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Date & Day 9.02.2022 Time 0800-0830

Subject Science Class 2 Tekun
Theme Life Science
Content Standard Learning Standard
7.1 Electric circuit 7.1.4 Predict why bulb does not light up in a
Group Intervention Reinforcement Enrichment
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Predict why bulb does not light up in a circuit.

Success Criteria Match the reason why State at least 3 reason

the bulb does not light why bulb does not light
up up in a circuit.
Pre-Lesson 1. Teacher shows the model of electric circuit
2. Teacher ask the pupils:
a) What will happen is I opened this switch?
3. Teacher relate the pupil’s answer to todays lesson
Lesson Development 1. Pupils divided into 1. Pupils divided into
group group
2. Each group were 2. Each group were
given the electric circuit given the electric
set circuit set
3.Eeach student were 3.Eeach student were
given the worksheet given the worksheet
4. Teacher facilitate the 4. Pupils completed
student activity the worksheet
Post-Lesson Pupils gives conclusion on todays lesson

Teaching Aids Marker, worksheet, textbook

21st Century Learning * Communication * Collaborating * Critical Thinking
Skills * Creativity * Ethnics & Values
HOTS Analysing
Tarikh 9/2/2022 Hari Rabu
Mata Pelajaran Matematik Kelas 3 Sabar Masa 1030-1100
Kumpulan Pemulihan Pengukuhan Pengayaan
Tema Sains Hayat
Standard Kandungan Standard Pembelajaran
6.2 6.2.1

Objektif Pembelajaran Pada akhir PdPc, murid dapat

Menukar unit ukuran jisim melibatkan kilogram dan gram

Kriteria Kejayaan Menyelesaikan ¾ Menyelesaikan 4/4
soalan matematik soalan matematik
melibatkan melibatkan
pertukaran unit pertukaran unit
ukuran jisim kilogram ukuran jisim kilogram
dan gram dengan dan gram dengan
tepat betul
Aktiviti Permulaan 1. Guru melakukan sumbang saran dengan murid
2. Guru mengaitkan jawapan murid dengan tajuk pada hari ini
Aktiviti Utama 1. Murid dibahagikan 1. Murid dibahagikan
kepada kumpulan kepada kumpulan
2. Guru memberikan 2. Guru memberikan
lembaran kerja lembaran kerja
kepada murid kepada murid
3. Guru membimbing 3. Murid
murid melakukan melengkapkan
lembaran kerja lembaran kerja
4. Murid membantu
rakan rakan di TP3
dan TP4
Aktiviti Penutup Murid membuat kesimpulan

BBM ☐Buku teks ☐Internet ☐Radio

☐Modul ☐Projektor ☐Radas ☐Power
point ☐Model ☐Buku cerita
☐Spesimen ☐Gambar / cerita
☐Lain-lain: Peta I-Think
PAK21 ☐Komunikasi ☐Kolaborasi ☐Pemikiran Kritis
☐Kreativiti ☐Nilai Murni & Etika
KBAT ☐Membanding beza ☐Menghubungkait ☐Mencipta Analogi
☐Membuat Inferens ☐Menilai ☐Mengkategori
☐Menginterprestasi ☐Mentafsir ☐Membuat Keputusan
☐Menjana Idea ☐Menyelesai Isu ☐Membuat Ramalan
☐Membuat Rumusan
EMK ☐Kreativiti &Inovasi ☐Bahasa ☐Sains & Teknologi
☐Pend. Alam Sekitar ☐Patriotisme ☐Keusahawanan
☐TMK ☐Nilai Murni
☐Kesihatan dan Kebersihan ☐Lain – lain : 
Date & Day 9.02.2022 Time 900-1300
Subject Science Class 1 Tekun
Theme Life Science
Content Standard Learning Standard
8.1 8.1.4
Group Intervention Reinforcement Enrichment
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
State the importance of objects that absorb water and cannot absorb water
in daily life.
Success Criteria Match the object that State at least 2 the
absorbs water and importance of objects
cannot absorbs water that absorb water and
with their importance cannot absorb water in
in daily life daily life.
Pre-Lesson 1. Teacher shows picture of raincoat to the pupils
2. Teacher ask the pupils;
a) What can you see from the picture?
Teachers relate pupi’s answer to the topic
Lesson Development 1. Teacher ask the 1. Teacher ask the
student about the student about the
picture picture
2. Pupils give opinion 2. Pupils give opinion
3. Pupils complete 3. Pupil present their
their worksheet opinion to classmate

Post-Lesson Pupils gives conclusion on todays lesson

Teaching Aids Marker, worksheet, textbook

21st Century Learning * Communication * Collaborating * Critical Thinking
Skills * Creativity * Ethnics & Values
HOTS Analysing

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