Inform: Enterprise Historian For Windows 2000

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Enterprise Historian for Windows 2000

Version 3.2

Reference Manual
for Pavilion Products Suite
Enterprise Historian for Windows 2000
Version 3.2

Reference Manual
for Pavilion Products Suite
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB Inc. ABB Inc. assumes no responsibility for any er-
rors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB Inc.
be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or
hardware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-
mission from ABB Inc., and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor
used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and in Low
Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC.

Copyright © 2001 ABB Inc.

All rights reserved.

Release: November 2001

Document number: 3BUF 000 436R201

Advant, AdvaCommand, AdvaInform, and AdvaBuild are registered trademarks of ABB Asea Brown Boveri
Ltd., Switzerland. Enterprise Historian is a trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd., Switzerland.

The following are registered trademarks of Pavilion Technologies, Inc.: Data Insights, OnLine Transform
Processor, Pavilion, Pavilion Data Interface, Process Insights, Process Perfecter, Sensor Validator, Simula-
tion Insights, Soft CEM, Soft Sensor, Soft Sensor Insights, Software CEM, Pavilion - Turning Your Data Into

The following are trademarks of Pavilion Technologies, Inc.: BOOST, Boiler OnLine Optimization Software
Technology, DataIns, Economic Insights, Insights, OnLine Learning, Pavilion OnLine Applications, Pavilion
RunTime Products, PDI, Plant Optimizer, Power Insights, Power Insights Suite, Process Optimizer, ProcIns,
Production Chain Optimization, Programless OnLine Engine, Property Predictor, RunTime Application En-
gine, RunTime Software Controller, Simulation Insights, Soft Sensor Insights, Virtual OnLine Analyzer,

Windows NT and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company.
Exceed is a trademark of Hummingbird Communications, Ltd.
FLEXlm and Flexible License Manager are registered trademarks of GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc.
Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 About This Book ....................................................................................................9
1.2 Product Overview.................................................................................................11
1.2.1 Insights ................................................................................................13
1.2.2 Property Predictor ...............................................................................13
1.2.3 Process Insights ...................................................................................13
1.2.4 Process Perfecter .................................................................................14
1.3 Product Release History .......................................................................................14
1.4 Prerequisites and Requirements ...........................................................................15
1.4.1 HP-UX Stations...................................................................................15
1.4.2 Windows 2000-based Server...............................................................16
1.4.3 Remote PC Clients ..............................................................................16
1.4.4 DataSet System Memory Usage for Client Applications....................17
1.5 Related Documentation ........................................................................................18
1.6 Conventions..........................................................................................................19
1.7 Terminology .........................................................................................................20

Chapter 2 - Installation
2.1 How to Install the Pavilion Products....................................................................22
2.1.1 Overview .............................................................................................22
2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform .........................24 Pre-installation Procedures...........................................24 Installation Procedure...................................................28 Post Installation Instructions for
Windows Platforms ......................................................35 Verifying Startup of Pavilion Processes
on Windows Platform ...................................................36 Licensing the Pavilion Products for
Windows Platforms ......................................................38 Verifying Operation of the Pavilion Launcher
for Windows Platforms.................................................42

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Table of Contents

2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform ............................. 44 Backing Up User Data ................................................. 44 Loading Pavilion Server Components on the
HP-UX Platform........................................................... 44 Post Installation for the HP-UX Platform .................... 51 Verifying Start-up of Pavilion Products Data Server ... 52 Licensing Pavilion Products for the HP-UX Platform. 53 Verifying Operation of the Pavilion Launcher on
the HP-UX Platform..................................................... 59

Chapter 3 - Operation
3.1 Data Extractor Wizard ......................................................................................... 61
3.2 ABB Enterprise Historian™ ................................................................................ 61
3.2.1 DataDirect and PDI Options Window ................................................ 63
3.2.2 Login Window .................................................................................... 64
3.2.3 Select Logs Window ........................................................................... 65
3.2.4 Select Date and Times Window.......................................................... 68
3.2.5 Data Validation Window..................................................................... 70
3.2.6 Extract and Save Data Window .......................................................... 72
3.2.7 What the Wizard Does ........................................................................ 73

Chapter 4 - Launching Applications

4.1 Setting Up the PDI Network Server .................................................................... 75
4.2 Enterprise Historian Server HP-UX and Windows 2000..................................... 77
4.2.1 Using the Launcher ............................................................................. 77
4.2.2 General Operations ............................................................................. 80 Configuring the Launcher and Watchdog .................... 80 Showing Log Files ....................................................... 82 Exiting the Launcher .................................................... 82
4.2.3 Managing Applications....................................................................... 83 Adding and Deleting Applications............................... 83 Viewing and Modifying Properties .............................. 83 Starting and Stopping Applications.............................. 83

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Table of Contents

4.2.4 Configuring Applications....................................................................85 PDI Network Server Process ........................................85 RunTime Application Engine (RAE) Application .......88 Delay.............................................................................91 Other Applications........................................................92
4.2.5 How the Watchdog Works...................................................................95
4.2.6 Configuring a PDI Server on the Windows Platform..........................95

Appendix A - Command Line Syntax

A.1 Setting up the UNIX Environment.....................................................................101
A.2 Location of Executables .....................................................................................101
A.3 Pavzip .................................................................................................................102
A.3.1 Syntax................................................................................................102
A.3.2 Arguments .........................................................................................102
A.3.3 Description ........................................................................................103
A.4 Pavunzip .............................................................................................................104
A.4.1 Syntax................................................................................................104
A.4.2 Arguments .........................................................................................104
A.4.3 Description ........................................................................................104
A.5 PDI Network Server ...........................................................................................106
A.5.1 Syntax................................................................................................106
A.5.2 Arguments .........................................................................................106
A.5.3 Description ........................................................................................106
A.5.3.1 Configuration File ......................................................107
A.5.3.2 Troubleshooting..........................................................107
A.6 Tag Editor...........................................................................................................108
A.6.1 Syntax................................................................................................108
A.6.2 Arguments .........................................................................................108
A.6.3 Description ........................................................................................108

Appendix B - Pavilion PDI Enterprise Historian Driver Object

B.1 Master Software System ....................................................................................109

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Table of Contents

B.2 MOD 300 Software System ............................................................................... 110

Appendix C - Creating an Off-line Project

and Taking It On-line
C.1 Creating the Off-line Project.............................................................................. 113
C.2 Opening the On-line Project .............................................................................. 113
C.3 Mapping the Data............................................................................................... 114
C.4 Testing the Project.............................................................................................. 114
C.5 Moving the Project............................................................................................. 114

Appendix D - Creating an OPC Connection

D.1 OPC Program ID................................................................................................ 115
D.1.1 OPC ProxyDLL ................................................................................ 122
D.2 Configuring OPC Client .................................................................................... 122
D.2.1 Configuring an On-Line Project to use an OPC Server.................... 126
D.2.1.1 OPC Common Tag List Attribute Parameters............ 129

Appendix E - Uninstalling Pavilion Products

E.1 Editing Windows Registry ................................................................................. 137
E.2 Removing FlexLM and Exceed (Windows NT systems): ................................. 139
E.3 Removing FlexLM and Exceed (Windows 2000 systems):............................... 139
E.4 Removing the Pavilion Folders and Start Menu Items: ..................................... 140

8 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 1.1 About This Book

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 About This Book

This book describes how to configure and use Enterprise Historian™ with the
Pavilion® products suite. The Pavilion suite includes:
• Insights™
• Property Predictor™
• Process Insights® <Future>
• Process Perfecter® <Future>
This book is not the only source of instruction for Enterprise Historian and the
Pavilion products. ABB offers training courses for those who will be using these
Please read the entire document before beginning installation and operation.

How to Use This Book

Chapter 2 describes how to install the Pavilion tools with Enterprise Historian on an
HP-UX® or Windows 2000 platform. The Windows installation will cover both
installation of the Pavilion products on a client computer as well as installation on
the Enterprise Historian server.
Chapter 3 describes how use Insights and the Extractor Wizard to read data from the
Enterprise Historian on either Windows or HP-UX platforms
Chapter 4 describes how to set up the launchers and on-line models for both
Windows and HP-UX
Appendix A describes the command line syntax for Pavilion applications.
Appendix B provides information about Master and MOD 300 object types.
Appendix C briefly describes the steps to create an off-line and on-line project.
Appendix D briefly describes the steps required to configure an OPC connection for
a Pavilion on-line project.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction

Appendix E describes how to uninstall the Pavilion Products from Windows NT or

Windows 2000 systems if the standard Windows ADD/REMOVE procedure fails.

Use of Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip

This publication includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate
to point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to
point out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be
interpreted as follows:

Warning indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in

personal injury.

Caution indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in

equipment or property damage.

Information alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

Tip indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or
how to use a certain function.

Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
comply fully with all Warning and Caution notices.

10 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 1.2 Product Overview

1.2 Product Overview

The Pavilion tools extend the capabilities of the Enterprise Historian product by
integrating data analysis, prediction, and optimization software. The Pavilion tools
can be used with the Enterprise Historian on both the HP-UX and Windows
platforms. The capabilities and procedures are basically the same.
The software is supplied as a client/server bundle. The server software executes on
the Enterprise Historian server which provides data extraction and run-time model
execution. The Enterprise Historian server can either be an HP-UX or Windows
2000 workstation.
Client software executes in Windows NT or Windows 2000 and is used for Data
Analysis and Model construction. The client software may execute locally on a
Windows-based server, or remotely on one or more PC clients.
The data flow is illustrated in Figure 1-1. The Pavilion client/server architecture is
illustrated in Figure 1-2.

Data Data
Data Modelin Model
Model Run
gatherin Preprocessing
pre g Analysis
Analysis On-line
1 2 3 4 5

Enterprise Historian Data

Figure 1-1. Data Flow Steps

The Pavilion products are described briefly in the following sections:

• Section 1.2.1, Insights
• Section 1.2.2, Property Predictor
• Section 1.2.3, Process Insights
• Section 1.2.4, Process Perfecter
Refer to Appendix C for a brief outline on how to create a project.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction


• Analyze
• Model
Enterprise Historian Model moved to Server
Process Data Server Enterprise Historian Client

Data ABB

Figure 1-2. Pavilion Client/Server Architecture

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 1.2.1 Insights

1.2.1 Insights
Insights provides process analysis based upon historical data. The product can be
used to plot process data in a variety of formats, perform basic or advanced
statistical analysis, build and train linear and nonlinear models, rank the effect of
process inputs on the outputs, and perform what-if scenarios based upon trained
models. Insights contains no run-time capabilities.
Insights requires access to historical data collected by the Enterprise Historian. The
data is extracted using an integrated wizard. The wizard is designed to provide tight
integration with the Enterprise Historian. The wizard takes advantage of the display
services as well as the bulk data export tools available in the Enterprise Historian.

1.2.2 Property Predictor

In addition to features provided by Insights, Property Predictor lets you develop and
deploy linear and nonlinear Virtual OnLine Analyzers® (VOA™) and is used for
process sensor validation. Property Predictor provides tools for cleaning and
preprocessing historical data, building and training prediction models, configuring a
robust run-time implementation, and deploying an on-line Soft Sensor®.
Property Predictor can use the model produced by the off-line Insights product.
Property Predictor runs the model using both historical and real-time data. Property
Predictor executes its models in the Enterprise Historian.

1.2.3 Process Insights

Process Insights allows an engineer to use historical process data to build accurate
process models in a few days. These models can be used for off-line analysis,
simulation and on-line steady-state optimization of the process.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.2.4 Process Perfecter

Process Perfecter allows development and deployment of linear and nonlinear
model predictive controllers. Process Perfecter provides tools for cleaning and
preprocessing historical data, building and training steady state models,
identification of dynamic models, off-line simulation and tuning of a controller, and
configuration of a robust run-time implementation. The run-time software is
composed of three components, which are connected in a client-server architecture:
the controller (client), the data server, and the GUI (client).

1.3 Product Release History

Table 1-1 lists the major milestones in the development of the Enterprise Historian.

Table 1-1. Release History

Version Description
Enterprise Historian 2.1 Support for Pavilion Products Suite (Ver. 5.0).
This release supports Insights and Property Predictor.
Enterprise Historian 2.2 Updated support for the Pavilion Product suite (Ver 5.0.30)
Enterprise Historian 3.0 Updated support for the Pavilion Product suite (Ver 5.0.30).
and 3.1 This version supports the Windows NT version of the Enterprise
Historian for on-line project execution and data extraction
Enterprise Historian 3.2 Updated support for the Pavilion Product suite (Ver 5.0.30) SP5
This version supports Exceed 7.0.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 1.4 Prerequisites and Requirements

1.4 Prerequisites and Requirements

This section describes hardware and software requirements for the HP-UX and
Windows platforms where you install the Pavilion software products.

1.4.1 HP-UX Stations

The hardware and software requirements for an HP-UX-based Enterprise Historian
server provided in the Enterprise Historian Version 2.2 for HP-UX Administrator’s
The licence for HP-UX includes:
• HP-UX which is HP’s implementation of the UNIX operating system.
• HP CDE (Common Desktop Environment).
A detailed description of the Station hardware (including peripherals) is provided in
the Advant Station 5xx Hardware User’s Guide.
A CD-ROM drive is required for software loading and a DAT tape drive is required
for backup/restore. The Station is always equipped with at least one hard disk drive.
Additional hard disk drives may be required to install the Pavilion products.
The Stations are delivered with a basic set of primary memory, and have capacity
for extra memory pairs. To determine the capacity for extra memory pairs, refer to
Advant Station 5xx Hardware User’s Guide.
To use added applications and software options effectively, it is recommended that
the memory capacity of the Station be increased. Additional memory is required to
support various options. Chapter 2 includes tables to help you dimension your
installed Station properly.
If you require the node where Enterprise Historian software runs to communicate
with other OCS nodes, the optional Real Time accelerator (RTA) board must be
If X-terminals or other X clients are to be used, additional primary memory is

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.4.2 Windows 2000-based Server

The hardware and software requirements for a Windows 2000-based Enterprise
Historian server are provided in the Enterprise Historian Version 3.2 for Windows
2000 Administrator’s Guide.
A CD-ROM drive is required for software loading and a DAT tape drive is required
for backup/restore. The computer is always equipped with at least one hard disk
drive. Additional hard disk drives may be required to install the Pavilion products.
If you require the node where Enterprise Historian software runs to communicate
with other OCS nodes, the optional Real Time accelerator (RTA) board must be

1.4.3 Remote PC Clients

These are the minimum hardware and software requirements for installing the
Pavilion client software on a remote PC client:

• Intel Pentium CPU, minimum 266 MHz clock frequency.
• Minimum 64 MByte primary memory.
• The PC should have a large screen - at least 17”.

• Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 operating system (Build 1381, Service pack 4 or
higher) or Microsoft Windows 2000.
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01
• Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 (this is free software).
• HTML Help 1.0 (is included in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0).
• SNMP software is required for licensing on the Windows 2000 platform
Chapter 2 includes tables to help you dimension your PC properly.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 1.4.4 DataSet System Memory Usage for Client Applications

1.4.4 DataSet System Memory Usage for Client Applications

The following numbers and formulas are for estimating the DataSet memory usage
size for the offline tools. The formulas apply to both HP-UX and Windows

Average Dataset for:

Polymers: 75 raw variables, 30 transformed variables, 125,000 rows
Power: 125 raw variables, 40 transformed variables, 300,000 rows
Usually the data is on a 1 minute time scale.

Calculating the Memory Usage:

Constant Memory Usage (CMU) =
(Raw Variables x Rows x 5) + ((Raw+Transformed) x Rows x 5)
Peak Memory Usage (PMU) =
(Raw Variables x Rows x 5) + ((Raw+Transformed) x Rows x 10)
Example: (using the polymers average dataset above)
CMU (75 x 125,000 x 5) + ((75 + 30) x 125,000 x 5) = 112,500,000 bytes
PMU (75 x 125,000 x 5) + ((75 + 30) x 125,000 x 10) = 178,125,000 bytes
The reason for Constant vs. Peak is that during the calculation of a "Table
Transform", such as TimeMerge, there can be an extra copy of the data in memory
used for doing the calculations.
Also, a number is a number is a number. Time scale vs. number of variables have no
effect as long as the number of date/time columns does not become excessive. The
difference in this case is because numbers are stored as floats whereas doubles are
stored as doubles.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5 Related Documentation

Table 1-2 lists documentation related to Enterprise Historian with the Pavilion
Product Suite.

Table 1-2. Related Documentation

Category Title Description

Enterprise Historian 3.2 Covers installation and hardware guidelines for
for Windows 2000 the Windows 2000 platform
Administrators Guide
Enterprise Historian for Covers functionality, configuration of and use of
HP-UX Administrator’s the Enterprise Historian System Services
Guide software for HP-UX systems.
Enterprise Historian
Software AdvaInform Object Types Describes attributes, connections, commands,
Reference Manual events and error messages for each object
Inform IT Enterprise Describes how to maintain and use DataDirect
Historian DataDirect which lets you use Microsoft Excel to query
Operation Manual Advant Open Control System (OCS) objects.
Insights User’s Guide Describes how to use Pavilion Insights™ to
analyze complex linear and nonlinear

Pavilion Products Property Predictor User’s Describes how to use Pavilion Property
Suite Guide Predictor™ to develop and implement Virtual
OnLine Analyzers® (VOA™), also called Soft
Sensors®, that generate highly-accurate
predictions for your on-line systems.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 1.6 Conventions

1.6 Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this book for the presentation of
• The words in proper names of screen elements (for example, the title in the title
bar of a window, the label for a field of a dialog box) are initially capitalized.
• Capital letters are used for the name of a keyboard key if it is labeled on the
keyboard. For example, press the ENTER key.
• Lowercase letters are used for the name of a keyboard key that is not labeled on
the keyboard. For example, the space bar, comma key, and so on.
• A plus sign is used to indicate that you must simultaneously press several keys.
For example, CTRL+C indicates that you must hold down the CTRL key while
pressing the C key.
• The phrase “press and release” is used to indicate that you sequentially press
several keys. For example, to close a window, press and release ALT, and then
F4. This indicates that you press and release the ALT key, and then you press
and release the F4 function key.
• The names of push and toggle buttons are boldfaced. For example, click OK.
• The names of menus and menu items are boldfaced. For example, the File
– The following convention is used for menu operations: MenuName >
MenuItem > CascadedMenuItem. For example: choose File > New >
– The Start menu name always refers to the Start menu on the
Windows NT Task Bar.
• System prompts/messages are shown in the Courier font, and user
responses/input are in the boldfaced Courier font. For example, if you enter a
value out of range, the following message is displayed:
Entered value is not valid. The value must be 0-30.
In a tutorial, you may be told to enter the string TIC132 in a field. The string is
shown as follows in the procedure:

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.7 Terminology
The following is a list of terms associated with Enterprise Historian and the Pavilion
Product Suite that you should be familiar with.

Term Description
OCS Open Control System
Enterprise Historian ABB Enterprise Historian software installed on HP-UX
PDI Pavilion Data Interface™
RAE RunTime Application Engine™
FFI Flat File Interface
VOA Virtual OnLine Analyzer

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual

Chapter 2 Installation

This chapter contains instructions for Installing the Pavilion products. The software
is supplied as a client/server bundle. All software comes on the same media.
The server software executes on the Enterprise Historian server which provides data
extraction and run-time model execution. The Enterprise Historian server can either
be an HP-UX or Windows 2000 workstation. Client software executes on a
Windows NT or Windows 2000 platform and is used for Data Analysis and Model
construction. The client software may execute locally on a Windows 2000-based
server, or remotely on one or more PC clients.
The Pavilion products for the Enterprise Historian consist of the following
• Pavilion Data Interface (PDI) for data extraction to support Insights, Property
Predictor; and on-line models. These components execute on the Enterprise
Historian Collect or Connect Server
• Insights, executes on the client workstation
• Property Predictor, off-line executes on the client workstation

• The Pavilion product family requires a series of licenses in

order to use the products. Insights includes one license for the
Enterprise Historian client workstation. All other products such
as Property Predictor, Process Insights and Process Perfecter
require both server-based and client-based licenses. The client
licenses are used for the off-line tools, the server licenses are
used to execute the modules. Windows Licenses are based on
the computer MAC-ID, licenses which execute on the HP-UX
server are based upon the CPU-ID.
• SNMP software must be installed on all Windows 2000-based
server or client platforms to support licensing.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation

2.1 How to Install the Pavilion Products

If you are reinstalling the Pavilion software, you should insure that
you have backed up all project files.

2.1.1 Overview
This section familiarizes you with the installation procedure before you actually
start loading the Pavilion software products. The installation instructions cover the
following scenarios:
• How to install the software
• How to validate that the software has started up properly
• How to run the license tools
• Directory structure
• Utilities and Tools

To use the Insights Wizard for data extraction, you require a license
for the Inform IT Enterprise Historian Display Server. This includes
a license for Inform IT Enterprise Historian DataDirect.

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Section 2.1.1 Overview

Installation involves these basic steps. Detailed instructions are provided in the
applicable section referenced below:
– Section 2.1.2, Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform.
– Section 2.1.3, Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform.
• Back up your system before installation - It is strongly recommended that you
perform a full backup of your system and application data before you install
any new software. If you are performing an upgrade back up project files and
other user data.

Caution should always be taken to backup project files before

beginning any upgrade.

• Load the Pavilion software onto the Enterprise Historian server platform.
• Set up Pavilion product licenses for Insights, Property Predictor, Process
Insights and Process Perfecter.
The Insights product is supplied with a license for the Client PC workstation.
No additional licenses are required on the Enterprise Historian server. This
license is bound to the Client PC workstation. All other Pavilion products
require a license for the Client workstation to build/test models as well as a
runtime license to execute the models on the server. With your software you get
a license certificate which contains your unique license and checksum keys.

With the Windows platform, the client may be installed on the same
PC as the Enterprise Historian Server. This is also true for the other
off-line model building products such as Predictor, Process Insights
and Perfecter.
• Start the Pavilion products on the Enterprise Historian server.
For the Pavilion data server to initialize correctly, the Enterprise Historian must
be stopped and restarted. The server will be automatically started with the
specified license key when you re-start the Enterprise Historian.
• Load the Pavilion software onto one or more PC clients. The Enterprise
Historian server must be started before you start and execute a data extraction
against the Enterprise Historian.

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Chapter 2 Installation

2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

The same process is followed for installation on both the client and server nodes.
The Pavilion product setup detects whether the software is being installed on a PC
client or Enterprise Historian Server platform.
If the software is being installed on the Enterprise Historian server platform, the
underlying software services are automatically added to the system startup, system
services, software version tools, and the data extraction software required for a
Pavilion client will be automatically started after the next station reboot.

Before you can use Pavilion software with Enterprise Historian

version 3.2 server, the ABB Process Administration Service must
be modified to run as administrator. This is typically done when
installing the Enterprise Historian System Services. You can verify
this, and modify the service if necessary by referring to the System
Services installation procedure in the Enterprise Historian Version
3.2 for Windows 2000 Administrator’s Guide. Pre-installation Procedures

Before you install the Pavilion software on the Windows platform, perform these
pre-installation procedures. Details are provided in the following sections:
• Verify License Server Option
• Disk Space Requirements
• Install the SNMP Software on Windows 2000

Verify License Server Option

Determine which FLEXlm license server option you will use when you install the
FLEXlm component (Section, Installation Procedure, Step: 3 Installing
The Create Local License Server should be used in all cases except when you
already have a license from Pavilion, and it has a Server Name field containing the
name of a different computer on your network. In this case, use Connect to Remote
License Server.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

Disk Space Requirements

The disk space requirements for installing the Pavilion software on a Windows
platform are listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Disk Space Requirements

Component Disk Space Required

AdvaInform Active Data Provider 6Mbytes
Hummingbird Exceed 44Mbytes
FLEXlm 5Mbytes
Pavilion Products 146Mbytes
Total 201Mbytes

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation

Install the SNMP Software on Windows 2000

This procedure is only required when you install Pavilion software on the Windows
2000 platform. This software is installed via the Add/Remove utility in the
Windows Control Panel. To add the SNMP program:
1. Open the Windows Control Panel. Do do this, from the Windows task bar
choose Start>Settings>Control Panel, Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1. Open the Control Panel

2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon, Figure 2-2.

this Icon

Figure 2-2. Add/Remove Programs Icon

3. On the left side of the Add/Remove Programs dialog, click the Add/Remove
Windows Component button, Figure 2-3.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

Click Here

Figure 2-3. Click Add/Remove Windows Components

4. Select Management and Monitoring Tools, Figure 2-4.

Select this Component

Figure 2-4. Selecting Management and Monitoring Tools

5. Click Next and follow the installation wizard to install the software.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation Installation Procedure

Use this procedure to load Pavilion software on a Windows 2000-based Enterprise
Historian server. This server must already have the Enterprise Historian software
installed as described in the Enterprise Historian Version 3.2 for Windows
Administrator’s Guide.

Your network interface card must be installed and configured to use

the TCP/IP network protocol.

When you install the Pavilion software, you must be logged in as a user with
Administrator privileges. Use the same user to install all software.

The username must be defined local to the PC where you install the
software. Do not use a domain-defined username.

Exit all user applications before running the install procedure.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

Insert the CD. On some computers, the installation window, Figure 2-5, appears
immediately. If the installation window does not appear immediately, run
setup.exe from the CD main directory.

Figure 2-5. Installation Window

Install the software according to the following steps.

• The software will not function correctly if you do not install it in

the order indicated in the Installation window.
• Step 2 is NOT required when installing on the Enterprise
Historian version 3.2 server. Hummingbird Exceed 7.0 is part
of that installation.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation

Step 1: Install AdvaInform Active Data Provider

Click the Install AdvaInform Active Data Provider Step 1 icon.

Step 2: Install Hummingbird Exceed

Pavilion requires Hummingbird Exceed version 6.1.

This step is not required when installing on the Enterprise Historian

version 3.2 server. Hummingbird Exceed 7.0 is part of that
Click the Install Hummingbird Exceed Step 2 icon.
It is recommended that you choose all default options except as noted below.
When asked what type of installation to perform, select Typical, Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6. Hummingbird Exceed Installation Window 1/2

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

When asked if you want other users to see this installation, select Yes, Allow all
users of this machine to see this installation, Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7. Hummingbird Exceed Installation Window 2/2

Click Yes to enable other users access to the product. If you select
No, other users will NOT be able to use the product.

If a message appears saying JavaVM is required, click Continue.

If prompted for site information such as a serial number, click Skip.
The Xconfig user name and password are optional. Specify the user name and
password if you wish.
Creating a shortcut and tuning the X server are also optional.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Exceed, you may see a message
about important user files differing from previous versions. You may safely ignore
this message, or you may replace the indicated files if desired.

At the end of the Exceed install, you have the opportunity to close
all applications and restart the system. It is not necessary to restart
at this point, since you will be required to restart after the Pavilion
products installation.

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Chapter 2 Installation

After installing Exceed, follow these steps to complete configuration of the

X server:
1. Launch the X server configuration window from the Start menu: select Start >
Programs > Exceed > Xconfig.
2. In the Xconfig window, double-click Screen Definition.
3. In the Common Settings (Figure 2-8), click the Common Settings tab.
4. Turn off the Enable Server Reset feature.

Figure 2-8. X Server Common Settings Window

Failure to configure the X server as instructed above may cause

Pavilion applications to fail.

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Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

5. Optionally, turn off the Close Warning on Exit feature, which causes a warning
to appear if you close a window by clicking the X icon in the upper right
6. Click OK.
7. Close the Xconfig window: select File > Exit.

Step: 3 Installing FLEXlm

Click the Install FLEXlm Step 3 icon. Accept the defaults for all questions except as
noted below.
When asked to select Install Type, select Create Local License Server except in the
following case: if you already have a license from Pavilion, and if it has a Server
Name field containing the name of a different computer on your network, select
Connect to Remote License Server. When asked about the License Server, type in
the name of that computer, and select the default TCP/IP port number.

All Pavilion Products are installed during the installation. You will
only be able to use those products that you are have been licensed to
If asked about Sentinel Drivers, select Yes.

At the end of the FLEXlm install, you have the opportunity to close
all applications and restart the system. It is not necessary to restart
at this point, since you will have to do so again after the Pavilion
products installation.

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Chapter 2 Installation

Step: 4 Installing Pavilion Products

Click the Install Pavilion Products Version 5.0 Step 4 icon.

• To use Pavilion products, you must turn off the display option
to show window contents while dragging. If the option is
enabled, the installation will state that full drag is enabled and
that you should turn it off. Select Yes when prompted.
• When installation is complete, you are reminded to restart your

If you failed to turn off the display option to show window contents
while dragging, you can perform this step after installation. To do
this: open the Display Properties Control Panel, go to the Plus!
Tab in the control panel, and turn off (uncheck) the option labeled
“Show window contents while dragging.”

Step: 5 Restart the Computer

Restart your computer when you are finished installing software. This will
automatically start all processes related to Pavilion products.

Directories Created During the Installation

The driectories created when you install Pavilion products are listed in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2. Pavilion Directories

Directory Description
c:\Pavilion Pavilion product software
c:\Pavilion\user Pavilion project data files
c:\flexlm License Management Tool

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform Post Installation Instructions for Windows Platforms

Once the software is installed, perform the following post installation procedures:
• Restore user data. This is only necessary if you are performing an upgrade or
re-installation and you have already backed up user data.
• Verify the installation and startup.
• Add server side licenses for Pavilion products such as Property Predictor,
Process Perfecter, and Process Insights.
• Add client side licenses such as Insights.
• Verify process startup
• Verify of the launcher tool.
These procedure are described in the following sections.

Restoring User Data

This is only necessary if you are performing an upgrade or re-installation and you
have already backed up user data.
Restore Pavilion project displays to: c:\Pavilion\user
• If required, the license files in c:\Flexlm\licenses.dat,
would be needed if you are using the Property Predictor, Process Perfecter or
Process Insights products, note no license on the Enterprise Historian server is
required for Insights, its license is only on the Client.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation Verifying Startup of Pavilion Processes on Windows Platform

The Pavilion Products processes PavHistPDI and PavLnchServ are automatically
started when the Enterprise Historian is started. The PavHistPDI, provides data
extraction. The PavLnchServ is the watchdog process for executing models and
RAEs. You can use the Process Administration Service (PAS) to verify these
Pavilion processes have started.
To launch the PAS tool, from the Windows task bar, choose Start>ABB Industrial
IT>System Services>Process Administration, Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9. Launching PAS

Then find the PavHistPDI and PavLnchServ services in the process list,
Figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10. Processes Running

In addition two Windows processes are automatically started in the Enterprise

Historian, Figure 2-11. The pdi_ds_eh process is used for data extraction and is
specified to startup on the TCP/IP port 8764. This process is used for data extraction
for the Insights and Predictor products. It should be noted, that although a PDI is
already running, this PDI should not be used for running on-line models.

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Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

The other process is the PAVILION.EXE process. This process monitors all other
processes that belong to the Pavilion product family such as the Models, additional
PDI and other applications.

Pavilion Processes

Figure 2-11. Pavilion Processes in Task Manager

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation Licensing the Pavilion Products for Windows Platforms

During the installation of the Pavilion products, the FLEXlm® license management
software is installed. This section describes how to use this tool to license the
Pavilion products on Windows platforms. It covers:
• License Requirements
• Obtaining the License Code Information on Windows Platform
• Adding Your License
• Starting the License Server

SNMP software is required to support licensing on the Windows

2000 platform. If you are installing licenses on a Windows 2000
platform, make sure the SNMP software has been installed as
described in Section, Pre-installation Procedures.

License Requirements
Table 2-3 indicates where licenses need to be installed as well as for which

Table 2-3. License Requirements

Enterprise Historian Enterprise(1)

Product PC Client
Server Historian DataDirect
Insights YES NO YES
Property Predictor YES YES YES
(1) The Enterprise Historian DataDirect license must be installed as part of the Enterprise Historian software
installation as described in the Enterprise Historian Version 3.2 for Windows 2000 Administrator’s Guide.

Obtaining the License Code Information on Windows Platform

The server licenses are based on your PC’s unique MAC Identifier. If the Pavilion
software is already installed, you can use the License Editor tool to obtain the MAC
Identifier; otherwise you’ll have to use an alternative method as described in
Obtaining the License Code Information Before Software is Installed.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

If you are using the License Editor tool, you can use the tool from any one of the
installed Pavilion products. This tool is available on both the client and server
To use the License Editor tool, go to the PC where the license needs to be installed
and perform the following steps:
1. From the Windows task bar choose: Start>ABB Industrial IT>Inform
IT>Pavilion>Product Name>License Editor. For example Figure 2-12 shows
how to launch the License Editor for the Insights product.

Figure 2-12. Launching the License Editor

2. When the License editor is displayed, click Machine Info. This displays the
Show Machine Information dialog, .Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13. Obtaining the Machine Information

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Chapter 2 Installation

This number is required to generate the license key for the Pavilion products on the
Enterprise Historian server.
Record the number and send that number along with the license certificate number,
factory order number, and customer name via e-mail to:
When you receive your permanent license key and text from ABB, enter them as
described in Adding Your License.

If you you are installing the license on a Windows 2000 platform,

you must first install the SNMP software. See Install the SNMP
Software on Windows 2000.

Obtaining the License Code Information Before Software is Installed

The license is based on the CPU network transport (or physical) address. To find
this address, open the Windows Command Prompt window and enter: ipconfig /all.
Then read the line for Physical Address under Motherboard. See Figure 2-14.

Physical Address

Figure 2-14. Reading the Physical Address

Record the number and send that number along with the license certificate number,
factory order number, and customer name via e-mail to:

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

Adding Your License

To add a license:
1. Log into the workstation - you will need administrator privileges.
2. Launch the license editor as described in Obtaining the License Code
Information on Windows Platform (see Figure 2-12).
3. When the license editor is displayed, click Add License. This displays the
dialog for updating the license key information, Figure 2-15. Enter the
licensing information exactly as delivered to you.

Figure 2-15. Add License Dialog

4. After the license keys have been added, Restart the License Server.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation

Starting the License Server

After the licenses have been entered, restart the computer to register the new
licensing information. Verifying Operation of the Pavilion Launcher for Windows Platforms

All Pavilion products include an Online Launcher tool for creating and launching
new Pavilion Data Interfaces (PDI), RunTime Application Engines (RAE) and other
applications. The Online Launcher tool provides the ability to schedule and start
applications associated with running the models on the Enterprise Historian
Platform. Use this tool to verify proper operation of any Pavilion product. For
example, this procedure shows how to launch the Online Launcher for the Property
1. From the Windows task bar, choose: Start>ABB Industrial IT>Inform
IT>Pavilion>Property Predictor, Figure 2-16.

Figure 2-16. Launching the Property Predictor

2. From the Property Predictor main window, choose Tools>OnLine Launcher,

Figure 2-17.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.2 Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform

Figure 2-17. Launching the OnLine Launcher

The online launcher is shown in Figure 2-18.

Figure 2-18. OnLine Launcher

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation

2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform Backing Up User Data

If you are performing a re-installation of Pavilion Products, some user
customizations may be overwritten. These instructions describe how to back up or
otherwise preserve your user data, so you can restore it to your system after you
install Pavilion products.
1. Log into the ocsmgr user.
2. Change to the superuser. Log into the Enterprise Historian as superuser and
stop the system:
$ su root
# cd /home/ocsmgr
# ./IMSstop -v
3. If this is a reinstallation or the system will be cleared, the following directories
should be saved by the user:
user-configured data in: /home/opt/advant/Pavilion/user
license key information in: /usr/loca/flexlm/licenses/license.dat Loading Pavilion Server Components on the HP-UX Platform

Use this procedure to load Pavilion software on an HP-UX-based Enterprise
Historian server. This server must already have the Enterprise Historian software
installed as described in the Enterprise Historian Version 2.2 for HP-UX
Administrator’s Guide.
When you are finished loading software on the Enterprise Historian server, you will
also be required to load software on one or more PC clients. This procedure is
described in Section 2.1.2, Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform.

44 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform

Before you install Pavilion products, make sure that you have the required disk
space available:

Table 2-4. Disk Requirements HP-UNIX

Product Logical Volume Disk Requirement

Property Predictor, Process /opt 65Mb
Insights, and Process Perfecter
FLEXlm /usr 5Mb
Pavilion Data Interface /opt 10Mb

The Pavilion products are supplied on CD media which includes both server and
client components. The server components are loaded on the HP-UX platform. The
client components must be installed on a Windows NT or Windows 2000 platform
as described in Section 2.1.2, Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform.
The software supplied for the HP-UX platform is supplied as
HP-UX software depots and are installed using the swinstall command. The
depots are located in the UNIX directory on the CD.
The software for HP-UX requires two depots to be installed. To install the depot
sets, set the source for the install to the Local CDROM and specify the directory.
The directory and depot name are shown in Figure 2-19.

Directory Location

Depot Locations

Figure 2-19. CD Directory

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation

To install the software:

1. Insert the CD in the CD ROM drive connected to the Enterprise Historian node
where you are loading the software.
2. Change to user root (if not already).
a. Enter su and press <Enter>.
$ su
b. When you see the prompt for password, enter the root user password and
press <Enter>.
Password: <password>
3. Mounting the CD ROM can be accomplished by putting the CD in the drive
and then using the command:

When mounting the CD ROM for this installation, the CD does not
need to be mounted permanently.
If the CDON command does not work, use SAM in HP-UX to
mount the CD ROM.
4. Insure that the Enterprise Historian is stopped, see Section, Backing Up
User Data.
5. Enter the swinstall command as shown below, and press <Enter>.
6. Set the selection for the Source Depot Type to
7. Set the Source Depot Path to the CD ROM drive and directory as specified

Select OK

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform

Figure 2-20. Install Dialog WIndow

8. Mark and install the Pavilion product software.

Select the line for ABB-PAV-PDI in the swinstall Graphical Interface
window, then choose Mark for Install from the Actions menu. Marked items
have Yes in the Marked? column. Install the marked items by choosing Install
(analysis) from the Actions menu.
9. After loading, a window may appear stating:
“The current session cannot be saved to
‘$HOME/.sw/session/swinstall.last’. Your home directory
cannot be determined. Make sure that the HOME environment
variable is set.”
10. Ignore this message, select OK, and no further action is required.

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Chapter 2 Installation

11. From the Actions menu select Change Source....

12. Set the Source Depot Path to the CD ROM drive and directory as specified

Select OK

Figure 2-21. Install Dialog WIndow

13. Mark and install the Pavilion product software (see following note).
First select the line for ABB-PAV-PROD in the swinstall Graphical
Interface window, then choose Mark for Install from the Actions menu.
Marked items have Yes in the Marked? column. Install the marked items by
choosing Install (analysis) from the Actions menu.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform

NOTE: In some cases an additional patch may be supplied to

update the Enterprise Historian functionality to correspond with the
functionality available in the Pavilion products. If this fileset is
available it should also be selected. If the system is already up-to-
date or has been loaded with an update that supersedes the one
supplied, the system does not require the update.

Figure 2-22. swinstall Graphical Interface Window

14. After loading, a window may appear stating:

“The current session cannot be saved to
‘$HOME/.sw/session/swinstall.last’. Your home directory
cannot be determined. Make sure that the HOME environment
variable is set.”
Ignore this message, select OK, and no further action is required.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation

15. To review the log file:

a. Enter: more /var/adm/sw/swinstall.log
b. Find the correct date and time heading.
c. Look for any messages that begin with ERROR or WARNING.
d. Quit the log file when you are finished.
16. Unmount the CD by entering
17. Remove the CD from the drive.
18. Restart the Enterprise Historian.
19. When you are ready, exit as root user.
Enter: exit and press <Enter>.

Log all the way out of the station (to the CDE login screen)
and then re-log back in to enable the Pavilion environment variables
and to run any tools.

Directories Created by the Pavilion Installation

During the installation of the Pavilion products, the following directories are

Table 2-5. Pavilion Directories

Directory Description
/opt/advant/Pavilion Pavilion product software
/home/opt/advant/Pavilion/user Pavilion project data files
/var/opt/advant/pavilion Log files
/usr/local/flexlm License Management Tool

50 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform Post Installation for the HP-UX Platform

Once the software is installed, perform the following post installation procedures:
• Restore user data. This is only necessary if you are performing an upgrade or
re-installation and you have already backed up user data.
• Verify the installation and startup.
• Add server side licenses for Pavilion products such as Insights, Property
Predictor, Process Perfecter, and Process Insights.
• Verify the Xlauncher tool.
• Install client components on a Windows NT or Windows 2000 platform. See
Section 2.1.2, Installing Pavilion Software on a Windows Platform.
These procedures are described in the following sections.

Restoring User Data

This is only necessary if you are performing an upgrade or re-installation and you
have already backed up user data.
Restore Pavilion project displays to: /home/opt/advant/Pavilion/user
• If required, the license files in
would be needed if you are using the Property Predictor, Process Perfecter or
Process Insights products, note no license on the Enterprise Historian server is
required for Insights, its license is only on the Client.

3BUF 000 436R201 51

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation Verifying Start-up of Pavilion Products Data Server

The Pavilion products data server is automatically started when the Enterprise
Historian is started. This can be verified by entering the following command in an
hpterm window: ps -ef | grep -i pavilion.
This command should indicate the following processes have been started:
pdi_ds_eh process and PavWatchDog, Figure 2-23.

Pavilion Processes Running

Figure 2-23. Processes Running

The pdi_ds_eh process is used for data extraction and is specified to startup on
the TCP/IP port 8764. This process is used for data extraction for the Insights and
Predictor products. It should be noted, that although a PDI is already running,
this PDI should not be used for running on-line models.
The other process is the PavWatchDog process. This process monitors all other
processes that belong to the Pavilion product family such as the Models, additional
PDI and other applications.

The Pavilion products provide two sets of environment variables for

the Pavilion utilities, Figure 2-24. These environment variables can
be run based on which command shell the user is using. Typically
the Enterprise Historian uses the POSIX Shell. However a second
environment file is supplied to support the C-shell.

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Section 2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform

Figure 2-24. Pavilion Startup Scripts

The scripts are located in the /opt/advant/Pavilion directories:

pavilion_startup.bsh (POSIX Shell) and
pavilion_startup.csh (C-shell)
Generally the environment variables should not be updated, unless specifically
instructed to make a modification.

In most cases a user will not need to setup these environment

variables as they are included in the log in. Licensing Pavilion Products for the HP-UX Platform

During installation of the Pavilion products, the FLEXlm® license management
software is installed. This section describes how to use this tool to license the
Pavilion products on the HP-UX-based Enterprise Historian.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Installation

License Requirements
The Pavilion products require licenses for the components indicated in Figure 2-6.
In some cases a license is required for both the PC client as well as the Enterprise
Historian Server.

Table 2-6. License Requirements

Enterprise Historian Enterprise(2)

Product Client(1)
Server Historian DataDirect
Insights YES NO YES
Property Predictor YES YES YES
(1) Client licenses are installed on the PC clients. This procedure is covered in Section 2.1.2, Installing Pavilion
Software on a Windows Platform.
(2) The Enterprise Historian DataDirect license must be installed as part of the Enterprise Historian software
installation as described in the Enterprise Historian Version 3.2 for Windows 2000 Administrator’s Guide.

Obtaining the License Code Information on HP-UX Platform

The server licenses are based on the CPU identification number. This number is
required to generate the license key for the Pavilion products on the Enterprise
Historian server. If the Pavilion software is already installed, you can use the ledit
tool to obtain the CPU identification number; otherwise you’ll have to use an
alternative method as described in Obtaining the License Code Information Before
Software is Installed.
To use the ledit tool:
1. Log into the ocsmgr user
2. Change to the superuser. Log in to the Enterprise Historian as superuser:
$ su root
3. Change the directory to the license management software directory and execute
the ledit command:
#cd /usr/local/flexlm/hp700_u8
. /ledit
This displays the License Editor, Figure 2-25.

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Section 2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform

Figure 2-25. License Editor

4. Enter Option 10, to obtain the machine identifier. Note that this tool returns the
CPU identifier as a hexidecimal value, Figure 2-26.

Figure 2-26. CPU Identifier

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Chapter 2 Installation

Record the number and send that number along with the license certificate number,
factory order number, and customer name via e-mail to:
When you receive your permanent license key and text from ABB, enter them as
described in Adding Your License.

Depending on what tool you use to extract the CPU identifier, it

may return either a value in decimal or hexidecimal. Either value is
acceptable as an input to generate the license keys for the server.

Obtaining the CPU Number Before Pavilion Software is Installed

The CPU identification number can be obtained using the HP-UX command
$ uname -i
The uname command returns the CPU identifier as a decimal value.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform

Adding the License

After you have obtained the license, use the ledit tool to add the license to the
license server, Figure 2-27.

Figure 2-27. License Editor

Enter Option 1, to display the License Information dialog shown in Figure 2-28.
Then answer the questions as provided in the license key you will be given. The
license key will contain all of the corresponding information.

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Chapter 2 Installation

Figure 2-28. License Information Entries

Starting the License Server

After the licenses have been entered, restart the HP workstation to register the new
licensing information.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 2.1.3 Installing Pavlilion Software on HP-UX Platform Verifying Operation of the Pavilion Launcher on the HP-UX Platform

The Pavilion products XLauncher tool is for creating and launching new Pavilion
Data Interfaces (PDI), RunTime Application Engines (RAE) and other applications.
The XLauncher tool lets you schedule and start applications associated with running
the models on the Enterprise Historian Platform. Use this tool to verify proper
1. Log in as ocsmgr
2. Enter the $xlauncher command in an hpterm window, Figure 2-29.

Figure 2-29. XLauncher Command

This will launch the Pavilion utility to manipulate your running system,
Figure 2-30.

It is recommended that a separate PDI be established for each RAE.

Please refer to Chapter 4 for more information.

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Chapter 2 Installation

Figure 2-30. Pavilion Launcher Utility

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 3.1 Data Extractor Wizard

Chapter 3 Operation

3.1 Data Extractor Wizard

The Data Extractor Wizard supports Insights and Property Predictor. The wizard
reads data straight from your Enterprise Historian™. This allows you to build a
dataset without having to generate and format raw data files. All you do is specify
the range of time for which you need data and the time interval separating the data
samples. The data extractor wizard reads the required data and builds the dataset.
The New Dataset window shows icons for data extractors. It also has an icon for the
file formatter, which you use to prepare raw data files if necessary.

3.2 ABB Enterprise Historian™

Use the ABB Enterprise Historian™ data extractor to create a Pavilion dataset or a
raw data file using data for specified logs and time intervals. To access the data
extractor, bring up the New Dataset window:
Select File > New > Dataset.
In the New Dataset window, the following icon represents the Enterprise Historian
data extractor wizard.

To start the wizard, select the icon and click OK, or simply double-click the icon.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 3 Operation

Figure 3-1. Data Extraction Wizard Window

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 3.2.1 DataDirect and PDI Options Window

3.2.1 DataDirect and PDI Options Window

The Data Extractor Wizard relies on the same ABB software as the DataDirect
software. For additional information please see the AdvaInform DataDirect User’s
In any window of the wizard, you can click Options to display and set a variety of
options for accessing the historian.

Figure 3-2. DataDirect and PDI WIndow

The default values are probably correct for your computer. If not, contact your
system administrator.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 3 Operation

In the File Setup section, the history object file should list logs that you intend to
access. If necessary, use the Browse button to locate an alternative history object
file. If the logs you need to access do not appear in the history object file, click Edit
to bring up an ASCII text editor so that you can add the desired entries to the file.
Click OK to close the Options window.

3.2.2 Login Window

In the Introduction window of the wizard, click Next to proceed to the Login
If you do not have a valid user name and password, or if you do not know the host
name for the historian, see your system administrator.
The login to the Enterprise Historian server is based on the authority model found in
the display services of the Enterprise Historian Server.

Figure 3-3. Extractor Wizard Login Window

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 3.2.3 Select Logs Window

To specify the port number for login (see Figure 3-2), click Options.
In the Login window, click Next to log onto the Enterprise Historian and continue to
the Select Logs window.

3.2.3 Select Logs Window

Use the Select Logs window to specify the logs you want extracted.

Figure 3-4. Select Logs Window

First, enter a search mask to match log names.

Searches are case sensitive. The search strings must match the case
of the log names in the historian.

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Chapter 3 Operation

In the Mask field, use the asterisk (*) to match any number of characters in the
name. For example:
List all logs starting with pav.
List all logs starting with Pav.
List all logs containing the strings pav and flow, in that order.
List all logs.

The log names are located in a text file located on the local
machine. Use the OPTIONS button to find or change the input file.
See Section 3.2.1, DataDirect and PDI Options Window for more
After entering a mask, click Search. Matching log names appear in the list on the
left, Historian Logs Matching Mask. Examine the list. Select those you need to
extract by clicking on and dragging them. Then click the right-pointing arrow to
move selected logs to the list on the right, Project Logs To Be Extracted. You can
also move a log to the list on the right by double-clicking it.

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Section 3.2.3 Select Logs Window

Figure 3-5. Select Logs Window Example

In this manner, you can continue to search and select logs for extraction.
The set of logs that you can access is determined by your computer’s history object
file, which you can specify by clicking Options. The Options window (described in
Section 3.2.1, DataDirect and PDI Options Window) also allows you to edit a
history object file, adding entries for logs you need to access.
If you intend to extract data from the same logs again in the future, you may want to
save the current log list by clicking Save Project Logs. This operation saves the list
of logs to a file. Later, instead of searching and selecting logs again, you can load
this list using the Load Project Logs operation.
When the list on the right, Project Logs To Be Extracted, lists all the logs you need,
click Next to continue to the Select Date and Times window.

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Chapter 3 Operation

3.2.4 Select Date and Times Window

Use this window to specify the start and end times for data extraction. You also
specify the time interval between data samples.

Figure 3-6. Select Date and Times Window

The start and end times and the extraction interval determine the
size of your dataset. Make sure you have enough disk space for the
amount of data you intend to extract.
By default, the wizard extracts values for the interval that you specify in the fields in
the top of the window.
If you need to extract data for multiple intervals, click Use Multiple Intervals and
click Add To List to compile a list of intervals for extraction.

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Section 3.2.4 Select Date and Times Window

Figure 3-7. Select Date and Times Window - Multiple Intervals Selected

When the Use Multiple Intervals feature is turned on, only the intervals appearing in
the list will be extracted. If Use Multiple Intervals is turned off, only the interval
specified in the date, time, and interval fields at the top of the window will be
After specifying the intervals to extract, click Next to continue to the Data
Validation window.

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Chapter 3 Operation

3.2.5 Data Validation Window

Use this window to verify that the historian contains data for the logs and intervals
that you have specified. The wizard validates a log by retrieving a sample of 500
values for each extraction interval.

Figure 3-8. Data Validation Window

To validate all logs, click Validate All Logs. The wizard indicates the results of the
validation check in the Status field:
Validation not yet performed for this log. Status is set to Unknown
whenever you enter the Data Validation window from a previous window
in the wizard.
Extraction of all 500 validation values was successful.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 3.2.5 Data Validation Window

Missing Data
Some values were missing. Review the sample data (see below), and
consider returning to preceding wizard windows to modify your log list
and interval specifications. This status does not indicate a fatal error: data
extraction succeeds even if values are missing.
Bad Data
No valid values were returned for the time interval in question, but the log
does exist. This is not necessarily a fatal error.
Bad Log
The log was not found. Verify that the desired log is on the historian. Keep
in mind that log names are case sensitive. This status indicates a fatal
error: data extraction fails if a log is not found.

Data extraction fails if a log is not found on the historian.

You must resolve a Bad Log status before continuing.

When you select a single log, the operations for validating selected logs, removing
logs, and viewing sample data become active. When you select multiple logs, only
the operations for validating and removing selected logs become active.
When validation has returned a Good, Missing Data, or Bad Data status for each
log, click Next to continue to the Extract and Save Data window.

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Chapter 3 Operation

3.2.6 Extract and Save Data Window

Select a format and name for the extracted data.

Figure 3-9. Extract and Save Data Window

The Dataset format is intended for use with Pavilion products and tools such as the
spreadsheet, plotter, model trainer, and so forth.
The ASCII format is a common text file, or raw file. For the ASCII format, you can
specify column headings and separators, and the string to substitute for error values.
If you choose to extract the data into the ASCII format, you can still use the ASCII
files to build a Pavilion dataset later.
For either format, specify a file or dataset name and path name. If the file or dataset
already exists, you are prompted before overwriting it.
Click Finish to begin the extraction.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 3.2.7 What the Wizard Does

3.2.7 What the Wizard Does

During data extraction, a progress window appears.
If the PDI network server is not running on the port specified in the Options
window, an error resembling the following appears instead of the progress window.

Figure 3-10. Network Server Error Window

Click Options to verify and/or change the port used for communicating with the PDI
network server. Also verify that the EH Server is operational.
The PDI network server handles the data connection between the data extractor and
the Enterprise Historian. If the server is not available at port 8764 on your computer,
contact your system administrator. After correcting the problem, restart data
extraction by clicking Finish in the Extract and Save Data window.
To interrupt extraction at any time and return to the wizard, click Cancel Data
If you are extracting into a dataset, the wizard loads the dataset into the spreadsheet
upon completion. If the dataset does not exist in your data dictionary, a prompt
appears, asking if you wish to add it.

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Chapter 3 Operation

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.1 Setting Up the PDI Network Server

Chapter 4 Launching Applications

This chapter describes the launchers you can use to start Pavilion Run-Time
Use the application launchers to start, stop, and monitor Pavilion applications,
optionally restarting them if they terminate abnormally. Two separate programs
make up the launcher: one provides the user interface, and the other manages the
The chapter has the following major sections:
Section 4.1, Setting Up the PDI Network Server
Section 4.2, Enterprise Historian Server HP-UX and Windows 2000
For information on command line syntax for the Pavilion Run-Time applications,
see Appendix A, Command Line Syntax where commands such as pavzip can be
used to move projects from off-line to on-line.

The information specified applies to both the Enterprise Historian

HP-UX and the launcher on Windows 2000.

4.1 Setting Up the PDI Network Server

This section describes how to set up the PDI (Pavilion Data Interface) network
The PDI network server provides access to driver interfaces other than the flat file
interface (FFI). To access the DCS, the RAE, Process Perfecter, and other Pavilion
RunTime applications must use the PDI network server.

In this section, the term “RunTime application” includes any

Pavilion application that may communicate with the DCS or
historian, such as the RAE, RAE Project Builder or OnLine Project
Builder, Tag Editor, and Process Perfecter data server applications.

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Chapter 4 Launching Applications

UNIX users should have already set up the environment before continuing. See
Section 4.2.1, Using the Launcher for more information.
You need to build and run at least one PDI network server in your online
environment. If a PDI network server having a driver for your DCS has not been
built yet, build one before continuing. See the readme file provided for your
operating system:

Windows 2000 Systems:


UNIX Systems:
The PDI network server must run on an ABB Enterprise Historian server having
access to the OCS. To add support for you driver to the Pavilion Tag Editor, add an
entry for the driver to the Tag Editor configuration file. See Section A.6, Tag Editor.
The RunTime application must have access to the PDI network server’s computer
using a TCP/IP network. You need to decide what port number to use for
communication between the PDI network server and the RunTime application. No
other programs may be using this port when you start the PDI network server.
Consult your system administrator for help choosing a port number; we suggest you
use 8700. If the PDI network server starts without immediately reporting that the
port number is unavailable, you can assume that you have selected a valid port.
Write down the port number so that you can use it when you start your RunTime
applications later.
Keep in mind that when a program like the PDI network server terminates for any
reason, the port it was using typically remains unavailable for several minutes. This
behavior is normal and reflects the grace period that the operating system allows for
certain types of network connections. Unfortunately, this behavior can also prevent
you from restarting the PDI network server at the same port during this brief grace
period. An attempt to restart the PDI network server at the same port before the
grace period has timed out will result in an error stating that the port is unavailable.
Under these conditions, wait a few minutes until the grace period has timed out and
the port is available again, or try a different port.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2 Enterprise Historian Server HP-UX and Windows 2000

When you have determined the port number that the PDI network server will use,
start the PDI network server. For Windows 2000 systems, see Section 4.1, Setting
Up the PDI Network Server. For UNIX systems, see Section, PDI Network
Server Process.

4.2 Enterprise Historian Server HP-UX and Windows 2000

This section describes the use of the Pavilion launcher for managing Pavilion
RunTime applications on UNIX operating systems
The Windows 2000 Launcher will be mentioned, however a detailed description is
available in the on-line help as well as the standard Pavilion manual. In general the
basic concepts are the same.
You can also manage a watchdog process whose purpose is to monitor your
applications for you. Without requiring operator intervention, the watchdog detects
when an application stops and, if so configured, restarts the application. Optionally,
the watchdog can notify you when it detects that an application has stopped.
On ABB systems, the watchdog is installed under supervision and automatically
starts when the computer starts.

4.2.1 Using the Launcher

This section describes the features provided by the Pavilion application launcher on
UNIX systems.
To start the launcher on a UNIX system, execute the following command:
$ xlauncher
To start the launcher on Windows 2000, from either Predictor, Process Insights or
Property Perfecter, you can select the Online Launcher. See the standard Pavilion
documentation for further details on the Windows 2000 Launcher.

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Chapter 4 Launching Applications

The main window of the launcher has three main display areas.

Figure 4-1. Main Launcher Window

The application list in the upper text area shows applications that have been loaded.
Applications in the list can be controlled manually or automatically by the user. The
order of the applications indicates the order in which they are started if installed for
automatic startup. To add and configure applications, see Section 4.2.3, Managing
The options on the right side of the main window determine which applications and
fields to display in the application list.
The lower text area shows messages logged by the launcher. These messages
indicate events such as application or watchdog starts and stops.
The launcher updates the application list periodically to reflect changing application
status. You can modify the update interval in the Edit System Configuration window
(see Section, Configuring the Launcher and Watchdog). To turn the update
feature off, click the Automatic Update toggle on the right side of the main window.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.1 Using the Launcher

You can update the display yourself at any time by clicking the Update button in the
upper left corner of the main window.
The launcher provides the following pull-down menus:
• File pull-down menu. See Section 4.2.2, General Operations.
• Application pull-down menu. See Section 4.2.3, Managing Applications.
• Watchdog pull-down menu. See Section 4.2.5, How the Watchdog Works.
• Help pull-down menu, for general documentation and software
copyright/version information.

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Chapter 4 Launching Applications

4.2.2 General Operations

Use the operations in this menu for the following tasks:
Section, Configuring the Launcher and Watchdog
Section, Showing Log Files
Section, Exiting the Launcher Configuring the Launcher and Watchdog

The File > Edit System Configuration operation configures the launcher and
watchdog. The operation does not change your operating system configuration.

Figure 4-2. Launcher Configurator Window

Log File Directory

The directory where the launcher and watchdog write log files for events such
as process start, stop, errors, and so forth.

Scratch File Directory

The directory where the launcher and watchdog write temporary files used
during processing.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.2 General Operations

Watchdog Interval
The frequency, in seconds, with which the watchdog process checks to see that
its applications are running and, if necessary, restarts them. This interval
determines the maximum amount of time that an application may be down
before being restarted by the watchdog.

Watchdog Execution User

The user name under which the watchdog process executes.

Watchdog Notification Interval

The frequency, in seconds, with which the watchdog sends a notification for a
process that repeatedly fails to start. The Watchdog Reset Count, below,
determines whether a process fails frequently enough to be considered a
“repeatedly-failing” process.
A repeatedly-failing process could result in numerous attempts by the
watchdog to start it, possibly resulting in dozens or hundreds of failures being
logged before an operator detects and resolves the problem. To avoid logging
an excessive number of failure notifications, the watchdog logs such failures
only as often as indicated by the Watchdog Notification Interval. For example,
if the interval is 3600, the watchdog sends a notification message only once an
hour for a process that repeatedly fails to start. See also Watchdog Reset Count,

Watchdog Reset Count

The minimum amount of time, given as a number of watchdog intervals, that a
process must run to be considered successfully started by the watchdog. If a
process fails before running this number of watchdog intervals, the watchdog
considers it a “repeatedly-failing” process. The frequency with which the
watchdog sends a failure notification for a repeatedly-failing process is
determined by the Watchdog Notification Interval, above.

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Chapter 4 Launching Applications

Display Update Rate

The frequency, in seconds, that the launcher display updates when the
Automatic Update feature is on. The Automatic Update toggle is located at the
lower left of the launcher main window. You can update the display at any time
by clicking the Update button, located at the upper left of the main display
window. Showing Log Files

The File pull-down menu provides the following operations for displaying log files:
File > Show Process Log File
Display the log file for the selected process. Every process managed by the
launcher has a process log file. The process log file typically indicates only
startup and termination messages.
File > Show Application Log File
Display the log file for the selected application. Only applications such as RAE
applications will generate an application log file. If an application fails to start,
the log file can be used to determine the cause of the problem.
File > Show Watchdog Log File
Display the log file for the watchdog. Exiting the Launcher

Select File > Exit to terminate the launcher. The watchdog continues to run and
function as configured after you terminate the launcher. Starting and stopping the
launcher does not affect the watchdog.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.3 Managing Applications

4.2.3 Managing Applications

The Application pull-down menu provides operations for the following tasks
Section, Adding and Deleting Applications
Section, Viewing and Modifying Properties
Section, Starting and Stopping Applications Adding and Deleting Applications

Select Application > Add New to configure an application and add it to the
application listing. You must add an application before it can be started. The
operation requires that you specify all properties necessary to start the application or
process. For more information on the applications and their properties, see Section
4.2.4, Configuring Applications.
To remove an application from the application list, first select the application by
clicking on its name. Then select the Application > Delete operation. You cannot
delete an application that is running. If you add the application again later, you will
have to specify all of its configuration properties again. Viewing and Modifying Properties

To view the configuration properties of an application, select the application by
clicking on its name in the list, and then select the Application > View Properties
You can modify an application’s configuration properties only if the application is
stopped. To do so, select the application in the list and then select Application >
Modify Properties.
For more information on application properties, see Section 4.2.4, Configuring
Applications. Starting and Stopping Applications

To start a local application, click on the application name in the application list and
then select Application > Start. To stop a local application, click on its name and
select Application > Stop.

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Chapter 4 Launching Applications

You can start all local applications in the list by selecting Application > Start All.
The launcher starts any stopped applications in the order in which they appear in the
application list. The Start All operation ignores Delays (described in Section,
To stop all local applications that are running, select Application > Stop All. This
operation ignores Delays.
When you stop an application, there may be a delay of several minutes before the
application stops. The delay reflects the frequency with which the application
checks for the existence of its kill file. The kill file is created by the launcher to stop
the application.
Use the up and down arrows at the upper left of the application list to change the
starting order of applications for both watchdog startups and for the Start All

Figure 4-3. Application Selection

To view messages generated when starting and stopping an application (including

messages generated if the application fails to start) select the application and then
select File > Show Process Log File (described in Section, Showing Log
Files). The operation File > Show Application Log shows logs generated by the
application itself; application logs may indicate causes of application failures.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.4 Configuring Applications

4.2.4 Configuring Applications

This section describes the properties of the applications that you can manage using
the launcher. You can define and display these properties using operations in the
Application pull-down menu described in Section 4.2.3, Managing Applications.
The applications and processes are:
Section, PDI Network Server Process
Section, RunTime Application Engine (RAE) Application
Section, Delay
Section, Other Applications PDI Network Server Process

To add a PDI network server process, select Application > Add New > PDI.


Figure 4-4. PDI Network Server Properties

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Chapter 4 Launching Applications

The properties are:

A string to use to distinguish this application from others running on the same
system. The string may not contain spaces.

Any comment describing the application.

The complete path name of the PDI network server executable.

The communications port number that the PDI network server should use to
communicate with other Pavilion applications. If you attempt to use one that is
already in use, the attempt to start the PDI network server fails.

Restart Action
Indicate how you want the watchdog to react when it detects that this process is
no longer running:
Do not restart the process. Do not notify the user.
Restart the process. Do not notify the user. If the watchdog is running and
enabled when you specify this Restart Action, the watchdog starts the
application (unless already running) at the next watchdog interval.
Do not restart the process. Send electronic mail notifying the user
indicated in the Restart Mail User field, below.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.4 Configuring Applications

Restart Notify
Restart the process and send electronic mail notifying the user indicated in
the Restart Mail User field, below. If the watchdog is running and enabled
when you specify this Restart Action, the watchdog starts the application
(unless already running) at the next watchdog interval.
Watchdog Startup
Start the process only when the watchdog itself starts. After starting the
application once, ignore it.

Restart Mail User

User name or mail alias to which the watchdog should send a notification if the
process fails. Notification only occurs if Restart Action, above, is set to Notify
or Restart Notify.

Execution User
User name under which the process should run.

Execution Host
Computer on which this process runs. An attempt to start or stop the process
succeeds only if it originates on this computer.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 4 Launching Applications RunTime Application Engine (RAE) Application

To add a RAE application, select Application > Add New > RAE.

Figure 4-5. RAE Properties

The properties are:

A string to use to distinguish this application from others running on the same
system. The string may not contain spaces.

Any comment describing the application.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.4 Configuring Applications

Application Dir
The directory to search for files used by the application. This field is a
required property for each RAE or application.

Config File
The file name or path name of the RAE project configuration file,

PDI Host
The host where the PDI network server is running. You should have already
started a PDI network server on this host. See Section, PDI Network
Server Process. If you leave this field blank, the RAE uses the value defined in
the configuration file.

PDI Port
The TCP/IP port number to use for communicating with the PDI network
server. You should have already started a PDI network server on this port. See
Section, PDI Network Server Process. If you leave this field blank, the
RAE uses the value defined in the configuration file.

Restart Action
Indicate how you want the watchdog to react when it detects that this process is
no longer running:
Do not restart the process. Do not notify the user.
Restart the process. Do not notify the user. If the watchdog is running and
enabled when you specify this Restart Action, the watchdog starts the
application (unless already running) at the next watchdog interval.

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Chapter 4 Launching Applications

Do not restart the process. Send electronic mail notifying the user
indicated in the Restart Mail User field, below.
Restart Notify
Restart the process and send electronic mail notifying the user indicated in
the Restart Mail User field, below. If the watchdog is running and enabled
when you specify this Restart Action, the watchdog starts the application
(unless already running) at the next watchdog interval.
Watchdog Startup
Start the process only when the watchdog itself starts. After starting the
application once, ignore it.

Restart Mail User

User name or mail alias to which the watchdog should send a notification if the
process fails. Notification only occurs if Restart Action, above, is set to Notify
or Restart Notify.

Execution User
User name under which the process should run.

Execution Host
Computer on which this process runs. An attempt to start or stop the process
succeeds only if it originates on this computer.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.4 Configuring Applications Delay
To add a startup delay, select Application > Add New > Delay. The Delay affects
only initial startup of applications by the watchdog. After initial startup of the
watchdog, Delays have no effect.

Figure 4-6. Application Delay Properties

The properties are:

A string to use to distinguish this Delay from others on the same system. The
string may not contain spaces.

Any comment describing this item.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 4 Launching Applications

Delay (Sec)
The number of seconds to wait before starting the next application.

Execution Host
The computer where this delay should occur during startup. Other Applications

To add an application other than a PDI network server, RAE application, or Process
Perfecter application, select Application > Add New > Other.

Figure 4-7. Other Application Properties

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.4 Configuring Applications

The properties are:

A string to use to distinguish this application from others running on the same
system. The string may not contain spaces.

Any comment describing the application.

Application Dir
The directory to search for files used by the application. This field is a
required property for each RAE or application.

The complete path name of the executable.

Any command line arguments to use when starting the application.

Kill File
The name of the file to create when you select the operation (Application >
Stop or Application > Stop All) to terminate this application. The application
should test for the existence of this file periodically, and if the kill file exists,
the application should remove the kill file and terminate itself.

Restart Action
Indicate how you want the watchdog to react when it detects that this process is
no longer running:
Do not restart the process. Do not notify any users.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 4 Launching Applications

Restart the process. Do not notify any users. If the watchdog is running
and enabled when you specify this Restart Action, the watchdog starts the
application (unless already running) at the next watchdog interval.
Do not restart the process. Send electronic mail notifying the user
indicated in the Restart Mail User field, below.
Restart Notify
Restart the process and send electronic mail notifying the user indicated in
the Restart Mail User field, below. If the watchdog is running and enabled
when you specify this Restart Action, the watchdog starts the application
(unless already running) at the next watchdog interval.
Watchdog Startup
Start the process only when the watchdog itself starts. After starting the
application once, ignore it.

Restart Mail User

User name or mail alias to which the watchdog should send a notification if the
process fails. Notification only occurs if Restart Action, above, is set to Notify
or Restart Notify.

Execution User
User name under which the process should run.

Execution Host
Computer on which this process runs. An attempt to start or stop the process
succeeds only if it originates on this computer.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.5 How the Watchdog Works

4.2.5 How the Watchdog Works

The Watchdog pull-down menu provides operations for starting and stopping the
watchdog process and for enabling and disabling a running watchdog process.
Watchdog behavior is determined by properties you set using the File > Edit System
Configuration operation, described in Section, Configuring the Launcher
and Watchdog.
If you disable the watchdog (Watchdog > Disable), it continues to run but does not
monitor or restart processes. To restore a disabled watchdog to normal operation,
select Watchdog > Enable. A legend at the bottom of the main launcher window
indicates the status of the watchdog.
On ABB systems, if you stop the watchdog process, the supervisory system restarts
it; therefore, to halt watchdog services on an ABB system, you must disable the
watchdog instead of stopping it.
When the watchdog starts, it reads the launcher application list and starts local
applications whose Restart Action property is set to Restart, Restart Notify, or
Watchdog Startup. The watchdog starts them in the order in which they appear in
the application list, delaying between applications where indicated.
After startup, the watchdog enters its normal operating cycle: alternately sleeping
for the amount of time defined as the watchdog interval, and then waking up to
check on applications. If an application has terminated unexpectedly, the watchdog
performs the action indicated by the application’s Restart Action property.
If an application designated Restart or Restart Notify fails repeatedly to start, the
watchdog continues indefinitely in an attempt to restart the application. For more
information on the handling of processes that fail repeatedly, see Section,
Configuring the Launcher and Watchdog.
The watchdog monitors and restarts only local applications. You should start a
watchdog on every computer that is designated as the execution computer for any
Pavilion application that you need to run.

4.2.6 Configuring a PDI Server on the Windows Platform

• From the Property Predictor, under the Tools menu item bring up the
Online Launcher.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 4 Launching Applications

• From the Online Launcher, create a PDI Server. This will be used to map data
from the actual PDI Server into the on-line project.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.6 Configuring a PDI Server on the Windows Platform

• Typically the PDI Servers are located in C:\Pavilion\pdiservers\bin\.

The PDI Server provided is called pdi_ds_eh.exe

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 4 Launching Applications

• Set the parameters for the PDI, this will include the type of PDI Client, in this

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section 4.2.6 Configuring a PDI Server on the Windows Platform

case EH, establish the port number (8000), this will be used by the Pavilion
project when it attaches to the data.

• Once configured, the PDI Server should be started.

• Once the on-line project has been debugged, the PDI Server can be placed into
automatic startup mode and placed under watchdog control to restart if a
problem occurs.
Please see Appendix D, Creating an OPC Connection for additional configuration

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Chapter 4 Launching Applications

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section A.1 Setting up the UNIX Environment

Appendix A Command Line Syntax

This appendix describes the command line syntax for Pavilion applications.
You may find it more convenient to start Pavilion RunTime applications using the
launchers instead of the command line interface. For information on launchers, see
Chapter 4, Launching Applications.

A.1 Setting up the UNIX Environment

This section applies only to users of the UNIX operating system.
The Pavilion products provide two sets of environment variables for the Pavilion
utilities. These environment variables can be run based on which command shell the
user is using. Typically the Enterprise Historian uses the POSIX Shell. However a
second environment file is supplied to support the C-shell. If you are not sure which
shell you are using, contact your system administrator.
Before invoking any Pavilion applications, set up your UNIX user environment by
entering the following command:
source install-dir/pavilion_startup.bsh
where install-dir is the directory where the Pavilion software is installed.
If the command fails because the source command is not found, you may not be
using the correct shell. Contact your system administrator.

A.2 Location of Executables

Pavilion executables are located in the following directories:
Windows systems:%pav5_root%\bin
ABB Enterprise Historian HP-UX server:$ /opt/advant/Pavilion/bin

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix A Command Line Syntax

A.3 Pavzip
This allows a user to package-up a project and move it from the Windows (PC)
environment to UNIX, and vice versa.

A.3.1 Syntax
pavzip [Options]

A.3.2 Arguments
May be any or all of the following:
-dtv Print version information for the executable, including the date and time when the
version was compiled.
-out FileName
Write output to file FileName.pz. If FileName.pz already exists, the
command removes it before rewriting it.
-file FileName
Pack the file named FileName.
-files Mask
Pack the files indicated by the file name mask Mask. In the mask, use the asterisk
(*) to represent any number of characters. For example, unit3* matches any file
names starting with the string unit3.
-rae RAEproject
Pack all files making up RAE project RAEproject.
-perf PerfProject
Pack all files making up Process Perfecter project PerfProject.
-dataset DatasetName
Pack all files making up dataset DatasetName.
-model ModelName
Pack all files making up model ModelName.
-cemmodel ModelName
Pack all files making up Software CEM model ModelName.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section A.3.3 Description

-dynmodel DynModel
Pack all files making up dynamic model DynModel.
-maxnc Number
Limit length of output lines to Number number of characters. Limiting line length
may prevent mailer errors when emailing a pavzip output file.
Expand tab characters, replacing them with spaces. Use the -tabw option, below,
to set the tab interval if other than the default (8).
-tabw Number
Tab interval to use in expanding tabs when you specify the -detab option, above.
The default is 8, making tab stops at 1, 9, 17, 25, and so on.

A.3.3 Description
Pack the indicated files and Pavilion resources into a single file. All files and
resources must be ASCII text files.

All files must be ASCII text files, not binaries. If you pack binary or
image files, the output file may be unusable. Verify that Pavilion
datasets, models, or other resources are saved as ASCII text files
rather than as binary files.
The output file is an ASCII text file. If you transfer the file using a file transfer
protocol (FTP) utility, verify that the transfer mode is ASCII or text, not image or
binary, before performing the transfer.
You can transfer pavzip files between different types of operating systems. For
example, you can transfer from Windows to UNIX, from UNIX to OpenVMS, and
so on.
Do not edit or otherwise alter a pavzip file. If you alter it, pavunzip may fail to
unpack it correctly, or the unpacked files may be unusable.
To unpack the file, use the pavunzip command, described in Section A.4,
Pavunzip. Do not attempt to unpack the file using any other unzip utility; only
pavunzip can unpack it correctly.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix A Command Line Syntax

A.4 Pavunzip
This allows a user to un-pack a project zipped file from the Windows (PC)
environment to UNIX, and vice verse.

A.4.1 Syntax
pavunzip [Options]

A.4.2 Arguments
May be any or all of the following:
-dtv Print version information for the executable, including the date and time when the
version was compiled.
-nogo List the files contained in the pavzip file without unpacking it.
-outpath PathName
Write files to the directory indicated by PathName. The default is your current
-in FileName
Take input from file FileName.pz. The input file must have been created using
the pavzip utility, described on page -102.
Use one of the following options to determine how the command handles name
conflicts, where a file on disk has the same name as a file being unpacked.
Overwrite any existing files having duplicate names.
-safe Do not overwrite any existing files having duplicate names.
Overwrite existing files only if the unzipped file has a more recent time stamp. This
is the default.

A.4.3 Description
Restore files packed using the pavzip utility, described Section A.3, Pavzip.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section A.4.3 Description

The utility processes command line options from left to right; therefore, the order in
which you list options on the command line determines how the command
proceeds. For example, consider the following example command line:
pavunzip -force -in input1 -recent -in input2
This example command line causes pavunzip to perform these steps:
1. Set the -force option, thus canceling the default option (-recent).
2. Unpack file input1.pz.
3. Set the -recent option, thus canceling the -force option.
4. Unpack the file input2.pz.
When complete, pavunzip will have unpacked all files from input1.pz,
overwriting any existing files on disk having the same names. It will also have
unpacked all files from input2.pz except in cases where a file having the same
name already existed on disk, and where the file on disk had a more recent time
stamp than the one unpacked from input2.pz.
The pavunzip command attempts to restore original date/time stamps. If the
command is unable to restore them, the date/time stamps are set to the current date
and time.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix A Command Line Syntax

A.5 PDI Network Server

A.5.1 Syntax
ProgramName -kill File -port Port -scratchdir Directory

A.5.2 Arguments
-dtv Print compilation date and time and version information about the GUI executable; then
terminate. This option is available only on some systems and only for the pdi_ds (MEM
driver only) executable.
-kill File
Kill file. Periodically, the server looks for this file. If it exists, the server exits. If you specify
a simple file name, the server looks for the file in the directory where you invoked the server.
We recommend that you specify a complete path name for this file.
-port Port
Driver port number of the PDI network server. Pavilion applications such as the RAE, the
Process Perfecter data server, or a RunTime application use the port number for
communicating with the PDI network server. The port may not already be in use; if it is, the
command will fail. For port numbers, we recommend that you use port 7000 or higher to
avoid ports typically used by operating system services. Section 4.1, Setting Up the PDI
Network Server for more information.
-scratchdir Directory
Directory where the server may copy tag files temporarily. On UNIX systems, terminate the
directory name with a slash (/).

A.5.3 Description
Each PDI network server executable is built for a particular DCS; therefore, the
exact name of the server executable varies from site to site. Typically, the
executable name is pdi_ds or a similar name indicating the DCS. For example, the
ABB OCS system, the executable is named pdi_ds_eh. The executable is in the
pdiservers directory where the Pavilion software is loaded on your system. See
the pdiservers.readme file located there.
The generic PDI network server provided by Pavilion, pdi_ds, includes only the
MEM driver. All other drivers also include the MEM driver.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section A.5.3 Description

For information on selecting port numbers, see Section 4.1, Setting Up the PDI
Network Server.

A.5.3.1 Configuration File

Optionally, you can specify the kill file, port number, and scratch directory in a
configuration file. Command line options override any definitions in the
configuration file.
Create a file named pavilion.rt_pdids_cfg. Add any of the following
entries as needed:
# Precede comments with the pound (#) sign

PortNumber 7000 # Specify the port number here...

# Scratch directory:
ScratchDir /tmp/ # UNIX dir name
# ScratchDir projects:[unit1.scratch] # OpenVMS dir

KillFile pdikill # Specify the kill file name here

Specify the pathname of the configuration file using an environment variable
(Windows and UNIX systems) or logical (OpenVMS systems) called
PDI_DS_CONFIG_FILE. If you do not define PDI_DS_CONFIG_FILE, the
server looks for pavilion.rt_pdids_cfg in its working directory.

Honeywell CM50S users only: if you do not define

PDI_DS_CONFIG_FILE, the server checks standard input for the
configuration file name rather than looking for

A.5.3.2 Troubleshooting
The following errors may occur when you try to access the PDI network server:
can’t connect to server
The PDI network server may not be running at the specified port number and host.
The network may be down.
server does not support driver type

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix A Command Line Syntax

The PDI network server contacted using the specified port number and host name
has not been linked with the proper DCS interface libraries. To build the server, see
the pdiservers.readme file located in the pdiservers directory where
Pavilion software is installed on your computer.

A.6 Tag Editor

A.6.1 Syntax
raetaged [Options]

A.6.2 Arguments
May be any or all of the following:
-dtv Print version information for the executable, including the date and time when the
version was compiled.
-file FileName
Open the tag file FileName. This option does not prevent you from closing this
file while in the Tag Editor and opening a different file.
-v Print version information for the executable.

A.6.3 Description
For details on the use and function of the Tag Editor, see the Pavilion User’s Guides.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section B.1 Master Software System

Appendix B Pavilion PDI Enterprise Historian Driver

Object Types

The Pavilion PDI Enterprise Historian Driver has support for both Master and
MOD 300 object types. The following tables present the object types that the
Enterprise Historian driver is specifically coded to recognize. The object types

B.1 Master Software System

Table B-1. Master Software Object Types

Object Type Attributes


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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix B Pavilion PDI Enterprise Historian Driver Object Types

B.2 MOD 300 Software System

The MOD 300 object type attributes that the Enterprise Historian driver should be
able to read include attributes of type boolean, integer, and floating point.

The Enterprise Historian driver was coded to recognize the object

types CCF_ADAPT1_LOOP and CCF_ADAPT2_LOOP; however,
the MOD 300 Object Types Manual lists these objects as
strings are interpreted from values returned by the
bciObjectTypeAttributes() call. The Enterprise Historian driver may
need to be modified, depending on the actual returned value.

Table B-2. MOD 300 Object Types

Object Types

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section B.2 MOD 300 Software System

Table B-2. MOD 300 Object Types (Continued)

Object Types

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix B Pavilion PDI Enterprise Historian Driver Object Types

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section C.1 Creating the Off-line Project

Appendix C Creating an Off-line Project

and Taking It On-line

This appendix briefly describes the steps to take you through creating an off-line
project using the Pavilion Property Predictor on a PC, to creating the on-line project
and then on to transferring the project to the Enterprise Historian platform.
Note: these steps will create an off-line project called test.

C.1 Creating the Off-line Project

1. Open the Property Predictor window on the PC.
2. Select File > New > Dataset.
3. Double-click Enterprise Historian.
4. Use the Wizard to extract the dataset from the History.
5. Do as required to generate the off-line dataset.

C.2 Opening the On-line Project

While in the dataset spreadsheet:
6. Click Dataset > Generate Dataset for OnLine Use, and then use and follow
the window prompts.
If the off-line dataset is known as test, the on-line dataset will default to
7. Save the dataset as Data Type ASCII and Release 5.0.
Go to the Property Predictor window.
8. Select Tools > Online Project Builder
Once in the Project Builder:
9. Specify the on-line project (in this case, test_onln1).

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix C Creating an Off-line Project and Taking It On-line

C.3 Mapping the Data

10. Double click on RAW DATA INPUT.
11. Change Input Driver Type to EH.
12. Specify the host name and port number for the data.
13. Map the variable names of the input variables to the actual system variables.
14. Change the Mode to Test Mode and verify that the system variables are
15. In a like manner, double click on DATA OUTPUT and map the output
variables to the actual system variables.
16. When done, save the on-line project.

C.4 Testing the Project

Within the Property Predictor:
17. Use Tools > Online Launcher to test the model on the PC.

C.5 Moving the Project

The utility pavzip can be used to create a zip file containing all of the required files
needed to run the project on the Enterprise Historian platform.
18. Open an MS-DOS window on the PC.
19. Change the directory to where the on-line project resides.
20. Command: pavzip –files test_onln1.* –out c:\<directory>\test.pz creates a
file named test.pz.
21. Move test.pz to /home/opt/advant/Pavilion/user/ and create a
project directory on the Enterprise Historian side.
22. Open a terminal window on the Enterprise Historian side.
23. Command: pavunzip -in test.pz unzips the test_onln1 data files.
24. Use the xlauncher to run the on-line project.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.1 OPC Program ID

Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

This appendix briefly describes the parameters required to create an OPC

connection for a Pavilion project.

D.1 OPC Program ID

The OPC ProgID is required in order to provide the connection between the OPC
Server and the Pavilion OPC Client. Typically the OPC Server provides
documentation regarding the OPC Program ID, this should be a registry key name;
for example: ABBMaestroNT.OPCServer.1, which is the name of the registry key
for the ABB Maestro System. This key needs to be placed on the system executing
the Pavilion PDI client software.
If the OPC Server is local, then the Program ID is already installed. If the OPC
Server is not local but remote, then a copy of the OPC Server Program ID registry
key needs to be transferred from the node containing the OPC server to the
Enterprise Historian.
Use the regedit command utility, to search the registry for the OPC Program ID,
then export out the Program ID as well as the Class Identifier (CSLID). See
Figure D-1 for an example.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

Figure D-1. Registry Key for OPC Server

The export of a registry key will create a “.reg” file, this file needs to be imported
into the registry on the system executing the Pavilion PDI Client. The registry key
can be imported from the regedit tool or by double clicking on the registry.

On the OPC Server Node

The following instructions for the OPC Server Node are specifically for the
SymOPCServer server.

The target OPC Server is based on the Maestro RTDS, and the
application name of the server is: SymOPCServer.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.1 OPC Program ID

Run the DCOM configuration program. To do this:

1. From the Windows task bar choose: Start>Run, and then enter dcomcnfg in
the Run dialog, Figure D-2.

Figure D-2. Running DCOM Configuration Program

This displays the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog.

2. Click the Default Properties tab and check the box labeled Enable
Distributed COM on this Computer, Figure D-3.

Figure D-3. Enable Distributed COM

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

3. Click the Applications tab.

4. Select SymOPCServer, then click the Properties button, Figure D-4.

Figure D-4. Selecting the Server

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.1 OPC Program ID

This displays the Properties dialog for the server, Figure D-5.

Figure D-5. Properties Dialog

5. Set the Authentication Level to (None), Figure D-5.

6. Click the Security tab.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

7. Select the Use custom access permissions radio button. This activates the
corresponding Edit button, Figure D-6.

Figure D-6. Security Tab

8. Click the Edit button. This displays the Registry Value Permissions dialog,
Figure D-7.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.1 OPC Program ID

Figure D-7. Registry Value Permissions

9. Use this dialog to set user category Everyone to Allow Access.

a. Click Add. This displays the Add Users and Groups dialog.
b. Select Everyone, then click Add.
c. For type of access, select Allow Access.
d. Click OK to close the Add Users and Groups dialog, then click OK again
to exit the Registry Value Permissions dialog.
10. Select the Use custom launch permissions radio button on the Security tab,
and repeat steps 8 & 9 to configure the launch permissions.
11. In the SymOPCServer dialog, click the Identity tab.
12. Click The Interactive User radio button.
13. Click OK to exit Application Properties, then click OK again to exit
14. Restart the SymOPCServer.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

D.1.1 OPC ProxyDLL

If the OPC Server is remote, insure that the OPCPROXY.dll is installed and
registered on the system with the OPC PDI client.

NOTE: Typically the OPCPROXY.dll is installed when installing

the Enterprise Historian system software. Situations have been seen
where the installation of a third party OPC client or removal of an
OPC Client has removed the OPCPROXY.dll.

D.2 Configuring OPC Client

There are basically two steps in configuring a Pavilion project to communicate with
an OPC Server. The first step is to configure a OPC Client which is used to
communicate to the OPC Server. The second is to configure the project using the
on-line project builder to map the data within the project to data from the OPC
• From the Property Predictor, under the Tools menu item bring up the
Online Launcher.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.2 Configuring OPC Client

• From the Online Launcher, create a PDI Server. This will be used to map data
from the actual OPC Server into the on-line project:
1. From the PDI Servers Tab select Add New.

2. Browse to the location of the PDI server.

Typically the PDI Servers are located in C:\Pavilion\pdiservers\bin\.
The PDI Server provided is called pdi_ds_opc.exe

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Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.2 Configuring OPC Client

• Set the parameters for the OPC. This will include the Driver Type of PDI
Server, in this case OPC, and establish the port number (7000); this will be
used by the Pavilion project when it attaches to the data. Select OK.
• Once configured, the PDI Server should be started (select Start).
• Once the on-line project has been debugged, the PDI Server can be placed into
automatic startup mode (select Start Options) and placed under watchdog
control to restart if a problem occurs.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

D.2.1 Configuring an On-Line Project to use an OPC Server

• From the Property Predictor, under the Tools menu item bring up the Online
Project Builder.

• In a project, edit the input and output tag list to reflect what these tags will use
in an OPC Connection (see the following example).
• Set the Driver type to OPC.
• Set the Host name to the IP address where the PDI Server will execute.
• Set the Port Number to the value defined when setting up the PDI Server.
• Map the tags in the Pavilion project to the actual tag name.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.2.1 Configuring an On-Line Project to use an OPC Server

Tag List Menu

Select Edit from the Tag List menu

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

• In the Tag List Editor, edit the Common Tag List Attributes to provide the OPC
Program ID as well as the other parameters required for the OPC connection.

• Provide the parameters for the Driver Specific Tag List Attributes:
Server Type (Remote/Local/Inproc)
Server ProgID
Server Node (where the OPC server is located)

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.2.1 Configuring an On-Line Project to use an OPC Server

D.2.1.1 OPC Common Tag List Attribute Parameters


This string type attribute specifies what type of OPC server is to be used for
this taglist. The allowed values are “INPROC”, “LOCAL”, and “REMOTE”. If
not specified, the default value is “INPROC”.
An “INPROC” OPC server is implemented as a DLL and is only available as a
local server. A “LOCAL” OPC server is implemented as an executable. A
“REMOTE” OPC server is implemented as an executable and requires that the
OPC_SERVER_NODE attribute also be specified.

This string type attribute specifies the Windows Registry value for the
“PROGID” entry of the OPC Server. This attribute is required and there is no

This string type attribute specifies the Node name of a “REMOTE” OPC
Server. It is required if the OPC_SERVER_TYPE attribute is specified as
“REMOTE”. There is no default value.

This string type attribute specifies whether the PDI OPC driver will release the
OPC server when all references to it have been removed. The default for
“INPROC” server connections is TRUE. For “LOCAL” and “REMOTE”
server connections, the default is FALSE. The value to use for this attribute
depends on whether it is expected that the PDI OPC driver will start the OPC
server and whether the OPC server is to remain running to service multiple

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

This string type attribute specifies a default ACCESS_PATH to be used for tags
that have not specified a tag specific OPC_ACCESS_PATH attribute. The
default value is “” (null string). The OPC Access Path attribute is a string
passed to the OPC server to “suggest” methods for processing the request.
According to the OPC specification, this attribute must be supported by all
OPC servers but may be ignored. It may or may not be required by your
particular OPC server.

This string type attribute specifies a default READ_SOURCE to be used for
tags that have not specified a tag specific OPC_READ_SOURCE attribute.
The default value is “CACHE”. The allowed values are “CACHE” and

This string type attribute specifies an OPC Group Name for the list of tags in
the tag list. This attribute is optional. This group name must be unique among
all the other groups in use by this instance of the OPC Server. If you do not
specify a Group Name, a unique name will be generated for you

This string type attribute specifies a “prefix” string that will be added to the
beginning of every Tag Name in the taglist that specifies the
OPC_USE_PREFIX attribute as TRUE.

This string type attribute specifies a “suffix” string that will be appended to the
end of every Tag Name in the taglist that specifies the OPC_USE_SUFFIX
attribute as TRUE.

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Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.2.1 Configuring an On-Line Project to use an OPC Server

This string type attribute specifies a taglist default data type to be used when
requesting data from an OPC server. If specified as “TRUE” or 1, the native (or
canonical) data type defined by the OPC server will be used. If specified as
“FALSE” or 0, a data type of VT_R8 (double precision floating point) will be
used. An OPC server should be able to receive and return data in the data type
format requested by an OPC client. Therefore, the default value of “FALSE”
will be applicable in most cases. Specific data types other than VT_R8 can be
requested by supplying a Variant Data type identifier (integer value). The
following data types are supported by the PDI OPC driver:
VT_I1 = 16 VT_UI1 = 17 VT_BOOL= 11
VT_I2 = 2 VT_UI2 = 18
VT_I4= 3 VT_UI4 = 19
VT_R4 = 4 VT_R8 = 8

This floating point type attribute specifies a tag list default value that will be
used as the high output limit for determining windup status. The value
specified for this attribute will be used for every tag in the taglist that does not
specify a tag specific OPC_HIGH_CLAMP attribute. This attribute is only
used for Pavilion Perfecter applications and only when the Taglist Parameter
Type is “CURRVALDCSWINDUPSTATUS”. The value obtained from the
OPC_HIGH_CLAMP_TAG, if specified, overrides this value. If
OPC_HIGH_CLAMP is not specified, then the default is 100.0. This attribute
may be ignored if an OPC Server determines windup status differently. See the
OPC_EXTENSION attribute.

This floating point type attribute specifies a tag list default value that will be
used as the low output limit for determining windup status. The value specified
for this attribute will be used for every tag in the taglist that does not specify a
tag specific OPC_LOW_CLAMP attribute. This attribute is only used for
Pavilion Perfecter applications and only when the Taglist Parameter Type is
“CURRVALDCSWINDUPSTATUS”. The value obtained from the
OPC_LOW_CLAMP_TAG, if specified, overrides this value. If

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Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

OPC_LOW_CLAMP is not specified, then the default is 0.0. This attribute

may be ignored if an OPC Server determines windup status differently. See the
OPC_EXTENSION attribute.

This string type attribute specifies either an integer value or a bit mask value to
compare to the value returned for the specified Tag Name. The value specified
for this attribute will be used for every tag in the taglist that does not specify a
tag specific OPC_ON_CONTROL attribute. This attribute is only used for
Pavilion Perfecter applications and only when the Taglist Parameter Type is
“DCSCONTROLLERMODE”. If the value is specified as a decimal integer,
then the value returned for the tag must be equal to the OPC_ON_CONTROL
value to be considered ON_CONTROL. If the value is specified as a
hexadecimal value (i.e. 0x0F23), then the value returned for the tag is “anded”
with the OPC_ON_CONTROL value to determine if the specified bit pattern is
present. This attribute may be ignored if an OPC Server determines controller
mode differently. See the OPC_EXTENSION attribute.

This string type attribute specifies either an integer value or a bit mask value to
compare to the value returned for the specified OPC_MODE_TAG1 Tag
Name. The value specified for this attribute will be used for every tag in the
taglist that does not specify a tag specific OPC_ON_CONTROL1 attribute.
This attribute is only used for Pavilion Perfecter applications and only when
the Taglist Parameter Type is “DCSCONTROLLERMODE”. If the value is
specified as a decimal integer, then the value returned for the
OPC_MODE_TAG1 tag must be equal to the OPC_ON_CONTROL1 value to
be considered ON_CONTROL. If the value is specified as a hexadecimal value
(i.e. 0x0F23), then the value returned for the OPC_MODE_TAG1 tag is
“anded” with the OPC_ON_CONTROL1 value to determine if the specified bit
pattern is present. This attribute may be ignored if an OPC Server determines
controller mode differently. See the OPC_EXTENSION attribute.

132 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.2.1 Configuring an On-Line Project to use an OPC Server

This string type attribute specifies either an integer value or a bit mask value to
compare to the value returned for the specified OPC_MODE_TAG2 Tag
Name. The value specified for this attribute will be used for every tag in the
taglist that does not specify a tag specific OPC_ON_CONTROL2 attribute.
This attribute is only used for Pavilion Perfecter applications and only when
the Taglist Parameter Type is “DCSCONTROLLERMODE”. If the value is
specified as a decimal integer, then the value returned for the
OPC_MODE_TAG2 tag must be equal to the OPC_ON_CONTROL2 value to
be considered ON_CONTROL. If the value is specified as a hexadecimal value
(i.e. 0x0F23), then the value returned for the OPC_MODE_TAG2 tag is
“anded” with the OPC_ON_CONTROL2 value to determine if the specified bit
pattern is present. This attribute may be ignored if an OPC Server determines
controller mode differently. See the OPC_EXTENSION attribute.

This string attribute causes the return value for either MODE or WINDUP
STATUS to be inverted. This attribute is only used for Pavilion Perfecter
applications and only when the Taglist Parameter Type is
Allowed values are “TRUE” and “FALSE”. This attribute is optional and if not
specified, defaults to FALSE.

This string attribute specifies a taglist default for the PDI OPC driver
extensions that will be used for determining Windup status and Controller
mode. This attribute is only used for Pavilion Perfecter applications and only
when the Taglist Parameter Type is “DCSCONTROLLERMODE” or
“CURRVALDCSWINDUPSTATUS”. The allowed values are:
NONE: No Extensions are to be used
GENERIC: Generic Extensions are to be used
TPN: Honeywell HCI/TPN Extensions are to be used

3BUF 000 436R201 133

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

The default value, if not specified, is “GENERIC”.

See the “Implementation Notes” section of this document for more

This string type attribute specifies a taglist default bit mask value to be used
when the tag specific OPC_BIT_MASK attribute has not been defined. This
value is specified as a hexadecimal value. It may or may not be preceded with
“0x”, but it is always interpreted as a hexadecimal value. The default value, if
not specified, is 0. See the Tag specific OPC_BIT_MASK and
OPC_BIT_MASK_RETURN definitions for information on how these
attributes are used.

This string type attribute specifies a taglist default bit mask return value to be
used when the tag specific OPC_BIT_MASK_RETURN attribute has not been
defined. The allowed values are “BOOLEAN” and “SHIFTED”. The default
value, if not specified, is “BOOLEAN”. See the Tag specific
OPC_BIT_MASK and OPC_BIT_MASK_RETURN definitions for
information on how these attributes are used.

This integer type attribute specifies a “requested update rate” at which the OPC
Server should try to keep it's cache updated. The default value is 0 which
indicates that the OPC Server should choose what it determines is the fastest
practical update rate. This attribute may be specified in either seconds or
milliseconds. If the value specified is less than 500, then the value will be
assumed to be in seconds, otherwise the value is assumed to be in milliseconds.

This string type attribute indicates whether the OPC Server should maintain a
cache of current values for the items in the group. If specified as “FALSE”, the
OPC Server will not request regular updates of the items in the cache. In this

134 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section D.2.1 Configuring an On-Line Project to use an OPC Server

case, the OPC_READ_SOURCE attribute should be specified as “DEVICE”.

The default value, if not specified is “TRUE”.

This floating-point type attribute specifies the number of seconds to wait at the
end of the Attach process before returning. The default value, if not specified,
is 0.0. The purpose of this attribute is to specify an amount of time to allow the
OPC Server to fill it's cache before clients attempt to read from the cache.

3BUF 000 436R201 135

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix D Creating an OPC Connection

136 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section E.1 Editing Windows Registry

Appendix E Uninstalling Pavilion Products

The following procedure will fully remove the Pavilion Technologies, Inc. v5.0.30,
SP4 Product Release from your Windows NT or Windows 2000 systems. The steps
include opening up the Windows registry with REGEDIT.EXE, and then removing
specific registry keys; removing FlexLM and Exceed; and cleaning up the Start

Note: Because of the delicate nature and the intricate structure of

the Windows registry, we do not recommend that you perform this
procedure unless you are an experienced MIS or IT professional.

E.1 Editing Windows Registry

1. Back up the Windows registry before you begin.
2. Run REGEDIT.EXE to open the Windows registry.
3. Remove the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows >
CurrentVersion > Uninstall > PavTech
4. Remove the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services >
EventLog > Application > Pavilion5Launcher
5. Remove the following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control >
Session Manager > Environment
> Pav5_pdi_pdiservers
> Pav5_pdi_root
> Pav5_CG_help
> Pav5_modeling_tutorial
> procins_root

3BUF 000 436R201 137

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix E Uninstalling Pavilion Products

> Insights_root
6. Open a DOS window, and execute the following command:
service remove PavLnchServ
7. Remove the following registry folder:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Pavilion Technologies
8. Remove the following registry key:
Services > EventLog > Application > PavilionLauncher
9. Remove the following registry keys:
Control > Session Manager > Environment
> Pav_html
> Pav_plugins
> PropertyPredictor_root
> Pav5_ServicePatch
10. Open a DOS window, and execute the following commands to unregister the
corresponding .DLLs and .OCXs:
regsvr32 /u ss32x25.ocx
regsvr32 /u pavx_acom.dll
regsvr32 /u pavx_launch.dll
regsvr32 /u pavx_piextract.dll
regsvr32 /u pavx_automodeler.dll
regsvr32 /u pavx_pluginmgr.dll
regsvr32 /u pavx_onlinedsgen.dll
pavx_tageditor /unregserver
pavx_ raeconfig /unregserver
pavx_procins /unregserver

138 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Section E.2 Removing FlexLM and Exceed (Windows NT systems):

E.2 Removing FlexLM and Exceed (Windows NT systems):

1. From the Windows Start Menu, click START > SETTINGS > CONTROL
PANEL; then double-click Add/Remove Programs.
2. Select FlexLM from the list; then click Add/Remove and follow the prompts.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to remove Hummingbird Exceed.
4. In the Control Panel, double-click System; then click the Environment tab in
the System Properties dialog box.
5. Select the Path variable in the System Variables list box; then in the Value text
box, remove “C:\PAVILION\BIN”, “C:\FLEXLM”, and “C:\PROGRAM
FILES\EXCEED.NT” (where “C” is the drive on which the software is installed).

E.3 Removing FlexLM and Exceed (Windows 2000 systems):

1. From the Windows Start Menu, click: START > SETTINGS > CONTROL
2. Select FlexLM from the list; then click Change/Remove and follow the
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to remove Hummingbird Exceed.
4. From the Windows Start Menu, click: START > SETTINGS > CONTROL
5. Click the Advanced tab; then click Environment Variables.
6. Select the Path variable in the System Variables list box; then click Edit.
7. In the text box, remove “C:\PAVILION\BIN”, “C:\FLEXLM”, and “C:\PROGRAM
FILES\EXCEED.NT” (where “C” is the drive on which the software is installed).

8. Click OK three times to close all the dialog boxes.

3BUF 000 436R201 139

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual
Appendix E Uninstalling Pavilion Products

E.4 Removing the Pavilion Folders and Start Menu Items:

1. Open Windows Explorer and delete the Pavilion folders
Note: By default, all user files are stored in the \PAVILION\USERS
folder. So to avoid deleting files you may want to keep, be sure to
copy them to another folder before you delete the Pavilion folder.
2. Use Windows Explorer to delete the following folders:
a. For Windows NT systems:
b. For Windows 2000 systems:

Note: If you initially installed the Pavilion software on an NT

system, then later upgraded to Windows 2000 and reinstalled the
Pavilion software, the Start menu items may not be in this location.
They may be in the folder used by your initial Windows NT system.
3. Restart your machine to complete the process.

140 3BUF 000 436R201

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual

A FLEXlm® license management software 38, 53
ABB EH data extractor 61
Adding and Deleting Applications 83 H
Additional memory 15 Historian driver 76
AdvaInform Active Data Provider 30 Historian Logs 66
Application 75 Historian Server HP-UX 77
HP-UX 15
C HP-UX software depots 45
Configuring Applications 85 HP-VUE 15
CPU identifier 21 Hummingbird Exceed 30
Creating an off-line project 113
C-shell 101 I
Insights 9
D Insights Wizard 22
Data extractor 61 Installation 21
Data Extractor Wizard 61
Data Validation 70 L
DataDirect software 63 Launcher 75
DataSet memory usage 17 Launcher and Watchdog 80
DCS driver 76 Launcher Utility 60
Depots 45 Launchers 75
Disk Requirements HP-UNIX 45 License Code Information - EH Server 38, 54
Driver 76 License requirements 38, 53
Load Pavilion Products on the Enterprise
E Historian 44
EH data extractor 61 Loading the distribution tape 22
Enterprise Historian 9 Log Files 82
Enterprise Historian data extractor 61
Enterprise Historian Driver support 109 M
Environment variables 52 Master Software System 109
Exceed 30 MOD 300 Software System 110
Extract and Save Data 72 Mounting the CD ROM 46
Extractor 61
F Network Server 106
File Readme 76 Network Server Process 85
FLEXlm license server 24

3BUF 000 436R201 141

Enterprise Historian™ Pavilion Products Suite Reference Manual

Object type attributes 110 Un-pack file 104
Object Types 109 Unzip 104
Obtaining the License Code Information - NT
Client 40 V
Verification of the installation 35, 51
P Virtual OnLine Analyzers 13
Pack files 103
Pavilion Data Interface 21 W
Pavilion Run-Time applications 75 Watchdog 95
Pavunzip 104 Windows NT 9
Pavzip 102
PDI 21 X
PDI driver 76 XLauncher 42, 59
PDI network server 75
POSIX Shell 101
Prerequisites 15
Zip 102
Process analysis 13
Process Insights 9
Process Perfecter 9
Property Predictor 9, 21

RAE 88
Readme file 76
Requirements 15
Restoring User Data 35, 51

Soft Sensor 13
Starting the License Server 42, 58
Startup delay 91
Stopping AdvaInform Display client 24

Tag Editor 108
Troubleshooting 107

142 3BUF 000 436R201

Form 3BUF 000 436R201 Litho in U.S.A. November 2001
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