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6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

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ON HF [100+
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[Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/P
roof of Earnings]

05-13-2020, 05:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-

 14

31-2022, 09:54 PM by FiftyTwo.)


FEB 29th - MARCH 7th 2020

Proof Of Earnings - March 2020

  1/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]


Risk for return.

FiftyTwo's Ultimate

Private E-Whore

Posts: 7,504

Threads: 493
B Rating: 1783 1 2 UPDATED AS OF: JUNE
Popularity: 1,964
Game XP:
 β 14,055.9

Price: $100.00 $50.00

Purchase here!



Some of my previous earnings from using the

methods in this ebook

$2,000 IN FIVE DAYS OCT 20th - OCT 25th 2019



v=8ZAdlOMWzM8 2/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]


With the methods, tips, and information provided in

this ebook, anyone will be able to start earning

What is included?

- Traffic techniques: 7+ Different methods on how to

direct traffic to your E-whores easily!

- Unsaturated Methods: Contains my personal

methods that have been proven to work.

- Traffic management: contains everything you need

to know to make the most money out of each
customer! No more single payments, returning
costumers will be swarming you!

- How to upload from camera roll for free without

"from: camera"

- Best methods for milking paying clients

- Payment methods: Best ways to accept payments


- Noob friendly guide on e-whoring. A-Z guide to

follow and start earning hundreds TODAY!

- 20+ pages, constantly updated automatically via

google docs.

- LIFETIME Support. I will help you set everything up

until you start MAKING BANK!

- Access to my private support chat with over 300

other purchasers!

- 10+ private, HQ, premium packs you can use all



Discord: FiftyTwo#0141

Message me for any related assistance.

6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]


100+ Vouches On Previous


Clinnk Wrote:   (05-15-2020, 03:05 PM)

This ebook is really freaking good for the

ones who are literally starting, also good for
the veterans in some ways! Best thing to do if
your starting is this ebook people!

Here's a ss of my earnings: 4/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

Sucks Wrote:   (06-01-2020, 12:50 PM)

If you’re reading this im sure you got doubts that

this is just another ebook type thing lol

made $600 in one day off this , ive been doing

this for about a month on and off and ive made
well over 4k

got my vouch

proof of earnings : ( This week ) 5/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

N1ghtm4re Wrote: 
  (05-16-2020, 04:52 PM)

Got a Vouch Copy so here's my review of the

Method. It was really Informational to say the
least, I spent a bit of time going over it (albeit it
wasn't necessarily long by me saying that) so I
could soak the knowledge in and give it a good go,
so I could check the results. I've done a lot of
searching for High Quality eWhore Methods and
knowledge to add to my own experience and
database, I've even posted a ton of other threads
to no avail in search of this.

What I'll say is, the quality was there. I give plenty
of vendors on here plenty of sh*t but I can't say
too much bad about this ebook here, it was well
put together and cohesive. I had a smooth reading
experience, and the Information was straight
forward and clear to understand.

10/10 would recommend for any aspiring

ewhores, or any beginners looking to expand
their skill with it. I'll agree with the user
Akuma however in saying that if you're more
experienced you won't gain too much
knowledge from this ebook but it will very
much help beginners. I did however gain
further insight on other Traffic Sources
through this, as well as more information on
Payment methods and such.

I've personally already been making $1.5k+

weekly through managing a few Real Models, but I
tested this method on a blank account and
received a pretty successful return from this
(enough to fund my usual traffic sources, so I
couldn't be more pleased from this ebook). Below
is a Screenshot of Views/Adds from two days
alone, as well as earnings. 6/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

(Blurred inconsequential Information for privacy


Anyone could easily make several times more than

what I did from the screenshots by following this

Thanks again FiftyTwo for the opportunity with the

Vouch Copy, always glad to make a few extra
bucks. 🤑  7/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

SIM-4460064 Wrote:   (05-16-2020, 01:46 PM)

I received a vouch copy of this eBook, but do not

let that distract from what I'm about to say. This
eBook has a wealth of information for new people
starting out and you will make your money back if
you buy this eBook.

One of the most important things about this eBook

is that it comes along with a chat server of over
300 other people. This is a jackpot when it comes
to information and support. We are like a family in
this chat server and we help each other the best
we can. Tips, tricks, questions you will not feel
alone or lost after reading this guide.

Now I did tell FiftyTwo that I am brutally

honest and never sacrifice my integrity or
opinion for any amount of money. So here's
the honest truth. If you're an experienced
EW, this will be a refresher. You might learn a
few things, but the most important resource
you'll be getting is the chat server. You can
find me there every day all day along with
300 other experienced EW's.

Now if you're new to eWhoring and you're not

making any money, buy this now. It covers ALL the
basics, and I mean ALL. Any questions you have
WILL get answered promptly. It is the best support
you can ask for, because like I said we're a family.
We all post our earnings together and encourage
each other.

So in my honest opinion this guide is correctly

priced and worth the $50.

Here's my earnings one week after buying the

eBook. I now make over $500 a day managing real
models. I also work 60 hours straight on the
weekends, but if you're hungry to succeed you can
do it with this eBook. 8/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

flurryew Wrote:   (05-30-2020, 11:04 AM)

I’m on my phone idk how to upload ss from the

phone but in a week i’ve made $190 on venmo
and around $140 on cashapp and i’m lazy as
hell i do this ew stuff for fun make the
investment in his guide it’s very useful and he
can help you get that $$$ plus his discord server
is helpful also so they answer any questions you

Raimund020 Wrote: 
  (05-31-2020, 01:43 PM) 9/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

Already made 1k profit

  (06-02-2020, 06:54 AM)

Made my money back quite easily, method

came in clutch & worked well. 10/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

Orb Wrote:   (06-02-2020, 09:51 AM)

Big big vouch, this is honestly one of the best

investments I have made. The e-book goes over
all the basics and cuts out all the BS, making it
easy to understand for someone completely new to
the field. Ever since I got this e-book I have
been earning anywhere from $100 - $700 a
day. The chat server is also filled with information
and experienced people willing to help and answer
any questions you may have, below is just an
example of what I have been earning. (names
blurred out for obvious reasons) 11/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

justalemon Wrote: 
  (06-03-2020, 02:40 PM)

Very awesome guide! Worked perfectly, on the

third day i have already 300€. Very very well
explained and full of resources so you can start
right over. First night i got my first 100 and did the
ROI. THank you very much FiftyTwo, very
awesome support aswell! You are great!

Some screens of my first three days : 12/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

marc Wrote: 
  (08-25-2020, 01:56 PM)

A Review for 52's Guide to E-WHORING:

1) At the start i was really anxious about

purchasing a guide in the first place. I had done
ewhoring for a week before and then i decided to
buy a guide. Honestly speaking, it was a pleasant
surprise of information that i didn't know before. It
made me maximize my profits and expand my
influence online!

2)After reading through it i felt like i had gained

alot of new methods on how to gain more traffic to
my e-whore and also found out some stuff myself.
The e-book is a thing that teaches you the basics,
BUT also allows you to learn stuff by yourself and
really experience it first hand.

3) Whenever i had ANY question about packs/guide

i was quickly assisted by 52. He is really active and
responsive. Super helpful and straightforward.

4) The server i was invited to has everything you'll

ever need for e-whoring. A nice community,
vendors, paypal to btc exchanges and MUCH
MORE. It's probably the best discord community
i've been in ever. Everyone's just a level-headed
person trying to make money.


This guide is worth it. Worth every single

cent/penny you will spend on it. Grab it while it is
still there! This has some of the most effective
methods on HF. It's super accurate and readable

Content 8/10

Readability 10/10

Ideas 9/10

Assistance 10/10

Server 10/10 13/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

Also, below i attached a nicely formatted picture of

all the earnings i've gotten since buying the guide.

Fish Wrote: 
  (05-14-2020, 02:46 PM)

I received a copy of OPs methods and here’s my


First off, if you want to learn how to do it, I’d

HIGHLY recommend this ebook. Everything
you need is here, if you want to start and
don’t know how, this is legitimately how. It
has instructions on how to get amazing
packs, how to get customers, how to get
payments, and lots of extras! Everything is
nicely formatted and easy to read and follow

There’s six different sections, all with super helpful

information on what to expect. If you put your time
into following the methods, you’re pretty much
going to make money. If you change it up, add
more stuff and get your own twists you’ll do even

Again, everything you need to start is here, and

even if you already know what your doing this
ebook has methods to improve and build upon
your current skills.

GLWS OP and if anyone has any questions feel free

to shoot me a message.  14/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

telly Wrote: 
  (05-27-2020, 11:41 AM)

vouch, my guy was quick to respond and

always gave his honest opinion for
everything! make sure to purchase this guide
because it definitely is a steal.

Simplex Wrote: 
  (05-15-2020, 10:45 AM)

Hi there my name is Simplex and I will be

reviewing this today*

*I received a vouch copy. Please be in mind this

has no impact on how I feel on the guide at all. I
be sure to rate evertyhing as fair as possible.*

Let me start with this sentence. The guide is 22

pages long, Includes a discord server for support,
and personal help.

The guide it'self is organized into 6 different

steps/chapters that anyone will be able to follow.
You will be able to go from a newbie ewhore to a
pro ewhore with this guide. As this includes the
most popular methods. (I've been ewhoring for 3
year now and still learned a bunch of tips and
tricks from this guide)

The methods...well, I've used one of these

methods personally for awhile now, and I
know it guarantees results. The other
methods provided by OP will come in handy
and make you money.

The grammar is great. I haven't noticed any

spelling typos while reading this.

In conclusion I highly recommenced this. Weather

being a newbie or pro to the ewhore market you
will learn something new. I promise that, as I've
been learing this methond.

The proof of earnings is great for any non believers

of how impactful this method is. You can go from
earning nothing to something with this method.
Easy vouch. Thanks for this guide OP.

Jay Wrote: 
  (05-19-2020, 08:20 PM)

I received a Vouch Copy from OP and will be 15/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
reviewing it. This is coming from an experienced
ewhorer and has tested and tried out numerous

At first glance, the guide is very simple, just like

how every ebook should be. Very easy to read and
you should have no problems understanding any of
the content inside this guide. This guide is in order
and has TONS of information that will help you
start making $. This guide will literally tell you
EVERYTHING that you need to know to start
ewhoring, I wish I had bought this when I started
out instead of investing so much time trying to
figure it out myself.

There are SO many different methods that

you can utilize to make money, and will show
you how to achieve all sorts of different
traffic. As an experienced ewhorer, I
definitely learned a good amount of things
and I've been doing this for a few years. The
guide is very informative, I cannot stress it
enough. OP even offers support if you still
have questions, but I'm sure you won't have

For the price, I personally would've bought it

myself if I wanted to start ewhoring. To be honest,
even if you are an ewhorer, you still could learn at
least a thing or two from this guide for sure. You
cannot go wrong regardless, I believe this guide is
worth more than the price.

I personally will be using some of these methods

myself and I'm sure it'll show results. I cannot
stress the value of the guide for the price, you
cannot go wrong.

Terms of Service:

1. You will not leak/share/resell this product.

2. You will not sales trash.

3. All sales are final.

4. I can revoke access to the support server or guide

at any time if you break terms.

5. I can change or edit these terms at any times

without notice.

6. By purchasing this ebook you agree to these terms.

 
  16/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

05-14-2020, 06:52 AM Contracted Customer

Order ID: fe7c14ea-428e-4924-a81c-f6dd503d45f3



Posts: 2
Threads: 0
B Rating: 100
Popularity: 0
βytes: β0
Game XP: 0

 

05-14-2020, 10:09 AM
 

FlyJacket Wrote:   (05-14-2020, 06:52 AM)

Order ID: fe7c14ea-428e-4924-a81c-



Risk for return.

Thanks for purchasing, you've been sent the product.

Enjoy and feel free to contact me if you have any


Happy earnings!

Posts: 7,504
Threads: 493 If you have any questions regarding my
B Rating: 1783 1 2 products, you can contact me through
Popularity: 1,964 the following:

βytes:  β 14,055.9

Game XP: 1
Discord: FiftyTwo#0141

 
 

05-14-2020, 12:25 PM
 2   17/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
 2

You're still using lavish proof of earnings..



Posts: 99
Threads: 18
B Rating: 100
Popularity: 3
βytes: β0
Game XP: 0

 

05-14-2020, 02:46 PM Contracted Customer
   18/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
, Contracted Customer


I received a copy of OPs methods and here’s my

All limitations are self-imposed


First off, if you want to learn how to do it, I’d HIGHLY

recommend this ebook. Everything you need is here,

if you want to start and don’t know how, this is
legitimately how. It has instructions on how to get
amazing packs, how to get customers, how to get
payments, and lots of extras! Everything is nicely
formatted and easy to read and follow through.

Posts: 10,033

Threads: 165
There’s six different sections, all with super helpful
B Rating: 193 0 0
Popularity: 3,438
information on what to expect. If you put your time
βytes:  β 27,080.63 into following the methods, you’re pretty much going
Game XP: 17,916 to make money. If you change it up, add more stuff
and get your own twists you’ll do even better!

Again, everything you need to start is here, and even

if you already know what your doing this ebook has
methods to improve and build upon your current

GLWS OP and if anyone has any questions feel free to

shoot me a message.

selling scene points in Canada PM me

 

05-14-2020, 08:42 PM
    19/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
 

Fish Wrote: 
  (05-14-2020, 02:46 PM)

I received a copy of OPs methods and here’s my



Risk for return.

First off, if you want to learn how to do it, I’d
HIGHLY recommend this ebook. Everything you

need is here, if you want to start and don’t know

how, this is legitimately how. It has instructions on
how to get amazing packs, how to get customers,
how to get payments, and lots of extras!
Everything is nicely formatted and easy to read
Posts: 7,504 and follow through.

Threads: 493

B Rating: 1783 1 2
There’s six different sections, all with super helpful
Popularity: 1,964
information on what to expect. If you put your time
βytes:  β 14,055.9
into following the methods, you’re pretty much
Game XP: 1
going to make money. If you change it up, add
more stuff and get your own twists you’ll do even

Again, everything you need to start is here, and

even if you already know what your doing this
ebook has methods to improve and build upon
your current skills.

GLWS OP and if anyone has any questions feel free

to shoot me a message.

Thanks for your honest and detailed review, I'm glad

you are as fond of the product as I am.

To anyone interested: this ewhoring guide is the best

place to start your journey, you will not be

If you have any questions regarding my

products, you can contact me through
the following:

Discord: FiftyTwo#0141

 
 

05-15-2020, 03:24 AM Contracted Customer
   20/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
, Contracted Customer

I suppose you're using Lavish's guide, considering the

fact that you use his payments proof.



Posts: 29
Threads: 3
B Rating: 200
Popularity: 5
βytes:  β 213
Game XP: 0

 

05-15-2020, 08:30 AM
 

SIM-4441562 Wrote:   (05-15-2020, 03:24 AM)

I suppose you're using Lavish's guide, considering


the fact that you use his payments proof.

Risk for return.

Yes, I took over the project and will handle future

updates and the chat server from now on.

Thanks for your query and feel free to PM me if you

have anymore questions.

Posts: 7,504 If you have any questions regarding my

Threads: 493 products, you can contact me through
B Rating: 1783 1 2 the following:

Popularity: 1,964

βytes:  β 14,055.9
Discord: FiftyTwo#0141

Game XP: 1

 
 

05-15-2020, 10:45 Contracted Customer
 1   21/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
, Contracted Customer
AM  1

Hi there my name is Simplex and I will be reviewing

this today*


*I received a vouch copy. Please be in mind this has

no impact on how I feel on the guide at all. I be sure
to rate evertyhing as fair as possible.*

Posts: 2,222

Threads: 47 Let me start with this sentence. The guide is 22 pages

B Rating: 80 0 0
long, Includes a discord server for support, and
Popularity: 436
personal help.

βytes: β0

Game XP: 8,532

The guide it'self is organized into 6 different
steps/chapters that anyone will be able to follow. You
will be able to go from a newbie ewhore to a pro
ewhore with this guide. As this includes the most
popular methods. (I've been ewhoring for 3 year now
and still learned a bunch of tips and tricks from this

The methods...well, I've used one of these methods

personally for awhile now,  and I know it guarantees
results. The other methods provided by OP will come
in handy and make you money.

The grammar is great. I haven't noticed any spelling

typos while reading this.

In conclusion I highly recommenced this. Weather

being a newbie or pro to the ewhore market you will
learn something new. I promise that, as I've been
learing this methond.

The proof of earnings is great for any non believers of

how impactful this method is. You can go from
earning nothing to something with this method. Easy
vouch. Thanks for this guide OP.

 

05-15-2020, 12:57 PM Contracted Customer

Order ID: 6e6762ca-b223-4118-b0cd-50ad0583e928


I'll write a review about this depending how it goes or

I got 3$

i might just forget lol 22/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]

Posts: 420
Threads: 104
B Rating: 200
Popularity: 0
βytes: β0
Game XP: 0

 

05-15-2020, 03:05 PM Contracted Customer

(This post was last 

modified: 05-16-2020, 06:35 AM by Clinnk.)

This ebook is really freaking good for the ones who

are literally starting, also good for the veterans in
some ways! Best thing to do if your starting is this

ebook people!


Posts: 5 Here's a ss of my earnings:i imgur com/3GX7SoQ jpg

Threads: 1
B Rating: 300
Popularity: 0
βytes:  β 13
Game XP: 0

 

05-15-2020, 04:04 PM
 

Simplex Wrote: 
  (05-15-2020, 10:45 AM)

Hi there my name is Simplex and I will be


reviewing this today*

Risk for return.

*I received a vouch copy. Please be in mind this
has no impact on how I feel on the guide at all. I

be sure to rate evertyhing as fair as possible.*

Let me start with this sentence. The guide is 22

pages long, Includes a discord server for support,
and personal help.

Posts: 7,504

Threads: 493
The guide it'self is organized into 6 different
B Rating: 1783 1 2
steps/chapters that anyone will be able to follow.
Popularity: 1,964
You will be able to go from a newbie ewhore to a
βytes:  β 14,055.9
pro ewhore with this guide. As this includes the
Game XP: 1
most popular methods. (I've been ewhoring for 3 
year now and still learned a bunch of tips and
tricks from this guide) 23/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
g )

The methods...well, I've used one of these

methods personally for awhile now,  and I know it
guarantees results. The other methods provided by
OP will come in handy and make you money.

The grammar is great. I haven't noticed any

spelling typos while reading this.

In conclusion I highly recommenced this. Weather

being a newbie or pro to the ewhore market you
will learn something new. I promise that, as I've
been learing this methond.

The proof of earnings is great for any non believers

of how impactful this method is. You can go from
earning nothing to something with this method.
Easy vouch. Thanks for this guide OP.

Great review, I appreciate it.

Thanks and let me know if you have any questions!

Creamer Wrote: 
  (05-15-2020, 12:57 PM)

Order ID: 6e6762ca-b223-4118-b0cd-


I'll write a review about this depending how it goes

or i might just forget lol

Thanks for your purchase - please check your PMs.


Clinnk Wrote: 
  (05-15-2020, 03:05 PM)

This ebook is really freaking good for the ones who

are literally starting, also good for the veterans in
some ways! Best thing to do if your starting is this
ebook people!

Thanks for your kind and honest review, I appreciate


If you have any questions regarding my

products, you can contact me through
the following:

Discord: FiftyTwo#0141 24/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
Discord: FiftyTwo#0141

 
 

05-15-2020, 08:21 PM Contracted Customer

Order ID: f388c4bf-ca49-4ed6-909c-84f6126c8b50

email -



Posts: 9
Threads: 0
B Rating: 200
Popularity: 0
βytes: β0
Game XP: 0

 

05-16-2020, 07:11 AM
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Whistles Wrote: 
  (05-15-2020, 08:21 PM)

Order ID: f388c4bf-ca49-4ed6-909c-84f6126c8b50


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Risk for return.


Thanks for your purchase, I've PMed you.

Good luck earning!

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05-16-2020, 01:46 PM Contracted Customer

(This post was last

modified: 05-16-2020, 01:50 PM by SIM-4460064.)

I received a vouch copy of this eBook, but do not let
that distract from what I'm about to say. This eBook 25/27
6/28/22, 3:42 AM [Earn $750+/day] #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF [100+ Vouches w/Proof of Earnings]
that distract from what I m about to say. This eBook
has a wealth of information for new people starting
out and you will make your money back if you buy
this eBook.


One of the most important things about this eBook is

that it comes along with a chat server of over 300

other people. This is a jackpot when it comes to
information and support. We are like a family in this
chat server and we help each other the best we can.

Tips, tricks, questions you will not feel alone or lost

after reading this guide.

Posts: 205
Now I did tell FiftyTwo that I am brutally honest and
Threads: 21
never sacrifice my integrity or opinion for any amount
B Rating: 63 0 1
Popularity: 294
of money. So here's the honest truth. If you're an
βytes: β0 experienced EW, this will be a refresher. You might
Game XP: 1,949 learn a few things, but the most important resource
you'll be getting is the chat server. You can find me
there every day all day along with 300 other
experienced EW's.

Now if you're new to eWhoring and you're not making

any money, buy this now. It covers ALL the basics,
and I mean ALL. Any questions you have WILL get
answered promptly. It is the best support you can ask
for, because like I said we're a family. We all post our
earnings together and encourage each other.

So in my honest opinion this guide is correctly priced

and worth the $50.

Here's my earnings one week after buying the eBook.

I now make over $500 a day managing real models. I
also work 60 hours straight on the weekends, but if
you're hungry to succeed you can do it with this

 

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