether or not the generator Is charging and oil is cir- (prime) position, and even then it wlll have to
culating. Lights "OFF" when the engine Is running indicate that the be moved from this position immediately after
generator is charging and oil is circulating properly. A light "ON" engine starts. Under no conditions will the
indicates "not functioning." When the switch ls turned on, before the engine continue to run with full choke.

8 9

As soon as the engine starts, open the throttle just far enough to motorcycle to a dealer a~ the mtleage Intervals mentioned, the owner
keep it running while warming up or until ready to set the motorcycle should at least give the following outlined attention, or arrange to have
in motion. As the engine warms up and misfires, because of the over- it given, and take the motorcycle to the dealer for more complete ser-
rich mixture, gradually move the choke lever upward, After the engine vicing later on when convenient to do so. After initial servicing schedule
has thoroughly warmed up, move choke lever to OPEN poslt1on (all the has been completed, motorcycle should then be taken to your dealer for
way up), check up at regular intervals of 1500 miles.
Starting a Warm Engine At First 250 Miles
To start an engine which Is warm (neither hot nor cold), lower the chok~ 1. Check front chain (13, figure 1) to make sure it is receiving re-
lever to 1/4 closed position (first downward position) and with throttle quired amount of oil for ample lubrication. If necessary, readjust
closed, kick the starter down once or twice. Then, set the throttle about the chain oiler (14, figure 2).
1/4 to 1/3 open, turn tgnftlon switch ON, and kick the starter down 2. Check adjustment of chains and readjust if necessary. (See "Care
quickly. Soon after engine starts, the choke lever should be moved and Adjustment of Drive Chains" in Maintenance Section.)
up to full open position, Remember that this starting procedure calls
for the throttle to be part way open during the starting strokes, after At First 750 Miles
the switch has been turned on. 1. Drain oil tank at drain plug (22, figure 2) and refill with fresh
Starting a Hot Engine oil. Thereafter, in average service, change oil at intervals not
exceeding 2000 miles. In extremely dusty service, when service
If engine has been shut off for only a brief period and is at about is exceptionally hard, or in winter weather, oil must be changed at
normal running temperature, It Is not necessary to use the choke lever. much shorter than normal intervals.
Simply close the throttle, turn ignition switch ON, and kick the starter 2. Check level of on in transmission and add on lf needed. Use same
down quickly. With some engines, depending on carburetor adjustment, grade of oil used in engine. See "Lubrication."
hot starting is more dependable if the starter is given one stroke before 3. Lubricate all points indicated for 750 mile attention under "Lubri-
turning ignition switch ON cation."
When a hot engine does not start readily, that is, with two or three 4. Oil all control joints such as clutch, gear shifter, brakes, front
starting kicks, it Is usually because of an over-rich (flooded) condtuon, brake control cable, and spark and throttle control wires.
and the proper procedure is to open the throttle wide so that more air 5, If motorcycle is equipped wlth air cleaner, inspect and service if
can enter; closing it quickly as the engine starts. neeaed. (See "Air Cleaner" in Maintenance Section.)
Stopping the Engine 6. Check adjustment of chains and readjust if necessary. (See ''Care
Stop the engine by turning the ignlUon switch OFF. If the engine and Adjustment of Driye Chains" in Maintenance Section.)
should be stalled or stopped In any other way than with the switch, turn 'l. Check lubrication of front chain (13, figure 1) and readjust chain
the switch OFF at once to prevent battery discharge through the circuit oiler (14, figure 2) if necessary. Clean and lubricate rear chain.
breaker points. 8. Check wheel mounting socket screws which secure rear wheel to
brake assembly and tighten if needed. These screws must be kept
v.ery tight, (See "Wheels" in Maintenance Section.)
9. Check level of solution in battery and add distilled water if needed.
CARE OF A NEW ENGINE See that terminals are clean and connections tight.

DO NOT operate a new engine faster than 35 miles per hour the first At First J500 Miles
250 miles; 40 miles per hour the second 250 miles; 45 mlles per hour 1. Check condition of oil in tank to determine lf oil change Is needed.
(sidecar) or 50 mlles per hour (solo) the next 500 miles. Below 2000 2. Check level of oil in transmission and add olllf needed. Use same
miles, avoid driving at or near top speed for long distances. After a new grade of oil used In engine,
motorcycle has been driven its first 250 miles, again at approximately 750 3. Lubricate all points indicated for 750 mile attention under "Lubri-
miles and again at approximately 1500 miles, the motor cycle should be cation."
taken to the dealer from whom It was purchased, for certain initial service 4. Lubricate wheel hubs at 1500 mile intervals as indicated under
operations with which thedealer is famlllar. If it is Impossible to take the "Lubrication.''

10 11

5. Oil all control joints such as clutch, gear shifter, brakes, front If engine starts hard:
brake control wire, and spark and throttle control wires. 1. Spark plugs In bad condltton, or partially fouled.
6, Check adjustment of chains and adjust if necessary. (See "Care 2. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment or In need of cleaning.
and Adjustment of Drive Chains" in Maintenance Section.) 3, Battery nearly discharged.
7. Check lubrication of front chain (13, figure 1) .and readjust chain 4, Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at con or
oiler (14, figure 2) if necessary. Clean and lubricate rear chain, clrcutt breaker.
8. Check all nuts, bolts and screws and tighten any found loose. 5. Carburetor not adjusted correctly.
9. Check level of battery solution and add distilled water if needed,
If engine starts but runs Irregularly or misses:
1. Spark plugs in bad condition, or partially fouled.
HIGH SPEED OPERATING .TIPS 2. Spark plug gap too close.
3. Circuit breaker points out of adjustment or In need of cleaning.
Develop the habit of frequently snapping the throttle shut for an in- 4. Condenser connections loose,
stant when running at high speed. This draws addlttonal lubrication to 5, Battery nearly discharged.
pistons and cylinders, and helps cooling. 6. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at coU or
In cold weather run engine slowly until it Is thoroughly warmed up, circuit breaker.
to avoid possible damage to pistons, rings, and other parts before oil is 7. Water or dirt In fuel system and carburetor.
warm enough to circulate freely. 8. Gasoline tank cap vent plugged and tank air bound.
An engine run long distances at high speed In sidecar service must 9. Carburetor not adjusted correctly.
be given closer than ordln!lry attention to avoid overheating and possible
consequent damage, Have the engine checked regularly and keep it well If engine falls to start:
tuned up. Valve seating and good compression Is particularly Important, 1. Gasoline tank empty.
and the carburetor should be adjusted moderately rich rather than lean. 2·. Gasoline valve shut off.
Inspect spark plugs often for good conditlon. This applies particularly 3. Gasoline line clogged.
to a motorcycle equipped with handlebar windshield. 4. Discharged battery or loose or broken battery terminal connection.
Don't idle engine unnecessarlly with motorcycle standing. Check by turning light switch "ON".
After a new engine has gone through its slow and moderate speed 5, Fouled spark plugs.
running-In period, if it Is then usually driven at high speeds, colder 6. Circuit breaker points badly out of adjustment.
than original equipment plugs wUl probably be needed. This will be 7. Loose wire connection at one of battery terminals or at coil or
Indicated by overheating, loss of power, excessive knocking, and blister- circuit breaker.
Ing of plug core tips. Disregard for these Indications of the need for 8. Clutch slipping and starter not turning engine over.
colder plugs may result in damage from overheating. 9. Sticking valves, or tappets too tight.
When plugs need to be replaced, get new plugs from your Harley- 10. Engine flooded with gasoline as a result of overchoklng.
Davidson dealer. He can supply you with the type of plug best suited to
your requirements. Experimenting with plugs of unproven quality and
suitabiltty Is inviting trouble. If a spark plug fouls repeatedly:
Install carburetor Air Cleaner for dusty service to avoid excessive 1. Too cold a plug for the kind of service or for type of engine.
engine wear. See your dealer about lt. 2. Piston rings badly worn or in bad condition otherwise.
3. on pump improperly adjusted - otl pressure too high.
If engine preignltes:
The following check list of operating troubles and their probable 1. Excessive carbon deposit on piston head or 1n combustion chamber.
causes wlll be helpful in keeplng your motorcycle In good operating 2. Too hot a spark plug for the kind of service or for type of engine,
condttlon. Remember that more than one of these condttlons may be 3. Defective spark plugs.
causing the trouble and all should be carefully checked.
12 13

If engine overheats: If transmission shifts hard:

1. Insufficient on supply, or on not circulating. 1. Bent shifter rod.
2. Carburetor high speed adjustment too lean. 2. Clutch dragging slightly.
3, Ignition timing too late. 3. Transmission oil too heavy (winter operation).
If engine detonates: If transmission jumps out of gear:
1. Unsuitable fuel (Octane rating too low). 1. Shifter rod improperly adjusted.
2. Heavy deposit of carbon on piston head and tn combustion chamber 2. Shifter clutch dogs andjor dogs on its mating gear badly worn.
decreases combustion space, thereby increasing compression
ratio. The higher the compression ratio, the higher the Octane If clutch slips:
rating of fuel required. 1. Clutch controls Improperly adjusted,
2. Insufficient clutch spring tension,
If oil does not return to oil tank:
1. on tank empty. If clutch drags or does not release:
2, Scavenger pump gear key sheared. 1. Clutch controls improperly adjusted.
3. Oil feed pump not functioning. 2. Clutch spring tension too tight.
3, Friction discs gummy.
If engine uses too much oil:
1, Piston rings badly worn or in bad condition otherwise. If clutch chatters:
2. One or more push rod cover cork washers in bad condition or a 1. Clutch disc rivets loose.
push rod cover not seating properly against its washer. 2. Clutch sprung disc too flat.
3. Chain oiler adjusting screw adjusted for an excessive amount of oil.
If brakes do not hold normally:
If vibration Is excessive: 1. Brake improperly adjusted.
1. Cylinder bracket loose or broken. 2. Brake controls binding as result of improper lubrication, or be-
2. Engine mounting bolts loose, ing damaged.
3. Transmission andjor transmission sub-mounting plate loose in 3, Brake linings impregnated with grease as result of overgreas-
chassis. ing wheel hub and/or brake operating shaft,
4. Brake linings badly worn.
If generator does not charge:
1. Brushes badly worn.
2. Brushes sticking in holders.
3, Commutator dirty or oily.
4. Loose or broken wire in generator-battery circuit.
If generator charging rate is below normal:
1. Regulating brush not properly adjusted,
2. Broken field coli wire or loose terminal (one cotl),
3, Commutator dirty or oily.

If carburetor floods:
1. Float set too high.
2. Float valve and/or valve seat worn or damaged.
3, Dirt or other foreign matter between float valve and its seat.


LUBRICATION driven engine, making only short runs now and then and seldom thoroughly
warmed up, is likely to accumulate an increasing amount of water in the
ENGINE OIL oil tank. This water will, in freezing weather, become slush or tee and
Use Harley-Davidson "Medium Heavy" oil when predominating 1f allowed to accumulate too long, there is the chance that oil lines may
temperature Is above+ 10° F. be blocked with resulting damage to engine. Also, water mixed with oil
for some time forms sludge that Is harmful to the engine and causes
Use Harley-Davidson "Light" oll when predomlnatlng temperature undue wear of var.lous working parts. Therefore, In winter the oil change
is + 100 F. or below. interval should be shorter than normal for all engines, and any engine
If winter weather becomes so extremely cold that "Light" oil con- used only for short runs, particularly in commercial service, must have
geals in the tank, add just."8nough kerosene to keep the oil fluid. oil changed frequently along wlth a thorough tank flush-out to remove
any water and sludge, before new oll is put in tank. The farther below
The oil tank, when completely empty, will hold one gallon. About one
freezing the temperature drops, the shorter the oil change interval should
inch from top of tank is considered full. Don't fill above this level, as
the tank needs some air space. Tighten the cap securely to prevent leak-
age. The oil signal light in the center of the instrument panel indicates
oil circulation. See "Instrument Panel Signal Lights" in the Operation TRANSMISSION OIL
Section. Oil mileage normally varies from 250 to 500 miles per quart
depending on the nature of service, solo or sidecar, fast or moderate Use same grade of oil used in engine.
driving, and how well the engine is kept tuned up. If mileage is not with- Remove transmission oil filler plug (20, figure 2) and check oil level
in this range, see your dealer about it. every two weeks, or every 1000 miles, whichever comes first. Add oil if
Remove tank cap and check oil supply not more than 300 mlles after necessary and fill to the level of the filler opening. In extremely cold
each complete refill. If oil level is found not very far above "refill" weather, if shifting becomes difficult because the transmission oil tends
mark on gauge rod, add oil. When level is down to "reftll" mark, two to congeal, thin the oil with a small amount of kerosene. The motorcycle
quarts can be added. Oil supply runs cooler and mileage somewhat should be standing STRAIGHT UP, not leaning on jiffy stand, when adding
higher, with oil level well up in tank. Furthermore, unless oU tank is oil to the transmission.
kept well fllled, frequent checking of oil level will be necessary to avotd Drain transmission and refill to correct level with fresh, clean oil at
any chance of running dry. six month Intervals or every 5000 miles, whichever comes first. If trans-
When a new engine has run Its first 750 miles, and normally in warm mission should become submerged In water, drain it immediately and
or hot weather and In average service, at about 2000 mtle Intervals refill to proper level.
thereafter, completely drain oil tank of used oil and refill with fresh
on. If service Is extremely hard, or dusty service on dirt roads or in OVERHEAD VALVES AND ROCKERS
competition, drain and refill at shorter Intervals. Draining should be
done after a run while oil is hot. It Is not necessary to drain the crank- The oil pump supplies oil under pressure to the overhead fittings
case as It does not accumulate used oil. At the time of the first 750 and hydraulic push rods.
mile oil change, and along with at least every second on change there- Surplus oil from overhead oiling is drained back into the engine
after, thoroughly flush and clean out tank with kerosene to remove any crankcase. It is essential that push rod and rocker arm covers be well
sediment and sludge that may have accumulated. Your dealer has factll- sealed to prevent oil leakage. When assembling push rod covers, make
ttes for quick flushing and cleaning of oll tank. sure that both ends of covers are properly seated against the cork wash-
Winter Caution ers. Each push rod cover is sealed with three cork washers, one at
each end and one below the expander sleeve and spring. Renew these
Combustion In any engine generates water vapor. When starting and washers if they show even slight damage or when more than very slight
warming up In cold weather, especially In freezing or colder weather, oil leakage develops around them.
much of the vapor that gets Into the crankcase condenses to water before
the crankcase is hot enough to exhaust the vapor, without inside condensa-
tion, through the outside breather. If engine Is driven enough to get the FRONT CHAIN
crankcase thoroughly warmed up frequently, most of this water Is again
vaporized and blown out through the breather. However, a moderately At the regular service intervals, remove inspection hole cover trom

16 17

chain guard and make a very close inspection of chain. If chain does not Remove chain from motorcycle, Soak and wash thoroughly in a pan
appear to be getting sufficient lubrication, or if there is evidence of an of kerosene. After removing chain from kerosene, hang it up for a time
over-supply of oil, readjustment should be made with "Chain Oiler Ad- to allow kerosene to drain off. Immerse for a short time in a pan of
justing Screw". grease heated to consistency of light engine oil, If grease and facillttes
A well lubricated chain has an oily surface, and is also clean and free for heating are not at hand, substitute light engine oil. While ~mmersed,
of discoloration. If chain has a brownish hue, and a rusty appearance move chain around to be sure that hot grease or oil works through all
at the side and center plates, it is under-lubricated even though the ins\de parts. After removing from hot grease or oil, allow chain to drain
surface may be oily. Make readjustment as follows: On some oil and wipe all surplus grease or oil from surface of chain. Install chain
pumps, setting of chain oiler adjusting screw is determined by sev- on motorcycle. Inspect connecting link and spring clip closely for bad
eral washers placed underneath head of screw. Add thin washers for condition. Replace if at all questionable. Be sure spring clip is properly
more oil; remove washers for less oil. Add or remove only one or two and securely locked on pin ends.
thin washers at a time. Thin washers for this readjustment can be ob-
tained from your Harley-Davidson Dealer. On later model pumps ad-
justing screw is locked in position with a lock nut. Loosen lock nut and CHASSIS LUBRICATION
turn screw outward for more oil; turn screw inward for less oll. Turn Us.e a high melting point grease, Harley-Davidson grade A, for
screw only a fraction of a turn at a time. wheel hubs, generator commutator end bearing, and frame head
The quantity of oiJ used to lubricate the chain is very small, and bearings.
therefore the opening through which oil bleeds to the chain is regulated, Use Harley~Davidson Chassis Grease for all other greasing require~
by the adjusting screw, to a very small orifice. Sediment and gummy ments.
matter, accumulating in the oil supply, deposits in and around this orifice All chassis bearings requiring frequent appltcatlons of grease are
and gradually decreases the oil supplied to the chain. A chain that has provided with grease gun fittings. Locations and suggested greasing
been lubricating perfectly the first 2000 miles may run short of oil the intervals follow.
second 2000 miles. For this reason, even though inspection indicates the
chain Is amply lubricated, it is advisable to flush away accumulated sedi- Every 750 Miles
ment and restore the orifice to its original size at intervals of approxi-
mately 2000 miles. To do this loosen the chain oiler adjusting screw, Seat post
and back it out about two turns. Operate this way for a few miles and Saddle bar bearing
then reset screw to its established setting. If the screw has washers Rear brake operating shaft
underneath its head, simply turn the screw back in snug against the Brake pedal bearing
washers. If the screw Is secured with a lock nut, note the position of the Brake rod cross-over shaft
screw head slot before turning it out for flushing and then back the screw Sidecar brake operating shaft
out two full turns. Reset the screw to its established setting by turning Sidecar brake cross shaft (2 fittings)
it in two full turns and placing the screw slot in its original position Clutch foot pedal bea.ring
before locking it in place with the lock nut.
If established setting of adjusting screw should become completely Every J 500 Miles
lost, while making readjustment or flushing orifice, remove washers, Front wheel hub
or back up lock nut and turn the screw Inward until its point bottoms Rear wheel hub
lightly but firmly against its seat. Then back the screw out about 1-1/4 Sidecar wheel hub
turns and establish this setting with washers or lock nut. This is the
approximate original factory setting. Remove and grease handlebar grip spirals, with fresh grease, twice
a year, or when operation of grips indicates lubrication is necessary.
REAR CHAIN . Be careful about over-greasing wheel hubs, and rear brake operating
Under dry, hard surface road operation, brush off dirt and lubricate shaft as excess grease working out of these bearings not only develops
at 500 to 750-mile intervals. Lubricate with Harley-Davidson "Chain a messy condition, but is also likely to get onto brake linings, which
Saver" if available, if not available use the lightest engine oil obtainable. will greatly reduce efficiency of brakes.
Occasionally the chain should have additional lubrication as follows: Pack frame head bearings with fresh grease every 50,000 miles.

18 19

Armalure Bearing-Commulalor End

To lubricate this bearing it is first necessary to remove the generator
end cover. The bearing can then be oiled through hole In bearing cover,
or bearing cover can be removed to permit greasing, Lubricate every
5000 miles or at least once a year. Thls attention can best be given SPARK PLUGS
at a Harley-Davidson Service Station where the recommended high
melting point grease (Harley-Davidson Grade A Grease) is at hand. Keep plugs (3 and 5, figure 1) clean and the gap between the points
If not convenient to have bearing lubricated with grease at specified adjusted to .025-ln. to .030-in. Do not take the plugs apart for cleaning.
interval, at least lubricate with a few drops of motor oil. Be careful Clean with a sand blast cleaner, found in nearly every service station.
not to over-lubricate as excess oil or grease may work out and get onto
commutator and brushes. · CARE AND ADJUSTMENT OF DRIVE CHAINS
Generator drive end bearing requires no attention as it Is lubricated
by the oil that circulates through engine. Inspect the adjustment of chains every week and readjust them, if
necessary. Adjustment of front chain can be checked through inspection
OIL APPLICATIONS hole (13, figure 1) provided in the chain guard. If chains are allowed to
run loose enough to strike the chain guards they will caus~ the motor-
All control joints such as clutch, gear shifter, and brake control cycle to jerk, when running at low speed, and there is excessive wear of
joints should be oiled regularly and particularly after washing motor- chains and sprockets. The rear chain requires more frequent readjust-
cycle or driving in wet weather, to keep all controls working freely. ment than front chain.
011 hand brake lever and control cable frequently, also oil spark and Adjust chains so they have about 1/2 inch free movement up and down,
throttle control wires, at the end of housings. midway between sprockets. Do not adjust tighter, because running chains
too tight Is even more harmful than running them too loose. As chains
OIL FILTER stretch and wear in service, they will run tighter at one point on the
sprockets than at another; always check adjustment at the tightest point.
If motorcycle Is eql)ipped with an oil filter, the filter element of the Inspect chains occasionally for links In bad condtuon. If any are
filter should be thoroughly washed in clean gasoline or solvent at least found, make repairs or renew the chain. The rear chain can be taken
once every 2000 miles when the engine oil is changed, apart and removed after locating and taking out the spring-locked con-
To remove the filter element, take off acorn nut, fiber washer and necting link. The front chain is not provided with such a connecting
cup. Remove element retaining nuts and metal element retainer. Then link. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the engine sprocket before
pull element off stud. II upper metal retainer (retainer with five holes the chain can be taken off.
in it for oil passage) comes off with the filter element, make sure that At least every 750 miles, lubricate the rear chain, and check lubrica-
It is reinstalled as the upper retainer when replacing the element. tion of front chain as directed in the Lubrication Sectlon.
Renew filter element every 6000 miles.
Front Chain Aa;ustment
Front chain ts adjusted by loosening the four nuts and one cap screw
underneath the transmission that clamp the transmission to lts mounting
plate and br,acket on the right side frame tube, and then moving the trans-
mission backward or forward by means of the adjusting screw at the rear
of the transmission on the right side. Turn this adjusting screw, to the
right to tighten chain - to the left to loosen the chain. When correctly
adjusted, tighten the transmission securely to its mounting. Check the
mounting plate bolts occasionally and keep them tight. Use the wrenches
provided to loosen and tighten the transmission.
Readjusting front chain changes the adjustment of rear chain, so
both must be readjusted. Moving the transmission to readjust the front
chain, also affects the adjustment of gear shifter and clutch controls.

20 21

Therefore, each time the front chain is readjusted, the adjustment of This brings the transmission lever at the side of the transmission cover
these controls must be checked. Readjust if necessary. (See "Rear to about a straight downward position. Disconnect shifter rod ( 17, figure
Chain Adjustment," "Gear Shifter Rod Adjustment," below, and "Cluteh 1) from the shifter lever, and with slight back and forward movement
Control Adjustment," page 30.) carefully "feel" transmission lever into exact position where the shifter
Rear Chain Adjustment spring plunger (inside the transmission) seats fully in its retaining notch.
Then see that the shifter lever (2, figure 1) is in exact position, and re-
Remove the rear axle nut (8, figure 1), and lock washer, and loosen adjust the length of rod, by turning the clevis in or out, to fit.
brake sleeve nut (7, figure 1). Loosen the lock nuts on wheel adjusting
screws (10, figure 1 and 23, figure 2). Turn the adjusting screws as
necessary to correctly readjust the chain. Turn each screw an equal FRONT WHEEL DRAKE ADJUSTMENT (See figure 6.)
number of turns in order to keep wheel in alignment. Check correct
alignment of the wheel to see that the tire runs about midway between When the front wheel brake is properly adjusted the hand lever (1)
upper rear frame tubes and also that the rear sprocket runs centrally will move freely about one-quarter of its full movement before the brake
in the chain. When readjustment is completed, be sure to securely re- starts to take effect. lf adjusted tighter the brake may drag. To adjust
tighten the sleeve nut, axle nut, and adjusting-screw lock nuts. brake_, loosen lock nut (3) on adjusting sleeve (2) and turn lower nut (4)
After readjusting the rear chain, the rear brake may be too tight.
Readjust the brake rod if necessary. See "Rear Brake Adjustment".

1. Front Wheel
Brake Hand
2. Front Wheel
Brake Adjusting
3. Adjusting Sleeve
Lock Nut
4. Adjusting Sleeve
Figure 5 - Repairing Drive Chain 5. Brake Shoe
Pivot Stud Nut
6. Brake Shoe
Repair ol Drive Chain (See figure 5.) Pivot Stud
When necessary to repair a chain, remove the damaged links by
pushing out the riveted link pins, with a chain repair tool as shown. Figure 6
Then fit the necessary repair links. A duplex chain is used for the front Front Wheel Brake
drive and a single width chain for the rear. The chain tool furnished Adjustment
tn the tool kit is designed to take care of both.


Check adjustment after each readjustment of front chain. To adjust

the rod move the shifter lever (2, figure 1) to THIDD POSITION on four-
speed transmission, or to SECOND POSITION on threespeed transmission.
22 23

in towara the cable support tube to decrease the free movement of tho GASOLINE STRAINER AND CARBUHETOR (See figures 2 and 7.)
lever (1) (tighten brake). Turn lower nut (4) away from the cable support
tube to increase the free movement of lever (loosen the brake). When The gasoline strainer should be cleaned and flushed at least once a
free movement of the hand lever (1) is about one-quarter of its full move- month, or oftener if the need of cleaning is Indicated by irregular carbu-
ment tighten lock nut (3) securely against the adjusting sleeve nut (4). retlon. To clean the strainer turn off the lower end, remove the screen
and clean and flush. Remove the carburetor bowl drain plug, drain and
flush the bowl each time the gasoline strainer is serviced.
Carburetor Adjustment
Readjust the length of the rear brake rod so that the brake does not {For starting Instructions, see "Starting The Engine.") A carbu-
start to take effect until the footpedal is pushed downward about one inch, retor, once properly adjusted, requires little, if any, readjusting. It
To adjust, remove the pin which attaches the brake rod adjusting clevis should not be necessary to adjust the needles more than one or two
(9, figure 1) to the brake lever, and turn the clevis clockwise onto the notches, richer or leaner, to correct mixture for a change in weather
rod to shorten (tighten brake), counterclockwise on the rod to lengthen conditions.
(loosen brake). Turn the rear wheel to make sure that brake is not too Both high speed needle (1) and lowspeed needle (2) turn down (to right)
tight and dragging. to make mixture leaner at the respective speeds for which they adjust.
Backing them out (to left) makes mixture richer. Both needles are held
in whatever positions they may be turned to, by a spring and plunger
which drops into notches in the needle adjusting screw.
A carburetor that ts badly out of adjustment may be readjusted as
1. Make sure carburetor control wi•re is adjusted so throttle lever
(4) fully closes and opens with handlebar grip movement.
2. Turn both the low speed needle (2) and high speed needle {1) all
the way down (to right).
3, Back up (to left) low speed needle (2) about 5 turns, and high speed
needle (1) about 1-1/4 turns. With needles in these posttlons, engine
1. High Speed Needle will start, but low speed mixture will probably be too rich.
2. Low Speed Needle 4. Start the engine and after it has reached operating temperature
3. Throttle Lever Lock and the choke lever (9) has been moved to the OPEN position, correct
Screw the adjustment of both needles.
4. Throttle Lever 5, Adjust for low speed. Turn low speed needle (2) down (to right)
6. Throttle Stop Screw one notch at a tlme until mixture becomes so lean that engine misses
7. Carburetor Bowl Vent
8. Low Speed Needle Lift and is inclined to stop; then, back needle up five to ten notches, or
Lever wttil engine hlts regularly with spark advanced and throttle closed
9. Choke Lever or as nearly closed as it can be set and still have engine rwt at
10. Choke Disc idling speed. Starting and all-around carburetion w lll be better
with low speed adjustment slightly rich rather than as lean as it
can be made.
Figure 7 6. Adjust throttle lever stop screw (6), as necessary to make engine
Carburetor idle at proper speed with throttle fully closed. Turn screw to right
to make engine idle faster. Turning screw to left makes engine idle
slower. Don't idle au engine at the slowest possible speed, because
an extremely slow idling adjustment causes hard starting. Changing
the idling speed with throttle stop screw is likely to change the low
speed mixture slightly. It will therefore, be necessary to again

24 25

check and correct low speed needle adjustment by the same procedure
followed in making the initial adjustment. ~afl:l!»n>"N~~~

7. Check high speed adjustment, after low speed adjustments have ~'lywhc~l 'l'lt.llnil MMk
been completed. Run the motorcycle on the road at various speeds (QII lt•lh;hlo Ill cnRifl(l):

L.-~2. ;
between 20 mlles per hour and wide open. Have spark fully advanced.
If adjustment is too lean, the engine wlll sluff and backfire through
the carburetor on quick throttle opening to accelerate from low
speed. If adjustment is too rich engine will be sluggish and wlll
lope and miss at intermediate and high speeds. Adjusting some-
I. XX)(' ·000'0
what over-rich is preferable to adjusting too lean, because a lean
mixture causes overheating. Best all around engine performance
Is usually found with high speed needle set about 1-l/4 turns open.

See that a carburetor air cleaner (3, figure 2) is installed for opera-
tion in dusty conditions to avoid unnecessary and excessive engine wear.
(See your Harley-Davidson Dealer.) In normal service, on hard surfaced
roads, It is important that the air cleaner mesh be removed, washed
thoroughly in gasoline and then saturated with oil (same oil as used in
engine) at least once every 1000 miles. In dusty service this attention
should be given more frequently. In extremely dusty service this atten-
tion should be given EVERY 100 mlles or at least once a day.


Check the contact point gap (10) with a .022 in. gage (wire prefer-
red). If it is not exactly .022 ln., when the cam follower ( 1) is on the
highest point of either cam (2) adjustment is necessary. Incorrect point
gap spacing affects ignition timing. To adjust the points loosen the lock
screw (12) and move the eccentric adjusting screw (15) to provide a con-
tact point gap of ,022 in. Retighten the lock screw (12) and again check
the gap to make sure it remains correct.


Ignition timing is controlled by the circuit breaker. Correct ignition 1. Flbr~ Cam Follower 9. Timing Mark
2. Breaker Cam 10. Contact Points
timing and correct setting of the circuit breaker contact-point gap is 3. Condenser 11. Cover Retainer
absolutely necessary for proper engine operation. 4. Cam Timing Mark 12. Lock Screw
To check ignition timing or when installing and resetting circuit 5. Timing Adjusting Stud 13. Timing Slot on Flywheel
breaker assembly after it has been lifted out, proceed as follows: 6. Adjusting Stud Lock Nut 14. Timing Inspection Hole
7. Timing Adjusting Stud Plate 15. Eccentric Adjusting Screw
Checking Ignition Timing with Factory Timing Marks. (See figw·e 8.) 8. Attaching Cap Screw (2) 16. Control Wire Lock Screw

1, Remove spark plugs to premit turning engine easily; remove screw Figure 8 - Circuit Breaker and Flywheel Timing Marks

26 27

plug from timing inspection hole (14) in left side of crankcase; un-
cover the front intake valve push rod so that opening and closing of (1). Remember spark must be fully advanced when checking. If with
\'alve can be observed; remove circuit breaker cover, and set circuit nut (6) loosened circuit breaker still cannot be shifted far enough to
breaker point gap at exactly .022 ln. See "Adjustment of Circuit attain alignment of mark ( 4) and fiber cam follower (1) the operation
Breaker Points." of lifting circuit breaker and changing engagement of driving gears will
2. Turn engine in direction in which it runs until front piston is on have to be repeated as many times as necessary to attain alignment.
compression stroke (just after front intake valve closes), and continue Timing Pointers.
turning engine very slowly (less than one-half revolution) until timing
slot on flywheel (13) appears at rear of inspection hole (14), When flywheel timing slot (13) appears at rear edge of timing hole
3. See that timing mark (9) on circuit breaker head aligns with the (14) the front cylinder piston is 7/16 inches before top dead center, This
end of timing adjusting stud plate (7), is the piston position (on compression stroke) where ignition should occur
4, Fully advance circuit breaker. Be sure control wire is correctly with spark fully advanced,
adjusted so that circuit breaker head is advanced (rotated counter- The narrow lobe of circuit breaker cam, which is the lobe that carries
clockwise) to its full advanced stop when handle bar grip is turned to mark (4), times the front cylinder; the wide lobe times the rear cylinder.
full advanced position. Ignition occurs just as circuit breaker points open,
5. Timing mark (4) in top edge of circuit breaker cam (2) should now Once or twice a year, have your dealer check ignition timing and, if
align perfectly with breaker arm fiber cam follower (1), H it does not, necessary, readjust circuit breaker setting to compensate for wear on
but is only slightly out of alignment, loosen timing adjusting stud lock circuit breaker and timing gears that may have caused a sllght change
nut (6) and shift circuit breaker head to attain alignment, (Timing in timing.
mark, 9, wlll no longer line up exactly with edge of plate, 7,) Be sure TIMING GEARS (See figure 9.)
to securely retighten lock nut (6), Remember that circuit breaker The pinion gear (1) and shaft are spline engaged and the gear is a
must be fully advanced when checking alignment of mark (4) with sltp fit on shaft, A spring, spacing collar, oil pump pinion shaft gear
fiber cam follower (1), (spiral gear), and bearing oil seal ring are assembled behind the pinion
If when above check is made, it is found that cam timing mark (4) and gear, With all these parts removed from shaft, they must be reassembled
cam follower (1) are far from alignment, it is probable that timing ac- in the following order: Bearing oil seal ring, on pump pinion shaft gear,
cording to original factory marks has been lost through opening the timing spacing collar, spring and pinion gear, Spring pressure against the oil
gear case and removal and installation of gears, or possibly as a result of pwnp pinion shaft gear pushes the otl seal ring tight against crank case
loosening and lifting the circuit breaker assembly far enough so that its bearing bushing, Timing marks are provided on the pinion gear (1),
drive gears come out of mesh, In this case, or in a case where circuit cam gear (2), breather gear (3) and circuit breaker drive gear (4) to
breaker head timing mark (9) has been lost through installing a replace- provide a means of timing the mechanical parts of the engine. There is
ment head, timing must be done as follows: a steel spacing washer behind the cam gear (2), There are spacing col-
lars in front of the circuit breaker drive gear (4) and the intermediate
Timing Ignition without Aiel of Circuit Breaker Heacl Mark. gea1 (5), Collars vary in thickness, must not be interchanged.
1. Perform steps 1 and 2, preceding, under "Checking Ignition Timing
With Factory Timing Marks." Figure 9
2. Fully advance circuit breaker and observe alignment of mark (4) Timing Gears
and fiber cam follower (1), H they are not far out of alignment, loosen
nut (6) and disregarding mark (9), see if circuit breaker head can be
1, Pinion Gear
shifted far enough to attain alignment. H not, remove cap screws ( 8) 2. Cam Gear
and lift circuit breaker assembly far enough to bring its driving gears 3, Breather Valve Gear
out of mesh. Turn circuit breaker cam approximately as much as 4. Circuit Breaker Drive
cam mark (4) and fibre cam follower (1) appear to be out of align- Gear
ment, and push circuit breaker assembly back down into gear case, 5, Intermediate Gear
re-enga'ging its drive gears, Reinstall cap screws (8) and tighten 6. Generator Drive Gear
securely. Then recheck alignment of mark ( 4) and fibre cam follower 7. Oil Pump Drive Gear



Push rods are self adjusting, hydraulic type. They automatically

adjust their length to compensate for hot engine expansion and valve
mechanism wear, and thus keep the valve mechanism free of lash when
the engine is running. Tappet adjustment is required only in a new
engine assembly, and when the engine is reassembled after repair.
No further readjustment of tappets is required.
On starting an engine, which has been shut off even for a few minutes,
the valve mechanism may tend to be slightly noisy until the hydraulic
push rod units completely refill with oil. If at any time, other than for
a short period immediately after engine is started, valve mechanism
becomes abnormally noisy, it is an indication that one or more of the
hydraullc push rod units may not be functioning properly. Always check
the lubricating oil supply in the oil tank first, if the valve mechanism
is noisy, since normal circulation of oil through the engine is necessary
for proper operation of the hydraulic units. If there is on in the tank,
the push rod units may not be functioning properly due to contamination
in the oil supply. Drive at moderate speed to the nearest Harley-Davidson
Service Station for further attention. 8
CLUTCH 1. Clutch Lever 5. Footpedal Rod
2. Push Rod Adjusting Screw 6. Footpedal
The need for attention to clutch and controls will be indicated by the 3. Push Rod Adjusting Screw Lock Nut 7. Foot pedal Bearing Cover
clutch slipping under load, or dragging in released position. In either 4. Spring Tension Adjusting Nuts (3) 8. Clutch Cover
case, the first thing to be checked is the adjustment of controls. Proceed
as follows: Figure 10 - Clutch Control Adjustment

Control Adjustment (See figure 10.) without any noticeable slippage when cranking the engine, also holds on
1. With the footpedal (6) in full disengaged position (heel down) the the road. Do not increase spring tension any more than actually required
clutch lever (1) should strike the transmission case cover. Adjust to make the clutch hold.
length of the footpedal rod (5) to just clear the footpedal bearing Clutch Repair .(See figure 11.)
cover ('1) so the rod remains straight and is not bent down by the
bearing cover. As a new clutch is originally assembled and adjusted, the distance
2. Next, remove the chain guard clutch cover (8), set the footpedal from inner edge of the shoulder on spring collar (2) to the outer surface
(6) in full engaged position (toe down), loosen the lock nut (3) and of the outer disc, is 31/32-in. If compressed more so that this distance
readjust the push rod adjusting screw (2) with a screw driver so that ts less than 7/~-ln., the clutch PX:Obably cannot be fully released, If the
the end of the lever (1) has about 1/8-in. free movement, backward clutch still does not hold after making sure of correct control adjust-
and forward. Turn the screw right for less free movement, left for ment and increasing the spring tension as outlined above, it will have
more. to be taken apart for inspection of the discs. Some of the discs may be
worn and require replacement or they may be oil-soaked and in need of
Tension Spring Adjustment washing and drying. When the clutch must be taken apart, tt is advisable
If the clutch slips, after controls have been correctly readjusted, to have it serviced at a Harley-Davidson Service station where any needed
increase the spring tension by tightening (turn right) the three nuts (4). new parts are at hand. If, however, it is impossible to take the motor-
Tighten all three nuts, one-half turn at a time until clutch holds. Test cycle to a Barley-Davidson dealer, and the clutch must be taken apart,
after each turn by cranking the engine. Usually, a clutch that holds proceed as follows:

30 31

4. In reassembling the clutch, apply a few drops of oll or a omall

amount of grease to the sprocket ball bearing. The clutch may bo
reassembled in the reverse order of disassembly. Be sure the steel
dlscs (6) are assembled with the side stamped 110UT" facing out~
ward. The spllneways having the anti-rattle devices should be
staggered on the splines in the hub shell.


Front and rear wheels are quickly detachable from brake assemblies,
when necessary to remove for wheel or tire service. When removing
a wheel, it is necessary that brake be applied to hold drum securely
while pulling wheel away from it. When detached from brakes, wheels
are interchangeable.

Removing Rear Wheel ,See figure 12.)

Raise the motorcycle on rear stand and loosen and raise end of the
1. Flat Washer e. Steel DlBCB (3) mudguard as shown. Remove the flve socket screws that secure the
2. Spring Collar '1. Sprlng Dlsc wheel to brake assembly. The socket screw wrench can be inserted
3. Springs 8. Spring Tenslon AdJusting Nuts (3) only at the rear of axle, so the wheel will have to be turned to bring
4. Clutch Bub Nut {left thread) 9. Outer Disc each screw to this position. Apply rear brake and lock it by shifting
5. Llned Friction Discs (3) the brake rod lock back against the footboard support, or with pedal
Figure 11 - Clutch Disassembly lock, if the motorcycle is so equipped, (Brake rod lock ls a wing nut
clamp on rod near the pedal, The stoplight control wire is hooked to it.)
1. Remove the outer chain guard as shown in figure 11, and the push Remove the axle and remove the spacer from between wheel hub and
rod adjusting screw lock nut. right side of frame. The wheel ls tJien free to come out. When re-
2. Remove the spring collar (2), clutch springs (3) and outer disc (9) assembling the wheel, reverse the removal operations, but securely
as an assembly by first placing a flat washer (1) (approximately 1/8 tighten the five wheel socket screws before tightening the axle nut. To
inch thick, 1-3/4 inch outside diameter and 3/8 inch Inside diameter) avoid any posstbUlty of the wheel working loose in service and con-
over the adjusting screw. Then turn the locknut onto the adjusting sequently damaging clamping flange, lt Is Important that socket screws
screw, against the washer, and tighten the locknut untll the adjusting be pulled very tight, Use the wrench furnished in the tool kit to be sure
nuts (8) are free. The adjusting nuts may then be removed and the of getting them tight,
assembly can be pulled off, freeing all the other discs, Do not dis-
assemble these parts unless It is necessary to replace springs,
spring collar, or outer dtsc. Removing Front Wheel (See flaure 13.)
3. To remove the clutch shell and sprocket it ls first necessary to
remove the engine sprocket. Then the front chain and clutch sprocket
assembly can be taken off. The clutch hub and back plate Is a taper Raise front wheel and place a block of suitable height Wlder frame.
flt on the transmlsslon matn shaft and Is secured by the hub nut (4)
Remove the cotter pin (1), axle nut (2) and flat washer (3). Remove
the five wheel mounting socket screws (4), loosen the two right slider
(left thread) and lockwasher. After removing the nut and lockwasher,
cap nuts (5) and remove axle (7). The front wheel is now free to come
a puller is needed to remove the clutch hub. When the hub needs to be out, leaving the brake drum in its place over the brake shoes.
removed, have it taken off at a Harley-Davidson Service Station When replacing the wheel, first securely tighten wheel mounting
where required puller is at hand.

32 33

socket screws and axle nut, and then tighten the two right slider cap nuts
(5), This will assure correct alignment of fork sides.

1. Cotter Pin 5. Slider Cap Nuts

2. Axle Nut 6, Slider Cap
3. Flat Washer 7. Axle
4. Wheel Mounting Screws (5)
Figure 12 - Removing Rear Wheel Figure 13 - Removing Front Wheel

it is not necessary to take hub completely apart. Simply take out screws
(1) and the complete thrust bearing assembly comes off the end of the
hub and can be taken apart separately. One or more .002 inch thick
shims can then be added to provide .003 to .005 inch end play for thrust
sleeve (9), and the assembly reassembled on hub. Be careful about add-
ing too many shims and thus binding thrust sleeve (9). It must still be
free with cover screws (1) securely tightened. It is best to leave cork
retainer (4) out of the thrust assembly while determining correct adjust-
ment of thrust sleeve, and put it back in when readjustment Is completed.
The cork retainer interferes to some extent with free movement of
thrust sleeve and, therefore, makes it difficult to determine whether
or not sleeve is altogether free between thrust washers (8 and 10).
Excessive radial (up and down) play in wheel hub bearings, due to
wear, can be taken up by fitting oversize rollers (11 and 18). To take
hub completely apart for attention to roller bearings. first remove the
thrust assembly as explained above. Next, remove spring lock ring (23),
washer (22), cork retainer (21), and pull out inner sleeve (16). Rollers
and retainers can then be taken out. It is necessary to remove spring
lock ring (20) and washer (19) before the brake side bearing can be re-
It is advisable to have any needed wheel hub readjustments made at
a Harley-Davidson Service Statton where rollers in assorted sizes and
any other parts that may b~ required are at hand. Refitting should be
done by a mechanic thoroughly famlltar with this service operation,
because care must be exercised to avoid fits that are too tight. With
the hub reassembled, the roller bearings must turn freely and have a
slight play or shake.
1. Thrust Bearing Cover Screws (5) 13. Right Roller Retainer Thrust Washer
2. Lock Washers (5) 14. Wheel Hub
3. Thrust Bearing Outer Cover 15. Left Roller Retainer Thrust Washer REMOVAL OF SADDLE SPRING POST (See figure 15.)
4. Cork Grease Retainer 16. Hub Inner Sleeve After raising the saddle, remove saddle post clamp nut (5), which
5. Thrust Bearing Housing 17. Roller Retainer
6. Gasket 18. Dearing Rollers
is located underneath frame at bottom end of post tube. The post as-
7. Thrust Bearing Adjusting Shims 19. Roller Bearing Washer sembly can then be pulled out. When the post assembly is inserted
ll. Thrust Washer (outer) 20. Roller Bearing Spring Lock Ring back into frame tube, see that the fiat side, machined on the post rod nut
9. Thrust Sleeve 21. Cork Grease Retainer (4). registers in flat side of the hole in the bottom of the tube.
10. Thrust Washer (Inner) 22. Retainer Washer The cushion spring assembly (three lower springs) of a standard
11. Dearing Rollers 23. Spring Lock Ring saddle post is adjusted to twelve inches long. This carries the average
12. Roller Retainer 24. Grease Connector weight rider with maximum riding comfort. Adjustment can be changed
for lighter or heavier than average rider, and different springs can be
Figure 14 - Wheel Hub obtained, if desired, from your dealer.

Adjusting Wheel Hub (See ftgure 14,) REMOVING FUEL TANKS

To take off the fuel tanks, drain gas tanks, disconnect gas llnes, re-
Figure 14 shows a cross-section of the wheel hub. Before attempting move instrument panel cover, remove shifter rod from shifter lever,
to make readjustments or take 1t apart, carefully study this Illustration raise saddle and remove tank stud nuts at saddle bar bearing bracket,
and its description. To take up only excessive side play tha~ may develop, remove upper and lower clamp bolts at front end of tanks.

36 37

1. Spring Tension Adjust-

Ing Nut
2. Adjusting Nut Lock Nut
3. Rod Nut Lock Nut
4. Rod Nut
5. Post Clamp Nut

Figure 15
Saddle Spring Post

1. Cap Screw
SERVICING THE HYDRA-GLIDE FORK (See figure 16.) 2. Cap Screw
Rubber Seal
The Hydra-Glide Fork requires very little maintenance or attention. 3. Drain Plug
It requires no greasing. U fork does not appear to be working properly,
or an appreciable amowtt of oil leakage should develop, attention should Figure 16
be given by an authorized Harley-Davidson dealer. Servicing the
Incorrect recoil action wlll result If there Is insufficient oil in either Hydra-Glide Fork
side of the fork. To check the amount it is necessary to completely drain
the oil and then pour back into each side 6-1/2 to 7 ounces of Harley-
Davidson Hydraulic Fork Oil. Oil drained from the fork may be used
again, provided it does not appear to be contaminated by water or other
foreign matter. Add only enough fresh oil to provide the required amount.
In an emergency, when Harley-Davidson Hydraulic Fork Oil is not
available, use the lightest automobile engine oil obtainable. Do not use
shock-absorber fluid. If engine oil is used, however, drain and replace
with Hydraulic Fork Oil as soon as possible. The consistency of engine
oil varies with temperature changes, and stiff recoil action and a rough
ride wlll result at lower temperatures. Temperature changes have little side. Fork trim rear panels must be removed to expose oil filler plugs,
effect on the recommended oil, which can be removed with a large screw driver.
To drain and reflll fork, first remove the hex head cap screw (1) at
the top of each fork side. Then remove the drain plug (3) at the lower REPLACING ~EAD LAMP-CYCLE BEAM SEALED UNIT (See figure 17.)
end of each slider, with a 3/16 Inch Allen wrench, and drain the oil into a
clean container. Add oil to container, if necessary, to make up the re- U either filament burns out, or the lens breaks, the entire cycle-beam
quired amount. Replace the drain plugs and pour 6-1/2 to 7 ounces of oil unit must be discarded and a new unit installed.
through the hole In the upper end of each fork tube. Then Install the To install a new unit loosen door screw (1) enough to remove head
seal (2) and cap screw (1), and tighten securely. lamp door (2). Remove the three retaining-ring screws (3) and retaining
Every 5000 miles, or at least once each year drain the oil from the ring (4). The cycle-beam unit (5) is now free from the head lamp body,
fork and refill with a fresh supply of Hydraulic Fork Oil. U fork should and the connector block (6) can now be removed from the unit by pulling
at any time become submerged In water, drain and refill immediately. connector block from U1e unit prongs.
The adjustable trail Hydra-Glide Fork (special equipment for side- Install the new unit by reversing above operations. Make sure prongs
car service) does not have hex head cap screw at the top of each fork on unit arc clean, to assure good contact with connector block.

38 39

No attempt should be made to repair a defective cvcle-beam sealed

unit. When the seal is broken the reflector tarnishes and poor light and
road visibility result.
Use only a cycle-beam sealed unit for replaceme'nt. This unit is
designed for motorcycle use and no attempt should be made to use an
automobile sealed-beam unit. The electrical system is not designed to
supply the heavy current draw required with an automobile sealed-beam
unit, and its use will only invite battery and generator trouble.

STEERING DAMPER (See figure 18.)

The steering damper is an important safety device which should be
used to stabilize steering when driving at higher speeds. It must, there-
fore, be kept in good working order. Have the condition of the steering
damper checked by your Harley-Davidson dealer at the regular 1500
mile inspections.

1, Door Screw 4. Retaining Ring

2, Head L<unp Door 5, Cycle Oeam Scaled Unit 1. Steering Damper Adjusting Knob 3. Headlamp Clamp Nut
3. Retaining Ring Scr·ews 6. Connector Block 2. Terminal Plate 4. lleadlock

Figure 17 - Replacing Head Lamp Cycle-Beam Sealed Unit Figure 18.

40 41

3, Keep the battery clean, and terminal connections tight. Occasion-

ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ally put a few drops of engine oil on terminal "no-corrode" felt
washers to keep them oil saturated.
A complete wiring diagram of the electrical system is given in figure
Adding Wafer fo Baflery
19, rutd all parts and connections are explained tn the figure key.
The motorcycle should be standing straight up, not leaning on the
HEAD LAMP ADJUSTMENT (See figure 18,) Jiffy Stand, when adding water to the battery. Turn off the wing nuts,
and remove the battery cover and rubber mat. Take out the three screw-
The head lamp is of the Sealed Beam type (specially made for Harley- in filler plugs, and with a hydrometer or syringe, add water to each cell
Davidson) and does not require re-focusing. to raise the level of the solution about 5/16-in. above lhe plates and sepa-
However, the beam must be adjusted for height and direction. To get rators.
the greatest efficiency from the head lamp and to meet the requirements
of the law make the following adjustment. Adjust in a darkened room or
at night. If battery is filled to a higher level, some of the
1, Have the motorcycle standing on a level surface with tires correctly solution will be forced out through vent holeE
inflated about 25 feet away from, and headed toward a wall or screen when battery is charging, This not only weakens
upon which a horizontal line has been drawn at exactly the same height battery solution, but also may damage parts
as the head lamp center. The motorcycle must be resting on both near the battery.
wheels, the front wheel must be in straight ahead alignment.
To properly adjust the head lamp on motorcycle having the Hydra-
Glide Fork, it will be necessary to have someone of about the same Baflery Charging Rate
weight as the rider seated on Ute motorcycle because the weight of the When charging a battery from an outside source, the cnarglng rate
rider will compress the fork slightly, Is constant and should not be allowed to go over 2 amperes, A higher
2. Remove back panel. Turn light switch ON, set handlebar toggle rate wlll heat and damage the battery.
switch in BRIGJff position, and check light beam for height and direc-
tion, The top of the main beam of light should register on the wall CAUTION
or screen even with, but no higher than, the horizontal line mentioned
above. Do not allow the battery to be charged in the
3. After loosening the clamp nut (3) behind the lamp bracket, the same line with automobile batteries, at a high
lamp can be tilted up or down to properly aim it in relation to the charge rate.
horizontal line and at the same time can be turned right or left to
direct the beam of light straight ahead. GENERATOR
(standard Equipment Third Brush Regulated Generator)
Gonerafor Charging Rate
It is the care given a battery, rather than time and miles in service, A maximum charging rate of about 4 amperes (with regular equip-
which Is most important in determining its life, Don't neglect it. ment lamps lighted) is the standard factory setting for the stantlard
generator. Thi's should be sufficient to keep the battery In a good state
1. Inspect battery every week, Add pure disttlled water as often as of charge under normal conditions. At average driving speeds, the
necessary to keep solution above the plates, (See "Adding Water to charging rate ie about the same with llghts either "ON" or "OFF",
Battery", page 43.) because when thf. lighting switch is turned "ON" the generator output
2. Remove battery and have it gtven a charg_e from an outside source, Is automatically boosted enough to take care of the standard lighting
when a hydrometer test shows that this attention is needed. Allowing equipment. The charging rate can be readjusted higher or lower as
battery to remain in a discharged condition for any length of time, desired to meet unusual service conditions, but bear In mind that a
shortens its life. It is especially important that the battery be kept higher than normal charging rate is likely to overcharge, overheat
well charged in below freezing weather. A low or discharged battery and damage the battery. (See page 46.)
is very likely to be frozen and ruined.

Key for Wiring Diagram

A. FOUR WmE CADLE .... Red, Green, 81ttck and Ycl· 10. 'fi::HMINAL -- Hcd wlrt' through cabll' ··C" to !'>WIIch
low wires Irom switch and Instrument panel baM' hrmlnal (1). Thts Is a live terminal t\nd can h(' ul'i<'d
terminals •1, 14, t6 and n. Right front cable In lor ;~~cct"ssory lamps. etc. lnd(>pt>ndenl ~I lgnltlon-
panel base to terminal box behind Ignition roll. li~ht switrh.

D. THREE WIRE CADLE --Rod, Groen, and Dlark II. TERMINAL - Not used with standard wlrln~.
wires from switch and lnslrument panel base ter· It, ,2 and 144. Lert cable In panel base, to 12. TERMINAL- Nol us•d with standard ~·lrlnR.
gent:rator and cut out relay.
·13. CUT Otrr RELAY- Red wire lrom rel:iY terminal
C. FOUR WIRE CADLE --Red, Green, Yellow and marked ''BAT .. through cable "8'' to switch terml·
Black wires lrom swllch and Instrument panel b:\Se nal (I); black wtre from Junction terminal (44)
lermlnals 11, 12, 13 and 16. Right rear rable In through cable "B'' to relay; green wire from grner-
panel base, to terminal plate on fork. ator "relay" terminal (33) through rable "B" to
D. HANDLEBAR WIRING (Loose Wires)-- Red wire
with black tracer, Dlack wire with red tracer and
Red wire with yellow tracer, from headlamp switch 14. TAIL AND STOP LAMP -Red wlr• through loom
on handlebar to terminal plate terminals 19, 121 and "J'' and loom .. 0" to terminal (43); green win
122. Black wire from Horn Switch to terminal plate through loom "1" and loom ·'G' to terminal (40).
15. BATTERY POSITIVE TEnMINAL- (left sldo) -Red
E. TWO WIRE CADLE --Red and Green wires from wire lhrough loom "0" to terminal (39).
terminal plate terminals 124 and 125 to horn.
16, DA1'TERY NEGATIVE TERMINAL- (right side) -
f, 111REE WIRE CADLE-- Black, Groen and Red
Black wlr• to ground terminal on frame.
wires from terminal box, terminals 141, 142, 143 to
oil pressure SO(Jich and stop lamp swllch. 17. OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL SWITCH -Green wire
through cable "F" to t•rmlnal (42).
0. LOOM --(three wires) --Red, Groen and Red wires
frOm terminal box terminals f39, 140 and 143.
H. LOOM -- (two wires) -- Dlark and Rod wires from wilh red tracer lhrough cable "D" to terminal (21);
terminal plate terminals 121 and 122 lo head tamp. red wtre wllh yellow tracer through cable ''D" to
terminal (22); red wire with blark tracer through
1. LOOM -- (lwo wires) •· R£>d and OreE>n wires, con- cable "D" to terminal (9).
llnuatlon from 3 wire loom (G) to tall lamp.
t9. IIORN SWITCII -Black wlr• to terminal (25).
t. SWITCH TEtiMINAL ·Red wire through roblo "A"
to terminal {39)i red wire through cable ··U .. to re- 20. TERMINAL- Yellow wire through cable "C" lo
lay (13); red wire through cable "C" to (('rndnal swtkh terminal (3). Used only wUh parking lamps.
21. TERMINAL- Black wire with red tracer through
2. SWITCH TERMINAL- Green wire through cablo rable "D" to head lamp switch (18); black wire
"C" to terminal (9); green wire through cable "B" through loom "H" to head lamp (31).
to generator "swllch" terminal (32); grHn wirE' to
speedometer light (8). 22. TERMINAL- Red wire wllh yellow tracer through
cablo "D" lo head lamp switch (18); red wire
3. SWITCH TERMINAL - Yellow wire through <able through loom "H" to head lamp (31).
"C"Io terminal (20),
23. TERMINAL- Not used wllh standard wiring. See
4. SWITCH TERMINAL -Croon wire through rahlo wiring diagram showing speedometer hand lock.
"A" lo lermlnal (40).
24. TERMINAL- Black wire through cabl• "C"to Junc-
5. SWITCH TERMINAL- Black wire to Junction ter-
tion lermlnal (8); red wire lhrough rable ''E" to
minal (G), ,
horn (30).
6. JUNCTION TERMINAL- Dlack wire through cable
25. TERMINAL- Groen wire through <ablo "f." lo horn
"C" to lermlnal (24); black wire lo oil presoure sig-
(30); blark wtre to horn swllrh.
nal llghl (29); black wire to generator light (28);
black wire to switch terminal (5); black wire through
rable "A" to lermlnal (41). 26. IGNITION CIRCUIT BRF.AKf.R -Black wtre to coil
(3S) rear t•rmlnal.
7. JUNCTION TERMINAL- Yellow wire through rable
''A" to terminal (42); green wlr<' h• oil ~ir;nallight 27. STOP LAMP SWITCH - R•d •·lrothrough cable "F"
(29). to terminal (43); blark wire lhro11gh rable "F" to
terminal (41).
8. SPEEDOMETER LIGHT - Groon wire to swilrh ter-
minal (2), 28. GENERATOR SIGNAL LIGHT- (marked "OEN")
9. TERMINAL- Green wtrl:' thrnu&h cabl£' ··c· to Dlark ""tr<' (unctu panrl basrJ lo jun('lton tumln:\1
switch lermlnal (2); reel vdrf' with bl:tck tracer (6); grren wire (undE'r panC'I basr) to junction terml~
Figure 19 - Wiring Diagram through cablt' ··o·· to head lam1• tn!..a!l£' swllch (18). oal (H)

(Standard Equipped Motorcycle)


Key for Wiring Diagram, cont. RULES OF THE ROAD

29. OIL I'RESSUIU: SIGNAL LIGIIT • (mark«l "OIL"") 40. TERMINAL· Upttn l"il~ht t<'rmln:tl ()I tN·mtnat box.
lllack wire (undor panol baso) to Junrlinn tormlnal (6):
gr<'en wirr (undN panC<I hast>) to )uncllun tt'rntlnal (7),
Oretn ~.-ire through t3bl<' "A" to swltrh terminal
(4); green wir<' through loom 'G'' to tall and stop
l. Keep on the right side of the road when meeting other vehicles coming
lan1p (14). in the opposite direction.
30. HORN - Rt"d wire lhruur.h rabh· "E" to tNmhtal
(24); green wrrr throur.h ('~hlr "E" to t<-rminal (25), H. TERMINAL ·Center loll terminal ollormlnal box.
mark wlr<' through cable "'A .. to junction terminal 2. Always sound your horn and pass on the left side when passing other
3t. H~AD LAMP- Rrd wtrr lhrou1:h lnom ·u··to trrmfnal
(22): blade \lio'lrt> through loom ·-w· to tcrmiu;1l (21).
(61; black wire through cable "F" to slop'""''
switch (27); black wire to Iron! colltormlnal.
vehicles (except street car) going in the same direction, Never try to
32. GENERATOR "SWITCH" TERMINAL· Grrrn wire pass another vehicle going in the same direction at street intersections,
throll!th cable ··n·· to switch trrmtnal (2). 42. TERMINAL· Lower rlghllermlnal oltorminall...,x.
Yellow wire through cable "A" to junction terminal
on curves, or when going up or down a hill.
33. GENt:RATOR "RELAY" TERMINAL· Orren wlrr (1); green wire through cable "F" to oil pressure
through ('able ··n .. to relay (13). signal switch (11).
3. At street intersections give the right-of-way to the vehicle on your right.
34. IGNITION·LIOIIT SWITCH ·(lop vlowJ Switch post· 43. TERMJNAL ... Lower h•tl terminal o( terminal box, Do not presume too much when you have the right-of-way; the other fellow
lion lor ~ lf.n~~lon only, Ignition and rwmlng li~hls Red wire through loom "G" and "I" to tall and stop
and e!!.'!!~J_I_I~ s are shown In Figure 4. Swllr t'an l•mp (14); rrd wiro through cable "F" to slop l•m1• may not know you have it.
be lot1iOOTiloiTand ~positions only, using head switch (27).
lock key. -
35, IGNITION COIL • Black wire to terminal (41); black 44. IUHCTIOH TERMINAL ·Green wire (under panel 4. Always signal when preparing to stop, start, or turn. H possible, signal
base) to gcner,\tor signal light (28); black wire
wire to circuit breaker (26),
through cable "8" to relay (13), by extending the arm.
36. TERMINAL PLATE • Mounted on lork.

38. TERMfNA L BOX - Mounted on frame bt"hlnd ignltton

NOTE • Side-car tall and stop lamps. In si>Jo- 5. All traffic signs, including those used for the control of traffic at inter-
rar or parkag~ trurk strvlre, If the slde-rar
or package I ruck Is cqulpp•d wrth a tall and sections, should be obeyed promptly and to the letter. "Slow Down"
39. TERMINAL .. UppP.r left terminal or terminal box.
Red wire through cable "A" to switch terminal (I);
stop lamp, tht> green wire of the lamp cable
Is roMerlcd to terminal No. 40 and red wtre
signs near schools and caution signs at railroad crossings should always
red wire through loom "G'· to battery positive ter· to terminal No. 43 on terminal box (38) behind be observed and your actions governed accordingly,
mlnal (15). ignition coli.

6, Never "crash" a light. When a change is indicated from "Go" to "stop"

(or vice versa) in the traffic control systems at intersections, await the
Generator charging rate maybe adjusted as follows: change.
1. Remove the generator end cover, and loosen the screws that hold 7. When intending to turn to the left, give signal at least 50 feet before
the regulating brush (small brush) plate assembly to generator frame. reaching the turning point. Move over to the center line of the street,
2. Shift the regulating brush to the right, to Increase charging rate- (unless local rules require otherwise) slow down passing the intersection
to the left, to decrease charging rate. Shift brush only a little at a of the street and then turn carefully to the left.
time, until desired maximum charging rate is obtained.
8, In turning either right or left, watch for pedestrians as well as vehicles.
It Is advisable, when generator charging rate must be readjusted,
to have it done by your Harley-Davidson dealer. 9. Do not leave the curb or parking area without signaling and seeing that
your way Is clear to drive into moving traffic. A moving line of traffic
has the right-of-way.
Inspecting or Replacing Generator Brushes '
Remove the two screws in the generator end cover and pull off the 10. See that your license tags are installed in the position specified by law and
cover, exposing the commutator and brushes. Brushes can be taken that they are clearly visible under all conditions. Keep them clean.
out after unfastening the spring retamers. To unfasten the small brush
spring retainer, simply press it downward a'hd outward. Remove the 11. Ride at a safe speed - a speed consistent with the type of highway you are
fastening screw from each of the large brush spring retainers. Brushes on, and always note whether the road Is dry or wet. Each varying con-
are worn oul and should be renewed when the longest side of the brush dition on the highway means adjusting your speed accordingly.
measures 3/8-in. or less. Be sure to insert the brushes into the holders
so that the concave face of the brush fits the curve of commutator.

NUM~ER 99450·57 ISSUED FEBRUARY 15, !957 PRICE $2.50
When ordering parts it is most important to specify the correct MODEL so that the parts for that model
will be ordered correctly. Whenever in doubt refer to the motor number stamped on the left crankcase. The
numerals of the motor number preceding the letters indicate the year and the letters the size and type of
the motor. Example: 51EL1827 is a 1951 model 61" O.H.V.; 5lwtil23 is a 1951 model 45" sidevalve. Sidecar
or sidevctn models CXIe indicated the same wa:y in the chassis number as shown on the rear frame tu~e.
Example: 39M8426 is a 1939 model "M" sidevan.

The various models shown in this catalog are identified by the following descriptions
1. All "W" models represents all 45 models listed pr~viously as W, WL, WID or WLDR.
2. All "G_, models represents all Servi-car models listed previously as G, GA, GD or GDT.
3. All "OHV" models represents all models listed previously as E, EL, F, n or FLH.
4. All sidevalve models listed previously as U, UL, UH, or UHL are now listed as 74" and 80" sidevalves.

There has been incorporated into this catalog various combination of parts. Some of these combina-
tions C!'r~ indicated by listing them as KITS or SETS. Others are combinations of assembled parts.

These various combinations are made up for your convenience. They cover the items. you need to
make a complete and satisfactory job of the particular repair operation.
The component parts of these various combinations are listed separately underneath the kit or set
number. If any individual part of a kit or set is desired it must be ordered from the breakdown as shown.
The following instructions should be followed very carefully when ordering Spare Parts.
1. Be sure to specify numbers covering the parts for the correct model.
2. Specify the part numbers on each item.
3. When ordering by Telegram or Cable use part numbers.
4. When ordering parts use ,:,ur standard parts order blanks. The use of these blanks will enable us
tc fill and ship your order more promptly. These blanks furnished Free of Charge upon request.
5. Do not order motorcycles, sidecars or advertising matter on Parts Order Blanks. Write nothing on
the order blc:nk except the order itself. as any other correspondence will not be answered until the
order is shipped and billed.
6. Freight, Express and Parcel Post orders should be on separate order blcmks.
7. For your own records. number and date all orders, also keep a carbon copy for reference in case
of misunderstanding.
8. Spare Pcrls are considered obsolete after a period of twelve years and are no longer available.
9. When ordering parts for Special motors, racing models, etc.. specify the complete motor number in
all cases.

45 cubic inches= 750 cubic centimeters 74 cubic inches= 1200 cubic centimeters
61 cubic inches= 1000 cubic centimeters 80 cubic inches= 1300 cubic centimeters
1 millimeter equals .03937 inches. 1 inch equals 25.4 millimeters.

All prices are subject to be increased by the amount of any Excise Taxes or Duties levied by the Gov-
ernment on these items. We carry accounts on our ledgers .only with regularly appointed dealers. All
orders received from others must he accompanied by cash in full. Remit by money order or bank draft.
Personal checks are not accepted. All Prices subject to change without notice.


Page Page
Air Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Oil Lines ............................... . 98
Air Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Oil Pressure Switches ................... . 19
Armature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Oil Pumps .............................. . 19
Axle- Servi-car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Oil Tank ............................... . 98
Axle-Sidecar .......................... 131 Pistons .............. ; .................. . 7
Battery ...· ............................... 103 Piston Pins ............................. . 7
Brake - Sidecar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Piston Rings ............................ . 7
Buddy Seat ................. : . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Push Rods .............................. . 4
Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Radio ................................. · 121
Carburetor Choke Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Rear Axle ............................. . 56
Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Rear Brake ............................. . 56
Chain Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Rear Bumper ............................ . 136
Rear Chain Oiler ....................... . 99
Check Strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Rear Stand ............................. . 74
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Rear Wheels ............................ . 59
Clutch Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Recoil Check .......................... . 134
Clutch Foot Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Relay .................................. . 119
Clutch Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Rims ................................... . 59
Clutch Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rocker Arms ............................ . 4
Clutch Push Rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Saddle ................................. . 79
Cl'l!tch Releas~ Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5() Saddlebags ............................. . 135
Compenscting Sprockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Safety Guards ........................... . 73
Connecting Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Seat Post ............................... . 78
Co:mtershaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Servi-car Box ...........-................ . 128
Crc;nkcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Shifting Parts ........................... . 39
Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sidecar Body ............................ . 132
Differential- Servi-car .. ·................. 124 Siren -Rear ............................ . 138 Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Shock Absorber ......................... . 84
Fenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Shock Absorber - Servi-car .............. . 129
Fender Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Signal Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 111
Fender - Sidecar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Spare Wheel Carrier .................... . 135
Field Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Spark Cables ........................... . 29
Flywheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 Spark Coils ............................. . 29
Footooard ...................... :. . . . . . . . 76 Spark Plug Holder ....................... . 140
Fork Bracket . . . . . . . . . . ............... ·... 67 Speedometer ............................ . 105
Fork Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Spokes ................................ . 59
Fork Slider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Spotlights ............................. - . · 112
Fork Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Springs- Sidecar ....................... . 132
Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Spring Forks ............................ . 65
Fra:ne- Sidecar ......................... 130 Sprockets ............................... . 54
Front Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Sprocket Shaft .......................... . 11
Front Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Starter Crank ........................... . 37
Front Bumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Starter Parts ............................ . 39
Front Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 Steering Damper ........................ . 71
Front Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Stop Light .............................. . 107
Gas Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Switch- Horn .......................... . 118
Gas Strainers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Switch- Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 118
Gear Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Switch- Light .......................... . 118
Gear Case Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Switch - Stop Light ..................... . 119
Gear Shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tail Lamp .............................. . 107
Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 TOildem ................................ . 82
Generator Brushes ........................ 29 Tanks .................................. . 96
Generator Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Tappets ............................... . 5
Generator Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Terminal Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 119
Handlebars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Timer ................................... . 31
Head Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Timing Gears ........................... . 17
Headlamp .............................. 106 Tool Box ............................... . 100.
Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Tow Bar ................................ . 122
Hydra-Glide Fork .................... : . . . 67 Transmissions ........................... . 36
Inlet Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Valves ................................. . 5
Instrument Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Valve Covers ........................... . 4
Jiffy Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Voltage Regulator ....................... . 119
Legshields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Wheels ................................. . 59
Luggage Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Wheel- Servi-car ....................... . 128
Mainshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Windshields ............................ . 86
Motor Gaskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Windshield - Sidecar . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 134
Muffler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Winter Windshields ..................... . 88
Oil filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Wires ................................. . 114

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


16460-40 Front cylinder 6: piston (Replaced by 16460-40A)
16460-4CA $51.50 Front cylinder 6: piston ........................ . 40 to 52-WLA, WLC, WL with alu-
minum heads, 51 to 57-WL & G
16461-40 Rear cylinder & piston (Replaced by l646iAOA)
16461-40A 51.50 Rear cylinder & piston ...................... . 40 !o 52-WLA, WLC, WL with alu·
minum heads. 51 to 57-WL & G
16483-48 49.SO Front cylinder & piston (low -=ompression) ...................... . 48 to 52-61" OHV
16484-48 49.50 Fron~ cylinder & piston (high compression) ..... . 48 to 52-74'' OHV
16484-53 49.50 Front cylinder & piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 53 to 57-74" OHV
16·4.85-48 49.50 Front cylinder & pistorL (low compression) . . . . . . ... . .. 48 to 52-74" OHV
16•i85-55 56.00 Front cylinder & piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" FLH
16486-48 49.50 Fro'l'l.t cylinder & piston (high compression) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 52-61" OHV
16492-48 413.50 Rear cylinder & piston (low compression) ...................... . 48 to 52-61" OHV
16492-55 5f:i.OO Rear cylinder & piston. . ................ . 55 to 57-74" FLH
16493-48 49.SO Rear cylinder & piston (high compression) ... . 48 to 52-74" OHV
16493-53 49.50 Rear cylinder & pistun . . . ................. . 53 to 57-74" OHV
16494-48 49.50 Rear cylinder & piston (low compression) ....... . 48 to 52-74" OHV
16495""'8 4:).50 R-ear cylinder & piston (high compression) ........ . 48 to 52-61" OHV
16681-39 21.00 Front cylincier head (marked 6.1) aluminum . 47 to 52-45's
16683-39 21.00 Rear cyinder head (marked 6.1) aluminum ..... . 47 to 52-45's
16692-51 17.00 Front cylincier head (marked 5.5) iron . . . . ...... . 51 to 55-WL & G
16692-55 17.00 Frc:..:lt cylinder head (marked 5.5) iron ................ . 56 & 57-Servi·cars
16695-51 17.00 Rear eylirl-:ie:- head {marked 5.5) iron . . . . . . . . 51 to 55-WL & G
16695-55 17.00 Rec:r cylinder head (marked 5.5) iron .... . 56 & 57-Servi-cars
16702-49 62.00 Front cylinder head ..................... . 49 to 54-·0HV
16102-55 62.00 Front cylinder hec:d ............. . 55 to 57-74" OHV
16103-49 62.00 Rear cylinder head . . . . . . . . ........... . 49 to 54-0HV
16703-55 62.00 Rec::- cylinder head 55 to 57-74".0HV
16708-55. ' 102.00 Front cylinder head ................ . 55 to 57-74" nH
1S109-S5 102.00 Rear cylinder head ........................................ . 55 to 57-74" FLH

I f
16812-40 i6809-40


18080-32 ©
ti lEl 6-U


18260-29 0 ljJ

18201-411 I 16830-29
"" 18228-30
~ <0 18630-26
23~ 7231
~~ !li.l

I 18606-30 .
~ 18631-30
18556-40 A
............ ·~ ~
~ ,/"'
I ® ~-""
I 18490-29 ~ , ............-~ 8.534-29
I 4; \/
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ______ .J

Part No. Pric:e Each NAME Used. On


16768-39 s .65 Cylinder head gasket (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 50--45" twins with aluminum
51 to 57-45", WL & G
16770-48 .55 Cylinder head gasket (2) ......... . 4.8 to 57-0HV
16775-29 .IS Cylinder base gasket ......... . 29 to 57-45, W, WL. WLA & G
16776-48 .25 Front cylinder base gasket 48 to 57-0HV
16777-48 .25 Rear cylinder base gasket .... . 48 to 57-0HV
16809-40 .50 Cylinder head bolt 0%") ........ . 47 to 50-WL with aluminum heads.
51 to 57-WL 0. G
16812-40 .50 Cylinder head bolt (long) (2") 40 to 43-WLA & WLC. 45 to 52 WL
with aluminum heads
16813-51 .so Cylinder head bolt (ll%2") (14) .. 51 to 57-WL & G
16814-48 .45 Cylinder head bolt (2~1.G") (10) ........ . 48 to 57-0HV
7782 .OS Cylinder heed stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 to 52-45" twins, iron heads,
53 to 57-G
16822-39 .10 Head bolt washer (16) 40 to 48-74" & SO" sidevalves, alu·
minum heads, 40 to 52--45" twins.
aluminum heads
6469 .05 Head bolt washer (l 0) ...... . 36 to 57·-0HV
16825-48 .10 Cylinder head. drain hole :plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 & 49-0HV
16830-29 .40 Cylinder base stud ( l 1 :~i4;") (8) . . . . . . . . . . .... . 29 to 57-W, WL, WLA. WLC. G
16831-30 .40 Cylinder base stud (8) ......................... . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7804 .08 Cylinder base stud nut (8) ............. . 29 to 57-W, WL, WLA. WLC. G
7839 .15 Cylinder base stud nut {8) . . . . . . . . . ... . 30 to 5-7-61". 74" 6 80" twins
16853-48 2.95 Cylinder bracket ...................... . 48 to 57-0HV
16855-51 1.75 Cylinder bracket . . . . . . . . . ... . 32 to 52-45" twins (iron heeds)
53 to 57-G
4660 .55 Cylinder bracket center bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 51-61" & 74" twins
7825 .20 Cylinder bracket stud nut (2) ............................. . 48 to 51-61" & 74" twins
16864-48 .35 Cylinder head motor brace stud (2) ............ . 48 to early 55-0HV
16864-55 .35 Cylinder head motor brace stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . Later 55 to 57-74" OHV
7825 .20 Cylinder heed motor brace stud nut (2) .................... . 48 to 57-0HV
16865-52 .45 Cylinder bracket center bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 57-0HV
7825 .20 Cylinder bracket center bolt nut ............................. . 48 to 57-0HV
4620 .35 Cyiinder bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 32 to 57-W, WL, WLA. WLC, G
6520 .10 Cylinder bracket bolt washer C2) .. . 32 to 51-all twins
6524 .OS Cylinder bracket bolt washer ...... . ..................... 32 to 57-W, WL, WLA, WLC & G.
37 to 47-61", 74" & 80" twins,
48-74" sidevalves
7859 ~5 Cylinder bracket bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-W, WL, WLA. WLC & G
17025-36 3.75 Complete set of motor gaskets . . . ............... .. .. 36 to Sl-45" twins, iron heads
Consists of:
2 16768-36 .65 Cylinder head gasket 1 26244-37 .15 Oil feed pump gasket
2 16775-29 .15 Cylinder base gasket 2 26246-37 .IS Oil scav. pump base & cove: gasket
4 18198-38 .06 Valve guide oil seal 1 21316-28 .20 Bowl lock nut gasket
4 18260-29 .15 Valve cover rxxcking 1 21410-29 .10 Inlet :pipe gasket
4 18630-26 .IS ·Valve cover 6 guide gasket 3 21410..39 .10 Inlet :pipe gasket
5 18631-30 .15 Tappet guide gasket 1 30143--30 .10 Generator gasket
l 24921-37 .OS Relief :pipe gasket 2 32342-08 .OS Spark plug gasket
l 25226-37 .35 Gear cover gasket 1 32522-37 .10 Timer base gasket
1702&..40 3.75 Complete set of motor gaskets . ........... 40 to 52-45" twins, aluminum
heeds, 53 to 57-G
Consists of:
2 16768-39 .65 Cylinder head gasket 1 26244--37 .15 Oil feed pump gasket
2 16775-29 .15 Cylinder base gasket 2 26246-37 .15 Oil scav. pump base 6 cover gaske:
4 18198-38 .OS Valve guide oil seal 1 21376-28 .20 Bowl lock nut gasket
4 18260-29 .15 Valve cover packing 1 21410-29 .10 Intake pipe gasket
4 18630-26 .15 Valve cover & guide gasket 2 21410-39 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket
s 18631-30 .15 Tap:pet guide gasket 1 30143-30 .10 Generator gasket
1 24921-37 .05 Relief :pipe gasket 2 32342-08 .OS Spark plug gasket
1 2522&.37 .35 Gear cover gasket 1 32522-37 .10 Timer base gasket
17028-48 4.95 Complete set of motor gaskets ...... .. 48 to 57-0HV
Consists of:
2 16170-48 .55 Head gasket 1 26255-41 .10 Oil pump cover plate gasket
l 16776-48 .25 Cylinder base gasket {front) 1 26257-41 .10 Oil pump cover gasket
16777-48 .25 Cylinder base gasket (rear) 1 26257-50 .10 Oil pump cover gasket
2 17541-48 .5(1 Rocker arm cover gasket 1 27376-28 .20 Carburetor bowl lock nut gasket
8 17955-36 .13 Cork washer 1 27391-36 .30 Carburetor bowl cover gasket
4 17955-48 .13 Cork washer 2 27411-40 .10 Intake pipe gasket
l 18633·48A .10 Tappet guide gasket. (rear) 1 30143-30 .10 Generator & CTankcase gasket
1 18634-48A .10 Tappet guide gasket (front) 2 32342~42 .05 Spark plug gasket
25225·36 .35 Crdnkccse cover gasket 1 32521-36 .05 Time base gasket
26245-41 .15 Oil pump gasket

Part No. Price Ea:c:h NAME Used On


17031-40 17026-40

u 0000(§)@

17028-48 17034-48


17030-36 s 2.45 Engine top overhaul gasket set .................... ____ ... -· ..... 36 to 51--45" twins, iron beads
Consists of:
2 16768-36 .65 Cylinder head gasket 4 18630-26 .15 Valve cover & guide gasket
-2 1671S.29 .15 Cylinder base gasket 1 27410..29 .10 Intake pipe gasket
4 18198-38 .06 Valve guide oil seal 2 27410-39 .10 Intake pipe gasket
4 18260-29 .15 Valve cover packing
17031-40 2.45 E:"''Jine top overhaul gasket set .... ................... ... ' 40 to 52--45" twins with aluminum
heads, 53 to 57-G
Consists of:
2 16768-99 .65 Cylinder bead gasket 4 18260-29 .15 Valve cover packing
2 16715-29 .15 Cylinder bc:se gasket 4 1863()..26 .15 Valve cover & guide gasket
3 16822-39 .10 Cylinder head bolt washer 3 27410-39 .10 Intake pipe gasket
418198-38 .06 Valve guide oil seal 1 27-410-29 .10 Intake pipe gasket
17034-48 3.65 Engine top overhaul gasket set ......... . . . . .... . . . . . ..
~ ~ .. . .. 48 to 57-0HV
Consists of:
2 16710-48 .55 Cylinder head gasket 8 17955-36 .13 Push rod cover cork washer (upper)
2 16716-48 .25 Cylinder base gasket (front) 4 17955-48 .13 Push rod cover cork washer (lower)
1 16771-48 .25 Cylinder base gasket (rear) 2 27411-40 .10 Intake pipe gasket
2 17541-48 .so Rocker a:rm cover gasket


17360-18 s 9.75 Rear exhaust & front intake rocker arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-0HV
17375-18 9.75 Front exhaust & rear intake rocker arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-OHV
17500-48 Rocker arm cover (Replaced by 17500-48A)
17500-ISA 9.50 Rocker a:rm cover kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. ... ... . . 48 to 57-0HV
Consists of:
12 3518W .10 Cover reinforcement screw 17541-ISB .20 Cover gasket
1 17500-54 4.40 Cover & pad 6150 .OS Cover washer
I 17509-54 4.15 Cover reinforcement
17507-18 .40 Reeker arm cover pad (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57 -OHV
17507-51 Rocker arm cover reinforcement kit (Replaced by 17507-SlA)
17507-SlA 8.75 Rocker arm cover reinforcement kit . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 to 57-0HV
Consists of:
24 3578W .10 Cover reinforcement screw 2 17541-ISB .20 Cover gasket
2 17509-54 4.15 Cover reinforcement
17541-18 .so Rocker arm cover gasket (2) . . 48 to 54-0HV

Pa:rt No. Price Eczch NAME Used On.


17S41-48A Rocker arm cover gasket (Replaced by 17541-48B)
17541-48B $ .20 Rocker arm cover gasket {2) ...................... . 55 to 57-0HV
2675 •03 Rocker arm cover screw <VtG") (24) ........ . 48 to 51-0HV
3565W •10 Rocker arm cover screw (2~32'') (18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 51 to early 54-0HV
3578W •10 Rocker arm cover screw 0142") {12) ............ . Late 54 to 57-0HV
17611-48 Rocker arm bearing (Replaced by l7611-48A)
I76ll-48A 11.50 Rocker arm bearing (4) ................. . 48 to 57-0HV
17614-49 Rear intake rocker arm bearing (Replaced by 176ll-48A)
17615-49 Front intake rocker arm bearing (Replaced by 176ll-48A)
17647-48 .30 Rocker arm bearing stud ( 16) .... 48 to 57-0HV
7727 •10 Rocker arm bearing stud nut (16) ...... . 48 to 57-0HV
17905-48 6.75 Valve push rod (4) . . . . ........ . 43 to 52-0HV
17905-53 Valve push rod (Replaced by 17905-53A)
17905-S3A 3.10 Valve push rod (4) ............. . 53 to 57-0HV
17920-48 S.lS Push rod hydraulic unit complete .. 48 to 52-0HV
17920-53 2.70 Push rod hydraulic unit complete .. . 53 to 57-0HV
17923-50 .10 Push rod hydraulic unit snap ring .. . Later 50 to 52-0HV
17925-48 .15 Push rod hydraulic unit spring ....... . 48 to 52-0HV
8854 .02 Push rod hydraulic unit spring ball (o/1~>") 48 to 52-0HV
17927-48 .50 Push rod hydraulic unit spring plug .... 48 to 52-0HV
17935-48 1.75 Upper push rod cover 48 to 57-0HV
17938-48 3.10 Lower push rod cover . . . . . 48 to 57-0HV
17945-36 •90 Cover spring cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 36 to 57-0HV
17947-36 .35 Push rod cover spring (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 36 to 57-0HV
17950-48 .70 Spring cap retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 57-0HV
17955-36 .13 Push rod cover cork washer 02-used to 47) (8-used 48 to 57) .. 36 to 57-0HV
17955-48 •13 Push rod cover lower cork washer (4) .............. . 48 to 57-0HV
6762 •10 Push rod cover steel washer . . . . ....... . 36 to 57-0HV
18057-48 3.90 Valve insert (4) . . . . . ....... . 48 to 57-0HV


18010-32 s 3.65 Inlet valve ... 32 to 57-all W & G mociels
18071--48 3.30 Intake valve .. . ................... . 48 to 57-0HV
18080-32 3.65 Exhaust valve ................. . 32 to 57-all W & G models
18081-48 4.20 Exhaust valve ................ . 48 to early 52-0HV
18083-52 5.40 Exhaust valve kit . . . . . . . . . ......... . 52 to 57-0HV
Consists of:
1 18082-52 4.20 Exhaust valve 1 18221·52 .60 Exhaust valve spring upper collar
2 18228-52 .45 Exhaust valve collar key 1 18234-52 .45 Exhaust valve stem cap
18100-49 1.50 Front intake valve oiler ........................ . 49 to 57-0HV
18102..:49 1.50 Rear intake valve oiler ....................................... . 49 to 57-0HV
18164-48 2.75 Intake valve guide with gasket-.001" 0. S. (2) ................. . 48 to 57-0HV
18165-48 2.75 Intake valve guide with gasket-.002" 0. S. (2) ................. . 48 to 57-0HV
18166-48 2.75 Intake valve guide with gasket-.003" 0. S. (2) .......... . 48 to 57-0HV
18167-48 2.75 Intake valve guide with gasket-.004" 0. S. (2) ... :. ·............ . 48 to 57-0HV
18169-48 2.75 Intake valve guide with gasket-.006" 0. S. (2) ................. . 48 to 57-0HV
18176-41 1.65 Valve guide-Std. (4) ................................ . 41 to 57-all W & G models
18179-41 1.65 Valve guide-.001'' 0. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
18180-41 1.65 Valve guide-.002" 0. S. . .............................. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
18188-48 Valve guide with gasket (Replaced by 18188-48A)
18188-48A 2.75 Exhaust valve guide with gasket-Std. (2) . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-0HV
18189-48 Valve guide with gasket (Replaced by 18189-48A)
18189-48A 2.75 Exhaust valve guide with gasket-.001" 0. S. (2) .... 48 to 57-0HV
18190-48 Valve guide with gasket (Replaced by 18190·48A)
18190-48A 2.75 Exhaust valve guide with gasket-.002" 0. S. (2) .. 48 tc 57-0HV
18191-48 Valve guide with gasket (Replaced by 18191·48A)
18191-48A 2.75 Exhaust valve guide with gasket-.003" 0. S. (2) ... 48 to 57-0HV
18192-48 Valve guide with gasket (Replaced by 18192-48A)
18192-48A 2.75 Exhaust valve guide with gasket-.004" 0. S. (2) ..... 48 to 57-0HV
18193-48 Valve guide with gasket (Replaced by 18193-48A)
18193-48A 2.75 Exhaust valve guide with gasket-.006" 0. S. (2) 48 to 57-0HV
18196-51 .02 Valve guide gasket (4) 51 to 57-0HV
18198-38 •06 Valve guide oil seal (4) .. 38 to 4S-74" & 80" sidevalves.
49 to 57-WL & G
18201-41 •70 Valve spring {4) ................. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
18201-57 1.20 Outer valve spring (4) 55 to 57-FLH
18202-57 1.00 !nne:- valve spring (4) . . . . . . .......... . 55 to 57-FLH
18203-36 1.10 Outer valve spring (4) . . . . ........ . 36 to 57-0HV. except 55 to 57-FLH
18204-36 •65 valve spring (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 36 to 57-0HV. except 55 to 57-FLH
18220-30 .45 Valve spring collar {4) . . . . . . . . . ................... . 32 to 57-all W & G models
18221-36 •60 Upper valve spring collar (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 36 to 57-0HV
18221-52 .so Exhaust valve spring upper collar (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 52 to 57-0HV

Part No. Price Each NAME Used O:a.

/Jt;~ 18228-36
~ 18221-36
~ OR
j__~ 18221-52
~ 18203-36

it-; use
~ 17927-48
\17925-48 17920-53


' \ \ 1793.5-48
7839 I§

iI I
@\. 17947-36
1055,§~~ ~
® 6762
16831-30 u @17955-36


t/!i) 1795.5-48
2329 \~ 18610-48 ~8522-53
7231 ei ~ ..., OR - •
18555-3~ ~ 18610-53

')P . . ~8492.48


'1:11 ~~~
0., ..,Q l8o33-48A ~ ~

" 18492-.48

Pa:rt No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used OD.


18222-48 s .65 Lower spring collar (4) ........................................ . 48 to 57-0HV
18228-30 •45 Valve key (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves.
49 to 57-WL & G
18228-36 .45 Valve key ................................................. . 36 to 57-0HV
18228-52 .45 Exhaust valve collar key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 52 to 57-0HV
18234-52 •45 Exhaust valve stem cap (2) ................................... . Later 52 to 57-0HV
18235-31 2.20 Valve spring cover kit ....................................... . 31 to 57-all W & G models
Consists of:
1 18198-38 .06 Valve guide oil seal 1 18260-29 .15 Valve cover packing
1 18239-41 .70 Upper valve spring cover 1 18630-26 .15 Valve cover & guide gasket
1 18255-31 1.30 Lower valve spring cover
18490-29 6.00 Tappet with screw & nut ...................................... . 30 to 48-all sidevalves
49 to 57-WL & G
18492-48 6.90 Tappet c-omplete (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-0HV
18521-47 .02 Tappet needle roller (i00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57-0HV
18522-53 6.90 Tappet & roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-0HV
18529-55 .15 Tappet plug \4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-0HV
18534·29 2.20 Tappet roller kit (4 used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 52-o:ll models, 53 to 57-G
Includes: !-roller. 1-roller race, !-roller pin, 25-needle rollers
18555-36 1.20 Tappet screw with nut (4) ......................... . 36 to 47-0HV. 49 to 52-0HV
Consists of:
1 18565-36 .85 Tappet screw 1 1857~38 .30 Tappet screw nut
18556--40 .70 Tappet screw with nut ..... . 40 to 48. 49 to 57-WL & G
Consists of:
l 18566-40 .so Tappet screw 1 18570-38 .30 Tappet screw nut
18556-53 1.20 Tappet adjusting screw . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 53 to 56-0HV
18556-51 .as Tappet adjusting screw ....................................... . 57-0HV
18600-48 16.00 Tap-oet guide (front) .......................................... . 48 to 52-0HV
18600-53 16.00 Tappet guide (front) ......................................... . 53 to 57-0HV
18605-30 5.20 Tappet guide (front) (2) ....................................... . 30 to 38-74", 80", 29 to 57-o:ll
W & G models
18606-90 5.20 Tappet guide {rear) (2) . . . . . . . .......... . 30 to 38-74'', 80", 29 to 57-all
W & G models
18610-48 16.00 Tappet guide (rear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 52-0HV
18610-53 16.00 Tappet guide (rear} ........................................... . 53 to 57-0HV
18631-30 .15 Tappet guide gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 to 48. 49 to 57._WL & G
18633-48A .10 Tap?et guide gasket (rear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-0HV
18634-tSA .10 Tappet guide gasket (front) ................................... . 48 to 57-0HV
2329 •10 Tappet guide screw (8) .•...............•.•................... 30 to 52-all models, early 53-
0HV's, 53 to 57-G
18660-53 .20 Tappet guide screw (on inner side) ............................ . Later 53 to 57-0HV


22101-48 $14.25 Piston with rings & pin (high compression)--Std........ . 48 to 52-74" OHV
Above pistons supplied in oversizes below:
22102-48 14.25 .005" 22106-48 14..25 .040"
22103-48 14.25 .010" 22107-48 14.25 .050"
22104-48 14.25 .020" 22108-48 14.25 .060"
22105-48 14.25 .030" 22109-48 14.25 .070"
22101-53 14.25 Piston with rings & pin-Std................................... . 53 to 57-0HV
Above :piston supplied in oversizes below:
22102-53 14.2s .oos·· 22106-53 1us .040''
22103-53 14.25 .010" 22107-53 14.25 .050"
22104-53 14.25 .020" 2211)8..53 14.25 .060"
22105-53 14.25 .030" 22109-53 14.25 .070"
22141-48 14.25 Piston with rings & pin (low eompression)--Std................. . 4:8 to 52-61" OHV
Above pistons supplied in oversizes below:
22142-48 14..25 .005" 22146-48 14.25 .040"
22143-48 14.25 .010" 22147--48 14.25 .050"
22144-48 14.25 .020" 22148--48 14.25 .060"
22145-48 14..25 .030" 22149-48 14.25 .070"
22141...SS 17.30 Piston with rings & pin-Std ..... 55 to 57-74" F'LH
Above piston supplied in oversizes below:
22143-55 17-30 .010" 22147-55 17.30 .050"
22144~55 17.30 .020" 22148-55 17.30 .060"
22145-55 17.30 .030" 22149-55 17.30 .070"
22146-55 17.30 .040"
22182-48 14.25 Piston with rings & pin (high compression)-Std. . . . . . .. .. . 48 to 52-61" OHV
Above piston supplied in oversizes below:
22183-48 14.25 .005"' 22187-48 14.25 .040"
22184:-48 14.25- .010" 22188-48 14.25 .050"
22185-48 14.25 .020" 22189-48 14.25 .060"
22186-48 14.25 .030" 22190-48 14.25 .070"

Part No. Price Each NAME Uaecl On


22216-48 $14.25 Piston with rings & pin. {low compression)-Std ................. . 48 to 52-74" OHV
Above piston supplied in oversizes below:
22217-48 14.25 .005" 22221-48 14.25 .040"
22218-48 14.25 .010" 22222-48 14.25 .050"
22219--48 14.25 .020" 22223-48 14.25 .060"
22220-48 14.25 .030" 22224-48 14.25 .070"
22251-29 Piston with rings & pin (Replaced by 22251-29A)
22251-29A 12.00 Piston with rings & pin-Std. . .............. . 29 to 57-all W & G models
Above piston supplied in oversizes below:
22252-29A 12.00 .DOS" 22256-29A 12.00 .040"
22253-29A 12.00 .010" 22257-29A 12.00 .050"
22254-29A 12.00 .ozo·· 222sa..2sA 12.00 .060"
22255-29A 12.00 .030" 22259-29A 12.00 .070"
22251-55 Piston with rings & pin {Replaced by 22251-29A)
22325-48 6.25 Set of piston rings-Std. . . ........................ . 48·to 52-61" OHV
Consists of:
4 22425-51 1.30 Compression ring .65 Oil control ring
Above ring sets supplied in oversizes below:
22326-48 6.25 .005" 22330-48 6.25 .040"
22327-48 6.25 .010" 22331-48 6.25 .050"
22328-48 6.25 .020" 22332-48 6.25 .060"
22329-48 6.25 .030" 22333-48 6.25 .070"
22325-55 6.25 Set of piston rings-Std. . SS to 57-74" FLH
Consists of:
4 22435-55 1.30 Compression ring 2 22364-53 .65 Oil control ring
Above ring sets supplied in oversizes below:
22327-55 6.25 .010" 22331-55 6.25 .050"
22328-55 6.25 .020" 22332-55 6.25 .060"
22329-55 6.25 .030" 22333-55 6.25 .070"
22330-55 6.25 .040"
22355-38 3.90 Set of piston rings-Std. ...... . ............ ....... ' 37 to 52--45" twins except Servi.-cars
Consists of:
4 22445-34 .65 Compression ring 2 22395-38 .65 Oil control ring
Ab<:>ve ring sets supplied in <:>versizes below:
22356-38 3.90 .005" 22360-38 3.90 .040"
22357-38 3.90 .010" 22361-38 3.90 .050"
22358-38 3.90 .020" 22362-38 3.90 .060"
22359-38 3.90 .030" 22363-38 3.90 .070"
22355-40 3.90 Set <:>f piston rings-Std. . ..... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 37 to 54-Servi-cars
Consists <:>f:
4 22445-34 .65 Compression ring 2 22395-40 .65 .Oil control ring
Ab<:>ve ring sets supplied in oversizes below:
22356-40 3.90 .005" 22360-40 3.90 .040"
22357-40 3.90 .010" 22361-40 3.90 .050"
22358-40 3.90 .020" 22362-40 3.90 .060"
22359-40 3.90 .030" 22363-40 3.90 .070"
22355-48 6.25 Set <:>f piston rings-Std. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 52-74" OHV
Consists <:>f:
4 22435-51 1.30 Compression ring 2 22364-49 .65 Oil contr<:>l ring
Above sets supplied in oversi2:es be.low:
22356-48 6.25 .005" 22360-48 6.25 .040"
22357-48 6.25 .010" 22361-48 6.25 .050"
22358-48 6.25 .020" 22362-48 6.25 .060''
22359-48 6.25 .030" 22363-48 6.25 .070"
22355-52A S.OO Set <:>f pist<:>n rings-Std. . .. 56 t<:> 57-Servi·cars
Consists of:
2 22395-52 .65 Oil c<:>ntrol ring 2 22465-52 .65 C<:>mpression ring
2 2245S-52A 1.30 Compression ring
Above sets supplied in oversizes below:
22356-SZA 5.00 .005" 22360-SZA 5.00 .040"
22357-52A 5.00 .010" 22361-SZA 5.00 .050"
22358-52A 5.00 .020'' 22362-52A 5.00 .060"
2235S..52A 5.00 .030" 22363-52A s.oo .070"
22355-53 6.25 Set of piston rings-Std. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-74" OHV
Consists of:
2 22364-53 .65 Oil control ring 1.30 Compressi<:>n ring
Above sets supplied in oversizes bel<:>w:
22356-53 6.25 .005" 22360-53 6.25 .040"
22357-53 6.25 .010" 22361-53 6.25 .050"
22358-53 6.25 .020" 22362-53 6.25 .060"
22359--53 6.25 .030'' 22363-53 6.25 .070"

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



~ _:__; 2.43U.5l

: or
22101-5~ 24~6G-51

SET ~ 24334-36 nnnnonnoo

I 9171


a tHI o 6 tHJ o o


24385-.40 SET



22i~2c:? ~

QQQ ~ ~ 22700.32_j



~ •

aac ~
24275-32 SET
fJ ttllti tJ (J
22581-32 tliJO!JdfJ

~ ~tl·32
L 22700-32----!"


24370..29 SET


223SS..SS s 6.25 Set of piston rings-Std ........ , ............................... . 55-Servi-cars

Consists of:
4 22445-55 1.30 Compression ring (chrome) 2 22395-40 .65 Oil control ring
Above ring sets supplied in oversizes below:
22356-55 6.25 .005" 22360-55 6.25 .040"
22357-SS 6.25 .010" 22361-55 6.25 .050"
22358--55 6.25 .020" 22362-55 6.25 .060"
22359-55 6.25 .030" 22363-55 6.25 .070"

Part No. Price Eczcb. NAME Uaecl On


22364-49 S .65 Piston oil control ring-Std. {2) .... ............. 48 to 52-74" OHV
Above piston oil control rings supplied in oversi:z:es below:
22365-49 .65 .005" 22369-t9 .65 .040"
22366-49 .65 .01 0" 22310-49 .65 .050"
22367-49 .65 .020" 22311-49 .65 .060"
22368-49 .65 .030" 22312-49 .65 .070"
22364-53 .65 Piston oil control ring-Std. to .019" (2) ..... .. 53 to 57-0HV
Above piston oil control ring supplied in oversi:es below:
22367..$3 .65 .020" to .039" 22311-53 .65 .060" to .079"
22369-53 .65 .040" to .059"
22374-49 .65 Piston oil control ring-Std. (2) ............ . .......... ' . 48 to 52-61'' OHV
Above piston oil control rings supplied in oversizes below:
22315-49 .65 .005" 223'79-49 .65 .040"
22316-U .65 .010" 22380-49 .65 .050"
22371-49 .65 .020" 22381-49 .65 .060"
22318-49 .65 .030" 22382-49 .65 .070"
22581-32 .45 Piston pin lock ring (4) 32 to 57-all twins except 56-
22582-52 .25 Piston pin lock ring (4) 56 & 57-Servi-:-cars
22100-32 2.10 Piston pin & lock rings-Std. 32 to 55--all W & G models
Above piston pins supplied in oversizes below:
22702-32 2.10 .002" 22110-32 2.10 .010"
22704-32 2.10 .004 .. 22112-32 2.10 .012"
22106-32 2.10 .006" 22714·32 2.10 .015"
22708-32 2.10 .008"
22119-52 1.20 Piston pin-Std. 56 & 57-Servi-cars
Above piston pins supplied in oversizes below:
22721-52 1.20 002" 1.20 .008"
22723-52 1.20 .004" 1.20 .010"
22725-52 1.20 .006"
22735-32 2.10 Piston pin & lock rings-Std. . . . . .......................... . 37 tc 57-·74'' OHV
Above piston pins supplied in oversizes below: ·
22737-32 2.10 .002" ?Z145-32 2.10 .010"
22739-32 2.10 .004" 22747-32 2.10 .012"
22741-32 2.10 .006" 22749.32 2.10 .015"
22743-32 2.10 .008"
22175-36 2.10 Piston pin & lock rings-Std .................................... . 36 to 52-61" OHV, 37 to 48-74"
Above piston pins supplied in oversizes below:
22711-36 2.10 .002" ?Z185-36 2.10 .010"
227'19-36 2.10 .004" 22787-36 2.10 .012"
22781-36 2.10 .006" 22789-36 2.10 .015"
22783-36 2.10 .008"


23901-37 $37.75 Set flywheels & shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models
23903-41 45.00 Set flywheels & shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 41 to 52-61" OHV
23907-41 45.00 Set flywheels & shafts ........ . 41 to 53-74" OHV
23901-54 45.00 Set flywheels & shafts . . . . . . 54-74" OHV
23901-55 Set flywheels & shafts (Replaced by 23907-SSA)
23907-SSA 49.00 Set flywheels & shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 55 to 57-74'' OHV
23916-32 14.25 Left flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 32 to 57-all W & G models
23919-41 17.00 Left flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 41 to 54-74" OHV
23919-55 17.00 Left flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 55-74" OHV
23919-56 17.00 Left flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 56 & 57-74" OHV
23922-41 17.00 Left flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 41 to 52-61" OHV
23936-37 14.25 Right flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 37 to 57-all W & G models
23940-41 17.00 Right flywheel only . . . . ....... . 41 to 57-74" OHV
23942-41 17.00 Right flywheel only . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 41 to 52-61" OHV
23960-29 4.25 Crank pin ........ . .. 29 to 57-all W & G models
23961-41 4.90 Crank pin ......... . ... . 41 to 57-74" OHV
23962-40 4.90 Crank pin ............ . ....... . . . 40 to 52-61" OHV. 40 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalve
8010 .35 Crank pin nut (2) 37 to 57-all W & G models
23966-36 .so Crank pin nut (2) 36 to 52-61" OHV. 37 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalve
23966-54 .60 Crank pin nut . . . 54 to 57-74" OHV
23967-41 •50 Crank pin nut (2) .... . 41 to 53--74" OHV
23971-41 .10 Crank pin nut lock plate 41 to 53-74" OHV
23971-54 .10 Crank pin nut lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 to 57-74" OHV
23972-21 .50 Flywheel washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 36 to 57-all W & G models

Part No. Price Eczeh NAME Uaed. On


23912-36 $ Flywheel washer {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 52-61" OHV, 37 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalve
23973-tl .50 Flywheel washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-74" OHV
23982-12 .10 Crank: pin nut lock: washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all W ·& G models
1187 .03 Lock washer screw (4) .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 57-all models
23985-12 .20 Shaft key, for sprocket & gear shaft (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 to 57-all models
23985-18 .05 Crank: pin key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57-all models
23985-54 .10 Gear shaft pinion gear key (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54. to 57-74" OHV
23985-56 .10 Sprocket shaft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 & 57-74" OHV
24000-29 us Sprocket shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all W & G models
24001-30 4.90 Sprocket shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
24001-55 5.90 Sprocket shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-74" OHV
24001-56 5..90 Sprocket shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 & 57-74" OHV
24003-55 .50 Sprocket shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV
9029 12.00 Sprocket shaft bearing (Timken) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to- 57-74" OHV
24005-37 6.20 Gear shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all W & G models
24006-54 Gear shaft (Replaced by 24006-54A)
24006-54A 8.40 Gear shaft . . . ............................... . 54-74" OHV
24006-55 8.40 Gear shaft ........... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
24007-39 6.90 Gear shaft ................................ . 39 to 52-0HV
24010-39 3.90 Pinion gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 39 to 52-0HV
24010-51 3.90 Pinion gear (tight fit) . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 51 to 53-0HV
24010-54 4.20 Pinion gear ............................................ . 54 to 57-74" OHV
24011-37 3.90 Pinion gear . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models
24015-36 .10 Shaft nut lock plate (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 36 to 52-61" OHV, 37 to 48-side·
valve-all shafts, 41 to 57-74."
OHV, gear & sprocket shafts
24016-29 .10 Gear & sprocket shaft nut lock washer (2) ..................... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
1187 .03 Gear sprocket shaft screw ............................. . 29 to 57-all W & G models
24020~51 .15 Flywheel gear shaft plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 53-0HV
24023-36 .SO Gear & sprocket shaft nut (2) ................................. . 37 to 57--61"', 74'' & so·· twins
24029-55 .SO Sprocket shaft spacer . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
24023-54 .SO Gear shaft nut (motor end) .................................... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
24031-55 3.10 Sprocket shaft bearing nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
7974 .40 Gear & sprocket shaft nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
24060-26 5.50 Complete assortment, 10 flywheel thrust collars ........ . 29 to 57-all W & G models
The above thrust collars supplied in thicknesses below:
24063-26 .60 .066" 24075-26 .60 .086"
24066-26 .60 .070" 24077-26 .60 .090"
24068--26 .60 .074" 24079-26 .60 .094"
24070-26 .60 .078" 24082-26 .60 .098"
24073-26 .60 .082" 24084-26 .60 .102"
24100-17 5.50 Complete assortment. 10 flywheel thrust collars ........ . 29 to 54-0HV
This assortment of thrust collars supplied in thicknesses listed below:
24102~17 .60 .066" 24113--17 .60 .086"
24I04-17 .60 .070" 24115-17 .60 .090"
24IOS-17 .60 .074" 24117-17 .60 .098"
24108-17 .60 .078" 2412Q..l7 .60 .102"
24111-17 .60 .082"
24275-32 43.00 Set connecting rods complete with rollers & crank pin . . . 32 to 57-all W & G models
24.217-36 46.00 Set connecting rods complete with rollers & crank pin . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 52-61" OHV
2428I-41 Set connecting rods complete with rollers & crank pin (Replaced by 24281-41A)
24281-41A 46.00 Set connecting rods complete with rollers & crank pin . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-74" OHV
24290-32 17.90 Forked end connecting rod with bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-all W & G models
24294-32 13.20 Single end connecting rod with bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-all W & G models
24298-36 17.90 Forked end connecting rod with bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-0HV
24302~36 13.20 Single end connecting rod with bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-0HV
24331-36 .95 Piston pin bushing-Std. (2) . . . . . . . . . ·........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-all W & G models
24332-36 .95 Piston pin bushing-.010" 0. S. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-all W & G models
24334-36 .95 Piston pin bushing (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
24335-36 .9S Piston pin bushing-.010" 0. S. (2} .................. :. . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
24365~29 1.50 Crank pin roller retainer (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all W & G models
24366-51 1.80 Crank pin roller retainer (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to -57-0HV
9101 .15 Crank pin roller ~r," x .329" long-Std. (36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-0HV
Above roller supplied in oversi:z:es below:
9102 .IS .0002" 0. S. 9105 .15 .0008" 0. S.
9103 .15 .0004" 0. S. 9106 •IS .001" 0. S.
9104 .IS .0006" 0. S.

Part Ho. Price Each NAME Used. On


23971 .S.4 239:~·54
or 23967-41
23971-41 ~
• (f 'd ~ 23973-41 2398.5-l s 23973-41

\ ns1 1
23907-41 SET or
or 24003·55 23941).41
23907-55A RYWHEaS & SHAFTS-61", 74"' & 80" TWINS

23982-12-o r.@ i0=&1187
@EGFll> ~
'55? u
0 24005-37
24060-26 23985-12
SET 23985-12 24060-26

23901-37 SET 23916-32 23936--37


9171 S .16 Crank pin roller

Above roller supplied in oversizes be!ow:
x .662" long-Std. (18) ............. . 51 to 57-0HV

9172 .16 .0002" 0. s. 9175 .16 .0008" 0. s.

9173 .16 .0004" 0. s. 9176 .16 .001" 0. s.
9174 .16 .0006" 0. S.
9241 .15 Crank pin roller :1;4" x .550" long-Std. ( 12) ..................... . 29 to 57--ali W & G ·models
Above rollers supplied in oversizes listed beiow:
9242 .15 .0002" 0. s. 9245 •15 .0008" 0. s.
9243 .15 .0004" 0. s. 9246 .15 .001" 0. s.
9244 .15 .0006" 0. s.
9301 .12 Crank pin roller '14" x .270" long-Std. {48) ................ . 29 to 57-all W & G models
Above rollers also supplied in oversizes below:
9302 .12 .0002" 0. s. 9305 •12 .0008" 0. s.
9303 .12 .0004" 0. S. 9306 .12 .001" 0. s.
9304 .12 .0006" 0. S.
9341 .16 Crank pin roller o/1-s" x .649" long-Std. ( 18) .................... . 4.0 to 50-61", 74" & 80" twins
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9342 .16 .0002" 0. s. 9345 •16 .0008" 0. s.
9343 .16 .0004" o. s. 9346 •16 .001" 0. s.
9344 .16 .0006" 0. S.
9361 Crank pin roller %{)" x .344" long-Std. (36) .................... .
.15 40 to 50-61", 74" & SO" twins
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9362 .15 .0002" 0. S. 9365 •15 .0008" 0 s.
9363 .15 .0004" 0. S. 9366 .15 .001" o.s.
9364 .IS .0006" 0 S.
24310-29 10.00 Set of rollers & retainers-Std. . . . . . ..... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
Above roller sets supplied in oversizes below:
24311-29 10.00 .0002" 0. s. 24374-29 10.00 .0008" 0. s.
24372-29 10.00 .0004" 0. s. 24375-29 10.00 .001" 0. s.
24373-29 10.00 .0006" 0. S.
24385-40 14.90 Set of rollers & retainers-Std. . ....................... . 40 to 57-81", 74" & 80" twins
Above roller sets supplied in oversizes below:
24386-40 14.90 .0002" 0. S. 24389-40 14.90 .0008" 0. s.
24387-40 14.90 .0004" 0. S. 24390-40 14.90 .001" 0. S.
24.388-40 14.90 .0006" 0. s.

Pczrt No. Price Each Used O:a.


24490..36 $ 3.60 Crankcase guard ............................................. . 37 to 57-61", 74." 6 80" twins
3974 .20 Crankcase guard rear bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 37 to 57-61'', 74" 6 SO" twins
7152 .OS Crankcase guard rear bolt nut (2) .. , . · ........................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
24511-37 79.20 Set of crankcases ............................................. . 37 to 57-all W 6 G models
24519-SS 85.00 Set of crankcases ............................................ . 55 to 57-74" OHV
24520...48 85.00 Set of crankcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 48 to 52-0HV
24520-53 85.00 Set of crankcases ............................................ . 53 6 54-74" OHV
24532-37 29.50 Left crankcase ................................................ . 37 to 57-all W 6 G models
24540-48 37.75 Left crankcase ................................................ . 48 to 52-0HV
24540-53 31.75 Left crankcase ................................................ . 53 & 54-74" OHV
24540-55 37.75 Left crankcase ..................................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
24556-37 58.50 Right crankcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. . 37 to 57-all W 6 G models
24569--48 61.00 Right crankcase ...................................... ·. . . . . . . . 48 to 52-0HV
24569-53 61.00 Right crankcase ..................................... ·......... . 53 & 54-74" OHV
24569-55 61.00 Right crankcase .... - ......................................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV .
24585-39 3.00 Right crankcase bushing .......................... .. 39 to 57-all W & G models
The above bushing supplied in oversizes listed below:
24586-39 3.30 Right crankcase bushing-.002" 0. S. 24587-39 3.30 Right crankcase bushing-.005" 0. S.
24599-40 3.60 Right crankcase bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 40 to 54-0HV
The above bushing supplied in oversizes listed below:
24600-40 3.60 Right crankcase bushing-.002" 0. S. 24601-40 . 3.60 Right crankcase bushing-.005" 0. S.
24599-5S 4.20 Right crankcase bushing ...................................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
Above bushing supplied in oversi:zes listeq below:
24600.55 4..20 Right crankcase bushing-.002" O.S. 24602-55 Right crankcase bushing (~3:?"') 0. S.
24$01-55 4..20 Right crankcase bushing-.005" 0. S.
24608-54 .OS Crankcase gear side bushing screw (2) ....................... . 54 to 57-0HV & Servi·cars
24610-39 4.10 Left roller bearing bushing fittings .. 39 to 57-all W & G models
1 24715-39 .70 Sprocket shaft bearing end .50 Sprocket shaft bearing washer
1 24701-39 .40 Sprocket shaft bearing ring
Above bushing supplied in oversizes below:
24611-39 4.10 Left bearing bushing with fittings 24612-39 4.10 Left bearing bushing with fittings
24621-40 4.10 Left bearing bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 40 to 54-61". 74" & SO" twins
The above bushing supplied in oversizes listed below:
24622-40 4.10 Left bearing bushing-.002" O.S. 24623-40 4.10 Left bearing bushing-.005" 0. S.
9029 12.00 Crankcase left bearing {Tim.ken) .............................. . 55 to 57-74" OHV
24&41--36 1.7S Crankcase oil pump shaft bushing ........................... . 36 to 57-0HV
24645·37 1.50 Right roller bearing retainer (2) ............................ . 37 to 57-all W & G models
24646·36 1.50 Right roller bearing retainer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 37 to 53-61", 74" & 80" twins
24646-54 1.50 Right roller bearing retainer (2) .. . . .... .. 54-74" OHV
24701-54 .30 Right roller retainer spring ring ................................ . 55 to 57-74"' OHV
24118-54 3.30 Right roller bearing retainer ............................. · ..... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
9241 .15 Right bearing roller JA" x .550" long-Std. (12) .................. . 37 to 57-all W & G models
Above roller supplied in oversizes below:
924,2 .15 Right bearing roller-.0002'' 0. S. 9245 .15 Right bearing roller-.0008" 0. S.
9243 .15 Right bearing roller-.0004" 0. S. 9246 .1S Right bearing roller-.001'' O~S.
924:4 .15 Right bearing roller-.0006" O.S.
9261 .15 Right bearing roller %.-" x .600" long-Std. (12) .................. . 37 to 53-0HV
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9262 .1S Right bearing roller-.0002" 0. S. 9265 .15 Right bearing roller-.0008" O.S.
9263 .15 Right bearing roller-.0004 .. O.S. 9266 .IS Right bearing roller-.001" 0. S.
9264 .15 Right bearing roller-.0006" 0. S.
9301 .12 Right bearing roller JA" x .270" long-Std. (12) .................. . 53 to early 54-0HV
Above roller supplied in oversizes below:
9302 .12 Right bearing roller-.0002" 0. S. 930S .12 Right bearing roller-.0008" 0. S..
9303 .12 Right bearing roller-.0004" o.s_ 9306 .12 Right bearing roller-.001" 0. S.
9304 .12 Right bearing roller-.0006" O.S.
9321 ..13 Right bearing roller W' x .360" long-Std. (12) .................. . Late 54-74" OHV
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9322 .13 Right bearing roller-.0002" 0. S. 9325 .13 Right bearing roller-.0008'' 0. S.
9323 .1'3 Right bearing roller-.0004" o.s_ 9326 .13 Right bearing roller-.001" 0. S.
9324 .13 Right bearing roller-.0006" 0. S.
9421 .16 Right bearing roller -o/J~" x :800" long-Std. (13) ................. . 55 to 57-74" OHV
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9422 .16 Right bearing roller-.0002" 0. S. 9425 .16 Right bearing roller-.0008" 0. S.
9423 .16 Right bearing roller-.0004" O.S. 9426 .16 Right bearing roller-.001" 0. S.
9424 .16 Right bearing roller-.0006" 0. S.
24650-36 4.75 Right bearing complete-Std. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to early 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
Above bearings supplied in oversi:zes below:
24651-36 4.75 Gear side bearing complete-.0002" 0. S. 4.75 Gear side bearing complete-
24652-36 4.75 Gear side bearing complete-.0004" 0. S. .0008" O.S.
24653-36 4.16 Gear side bearing complete-.0006" 0. S. 24655-36 4.15 Gear side bearing complete-.001" O.S.

Pcut No. Price Each NAME Used On



24692-.54, 24701-54 24569-48, 24569-53

or 24540-55 or 24569-55


24536-37 24560-37



Pczrt No. Price Eczc:h NAME Used Oz:l

24650-54 $ 6.10 Right bearing complete-Std................................... . ~HV (ca~ be used back to 40)
Above bearings supplied in over!lizes below:
24651·54 6.10 Right bearing' complete-.0002" 0. S. 24854-54 6.10 Right hearing· complete-.0008" 0. S.
24652-54 6.10 Right bearing complete-.0004" 0. S. 24655-54 6.10 Right bearing complete--.001" 0. S.
24653-54 6.10 Right bearing complete-.0006" 0. S.
24650-55 5.35 Right bearing complete-Std. . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
Above bearing supplied in oversizes below:
24651-55. 5.35 Right bearing complete--.0002" 0. S. 24654-55 5.3S Right bearing complete-.0008" 0. S.
24652-SS 5.35 Right bearing complete-.0004" 0. S. 246SS..55 5.35 Right bearing complete--.001" 0. S.
24653-SS 5.35 Right bearing complete-.0006" O.S.
24610...3'7 4.75 Right bearing complete-Std.................................. . 37 to 57-all W & G models
Above bearings supplied in oversizes below:
24671-37 4..75 Gear side bearing complete-.0002" 0. S. 24674-37 4.75 Gear side hearing complete--
24672-37 4..75 Gear side bearing complete-.0004" 0. S. .0008" O.S.
24673-37 4.75 Gear side bearing complete-.0006" 0. S. 24675-37 4.75 Gear side bearing complete--.001" O.S.
24690-49 .50 Right bearing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 40 to 53-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
24692-39 .50 Right bearing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 39 to 57-all W & G models
24692-54 .50 Right bearing washer . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
24695-40 .50 Right bearing spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 40 to 54-0HV
24696-39 .70 Right bearing seal. ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 39 to 57-all W & G models
24697-40 .70 Right bearing seal ring ..................................... . 40 to 53-0HV
24699-37 .40 Right seal ring spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 39 to 57-all twins
24701-54 .30 Right bearing retainer spring ring ........................... . 54 to 57-74" OHv
24702-40 .40 Crankcase bearing spring ring (2) . . . . . . ..................... . 40 to 52-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
24703-40 .40 Seal ring spring spacer ..................................... . 40-to. 52-0HV
24703-54 .60 Gear shaft pinion spacer ...................................... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
24118--54 3.30 Right roller retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
24720-29 1.50 Left roller retainer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 29 to 57-all W & G models
24721-30 1.80 Left roller retainer (2) ......................................... . 30 to 57-61". 74" & so·· twins
9220 .14 Left bearing roller '*-"
x .490" long-5td. (24) ................... . 30 to 57-0HV
The above rollers supplied in oversizes listed below:
9221 .14 Gear side bearing complete-.0002" 0. S. 9224 .14 Gear side bearing complete--
9222 .14 Gear side bearing complete-.0004" 0. S. 0008" o.s.
9223 .14 Gear side bearing complete-.0006" O.S. 9225 .14 Gear side bearing complete--.001" 0. S.

• •=
1: \

2.4585-39 2.4701-39

! ··-~Q
24645.-37 24692-39 (1
9321 f 9241

24532-37 ~
' 4080 . . 1809"Q 24556-37


-----.. ,
II '·

4~'79 I
1---~ !98
e 7698
76~8 24811-10



Pcut No. Price Ecrc:h NAME Used On

9321 $ .13 Left bearing roller w·

X .360" long-Std. (24) 30 to 57-all W & G models
Above rollers supplied in oversizes below:
9322 .13 Left bearing roller-.0002" O.S. 9325 .13 Left bearing roller-.0008" 0. S.
9323 .13 Left bearing roller-.0004" 0. S. 9326 •13 Left bearing roller-.001" 0. S .
9324 .13 Left bearing roller-.0006'' 0. S.
24730-29 6.00 Left bearing complete-Std. . . . . 29 to 57-all W & G models
Above bearings supplied in oversizes below:
24731-29 6.00 S,Procket shaft bearing-.0002" 0. S. 24734-29 6.00 Sprocket shaft bearing-.0008" 0. S.
24732-29 6.00 Sprocket shaft bearing-.0004" 0. S. 24735-29 6.00 Sprocket shaft bearing-.001" 0. S.
24733-29 6.00 Sprocket shaft bearing-.0006" 0. S.
24750-30 6.50 Left bearing complete-Std. . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 30 to 54--61", 74" & 80" twins
Above bearings supplied in oversizes below:
24751-30 S.SO S,Procket shaft bearing-.0002" 0. S. 24754-30 6.50 Sprocket shaft bearing-.0008" 0. S.
24752-30 6.SO Sprocket shaft bearing-.0004" 0. S. 24755-30 6.50 Sproc~et shaft bearing-.001" 0. S.
247S3-30 6.SO Sprocket shaft bearing-.0006" 0. S.
24776-40 .70 Left bearing end . . .... 40 to 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
24779-40 .SO Left bearing washer ......... . 40 to 54-61 ", 74'' & 80" twins
24779-55 .35 Left bearing spring ring .............. . 55 to 57-74" OHV
24781-36 .60 Left bearing spacer . . . . ...................... . 37 to 54-61'', 74" & 80" twins
4379 .30 Motor fastening bolt (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 30 to 57-all W & G models,
36 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
24791-36 .50 Motor fastening bolt (front) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 37 to 47-61", 74" & 80" twins .
48 to 57-0HV
24794-36 .50 Motor fastening bolt (rear) (2) . . .............. . 36 to ~-OHV
6395 .OS Motor fastening bolt washer (3) ............... . 36 to 57-all models
7809 •1S Motor fastening bolt nut . . . . .............................. . 36 to 57-all models
24797-36 .55 Motor bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 37 to 57-61''. 74" & 80" twins
24800-36 •10 Motor bolt lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
24805-30 .50 Crankcase stud (%fl •• x 5") .................................... . 36 to 57-0HV
24806.36 •so Crankcase stud (o/).r." x S'%s") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 36 to 57-0HV
24807-48 Crankcase stud (Re;placed by 24806-36)
24809-30 .so Crankcase stud Co/,.1;" x 6") {3) ...................... . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
24811-10 •15 Crankcase stud C'\14" x 1%") (2) ................................ . 37 to 57-o:ll W & G models
24812-37 •40 Crankcase stud (~32" x 4~") . . . ............................. . 37 to 57-o:ll W & G models
24813-37 .40 Crankcase stud (1/4" x S" {2) ................................. . 37 to 57-all W & G models
24815--40 .50 Crankcase stud (1~:!" x 6") ................................... . 48 to 57-0HV
4080 •40 Crankcase bolt (~ir." x2~f') (2) ..............••............... 37 to 57-all W & G models
4432 .so Crankcase bolt {~" x 3W') (2) ................................ . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7698 .OS Crankcase stud nut (10) .................................. . 37 to 57-all W & G models
7752 .OS Crankcase stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 30 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
24819-36 .25 Oil pum;p mounting stud (14" x ll¥J.s") . . . . . . . . . . ........ . .. 37 to 57-all models
24819-37 •30 Oil pump mounting stud (1;4" X nis") ................ . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74'' & SO" sidevalves
24820-36 .30 Oil pump mounting stud (~4" x 2~") ........................... . 36 to 57-0HV
1397 •10 Oil pump mounting screw ........................... . 41 to 51-0HV
3860 .10 Oil pump mounting bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
7691 .OS Oil pump mounting stud nut ........................... . 37 to 57-all models
100 .2S Casing drain plug ..................................... . 37 to 57-o:U models
704 .40 Timing hole plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 38 to 57-all models
24830-41 •IS Oil pump mounting stud nut (short) ........................... . 41 to 54-o:ll W & G models,
41 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
24831-41 .1S Oil pum;p mounting stl!d nut (long) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 54-all models, 55 to 57-
74" OHV
24910-37 .70 Chain oiler pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
24912-37 1.50 Crankcase relief pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" 'sidevalves
24912-48 Crankcase breather pipe assembly (Replaced by 24912-48A)
24912-48A 2.1S Crankcase breather pipe assembly ...................... . 48 to 57-0HV
24921-37 .OS Crankcase relief pipe gasket ............................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
1202 .03 Crankcase relief pipe fastening screw ................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
2497S-37 1.50 Crankcase oil strainer .. 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
333 .10 Oil strainer retaining pin (Jh" x 134") .......................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-7 4" & SO" twins
24915-S2 1.20 Crankcase oil screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . Later 52 to 57-0HV
24983-52 .20 Crankcase oil screen cap . . . . . . ............. . Later 52 to 57-0HV
24985-52 1.50 Oil screen & check valve body . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . Later 52 to 57-0HV
24987-52 •30 Oil screen & check valve body cap .................... . Later 52 to 57-0HV

Pcrrt No. Price Each NAME Used. On


24990-52 s .OS Crankcase check valve seal ................................... Later 52 to 57-0HV
24992-52 .10 Crankcase check valve spring .................................. Early 52-0HV
8856 .03 Crankcase check:. valve ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early 52-0HV
24994-52 .10 Check valve body cap gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !..ate 52 to 57-0HV
25235--36 .so Crankcase oil tank:. vent tube nipple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 to 57-Servi-cars


25201-37 $38.00 Gea:r cover only . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--<:Ill W & G models
25216-48 21.50 Gear cover only ............................................ . 48 to 53-0HV
25216w54 21.50 Gear cover only .............................................. . 54 to 57-74" OHV
25225-36 .35 Gear cover only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 36 to 57-0HV
25226--37 •35 Gear cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 37 to 57-all W & G models
377 •15 Gear cover dowel pin ........................................ . 30 to 57-61", 74" & so·· twins
2341 •10 Gear cover screw (l.J,.S") ..................................... . 32 to 57--<:Ill twins
25275w36 .so Breather screen ............................................... . 36 to 57-0HV
25279w36 .45 Breather screen separator ..................................... . 36 to 57-0HV
25281-31 .ss Breather oil separator seal ring . . . . . . . . . ................... .' .. 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-74" & SO" sidevalves
25285-37 .10 Seal ring retaining pin (2) ...................................... . 37 to 57--<:Ill W & G models.
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
25287-37 .30 Seal ring spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
25300-36 7.25 Breather valve & gear ......................................... . 36-to 57-0HV
25908-36 .60 Breather valve screen ......................................... . 36 to 57-0HV
25313-SO .30 Breather valve thrust washer-.115" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 50 to 57-0HV
25314w50 •30 Breather valve thrust washer-.120" .......................... . SO to 57-0HV
25315-50 •30 Breather valve thrust washer-.125" ............................ . 50 to 57-0HV
253SQ..37 .95 Crankcase gear cover breather valve .......................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48--74" 6 80" sidevalves
25501-37 11.50 Front inlet cam gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 37 to 57-all W & G models
25502-37 14.50 Rear inlet Cain & timer gear ................................... . 37 to 57-<:Ill W & G models
25503-37 12.60 Front exhaust cam gear ....................................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models
25504.37 11.50 Rear exhaust cazn gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 37 to 57-all W & G models
25523-48 18.90 Ca:rn gear-Std............................................. . 48 to 57-74" OHV
25524-48 18.90 Cam gear . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. . 48 ·to 52-f:H .. OHV (Special 61" cam
for FLE, Fl.EF)

iiiiiiiiiti 2341
e 61so


• 25501-37

• 25502-37

25504-37 271
0 c
0 0


\\ ~02

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


25523.56 $21.50 Cam gear (Victory) .......................................... . 56 & 57-FLH
2554S-26 .10 Cam gear shaft pin . . . . . . . . .................................. . 30 to 57-0HV
25550-36 .35 Cam gear thrust washer-.050" ................................ . 36 to 57-0HV
25551-36 .35 Cam gear thrust washer-.055" ................................ . 36 to 57-0HV
25552-36 .35 Cam gear thrust washer-.060" ................................ . 36 to 57-0HV
25553.36 .35 Cam gear thrust washer-.065" ................................ . 3S to 57-0HV
25554-36 .35 Cam gear thrust washer-.070" ................................ . 36 to 57-0HV
6769 .10 Cam shaft steel washer-.006" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 37 to 57-o:l.1 W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
25575-37 10.90 Set of gear shaft end bushings 37 to 57-all W & G models
Consists of:
9 211 .05 Cover bushing pin 1 25590-37 1.10 Cam gear cover bushing
6 6169 .10 Cam shaft steel washer 1 25593--37 1.10 Cam cover gear shaft bushing
l 2558S-37 1.10 Cam gear cover bushing 1 25595-31 1.10 Cam gear cover bushing
1 25588-37 1.10 Cam gear cover bushing 4 25601-37A 1.10 Crankcase cam gear bushing
25577-36 3.75 Set of shaft end bushings ............................... . 36 to 53-0HV
Consists o£:
3 211 .05 Gear cover bushing pin 25582-36 1.10 Crankcase cover pinion gear bushing
1 25550-36 .35 Cam gear thrust washer 25591-36 1.10 Crankcase cam gear bushing
1 25581-36 1.10 Crankcase cover gear bushing
25577-54 4.50 Set of gear shaft end bushings 54 to 57-74" OHV
Consists of:
3 271 .OS Gear cover bushing pin 25582-54 2.10 Crankcase cover pinion gear shaft
1 25550-36 .35 Cam gear thrust washer bushing
1 25581-36 1.10 Crankcase cover gear bushing 25597-36 1.10 Crankcase cam gec:r bushing
271 .05 Cover bushing pin (;8" x 1,4") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 to 57-all twins
25775-36 5.75 Idler gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-0HV
25776-31 4.75 Idler gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 37 to 57-alt'W & G models
25785-30 •60 Idler gear bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 32 to 57-all tw!ns
25788-30 1.00 Idler gear stud assembly . . . . . . .. . .. 32 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & so·· sidevalves
1 25794-30 .15 Idler gear stud screw 25811-51 .05 Idler gear stud fibre washer
1 25810-15 .10 Idler gear stud spring ring






Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


25791-36 $ 1.60 Idler gear stud assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 36 to 57-0HV
25794-36 •15 Idler gear stud screw ............................ _.... __ ...... . 36 to 57-0HV
25800-36 •40 Idler & circuit. breaker gear spacer (2) ......................... . 36 to 57-0HV
25810-lS .10 Idler gear stud spring ring ..................... _.............. . 32 to 57-0HV
25850-36 Circuit breaker & intermediate gear (Replaced by 25850-36A)
258S0-36A 10.25 Circuit breaker drive & intermediate gear ...................... . 36 to 57-0HV
25785-30 •60 Circuit breaker drive gear bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 36 to 57-0HV
25851-37 3.10 Circuit breaker drive gear only ................................ . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-74" 6: 80" sidevaives
25856-36 1.20 Circuit breaker drive gear stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-0HV
25859-36 .25 Circuit breaker drive gear stud screw ....................... . 36 to 57-0HV
25860-29 .25 Circuit breaker drive gear key . . . . ........................ . . . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-74" & 80"
63533-15 .60 Nipple for vent pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57-all models


26201-48 Oil feed pump assembly (Replaced by 2620l-48A)
26201-48A $37.00 Oil feed pump assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 48 to 57-0HV
26203-37 21.00 Oil feed pump assembly . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-sidevalves
26204-37 25.00 Oil scavenger pump assembly . . . . . . . . . . ..... 37 to 52-all W models. 37 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalves
26205-38 25.00 Oil scavenger pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 38 to 57-G models. 37 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalves
26216-41 Oil pump body (Replaced by 26203-37)
26217-48 Oil pump body (Replaced by 26201-48A)
26218-37 10.25 Oil scavenger pump body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
26231-37 4.90 Oil scavenger pump cover 37 to 52-all W models. 37 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalves
26232-38 7..25 Oil scavenger pump cover 38 to 57-G models, 37 to 48-74" &
80" sidevalves (chain oiler only)
26237-50 2.40 Oil pump cover ............................................... . Later 50 to 57-0HV
3719 .10 Oil scavenger pump cover bolt ................................ . 37 to 57--a:ll W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & SO" sidevalves
26244-31 .15 Oil feed pump gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" twins
26245-41 .15 Oil pum);:l body gasket ........................................ . 41 to 57-0HV
26246-37 •IS Oil scavenger pump gasket (2) .................. _....... _...... . 37 to 57-all W & G models .
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
26252-49 1.65 Oil pump conversion kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48-0HV
26257-50 •10 Oil pump cover gasket ........................................ . Later 50 to 57--0HV
26267-37 3.60 Oil feed pump vane holder .................................... . 50 to 57-G models
26270..41 3.60 Oil feed pump vane holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 41 to 52-all W models. 41 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalves
26284-37 1.20 Oil feed pump vane ........................................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
26286-37 •10 Oil feed pump vane spring . . . . . . _.......... . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 tc. 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
26315-48 2.30 Oil feed pump gear ........................................... . 48 to 57-0HV
26317-48 2.30 Oil feed pump idler gear .....•................................. 48 to 57-0HV
26318-37 2.30 Breather valve & scavenger pump gear . . . . . . . . . ........... . 37 to 57-all W & G models
26320-36 2.30 Oil scavenger pu.m.p gear .................................... . 36 to 57-0HV
26320..37 2.30 Oil scavenger pump gear ..................................... . 37 to 52-all W models, 37 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalves
26321-38 2.30 Oil scavenger pump gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 38 to 57-G models. 37 to 48-74" &
80" sidevalves (chain oiler only)
26325-49 2.30 Oil scavenger pump idler gear ................................ . 49 to 57-0HV
26326-37 2.30 Oil scc:rVenger pump idler gear ................................ . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
26328-41 .95 Oil pump idler gear shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 41 to 57-0HV
26329-37 .95 Scavenger pump idler gear shaft .............................. . 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
26331-37 5.50 Breather valve gear & scavenger pump drive shaft ............. . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
26340-36 .20 Oil pump gear key .................... . 37 to 57-all twins
26341-37 .20 Scavenger gear split retaining washer .. . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & SO" sidevalves

Part No. Price EC&c:h NAME Used. On


26362-36~ " - 26374-52

2640 5
~ '~23-52A
26363-361 0. .4 ' ""'(J/) 26551-39A 6375
or 8866 26374-54 ~~~ ~ /
26363-56 /") / ct
J::lli (t "' 26374-42 .4i'> I) • -

USE ..,
• ~26368-3f>
263n-s.c~ ~.... .....

- "
II /

26201-48A 24820-36




26267-37 Use



26343-39 $ .40 Scavenger pump screen .................................. . 39 to 57-all W C. G mociels.

39 to 48--74" 0. 80" sidevalves
26345~39 2.30 Oiler drive gear . . . . . . . . ......................... . 39 to 57-0HV
26346--36 3.60 Oiler drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 36 to 57-0HV
26347-15 .10 Oil scc::rvenger pump gear key . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 36 to 57-0HV
26348-36 .IS Oiler drive gear s'haft spring ring . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 36 to 57-0HV

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


26349-39 s 2.30 Oil pump pinion shaft gear . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 39 to 53-0HV
26349-54 2.15 Oil pump drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 54 to 57-74" OHV
26362-36 .35 Check valve spring cover screw ............. . 37 to 52-all twins. 53 to 57-
G models
26363-36 .20 Check valve ·spring . . . . . . .. 37 to 55--all twins, 56 6 57-
G models
26363-56 .20 Check. valve spring . . . . . ... 56 & 57-74" OHV
8866 .10 Check. valve & by-pass valve ball (2) 37 to 52-all twins, 53 to 57-
G models
26367-36 .40 By~pass valve cover screw .. 37 to 52-all twins. 53 to 57-
G models
26368-36 .60 By-pass valve adjusting screw 41 to 52-0HV
26369-41 .so By-pass valve adjusting screw 41 to 57-all W 6 G models.
41 ·to 48-74" 6r 80" twins
26373-41 .20 By-pass valve spring . . . . . . . ....... . 41 to 57-all W 6 .G models.
41 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
26374-42 .20 By-pass valve s.pring ..... 41 to 52-0HV
26374-52 .20 Oil pump relief valve spring (2) ............... . 53 to early 54-74" OHV
26374-54 .20 Oil pump relief valve spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . !..ater 54 to 57-74" OHV
26377-54 .40 Oil pump relief valve plug . . . . . . . . . . ........... . Later 54 to 57-74" OHV
26381-37 •40 By-pass ball retainer ................... . 37 to 57-all W & G models
26383-32 .25 Chain oiler adjusting screw kit ................ . 33 to 57-all twins
6170 .OS Chain oiler adjusting washer-.002" 33 to 49-all twins, 50 to 57-
atl W & G models
6150 .OS Chain oiler washer 33 to early 50-all twins. SO to 57-
all W & G models
6182 .OS Adjusting screw washer ........... . Later SO to 57-all twins
7630 .OS Adjusting screw nut . . . Later 50 to 57-all twins
26400-52A 1.50 Oil pump valve (2) ..... . 53 6 early 54-74" OHV
264(1(1..54 .40 Oil pump valve ................. . Later 54 to 57-74" OHV
2642S..52A •30 Oil pump plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 53 & 54-74" OHV
26424-50 .so Oil pump cover oil pipe nipple ............ . L.ater 50 to 57-0HV
'6m .10 Oil pump cover oil pipe nipple washer . . . . . .............. . Later SO to 57-0HV
63533-15 .60 Oil pipe nipple .... 36 to 57-0HV
6375 .OS Nipple packing washer . . . . . . ............. . 46 to 57-0HV
26550-38 Oil pressure switch complete (Replaced by 26550-38A)
26SS0-38A 2.75 Oil pressure switch complete . . ................. . 38 to 57-all W & G models,
39 to 48-74" & SO" sidevalves
26551-39 Oil pressure switch complete (Replaced by 26551-39A)
265Sl-39A 1.55 Oil pressure switch complete . . . . . . . . . . ..... 39 to 57-0HV
26568-38 .60 Oil pressure switch nipple 38 to 57--a!l W & G models.
38 to 48-74" & 80" twins
26569-39 •60 Oil pressure switch nipple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 39 to 57-0HV
6440 •OS Nipple packing washer ... 38 to 57-all 'twins
26579-38 .20 Pressure switch screen . . . ........................ . 38 to 57-all twins

27010-36 $11.50 Inlet pipe cotnplete ......... . . . . .. ...... . . . .. . . . . .. .
' 36 to· 57-G models
Consists of:
1 27020-36 1.25 Inlet pipe only 2 2'1057-39 .45 Inlet packing bushing
2 27038-32 1.20 Inlet nipple 1 21410-29 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket
2 27051-32 .70 Inlet packing nut
27011-36 11.50 Inlet pipe complete ....... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 36 to 52-W models
Consists of:
3 7040 .01 Carl:luretor fastening l:lolt lock 2 21051-32 .70 Inlet packing nut
washer 2 27058-30 .45 Inlet packing bushing
27024-36 7.25 Inlet pipe only 1 27410..39 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket
2 27038-32 1.20 Inlet nipple 3 21422-39 .15 Carburetor fastening bolt
27012-48 11.50 Inlet pipe complete .......
' " ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 54-0HV
Consists of:
1 27029-48 7.25 Intake pipe assembly 2 27052-40 .70 Intake pipe packing nut
2 21039-48 1.20 Intake pipe nipple 2 27059-40 .45 Intake pipe packing bushing
2 27046-48 .05 Intake pipe nipple rivet 2 27411-40 .10 Intake pipe gasket
27029-SS 7.25 Intake pipe .. 55 to 57-74" OHV
27038-32 1.20 Inlet nipple (2) 32 to 57-all W & G models
27039.48 1.20 Inlet nipple (2) 48 to 54-0HV
21041-53 1.20 Inle' nipple, oversize (2) 48 to 54-0HV
27046-48 .OS Inlet nipple rivet .. 48 to 54-0HV
27048-52 .70 Intake nipple lock nut ...... 52 to 54-0HV
Part No. Price Each NAME Usecl On

INLET PIP~- Continued

27049.52 $ .so !ntake nipple loek sc:rew ...................................... . 52 to 54-0HV
27051-32 •70 Inlet paeking n~t (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... . 32 to 57-all W & G models
27052-40 •70 Inlet paeking nut . . . . . . . ... .. . .. ..... . . . . . . .. 40 to 54-0HV
27058~30 •45 Inlet packing bushing (2) ...................... . 32 to 57-all W & G models
27059-40 •45 Inlet packing bushing (2) .......................... . 40 to 54-0HV
27060-55 .35 Intake pipe "0" ring (rubber) ................................. . 55 to 57-74." OHV
9991 . •35 Intake pipe clamp . . . . . .. .... ... .. . . . . . . .. . 55 to 57-74" OHV



27049-52 ~ ,;> 512

27432-36 27()..46..48 ~~ 27048-52

~ ~·~·

@ ~
@ ~ or

704.5 7040~



Part No. Price Ecrcb. NAME Used On


NOTE: All of the necessary attaching parts are included with each Carburetor.
$28.50 Lin.kert carburetor complete. 1" with%" venturi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all W & G models
31.00 Linkert carburetor complete, IW' with 1Yt6" venturi . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 52--45" twins except W &
Servi-cars, 37 to 48-74" sidevalves
21130-48 33.00 Linkert carburetor complete, 1V:t with 1~1.6" venturi (M-74B) . . . . . . 48 to 52--Sl'' OHV. 48 to 57-
74" OHV
27132-36 9.50 Carburetor overhaul kit (for H~" carburetor) (M-5, 41, 42, 51, 52. 88) 37 to 57-WL models with aluminum
heads. 36 to 48-74" & 80" side-
Consists of:
2 993 .ll2 Throttle disc screw 1 27382-33 2.75 Carburetor float valve & seat
1 27275-24 1.40 Throttle shaft 1 27383-ll .40 Float lever pin
1 27280..24 .'70 Throttle disc 1 27391-36 .30 Bowl cover gasket
2 27290-24. .'75 Throttle shaft bushing 1 27402-33 .10 Inlet nipple washer
1 27291-32 .25 Throttle shaft spring 1 2'7405-26 .10 Friction spring
1 27330-33 .20 Nozzle retainer spring 1 27406-26 .1 0 Friction ball
1 27376-28 .20 Bowl lock nut gasket 2 21410-39 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket
1 27380-33A 2.25 Carburetor float
21133-36 9.50 Carburetor overhaul kit (for 1" carburetor) (M-18) .......... . 37 to 57-W & G models (iron heads;
Consists of:
2 993 .02 Throttle dis-:: screw 1 27380-33A 2.25 Carburetor float
1 '27275-26 1.40 Throttle shaft 1 27382-33 2.75 Carburetor float valve & seat
1 27280-34 .70 Throttle disc 1 27383-11 .40 Float lever pin
2 27290-24 .15 Throttle shaft bushing 1 27402-33 .10 Inle1 nipple washer
1 27291-32 .25 Throttle shaft spring 1 21405-26 .10 Friction spring
1 27330-33 .20 Nozzle retainer spring 1 27406-26 .10 Friction ball
1 27376-28 .20 Bowl lock nut gasket 2 27410-29 .10 Inlet pipe gasket
27134-41 10.00 Carburetor overhaul kit Uor 1¥~" carburetors)
<M-25. 35. 35T, 36, 45, 4SA, 61, 74. 74B, 75) .............. . 42 to 57-0HV
Consists of:
2 993 ..Q2 Throttle dis:: screw 1 2'7381-33 1.10 Float lever
1 272'16-40 1.40 Throttle shaft 1 21382-33 2.75 Carburetor float valve & seat
1 2728()...40 .85 Throttle disc 1 27383.-11 .40 Float lever pin
2 27290-24. .75 Throttle shah bushing 1 27391-36 .30 Bowl cover gasket
27291-32 .25 Throttle shaft spring 1 27402-33 .10 Inlet nipple washer
27330-33 .20 Nozzle retainer spring 1 27405-26 .10 Friction spril"'.g
27376-28 .20 Bowl lock nut gasket 1 21406-26 .10 Friction ball
1 2'7380-33A 2.25 Carburetor float 2 27411...40 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket
27215-33 1.35 Air intake shaft ............ ... ' ........ . .. ' .... . . 33 to 57-all W & G models. later
33 to 48-74'' & SO" sidevalves.
{Carburetors M-18. 41. 42. 54)
27218...48 1.75 Air intake shaft 48 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-36.
4SA. 61. 74, 74B)
993 J)2 Air intake shaft screw (2) 24 to 57-all twins
27219-36 .80 Air intake shaft stop . . . .............................. . 36 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-36.
45A. 61. 74. 74BJ
7608 .02 Air intake shaft nut 36 to 57-0HV
21225-24 •45 Air intake disc .... 30 to 47-all twins. 48 to 52-W
models. 48-74" sidevalves (Car-
buretors M-5.25,35,41,42.51,52, 54)
27225--48 1.10 Air intake disc ............ . 48 to 57-0HV {Carburetors M-35T.
36. 45. 4SA. 61, 74, 74B)
27228-33 1.50 Air intake lever (used on carburetor without air cleaner) 33 to 57-all W & G models. 33 tc
48-74" & 80" sidevalves (Carbu·
retors M-18, 41, 42. 54)
27235-33 2.00 Air intake lever (used on carburetor with air cleaner) 33 to 57-all W & G models. 33 to
48-74'' & 80" sidevalves (Carbure-
tors M-18. 41, 42. 51. 52. 54)
21236--38 2.20 Air intalce lever & stud 38 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-5. 25.
35. 35T, 36. 45. 4SA .61. 74. 75)
7752 .QS Intake lever stud nut : 36 to 57-0HV
27244-48 .so Air intake lever rod .............. . 48 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-35T
36, 45, 4SA, 61. 74, 74B)
•35 Air intake lever screw . . . . . 33 to 57-all W & G models. later
33 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves (Car-
buretors M-18, 41, 42. 54}
21260-49 2.00 Throttle lever . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-all twins (Carburetors
M-36, 54, 61)
99'7 .02 Throttle stop lock screw 24 to 57-all twins
27265-49 Throttle lever arm (Replaced by 27265-49A)
27265-49A .GO Throttle lever arm ..... 49 to 57-0HV (Carbureto:-s M-36.
45. 45A. 61. 74. 74B)
Part No. Price Eac:h NAME Used On

-.,.;iiiolo:.,IIUO.'h 7040 7752
@~ 27244-40

Vt 27260-49~ 27395-27

27325-33 ~


4 993

• 993
27280-40 27363-41 27225-24
27280-24 27406-2~ 27362-30
Oiliiii:IO til ~27219-36~
. . .27405-26 A
,.,... ~ 7025 ..
27327-24 (i) 7608

......... ~ 27391-36 m3S-33

~273:?-5~381 •33
~ 27380.33 or
e 27390.33
j, m51-2A
or 27381-50


27 33l-40
2~;-33 ~

i 27332·50
\1 ~7382-33



Part No. Price Ecrch NAME Used. On


27267-49 $ 1.00 Throttle lever arm .......... . 49 to 57-all W & G models (Car-
buretors M-18. 42, 52. 54)
2632 .03 Throttle lever arm screw (2) ................................... . 49 to 57-0HV
1222 •OS Throttle lever screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
27270-49 .25 Throttle lever screw spring . . . . ........................ . 49 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-36,
45. 45A, 61. 74. 74Bl
27275-24 1.40 Throttle shaft (1%'' carburetor) 30 to 52-WL & WLD. 42 to 48-74"
sidevalves (Carburetors M-41. 42.
51. 52, 54)
27275-26 1.40 Throttle shaft (1" carburetor) ......... . 36 to 57-W & G (Carburetor M-18)
27276-40 1.40 Throttle shaft (1;2'' carburetor) ...... . 40 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-36,
45A, 61. 74, 74B)
27280-24 .70 Throttle disc Ot~" carburetor) (13°) .. 30 to 52-WL & WLD. 24 to 48-74"
& 80" sidevalves (Carburetors M-5.
41. 42. 51. 52, 54)
27280-34 .70 Throttle disc (1" carburetor) (12°) ..... 35 to 57-W & G (Carburetor M-18)
27280-40 .85 Throttle disc (llt~" carburetors) (12°) 40 to 51-0HV. 52-61" OHV (Car-
buretors M-25, 35, 35T, 36, 45, 45A,
61. 74, 75)
27280-51 .85 Throttle disc (1;.2" carburetor) (9-x) . 41 to 57-74" OHV (Carburetors
M-45. 4SA, 74, 74B. 75)
•75 Throttle shaft bushing .............. . 24 to 57-all twins (Carburetors
M-18,. 36, 41. 42. 45A, 53Ai. 54,
61,· 74, 74B. 75)
27291-32 Throttle shaft spring ...... . 31 to 57-all twins (Carburetors M-5.
18, 25, 35, 35T, 36, 41. 42. 45, 45A.
51. 52, 54, 61. 74. 74B. 75)
993 .02 Throttle shaft screw . . . . . . . ....... . ......... 24 to 57-all twins
27291-27 1.75 High speed needle valve (1~" carburetor) 37 to 52-WL & WLD. 27 to 48-74"
& SO" sidevalves (Carburetors M-41.
42, 52).
27297-30 1.75 High speed needle valve (1" carburetor) . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 37 to 57-W & G models (Carburet-
ors M-18)
27299-50 1.75 High speed needle valve ........... . Later 50 to 57-74" OHV (Carburet-
ors M-45A & 54)
27300-50 1.75 High speed needle valve ............ . Later 50 to 57-0HV. Carburetors
M-61. 74, 74B)
27317-SD .60 Carburetor fixed jet-No. 17 .. .. .•.. .. . . ... . .. .. . . . SO to 55-74" OHV (Carburetors
M-45A & 74)
27318-50 .60 Carburetor fixed jet-No. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO to 52-61" OHV (Carburetor:>
M-36 & M-61)
1.90 Main nozzle ........ . ............. . .... ..... .. .. . . 33 to 57-all W & G models, later
33 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves (Car-
buretors M-18, 41. 42, 51, 52, 88)
.20 Main nozzle retainer spring ............ Later 33 to 57--all twins (Carburet-
ors M-5, 18, 25, 35, 3ST, 36, 41, 42,
45, 4SA. 51. 52. 61. 74. 74B. 75, 88)
27327-24 .20 Idle passage plug screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 33 to 57--all twins (Carburet·
ors M-5. 18. 25. 35, 35T. 36, 41, 42,
45, 45A, 51. 52, 54, 61, 74, 74B, 75, 88)
27325-33 .45 Idle hole body plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 33 to 57-all twins (Carburet-
ors M-5, 18, 25. 35, 35T, 36, 41, 42, 45,
4SA. 51. 52. 54, 61, 74, 74B. 75)
27318-51 .60 Carburetor fixed jet-No. 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-61.
74, 74B)
27331-40 1.90 Main nozzle .. .. .. ..... . .. . . .. .. .. . . 40 to 51-0HV, 52-61" OHV (Car-
buretors M-25. 35, 35T. 36)
27332-50 2.40 Main nozzle .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 50 to 57-74" OHV (Carburetors
M-4SA. 74, 748)
27333-50 2.40 Main nozzle . . . .... .. . .. ..... .......... ... 50 to 52-61'' OHV (Carburetor M-61)
27337-27 1.40 Low speed needle valve complete (1;4'' carburetors) . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57-all twins (Carburetors M-5,
25. 35. 3ST. 36, 41. 42. 45. 4SA. 51.
52, 54. 61, 74. 74B. 75, 88)
Consists of:
1 21336-27 1.40 Low speed needle valve only 1 27350-11 .55 Low speed needle valve lock screw
l 21349-11 .10 Low speed needle valve lock spring 1 1183 .05 Low speed needle valve adj. knurl
27340-33 1.35 Low speed needle valve complete (l" carburetors) ...... . 33 to 57-all W & G models (Car·
buretor M-18)
Consists of:
1 1183 .OS Low speed needle valve adi. screw 27349-11 .10 Low speed nee::!lE> vclve lock spring
I 27339-33 1.40 Low speed needle valve only 27350-11 .55 tow speed needle valve leek sc~ew
Peat No. Price Each NA114E Used On


$ .30 Low speed needle valve lever spring collar ............ . 27 to 52-all twins except 74" OHV
models, 53 to 57-G (Carburetors
M-S. 18, 25, 35, 35T, 36, 41, 42, 51.
52, 54, 61. 88)
27345-41 .30 Low speed needle valve lever spring collar .................... . 41 to 57-74" OHV (Carburetors
M·45, 4SA. 74, 74E, 75)
27349-27 .25 Low speed needle valve lever spring Later 33 to 57-all twins (Carburet-
ors M-5, 18, 25, 35, 35!, 36, 41. 42,
45, 45A, 51, 52, 54, 61, 74, 74B, 75, 88)
27361-30 2.75 1" venturi (ll;~" carburetor) .. 30 to 51-WL 0. WLD, 34 to 48-74"
& 80" si'tievalves (Carburetors M-41.
42, 51. 52, 54, 88)
27362-30 2.75 ll!la" venturi 0%" carburetors) 30 to 52-WL & WLD, 34 to 48-74"
& 80" sidevaives (Carburetors M-5,
41. 42. 51. 52)
27363-30 2.75 178" venturi (for 1%" carburetors) 30 to 51-Special for 114" carburet-
ors (Carburetors M-41. 51)
27363-40 2.75 Ph" venturi (for 11;2" carburetors) 40 to 52-61" OHV (Carburetor.:;
M-35. 35T, 36)
27363-41 2.75 1~'Ju" venturi (for 1~2" carburetors) 41 to 57-74" OHV (Carburetors
M-25, 45, 4SA. 74. 746. 75)
27370-24 13.00 Bowl assembly 29 to 57-all W & G models, 24 to
48-74~ & 80" sidevalves (Carburet-
ors M-18, 41, 42. 51. 52)
27370-33 7.50 Bowl only 33 to 57-all W & G models, late:
33 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves (Car-
buretors M-18, 41. 42. S1, 52, 54. 88)
27370-36 13.00 Bow 1 assembly . . . . . . 37 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-5, 25,
35. 35!, 36, 45, 45A, 74, 74B, 75)
27370-50 13.00 Bowl assembly ..... . SO to 52-61" OHV (Carburetors
27371-36 '1.50 Bowl only 36 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-S. 25,
35, 35!, 36, 45, 4SA, 61. 74, 74B, 75)
.85 Bowl lock nut ...... . 30 to 57-all twins (Carburetors M-5.
18. 25. 35, 3ST, 36, 41. 42. 45. 4SA, 51,
52, 54, 61. 74. 74B. 75, 88)
27376-28 .20 Bowl lock nut gasket .... 28 to 57-all twins (Carburetors M-5,
18, 25, 35, 35T, 36, 41. 42, 45, 45A, 51,
52. 54, 61, 74, 74B, 75, 88)
27371-39 .30 Bowl drain screw with washer 39 to 57-all twins (Carburetors M-5.
18, 25, 35, 35T, 36, 41. 42, 45, 4SA. 51,
52. 54, 61, 74, 74B, 75, 88)
27380-33 Float (Replaced by 27380-33A)
27380-33A 2.25 Float ................................................ . Later 33 to 57-all twins (Carburet-
ors M-18, 36, 41. 42, 45. 45A, 52,
53Al, 61. 74, 74B)
27380-50 Float (Replaced by 27380-33A)
27381-33 1.10 Float lever . ·. . . . . ........ . Later 33 to 57-all twins (Carburet-
ors M-5. 18, 25, 35, 35T. 36. 41. 42. 45.
4SA, 51. 52, 74, 74B. 75. 88)
27381-50 1.10 Float lever .. 50 to 52-61" OHV & all W 6 G
models (Carburetors M-54 & 61)
27382-33 2.75 Float valve & seat (fitted) 33 to 57-all twins (Carburetors M-5.
18, 25, 35, 3ST, 36, 41. 42. 45. 45A. 51.
52. 54, 61, 74, 74B, 75, 88)
2'1383-11 .40 Float lever pi:'l 33 to 57-all twins (Carburetors M-5.
18. 25, 35, 35T, 36, 41. 42. 45. 45A, 51.
52, 54, 61. 74, 74B. 75, 88)
27390-33 .85 Bowl valve cover cap 33 to 57-all W & G models, iater
33 to 48-74" & SO" sidevalves (Car-
buretors M-18. 41, 42. 51. 52, 54. 88)
27391-36 .30 Bowl cover gasket .... 36 to 57-0HV (Carburetors M-5. 25.
35, 35T. 36. 45. 45A, 61, 74. 746. 75)
27395-27 2.10 Needle valve lever (for lW' & 116" carburetors) ... 33 to 57-al! twins except W & G
(Carburetors M·S, 18, 25, 35, 35T. 36.
41. 42. 45, 45A, 51. 52, 54, 61, 74, 74B.
75. 88)
27396-30 2..10 Needle valve lever (1" cr::rrburetors) 36 to 5.7-W & G (Carburetor M-18)
27397-27 .55 Needle valve lever screw 33 to 57-all twins (Carburetors M-5.
18. 25, 35, 35T. 36. 41. 42. 45. 45A. SJ.
52. 54, 61, 74. 74B. 75, 88)

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


27405--26 $ .10 Friction spring ........... . 26 to 57--all twins (Carburetors M-5.
18, 25, 35, 35T, 36, 41. 42, 45, 45A. 51.
52, 54, 61, 74, 74B, 75, 88)
•10 Friction ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 26 to ·57-all twins (Carburetors M-5.
18, 25, 35, 3ST, 36, 41. 42, 45, 45A. 51,
52, 54, 61, 74, 74B, 75, 8S)
27410..2.9 .10 Inlet pipe gasket (paper) for 1" carburetor ..................... . 41 to 57-G
27410~39 •10 Carburetor insulating gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 41 to 52-all W models, 39 to 48-
74" & 80" sidevalves
27411-40 .10 Carburetor insulating gasket (2) . . . . . ......................... . 40 to 57-0HV
27412-48 1.20 Carburetor insulating block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 48 to 57-0HV
3754 .10 Carburetor fastening bolt, 1" carburetor (3) . . . . . . . . ........ . 32 to 57-G
27422-39 .15 Carburetor fastening bolt (3) ................... . Later 42 to 52-all models, 40 to
27424-48 .15 Carburetor fastening bolt (4) ................... . 48 to 57-0HV
27431-41A Carburetor support bracket (Replaced by 27431-41B)
27431-41B .60 Carburetor support bracket . . . . ....... . 41 to 57-0HV
27432-36 .so Carburetor support . . ............... . 36 to 57-all W & G models
'7'193 .OS Carburetor support nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 30 to 57-all twins


:6182 ~ 7604 29161-36

@ 7021@ 29162-36


29002-35A 29020--41 29036-41 29030-41


29060-56 1111%)

~ ClllQJ
29050-56 2402C

29023-56 29036-56 29030-56


29002-35 Air cleaner complete (Replaced by 29002-35A)

29002-3SA 510.50 Air cleaner complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57-all twins
29020-41 3.50 Air cleaner back plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 55--<::tll twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Used O:a.


29023-56 s 3.50 Air cleaner back ............ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 & 57-all twins
29030-41 5.40 Air cleaner cover ...... . 41 to 54-all twins
29030-56 5.40 Air cleaner cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 56 & 57-all twins
2402C .35 Air cleane::- cover screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 & 57-all twins
29036-41 3.25 Air cleaner mesh with support . . . . . ..........•................. 41 to 55-all twins
29036-56 2.65 Air cleaner filter cartridge . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 56 & 57-all twins
29040-41 •40 Air cleaner spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... . 41 to 55-all twins
29050-56 .60 Air cleaner cover mounting bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 & 57-all twins
2906G-56 .15 Air cleaner lock washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 & 57-all twins
29150-32 5.75 Air intake complete ........................................... . 39 to 57-all W .& G models
29151-37 7.25 Air intake complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 37 to 57-0HV
29155-36 .25 Intake or air cleaner mounting screw lock ring . . . . . . . ...... : . 37 to 57-all twins
3625 .10 Air intake or cleaner mounting screw (4) .................. . 37 to 57-all twins
29161-36 4.25 Air intake cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 36 to 57-all W & G models
29162-36 4.25 Air intake cover ...................... . 37 to 57-0HV
29172-36 3.00 Air intake back ........................ . 36 to 57-all W & G models
29173-37 3.00 Air intake back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-0HV
29182-36 .10 Cover retaining screw (2) . . ............................... . 37 to 57-all twins
6182 .OS Retaining screw washer (2) ........ . 37 to 57-all twins
7604 •03 Retaining screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 37 to 57-all twins


29455-46 s .40 Choke control bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 53-all models
2629 .03 Control bracket screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 53--all models
7015 .01 Control bracket screw washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 53--all models
7608 .02 Control bracket screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 53-all models
29460-46 .45 Choke control wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 53-all models
27450-36 .55 Choke control wire block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 53-all models
1063 .03 Control wire block screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 53--all models
6156 .OS Control wire block screw washer (brass) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to. 53-all models
1001 .02 Control knob screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 53--all models
11076-47 .60 Control knob mounting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 53-all models
27217-48 1.75 Carburetor air intake shaft ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 53--all models
27250-46 .85 Carburetor choke lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 46 to 53-all models
27251-24 .35 Carburetor choke lever screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 53--all models


*29975-30 $67.50 Generator complete, less drive gear ........ : . ................ . 32 to 57-all twins
30Gl1-36 .30 Generator fastening screw (2) 36 to 57-0HV
........................... .
*30012-32 •40 Frame screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
32 to 57-all twins
30025-30 2.20 Generator strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 to 57-all W & G models,
32 to 48-7 4" & 80" sidevalves
30025-36 2.20 Generator strap ............................................... . 36 to 57-0HV
30029-30 •15 Generator strap . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. . 32 to 54-all twins
1956 .20 Generator strap screw . . . . . . ................................. . 32 to 57-all twins
ns2 .05 Generator strap nut ........................................... . 32 to 57-all twins
*30093-49 17.00 Frame ................... · .............................. · .... . 49 to 57-all twins
2349 .15 Generator fastening screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-all W & G models
30132-32 6.50 Left frame end ..................................... . 32 to 57-all twins
*30137-32 1.55 Commutator end cover (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 32 to 57-all twins
1210 .03 Commutator end cover screw (2) . . . . . . . .................... . 32 to 57-all twins
30138-30 •10 Commutator end cover gasket ............................... . 32 to 57-all twins
30143-30 •10 Generator gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 32 to 57-all twins
*30144-45 .so Generator shim (steel) ........................................ . 48 to 57-0HV
30145-46 Armature oil seal (Replaced by 30145-46A)
3014S-4BA 1.75 Armature oil seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 46 to 57-all twins
*30146-46 .so Armature felt washer retainer . . . . . ........................... . 46 to 57-all twins
30202-32 4.95 Shunt field coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 to early 52-all twins
30202-52 4.9~ Field coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 52 to 57-all twins
993 .02 Field coil terminal screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 24 to 57-all twins
30206-32 4.95 Regulating field coil . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 32 to early 52-all twins
30271-30 3.50 Pole piece (2) . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .•. .. . ........... . 32 to early 52-all twins
30280-18 •OS Pole piece screw (4) .......................... . 18 to 57-all twins
9900 •03 Field coil wire terminal (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 to 57-all twins

NOTE: ... Not used on radio equipped machines.


Pa:rt No. Price Ea:ch NAME Usec:l On


30352-32 $3.00 Positive brush holder assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 51-all twins, 52-W 6: G
Consists of:
2 . 993 .02 Positive terr.dnal screw 2 30460-3.2 .25 Positive terminal screw
2 30228-3~- ·.30 Field coil terminal insulation 1 30351-32 1.55 Main brush holder
l 30231·51 .60 Field coil terminal 1 30365-32 .35 Brush holder insulation
30352-52' 2.75 Positive brush holder assembly ................................ . 52 to 57-all twins
Consists of:.
2 30228-32 .30 Field coil terminal insulation 1 30351-51 1.55 Main brush holder
1 30231-51 .60 Field coil terminal 1 30373-51 .35 Brush holder insulation
30353-32 1.55 Negative brush holder assembly .......................... . 32 to 51-all twins. 52-W 6: G
Consists of:
1 993 .02 Negative brush holder screw 30351-32 1.55 Main brush holder
2 1202 .03 Negative brush holder screw 30367-32 .10 Negative brush holder screw nut
2 7021 .01 Negative brush holder screw lock
30353-52 1.70 Negative brush holder assembly ........ . 52 to 57-all twins
Consists of:
2 1202 .03 Negative brush holder screw 1 30351-51 1.55 Negative brush holder
2 7021 .01 Negative brush holder screw lock 2 30367-32 .10 Negative brush holder screw nut
•30385-32 2.70 Third brush holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 32 to 57-all twins
30425-32 2.o0 Set brushes 6: springs ......................... . 32 to early 52-twins
Consists of:
1 30427-26 .60 Small brush 6: spring 2 30450-32 .70 Large brush & spring
30425-51 2.20 Set brushes 6: springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 52 to 57-all twins
Consists of:
l 30427-26, .60 Small brush 6: spring 2 30450-SlA 1.00 Large brush 6: spring
30461-32 •so Positive terminal screw with fittings ...................... . 32 to 57-all twins
Consists of:
1 6186 .OS Terminal insulating washer 30460-32 .25 Positive terminal screw
1 7220 .01 Te!ttlinal screw lock washer .. 30463-32 .10 Tenninal screw bushing
2 7634 .OS Terminal screw nut

*30851-32 $25.75 Armature with winding ................................ . 32 to 57-all twins
30290-18 •15 Armature spacing shim-.018" ......................... . 18 to 57-all twins
9005 2.40 Armature bearing, small (brush end) ................. . 49 to 57-all twins
9007 2.40 Armature bearing, large (drive end) ................... . 49 to 57-all twins
31010-32 Brush end bearing housing (Replaced by 31010..48)
3101~8 2.75 Brush end bearing housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-all twins
*31015-30 .OS Bearing housing gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 30 to 57-all twms
31017-29 .15 Bearing plate spring ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57-all tw~s
*31020..30 .75 Inner oil retainer (brush end) . . . . . . .... ...... .............. 32 to 57-all twi'i'ls
*31022-33 .60 Outer oil retainer (brush end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 33 to 57-all twms
1210 .03 Oil retainer cover screw {5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .. ·..... 32 to 57--all twins
*31035-31 .75 Drive end oil deflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-all twins
8314 .03 Drive end felt retainer rivet ............................... ·...... 32 to 57-all twins
*31040-31 .20 Drive end spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-all twins
31041-31 .20 Drive end felt washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 48-all twms. 49 to 57-
all twins (radio on! y)
31046-31 .40 Drive end felt washer retainer .................................. . 32 to 57--all twms
7789 .OS Armature shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 30 to 57-all tw:ns
*31070-30 4.90 Generator drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , .. . 36 to 57-0HV
*31071-37 4.90 Generator drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." .. . 37 ~to 57-all W 6 G models.
37 to 4g....;..74" 6 SC"" s1devc:lves
327 .OS Generator gear pin ......................... . 32 to 57-all twins


31602-30 $19.25 Spark coil & cables ............................. . 30 to 55--all-W 6 G models
31602-48 Spark coil 6: cables (Replaced by "31602-48A)
31602-48A 18.75 Spark coil 6: cables ......................... . 48-74" sidevalves. 56 6 57-Servi-car
*31604-48 18.75 Spark coil & cables . . . . . . . . . .................. . 48 to 57-0HV
31680-27 •OS Cable packing washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 27 to 57-all twins
6280 .OS Cable washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 27 to 57-all twins
31681-27 .40 Cable packing nut ........... . 27 to 57-all twins
9970 .20 Front spark :plug cable clip ........ . 36 to 57-0HV
9976 •35 Spark plug wire damp ... 39 to 57-61". 74". 8C" twins 6
31726-48 1.20 Spark coil mounting plate 48 to 57-all twins

NOTE: *Not used on radio equipped machines.

Part No. Price Ecac:h NAME


1210 I'
~0425-:0::2 ~ ~;~
•. 0425-51 ~
• : 31022-33
~ 31015-30

~::;':'"' 30385-32

~ 31010-48
:10425-'2 ~ 31017-29
~25-Sl ~90~~890-1&
~A._,___ -· ~
30.'52-~ ~ 0
or 313002013-380·30
#.-..._ ..,# 0 (i) 30890-18
993 30132-32


30025-30 or 30025-36

7233e.. 30029-30" rg
1956 ~ 7040 jl

30146-46 ~
If ~"-)
310~~~~f:j ~
30145..46 30143

"' _J]j;...~
G~~ ~

a 9

.. 30011-36

~ 31040-31

Part Nc. Price Each NAME Used On

SPARK COIL AND CABLES .....;.. Continued

31730-48 $ .10 Spark coil mounting plate bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57--a.ll twins
1063 .03 Coil terminal screw (Z) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 to 57-all twins
31965~30 1.80 Set oi spark plug cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57-all W -& G models.
39 to 48-74 ·' & 80" twins
Consists of:
2 31680-27 .05 Spark :;:>lug cable packing washer 1 31976-30A 1.00 Spark plug cable (long)
1 31970-30 .70 Spark plug cable (short)
31~6-36 1.80 Set of spark plug cables . . 36 to 57-0HV
Consists of:
2 31680-27 .OS Spark plug cable pocking washer 1 31985-36A .19 Spark: plug cable (short)
1 31972-36A 1.00 Spark plug cable (long)
32000-37 •65 Front spark plug cable bracket .... ·....... . 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
32049-27 •10 Spark pll.!g terminal (hollow tube) . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 27 to 55-all twins
32049-55 .15 Spark plug terminal (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56. & 57-Servi·cars
32200-48 •30 Spark plug rubber cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 48 to· 57-all twins
32300-09 1.25 Spark plug (No. 4) ............................................ . 27 to 47-twins. 48 to 55-all W & G
models. 48-74" sidevalves
32302-09 1.25 Spark plug (lqo. 3) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 27 to 47-twins, 48 to 55-all W & G
models. 48-74" sidevolves
32304-09 1.25 Spark plug (No. 2) 27 ~to 47-twins. 48 to 55-all W & G
models. 48-74" sidevalves
32301-47 1.25 Spark plug (No. 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 55-0HV. 56.& 57-all models
32303-47 1.25 Spark plug (No. 3)f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 48 to SS--OHV, 56 6: 57--a1l models
32305-48 1.25 Spark plug (No. 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........., ............... . 48 to 55-0HV, 56 6: 57~11 models
32342-08 •05 Spark plug gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... : ................... . 27 to 47-twins, 48 to 55-all W & G
models. 48-74" sidevalves
32342-42 .05 Spark plug gasket . .' .· ............ . 48 to 55--0HV. 56 & 5?--all models
32370~26 .05 Terminal nut for spark plug ............. .. 27 to 57-all twins ·


32SOS-36 $13.25 Timer shaft 6: housing ................................... ~; ....... . Later 36-(Motor No. 1422 up)
to 57-0HV'·
32506-37 13.25 T~er shaft 6: housing .....' ....................... ·............ . 37 io 57-all W & G models,
37 to· ~8-74" & 80" sidevalves
32510-36 9.60 Timer shaft housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ...... . Later 36 to 57-0HV
32511-37 9.60 Timer shaft housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . Later 37 to 57-all w·· & G models.
37 to 48-74'' & 80" sidevalves
32521-36 •05 Timer base gasket 36 to 57-0HV ..
32522-37 .10 Timer base gasket 37 to 57-all W & G models.
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
1300 .OS Timer to motor screw (2) 37 to 57-all W & G models,
37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves
3779 .10 Timer to motor bolt {2) . . . . . • . . . . . . . ... ... . . . 36 to 57-0HV
32525-36 .10 Timer housing bushing (2) ..........•.................... 37 to 57-all twins
32528-36 6.50 Timer shaft 6: cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . Later 36-(Motor No. 1422 up)
to 57-0HV
32528-31 6.50 Timer shaft 6: cam 37 to 57-all W 6: G models,
37 to 48-7 4" '& 80" sidevalves
6320 ..05 Timer shaft washer ............................. . 37 to 57-all twins
32531-36 3.10 Timer shaft gear with pin ............................ . 37 to 57-all twins
255 ..05 Timer shaft gear pin . . . . . . . .............................. . 37 to 57-all twins
32575-47' 11.50 Circuit breaker (timer base) assembly ....................... . 47 to 57-all twins
32579..49 Circuit breaker base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-all twins
32585-36 . 1.3fJ Breaker base retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 37 to 57-all twins
32588-36 .90 Circuit breaker cover (black) ................................. . 37 to 57-all twins
32589-36 2.10 Circuit breaker cover (chrome) . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 37 to 57-all twins
32592-36 .60 Breaker cover retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all twins
32593-47 .60 Circuit breaker adjusting screw ................................ . 47 to 57--all twins
32594-47 .50 Circuit breaker adjusting screw plate .......................... . 47 to 57-all twins
1063 •03 Circuit breaker plate screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 47 to 57-all twins
"44 .OS Circuit breaker adjusting screw nut ............................ . 47 to 57-all twins
30505-47 .20 Circuit breaker pivot pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 47 to 57--all twins
30507-47 .20 Breaker point adjusting eccentiric screw .. ~... . ........... . 47 to 57--<:i:ll · twi'ns
30605-48 1.10 Set of breaker points . . . . . . . . ..................... . 49 to 57--all twins
l 32660-47 .45 Contact point & support 1 32661-47 .65 Breaker point
32669-47 •OS Breaker point locking. screw ................................. . 49 to 57-all twins
32676-49 •50 Circuit breaker wire stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 1o 57-all twins

Peat No. Price Each Used On

cmcurr BREAKER (TIMER) AND WJBING- Continued

0> 32678-49


~~ f~l~7
OR 32593-47 .e
32589-36 32594-47 ~

32049-55 32049-27~

8 32000-37






7127 6320
0 31681-27~
•~7127 t;j
72341-48 8 f) 6280 (§)
1062 31680-27~



32678-49 s .10 Circuit breaker wire stud insulator ............................. . 49 to 57-all twins
6106 .OS Circuit breaker wire stud fibre washer ......................... . 30 to 57-all twins
6156 .OS Circuit breaker wire st,ld brass washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 49 to 57--ell twins
32690-30 1.50 Circuit breaker to c:oil wire .................................... . 30 to 57-all twins
32726--47 •70 Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57--<l.ll twins
1047 •03 Condenser screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-all twins
32731-47 •30 Condenser bracket . . . . . ..................................... . 49 to 57--cll twins

Part No. Price Ea:ch NAME


29983-4.9 Air cooled generator (Replaced by 29983-51)
29983-51 $ 95.00 Air cooled generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-74" sidevalves, 48 to 57-G
models-two way radio
2998M9 Generator complete air cooled (Replaced by 29984-51)
29984-51 95.00 Generator complete air cooled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57--0HV, two wary radio
29990-48 136.00 Radio application kit .......................................... 48 to 57-G models-two wdy radio
Consists of:
1 6395 .05 Plain washer l 36813-47 6.75 Clutch peda! assembly
2 7035 .01 Regulator stud lock washer 2 50668~35 .15 Spacers
1 7127 .01 Shakeproof lock washer 1 66200-48 23.00 Battery carrier for box
2 1230 .01 Regulator stud lock washer l 70246-42 1.00 Relay to switch panel cable
2 '1615 .05 Regulator stud nut 1 70196-50 1.20 Positive wire cable
1 29983-51 95.00 Air cooled generator 1 74511-SlA 10.50 Voltage regulator
1 31726-48 1.20 Coil mounting plate 2 74521~ .45 Voltage regulator stud
2 31730-48 .10 Coil mounting plate bolt
29992-48 214.00 Radio application kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 48 to 57--0HV. two way radio
Consists of:
GBO'OP No. !-Generator. Begulcrtor & FittiDp
1 29984-51 95.00 Air cooled generator 1 74500-51A 18.75 Voltage regulator
3 36869-48 .35 Mounting spacer 2 74527-48 .45 Voltage regulator stud
1 50656-48 .70 Footboard stud 2 7230 .01 Voltage regulator stud lock washer
1 50657-48 .?0 Foothoa:rd stud 1 10246-42 1.00 Relay terminal to switch panel cable
3 4354 .25 Mounting bolt 1 31726-48 1.20 Coil IJ:lOUnting plate
1 70191-49 .?0 · Regulator to battery positive cable 2 31730-48 .10 Coil mounting plate bolt
1 70193-49 .90 Battery positive to terminal box wire 2 7035 .D.l Coil mounting plate bolt lock washer
1 70211-49 .60 Battery negative wire 2 71%7 .01 Coil mounting plate bolt lock washer
2 9976 .35 Clips for conduit 1 "'" .OS Coil mounting plate holt nut
GROUP No. 2-Bcrttery & Oil Tcmk
62500-49 33.00 Oil tank 2 66351-42 .30 Battery upper cushion
62515-49 10.50 Oil tank support 1 66350-«2 .50 Battery lower cushion
62625-49 1.75 Oil tank filler cap 2 7675 .OS Battery hexagon nut
626?5-49 2.30 Oil tank vent line 1 60333~52 2.40 Chainguard bracket
635&1-49 2.90 Oil pump return line 1 2162 .OS Chainguard bracket screw (J4"l
66002-49AD 18..00 Battery-45 Amp. 1 7691 .OS Chainguard bracket screw nut
66376-49 3.00 Battery cover 6 7035 .01 Chainguard bracket lock washer
66405-52 .60 Battery tie rod 4 3738 .10 Chainguard bracket screw
66405-49 .60 Battery tie rod
GROUP No. 3-Ca:rrier &
1 78500-49 37.80 Radio carrier 2 . 6490 .10 Radio carrier bolt plain washer
2 4670 ..35 Radio carrier bolt 2 6336 .OS Radio carrier bolt plain washer
2 7835 .10 Radio carrier holt nut 2 7065 .03 Rario carrier bolt lock washer
2 6413 .20 Radio carrier holt spacer
78501-41 41.00 Radio carrier ............. . 51 & 52--0HV (for Link Vetrie Radio
30013-32 •60 Generator frame screw (2) .................................... . 32 to 57-radio generator
30051-48 6.25 Generator fan .......... · ................... ·.................... . ·49 to 57-radio generator
30055-48 10.25 Generator fan housing ........................................ . 49 to 57-radio generator
1300 •OS Generator fan housing screw (3) ............................ . 49 to 57-radio generator
30058-48 5.90 Generator fan housing spider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-radio generator
30059-48 •60 Generator fan spacer ..................... : . .................. . 49 to 57-radio generator
30061-49 •10 Generator fan baffie plate ..................................... . 49 to 57-radio generator
2218 .OS Generator fan baffle plate screw (3) ........................... . 49 to 57-radio generator
30062-48 .&0 Generator air intake shield (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 49 to 57-radio generator
1202 .D3 Generator air intake shield screw {2) .......................... . 49 to 57-radio generator
30092-48 18.75 Generator frame .............................................. . 49 to 57-radio generator
30134-44 6.50 Generator frame end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 42 to 57.-radio generator
30138-30 •10 Drive end cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 32 to 57-radio generator
30203-32 Generator shunt field coil (Replaced by 30203-51)
30203-51 4.95 Generator field coil (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-radio generator
30207-32 4.95 Generator field coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 51-radio generator. 49-shunt
field coil also
30353-32 l.SS Negative brush holder assembly . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 50-radio generator
Consists of:
1 993 JJ2 Negative brush holder screw 30351-32 1.55 Main brush holder
2 1202 .D3 Negative brush holder screw 30367-32 .10 Negative brush holder screw nut
2 '1021 .01 Negative brush holder screw locl::
30352-32 3.00 Positive brush holder assembly . . . . . . . . 32 to 51-radio generator
Consists of:
2 993 .02 Positive terminal screw 1 30351-32 1.55 Main brush holder
2 30'228-32 .30 Field coil terminal insulation 1 30365-32 .35 Main brush holder insulation
1 30231-51 .60 Field coil terminal 2 30460-32 .25 Terminal screw with fittings

Pa:rt No. Price Each NAME




239 ""~
'~~ 31079·32
~ 31083-37
~ :":)

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


30228-32 s .30 Field coU terminal insulation ...................... _.... _....... 32 to 57-radio generator
30231-51 .&0 Field coil terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ _. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-radio generator
302'16-51 6.00 Pole shoe (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-radio generator
30280-18 .OS Pole shoe screw (4) . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-radio generator
30351-51 1.55 Brush holder (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 51 to 57-radio generator
993 .02 Brush holder screw (small) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-radio generator
1202 .03 Brush holder screw (large) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-radio generator
30365-32 .35 Brush holder insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 50-radio generator
30367-32 .10 Brush holder screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-radio generator
30373-51 ~35 Brush holder insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-radio generator
30385.32 2.10 Third brush holder ...................................... ·.... . 32 to 49-radio generator
30395-38 .40 Generator ~nd :plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 48 SO to 57-radio generator
30425-32 2.00 Set of bn:tshes & springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 50-radio generator
Consists of:
1 30427-26 .60 Small brush & spring 2 30460..32 .2S Large brush & spring
30425-51 2.20 Set of brushes & springs . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-radio generator
Consists of:
1 30427-2& .60 Small brush & spring 2 30450-SlA 1.00 La:rge brush & spring
30461-32 .so Terminal screw with fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-radio generator
Consists of:
1 6186 .05 Terminal screw insulating washer 1 30460-32 .2S Terminal screw
1 7220 .01 Terminal screw lock washer 1 30463-32 .10 TerminaJ screw bushing
2 7634 .05 Termina:l screw nut
30463-32 .10 32 to 57-radio generator
Terminal screw bushing (4} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
30853-51 38.75 Armature & winding only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
49 to 57-radio generator
30890-18 .15 Armature spacing shim-.020" ............................ :. . . . . 32 to 57-radio generator
30890-51 .15 Commutator end bearing shim (0 to 3 used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-radio generator
9005 2.40 Armature bearing (small) ...................................... · 49 to 57-radio generator
9007 2.40 Armature bearing (large) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 to 57-radio generator
6388 .05 Armature shaft plain washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-radio generator
'7789 .OS ·Armature shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 to 57-radio generator
25860..29 .25 Armature shaft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 to 57-radio generator
31010-49 4.75 Brush end bearing housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
49 to 57-radio generator
31017-29 .15 Bearing plate spring ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 to 57-radio generator
3102Q..49 .75 Inner oil retainer (brush end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
49 to 57-radio generator
3103&.32 .75 Drive end oil deflector .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 to 57-radio generator
31041..31 ..20 . Drive end felt washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 to 57-radio generator
31045-31 .25 · Drive end spring ring . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 to 57-radio generator
31073-32 5.50 Generator· drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
37 to 48, 52 to 57-radio generator
31073-48 4.90 Generator drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
49 to 51-radio generator
31078-32 3.90 Generator clutch .........................•............... :. . . . . 37 to 48, 52 to 57-radio generator
31078-48 3.90 GeneTa:tor clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
49 to Sl.;....ra.dio generator
3107&.32 .40 '37 to 57-radio generator
Generator clutch spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
31081·32 .75 Generator clutch spring collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
36 to 57-0HV, radio generator
239 .OS Generator clutch spring collar pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'37 to 57-radio generator
31083-37 2.75 37 to 48-74" & 80" sidevalves, 48 to
Generator oil slinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
57-G models, radio generator
31602-48A 18.75 Spark coil assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 56 & 57....:.Servi-cars
31605-48 21.50 Spark coil only ................................................ . 48 to 57-0HV
31607-48 35..50 Spark coil & cables complete with spark :Plug shields ........... . 48 to 57-0HV (for radio service)
31608-48 21.50 Spark coil only ............................................... . 48-sidevalves, 48 to 55--Servi-cars
31665-39 •40 Spark coil low tension terminal (2) ............•.•..... Later 39 to 57-radios
31680-27 .05 Cable washer (2) • • • . . • • • • • . . . . . • • • . • • . . . . . . . ....... . Later 39 to 57
31740-39 .25 Spark coil condenser connection st:rap ............ : ............ . Later 39 to 55--radios
31976-30A 1.00 Front spark plug cable ........................................ . 56 & 57-Servi-cars
31978-39 •10 Rear spark plug cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . Later 39 to 47, 48-sidevalves, 39 to
31980-48 .70 Rear spark plug cable ........................................ . 48 to 57-0HV
31989-39 1.00 Front spark plug cable ........................................ . Later 39 to 4.7, 48-sidevalves, 39 to
55-Serri-c:ars ·
31990-48 1.00 Front spark plug cable .... : ................................... . 48 to 57-0HV
32050.39 4.50 Front spark plug cable housing · .................. , ............ . Later 39 to 48, 48-sidevalves. '39 to
32050.56 4.15 Front spark plug cable housing ................................ . 56 & 57-Servi-ca:rs
32051-39 3.65 Rear spark plug cable housing ............................. . Later 39 to 4.7, 48--sidevalves, 39 to
32052-48 4..50 Front spark plug cable housing ................................ . 48 to 57-0HV
32053-48 3.65 Rear spark plug cable housing ___ .. _.................. _....... . 48 to 57-0HV
32070-42 4.50 Spark plug shield & insulator ..............................•.... 48 to 57-radio
32072-39 4.50 Spark plug insulator (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Later 39 to 47, 48-sidevalves, 39 to
32110-42 .25 Spark plug shield spring (2) . . . . .............................. . 48 to 57-radio

Pa:rt No. Price Eczch NAME Used On


32111-36 s .so Spark plug shield cap spring . . . . ............................. . Later 39 to 47. 48--sidevalves. 39 to
9978 •35 Spark plug shield spring clip (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . Later 39 to 57-0HV
32140-42 1.55 Spark plug shield (!ewer) ..................................... . 48 to 57-radio
32144-39 •10 Spark plug upper shield (2) ................................... . Later 39 to 47. 48-sidevalves, 39 to
32145-39 .70 Spark plug lower shield (2) Later 39 tc 47. 48-sidevalves. 39 to
55-Servi ~cars
32700-39 2.95 Low tension wire shield & dip ............................ . Later 39 tc 57-radios
32726-30 Condenser (Replaced by 32726-30A)
32726-30A .95 Condenser ................................... . 32 to 57-radio generator
2629 •03 Condenser screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 32 to 57-radio generator
32728-41 .OS Condenser insulating washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 41 to 55-radic generator
6165 .OS Condenser plain washer ....................... . 32 to 55-radic generator
7608 .02 Condenser nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 32 to 55-radio generator
7024.9-42 .45 Condenser to generator terminal strap . . . . . ..... . 46 to 55-radio generate:
70940-48 31.00 Instrument panel base complete less speedometer .. . 48 to 50-radio machines only


NOTE: (1) Parts used in all transmissions are indicated by numbers of years used-Example:-(37 to 57)
(2) Parts used in 4 Speed Transmissions only a:re indicated by-(4 Speed)
(3} Parts used in 3 Speed Transmissions & Reverse Transmissions are indicated by-(3 Speed & Reverse)
{4) Parts used in Reverse Transmissions only ar~ indicated by (Reverse)
33000--47 Four speed transmission with clutch complete (Replaced by 33000-51)
33000-51 $250.00 Four speed transmission with clutch complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 54-0HV. hand shift
33000-52 250.00 Four speed transmission with clutch ecmplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 54-.0HV, foot shift
33002-47 Three speed & reverse transmissicn with clutch (Replaced by 33002-51)
33002-51 250..00 Three speed & reverse transmission with clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 54-0HV. hand shift
33003-55 250.00 Three speed & reverse transmission with clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV, hand shift
33004-55 250.00 Four speed transmission with clutch complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV, foct shift
33005-55 250.00 Four speed transmission with clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV. hand shift
33006-47 200.00 Three speed transmission with clutch complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 52-all models



......,_ _ _ _ STARTER SPRING





Part No. Price Eccb. NAME Used Ozt.




33001-47 $215.00 Reverse transmission with clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 52-all W models
33012-47 Reverse transmission wit.~ clutch (Replaced by 33012-47 A)
33012-47A 215.00 Reverse transmission with clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57-Servi-cars
33030-41 2.45 Complete set of transmission gasket & oil seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-all W & G models
Consists of:
1 3403S-36 .10 Cam shaft oil seal. rubber 34831-39 .15 Transmission case cover rubber oil
1 34459-26 .OS Gear shifter shaft leather washer seal
1 34825-41 .40 Inspection cover gasket 3746>41 1.70 Clutch gear oil seal
I 34826-41 .40 Side cover gasket
33031-36 3.50 Complete set of transmission gasket & oil seals .......... . 37 to 57-61 ", 74", 80" twins
Consists of:
l 3307S-37 .30 Starter crank oil seal 35230-36 2.10 Oil seal. sprocket side
1 3329S..36 .25 Starter cover gasket 35231-36 .30 Main shaft oil cork washer
2 3403S-36 .10 Cam shaft oil seal (rubber) 361125-36 .15 End cap gasket
1 34459-26 .05 Shifter shaft washer (leather) 37337-36 .15 Push rod cork washer
1 34824-36 .40 Gear box cover gasket 67141..36 .IS Drive housing gasket


33051-26 $10.25 Starter crank & pedal assembly ............................ . 41 to 57-Servi-ears
33052-41 ]().25 Starter crank & pedal assembly . . . . . .......................... . 41 to 52-all W models
33058-29 5.40 Starter crank only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
33059-4i 5.40 Starter crank only ............................................. . 41 to 52-all W models
33063-36 Starter crank (Replaced by 33063-36A)
33063-36A 8.50 Starter crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
33076-37 .30 Starter crank oil seal ......................................... . Later 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
33078-44 .so Starter crank clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 44 to 52 all W models
4370 .3D Starter crank clamp bolt with nut & washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
33080..36 •40 Starter crank plain washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
Pa:rt Na. Price Each NAME Used. Oa.


(lJ 33213-31 33438-50
33396-39 ~
33393-50 ~

:;93-50 ° 33082-1 6 (i;l

33358-36 ~ i} tt--(J';--
L. 33288--37 _ j 33355-36
33350-36 8241

33195~ 332
~OO,i) ~
3319~ 33197-45
33078-44 7021
or ~~ @
7800 (133213-31
4m 7620 33190-17

• 1
~j <:933215-30

e~ ~ '1llD
~ I ~
=• 33084-41









7800 s .08 29 to 57-all W & G models

Crank bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7911 .20 Starter crank nut . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
33082-16 .10 Starter crank lock washer .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 16 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
33084-41 1.55 Starter~ spring ............................................ 41 to 57-all W & G models
33085--36 1.55 Starter crank spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
37 to 57-61'", 74" & 80" twins
33088-41 .60 Starter c:rank sl=ring stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
41 to 57-all W & G models
33090.36 .60 Starter crank sl=ring stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
33093-41 2.90 Starter crank shaft extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
33096-54 3..50 Starter C'l"CCllkshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
54 to 57-74" OHV
33101-32 1.50 Starter shaft bushing . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
33175-16 4.90 Starter pedal, complete (black} rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Later 29 to 57-all twins
33ln-16 3.00 Starter pedal, complete (yellow) plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all twins
33182-17 .35 Pedal rubber (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
29 to 57-all twins
33190.17 .50 Pedal rubber rod (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all twins
7620 .D2 Pedal rod nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
29 to 57-all twins
33192-16 2.75 Pedal axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
29 to 57-all twins
7'189 .05 Starter pedal axle nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
29 to 57-all twins
6395 .OS Pedal axle plain washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all twins
33193--45 2.75 Starter :pedal axle ..................................... , . . . . . . . Later 45 to 57-all twins
(plastic pedal)
33195-45 .20 Starter pedal axle spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 45 to 57--<:Jll twins
(plastic pedal)

Part No. Price Each NAME Uaed On


33197--45 $ .30 Starter pedal axle spring retainer........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 45 to 57-all twins
(plastic pedal)
33201-1'7 .80 Pedal axle cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all twins
33203-1'7 .60 Pedal end plate (2) . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all twins
33204-=45 .30 Starter pedal end plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 45 to 57-all twins
(plastic pedal)
33205-46 .55 Starter pedal end plate (outer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57-all twins
33210-29 .60 Pedc::d end cover ... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-<Ill twins
33211-46 .OS Starter pedal axle lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 57-all twins
33213-31 .so Pedal pin bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 30 to 57-all twins
33215-30 .20 Pedal pin washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 30 to 57-all twins
33216-46 .35 Starter pedal bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to 57-all twins
4336 .25 Pedal pin bolt . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 30 to 57-all twins

332'7'7-36 S14..7S Starter cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
33288-31 2.20 Set of starter crank bushings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
33290-38 .60 Starter cover lower bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57........01", 74" & 80" twins
33291-36 1.10 Starter cover upper hushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57........01", 74" & 80" twins
33295-36 .25 Starter cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
33298-36 .30 Starter cover stud (*~"X 1%"} (7 or 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 51.......01 ", 74'' & so·· twins
6320 .OS Starter cover stud wa:sher (9) . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. 37 to 57.......01", 74" & 80" twins
7152 .OS Starter cover nut (9) .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 37 to 57.......01", 74" & SO" twins
3335()..36 8.90 Starter crank gear-24 tooth . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . 37 to 57-61". 14" & 80'' twins
33353--36 .70 Starter gear bumper plate (in transmission case) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
1864: .OS Bumper plate screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
33355-36 .3S Starter crank gear pin .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 39 to 57--61", 74" & SO" twins
33358-36 .75 Starter crank gear cam plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
8241 .D3 Starter crank gear cam plate rivet (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
33380-32 4.25 Starter clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 57-all W & G models
33381-39 4.90 Starter clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
33390-26 .40 Starter clutch spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all W & G models
33391-36 .40 Starter clutch spring .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
33393-16 Starter clutch key (Replaced by 33393-50)
33393-50 .15 Starter clutch key (2) . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. • .. 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7911 .30 Starter clutch nut (mainshaft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--6·1", 74'' & 80" twins
33396-39 .30 Starter elutch lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
33429-39 .so Starter gear oil deflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
33430-50 5.75 Starter mainshaft gear-16 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later SO to 57-0HV
33438-50 1.20 Starter mainshaft gear hushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 50 to 57-0HV
33455.26 .20 Countershaft spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-all W & G models
33456-26 .35 Tripper bolt (2) .............................................. ·.. 29 to 57-all W & G models
33458-41 .25 Tripper holt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-all W & G models
'701 .50 'Transmission oil filler plug . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins


3$30..52 $ 5.25 Foot shift lever bracket ........................................ . 52 to 57-0HV
33638-52 1.45 Foot shift lever hushing ....................................... . 52 to 57-0HV
3364(....52 3.60 Foot shift lever cover .......................................... . 52 to 57-0HV
2336 •10 Foot shift lever cover screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-0HV
2756 .OS Foot shift lever cover to bracket screw ......................... . 52 to 57-0HV
33660-52 3.25 Foot shift lever ................................................ . 52 & 53-0HV
33660-54 3.25 Foot shift lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 54 to 57-0HV
336'75-37 us Hand shift lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 37 to 57-all twins
33'745-31 .55 Hand shift lever ball (black) . . . . . . . . ......................... . 31 to 57-all twins
33'775-3'7 .70 Hand shift lever & bracket stud ................................ . 37 to 57-all twins
33716-47 .so Hand shift lever stud .......................................... . 47 to 57-all twins
'7'752 .OS Hand shift lever stud nut ...................................... . 37 to 57-all twins
33718-47 •40 Hand shift lever stud bushing ................................. . 47 to 57-all twins
33785-47 5.60 Hand shift guide (speed) ...................................... . 47 to 52-W models
33'186-47 5.60 Hand shift guide (reverse) ................................... . 47 to 57-W & G models
-33'189-«7 5.60 Hand shift guide (4 speed) ................................... .. 47 to 57--61" & 74"
33791-47 5.60 Hand shift guide (reverse) .................................... . 47 to 57-Sl"' & 74"
3'738 .10 Hand shift guide screw (2) .................................... . 47 to 57-all twins
33851-52 2.75 Shut rod (foot shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 57-0HV
33857-51 1.20 Shift rod (hand shift) . . . . ..................................... . 51 to 57-SI•' & 74 .. OHV
Part No. Price Each NAME Uaeci O:a.



e:· §{;)
('/> 33789-47
@ ~

2349 34430..36 6220

' 'o~
2333 t9)@~-



' ~1!!1!3481!!1!1!!1!04-!!!!!!36~:::::....


/ 518
34459-26 34448-51

34824-36 I

8872 7:; ,;,~.,;.;·9. , ~.-·-.;:-~,;,;.·~,.:.;· ·~· .o;:; of f\1V\ 33390-216

34057-36 q 'f§ UYU

Ill> "; 34010-36 34036-36
3A03M6 j34050-36

6750 A 434168-39 34180..33

34179F~~.@!~~!~ ~r ~ • 34140-36 ~34s ~ ©';~soo ~©~Co/~ @S e

6752 34165-36 34050-36 34036-36 34165-36/l 67's2 34179-33
34159-36 341 58-36


61N, 74~ & 80~ TWINS

33859-41 s 2.75 Shifter rod & clevis . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . 47 to 52-W & G models

33859-52 2.75 Shifter rod & clevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-Servi--cars
3387()..36 Shifter rod end (Replaced by 33870-51)
33810-51 .9S Shifter rod end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all twins
33874-41 .15 Shifter rod clevis pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 52-W & G models
6220 .OS Shifter rod plain washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to SO-all twins. 51 & 52-
W & G models
7752 .OS Shifter rod end nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57-all twins
33874-52 .15 Shifter rod clevis pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-Servi-cars
33878-51 .25 Hand shift rod & shaft lever screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-0HV
7'138 .OS Hand shift lever screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 51-0HV
33819-36 .25 Shifter rod end bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all twins
7744 .OS Shifter rod end bolt nut (foot shift) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-0HV
7752 .OS Shifter rod end bolt nut (hand shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all twins
33960-36 3.40 Shifter gear .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. 37 to 57-61", 74" 0. 80" twins
4.2269-30 .15 Shifter rod clevis pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-0HV
33961-47 3.40 Shifter gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57-<:dl W & G models

Part No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used On

GEAR Slm'TING PARTS- Continued

34609-52 or

~ ~231,~................ ·-

-4064-52 42269-30

IIJfl_ 34066-52

3.4473-53 { \ 11 34474-53

34482-53 -\ 1 ,., 0

7\24~~ ·~~~-~
34498-52~·. I

-- --
(5) ,. 34560-52
_ .... _...
_ .... _ .... _ ........ '
~--- 5281 ~ ~
I ~ •

l _.!(i? 33390·26 ~ -
........... 34453-~2 , 34008-52

33964--SS s .25 Shifter gear retaining spring .................................. . 38 to 57-all W & G models
34008-52 13..90 Shifter cam (foot shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .52 to 57-0HV
34010-36 13.90 Shifting cam (4 speed-hand shift} ....... - .. _. _............... . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
34011-39 13.90 Shifting cam (3 speed & reverse-hand shift} .... _............. . 39 to 57-3 speed 6 re-verse--
61", 74" & 80" twins
34012-47 13.90 Shifting cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 47 to 57-all W & G models
34030-36 2.40 Shifter cam shaft (hand shift) ... _..... _. . . . ................... _ 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
34031-41 2.40 Shifter cam shaft _............. _. __ ... _ . . . . . . . . . . _. .. . ...... . 52 to 57-0HV (foot shHti. 41 to 57-
all W & G models
3403&.36 •10 Cam shaft oil seal ....... _.. _... _..... _..... _................. . 38 to 57-all twins
34050-36 .15 Cam shaft lock screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . _.... _ ............. . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
34051-38 .20 Cam shaft lock screw ..... _ ......................... _........ . 38 to 57--<:tll W & G models
34053-36 .:50 Cam plunger cap screw (hand shift) . _........................ . 40 to 57--<:tll twins
8812 .10 Gear shifter cam plunger ball (hand shift) ..................... . 40 to 57-all twins
34051-36 .20 Cam plunger ball spring (hand shift) ... _............ - .... - .... . · 40 to 57-a:ll twins
34062-52 .so Cam follower (foot shift) . _................. __ .. _............. _. 52 to 57-0HV
34064-52 •60 Cam follower retainer (foot shift) ............... _.............. . 52 to 57-0HV
34066-52 .20 Cam follower retainer washer (foot shift) ........... _......... _.. 52 to 57-0HV
341)88..52 •25 Cam follower spring (foot shift) . _..................... _- . . . . .. . 52 to 57-0HV
33391)..26 .40 Shifter shaft spring {foot shift) . . . . . . _..... . . . . . . . . . ......... . 52 to 57-0HV
34140-36 3.10 Shifting fork shaft . . . . ... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - ... . 37 to 57--61", 74" 6 80" twins
34140-41 3.10 Shifting fork shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 41 to 57-all W & G models
34158-36 1.80 Shifting fork on main shaft ..... ___ ... _. . . . . . . . . ............. - . 37 to 57--61", 74" 6 80" twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Uaecl'On

GEAR S:Emi'ING PARTS- Continued

• 33745-31

G:- ~

6220 510
33859.-47 h \
h=============;;..r- ~33961-47 C1338::-41 ~

r. 34051-38~ ~ o- oo·r~
(!J "34031-41 t 33390-26 34449-40
,..G 34036-36 ~47 ~ 33964-38 3~~-52

~J ~'"' ~ 60 c34ltr (QIJ!IS~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~p

w~ u ~

34176-41 \ 34165-36 34180-33 34140-41

t!j 6cr o·l79i
34161-41 34186-33
34161-41 34165-36


341SS..36 s 1.80 Shifting fork on countershaft (4 speed) ........................ . 40 to 57--61", 74" & SO" twins
34160-39 3.10 Shifting fork on countershaft (3 speed & reverse-hand shift) ... . 39 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
34181.-41 1.80 Shifter fork (2) . . . . . . . .........................•............. 41 to 57-all W & G models
3416>36 1.80 Shifting finger (2) . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...•..............•...... 40 to 57-all twins
34168-39 .50 Shifting finger roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 40 to 57-all twins
34175-36 1.60 Shifting fork bu;;hing (2) ..........................•.......... 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
34176-41 1.60 Shifting fork bushing (2) ...................................... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
34179-33 .30 Bushing nut {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 57-all twins
34180-33 •10 Bushing lock washer (2) ..................................... . 35 to 57-all twins
6750 •10 Shifter fork shim-.007" (1 to 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . ..•........ 35 to 57-all twins
6752 •10 Shifter fork shim-.014" (2 to 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 35 to 57-all twins
6754 •15 Shifter fork shim (%4") (2) ..........................•.•........ 37 to 57-all twins
34421-38 1.10 Shifter shaft small bushing ................................... . 38 to 57-all W & G models
34430-36 1.80 Shifter shaft bronze bushing (hand shift) ....................... . 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
34432-38 .75 Shifter shaft large bushing .................................... . 38 to 57-all W & G models
34435-52 1.90 Shifter shaft bushing (foot shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 52 to 57-0HV
34447-52 .85 Shifter shaft lever (foot shift) .................................. . 52 to 57-0HV
1760 .03 Shifter shaft lever screw (foot shift) (3) ......................... . 52 to 57-0HV
34448-51 2.75 Shifter lev~r & shaft (hand shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ·. 51 to 57-0HV
34449-40 2.75 Shifter lever & shaft ........................................... . Later 40 to 52-all W & G models
34449-52 2.75 Shifter lever & shaft ........................................... . 52 to 57-Servi-cars
34453-52 5.40 Shifter shaft (foot shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 57-0HV
34459-26 .05 Shifter shaft leatiler washer ................................... . 29 to 57-all twins
34473-53 .90 Shifter JXIWl (left) (foot shift) .................................. . 52 to 57-0HV
34474-53 .90 Shifter pawl (right) (foot shift) . . . .................... . 52 to 57-0HV
34477-52 Shifter pc:wl (front) (Replaced by 34473-53)
34478-52 Shifter pawl (rear) (Replaced by 34474-53)
34482-52 Shifter pawl spring (2) (Replaced by 34482-53)
34482-53 .15 Shifter pawl spring (foot shift) (2) ............................ . 52 to 57-0HV
34488-52 12.75 Shifter pawl carrier complete (foot shift) ....................... . 52 to 57-0HV
34498-52 .90 Pawl carrier bushing (foot shift) ............................... . 52 to 57-0HV
34500-52 •35 Pawl carrier spring (foot shift) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-0HV
34551-52 3.75 Shifter cover (foot shift) ....................................... . 52 to 57-0HV
17"15 . 10 Shifter cover screw (foot shift) ................................. . 52 to 57-0HV
1780 •10 Shifter cover screw (foot shift) (5) ............................. . 52 to 57-0HV

Part No. Pric:e Each NAME Used. On

GEAR Slm!ING PARTS- Continued

7620 $ •02 Shifter cover screw nut (foot shift) . . ......................... . 52 to 57-0HV
34552-52 .25 Shifter cover gqsket (foot shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 to 57-0HV
34555-52 •60 Cover dust shield (foot shift) ......................... _........ . 52 to 57-0HV
34560..52 2.75 Shifter adapter plate (foot shift) ............................... . 52 to 57-0HV
34565-52 •15 Adapter plate gasket (foot shift) . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 52 to 57-0HV
1369 •OS Adapter plate bracket screw (foot shift) ........................ . 52 to 57-0HV
34606-52 3.10 Shifter foot lever ................................. _............ . 52 6 53--0HV
34606-54 3.10 Shifter foot lever .................................. __ .......... . 54 to 57-0HV
34609-52 •60 Foot lever rubber ......................................... _.. . 52 to 57-0HV
3791 •10 Foot lever bolt ................................................ . 52 to 57-0HV
7752 •05 Foot lever pedal nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-0HV
34690-52 3.90 Heel lever complete . . . . . . . ............................. . 52 6 53--0HV
34690-54A Heel lever complete (Replaced by 34690-54B)
34690-50 3.90 Heel lever complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 54 to 57-0HV
34692-52 3.25 Heel lever only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6 53-0HV
34692-54 Shifter heel lever only (Replaced by 34690-54B)
34609-52 .60 Heel lever rubber ............................................. . 52 to 57-0HV
3791 •10 Heel lever bolt ................................................ . 52 to 57-0HV
7752 •OS Heel pedal nut ................................................ . 52 to 57-0HV


34700-36 $41.00 Gear box only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to
57-61", 74" & 80" twins
34702-41 39.75 Gear box only ................................................ . 41 57-all W 6 G models
375 •10 Gear box dowel pin (2) ........•............................... 36 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
34720-36 .40 Gear box vent nipple ....................................... . 37 55-61", 74" 6 SO" twins
34720-56 1.75 Gear box vent screw ......................................... . 56 6 57-0HV
34723-47 •so Gear box bottom stud (4) ...................................... . Later 47 to 57-61", 74" twins
34724-36 .40 Gear box bottom stud (oversize} ............................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
6408 .05 Bottom stud plain washer (4) .................................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7796 •08 Gear box bottom stud nut (4) .•...•............................. Later 36 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
34725-26 .so Gear box bottom stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 29 to 57-all W & G models
6490 .10 Bottom stud plain washer ...................................... . 29 to 57-all W 6 G models
7863 •15 Bottom stud nut ............................................... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
100 .2S Gear box drain plug . . . . . . . . ................................. . 37 to 57-61", 74'' 6 80" twins
703 •75 Transmission oil filler plug ................................. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
34735-36 .60 Gear box adjusting screw ..................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
34736--27 •60 Gear box adjusting screw ..................................... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
34799-52 54.50 Transmission top cover assembly complete ..................... . 52 to 57-.QHV (foot shift)
34801-51 31.50 Cover with shiiter lever, gear & cam complete ............... . 51 to 57-0HV (4 speed) (hand shift)
34803-51 31.50 Cover with shifter lever, gear & cam complete . . . . . ......... . 51 to 57-0HV (3 speed & reverse)
(hand shift)
34804-36 12..00 Gear 'box cover only .......................................... . 37 to 57--61", 74" & SO" twins
(hand shift)
34805-52 14.50 Transmission top cover only ................................... . 52 to 57--0HV (foot shift)
34813-41 1.65 Gear box top cover ........................................... . 41 to 57-all W 6 G models
34821-41 19.75 Gear box side cover ........................................... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
34824-36 •40 Gear box cover gasket ........................................ . 37 to 57--01", 74" & 80" twins
34825-41 •40 Gear box top cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
1206 .03 Cover screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 35 to 57-all W & G models
34826-41 •40 Side cover gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
2278 .OS Gear box cover screw ......................................... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
2333 .10 Gear box c9ver screw (short) (10 to 14) ........................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
2349 .15 Gear box screw (2" long) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
34831-39 •15 Transmission case cover rubber washer ........................ . 39 to 57-all W & G models
4323 .20 Support bracket bolt .......................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74'' & 80" twins
34833-38 •45 Transmission case cover oil pipe suppon bracket . . .. . 38 to 57-Servi-cars
34871-41 18.75 Sprocket cover . . . . . . . ............................. . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
34873-44 12.00 Sprocket cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 44 to 52-W models
34885-41 .70 Sprocket cover bushing (2) .................................... . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
34885-44 .70 Sprocket cover bushing (2) .................................... . 44 to 52-W models
34890-33 .40 Sprocket cover stud (2lfih.e") ................................... . 35 to 57-all W & G models
34891-33 .so Sprocket cover shoulder stud . . . . .......... . 35 to 57-all W & G models
34892-33 .so Sprocket cover shoulder stud (2) ............................... . 35 to 57-all W & G models
7752 •OS Sprocket cover nut .......................................... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
34898-41 •15 Sprocket cover pin .......................................... - .. 41 to 57-all W & G models
34900-32 1.80 Sprocket cover brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 32 to 57-Servi -cars


33458-41 <:: 33456-26



- 3l39fJ..26 .
33455-26 06) AJ:l35910.33 ...
"CC A f/35911-&
33380-32@ -~ 6
35335-33 ~
36159-41 9090

'~ (g) d\

9075 u




Part No. Price Eac:h NAME Used On


4620 $ .35 Brace bolt (2) ................................................ . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7859 .IS Brace bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
34904-32 Brace washer ... 32 to 57-Servi-cars
9851 .10 Zer.k: grease connection . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 38 to 57-all W & ,G models

35040-37 Mainshaft (Replaced by 35040-50)
35040-50 $17.75 Mainshaft only ................................................ . Later 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
35043-41 11.50 Mainshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
35046-36 .60 Mainshaft ball bearing nut & lock washer . . . . . . . . . .......... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
35050-40 .15 Mainshaft ball bearing lock washer ........................ . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
31496-41 .95 Mainshaft nut (clutch side) ................................... . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
9020 5.30 Mainshaft ball bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35065-38 18.70 Main drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Later 38 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
9084 .08 Main drive gear bearing roller (.125" x .615")-Std. (44) ......... . 37 to 57-:61", 74" & 80" twins
The above rollers supplied in oversi:z:es listed below:
9085 .OS Main drive gear bearing roller- 9086 .08 Main drive gear bearing roller-
.0004" o.s. .0008" o.s.
35094-31 1.80 Main drive gear bushing ...................................... . 31 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
3510()..36 4.20 Mainshaft ball bearing housing .............................. . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
35102-33 3.60 Outer bearing race .............. .' ............................. . 35 to 57-all W & G models
9090 .08 Mainshaft right bearing roller (.152" x %")-Std....... : ......... . 35 to 57--oll W & G models
The above rollers supplied in ovel'Sizes listed below:
9091 .08 Mainshaft right bearing roller- 9092 .OS Mainshaft· right bearing roller-
.0004" O.S. .0008" o.s.
35110-33 .40 ·Bearing thrust washer, mainshaft .............................. . 35 to 57-all W & G models
35111-36 2.10 Bearing housing retaining plate ............................... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
2333 •10 Housing retaining plate screw (14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35125-37 4.75 Outer bearing race .......................................... . Later 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
35129-36 .50 Bearing race retaining ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35130-36 •70 Roller retaining & thrust washer (on main drive gear) .......... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35159-39 •10 Main drive gear oil deflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Later 38 to 57-61". 74" & SO" twins
35171-37 2.75 Main gear spacer & key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
351'15-38 •15 Main drive gear spacer key ................................... . 38 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35203-36 5.25 Front sprocket for rear chain .................................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35211-36 .50 Sprocket lock nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
35216-36 •IS Sprocket lock nut washer ...................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35219-41 .85 Mainshaft sprocket side oil retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-all W & G models
35221-36 •90 Mo:inshaft sprocket oil seal .................................... . 36 to 57-all W & G models
31474-41 6.50 Left bearing outer race ........................................ . 41 to 57-all W & G models
3745()..41 17.50 Clutch gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
35230-36 2.10 Mainshaft oil seal (left side) ................................... . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
35231-36 .30 Mainshaft oil seal, cork washer (left side) ...................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35275-41 8.90 Mo:inshaft low gear ........................................... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
35282-36 10.50 Mainshaft low & second gear (4 speed) ........................ . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35340-33 .50 Low gear thrust washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 35 to 57-all W & G models
35284-41 9.75 Reverse gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
35286--39 10.50 Mainshaft low & reverse gear (hand shift) . . . . ....... . 39 to 57-3 speed & reverse-
61", 74" & 80" twins
35293-36 9.70 Main.Shaft second gear (hand shift) ................... . 37 to 52-3 speed & reverse-
51", 74" & 80" twins
35294-41 9.70 Second gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 41 to 56-all W & G models.
35295-56 17.90 Second gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 56-Servi-cal'S
35306-36 9.70 Mainshaft third gear (four speed) ............. . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
35316-41 1.20 Low gear bushing ............................. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
35320-41 1.20 Second gear bushing ............................ . 41 to 57-all W & G models
35322-38 1.60 Mo:inshaft second or third speed gear bushing .... . 38 to 57-0HV
35326-33 1.20 Reverse gear bushing ............................ . 33 to 57-all W & G models
35332-33 •95 Spacer collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 33 to 51-(used in place of reverse
gear on 45" twins-three speed)
35333-41 1.80 Second gear retaining bracket .................. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
3754 •10 Retaining bracket bolt . . . . . . . ...... .. .. .. . .. 35 to 57-all W & G models
35335-33 •30 Bracket bolt lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 35 to 57-all W & G models
35337~36 •30 Retaining washer spring lock ring .......................... . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
35365-36 •40 Retaining washer for mainshaft, second or third gear ........... . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
35340-33 .so Reverse gear thrust washer .................................... . 35 to 57-all W & G models
35341-41 •so Low gear end thrust washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 41 to 57-all W & G models

Part No. Price Each NAME Uaed On


3577>39 35762-39

'-------------------33031-36 SET--------------------
61'', 74" & 80" TW1NS

35344-41 $ 2.75 Set of low & second gear end thrust washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-all W & G models
Consists of:
1 35347-41 .40 Low & second gear end thrust washer 35351-41 .40 Low & second gear end thrust washer
1 35348-41 .40 Low & second. gear end thrust washer 35352-41 .40 Low & second gear end thrust washer
1 35349-41 .40 Low & second gear end thrust washer 35353-41 .40 Low & second gear end thrust washer
1 35350-41 .40 Low & second gear end thrust washer 35354-41 .40 Low & second gear end thrust washer

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


35380-41 $ 1.90 Set of mainshaft space:-s . . ......... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
The above spacer set consists of the following spacers listed below:
l 35384-41 .30 .075" 1 35388-41 .30 .098"
1 35385-41 .30 .083" l 35389-41 .30 .103"
1 35386-41 .30 .088"' 1 35390-41 .30 .108"
1 35387-41 .30 .093"' 1 :35391-41 .30 .113"
35440-3S 8.50 Shifter dutch. main:>haft Later 38 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
35441-41 '8.50 Shifter dutch. low gear 41 to 52-W & G-3 speed models
35442-41 8.50 Shifter clutch, loy; ..& ,reverse gear . 41 to 57-W & G-reverse models
3544S..41 8.50 Shifter clutch, second 0!. high 41 to SS-.--,.all W & G models,
57-Servi -cars
3S44s~ss Shifter clutch, s~cono & high (Replaced ·by 35295-56)

35612-36 $ 6.10
Countershaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 37 to 57-61", 74'.' & 80" twins
7911 Countershaft nut
•20 ........................................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
33082-16 •10
Countershaft nut lock washer . . . . .......................... . 37 to 57--61 ", 74" & 80" twins
9084 •08 Countershaft bearing roller (.125" x .615")-Std.
(44 used-22 ecch end) . . ................. . .. 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
Above rollers supplied in the oversizes listed below:
9085 .08 Coun1ershait bearing rollers- 9086 .08 Countershaft bearing rollers-
.0004" o.s. .0008" O.S.
35613-41 7.90 Countershaft .................................................. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
9075 .08 Countershaft bearing rollers, right end (.114" x *"}-Std. (24) .. . 39 to 57-all W & G models
Above rollers supplied in overmes listed below:
9076 .08 Cou.ntershaft bearing roller, 9077 .D8 Countershaft bearing roller.
right end-.0004" 0. S. right end-.0008" 0. S.
9090 .08 Countershaft bearing roller, left end (.152" x %")-Std. (19) 35 to 57-all W & G models
Above rollers supplied in the oversizes listed below:
9091 .08 Countershaft bearing roller. 9092 .08 Countershaft bearing roller.
left end-.0004" 0. S. left end-.0008" O.S.
35630-36 .60 Countershaft lock plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
35635-36 4.25 Transmission speedometer drive gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35665-36 8.50 Counters.baft shifter clutch (4 speed) .......... . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35700-36 21.00 Counten·shah gear-17 tooth (4 speed) ......................... . 37 to 57--61". 74" & 80" twins
35703-39 21.00 Countershaft gear-19 tooth (3 speed & reverse) ............... . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35709-41 21.00 Countershaft gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 41 to 57-all W & G models
35751-36 10.25 Countershaft second gear (4 speed) ........................... . 40 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
35762-39 10.25 . Countershaft low gear (3 speed & reverse) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35765-36 10.25 Countershaft low gear (4 speed) ...................... . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80'' twins
35715-39 10.25 Countershaft reverse gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 39 to 57-61"', 74" & 80" twins
35789-36 .95 Low or reverse gear bushing ......................... . 36 to 57-61" .. 74" & 80" twins
35791-36 1.20 Countershaft low or second gear bushing (4 speed) ........... . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35810-36 .40 Spring lock ring for retaining washer (4 speed) ............... . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35811-36 .so Gear retaining washer for second or low speed gear (4 speed) .. 40 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
35812-36 .so Bearing washer for low or reverse gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
35875-36 1.80 Set of countershaft gear end washers . . . . . . ................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
1 35876-36 .50 Countershaft gear end washer-.074" 35878-36 .so Countershaf: gear end washer-.082"
1 358'7'7-36 .50 Countershaft gear end washer-.078" 35879~36 .50 Countershaft gear end washer-.OBS"
35910-33 .40 Outer bearing thrust washer, left end ........... . 35 to 57-<Ill W & G models
35911-33 •40 Inner bearing thrust washer, left end ........................... . 35 to 57-all W & G models
35913-39 .40 Countershaft roller bearing end washer, right end (2) ....... . 39 to 57.....-all W & G models
35915-36 •so Countershaft gear roller thrust ·washe:-, left side ............. . 37 to 57-61", ?4" & 80" twins
35917-36 .so Countershcit roller retaining w.asher (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
35920-3& •30 Roller retaining washe::- lock ring (2) .......................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
3&025-3& .15 End cap gasket . 37 to 57--61". 74" & 80" twins
36027-36 .so Countershaft end cap ... 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
2582 .OS Countershcft end cap screw 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
36035-26 1.65 Countershcft bushing (left) . 29 to 57.....-all W & G models
36042-41 1.50 Transmission side cover countershcft bushing ....... . 41 to 57-all W & G models
36046-36 1.20 Countershcft mounting collar (starter side) ................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
3604.8-36 1.20 Countershaft mounting collar (clutch side) .. . 37 to -57-61". 74 .. & 80" twins
36140-36 5.50 Idler gear (reverse) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 37 to 57-61", 74." & 80" twins
36141-41 5.50 Idle:- gear (reverse) , ..... 4-1 to 57.....-all W & G models
36150-31 .70 Icile:- gea:- bushing (reverse) 33 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
36152-41 .70 Idler gear bushing (reverse) 41 to 57.....-all W cS G models
36158-36 l.SO Idle: gear sho.ft (reverse) 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
36159-41 1.80 ldler.gecr shcft (reverse) 41 to 57......all W & G ::nodels

Part No. Price Ecrc:h NAME Used. O:a.


~~ 7045
7789 ~v £. 33874-52
e /~

...- ~~ () 7040
~ 33860~· v;y 33870-51 @
~ / 7752 @)7752

SIDE VALVE 704.5 ~

&1004-51A Set of tanks & fittings {Replaced by 61004-SlB)

61004-51B $121.00 Set of tanks & fittings ................................. . 51 to 56-WL & G
61004-57 121.00 Set of tanks & fittings ................................. . 57-Servi-cars
61210-51A Right oil tank (Replaced by 6121 0-SlB)
61210-SlB 37.00 Right oil tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 56-WL & G
61210..57 37.00 Right oil tank . . . . ............................................ . 57-Servi-cars
61238-51A Left gas tank (Replaced by 61238-SlB)
61238-51:8 40.00 Left gas tank ................................................. . 51 to 56-WL & G
61238-57 40.00 Left gas tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
33676-47 7.20 Shifter lever R. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . ....... . 47 to 57-WL & G. 47 & 48-
74" sidevalves
33682-37 4..25 Gear shifter lever (lower) .............................. . 37 to 57-WL & G, 37 to 48--
74" & 80" sidevalves
33699-38 4..90 Gear shifter cross shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 38 to 57-WL & G
7789 .05 Cross shaft nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 38 to 57-WL & G. 37 to 48--
61", 74" & 80" twins
33788-47 8.50 Shifter guide R. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 47 to 57-WL & G (3 speed & reverse)
33854-47 2.75 Shifter rod complete ........................................... . 47 to early 52-Servi-cars
33860-47 2.75 Shifter rod and clevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 47 to early 52-WL & G
33860-52 2.75 Shifter rod and clevis ................................... . Later 52 to 57-Servi~cars
33870-36 Shifter rod end (Replaced by 33870-51)
33870-51 .95 Shifter rod end . . . . . . . ....................................... . 38 to 50. 37 to 48-61". 74" & 80"
twins, 51 to 57-WL & G
33874-41 •15 Shifter rod clevis pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 to early 52-WL & G
33874-52 .15 Shifter rod clevis pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . Later 52 to 57-Servi-cars
33879-36 .25 Shifter rod end bolt ..... : ........................... . 38 to 57-WL & G, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
7752 •OS Shifter rod end bolt nut ........................................ . 38 to 57-WL & G, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
45002-41 6.50 Brake hand lever & bracket complete . 41 to 47-61", 74" & 80" twins,
41 to 57-WL & G
Consists of:
2 1214 .10 Brake hand lever clamp screw 1 45023-41 3.00 Brake hand lever bracket
1 7691 .OS Brake hand lever bolt nut 1 45033-41 .60 Brake hand lever clamp bushing
1 512 .005 Brake hand leve-r cotter pin 1 45030..28 .60 Brake hand lever clamp
1 6543 .10 Brake hand lever bushing washer 1. 45031-41 .40 Brake hand lever pivot screw
1 45017-41 3.25 Brake hand lever

36751-41 $62.50 Clutch complete .................................... . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
36752-41 59.50 Clutch complete ......... . 41 to 57-W & G models


36810-36 $13.40 Clutch foot lever & bracket complete .............. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
36811-41 7.25 Clutch foot lever . . . ......... . 41 to 57-61", 74" & '80" twins
36812-38 6.75 Clutch foot lever . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 47 to 52-W models

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On.

CLUTCH FOOT LEVER AND PARTS ... ~ Continued . . -

® .f)7.9S4

" ' , ........
1:\ d .'..o.... .

Q~~~~0 ~ lI ~..___

37.482-41 : : : : 37477-41 35-4-,----'

- '9'oS4- 373.54-41 37077-44
- :) 0 0 0 37568-41 t
:: g:
•o. ~~~ '
.. ~··... OOo 00

I 0 Q 0 Q
••• Q 0

gg: o0
0 • 0 0 37581-47
:::g @c(l)
:::: e
•••• ;:::: _2...1!l.l
3758441 3757444

37460-4 1 37551..C.1


CLUTCH PARTS-1941 TO 1952-45"' TWINS, 1953 TO 1951-SERVI-CARS

0 .

36813-47 Clutch foot lever (Replaced by 36813-47A)

36813-47A $ 6.75 Clutch foot lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 47 to S7~Servi-cars
36830~36 1.70 37 .to 57-61", 7-4" & 80" twins
Foot lever bearing cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
36832-38 1.70 Foot lever bearing cover ..................................... . 4.7 to 52-W models
2762 .05 Cover fastening bolt ................................... . 37 to ·57-all twins
7.691 .OS Fastening bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 37 to 57-all twins
36842-41 Foot lever bracket ............................................. . 41 ·to 57:-01'', 74" & SO" twins
3685'1-36 •so Foot lever bracket bushing . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 36 to Si-all twins e.xcept
47 to 54-Servi-cars
36871-40 •40 Foot lever bracket spring stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-all twins except
47 to 54-Servi-cars
u~ed: on··


36880-36 $ .so Foot lever spring ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57-all twins. except
-47 to 54-Servi-cars
36882-47 •so Foot lever spring . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57-Servi-cars
36886-41 •so Foot lever pin ....·............ . 41 to 57-61" & 74" twins
36888-38 .50 Foot lever pin ................ . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 52-W models. 38 tc 46-
G models
6320 •OS Foot lever pin washer . . . ... . ........... . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twi~s
36895-36 •60 Foot lever bracket friction disc . . . .................... . 47 to 52-W models·
36897-36 •40 Foot lever friction disc (moulded) .............................. . 47 to 52-W models
36899-41 .40 Foot lever friction disc (moulded) .............................. . 41 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
36901-36 .70 Foot lever friction disc (steel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 47 to 52-W models
36903-47 .70 Foot lever bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 47 to 57-Servi-cars
36906-36 .so Lever friction spring washers (2) ............................... . 38 to 57--all twins. except
4.7 to 54--Servi-cars
36908-36 .so Friction spring washer .disc ....................... . 38 to 52-W models
36909-36 •20 Foot lever shaft lock. washer .................... . 38 to 52-W models, 38 to 46-
G models, 53 to 57-74 .. OHV
36913-41 .35 Foot lever shaft washer ........................ . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7984 .20 Foot lever shaft nut ............................. . 36 to 57-all twins
36916-36 .90 Clutch lever rod end ............................ . 47 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
36917-36 .90 Clutch lever rod ................................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
36918-52 .90 Clutch lever rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 52 to 57-0HV
7634 .OS Clutch lever rod nut . . . . . . . . .................. . 47 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7638 .OS Clutch pull lever rod end nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 52 to 51-0HV
36921-52 .25 Clutch lever rod bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 52 to 57-0HV
36975-41 Clutch :-elease cable & tube complete ......... . 41 to 57-W & G models
36983-41 .OS Clutch release cable felt washer (2) ........... . 41 to 57-W & G models
4000 •15 Cable bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 to 57-W & G models
1121 •10 Clutch lever rod bolt nut ............................ . ... 52 to 57-0HV
1152 .OS Cable bracket bolt nut (2) ............................ . 41 to 57-W & G models
36993-47 •90 Clutch release cable clevis .......................... . 47 to 57-W & G models


33290-38 $ .60 Release lever stud bushing (lower) ..................... . 38 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
33291-36 1.10 Release lever stud bushing {upper) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61''. 74'' & 80" twins
37051-36 7.25 Clutch release lever ..................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" 0. 80" twi:1s
37052-41 5.50 Clutch release lever .................................... . 41 to 57--Servi-cars
37052-44 5.50 Clutch release lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 44 to 52-W models
37067-41 .25 Clutch release lever grease nipple ...................... . 41 to 57-W & G models
37070-39 2.20 Clutch release finger .......................................... . 39 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twin:=:
6442 .OS Clutch release finger washer .................................. . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
3'7074-38 3.40 Release lever stud (finger shaft) ............................... . 38 to 57-61", 74" & so·· twins
6320 .OS Lever stud retaining washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
783S .10 Lever stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twir.;;:
37076-41 •30 Clutt:h release lever screw (2) ................................. . 41 to 57-Servi·cars
37077-44 •40 Clutch release lever screw (2) ................................ . 44 to 52-W models
2663 Jl3 Clutch release lever screw (2) ................................. . 44 to 52-W models
37080-41 •IS Release lever sc:rew lock washer (2) ........................... . 41 to 57-Servi·cars
37081-44 .15 Release lever lock plate . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 44 to 52-W models
37084-41 .10 Release lever spring washer .................................. . 41 to 57-W & G models


37285-38 s 2.20 Clutch push rod .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . 38 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
31287-41 4.50 Clutch push rod ................................................ 41 to 57-W & G models
37310-39 8.40 Push rod bearing complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
37335-41 1.10 Set of push rod oil seal parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-W & G models
Consists of:
1 6245 .OS Push rod plain washer 1 31345-42 .30 on seal retainer
1 31338-42 .15 Push rod oil seal (~,;'') l 37347-42 .30 Oil seal spring
1 31339--42 .15 Push rod oil seal (1%«i') 1 37352-42 .30 Push roci guide
37337-36 •15 Push rod c'.:>r k oil seal ......................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
37348-41 .20 Push rod oil seal spring . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
6402 •OS Oil seal spring plain washer (2) ............................... . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
37354-41 .IS Push rod guide spring ring ................................... . 41 to 57-W & G models
37357-41 .45 Push rod adjusting screw . . ..... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
37358-41 .45 Push rod adjusting screw ........................ . 41 to 57-W & G models
37361-41 •30 Push rod adjusting screw nut ..................... . 41 to 57-all twins
37450-41 17.50 Clutch gear .............................................. . 41 to 57-W & G models
37458-41 1.60 Clutch gear bushing ........................................ . 41 to 57-W & G models
37460-41 1.20 Clutch gear nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 41 to 57-W & G models
37462-41 .25 Clutch gear nut lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-W & G models

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On





n .

u 8227
38025..41 SET
37855-41 SET

•CLUTCH PARTS 1941 TO 1957 61" 74" & 80' TWINS;

31465-41 S 1.70
Clutch gear oil seal ........................................... . 41 to 57-W & G :nodels
37467-41 1.00
Thrust bearing complete ................... : . ................. . 41 to 57-W 6 G models
37474.41 6.50
Clutch gear roller bearing race ............................... . 41 to 57-W 6 G models
9084 .08 Clutch gear roller bearing (.125 x .615")-Std. (40) .............. . 41 to 57-W & G·models
Above bearing supplied in oversizes listed below:
9085 .08 Clutch gear roller bearing- 9086 .08 Clutch gear roller bearing-
.0004" o.s. .0008 .. o.s.
37477.41 3.10 Thrust bearing race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 41 to 57-W 6 G models
37480-41 .50 Clutch gear roller bearing thrust washer ....................... . 41 to 57-W 6· G models
37482-41 .50 Clutch gear roller bearing retainer washer . . .................. . 41 to 57-W 6 G models
37496-41 .95 Clutch lock nut (on main shaft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 41 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
Part No. Price Ea:c:h NAME Used. On


3'7498--41 Push rod oil seal spring ring (ReplaC'ed by 37498-:41A)
37498~41A s .25 Push rod oil seal spring ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
37503~41 .25 Clutch nut lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
3'7523-15 .20 Clutch key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
3'7550-41 19.00 Clutch hub assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
37551-41 19.00 Clutch hub assembly .......................................... 41 to 57-W & G models
8856 .03 Clutch hub ball bearing (%2") (36) .... .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. 41 to 57-all twins
37567-41 1.80 Clutch hub ball bearing retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
37568--41 1.80 Clutch hub ball bearing retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-W & G models
37574-44 .20 Clutch hub bearing plate spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 to 57-all twins
37576-41 .95 Clutch hub bearing plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
37577-41 .95 Clutch hub bearing plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-W & G models
37581-47 .20 Clutch drive hub stud nut (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57-all twins
37583-41 .65 Clutch drive hub stud (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
37584-41 .65 Clutch drive hub stud (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. ..... . .. . . 41 to 57-W & G models
37585~41 .so Clutch hub pin (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
37586-41 .so Clutch drive hub pin (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-W & G models
37695-41 23.00 Clutch sprocket & key ring complete-59 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-W & G models
37703-41 23.00 Clutch shell & sprocket complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins

37850-41 $13.30 Set of lined dutch discs . 41 to SZ.-61". 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
10 8227 .03 Hub friction disc lining rivets 3 37930-41 3.10 Clutch friction disc
1 3'7590-41 .95 Hub f:-iction disc lining 1 3795()...41 3.10 Outer disc & lining spring
37851-41 10.25 Set of lined clutch discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-W & G models
Consists of:
7 8227 .03 Clutch friction disc lining rivets 2 37931-41 3.10 Clutch friction disc
l 37862-41 ..95 Clutch friction disc lining 1 37952-41 3.10 Outer spring disc
37854-41 6.60 Set of clutch linings & rivets ............................. . 41 to 57-W & G models
Consists of:
8 8226 .03 Clutch friction disc linir..g rivet 16 8232 .03 Clutch friction disc lining rivet
9 8227 .03 Clutch friction disc lining rivet 6 37862-41 .95 Clutch friction disc lining
37855-41 7.25 Set of clutch linings & rivets ............................. . 41 to 57-61··. 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
8 8226 .03 Sprung disc lining rivet$ 1 3759()..41 .95 Clutch friction disc lining
9 8227 .03 Clutch hub lining rivets 7 37860-41 .95 Clutch friction disc lining
23 8232 .03 Clutch friction disc lining rivets
37871-41 5.50 Clutch releasing disc .......................................... . 41 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
37873-41 Clutch releasing disc .......................................... . 41 to 57-W & G models
37954-46 3.10 Clutch cushion plate .......................................... . 47 to 52-W & G models
37975-41 2.40 Clutch steel drive disc (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 to 57-61:', 74" & 80" twins
37977-41 2.20 Clutch steel disc (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 41 to 57-W & G models
38010-41 1.65 Clutch pressure plate ........................................ . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
38011-41 1.65 Clutch pressure plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 41 to 57-W & G models
38025-41 .95 Set of 2 drive disc buffers complete ....................... ·..... . 41 to 57-all twins
38075-41 2.00 Set of clutch springs . . . . . ................................... . 41 to 57-all twins
Consists of:
10 38017-41 .25 Clutch springs
7760 .07 Clutch spring guide stud nut (3) ....................... , ....... . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
8226 •03 Sprung disc lining rivet .......................... . 41 to 57-W & G models
8227 •03 Clutch hub lining rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 41 to 57-W & G models
8232 •03 Center friction disc rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 41 to 57-W & G models


38456-52 $10.50 Clutch booster bracket ........................................ . 52 to 57-0HV
2772 •OS Clutch booster bracket adjusting screw ....................... . 52 to 57-0HV
76'75 •OS Clutch booster bracket adjusting screw nut . . . . . . . . ...... .. 52·to 57-0HV
38460...52 •so Clutch booster bracket "U" bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 to 57-0HV
6388 •OS Clutch booster "'U" bolt plain washer (2) ........ ·. . . ..... . 52 to 57-0HV
77'75 •15 Clutch booster bracket "U" bolt nut (2) ........................ . 52 to 57-0HV
38475-52 3.10 Clutch booster bell crank ......................... . 52 to 57-0HV
2751 •10 Clutch booster bell crank screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 to 57-0HV
38485-52 1.20 Clutch booster bell crank shaft . . . . . . . . . ................... . 52 to 57-0HV
6400 •OS Clutch booster bell crank shaft washer ......................... . 52 to 57-0HV
7715 •15 Clutch booster bell crank shaft nut . . . . ....................... . 52 to 57-0HV
38488--52 •40 Clutch booster bell crank pin ...................... . 52 to 57-0HV
38491-52 •50 C!utch booster bell crank stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 52 to 57-0HV
38495-52 •75 Clutch booster spring cover .. 52 to 57-0HV

Pcr:rt No. Price Each NAME Used On



38491-52 7775

38505-52 6400
\Y' ...
38"'18-52 r- A
• ~~
e •
7775 ~
I~-·· 38460-52
~ 38674-52

38495-52 I I
~ 7744

~ 36921-52
', . 36916-36 f.!)7638

138502-52 ,36918-52

38498-52 $ 1.20 Clutch booster spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 52 to 57-0HV
38502...52 .75 Clutch booster spring eyebolt ...................... . 52 to 57-0HV
7744 .05 Clutch booster spring eyebolt nut (2) .......................... . 52 to 57-0HV
38505-52 .80 Clutch booster bearing (2) .................................... . 52 to 57-0HV
38605-52 11.50 Clutch hand lever & cable complete (Speedster) ............... . 52 to 57-0HV
38606-52 11.50 Clutch hand lever & cable complete (Long bars) ............... . 52 to 57-0HV
38010-52 1.80 Clutch control· coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 52 to 57-0HV
38616-52 4.25 Clutch control coil complete with fittings (Speedster) ........... . 52 to 57-0HV
38618-52 4.25 Clutch control coil assembly complete (Long bars) . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 to 57-0HV
38629-52 1.20 Clutch controi cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57-0HV
36712-42 •15 Control wire end . . . . . . . . .................................. . 52 to 57-0HV
38666-52 .30 Clutch control clevis ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 52 to 57-0HV
38669-52 .45 Clutch control coil clevis ...................................... . 52 to 57-0HV
38674-52 .65 Clutch cable adjusting screw .................................. . 52 to 57-0HV
7744 .OS Clutch cable adjusting screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 57-0HV


40006--29 s 9.70 Front chain, 100 links .......................................... . '29 to 52-all W mocieis
40007-36 15.00 Front chain, 82 links (solo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
40009-36 14..50 Front chain, 80 links (sidecar) ................................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
40011-38 8.70 Front chain, 96 links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 38 to 57-Servi·ccrs
40028-15 12.80 Rear chain %" x '%" (63%,") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 57-all twins
40053-15 .30 Connecting link (rear chain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 15 to 57-all twins
40054-29 .so Connecting link (front chain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 29 to 56--all W 6 G models
40055-39 .55 Connecting link (front chain) . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . Later 39 to 57-61''. 74" & 80" twins
40066-12 .OS Connecting link spring (rear chain) ........................... . 12 to 57-all twins
40067-29 •OS Connecting link spring (front chain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 29 to 57--all W & G mociels
40070-28 •OS Connecting link spring (front chain) . . . . .... . 30 to 57-61". 74" 6 8C" twins
40017-15 .20 Roller block (rear chain) . . . . . . ...................... . 15 to 57-all twins
40080-29 .20 RoHer block (front chain) . . . . ..................... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
40081-39 .20 Roller block (front chain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Later 39 to 57-61 ". 74" & 80" twins
40092-15 .80 Offset link (rear chain) . . . . . . . . . ... ...... .. . . 15 to 57-all twins
40094-15 .so Double repair link (rear chain) . . . . ...................... . 15 to 57-all twins
40097-29 1.30 Double repair link (front chain) ......... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
40098-39 1.35 Double repair link (front chain) . . . . . .................. . Late:- 39 to 57-61'". 74'" & 80'" twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Uaed On


40005-29 s 9.70 Front chain, 100 links . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 29 to 52-all W models
40008-36 15.00 Front chain, 82 links (solo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
40010-36 14.50 Front chain, 80 links (sidecar) .................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
40012-38 8.70 Front chain, 96 links ........................................... . 38 to 57--Servi-cc::rs
40029-15 12.80 Rear chain %" x %" pitch (63%" long) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 57 -all twins
40052-15 •30 Connecting link (rear chain) ...................... . 15 to 57-all twins
40055-29 .50 Connecting link (front chain) ........................ . 37 to 57-all W & G models
40056-30 .ss Connecting link (front chain) .................................. . 30 to 57-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
40066-12 .OS Connecting link spring (rear chain) ...................... . lZ to 57-all twins
40068-29 •05 Connecting link spring (front chain) . . ............. . 37 to 57-all W & G models
40069-30 •OS Connecting link spring (front chain) ........ . 30 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
40076-15 .20 Roller block (rear chain) ............................ . !5 to 57-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
40078-30 .20 Roller block (front chain) . . ........................ . 30 to 57-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
40079-29 .20 Roller block (front chain) . . . . . . ............. . 37 to 57-all W & G models
40091-15 .80 Offset repair link (rear chain) ..... . 15 to 57-all twins
40093-15 .80 Double repair link (rec::r chain) .. ... 15 to 57-all twins
40095-30 1.35 Double repair link (front chain) 30 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
40096-29 1.30 Double repai!' link (front chain) .. 37 to 57-all W & G models

40204-30 s 5.75 17 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 30 to Si.-=61", 74" & 80" twins
40205-30 5.75 18 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 30 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
40206-30 5.75 19 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 30 to 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
40206-55 5.75 19 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . ............ . 55 to 57-74" OHV
40208-30 5.75 21 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 30 to 54-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
40208-55 5.75 21 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . , .................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
40209-30 5.75 22 tooth motor sprocket ................................. . 30 to 54-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
40209-55 5.75 22 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
40210-30 5.75 23 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 54-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
40210-55 5.75 23 tooth motor sprocket ................................. . 55 to 57-74" OHV
40211-30 6.00 24 tooth motor sprocket ........... . 30 to 54-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
40211-55 6.00 24 tooth motor sprocket . ... ... .. .. . .......... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
40225-29 5.50 17 tooth motor sprocket . .. .. ... . . .. .. . . .. . .. 29 to 52-W models
40230-29 5.50 22 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 29 to 57-W 6: G models
40232-29 5.50 24 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 29 to 52-W models
40234-29 5.50 26 tooth motor sprocket . . ..................................... . 29 to 52-W models
40235-29 27 tooth motor sprocket . . ..................... . 29 to 52-W models
40237-29 5.50 29 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 29 to 52-W models
40238-29 5.15 30 tooth motor sprocket . . . .... .... .. .. . . 29 to 52-W models
40240-29 5.75 32 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 52-W models
40241-29 5.75 33 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . .. 29 to 52-W models
40242-35 5.15 34 tooth motor sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 35 to 51-WLDR (special)
23985-12 .20 Motor sprocket key ............................................ . 12 to 57--all W 6: G models
7991 .30 Motor sprocket nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 29 to 57-all W & G models
24003-30 .so Motor sprocket nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 30 to 54-61" 74" 6: 80" twins
24003-SS .so Motor sprocket nut ............................................ . 55 to 57-74" OHV
35203-36 5.25 Countershaft sprocket for rear chain-22 tooth .................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6: 80" twins
35204-41 5.25 Main.shaft sprocket for rear chain-17 tooth .................... . 41 to 57-all W 6: G models
35195-26 .20 Mainshaft sprocket key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 29 to 57-all W & G models

.. . ..... " ...........


35203-36 ~
........... ~~ 40053-15
35204-41 .f ·r.t\\ ~ ~ 35211-30
~ '\''tl ~ 35216-36

1 ·~l

37703-41 ~ ~ ~ ~
40066-12 40077.15 40092-15 40094-15
e {:3 ~
40~7-29 40080..29 40054-29 40097-29 41470-30
or or or or or
40070..28 40081-39 40055-39 40098-39 CHAINS & SPROCKETS 41474-3.5
Part No. Price Each NAME Used O:z:a.

SPROCKETS- Continued
35211-36 $ .so Countershaft sprocket lock nut ................................. . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
35216-26 .15 Mainshaft sprocket nut lock washer ............................ . 29 to 57--cil W & G models
35216-36 .15 Countershaft sprocket lock nut washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
8010 .35 Mainshaft sprocket nut ........................................ . 41 to 57--crll W & G models
37695-41 23.00 Clutch sprocket with key ring & shell-59 tooth .............. . 41 to 57-all W & G models
37703-41 23.00 Clutch sprocket with key ring & shell-37 tooth ................ . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
41470-30 9.90 Rear wheel sprocket kit ....................................... . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
8485 •02 Rear wheel sprocket rivet .................................... . 30 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
41420-30 1.55 Rear wheel sprocket splash ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 30 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
414'74-35 8.35 Rear wheel sprocket kit . . . . . . . .. .. .. ... . . ........ . 35 to 52-W models
18 8496 .02 Rear wheel sprocket rivets 6 41485-30 .15 Rear wheel sprocket dowel pin
1 41421-35 1.55 Rear brake shell splash ring




40281-54 40275-55
40283-54 40280-55A



40275--55 Compensating sprocket only (Replaced by 40275-SSA)

40275-SSA s 9.75 Compensating sprocket only-24 tooth ......................... . 55 to 57-0HV
40277-SSA 24.00 Compensating sprocket kit-24 tooth ........................... . 55 to 57-0HV
40278-SSA 24.00 Compensating sproc;ket kit-23 tooth ........................... . 55 to 57-0HV
40279--SSA 24.00 Compensating sprocket kit-22 tooth ........................... . 55 to 57-0HV
40280-54 22.00 Compensating sprocket kit-22 tooth . . ........................ . 38 to 54-0HV
40280-SSA 9.75 Compensating sprocket kit-?.2 tooth ........................... . 55 to 57-0HV
40281-54 9.75 Compensating sprocket kit-22 tooth . . . . . . .............. . 38 to 54-0HV
40282-54 22.00 Compensating sproc;ket kit-23 tooth ........................... . 38 to 54-0HV
40282-SSA 9.75 Compensating sprocket kit-23 tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 55 to 57-0HV
40283-54 9.75 Compensating sprocket kit-23 tooth ................ . 38 to 54-0HV
40292-SSA 10.50 Sliding cam & shaft extension . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-0HV
40296-54 19.50 Sliding cam & shaft extension ..... 38 to 54-0HV
40298-54 Sliding cam (Replaced by 40296·54)
40302-54 2.40 Sprocket spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 to 54-0HV
40302-55 2.40 Sprocket spring .................... . 55 to 57-0HV
40328-54 •25 Compensating sprocket "0" ring (rubber) .... 38 to 54-0HV

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


40375-54 Sproeket shaft extension (Replaeed by 40296-54)
40385-54 $ 2.45 Sproeket shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 38 to 54-0HV
40385-55 2.75 Sproeket shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 55 to 57-0HV
40390-54 •30 Compensating sproeket shaft key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 38 to 57-0HV
60650-54 •40 Chcinguc::rrd plug ............................................. . 38 to 57-0HV


41400-37 $32.50 Reat brake shell & sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
41401-37 19.50 Rear brake shell & hub (less sprocket) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 !o 57-61 ", 74" & so·· twins
41401-41 24.20 Brake shell & sprocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 52-W models
41402-41 19.75 Brake shell {less sproeket) . .. ... .... .. .. .... . .. 41 to 52-W models
8496 .02 Brake shell rivet (18) . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..... .... 35 to 52-W models
41420-30 1.55 Brake shell splash ring . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . .. ...... .. .. . 37 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
41421-35 1.55 Brake shell splash ring ............................... , . . . . . 35 to 52-W :::-:odels
41425-37 .30 Brake shell dowel pin (5) . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
41551-41 7.25 Rear axle . .. . .. .. .... .. .. .. ... 41 to 52-W models
41552-36 7.25 Rear c:xle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
41575-30 .60 Rear axle cdiusting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... ............. . 30 to 52-W :models
41576-36 .60 Recr axle adjusting serew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7752 .05 Adjusting serew nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 52-W models
7789 .OS Adjusting screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
41593-38 .70 Rear axle spacer (left or right side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 52-W :models
41595-36 .90 Rear axle spaeer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
41596-30 .so Rear axle sleeve collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & so·· tw~':"lS
41598-35 .so Rec::- axle spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 52-W mociels
41600-36 3.10 Rec:r axle sleeve !...:lt side . ... .... . . ......... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twi::'ls
8095 .40 Rear axle sleeve nut . . . .. . .. .. .... ...... ... 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
7905 .15 Rear axle nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 52-W mociels
7980 .30 Recr axle nut .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
41603-32 .30 Rear axle nut loek washer ................ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twi::"!$
41603-35 .45 Rear axle nut lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ... 35 to 52-W models
41646-37 31.00 Rear brake assembly complete . . . . . . . . .. . .... 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 8C" twins
41647-41 31.00 Rear brake assembly eomplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 52-W models
41650-37 10.50 Brake side eover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61'·, 74" & 82" :w1::1.s
41652-37 10.50 Brake side cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 52-W model:;
41670-35 2.40 Rear brake oper .ting shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 52-W models
41671-37 2.40 Rear brake opt; :ating shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 88" twins
41685-37 .90 Brake operatin·~ shaft bushing . . . . . . . . . . . Later 37 to 57-61". 74" & 8C" twins
4i691-31 .20 Brake operafr.g shaft spring washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 82" twins
41692-36 .10 Brake ope:r ~·'ng shaft spring washer . . . . .. . ......... 35 to 52-W models
7789 .OS Brake op~ ·ating shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 52-W models. 37 !o 57-
61", 74" & SO" twi::J.S
41716-35 •60 Rear brake anchor stud ....................................... . 35 to 52-W models
7793 •05 Recr arm anchor stud nut .................................... . 35 to 52-W mocie ls
41718-4i 3.90 Rear axle sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 41 to 52-W models
8056 •50 Rear axle sleeve nut .......................................... . 35 to 52-W models
41805-38 14.50 Set of brake shoes & linings ................................... . Later 38 to 57-61". 7~" & SC" twins
41806-41 13.20 Set of brc:ke shoes & linings ........................... . 41 to 52-W models
Consists of:
1 41801-41 6.50 Brake shoe & lining (upper) 2 44486·28 .so Brake shoe sprir:g
1 41803-41 6.50 Brake shoe & lining (lower)
44484-35 .so Brake shoe spring (2) ............................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" :S. 8~" ~wi:1s
(front), 37 to 57-sl::ieccrs
44486-28 •so Brake shoe spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 35 to 52-W models
41835-30 •so Brake shoe (lower) ................................... . Later 38 to 57-61". 7t.." C. 80" twins
41841-31 •02 Brake lining rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 31 to 57--all rnodeis. excep:
Servi-ears (rear)
41848-38 3.25 Set of rear brake linings & rivets ............................... . Later 38 to 57-61"'. 74·· 6 SC" twins
41849-41 3.25 Set brake linings & rivets ..................................... . 41 to 52-W models
41870-38 •40 Brake shoe cup (outside} ................................... . Later 38 to 57-61"'. 74" & 88" twins
41872-38 •40 Brake shoe cup (inside) ....................................... . La.ter 38 to 57-61". 74" 6 80" twins
41875-38 1.10 Brake shoe pivot stud . . . . .. .. ... .. Later 38 to 57-6!''. 74'' & 80" twins
41876-41 1.10 Brake shoe pivot stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 41 to 52-W models
44475-35 .60 Brake shoe pivot stud plate .................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 8C" twins
44476-35 •60 Brake shoe pivot stud plate (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 35 to 52-W models
7835 •10 Brake shoe p1vot stud nut ................................ . 35 to 52-W models
7905 .15 Brake shoe pivot stud nut .............................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
41925-41 2.75 Brake operating lever ................. . 41 to 52-W models
41929-36 !.55 Brake operating lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" ~wins
7789 .OS Brake Ol'erating lever nut 37 to 57-Sl", 74" & 80" twins
42257-36 1.10 Rear brake rod 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins



41848-38 SET

41872-38 ~

4180,5..38 534t
41870-38 ~
SET 41835-30


61'',74•• & 80H TWINS

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


528 <:JfP 528 .?' 528 -tP
0 42273-30 7752 63106 6310® 6310®
~ 27 t
(/2) 41692-36
II .Jin ry

41925-41 \42269-30
~ 42330-39
@ 41692-36
7789 7045

41652-37 41647-41 41849-41

..;m c;;(J
-=o Clil) . . .
4IIIQ =o
- c.O c:o
.., c:::u ceo
~ c:;;;;Q
c:tt! c:=o
Cll(l oCIIIi8 c:::o
C::0 cO CID
-u c;:Q
41402-41 43530-35
41401-41 8496 41421-35


42258-35 $ 1.10 Rear brake rod ............................................... . 35 to 52-W models
7152 .OS Rear .brake rod nut ............................................ . 35 to 52-W models, 37 to 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
42269-30 •15 Rea! brake rod clevis :pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 35 to 52-W models, 37 to 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
41692-36 •10 Rear brake rod clevis pin washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 35 to 52-W models, 37 to 57-
61", 74" .& 80" twins
42273-30 1.80 Rear brake rod clevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 35 to 52-W models, 37 to 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
6310 .05 Rear .brake rod washer ....................................... . 35 to 52-W models, 37 to 57-
61", 74." & 80" twins
6220 .05 Rear brake rod clevis pin :plain washer ........................ . 35 to 52-W models. 37 to 57-
61", 74." & so·· twins'
42280-35 1.50 Brake rod lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 37 to 57-all models, except
42284-35 •60 Brake rod lock stud with wing nut ...................... . 37 to 57-all models, except
42326-37 .95 Foot pedal brake rod (front) ................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
42330-39 .95 Foot pedal brake rod with fittings ........................... . 39 to 52-W models
42333-30 1.00 Foot pedal brake rod clevis (short) ............................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
42401--39 4.10 Foot brake lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 39 to 52-W r.r.odels, 41 to 57-
42402-36 4.10 Foot brake lever ...... .... . .. 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
42427-26 •55 Foot brake lever spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 30 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
6520 •10 Brake lever stud plain washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
7831 •10 Brake lever stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
42480-36 3.00 Foot brake lever bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
42550-31 3.65 Brake crossover shaft ............................. . 31 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
47755-31 .10 Crossover shaft bushing {2) . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 31 to 57-61 •·. 74" & 80" twins
42556-36 1.10 Brake shaft iever (left) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
42560-37 1.10 Brake shaft !ever (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 37 to 57-61'', 74" 0. 80" twins
42566-35 3.60 Brake crossover shaft lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 35 to 52-W models
7863 .15 Brake shaft lever nut (2) ..... 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
42575-30 .15 Brake shaft ::l.Ut leek washer (2) 37 to 57-61", 74" 0. 80" twi!"l.s

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


43004-35 $ 9.60 Rim (18") 35 to 52-W rear, 35 to 50-G rear,
41 to 57-G front 37 to 57-61 '',
74" & 80" front & reo:r
Above rim supplied in chrome under number listed below:
4300~35 14.25 Rim (18") drop center (chrome)
43006--40 9.60 Rim (16") - ... - ...... - .. - ........ - .... - ......... ., ............. . 40 to 52-W rear, 40 to 50-G rear.
41 to 57-G front, 40 to 57-61",
74" & 80" front & rear
Above rim supplied in chrome under number listed below:
43007-40 14.25 Rim (16") drop center (chrome)
43008-40 9.60 Front rim (16") . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 40-W & G models, 41 to 52-
W models
Above rim supplied in chrome under number listed below:
43009-40 14.25 Rim (16") (chrome)
43003-30 14.25 Front rim (18") (chrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 52-W Models, 32 to 40-
G models
43029-30 9.00 Complete set of spokes 6 nipples (for 18" front wheel) . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 52-W models, 32 to 40-
G mode 1"
Consists of:
20 43027-30 .14 Spokes (8%") 40 43098-16 .07 Nipples
20 43028-30 .14 Spokes (51~J.e")
43030-36 9.00 Complete set of spokes & nipples (for 18" wheel) . . . . . . . ..... . 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
6 45" rear
Consists of:
40 43031-36 .20 Spokes 40 43099-29 .08 Nipples
43033-40 11.00 Complete set of spokes & nipples {for 16" wheel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 52-W models, rear, 40 to 51-
Servi-cars, front & rear, 40 to 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
40 43032-40 .20 Spokes 40 43099-29 .08 Nipples
43036-40 9.00 Complete set of spokes 6 nipples (for 16" front wheel) . . . . . . . . . . . 40-W & G models, 41 to 52-
W models. 41 to 52-45" Solo
Consists of:
20 43034-40 .15 Spokes (4llA_-t") 40 43097-35 .08 Nipples
20 43035-40 .15 Spokes (6'1;8")


.41551-41 .41593-38
a t@
or or or 7905
435.40-36A CPT .41552-36 .4
1595 _36 .41603-35 or

A @a
7923 7980
7752 .43872-36 .43884-36 t l
6591 53.4

(e. t I

.40981-40 ~ .43006-40

NOTE: For front and rear 37 to 57-61", 74" and 80" twins. 37 to 52-W models, rear, 41 to 57-Servi-c:c:::rs, front. 37 to 57-Sidecars.
40978-36 $61.00 Wheel (black). less axle & brake ( 18" x 4") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See note above
Above wheel supplied with chrome rim under number listed below:
40981-36 67.00 Spare wheel complete less tire (chrome rim)

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


40981-40 563.00 Wheel (black). less axle & brake (16" x 5") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See note above
Above wheel supplied with chrome rim under the number listed below:
40982-40 67.00 Spare wheel complete less tire-(chrome rim)
43530-35 .45 Wheel mounting socket screw (5 per wheel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all models, except W
(front) & Servi-ca:rs (rear)
43531-35 .45 Wheel mounting socket screw-oversize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-all models, except W
(front) & Servi-cars (rear)
43540-36 Hub assembled (Replaced by 43540-36A)
43540-36A 36.75 Hub assembled .............................................. . See note above
43546-36 21.50 Hub shell only ................................................ . See note above
43550-35 6.50 Roller bearing sleeve ......................................... . See note above
43552-39 •so Small retainer thrust washer ................................... . See note above
43554-35 •30 Thrust washer retaining lock ring (2 per hub) .................. . See note above
43556-35 2.20 Thrust bearing sleeve ......................................... . See note above
43558-39 •so Roller bearing thrust washer (brake side) ................ . See note above
43560-35 .20 Thrust adjusting shim washer-.002" (3 to 12 per hub) .......... . See note above
43561-39 •so Inside hub bearing thrust collar ............................... . See note above
43563-35 .50 Thrust washer thick (2 per hub) ............................... . See note above
43564-35 .40 Cork washer retainer (brake side) ............................. . See note above
43566-35 Outer thrust bearing cover (Replaced by 4356S-35A)
43566-3SA .90 Outer -thrust bearing cover .................................... . See note above
2756 .05 Outer cover screw {5 per hub) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . See note -above
43569-35 1.65 Wheel hub thrust plate kit .................................... . See note above
43570-35 .10 Cork washer. (small) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . See note above
43571-35 •15 Cork washer (large) (brake side) ............................ . See note above
43574-35 Inner thrust bearing cover (Replaced by 43569-35)
43574-55 .75 Wheel hub thrust washer ...................................... . 55 to 57-74." OHV & Servi-cars
43576-35 .10 Inner thrust bearing cover gasket .............................. . See note above
43578-35 2.10 Roller retainer (large) (brake side) ............................ . See note above
9220 .14 Roller (14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... . See note above
24721-30 1.80 Roller retainer (small) ......................................... . See note above
9220 .14 Roller (12 per hub) ............................................ . See note above


43503-30 $42..00 Front wheel with brake shell, less tire, 18" rim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 52-W models, 32 to 40-
G models
43509-40 45.00 Front wheel wit.~ brake shell, less tire, 16" rim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 52-W models
43599-30 24.95 Front hub complete with brake shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 52-W models, 32 to 40-
G models
43801-30 15.00 Front hub & brake shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 52-W models, 32 to 40-
G models

43824-30 3.00 Front wheel hub adjusting cone assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 52-W models, 32 to 40-
G models
Consists of:
1 43632-44 .40 Hub bearing cone seal 43635-30 .30 Hub bearing cone lock washer
1 43833-44 .40 Hub bearing cone oil seal retainer 43885-30 .50 Hub bearing cone loek nut

~306*8523 c:::a>


1H!W!b ~ ~ 53R4 ~ -====43=-87=-1=--3=0_ , D 53l
43617-30 43640-30 7811 7811



Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


9851 $ .10 Zerk grease fitting ............... ·.. ·.................. . 38 to 52-W models, 38 to 40-··
G models
43638-43 1.30 Front wheel hub grease distributor ................ . 43 to 52-W models
43640-30 .so Left inner dirt guard . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 41 to 52-W models
43645-30 1.75 Spoke flange (right side) ...................... . 41 to 52-W models

43870-40 $12.00 Front axle set, with bearing & cones .......... 30 to 52-W models. 32 to 40-
G models
Consists of:
26 8860 .03 Front wheel hub bearing ball 43871-30 .90 Front wheel axle
1 43617-30 6.50 Front wheel axle sleeve 43885-30 .so Front wheel hub bearing cone lock
43624-30 3.00 Front wheel hub bearing cone nut
2 43635-30 .30 Front wheel hub bearing cone lock
43872-36 4.25 Front axle .......... ·- 41 tc 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
43875-48 6.15 Front axle ' .. . . .. . ' 49 to 57-0HV
7811 .IS Front axle nut (2) 37 to 52-W models, 37 to 40-
G models, 41 to 52--45" Solo
7923 .25 Front axle nut ..... ............. 41 to 57-Servi-cc::s, 37 t· 56-
61"~ 74" & 80" twins
43882-36 3.40 Front axle sleeve (brake side) 37 to 48-61", 74" & 80" twins,
49 to 57-Servi -ccrrs
43882-48 4.75 Front axle sleeve (brake side) 49 to 57-0HV
43884-36 •70 Front axle spacer ........ 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
6591 •OS Front axle plain washer . 49 to 57-Servi-co:rs, 37 to 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
43886-30 .so Axle sleeve nut .............. 37 to 57-0HV. 41 to 57-Servi-cc:::rrs


44097-41 $36.50 Front brake assembly complete ............... . 41 to 53--W models
44097-36 25.50 Front brake assembly complete .............. . 37 to 48-61 ", 74." & 80" twins.
41 to 56--Servi-ccrs
44100-48 25.50 Front brake assembly complete (not polished) .................. . 49 to 57-0HV
44100-SIY 29.50 Front brake assembly complete (polished) ..................... . 49 to 57-0HV
44111-48 13.25 Front brake shell . . . . . ..................................... . 49 to 57-0HV
44113-36 10.SO Front brake shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 37 to 48-61 ", 74" & 80" ~wins.
49 to 57-sidecar only, 41 to 57-
44122-30 7.25 Front brake shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 41 to 52-W models
44141-49 10.75 Front .brake side cover (not polished) ............ . 49 to 57-0HV
44141-50 14.50 Front brake side cover (polished) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 49 to 57-0F.V
44145-41 10.25 Front brake side cover ............... . 41 to 52-W :·~od~ls
44146-41 13.25 Front brake side cover .... 41 to 57- Se::-vi-cors. 41 to 48-
61", 74'' & 80" twins
44165-48 •so Front brake grease deflector . 49 to 57-0HV (with hydraulic fork)
44180-30 •90 Brake side cover bushing . 41 to 52-W models
44180-36 1.20 Brake side cover bushing . . . .. 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 !o 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
44182-36 .60 Brake side hub washer (steel) 41 to 57-Servi-cors. 37 to 48-
61", 74" 0. 80" twins
44183-36 .15 Brake side hub washer (cork) 41 to 57-Servi-cors, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
44186-36 •45 Brake side plate spring ..... 41 to 57-Servi-ears, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
44210-40 4.25 Front brake shackle 41 to 57-Servi-cors. 40 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
44211-40 4.25 Front brake shackle ..... 40 to 52-W models
44223-28 .95 Front brake shackle bushing (2) . 40 to 52-W models. 53 to 57-Servi-
cors, 28 to 48-61", 74' & so·· twins
44225-30 .95 Front brake shackle side cover stud ............ . 40 to 52-W models. 53 to 57-Servi-
cars. 37 to 48-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
7809 •15 Front brake shackle side cover stud nut . 40 to 52--W models. 53 to 57-Servi-
co:rs, 37 to 48-61", 74." & 80" twins
44226-36 1.20 Front brake shackle fork stud 40 to 52-W models, 53 to 57-Servi-
cors. 37 to 48-61". 74" & 80" twins
6400 .OS Front brake shackle fork stud washer 40 to 52-W models
PCD1 No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used. On


6408 s .OS Front brake shackle fork stud washer .......................... . 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
.20 Front brake shackle stud lock washer ....... . 40 to 57-Servi-cars, 40 to 48-
61", 74" & SO" twins
.so Front brake shackle stud nut . . . ...... . 40 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
9851 .10 Front brake shackle grease nipple . . . .. 40 to 57-Servi-ears, 37 to 48-
61'', 74" & 80" twins
.50 Brake operating shaft nipple extension 41 to 52-W models, 53 to 57-
44250-29 •40 Stabilizer center plate nipple extension .......... . 30 to 52-W models
9851 •10 Grease fitting ............................... . . .. .. . .. .. . 38 to 52-W models
44265-31 2.75 Brake operating shaft ......................... . 41 to 52-W models
44265-36 2.75 Brake operating shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
9852 .20 Brake operating shaft grease nipple ......... . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 52-W models
44270-36 .20 Brake operating shaft washer ... 41 to 57-Servi-co:rs, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
nag .OS Brake operating shaft nut .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-Servi-cars. 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
41691-31 .20 Brake operating shaft spring washer ...... . 41 to 57-Servi-cars. 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
44307-31 1.00 Brake operating lever 41 to 52..:....W models
44308-36 1.00 Br.ake operating lever 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61", 74." & 80" twins
4.4340-30 2-75 Stabilizer center plate . . . . .............. . 41 to 52-W models
44342-29 •so Stabilizer cover . . . . . . ....................... . 30 to 52-W models
44344-29 .40 Stabilizer inner washer . . . .................. . 30 to 52-W models
44348-29 •45 Stabilizer spring washer .................... . 30 to 52-W models
44350-30 .40 Stabilizer collar stud (2) ....................... . 30 to 52-W models
7620 •02 Stabilizer stud nut (2) . . ............................... . 30 to 52-W models
44401-49 Set of brake shoes & linings (Replaced by 44401-49A)
4440l-49A 9.50 Set of brake shoes & linings . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
44402-36 9.50 Set of brake shoes & linings ..................... . 37 to 48-61", 74" & 80" twins.
41 to 57-Servi-cars. 37 to 57-
sidecars only
44402-40 10.75 Set of brake shoes & linings .............. . 41 to 52-W models
Consists of:
l 44405-31 Lower brake shoe & lining 2 44486-28 .SO Brake shoe spring
1 44406-31 5.50 Upper brake shoe & lining
44427-35 3.40 Set of brake linings & rivets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 36 to 52-W models
41841-31 .02 Brake lining rivet ........................... . 31 to 57-all models
44432-49 3.40 Set of brake linings & rivets ........................... . 49 to 53-0HV
44432-54 3.40 Set of brake linings & rivets . . ....... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
44433-39 3.40 Set front brake linings & rivets ........... . 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 39 to 4S--
61", 74" & 80" twins
44448-48 1.00 Brake shoe pivot stud 49 to 57--0HV
44449-36 1.00 Brake shoe pivot stud 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61 ", 74" & SO" twins
44450-35 1.00 Brake shoe pivot stud 41 to 52-W models
7835 .10 Brake shoe pivot stud nut 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins.
41 to 57-W & G models
44454-48 •15 Brake shoe pivot stud. washer ..... . 49 to 57-0HV
44475-35 .60 Brake shoe pivot stud plate 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
44476-35 .60 Brake shoe pivot stud plate 37 to 52-W models
44484-35 •so Brake shoe spring (2) .. . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
44486-28 •50 Brake shoe spring (2) .. . 29 to 52--W models
44490-48 3.00 Front brake car:1 lever complete 49 to 57-0HV
44499-48 .95 Front brake cam lever stud 49 to 57-.0HV
44505-48 .55 Front brake cam lever bushing . 49 to 57-0HV
44524-51 .25 Front brake lever clevis pin 51 to 57-Servi-cors
44525-49 •25 Front brake cam lever clevis pin . 49 to 57-0HV
6375 .05 Front brake cam lever washer 49 to 57-0HV
45001-51 10.25 Hand lever & lock complete . 51 to 57--Servi-cc:rs
45001-52 10.25 Hand lever & cable complete 52 to 57-0HV (foot shift)
(Speedster bars)
45001-53 10.25 Hand lever cable complete . 53 to 57-(footshift) (long bc::rs)
45002-41 6.50 Hand lever & brocket complete 41 to 57-all models except
51 to 54-Servi-cc:rs
45016-51 3.25 Brake hand leve~ 51 to 57 -Servi-cc:rs
e 7725

~ 45216-49


or .43886-30



4 4432-54

. • & 80M TWINS

Pc:ut No. Price Each NAME Used On






45017-41 $ 3.2.5 Brake hc:r.nd lever 41 to 57-all models, except

51 to 57-Servi-cars
45020..51 3.00 Hand lever bracket 51 to 57-Servi-cars
45023-41 3.00 Hand lever bracket .. 41 to 57-all models, except
51 to 57-Servi-ca:rs
45030..28 .60 Bracket clamp ......... . 28 to 57-all models
1214 .10 Bracket clam:p screw (2) ................. . 41 to 57-all models
7620 •02 Bracket clamp screw nut (2) .................................. . 41 to 57-all models
45031·41 .40 Hand lever pivot screw .... 41 to 57--all mod~ls
7691 .05 Hand lever pivot screw nut 41 to 57-all models
45033--49 .60 Hand lever clamp bushing . . . . . . . . . . ... 49 to 57--all models. except
51 to 57-Servi-cars
6543 .10 Brake hand lever washer .. 41 to 57-all models
45036-51 .60 Hand lever pin ... 51 to 57-Servi-cars

Peat No. Price Each NAME Used On


9980 $ .60 Handlebar clip ................................................ . 28 to 57-all models
2775 •OS Handlebar clip bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 28 to 57-all models
7691 •OS Handlebar clip bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 28 to 57-all models
45040~51 •lS Front brake lock pawl ring . . ............................... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
4504~51 •90 Front brake lock pawl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
45047-51 .25 Front brake lock pawl spring ........... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
45049-51 .90 Front brake lock pawl plate ............... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
45073-51 2.40 Control coil assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-all models
45077-49 2.40 Control coil assembly . . . ..................... . 49 to 50-0HV
45077-51 2.40 Control coil assembly . . . ............. . 52 to 57-Servi-cars
45079·52 2.40 Front brake control coil .............. . 52 to 57-0HV (foot shift)
45085-30 3.40 Control coil assembly ................ . Later 30 to SZ-W models, 30 to 48-
'61", 74" & 80" twins
45102-39 .95 . Control coil oil cup kit .................... . 39 to 52-W models, 39 to 48-
61", 74"& 80" twins
Consists of:
·1 1190 .03 Control coil
oil cup body screw 45105-39 .15 Control coil oil cup plunger
l 76SS .os Centro! coil
oil cup body screw nut 45107-39 .OS Control coil oil cup spring
1 45103-39 .75 Control c.oil
oil cup body
45109-30 .20 Control ferrule (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 30 to 48--all models, 49 to 51-
all W & G models
45109-49 .20 Control coil ferrule (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
45111-41 .05 Felt packing washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ts 48-all models, 49 to 52-
·w models, 49 to 50-G models
9967 .30 Coil clip ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57-all W & G models
9968 .30 Coil clip, to fork .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 48-all models, 49 to 57-
W & G models
9974 .35 Control coil clamp . ... .. .. .. . ... . ... .... . . ....... . 40 to 52-W & G :.nodels
45111-51 .OS Control coil felt packing ....................................... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
45137-51 1.40 Front brake control cable (59") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 57-0HV. 52 to 57-Servi-cars
45153-28 .90 Control cable ................ :. . . . . ................... . 28 to 48-all models, 49 to 52-
W models, 49 to 50-G models,
28 to 48-61 ". 74" & 80" twins
45158-15 .10 Control cable end ........ . 28 to 48--all models, 49 to 52-
W models, 49 to 50.-G models
45159-SO 1.30 Control coil adjusting screw 50 to 57-0HV
45162-41 1.20 Control coil adjusting sc:r:ew 41 to 48--all models, 49 to 52-
W models. 49 & 50-G models
45162-51 1.20 Front brake adjusting screw ......... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
1748 .05 Control coil adjusting sc:rew nut ............................ . 41 to 48--all models, 49 to 56-
W & G models
7744 .OS Control coil adjusting screw nut 50 to 57-0HV
45172-28 1.50 Control cable lower connection ............................. . 28 to 48--all models, 49 & 50-W 6
G models. 51 & 52-W models
45174-51 1.20 Front brake cable clevis . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
1725 .1-0 Front brake cable clevis nut .... 51 to 57-Servi-cars
45175-49 1.20 Front brake cable clevis ... . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
45182-29 .so Lower connection clamp nut . . 29 to 48-all models, 49 to 52-
W models, 49 & 50-G models
490 .20 Clevis pin ..... . 28 to 48--all models, 49 & SO-W &
G models, 51 & 52-W models
6220 .OS Clevis pin washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 to 57-all models
45202-SO 1.90 Front brake cable tube .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
45205-49 .20 Front brake cable tube fitting .. 49 to 57-0HV
45207-49 .15 Front brake cable tube seat ..... . 49 to 57-0HV
45210--49 .30 Front brake cable tube bushing 49-0HV
45216-49 .40 Front brake cable clevis clamp .. 49 to 57-0HV, 51 to 57-Servi-car
7725 •10 From brake clevis clamp nut . 49 to 57-0HV
45217-49 .30 Front brake cable tube clip . . . . ... 49-0HV
45217-50 Front brake cable tube clip (Replaced by 9963)
9963 .20 Front brake cable tube clip . 50 to 57-0HV
2675 .03 Cable tube clip screw 49 to 57-0HV


45517-40 $86.75 Set of forks complete (black) 40 to 52-all W models
45518-41 86.7S Set of forks complete (black) 4! to 57-Servi-cars
45526-40 44.50 Rigid fork (black) 40 to 52-all W models
45527-41 44.50 Rigid fork (black) . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
45571-40 .90 F eric stem cap screw 40 to 57-W 6 G ~odels without
steering dam per
45609-36 17.50 Spring fork (black) .. 41 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 48-
61 ", 74" 6 80" twins
Peat No. Price Ec:rch NAME Uaecl On


1789 @I
c~ 40550-36

46758-37 <(i>


~ 46772-39



45610-40 4.5668-30
'II 4.5668-30

7748til7040 59140-34 7863 t9851 9852flj

g til ~ @ a. 6
.45676-30 , 985,
7793,c. w ~ ~ ,
~ @ '0'6520 ~ ~~ 6520 7863 59142-34
7859 l'9 .....a\ r,r,._ ' @ ~ A,
4.568 1-40 e --w '!M' ~ & G @ 7748
4.5661-30 45675•30 .4567A-30 0 @
I$ 17931040 @
45661-30 45681-40 "'7859


456ll)..(O $17.50 Spring forl:: (black) ................ . 40 to 52-all W models

456·41·36 1.80 Spring rod ........................ . 37 to 48-EH ••. 74" & 80" twins,
40 to 57-a:ll W & G models
45643-45 1.20 Spring rod bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 46 to 48-all models, 49 to 57-
all W & G models
45645-30 .10 Spring rod nut (lower end) (2) ......................... . 30 to 48-all models, 49 to 57-
all W & G models
45647..30 •45 Spring rod nut (upper end) ............................. . 30 to 48--all models, 49 to 57-
all W & G models
45648..36 •60 Spring rod lock nut (2) ........... . 36 to 48-all models, 49 to 57-
all W & G models

Pa:rt No. Price Each NAME Used On


45655-30 $ 6.00 Left rocker plate .............................................. . 30 to 48-61", 74" & so·· twins.
41 to 57-G models
45658.30 6.00 Right rocker plate . 30 to 48-61", 74'' & 80" twins,
41 to 57 -G models
45661-30 6.00 Rocker plate (2) ... 30 to 52-W models. 32 to 40-
G models
45610·36 7.75 Set of rocker. plate studs & bushings ..... . 30 to 52-W models
Consists of:
4 6520 .10 Front rocker plate stud washer 1 45674-30 .95 Left front rocker plate stud
2 7193 .05 Rear rocker plate stud nut · 1 45675-30 .95 Right front rocker plate stud
2 7859 .15 Rear rocker plate nut (large) 2 45676-30 .95 Rear reeker plate stud
2 7863 .15 Rear stud spacer nut 2 4568()..30 .20 Front rocker plate stud nut lock
4 45668-30 .60 Rocker plate stud bushing 2 45681-40 .20 Front rocker plate stud nut lock
45611-36 7.00 Set of rocker plate studs & bushings ..... ............. 37 to 48--61", 74" & 80" twins,
41 to 57-G models
Consists of:
2 7189 .OS Rocker plate stud nut 2 45613-31 .90 Front rocker plate stud
4 7908 .15 Rocker plate stud nut (inside) 2 45680-30 .20 Front rocker plate stud nut lock
4 45667-30 .60 Rocker plate stud bushing z. 45681-31 .20 Rear rocker plate stud nut lock
2 45672-31 .90 Rear rocker plate stud
45673--39 1.55 Towbar stud (2) ..................... . 40 to S7-Servi-cars, 40 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
45671-30 1.55 Front stand or towbar stud (2) .......................... . 30 to 52-W models
7809 •15 Rocker plate stud nut. castellated .................. . 31 to 52-W models, 31 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
45682-32 •40 Rocker stud screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . Later 32 to 48-61", 74" & 80" twins,
41 to 57-G models
45683-32 .20 Rocker stud screw lock (2) ........................ . Later 32 to 48- 61", 74" & 80" twins .
41 to 57-G models
45684-41 .so Rocker plate rear stud spacer (2) 41 to 48-61", 74" & 80" twins,
41 to 57-G models
6520 •10 Rocker plate stud washer (4) .................. . 30 to 57-W & G models
9851 .10 Grease fitting-straight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 38 to 48-all models. 49 to 57-
W & G models
9852 .20 Grease fitting-angle ............... . 38 to 57--W & G models
46053-36 7.50 Set of front fo;-k springs ............. . 37 to 48--61". 74.. & 80" twins,
40 to 57-W & G models
Consists of:
2 46055-30 1.00 Upper fork spring Recoil bumper spring
2 46057-30 .60
2 46056-37 1.80 Cushion spring Cushion spring buffe:- spring
2 46058-36 .60
46059-39 .ss Cushion spring buffer spring 39 to 48-61 ". 74" & 80'' twins,
39 to 57-G models
46060-48 ..60 Fork buffer spring ................................. . 48 to 52-W models with shock
46550-36 1.50 Upper head cone lock plate ................................... . 37 to 45-61". 74" & 80" twins,
40 to 57-W &G models
46560-40 1.50 Handlebar & cone clamp nut ........... . 40 to 57-W & G models


45506-49 $145.00 Set of forks complete, not adjustable
(chrome covers & black sliders) 49 to 57-0HV
45506-50 152.00 Set of forks complete, not adjustable
(chrome covers & polished sliders) ..... 50 to 57-0HV
45512--50 157.50 Set of. forks complete, adjustable
(chrome covers & polished sliders) ..... 50 to 57-0HV sideca~ models


45697-50A $17.50 Fork bracket with stem .............................. . 50 to 57-0H'./ (adn~s~able fork)
45700-48 Fork bracket with stem. (Replaced by 45700-48A)
45700-48A 24.95 Fork bracket with stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... _..... 49 to 57-0HV (regula: fork)
45708-50 21.00 Fork bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 50 to 57-0HV (acip..!stable fork)
45110-48 Fork bra::ket clamping stud (Replaced by 4350)
4350 .25 Fork bracket clamping stud (2) . . .... 49 to 57-0HV (regula:- fork)
4638B .35 Fork bracket damping stud (2) 55 to 57-0HV {:-egula:- or
adjustable fork)
7804 .08 Fork bracket clamping stud nut (2) ........................... . 49-0HV (regulc:r fork)
45710-50 Fork bracket bolt washer (Replaced by 45710-SOA)
45110-50A .35 Fork bracket bolt washer ...................................... . SO to 57-0HV (cdJUStable fork)
45711-50 Fork bracket bolt (Replaced by 45711-51)
45711-51 1.20 Fork bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . SO to 57-0HV (odjus1able fork)

Part No. Price Each Used On

~ 56121-.48
~ 46751-48
tiG 1 0

I e
~ 4833()..48



I. 1
'(l) ~ 48311-48 <§> 46718-48
Dt 46283-49

9 48300.49 © 46727-48

@ 48365-48
~ 4~731-48
~ 46730-48

@ 46720-48

45757-49 ~
45733-48 0



! '


~ 510
• -'-c.:::::> 45856-48
~ <§> 45854-48
~ C> 45850-48
"" ~ 45852-48
~ 45824-49

f:j 45823... ,

\ 45506+50 CPT.

45972-48 8 45836-48
aa 45840-48 OR 45797-50

se n2s
<:§,) ®® ®®



Part No. Price Ecrch NAME Used On


45718-48 $ 1.40 Fork stem nut . . . . . ............................. . 49 to 57-0HV
45125-49 3.45 Fork upper bracket bolt ....................................... . Early 49--0HV
45727-49 •15 Fork upper bracket bolt shim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . Early 49-0HV
45728-49 •90 Fork upper bracket bolt cover ................................. . Early 49-0HV
45729-49 5.25 Fork upper bracket bolt kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Early 49-0HV
45730-48 Tube plug cap bolt (Replaced by 45729-49)
45733-48 .10 Tube plug oil seal (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
45740-49 3.00 Fork upper bracket cover (chrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV (regular fork}
45741-SO 3.00 Fork upper bracket cover (chrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)
45752-50 .15 Fork upper bracket bolt washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 57-0HV (adJustable fork)
45753-50 .65 Fork upper bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)
45754-49 3.00 Fork upper bracket bolt & valve complete . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV (regular fork)
45757-49 .so Fork breather valve complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 49 to 57-0HV
45765-4.9 .so Fork baffle stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
45766-49 .20 Fork baffle stud spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
45768-49 .30 Fork lower baffie cup . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
45769-49 .20 Fork upper baffie cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
45775-49 4..25 Slider tube plug complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV (regular fork)
45775-50 7.25 Slider tube plug complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)
45776-49 1.90 Fork tube plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV (regular fork)
45777-50 Fork tube plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)
7744 .os Fork tube plug lock nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to- 57-0HV
45778-50 l.SS Fork filler screw & valve complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. . 50 to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)
6649 .10 Fork filler screw washer (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)


45793-50 $66.50 Right fork slider complete (polished) . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 50 to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)
45794-50 66.50 Left fork slider complete (polished) . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 50 to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)
45795-50 64.50 Right fork slider complete (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . SO to 57-0HV (adjustable fork)
45796-50 64.50 Left fork slider complete (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SO to 57--0HV (adjustable fork)
45797-49 64.50 Right fork slider complete (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 49 to 57-0HV (regular fork)
45797-SO 66.50 Right fork slider complete (polished) . . . . ..................... . SO to 57-0HV (regular fork)
45799-49 64.50 Left fork slider complete (black.} . . . . . . . . ............ . 49 to 57-0HV (regular fork)
45799-50 66.50 Left fork slider complete (polished) ........................... . 50 to 57-0HV (regular fork)
45800-48 30.50 Right slider with bushings (black) ........................... . 49 to 57-0HV
45800-50 33.50 Right slider with bushings (polished) ......................... . 50 to 57-0HV
45805-48 30.50 Left slider with bushings (black) ............................. . 49 to 57-0HV
45805-50 33.50 Left slider with bushings (polished) ................. ." ......... . SO to 57--0HV
45823-49 2.40 Fork slider lower bushing (2) . • . . . . ..............•......... 49 to 57-0HV
45824-49 1.80 Fork slider upper bushing (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 49 to 57-0HV
45826-49 •10 Fork slider bushing spacer shim (1 to 6) ...................... . 49 to 57-0HV
45830-48 •30 Oil drain plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 49 to 57-0HV
45836-48 2.10 Right slider bottom cap . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . 49 to 57-0HV
45840-48 ..25 Right slider bottom cap stud \2) ......................... . 49 to 57-0HV
7125 •10 Right slider bottom cc::p stud nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 to 57--0HV
45849-49 2.40 Set of oil seals & gaskets . . . . . . . . . . ....... , ................... . 49 to 57-0HV
Consists of:
2 45733-&8 .10 Slider tube plug oil seal 2 46111--48 .10 Steering damper tube gasket
2 45850-48 .15 Slider upper oil seal felt washer 2 46125-48 .15 Steering damper tube bushing
2 45852-48 .90 Slider upper oil seal gasket
45850-48 •15 Upper oil seal felt washer (2) ........................... . 49 to 57-0HV
45852-48 .90 l.Jpper oil seal (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
45854-48 .2S Spring ring washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
45856-48 .20 Spring ring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 57-0HV
45950-48 17.50 Fork slider tube (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
45964-49 5.75 Fork slider cover (stainless) (2) . . . . ............. . 49 to 57-0HV
45965-48 2.75 Fork slider cover (black) (2) ..... 49 to 57-0HV
1367 .05 Fork slider cover screw (4) 49 to 57-0HV
45972-48 1.95 Fork tube taper bushing .... 49 to 57-0HV
45975-48 1.80 Slider tube plug (2) Early 49-0HV
46045-49 •40 Fork spring spacer ........ . 50 to 53-0HV
46051-49 4.75 Set of fork springs . . ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
46100-48 4.25 Damper tube (2) . 49 to 57-0HV
46111-48 •10 Fork damper tube stud gasket .. 49 to 57-0HV
46121-48 1.50 Damper t;.:tbe lower bushing (2) 49 to 57-0HV
46125-48 .15 Damper tube bushing gasket . 49 to 57-0HV
7725 .10 Damper tube nut (2) 49 to 57-0HV
Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


46128-48 $ .30 Damper tube nut plain washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
46161-49 9.00 Damper tube valve kit (2) . . . . . ........... . 49 to 57-0HV (fits only late damper
tubes with square corner-no radius
on valve seat)
46172-48 •30 Slicler tube snap ring (lower end) (2) ............ . 49 to 57-0HV

46273-49 Top front panel (stainless) (Replaced by 46273-49A)
46273-49A $ 6.50 Top front panel (stainless) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
46274-49 Top front panel (black) (Replaced by 46274-49A)


m _ _ :...=. !5710-SOA
~ Bffl® J:)®
45711-51 '45710-SOA 7947 45741-50
2-.46388, ., ~

• • B ® • I[\
45708-50 v ~~ -.-~
-. ____,_________ 45~52-50
r; .::®
45753-50 ~5752-50 56129-50 45753-50
45757~ IJ"'


\ \
S 4sns-5o
s 45769-49
45950.48 45950-48
® 7744

1457~9 45800-50
,\ 45805·50

~ 45768-49

45836-48 45794-50

Part No. Price Ea:c:h NAME tTsed On

FORK PANELS- Continued

46274·49A $ 3.40 Top front panel (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
46280-48 .95 Back panel-L. H. (black) .................................... 49 to 57-0HV
4628lw49 2.75 Back. panel-L. H. (stainless) ................................ 49 to 57-0HV
46282-48 .95 Back panel-R H. (black) . . . . . . . . . ..... ... .. ..... . .. ...... .. 49 to 57-0HV
46283-49 2.75 Back panel-R. H. (stainless) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
2823 .10 Side panel screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
2758 .05 Back panel screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV


46700-49 s 6.50 Steering damper complete . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 49 to 57-0HV
46701-40 1.15 Steering damper complete . . . . . . .............................. . 40 to 57-W & G models
46710-48 •60 Steering damper spider spring cover ................... . 49 to 57-0HV
46715-48 •60 Steering damper spider spring .......... . 49 to 57-0HV
46717-30 .60 Steel disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 30 to 48-o:ll models, 49 to 57-
W & G models
46718-48 •60 Steering damper pressure disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
46720-48 .10 Steering damper lower pressure disc ....................... . 49 to 57-0HV
46727-30 .so Fibre friction washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 30 to 48-all models, 49 to 57-
W & G models
46727-48 .so Steering damper friction washer (2) ................. . 49 to 57-0HV
46730-48 •60 Steering damper anchor plate .............................. . 49 to 57-0HV
46731-48 •15 Anchor plate pin ..................................... . 49 to 57-0HV
46732-48 •15 Anchor plate pin-.005" 0. S .............................. . 49 to 57-0HV
46740-48 2.40 Steering damper adjusting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
46746-30 •40 Ad;usting nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 30 to 48---all models, 49 to 57-
W 6 G models
7789 •OS Rod lock nut ..................................... . 30 to 48-all models, 49 to 57-
W 6 G models
46751-48 .20 Steering damper adjusting screw spring ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
46755-36 2.20 Steering damper lever ......................... . 30 to 48-61", 74'' 6 80'" twins,
40 to 57-W & G models
46758-37 .70 Steering damper screw ................................ . 37 to 57-W & G models
46758-40 1.20 Frame head bracket . . . . . . . ........................... . 40 to 57-W & G models
46765-40 3.95 Steering damper rod & friction plate ........................ . 40 to 57-W 6 G models
46712-39 •10 Steering damper rod plate . . . . . ....... . 39 to 48-o:ll models. 49 to 57-
W & G models
46715..30 .30 Adjusting washer ... 30 to 48-o:l! models, 49 to 57-
W & G models
46717-30 •30 Release spring ................................................ . 30 to 48-o:ll models, 49 to 57-
W & G models
46179-30 .10· Steering damper bakelite wa$her ........................... . 30 to 48-o:ll models. 49 to 57-
W & G models
.so Spider friction washer . . . 37 to 48-o:ll models, 49 to 57-
W & G models

47000-40A $145.00 Frame (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 40 to early 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
47003-41 110.00 Frame (black) . . . ........................................... . 41 to 52-W models
47003-54 Frame (Replaced by 47003-54A)
47003-54A 145.00 Frame ........................................................ . Later 54 to 57-OHV
47009-41 145.00 Frame (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 41 to 57-Servi-ears
47066-26 .10 Seat ba:- bracket . 29 to 57-W & G models
47375-52 3.00 Tool box mounting bracket .................................. . 52 to 57-0HV
47386-41 2.20 Tool box mounting bracket .................................. . 40 to 51-61", 74" & 80" twins
47581-29 1.20 Seat post bushing ............................................. . 29 to 57-W & G models
47583-36 1.20 Seat post bushing ............................................. . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
47698-36 6.00 Transmission sub·mounting base plate ......................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & ao·· twins
4362 .25 Sub-mounting plate front bolt {2) ......................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
1715 •15 Front bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 49 to 57-0HV
4336 .25 Sub-mounting plate rear bolt (2) ..................... . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
24490-36 3.60 Crankcase guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
3974 .20 Crankcase guard rear bolt (2) . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
7752 .05 Guard recr bolt nut (2) 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
47720-36 1.20 Transmission adjusting screw support ............. . 37 to 57-61". 74" Or so·· twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Used O:a.


~ lib

t!j 47583-36
@ 4620
~ 7055





Pcut No. Price Each NAME Used On

FRAl\E AND Fll'TmGs- Continued

3974 $ .20 Support to mounting plate adjusting bolt (2) ........ _... 37 to 57-61'', 74'' & 80" twins
7752 .os Adjusting support bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
47755-31 .70 Brake erossover shaft bushing (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
9852 .20 Grease fitting-angle (brake shaft) . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. .. 38 to 57-61; .. 74" & 80" twins

48150-30 s 2.75 Steering head lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 48 to 57-61'', 74': & 80" twins
48152-30 •95 Steering head lock plunger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 48 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
48153-30 .10 Steering head lock plunger spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
48154-30 •OS Steering head lock pin ................... . 48 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
48155-30 •50 Head lcx:k key (specify letter & number) .................. _. . . . 48 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
48300-49 6.50 Head bearing complete (2) . . . .......... . 49 to 57-0HV
48301-40 13.75 Set of head cups, cones, & bearings ...... . 40 to 57-W & G models
Consists of:
30 8860 .03 Head cup ball 1 48335-40 4.7S Upper head cone
2 48310-30 3.00 Head cup (upper & lower) l 483S0-39 2.15 Lower head cone
48302-49 .20 Head bearing spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 49-0HV (sidecar models)
483ll-48 2.50 Head cup (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..•...... · 49 to 57-0HV
48315-48 1.90 Head bearing cup (Timken) (2) . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
48330-48 .95 Upper head bearing seat ........... . 49 to
48346-39 2.75 Upper or lower head cone (race only) 39 to 52-twins, 53 to 57-Servi-cars,
39 to 57-W & G models
48350-39 2.75 Lower head cone (race & body) .............. . 30 to 57-W & G models
48363-40 .60 Head cone bearing guard ................... . 40 to 57-W & G models
48365-48 .35 Lower head bearing guard . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 57-0HV

49035-35 $11.50 Front safety guard (black) ............................ . 32 to 5i-W & G models
49036-35 17.30 Front safety guard (chrome) ................................... . 32 to 57-W 6: G models
49037-36 10.75 . Front safety guard (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 47-61". 74" & 80" twins,
later 54 to 57-0HV
49037-48 11.50 Front safety guard (black) 48 to early 54-61" & 74" twins
49038-36 17.30 Front safety guard (chrome) 37 to 47-61", 74" & 80" twins,
later 54 to ·s7-0HV
49038-48 17.30' Front safety guard (chrome) ................................... . 48 to early 54-61" & 74" twins
49059-48 .50 Front safety guard spacer (2) .................... . 48 to 50-61" & 74" twins
49061-32 .15 Safety guard "U" bolt with nuts 6r lock washers .... . 32 to 57-W & G models
7189 .05 Safety guard "U" bolt nut (4) .. 32 to 57-W & G models
49064-36 •60 Safety guard "U" bolt . . . . . ............... . 37 to 47-61 ", 74" & 80" twins.
late 54 & early 55-0HV
49064-55 .60 Safety guard "U" bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Later 55 to 57-0HV
7793 .05 Safety gucrd "U" bolt nut (4) ............................ . 37 to 47-61", 74" 6: 80" twins,
late 54 to 57-0HV
4000 .1S Front safety guard bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 51 to 54-0HV
4051 .30 Front safety guard bolt (2) ............................... . 48 to 50-61" & 74" twins
6320 .OS Front safety guard bolt washer (2) ........................ . 48 to 54--61" & 74'' twins
7752 .OS Front safety guard bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . ................... . 48 to 54-61" & 74" twins
49150-29 11.50 Rear safety guard (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 30 to 52-W model$
49151-29 17.30 Rear safety guard (chrome) . . . . ................... . 30 to 52-W models
49152-36 11.50 Rear sa:!ety guard (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
49153-36 17.30 Rear safety guard (chrome) . . . . .................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
49154-57 17.30 Rear safety guard (wide) . . . . .......................... . 41 to" 57--61", 74" & 80" twins (used
on radio equipped machines only)
4004 .15 Rear safety guard upper bolt . . . . . . . ............ . 37 to 51--61", 74" & 80" twins
S9802-47 .40 Rear safety guard upper bolt (2) ............. . 52 to 57-0HV
7752 .OS Upper bolt nut . . . ........ .. . ... . . . . . . .. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
4975 .so Rear safety gucrrd lower bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
6655 .10 Rear saiety guard spacer ....................................... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
7938 .25 Rear safety guard lower bolt nut . . . . . . . . . .................... . 37 to 57--61", 74" & so·· twins
49177-38 .so "U" bolt with nut & lock washer . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 30 to 52-W models
7793 .05 Safety guard "U" bolt nut .................................. . 30 to 52-W models
49180-36; .so Rear safety guard clamp bolt (2) ..... _...... . 30 to 52-W ::nodeIs
7793 .05 Safety gua!"d clamp bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 30 to 52-W models

Part No. Price Eczch NAME Used. O:a.

SAFETY GUARDS AND f11"1'1NGS- Continued

7c7789 7789~045 ~
<e) ~9180-36~~
7{)40 7040 0

49061-32 49061-32


u u 49064-36

4000 or
f!> @I ~ ~ 49059-48

e c
6320 0 0 7752 ;.~ ~- 7752
7752 Eel~ 7040 ~~& 7040 '
49037-48 59802-47
49038-48 49152-36
CPT. or

. I 6655
7938 / 7065 --..,..~,;
t®@~ ~&®@ ~
I \ ._____.-
4975 4975


49301-40 $11.00 Front stand with fittings ....................................... . 40 to 52-W models
49313-36 •60 Front stand catch ............................. . 37 to 48-al.l twins. 49-W models
49314-50 .60 Front stand catch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . ..... 50 to 52-W models
1300 .OS Front stand catch bolt (2) ............................... . 25 to 48-all twins. 49 to 52-
W models
3781 •10 Front stand catch fastening bolt .. 34 to 52-W models
7654 •OS Front stand catch bolt nut (2) ... 25 to 48-all twins. 49 to 52-
W models
7695 •05 Fastening bolt nut ......... . 34 to 48-all twins. 49 to 52-
W models
49343-30 •30 Front stand collar ... 30 to 48-all twins. 49 to 52-
W models

Part No. Price Each NAME Used 011


~ 7045
49570 ..38

OP-o(t • I
t~t o·
~~;· •

or or 1300
7691 a.

49301 ...40

7809 s .15 Front stand castellated nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 to 48-all twins. 49 to 52-
W models
49345-24 •30 Front stand s-pring . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 30 to 48-al! twins. 49 to 52-
W models
6408 •OS Front stand spring washer (2) .......................... . 30 to 48--all twins. 49 to 52-
W models
45677-30 1.55 Front stand stud (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 to 52-W models
49500-36 8.75 Rear stand with fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
49502-36 8.?5 Rear stand with fittings . . . . . . ................................ . 36 to 52-W models
49570-38 .60 Stand shoulder bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-al! twins
7?89 .OS Stand shoulder bolt nut {2) .................................. . 30 to 57 -all twins
49575-38 .15 Stand shoulder bolt washer (2) . . . . ................... . 39 to 57-all twins
49580-36 .80 Stand catch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
49581-36 .80 Stand catch .................................................. . 36 to 52-W models
2759 •05 Stand catch screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 52-W models
2762 .05 Stand catch screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . 25 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7688 .05 Stand catch screw nut (2) ............ . 36 to 52-W models
7691 .05 Stand catch screw nut {2) .............................. . 25 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins


50002-32 s 8.50 Jiffy stand complete . . . ................. . 32 to 52-W models
50003-36 8.50 Jiffy stand complete .......................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
50003-52 8.50 Jiffy stand complete ........................................ . 52 to 57-0HV (equipped with rear
wheel siren only)
50011-30 .so Leg spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
50012-30 .so Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 30 to 52-W models
50035-30 .ss Spring plate . . . . ..................... . 30 to 52-W models
50036-36 •60 Spring plate . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



7040-...u ~
(1 7752 ~ 7752 "c.:;tt

7835 @@ ® ~
&. 50036-36

CPT. 6473



50002·32 CPT.
7835 50035-30

~50092~0 n
6473 76~5


50045--32 $ 5.10 Leg bracket ................................................... . 32 to 52-W models

50049·36 3.60 Leg bracket ................................................... . 37 to 57-Ql", 74" & 80" twins
3974 .20 Leg bracket mounting bolt (4) ............................... . 37 to 57-Ql", 74" & 80" twins
7752 •os Mounting bolt nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 37 to 57-Ql", 74" & 80" twins
50060-30 3..60 Leg ........................................................... . 30 to 52-W models
50061-36 3.60 Leg ........................................................ . 37 to 57-Ql", 74" & SO" twins
50061-52 3.80 Leg .......................................................... . 52 to 57-0HV (equipped with rear
wheel sire!". only)
6473 .OS Leg washer ................................................. . 30 to 57-all models
7835 .10 Leg nut ................................................ . 30 to 57-all models
50092-30 •60 Leg bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 30 to 52-W models
50094-36 .95 Leg stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 37 to 57-Ql", 74" & 80" twins
50110-30 .50 "U" bolt ..................................... . 32 to 52-W models
7695 .05 "U" bolt nut .................................. . 32 to 52-W m'odels-

50510-38 Front footboard support rod (Replaced by 50510-38A)
50510-38A $ 2.75 Front footboard support rod ........................... . 32 to 57-W & G models
50511-32 2.75 Rear footboard support rod ...................... . 32 to 50-W ·& G models.
51 & 52-W models
50511-51 2.15 Rear footboard support rod ......... . 51 to 57-G models
8038 •35 Footboard support rod nut (lc:rge) .. 30 to 57-W & G models
50516-32 .60 Rear footboard support rod nut .... . 32 to 57-W & G models
50517-38 .40 Front footboard support rod nut ........ . 38 to 57-W & G models

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



50616-14 E\50628-14

~~~·. 50628-14~ FOOTBOARD GROUP 61", 74" & 80" TWINS

50614-40 50622-40

50603-40: : 50616-1.4
@ @s
~] !\!II

0=- 50511-32
~~ e
~ ~ 5062\14 cmp) \WI

::~0~ ®.Q
~ =-@
.42280-35 42284-35
@a es 50616-1.4 50622-40 FOOTBOARD GROUP 45" TWINS

50528-39 S 3.90 Right footboard side bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 39 to 57-W & G models
50543-38 5.10 Left footboard side bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 38 to 52-W models
50550-47 2.75 Left footboard side bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 47 to 57-G models
7789 .05 Side bar clamp n' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 to 57-W & G models
50603-40 4.25 footboard complete ........... . 40 to 57-all twins
50613-40 2.00 Set of footboard pads & rivets . 40 to 57-all twins
Consists of:
2 50614-40 .90 Footboard pad 28 50616-14 .01 Footboard pad rivet
50622-40 .10 Footboard hinge (right front & left rear) (2) .......... . 40 to 57-all twins
50623-40 .70 footboard hinge (left front & right rear) {2) . . . . . . . . .......... . 40 to 57-o:ll twins

Pcttt No. Pric:e Each NAME Used On


50628-14 $ .03 Footboard hinge rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 14 to 57-all twins
50635-14 .30 Footboard hinge bolt (4) ...................................... . 14 to 57-all twins
7691 •05 Footboard hinge holt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 14 to 57-all twins
50650-24 •70 Footboard stud, left rear (21%2") .............................. . 30 to 57-W & G models
50650-51 .70 Footboard stud, right rear ..................................... . 51 to 57-G models
50651-35 .70 Footboard stud, left front (2%") . . . . . . ................ . 35 to 57-W & G models
50652-35 .70 Footboard stud, right rear (22%2'') . . . . . 35 to 50-W & G models,
51 & 52-W :models
50653-35 .70 Footboard stud, right front (~32~') ................... · ..... . 35 to 52-W & G models.
53 to 57-G models
50654-36 .70 Footboard stud, left rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
50655-36 .70 Footboard stud, right rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
50656-48 .70 Footboard stud, left rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV
50658-36 .70 Footboard stud (front) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
50658-55 .70 Footboard support stud, left front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV
6400 .05 Footboard stud washer (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 52-W & G models
6448 .05 Footboard stud plain washer (2) ................................. 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
50668-35 .15 Footboard stud spacing washer (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 57-W & G models
50669-37 .15 Footboard stud spacer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7789 .05 Footboard stud nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 to 57-all twins
9851 .10 Grease fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57-all twins
50672-51 .45 Rear footboard support stud extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-G models


51600-30 $10.50 Seat plunger assembly-Std. (150 to 230 lbs.) .................. . 30 to 57-W & G models
51601-30 10.50 Seat plunger assembly (130 to 150 lbs.) ................. . 30 to 57-W & G models
51602-30 10.50 Seat plunger assembly (130 lbs. or less) ....................... . 30 to 57-W & G models
51603-30 10.50 Seat plunger assembly (over 230 ......................... . 30 to 57-W & G models
51610-36 10.50 Seat plunger assembly-Std. (150 to 220 lbs.) . . . . . . ......... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
51611-36 10.50 Seat plunger assembly (130 lbs. or less) ..................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
51612-36 10.50 Seat plunger assembly (130 to 150 lbs.) ............ ·............ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
51614-36 10.50 Seat plunger assembly (over 220 lbs.) ......................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
51625-29 6.00 Seat post plunger 29 to 57-W & G models
51626-36 6.00 Seat post plunger . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74'' & 80'' twins
51633-29 •90 Plunger lock nut ..... 29 to 57-W & G models
51634-36 •90 Plunger lock nut . . ............................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
51640-29 .85 Plunger link .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 29 to 57-all twins
51642-29 .25 Plunger link rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 29 to 57-all twins
51644-13 .40 Plunger link bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 29 to 57-all twins
51660-30 2.75 Seat post rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 30 to 57-W & G models
51661-36 2.75 Seat :PQst rod . . . . . . . . . ..................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
51672-25 •60 Seat post rod nut ............................................. . 25 to 57-all twins
51674-25 .45 Rod loc:k nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 25 to 57-all twins
51770-29 3.00 Set of ~ower springs-Std. . ............................. . 31 to 57-all twins
Consists of:
2 51174-31 .95 Cushion spring 1 51191-31 .60 Guide collar
1 51775-31 .60 Cushion spring
51771-29 4.20 Set of lower springs-heavy 31 to 57-all twins
Consists of:
l 51173-31 1.20 Cushion spring & collar 2 51790-29 .60 Guide collar
2 51174-31 .95 Cushion spring
51772-31 3.95 Set of seat post springs complete ..... 31 to 57-all twins
Consists o£:
2 51774-31 .95 Cushion spring, flat wire (5%") l 51718-30 .60 Seat :PQst auxilic:ry spring (2-%,")
1 51775-31 .60 Cushion spring (21;).e") 1 51780-30 .60 Seat post auxiliary spring (3")
1 5177'1-3(1 .45 Seat post recoil spring
51773-31 1.20 Cushion spring & collar for riders over 230 lbs. . . . . ..... . 31 to 57-all twins
51790-29 •60 Cushion spring guide c:ollar for riders over 230 lbs. . ............ . 30 to 57-all twins
51791-31 .60 Guide collar (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 31 to 57-all twins
51795-29 .45 Spring adjusting nut (lo/ta") 0. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 29 to 57-all twins
7789 •OS Adjusting nut lock nut (2) ............................. . 29 to 57-all twins
51900-30 10.50 Seat bar . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 37 to 57-all twins. except late
52 to 57-G models
51901-41 10.50 Seat bar ............ . Late 52 to 57-G models
8583 .03 Seat bar rivet (3) .. . 29 to 57-all twins
51911-29 •70 Seat bar plate .... . 29 to 57-all twins, except late
52 to 57-G models
51918-29 •35 Seat bar clevis pin ....................... . 29 to 57-all twins
51920-29 •35 Clevis pin spring .. 32 to 57-all twins. except late
52 to 57-Servi-cars
51930-42 •60 Clevis pin spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Late 52 to 57-G models

Pa:rt No. Price Each NAME Used Ou



~ ~
. ~52090-25

52103-31~ ~8515

·- \§)52096-34
. 51778-301

L~. 51780-30 I 51625-29



7045 ®
7752 lS 51918-29
I ~
: 151777-30

I '51633-29
47581-29 ~ I or
or 51660-30 I 51634-36



51600-30 51774-31

1 ~51791-31

I ~~ ~-----J
r-------~ ~51791-31

I '

t -


1 I 5177.4..31

51771-29 SET 51770-29 SET ~51674-25 L__ } 51772-31


51925-31 s 1.85 Set of seat bar bushings ............................. . 37 to 57-all twm.s

4042 .15 Seat bar bolt ................................... _. . . . . . . . . . .. . 29 to 57-W 6 G r:odeis
4044 .30 Seat bar bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 37 to 57-61". 74" 6 80" twins
7752 .OS Seat bar bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 37 to 57-all twins
9851 .10 Grease fitting-straight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 38 to 57-all twms

52004-25 $19.50 Standard saddle top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. to 57-all twi::1s
52006-47 Deluxe saddle top (Replaced by 52006-47 A)
52006-47A 25.40 Deluxe saddle top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 to 57-all twins
52090-25 .90 Saddle pommel . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . 25 to 57-all twins
8515 .02 Pommel rivets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 to 57-all twins
52092-34 .30 Rear saddle stud (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 to 57-all twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

SADDLE GROUP- .Continued

52103-31 $ .15 Rear stud spacer ....... . 31 to 57-all twins
7752 •05 Rear stud nut (2) .. . 34 to 57-all twins
52096-34 .30 Front bolt curved washer (2) 34 to 57-all twins
6400 .OS Front bolt plain washer 34 to 57-all twins
7789 •OS Front bolt nut . . . 34 to 57-all twins
52098-34 .60 F::-ont saddle boit 34 to 57-all twins


52501-29 $39.75 Buddy sect ccrnpiete-Delu:r.e 32 to 52-W models
52503-36 Buddy sect complete-Deluxe (Replaced by 52503-36A)
S2503-3SA 39.75 Buddy seat complete-Deluxe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
S2503-54 Super Deluxe buddy seat complete (Replaced by 52503-54A)
52S03-54A 46.00 Super Deluxe buddy seat complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
52510-33 15.25 Set of buddy sect fittings . . . . . . . . . ... .... .. . 33 to 52-W models
52Sl0-36A 15.25 Set of buddy sect fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
52511-33 15.25 Set of buddy seat fittings with footboard extension . . . . 33 to 56--61", 74" & 80" twins
52515-40 28.90 Buddy seat top . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57-all twins
52515-54 39.50 Buddy seat top, Super Deluxe . 38 t'o 57-all twi::1s
52541-33 .so Sea~ bar damp (2) . . . . . . . . . 33 to 52-W mode is
7789 .OS Seat bar damp nut (2) . . . . 33 to 52-W models
52543-36 .so Seat be::- mounting plate (2) . .. .. .. .. 37 to S7-61", 74." 6 80" twins
52547-33 2.75 Handle (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 to 57-all twins
7789 .05 Handle stud nut (4) ........... .. .. .. 33 to 57-all twins
91575-49A 9.50 Buddy seat hand rail . . . . 49 tc 57-all twins
52551-36 1.80 Buddy seat front bracket 37 to 57-61", 74." & 80" twins
4304 .20 Front bracket to seat bar bolt . .. .... .. 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
6395 .05 Bolt plain washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7789 .05 Seat bar stud & front bracket bolt nut (3) . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
52560-36 Spring yoke & bracket assembly complete (Replaced by 52560·36A)
52560-36A 8.75 Spring yoke & bracket assembly complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
2 510 .005 Mounting stud cotter pin 52SS7-36A 2..40 Auxiliary spring yoke
2 6320 .05 Mounting stud plain washer 2 52575-33 .95 Auxiliary spring
2 7040 .01 Mounting stud lock washer 52581-36 2.40 Auxiliary spring support bracket
2 7045 .01 Mounting stud lock washer 2 52592-36 .so Auxiliary sprink yoke frame bracket
2 7752 .OS Mounting stud nut I 52502-55 .50 Auxiliary spring mounting stud
2 7193 .OS Mounting stud nut 1 52603-36 .90 Auxiliary spring mounting stud with
4 7859 .15 Spring yoke mounting nut fittings
52562-33 8.7S Spring yoke & clamp assembly complete ............... . 33 to 52-W models
Consists of:
3 2162 .OS Spring yoke hook to mcigd. screw 2 7760 .07 Shoulder bolt nut
2 4000 .15 Spring clamp bolt 4 7859 .15 Spring yoke mounting ::11..::
3 7035 .01 Spring yoke hook to mdgd. screw l 52565-41 2.40 Auxiliary spring yoke
lock washer 2 52575-33 .95 Auxiliary spring
2 7040 .01 Shoulder bolt lock washer 4 52579-41 .45 Auxiliary spring clamp
2 7040 .01 Spring clamp bolt lock washer 2 52584-41 .20 Auxiliary spring yoke space:-
3 7691 .OS Spring yoke hook to mdgd. screw nut 1 52585-41 .75 Auxiliary spring yoke hook
2 7760 .07 Spring clamp bolt nut 2 52590-41 .50 Auxiliary sparing shoulder bolt
52586-36 .75 Auxiliary spring yoke hook .................................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
2762 .05 Hook to fender screw (2) ................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
2768 .05 Hook to fender screw . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . ....... . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
7691 .05 Spring yoke hook to fender screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . .......... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
52595-33 .so Auxiliary spring clip. heavy (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 to 52-W models
52596-36 .60 Auxiliary spring clip, heavy (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
52598--33 .60 Auxiliary spring clip. light (2) ........................... . 33 to 52-W models
52600-36 •60 Auxiliary spring clip, light (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
52602-55 .so Auxiliary spring mounting stud (used with dual mufflers) ....... . 55 to 57--0HV
52603-36 .90 Auxiliary spring mounting stud with fittings (2) ................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
5667 •20 Auxiliary spring clip bolt (short) (2) ....... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
5674 .20 Auxiliary spring clip bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 33 to 57-all twins
5677 .20 Auxiliary spring clip bolt (long) 33 to 52-W models
6320 .05 Clip bolt plain washer (2) 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twim;
6327 .OS Clip bolt plain washer (2) 33 to 52-W models
7748 .OS Clip bolt nut {2) 33 to 52-W models
7752 •OS Clip bolt nut (2) ........ . 37 to 57-61''. 74" & 80" twins
66387-26 .10 Clip bolt wing nut (2) . 33 to 57-all models
3986 .15 Auxiliary spring support bracket bolt (2) 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7752 .05 Support bracket bolt nut (2) ....... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
52605-38 .20 Auxiliary spring bracket spacer (4) 38 to 52-W models

Peat No. Price Each NAME Used On



6395~ ~ 52551-36 ,52541-33
7045~ ~
~7045 Gil <a 7045
7789@ ~ .e ~ 7789

5259S-33 52595-33~0 ~~ 510

6486 - 5677 0
eo @~8'~
'~ 0
66387-~6 6'
S2ali-~ •• ~ ~ ;b4
<!t (llllfli f!1"" 7040
52605-38 6327
774! ,040 52605-38


_.......-- ...

7060 7905


7035 ...
Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


52650-33 $ 3.40 Set of footboard extension complete (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 to 57-all twins
Consists of:
4 2341 .10 Footrest strap bolt 1 52S55-33 1.10 Right footboard footrest
l 52654-33 1.10 Left footboard footrest 2 52668-33 .SO Footrest strap
52650-41 6.60 Set of buddy seat footrest & fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-81", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
2 510 .005 Buddy seat footrest bracket pin 2 7695 .OS Bl.lddy seat footrest bracket bolt nut
cotter pin 2 7905 .15 Bl.lddy seat footrest
2 6280 .05 Buddy seat footrest bracket pin 2 52651-41 2.10 Buddy seat footrest
washer 1 526'74-41 1.50 Buddy seat footrest bracket-R. H.
2 '7035 .01 Buddy seat footrest bracket bolt 1 5267&.41 1.50 Bl.lddy seat footrest bracket-L H.
lock washer 2 52680-41 .25 Buddy seat footrest bracket bolt
2 7060 .02 Buddy seat iootrest lock washer 2 52682-4i .40 Buddy seat footrest bracket pin
52652-29 2.75 Footrest assembly (2) ................................ . 29 to 52-W models
3860 •10 Footrest stud bolt (2) ................................... . 29 to 52-W models
7695 •05 Footrest stud bol nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 29 to 52-W models
52665-41 •70 Footrest rubber only . . . . . . . .......... . 41 to 57-61'', 7:4" & 80" twins
52684~55 .20 Footrest bracket spacer . . . . . . . . .................. . 55 to 57-0HV (used only on Super
Deluxe sec:t)


53000-36 $36..00 Tamden complete .................................... . 37 to 54-all models
52004-25 19.50 Saddle top..................... . . ...... . 34 to 54-an models
53010-34 4.25 Saddle yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 34 to 54-all models
53015-34 •60 Yoke clip (2) ................................................. . 34 to 54-all models
3974 .20 Yoke clip screw (2) .................................. . 34 to 54--all models
7859 •15 Saddle yoke nut (4) ...................•...................... 34 to 54-all models
53017-35 2.10 Saddle spring-Std. (2) ................................... . 34 to 54--all models
53026-30 6.00 Hancile bracket assembly . . . . . ........................... . 34 to 54--all models

53000-36 CPT.

@ <?)7752
7040 ~
6P @ 53062-30
·C~035 2768

f @~
~/ 52603~36 53017-35 5307g9-36
!) tf)

! !)
6.490 ~ / ® 7691
@,@ 4660 /
$ 7055 ~
7831 8576
7065 ~
Part No. Price Euch NAME Used On


27S2 s .OS Handle bracket front screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 34 to 54-all models
2775 •05 Handle -bracket center screw .................................. . 34 to 54-all models
7691 .OS Handle bracket screw nut (5) .................................. . 34 to 54-all models
8576 .03 Handle bracket rivet (4) ....................................... . 34 to 54-all models
53030-36 •80 Handlebar grip (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 34 to 54-<:rll models
53033-30 •95 Handle rod . . . . . . . .............................. . 34 to 54-all models
53041-30 1.80 Handle grip ferrule (2) ........................................ . .34 to 54--all models
7793 .05 Handle rod nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 34 to 54--all models
53055-30 1.80 Front seat connection ........................................ . 34 to 54--all models
53060-30 •70 Connection stud .............................................. . 34 to 54-all models
7752 .05 Connection stud nut (2) . . .. ... . .......... . 34 to 54--all models
53062-30 •70 Connection stud spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 34 to 54-all models
53070-30 •30 Fender reinforcement plate (2) ............................. . 34 to 54-all models
53072-34 2.40 Handle reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 34 to 54-all models
53074-34 1.20 Handle spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 34 to 54-all models
53078-36 1.80 Handle side bar brace-L. H. . ................................. . 37 to 54-all models
53079-36 1.80 Handle side bar brace-R. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 37 to 54-all models
2768 .05 Handle side bar brace screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 37 to 54-all models
7695 •OS Handlebar side bar brace screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 37 to 54-all models
53083-34 3.90 Rear brace ............................................... . 34 to 54-all models
53085-36 .so Handle side bar brace reinforcement (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 54-all models
4000 .15 Rear brace upper bolt ........................................ . 34 to 54-all models
7752 •OS Upper bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 34 to 54-all models
6334 .10 Upper bolt spacer ... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 34 to 54-all models
4660 .35 Rear brace lower bolt ......................................... . 34 to 54-all models
7831 .10 Rear brace lower bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 to 54-all models
6490 •10 Rear brace lower bolt washer ................................. . 37 to 54-all models
52603-36 .90 Spring mounting stud with fittings ............................. . 37 to 54-all models
53090-40 5.50 Set of tandem footrest & fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 40 to 54-all models
Consists of:
2 4979 .60 Footrest bolt 2 1938 .25 Footrest bolt nut
2 7065 .03 Footrest bolt lock washer 2 53091-40 1.80 Footrests

53403-17 $11.90 Luggage carrier . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . 17 to 53-Sl", 74" & 80" twins
53403-52 10.50 Luggage carrier (new style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-all models


53450·5~ f~~e:::=::=::::::;::::::::::--.::__
§=~========:::::~==~ ====~
(§I 7«'-01
53.45o.s2 [c:::~::::::===~~~~~~


~ 53457-52

Part No. Price Ecrch NAME Used On


53404-26 $11.90 Luggage carrier ............................................... 29 to 52-W models
53406-36 7.90 Luggage carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins.
(mounts on fender)
53418-52 Luggage carrier brace (Replaced by 53417-54 cS: 53418-54)
53417-54 4.10 Luggage carrier brace-Lt. .................................... 49 to 57-all models
53418-54 4.10 Luggage carrier brace-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 49 to 57-all models
53433-42 •60 Luggage carrier stud (2) ........................... . 42 to 52-WL models
6400 •05 Luggage carrier stud plain washer (2) ...................... . 42 to 52-WL models
7789 •OS Luggage carrier stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 29 to 52-WL models
4634 •40 !.~ggage carrier bolt ............................ . . . . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
6490 .10 Luggage carrier bolt plain washer (2) ................. . 35 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7831 •10 Luggage carrier bolt nut (2) ................................ . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
2756 •05 Luggage carrier damp screw (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . 29 to 57-all twins
7691 .05 Luggage carrier c:lam:P screw nut (3) 29 to 57-all twins
53450-52 2.20 Luggage carrier outer channel (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 49 to 57-all models
53451-52 2.20 Luggage carrier center channel ..... . 49 to 57-al! models
53454-52 .25 Luggage carrier stud (2) . . . . . .......................... . 49 to 57-all models
7752 .OS Luggage carrier stud nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-all models
53455-52 •40 Luggage carrier spacer (4) ............................... . 49 to 57-all models
53456-52 .30 Luggage carrier spacer (short) (2) ............................. . 49 to 57-all models
53457-52 .IS Luggage carrier nut (4) . . . . . . ................ . 49 to 57-all models


54226-45 54~16-.45 7045 fJ
7793 7045 lQ\ ~ @) ~
It\\ ~ ... ~ ~ 'fJil54227
~~ ~ 54219-45
6327@) ~ ~9973



54200-45 521.75 Front fork shock absorber complete ............................ . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
54206-45 18.50 Front shock absorber only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
54216-45 •so Shock absorber rubber bushing (4) ....................... . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
54063-36 •90 Shock absorber upper stud (2) .............. . 46 to 57--models with spring fork
54219-45 •90 Shock absorber upper stud (2) ......... . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
using pursuit light only
54220-45 2.75 Shock absorber lower stud (2) . . . . . . . . ..................... . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
7793 •OS Lower stud nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
54224-45 •10 Lower stud shoulder bolt (2) ................................... . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
54226-45 •10 Shock absorber upper & lower stud plain washer (4) .. 46 to 57-models with spring fork
6395 .OS Lower stud shoulder bolt washer . . ......... . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
54227-46 •10 Shock absorber upper stud washer ....... . 46 to 57-models with spring fork
7793 .05 Upper stud nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46 to 57-models with spring fork
45643-45 1.20 Fork spring rod ball bushing (2) .... 46 to 57-models with spring fork
54231).45 .95 Fork spring ball bushing retainer plate 46 to 57-models with spring iork
67810-3& 2.50 Headlamp & horn bracket 46 to 57-models with spring fork
9973 .25 Front fork wire clamp (2) 46 to 57-models with spring fork
69120-45 .60 Lower horn bracket 46 to 57-mod-=-ls with spring fork
Part No. Price Eac:h NAME Used On


56000-49 Short speedster handlebar complete (black) (Replaced by 56000-49Al
56000-49A $42.00 Short speedste=- handlebar complete (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
56003-49 Long handlebar complete (black) (Replaced by 56003-49A)
56003-49A 42.00 Long buckhorn handlebar complete (black) ...... . 49 to 57-0HV
56005-49A 49.90 Short speedster handlebc:r complete (chrome) ...... . 49 to 57-0HV
56006-49 48.50 Long buckhorn handlebar complete (black) . . . . . . . ........ . . . 49 to 57-WL models & GA
56007-49 48.50 Short speedster handlebar complete (black) .. 49 to 52-WL models
5600S-49A 49.50 Long buckhorn handlebar complete (chrome) 49 to 57-0HV
56012-49 49.50 Long buckhorn handlebar complete (chrome) 49 to 53-rubber mounted, WL 6
56013-49 49.50 Short speedster handlebar complete (chro:ne) 49 to 53-rubber mounted, WL &
56049-49 24.95 Short speedster hc:ndleba: (bare) (chrome) 49 to 53-rubber mounted, WL 6
56049-54 24.95 Short speeciste: handlebar (bare) (chrome) 54 to 57-0HV
56050-49 21.50 Sho:t speedster hc:ndlebar (bcrre) (black) 49 to 53-0HV
56050-54 21.50 Sho:t speedster handlebar (bare) (black) 54 to 57-0HV
56053-49 21.50 Long buckhorn handlebar (bare) (black) 49 to 53-0HV
56053-54 21.50 Long buckhorn handlebar (bare) (b!cck) 54 to 57-0HV
56054-49 24.95 Long buckhorn handlebar (bare) (chrome) 49 to 53--rubber mounted. Vv'L 6
56054-54 24.95 Long buckhorn handlebar (bare) (chrome) 54 to 57-0HV
56056-49 24.00 Long buckhorn handlebar (bare) (blc:ck) 49 to 5'1-WL & GA. solid ::-:1ou:-:ting
56057-49 24.00 Short speedster handlebar (bare) (block) 49 to 52-WL models, solid r:J.Ou:nting
56119-49 12..00 Handlebar triple clamp . 37 to early 46-61", 74" & 8C" twins.
49 to 52-WL models, rubber
::noun ted bars
56121-48 13.75 Handlebar & fork bracket . . 49 to 57-0HV (not used wit!-~
adjustable fork)
56123-49 4.50 Handlebcr :iser brocket (2) 37 to 48-rubber mounted bars 6
early 49-61". 74"' & 80" twins
56127-49 4.50 Har.dlebar riser bracket (2) Later 49 to 53-WL 6 OHV (ail
rubber mounted bar)
4020 .15 Handlebar riser bracket bolt (2) 49 to 53-WL models. 37 to 48-
61". 74" & 80" twins
56129-50 13.75 Handlebar & fork bracket ..... SO to 57-0HV (with cdjustable fork)
56141-49 26.00 Set of rubber mounts complete 49 to 57-0HV hydraulic forks
56142-49 25.00 Set of rubber mounts complete 40 to 57-WL & GA
5614S..49 9.90 Handlebar riser with rubber bushing (2) 49 to 57-WL & OHV models
56151-49 6.00 Handlebar riser-solid (2) ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
56154-49 .10 Handlebar riser mounting screw (2) 49 to 57-WL & OHV. rubber
7900 .20 Handlebcr riser mo1..:nting screw nut (2) 49 to 57-WL & OHV, rubber
56155-49 3.60 Handlebar riser cop (black) (2) 49 to 57-WL & OHV. rubber
56156-49 4.25 Handlebar riser cop (chrome) (2) 49 to 57-WL & OHV, rubber
4001 .15 Har.dlebar rise:- cap screw {4) 49 to 57-WL & OHV. rubber
56158-49 4.75 Handlebar riser rubber bushing (2) 49 to 57-WL & OHV, rubber
56159-49 1.10 Handlebar riser screw rubber washer (4) 49 to 57-WL & OHV. rubbe:-
56163-49 4.75 Complete set oi handlebar riser links & fittings 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork only}
56165-4.9 3.40 Handleba:- riset link ..... . 49 to 57-0HV
56166-4.9 3.40 Handlebar riser link ...... . 49 to 52-WL & OHV {spring fork
with rubber mounting)
56167-49 .40 Handlebar riser link mounting stud (4) 49 to 57-WL & OHV, rubber
7736 .15 Hcmdlebcr :-ise; link mounting stud nut (4) 49 to 57-WL & OHV. rubbe:-
56200-54 1.75 Pair of handlebar grips (red) (plastic) 49 to 57
56201-54 1.75 Pair of hcndlebc:- grips (white) (plastic) 49 to 57
56202-54 1.75 Pair of ha::'ldlebcr ;rips (blue) (plastic) 49 to 57
56203-54 1.75 Pair of hcndlebar grips (yellow) (plastic) 49 to 57
56205-54 1.75 Pair of handlebar grips (blc:ckl (plastic) 49 to 57
56210-47 Handlebcr grips (black) (2) (Replaced by 56212-53)
56212-53 1.20 Handlebar grips, pair (black) (rubber) 49 to 57
56220-48 3.00 Hand1ebc: grip sleeve (2) 49 to 53-cl: models
56216-53 .20 Handlebar grip spring ... 54 to 57-0HV
56220-53 3.00 Handlebar grip sleeve (2) 54 to 57-0HV

?art No. Price Each NAME Used On




56220-53 or
5641 0-47 56220-53

® 56159-49 ®
8 C) a 56127.49

0 56158-49 0 9983 9957 9959 ' ~4~0
s61 59-49
e ~ f1l
4020 56119-49

HANDLE BARS -1949 TO 1956

56235-47 s 1.30 Handlebar grip retainer (2) . . ...........••................... 49 to 53-cll models, 54 to 57-GA
56240-47 .20 Handlebar grip screw {4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 49 to 53-all models, 54 to 57-GA
56288~52 •60 Handlebar end screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 53 to 57-0HV
56383-54 2.10 Control wire & plunger ....................................... . 54 to 57-0HV
56391-49 1.00 Control wire & plunge;; (2) .................................... . 49 to 53--o:l.l models, rubber
:':lounted, 54 to 57-GA
56392-49 •30 Control wire (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 49 to 53-all models, rubber
mounted, 54 to 57-GA
56400-53 1.20 Control coil :plunger only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV
56410-4'7 .30 Control coil plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 49 to 53-all models, rubber
mounted, 54 to 57-GA
56410-53 •30 Control coil plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 54 to 57-0HV
56502-54 2.75 Control coil & plug ............................................ . 54 to 57-0HV
56528-49 2..90 Control coil & plug (2) . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 49 to 53-all models. rubbe:-
mounted, 54 to 57-GA
56529-49 Control coil only (2) (Replaced by 56528-49)
56600-49 .95 Handlebar to fork cable cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 to 57-0HV
56605-49 .95 Carburetor control coil bracket . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 to 53--0HV
56608-49 .20 Carburetor control coil bracket clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 53--0HV
9959 .25 Carburetor control coil clip (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 49 to 52--45" twins. 53 to 57-GA
9983 .20 Carburetor control coil dip .................................... . 49 to 57-0HV
9957 .15 Spark control coil dip ......................................... . 50 to 57-0HV
5660S..S2 ..20 Carburetor control coil clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 52 to 57-0HV
56628-54 .35 Spark control coil clamp bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV


57998-56 $24.50 Windshield complete (blue bottom) .................... . 49 to 57 (hydra-glide only)
57999-56 24.50 Windshield complete (red bottom} ................ . 49 to 57 (hydra-glide only)
58000-48 18.50 Windshield complete . .... ..... . . . . . .......... . 40 to 57--c:ll models with spr-ing fork
58001-49 18.50 Windshield complete ..... . 40 to 49-all models. SO to 52-WL
models {models having spring fork
6 rubber :mounted handlebars)
58002-49 24.50 Windshield complete {clear bottom) ........... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydra-glide only)
58020-48 Windshield upper window (Replaced by 58020·49)

Part No. Pric:e Eac:h NAME Used On


58020.49 $ 6.75 Windshield upper window . . . . . . .. 49 to 57-0HV
58020-50 4.75 Windshield upper window .................................... . 51 to 57-WL & GA (models with
spring fork)
5802248 9.75 Windshield lower window .......... . 40 to 49-all models, 50-WL
(models with spring fork)
58021-56 7.00 Windshield lower wir..dow (blue) . . ... 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
5802.2.49 6.10 Windshield lower window (clear) 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58022·50 3.75 Windshield lower window ................. . 51 to 57-WL & GA {models with
spring fork)
58022"56 7.00 Windshield lower window (red) 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)

' fl., ,
5804 9 58049-50A.
~ -.50Ae. 7031 ems
2728 : 7031
2128 r 7031,,,2726 m
~a c::> 4 0 .,.... e ~~
C"t7031 j fl
l)o .sso4s-so
7651 7651 58033-<19 76!51 7651

0 Sii




Part No. Price Each NAME Used Ou


3825 $ .10 Upper window to inner brace bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
40 :o 49-al! models, 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
3791 .10 Upper window to inner brace bolt (5) 40 to 49-o:ll models, 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
7676 •05 Upper window to inner brace bolt nut (2) ...... . 40 to 49-o:ll models. 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with sp:i:1g fork)
58026-56 1.50 Windshield adjustoble wind::>w (blue) 49 to 57-0HV (hy::.1raulic fork)
58027-49 1.50 Windshield adjustoble window (clecr) ................ , 49 to 57-0HV (hydroulic fork)
58027-56 1.50 Windshield adjustable window (red) ......... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydrouHc fork)
2725 .oa Windshield cdjustable wind9w screw (5) ... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydroulic fork)
7651 •07 Windshield cdjustable window screw nut (5) ..... ... · 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58032-48 7.50 Windshield inner brace 40 to 49-oll mociels, 50-WL models
{models with spring fork)
58032-50 7.50 Windshield inner brace 49 to 57-WL & GA (models ·,ll'ith
spring fork)
58033-49 3.00 Windshield inner brace 49 to 57-0HV (·,.,rith hydroulic fork)
58037-48 2.40 Windshield outer brace 40 to 49-all modds. 50-VlL models
{r.1odels with sp::ing fork)
58037-49 2.40 Windshield outer brace 49 to 57-0HV (hyd:c:..::!c fo:-k)
58037-50 3.00 Windshield outer brace 51 to 57-WL & GA (mociels with
spring !ork)
2629 .03 Windshield inner brace screw (4) .... 40 to 49-all models, 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
2726 .10 Windshield outer brace screw (4) 49 to 57-0HV (hycirculic fork)
7651 .07 Windshield outer brace screw nut (4) ............. . 49 to 57-0HV (hydroulic fork)
58048-SO •90 Windshield moulding clamp (2) ................ . 50 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58049-50 Windshield moulding rubber bushing (Replaced by 58049-SOA)
58049-SOA .25 Windshield moulding rubber bushing (2) . . . . . . ............. . 50 to 57-0HV (hydroulic iork)
58047-48 Windshield handlebar clamp (Reploced by 58187-30)
58187-30 •so Windshield handlebar clamp (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 40 to 49-all models, 50 to 57-WL
& GA (mcdels with spring fork)
58045-49 .60 Windshield handlebar clamp (2) 49 to 52---45" twins, 49-0HV (spring
fo:k with rubber :nountinc)
58050-48 1.50 Hcxndlebar clamp stud (2) ... 40 to 49-c:ll models, SO t;
6 GA (models with spring fork)
58052-48 .30 Handlebc:::r clamp stud spacer (2) 40 to 49-all models. 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
7782 .OS Handlebcr clamp stud nut (2) ... 40 to 49-all models, SO to 57-WL
& GA (models with sp!'ing fork)
58064-49 .OS Windshield brace screw rubber washer (4) 40 to 49-cP models, 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
58072-48 1.50 Windshield support-Rt 40 to 49-cli models, 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
58073-48 1.50 Windshield support-Lt. 40 to 49-c:ll models, SO to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
580'75-48 1.10 Windshield support bracket (2) 40 to 49-c:ll models. 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
3996 •15 Windshield support bracket bolt (4) ... 40 to 49-all models, SO to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
58078-49 2.10 Windshield adjustament bracket-Rt. ................ . 49 to 57--0HV (hyd:-oulic fork)
58079-49 2.Hl Windshield adjustment bracket-Lt. . . ...................... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
2728 •10 Adjustment brocket screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
7654 •05 Adjustment brocket screw nut {2) ............ . 49 to 57-0HV (hydrculic fork)
58085-49 1.15 Windshield outer strip-Rt ........................ . 49 to 57-0HV (hydroulic fork)
58086-49 1.75 Windshield outer strip-Lt. 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58095-49 .10 Windshield bracket-Rt. .. . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58096-49 .10 Windshield bracket-Lt. . ... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
3956 .10 Windshield bracket bolt (4) 49 to 57-0HV (hydrou!ic fork)
6329 •05 Windshield bracket bolt washer (4) . . . . ...................... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
2843 .10 Windshield bracket bolt (2) 49 to 57--0HV (hydraulic fork)
58102-49 •20 Windshield b!"acket bolt spacer (2) . . ...................... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58108-49 1.90 Set of windshield extensions & fittings ...................... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydroulic fork)
Consists of:
2 2843 .10 Extension screw 4 1744 .05 Extension bolt nut
4 3974 .20 Extension bolt 1 58106--49 .60 Right extension
8 7041 .01 Extension bolt lock washer 1 58107·49 .60 Left extension

58007-36 $28.75 Winter windshield complete less legshields ...... . 37 to 49-oll models, SO to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
58007-50 28.75 Winter windshield complete less legshields . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV (hydrculic fork)

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


58009-38 $35.75 Winter windshield complete with legshields . . . . . . ..... . 38 to 57-WL & GA (models with
spring fork)
58009-50 35.75 Winter windshield complete with legshields ......... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58010-50 10.50 Apron frame . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58011-41 Apron frame (Replaced by 580ll-41A)
58011-41A 8.75 Apron frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 41 to 49--all models, 50 to 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
58023-50 3.75 Window only 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
53 to 57-Servi-ccr."
58024-41 3.90 Window only 41 to 49-all models, SO to 52-WL
models (models with spring lork)



A\\ 2663
~~\ 7021
\ 6236 58011-41
6203 7030
,.,@( p1190
2721 7654 @0 7021 1021 c@

~~ 8
6242 6242 ~
6203 7030 58225-41

~ 9982
A 2632


a>:,~oi ~7@5e
F1 58185-30
58191-30 7040

<e 8



Part No. Price Eac::h NAME Used On


58040-50 $ 3.00 Windshield upper brace 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
53 to 57 -Servi-car
2726. .10 Upper brace screw (5) . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
53 to 57-Servi-car
7654 .OS Upper brace screw nut (5) 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
53 to 57-Servi-ca:r
58059-50 2.50 Windshield. adjustable plate ........ . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
2721 .03 Adjustable plate screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
6203 •05 Plate screw washer (4) . . . . . . . . . ............... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
7654 .05 Plate screw nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58095-49 .70 Windshield· fork bracket-Rt................................ . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58096-49 •70 Windshield fork bracket-Lt. .............. . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
6329 .OS Windshield fork bracket bolt washer (4) ......... . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
3956 .10 Windshield fork bracket bolt (4) ................. . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
4010 .15 Windshield bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58102-49 .20 Windshield bracket bolt spacer (2) 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic forkj
58123-41 18.00 Apron only 41 to 49-all models, 50 tc 57-WL
& GA (models with spring fork)
1190 •03 Apron screw (6) .. 41 to 49--all models, 50 to 57-WL
6 GA (models with spring fork)
58125-50 18.00 Apron only ....... . 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58143-31 .40 Apron spring (2) ... . 3i. to 49-all models, SO to 57-WL
& G (models with spring fork)
9982 .25 Control coil clip (4) 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
2632 .03 Coil clip screw (4) 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
58150-41 2.75 Fork spring apron guard . . . 41 to 49-all models. SO to 57-WL
& G (models with spring fork)
58185-30 4.20 Set o! two clamps with eyebolts complete 30 to 49-all models. 50 to 57-WL 6
G models (models with spring fork)
Consists of:
2 4000 .15 Bracket bolt 4 58187~30 .so Handlebar clamps
2 7040 .01 Bracket bolt lock washer 2 58191-30 .so Bracket eyebolt
2 1752 .05 Bracket bolt nut 2 58194-30 .35 Bracket eyebolt spacer
2 7835 .10 Sracket eyebolt nut
58210-41 1.50 Windshield moulding ... 41 to 49-all models. SO to 52-WL
models (models with spring fork)
58221-41 .90 Moulding retainer 4-1 to 49-all models. 50 to 52-WL
models (models with spring fork)
1661 .03 Windshield moulding screw (9) ... ..... ' ...... 44 to 49-all models. SO to 52-WL
models {models with spring fork)
7590 .02 Windshield moulding screw nut (9) ' ............. 41 to 49-all models, SO to 52-WL
models {models with spring fork)
58225-41 .10 Windshield tee nut (6) ...... ............ 41 to 57-all models
6242 .05 Tee nut plain washer (6) .. .. 41 to 49--all models. SO to 52-WL
models (models with spring fork)
2663 .03 Windshield tee nut screw (4) 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)
6236 .OS Tee nut screw washer (4) .. •• * •••••• " 49 to 57-0HV (hydraulic fork)

58500-37 Sll.OO Set of legshields complete with fittings . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" 6 80" twins
58501-38 11.00 Se! of legshields complete with fittings .......... 38 to 57-WL ~ G
58507-39 5.50 Left legshield only ........ . 39 to 57-WL & G
SSSll-37 Left legshield only ........ . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" 6 80" twins
58527-30 Right legshield only ... . 37 to 57-WL 6 GA
58531-37 5.50 Right legshield only 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
58547-36 1.75 Left shield bracket ........ . 37 to 47-61 ". 74" 6 80" twins
58548-36 1.75 Right shield bracket 37 to 47-61 ". 74" 6: 80" twins
58550-49 1.75 Legshield bracket (2) 49 to early 51--0HV
58552-32 2.75 Legshield bracket . 32 to 57-WL & G
58554-51 1.65 Legshield bracket (2) Later 51 to 57-0HV
3974 .20 Legshield to bracket bolt ........... . . 30 to 57-61". 74" 6: 80" twins,
37 to 52-WL models
7752 .05 Legshield to bracket bolt nut 30 to 57-6! ". 74" 6 80" twins.
37 to 52-WL models
58557-37 1.10 Legshield bracket frame clamp 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins.
(used without safety guard)
58559-30 .55 Brcrcket clamp 30 to 52-45" twins, 53 to 57-
58562-49 .55 Legshield "U'" bolt (2) 48 to early 51-0HV
58563-51 .55 Legshield "U" bolt (2) Late~ 51 to 57-0HV
7793 .05 Legshield "U" bolt nut 37 to ec::-ly 51-61". 74" & 80" twir:s

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


7752 I
3974' , ®c
6320 ® ®®C

58550-49 58550-49

(e & e

4027 , 7
7040 (!, •
77.52 ~ e 58507-39 or 58511-37
58527-30 o.r 58531-37

~ 58568-36
7040 7040
~~52 7752 l 3974
-85 E@.-()
(.) 7021
7021 (.) 0 ()
~ 7620 7620 ® ®
7752 2768

a~: ~<f

2768 7040

\158585-30 58585-30
IS\@~ 2768 7035 at$
8 ~ 7035



?616 s .05 Legshield "U" bolt nut .............................. . Later 51-0HV

58566-30 .55 Legshield flap strip, right side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 30 to 57-WL & G. 37 tc 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
58568-36 •55 Legshield flap strip, left side . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 8G" tw:ns
58570-38 .55 Legshield flap strip, left side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 38 to 57-WL & G
58571-38 1.65 Rubber fla:p-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 30 to 57-WL & G
58579-30 1.65 Rubber flap-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 30 to 57-WL & G
58581-37 1.65 Rubber flap (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" 6 80" twins
1206 .03 Flap screw . . . . . . . . . .......... . 30 to 57-all twins
7620 .02 Flap screw nut ................... . 30 to 57-all twins
58585-30 .90 Lower bracket (2) ................ . 30 to 57-WL & G

Part No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used On

58587-36 s •90 Left lower guard bracket ... 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
58589-36 .90 Right lower guard bracket 37 to 57-6i ", 74'' & 80" twins
2768 •OS Lower bracket bolt ............ . 30 to 57-all twins
7695 .05 Bracket bolt nut ...... . 30 to 57-all twins
4027 •25 Bracket clamp bolt ...... . 30 to 57-WL & G
77S2 .OS Bracket clamp bolt nut .. . 30 to 57-WL & G
58760-36 14.50 Lap cover complete 37 to 57-all twins
6 58766-41 .so Lap apron cla::r.p 6 88540-36 .20 Lap apron eyelets with washers
6 58768-41 .60 Lap apron fastener

59000-48 Front fende: only (Replaced by 59000-48A)
59000-48A $18.50 Front fender only (prime color) ......................... . 49 to 57-0HV
59007-50 18.50 Front fende: less flap (prime color) 40 to 52-WL models
59012-40 Front fender less flap (Replaced by 59007-50)
59012-50 Front fender less flap (Replaced by 59012-50A)
59012-SOA 18.50 F:ont fende: less flap (prime color) 50 to 57-Servi-cars
59105-50 1.50 Front fender iront brace ...................... . SC to 52-WL models
59107-50 1.50 Front fender rear brace . . . . . . . . . . . ............... , 50 to 52-WL models
59135-36 .90 Front fender brace clip (2) ....... . 37 to 48-61", 74" & 80" twins,
40 to 57-WL & G
59136-48 1.65 Front fender brace (2) .. 49 to 57-0HV
59140-34 .40 Brace clip lock-Lt. 37 w 48-61", 74" & 80" twins,
40 to 57-WL & G
59142-34 .40 Brace clip lock-Rt 37 to 48-61". i4" & 80" twins,
40 to 57-WL & G
2404 .10 Front fender oval head bolt (2) 40 to 57-·-WL & G, 37 to 48--
61", 74" & 80" twins
7752 .OS Front fender oval head bolt nut (2) 40 to 57-WL & G, 37 to 48--
61", 74" & 80" twins
59204-49 7.25 Set of front fender trim with fittings 49 to 56-0HV. 50 to 56-WL & G
Consists of:
2 59205-49 1.10 Front fender side trim 3 59895-54 .OS Front fender trim clip (o/ts")
l 59207-49 1.65 Front fender lowe:- end trim 6 S9896-49 .03 Front fender trir:1 clip (1§")
1 59215-49 3.50 Frol"l.t fender tip
59204-57 7.25 Set of front fender trim & fittings 57-0HV & Servi-cars
Consists of:
·' 2 3560W .10 Tee bolt X l 59206-S7 1.60 Front fender trim-Rt.
X 2 3561W .10 Tee bolt )i 1 59215-57 3.40 Front fender tip
)C 4 7220 .01 Lock washer X 1 59230-57 .OS Front fender ~ spacer
)( 4 7635W .10 Nut 8ll'!S-!7 .03 fl om !end e. tip Ii •'1!'f
" 1 59205-57 1.60 Front fender trim-Lt. ..l. 57 799 5'1--:os--·"'flen. !tude! ti~
"'t 7608 .02 Front fender tip nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 56--all models
" 2586 .OS Front fender 1ip screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-0HV & Servi-ca:s
X 7590 .02 Front fender tip screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . 57-0HV & Servi~cars
""59231-57 / .10 Front fender tip screw spacer (recr.) . . . ....... ... 57 -OHV & Servi~cars
59235-48 1.90 Front fender ilap . . . . . . . . . . ......... 49 to 57-0HV, 50 to 57-WL & G
1206 .03 Fender flap bolt (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-all models
6203 .05 Fender flap bolt plain washer (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57--all models
7620 .02 Fender flap bolt nut (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-all models
3991 .15 Front fender fastening screw (4) . ... ....... 49 to 57-~0HV
59604-39 29.50 Rear fender & brace (prime color) . . . 39 to 54-0HV
59604-SS 29.50 Rear fender & brace (prime color) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV
59612-41 29.50 Rear fender & brace (prime color) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO to 52-WL
59699-49 10.50 Rear fender rear end . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 54-0HV, 50 to 52-WL models
59699-SS 10.50 Rear fender rear end . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... 55 to 57-74" OHV
59737-34 .90 Rear fender end brace bracket 34 to 57-all models
5424 .10 Brace brocket bolt (2) . . . . . . 23 to 57-all models
7748 .OS Brace bracket belt nut (2) 23 to 57-ell models
59761-36 1.10 Rear fender end brace (2) 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins.
41 to 52-WL models
59765-36 1.75 Rear fender brace (top) .. 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
59767-41 1.75 Rear fender brace (top) 4! to 52-WL models
8515 .02 Truss head rivets (~j,;" x %") For fender braces
8523 .02 Round heo:d rivets (~),;" x ~·)r.") For fender braces & clips
4634 .40 Rec::- fender brace bolt 30 to 57-61'". 74" & 80" twins
4304 .20 Rear fender brace bolt 29 to 52-WL models
7789 .OS Rear fender brace bolt nut 29 to 52-WL models
7831 .10 Rear fender brace bolt nut 30 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
6490 •10 Rear fe::1der brcce bolt plain washer . 30 to 57-61", 74" 6: 80" twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Used 011


59007-50 ~59676-49

~ ~ ¥Y 59225-39

59215-49 59761·36
59782·36 59780-29 ({)~ 5425

\ n48
s~& 6320 59699-49
) -, 7040
59696-49/,;; i ~ 1206~
~:X: :s: :s: 59107-SO::;_ ®
~ 59895-54
7045 ~



~===~%r.... 59816-49
-:::::e==t\~ 59877""'9
;;;;;;;;;:::J 59880-49




59780-29 $ .70 Rear fender brace c11p-Lt. .. 29 to 52-WL models

59780-36 •10 Reo:r fender clip-Rt. . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" 0. SO" twins
59781-36 .90 Rear fender clip-Lt. 37 to 57-61", 74." & SO" twins
59782-36 •90 Rear lender brace clio-Rt . 29 to 52-WL Solo
59800-36 .50 Rea:- fender frame cldmp (2) 37 to 57-61", 74'' & 80" twins

Part No. Price Eac:h NAME Used On


59802-47 s •40 Rear iender frame clamp bolt (2) ..... . 47 to 57-61" & 74" twi~s
6408 .05 Rear fender irame clcmp bolt washer (2) 47 to 57--61" & 74" twins
4004 .15 Rea: fender frame clcmp bolt-37 to 47 (4), 47 to 57 (2) 37 to 57--61 ". 74" & 80" twins
6327 .05 Rea;- fender frame clamp bolt plain washer-37 to 47 (4), 47 to 57 (2) 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7744 .OS Rear fender frame clamp bolt nut (2) ....... . 47 to 57-61" & 74" twins
7752 •OS Rear fender frame clamp bolt nut-37 to 47 (4), 47 to 53 {2) ... 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
4013 .15 Rear fender support bolt (2) 29 to 52-WL models
7752 •OS Rear fender s1.0pport bolt nl.!t .. 30 to 52-WL models
59853-48 2.10 Rear fender end hinge ~ith fittings 48 to 57-·c:ll models
59862-30 .25 Rear fender hinge pin ....... . 30 ·to 57-all models
8515 .02 Hinge rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... . 23 to 57-all mociels
3974 •20 Rear fender bolt (lower end) ....... . 30 to 52-45" twins
59874-49 5.25 Set of rear fender trim with fittings 49 to 50-0HV. SC-45'' twins
Consists cf:
1 59225-39 .03 Rear fender trim clip 59878-49 .90 Rear fender right left top trim
l 59875-49 .90 Rear fender right top trim 59879-49 .90 Rear fender right middle trim
1 59876-49 .90 Rear fender :-ight middle trim 59880-49 .90 Rear fender right bottom trim
1 59877-49 .90 Rear fender right bottom trim
59995-55 2.10 License plate bracket assembly complete 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
59997-55 •60 License plate bracket only ............ . 55 to 57--74" OHV & Servi-cars
59999-55 .35 License plate bracket support 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
60001-55 •35 License plate clamp . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
60002-55 .20 License plate clamp bolt 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
6240 .05 License plate clamp bolt washe:- 55 to 57-=.74" OHV 0. Se::-vi-cars
7675 .OS License plate damp boit nut . 55 to .57-74'' OHV 0. Servi-cars

60302-36 $ 3.25 Rear chain guard 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
60303-36 3.25 Rear chain guard 36 to 52-WL models
60305-41 6.25 Rear chain guard (inner) 41 to 50-Servi-cars
60305-51 6.25 Rear chain guard (inner) 51 to 55-Servi-cars
60305-56 6.25 Rear chain guard (inner) .... 56 & 57-Servi-cars
60310-40 Rear chain guard (outer) (Replaced by 60310-51A)
60310-SlA 4.15 Rear chain guard outer assembly . 40 to 57-Servi-cars
60316-Sl 2.20 Rear outer chain guard (lower) . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
60317-51 2.75 Rea:- outer chain guard (upper) ............ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
60337-51 .60 Rear chain guard front strap . . . . ........... . 41 to 57-Servi~cars
4000 .15 Chain guard front strcp bolt . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
6320 •OS Front strap bolt washer .. .... . . .. . . .. . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
7752 .05 Front strap bolt nut ............ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
60346-36 .40 Rear chain guard clip stud ......................... . 36 to 52-WL models
60347-26 .40 Rear chain guarr.i clip stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-Servi·cars
3550 •05 Rear inner chain guard screw (3) . . . . . . . . ... 51 to 57--Servi-ccrs
60350-36 .10 Rear chain guard stud spring .. . 39 to 57-WL & G
6245 .OS Rear chain guard stud washer .. . 40 to 57-all models
7691 •OS Rear chain guard stud. nut .............. . ... 37 to 57-61'', 74" & SC" :wi:::s .
40 to 52-WL models
59782-36 •90 Rear chain guard clip .................... . 36 to 52-WL models
3953W •10 Rec:r chain guard to fender bolt .......... . 36 to 52-WL models
7752 .OS Rear chain guard to fender bolt nut 36 to 52-WL models
3787 .10 Rear chain guard to differential housing screw 51 to 57-Servi-cc:rs
60504-32 8.90 Front chain outer guard ...... . 32 to 57-WL & G
60505-36 8.90 Front chain outer guard 37 to 54-61", 74" & 8C" ~....-:;.$
60505-55 8.90 Front chain outer guard .... 55 to 57-74" OHV
1210 .03 Front chain guard sc::-ew (10) 37 to 57-61", 74" & SC" tw::-:s
60540-36 •60 Chain guard joint gasket .. 37 to 57-61'', 74" 5 8C" !w::-:s
60542-26 .so F::-ont outer chain guard rea:- bracket 29 to 57-WL & G
2775 .OS Front chain guard rea:: brc:cket bolt 30 to 57-WL 0. G
7691 .OS Front chain guard recr screw nut 30 to 57-WL & G
60544-36 •40 Circular lock washer ... 37 to 54-61", 74" & 8C" ~W!!':S
60546-36 1.50 Inner chain guard drain pipe . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 8C" :w::-.s
60548-36 .50 Inner chain guard oil drain nipple 37 'to 57-61", 74" & 8C" :w::-:s
63530-43 .25 Inner chain guc:rd drain pipe nut 37 to 57-61". 74" & 8C" t..,·::-:s
60555-36 1.80 Clutch cover (black) 37 to 57-61", 74" & 8C" ~w::-:s
60557-36 3.95 Clutch cover (chrome) 37 to 57-61", 74" & sc·· :w::-:s
2265 .OS Clutch cover screw (8) 37 to 57-61", 74" & 8C" tw::-.;;
60565-36 .40 Clutch cover cork gasket 37 to 57-6!". 74" & 8C" tw::1:::
60567-36 .15 Chc:ln inspection cover gasket (also between
cha:n c.;uard 6 crankcasel (2) 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" :wi:1s
60569-29 .60 Front chain inspectior. cover (2) 30 to 57-WL & G
60572-36 .60 Chain inspection cover (black) 37 to 57-61". 74" 5 8C" twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. On

CHAIN GUARD- Continued

~ 60652-55 . . 60567-36

t:T:P 60555-36 60630-30~

2265 or
60557-36 239Sq,P



60513-36 s 1.10 Chain inspection cover (chrome) .............................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
2265 .OS Front chain inspection cover screw (4) ......................... . 37 to 57-WL & G
2268 •OS Inspection cover screw (2) ................................... . 36 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
60619-55 10.50 Front chain guard. back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 55 to 57-74" OHV (hand shift only)
60620-3G 10.50 Front guard back . . . .......... . 37 to 54-61", 74" & SO" twins
{hand shift only)
60620-52 10.50 Front chain guard back . . . . . . . . . . . .... 52 to 54-0.HV (foot shift only)
Part No. Price Each NAME Used O:c.

CHAIN GUARD- Continued

60620-55 $10.50 Front chain guard back . . . .. . 55 to 57-74" OHV (foot shift)
60621-41 4.25 Front chain guard back . . ........... . 41 to 57-WL & G
2398 •10 Front chain guard back screw . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... . 32 to 57-WL & G
60629-SS .20 Front chain guard back gasket ............................ . 55 to 57-74" OHV
60630-30 •10 Front chain guard screw lock ............................ . 37 to 57-WL & G
60636-36 •60 Inner chain guard rear bracket with rivets . . . . . . . . . .. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
8512 •02 Bracket rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _....... . 37 to 57-61"'. 74" & 80" twins
60638-41 •60 Front chain guard back rear bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 to 57-WL & G
60640-29 .10 Front c:r.ain guard bolt spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 29 to 57-WL & G
3959 •10 Front chain guard back: bolt (3) .................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
60642-36 .35 . Inner chain guard rear bolt kit (2) . . . . ....... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
510 .005 Inner chain guard rear bolt cotter pin 7688 .05 Inner chain guard rec:::r bolt nut
3831 .10 Inner chain guard rear bolt 60640-29 .10 Inner chain guard rear bolt spring
1 6245 .OS Inner chain guard rear bolt washer
60648-39 .60 Front chain guard screw plug (2) . . . ............ ... 39 to 57-WL & G
60650-32 .15 Front chain guard screw plug washer . ... .... .... 39 to 57-WL & G
3550 .OS Oil deflector screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .... ... 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
60652-55 .15 Front chain guard back spring clip (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV
60654-55 .OS Front chain guard back spring clip washer {3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV
60655-55 .10 Front chain guard back: clip spacer (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV
24929-49 .15 Oil deflector screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-61" & 74" OHV
24931-39 .10 Oil deflector rubber washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 51-61", 74" & 80" twins
24932-39 .7r1 Front chain oil deflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins


61103-36 $ 1.50 Tank cap, gas ................................. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--:a:l.l models
61104-37 1.80 Oil tank cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-WL & G
61114-48 .20 Tank cap washer (rubber) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--<::tll models, 37 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
61120-37 1.50 Tank top filler strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-WL & G
61122-39 .70 Tank top filler strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
61124-37 .60 Tank buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-WL & G
61202-47 26..00 Right tank {prime color) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to SO-OHV


f 366.5
(§;: 7030
@ 61820-18@

61785-47 @ 6207 ®

61120.37( ®(~@) (

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


61202-51A Right tank (prime color) (Replaced by 61202-SlB)
61202-SIB $30.00 Right tank (pnme color) ....................................... . 51 to 56-0HV
61202-57 30.00 Right tank. {prime color) ....................................... . 57-0HV
61209-47 34.00 Right tank (oil) (prime color) . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 47 to 50-WL models
61209-51A Right tank (oil) (prime color) (Replaced by 61209-SlB) ·
61209-SlB 34.00 Right tank (oil) (prime color) ............... . 51 to 56-WL & G
61209-57 34.00 Right tank (oil) (prime color) . . . . ....... . 57-Servi-cars
61229-52A Gas tank, left (prime color) (Replaced by 61229-52B)
61229-52B 35.00 Gas tank. left (prime color) . . . . . . ........................ . 52 to 56-0HV (foot shift)
61229-57 35.00 Gas tank, left (prime coior) . . . ........ . 57-0HV (foot shift)
61230-47 35.00 Left tank (prime color) .. 47 to 50-0HV
61230-SIA Left tank (prime color) (Replaced by 61230-SlB)
61230-51B 35.00 Left tank (prime color} ................. . 51 to 56-0HV (hand shift)
61230-57 35.00 Leh tank (prime color) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 57-0HV (hand shift)
61237-47 35.00 Left gas tank (prime color) . . . . . . ............... . 47 to SO-WL models
61237-SlA Left gas tank (prime color) (Replaced by 61237-SlB)
61237-SlB 40.00 Left gas tank (prime color) ....... . 51 to 56-WL & G
61237-57 37.00 Left gas tank (prime color) .......... . 57-Servi-cars
61605-36 •25 Tcmk attaching stud (rear) (2) ..... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7752 •OS Tank attaching stud nut (rear) (2) ...... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
6320 •OS · Tank attaching stud washer (2) ..... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
4060 •30 Gos & oil tank mounting bolt (3) . 37 to 57-WL & G
6320 •OS Tank mounting bolt plain washer .. 37 to 57-WL & G
7752 .OS Tank mounting bolt nut ............ . 37 to 57-WL & G
4072 .35 Gas tank to s~eering head bolt ... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
4000 •15 Gas tank to frame bolt . . . . . . . .. . 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
7752 .OS Tank bolt nut 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
6320 .05 Bolt plain washer ........ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
3665 .15 Top of tank screw . . ....... . 37 to 57-WL & G
3666 .15 Top of tank screw (oversize) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 37 to 57-WL & G
61820-18 .02 Tank screw spring washer . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 37 to 57-WL & G
6207 .02 Tank screw paper washer ...................... . 37 to 57-WL & G
61769-47 5.10 Set of gas tank name plates ...................... . 47 to 50-all models
Consists of:
1 61768-47 2..75 Gas tarik name plate-R. H. 61175-47 2.75 Gas tank name plate-L. H
61773-51 2..75 Gas tank name plate-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 51 to 54-all models
61773-55 2..75 Gas tank name plate-Rt. . . . .............. . 55 & 56-all models
61773-57 1.60 Gas tank name plate (2) . . . . . . . . ............ , ............. . 57-0HV & Servi-cars
61775-51 2.75 Gas tank name plate-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 51 to 54--c:ll models
61775-55 2.75 Gas tank name plate-Lt. . . . . ............. . 55 & 56-all models
61785-47 •90 Tank name plate bracket (2) ................................. . 47 to 50-all models
61790-47 .05 Tank name plate bracket screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 47 to 50-all models
61792-47 .15 Tank name plate gasket (2) ................................... . 47 to 50-all models
61792-57 .10 Gas tank name plate gasket (2) . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 57-OHV & Servi-ccrs
61794-51 .90 Gas tank name plate strip (2) ................. . 51 to 53-all models
2060 .03 Tank name plate & chrome strip screw .......... . 51 to 56--all models
61795-57 .03 Gas tank narne plate !'ivet (4) .......... . 57-0HV & Servi-cars
61797-57 .OS Gas tank name plate clip (4) 57-0HV & Servi-cars


62032-40 s 3.00 Tank shut-off rod . . . ..................... . 40 to 57-WL & G
62033-41 3.00 Tank shut-off rod . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . ...... . 4.1 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
6307 .05 Shut-off rod washer ............ . 40 to 57-all models
11804-26 •OS Shut-off rod spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :'? ...... . 40 to 57-all models
62051-40 •so Shut-of! operating knob .......................... . 40 to 57-a!l models
2626 .03 Operating knob screw ........................... . 40 to 57 -all r.lodels
62075-50 1.80 Shut-off rod seat . . . . ...................... . SO to 57-all models
62085-40 •10 Shut-off rod seat washer (2) . . . . . . . . .......... . 40 to 57-o:ll models
62091-40 •50 Shut-off seal cap ... 4:0 to 57-al: models
62094-40 .10 Shut-off upper seal 40 to 57-all models
62096-40 .60 Shut-off rod spacer .. 40 to 57-WL & G
62250-50 3.00 Gas strainer complete 50 to 57-all models
Consists of:
1 62253-50 1.80 Gas· straine!' base 1 62268-32 .60 Gas strainer cap
1 62265-32 .60 Gas straine: screen 2 62270-32 .10 Gas strainer washer
62262-39 •25 Str-ainer & gas line nut . 39 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins.
39 to 49-WL models
62352-50 1.00 Gas line 50 to 57-0HV
62354-50 1.00 Gas line SO to 57-WL & G
62355-48 2.60 Tonk connecting line 48 to 57-0HV
62360-50 .20 Gas line rubber sleeve (2) 50 to 57--c:ll models
62361-50. .25 Strainer & gas line nut (2) 50 to 57-al! models
62374-40 .85 Tonk cor.necting line nipple 40 to 57-6) ", 74" Or 80'' twi:1S
Part No. Pric:e Eac:h NAME Used On


62504-38 $33.00 Oil tank ...................................................... . 38 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
62535-0S .20 Oil tank transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 36 to 57-all models
625'75-36 4.60 Oil tank mounting plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
62581-36 •20 Oil tank plate spacer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
62585-36 .60 Oil tank mounting plate bracket . . . . . . . .................... . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" 6 80" twins
2404 •10 Oil tank piate to bracket bolt (2) . . . . . ....... . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
3974 •20 Oil tank bretcket to mudguard bolt (2) ........................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7752 •OS B:acket bolt nut ................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
4013 .15 Oil tank plate to frame bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins

~ 62355-48
~ ~62374-40

2626 '
7115 e 63587-54
62051-40~ or
62091-40 ®
71804-26 :A
6307 <:::; 63610-53,
62094-40 ® 6156!7630

--11-1'11'1-.- ~3607-54


~~ t

t ~


62253-50 ~

~@ ~ ~
62265-32 63578-36
t 63577~
@ 6440
62270-32 25235-36




Part No. Price Each NAME Used Ou

on. TANK- OIL LINES- Continued

62625-36 s 1.75 Oil tank filler cap and gauge .......... . 37 to 57-61 ", 74'' & 80" twins
62628-36 .15 Filler cap gasket . . . . . . . ........... . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
62631-37 .90 Oil tank gauge rod . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 57-WL & G
104 •40 Oil tank drain plug ... 41 to 57-al! models
6700 •OS Drain plug gasket (!}~") ... 38 to 57-all models
62762-52 .25 Oil tank rubber washer (outer) 54 to 57-0HV (used when
mounting horn)
62763-52 •10 Oil tank rubber washer (inner) ... 54 to 57-0HV (used when
mounting horn)
63500-50 1.50 Oil pump return line only for oil filter .. . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
63502-50 2.15 Oil tank oil return line for oil filter ........ . 49 to 57-0HV model (with
F.M. radio only)
63503-50 1.20 Oil tank oil return line for oil filter ... 49 to 57-0HV (not used
with F.M. rc::dio)
63506-41 2.75 Motor oil pump return line 41 to 57-61" & 74" OHV
63507-38 2.75 Motor oil pump return line 38 to 57-WL & G
63510-37 2.75 Motor oil pump feed line ... .... ... . .. 37 to 57-WL & G
63511-38 2.75 Motor oil pump feed line ............... . 38 to 57--61" & 74" OHV
63524-50 .75 Oil line connection (special) for oil filter .. . 50 to 57-0HV
63526-50 .70 Pump cover to oil filter oil line connector for oil filter SO to 57-0HV
63527-50 .30 Oil line nut for oil filter (4) ................ . 49 to 57
63529-50 •25 Oil line sleeve (rubber) for oil filter (4) .......... . 49 to 57
63530-15 •25 Oil tank vent pipe nipple nut (oil pipe nipple) . SO to 57·-0HV
63533-15 .60 Nipple for oil tank vent line on big twins & oil pump
feed line on 45" & OHV models . . . . . . . . .......... . 38 to 57-all models
63570-37 2.75 Oil tank vent line .... . 37 to 57-WL & G
63572-38 2.75 Oil tank vent line . . . .. . 38 to 57-61" & 74" OHV
63577-36 •90 Nipple for oil tank vent line .... 37 to 57-WL & G
63578-36 1.00 Nipple bolt for oil tank vent line . 37 to 57-WL & G
63580-15 .25 Nipple for gas line (rear end) & vent & rocker arm oii lines . 15 to 57-Wl & G
6440 •05 Brass washer for nipple ........ . 37 to 57-WL & G
25235-36 .60 Crankcase oil tank vent pipe nipple ... 36 to 57-WL & G
63590-41 2.75 Rear chain oiler line .......... . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
63597-38 .25 Rear chain oiler line bushing . . . . .... 38 to 57 -Servi-cars


63587-54 s 4.50 Rear chain oiler kit 54 to 57-74" OHV (used with
oiler filter)
63588·54 4.00 Rear chain oiler kit 54 to 57-74" OHV (not used with
oil filter)
63500-54 1.50 Motor to oil filter oil return line 54 to 57-74" OHV
63592-54 1.90 Rear chain oiler pipe ....... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
63599-54 .20 Rear chain oiler pipe ::lamp .. 54 to 57-74" OHV
2632 .03 Rear chain oiler pipe clc:mp screw 54 to 57-74" OHV
7608 .02 Rear chain oiler pipe clamp screw nut 54 to 57-74" OHV
63607-54 l.SO Rear chain oiler body .......... . 54 to 57-74." OHV
7691 .OS Rea:- chain oiler adjusting screw nut .. 54 to 57-74" OHV
63610-53 .25 Rear chain oiler adjusting screw 54 to 57-74" OHV
7630 .05 Rear chain oiler adjusting screw lock nut 54 to 57-74" OHV
6156 .05 Rear chain oiler adjusting screw brass woshe:- 54 to 57-74" OHV
63615-54 .10 Recr chain oiler rubber washer . . . . . 54 to 57-74" OHV


63799-50 $ 6.00 Oil filter conversion kit ............. . 48 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
1 6320 .05 Filte!' mounting bracket plain washer 7040 .01 Filter mounting bracket lock washer
1 7045 .01 Filter mounting bol! lock washer 1752 .OS Filter mounting bracket nut
2 7789 .05 Filter :mounting bolt nut 63500-50 1.50 Oil line (oil purn.p to filter)
1 63503-50 1.20 Oil line (filter to gas tank) 63524-50 .75 Oil line connector (special)
3 63525-SO .70 Oil line connecto:- (40 to 49 only) 63526-50 .70 Oil line connector (50 only)
4 63527-SO .30 Oil line nu: ~ 63529-50 .25 Oi1line sleeve (rubber)
63809-48 .15 Oil cap gasket 638S0-48A .50 Oil filter mounting bolt
63858-49 .10 Stud n;.tt gasket 63860-50 1.00 Filter !!'!ounting bracket
63871-50 .55 Oil line connector adapter 63873-SO .OS Oil line co:-:nector adapter gc:skc:
l 63874-50 .OS Filter mounting bolt gas:Cet
63800-48 12.00 Oil filter complete 40 to 57-61 ". 74" & 80" rwir.s
63807-48 Oil filter cap (Replaced by 63807-48Al
63807-48A 5.80 Oil iil:er cap ......... . 40 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" :wir.s
63809-48 •15 Oil filter cap gasket . . . . . . ..... 40 to 57-6! ", 74" & 80" twins
63810-50 Oil filter cap bolt (Replaced by 63850-48A)

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


6320 c.,® 7752

f1 63525-50 704.0
63526-50 ~ 63527-50 tllP
63529-50 ~V- e ~29_ 50 63874-50 ~ \ 63807-48A
63848-48 ~7789
~ ®
63500-50 @/&..
63809-"8 \ 7789

00 . li@ 63873-50
63843-48 s, ' QQ)l1)

638 15·48
~ 63529-50
'....... ~ 63527-50
~0 ) 63814-55 ~
..... 885: \
63503-50~ ~
63527-50 ~Q>.
63529-50 ~
7688 63524-50~

7789 $ .OS Oil filter cap bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
63814-55 •90 Oil filter valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 55 to 57-74" OHV
63815-48 •2S Oil filtet valve seat ................................... . 40 to 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
63817-48 •1S Oil filter valve spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 40 to 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
63817-SS •15 Oil filter valve spring ........................................ : . 55 to 57-74" OHV
8860 •03 Oil filter valve spring ball ..................................... . 40 to 54-61", 74" & 80" twins
8858 •03 Oil filter valve spring ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 55 to 57-74" OHV
653 •05 Oil filter cap Welsh plug ...................................... . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
63819-55 •'10 Oil filter valve body .................................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
63825-48 4.25 Oil filter cup .................................................. . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
63840·48 1.20 Oil filter element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
63843-48 •30 Oil filter element upper retainer . . . . . .................. . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
63846-48 •30 Oil filter element lower retainer . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 40 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
63848-48 •05 Oil filter element retainer gasket . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 40 to 57-61'', 74" & SO" twins
63850-48 Oil filter stud (Replaced by 63850--48A)
63850-48A .so Oil filter stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
63852-48 .10 Oil filter cup acorn nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 40 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
7688 .OS Oil filter stud nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
63858-49 .10 Oil filter asbestos washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ........ . . 40 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
63860-50 1.00 Oil filter mounting bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ... 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
6320 .OS Oil filter mounting bracket washer . . . 40 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
7'152 .05 Oil filter mounting bracket nut .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
63871-SO .55 Oil filter cap adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
63873-50 .05 Oil filter cap adapter gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
63874-50 .OS Oil filter bolt gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins


64205-40 Tool box (Replaced by 64205-40A)
64205-40A $10.50 Tool box (black) 40 to 57--<::dl models
64303-40 4.95 Tool box cover . . . . .......... . 41 to 54-al! models
64303-55 2.75 Tool box cover ............. . . . 55 to 57-all models
64340-26 .15 Tool box key .................... . 30 to 54-all models
64450-41 2.10 Tool box mounting bracket ... . 41 to 52-WL models
4738~1 2.20 Tool box mounting bracket .. 40 to 51-61", 74." & 80" twins
2768 .OS Tool box bracket screw .... . . . . . . . . 41 to 51-61", 74." & 80" twins
7695 •OS Tool box bracket screw nut .. . . 40 to 51-61", 74" & 80" twins
2402 •10 Tool box screw (3) ....... . 4.1 to 57-all models
64472-35 •15 Tool box screw washer (4) . 40 to 57-all models
64474-40 •25 Tool box mounting spacer ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


2424 $ .20 Tool box mounting screw ....................... . 46 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
1152 •05 Tool box mounting screw nut ............. . 40 to 57-all models
S4500-S2A •35 Tool box wing stud .......................... . 55 to 57-all models
11000 •10 Tool box wing stud lock ring .................................. . 55 to 57-all models


64205-40A or
64303-55 4 "
~ 2402~
2402 47386-41
27~0 7035

64450-41 7695

~ 64472-35
64472-35 7040
64340-26 ~ 2424 64474-40 7752



65202-SO $29.00 Muffler & all fittings (black} (50 style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 52-0HV
65203-50 33.00 Muffler & all fittings (chrome) (50 style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-0HV
65210-50 26.50 Muffler & all fittings (black) (50 style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 52-WL models
65211-50 31.00 Muffler & all fittings (chrome) (50 style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 52-WL models
65212-51 28.50 Muffler & all fittings (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
65219-32 Muffler rear end complete, less exhaust pipes (Replaced by 65220~51)
65220-51 14.25 Muffler rear end complete, less exhaust pipes (black) . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
65227--41 Muffler rear end complete, less exhaust pipes {Replaced by 65228-50)
65227-50 17.50 Muffler rear end complete, less exhaust pipes (chrome) . . . . . . . . . . 32 to ·52-WL models
65228-50 13.00 Muffler rear end complete, less exhaust pipes (black) . . . . . . . . 32 to 52-WL models
65235-36 Muffler rear end complete, less exhaust pipes (Replaced by 65235-50 & 65236-50)
65235-50 13.00 Muffier rear end complete, less exhaust pipes (black) ........... 36 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
65236-50 17.00 Muffler rear end complete, less exhaust pipes (chrome) . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
65250-38 2.75 Rear muffler outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .......... ... 38 to 57--Servi-cars
65275-50 .90 Muffler front hanger clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 52-WL models
4289 ..20 Front hanger clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . ........ . ...... ... .... 29 to 52-WL models
7193 .05 Clamp bolt nut . . . . 29 to 52-WL models
S5278-3S .90 Rear end front clamp . . . . . Later 36 to 52-WL models
2834 .10 front clamp bolt . . . . ... ..... .... .. . 32 to 52-WL models
1784 .OS Front clamp bolt nut . . . 32 to 52-WL models
4000 .15 front clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 52-WL models

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On




a.. 7752 A'ih



or or
65227·50 65211-50

7752 65518-47
()D~fi~~ or

y ]65297-38
'()aD_,. • 65.518-51~
7040ca> 3974"'
7040 • •
7752& 7752
'\4289 0
~ 65296-38 (11)


I 65212-51 CPT.



Part No. Price Each NAME Used O:n


7752 s .OS Front clamp bolt nut . . . . ............... . 32 to 52-WL models
65282-51 •90 Muffler support strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
65284-38 ·.90 Rear end front clamp .......................................... . 39 to 57-Servi-cars
3974 .20 Front clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7752 •05 Front clamp bolt nut . . . ....... . 32 to 57--Servi-cars
4000 •15 Front damp bolt (2) .... . 32 to 57-Se:-vi-cars
7752 •OS Front clamp bolt nut .. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
65286-32 1.65 Muffler rear hange: . ... 32 to 52-.WL models
3974 .2ll Rear hanger bolt (2) ..... . 32 to 52-WL models
1152 .05 Rear hanger bolt nut (2) 32 to 52-WL models
65290-41 1.50 Muffler front hanger 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
65292-41 1.50 Muiiler rear hanger 41 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
(black muffler only)
65293-50 1.50 Muffler rear hanger 50 to 57-0HV (chrome muffle; only)
3974 •20 Front or rea: hange:- bolt .. . 31 to 57-(blc:ck muffler only)
3996 .15 Rear hanger bolt (2) ............. . SO to 57-.0HV (chrome muffler only)
4000 .15 Rear hanger bolt . 31 to 49-61". 74" & 80" twins
4042 •15 Rear hanger bolt ...................... . 37 to 49-61''. 74" & 80" twins
7752 •OS Front or rear hanger bolt nut . . . . . . . ........ . 32 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
65296-38 •90 Muffler end clamp ...................................... . 38 to 57-Servi-ca;s
65297-38 •90 Rear hanger strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 38 to 57-Se:-\·i-cc:rs
3974 •20 Muffler er:ci damp bolt ............. . 38 tc 57-Se;vi-cc:rs
7752 •05 Mu££ler end clamp bolt nut . . . . . . . .. . 38 to 5?-·Servi-ca~s
65309-51 4.75 Muffler front end connection tube . . . . . . ..... . 51 to 57--Servi-ccrs
65310-38 Muffler connection tube (Replaced by 65310-51)
65310-51 4.75 Muffler connection tube complete with bracket 38 to 57-Servi-ca:s
65440-48 4.25 Front exhcust pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-0HV
65465-36 4.00 Front exhaust pipe rear end with fittings 36 to 57-0HV
65452-41 7.90 Front exhaust pipe . 41 to 52-WL ::nocieis
65456-51 8.00 Front exhaust pipe . . . 51 to 57-Servi-cc::-s
65490-41 2.40 Rear exhaust pipe 41 to 57-WL & G
65493-48 3.00 Rea: exhaust pipe ... . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . 48 to 57-0HV
65505-41 4.60 Rear exhaust pipe connection 41 to 57-·61". 74" & 80" ~wins
65510-32 .90 Exhaust pipe clamp . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-WL & G
3974 .20 Exhaust pipe clamp bolt . . . . . 32 to 52-WL & G
7752 .05 Exhaust pipe clamp bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . ......... 37 to 57-WL & G
85512-37 .90 Front exhaust pipe frame clamp . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-0EV
4000 .15 Front exhaust pipe & frame clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-0HV
7752 .OS Front exhcust pipe clamp bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-0HV
65518-47 .60 Exhaus: pipe hanger strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 50-Servi-cc::s
65518-51 .60 Exhaust pipe hanger strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 51 to 57-Servi-cars
65519-48 .70 Exhaust pipe port c::lamp . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-0HV
3791 .10 Exhaust pipe port clamp bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-0P.V
7676 .OS Exhaust pipe port clamp bolt nut (2) .. .. . . .. .. . 48 to 57-0HV
65425-54 24.00 Dual exhaust pipe kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV rr:cciels
65440-54 19.00 Dual exhaust pipe--left side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV -:::ociels
65443-54 4.00 Dual exhaust pipe-right side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV rr:odeis
65510-54 1.75 Dual exhaust pipe to cylinder base stud damp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV -:::ode!s
65519-54 .90 Dual exhaust muffler front clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV models
65521-54 .90 Dual exhaust pipe left lower frame tube clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV rr:odels
4979 .60 Lower frame tube clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV !':':odels
7938 .25 Lower frame tube clamp bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV ;..ooeis
65524-54 .40 Dual exhaust muffler bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV ::Jodels
90908-54 .10 Dual exhaust r:tuffler bracket spacer . . . . ........ .. . . 54 to 57-0F.V ::nodels
3996 .15 Muffler bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV models
7752 .05 Muffler bracket bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV :-:-:odeh:


66002-49AD $18.00 45 ampere battery, dry charged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 49 to 57-models equ1pped with
two wo:y radtos c:1 >::r
66006-290 14.95 HM5 battery, dry charged ......... . 37 to 57-all rr.ocels
66015-49 .35 Battery filler plug (3) ............... . 49 to 53-models eq:.:!pj::ed with
two wo:y radios o:1ly
66018-29 .35 Filler plug .... 30 to 57-all models
66021-28 .05 Filler plug washer 29 to 57-all models
66022-49 •10 Battery filler plug washer (3) ...... . 49 to 57-rr:odels equipped with
two way radios
66100-15 •50 Battery mat (2) . . . . . . . ..... 37 to 57-all models
66110-23 •so Set of battery terminal screws & fittings . 23 to 57-all models
Consists of:
2 '1628 .05 Terminal screw :1.ut 2 66115--23 .OS Terminal screw felt washe~
2 66112-23 .15 Terminal screw

Part No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used On


'eJl 66373-36 ~

49180-36 401 3

- e 0
~~7752 /66115-23

66385-24 ~
,;® (5 G0
7752 4000

7752 ~
7040 ~ @7752

3974 rl c€· 7040

't5 3953
66390-36 661 00-15

~~ ~66015-49
0 0 0 66022-49
.. -.~.. ··

~ 66405-49




66202-29 $11.50 Battery case only ........................................... . 29 to 52-WL models

66203--40 Battery case only (Replaced by 66203-40.A)
66203-tOA 11.50 Battery case only (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 40 to 57-Servi-cars
66288-24 .10 Claxnp bolt lock pin ........................................... . 29 to 57-WL & G
66302-29 .so Rear frame plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 29 to 52-WL models
66350-42 .so Battery lower rubber cushion . . . . . . . . . .......... . 49 to 57-for radio battery
66351-42 .30 Battery upper rubber cushion (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-for radio battery
49180-36 .so Rear frame plate bolt ......................................... . 29 to 52-WL models
66373-36 1.75 Battery cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins,
66376-49 3.00 Battery cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 49 to 57-for radio battery
66377-29 1.75 Battery case cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 29 to 56-WL & G

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. On


66385-24 s .60 Cover clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-Servi-ca."S
66385-41 .so Cover clamp bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 52-WL models
66387-24 .10 Cover bolt wing nut ......................................... : . . 29 to 57-WL & G
66387-26 .10 Cover .bolt wing nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
66390-36 1.50 Cover tie rod., right side .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
66393-36 1.50 Cover tie rod, left side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
66405-49 .60 Battery cover tie rod (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-for battery 66002-49AD
4000 .15 Front bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-WL & G
7752 .05 Front bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... .. ... 37 to 57-WL & G
4013 .15 Rear upper bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... .. . 26 to 57-WL & G
7752 .05 Rear upper bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ... 26 to 57-WL & G
3953W .10 Rear lower bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. . 37 to 57-WL & G
3974 .20 Rear lower bolt (long) . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . .. . ... .. 37 to 52-WL models
7752 .05 Rear lower bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 to 52-WL models
3754 .10 Battery case bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... ... 40 to 57-Servi-cars
7698 .OS Battery case bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-Servi-cars

67004-47 Speedometer head, 120 mile, with odometer (Replaced by 67004-53A)
67004-52 Speedometer head (Replaced by 67004-53A)
61004-53A $25.25 Speedometer head .............................. . 47 to 57-0HV, late 53 to 57-
6700S..53 25.25 Speedometer head, 195 kilometer, with odometer ............... . 47 to 57-all models
67025-37 5.25 Speedometer cable assembly with core ........................ . 37 to 52-WL models
67026-36 Speedometer cable assembly with core (Replaced by 67026-36A)
67026-36A 5.25 Speedometer cable assembly with core ........................ . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
67028-51 Speedometer cable assembly with core {Replaced by 67028-SlA)
67028·51A 1.50 Speedometer cable assembly with core . . . . . . . . . .............. . 51 to 57-Servi-ca:rs
6705.S..36 1.75 Drive cable (core) ..................................... . 37 to 56--61 ", 74" & 80" twins
67055-.57 1.75 Drive cable (core) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 57-0HV
61056-38 1.75 Drive cable (core) ............................................ . 41 to 56-Servi-cars
61056-57 1.75 Drive cable (core) . . . . . . . .................................... . 57-Servi-cars
61057-41 1.75 Drive cable (core) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 41 to 52-WL models
67062-57 4.25 Cable casing only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 57-Servi-cars
67064-36 4.25 Cable casing only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 37 to 56--61", 74" & 80" twins
61064-57 4.25 Cable casing only ............................................ . 57-0HV
67074-37 .40 Speedometer cable clip ....................................... . 37 to 56-WL & G
67074-57 .15 Speedometer cable clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 57-0HV
67075-36 .40 Speedometer cable clip ....................................... . 39 to SS-61", 74" & 80" twins
67075-57 .15 Speedometer cable clip ....................................... . 57-Servi-cars
67076-41 .40 Speedometer cable bracket .................................... . 41 to 52-WL models

67129-37 ::::R;!!
Q)l' q~ ~ji'£W«#.f«<i'¥4"«i«•iii;•••~«~..-~~~~4- ~

67135-36 67057-41
+ •
~- . ''H'" c;;;;;(!

2626~f2626 .!. 70122-49 705n- ~ 67304-38

67130-37 - ;;..;.;,....:::===......- @)c.- ~~,8412

67301·38 CPT. 67308-47


Part No. Price Ec:zch NAME Used On


61080~37 s .20 Drive unit retainer ............................................ . 37 to 52-WL models
1187 •03 Drive unit retainer screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 52-WL models
67129-37 1.90 Speedometer drive unit complete .............................. . 37 to 52-WL models
67130-36 1.90 Speedometer drive unit complete .............................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
67130-37 4.95 Drive gear & shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 37 to 52-WL models
67131-38 '1.90 Speedometer drive unit complete .............................. . 38 to 57-Servi-cars
67134-38 4.95 Drive gear & shaft ........ , ....................... . 38 to 57-Servi-cars
67135-36 4.95 Drive gear & shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
67136-36 Drive unit housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 38 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
61137-36 .10 Housing washer ............................. . 38 to 57-Servi-cars. 37 to 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
67138-'36 •50 Housing collar . . . . . . . . . .. 38 to 57-Servi-cars, 37 to 57-
61", 74" & 80" twins
67139-37 .70 Housing collar ........... . 37 to 52-WL models
67141-36 •15 Drive housing gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 37 to 57-61". 74" 0. 80" twins
1206 .03 Drive housing screw ...... . 37 to 57-61". 74'' 0. 80" twir.s
6'1155-37 2.40 Speedometer drive gear, on brake shell ..................... . 37 to 52-WL models
67156-38 3.00 Speedometer drive gear (on axle) . . . . . . .................... . 38 to 57-Servi-cars
67301-38 9.'15 Speedometer hand lock complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 38 to 57-61", 74" 0. 80'' twins
Consists of:
2 2626 .03 Hand lock switch button screw 61301-38 .SO Hand lock release button & spring
2 8412 .02 Hand lock release spring rivet 70122-49 2.75 Hand lock switch button & wire
1 67304-38 7.25 Hand lock only '70577-26 .10 Hc:nd locf wire bushing
67308-47 .50 Speedometer hand lock catch 47 to 57-61" & 74" twins

61701-35 $12.00 Headlamp (black) 35 to 57-WL & G. 35 to 48-

61 ", 74" & 80" twins
61101-48 15.00 Headlamp (black) 49 to 57-0HV

67861·2~ 67741-35 67734-35

67701-35 , , - 6771 67733-35
4000 ~6521
® ~7055

. (P 0
GiiQJ 67817·36

67717.48 67719.48 677:?6·48 677:?9.48
67701 ..49 67710.49

791 s 67815-48
67810-48A fil:.._/ 67827-55 67821-55
~@,) @t ~ 67826-55
7918tJ;;ft(/i \($?'
67815-48 r· ~ ~f


Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

HEAD L.AlVJP - Continued

$18.00 Headlamp (chrome) ................................... . 49 to 57-0HV
15.00 Headlamp (chrome) ................................... . 35 to 57-WL & G, 35 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
6.75 Headlamp body .............................. . 35 to 57-WL & G. 35 to 48-
61". 74" & 80" twins
67710-48 7.50 Headiamp body (black) ................... . 49 to 57-0HV
67710-49 9.50 Headlamp body (chrome) . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-0HV
67711-35 4.60 Headlamp door & lens complete ......................... . 35 to 57-WL & G, 35 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
1 67713-35 3.50 Door only 2 67733-35 .15 Lens retainer screw
1 67715-35 .10 Door fastening screw 1 67734-35 .40 Lens packing washer
1 67731-35 1.50 front lens
67717-48 2.45 Headlamp sealed unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 49 to 57-0HV
67719-48 2.75 Headlamp sealed unit ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 57-0HV
67721-48 .15 Headla:mp sealed unit ring screw (3) .............. . 49 to 57-0HV
67726-48 4.25 Headlamp moulding (door) ....................... . 49 to 57-0HV
67729-48 .20 Headlamp moulding screw ............................. . 49 to 57-0HV
67741-35 3.50 Reflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 35 to 57-WL & G. 35 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
67750-35 .65 Headlamp bulb ...... . 35 to 57-WL & G, 35 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
67753-35 1.50 Inside lamp wiring . 35 to 57-WL & G. 35 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
67753-48 2.40 Inside lamp wiring . 49 to 57-0HV
67756-48 .IS Headlamp wiring clip . 49 to 57--0HV
67758-35 .80 Terminal block ......... . 35 lo 57-WL & G. 35 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
67760-35 .05 Terminal screw, 8-32 (2) ............................ . 35 to 57-WL & G. 35 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
67761-35 .05 Terminal screw, 10-32 (2) . . . . . ............ ·................... . 35 to 57-WL & G. 35 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
67810-36 2.50 Headlamp bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 40 to 57-WL & G. 37 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
67810-48 1.40 Headlamp bracket (Replaced by 67810-48A on OHV models only)
67810-48A 2.20 Headlamp bracket & fittings ................................. . 49 to 57-0HV
67815-48 .IS Headlamp bracket washer .............................. . 49 to 57-0HV
67817-36 .50 Lamp bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 40 to 57-WL & G. 37 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
4000 .15 Bracket to handlebar bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 40 to 57-WL & G, 37 to 48-
61'', 74" & 80" twins
7752 •05 Handlebar bolt nut ......................... . 40 to 57-WL & G. 37 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
3953W .10 Headlamp bracket bolt (2) ...................... . 49 to 57-0HV
7918 .20 Headlamp bolt nut . . . ... 49 to 57-0HV
67821-55 .15 Headlamp bracket spacer (2) ................ . 55 to 57-74" OHV
67826-55 .IS Headlamp bracket outer washer (rubber) (2) ........... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
67827-55 .15 Headlamp bracket inner washer {rubber) 55 to 57-74" OHV
61829-55 .20 Headlamp bracket cup (2) .... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
67a61-29 .45 Body fastening bolt .......... . 29 to 57-WL & G, 29 to 48-
61"', 74" & 80" twins
6521 .05 Headla:mp body bolt washer ..... 35 to 57-WL & G. 35 to 48-
61". 74" & 80" twins
7839 •15 Headlamp fastening bolt nut ..... . 29 to 57-WL & G. 29 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins


68002-47 $10.50 Stop light & tail lamp complete (black) ........... . 40 to 54-all models
68003-47 13.50 Stop light & tail lamp complete (chrome) ................ . 40 to 54-all models
68005-55 Stop light & tail lamp complete (Replaced by 68005-SSA)
68005-SSA 12.00 Stop light & tail lamp complete . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi·cars
68031-47 3.85 Tail lamp housing (black) .. . 47 to 54-all models
68031-SS 5.75 Tail lamp housing (black) ...... . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-ccrs
68032-47 6.60 Tail lamp housing (chrome) 47 ~o 54-all models
68049-47 •15 Tail lamp grommet ....... . 47 to 54-all models
68085-47 2.40 Tail lamp door (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 to 54-all models
68086-47 3.25 Tail lamp door (chrome) ........ . 47 to 54--all models
68086-55 2.25 Tail lamp door .................. . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68087-55 Tail lamp door screw (Replaced by 68672-38)
68672-38 •15 Tail lamp door screw (3) . . ....... . 47 to 57-all models
2635 •03 Tail lamp socket screw ... 47 to 57-oll ::r:odels

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On





TAIL LAMPS 1947 TO 1956

68090-47 $ 1.50 Tail lamp red lens .................................... . 47 to 54-all models

68090-55 •70 Tail lamp lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68093-47 •85 Tail lamp outlook lens or window ........................ . 47 to 54-all models
68093--55 .95 Tail lamp outlook lens ......................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68114-55 •10 Tail lamp outlook lens screw speed nut (2) .......... . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68119-55 .io Tail lamp outlook lens screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68121-47 •40 Tail lamp outlook window gcsket ......... . 47 to 54-all models
68121-SS .25 Tail lamp outlook lens gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68122-47 .25 Tail lamp gasket ............................................. . 47 to 54-all models
68122-SS .25 Tail lamp lens gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68123-47 •45 Tail lamp gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 47 to 54-all models
68123-55 •30 Tail lamp gasket (rubber) . . . . .................. . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68135-47 .35 Tail lamp spring ..................................... . 47 to 54-all models
68140-47 .15 Tail lamp upper stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 47 to 54-all models
68141-47 •15 Tail lamp lower stud ...................... . 47 to 54-all models
68150-49 •60 Tail lamp license plate ...................................... . 49 to 54-all models
68165-47 .42 Tail lcmp bulb .............................................. . 47 to 57-all models
68185-SS 2.10 Tail lamp socket & wiring .............. . 55 to 57--74" OHV & Servi-ears
2635 .03 Tail lamp socket screw (3) 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68188-47 1.75 Tail lamp socket complete .............. . 47 to 54-all models
68195-55 .10 Tail lamp socket screw eyelet {3) ...... . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68196-SS .10 Tail lamp socket screw grommet (3) . . . 55 to 57-74" OHV & Servi-cars
68225-48 .35 Tail lamp wire protection coil .......... . 48 to 54-all models
68225-55 .35 Tail lamp wire protection coil ........ . 55 1o 57-74" OHV

Part No. Price Each NAME Us~ On


68450-49 s 4-75 Front fender lamp with wiring ................................. . 50 to 57-WL & G
68454..35 1.35 Red bee--hive lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 35 to 55-sidecar lamp
68455-35 1.75 Glass lens .................................................... . 35 to 49--all models. 50-WL models,
50 to 57-sidecars
68455--49 •75 Glass lens ..................................................... . SO to 57-WL & G
68456-35 .25 Lens cork gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 35 to 49-all models, 50-WL models,
50 to 57-sidecars
68457-49 3..80 Front fender lamp cover {4%" long) ........................... . 50 to 57-WL & G
68458-49 .45 Fender lamp mounting :pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 50 to 57-WL & G
68459-47 .45 Fender la:mp gasket ........................................... . 47 to 49--all models, 50-WL models,
SO to 55-sidecars
68459--49 .20 Fender lamp gasket (rubber) ............................... . 50 to 57-WL & G
68165-15 •17 Fender lamp bulb ........................................... . 34 to 49-all models, 50 to 57-
68462-49 .13 Fender lamp bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 50 to 57-WL & G
68463--49 .10 Fender lam:p cover screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . SO to 57-WL & G
68464-49 .25 Front fender lamp wire rubber grommet ................... . 50 to 57-WL & G
6846$.49 •15 Front fender lamp wire spring ................................. . 50 to 57-WL & G
68466-49 •10 Front fender lamp wire spring washer ......................... . 50 to 57-WL & G
68469-35 •15 Cover screw (long) ........................................... . 35 to 49--all models, 50-WL models,
SO to 55-sidecars
68470-35 •15 Cover screw (short) . . ..................... . 35 to 49--c:!ll models, 50-WL models,
50 to 55-sidecars
68471-3S .25 Fender lamp mounting bolt (front) .......... ·: ................. . 35 to 49--all models, SO to 55-
7748 •OS Front mounting bolt nut . . . . . . . .. 35 to 49--all models, 50 to 55-

' 68470-35

............... .,,_35

~ 7040 2586

68.US-35 CPT.

~ 68466-49



Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


68472-35 $ .15 Fender lamp mounting bolt (rear) 35 to 49--a.ll models, 50 to 55-
2672 .03 Fender lamp mounting screw (2) . . . ....... . 50 to 57-WL & G
7688 .OS Rear fender bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 34 to 49-all models. 50 to 55-
68474-35 .20 Red lens retainer ..... 35 to 55-sidecars


~!:. ~.__ d!l\}_~---. ---.------- 68550·50

6851$08 'YI 0~ ~I ~ 68572-50 ~

68570-50 68521-38

~- b!Ci)o~ ~ f/1

0 ~511-50 68572-SO 6852:-31! ~571-50 (. I

~ 9977
68562.,l0 ~

68561-50 ~

~(\ . . ~.
~ c::
6165@ ~ 68560.50

JOrJ. ~
68522-38 70058-56
Cillo 7...
~@ 68~50 ~~· ~~0
fJ 0 ~
68570·50 / 68559-SO
68521-38 6857 2·50

68557-50 ~oo~~@.

• 68522-38
68571-50 Ill'(~



Part No. Price Each NAME Used O:a.


68550-50 $17.90 Direction signal lamp & fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68557-SO 5.70 Direction signal lamp R.H. white lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68558-50 5.70 Direction signal lamp L.H. white lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68559-50 1.75 Direction pilot lamp complete with wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68543-50 4.40 Direction signal lamp flasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
2629 .03 Signal lamp flasher terminal screw (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
2635 .03 Flasher unit mounting screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
6165 .05 Flasher unit mounting screw washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
7608 .02 Flasher unit mounting screw nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
46288-49 .20 Flasher unit rubber grommet (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
70161-47 .90 Flasher unit connecting wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68515-38 1.60 Direction lamp door (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68521-38 .15 Direction lamp lens gasket (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-OHV
68522-38 .10 Direction lamp door fastening screw (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68560-50 2.25 Direction pilot lamp bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68561-50 .12 Direction pilot lamp bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68562-50 ..90 Pilot lamp red lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68566-SO 5.70 Direction signal lamp L.H. rear, red lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68567-50 5.70 Direction signal lamp R.H. rear, red lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
3956 .10 Direction lamp :mounting screw (front) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68570-50 1.30 Direction signal lamp red lens (rear) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68511-50 .90 Direction signal lamp front white lens (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
68572-50 .35 Direction signal lamp bulb (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
70058-SO Direction signal lamp toggle switch & cable {Replaced by 70058-SOA)
70058--SOA 5.50 Direction signal lamp toggle switch & ·cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to early 56-0HV
70058-56 3.75 Direction signal lamp toggle switch & cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 56 & 57-0HV
2629 .03 Direction lamp switch clamp screw (2) ........................ 49 to 57-0HV
7608 .02 Direction lamp clamp screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
9976 .35 Switeh cable clip (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
70305-50 2.40 Direction signal lamp wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
70307-50 .90 Pilot lamp wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
70515-50 .15 Direction lamp insulating connector tube (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
9917 .65 Signal lamp wire clip on frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV



68676-49 68661-38 68662-38 68673-38 f 68668-38

68660-38 Gf

~~ ~~
68650-JSCPT. 68694-38
68692-38 y
f) 68696-38
® 68693-38
68686-38 68715-49 68679-49


3956 6860:3 ·-'9

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


68599-38 $24.75 Set of Deluxe spotlights complete with cross bar & toggle switch 38 to 57-a.ll models with spring fork
68600-46 24.75 Set of Deulxe spotlights complete with chro:ne plated
spotlight bar & hc::ndlebar switch . . . . ............. . 38 to 56-all models with spring fork
68600-49 24.75 Set of spotlights & brackets (clear lens) . . . .............. . 49 to 57-0HV with hydrauiic fork
68601-46 29.50 Set of pu:-suit lights with chrome plated spotlight bar 38 to 57-oll models with spring fork
68601-49 29.50 Set of pursuit lamps & toggle switch with brackets 49 to 57-0HV with hydraulic fork
68603-49 3.00 Spotligh~ bracket-Lt. .. 49 to 57-0HV with hydraulic fork
68604-49 3.00 Spotlight bracket-Rt. 49 to 57-0HV with hydraulic iork
3956 .10 Spotlight brocket bolt (2) 49 to 57-0HV with hydraulic fork
4000 .15 Spotlight bracket bolt (2) 49 to 57-0HV with hydraulic fork
58102-49 .20 Spotlight bracket bolt spacer (2) 49 to 57-0HV with hydraulic fork
68615-46 8.15 Chrome plated spotlight bar & fittings 38 to 57-all models with spring fork
Consists of:
2 6417 .10 Spotlight fork brocket washer 2 7238 .05 Spotlight fork bracket lock washer
i 68616-46 7.90 Spotlight bar 2 68620·46 .40 Spotlight fork bracket bolt nut
68650-38 9.75 Deluxe spotlight complete (clear lens) 38 to 57-all :models
68652-38 9.75 De!t..:xe spotlight complete (fog lens) 38 to 57-all models
68653-38 10.50 Deluxe spotlight (red lens) 38 to 57-all models
68660-38 .75 Clear lens 38 to 57-all models
68661-38 1.10 Fog lens .. 38 to 57-all models
68662-38 1.75 Red lens 38 to 57-all models
68668-38 2.40 Door or bezel 38 to 57-all models
68672-38 •15 Doo;- screw .. 38 to 57-al~ models
68673-38 .30 Lens gasket 38 to 57-all models
68676-49 2.40 Reflector . Later 49 to 57-all models
68679-49 1.50 Bulb socket complete Later 49 to 57-c:ll models
68683-38 . 15 Focus spring ..... . 38 to 57-al! models
68684-38 •25 Focus screw .......... . 38 to 57-all models
6868&-38 1.50 Toggle switch c:ssembly 38 to 57 -all models
68689-38 .15 Rub:ber grom:net 38 to 57-all models
68692-38 •70 Swivel ... 38 to 57-all models
68693-38 •10 Swivel steel washer ........ . 38 to 57-all models
68694-38 .10 Swivei fibre washer 38 to 57-all models
6869.5-38 .10 Swivel nut (2) 38 to 57-oll models
68696-38 .25 Swivel bolt .. 38 to 57-all models
68702-38 .90 Clomp half (2) 38 to 57-all models
68707-38 .15 Clamp screw 38 to 57-oll models
7688 .OS Clamp nut ... 38 to 57-c:ll models
68715-49 .60 32-CP SC bulb, prefocused Later 49 to 57-all models
70060-29 5.25 Spotlight handlebar switch & wire 38 to 57-all models
69135-47 .40 Spotlight terminal screw insulator 47 to 57-all models with spring fork
56575-26 5.80 Handlebar crossbar com~lete . . . . .. 38 to 57-all models with spring fork
2 3914 .20 Handlebar crossbar clamp 2 7040 .01 Handlebar crossbar clamp bolt
2 7152 .OS Handlebar crossbar clamp bolt nut lock washer
.60 Handlebar crossbar clamp


69001-42 s 8.15 Hom 42 to 57-WL & G, 42 to 48-
61" & 74" twins
69001-48A 8.15 Hom ........ . 49 to 54-0HV
69020-31 4.40 Horn front ... . 31 to 57-WL & G. 31 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
1190 .03 Projector collar screw (short) 31 to 57-WL & G, 31 to 48-
61", 74" 6 80" twins
1229 .OS Projector collar screw {long) 31 to 57-WL & G. 31 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
7634 .OS Colle:::- screw nut . 31 to 57-WL & G, 31 to 48-
61", 74" & 80" twins
69022-31 .40 Diaphragm screw 31 to 57-WL 6 G. 31 to 49-
61". 74" & 80" twins
69024-31 .20 Diaphragm screw nut 3i to 57-WL 6 G. 31 to 49-
61", 74" 6 80" twins
2.10 Diaphragm assembly 31 to 57-WL 6 G. 31 to 49-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
69030-31 .35 Terminal screw (2) 31 to 57-WL 6 G, 31 to 49-
61'', 74" & 80" twins
7608 .02 Te:minol screw nut (4) 31 to 57-WL & G. 31 to 49-
61". 74" 6 SO" twins

Pa:rt No. Price Eczch NAME Used On

HORN- OLD STYLE- Continued

69032-31 $ .35 Terminal screw hushing (2) .......•............................ 31 to 57-WL & G. 31 to 49-
61". 74" 6 so·· twins
69034-31 .20 Termino::l square fibre (2) ...................................... . 31 to 57-WL & G, 31 to 49-
61", 74" 6 80" twins
69038-31 .35 Adi usting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 31 to 57-WL & G. 31 to 49-
61", 74" 6 80" twins
7634 .OS Adjusting screw nut ................................ . 31 to 57-WL & G, 31 .to 49-
61", 74" & SO" twins
89107--42 .15 Hom bracket bolt (2) 42 to 57-WL & G, 42 to 48-
61" 6 74" twins
89107-48 .10 Hom bracket bolt (4) .......................................... . 49 to early 51-0HV
69107-51 .10 Hom bracket bolt (4) ...................... . Later 51 to 53-0HV
7620 .02 Bracket bolt nut (4} ........................... . 42 to 57-WL & G. 42 to 4B--
61" & 74" twins
69114-48 •10 Horn bracket bolt lock washer (2) . . . . . ... 49 to early 51-0HV
6911~51 .10 Hom bracket bolt lock washer . . . . . . . Later 51 to 53-0HV
6210 •30 Hom bracket insulator (2) . . . .... 47 to 52-all twins, 53 to 57-
69116-48 •05 Hom bracket spacer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 49 to early 51-0HV
69116-51 •OS Hom bracket spacer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Later 51 to 53-0HV
69118-42 .30 Hom bracket spring plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 to 53-all twins
6912045 .60 Lower hom bracket ........................................... . 46 t9 57-WL & G. 46 to 48-
61" & 74" twins
69124·38 .30 Lower hom bracket reinforcement . . . . . ...................... . 37 to 57-WL 6 G, 37 to 45-
61", 74" 6 80" twins
2762 .05 Lower hom bracket bolt (2) ................................... . 37 to 57-WL 6 G. 37 to 48-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
7&91 .05 Lower hom bracket bolt nut (2) . . . . . 37 to 57-WL & G. 37 to 4S-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
67810-36 2.50 Upper hom bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 47 to 57-WL & G, 47 & 48-
61" 6 74" twins
1222 .05 Upper hom bracket bolt (2) ................................... . 47 to 57-WL & G, 47 & 48-
61" & 74" twins
sum .OS Upper hom bracket bolt insulating washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57-WL & G, 47 & 48-
61" & 74" twins
89135-47 •40 Hom bracket bolt insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 47 to 57-WL & G


69000-54 $21.00 Hom trumpet kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-74" OHV
69014-54 7.50 Hom power pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV
69016-52 1.20 Hom trumpet screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV
69017-52 Hom trumpet nut (Replaced .by 69017-52A)



69014·5..4 69140·.54

- 69016-52

(I 8763..4

Pca1 No. Price Each NAME

HORN- NEW STYLE- Continued

69017~S2A $ •20 Horn trumpet nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 54 to 57-0HV
69021-54 6.30 Horn trumpet (not polished) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 54 to 57-0HV
69022-S4 7.75 Hom trumpet (polished) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 54 to 57-0HV
69051-S4 .20 Horn rubber mounting bushing .......................... . 54 to 57-0HV
62762-52 .25 Horn mounting rubber washer (outer) ................. . 54 to 57-0HV
62763-S2 •10 Horn mounting rubber washer (inner) .................. . 54 to 57-0HV
69130-S4 .so Horn power pack bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 to 57-0HV
3791 •10 Horn power pack bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . ................. . 54 to 57-0HV
7676 .OS Horn power pack bracket bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 to 57-0HV
4000 •15 Horn trumpet mounting bolt . . . . . . . ....... . 54 to 57-0HV
6332 .OS Horn trumpet mounting bolt washer 54 to 57-0HV
77S3 .05 Horn trumpet mounting bolt nut 54 to 57-0HV
69139-S4 2.10 Horn cover (not polished) ... . 54 to 57-0HV
69140-54 3.25 Horn cover (polished) ............... . 54 to 57-0HV
2204W •05 Horn cover screw . . . . .... 54 to 57-0HV
27431-41A Carburetor to crankcase horn bracket (Replaced by 27431-41B)
27431-41B .60 Carburetor to crankcase horn bracket 54 to 57-0HV
S6628-54 •35 Timer control coil clamp 6 horn bracket .... 54 to 57-0HV

70261-30 $ .so Field coil wire (51,4") (black) (2) . . . ........................... . 32 to 57-all twins
70262-32 •so Field coil wire (6;:f') (black) . . ............. . 32 to 52-all twins
70320-48 17.SD Complete set of low tension wiring 48 to 57-WL & G
Consists of:
l 6106 .OS Stud fibre washer 70167-47 .90 Ignition wire
1 6156 .OS Stud brass washer 70182-48 .90 Spark coil to terminal box wire
2 7608 .02 Stud nut 70193-48 .90 Battery positive wire
1 32678-49 .10 Stud insulator 70209-41 .70 Battery negative ground wire
1 32690-30 1.SO Circuit breaker to coil wire 70244-47 A 4.25 Switch to generator 6 relay wire
1 70102-49 2.75 Headlight wire 70281-47 .70 Tail lamp cable (red)
1 70131-SlA 2.75 Horn switch wire 70282-47 .70 Tail lamp cable (black)
1 70160-48A 4.10 Mounting plate to spark coil terminal 70331-48A 3.00 Oil 6 stop light switch wire
box wire
70321-48 23.00 Complete set of low tension wiring 48 to 57-0HV
Consis~s of:
1 6106 .05 Stud fibre washer 70160.48A 4.10 Mounting plate to spark coil terminal
1 6156 .05 Stuci brass washer box wire
2 7608 .02 Stud nut 70167-47 .90 Ignition wire
1 32618-49 .10 Stud insulator 70182-48 .90 Spark coil to terminal box wire
32690-30 1.50 Circuit breaker to coil wire 70193-48 .90 Battery positive wire
70101·49 2.75 Headlamp wire 70209-41 .70 Battery negative ground wire
70131-51A 2.7S Horn switch wire 70244-47A 4.25 Switch to generator & relay cable
70144-49A 1.25 Horn to fork terminal block wire 70281-47 .70 Tail lamp cable (red)
70144-S4A 2.10 Horn wire 70282-47 .70 Tail lamp cable (black)
70146-49A 4.00 Instrument mounting plate to fork 70331-48A 3.00 Oil & stop light switch wire
wire 70354-55 .4n Headla:mp ground wire
3196S..30 1.80 Set of spark plug cables .. 30 to 54--WL & G, 30 to 48-
74" & SO" sidevalves
Consists of:
2 31680.27 .OS Spark plug cable packing washer 31916-30A 1.00 Spark plug cable (long)
l 31970.30 .70 Spark plug cable (short)
31966-36 1.80 Set of spark plug cables .... 36 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
2 31680-27 .OS Spark plug cable packing washer 3198S-36A .70 Spark plug cable (long)
1 31972-36A 1.00 Spark plug cable (short)
31976-30A 1.00 Front spark plug cable ..... 55 to 57-Servi·cars
32689-30 1.50 Circuit breaker to coil wire assembly 30 to 57-WL & G. 30 to 48-
61", 74" 6 80" twins
Consists of:
6106 .05 Circuit breaker wire stud fibre 2 7608 .02 Circuit breaker wire stud nut
washer 1 32617-36 .10 Circuit breaker wire stud insulator
6156 .OS Circuit breaker wire stud brass 1 32690-30 1.50 Circuit breaker to coil wire & stud
9900 .03 Field coil wire terminal 24 to 57-all twins
9901 .OS Wire terminal 48 to 57-all twins
9902 .15 Wire terminal 48 to 57-all twins

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


70261-30 70262-32 i
~ ~~

~ ~ cr::§> c:::::x::§>
9901 9902
9903 9906
9904 9905
WIRING 1947 TO 1956

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

WIRING- Continued
9903 $ .10 Wire terminal 48 to 57 -all twins
9904 .15 Wire terminal 48 to ·57-all twins
9905 ..25 Wire terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 to 57-all twins
9906 •15 Wire terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 48 to 57-all twins
91704-15 3..25 LV lighting cable, 16 strand (black) (per SO ft.) . . . . . . . . All models
9973 ..25 Front fork wire clamp ............................ . 40 to 57-WL & G, 38 to 49-
61 ", 74" & 80" twins
9970 .20 Front spark plug cable clip . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 36 to 57-61", 74" 0. 80" twins
9957 •15 Spark control coil clip . . . . . . . .................. . Later 50 to 57-0HV
9971 ..25 Timer wire to crankcase wire dip ............ . 37 to 57-61", 74" 0. 80" twins
56628-54 •35 Timer control coil bracket ............................... . 54 to 57-0HV
9985 •15 Sidecar fender lamp wire clip .......... . 39 to 57-models with spring fork
9979 •40 Wire clamp (11,4") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 29 to 57-all twins
9977 65 Wire retaining clamp (around frame head) ............ . 36 to 57-all models
56628-47 .35 Timer control coil bracket ............... . 47 to 53--Sl", 74'-' & 80" twins
70146-48A 4.00 Mounting plate to front fork wire ...................... . 48 to 57-WL & G
70249-42 .45 Condenser to generator terminal strap (radio machines only) 46 to 55-61" 0. 74." twins
70271-48 3.50 Sidecar tail lamp wire ................................ . 48 to 54--61" & 74" twins
70281-47 •70 Tail lamp wire (72Jk") (red) .............. . 47 to 57--61" & 74" twins
70282-47 .70 Tail lamp wire (55%") (black) .................... . 47 to 57--61" & 74" twins
70291-51 Tail lamp lead wire (Replaced by 70291-51A)
70291-SlA 3.50 Tail lamp lead wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
51 to 57-Servi-cars
70300-47 .60 Parking lamp lead wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
47 to 57-all twins
70333-51 1.20 Oil pressure switch cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
51 to 57-Servi-cars
70528-45 .24 W' !.D. wire conduit (in bulk) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-all twins
70529-45 .24 ~tfi" I.D. wire conduit (in bulk) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
36 to 57-all twins
70530-45 .37 %" I.D. wire conduit (in bulk) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
36 to 57-all twins
70549-47 .25 Tail lamp wire butt connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
47 to 57-61" & 74" twins,
70354-55 .40 Head lamp ground wire ..................................... . 55 to 57-74" OHV
70590-56 •40 Fork cable guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . 56-Servi-cars
70591-56 •15 Fork cable guide spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 56 6 57-Servi-cars

70932-48 $31.00 Instrument panel base complete, less speedometer ... . 48 to 57-WL & G
70938-49 31.00 Instrument panel base complete, less speedometer .... . 49 to 53-0HV
70938-54 31.00 Instrument panel base complete, less speedometer ........... . 54 to 57-oHV
70950-47 8.25 Panel base only ........................................... . 47 to 57-all models
71067-47 .50 Mounting base stud . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 47 to 57-aU models
71069-47 .10 Mounting base stud lock washer . . . . . . . . ..................... . 47 to 57-all models
7848 .15 Mounting base stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 47 to 57-all models
11015-47 •60 Mounting base center screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 47 to 57-all models (not used with
choke control)
71016-47 .60 Mounting base screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 53-o:ll models (used with
choke control}
6466 •OS Mounting base center screw washer . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 47 to 57-all models
2723 •03 Mounting plate side screw (2) ................................. . 47 to 57-all models
7654 •OS Mounting plate side screw nut (2) .................... . 47 to 57-all models
3952 .10 Instru.ment mounting plate to steering head screw (3) ..... . 47 to 52--45" twins. SO to 57-0HV
6299 .OS Steering head screw washer (3) .............................. . 47 to 57-all models
71090-41 .15 Panel lamp bulb (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 to 57-all models
6182 .OS Thin steel washer (8) ......................................... . 38 to 57-all models
71098-38 .OS Screw insulator (9) ...... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 38 to 57-all models
71151-48 1.10 Speedometer light socket ......................... . 48 to 57-all models
71156-47 1.00 Signal light socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57-all models
71182-47 .OS Signal light socket washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 47 to 57-all models
71183-47 •OS Panel light socket fibre washer (2) ............................. . 47 to 57-all models
71188-47 .25 Panel light socket spring {2) ........................ . 47 to 57-all models
71190-47 •90 Panel light socket wire (green} ................ . 47 to 57-all models
7127lr47 12.75 Instrument panel cover (black) . . . . . . . ......... . 47 to 57-all models
11271-56 14.95 Instrument panel cover {chrome) ........... . 56 & 57-0HV
71294-47 .60 Instrument panel cover gasket ................ . 47 to 57-all models
71300-47 .50 Panel signal light separator & gasket ........... . 47 to 57-all models
71304-47 •35 Panel signa! light separator gasket . . . . ........... . 47 to 57-all models
71310-38 •15 Instrument panel cover plug ................ . 38 to 57-all models
71311-47 .50 Cover side plate . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 47 to 57-all models
71350-47 1.00 Instrument panel window (Generator- Oil) ............... . 47 to 57-all models

Pcr:rt No. Price Eczch NAME Uaea On

G\'\':!:) 6182
(ffi~ 6185 7753~
71076-47 71075-47

t.,, _,! ~
@~ . . 71098-38 ~
(§). 6185
6182 ~
~ ~6320


71~J~ ~


® 71183-47 ® l-----
i71188-47 ~ rJ _. . ,._...,--,...,=
@>71182-47<Ea> ....... """.,.

~~~--- ,,

/:u91 72338-48
6182 @
~7015 71270@ 7109S..3S @ ~
~~6182 or
6320 ~ 6182 4~
~~6185 70938-54 7015 @ Gi\ 723.41-48
6182 ~~
~~71098·38 6185 ~@
723.41·56 1121
~6185 71 098-38'- 0 ~
f),~6182 71271-47
<§..7608 7608t-@




Part No. Price Each NAME Used On



~ 71510-36 71506-36

71500-36 71514-36
OR 71585-48

71500-36 $10.50 Ignition & light switch complete with lock & keys ..... 37 to 57-WL & G, 37 to 47-
61", 74" & 80" twins
71501-48 10.50 Ignition & light switch complete with lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-61" & 74" twins
7150&-36 2.75 Switch cover . . . . . . . ......................... . 37 to 57-all :nodels
71510-36 .90 Switch key hole cover with rivet ............................... . 37 to 57-all models
71514-36 .OS Cover rivet . . . . . . . ........................................ . 37 to 57-all models
11516-36 1.20 Switch base ............................................ . 37 to 57-all models
71525-36 3.25 Switch mounting plate assembly ............................. . 37 to 57-all models
11550-36 4.65 Contact holder & plate assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 37 to 57-all models
71560-36 .55 Roller contact ................................................. . 37 to 57-all models
'71562-36 .70 Roller contact retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 37 to 57-all models
2638 •03 Switch mounting screw (4) .................................... . 39 to 57-all models
993 •02 Tenninal contact screw (5) ................................... . 37 to 57-all models
11580-36 2.75 Switch lock & keys ............................................ . 37 to 57-WL & G, 37 to 47-
61", 74" & 80" twins
71582-48 •60 Ignition switch cylinder ....................................... . 48 to 57-61" & 74" twins
71585-48 •70 Ignition switch cylinder case ................................. . 48 ~o 57-61" & 74" twins
48155-30 .so Switch key (specify letter & number of lock) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-WL & G. 37 to 47-
61", 74" & SO" twins
71587-36 .so Switch lock plate . . . . . . . . . . ................................. . 37 to 57-all models


71800-26 Hom switch complete less wire (Replaced by 718QQ.26A)
71B00-26A S 2.20 Hom switch complete less wire ..... 26 to 57-all models
Consists of:
2 2626 .03 Hom switch screw 71806-53 .SO Hom switch wire insulation
1 71802-26 .20 Hom switch button 71fUl-26 1.20 Hom switch housing
1 71804-26 .05 Hom switch button spring 71813--26 .40 Hom switch contact plate

71840-29 2.75 Light switch complete less wires ........................ . 29 to 57-all models
Consists of:
2 2626 .03 Light switch screw 71856-29 .15 Light switch retainer plcrte
1 71843-29 .45 Light switch lever 71859-29 .15 Light switch contact p!r.
1 71845-29 1.50 Light switch housing 71861-29 .10 Light switch contact pin sp:-!ng
1 71851-29 1.00 Light switch contact block

- ~ ~

()) ~ ~ QJ
71804-26 71813-26 71815-26
71802-26 71806-53
2626 71811-26
7180t')·9.6A HORN SWITCH

~ 0 ~ !»
71843-29 71851-29
2626 71840-29 71845-29



Pc:at No. ·Price ·Eaclt NAME Used On


72002~51 $ 1.20 Stop light switch only ............................... :-:.......... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
72004-39 2.75 Stop light switch only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-all models, except
51 to 57-Servi-cars
72010-39 .55 Switch mounting bracket .... : . ............ ~ ................... . 39 to 57-all models, except
51 to 57-Servi-cars
2626 •03 Switch terminal screw (4) .. 39 to 57-all models, except
51 to 57-Servi-cars
72017-39 .25 Switch operating spring .................... . 39 to 57-all models, except
51 to 57-Servi-cars
72019~39 . 15 Stop light pull wire .. ·... . . . . . ............ . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
72020-39 •15 Stop light pull wire . . . .................................. . 39 to 52-45" twins, except
51 to 57-Servi-cars
42280-35 1.50 Stop light pull wire stud & brake lock .. 39 to 57-all models, except
51 to 57-Servi-cars
42284-35 .60 Brake rod lock stud & wing nut ........................ . 37 to 57-all models, except
51 to 57-Servi-ca:rs

72010-3~9 ~ -4228£$)-35
' e \.F----~~
e 72017-39 72(}19-39 ...,

72004-39 72020-39 ~
72002-51 -42284-35



72301-49 s 1.50 Terminal plate (bakelite) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
72325-48 1.80 Terminal box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . 48 to 57-all models
72338-48 .70 Terminal box cover . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .... .. 48 to 57--all models
72341-48 .60 Terminal box & spark coil stud (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 55-all models, 56 & 57-
72341-56 •60 Terminal box & spark coil stud (2) ............................. . 56 & 57-0HV
7753 .OS Terminal box & spark coil stud nut (2) . . . ..................... . 48 to 57-<:xll models
72345-48 .so Terminal box insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . ·. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .......... . 48 to 57-all models
3491 .03 Terminal box screw (5) .....•.............................. 48 to 57-all models
6182 .05 Terminal box screw washer (10} ..........•.................... 48 to 57-all models
7608 .02 Terminal box screw nut (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 to 57-all models
71098-38 .OS Terminal box screw insulcrung washer (5) .............. . 48 to 57-all models
6185 .OS Ter,minal boxscrew insulating washer (6) ..................... . 48 to 57-all models
74750-38 3.90 Relay aSsembly ............................................... . 38 to 57-all twins
74755-38 1.00 Relay cover .................. ·........................ . 38 to 57--all twins . ·
74765-47 1.20 Relay bracket ........ : ....................................... . 47 to 57-61" & 74" OHV
2762W .OS Relay mounting & bracket screw ............................ _. .. 26 to 57-all twins
7691 .05 Relay mounting .-screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 26 to 57-all twins
2582 •OS Contact blade screw 6-32 (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 26 to 57-all ·twins
1052 . .03 'Terminal wire screw 8-32 (2) .................................. . ·26 to 57-all twins


74500-SlA $18.75 Voltage regulator with fittings ................ ·..... · . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57
74511-SlA lO.SO Current & voltage regulator only ......................... : . . . . . 49 to 57
74S14-52 9.SO Set of current & voltage regulator fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 to 57
74518-48 .so Current & voltage regulator cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 54
74521-48 3.00 Voltage regulator mounting bracket kit . . . . . . . ... ·.. . . . . . . . 49 to 57
74S24-48 .70 Voltage regulator mounting plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to late 51
74S24-S2 .90 Voltage regulator mounting plate ..................... .' . . . . . . . Late 51 to 57
74527-48 .45 Voltage regulator mounting plate stud (2) . . . 49 to late 51
7452'7-52 .4S Voltage regulator mounting plate stud {2) ............ _.. Late 51 to 57
76'75 .OS Voltage regulator mounting plate stud nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to late 51
'7'72'7 .10 Voltage regulator mounting plate stud nut (2) . . Later 51 to 57
2756 .05 Voltage regulcrtor to mounting plate screw . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 51

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. On


32070-42 3 2140·42

\ 7035
32700-39 v~ 31607-48 CPT.

~ 74527-52

.. 2672
7 4565-~ :> 6182
7 4567
~ 7620
7 4569-52


70191·49 .

Part No. Price Ec:rch Use~ On


7691 S .OS Voltage regulator to mounting plate screw nut ................. . 49 to 51
74541·52 1.20 Voltage regulator rubber mount (upper) ...................... . 52 to 57
74542-52 1.20 Voltage regulator rubber mount Clower) ..................... . 52 to 57
74545-52 .10 Voltage regulator spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 57
6245 .05 Voltage regulator plain washer . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 52 to 57
7676 •OS Voltage regulator nut (7) ....... :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 52 to 57
3825 .10 Voltage regulator nut (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 52 to 57
3838 •15 Voltage regulator nut (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 52 to 57
74565-52 •10 Voltage regulator fuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 52 to 57
74567-52 •45 Voltage regulator fuse holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 52 to 57
74569-52 .20 Voltage regulator fuse holder clip ................ . 52 to 57
2672 •03 Fuse holder clip screw ............................... . 52 to 57
6182 .OS Fuse holder clip screw washer .................... . 52 to 57
7620 •02 Fuse holder clip screw nut .................. : ......... . 52 to 57
74575-52 •30 Voltage regulator ground strap ........... , ............. . 52 to 57
70170-52 4.10 Voltage regulator to generator cable ................... . 49 to 57
70191-49 .70 Regulator to battery positive cable .................... . 48 to 57...:...61'', 74" & 80" twins
(two way radio)
31605-48 27.50 Spark coil only ............................................... . 48 to 57-61" & 74" OHV (with
F.M. radio only)
31607-48 35.50 Spark coil & cables complete with spark plug shields . . . . . . .... 48 to 57-61'' & 74" OHV (with
F.M. ·radio only)
9978 •35 Spark plug shield spring clip (2) .............................. . Later 39 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
32700·39 2.95 Low tension wire shield & dip ................................. . Later 39 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
32052-48 4.50 Front spark cable housing ..................................... . 48 to 54-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
32053-48 3.65 Rear spark cable housing . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 48 to 54-61 ", 74" 6: 80" twins
31726-48 1.20 Coil mounting plate .. : ................................... . 48 to 57-0HV (two way radio)
31730·48 .10 Coil mounting plate bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 48 to 57-0HV (two way radio)
32070-42 4.50 Spark plug shield & insulator .................................. . 48 to 57-0HV
32110-42 .25 Spark plug shield spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 57-0HV
32140-42 1.55 Spark plug shield (lower) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 48 to 57-0HV


78030·39 $11.50 Radio cmtenna bracket & fittings-whip type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 51-RCA & GE
78031-39 10.50 Vertical cmtenna less bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 51-RCA & GE
78035-38 1.20 Antenna feed through insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 51-RCA & GE
78036-39 1.10 Rubber insulator for vertical antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 51-RCA & GE

78030-39 CPT.



Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

78500-49 !31.80 Radio carrier complete ................................. . 49 to 57-two way radio
78501-41 41.00 Radio carrier frame only for whip type antenna .......... . 37 to 52
4670 .35 Radio carrier bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-two way radio
6413 .20 Radio carrier bolt spacer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ·..... 49 to 57-two way radio
6490 .10 Radio co:rrier bolt plain washer (2) . . . . .......... . 49 to 57-two way radio
7835 •10 Radio co:rrier bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 49 to 57-two way radio
6336 .05 Radio carrier plain washer ·. . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . 49 to 57-two way radio


82001-41 $45.50 Tow bo:r complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 to 57
82049-32 31.50 Set of clamp jaws-Std. (fits cars except those listed
for special clamps) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 47 to 57
82055-48 Tow bar adapter (Replaced by 82055-48A)
82055-48A 1.65 Tow bar adapter plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 53 & 54-Hudson 6 Studebake~.
except Hudson Jet, 57-Cadillac
82050-57 4.40 Tow bar upper clamp .............................. . 57-Buick
82055-49 4.50 Clamp jaw (2 halves) use with 82001-41 and 82049-32 48 to 50-Hudson, 41 to 50-Nash.
51 & 52-Hudson & Nash, 55-
82055-57 4.90 Tow bar upper clamp (pair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-::.---Chrysler & Dodge
82058-SS 4.90 Tow bar upper clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 55-Buick. Cadillac. Oldsmobile.
82370-57 2.75 Tow bar clamp extension ................................. . 57-Mercury & Ford Fairlane
8240(1..51 5.20 Tow bar adapter ..................................... . 51 to 55-Nash Rambler


82010-49 $24.75 Tow bar fork .................................................. . 47 to 57
45673-39 1.55 Rocker plate stud (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 47 to 57
82024-39 .50 Tow bar end bushing (2) ................................ . 47 to 57
82026-.39 .60 Rocker plate stud collar {2) ................................ . 47 to 57
6404 •05 Tow bc:r end spring washer ................................. . 47 to 57
8204S..32 31.50 Set clamp jaws complete .................................... . 49 to 57
82050-49 Upper clamp-Std. (Replaced by 82050-49A)
82050-49A 4.75 Upper clamp-Std. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 49 to 57
82055-49 4.50 Upper clamp set, special ...................................... . 49 to 56
8206(1..49 5.10 Lower clamp & screw ......................................... . 49 to 57
82067-49 •70 Clamp screw spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 49 to 57
82075-55 .25 Upper clamp lining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 to 57
82095-49 3.50 Clamp handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57
82099-49 2.75 Center shaft support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 to 57
82119-49 10.50 Clamp side plate assembly .................... . 49 to 57
2632 .03 Support screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57
82140-49 .40 Swivel block end screw {2) ........................... . 49 to 57
82147-49 .70 Clamp rubber rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 49 to 57
8519 .03 Tow bar clamp rubber rest clip (2) ............................ . 49 to 57
82160-49 2.75 Center shaft ................................... . 49 to 57
82175-49 4.75 Swivel block ....................................... . 49 to 57
82181...(9 8.75 Connection block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 49 to 57
7960 .ss Connection block ..........................................•.... 49 to 57
82185-49 3.00 Clamp support to fork connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 49 to 57
82186-49 .30 Connection screw plug ........................................ . 49 to 57
7950 •45 Connection to fork nut ......................................... . 49 to 57
82195-47 6.25 Support bracket complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 to 57
82197-47 3.00 Support bracket upper half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 47 to 57
82202-47 1.10 Support bracket lower half ................................. . 47 to 57
82204-47 .60 Support bracket end bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 47 to 57
82206-.47 .45 Support bracket spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 47 to 57
6460 .OS Spring ~lain washer ......................................... . 47 to ,57
82215-47 1.20 Support bracket wing nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 47 tp 57
82221-47 1.10 Support bracket fork stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 47 to 57-(on plc::in fork)
82223-47 1.10 Support bracket fork stud ..................................... . 47 to 57-(with shock absorber)
6408 •OS Stud plain washer ........................................... . 47 to 57
7175 •15 Stud nut ..................................................... . 47 to 57
82260-39A 10.50 Safety cable . . . . , . . . . . . . . ............ . 47 to 57
82370-49 3.00 Rubber rest assembly for Chrysler . . . . . . .. 49 to 56

Part No. • Priee Eczch NAME



- - - - 82001 ....1---lloof 82055-48

\ 82314.4~ ! 82186-49

/0"._ m '()\s2316-48
~ ~ (j) 821 9

82181.49 8.5-.4
I 82024-39 8231 ()..48 ' ~2-48 82318-48
82024-39 45673-39 1 6404 8233()..48 8214().49 821.c()..49
6404 ~\ /\~ ~ s ~@ ~ ();» ~ ~ 82095-49
~ 82026-39 ........ ~ 82~it
82197..47 82~ <SJI). 0 82320-48_.Q
.......... 82334-48 7960
- 82308-48 tlll!9
@l 82330-48 i f1

82202-47 \l \.)
82332-48 82336-48
Cf"@ 82195-47 CPT.
~ 82067-49
82204-47 182206.47


~ 82215-47 82147-49 ;s; 8579


1 I.
2632 2632
82223-47 , •
ms 82()60..49



{For Hole-in Bumper Cars)
82301--49 $44.50 Auxiliary damp complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 50
82305-48 1.10 Plunger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 47 to 56
82306-48 .25 Plunger lock ring ............................................. . 47 to 56
82308-48 •45 Plunger spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 47 to 56
82310-48 3.00 Handle nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 47 to 56
82312-48 1.75 Nut only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 47 to 56
82314-48 •75 Nut handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 47 to 56
8231&-48 .25 Nut washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . 47 to 56
82318-48 .so Spring .................................... . 47 to 56

?art No. Pric:e Each NAME Used On


{For Hole-in Bumper Cars)
82320·48 $14.90 Clamp bolt assembly ... 47 to 56
82324-48 17.90 Connection .block or jaw 47 to 56
82330-48 2.10 Jcn..• (2) ..... . 47 to 56
82332-48 .so Jaw shaft .... . 47 to 56
82334-48 .so Jaw spring 47 to 56
82336-48 .90 Jaw spring shaft 47 to 56
82360-49 8.25 Connection ball 49 to 56
82364-48 4.25 Ball lock nut .... 47 to 56


82800-51 Axle housing & differential complete (Replaced by 82800·51B)
82800-51B $340.00 Axle housing & differential complete . . .. . .. . . .. Sl to
82816-38 17.90 Differential gear housing (left half) ........ _. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57-Servi-cc::rs
82821-38 12.50 Differential gear housing (right half) .... __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 to 57-Servi-cars
82830-37 .25 Differential bolt (10) . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--Servi-cc::rs
7752 .OS Differential bolt nut (10) ..... . ... 32 to 57-Servi-cars
82835-32 13.90 Differential axle gear Oarge) (2) 32 to 57-Servi-cc::rs
82840-32 6.75 Differential gear (smell) (2) . 32 to 57-Servi-cc::rs
82845-32 2..10 Differential gear shaft & lock plates . . . . . ..... _. . . 32 ts 57-Servi-cars
82846-34 .20 Differential gec:r shaft lock plates (2) . . . . . 34 to 57 -Servi-cc::rs
82850-32 1.10 Differential gear spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
82860-32 11.50 Drive sprocket-·37 tooth . 3Z !o 57-Servi-cars
82870-41 20.75 Righ~ axle ............ 41 to 57--Servi-cars
82873-41 20.75 Left axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 57-Servi-cc:s
82884-32 .65 Axle loci< ring (hal!l-.125" thick (4) 32 to 57-Servi-cc:rs
82885-32 .65 Axle lock ring (hc::lf)-.130" thick (4) 32 to 57-Servi-cars
82886-32 .65 Axle lock ring (half)-.135" thick (4) 32 to 57-Servi-cars
82900-51 .70 Axle shaft spacer (2) . . . . . ... _.. . . . . . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
82903-32 .15 Rec:r wheel a;de key (2) ....... .. 32 to 57-Servi-cars
82906-32 .so Rear axle adjusting screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7793 .OS Rear axle adjusting screw nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
82961-51 53.50 Right axle housing & tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5i to 57--Servi-cars
82955-51 53.50 Left axle housing & tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83001-32 .55 Housing to frame clamp bolt (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7793 .OS Clamp bolt nut (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Senri-cars
83003-32 1.00 Rubber bumper (2) . . 32 to 57-Servi·CO!"S
9851 .10 Grease fitting-straight (6) . . . .. .. .... .... ... .. 38 to 57-Servi-cars
83020-34 .50 Axle housing stud (41~·1r.") . . . . . ....... _ .. _. . . . . 40 to 55-Servi·cars
83020-56 .so Axle housing stud (6~32") . . . . ... . ... . . . .. .. .. .. . . . 56 & 57-Servi-cars
83022-39 .40 Axle housing stud (3~3:?") (3) .... .... ...... . Later 39 to 55-Servi·cars
83022-56 .65 Axle housing stud (S~a:t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 & 57-Servi-cars
83024-39 .45 Axle housing stud (4~1r.'·) (2) Later 39 to 57-Servi-cars
7793 .05 Axle housing clamp nut .... .. .. 32 to 57-Servi-cars
83050-41 1.80 Housing truss rod .. ............ 41 to 57-Servi-cars
83050-51 1.20 Housing front truss rod .. ...... .... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83055-34 1.50 Truss rod coupling (3J Later 34 to 57-Servi-cars
83057-34 .70 Truss rod coupling stud (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 34 to 57-Servi-cars
83057-51 .70 Housing fright front truss rod coupling stud 51 to 57-Servi·cars
83058-51 1.20 Housing right front truss rod coupling . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83060-34 .OS Coupling lock nut-L. H. (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ..... . Later 34 to 57-Servi-cars
7793 .OS Coupling lock nut (2) . .... .. . .. . Later 34 to 57-Servi-cars
83095-32 5.25 Timken bearing housing cage, left side .. .. .. .. . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
83098-38 7.80 TimkEm bearing & housing complete . . ...... ...... .. .. 38 to 57-Servi-ears
83101-32 .30 Bearing housing lock screw .... . . ... .. . . 32 to 57-Servi·cars
83105-28 2.10 Timken bearing cup outer race (2) . . . . . . ............ _. . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
83107-32 7.10 Timken bearing inner race with rollers (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-ccrs
83110-38 1.10 Dust retainer (2) . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . 38 to 57-Servi-cars
83135-51 10.50 Rear axle bearing-L. H. .. ... .. .. ... .... . .. ... . .. .. .. . .. S1 to 57-Servi-cars
83137-32 Right side whee! bearing & housing complete {Replaced by 83137-51)
83137-51 10.50 Rear cncle beari:ng-R. H. .. ...... .... 32 to 57-Servi-cars
83139-32 6.00 Left end beo:ing cup (outer race) ............................ _. 32 to 57-Servi-co:rs
83152-32 6.00 Right end bearing cup (outer race) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
83154-32 .25 Bec:ring cu;::> lock washer (outer race) (2) . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-c:c:rs
24721-30 1.80 Reller retaine~ (2) ............ _.. . . . . . . . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
9220 .14 Rolle:---.490" long 32 to 57-Servi-cars

Peat Ho. Price Eac:h NAME Used On

llgl ~ 83162-51
1/Ill~ 83160-32 or 83160-51
24721·30. (//IIIII/I

- 9220
--~- ~ 83154·32








83166-32 '-. ~(.;/82900-37 or 82900-51
i/1.~ 83975-37

Part No. Price Ea:c:b NAME Used. On


83160-51 s .so Roller thrust bushing __ ............... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83162-51 •90 End bearing oil seal .. 51 to 57-Servi-ears, 32 to 50-
83164-32 .15 End bearing thrust washer (2) ... 32 to 57-Servi-cars
83166-32 .30 End beC!l'ing spring ring (2) 32 to 57-Servi-cars
83300-51 18.50 Rear brake assem.bly-R. H. . ....... . 51 to 57-Servi-ears
83302-51 18.50 Rear brake assembly-L. R 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83311-51 .25 Rear brake side plate shim (2 to 8) 51 to 57-Servi-co:rs
83312-51 7.10 Rear brake back plate (2) .. 51 to 57-Servi-co:rs
44402-36 9.50 Set of brake shoes 6 linings .. 37 to 47-Servi-cars. 48 to 57-
Servi-cars (front only)
42334-38 1.20 Rear brake rod clevis . . . . . . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
42269-30 .15 Clevis pin 37 to 57-Servi-cars
7752 .OS Brake rod ::1ut ............... . 34 to 57-Servi-ca~s
44113-36 10.50 Brake shell .. . 37 to 50-Servi-cars. 51 to 57-
Servi-cars (front only)
83800-51 16.75 Recr brake shell (2) ....... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
43530-35 .45 B::-ake shell mounting screw 37 to 50-Servi-cc:rs. 51 to 57;_
Servi-cars (front only)
43531-35 .45 Brake shell rr.ounting screw (oversize) 37 to 50-Servi-cars. 51 to 57-
Se~vi-cars (front only)
83807-51 •45 Rear brake dru:n stud (i0) ........ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83350-51 10.50 Set of rear brake shoes 6 linings .. . 51 to 57-Servi-co:rs
83351-51 10.50 Set of rear brake shoes 6 linings-.030" O.S. 51 to 57-Servi-ears
44433-39 3.40 Set of brcr:ke linings 6 rivets ........... . 39 to 57-Servi-cars (front)
83355-51 6.75 Set of reai' brake shoe linings & rivets-Std. 51 to 57-Servi~cars
41841-31 .02 Brake lining rivet ................................. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
83371-51 .so Rear brake shoe hold~down spring (4) ......... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83373-51 .so Rear brake shoe return spring (cylinder end) (2) .. 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83375-51 •40 Rear brake shoe retainer spring (anchor end) (2) .. 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83377-51 .20 Rear brake cylinder mounting screw & lock washer 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83460-51 4.75 Rear brake wheel cylinder complete (2) ...... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83462-51 2.10 Rear brake wheel cylinder repair kit (2) ............ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83500..51 12.50 Brake master cylinder complete 51 to 57-Servi-ca:-s
83502-Sl 4.10 Brake master cylinder repair kit .... . 51 tc 57-Servi-ears
83505-51 •65 Brake master cylinder bolt ........ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83506-51 .90 Brake master cylinder fittings ...... . 51 to 57-Servi-ears
83507-51 .05 Brake master cylinder fitting gasket .......... . 51 to 57-Servi-co:::-s
83508-51 •OS Brake master cylinder bolt gasket .. . .. .... .. . ...... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83510-51 1.10 Master cylinder top cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 51 to 55-Servi-co:rs
83511-51 •20 Master cylinder top cover gasket .............................. . 51 to 55-Servi-cars
3794 .10 Master cylinder top cover screw (6) ............................ . 51 to 55-Servi-cars
83515-51 .90 Master cylinder filler plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 51 to 53-Servi-cars
83515-54 l.SO Master cylinder filler plug ......... . 54 to 57-Servi-cars
83516-51 .15 Master cylinder filler plug gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 51 to 53-Servi-cars
83525-51 1.00 Brake master cylinder bracket lever .......... . 51 to 57-Servi-ears
83529--51 •60 Brake master cylinder bracket lever bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83535-51 •90 Brake master cylinder clevis . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83536-51 •90 -Rear brake master cylinder push rod ......................... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83560-51 •90 Rear bra-ke tube-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83562-51 1.20 Rear brake tube-Lt. 51 to 57-Servi-cars
9960 .30 Left brake tube to axle tube clamp ............................ . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83564-51 .10 Rear brake tube (short) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 51 to 57-Servi-cC!l's
83566-51 1.20 Rear brake tube tee . . . . . . . . ..... . 51 to 57-Servi~cars
83571-51 1.50 ReC!l' brake hose ..... . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
44449-36 1.00 Brake shoe pivot stud ........ . 37 to 57-Servi-cars
44475-35 .60 Brake shoe pivot stud plate 37 to 50-Servi-cars. 51 to 57-
Servi-cars (front only)
7835 .10 Brake shoe pivot stud nut 37 to 50-Servi-ears, 51 to 57-
Servi-cars (front only)
44265-36 2.75 Brake operating shaft . 37 to 50-Servi-cars, 51 to 57-
Servi-ears (front only)
7793 .OS Brake operating shaft nut 32 to 50-Servi-cars. Sl to 57-
Servi-cars (front only)
41691-31 .20 Brake operating shait spring washer (2) 37 to 50-Servi-cars. Sl to 57-
Servi-cars (front only)
83697-51 1.50 Rear brake rod 51 to 57-Servi-cars

Part No. Price Ea:cb NAME Used On

82800..41 CPT.



•0 ~ t'17




Part No. Price Each NAME Used On

83910-51 $13.90 Rear wheel, less tire (2) ............................. . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83915-51 3.90 Rear wheel hub cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 51 to 57-Servi-ca:rs
83917-Sl •2() Rear wheel stud nut (10) . . . . . . . ................. . 51 to 57-Servi-cars
83919~51 •10 Rear whee! hub bracket (10) ............................ . 51 to 57-Servi-cal'S
40981-40 63.00 Front wheel complete (16"), less tire ........................ . 40 to 57-Servi-cars
43006-40 9.60 Rim (16") drop center (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 40 to 50-Servi-cars, 51 to 57-
Servi-cars (front only)
43033-40 11.00 Complete set oi spokes 6 nipples (for 16" wheel) 40 to 50-Servi-cars, 51 to 57-
(front only)
Consists o£:
40 43032-40 .20 Spoke 40 43099-29 .08 Nipple
83975-37 .15 Axle plain washer (2) 37 to 57-Servi-cars
7947 .35 Axle nut castellated (2) ... 32 to 57-Servi-cars


84506-32 554.50 Box supporting frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 42 to 57-Servi-ears
84530-32 33.00 Set of front springs (latest type 11;2") . . . . . .. 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84533-32 Leit front spring (Replaced by 8453Q-32)
84533-48 16.50 Left front spring (latest type H~tl ................ . SO to 57-Servi-cars
84534-32 Front front spring (Replaced by 84530-32)
84534-48 16.50 Right front spring {latest type 1~"} ...................... . SO to §7-Servi-cars
84547-32 Front spring, long leaf 05%:n (2) (Replaced by 84530-32)
84547-48 3.50 Front spring (long) ..................................... . 50 to 57-Servi-cc:s (for l ~ .. spring)
845S7~32 6.90 Spring end dip & bushing (2) .............. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84585-48 1.40 Spring c::lamp "U" bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 50 to 57-Servi-cars (for llh" spring)
7804 .OS "U" bolt nut (4) ......................................... . 34 to 57-Servi-cars
84588-48 •70 Spring 6 "U" bolt clip (2) ........................ . 50 to 57-Servi-cars (for llf:t spring)
4686 .45 Front spring bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84590-32 .20 Spring end rivet (4) .................................. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84592-32 .20 Spring end rivet washer (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 32 to 57-Servi-ears
84593-32 1.75 Spring end clip bushing (2) ............................ . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
47811-41 1.00 Frame bushing for tie bar (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 41 to 57-Servi-cars
4781~~32 .70 Tie bar clamp (2) ............................•............. 32 to 57-Servi-cars
47816-32 .45 Tie bar spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
4634 .40 Tie bar clamp bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7835 •10 Tie bar clamp bolt nut (2) ............................... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84640-42 4.75 Cushion spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... .. . .. ... . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
84643-32 .40 Spring bolt spacer washe1· (4) ................................. . 32 to 57-Servi-ca::-s
4379 .30 Spring bolt (long) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
4336 .25 Spring bolt (short) (2) . . . . . ................................... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7793 •OS Spring bolt nut {4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 32 to 57-Ser:vi-cars
84740~42 159.00 Box & cover (specify color) .................................... . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
84744-32 3.50 Box reinforcing plate (front) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 39 to 57-Servi-cars
5489 .20 Box fastening bolt & nut . . . . . . . . ...................... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84800-35 62.00 Box cover (prime color only) .................................. . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
84825-35 2.40 Cover stop assembly .......................................... . 35 to 57-Servi-cars
84829-40 .15 Bracket shoulder bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 40 to 57-Servi-cars
84845-35 2.90 Cover latch (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 42 to 57-Servi--cars
88624-30 .90 Cover latch plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 57-Servi-cars
84900-39 14.75 Complete bumper assembly ................................... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84902-32 13.00 Bumper only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84904-32 4.10 Bumper bracket (2) ............................. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84904-52 3.00 Rear bun1per bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 52 to 57-Servi-cars
4348 .25 Bumper & bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7782 •OS Bumped & bracket bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84920-42 39.50 Complete seat & bumper assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
84921-42 21.15 Complete seat & hand rail assembly less bumper . . . .......... . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
84925-39 7.25 Hand rail-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 39 to 57-Servi-cars
84927-39 7.25 Hand rail-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 39 to 57-Servi-cars
84932-42 •70 Hand rail reinforcement (2) ................................... . 42 to 57-Servi-ears
84933-42 •70 Hand rail reinforcement (rear) (2) ...................... . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
3974 .20 Hand rail bolt (8) ............................................. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7752 •OS Hand rail bolt nut (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
84945-32 28.75 Box cover cushion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
84949-35 1.20 Cushion metal strap (18'%,") .................................. . 35 to 57-Servi-cars
1206 •03 Cushion fastening screw (10) .............................. . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
7620 .D2 Cushion screw nut ( 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 32 to 57-Servi-cars
85000-37 5.25 Front apron 6 brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
85000..37 •90 Front apron bracket-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-Servi-ccrs
85007-37 •90 Front apror.. bracket-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-Servi-cars

Part No. Price Ec:zch NAME Used Ou


c 7055


85015-46 s 1.20 Servi-car rear apron & bumper brace (2) ................•....... 47 to 57-Servi-ccrs
85017-46 •10 Rear apron & bumper brace shim (2 to 8) ...................... . 47 to 57-Serv:•CC!'S
85039-55 30.SO Right fender with braces (.prime color only) .................... . SS to 57-Senn-ccrs
85040-39 30.50 Right fender with braces (prime color only) .................. . 42 to 54-Servl·cars
85042-39 Left fender with braces (prime color only) . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 42 to 54--Serv:-eC"!'s
85044-55 MI.SO Left fender with braces (prime color only) ...................... . 55 to 57-Servi-e::::-:s
2768 •05 Fender bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 40 to 57-Servi-cc::rs
7691 .05 Fender bolt nut (16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 40 to 57-Servi-cars
85100-39 3.00 Set of rear fender side mouldings complete .................... . 39 to 54-Serv•-cars
85101-39 1.55 Right fender side strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 48 to 54--Servi-ccrs
85102-39 1.55 Left fender side strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 39 to 54-Servi-eC!'s


85202-42 $14.75 Shock absorber complete-R. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 42 to 57-Servi-cc:s
85203-42 14.75 Shock absorber complete-L. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 to 57-Servi-c:::-s
85211..42 •60 Shock absorber upper bracket ................................ . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
85213..42 •70 Shock absorber upper pivot stud (2} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
7908 •15 Shock absorber upper pivot stud nut ........... . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
85220...C2 2.20 Shock absorber lower bracke1-L. H. . ... . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
85221-42 2.20 Shock absorber lower bracket-R. H. . ... . 42 to 57-Servi-cars
6591 .OS Shock absorber lower bracket washer (2) 42 to 57-Servi-cars
7908 .IS Shock absorber lower bracket nut (2) 42 to 57-Servi-cars

Part No. Price Euch NAME Used On

87064-36 s 97.00 Frame 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins
87070-37 101.00 Frame 37 to 57-sidevan. 61 H. 74" &
80" twins
87082-36 26.25 Set of sidecar connection parts ........... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
3 559 .01 Rear frame bracket bolt cotter pin 1 81197-36 3.90 Rear frame bracket
1 6582 .10 Connection bolt washer 2 4979 .60 Rear frame bracket bolt
1 7923 .25 Frame brace upper connection bolt 1 6603 .15 Frame brace upper connection
nut bolt stud washer
2 7944 .25 Rear frame bracket bolt nut. 2 7938 .25 Rear frame bracket bolt check nut
castellated 1 81127-36 3.90 Frame brace upper connection (front)
87128-36 3.90 Frame brace upper connection (rear) 1 81135-36 1.20 Frame brace upper connection bolt
81136-36 .15 Frame brace upper connection, 1 87176-37 11.50 Lower front connection assembly
bolt lock washer
87094-36 18.00 Sidecar frame brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 37 to 57-61 •·. 74" & 80" twins
87117-36 6.75 Frame brace lower clamp (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
16804-30 .so Lower clamp bolt (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87121-36 3.90 Frame brace upper connection (front) ................... . 37 to 57-61 ". 74" & 80" twins

87 681-41 ()~ 7789 42269-30 631 0

,~7050 fl 528 @)
IIQ (/._510 ~
~~~ sn32-41
6220 ' \ 7752




11'-'·_,..- 8513

Part No. Price Each NAME Used OXl

FRAME GROUP- Continued

87128-36 s 3.90 Frame brace upper connection (rear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87135-36 1.20 Frame brace upper connection bolt ........................... . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
87136-36 .15 Frame brace upper connection bolt lock washer . . . . . .......... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
6603 •15 Frame brace upper connection bolt plain washer ............... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87138-36 •90 Frame brace upper connection bolt spring . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7923 •25 Frame brace upper connection bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 37 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
6582 •10 Connection bolt washer . . . . . . . ........ . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
87176-37 11.50 Lower front connection socket tie rod ......................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
8034 .40 Lower front connection rod nut (2) . . . ............. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
8059 •40 Lower front connection rod nut-Rt. ............... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87181-37 •80 Lower front connection rod shoulder bolt . . . . . . . . . .......... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87197-36 3.90 Rear frame bracket .............................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
4979 .60 Rear frame bracket bolt (2) ................ . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7944 •25 ReC!' frame bracket bolt nut, castellated {2) .. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7938 .25 Rear frame bracket boit check nut (2) . . . . .. . 37 to 57-Sl", 74" & 80" twins
87254-24 2.75 Sidecar ball stud . . . . ............ . 24 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
3232 •05 Ball stud set screw (2) ............. . 24 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
87265-24 2.20 Ball joint nut . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 24 to 57-61 '', 74" & 80" twins
87267-24 1.10 Ball joint lock nut . . . . ................... . 24 to 57-6! ", 74." & 80" twins


87433-36 Sl3.00 Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7988 .25 Axle nut (next to hub) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. ... .. 30 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
6712 .15 Axle washer (outside) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57--61". 74" & 80" twins
87438-30 .70 Axle extension nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . .. 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80'' twins
7980 .30 Axle extension nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . .. 42 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7921 .35 Axle nut {outside fender) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87444-33 .so Axle nut (inside frame) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later 33 to 57-61", 74." & 80" twins
43530-35 .45 Wheel mounting screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
87654-36 26.00 Sidecar brake assembly complete . . . . . . . . . . . ... 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
87665-36 10.75 Brake side plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ...... 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
44113-36 10.50 Brake shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
44402-36 9.50 Set of brake shoes & linings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twir~s
44433-39 3.40 Set brake linings & rivets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
44484-35 .50 Brake Shoe spring .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
41841-31 .D2 Brake lining rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
44449-36 1.00 Brake shoe pivot stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
7835 .10 Brake shoe pivot stud nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
44475-35 .60 Brake shoe pivot stud plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--61 ", 74" & 80" twins
44265-36 2.75 Brake operating shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
41691-31 .20 Brake operating shaft spring washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7789 .OS Brake operating shaft nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
44270-36 .20 Brake operating shaft washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. .. .. . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87614-39 1.00 Brake cross-over shaft lever, brake end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87616-36 1.50 Brake operating shaft lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57--61'', 74" 5 80" twins
(when ordering for left hand.
order No. 87678-36)
490 .20 Connecting link pin (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 30 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins
6220 •05 Pin washer .................................................. . 30 to 57--6}", 74" & 80" twins
87681-41 1.50 Brake cross·over shaft lever, left end ............... . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
81685-30 1.20 Brake lever connecting link (2) . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 60" twins
81688-39 5.10 Brake cross-over shaft ........................... . ... 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
(for left hand sidecar order
No. 87690-39)
87692-39 5.10 Brake cross-over shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. . .. 39 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
7789 .05 Cross-over shaft nut (2) . . 39 to 57-61'', 74" & SO" twins
87722-38 2.75 Rear brake rod complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
sidevans ((for left hand side-
vans only)
Consists of:
1 510 .005 Brake rod cotter pin 528 .005 Brake rod cotter pin
1 6220 .05 Brake rod plain washer 6310 .05 Brake rod plain washer
1752 .05 Brake rod nut 42269·30 .15 Brake rod clevis pin
1 83695-37 1.50 Brake rod clevis 87134-38 1.80 Brake rod only
81724-37 3.90 Rear brake rod complete 37 to 57--61", 74" Ci: 80" twins.
Consists of:
1 510 .005 Brake rod cotter pin 528 .005 Brake rod cotter pin
1 6220 .05 Brake rod washer 6310 .OS Brake rod washer
1 7752 .05 Brake rod nut 42269-30 .15 Clevis pin
1 42333-30 1.00 Brake rod clevis 87736-41 1.80 Brake rod only

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


87726-41 $ 3.90 Rear brake rod complete . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 to 57-61'', 74" 6 SO" twins.
Consists of:
1 510 .005 Rear brake rod clevis pin 528 .DOS Rear brake rod cotter pin
1 6220 .05 Rear brake rod clevis pin washer 6310 .OS Rear brake rod washer
1 7752 .OS Rear brake rod nut 1 42269-30 .15 Rear brake rod clevis pin
1 42333-30 1.00 Rear brake rod clevis 1 ·87132-41 1.80 Rear brake rod only

87900-34 $31.00 Fender complete (prime color) ................................. . 34 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
87902-34 31.00 Fender complete (prin1e color) ................................. . 34 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins, sidevans
87925-39 1.75 Fender side strip .............................................. . 39 to 57--61", 74" 6 80" twins, sidecars
87961-34 2.10 Top fender brace ................................... . 34 to 57--61",74" 6 80" twins, sidecars
87964-34 2.10 Lower fender brace (rear) ..................................... . 34 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
87965-34 2.10 Lower fender brace (front) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 to 57-61", 74" 6 SO" twins, sidecars
8515 .02 Fender brace rivet (6) .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . 15 to 57-61'', 74" 6 80" twins, sidecars
87984-30 .10 Outer brace clip .................................. . 30 to 57--61", 74" 6 so·· twins, sidecars
8576 .03 Outer brace clip rivet (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 30 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
87986-30 .70 Inner brace clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 to 57--61", 74" & so·· twins, sidecars
8580 •03 Inner brace clip rivet (6) ...................................... . 30 to 57-61", 74" & so·· twins, sidecars
88010-36 1.50 Inner brace clip bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . 36 to 57--61",74"& SO" twins, sidecars
6605 •15 Bracket stud washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 30 to 57-61", 74" 6 SO" twins, sidecars
7921 •35 Bracket stud nut .............................................. . 30 to 57...::.61", 74" 6 80" twins. sidecars
4354 .25 Inner brace bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 28 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
1782 .OS Inner brace bracket bolt nut ................................... . 2S to 57-61",74" & SO" twins, sidecars
88025-23 .60 Fender front bracket .......................................... . 32 to 57-61"' 74 .. & so·. twins, sidecars
8513 •02 Front bracket rivet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 23 to 57--61",74"6 80" twins, sidecars
88026-34 1.70 Fender support bracket (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 34 to 57--61", 74" & SO" twins, sid'!Yans
5434 .20 Fender to sidevan bracket bolt (6} ............................. . 39 to 57--61", 74" & so·· twins, sidevans
6520 .10 Bracket bolt plain washer {6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39 to 57--61", 74" 6 so·· twins. sidevans
8521 .02 Fender support bracket rivet (9) ...•.............•......•....... 34 to 57-61", 74" 6 SO" twins. sidevans


88100-24 $21.00 Spring complete (9leaf)-LE ................................. . 37 to 57--61", 74" 6 80" twins. sidevans
88101-37 5.50 Spring top leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 37 tc 57-61", 74" & so·· twins, sidevans
88131-25 5.40 Spring top lecrl ............................................... . 25 to 57-61'', 74" 6 so·· twins. sidevans
88172-25 1.65 Spring "U" bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 to 57-61", 74'' 6 80" twins. sidecars
7839 .15 "U" bolt nut C'ilo") (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 24 to 57--61",74"6 SO" twins, sidecars
88170-24 .25 Spring shim .................................................. . 24 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
88174-37 •70 Spring bushing (4) ............................................ . 37 to 57--61", 74" 6 so·· twins. sidecars
88176-24 •60 Spring clip (clinches 5 or 6 leaves) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 24 to57-61", 74" & 80" tw1ns, sicieears
5680 .20 Spring bolt (for 7 or 8 leaves) ................................. . 24 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, siciecars
7793 .OS Spririg bolt nut ............................................... . 25 to 57-61", 74" 6 so·· twms. sidecars
88260-25 8.50 Body support rod (front) ....................................... . 25 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins, sicievans
88261-36 7.25 Body support rod (front} ....................................... . 36 to 57-61", 74" 6 so·· twms. sidecars
88264-36 7.25 Body support rod (rear) ....................................... . 36 to 57-61",74" 6 so·· twms. sidecars
88265-25 8.50 Body support rod (rear) . . . . . . . . .......................... . 25 to 57-61", 74" & so·· twins. sidevans
5486 .20 Front support rod bolt and nut ( 1*") (3) ..................... . 24 to 57-61", 74'' & 80" twins. s1decars
6321 •OS Front support rod washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 57-61". 74" & so·· twms. sidecars
7752 .OS Support rod nut . : ............................................. . 24 to 57-61",74" & so·· twins. sidecars
88278-28 1.55 Front support rod stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twms. sidevans
88281-28 1.55 Rear support rod stud ......................................... . 28 to 57-61", 74'' 6 80" twins. sidevans
88300-37 3..50 Spring shackle complete (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twtns. sidecars
Consists of:
1 7045 .01 Shackle stud lock washer 1 7796 .08 Shackle stud nut
1 88304-31 1.80 Shackle plate & bushing 1 88310-37 1.80 Outer shackle plate & stud
88301-37 3.50 Spring shackle complete (2) 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins. sidevans
Consists of:
1 7045 .01 Shackle stud lock washer 1796 .OS Shackle stud nut
1 88305--31 1.80 Inner shackle plate & bushings 1 88311-37 1.80 Outer shackle plate 6 stud
88314-37 .90 Shackle bushing (2) . . . . . . ......................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" 6 so·· twins. sidecars

88364-36 $112.00 Sidecar body stripped ......................................... . 36 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
88366-36 140.00 Sidecar body complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 to 57-61",74"& 80" twins. sidecars
88485-36 5.70 Floor covering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... . 36 to 57--61'', 74" 6 80" twins. sidecars
88487-36 19.75 Seat cushion ............................................ . 36 to 57-61", 74" 6 80" twins. sidecars
88488-36 19.75 Back upholstering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 36to57-61",74"&80" twir.s, sidecars

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


A G"so34
7752 .~7075
70.400 s @ 87181-37
6327 ...@ 8034
887267-24 ~ 87128•36
187254-24 ..Jl-~ 87127-36
• 87265-24 ~Q
@ 6603

6582 .. \91

7923 ~


88672-38 CPT

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


88490-36 Sl4.50 Right side upholstering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 36 to 57-61", 74" 6r 80" twins, sidecars
88492-36 14.50 Left side upholstering ......................................... . 36 to 57-61'', 74' · & 80" twins. sidecars
88500-36 1.50 Front moulding strip (~l.s" x 291h"l ........................ . 36 to 57-61", 74" 6r 80" twins, sidecars
88502-36 1.00 Rear moulding strip ('i6" x 18~") .......... . 36 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
88504-36 1.50 Side moulding strip (4) . . . . ....... . 36 to 57-61", 74" 6r 80" twins, sidecars
88506-36 .05 Moulding strip screw (large) (7) ..............•........ 36 to 57-61", 74'' & 80" twins. sidecars
88507-36 •OS Moulding screw nut (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 36 to 57-61", 74" 6r 80" twins, sidecars
59226-38 .03 Side moulding screw (16 to 30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 36 to 57-61", 74"& 80" twins, sidecars
88510-22 .60 Rear compartment key .......................... . 22 to 57-61 ", 74" 6r 80" twins, sidecars
88528-36 9.75 Sidecar body cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ... 36 to 57-61 ", 74" 6r 80" twins. sidecars
88539-36 .55 Cover fastening button (8) ............................ . 36 to 55-61". 74" 6r 80" twins, sidecars
7590 .02 Button nut (8) ...................................... . 36 to 55-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
88540-36 .20 Cover eyelet with washer (8) ............................. . 36 to 55-61", 74.. & 80" twins, sidecars
88560-36 4.75 Foot rest complete . . . . . . ....................... . 36 to 57-61", 74"6 80" twins. sidecars
4 5402 .10 Foot rest :bolt 6r nut 2 88562-36 .70 Foot rest bracket
88575-36 7.25 Sidecar step .. 36 to 57 -61", 74.. & ao·. twins, sidecars
7793 .OS "U" bolt nut (4) . . . . . . . .......... . 38 to 57-6~". 74'' & 80" twins, sidecars
4425 •so Sidecar step to fender clip bolt ........................ . 41 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
7793 .05 Sidecar step to fender clip bolt nut .................... . 36 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
88590-46 •60 Sidecar step "U" bolt (2) .................................... . 46 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
6388 .05 "U" bolt nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 46 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, side-:ars
88620-25 2.20 Spring latch . . . . . . . . ........ . 25 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
88650-35 5.10 Cover stop complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 36 to 57-61'', 74" 6r 80" twins. sidevans

88670-31 s 9.90 Rear recoil check complete (2) 31 to 57-61",74" & 80" twins, sidevans
Consists of:
1 2834 .10 Rear check strap bracket bolt 2 4000 .15 Rear check strap clamp bolt
3 7040 .01 Rear check strap clamp bolt 2 7045 .01 Rear check strap bracket stud
lock washer lock washer
l 7748 .OS Rear check strap brocket bolt nut 2 7752 .05 Rear check strap clamp bolt nut
2 7789 .OS Rear ·check strap bracket stud nut 4 8232 .03 Rear check strap rivet
l 88681-31 3.00 Rear check strap with end 1 88690-24 1.50 Rear check strap spring
1 88696-28 3.00 Rear check strap bracket 1 88704·28 .so Rear check strap bracket stud
2 88106-28 .35 Rear check strap clamp plate
88672-38 6.70 Rear recoil check complete .................................... . 36 to 57-61 ". 7 4" & 80" twins, sidecars
Consists of:
2 2834 .10 Check strap front bracket bolt 1 6320 .OS Check strap plain washer
2 7040 .01 Check strap front bracket bolt 2 7748 .OS Check strap front bracket bolt nut
lock washer 1 88680-26 2.75 Cheek strap assembly
4 8232 .03 Check strap solid rivet 1 88691)..24 I .SO Check strap spring
1 88686-26 1.90 Check strap only 1 88693·39 .40 Check strap clamp
l 88693-26 1.10 Check strap front bracket
88685-31 2.40 Rear check strap only (2) ................... 31 to 57-61 ". 74" &80" twins, sidevans
88730-37 9.25 Front check strap complete ......... ' • • • • • " • • • • * • • ~ • • • • • • • 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidevans
Consists of:
3 2834 .10 Front check strap bolt I 6320 ..D5 Front check strap bolt washer
3 7040 .01 Front check strap bolt lock washer 3 7748 .05 Front check strap bolt nut
1 88690-24 l.SO Front check strap spring 1 88693--26 1.10 Front check strap bracket
1 88731-37 5.75 Front check strap with ends 1 88137--37 1.50 Front check strap bracket
88738-37 .60 Rear bracket mounting plate ..................................... 37 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins, sidevans


88850-36 $37.00 Windshield & cover complete ... : ............................ . 36 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
88860-36 19.50 Window with frame ............................... . 36 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
88862-36 6..30 Window only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 36 to 57-61", 74" 6r SO" twins, sidecars
2666 .03 Short screws for window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
1206 .03 Long screws for window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 to 57-61'', 74''& 80" twins, sidecars
7620 •02 Window screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 25 to 57-61 ", 74" 6r 80" twins, sidecars
88875-36 21.00 Windshield apron complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 36 to 57-61 ". 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
1206 .03 Apron screw (8) .............................................. . 36 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins, side-=ars
6203 •OS Apron screw washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 to 57-61 •·. 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
7654 •OS Apron screw nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 36 to 57--61 ", 74" 6r 80" twins. sidecars
88892-36 4.75 Side :member, right side ....................................... . 36 to 57-61", 74" 6r 80" twins, sidecars
88896-36 4.75 Side member, left side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 36 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars

Part No. Price Each NAME Used On


88904-36 s 1.65 Side member stud (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
88938-30 •40 Side member stud nut (2) ..................................... . 36 to 57-61 ", 74" 6 SO" twins, sidecars
88932-24 1.00 Lower friction bracket (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 36 to 57-61", 74"& 80" twins, sidecars
4000 .15 Lower friction bracket bolt (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 36 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins. sidecars
S320 .OS Lower friction bracket bolt plain washer (8) .................... . 36 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
7752 .OS Lower friction bracket bolt nut (4) .......................... . 36 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
88934-24 .so Fibre friction washer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 36 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
8893&-18 .50 Spider friction washer (2) . . . . . .......... . 36 to 57-61", 74·· & 80" twins, sidecars
88941-30 .90 Frame end-L. H. . ............. . 30 to 57-61.', 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
88945-30 .90 Frame end piece--R H. . 30 to 57-61", 74" & SO" twins, sidecars
88950-36 .15 Windshield spring clip {11) ................. . 36 to 57-.61". 74" & 80" twins, sidecars


Spare Wheel Carrier
89100-37 s :us Set of brake lock parts . 37 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins. sidecars
Consists of:
l 4013 .15 Brake lock clamp bolt 7035 .01 Brake handle bolt lock washer
1 7040 .01 Brake lock clamp bolt lock washer 7691 .OS Brake handle bolt nut
7152 .OS Brake lock clamp bolt nut 89102-37 1.60 Brake lock handle
89104-37 .60 Brake lock clamp 89106-37 .IS Brake lock spring
1 89106-37 .30 Brake handle bolt
89150-36 18.25 Spcre wheel carrier complete 37 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins, sidecars
Consists of:
6 4300 .20 Spare wheel bracket bolt 6 6395 .05 Spare wheel bracket bolt washer
6 7045 .01 Spare wheel bracket bolt lock washer 6 7782 .OS Spare wheel brocket bolt nut
1 89200-36 12.'75 Spare wheel handle complete 1 89221-36 1.20 Spare wheel brocket bolt
89152-37 18.25 Spare wheel carrier complete ......... . ... 37 to 57-6! ". 74" & 80" twins, sidevans


87066-36 $ 97.00 Frame 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87072-38 101.00 Frame ..................... . 37 to 57-sid.evans
87095-36 18.00 Sidecar frame brace ............................... . 37 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87680-39 1.50 Brake cross-over shaft lever, left end . . . . . . . ....... . 39 to 57-61", 74" & BO" twins
87690-39 5.10 Brake cross-over shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 39 to 57-61'', 74" & BO" twins
87720-37 2.75 Rear brake rod complete . . . . ................... . 37 to 56-61", 74" & 80" twins
Consists of:
1 510 .005 Rear broke rod cotter pi::; 528 .005 Rear brake rod cotter pin
1 6220 .05 Rear brake rod clevis pin washer 6310 .OS Rear brake rod clevis washer
1 7752 .OS Rear brake rod nut 42269-30 .15 Rear brake rod clevis pin
1 83695-37 1.50 Rear brake rod clevis 87130-37 1.00 Rear brake rod only
87901-34 31.00 Fender complete (prime color) 34 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
87904-34 31.00 Fender complete (prime color) ................... . 34 to 57-61", 74" & 80" twins
87928-39 1.75 Fender side strip ...... . 39 to 57-61 ", 74" & 80" twins
88517-37 7.25 Sidecar step 36 to 57-61". 74" & 80" twins
88613-41 9.90 Rear recoil check complete .... '41 to 57-61'', 74" & 80" twins
1 2834 .10 Check strap link bolt 2 6327 .OS Check strap link bolt plain washer
2 5428 .20 Check strap clamp bolt 2 7040 .01 Check strap link bolt lock washer
1 7040 .01 Check strap front bracket bolt lock 1 1752 .05 Check strap front bracket bolt nut
2 7748 .05 Check strap link bolt nut 2 88693-39 .40 Check strap clamp
88693-26 1.10 Check strap front bracket 1 88694-41 Check strap link
3996 .15 Check strap front bracket bolt


90851-54 $47.50 Pair of plastic saddlebags & carrier (black) ....... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
90875-54 4.95 Saddlebag carrier-Lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 54 to 57-74" OHV
90876-54 4.95 Saddlebag ca:-rier-Rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
90906-52 •10 Saddlebag carrier hairpin clip {4) .............. . 54 to 57-74" OHV
90908-54 .10 Saddlebag carrier spacer (4) ................... . 54 to 57-74" OHV
90920-54 21.00 Left saddlebag only (plastic) (black) .......... . ... 54 to 57-74" OHV
90925-54 21.00 Right saddlebag only (plastic) (black) ............ . 54 to 57-74" OHV
90929-54 7.50 Saddlebag cover. left (plastic) (black) ......................... . 54 to 57-74." OHV
90930-54 7.50 Saddlebag carrier, right (plastic) (black) ................ . 54 to 57-74" OHV
90947-52 .25 Saddlebag key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 54 to 57-74" OHV

Part No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used OD


90851•54 CPT.



91007-48 $ .9.75 Rear chrome bumper complete ... 40 to 57--all models
91010-48 3.75 Rear bumper rod (2) . . . . ... 40 to 57--all models
5428 .20 Rear bumper to fender bolt .. 40 to 57--all models
1736 .15 Rear bumper acorn nut 40 to 57--all models
91012-48 Rear bumper tube .... 40 to 57-all models



Part No. Price Ecrch NAME Used On


91017-48 s .75 Rear bumper tube end {2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 40 to 57-all models
91019-48 •60 Rear bumper tube bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 40 to 57-all models
3720 •10 Rear bumper bracket bolt . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 38 to 57-all models
91028-48 .20 Rear bumper stabilizer. spring (2) .............................. . 40 to 57-WL model
91029-48 .20 Rear bumper stabilizer spring (2) .............................. . 40 to 57--61", 74" & 80" twins
91032-48 .40 Rear bumper spring bracket ................................... . 40 to 57-WL model
91034-48 .10 Rear bumper washer .......................................... . 40 to 57--all models
91075-49 Front bumper complete {Replaced by 91075-55)
91075-55 8.75 Front bumper complete .................... . 40 to 57--allmodels
91079-55 3.00 Front bumper support (2) . . . . ........ . 40 to 57-all models
91083-49 .60 Front bumper extension eye bolt (4) ........................... . 40 to 57--allmodels
91086-49 .20 Fronf bumper eye bolt washer (4) ..... . 40 to 57-all models
7748 .OS Front bumper eye bolt nut (4) .. . 40 to 56-all models
91085-49 .50 Front bumper screw {2) ....... . 40 to ss.-aa models
91087-55 1.00 Front bumper trim (3) .......... . 55 to 57-0HV
91088-55 1.00 Front bumper boll . . . . ... . 55 to 57-0HV
91089-55 .35 Front bumper spacer (4) . . . . . ....... . 55 to 57-0HV


91007-52 s 9.75 Rear bumper complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . 40 to 57-all models
91008-52 Rear bumper (Replaced by 91008-52A)
91008-52A s.oo Rear bumper ..................................... . 40 to 57-all models
2765 •05 Rear bumper screw . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 40 to- 57-all models
7688 .05 Rear bumper end screw . . . . . . . .................. . .. 40 to 57 --all models
3956 •10 Rear bumper bolt . . . . . . . . .................. . 40 to 57-all models
91010-52 3.75 Rear bumper rod . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 40 to 57 -all models
5428 .20 Rear bumper rod carriage bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 40 to 57-all models
6327 .OS Rear bumper rod washer (2) ...... . 40 to 57-all models
91019-52 .75 Rear bumper brocket . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. ......... ... . 40 to 57-all models
91023-52 7.25 Rear bumper trim complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 40 to 57-all models
91024-52 1.85 Rear bumper trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 40 to 57-all models
91028-52 .20 Rear bumper stabilizer spring . . . ...................... . 40 to 57-all models
91032-52 .40 Rear bumper spring bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 40 to 57-all models
91036-52 •65 Rear bumper stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 40 to 57-all models
3233 .15 Rear bumper stop set screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 40 to 57-all models
91038-52 ..40 Rear bumper spacer ........... . 40 to 57-all models
6487W .10 Rear bumper spray washer .... . .... .... .. .. 40 to 57-all models
7725 .10 Rear bumper flex-loc nut .......... . 40 to 57-all models


91130-49 $55.00 Rear siren complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-0HV
91131-49 ss.oo Rear siren complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 52-WL model
91134-SO 55.00 Rear siren complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 57-Servi-cars
91140-49 28.00 Rotor housing complete . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 49 to 57-0HV & WL models
91141-50 21.00 Rear siren :-otor housing .................. . 49 to 57-all models
91149-49 •75 Rotor housing bronze bushing (2) . .. . ..... . . 49 to 57-all models
91152-49 1.00 Rotor housing pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 49 to 54--<::tll models
91158-49 4.25 Rear siren ball bearing (2) .......... . 49 to 57-all models
91160-49 15.00 Rear siren rotor ..... . 49 to 57-all models
91162-49 4.90 Rear siren rotor shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 49 to 57-all models
91164-49 2.20 Rear siren bearing retainer ......................... . 49 to 57-all models
91168-49 2.60 Rear siren tire roller 49 to 57-oll models
91170-49 .35 Rear siren tire roller pin ........ . 49 to 57-all models
91171-49 .35 Rear siren bearing shaft nut ..... . 49 to 57-all models
91180-49 .15 Safetv scree.n . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-all models
91182-49 s.oo Rear siren cover complete ..................................... . 49 to 52-all models
91187-49 .80 Rear siren cover screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 57-all models
91189-49 .40 Rear siren cover name plate ................................... . 49 to 57-all models
2540 .02 Name plate screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 49 to 57-all models
997 .02 Siren cover screw (4) ........................................ . 49 to 57-all models
7560 .02 Siren cover name plate screw nut (2} .......................... . 49 to 57-all models
91202-50 15.00 Rear siren mounting bracket & damp complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to 57--Servi-cars
91206-50 14.00 Rear siren mounting bracket ............................. . 49 to 57-5ervi-cars
91207-50 2.50 Rear siren mounting bracket clam-p ............................ . 49 to 57-Servi-cars
91208-49 4.00 Rear siren mounting bracket clamp (2) . . . . . . . . ............... . 49 to 52-WL model
91209-49 30.00 Rear sire mounting bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 to 52-WL model
91210-49 7.25 Rear sire mounting bracket . . . . . . . . ........................... . 49 to 57-0HV
4013 .IS Rear siren mounting bracket bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 49 to 57-all models
7752 .05 Rear siren mounting brocket bolt nut (2) ....................... . 49 to 57-all models
91213-49 2.00 Rear siren brocket shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . 49 to 57-0HV

Part No. Price Each NAME Used. OD

p 91186-38

91156-31 91157-31

I 91155 •31 91164-32
I 91143-32

\------------------------------- ..... I
i 9852 :

~ '91298·32 i

~ 91299-32\
- . I
_, (Z~¥1~~ <m<wmmrtmmrmum~•5iiii~~~a!•:m::m ...-- _;
\. 91168-39 91162-38


~ 7040

91224-49~ 91221.-49 ~6341
~~~~'t>!~ ..ll£l @~"am(l)3991
91213-49 , \ 7 7041


I I '7914

&_ 91140....49 91187-49
1 lJJ'91149-49
I ~ 91216-49
~ 706~

1 0 (") 91220-49
1 ~ 91235-49
1 ~ 7905 4017
L------------------------1 ® 9 f) tt.U2.tWJ, ' ~
I 7041~
f"'i 7638! 91238-49
6182 7638

91168-49 91162-49
ct rra J
ijj;dUl701.\L~==~(~<_ _j!mi.U'"i!JL.;C«l i\\
91255-49~ 91257-49

91164-49 91158-49

Pa:rt No. Price Ea:ch NAME Used On


91216-49 s 5.20 Rear siren bracket shaft bearing ........................ . 49 to 57-all models
91220-49 .30 Bracket shaft bearing set screw (~" x %") . . . . . . ............. . 49 to 57-all models
7905 .15 Rear siren bracket shaft nut ............................. . 49 to 57-all models
91223-49 1.65 Rear siren bracket shaft spring collar .................. _. ... 49 to 57-0HV & WL models
91224-49 .20 Rear siren bracket shaft spring collar set screw (lA," x *") 49 to 57-0HV & WL models
6341 •05 Rear siren bracket shaft spring collar washer .......... _.. . 49 to 57-0HV & WL models
91225-49 1.65 Rear siren bracket shaft spiing .......................... . 49 to 57-all models
3991 .15 Rear siren bracket shaft screw . . . . . . . ....................... . 49 to 57-0HV & WL models
91235-49 1.75 Rear siren tie rod only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 57-all models
91238-49 .45 Rear siren tie rod spring (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 49 to 57-all models
91241-49 2.20 Rear siren tie rod buckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 to 57-c::ll models
7638 •OS Rear siren tie rod nut (3) .............................. ___ ..... . 49 to 57-all models
6182 •OS Rear siren tie rod plain washer (3) . . . . ......... . 49 to 57-c::ll models
91242-50 •45 Rear siren tie rod tension spring . . . . . . . 50 to 57-ali models
91249-49 5.80 Rear siren foot lever & bushing . . . . . . . . ... 49 to 57-all models
91252-49 6.00 Rear siren foot lever bracket .......... . 49 to 57-0HV
91255-49 1.90 Foot lever bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 49 to 57-0HV
4017 .20 Foot lever bracket cap screw (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 49 to 57-0HV
91257-49 2.50 Foot lever shaft ........ _.. _...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 49 to 57-0HV
91261-49 •65 Foot lever bushing ............................... . 49 to 57-0HV & WL models
91263-49 5.50 Rear siren foot lever stud . . . . . . . . .. . 49 to 57-WL & G
91268-50 4.40 Rear siren locating stud ................................. . SO to 52-Servi-cars
91276.50 4.90 Rear siren extension arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 50 to 57-Servi-cars
9129()..52 5.00 Rear siren water deflector ...................... _.............. . 52 to 57-all models
91293-52 •10 Rear siren water deflector screw ...................... _.. 52 to 57-0HV
91300-52 2.00 Rear siren leverage arm .................................... . 52 to 57-0HV


91775-51 $ 2.95 Spark plug holder complete with fittings ................ . 40 to 57-all models
9178()..51 1.75 Spark plug helder cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 40 to 57-all models
91781-Sl .15 Spark plug holder nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 to 57-all models
91782-51 .25 Spark plug holder inner clip .......................... . 40 to 57-all models
91783-51 .45 Spark plug holder outer clip . . . . . . .......................... . 40 to 57-all models

8430 .02 Spark plug holder clip rivet (2) ................................ . 40 to 57-all models
91784-51 .35 Spark plug holder "U" bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 40 to 57-all models
91786-51 •15 Spark plug holder reinforcement .... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 to 57-all models
7620 .02 "U" bolt nut (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. . 40 to 57-all models

c L91786-~118 ~~~
9178.4·51 7620
8430~ 7118~~ •

91783-51 91782-51



Part Price Part Price

No. Each NAME No. Eac:h NAME


SlO $ .005 ¥1-e" x lh" Cotter pin 531 $ .01 %:!" x %'' Cotter pin
512 .005 ¥t(i" x %" Cotter pin 534 .01 %2" x 1" Cotter pin
515 .005 l;i-6" x *"Cotter pin 550 .01 l;S" x %" Cotter pin
528 .005 ~J2" x %" Cotter pin 559 .01 %t x 11,4" Cotter pin


993 s .02 6-32 N.C. x %!' Fillister head screw 2633 $ .03 8-32 N.C. x l%2" Round head screw
997 .02 6-32 N.C. x ~8" Fillister head screw (cadmium)
1001 .02 6-32 N.C. x ¥.t Fillister head screw 2635 .03 8-32 N.C. x %"Round heed screw
1040 .03 8-32 N.C. x 1:"~;.~" Fillister head screw 2638 .03 8-32 N.C. x o/s" Round head screw
1047 .03 8-36 N.F. x 14" Fillister head screw 2658 .OS l 0 x 1%" Self tapping binding screw
1052 .03 8-32 N.C. x t4" Fillister head screw (special) 2663 .03 10-32 N.F. x 1;;4" Round head screw
10-24 N.C. x 'Yl1•" Round head screw
8-32 N.C. x *"
8-32 N.C. x ~~" Fillister head screw( white)
Fillister head screw
8-32 N.C. x 1" Fillister head screw
10-24 N.C. x ¥. t Round head screw
10-24 N.C. x YJ{;" Recessed round head !;Crew
1187 .03 10-24 N.C. x %'' Fillister head screw 2686 .05 10-24 N.C. x %"Round head screw
1190 .03 10-32 N.F. x %" Fillister head ·Screw 2721 .03 12-24 N.C. x ;'2" Round head screw
1199 .03 10-24 N.C. x ~ .. Fillister head screw 2723 .03 12-23 N.C. x %"Round head screw
1202 .03 10-32 N.F. x lf. ( Fillister head screw 2725 .08 12-24 N.C. x l'%2'' Recessed truss head screw
1206 .03 10-24 N.C. x %" Fillister head screw 2726 .10 12-24 N.C. x 2~32" Recessed truss head screw
1210 .03 10-32 N.F. x %" Fillister head screw 2728 .10 12-24 N.C. x 21·3:;( Recessed truss head screw
1211 .03 10-32 N.F. x %" Fillister head screw 2751 .10 %, "-28 N.F. x ~J.s" Recessed round head screw
1214 .10 10-24 N.C. x *4" Fillister head screw 2756 .05 114"-24 N.S. x ?it~;" Round head screw
1218 .05 10-32 N.F. x -%." Fillister head screw 2758 .05 1,4," -20 N.C. x o/tll' Recessed heed screw
1222 .05 10-32 N.F. x %" Filli.ster head screw 2759 .OS %."-20 N.C. x ¥~" Round head screw
1229 .OS 10-32 x 1" Fillister head screw 2762 .OS ;i"-24 N.S. x ¥./' Round head screw
1240 .10 10-32 N.F. x 1Y.z" Fillister head machine screw 2765 .OS w·-zo N.C. X%" Round he:::xd screw
1300 .05 12~24 N.C. x ¥/' Fillister head screw 2767 .OS W'-24 N.S. x 'r!'" Round head screw (chrome)
1367 .05 ~4"-24 N.F. x%" Fillister head screw 2768 .05 14"-24 N.S. x%" Round head screw
1369 .OS 14"-20 N.C. x t;J.6" Fillister head machine 2711 .OS '1;4"-20 N.C. x !}:J" Round head screw
screw 2172 .OS W'~28 N.F. x ~"Round head screw
1397 .10 w· X 20 N.C. X 1;4" (flat) Fillister head 2715 .OS 1,4"-24 N.F. x =~" Round heed screw
machine screw 2823 .10 %n" -24 N.F. x o/.,;;" Recessed Ro-:.1nd head
1655 .03 6-32 N.C. x %" Flat head screw screw
1658 .03 6-32 N.C. x '%6" Flat head machine screw 2825 .10 11c"-18 N.C.x'%-c'' Round heed. r::.c:chine screw
1661 .03 6-32 N.C. x lh" Flat head screw 2834 .10 %G"-18 N.C. x ~4" Round head machine screw
1666 .03 6-32 N.C. x 1;1s" Flat head screw 2843 .10 ~~r,"24 N.F. x 1%£' Hexagon heaci bolt
1160 .03 10-24 N.C. x%'' Flat head machine screw 3201 .15 10-32 N.F. Set screw
17GlW .05 10-24 N.F. x 1,12" Lok-thread screw 3232 .OS =-}t<i'·24 U.S.F. x %::!"Heed-less se: screw
1775 .10 10-24 N.C. x: 1;8" Flat head machine screw 3233 .1S ~~"-28 N.F. Socket head set s::rew
1780 .10 10-24 N.C. x Hs" Flat head machine screw 3420 .03 6-32 N.C. x %" Hexcgor. hec::i bolt
1864 .05 lA"-24 N.S. x %" nat head machine screw 3471 .03 8 x :Y~-t" Hexagon head seli taJ'pmg cap screw
1812 .05 1;4."-20 N.C. x: %" Flat head screw 3491 .03 8-32 N.C. x %" Hexagon heac screw
1956 .20 %.-;"-18 N.C. x: lo/J.o" Flat head screw 3550 .OS 10-32 N.F. x ik' Hexagor. heed. bolt
2060 .03 4-40 N.C. x 11•;" Recessed head screw 3578W .10 ..
10-24 N.C. X n~:! Hexc;on heo:d screw
2204W .05 10-32 N.F. x %" Countersunk head screw 3625 .10 12-24 N.C. x %" Hexagon hecC. bolt
2218 .05 10-32 N.F. x llfl6" Oval head screw 3665 .15 %::!" N.S. x ~~.. Hexagor. hec:::i bel~
2265 .OS 12-24 N.C. x%" Oval head screw 3120 .10 W'-28 N.F. x 'ik' Hex::gon hecc bolt
2268 .OS 12-24 N.C. x ·w· Oval head screw 3732 .10 ;~"-24 N.S. x lf.( Hexcgor. hecc bo!~
2275 .OS 12-24 N.C. x 11,1~" Oval head screw 3738 .10 ~~"-28 N.F. x ¥.?" Hexcgor. hecc bolt
2278 .OS 12-24 N.C. x l:Y,6" Oval head screw :;.]54 .10 J/t"-24 N.S. x ~~ .. Hexcgor:. :-:e:::c bo!:
2329 .10 %"-24 N.S. x l!YJ.G" Oval head screw 3779 .10 1,~"-24 N.S. X%" Hexagon need bo!:
2333 .10 %."·24 N.S. x lo/),1;'' Oval head machine screw 3181 .10 l,~"-24 N.S. x %" Hexagon !'leac bolt
2336 .10 %"~20 N.C. x 11;8" Oval head machine screw 3787 .10 11~ "-20 N.C. x :~" Hexagon he:::d cap screw
2341 .10 1;4"·24 N.S. x 1~" Oval screw 3791 .10 l;i''-28 N.F. x %" Hexcgor:. hecc bolt
2349 .15 1,4"-24 N.S. x 2" Oval head machine screw 3794 .10 14-"~" Parker-Kalon
2398 .10 ~~·· -24 U.S.F. x 1~3£' Oval head screw 3825 .10 11 ~(·28 N.F. x l" Hexagon heac :::o!t
2402 .10 %~"-24 N.F. x 2.~:" Oval countersunk head 3831 .10 %"-20 N.C. x 1" Hexc:go:-: hec:: bol:
screw 3834 .10 ltl"-20 N.C. x lW' Hexagon hecc bo!:
240ZC .35 o/t<t>" -24 U.S.F. x 23Im" Cou.ntersunk head screw 3835 .15 11 ~"-24 N.S. x H"lr:'' Hexcgo:: hecc bolt
2424 .20 %~"-24 N.F.x 11~32" Oval head machine screw 3838 .15 14"-24 N.F. x B)t;" Hexcgo:-: heed bolt
2540 .02 4-36 N.S. x %"Round head screw (brass) 3840 .10 1/~"-28 N.F. x 114" Hexcgo:-: be::ci bolt
2544 .0.3 4-36 N.S. x %" Round head screw 3860 .10 %"-24 N.S. x Fi-X" Hexcgon be::::d bolt
2582 .OS 6-32 N.C. x %"Round head screw 3952 .10 %;"-18 N.C. x ~;,, .. He:xcgc:-: !'leod bolt
258G .OS 6-32 N.C. xI}./' Round head machine screw 39S3W .10 ~'w"-24 N.F. x l~" Hexcgo:: he::::::! bol!
2.626 .03 8-32 N.C. x 1/.;." Round head screw 3956 .10 %;"-24 N.F. x !}).;'' Hexagon hecci bolt
2629 .03 8-32 N.C. x tli>'' Round head screw 3959 .10 !}1.{;"-18 U.S.S. x%;" Hexagon !-:e::::d bolt
2632 .03 8-32 N.C. x 'i!G" Round head screw 3974 .20 !YJr."-24 N.F. x :1·1 .. Hexagon hear: bcit
Part Price Part Price
No. Each NAME No. Each NAME


3984 s .15 %s"-18 N.C. x l¥ts" Hexagon head bolt 4370 $.30 %"-24 N.F. x l~~r." Hexagon head bolt
3986 .15 %s"-24 N.F. x 27,3:{ Hexagon head bolt 4379 .30 3k"-24 U.S.F. x 12%z" Hexagon head bolt
3991 .15 ~s"-18 N.C. x %"Hexagon head screw 4418 .45 %"-24 N.F. x 2Y!s" Hexagon head bolt
3996 .15 %tt -24 N.F. x %" Hexagon head bolt 4425 .so ~8"-24 N.F. x 3·· Hexagon head bolt
4000 .15 %<6"-24 N.F. x , .. Hexagon head bolt 4426 .so %"-24 N.F. x 3" Hexagon head bolt
4001 .15 o/t6"-24 N.F. x lo/t_< · • Hexagon head screw 4432 .so ~"-16" N.C. x 3lt4" Hexagon head bolt
4004 .15 %s"-24 N.F. x llh2" Hexagon head bolt 4620 .35 ~]. 0 "-20 N.F. x 1" Hexagon head bolt
4007 .15 %4>"-24 N.F. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt 4634 .40 'Yl.s"-20 N.F. x 1~1s" Hexagon head bolt
4010 .15 %s"-24 N.F.x I%2" Hexagon head bolt 4636 .40 ~)f;''-20 N.F. x Hl.F>" Hexagon head bolt
4012 .15 %s"-24 N.F. x l:t,H" Hexagon head bolt 4638B .35 ~16"-20 N.F. x llA" Hexagon head screw
4013 .15 o/tf>"-24 N.F. x Hs" Hexagon head bolt 4&44 .35 <;1<;"-20 U.S.F. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt
4017 .20 %s"-18 N.C. x 1" Hexagon head screw 4660 .35 ~is"-20 N.F. x 11,6" Hexagon head bolt
4020 .15 %s"-24 N.F. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt 4670 .35 "h.G"-20 N.F. x ll~).s" Hexagon head bolt
40~7 .25 ~1-s''-24N.F. xI%" Hexagon head bolt 4674 .40 ~~~;"-16 N.S. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt
4036 .IS ~1s"-24 N.F. x 11;2" Hexagon head bolt 4680 .40 ~\s" -20 N.F. x 2%( Hexagon head screw
4042 .15 %e"-24 N.F. x 11%s" Hexagon head bolt 4686 .45 Yl6"-20 N.F. x 2~" Hexagon head bolt
4044 .30 ~is"-24 N.F. x 1~32" Hexagon head holt 4915 .50 ~1~>"-18 N.F. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt
4051 .30 o/te"-24 N.F. :x: 2" Hexagon head bolt 4979 .so ~16"-18 N.F. x2~k' Hexagon head bolt
4060 .30 %-s"-24 N.F. :x: 21.4" Hexagon head bolt 5402 .10 l;.i," x o/.;" Carriage bolt
4072 .35 ~ie" -24 N.F. x 2~" Hexagon head bolt 5425 .10 1-i(;" x %" Carriage bolt
4080 .40 %6"-18 N.C. :x: 2*'' Hexagon head bolt 5428 .20 o/t,;" x 1" Carriage bolt
4289 .20 %"·24 N.F. x~" Hexagon head bolt 5434 .20 =})!;;"X n~" Carriage bolt
4293 .20 %"-16 N.C. x ~%£' Hexagon head bolt 5435 .20 l'Vui' -18 U.S.F. x 1~~.. Carriage bolt
4300 .20 %"-16 N.C. :x:1h" Hexagon head bolt 5438 .20 )·is" x l:h" Carriage bolt
4304 .20 %"-24 N.F.'x 2%2" Hexagon head bolt 5486 .20 =t~" x 1%" Carriage bolt
4323 .20 %"-16 N.C. x 1" Hexagon head bolt S489 .20 %" x 2" Carriage bolt
4336 .2S %."-24 N.F. x 1~, Hexagon head holt S661 .20 i1n" -24 :x: 1W' Square head bolt
4348 .25 %"-16 N.C. x lo/ts" Hexagon bead bolt S674 .20 !}1s"-18 x 1%" Square head bolt
4354 .25 %"-16 N.C. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt 5677 .20 '%_.,".18 x 1%" Square head bolt
4362 .2S %"-24 N.F. x 1%" Hexagon head bolt S680 .20 ~tH"·18 :x: li~" Square head bolt

6010 $ .OS %:" x 1%.4." x ¥.J:?" Plain steel washer 6341 $.OS 'H.~;" X 1 w· X 1;1.;" Plain steel washer
6011 .OS %2" x ~s" x 1k2" Brass washer 6313 .OS =~s" x 3-)f..;" x 11'~" Plain steel washer
6030 .OS YG:t" x %" x 2:YIG4:" Plain steel washer 6375 .05 -~~ .. x 3"'Ati" x ~-3-.!" Plain steel washer
6041 .05 %" x 1%4" Bakelite washer a3TI .10 :rs" x %" x 1,32" Brass washer
6042 .G8 %" x 1,~" Plain steel washer 6379 .20 ~.. x %" :x: *rt" Plain steel washer
%" x ~ .. x %Ei" Plain steel washe::"
6106 .OS %2" x lh" Bakelite washer 6388 .OS
6150 .05 =}J.s" :x: %" x l!J.s" Plain steel washer 639S .05 %" x t11_6" x ~16" Plain steel washer
GlSG .OS ~1e" :x: %" Bro:ss washer 6391 .OS 1~32" x l~~G .. x %'' Plain steel washer
6165 .OS -%~;" x %" Plain steel washer 6400 .OS ~;.. .. x t~'t6" x %4," Plain steel washer
6170 .OS o/t~" x %" Plain steel washer 6402 .OS ~r~i-4-" x sr~~ .. x ~fi-l" Plain steel washer
6179 .OS ::}i~" x 1."j3:( x lh2" Fibre washer 6404 .OS ~,. x ~~" x ~'i.;" S:pring washer
6182 .OS ~s" x %-e" x ~ .. Plain steel washer 6408 .OS 2~~i4 .. x 1" x 1,4( Plain steel washer
6185 .OS o/ts" x lh" x ;.Is" Bakelite washer 6413 .20 %'' x 1" x l%:t Plain steel washer
6186 .OS ~1e" x ¥.t Bakelite washer 6417 .10 %" x ll;l.t" x ~~" Plain steel washer
6201 .OS %2" x ~., x %2" Canvas washer 6440 .OS 1%-.t x !"~" x ~32" Plain steel washer
6203 .OS 7;3:" x ¥.t x lh.s" Plain steel washer 6442 .OS 1%::?" X t;'ts" X nG" Plain steel washer
6207 .02 ~ .. x %" Fisb:pa::per washer 6448 .OS 1!}~" x l~G" x 7;;;.~." Plain steel washer
6208 .10 1f.s2" x 1%e" Plain steel washer 6460 .OS "%s'' x :!"Jk2" x I,·)s" Plain. steel washer
6210 .30 %2" :x: ll'~~.. x l%.4" Plain washer (fibre) 6466 .OS -;.'1~" :x: :):l" x 1AP4-" Plain steel washer
6220 .OS '%" x 7fis" x 'lh2" Plain steel washer 6469 .05 '%6" x ~,. x lA( Plain steel washer
6227 .OS 1_4" x 1,2" x ':ttl>" Plain steel washer 6473 .OS ~!}{l+" x 5'JAl+" x lftt:" Plain steel washer
6236 .OS 1,4" x ~" x ~~ .. Plain steel washer 647S .15 ~).-;" x 1o/tl'( x ''ts" Brass washer
6240 .05 ~·· x ~i6" x Vis" Plain steel washer 6486 .10 .2%+" x lo/1 6 " x %.2" Plain steel washer
6242 .OS :!,~" x ~s" x %£'Plain steel washer 6481W .10 l'l,ir." :x: lh" Spring washer
6245 .OS %" x %" x Vt"" Plain steel washer 6490 .10 ~~6 .. x ~s" x ~"Plain steel washer
6255 .OS 7;.4" x -%" x %2" Plain steel washer 6S20 .10 29kf" x 1;8" x %.2" Plain steel washer
6280 %2" x 1%2" x~" Plain steel washer 2%4." x 11;8." x%2" Plain steel washer
%2" x *" Fish:pa::per washer
'H.~" x ~1s" x 'lki" Plain steel washer
:r~2" x Ilk'' Plain steel washer
2911G4" :x: 11;8." x lf64" Plain steel washer
6301 .05 %s" x lh" x liJ.s" Plain steel washer 6526 .10 1%" x :!9fr4-" Plain steel washer
6307 .05 *2"
~i~( x ~ .. x Plain steel washer 6543 .10 3~ji4" x ~ .. x %4" Plain steel washer
6310 .05 !}!{)" x ~)s" x 1.42'' Plain steel washer 6551 .05 1%£' x%" x Jk.J'' Plain steel washer
6320 .OS !}[~;" x 11;}.;" x ~1.-;" Plain steel washer 6568 .10 lh" x 1%6 " x 'tS" Plain steel washer
6327 .05 ~~(;" x l~~G .. x ~ .... Plain steel washer 6574 .05 '72" x 2%2" x o/a2" Plain steel washer
6329 .05 )'t•i" x %" x %.4' Plain steel washer 6581 .10 lh2" x ~-4" x lo/}r." Plain steel washer
6332 .05 ~tt." x 'riG" :x: ;-}.13" Plain steel washer 6582 .10 1,2" x 1"' :x: JA.s" Plain steel washer
6334 .10 ::!~~;.J" x l'YJf;" x %2" Plain steel washer 6S!H .OS lh" x l%"x%2" Plain steel washer
6336 .05 21,4; 4 " x tr~"" x %6 " Plain steel washer 6603 .IS lh" x 1%" x '78'' Plain steel washer
Part Price Part Price
No. Ecrch NAME No. Ecrch NAME


6605 $ .15 72" x 1%," x '%s" Plain steel washer 6750 s .10 2lh2" x 5~{n" x .007'' Plain steel washer
6649 .10 o/,.~" x %," x ;32" Brass washer S752 .10 2lh2" x 5%4" x .014" Plain steel washer
6655 .10 o/].~" x 1" x ~ .. Plain steel washer 6754 .15 2lh2" x 5~iH" ,._ 183" ?lain steel washer
6700 .05 %" x lo/]_6" x ;32" Plain steel washer 6762 .10 llf1~" x 2%:( x %2" Plain steel washer
6712 .IS o/s" x l~is" x %!( Plain steel washer 6169 .10 1;1u" x 11;is" x ljf.i.l." Plain steel washer

7005 s .01 No.4 x l~~ 4 '' x lf.s2" Lock washer 7041 s .01 ;}~>" x ~'is" x ;·1 6" Lock washer (zinc plated)
7010 .01 No_ 6 x 1:-~H .. x %:~(Lock washer 7045 .01 %" x %" x %~" Lock washer
7015 .01 No.8 x~32" x ~:s2" Lock washer 7050 .02 :Y-;" x 13.)(1" x %6" Lock washer
7021 .01 No. lO·x 21/.,;.t'' x ~64-" Lock washer 70SS .02 'il.s" x l~]s" x lfls" Lock washer
7025 .01 ~is" x ~s" x %4," Lock washer 7056 .02 7iiu" "Kantlink" lock washer
7030 .01 No. 12 x llh:!" x ~H .. Lock washe:- 7060 .02 ;~" x 2%£' x Y!6" Lock washer
7035 .01 1,4" x lh" x 1,16" Lock washer 7065 .03 ~'is" x 1~1s" x 13::( Lock washer
7036 .01 l1.j." Spring lock washer 7070 .OS ~s" x 1" x 1;ir," Lock washer
7040 .01 o/Js" x %H" x ~~c;" Lock washer 7075 .OS ;~"X nr· :X Vs" Lock washer
7112 $ .01 No.6 x 1%..," Internal tooth shakeproof lock 7220 s .01 No. 10 x t%2" External tooth shakeproof lock
washer washer.
7115 .01 No.8 :x l;t,.\' Internal tooth shakeproo£ lock 7230 .01 Vt." :x 1;2" External tooth shakeproof lock
washer washer
7118 .01 No. 10 x ~~ .. Internal tooth shakeproof lock 1231 .02 ~.t" x 1=).32 " Countersunk shakeproof lock
washer washer
7121 .02 No. 12 Internal shakeproof lock washer 1232 .02 '}'is'' External sunk shakeproof lock washer
7124 .01 w· X ~~2 .. Internal tooth shakeproof lock 7233 .02 '}'u;" x r~" Countersunk shakeproof lock
washer washer
7127 .01 i~c·· x 1%2" Internal tooth shakeproof lock 7238 .OS %" External tooth shakeproof lock washer
washer 731S .02 No.8 x 11~" External-internal tooth shakeproof
7130 .02 =~~ .. Internal tooth shakeproof lock washer lock washer
7136 .OS %;" x 2:"~2" Internal tooth shakeproof lock 7410 .OS :j.·j~;" Special lock washer

7560 s .02 No. 4-48 N.F. x ;32" x '14" Hexagon nut 7785 s .15 %"-16V x %" x '~"Hexagon nut
7S64 .02 No. 4-36 x =ta:?" x 1,4" Hexagon nut 7789 .OS %"-24 N.F. x '%," x o/J.o" Hexagon nut
7590 .D2 6-32 N.C. x ~ .. x 'rts" Hexagon nut 7193 .05 %"-24 N.F. x 2%4." x o/t.;" Hexagon nut
7604 .03 8-32 N.C. X w· Xl¥.3£' Square nut 7796 .08 %"-24 N.F. x 21f<;_." x '~"Hexagon nut
7608 .02 8-32 N.C. x ~.. x o/ts" Hexagon nut 7800 .08 %"·24 N.F. x ~1n" x ~1G" Hexagon nut
7620 .02 10-24 N.C. x lhl" x %" Hexagon nut 7804 .08 %"-24 -N.F. x ~~.. x o/u;" Hexagon nut
7624 .10 10-24 N.C. F'lexloc nut 7806 .10 %"-32 N.F. x ~S,;" x %2" Hexagon m.:t
7628 .05 No. 10-24 N.C. x%" x Y4" Hexagon nut 7809 .1S %"-24 N.F. x 1~'!32" x o/tr." Castellated
7630 .OS No. 10-32 N.F. x ~~ 6 " x%" Hexagon nut hexagon nut
7634 .OS 10-32 N.F. x t,S" x ritt>" Hexagon nut (brass) 7811 .15 ;~"-24 N.F. x H~3:!" x 1:~'i•:" Hexagon nut
7638 .05 10-32 N.F. x %" x%" Hexagon nut 7815 .lS ~V-32 N.F. x lo/tr." x 'Yr." Hexagon nut
7651 .07 No. 12-24 N.C. Cap nut 7825 .20 V'w" -20 N.F. Thread flexloc nut
12-24 N.C. x %.2'' x 't;if;" Hexagon nut ~t6" -20 N.F. x W' x %·;".Hexagon nut
;~"-28 N.F. x %r." x 1ftG" Hexagon nut
11~"-28 N.F. x o/is" x 7At>" Hexagon nut
~'is"-20 N.F. x *"xo/t'" Hexagon nut
'Vt6"-20 N.F. x %" x·}R'' Hexagon nut
(cadmium plated) 7836 .10 1ftr." -20 N .F. x %" x %" Hexagon nut
7683 .10 W'-28 N.F. Flexloc nut 7839 .IS YJ..e"-20 N.F. x :;.2" x'~" Hexagon nut
7684 .10 1,~"-28 N.F. Thread acom n' {chrome) 7848 .15 %'6"-20 N.F. x lo/M" xi-4" Hexagon nut
1,4"-20 N.C. x %" x lh" Hexagon nut
lft-24 N.S. x %=!" x 'Vte" Hexagon nut
W'-24 N.S. x %2" x %6" Hexagon nut
o/}~;"-20 N.F. x :Ys" x *"
%r."-20 N.F. x=:~" x%," Hexagon nut
Hexagon nut
%6 " -20 N.F. x 29ti;.;" x %" Castellated
7698 .05 ~~"-24 N.S. x 1,4" x ~'2" Hexagon nut hexagon nut
7725 .10 o/ts"-24 N.F. Thread fiexloc nut 7900 .20 Y:t-20' N.F. Thread flexloc nut
7127 .10 ~if>"-24 N.F. Flexloc nut "Thin" 7905 .15 ¥.. t-20 N.F. x %" x*" Hexagon nut
7736 .15 o/u;"-24 N.F. Thread acorn nut 1908 .15 lh"-20 N.F. x~'i.G" x l~~s" Hexagon nut
7738 .OS ~lf(-24 N.F. Self locking nut 7911 .20 lf:(-20 N.F. x %2" x %"Hexagon nut
7144 .OS o/If;"-24 N.F. x o/ts" x'lh" Hexagon nut 7914 .20 lf..t"-20 N.F. x 7h6" x '!~" Hexagon nut
7748 .OS %;"-18 N.C. x l'A;.;," x lh" Hexagon nut 7918 .20 lh"~l3 Thread hexagon nut
77S2 .05 ~r."-24 N.f. x 17,4;4" x lh" Hexagon nut 7912 .35 lfi"-20 N.F. x<;J.,;" x 1" Hexagon nut
7753 .05 ~~r.''-24 N.F. x 17A:4 " x '.Jh" Hexagon nut 7923 .25 %"-20 N.F. xl%:?" x"'h.;" Hexagon nut
7760 .07 %n"·24 N.f. x o/Jn" x o/t~" Hexagon nut 7935 .so %s" x 24 U.S.F. x %:( x ~" Hexagon nut
7115 .15 %"~24 N.F. Thread flexloc nut 7998 .25 ,-16-18 N.F. x l¥.J:?" x lo/j6" Hexagon nut
7779 .3S ~"-24 N.F. Acorn nut 7944 .25 %~"-18 N.F. x 3%J," x%" Hexagon nut
7782 .OS %"-16 N.C. x 'f:tf.l" x ~16" Hexagon nut 7947 .35 ~ 6 "-18 N.F. x 1,6" x lo/J.~;;" Hexagon nut
Part Price Part Price
No. Ecrch NAME No. Each N.A:ME

NUTS- Continued
7950 $ .45 %," x 16 N.F. Hexagon nut 7991 $.30 %"-18 N.F.x'*~"x l11J.6 '' HexCl'g'on nut
7960 .55 %" x 14 N.F. Hexagon nut 8010 .35 lltie"-18 N.S. x !~" x l;).ti" Hexagon nut
%"-18 N.F. x %2" x 1*~" Hexagon nut
%"-1'8 N.F. x %" x ~~.. Hexagon nut
~"-IS N.S. x *2" x lil~t Hexagon nut
%,"-IS N.S. x '7h.e" x lltit~" Hexagon nut
7980 .30 %"-18 N.F. x VIe" x %" Hexagon nut 80S& .50 1*~"-24 N.S. x l%4" x l%E;" Hexagon nut
7984 .20 %"-24 N.E.F. x %:!" x 1;8" Hexagon nut 8059 .40 l*e"-18 N.S. x I%2" x 1~6" Hexagon nut
7988 .25 %"-18 N.F.x*"x 1" Hexagon nut 8095 .40 1-20 N.E.F. x%" x 1%" Hexagon nut

8226 s .03 7le" diameter x %2" Countersunk head rivet 8513 S.D2 i-'1~( x %" Round head rivet
8227 .03 o/te" diameter x %2" Countersunk head rivet 8515 .02 o/t-e" x %" Truss head rivet
8232 .03 ;].e" dicaneter x 1¥.J2" Countersunk head rivet 8521 .02 o/J.e" X W' Truss head rivet
8235 .02 *e" x %s'' Countersunk head rivet 8523 .02 *6" x ~1-e" Round head rivet
8240 .03 %G" diameter x ~e" Countersunk head rivet 8532 .02 o/ts" x 1" Round head rivet
%e" x %" Countersunk. head rivet 8544 "i32" x %e" Round head rivet
*" x %" Countersunk head rivet
;8" x %2" Tubular rivet (brass)
14" x lh" Round head rivet
¥.!," x 'VI-e" Round head rivet
8314 .03 ;8" diameter x %2" Tubular rivet 8579 .03 %." x %s" Flat head rivet
8412 .02 %4." diameter x %2" Round head rivet 8580 .03 ~" x %s" Round head rivet
8460 .02 ;8" x 14" Round head rivet 8583 .03 ':JA," x %" Round head rivet
8485 .02 %.4" x lh" Round head rivet 8605 .03 %e" x %-s" Round head rivet
8512 .02 ~6" x o/t:6" Round head rivet 860'1 .03 ~~1~" x *" Round head rivet

8854 s .02 %6"Steel ball 8860 $.03 '*~" Steel ball
8856 .03 %2" Steel ball 8866 .10 %" Steel ball
8858 .G3 1;4." Steel ball 8872 .10 ¥.t Steel ball

9851 s .10 Grease fitting--straight 9853 $.20 Grease fitting-angle (90 o)
9852 .20 Grease fitting--angle (67lh 0 )
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

16460-40 2 17905-53A 5 18565-36 7 22259-29A 8

16460-40A 2 1'7920:...48 5 18566-40 7 22.325-48 8
16461-40 2 17920-5.3 5 185'70-38 7 22325-55 6
16461-40A 2 17923-50 5 18600-48 7 22.326-48 8
16483-48 2 17925-48 5 18600-5.3 7 22327-48 8
16494-48 2 17927-46 s 18605-30 7 22327-55 8
16484-53 2 17935-48 5 18606-.30 7 22.328-48 R
16485-48 2 1'79.38-48 5 18610-48 7 22328-55 8
16485-55 2 17945-36 5 18610-53 7 22.329-48 6
16486-48 2 17947-36 5 18630-26 3 22.329-55 8
16492-49 2 17950-48 5 4 22330-48 8
16492-55 2 17955-.36 3 7 22.330-55 8
16493-48 2 4 18631-30 3 22331-48 8
16493-53 2 5 7 22.331-55 8
16494-48 2 17955-48 3 18633-48A 3 22.332-48 8
16495-48 2 4 7 22.332-55 8
16681-39 2 s 18634-48A 3 22333-48 8
1668.3-39 2 18057-48 5 7 22333-55 8
16692-51 2 18070-32 s 18660-5.3 7 22.355-38 8
16692-55 2 18071-48 s 22101-48 7 22355-40 8
16695-51 z 18080-32 5 22101-53 7 22.355-48 e
16695-55 2 18081-48 5 22102-48 7 22355-52A 8
16702-49 2 18082-52 s 22102-53 7 22355-53 8
16702-55 2 18083-52 5 2210.3-48 7 22355-55 9
1670.3-<49 2 18100-49 5 22103-5.3 7 2235.6-38 8
16703-55 2 18102-49 5 22104-48 7 22356-40 8
16708-55 2 18164-48 5 22104-5.3 7 22356-48 8
16709-55 2 18165-48 5 22105-46 7 22.356-52A a
16768-36 3 18166-48 5 22105-53 7 2..2 3 56-53 8
4 18167-48 s 22106-46 7 22.356-55 9
16768-39 3 18169-48 5 22106-53 7 22357-.38 8
4 18176-41 5 22107-46 7 22.357-40 8
16770-48 3 18179-41 5 22107-53 7 22357-48 8
4 18180-41 5 22108-48 7 22.357-52A 8
16775-29 3 18188-48 5 22108-53 7 22.357-53 8
4 18188-48A 5 22109-48 7 22357-55 9
16'776-48 .3 18189-48 5 22109-53 7 22358-38 8
4 18189-48A 5 22141-48 7 22358-40 8
16777-48 3 18190-48 5 22141-55 7 22358-48 8
16778-48 4 18190-48A 5 2Z142-48 7 22358-52A 8
16804-30 130 18191-48 5 22143-48 7 22.358-5.3 8
16809-40 3 18191-46A 5 22143-55 7 22358-55 9
16812-40 3 18192-48 5 22144-48 7 22.359-.38 8
16813-51 3 18192-48A 5 22144-55 7 22359-40 8
16814-48 3 18193-48 5 22145-48 7 22359-48 8
16822-39 3 1819.3-48A 5 22145-55 7 22359-52A 8
4 18196-51 5 22146-48 7 22.359-53 8
16825-48 3 18198-38 .3 22146-55 7 22359-55 9
16830-29 :3 4 2214"1-48 7 22.360-38 8
16831-30 3 5 22147-55 7 22360-40 8
16853-48 3 7 22148-48 7 22.360-48 8
16855-51 3 18201-41 5 22148-55 7 22360-52A 8·
16864-48 3 18201-57 5 22149-48 7 22.360-53 8
16864-55 3 1820.3-36 5 22149-55 7 22360-55 9
16865-52 3 1820.3-57 5 22182-48 7 22361-38 8
17025-36 3 18204-36 5 22183-48 7 22361-40 8
17026-40 3 18220-.30 5 22184-48 7 22.361-48 8
17028-48 3 18221-36 5 22185-48 7 22361-52A 8
17030-36 4 18221-52 s 22186-48 7 22361-53 6
17031-40 4 18222-48 7 22187-48 7 22361-55 9
17034-48 4 18228-30 7 22188-48 7 22362-38 8
17360-48 4 18228-36 7 22189-48 7 22362-40 8
17.375-48 4 18228-52 5 22190-48 7 22362-48 8
17500-48 4 7 22216-48 8 22.362-52A 8
17500-48A 5 18234-52 5 2221.7-48 8 22362-53 8
17500-54 5 7 22218-48 8 22362-55 9
17507-48 5 18235-31 7 22219-48 8 22.36.3-38 e
17507-51 5 18239-41 7 22220-48 8 22.36.3-40 8
17S07-51A 5 18255-31 7 22221-48 8 22.363-48 8
17509-54 5 18260-29 3 22222-48 8 22363-52A 8
17541-48 3 4 22223-48 8 22363-5.3 8
4 7 22224-48 8 2236.3-55 9
5 18490-29 7 22251-29 8 22364-49 8
17541-48A 5 18492-48 7 22251-29A 8 10
17541-488 5 18521-47 7 22251-55 8 22364-53 8
17611-48 5 18522-53 7 22252-29A 8 10
17611-48A 5 18529-55 7 22253-29A 8 22365-49 10
17614-49 5 185.34-29 7 22254-29A 8 22.366-49 10
17615-49 5 18555-36 7 22255-29A 6 22.367-49 10
17647-48 5 18556-40 7 22256-29A 8 22367-53 10
17905-48 5 18556-53 7 22257-29A 8 22368-49 10
17905-5.3 5 18556-57 7 22258-29A 8 22369-49 10
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

22369-53 10 23982-12 11 24532-:37 13 2475:3-30 16

22370-49 10 23985-12 11 24540-48 13 24754-:30 1 6
22371-49 10 54 24540-53 13 24755-30 16
22371-53 10 23985-18 11 24540-55 '1.3 24775-39 13
22372-49 10 23985-54 11 24556-.37 13 24776-40 16
22:374-49 8 23985-56 :1.1 24569-48 13 24779-40 16
10 24000-29 11 24569-53 13 24779-55 16
22375-49 10 24001-30 :1.1 24569-55 13 24781-36 1 6
22376-49 10 24001-55 11 24585-39 13 24791-36 16
22377-49 10 24001-56 11 24586-:39 13 24794-36 16
22378-49 10 2400:3-30 54 24587-39 1:3 24797-36 16
22379-49 10 24003-55 11 24599-40 13 24800-:36 16
22380-49 10 54 24599-55 13 24805-30 16
22381-49 10 24005-37 11 24600-40 13 24806-36 16
22395-38 8 24006-54 11 24600-55 1.3 24807-46 1 6
22395-40 8 24006-54A 11 24601-40 13 24809-.30 1 6
9 24006-55 11 24601-55 13 24811-10 1 6
22395-52 8 24007-39 11 24602-55 13 24812-.37 16
22425-51 8 24010-39 11 24608-54 1 3 2481.3-.37 16
22435-51 8 24010-51 11 24610-:30 13 24815-40 16
22435-55 8 24010-54 1.1 24611-:39 1.3 24819-36 16
22445-34 8 24011-37 11 24612-39 13 24819-37 16
22445-55 9 24015-36 11 24621-40 1.3 24820-36 16
22455-52A 8 24016-29 11 24622-40 13 24830-41 16
22465-52 8 24020-51 11 24623-40 13 24831-41 16
22581-32 10 24023-36 11 24641-36 13 24910-37 16
22582-52 10 24023-54 :1.1 24645-37 1.3 24912-37 16
22700-32 10 24029-55 11 24646-36 13 24912-48 16
22702-32 10 24031-55 11 24646-54 :13 -24912-48A 16
22704-32 10 2<4060-26 :1.1 24650-36 :1.3 24921-.37 3
22706-.32 10 24063-26 :11 24650-54 :1.5 16
22708-32 10 24066-26 :11 24650-55 15 24929-49 96
22710-32 10 24068-26 11 24651-.36 1.3 24931-.39 96
22712-.32 10 24070-26 11 24651-54 15 24932-.39 96
22714-32 10 24073-26 11 24651-55 15 24975-37 16
22719-52 10 24075-26 11 24652-36 1:3 24975-52 16
22721-52 10 24077-26 11 24652-54 15 24983-52 16
22723-52 10 24079-26 11 24652-55 :1.5 24985-52 16
22725-52 10 24082-26 :1.1 24653-.36 :1..3 24987-52 16
22727-52 10 24084-26 11 24653-54 15 24990-52 17
22729-52 10 24100-1"7 :11 24653-55 15 24992-52 17
22735-.32 10 24102-17 :11 24654-.36 :1..3 24994-52 17
22"737-32 10 24104-17 11 24654-54 15 25201-3'7 17
22739-32 10 24106-17 11 24654-55 15 25216-48 17
22"741-32 10 24108-17 11 24655-36 1.3 25216-54 17
22743-32 10 2<4111-17 11 24655•54 1.5 25225-36 3
22"745-32 10 24113-17 3.1 24655-55 15 17
22747-32 10 24115-17 11 24670-37 15 25226-37 3
22749-32 10 2<4117-17 11 24671-37 15 17
22775-36 10 24120-17 11 24672-37 15 25235-36 17
22777-.36 10 24275-32 11 24673-37 1.5 99
22779-36 :10 24277-.36 11 24674-37 15 25275-36 17
22781-36 :10 24281-41 11 24675-37 1.5 25279-.36 17
22783-36 10 24281-41A 11 24690-49 15 25281-37 17
22785-36 10 24290-.32 11 24691-39 13 25285-37 17
22787-.36 10 24294-32 11 24692-39 15 2528"7-37 17
22'789-36 10 24298-36 11 24692-54 15 25300-36 17
23901-37 10 24302-.36 11 24695-40 15 25308-36 17
23903-41 10 24331-36 11 2<4696-39 15 25313-50 1.7
23907-41 10 24.332-36 11 24697-40 l.S 25314;..50 17
23907-54 10 24334-36 11 24699-37 15 25315•50 17
2390"7-55 10 24.335-36 11 24701-39 1.3 25350-37 17
23907-SSA 10 24365-29 11 24701-54 13 25501-37 17
23916-32 1.0 24366-51 11 1.5 25502-37 1.7
23919-41 10 24370-29 12 24702-40 15 25503-.37 17
23919-55 :10 24371-29 12 24703-40 15 25504-:37 17
23919-56 10 24372-29 12 24703-54 15 25523-46 17
23922-41 10 24373-29 12 24'718-54 13 25523-56 18
23936-37 :1.0 24374-29 12 1.5 25524-48 17
23940-41 10 24375-29 1.2 24'720-29 15 25546-26 18
23942-41 10 24385-40 12 24721-30 15 25550-.36 18
23960-29 10 24386-40 :1.2 60 25551-.36 18
23961-41 10 24.387-40 12 124 25552-36 18
23962-40 10 24388-40 12 24730-29 16 25553-36 1 8
23966-36 10 24389-40 :1.2 24731-29 16 25554-36 18
2.3966-54 l.O 24390-40 1.2 24732-29 16 25575-37 18
23967-41 10 24490-36 13 24733-29 16 2557"7-36 18
23971-41 10 71 24734-29 16 25577-54 18
23971-54 10 24511-.37 13 24735-29 1.6 25581-36 18
23972-21 10 24519-55 13 24750-.30 16 25582-.36 18
23972-36 11 24520-46 13 24751-30 16 25582-54 18
23973-41 11 24520-53 13 24752-30 16 255fl!6-37 18
Part No. Page Part No. Page Port No. Page Part No. Page

25568-37 18 263A1-37 21 27318-50 25 29002-3SA 2.7

25590-37 18 26383-.32 21 27.318-51 25 29020-41 27
25593-37 18 26400-52A 21 27325-.33 25 29023-56 28
2.5595-37 18 26400-54 21 27327-24 25 29030-41 28
25597-36 18 26423-52A 21 27.330-33 23 29030-5~ 28
25601-37A 18 26424-50 21 25 29036-41 28
25775-36 18 26550-36 21 27331-33 25 29036-56 28
25776-37 18 26550-.38A 21 27331-40 2 5 29040-41 28
25785-30 18 26551-39 21 27332-50 25 29050-56 28
19 26551-39A 21 27333-50 25 29060-56 28
25768-30 18 26568-36 21 27.336-27 2 5 29150-32 28
25791-36 19 26569-39 21 27337-27 25 29151-37 28
25794-30 18 26579-38 21 27339-3.3 25 29155-36 28
25794-36 19 27010-36 21 27340-33 25 29161-36 28
25800-36 19 27011-36 21 27345-27 26 29162-36 28
25810-15 18 27012-48 21 27345-41 26 29172-36 28
19 27020-36 21 27349-11 25 29173-37 28
25811-11 :1.8 27024-36 21 27.349-27 26 291~2-36 28
25850-36 19 27029-48 21 27350-11 25 29455-46 28
25850-36A :1.9 27029-55 21 -27361-.30 26 29460-46 28
25851-37 19 270.38-32 21 27.362-30 26 29975-30 28
25856-36 19 27039-48 21 27.36.3-30 26 2998.3-49 33
25859-36 19 27041-53 21 27363-40 26 29983-51 33
25860-29 '19 27046-48 21 27.36.3-41 26 299fl4-49 .3.3
35 27048-52 21 27369-30 26 299A4-51 .33
26201-48 19 27049-52 22 27.370-24 26 29990-48 .33
26201-48A 19 27051-.32 21. 27370-33 26 29992-48 .3.3
2 6 203-.37 19 22 27370-36 26 3 0 0 1'1 - .3 6 28
26204-37 19 27 052-40 21 27.370-50 26 30012-32 28
26205-38 19 22 27371-.36 26 30013-32 33
26216-41 19 27057-.39 21 27375-29 26 30025-.30 28
26217-48 19 27058-30 21 2'7376-28 3 .30025-.36 28
26218-37 19 22 23 .30029-30 28
26231-.37 19 27059-40 21 26 .30051-48 33
26232-.38 19 22 27377-39 26 .30055-48 .3.3
262.37-50 :1.9 27060-55 22 27380-33 26 .30058-48 3.3
26244-37 3 27120-.30 23 27380-33A 23 30059-48 3.3
19 27122-37 23 26 30061-49 33
26245-41 3 27130-48 23 273B0-50 26 .30062-48 .33
19 :27132-36 23 27381-33 23 30092-48 33
26246-37 3 27133-36 23 26 .30093-49 28
19 27134-41 23 27381-50 26 30132-32 28
26252-49 19 27215-33 23 27382-33 23 30134-44 33
26255-41 3 27217-48 28 26 .301.37-.32 28
26257-41 3 27218-48 23 27383-11 2.3 30138-30 28
26257-50 3 27219-36 23 26 3.3
19 27225-24 23 2?'.390-3.3 26 30143-.30 3
26267-37 19 27225-48 23 27.391-36 3 28
26270-41 19 27228-3.3 23 23 30144-45 28
26284-37 19 2'7235-3..3 23 26 30145-46 28
26286-37 19 :27236-.38 23 2.7395-27 26 30145-46A 28
26315-48 19 27244-48 2.3 27397-27 26 30146-46 28
26317-48 19 27250-46 28 27402-3.3 23 .30202-32 28
26316-37 19 2"7251-24 23 2?'405-26 23 30202-52 28
26320-.36 19 28 27 30203-32 .33
26320-37 19 27260-49 23 27406-26 23 3020.3-51 .33
26.321.-.38 19 27265-49 23 27 30206-32 28
26325-49 19 27265-49A 23 27410-29 3 30207-32 33
26.326-37 19 2726'7-49 25 4 30228-32 29
26328-41 19 2?'270-49 25 21 33
26329-37 19 27275-24 23 2 3. .35
263.31.-37 19 25 27 30231-51 29
26340-36 19 2'7275-26 2.3 27410-.39 3 .33
26341.-37 19 25 4 35
26343-39 20 27276-40 23 23 30271-30 28
26.345-39 20 25 27 30276-51 35
26346-36 20 27280-24 23 27411-40 3 30280-18 28
26347-15 20 25 4 .35
26348-36 20 27280-34 23 21 30290-18 29
26.349-39 21 25 23 30351-32 29
26349-54 21 27280-40 23 27 33
26362-36 21 25 2'7412-48 27 30351-51. 29
26.363-36 21 2"7280-51 25 27422-39 21 35
26.363-56 21 27290-24 2.3 27 30352-32 29
26.367-36 21 25 27424-48 27 33
2 6 3 6 8·- 3 6 21 27291-32 23 27431-41A 27 30352-52 29
26369-41 21 25 114 30353-32 29
26.37.3-41 21 27297-27 25 274.31-418 27 33
26374-42 21 27297-.30 25 114 30353-52 29
26374-52 21 27299-50 25 27432-36 27 30365-.32 2.9
26374-54 21 27300-50 25 27450-36 28 .33
26377-54 21 27.317-50 25 29002-.35 27 35
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Paqe

30.367-.32 29 .31970-30 31 33000-47 36 33676-47 46

33 1:14 33000-51 36 33682-37 48
35 31972-36A 31 33000-52 36 33699-38 48
30373-51 29 1:14 33002-47 36 33745-31. 39
35 31976-30A 31 33002-Sl. 36 33775-37 39
30385-32 29 35 33003-55 36 33776-47 39
35 114 33004-55 36 33778-47 39
30395-39 35 31978-39 35 33005-55 36 337AS-47 39
30425-32 29 31980-48 35 33006-47 36 33786-47 39
35 319R5-36A 31 33007-47 37 33788-47 48
30425-51 29 l.l. 4 33012-47 37 33789-47 39
35 3:19R9-39 35 33012-47A 37 .33791-47 39
30427-26 29 31990-48 35 33030-41 37 33851-52 39
35 32000-37 31 33031-36 37 33854-47 48
30450-32 29 32049-27 31 33051-26 37 33857-51. 39
30450-5lA 29 32049-55 31 33052-41 37 33859-47 40
35 32050-39 35 33058-29 37 33859-52 40
30460-32 29 32050-56 35 33059-41 37 33860-47 48
.33 32051-39 35 3.3063-36 37 33860-52 48
35 32052-48 35 33063-36A 37 33870-36 40
30461-32 29 121 33076-37 37 48
35 32053-48 35 33078-44 37 33870-51 40
30463-.32 29 121 33080-36 37 48
35 :32070-42 35 330A2-16 38 33874-41 40
30505-47 31 121 47 48
30507-47 31 32072-39 35 330A4-41 38 33874-52 40
.30605-48 31 32110-42 :35 .330El5-36 38 48
.30851-32 29 121 330A8-41 38 33878-51 40
30853-51 35 32111-36 .36 33090-.36 38 ""33879-36 40
30890-18 35 32140-42 36 33093-41 38 48
30890-51 35 121 33096-54 3'8 33960-36 40
31010-.32 29 32144-39 .36 33101-32 38 33961-47 40
31010-48 29 :3'2145-39 36 33175-16 38 33964-38 41
3:1.010-49 35 32200-48 .31 33177-:1.6 38 34008-52 41
.31015-30 29 32300-09 31 33182-17 38 34010-36 4 1
31017-29 29 32301-47 .31 33190-17 .38 34011-39 41
35 32302-09 31 33192-16 36 34012-47 41
31.020-30 29 32303-47 31 33193-45 38 34030-36 41
31020-49 35 32304-09 31 33195-45 38 34031-41 41
.31022-.3.3 29 32305-48 31 33197-45 39 34036-36 37
.31035-.31 29 32342-08 .3 33201-17 39 41
.31036-32 35 31 3320.3-:1.7 39 .34050-36 41
31040-31 29 32342-42 3 33204-45 39 34051-38 41
31041-31 29 31 33205-46 39 34053-36 41
35 32370-26 31 33210-29 39 34057-36 4:1.
31045-31 35 32505-36 31 33211-46 39 34062-52 41
31046-31 29 32506-37 31 33213-.31 39 34064-52 41
31070-30 29 32510-36 31 33215-.30 39 34066-52 41
31071-37 29 32511-37 31 33216-46 39 34068-52 41
31073-.32 35 32521-36 3 33277-36 39 34140-36 41
31073-48 .35 31 332A8-37 39 34140-41 41
31.078-32 35 32522-37 3 33290-.38 39 34158-36 41
31078-48 35 31 so 34159-36 42
31079-32 35 32525-36 31 33291-36 39 34160-39 4 2
31.063-37 35 32526-36 31 50 34161-41 42
31091-32 35 32528-37 31 33295-36 37 34165-36 42
31602-.30 29 32531-36 31 39 34168-39 42
31602-48 29 32575-47 31 .33298-36 39 34175-36 42
31602-48A 29 32579-49 31 .33350-36 39 34176-41 42
35 32585-36 31 33353-36 39 34179-3.3 42
31604-48 29 32588-36 31 33355-36 39 34180-33 42
31605-48 35 32589-36 .31 33358-36 39 34427-38 42
121 32592-.36 31 33380-32 39 34430-36 42
31607-48 35 32593-47 31 33381-39 39 34432-38 42
121 32594-47 31 33390-26 39 34435-52 42
31608-48 35 32660-47 31 41 34447-52 42
31665-39 .35 32661-47 31 33391-36 39 34448-51 42
31680-27 29 32669-47 31 33.393-16 39 34449-40 42
31 32676-49 31 33393-SO 39 34449-52 42
35 32677-36 114 33396-39 39 .34453-52 42
114 32678-49 32 33429-39 39 34459-26 37
31681-27 29 114 33430-50 39 42
31695-30 114 .32689-30 114 33438-50 39 34473-53 42
31726-48 29 32690-30 32 33455-26 39 34474-53 42
3.3 114 33456-26 39 34477-52 4 2
121 .32700-39 36 33458-41 39 34478-52 42
31730-48 31 121 33630-52 39 34482-52 42
33 32726-30 36 33638-52 39 34482-53 42
121 32726-30A 36 33644-52 39 34488-52 42
31740-39 35 32726-47 32 33660-52 39 .34498-52 42
31965-30 31 32728-41 36 33660-54 39 34500-52 42
31966-36 31 32731-47 32 33675-37 39 34551-52 42

Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

34552-52 43 :35286-39 45 36752-41 48 .37574-44 52

34555-52 4 3 35293-36 45 36810-36 48 37576-41 52
34560-52 4 3 35294-41 45 .36811-41 48 37577-41 52
34565-52 4 3 35295-56 45 36812-38 48 37581-47 s:z
34606-52 4 3 35306-36 45 35813-47 33 375A3-41 52
:34606-54 43 :35316-41 45 49 37584-41 52
34609-52 4 3 35320-41 45 36830-36 49 37585-41 52
34690-52 4 3 35322-38 45 36832-38 49 37586-41 52
.34690-54A 4 3 .35326-3.3 45 36842-41 49 37590-41 52
34690-548 4 3 35.3.32-33 4 5 36857-36 49 37695-41 52
34692-52 4 3 3533.3-41 45 36869-48 3.3 55
34692-54 4 3 35335-33 45 36871-40 49 .3770.3-41 52
.34700-.36 4 3 .35.337-36 4 5 36880-.36 so 55
.34702-41 43 35340-33 45 36882-47 50 .37850-41 52
.34720-.36 43 .35341-41 45 36886-41 50 .37851-41 52
34720-56 4 3 35344-41 46 .36888-.38 50 37854-41 52
347:2.3-47 4 3 35.347-41 46 36895-.36 50 37855-41 52
.34724-36 4 3 35348-41 46 36897-36 50 .37860-41 52
34725-26 43 .35.349-41 46 .36899-41 so .37862-41 52
34735-36 4.3 35350-41 46 .36901-36 so 37871-41 52
.347.36-27 4 3 35351-41 46 .3690.3-47 50 3787.3-41 52
34799-52 4 3 35.352-41 46 36906-36 50 37930-41 52
.34801-51 4 3 35353-41 46 36908-36 so 37931-41 52
341-103-51 4 .3 35354-41 46 36909-36 50 37950-41 52
34804-36 4 3 .35365-36 45 36913-41 50 37952-41 52
34805-52 4 3 .35380-41 47 36916-36 so 37954-46 52
34813-41 4 3 35.384-41 47 36917-36 50 37975-41 52
34821-41 4 3 .35385-41 47 36918-52 so 37977-41 52
34824-36 37 35386-41 47 .36921-52 50 3ao10-41 52
43 35.387-41 47 :36975-41 50 .38011-41 52
34825-41 37 .35388-41 47 36983-41 50 38025-41 52
43 35389-41 47 36993-47 so :38075-41 52
34826-41 37 35390-41 47 .37051-36 50 38077-41 52
43 35391-41 47 37052-41 50 38456-52 52
34831-39 37 .35440-.38 47 37052-44 50 38460-52 52
43 .35441-41 47 37067-41 50 38475-52 52
34833-38 43 35442-41 47 37070-39 50 38495-52 52
34871-41 4 3 35445-41 47 37074-38 so 38488-52 52
34873-44 4 3 .35445-56 47 37076-41 50 38491-52 52
34885-41 4 3 35612-36 4'7 .37077-44 50 38495-52 52
34885-44 4 3 .35613-41 4'7 .37080-41 50 38498-52 53
34890-.33 4 3 35630-36 47 37081-44 50 .38502-52 53
34891-33 43 35635-36 4'7 37084-41 so 38505-52 53
34892-33 4 3 35665-36 47 37285-38 so 38605-52 53
34898-41 4 3 35700-36 47 .37287-41 50 38606-52 53
34900-32 4 3 35703-39. 4'7 37310-.39 50 38610-52 53
.34904-32 4 5 35709-41 47 37335-41 50 38616-52 53
35040-37 4 5 .35751-36 47 37337-36 37 38618-52 53
35040-50 45 35762-39 47 50 38629-52 53
35043-41 45 .35765-36 47 37:338-42 so 38666-52 53
35046-36 4 5 35775-39 47 37339-42 50 38669-52 53
.35050-40 4 5 35789-36 47 37345-42 50 38674-52 53
35065-38 45 35791-36 47 37347-42 50 40005-29 54
35094-31 4 5 35810-36 47 37348-41 50 40006-29 53
35100-36 45 .35811-36 47 3'7352-42 so 40007-36 53
.35102-33 4 5 35812-36 47 37354-41 so 40008-36 54
35110-33 4 5 35875-36 47 3735'7-41 so 40009-36 53
35111-36 4.5 35876-36 47 37358-41 50 40010-36 54
35125-:37 45 3587'7-36 47 .37361-41 50 40011-38 53
35129-36 4 5 35878-36 47 .37450-41 45 40012-38 54
.35130-36 4 5 35879-36 47 so 40028-15 53
35159-39 4 5 35910-33 47 .37458-41 so 40029-15 54
35171-37 4 5 35911-33 47 37460-41 so 40052-15 54
.35175-38 4 5 35913-39 47 37462-41 50 40053-15 53
35195-26 54 35915-36 47 37465-41 37 40054-29 53
.3520.3-36 4 5 35917-36 <47 51 40055-29 54
54 35920-36 47 3746'7-41 51 40055-39 53
35204-41 54 36025-36 37 37474-41 45 40056-30 54
35211-36 4 5 47 51 40066-12 53
55 36027-36 47 37477-41 51 54
35216-26 55 36035-26 47 37480-41 51 40067-29 53
35216-36 4 5 .36042-41 47 3'7482-41 51 40068-29 54
55 36046-36 47 37496-41 45 40069-30 54
35219-41 4 5 36048-36 47 51 40070-28 53
35221-36 4 5 36140-36 47 37498-41 52 40076-15 54
35230-36 37 36141-41 4'7 37498-41A 52 40077-15 53
4 5 36150-31 <47 37503-41 52 40078-30 54
35231-.36 37 36152-41 47 .37523-15 52 40079-29 54
45 36158-36 47 37550-41 52 40080-29 5"3
.35275-41 4 5 36159-41 47 37551-41 52 40081-39 53
35282-36 4 5 36712-42 53 37567-41 52 40091-15 54
35284-41 4 5 36751-41 48 37568-41 52 40092-15 53
Part No. Page Part No. Pczge Part No. Pczge Part No. Pczge

40093-15 54 41671-37 56 435.30-.35 60 44.308-.36 62

40094-15 5.3 41685-.37 56 126 44.340-.30 62
40095-30 54 41691-.31 56 131 44.342-29 62
40096-29 54 62 4.3531-.35 60 44.344-29 62
40097-29 53 126 126 44.348-29 62
40098-39 53 131 43540-36 60 44350-30 62
40204-.30 54 41692-.36 56 4.3540-36A 60 44401-49 62
40205-.30 54 58 43546-36 60 44401-49A 62
40206-30 54 41716-35 56 43550-.35 60 4 44 02-.36 62
40206-55 54 41718-41 56 4.3552-39 60 126
40208-30 54 41801-41 56 43554-.35 60 1.31
40208-55 54 41803-41 56 43556-.35 60 44402-40 62
40209-30 54 41805-.38 56 4.3558-.39 60 44405-.31 62
40209-55 54 41806-41 56 43560-.35 60 44406-.31 62
40210-.30 54 418.35-.30 56 43561-.39 60 44427-35 62
40210-55 54 41841-.31 56 4.3563-.35 60 444.32-49 62
40211-.30 54 62 4.3564-.35 60 444.32-54 62
40211-55 54 126 43566-.35 60 4443.3-.39 62
40225-29 54 1.31 126
40230-29 54 41848-36 56 43569-35A 60 1.31
402.32-29 54 41849-41 56 4.3570-35 60 44448-48 62
40234-29 54 41870-.38 56 4.3571-35 60 44449-.36 62
40235-29 54 41872-.36 56 4.3574-35 60 126
402.37-29 54 41875-.36 56 4.3574-55 60 1.31
40238-29 54 41876-41 56 43576-35 60 44450-35 62
40240-29 54 41925-41 56 4.3578-35 60 44454-48 62
40241-29 54 41929-36 56 4.3599-30 60 44475-35 56
40242-.35 54 42257-36 56 4.3601-30 60 62
40275-55 55 4225S-35 58 43617-30 61 126
40275-55A 55 42269-30 40 43624-.30 60 131
40277-55A 55 58 61 44476-35 56
4027S-55A 55 126 43632-44 60 62
40279-5SA 55 131 4.3633-44 60 44484-35 56
40280-54 55 1.32 43635-30 60 62
40280-55A 55 135 61 131
40281-54 55 42273-30 58 4.3638-43 61 44486-28 56
40282-54 55 42280-35 58 43640-30 61 62
40282-55A 55 119 43645-.30 61 44490-48 62
4028.3-54 55 42284-.35 58 43870-40 61 44499-48 62
40292-55A 55 119 43871-.30 61 44505-48 62
40296-54 55 42.326-.37 58 43872-.36 61 44524-51 62
4 0 29 6 -_54 55 42.330-39 58 4.3875-48 61 44525-49 62
40302-54 55 42333-.30 58 43882-.36 61 45001-51 62
40302-55 55 1.31 43882-48 61 45001-52 62
40328-54 55 132 43884-.36 61 45001-5.3 62
40375-54 56 42.334-.38 12 6 4.3885-30 60 45002-41 48
40385-54 56 42401-.39 58 61 62
40.385-55 56 42402-.36 58 43886-.30 61 45016-51 62
40.390-54 56 42427-26 58 44097-.36 61 45017-41 48
40978-36 59 42480-.36 58 44097-<41 61 64
40981-36 59 42550-31 58 44100-48 61 45020-51 64
40981-40 59 42556-.36 58 44100-50 61 4502.3-41 48
128 42560-37 58 44111-48 61 64
40982-40 60 42566-35 58 44113-36 61 45030-28 48
41400-37 56 42575-30 58 126 64
41401-37 56 4.3003-.30 59 1.31 45031-41 48
41401-41 56 43004-35 59 4<4122-.30 61 64
41402-41 56 43005-35 59 44141-49 61 45033-41 48
41420-30 55 4·3 0 06-40 59 44141-50 61 45033-49 64
56 128 44145-41 61 450.36-51 64
41421-.35 55 43007-40 59 44146-41 61 45040-51 65
56 43008-40 59 44165-48 61 45045-51 65
41425-37 56 43009-40 59 44180-30 61 45047-51 65
4:1470-.30 55 43027-30 59 44180-.36 61 45049-51 65
4 1 4 7 4.- .3 5 55 43028-30 59 4<4182-36 61 4507.3-51 65
41485-.30 55 43029-30 59 441.8.3-36 61 45077-49 65
41551-41 5"6 43030-36 59 44186-36 61 45077-51 65
41552-36 56 430.31-36 59 44210-<40 61 45079-52 65
41575-30 56 43032-40 59 44211-40 61 45085-30 65
415'76-.36 56 128 44223-28 61 45102-39 65
41593-38 56 4.3033-40 59 44225-30 61 45103-.39 65
41595-36 56 128 44226-.36 61 451.05-.39 65
41596-30 56 43034-40 59 44229-40 62 45107-39 65
41598-35 56 43035-40 59 44231-38 62 451.09-30 65
41600-.36 56 43036-40 59 44250-29 62 45109-49 65
41603-.32 56 43097-35 59 44265-31 62 451.11-41 65
41603-.35 56 43098-16 59 44265-36 62 45111-51 65
416 4.6-3 7 56 43099-29 59 126 451.37-51 65
41647-41 56 128 131 4515.3-28 65
41650-37 56 43503-30 60 44270-36 62 45159-15 65
41652-37 56 43509-40 60 131 45159-50 65
41670-35 56 44307-31 62 45162-41 65
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

45162-51 65 45794-50 69 47066-26 71 5054:3-:38 77

45172-28 65 45795-50 69 47.:375-52 71 50550-47 77
45174-51 65 45796-50 69 47386-41 71 50603-40 77
45175-49 65 45797-49 69 100 50613-40 77
45182-29 65 45797-50 69 47581-29 71 50614-40 77
45202-50 65 45799-49 69 47583-36 71 50616-14 77
452C5-49 65 45799-50 69 47698-36 71 50622-40 77
45207-49 65 45800-48 69 47720-36 71 50623-40 77
45210-49 65 45800-50 69 47755-31 58 50628-14 78
45216-49 65 45805-48 69 73 50635-14 78
45217-49 65 45805-50 69 47811-41 128 50650-24 78
45217-50 65 45823-49 69 47813-32 126 50650-51 78
45506-49 67 45824-49 69 47816-32 128 50651-35 78
45506-50 67 45626-49 69 48150-30 73 50652-35 78
45512-50 67 45830-48 69 48152-30 73 50653-35 78
45517-40 65 45836-48 69 48153-30 73 50654-36 78
45518-41 65 45840-48 69 48154-30 73 50655-36 78
45526-40 65 45849-49 69 48155-30 73 50656-48 33
45527-41 65 45850-48 69 118 78
45571-40 65 45852-48 69 48300-49 73 50657-48 33
45609-36 65 45854-48 69 48301-40 73 50658-36 78
45610-40 66 45856-48 69 49302-49 73 50658-55 78
45641-36 66 45950-48 69 48.310-30 73 50668-35 33
45643-45 66 45964-49 69 46311-48 73 78
84 45965-48 69 48.315-46 73 50669-37 78
45645-30 66 45972-46 69 48330-38 73 50672-51 76
45647-.30 66 45975-48 69 48335-40 73 51600-30 78
45648-36 66 46045-49 69 48346-39 73 51601-.30 78
45655-30 67 46051-49 69 48350-.39 73 5-1 6 0 2-3 0 78
45658-30 67 46053-36 67 48363-40 73 51603-.30 78
45661-30 67 46055-30 67 48365-48 7.3 51610-36 78
45667-30 67 46056-37 67 49035-35 73 51611-36 78
45668-30 67 46057-30 67 49036-35 73 51612-36 78
45670-36 67 46058-36 67 49037-36 73 51614-36 78
45671-36 67 46059-.39 67 490.37-48 73 51625-29 78
45672-31 67 46060-48 "67 49038-36 73 51626-36 78
45673-31 67 46100-48 69 49038-48 73 51633-29 78
45673-39 67 46111-48 69 49059-48 73 51634-36 78
122 46121-48 69 49061-32 73 51640-29 78
45674-30 67 46125-48 69 49064-36 73 516 4 2- 2·9 78
45675-30 67 46128-48 70 49064-55 73 51644-13 78
45676-30 67 46161-49 70 49150-29 73 51660-30 78
45677-30 67 46172-48 70 49151-29 73 51661-36 76
75 46273-49 70 49152-36 73 51672-25 78
45680-30 67 46273-49A 70 49153-36 73 51674-25 76
45681-31 67 46274-49 70 49154-57 73 51770-29 78
45681-40 67 46274-49A 71 49177-38 73 51771-29 78
45682-32 67 46280-48 71 49180-36 73 51772-31 78
45683-32 67 46281-49 71 104 51773-31 78
45684-41 67 46282-46 71 49301-40 74 51774-31 78
45697-50A 67 46283-49 71 49.313-36 74 51775-31 78
45700-48 67 46288-49 111 49.314-SO 74 51777-.30 78.
45700-48A 67 46550-36 67 49.34.3-30 74 51778-.30 78
45708-50 67 46560-40 67 49.345-24 75 517A0-30 78
45710-48 67 46700-49 71 49500-36 75 51790-29 78
45710-50 6'7 46701-40 71 49502-36 75 51791-31 78
45710-50A 67 46710-48 71 49570-38 75 51795-29 78
45711-50 67 46715-48 71 49575-38 75 51900-30 76
45711-51 67 46717-.30 71 49580-36 75 51901-41 76
45718-48 69 46716-48 71 49581-36 75 51911-29 78
45725-49 69 46720-48 71 50002-32 75 51918-29 78
45727-49 69 46727-.30 71 50003-36 75 51920-29 78
45728-49 69 46727-48 71 50003-52 75 51925-37 '79
45729-49 69 46730-48 71 50011-30 75 51930-42 78
457.30-48 69 46731-48 71 50012-30 75 52004-25 79
45733-48 69 46732-48 71 50035-30 75 e2
45740-49 69 46740-48 71 500 36-36 75 52006-47 79
45741-50 69 46746-30 71 50045-32 76 52006-47A 79
45752-50 69 46751-48 71 50049-36 76 52090-25 79
45753-50 69 46755-36 71 50060-30 76 52092-34 79
45754-49 69 46758-37 71 50061-36 76 52096-34 eo
45757-49 69 46758-40 71 50061-52 76 52098-.34 80
45765·-49 69 46765-40 71 50092-.30 76 52103-.31 eo
45766-49 69 46772-39 71 50094-.36 76 52501-29 eo
45768-49 69 46775-30 71 50110-.30 76 52503-36 eo
45769-49 69 46777-.30 71 50510-38 76 52503-.36A 80
45775-49 69 46779-30 71 50510-38A 76 52503-54 eo
45775-50 69 47000-40A 71 50511-.32 76 52503-54A eo
45776-49 69 47003-41 71 50511-51 76 52510-33 eo
45777-50 69 47003-54 71 50516-32 76 52510-36A eo
45778-50 69 47003-54A 71 50517-38 76 52511-.33 e.o
4 579.3 -so 69 47009-41 71 50528-39 77 52515-40 80
Part No. Paqe Part No. Paqe Part No. Paqe Part No. Paqe

52515-54 80 54230-45 84 58011-41A 89 58589-36 92

52541-33 80 56000-49 85 58020-48 86 58760-36 92
52543-36 so 56000-49A s ·s 58020-49 87 58766-41 92
52547-33 80 56003-49 f! 5 58020-50 87 58768-41 92
52551-36 80 56003-49A as 58021-56 87 59000-48 92
S2560-3fi 80 56005-49A as 58022-48 87 59000-48A 92
52560-36A 80 56006-49 85 se022-49 87 59007-50 92
525€2-33 AO 56007-49 RS 58022-50 87 59012-40 92
52565-41 flO 5600S-49A 85 58022-56 87 59012-SO 92
52557-36A eo 56012-49 85 58023-SO 89 59012-SOA 92
.52575-33 AO 56C13-49 85 58024-41 89 59105-50 92
52579-41 $0 56049-49 85 58026-56 88 59107-50 92
52581-31'1 80 56049-54 85 58027-49 88 59135-36 92
52584-41 60 56050-49 65 58027-56 88 59136-46 92
52585-41 RO 56050-54 65 58032-46 86 59140-34 92
52586-36 eo 56053-49 85 5e032-50 ee 59142-34 92
52590-41 RO 56053-54 85 5e033-49 88 59204-49 92
52592-36 eo 56054-49 85 58037-4e 88 59204-57 92
52595-33 RO 56054-54 65 58037-49 88 59205-49 92
52596-36 RO 56056-49 85 58037-50 88 59205-57 92
52598-33 80 56057-49 85 58040-50 90 59206-57 92
52600-36 80 56119-49 e5 58045-49 88 59207-49 92
52602-55 80 56121-48 85 58047-48 88 59215-49 92
52603-36 ~0 56123-49 85 58048-50 88 59215-57 92
83 56127-49 85 58049-50 88 59225-39 94
52~05-38 RO 56129-50 85 58049-50A 88 59226-38 134
52650-33 R2 56141.-49 as 58050-48 sa 59230-57 92
52650-41 82 56142-49 85 58052-48 88 59231-57 92
52651-41 82 56148-49 85 58059-50 90 59235-48 92
52652-29 82 56151-49 85 58064-49 88 59604-39 92
52654-33 82 56154-49 65 58072-48 88 59604-55 92
52655-33 82 56155-49 as 58073-48 ee 59612-41 92
52665-41 82 56156-49 85 58075-48 88 59699-49 92
52668-33 82 56158-49 as 58078-49 88 59699-SS 92
52674-41 82 56159-49 85 58079-49 88 59737-34 92
52676-41 82 56163-49 as 58085-49 88 59761-36 92
52680-41 82 56165-49 85 58086-49 88 59765-36 92
52682-41 82 56166-49 85 58095-49 88 59767-41 92
526B4-55 82 56167-49 85 90 59780-29 93
53000-36 82 56200-54 as 58096-49 88 S97B0-36 93
53010-34 82 56201-54 85 90 59781-36 93
53015-34 82 56202-54 85 58102-49 88 59782-36 93
53017-35 82 56203-54 85 90 94
53026-30 82 56205-54 85 112 59800-36 93
53030-36 83 56210-47 85 58106-49 88 59802-47 73
53033-30 83 56212-53 85 58107-49 6e 94
53041-30 83 56216-53 85 58108-49 68 59853-48 94
53055-30 63 56220-48 85 58123-41 90 59862-30 94
53060-30 63 56220-5:3 85 58125-50 90 59874-49 94
53062-30 83 56235-47 86 58143-31 90 59875-49 94
53070-30 83 56240-47 86 58150-41 90 59e76-49 94
53072-34 83 56288-53 86 58185-30 90 59877-49 94
53074-34 83 56383-54 86 58187-30 88 59878-49 94
5:3078-36 83 56391-49 86 90 59879-49 94
53079-36 83 56392-49 86 58191-30 90 59880-49 94
53083-34 83 56400-53 86 58194-30 90 59895-54 92
53085-36 83 56410-47 86 58210-41 90 59696-49 92
53090-40 83 56410-53 86 58221-41 90 59995-55 94
53091-40 83 56502-54 86 58225-41 90 59997-55 94
53403-17 83 56528-49 86 58500-37 90 59999-55 94
53403-52 83 56529-49 86 58501-38 90 60001-55 94
53404-26 84 56575-26 112 58507-39 90 600 o2 -55 94
53406-36 84 56581-26 112 58511-37 90 60302-36 94
5:3417-54 84 56600-49 86 58527-30 90 60303-36 94
53418-52 84 56605-49 86 58531-37 90 60305-41 94
53418-54 84 56608-49 86 58547-36 90 60305-51 94
53433-42 84 56609-52 86 58548-36 90 60305-56 94
53450-52 84 56628-47 116 58550-49 90 60310-40 94
53451-52 84 56628-54 86 58552-32 90 60310-51A 94
53454-52 84 114 58554-51 90 60316-51 94
53455-52 84 116 5e557-37 90 60317-51 94
53456-52 84 57998-56 86 58559-30 90 60333-52 33
53457-52 84 57999-56 86 58562-49 90 60337-51 94
54063-36 84 5e000-48 86 58563-51 90 60346-36 94
54200-45 84 58001-49 86 58566-30 91 6034'7-26 94
54206-45 84 58002-49 86 58568-36 91 60350-36 94
54216-45 84 seoo7-36 sa 58570-38 91 60504-.32 94
54219-45 84 58007-50 88 58577-38 91 60505-36 94
54220-45 84 58009-36 89 58579-30 91 60505-55 94
54224-45 84 58009-50 89 58581-37 91 60540-36 94
54226-45 84 58010-50 89 58585-30 91 60542-26 94
54227-46 84 58011.-41 89 58587-36 92 60544-36 94
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

60546-36 94 62075-50 97 63850-48 100 66203-40 104

60548-36 94 62085-40 97 63850-48A 99 6.6 2 0 3-4 0 A 104
60555-36 94 62091-40 97 100 66288-24 104
60557-.36 94 62094-40 97 63852-48 100 66302-29 104
60565-.36 94 62096-40 97 63858-49 99 66350-42 33
60567-36 94 62250-50 97 100 104
60569-29 94 62253-50 97 63860-50 99 66351-42 33
60572-36 94 62262-.39 97 100 104
60573-36 95 62265-32 97 63871-50 99 66373-36 104
60619-55 95 62268-.32 97 100 66.376-49 33
60620-36 95 62270-32 97 63873-50 99 104
60620-52 95 62.352-50 97 100 66377-29 104
60620-55 96 62.354-50 97 6.3874-50 99 66.385-24 105
60621-41 96 62355-48 97 100 66385-41 10 5
60629-55 96 62.360-50 97 64205-40 100 66387-24 10 5
60630-30 96 62361-50 97 64205-40A 100 6638'7-26 eo
60636-36 96 62374-40 97 64303-40 100 105
60638-41 96 62500-49 33 64303-55 100 66390-36 105
60640-29 96 62504-38 98 64340-26 100 66393-36 105
60642-36 96 62535-08 98 64450-41 100 66405-49 33
60648-39 96 62575-36 98 64472-35 100 10 5
60650-32 96 62575-49 3 3 64474-40 100 66405-52 33
60650-54 56 62581-36 98 64500-52A 101 67004-47 10 5
60652-55 96 62585-36 98 65202-50 101 67004-52 105
60654-55 96 62625-36 99 65203-50 101 67004-53A 10 5
60655-55 96 62625-49 33 65210-50 101 67005-53 10 5
61.004-S1A 48 62628-36 99 65211-50 101 67025-37 105
61004-518 48 62631-37 99 65212-51 101 67026-36 105
61004-57 48 62675-49 33 65219-32 101 67'026-36A 10 5
61103-36 96 62762-52 99 65220-51 101 67028-51 105
61.104-37 96 1:1.4 65227-41 101 67028-51A 105
611.14-48 96 62763-52 99 65227-50 101 67055-36 105
61120-37 96 1:14 65228-50 101 67055-57 10 5
61122-39 96 63500-50 99 65235-36 101 67056-38 105
61124-37 96 63500-54 99 65235-50 101 67056-57 105
61202-47 96 63501-49 33 652:36-50 101 67057-41 10 5
61202-51A 97 63502-50 99 65250-38 101 67062-57 105
61202-518 97 63503-50 99 65275-50 101 67064-36 105
61202-57 97 63506-41 99 65278-36 101 67064-57 105
61209-47 97 63507-38 99 65282-51 103 67074-37 105
61209-51A 97 63510-37 99 65284-38 103 67074-57 105
61209-518 97 63511-38 99 65286-32 103 67075-36 105
61209-57 97 63524-50 99 65290-41 103 67075-57 105
61210-51A 48 63525-50 99 65292-41 103 67076-41 105
61210-518 48 63526-50 99 65293-50 103 67080-37 106
61210-57 48 63527-50 99 65296-38 103 67129-37 106
61229-S2A 97 63529-50 99 65297-38 103 67130-36 106
61229-526 97 63530-15 99 65309-51 103 67130-37 106
61229-57 97 63530-43 94 65310-38 103 6'7131-38 106
61230-47 97 63533-15 19 65310-51 103 67134-38 106
61230-51A 97 21 65425-54 103 6'7135-36 106
61230-518 97 99 65440-48 103 67136-36 106
61230-57 91 63570-37 99 65440-54 103 67137-.36 106
6:1.237-47 97 63572-38 99 6544.3-54 103 67139-36 106
61237-51A 9"1 63577-36 99 65452-41 103 67139-37 106
61237-516 97 63578-36 99 65456-51 10 3 67141-36 37
61237-57 97 63580-15 99 65465-36 10 3 106
61238-51A 48 63587-54 99 65490-41 103 67155-37 10 6
6:1.238-518 48 63588-54 99 65493-48 103 67156-39 106
61238-57 48 63590-<41 99 65505-41 10 3 67301-38 10 6
6:1.605-36 97 63592-5<4 99 65510-32 103 67304-38 106
61768-47 97 63597-38 99 65510-54 103 67307-38 106
61769-47 97 63599-54 99 65512-37 10 3 67308-47 10 6
61773-51 97 63607-54 9.9 65518-47 103 67701-35 106
617'73-55 97 63610-53 99 65518-51 103 67701-48 10 6
61773-57 97 63615-54 99 65519-48 103 67701-49 107
61775-47 97 63799-50 99 65519-54 10 3 67702-35 107
61'775-51 97 63800-48 99 65521-54 103 67710-35 107
61775-55 97 63807-48 99 65524-54 10 3 67710-48 107
61785-47 97 6.3807-48A 99 66002-49AD 33 67710-49 107
61790-47 97 63809-48 99 103 67711-35 10 7
61792-47 97 63810-50 99 66006-290 103 67713-35 107
61792-57 97 63814-55 100 66015-49 103 67715-.35 107
61794-51 97 63815-48 100 66018-29 10 .3 6771'7-48 107
6:1795-57 92 63817-48 100 66021-28 10 3 67719-48 107
97 6381'7-55 100 66022-49 103 67721-48 107
61797-57 92 63819-55 100 66100-15 103 67726-48 10'7
97 63825-48 100 66110-23 10 3 67729-<48 107
6:1820-18 97 6:3840-48 100 66112-23 10 3 67731-35 107
62032-40 97 6:3843-48 100 66115-23 10:3 67733-35 10'7
62033-41 97 63846-48 100 66200-48 33 67734-35 107
62051-40 97 63848-48 100 66202-29 104 6'7741-35 10 7
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

67750-35 107 68560-50 111 70122-49 10 6 71550-.36 118

67753-35 10 7 68561-50 111 70131-51A 114 71560-36 118
67753-48 10 7 68562-50 111 70144-49A 114 71562-36 118
67756-48 107 68566-50 111 70144-54.4 114 71580-36 118
67758-35 107 68567-50 ::!..11 70146-48A 116 71582-48 118
67760-35 107 68570-50 111 70146-49A 114 71585-48 118
67761-35 10 7 68571-50 111 70160-46A 114 '71587-36 118
67810-36 84 68572-50 111 70167-47 111 71800-26 118
107 68599-38 112 114 71800-26A 118
11.3 68600-46 112 70:170-52 121 71802-26 118
67810-48 10 7 68600-49 112 70182-48 114 71804-26 97
67810-48A 10 7 68601-46 112 70191-49 :3:3 118
67815-48 107 68601-49 112 121 71806-5.3 118
67817-36 107 68603-49 112 70193-48 114 71811-26 118
67A21-55 107 68604-49 112 70193-49 3.3 71813-26 118
67826-55 107 68615-46 112 70196-50 33 71840-29 118
67827-55 107 68616-46 112 70209-41 114 71843-29 1:!.8
67829-55 107 68620-46 112 70211-49 33 71845-29 118
67861-29 10 7 68650-38 112 70244-47A 114 71851-29 118
68002-47 10 7 68652-38 112 70246-42 33 71856-29 118
68003-47 107 68653-38 112 70249-42 36 71859-29 118
68005-55 10 7 68660-38 112 116 71861-29 118
68005-5SA 10 7 68661-38 112 70261-30 114 72002-51 119
68031-47 107 68662-38 112 70262-32 114 72004-.39 119
68031-55 107 68668-38 112 70271-48 116 72010-.39 119
68032-47 107 68672-38 107 70281-47 114 72017-39 119
68049-47 107 112 116 72019-39 119
68085-47 10 7 68673-38 112 70282-47 114 72020-.39 119
68086-47 107 68676-49 112 116 72301-49 119
66086-55 10.7 68679-49 112 70291-51 116 72:325-48 119
68087-55 10 7 68683-38 112 70291-5lA 116 72338-48 119
68090-47 108 68684-38 112 70.300-47 116 72:341-48 119
66090-55 108 68686-38 112 70305-50 111 72341-56 119
68093-47 108 68689-38 112 70307-50 111 72345-48 119
68093-55 108 68692-38 112 70320-48 114 74500-51A 33
68114-55 10 8 68693-38 112 70321-48 114 119
68119-55 108 68694-38 112 70331-48A 114 74511-51A 33
68121-47 108 68695-38 1'1.2 70333-51 116 119
68121-55 10 8 68696-38 112 70354-55 114 74514-52 119
68122-47 108 68702-38 112 116 74518-48 119
68122-55 108 68707-38 112 70528-45 116 74521-48 119
68123-47 108 68715-49 112 70529-45 1.16 74524-48 119
68123-55 10 8 69000-54 1:13 70530-45 116 74524-52 119
68135-47 108 69001-42 112 70549-47 116 74527-48 33
68140-47 108 69001-48A 112 70575-50 111 119
10 8
10 8
I 74527-52
68165-15 10 8 69017-52 113 70591-56 1:16 74542-52 121
10 9 69017-52A 114 70932-48 116 74545-52 121
66165-55 10 8 69020-31 11.2 70936-49 116 74565-52 121
68188-47 108 69021-54 11.4 70938-54 116 74567-52 121
68195-55 10 8 69022-31 112 7094 0-48 36 74569-52 121
66196-55 108 69022-54 114 70950-47 116 74575-52 121
68225-48 10 8 69024-31 11.2 7:1.067-47 116 74750-38 119
68225-55 10 a 69·02 8-31 1:12 71.069-47 116 74755-38 119
68450-49 10 9 69030-31 1:12 7:1.075-47 116 74765-47 119
68454-35 109 69032-31 1:13 71.076-47 28 78030-39 121
68455-35 109 69034-31 113 116 78031-.39 121
68455-49 10 9 69038-31 1:13 '71090-47 116 78035-36 121
68456-35 10 9 69051-54 11.4 71.098-38 116 78036-39 . 121
68457-49 109 69107-42 113 119 76500-49 .33
68458-49 10 9. 69107-48 11.3 7:1.151-48 116 122
68459-47 109 69107-51 1'1.3 71.156-47 116 76501-41 33
68459-49 10 9 69114-48 113 71.182-47 1:16 122
68462-49 109 69114-51 1:13 71.183-47 116 82001-41 122
68463-49 109 69116-48 113 71.188-47 116 82010-49 122
68464-49 109 69116-51 113 71.190-47 116 82024-39 12 2
68465-49 10 9 69118-42 113 71271-47 116 82026-39 122
68466-49 109 69120-45 84 71271-56 116 82049-32 122
68469-35 10 9 113 71294-47 116 82050-49 122
68470-35 109 69124-36 1:13 71.300-47 116 82050-49A 122
68471-35 109 69130-54 114 71304-47 116 82050-57 122
66472-35 110 69135-47 1:12 71.310-38 116 82055-48 122
684'74-35 110 1:13 713 11. -.4 7 116 82055-48A 122
68515-38 111 69139-54 114 71.350-47 1:16 82055-49 12 2
68521-38 111 69140-54 114 71500-36 118 82055-57 122
68522-38 111 70058-50 111 71.501-48 118 82058-56 122
68543-50 111 70058-50A 1:11 71506-36 118 82060-49 122
68550-50 111 70058-56 111 71.510-36 118 82067-49 122
68557-50 111 70060-29 112 7:1.514-36 118 82075-55 122
68558-50 111 70101-49 114 71516-36 118 82095-49 122
68559-50 111 70102-49 114 71525-36 118 82099-49 12 2
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

82119-49 122 8:3152-32 124 84949-::55 128 88172-25 132

82140-49 122 83154-.32 124 85000-.::57 128 88174-.37 132
82147-49 122 83160-51 126 85006-37 128 88176-24 132
82160-49 122 8.::5162-51 126 85007-.37 128 88260-25 132
82175-49 122 83164-.32 126 85015-46 129 88261-3fi 132
82181-49 122 83166-.32 126 85017-46 129 88264-3fi 132
82185-49 122 8::5300-51 126 85039-SS 129 88265-25 13:G
82186-49 122 8.3.302-51 126 d5C40-39 129 88278-28 132
82195-47 122 83.311-51 126 85042-.39 129 8821;1-28 132
82197-47 122 83.312-51 126 85044-55 129 88300-.37 132
A2202-47 122 83.350-51 126 85100-.39 129 88301-37 132
82204-47 122 83.351-51 126 85101-39 129 88304-.37 132
~2206-47 122 83355-51 126 85102-39 129 88305-37 132
82215-47 122 83371-51 12 6 85202-42 129 88.310-.37 1.32
82221-47 122 8.3373-51 126 8520.3-42 129 88.311-37 132
82223-47 122 83.375-51 126 85211-42 129 88314-.37 132
82260-39A 122 83377-51 12.:5 8521.3-42 129 88364-36 132
82.301-49 123 83460-51 126 85220-42 129 S836t'S-36 132
82305-48 123 83462-51 126 85221-42 129 884P.5-36 : ;. 3 2
82.306-48 123 83500-51 126 87064-.36 1.30 88487-36 132
82308-48 123 83502-51 126 87066-.36 135 88488-3n 1 32
82.310-48 123 8.3505-51 126 8707.0-37 130 88490-36 1 ..., 4
82312-46 123 83506-51 126 87072-.38 135 88492-36 1 ;: 4
82.314-48 123 83507-51 126 87082-36 130 88500-36 1 34
82316-48 123 83508-51 126 87094-3o 1::50 f\8502-.36 134
82318-48 123 83510-51 126 87095-36 135 88504-36 134
82320-48 124 83511-51 126 87117-36 130 88506-.36 134
82.324-48 124 83515-51 126 87127-36 130 88507-36 1 34
82330-48 124 83515-54 126 87128-36 1.30 a 9_5 1 o- 2 2 134
82332-46 124 83516-51 126 131 88528-36 134
82334-46 124 63525-51 12 6 87135-36 130 88539-36 134
82336-48 124 83528-51 12 6 1.31 88540-36 92
82360-49 124 a3535-s:. 126 87136-36 130 134
82364-48 124 83536-51 12 6 131 88560-3~ 1~4
82370-49 122 83560-51 126 87138-36 1.31 88562-3f. 134
82370-57 122 83562-51 126 87176-37 130 86575-36 1.34
82400-51 122 83564-51 126 131 88577-37 1 35
82800-51 124 83566-51 126 87181-37 1.31 88590-46 13~
82800-518 124 83571-51 126 87197-36 130 88620-25 134
82816-38 124 83695-.37 131 131 88624-30 1.28
82821-38 124 135 87254-24 131 88650-35 134
82830-37 124 83697-51 126 87265-24 131 88670-31 134
82835-32 124 83800-51 126 87267-24 131 86672-38 134
82840-32 124 83807-51 126 874.33-36 1.31 88673-41 1 35
82845-32 124 83910-51 128 87438-30 131 88680-26 134
82846-.34 124 8.3915-51 128 87444-3.3 1.31 88681-31 134
82850-32 124 83917-51 128 87654-.36 1.31 88685-31 134
82860-.32 124 83919-51 128 87665-36 131 88686-26 134
82870-41 124 83975-37 128 87674-39 131 88690-24 1.34
82873-41 124 84506-32 128 87676-36 1.31 88693-26 134
82884-.3'"2 124 84530-32 128 87680-39 135 135
82885-.32 124 84533-32 128 87681-41 131 88693-39 1"':4
82886-32 124 8453.3-48 128 87685-30 131 '::. .3 5
$2900-51 124 84534-32 128 87688-39 1.31 88694-41 1 3 5
82903-32 124 84534-48 128 87690-.39 135 8869~-~~ 1.34
62906-.32 124 84547-32 128 8'7692-39 131 88704-38 134
82961-~1 124 8-'547-48 128 87720-37 135 88706-2A :1. 3 4
82966-51 124 84567-32 128 87722-.38 131 88730-37 1.34
83001-.32 124 84585-48 128 87724-.37 1.31 88731-37 134
83003-32 124 84588-48 128 87726-41 1.32 88737-.37 134
83020-34 124 84590-32 128 877::50-37 135 88738-37 134
83020-56 124 84592-32 128 87732-41 1.32 88850-.36 1~4
83022-.39 124 84593-.32 128 8'7734-38 131 88860-36 1 :4
8.3022-56 124 84640-42 128 87736-41 131 88862-36 134
83024-.39 124 84643-32 128 87900-34 132 88875-36 134
83050-41 124 84740-42 128 87901-34 1.35 88892-.36 134
83050-51 124 84744-32 128 87902-34 132 88896-.36 134
83055-34 124 84800-35 128 87904-34 1.35 88904-.36 135
83057-.34 124 84825-35 128 87925-.39 132 88932-24 135
83057-51 124 84829-40 128 87928-.39 1.35 88934-24 135
83058-51 124 84845-35 128 87961-34 132 889.36-18 71
83060-34 124 84900-.39 128 87964-34 132 135
83095-32 124 84902-32 128 87965-34 132 88·938-30 135
83098-.38 124 8<4904-32 128 87984-.30 132 88941-30 13 5
83101-.32 124 84904-52 128 87986-.30 1::52 88945-30 1.35
83105-:ZS 124 84920-42 128 88 010-36 132 88950-36 135
83107-32 124 84921-42 128 88025-23 132 89100-.37 135
83110-38 124 84925-.39 12 8 88026-34 132 89102-37 1 '3 5
83135-51 124 84927-.39 128 88100-24 132 89104-37 135
83137-.32 124 849::52-42 128 88101-37 132 ! 89106-37 1 3 5
83137-51 124 84933-42 128 ;-38131-25 132 89150-36 1.35
83139-32 124 84945-32 128 fl.8170-24 132 89152-37 135
Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

89200-36 135 91024-52 138 91152-49 138 9:.1.235-49 140

89221-36 135 910~8-48 138 91158-49 138 91238-49 140
90851-54 135 91028-52 138 91160-49 138 91241-49 140
90875-54 135 91029-48 138 91162-49 138 91242-50 140
90876-54 135 91032-48 138 91164-49 138 91249-49 140
90906-52 135 91032-52 138 91168-49 138 91252-49 140
90906-54 10 3 91034-48 138 91170-49 138 91255-49 14 0
135 91036-52 138 91171-49 i38 9:.1.257-49 14 0
90920-54 135 91038-52 136 91180-49 138 91261-49 140
90925-54 1 35 91075-49 138 91182-49 138 91263-49 140
90929-54 1 3 5 91075-55 138 91187-49 138 91268-50 140
90930-54 1.35 91079-55 138 91189-49 1.38 91276-50 140
90947-52 135 91083-49 138 91202-50 138 91290-52 140
91007-48 136 91085-49 13f3 91206-50 138 91293-52 140
91007-52 138 91086-49 138 91207-50 138 91300-52 140
9100€!-52 138 91087-55 13f3 91208-49 138 91575-49A eo
91008-52A 138 91.088-55 13H 91209-49 138 91704-15 116
91010-48 136 91089-55 13f3 91210-49 138 91775-51 140
91010-52 1J8 91130-49 138 91213-49 138 91.780-51 140
91012-4H 1 .3 0 91131-49 138 91216-49 140 917A1-5::!.. 140
91017-48 1.38 91134-50 138 91220-49 140 .91782-51 1-'0
91019-48 13ts 91140-49 13H 91223-49 140 9:1783-51 140
9:1019-52 138 91141-50 13R 91224-49 140 91784-51 140
9:102.3-52 1.38 91149-49 138 91225-49 140 91786-51 140
''quudne t:A~-:IJ~''
·THE BUILDERS of your motorcycle have a very direct and keen interest in your
mount. They want you to get full measure of pleasure and service out of it. To that
end, Harley-Davidson has gone to great lengths to make it possible for you to identify
genuine parts CL.'"l.d Factory-approved accessories.
Genuine Harley-Davidson parts and accessories are easily identified by the orange
and black labels and packages, a few of which are illustrated here. When you require
replacement parts for your Harley-:-Davidson, you want parts made o! the same materials
and in the same factory, by the same men who built your motorcycle. Then you know
that ·the parts you buy will fit and will give satisfactory service. Accessories must be as
well made and as carefully inspected_ as spare parts in order to give satisfaction. All
genuine Harley-Davidson accessories are either packed in our orange and black boxes,
or bear the "Inspected and Approved" label.
The following are a few of the parts that are always packed in Harley-Davidson
orange and black packages: pistons, piston rings, piston pins, bronze bushings, valves.
flywheel shafts, drive chains, condensers, contact points, brushes, armature bearings,
grips, tank caps, sets of brake linings. relays, and roller bearings. Many parts, because
of their size or shape. are not packaged individually but are identified by the Harley-
Davidson parts label. These parts include: brake control wires, handlebar control wires,
centro! coils, spark plug cables, all wires, wiring harnes~.
Your HarlE'y-Davidson dealer carries genuine parts and accessories, easily identi-
fied for your protection. The genuine costs no more and will give you greater satisfaction
and service - accept no other.


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