Mpo Unit 8 Int 3

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Part A

Grammar and vocabulary

A Put the letters in the correct order to make sentences that follow on from the first
It’s really hot in here. you / window, / please / open / would / a ?
Would you open a window, please?

1 You haven’t read Yann Martel’s Life of Pi yet, have you? would / I / can / it /
as / as / soon / you / read .
2 I’m going to make myself a sandwich. something / eat / like / would / to / you ?
3 Chris was very calm when I broke her favourite mug. furious / be / thought /
she / I / absolutely / would .
4 When I was young, my family never used to go abroad. cottage / would / every
/ sea / we / holiday / in / a / by / spend / the .
5 When the elephant came towards me, I started running. my / would / what /
have / in / you / situation / done ?

B Complete the conditional sentences using the correct form of the words in
How would you feel (you / feel) if someone gave you (someone / give / you) a
million pounds?

6 If (someone / offer / you) a job abroad,

(you / accept) it?
7 If (I / not / have to) go to work today, (I /
probably / go) shopping instead.
8 You look tired. (I / go) to bed early tonight if
(I / be / you).
9 How (you / get) to work if (you / miss) your
bus this morning?
10 If (you / can / visit) any country on your last holiday,
(you / go)?

C Complete the conversation with past modals of deduction.

A: I’m sure I saw Carol in town yesterday, but it (0) can’t have been (be) her.
B: Why not?
A: Well, Carol’s on holiday in New Zealand.
B: Maybe it was her. She (11) (come) home early.
A: But she only went on Monday!
B: In that case, you (12) (see) her, obviously.
A: Of course not. It (13) (be) someone else.
B: Hmm. The person you saw (14) (be) her sister.
A: She’s never said anything about a sister before.
B: Well, she’s got a twin sister, so it (15) (be) her!

D Complete the conversation with the correct form of lose and these words.

cause face his mind nothing sight track

I went for a walk at lunchtime, completely lost track of time, and was late getting
back to work.

A: Did you know that Andy has given up his career to work on a farm?
B: You’re joking. He must have (16) !
A: Well, not really. Perhaps he thought he had (17) .
B: Why?
A: Well, do you remember when he (18) in front of his staff?
B: I remember. He got really angry and started shouting at them. That wasn’t a
good idea.
A: Exactly. I reckon that at that point he decided his future with the company was
(19) .
B: And he was taking the job far too seriously. He’d (20) of the
things that mattered: his family, his friends, things like that.

E Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.

When he entered the tomb, the archaeologist made an amazing discovery.

21 It doesn’t matter what you do. It won’t any difference.

22 There’s nothing worse than a test and realising you can’t
answer any of the questions!
23 Oh no, I think I’ve a terrible mistake.
24 I didn’t understand what he was saying. In fact, nothing he said
any sense.
25 When I was ill Paul me a lot of favours, and I’d like to repay

F Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.

A: What’s the (0) matter / wrong?

B: I’ve lost my favourite (26) brooch / necklace. The one I always wear on my
A: Oh, what a (27) matter / shame.
B: I know. I’m really upset.
A: Well, (28) cheer / keep up. You might find it somewhere.
B: That’s not my only bad news. Remember that (29) chest / vase on my coffee
A: Yes, of course. You always had it filled with fresh flowers.
B: That’s right. Well, yesterday I knocked it over and broke it, so now I’ve got to
use my glass (30) jug / chain to put my flowers in.

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