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Fractures of the Carpus
C. Wayne McIlwraith
Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO, USA

­Introduction (including 349 Quarter Horses, 220 Thoroughbreds,

5  Appaloosas, and 6 Standardbreds).45 Standardbreds
The carpus is a complex joint consisting of seven bones are rare in the author’s area, so this is not a true ­reflection
within the articulation, all of which can sustain fractures. of the overall incidence of osteochondral fragmentation
In addition, the distal articular surface of the radius is a in Standardbred horses. A series of carpal chip fractures
major part of the articulation and also sustains fractures. in Standardbreds has been published more recently.38
The motion and biomechanics of the carpal joints are The most notable difference between Standardbreds and
complicated.8,9,51 Various factors may lead to nonphysio- other racehorses is that while they are predisposed to
logic loading of the carpal bones, including fatigue, poor fragmentation of the distal portion of the radial carpal
conformation (Figure 27.1) or shoeing, and poor racing bone and proximal portion of the third carpal bone,
surfaces. Such abnormal loading can lead to synovitis, they  rarely develop fragments in the antebrachiocarpal
capsulitis and articular damage, osteochondral chip frag- joint.38,51 The specific locations of osteochondral
mentation, slab fractures of an individual carpal bone, or fragments are depicted in Tables  27.1 and 27.2.45
collapsing, comminuted fractures of the carpal bones, The most common location for chip fragmentation was
which can, in turn, cause instability of the carpus. Horses the distal aspect of the radial carpal bone, as previously
that sustain osteochondral chip fractures or ­simple slab reported.51,52,63 This was followed by the proximal inter-
fractures can commonly be treated with arthroscopic mediate carpal bone, proximal radial carpal bone, and
surgery and return to full athletic soundness. Injuries that distal lateral aspect of the radius. The fractures were
cause destabilization within the carpus are also indica- equally distributed between the left and right joints
tions for surgery, but the aim is to restore axial weight‐ of  Quarter Horses, but significantly more frequent in
bearing ability and to salvage the animal for breeding, the  right carpus of Thoroughbreds. Previous reports
rather than athletic activity.8 describe an increased incidence of fractures in the right
forelimb in Thoroughbreds.52,63 There were significantly
more fractures in the right middle carpal joint compared
­Osteochondral Chip Fractures with the left middle carpal joint, but no significant differ-
(Fragments) ence between the left and right antebrachiocarpal joints.
Significant differences exist between Thoroughbreds
and Quarter Horses in the relative frequency of fracture
Incidence and Location location; the proximal intermediate carpal bone was
Osteochondral chip fractures of the equine carpus are fractured more frequently in Quarter Horses, and the
common in racehorses. In a study of Thoroughbred proximal third carpal bone was fractured more ­frequently
racehorses in the UK, it was the third most frequent in Thoroughbreds.
musculoskeletal injury for horses in active training, after Published incidence data45 do not support earlier
tibial stress fracture and fracture of the proximal pha- statements that chip fractures are breed related, with
lanx.56 In one series published by the author, 580 of 591 the Thoroughbred being more prone than the Quarter
horses with osteochondral chip fracture were racehorses Horse.63 Carpal chip fractures are very common in

Equine Fracture Repair, Second Edition. Edited by Alan J. Nixon.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 481

Table 27.1  Location of carpal chip fractures in carpal joints of 591

racehorses (principally Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse).

Midcarpal (intercarpal) joints (540 joints)

Distal aspect of radial carpal bone 475
Distal aspect of intermediate carpal bone 106
Proximal aspect of third carpal bone 60
Antebrachiocarpal (radiocarpal) joints (460 joints)
Proximal aspect of intermediate carpal bone 273
Proximal aspect of radial carpal bone 168
Distal lateral aspect of radius 167
Distal medial aspect of radius 96
Proximal aspect ulnar carpal bone 1
Site total 1346
Source: McIlwraith et al.

r­acing Quarter Horses.45 Further, our data contrast

with another study in which the third carpal bone was
reported as the most common site in Thoroughbreds,68
but that study included only 57 horses. Previous stud-
ies reported that antebrachiocarpal joint fractures
Figure 27.1  Back‐in‐the‐knee conformation in Thoroughbred were three times more common in the left carpus than
racehorse about to undergo arthroscopic surgery for removal of the right, whereas fractures involving the middle c­ arpal
chip fragmentation. joint were seen twice as frequently in the right ­carpus.51

Table 27.2  Specific location of carpal chip fractures in racing Thoroughbreds and racing Quarter Horses.

Thoroughbreds Quarter Horses

Left Right Left Right

Distal aspect of radial carpal bone 64 (34.4%) 85 (36.3%) 136 (32.7%) 158 (37.3%)
Distal aspect of intermediate carpal bone 15 (8.1%) 14 (6.0%) 29 (7.0%) 36 (8.4%)
Proximal aspect of third carpal bone 10 (5.4%) 22 (9.4%) 8 (1.9%) 19 (4.5%)
89 121 173 213
Distolateral aspect of radius 30 (16.1%) 35 (15.0%) 53 (12.7%) 37 (8.7%)
Distomedial aspect of radius 17 (9.1%) 21 (9.0%) 32 (7.7%) 26 (6.1%)
Proximal aspect of intermediate carpal bone 30 (16.1%) 36 (15.4%) 97 (23.3%) 100 (23.6%)
Proximal aspect of radial carpal bone 20 (10.7%) 21 (8.9%) 60 (14.4%) 48 (11.3%)
Proximal aspect of ulnar carpal bone 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.2%) 0 (0.0%)
97 113 243 211
Total 186 234 416 424

Source: McIlwraith et al.45

482 Part II  Specific Fractures

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 27.2  Radiographic appearance (A, B) and arthroscopic appearance before (C) and after (D) removal of distal radial carpal bone chip
fragment (arrow) that is barely discernible on preoperative radiographs. Diagnostic arthroscopy was performed because of return of
lameness problems referable to the middle carpal joint after the horse went back into training following lag screw fixation of a sagittal
fracture of the third carpal bone. The case was referred for screw removal (not usually done), but the new intraarticular fragmentation was
the real indication for arthroscopic surgery.

This has been related to stresses induced with counter-

clockwise racing. The author’s data45 indicated that
Clinical Signs
although there were more fractures in the right middle Affected horses present with synovial effusion and
carpal joint than the left, there was no difference in frac- ­varying degrees of lameness. In cases of osteochondral
ture ­frequency between antebrachiocarpal joints in fragmentation with minimal associated damage, the
either breed.45 This is interesting when it is considered main clinical sign is that the horse jogs with a wide‐based
that most Quarter Horses do not race through a stance. Bilateral chip fragments are common, particularly
turn.  Routinely radiographing both carpal joints and in the Quarter Horse. Lack of sensitivity has been noted
­arthroscopy of suspicious lesions could mean that more in the use of radiographs to demonstrate some fragments,
fragments are being found in the contralateral limb, and to determine the amount of associated cartilage dam-
­nullifying left‐versus‐right differences. age (Figure 27.2).45
27  Fractures of the Carpus 483

Pathogenesis remodeling and bone f­ ormation in radial and third carpal

bone from raced Thoroughbred horses (n = 14) and non-
It has been suggested that chip fractures are generally a raced Thoroughbred horses (n = 11)64 showed that while
secondary complication affecting joint margins altered there is a net increase in bone formation in racehorses,
by osteoarthritis (OA).54 It has been proposed that chip there is additionally an increase in bone collagen synthe-
fractures of the joint margin arise from at least two sis and remodeling, particularly within the trabecular
­different processes. First, they can arise from fragmen- regions of the bone. The increase in bone density would
tation of the original tissue of the joint margin. This lead to greater stiffness, particularly in the carpal bones,
lesion starts as progressive subchondral bone sclerosis and failure of the “stiffer” ­cortical bone may result from its
induced  by repetitive trauma of training and racing, lack of support from the rapidly remodeling and structur-
with ­eventual damage of articular cartilage because of ally weakened underlying trabecular bone.
the noncompliant subchondral bone. Eventually the It is now generally accepted that microdamage leads to
sclerotic bone undergoes ischemic necrosis. Second, the clinical osteochondral fragmentation seen in the car-
fragments can arise within the base of periarticular pus, and observations at arthroscopic surgery confirm
osteophytes that form in OA.54 More recently, consider- the presence of subchondral bone disease surrounding
able research has recognized that pathologic changes in and potentially preceding fragmentation (Figure  27.3).
the subchondral bone that precede fragmentation are For this reason, the author now prefers using the term
not simply those of subchondral bone sclerosis. Work at “fragment” rather than “fracture” for the osteochondral
Colorado State University has shown that microdamage pieces that are created, as they are truly pathologic
in the subchondral bone can develop early when horses ­fractures and occur as a consequence of microdamage.
are  exercised and trained on the treadmill.30 In addi- In some instances the lesion appears as a “fresh” fracture
tion, post‐mortem examination of racehorse joints line through an articular surface with no visible sub-
(­euthanized for catastrophic injury in another limb) has chondral change, but in most instances subchondral
demonstrated the range of microdamage to include not change can be seen arthroscopically, and it certainly
only microfractures, but also primary osteocyte death.49 exists at the microscopic level.41
Not only is the mechanical support of the articular Fatigue of supporting soft tissue structures allowing
cartilage lost when subchondral bone microdamage
­ hyperextension, extreme speed, poor racing surfaces,
progresses to macrodamage, but cytokine release from faulty conformation, and improper hoof trimming and
the bone may also potentially influence the state of the shoeing have all been cited as contributing to the develop-
articular cartilage.31 ment of abnormal compression on the dorsal surface of
Even more recently, other possible early events leading the carpal bones. In vitro kinematic studies in the carpus
to microdamage in exercising horses have been assessed. have suggested that the radial carpal bone moves as an
Comparison of the mineral components of the carpal independent unit, and that a concentration of kinetic
bones, post‐translational modifications of the c­ ollagenous energy along the distal and medial aspect of the carpus
matrix, and concurrent changes in biomarkers of collagen

(A) (B)

Figure 27.3  (A) Arthroscopic appearance of subchondral bone disease on third carpal bone. It is considered that such disease precedes
osteochondral fragmentation. (B) Diseased wedge of bone associated with a distal lateral radius fracture.
484 Part II  Specific Fractures

during weight‐bearing predisposes the region to injury.38,51 levels35 in synovial fluid of horses with osteochondral
It has been suggested by Bramlage9 that most of the carpal fragments, which reflects an upregulation of the inter-
bones articulate in a way that allows some of the axial load leukin‐1 cascade that has been previously demonstrated
to be transmitted transversely to carpal ligaments, and to promote OA in the horse.21
that the hinge nature of the m ­ iddle carpal joint limits
hyperextension. As a result, injuries to the middle carpal
joint are mostly derived from chronic supraphysiologic Surgery
loads. On the other hand, acute supraphysiologic loads are All osteochondral chip fragments are operated using
more likely to injure the antebrachiocarpal joint, due to its arthroscopic technique, which has been extensively
susceptibility to hyperextension as a rotating joint. Other described elsewhere.42,45 The equine carpal joints have
authors have speculated that the palmar soft tissue struc- been the most frequent locations for arthroscopic surgi-
tures may aid in counteracting carpal hyperextension, and cal procedures. Removal of osteochondral fragments
that jogging Standardbreds for several miles per day could from either carpal joint involves triangulation techniques
condition the palmar ligaments and protect the antebra- using two portals that remain consistent for all fracture
chiocarpal joint from fragmentation. locations. A lateral arthroscopic portal is made between
the extensor carpi radialis tendon and common digital
extensor tendon and their associated sheaths. A medial
Treatment portal is made approximately 5 mm medial to the exten-
sor carpi radialis. These portals are also made halfway
Arthroscopic surgery for the removal of these osteo- between the articular surfaces of the bones. Skin i­ ncisions
chondral fragments is indicated for the immediate relief are made in the appropriate location prior to distention
of clinical signs, and prevention of further development of the joint to avoid any compromise to the extensor
of OA. Carpal chip fragments cause pain by tugging on ­tendon sheaths. The position of the arthroscope and
synovial membrane attachments, induction of synovitis instrument relative to the appropriate lesion is illustrated
from release of debris, and damage to the opposing in Figure  27.4, using the distal radial carpal bone chip
articular surface. These factors can contribute to a fracture as an example. The arthroscope is placed
cycle  of OA which can become self‐perpetuating if through the lateral portal with the lens angled proximally
­surgical intervention is not timely. Other factors enter and the instruments are brought through the medial
into case selection for surgery, particularly the athletic portal.42 Generally, for a fragment on the medial side
ability of the horse and economics. The ideal surgical of  the joint, the arthroscope passes through the lateral
candidate is the proven racehorse that has recently portal and the instruments enter through a medial ­portal.
sustained an osteochondral fragment. Unfortunately,
the  “economics of the industry” preclude many horses
undergoing ­surgery. The judicious use of intraarticular
short‐acting corticosteroids can be defended on a one‐
or two‐time basis when it involves either triamcinolone
acetonide (Vetalog™, Zoetis, Parsippany, NJ, USA)23
or  betamethasone esters (Celestone™, Merck & Co.,
Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA).20 However the use of
­6‐alpha‐­methylprednisolone acetate (Depo‐Medrol™,
Zoetis) in the carpal joint with chip fragmentation can
no longer be defended,22 and it is also now recognized
that chip fragmentation of the distal aspect of the radial
carpal bone quickly produces secondary OA, whereas
fragments in the antebrachiocarpal joint are more for-
giving. In any case, repeated injection of corticosteroids
and long‐term continued racing without surgical inter-
vention are very difficult to defend.
The ability of chronic carpal chip fragmentation to
result in progressive OA is not just mechanically based.
Both synovitis and diseased cartilage and bone release
cytokines and other inflammatory mediators that can
Figure 27.4  Diagram illustrating the arthroscopic approach to
cause progression of the disease.35,41 This has mainly remove a fragment from the distal aspect of the radial carpal
been a clinical observation, but has recently been v­ erified bone. Source: McIlwraith et al. 2015.42 Reproduced with
biochemically, with evidence of elevated interleukin‐6 permission of Elsevier.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 485

(A) (B) (C)

Figure 27.5  Preoperative radiograph (A) and arthroscopic view of direct removal of osteochondral fragment from proximal intermediate
carpal bone, during removal (B) and after debridement (C). Direct removal is preferred with such fragments, because elevation risks the
fragment becoming totally loose.

(A) (B) (C)

Figure 27.6  (A) Flexed lateral to medial radiograph of distal radial carpal bone fragment; (B) arthroscopic view after the fragment has
been elevated before removal, and (C) following completion of debridement.

For lesions on the lateral side of the joint, the ­arthroscope Carpal chip fragments can be divided into four categories
is placed through the medial portal and the instrument is and the techniques used for their removal vary accordingly:
positioned through the lateral portal.
A diagnostic arthroscopic examination is always per- 1) Recent fragments that are mobile on palpation.
formed first. An egress cannula is placed through the Immediate insertion of the grasping forceps is per-
instrument portal previously made using a #11 scalpel formed, the ­ fragment is grasped, the forceps are
blade. The egress is then opened to allow flushing of the rotated to free soft tissue attachments (if these are sig-
joint if visualization is less than optimal. After the view is nificant), and the fragment is removed. The most com-
cleared, the egress needle is closed and can then be used monly used forceps are 4 × 10 mm cup Ferris–Smith
to manipulate the fragment and ascertain its mobility. intervertebral disk rongeurs. Nearly all proximal inter-
Alternatively, a probe can be used. The initial diagnostic mediate carpal bone fragments are removed in this
examination is done with closed distention (care is fashion, as elevation can easily lead to them becoming
needed to maintain the ingress fluid pressure at a rela- loose bodies (Figure 27.5).
tively low level, as there is no free flow from the instru- 2) Fragments with synovial membrane and fibrous
ment portal at this stage). A complete examination of ­capsular attachments preventing chip displacement
each joint can be made through a single arthroscopic with initial probing. In this case, a periosteal elevator
portal; however, the arthroscope may be exchanged is used to separate the fragment from the parent bone
to  the opposite portal if lesions are being removed (Figure  27.6). Ideally the fragment should not be
from both sides of a joint. Arthroscope and instrument c­ompletely separated, as it then becomes a loose body
positioning for removal of fragments in the various and is more difficult to retrieve.
­locations in the carpus have been described extensively 3) Longstanding fragments with early bony r­ eattachment.
elsewhere.42 These cases are uncommon and in most instances the
486 Part II  Specific Fractures

bone is soft and the fragments are still removed with the middle carpal joint usually signals a poor prognosis,
Ferris–Smith rongeurs. If there is sclerotic bone pre- and is most commonly secondary to chronic distal radial
sent, tapping an elevator with a mallet or using a carpal bone fragmentation (with or without previous
4 mm osteotome may be necessary. Either way, this intraarticular therapy; Figure 27.7). The antebrachiocar-
manipulation is done under arthroscopic visualiza- pal joint is much more forgiving, and chronic fragmenta-
tion, with an assistant striking the osteotome with a tion and spurring can be present without significant
mallet to free the fragment from the parent bone. articular cartilage loss. Removal of osteophytes can be
4) Chip fragments with extensive bone reattachment and done with Ferris–Smith rongeurs (if the bone is relatively
a  bony proliferative response. The bone proliferative soft), but in other instances a motorized burr is more
response usually consists of osteophytes and in many appropriate. These cases are poor surgical ­candidates
instances these can be removed.42 Where these cases and palliative treatment is generally more appropriate.
have proceeded to extensive loss of articular cartilage, the
Once the fragment is removed, the defect is debrided
prognosis is very poor and it is uncommon to do surgery
(see Figures 27.5 and 27.7). Undermined cartilage or flakes
on such cases. There is also a difference between these
of cartilage at the edge of the lesion are removed using a
changes in the middle carpal joint compared to the ante-
bone curette and forceps. Soft defective bone in the base
brachiocarpal joint. Extensive osteophyte formation in
of the defect is commonly recognized and is also curetted.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 27.7  (A) Preoperative radiograph showing severe osteophyte formation on distal radial and distal intermediate carpal bones in
a roping horse with chronic change following untreated osteochondral fragmentation. Arthroscopic views (B) before and (C) after removal
of osteophytosis from radial carpal bone, and (D) postoperative radiograph. The extraarticular exostosis is never removed.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 487

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E)

Figure 27.8  (A) Radiographs and (B) arthroscopic views of grade II fragmentation of the distal aspect of the radial carpal bone before and
(C) after debridement. (D) Grade 4 osteochondral fragmentation of the distal radial carpal bone on initial visualization, and (E) after
removal and debridement of defect.

Kissing lesions are evaluated and only debrided if there Grade 2. Loss of 30% of articular cartilage from the visible
is  separated or defective articular cartilage and bone. A articular surface of affected bone; see Figure 27.8A–C.
­simple partial‐thickness defect in the articular cartilage, Grade 3. Loss of 50% or more of articular cartilage from
with the deeper zone of cartilage firmly attached to sub- the visible surface of the affected bone.
chondral bone, is not an indication for debridement. Grade 4. Significant subchondral bone loss with loss
Debridement of articular defects is based on our current of  cuboidal bone support at the dorsal aspect
knowledge of articular cartilage healing.41,44 While there (Figure  27.8D–E). Details of arthroscopic technique
is no healing of a partial‐thickness defect, debridement of and individual differences with carpal fragments asso-
that lesion to a full‐thickness defect is considered inap- ciated with the various carpal bones are available in
propriate because of the poor healing response. Defects detail elsewhere.42
generally heal with fibrocartilage in the base, but fibrous
After debridement, the joint is flushed by opening the
tissue at the surface. It has also been recognized on fol-
egress cannula and manipulating the tip, both in the area
low‐up data that significant articular cartilage loss can be
of the lesion and also to the opposite side of the joint,
sustained without compromising the return to athletic
where debris will commonly accumulate. Extensive syn-
activity.45 To further define how articular cartilage loss
ovectomy is rarely carried out in carpal joints with chip
affects the prognosis; four grades of articular damage in
fractures. Occasionally, pieces of synovial membrane
the carpus have been defined:45
are  removed for visualization purposes rather than
Grade 1. Minimal additional cartilage loss (extending ­therapeutic reasons. At the completion of irrigation of
less than 5 mm from edge of defect left by osteochon- the joint, the portals are closed using skin sutures only.
dral fragment; see Figure 27.6). The carpus is bandaged with a sterile nonadhesive
488 Part II  Specific Fractures

­ ressing and adhesive gauze bandage. A full padded leg

bandage is then used on the limb during recovery from

Lag Screw Fixation of Osteochondral Chip

Arthroscopically guided screw fixation of large chip frac-
tures can be an alternative to removal in select cases.67
This is based on the premise that reconstruction of artic-
ular surfaces is preferable to creation of a large osseous
defect (grade 4 lesion). Potential candidates should have
a fragment of sufficient size to allow screw insertion, and
have adequate bony structure in the chip to warrant
screw reconstruction. Most chip fractures suitable for
reattachment are repaired with 2.7 mm cortical screws,
although on occasion these may be sufficiently large to
accommodate a 3.5 mm diameter screw. The latter may
be employed in the repair of frontal plane fractures of the
third carpal bone that extend only partway toward the
carpometacarpal joint before exiting to the dorsal sur-
face (so‐called partial slabs). Chip fractures of the dorso- Figure 27.9  A horse undergoing underwater treadmilling for
distal margin of the radial carpal bone, dorsoproximal rehabilitation following arthroscopic surgery of the carpus.
margin of the third carpal bone, and the intermediate
facet of the distal radius have been repaired using 2.7 mm
diameter screws in 33 horses.67 Delineation of the frac- and Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ, USA) are used. Horses
ture margins with needles is performed in a manner sim- are placed on phenylbutazone preoperatively, which
ilar to that described for the repair of larger slab fractures. is  continued for three to four days postoperatively.
Most fractures that are amenable to screw fixation will Perioperative antibiotics are not usually administered
exit the bone within the capsular reflection and/or asso- unless there is concern about previous and recent intraar-
ciated intercarpal ligaments. This point can be deter- ticular injection. It has been shown that only 100 Staph
mined, if necessary by radiographically guided needle aureus organisms are required to cause infection during
placement. The position for screw placement is defined intraarticular injection of an equine joint,27 and if there has
by insertion of an 18‐gauge spinal needle, and in most been previous intervention in the joint within two to three
instances is within the synovial cavity, therefore the drill- weeks, the use of prophylactic antibiotics is appropriate.
ing process and insertion of implants can be performed The skin sutures are removed 10–12 days after surgery,
under direct arthroscopic visualization. The 2.7 mm and hand walking for 5 minutes a day commenced. Hand
glide hole is drilled through the fracture fragment to walking is increased by 5 minutes each week up to
cross into the parent bone, and a 2 mm drill then used to 30 minutes a day at 2 months, at which time the horse
complete the thread hole. The hole is then tapped, coun- may be turned out. Horses recovering from removal of a
tersunk, and an appropriate length screw inserted and fresh single chip fragment can recommence training at
tightened. A radiograph is obtained to confirm appropri- this stage. Rehabilitation using underwater treadmill
ate screw length and direction. exercise has become increasingly popular, and is recom-
mended by the author (Figure 27.9).32 It generally extends
over a 30–45‐day period, and commences 30–45 days
after surgery (some rehabilitation centers prefer not to
Postoperative Care start until 60 days). A determination of the validity of
There are no special requirements for recovery from anes- these rehabilitation procedures is currently ongoing.28
thesia following removal of osteochondral chip fragments. The total time from surgery to training varies from two
A padded bandage is used for recovery to minimize any to four months, depending on the amount of associated
trauma to the carpal joints. At the first bandage change, damage to the joint. There is a trend toward earlier
a  light bandage of a TelfaTM pad (Kendall, Covidien‐ return to full training due to various factors, including a
Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA), a sterile 4 in. Kling recognition of the low morbidity of surgery, recognition
bandage (Kendall), and Elastikon® adhesive tape (Johnson of the fact that we are not waiting for cartilage repair, and
27  Fractures of the Carpus 489

the potential for other injuries following a long lay‐up Horses.45 We believe that return to successful racing at
period.11 Water treadmilling is particularly valuable in the same level or higher is a more realistic criterion, and
the lay‐up, since it can maintain bone mass to avoid at least eliminates the variables of the horse’s ability.
stress and catastrophic fractures, as well as suspensory When horses were separated into four categories of
ligament injuries, all of which have been recognized after articular damage, performance in the two most severely
coming back from a lay‐up period.28,32 affected groups was significantly inferior. Successful
Complications from arthroscopic surgery are rare. return to racing at an equal or better level was found
Intraarticular infection is very rare (and usually comes in  133 of 187 horses with grade 1 damage (71.1%), 108
from a horse losing a bandage or getting the incisions of  144 horses with grade 2 damage (75%), only 41 of
contaminated soon after surgery). Subcutaneous infec- 77 horses with grade 3 damage (53.2%), and 20 of 37 horses
tions have occurred (associated with the same factors of with grade 4 damage (54.1%). The success rate in cases
exposure) and these are treated by suture removal. with grade 1 and grade 2 lesions was significantly greater
Synovial effusion (usually low‐viscosity hemorrhagic than in cases with grade 3 and grade 4 lesions (P < 0.01).45
fluid) will persist postsurgically when there is extensive Refragmentation in grade 3 and grade 4 cases was quite
cartilage damage.42 Such cases have been successfully common, and also osteophytosis and enthesitis on the
managed with intraarticular polysulfated glycosamino- dorsal aspect of the carpal bones. Although there have
glycan (PSGAG).69 Recent research suggests that the been no specific follow‐up studies since this initial one
“normalization” of these joints postoperatively can be over 20 years ago, a study on palmar carpal osteochondral
attributed to effectiveness of PSGAG to inhibit acute fragments in 31 horses also reported on prognosis related
synovitis.24 Hyaluronan has also been used to treat per- to dorsal carpal bone lesions (using the same grading sys-
sistent joint effusion, and has recently been shown to tem), demonstrating that 53–54% of horses with grade 3
have long‐term chondroprotective effects.24 or grade 4 damage raced successfully.26 This study also
indicated that most horses with palmar carpal debris had
a reduced prognosis compared to earlier studies, where
Results of Surgery
horses with similar grades of dorsal carpal bone and carti-
Compared to arthrotomy, the benefits of arthroscopic lage loss, but without palmar debris, performed better.
surgery include increased diagnostic accuracy (and The results of surgery were also assessed in relation-
therefore more definitive treatment of the condition), ship to the location of the fracture.45 Only horses with a
less tissue damage and improved cosmetic appearance of single site involved (or the same site bilaterally) could be
the joint, more complete irrigation of the joint and elimi- included (187 Quarter Horses, 133 Thoroughbreds). The
nation of debris, decreased postoperative pain, ability distal aspect of the radial carpal bone had the poorest
to  operate multiple joints concurrently, and improved prognosis in Thoroughbreds, which was related to the
performance after surgery.42,45 Follow‐up information
­ amount of secondary cartilage damage commonly asso-
has shown that the overall functional ability and cos- ciated with these fragments. The worst prognosis in
metic appearance of the limbs is excellent. Quarter Horses was seen with fragments associated with
Postsurgical follow‐up information has been reported the proximal surface of the third carpal bone, followed
for 445 racehorses (Thoroughbreds and Quarter by the distal aspect of the radial carpal bone.45
Horses).45 After surgery, 303 (68.1%) raced at a level Healing of carpal chip fractures after lag screw stabili-
equal to or better than preinjury level, 49 (11.0%) had zation was satisfactory in 26 of 28 horses with available
decreased performance or still had problems referable to follow‐up data.67 Of the 28 horses, 23 (82%) returned to
the carpus, 23 (5.2%) were retired without returning to racing, with a mean convalescent time of 10 months; 19
training, 28 (6.3%) sustained another chip fracture, 32 of 28 horses (68%) raced at the same or better level of
(7.2%) developed other problems, and 10 (2.2%) sus- competition. Given that the majority of these repaired
tained collapsing slab fractures while racing. There are fractures would have been grade 4 defects after chip
no comparative data at the present time to support the removal, which has been associated with a 55% return to
supposition that operated horses are more prone to fur- racing, screw fixation appears to be a useful technique
ther chip fractures or more severe carpal injuries. for large fractures that would leave a significant articular
Comparing the results of arthroscopic surgery in our defect if removed. It should be recognized, however, that
series of cases with the results of arthrotomy is difficult the delay in return to racing will be longer than after chip
because of the variable methods used in the past to assess fracture removal.
success.43 Earlier reports considered return to competi- A retrospective study of 176 Standardbred horses that
tion or starting in one race as a success.36,68 Using these had arthroscopic surgery for carpal chip fracture removal
criteria, the success rate based on our 1987 report would has been published.38 Chip fragmentation of the proxi-
be 88.6% for Thoroughbreds and 88.8% for Quarter mal third carpal bone and the distal radial carpal bone
490 Part II  Specific Fractures

occurred with equal frequency (49.2% and 49.6%,

­respectively), and chip fractures involving the antebra-
chiocarpal joint were rare.38 Trotters had significantly
more third carpal bone lesions than radial carpal bone
lesions when compared to pacers. Following surgery,
74% of horses had at least one start. Pacers were signifi-
cantly more likely to have at least one start after surgery
than were trotters. However, median earnings per start
significantly decreased after surgery, while median
race  mark significantly increased after surgery. It was
­concluded that the majority of Standardbreds would be
useful racehorses following carpal arthroscopy; however,
most earn less money per start, and many race at a lower
class. There was no data on prognosis relative to location
of fragment or grade of lesion.
Analysis of the surgical findings in 178 Standardbred
horses having diagnostic arthroscopy of the middle car-
pal joint after confirmation of the site of lameness by
intraarticular anesthesia indicated a preponderance of Figure 27.10  Avulsion fragment associated with medial palmar
cartilage, ligamentous, and synovial membrane lesions.37 intercarpal ligament in middle carpal joint being treated for slab
fracture of a frontal slab fracture involving both radial and
Carpal osteochondral fragmentation was infrequent. Of intermediate facets of third carpal bone.
the 270 operated middle carpal joints in the 178 horses,
84 had cartilage erosion on the radial carpal bone and
154 had cartilage erosion of the third carpal bone. a­ vulsion fragments involving the ­distal attachment to
Additionally, 88 had tearing of the medial palmar inter- the third carpal bone are uncommon, but do occur.41
carpal ligament (PICL), while osteochondral fragmenta- Most of the time these fragments are recognized at
tion was identified on only 12 radial carpal and 35 third arthroscopy during repair of a frontal slab fracture of
carpal bones. This longitudinal study highlights the pre- the third carpal bone (most frequently involving both
ponderance of cartilage and soft tissue injuries compared radial and intermediate ­facets; Figure 27.10).
to chip fragmentation as a cause of middle carpal joint The LPICL runs from the distal palmar aspect of the
lameness in Standardbreds. ulnar and intermediate carpal bones to the palmar aspect
of the third and fourth carpal bones. The dorsal aspect of
the LPICL can be examined arthroscopically. Tears of
­Avulsion Fragments this ligament occur occasionally, but not nearly as com-
Associated with Palmar monly as those of the MPICL.42 Most injuries to the
Intercarpal Ligaments LPICL are avulsion fractures from the ulnar carpal bone
(Figure 27.11). In a study of 37 cases of lateral PICL avul-
sion in horses,5 these avulsion fragments of the LPICL
Introduction and Treatment involved a discrete fragment associated with the liga-
Both PICLs connect the proximal and distal row of car- mentous origin on the ulnar carpal bone. Avulsion frag-
pal bones, one medially (MPICL) and one laterally ments of the MPICL have only been diagnosed by
(LPICL). The MPICL runs from the radial carpal bone arthroscopic examination, compared to avulsion frac-
to the second and third carpal bones, and, although tures of the LPICL which were evident on radiographs,
described initially as a single entity,40 has since been were associated with forelimb lameness and clinical
recognized as consisting of two branches.53 A medial signs referable to the carpus, and were then confirmed
branch extends from the palmar aspect of the radial arthroscopically.5 Removal of  avulsion fractures of the
carpal bone to the palmar fossa of the second carpal LPICL is done using a ­dorsomedial arthroscope portal
bone, and a lateral branch with the same origin inserts and a dorsolateral instrument portal with the carpus
on the palmar synovial fossa of the third carpal bone. almost maximally flexed.5,42 For large avulsion frag-
The dorsal aspect of the MPICL can be evaluated ments, an instrument portal between the common and
arthroscopically, but the majority of the ligament is lateral digital extensors may be required. Dissection of
inaccessible. Visible frayed fibers of the MPICL are the fragment from the body of the ligament can be
trimmed using a synovial resector or biopsy rongeurs. accomplished using a curved banana blade or small flat‐
While injury to the substance of the MPICL is the ended periosteal elevator, and is followed by removal
most common problem encountered arthroscopically,40 with ethmoid or patella rongeurs (see Figure 27.11).
27  Fractures of the Carpus 491

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F) (G)

Figure 27.11  Lateral palmar intercarpal ligament avulsion fracture from the ulnar carpal bone. (A) Dorsolateral to palmaromedial oblique,
(B) dorsal 20° lateral‐palmar medial oblique, and (C) dorsopalmar projections show the varying appearances of the fracture (arrows),
depending on projection. Two fragments are visible in (A) and (C). (D) Arthroscopic images show the pair of fragments (1, 2) associated
with avulsion of the lateral palmar intercarpal ligament (LPICL). (E) Dissection of the fragments. (F) Removal of the fragments with
rongeurs. (G) Fracture bed after fragment removal showing residual intercarpal ligament insertion on the palmar medial corner and
palmar midline portion (arrows) of the ulnar carpal bone.

Avulsion fragments of the MPICL have been removed removed.15,34,42,66 In two case series, involving 10 and
on occasion. More commonly they are left in situ, as they 25 horses, it was clear that early diagnosis and removal
are a minor part of the total joint pathology associated of  solitary palmar carpal fragments improved the
with collapsing frontal slab fractures of the third carpal ­outcome.34,66 A larger series of 31 racehorses with multi-
bone that usually involve both radial and intermediate ple palmar carpal osteochondral fragments and debris
facets. Beinlich and Nixon5 reported on the outcome has been reported recently.26 These authors presented
after treatment of 37 horses with avulsion fragments of good evidence that debris fragments are typically the
the lateral PICL from the ulnar carpal bone; 26 had sur- result of extensive pathologic changes in the dorsal
gery and 9 were treated conservatively. For those treated aspect of the joint, and represent a poor prognostic indi-
with arthroscopic fragment removal, 20 of 22 horses cator for future athletic performance.26 It is therefore
(91%) for which follow‐up information was available critical to differentiate between the two types of palmar
returned to work. For the 9 horses treated conservatively, fragmentation, since the prognosis for palmar debris is
only 5 returned to work.5 Further, 12 horses having poor,26 while that following removal of solitary palmar
arthroscopic fragment removal had LPICL avulsion fragmentation is good.34
without concurrent osteochondral fragmentation in the
same or additional joints; follow‐up was available for 9 of
these horses, of which 8 returned to athletic work.
Small discrete osteochondral fragmentation can
involve any of the palmar surfaces of the carpal bones,
­Osteochondral Fragments with the radial carpal bone being most frequently
in the Palmar Aspect involved.34,42 In a recent description of discrete palmar
of the Carpal Joints carpal fracture in 25 horses, 17 (68%) had fragmenta-
tion involving the antebrachiocarpal joint, 7 (28%) had
fragmentation involving the middle carpal joint, and
Introduction 1 (4%) had ­fragmentation involving the carpometacar-
Discrete osteochondral fragments from the palmar pal joint.34 The proximal aspect of the radial carpal
aspects of the carpal bones have been recognized and bone  was the most commonly affected site (12 of
492 Part II  Specific Fractures

well as in the palmar aspect. Definitive diagnosis is made

by radiographic examination.

Arthroscopic removal of proximal palmar radial carpal
bone fragments can be done through a palmaromedial
approach to the antebrachiocarpal joint, which gives
access to the palmar perimeter of the radial carpal bone
and caudal aspect of the radius (Figure 27.13).14,34,42,66
The dorsal regions of the antebrachiocarpal joint are
usually examined first, and concurrent damage to
the  articular surface of the radius and proximal
radial  and  intermediate carpal bones is debrided.
The ­arthroscope portal is then made in the distended
palmaromedial outpouching of the antebrachiocarpal
joint.14 An instrument portal is developed adjacent to
the arthroscopic portal, and motorized equipment
used to remove synovial proliferation and provide bet-
ter visualization of the fragment.14,34 Discrete frag-
Figure 27.12  Radiographs of multiple palmar osteochondral ments are then removed with straight or upbiting
fragments (arrows), recognized following recovery from rongeurs. Palmar fractures that involve the proximal
anesthesia for colic surgery.
aspect of both radial and intermediate carpal bones
have also been described.34 Three‐dimensional imag-
30 fragments), f­ ollowed by the accessory carpal bone (6 ing with computed tomography (CT) provides consid-
of 30). The palmar surfaces of the ulnar and fourth car- erable help in determining the fracture origin site
pal bones were involved less frequently. Large partial and  the best approach for removal (Figure  27.14).
slab fractures of the palmarolateral surface of the inter- The  medial aspect of the proximal perimeter of the
mediate carpal bone also occur and are difficult to intermediate carpal bone can be visualized using a pal-
access for arthroscopic removal or reattachment.15,34,42 maromedial approach to the antebrachiocarpal joint.
In cases of single palmar fragmentation, they are extru- Synovial resection often  reveals fragments that have
sion or compression injuries often associated with detached from the i­ ntermediate carpal bone and local-
anesthetic recovery (Figure 27.12). All 10 cases reported ize in the radial fossa along the caudal perimeter of the
by Wilke et al.66 involved the palmaromedial aspect of distal radius (see Figure  27.14). Fragments in other
the radial carpal bone, and many developed due to locations are approached as described,14,34,42 followed
hyperflexion of the carpus during anesthetic recovery. by development of an adjacent instrument portal,
In the series of cases by Getman et  al.,26 only 7 of 31 ­synovial resection to develop a working space, and
cases were considered to be primary lesions involving identification and removal of the fragment.
the palmar aspect of the carpal bones; in 6 of these In the series described by Getman,26 palmar osteo-
horses the fragments were on the proximal aspect of chondral fragments were removed in only 13 of 31
the radial carpal bone and 1 was on the proximal aspect horses (41.9%). Horses with primary lesions on the dis-
of the third carpal bone. Other cases were considered todorsal aspect of the radial carpal bone or dorsal aspect
to have debris fragments in the palmar pouch second- of the third carpal bone (dorsal compartment) were
ary to more extensive fragmentation in the dorsal more likely to have multiple small palmar fragments
aspect of the joint. than one or two fragments.26 All horses with slab frac-
tures of the third carpal bone had multiple palmar debris
fragments, and all had a smaller grade of palmar frag-
Diagnosis ments. Horses with the largest dorsal lesions (i.e., grades
Clinical signs are referable to the carpal joints, and vary 2 and 3) were significantly more likely to have the small-
from acute swelling and progressive lameness with dis- est (grade 1) palmar fragments. Horses with primary
crete palmar fragmentation, to more insidious lameness lesions of only the proximal palmar aspect of the radial
and fibrosis in many instances, where fragmentation is carpal bone were significantly more likely to have one
present in the dorsal compartment of the carpal joint as palmar fragment than two or multiple fragments.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 493

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 27.13  Palmar fracture of the radial carpal bone in a horse six weeks following recovery from general anesthesia for colic surgery.
(A) Dorsomedial to palmarolateral oblique and (B) lateral to medial radiographs show a large solitary fracture of the palmar aspect of the
radial carpal bone. (C) At surgery the fracture is isolated from synovial attachments and split into two prior to removal. (D) Debrided
fracture bed and the distal medial aspect of the radius after fracture removal. Source: Images courtesy Dr. Alan J. Nixon.

Results evidence of OA, 8 (57%) returned to function after sur-

Results in 10 horses with palmar fracture of the radial gery. When separated by joint involved, 12 of 17 horses
carpal bone suggest that the simple fractures of the pal- (71%) with antebrachiocarpal joint fragments and 6 of 7
mar perimeter should be removed as soon as they are horses (86%) with middle carpal joint fragments returned
identified.66 Cases where the damage was confined to to their previous use.
only the area of the fragment and where the fragment In the series of 31 cases surgically treated by Getman
was removed soon after injury tended to have less OA et al.,26 multiple palmar fragments were diagnosed in 50%
and did better after arthroscopic surgery. In a follow‐up of the horses. Assessing data from all 31 horses indicated
study of 25 horses, 19 (76%) were sound after surgery and 52% returned to racing, 48% returned to racing and earned
returned to their intended use, 4 (16%) were considered money, and 32% had at least five or more starts. All horses
pasture sound, and 2 were euthanized (because of severe with multiple fragments had significantly less earnings
postoperative OA or long bone fracture during recovery per start, and lower performance index values after
from anesthesia).34 Of the 14 horses with preoperative ­surgery, than those with one fragment. Horses with palmar
494 Part II  Specific Fractures

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F)

(G) (H)

Figure 27.14  Palmar fractures of the radial and intermediate carpal bones. (A) Dorsopalmar and (B) lateromedial radiographs identify
fractures (arrows) in the palmar aspect of the antebrachiocarpal joint. (C) Preoperative computed tomography shows multiple fractures on
the palmar aspect of the radial carpal bone (white arrows), a fracture bed on the proximal aspect of the intermediate carpal bone (black
arrows), and the displaced large fragment off the intermediate carpal bone located in the radial fossa. (D) The surgical procedure starts
with exploration and debridement of the dorsal compartment of the antebrachiocarpal joint, which is then temporarily closed with towel
clamps, and followed by the palmar medial approach with arthroscope and instrument portals adjacent to each other. (E) Arthroscopic
appearance of cartilage erosion on the dorsal distal aspect of the radius. (F) Palmar fragments being elevated for removal from the radial
carpal bone, and (G,H) intermediate carpal bone. Source: Images courtesy Dr. Alan J. Nixon.

fragments less than 3 mm in diameter were significantly ­Carpal Slab Fractures
less likely to return to racing and have five starts or to win
money after surgery compared to horses with larger frag-
ments. The authors concluded the reason for horses with
multiple small fragments having a poorer prognosis was Slab fractures refer to fractures through an entire carpal
associated with these being secondary to more severe bone (the proximal joint surface to the distal joint sur-
damage in the ­dorsal compartment.26 On the other hand, face). They may occur in a frontal or a sagittal plane,
horses with one or two large palmar fragments usually and most commonly involve the third carpal bone. The
had these fragments as primary lesions, and these are the radial, intermediate, and fourth carpal bones are less
most appropriate cases for arthroscopic removal. frequently affected.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 495

Incidence and 17% affecting both carpi. The third carpal bone was
most frequently affected.
In a survey of 371 third carpal bone fractures in 313
horses,61 the distribution included 93 frontal plane slab
fractures of the radial facet, 35 large frontal plane slab Diagnosis
fractures involving both radial and intermediate facets,
The clinical signs vary from mild to severe non‐weight‐
13 frontal slab fractures of the intermediate facet, and 13
bearing lameness. Synovial effusion is consistently
medial corner fractures of the radial facet (considered
­present. A full series of radiographs, including a skyline
partial sagittal slab fractures by this author). Subdivision
view of the third carpal bone, is essential.
of third carpal slab fractures to types 1–8 has been
described,61 but anatomical divisions are better recog-
nized. Frontal slab fractures are commonly differentiated
into displaced or undisplaced, as this has been consid-
ered relevant to surgical management. It is also impor- For the purposes of discussion of repair, slab fractures of
tant to distinguish “routine” slab fractures from the carpus will be divided into the following categories:
“collapsing” slab fractures, where the radial carpal bone
1) Frontal slab fractures of the radial facet of the third
drops into the fracture gap and progressive collapse of
carpal bone
the carpus may be anticipated.19
2) Frontal slab fractures of the radial and intermediate
The radial facet is the most common location for fron-
facets of the third carpal bone
tal slab fractures of the third carpal bone, and is also the
3) Sagittal slab fractures of the third carpal bone
usual location for sagittal slab fractures. The high inci-
4) Combination frontal and sagittal plane fractures of
dence of fractures in the radial facet may be related to
the third carpal bone
the hinge‐like function of the middle carpal joint, which
5) Frontal fractures of other carpal bones
impacts the radial carpal bone onto the radial facet
6) Comminuted (collapsing slab fractures).
of  the third carpal bone during loading of the limb in
the close‐packed extended position.61 Additionally, the All carpal slab fractures in racehorses are considered to
medial location of the radial facet exposes it to larger be surgical candidates, given appropriate economics and
forces during exercise, while the intermediate facet is racing ability. Previous statements that undisplaced third
protected by expansion of the articulation between the carpal bone slab fractures do not require surgery need
third and fourth carpal bones when the intermediate qualification.46 Healing may occur in some cases, but
carpal bone is loaded against the distal row of carpal progressive osteoporosis of the slab fragment and devel-
bones.8,9 In another report, frontal slab fractures of the opment of OA are seen more commonly. In one report,
third carpal bone were reported in 72 Thoroughbreds where undisplaced was defined as a fracture line of less
and 61 Standardbreds, and 87% of these involved the than 1 mm in width, 12 Standardbreds were treated with
radial facet.62 The forelimbs were equally affected in rest and 10 eventually raced; 8 of the 10 raced well.62
Standardbreds (35 right, 38 left); however, the right However, in the author’s experience, undisplaced frac-
third carpal bone predominated in Thoroughbreds tures with a fracture line of less than 1 mm are uncom-
(48 right, 34 left). In a survey of the author’s cases, both mon. One report concluded that even incomplete frontal
Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses showed a prepon- plane fractures in the radial facet of the third carpal bone
derance of slab fractures in the right third carpal bone should be repaired by lag screw fixation.59 Radiographic
(70% and 67.7%, respectively), and this would be con- healing of the fracture was complete by four months in
sistent with more severe loading of the medial side of 11 of 16 (69%) of the fractures, and 11 of 13 (85%) of the
the right carpal joint. In a fourth series of frontal frac- affected horses raced again.59 Horses with minimally dis-
tures of the third carpal bone, the right forelimb was placed slab fractures are excellent candidates for surgery.
affected in 24 of 31 Thoroughbred horses (77.4%).39 The Frontal slab fractures with some displacement are defi-
fractures typically occurred at high speed (racing or nite candidates for surgery, although the outcome is
training) and among these 31 horses, intraarticular more variable. Whether the horse can return to athletic
corticosteroids had previously been administered in
­ activity is related to the amount of associated articular
20 (64.5%).39 Finally, in a study of catastrophic muscu- damage, which influences the extent of OA that devel-
loskeletal injuries in 314 racing Quarter Horses, the ops. When fractures involve both facets, surgery is essen-
­carpus was fractured in 24% of cases, second only to tial for restabilization of the fracture.
fractures of the fetlock region, the latter representing In this author’s opinion, sagittal slab fractures should
40% of the overall catastrophic fractures.60 The right also be repaired by lag screw fixation, and this has now
carpus was predominantly affected (67% of the carpal been confirmed by others.33 While sagittal slabs require
breakdowns), compared to 17% involving the left carpus a ­skyline radiograph for demonstration, arthroscopic
496 Part II  Specific Fractures

examination has shown that these slab fractures are

mobile. Conservative management of a series of 12 of CD ECR
these fractures resulted in return of function in 7.18 The
author has treated cases that had not healed with con-
servative therapy, but later were successfully treated with
lag screw fixation. A case report describes a filly with a
sagittal slab fracture of the medial aspect of the third car- 3
pal bone treated conservatively with four months’ rest.25
Follow‐up radiographs revealed that OA developed in 2
the middle carpal joint, and when an attempt was made
to train the filly a chip developed in the antebrachiocar-
pal joint, ending in retirement from racing. More
recently, surgical and nonsurgical management of sagit-
tal slab fractures of the third carpal bone in 32 racehorses
has been reported, and horses treated surgically were
more likely to race after treatment than horses treated
U 1 R
without surgery.33

Figure 27.15  Diagram demonstrating position of arthroscope
Frontal Slab Fracture of Radial Facet and placement of needles during fixation of a frontal plane slab
of the Third Carpal Bone fracture in the third carpal bone under arthroscopic visualization.
CD, common digital extensor tendon; ECR, extensor carpi radialis
Surgical repair in all cases uses arthroscopic technique as tendon; 2,3,4, second, third, and fourth carpal bones; U,I,R, ulnar,
described by Richardson,57 with some modifications.42 intermediate, and radial carpal bones. Source: McIlwraith et al.
Surgery is performed with the horse in dorsal recumbency. 2015.42 Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.
A lateral arthroscopic portal and a medial instrument por-
tal are used, and a diagnostic examination of the joint is
performed. The slab fracture is visualized, the fracture line of at least 2 mm for countersinking and 2 mm for fracture
debrided with a curette, and the fracture site and joint irri- compression is recommended. The 4.5 mm screw is then
gated. The carpus is then placed in maximal flexion. placed to compress the fracture (Figure 27.16). The use
Under arthroscopic visualization, two 18‐gauge needles of one or two 3.5 mm screws has been described.57
are placed into the middle carpal joint medial and lateral Although there are advantages to the 3.5 mm screw,
to the fracture slab and adjacent and parallel to the third including ­limited need to countersink and less promi-
carpal bone. A spinal needle is then placed midway nence of the screw head, the larger, stronger 4.5 mm
between these two needles, close and parallel to the proxi- screw is preferred, except for smaller slabs (Figure 27.17).
mal articular surface of the third carpal bone, and directed Further radiographs are obtained to verify screw length
across the midpoint of the fracture as close to 90° as pos- and direction. After screw fixation, the arthroscope is
sible (Figure 27.15). Another needle is placed in the carpo- reintroduced to the joint to visualize the fracture reduc-
metacarpal joint and a flexed lateral radiograph is obtained. tion and to remove any additional debris. Sutures are
The needle placement as visualized in the joint determines placed only in the skin incisions.
the lateromedial site of screw placement (halfway along If stability of the carpus will not be compromised,
the slab). The needle placement on the radiograph dictates removal of the slab fragment is considered when the
the direction to ensure that it is approximately midway fragment is thin, the fracture is comminuted, or there is
proximodistal and parallel with the third carpal bone. A a large wedge of fractured bone at the fracture site.
stab incision is made with a #10 scalpel blade and a 4.5 mm Removal of the slab fragment may be accomplished by
glide hole is drilled through to the fracture line. A 3.2 mm arthrotomy or arthroscopy. The arthroscopic technique
drill sleeve is inserted and a 3.2 mm hole is drilled into the is quite difficult, involving sharp dissection. A curved
parent third carpal bone. The 3.2 mm drill bit should go blade is necessary to sever the most distal attachments.
close to but not exit the palmar cortex of the third carpal Removal is most easily achieved with an arthrotomy
bone. Drill exit is not damaging, provided that it does not medial to the extensor carpi radialis tendon. Sharp dis-
extend into the palmar carpal ligament, but may deposit section is required to sever the joint capsule attachments
drill swath debris into the palmar joint pouch. The depth to the third carpal bone fracture.
of the hole is measured, tapped, and a screw of appropriate The use of a cannulated Herbert screw has been
length selected. Since this is often a blind hole, subtraction described for compression of experimentally created
27  Fractures of the Carpus 497

fracture fragment compression compared with screws

appropriately placed in lag fashion, the probable difficulty
of removing the screw if required for implant‐related com-
plications, and the necessity of learning a new technique
for inserting the screw type in the dense bone of horses.29

Frontal Slab Fractures of Intermediate

Facet of Third Carpal Bone
These fractures are less frequent, but when encountered
are treated using arthroscopic technique. The technique
is the same as described for radial facet fractures, except
that the arthroscope is placed in the medial portal and
the instruments through the lateral arthroscopic portal.
Care is also needed to avoid damage to the extensor carpi
radialis tendon and its sheath during incision and inser-
tion of drills and guides. A 3.5 mm screw is favored for
these fractures.41

Frontal Slab Fractures of Radial

Figure 27.16  Lag screw fixation of frontal slab fracture involving and Intermediate Facets of Third Carpal
radial facet of third carpal bone.
These frontal fractures involve both the radial and inter-
third carpal bone slab fractures (osteotomies),48 and mediate facets of the third carpal bone (Figure 27.18). If
more recently the use of the Acutrak 2™ (AT) screw these fractures are not comminuted and do not involve a
(Acumed, Beaverton, OR, USA) has been reported for collapsing component, they may be repaired similarly to
treating frontal slab fractures of the third carpal bone in radial facet slab fractures.42 The arthroscope is placed
horses.29 Like the Herbert screw, the AT screw is cannu- through the lateral portal and the fracture debrided. The
lated, which facilitates accurate placement over a guide fracture is reduced using carpal flexion. The needles are
pin and helps maintain adequate fracture reduction placed in the same fashion as previously described, but
­during drilling, and screw insertion. The AT screw is a two 4.5 mm screws are placed (one through each facet) to
titanium alloy, cannulated, headless, variable‐pitch, self‐ provide sufficient stabilization (Figure 27.19). In general,
tapping, taper compression screw. In an in vitro study10 these slab fractures occur in a more palmar position than
using simulated third carpal bone slab fractures repaired radial facet slab fractures.
with either 4.5 mm AO cortical or 4.5 mm AT compres-
sion screws, insertion variables such as drilling torque, Sagittal Fractures of Third Carpal Bone
tapping (AO) versus screw insertion (AT) torque, and Partial slab fractures that enter into the junction between
maximum screw torque were found to be comparable the second and third carpal bones are removed using
between screw types. The mechanical shear testing arthroscopic technique. When the sagittal fracture line
­variables recorded for yield and failure were also com- parallels the second–third carpal articulation, lag screw
parable; however, the AO‐repaired constructs had fixation is performed using an oblique 3.5 mm cortical
­significantly greater initial shear stiffness. bone screw. The fracture is defined preoperatively using
Fixation of third carpal bone frontal plane slab fractures a skyline radiograph (Figure 27.20).50 The fracture line
with the AT screw system was reported in 17 racing should be seen to traverse the third carpal bone from
Thoroughbreds.29 Of 15 horses that raced before injury, the proximal to the distal articular surface on a dorso-
12 returned to racing. Average days to first start was medial‐palmarolateral radiographic projection, to con-
349.3 ± 153.9 days. Horses that returned to racing had firm it as a sagittal slab fracture and avoid confusion
more starts after repair (median 6.5 versus 3.5; p = 0.04), with other sagittal plane injuries of the third carpal
and did not have decreased earnings per start (median bone, including subchondral lucencies, corner fractures,
$2432 versus $3061; p = 0.3). The cannulated screw was and comminuted fractures.33 The arthroscope is placed
accurate to place, prevented the need for countersinking, through the lateral portal and the fracture line visual-
decreased the possibility of fragment splitting, and elimi- ized and ­manipulated so that any loose cartilage and
nated screw head impingement on dorsal soft tissue while bone debris is removed (Figure 27.20). A single needle is
achieving stable fixation. Possible disadvantages of the placed from the medial side to define the junction of
AT  screw system were cited as less potential for initial second and third carpal bones and allow exact positioning
498 Part II  Specific Fractures

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Figure 27.17  (A, B) Preoperative radiographs of third carpal frontal slab fracture repaired with 3.5 mm screw. Arthroscopic views
(C) before and (D) after lag screw fixation. (E) Postoperative radiograph.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 499

(A) (B)

(D) (E)

Figure 27.18  (A–D) Radiographs of collapsing frontal slab fracture involving both facets of third carpal bone. (E) Radiograph taken under
anesthesia prior to fixation.

of the cortical bone screw. As a generalization, the Combination Frontal and Sagittal

screw is placed immediately alongside the junction of Fractures of the Third Carpal Bone
the second and third carpal bones at the dorsal face, to Concurrent frontal and sagittal plane fractures of the
provide maximum compression along the fracture line third carpal bone occur predominantly in racehorses.
without incorporating the second–third carpal bone Most combination or complex fractures of the third
articulation in the compression fixation. A stab incision ­carpal bone do not result in collapse of the carpus, unless
is made to allow identification of the second and third the frontal plane fracture is substantially d ­isplaced.
carpal bone junctions, and a 3.5 mm drill guide placed Diagnosis usually hinges on identifying a fracture in both
equidistant between the proximal and distal borders of the lateromedial and dorsomedial to  palmarolateral
the third ­carpal bone. The drill direction angles in as oblique radiographic projections. Skyline radiographs of
near a frontal plane as possible. Intraoperative moni- the distal row are vital in further identifying the combina-
toring of placement of the screw is difficult and careful tion fracture (Figure 27.21). Sequential repair of the two
arthroscopic assessment of the direction of the screw is fracture planes can return these horses to athletic activity,
critical for compression (Figure 27.20). Following fixa- provided that the articular surface of the third carpal bone
tion of the fracture, the joint is lavaged and the skin is relatively intact without additional comminution.
portals closed. Arthroscopic examination identifies the two fracture
500 Part II  Specific Fractures

planes, and allows debridement of any cartilage and bony c­ ortical screw. The placement and direction of the 3.5 mm
debris from the frontal plane fracture. The carpus is flexed screw allow the screw shaft to traverse the third carpal
and the frontal plane fracture reduced and s­ tabilized with bone proximal to the screws in the frontal plane fracture
one or two 3.5 or 4.5 mm cortical screws placed in lag (see Figure 27.21). If the 3.5 mm screw path cannot avoid
fashion as previously described. The sagittal fracture the screws stabilizing the frontal plane fracture, a shorter
remains relatively nondisplaced and is addressed after lag 3.5 mm cortical screw can suffice. Depending on the frac-
screw repair of the frontal plane fracture. Repair  of the ture stabilization, horses are recovered either in a band-
sagittal fracture is accomplished with a single 3.5 mm age, or a bandage sleeve cast with the fetlock free to flex.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 27.19  Lag screw fixation of collapsing frontal slab fracture involving both facets of third carpal bone. (A) With carpal flexion during
surgery showing displaced fractured portion requiring further reduction distally. (B) Fracture reduced and needles placed; (C) skyline view
of spinal needle centrally; (D) 3.2 mm drill guide placed through glide hole; (E) skyline radiograph after placement of two 4.5 mm cortical
screws in lag fashion. Because of comminution and a gap on the medial side, the screws were placed in the central portion and the lateral
portion of the fracture. (F) Arthroscopic view looking down medial portion of fracture to carpometacarpal joint after debridement. (G)
Lateral portion of fracture in intermediate facet of third carpal bone. (H) Medial portion of fracture after reduction and fixation with loss of
bone due to fragmentation in the proximal aspect creating defect. (I) Arthroscopic view of portion of fracture in intermediate facet after
reduction. (J) Intraoperative radiograph showing fixation of slab fracture.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 501

(E) (F)

(G) (H)

(I) (J)

Figure 27.19  (Continued)

502 Part II  Specific Fractures

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Figure 27.20  (A) Preoperative skyline radiographic view of sagittal slab fracture of third carpal bone. Arthroscopic views of fracture,
(B) before debridement, (C) with spinal needle placed across center of fracture, and (D) after screw fixation. (E) Postoperative radiograph
showing accurate screw placement with screw head adjacent to second–third carpal bone junction.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 503

(A) (B)


Figure 27.21  Complex third carpal fracture repair. (A) Preoperative dorsoproximal to dorsodistal skyline radiograph indicates a frontal
(arrowheads) and sagittal plane fracture (arrow) of the third carpal bone. (B) Postoperative skyline and (C) dorsopalmar radiographs show the
fracture repair using two 3.5 mm cortical screws applied in lag fashion to stabilize the frontal plane fracture, and a single 3.5 mm cortical
screw to compress the sagittal plane fracture. The screw inserted to stabilize the sagittal plane fracture is placed immediately proximal to the
two screws in the frontal plane fracture. Source: Images courtesy Dr. Alan Nixon.

Sagittal Slab Fractures of Other Carpal arthrotomy was used. Sagittal fractures may also occur
Bones along with comminuted fractures and/or carpometacar-
Sagittal slab fractures may also occur in the intermediate, pal luxation. In these instances, the fourth carpal ­fracture
radial, ulna, and fourth carpal bones. These fractures is not always specifically addressed.
have generally broken into the adjacent intercarpal artic-
ulation and have been treated by removal of the fragment Frontal Slab Fractures of Other Carpal
using arthroscopic technique.45 Surgical treatment of Bones
sagittal slab fractures of the fourth carpal bone has been Frontal slab fractures in locations other than the third
described.3 The results of surgery in these cases were carpal bone are uncommon. When they occur, they
poor, but presentation of the patients was delayed and ­usually involve the radial carpal bone. These fractures
504 Part II  Specific Fractures

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 27.22  (A, B) Preoperative radiographs and (C) computed tomography of a two‐year‐old racehorse with a palmar fracture (arrows)
of the radial carpal bone. Measurements show anticipated screw length. (D) Arthroscopic view shows the fracture fragment being
aligned and a needle (in left of image) used to plan the lag screw repair. C2, second carpal bone; Crad, radial carpal bone; Fx, fracture
fragment. (E) Postoperative radiographs show the repair using several 3.5 mm cortical screws applied in lag fashion. Source: Images
courtesy Dr. Alan Nixon.

are generally undisplaced or relatively undisplaced, and line. Needles are placed in both joints, a smooth elevator
can be treated conveniently with lag screw fixation using or obturator is used to lever the fractured slab into posi-
arthroscopic technique.42 Both the midcarpal and ante- tion, and one or several 4.5 mm cortical bone screw
brachiocarpal joints are examined arthroscopically using placed in lag fashion using the same techniques as
a lateral portal to assess the amount of joint damage, described for radial facet fractures of the third carpal
remove debris, and ascertain the position of the fracture bone. More palmar variations of frontal slab fracture of
27  Fractures of the Carpus 505

(E) the radial carpal bone can also occur. There is less bone
for the threaded portion of the lag screw and accurate
placement into the palmar portion of the radial carpal
bone is critical. Very thin palmar slab fractures of
the radial carpal bone can be repaired using 3.5 mm cor-
tical screws placed in a palmar to dorsal orientation
(Figure  27.22). Arthroscopic assessment and visualiza-
tion during screw insertion are accomplished using a
palmaromedial approach.14,42
Frontal slab fractures of the intermediate and fourth
carpal bones have also been described and treated
with  arthrotomy. The results were unsatisfactory.3
Arthroscopically assisted lag screw repair of an interme-
diate carpal bone large palmar frontal fracture allowed
good fracture reduction and stabilization (Figure 27.23).
Similarly, smaller frontal plane partial slab fractures of
the intermediate carpal bone can be reduced under
arthroscopic visualization and repaired using several
3.5 mm cortical screws (Figure 27.24). Preoperative CT
is useful in defining the fracture plane and developing
the plan for lag screw fixation.
Figure 27.22  (Continued)

(A) (B)

Figure 27.23  (A) Preoperative radiographs showing a large palmar slab fracture of the intermediate carpal bone associated with recovery
from general anesthesia. Screw length and trajectory are planned on the preoperative lateromedial radiographs. (B) Postoperative
radiograph showing fracture stabilization using partially threaded 6.5 mm cancellous screws. Source: Images courtesy Dr. Alan Nixon.
506 Part II  Specific Fractures

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 27.24  (A) Preoperative radiographs and (B) computed tomography showing multiple frontal plane fractures of the intermediate
carpal bone in a Thoroughbred racehorse. (C) Arthroscopic visualization and fracture line debridement are followed by reduction and
stabilization (D) using a curved hemostat to maintain positioning during insertion of 3.5 mm cortical screws in lag fashion. (E, F) Postoperative
radiographs show reduction of both fracture planes. Source: Images courtesy Dr. Alan Nixon.

Comminuted Collapsing Fractures lameness, and frequently palpable instability. The most
The primary indication for surgery in comminuted common radiographic manifestations are an unusually
fractures is to reconstruct bones that have lost their
­ large third carpal slab fracture with collapse of the proxi-
weight‐bearing ability and developed axial instability and mal row of carpal bones into the distal row, or slab fracture
anatomic deformity of the joint. Indicators of instability of multiple bones (Figure  27.25). Carpometacarpal luxa-
include valgus, varus, or palmar deformation, with severe tions (usually with proximal splint fractures and c­arpal
27  Fractures of the Carpus 507

(E) (F)

Figure 27.24  (Continued)

fractures) are another cause of carpal destabilization. carpal instability has been reported.12 The filly was main-
Treatment is undertaken for salvage; return to a­thletic tained in a full limb cast for 15 days, followed by a tube
activity is not expected in these cases. cast for 14 days, and subsequently a full limb bandage
When there are comminuted fractures of the third car- with a caudal splint for 21 days. This resulted in a pas-
pal bone and/or additional fractures causing collapse of ture‐sound filly six months after surgery. For additional
the distal row of carpal bones with instability, arthrode- information on carpal arthrodesis, see Chapter 28.
sis is needed. Partial carpal arthrodesis leaving the ante-
brachiocarpal joint functional is the best option, if there
is confidence that there is no disease in the antebrachio-
Postoperative Care and Results
carpal joint and/or no instability. Figure 27.25 illustrates Slab fractures treated with arthroscopy are recovered
a case where partial arthrodesis using locking compres- from anesthesia in a padded bandage and treated as for
sion plates (LCPs) was performed. A partial carpal other arthroscopic surgeries. External support such as a
arthrodesis to repair an unstable comminuted carpal sleeve cast is used only when there has been significant
fracture had been previously described by Auer et  al.2 instability within the carpus. When the repair is more
The use of the LCP system offers improved stability. The extensive, the use of perioperative antibiotics (broad
use of partial carpal arthrodesis to preserve antebrachio- spectrum) is also appropriate. All patients receive non-
carpal joint mobility has also been described for repair of steroidal anti‐inflammatory agents in the immediate
a comminuted fourth carpal bone fracture associated perioperative period.
with carpal instability in an Arabian filly.65 This particu- Most horses with lag screw fixation of slab fractures
lar repair was also facilitated with CT d­ ocumentation. T undergo similar exercise and physical therapy protocols
plates or dynamic compression plates (DCPs) have been as osteochondral chip fragments. Initiation of walking
used in the past, with LCPs now ­offering advantages in exercise depends on the extent of the fracture and confi-
stability. dence in the repair, but often commences four to six
Pancarpal arthrodesis is indicated when there are frac- weeks after surgery. In the case of a collapsed or com-
tures and instability involving both proximal and distal minuted fracture, a cast is usually maintained on the
row of carpal bones. This technique has been described limb for four to six weeks (Figure 27.26).
using two broad DCP plates.6 More recently, the use of There have been two reports with follow‐up data for the
pancarpal arthrodesis using two LCPs for treatment of a treatment of routine third carpal bone slab fractures.33,52
comminuted ulnar carpal bone fracture associated with In one report the race records were obtained for 72
508 Part II  Specific Fractures

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 27.25  (A–C) Preoperative radiographs of comminuted fractures of distal row of carpal bones, and (D, E) postoperative view
after partial carpal arthrodesis using two broad locking compression plates. Preoperative views were taken on the surgery table
for improved clarity.

Thoroughbreds and 61 Standardbreds.62 However, these Standardbreds, all 38 horses who had raced before the
did not generally involve arthroscopic surgery and care fracture were able to race again. Prior racing starts were
should be taken in extrapolating results. Factors in addi- not related to treatment outcome in Thoroughbreds.
tion to the fracture characteristics or the treatment choice Convalescent time was not correlated with any variable
affected outcome.62 Females of both breeds were less (including treatment) or related to ­outcome. The percent-
likely to race after injury than males (46% versus 90%). In age of Standardbreds racing (77%) was significantly higher
27  Fractures of the Carpus 509


Figure 27.25  (Continued)

than for Thoroughbreds (65%). Fracture characteristics

were an important determinant of outcome. None of
the  Thoroughbreds treated by screw fixation with frag-
ment thickness >9 mm raced well. None of the four Figure 27.26  Use of a sleeve cast for postoperative management
Thoroughbreds with fragment thickness >7 mm raced of partial arthrodesis.
after fragment removal. Horses of both breeds treated by
fragment removal performed similarly to horses treated
by screw fixation, despite increased associated damage horses that did not race after recovery had significantly
and fracture displacement. Based on their findings, the larger fractures.39
authors felt that the optimal range of fragment thickness In the initial description of arthroscopic repair of third
for removal was <8 mm for Thoroughbreds and <14 mm carpal bone slab fractures in horses by Richardson,57
for Standardbreds.62 17  horses had follow‐up of six months or longer. Of
In another study of 31 Thoroughbred racehorses these, 10 returned to race successfully. One other horse
­surgically treated for frontal slab fractures of the third was reported to be training soundly and two trained well,
carpal bone, 21 (67.7%) raced at least once after recov- but were retired because of other injuries. One horse was
ery from surgery.39 The mean convalescent time was unable to return to training because of an injury that had
9.5 months. Claiming value declined from a mean of occurred simultaneously with the slab fracture. Two
$13 900 to a mean of $6500 (n = 11; P < 0.05), based on horses did not recover well enough to train or race, and
two races before injury and on four races after recov- one horse was lost to follow‐up. Except for the horses
ery. The mean finish position was 5.8 ± 3.16 before requiring two screws for repair, the cosmetic appearance
injury and 5.8 ± 3.30 after recovery (n = 11). The authors of each carpus was reported to be good, with only a small
noted the more serious nature of carpal slab fractures swelling over the screw.57
(compared to osteochondral chip fractures) in that (i) Comminuted fractures can be salvaged if stability can
only 67.7% of the horses raced again compared to 86.0% be gained with internal fixation and postoperative com-
of Thoroughbreds with carpal chip fragments;45 and plications can be avoided. Pancarpal arthrodesis has
(ii) the performance level decreased by 50% as judged complications similar to fracture fixation of any long
by claiming value, whereas 65.9% of Thoroughbreds bone. Additionally, the author has had one horse with
with osteochondral chip fractures raced at or better pancarpal arthrodesis later fracture above the plates
than their previous performance level.45 Additionally, while galloping in pasture.
510 Part II  Specific Fractures

­Accessory Carpal Bone the biomechanical forces associated with the ligamentous
Fractures attachments, together with normal movement of the
accessory carpal bone during carpal flexion, are involved.
Fractures of the accessory carpal bone are not common
when compared to other carpal bone fractures.1 The lim- Diagnosis
ited reports available, however, suggest that these fractures
occur most commonly in horses that race over fences, and Lameness associated with a fracture of the accessory car-
therefore are more frequently seen in the UK. A significant pal bone is usually acute in onset. There is often some
number are also seen in event horses.16 Vertical (frontal) swelling on the palmar aspect of the carpus and the horse
fractures occurring through the mid‐portion of the bone resents partial flexion. Diagnosis is by radiography. The
are the most common configuration, and may be single or lateromedial view will demonstrate most fractures, but a
slightly comminuted (Figure 27.27). Horizontally oriented full series should be taken to exclude other concurrent
fractures are much less common.13 In a series of 19 acces- problems. Dorsoproximal chip fragments of the acces-
sory carpal bone fractures reported by Barr et al.,4 17 were sory carpal bone may occur along with vertical fractures
vertical with 13 of these being comminuted, 1 was an avul- (Figure 27.28). Computed tomography may also be use-
sion fracture from the palmar or distal border of the bone, ful in comminuted fractures, where surgical removal of
and 1 was a comminuted fracture at the dorsal articular some or all of the fragments is contemplated.7
surface of the bone. The author has also seen small chip
fragments off the dorsoproximal aspect of the accessory
carpal bone which are located in the palmar pouch of the
antebrachiocarpal joint. Chip fractures on the dorsoproximal or palmarodistal
Theories to explain the pathogenesis of vertical frac- aspect of the accessory carpal bone have been reported
tures in the accessory carpal bone include the bowstring to respond well to either conservative treatment or sur-
effect of the ulnaris lateralis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and digi- gical removal, with return to full athletic function.16
tal flexors on the accessory carpal bone when the horse Removal of some dorsoproximal fragments that involve
lands on a partially flexed leg, and also the accessory car- the antebrachiocarpal joint using arthroscopic technique
pal bone being caught in a “nutcracker” between the third is appropriate.42 Distal avulsion fragments are generally
metacarpus and the radius.55 It is logical to assume that treated conservatively. The author also recommends a

(A) (B)

Figure 27.27  (A) Radiographs of a minimally displaced vertical fracture of the accessory carpal bone in a three‐year‐old Thoroughbred. (B) The
fracture line distracts only along the proximal aspect during flexion. The horse went on to race. Source: Images courtesy Dr. Alan Nixon.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 511

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 27.28  (A) Radiograph of a four‐year‐old‐Thoroughbred with a comminuted fracture of the accessory carpal bone of three months’
duration. A vertical nonarticular fracture (arrowheads) is developing a fibrous union, and a dorsoproximal fracture has separated in the
palmar pouch of the antebrachiocarpal joint (arrow). (B) Postoperative radiograph shows that the intraarticular fracture has been removed
to minimize the degenerative joint disease, and (C, D) tenoscopic images from the severely distended carpal sheath show that the
accessory carpal bone has excoriated the lateral edge of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), resulting in chronic inflammation, adhesion
formation, and synovial hypertrophy. The tendon was debrided, the carpal canal opened by retinacular release, and the intruding fracture
edge smoothed. Source: Images courtesy Dr. Alan Nixon.
512 Part II  Specific Fractures

conservative approach to the treatment of vertical and Surgery

horizontal fractures. In the series of 19 accessory carpal
bone fractures described by Barr, all cases were treated The only cases of accessory carpal bone fracture that the
conservatively and, of the 11 cases followed up, all author considers appropriate for surgical treatment are
became sound and 6 returned to competition.4 In 6 cases avulsion chip fragments off the proximodorsal aspect of
radiographed between six months and three years after the accessory carpal bone. These cases are operated
the fracture occurred, none showed evidence of bony arthroscopically, with the horse in dorsal recum-
union. The usual outcome is a fibrous union, but clinical bency.14,42 Distention of the antebrachiocarpal joint
soundness will commonly result. There has been a results in visible distention of the palmar pouch, and the
report of a bony union in a horizontal fracture.13 arthroscope is inserted in the central portion of the
Although carpal canal syndrome has been reported as a pouch. If fragments can be recognized by visualization
common sequela to accessory carpal bone fracture,55 it and manipulation, they are removed (see Figure 27.28).
occurs relatively infrequently in the author’s experience. In some instances, avulsion fragments will be buried
If it does exist, it can be treated with a retinaculectomy. within soft tissue under the synovial membrane, and
More commonly, displaced frontal plane fractures of their removal is either difficult or impossible. Removal of
the  accessory carpal bone can result in trauma to the proliferative synovial tissue often exposes the fracture
carpal sheath and contained digital flexor tendons (see fragment and allows retrieval using a rongeur. A case
Figure  27.28).47 In a recent description of nine frontal report also describes arthroscopically assisted arthrot-
plane fractures, eight communicated with the carpal omy to remove multiple comminuted fragments along
sheath, resulting in carpal tenosynovitis.47 Treatment the dorsal articulation of the accessory carpal bone with
consisted of removal of the torn deep digital flexor ten- the radius and ulnar carpal bone.7 OA was prevented,
don tissue and the intruding fracture fragments and and the horse was sound for its intended purpose.
sharp edges. Various surgical treatments have been
advocated for frontal plane fractures, including lag
screw fixation, bone grafting, and removal.17,58 Anecdotal
Postoperative Care
experience suggests that the majority of these cases end For conservative management of accessory carpal bone
up with a fibrous union. The use of ulnar neurectomy fractures, the horse is simply confined to a stall. Although
has been described, but there is no data to support that maintaining the horse in a standing position and the
it changes the overall success rate compared to conserv- use of external splinting has been described, the author
ative healing. Bony union is not necessary for return to would limit the treatment to support bandaging and
full athletic activity.16 confinement.

1 Adams, O.R. (1974). Lameness in Horses, 3e. 7 Bonilla, A.G. and Santschi, E.M. (2015). Comminuted
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. fracture of the accessory carpal bone removed via an
2 Auer, J.A., Taylor, J.R., Watkins, J.P. et al. (1990). Partial arthroscopic‐assisted arthrotomy. Can. Vet. J.
carpal arthrodesis in the horse. VCOT 3: 51–60. 56: 157–161.
3 Auer, J.A., Watkins, J.P., White, N.A. et al. (1986). Slab 8 Bramlage, L.R. (1983). Surgical diseases of the carpus.
fractures of the fourth and intermediate carpal bones in Vet. Clin. North Am. Large Anim. Pract. 5: 261–274.
five horses. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 188: 595–601. 9 Bramlage, L.R. (1988). A clinical perspective of lameness
4 Barr, A.R., Sinnott, J.A., and Denny, H.R. (1990). originating in the carpus. Equine Vet. J.(Suppl 6): 12–18.
Fractures of the accessory carpal bone in the horse. 10 Bueno, A.C., Galuppo, L.D., Taylor, K.T. et al. (2003).
Vet. Rec. 126: 432–434. A biomechanical comparison of headless tapered
5 Beinlich, C.P. and Nixon, A.J. (2005). Prevalence and variable pitch and AO cortical bone screws for fixation
response to surgical treatment of lateral palmar of a simulated slab fracture in equine third carpal
intercarpal ligament avulsion in horses: 37 cases bones. Vet. Surg. 32: 167–177.
(1990–2001). J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 5: 760–766. 11 Carrier, T.K., Estberg, L., Stover, S.M. et al. (1998).
6 Bertone, A.L., Schneider, H.L., Turner, A.S., and Association between long periods without high‐speed
Shoemaker, R.S. (1989). Pancarpal arthrodesis for workouts and risk of complete humeral or pelvic fracture
treatment of carpal collapse in the adult horse. A report in Thoroughbred racehorses: 54 cases (1991–1994).
of two cases. Vet. Surg. 18: 353–359. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 212: 1582–1587.
27  Fractures of the Carpus 513

12 Carpenter, R.S., Goodrich, L.R., Baxter, G.M. et al. 27 Gustafson, S.B., McIlwraith, C.W., and Jones, R.L.
(2008). Locking compression plates for pancarpal (1989). Comparison of the effect of polysulfated
arthrodesis in a Thoroughbred filly. Vet. Surg. glycosaminoglycans, corticosteroids and sodium
37: 508–514. hyaluronate in the potentiation of a subinfective dose of
13 Carson, D.M. (1990). The osseous repair of a horizontal Staphylococcus aureus in the midcarpal joint of horses.
fracture of the accessory carpal bone in a Am. J. Vet. Res. 50: 2014–2017.
Thoroughbred racehorse. Equine Vet. Educ. 2: 173–176. 28 Haussler, K.K. and King, M.R. (2015). Physical
14 Cheetham, J. and Nixon, A.J. (2006). Arthroscopic rehabilitation. In: Joint Disease in the Horse, 2e (ed.
approaches to the palmar aspect of the equine carpus. C.W. McIlwraith, D.D. Frisbie, C. Kawcak and R. van
Vet. Surg. 35: 227–231. Weeren), 243–269. Mosby/Elsevier.
15 Dabareiner, R.M., Sullins, K.E., and Bradley, W. (1993). 29 Hirsch, J.E., Galuppo, L.D., Graham, L.E. et al. (2007).
Removal of a fracture fragment from the palmar aspect Clinical evaluation of a titanium, headless variable‐
of the intermediate carpal bone in a horse. J. Am. Vet. pitch tapered cannulated compression screw for repair
Med. Assoc. 203: 553–554. of frontal plane slab fractures of the third carpal bone
16 Dyson, S.J. (1990). Fractures of the accessory carpal in Thoroughbred racehorses. Vet. Surg. 36: 178–184.
bone. Equine Vet. Educ. 2: 188–190. 30 Kawcak, C.E., McIlwraith, C.W., and Norrdin, R.W.
17 Easley, K.J. and Schneider, J.E. (1981). Evaluation of a (2000). Clinical effects of exercise on subchondral bone
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18 Fischer, A.T. and Stover, S.M. (1987). Sagittal fractures 31 Kawcak, C.E., McIlwraith, C.W., Norrdin, R.W. et al.
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19 Foerner, J.J. and McIlwraith, C.W. (1990). Orthopedic 32 King, M.R., Haussler, K.K., Kawcak, C.E. et al. (2017).
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514 Part II  Specific Fractures

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